"Tiinir a woman Boyt meat. Txri.n a woman enters a butcher shop i to select a piece oi uieauur uin. she has her mind made up to take tier, mutton mast, lnereiore ; wuen me Til take She stops there. Her eye has caught sirht of a ham, and she suddenly de cides to take ham. . - , Is that nice ham?" she inquires. "Best ham I ever sawy madam; How much?" : ; v .v v Well, you may ! give v mo. three jWell, I don't Know, either. i. ..iUnl ' wns savinc he'd liko E J"J T. TT.. . . 1 if IllillilllU n - - - - some sausage. ' aat e y vu u y i eat nicesansagef' , " ' "Plenty, madam. Now, then, how much sausage will you have ? It's pork sausage, is it?' Well, I suppose a pound would be enough for oar small tamily, but a Shall I weigh a pound, madam ?" "I was just wondering if a veal pot-pie wouldn't suit him better," she lUwered., "You have veal, I sup'- n V-fi . ! ,.. - :, . .. "Oh, yes, madam. Here's a splen .v,A lik of veal a3 crood a piece as I vrr saw.' i; Yes, that does iook like nice veal," wie-s:ns lfllUl' it up. And you'll take it?" u t ..'. W. alto miiufku " T H .1 1. - - . ' piirk chops." ,; Nice chops how muoh ?" he asks. "One ot those slices wm weiffn a pouiid, I suppose?" i " About a pound, madam." . . " And it was a young hog ?" . " " Quite yonng, madam." " And you'll cut the rind off ?" " Yes, madam." -:. . "Well," she says, heaving ,a deep slcrh. "I suess vou may. jrive me seme beefsteak some that's nice, and be sure to cut all the.bone out ! And she's only been half an hour coming to the point.' A Remarkable Case of Catalepajr. ( The Evarisville (Ind.) - Courier of the 31st of March relates the' follow ing on! the authority of a neighbor of '.n Nrlv vchn is thfi Rnbipnf. of th VtiV' TJ " " " ' J - -" " 8tory:- - ' - "In our neighboring t6en of New bury, wbich represents Warrick coun ty on the Ohio, some weeks since Elizabeth Lippert, the wife of a far- mup nimpil fijifHlpiIi T.?nntrt 1199 1 1 1 . 1 I . U 1 1. U V. " Vfc.-." . . f I' " v. . '-J taken very ill witb inflammatory rhea- moMctn 1 Vi o Higdqgo frn t in niti nr 11 J Lt ICiJJj uiva v - v i -a a uxck-x Wilkin uiijj her lite was despaired of. She con- linued to grow weaker and weaker, and a few days since died, or expired to air appearances. The grief of the family-. was very great, but at the ueiiiii-oeu luuic wcic hibj a iiuiuuci i oi iieiguuors;. xn me uour oi ais t:ess they proceeded to - prepare the! corpse tor burial. 1 he body wa3 placed in a convenient posi tkn, and was noticed to be still warm, but not more so tuan they are usually after dying of fevers. The jieighhora, about a halfan hour after .Mrs. Lippert's death, commenced to wash the body. As soon, however, as water was placed on the face the corpse seemed to become inspired with life, and after the ablutions had con tinued for nearly fifteen minutes she opened her eyes, much to the aston ishment of the attendants,' who were not a little frightened, for they thought they were dealing with a corpse instead of one still on this side of the celestial world. The women continued their attentions, however, until Mrs. Lippert was abte to speak.' She said that just before she died' f very thing about her became dark, and she went to sleep. When she woke it was bright, and as she tells it she. was in a strange place, feeling ah ec- siacy of pleasure, and was devoid of all the racking pains with which she was afflicted during her illness. She gives no definite idea of the land into which she had in spirit wandered, or the people she met, but is certain she was in heaven, and in her simple way aesenbed the place as being an ely- siura of bliss. While eDiovinff all this it became dark suddenly, .and she woke as from a pleasant dream to find that she had been a corpse for nearly an hour, and that the neighbors were wasuing ner iace. oince men mrs. Lippert has entirely recovered, and is now able to be about attending to her household duties, and in her leisure moments relates to the ODen-mouthed Newburgers the story of her death." . The Treaatary and tbe Centennlal The Treasury Department is pre paring an interesting ' document for contribution to tberNational Centen nial. ; lhis document will contain a niost elaborate history of the financial operations of the government for-the pat one hnndred years, - embracing those of the Continental. Consrress, &c. This work will contain a history ot every loan made by the govern ment, and will show that, with the exception of the dark period of the devolution, its obligations were always rpromptly met. It-will also contain in detail the receipts and expenditures of the government forgone hundred years. .. ' ' ' : . r A Parltlao Horror. A Parisian family, while at dinner the other eveninsr, were astonished at receiving the following letter : "M. and Aladame: I have just learned that what I cooked for veal is a piece of the butcher's little nephew, who was nssan8inated by his uncle and sold m siices. I do not dare to come home. Marie.? Marie was the name of their servant. This horrible anouncemcnt created creat consternation, and all the family began to feel pangs of in digestion, which were not allayed un til it was discovered that the note was a hoar. The police are looking iortue practical joker. u sbe will have, she promptly replies: .tin take some of that mut r Murder of a lUinuur. The Charleston News and , Coirier given some particulars of th mnnlDr; of Rev. J. O. Miller. On morning last Mr. Miller" went to Union Court House to mail a letter,! and having done this rode away. ' About 11 o'clock the same morning, i Mr. Woodley Thomas;? who was driv-! ing along.the road about one and a! half miles from Stanton, found the; muuj ui mxu luiuer. 5 Lie lay in the road on his back in a position wtncb caused it to be -supposed that he had fallen from his florae and died instantly when the fatal shots were fired. There were two wounds , in the breast about half an inch apart. vne hall passed through the body and was found in his clothing. XYho. other ball lodged in th$ body. Either wound would have been fatal. The overcoat, hat, watch" and pocket-took uv ujuruerea man were missing. A negro had been seen tjo follow him, and it was ascertained! to be Alfred Walker, who it is charged also killed man in Greenville. Dispatches were sent to such points as douid be reach ed by telegraph, and on Monday night Walker was. arrested four miles from Spartanburg, The cbatand hat of the murdered minister were. found upon hirn, and his mother surrendered the watch, which Walker had given her. YValker then confessed that he had murdered a man iu Union, land that the articles named were taken from the body. Mr, (Miller's horei i - w -,i - I which he rode when he was murdered ran off when. the shots Iwere tiredi but hastened back to the spot; and hi stand by the body of ,hj? master. v' : -J .if- - if . took! dead Lyiichlne a ninlaterif'or Vreacblns! ' . Hell. 1 LFrom the Alta California.! man died recently at - Sutter Creek who had never Adhered ta! any particular belief in any specific j syaw tern of religion.-bathwho ! bore the1 reputation of being ft liberal, kind hearted man . and good ! citizen. A minister was requested! to conduct the tunerat service, and the good nraan d urine: his discourse said in effect that the deceased had not jlhe least chance f nr Ralvatinn hht haft rnarlp a 1-p4 linr. IOr Saivauon, DUt nacr maaea Dee lini ' t fi tor the hot place. 1 hose who heard mm were indignant, aud that evening o JT 1 r a party of men went t6 the minister's house, dragged him out of bed, put a rope around his neck, declaring ;they would banc: him. lid besced hard for life, and finally, refracted this as persions he had cast! upon the de ceased and promised, to leave the place at once. He was then released and next day he packeid up hi effects ana lett. r i ! II r MISCELLANEOUS. 1 irA?-! GO: frrjt$$i JACCBI AND - nrrTT - avit iuu Are sure you have theibest in quality. iri PLOWS Htmr - ft I - .: 'ft I- Ia aS the leading sizes, faU assortment .- i " " -1 1 i ,-. a . OLANTEBS HOES, A FULL! ASSORTMENT. spades, shovels; picks: WHEELBARROWS, RAKES, POTATO DRAGS, BUSH HOOKS. BAR IRON and STEEL of all sizes. LONDON 1 WI81 O UNS, a fine assortment at j very low prices. We invite attention to one of i the largest assort ments ol Cutlery In the Market, at very) low j prices. A full assortment of CARRIAGE WOO.D WORK and material) , Call and examine at NATHL. JACOBIS ' - i ! i : ll HARDWARE No. 9 DEPOT. S market Street. Feb 2-tf Genuine Soutliern Cdllara Seel- GHEMICALS AND PATENT MEDICINES, - ; - . t :-l IT-: ELDER FLOWER AND CASHM SKEUCX U a;i SOAPS, FANCY ARTICLES, ! ! r :. - . ... .- - - - ' 1 I '1 .- : " COMBS, BRUSHES, Ac, Ac. : -- : - - . - i i:. . A . .- Alto a large lot of Garden Seeds of every kind on hand at J. K. McILHENNT'S Drug Store, E. Comer Market and Front Streets. mar 13-tf Spirit Casks, Hoop Iron, &c; 200 CasKs. 2Q Tons Hoop Iron, BblsOiue. 2 Bbls Bungs. Bbls Spanish Drown. 200 pers ve apr 8 tf KERCHNER & jtlALDER BROS Vnr nl A hv Molasses, Molasses. 300 Bbls. Sugar House Molasses. r A Hhds. - do -1 200 Hhds. New Crop Cuba doj . -! I "V do! 100 do da For sale by i aor 8 tf KKKCHNER & OALDER BROS Cora, Oats and Hay. 3000 Bushels Com, 1- 1000 t)fil Bales Hay, - For sale by apr 8-tf KEKCUNER &!CALDER BROS. First of the ;Season LADIES DESIROUS choice in the ,--. OF GETTIN1 Styles GETTING! FIRST New OF Spring Pres Goods.1 ., , .11 .- ! Can be supplied by calling at J.-A H. Samson's No. 43 Market street. We are receiving dally .per i Rail and Steamer freshtoBtacTED'sTOCK: ! : , la all our departments. , gMgON. mr21-tf -' !43 Market street, ... iat iii r i a i . MISCELLANEOUS. . V.E CETirJE V Purifies the Blood, Renovates and . t Invigorates the Whole System. 4 - t;.l - --"".---i-x -i:' ITS MS DIC Alt PROPERTIES ARE Alterative i Tome, Sol ven t ' i Diuretif. ; and. VEGETINE is made exclueively from the juJces of carefully-selected barks, roots and herbs, and so strongly concentrated, that it will effectually eradi cate from the yteia every taint of Scrofula, Kcropclous Hukob, Tumors, Cahceb, Cancerous Humor, Erysipelas, bam? Eheum, Stphtlitio Diseases, Canker, Fatntsess at the Stomach, and all diseases that arioe from impure .blood. Bcialica, Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Oout aud Spinal Complaints, can only be ell-ctualiy cured through the blood. For Ulcers and Eruptive Diseases ef the Skin," Pustules. PimDles- Rloto.hpn. Boils. TMtpr. Krslii. head and Eingworm, VEQETLNE has never failed w eueci a permanent cure. . . For Pains in thn Kar.lr 'K'ifln i flnmnHinta jjrj)Ey c emaie w eaKnes,' jeucorrnoea, arising from internal ulceration and uterine diseases and General Debilitv. i VEttETINK ants directlv uDon the causes of these complaints. It invigorates and strengthens the whole uystem, acts upon the secre tive organs, allajs inflammation, cures ulceration, and regulates the bowels. t For Catarrh, Dyspepsia,. Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation of the H eart. Headache, Plies, Ner vousness and General Prostration of the Nervous System, no medicine has ever given such perfect eatlsf action as the VEGETINE. It purifies the blood, cleanees all of the organs, and possesses a controlling power over the nervous system. ' - The remarkable' cures effected by VEGETINE have induced many physicians and apothecaries whom we know -to prescribe and use it la their own families. . . In fact. VEGETINE la the best remedy yet discov ered for the above, diseases, and is the only reliable Blood Purifies yet pl.-tced before the public. I PR EPARED BI 11. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Facts for the People. Boston, Dec. 17,'l873. H. R. Stevens. Esq : Dear but. May 1 ask the favor my case public r I - of you to make - In lt6t, while on picket duty in the army, I was taken with &Jit. which lRated an night. Was taken into camp and dosed with whiskey and quinine. After this lmd,ite every flay, and was taken to New bern Hospi-.al. and there treated by the attending pbysiciaiis. I giew worse and was pent borne. ! mained in poor htalth Wrfonr yeare, - treating with many physicians and trjling many remedies. Finally fc'cro nla made its appeal auce on different parts of my body, ami my htadtvaseo diseased as to be frightful to look at, andlpamfal beyond endnr-nee. . After trying the most eminent physicians without improvemeu:, a change of climate was advised. Have been to the Hot Springs in. Arkansas twice, each time giving their treatment a thorough trial Finally came back to Boston, discouraged with no hope of helD. Life was a burden to one in my situa tion. My disease, ud the effect of bo "much nower- f nl medicine, had so damaged my system- that the action of my .stomach jwas apparently destroyed, and mi head wa covered with ulcers which had in plact'S eaten into the skai! bone. The best physicians said my blood was so full of poison they could do nq more for me, About this time a friend who bad (been an invalid toTd me VEGETiNK has restored him to perfect health, and inrmwn nia npranflainn l Timmnncflri rntrtntv v ut' u' TINE. At this time I was havingjl almost every daT- Inoticed the 8rat good effects of VEGETINE ln digestive organs. My lood sat i better, and mroun nispersnasion i commenced taKlng v KUU my stomach grew stionger. I began to reel en couraged, fori could tee my health slowly and gradually improving. With renewed hope I con tinned taking the VEGETINE, until it had com pletely driven disease out of my body. It cured the Ms, gave me good, pnrej blood and restored me to perfect health, which I had rot enjoyed before for ten years. Hundreds ol people in the City of Boston can vouch ior me aoove iacia - VEGETINE has saved my life, and yon are at liberty to make such use of this statement as pleases youbtst. and I beg you to make it known, that other sufferers say find relief with less trouble and expense than I did. 1 . It will afford me great pleasure to show the marks of my disease or give any further informa tion relative to my case to all who desire it. -i i I am, sir, very gratef ully, JOHN PKCK, No. 5U pawyer St., Boston, Mass. Tegetine ts sold ly All Druggists., t mar 30-DaW 1 year. J T ' g RAlLROAy LINES, &c. Wilmingtoa & Weldon RAILROAD CO. I Oyncs of bKS'i.BtfPKaiHTijnisT, I Wilmingtoii, N. C, Nov. 23, 1874. I I fcuanasssaa1 I ! jsweaass! 1 1 faT.- ri Change of Schedule. AN AND AFTER NOV. 24th INST, PAfc Kj senger trains on tbe Wilmington and weldofc will run as rouows : ITJAIf. TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dafly. (San ...... At day's excepted) Arrive at Goldsbero. . 7:35 A. M. 11:50 A. M, 2:00 P. M. 8.50 P. M. 9:50-4. M 11:35 A. M t:37 P. M. 6:05, P. M. : . j Rocky Mount.. i weitton ... Leave Weldon dally At Amve at Rocky Monnt i Ooldsboro...! ,. - I Union Depot'. - EXPRESS TRAIN AND THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Union Depot daily . . Arrive at Goldsboro . . .j. ... I ; Rocky Mount.... ' I ' ' Weldon.....!.. . Leave Weldon, daily,. .,' Arrive at Kocky Mount Goldsboro. . J I - : Tlninn DenotL ......At 7:15 P. M-i 8:11 A. M. 5:19 A. M. 7:30 A. M. 6:30 P. M. 9:36 P. M. 129 A. M. .. 6:30 A. Jt. The mall train make! close connection at Weldon for ail points North via Bay Line and Acquis. Creek rontea. Expreea Train connects only with Acqula Creek route. Pnllmas'i Palaee Sleeping Cars en tnls Train, j FREIGHT TRAINS win leave Wilmington trl weekly at 5:45 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. i . JOHN F. DIVINE . nov24-tf General Snperintenden General Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AU GUSTA Ri B. COMPANY WILMINGTON. N. C;, Jan. fr. 1S15. Change of Schedule. vN AND AFTER TUESDAY.- 5th instant, the o1 following Schedule will be run: NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally.) Leave Wilmington.. Leave Florence Arrive at Columbia. Arrive at Augusta,.. Leave Augusta, Leave Columbia.... Leave Florence.... 6:25 P. M. 11:55 P. M. 4:00 A. M 8:45 A. M. 4:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. 12:50 A. M. 7:10 AM. Arrive at Wilmington PasseBers iroinsr west beyond ...... Columbia take through train, leaving Wilmington at 6:25. Passeiiser aud Mall TralnlDally (ex cept Sundays). Leave Wilmington . . Arrive at Florence. . Arrive at Columbia. Leave Columbia . . . . . Leave Florence. . . . . 6:45 A. M. 12:30 P. M. 5:10 P. M. : S :30 A. M. 1:10 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington L .. 7:00 P. M. Through connections at Florence with, trains for Charleston. , I ; . r. i.'.r..,'.' 4 ! & -r mmmm . . .... , -- 1 r -, . i rtV-f'f tonandAugusU,. JAMEg oN, . nov24-tf " . Gen'l Sup't. Just Received. A LARGE LOT , FINE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGAUS. ' Also, i Fine Doable-Thick , - - Navy, And Other Brands of Pine C lie wlnc . .Tobacco. H. BUEKHIUER, : No. 6 market Street. July So-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHARPS RIFLE CO., Manufacturers of Patent Breech-loading, Military, Sporting and Creedmoor Bides. Thb Bkst ts thb Wobi.t Winner at International and nearly all other principal matches at Cieedmoor. - (See Official Record.) - t bporting Rifles. - - - - - - $33 to $38. Creedmoor Kifles, with Elevations for 13 JO yds. t90 and 8ia5. -. . Send for illustrated Catalogue. :r - v Armobt kd Offick, E. G. WESTCOTT, -Habtpobd, Conn. ' President The DIAMOND COTTON CH0PPEE ? IMPROVED WARRANTED :wVS2TsJlfffi ! SEE WARflAWIE work- M nvr m. A t I Cotton Planter a t i Ou.no IttritMUor.the bel In nxe. CnltiTstor. Corn I Planter attachment. ! All warranted. Agent 1 wanted. Send rorlllustrat- i 1. W. HINSDALE, Sec, Fayetteville, N.C.or to Local Art. ' N. F. IS URN HAM'S ! ' TURBINE " Water Wheel Was selected, 4 years ago, and put to work In the Patent Office, Washington. D. C. and has proved to be the best. -19 sizes 4-' made. Prices lower than any f . other first class wheeL Pamphlet free. , -). N. F. BURNHAM, Yobk, Pa. A WEEK to Agents to sell an article tale able us flour. Profits immense. Package - Address BUCKEYE M'F'G CO., t . - . Marlon, Ohio. $75 free. SEND FOR A DVEHT1SING: Cheap: Good: -Bystem- j. v atic. iu persons who contemplate nia&ing contracts with newspapers for tiie insertion of ad vertisements, itheuld send 2o! cetitM to Geo P. Rowell & Co.; 41 Park Kow. New York, for . their PAMPHLET-BOOK, ninety-seventh edUion) con taining lits of over 200 newspapers and estimates, showing the cot. Advertisements takes for lead ing papers in many Mates at a tremendous reduc tion from publishers' rates. Get the Book. f $5 $28 per day at home. Terms free. Address, eo. fcTiNsoN & uo, f ortiand, Me. i $17i A WEEK guaranteed to Male and Female -puis, iu their locality. Costs NtTHlNG O. VICKEKK & lo- try r CO., Ang !!.-Tticulars Free P. 6fc T s VcllOMAfsoY. OR SOUL CHARMINGi" 1 How either fcx may fascinate and gain the love nd atfections of any "persoa they choose, in- stautly. Thi art all can possess, free, by mail, for cents; tngetner witn a Marnase tiutae, Kgyptum Oracie. i ramf, Hints to Ladies, etc 1,000,000 eoui a queer book. Addrt ss, " T. WILLIAM & CO.. ' ': Pub's, Philadelphia. Propiietars of the , famous Charleston (111.) In firmary, ere indorsed In the last iesne of the Nation's Jonrnai of Health " by men of rromi nence South and North. Also by fifty ministers of various deBominations. . An oioortanitv is now offered to obtain a thorough examination and treat ment without having to visit the Infirmary. Ad dress at once, " j DR. S. VAN METER & CO., Charleston, DL mar S7-dw4wk. i AMERICAN WATCH WHOLESALE SALESROOM. David F. Conover & Co., .- SUCCESSORS TO j WM. Ii. WAIiNJE c& CO., ! LStPOBTEHS, MAKTTFACTrjREnS A!D WHOLESALE SEALERS IN ' WAT(MIMS AND JEWELRY, SOUTHEAST CORNER ' j CHESNUT AND SEVENTH STREETS, '. (FIRST PLOOBJ P II I L A D E L P II I A.j nov 2d-d&w6mos . t' MISCELLANEOUS. NEW AREIY1LS is wee WACCAMAW & CAPE FEAR FRESH-BEATEN HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, (Dry Salted and Smoked).. English and Scotch Ales, COFFEES of all kinds at Reduced Prices, FISH, CASE GOODS of all kinds, TOILET SOAPS, - -.' ' - - - ' - v Fine Pale and Common SOAPS, Twenty j different kinds of TONIC BITTERS, j Cigar;, Tohacco Kerosene Oil j , Hay, Corn and. Oats, WITH HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES F Groceries at Wholesale. CASH or close baylng'cnstomers can be suited al ways, with uooa uoods at Lowest MarKet nncea. may 2-tf ADRIAN & VOLLERS, Havana Lottery. DRAWINGS EVERY FIFTEEN DAY3 Next Grand EXTRAORDINARY DRAW IN G." i h. , ( $1,200,000 Prized April 42, 18? Only 16,000 Tickets one Prize to every 7 Tickuta. 1 Prize ot........ .$500,000 . lOO.OO l of ... of i. .. . of $25,C00, each of .10.0001 each l .2 4 12 2076 . 50,000 50,000 . 40,000 Of 5,000 ach rHVtn 4lii.OiiO . iuuvuuuuij hv -"-IT-" Circulars with full'information pentjve. Tickets for sale by, - P. C DEVLIN; Stationer and General Agent feb 26 dwly 30 Liberty St.. New i (rk AN ORDINANCE. Cracernim Drays, - ges; Carts It s rplIE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF IHE C2TY . Off WILBUINUrUiN, n. uu- ORDAIN, That any Dray. TrucK Wagon; or Cart found In nse within the City limits without the Badge or Kegistered Number as required by City Tax Ordinance pasoed May 9th, 1873, shall be subject to seizure by the City Marshal, nnri the owner thereof subiect to a fine of Fits Dollars for each and every day the same, is used in this City without the prepayment of the monthly tax, or witaout naving on uie . - DnJnin n-rt TJ nvTrinnnrl Wiimhol - mm I. JJCMl&O Ul XbOiiiOtOlCU Al . . ."-' I &a ttiA Ordiiifinea of the Ckv rea-ulres. i i Any Ordinance or parts thereof conflicting with the foregoing are hereby repealed. -The above Ordinance was passed by the Board of Aldermen at their meeting February 16th, 1874. f . ' , . T. C. SERVOSS, feb 18 tf . - - City Clerk. C. H. Ward's F lASmONABLB HAIR DRESSING & SHAV- inu Saloon. 7 South Front St. Wilmineton. Is. v. N. B I have secured the services of the BEST artists of my- profession. - " r -T-U MY NEW tt4r . Proprietor .- f VZf Pawr Agricultural Works. Hf! rmX ""'. -r: If 1 TjFkata"! Implements JMkyGf INSURANCE. "v w" & aeidigtot Life Insurance Company Of Slchmond, Virginia. Over 22,300 Policies Issued. Annual Income Over $1,500,000 ProresslYe ! Prosperous 1 PromBt ! SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES. SECURE INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE, - AND GOOD SURPLUS Premiums Cash, Policies Liberal, : Annual Division of Surplus. ARTHUR J, HILL, Jr., Agent. Office for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood. Medl cal Examiner, on Market street, two doors west of t ......... 4 ..... .. . Green & Flanner's dnut store, Wilmington, N. C. " September a-tr - , . INSURANCE ROOMS -OF- Atkinson &, Manning. ! $70,006,000 Assets Represented. " j ;. ..... , itj-v.-:;: PIKE. . Ins. Co. of North America. .... .Philadelphia. - Phcnix Insurance Company.. New York. . , . Cbntmentai Insurance Co......:.. New York. ; N. British & Mercantile Ins. Co .London. Hartford Fire Ins. Company H artford. . National Kire Ins. Company... ...Hartford. Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co.. Massachusetts. TOAR1NK. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co. New York Ins. Co. of North America" ......... Philadelphia. LIFE, ' donnecticut Mntnal Life Ins. Co, ...Hartford. etarcn i-tt - - . - 4 : : : N COURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. . Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA IIO ItSK lMSIJRANCJ COMPANY, ! RALEIGH, N.C. I This Company coatinaes to write Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property. ' aa paid. The and DroDertv in North Carolina . . - i Aeents in all naita of the State. fifl R. H. BATTLE, Jr., President i C.B. ROOT, Vice President. i BEATON GALES, Secretary. S PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKXNSOrt & WA1sxnln(j,. Agents, ang 1-tf Wilmington. N. C. ! JIISCELLANEOUS. j INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO. $20 WILL BUY A FIRST MORTGAGE PREMIUM BOND OF THE Mew York Mnstrial ExMlm Ck Don't compare it with a Lottery; bear in mind that the capital invested is always secured. . ' J - This Loan is issued on a novel plan, and is authorized - bv special Act "of the Legislature of the State of New York.. ' . I! f Jii very, uouuuoiuer must receive least $21, but he may receive r -m.. i 11. I 1.1 r at 100,000! or 35.000. or 10.000. or 5.000. or 3.000. &c. &C 4th Premium Allotment;, July 7th, 75, 5th Eerie Drawing, July 6, 1875. Circulars giving fall explanation, will be serTt, free of charge, On appli cation. . - .. . -.- . i . For Bonds and full information, address without delay, Morgenttmu, Bruno & Co., FINANCIAL AGENTS, ' 23 Park Row, Niw York, Remit by Draft oa New York City Banks, Regis- ; teied Letter, or Host Office Money Oruer.. April 6-U& W 3m. - ! a wirr-i hat nm mnmm wan s, FUR, FIST AND FEATHER, i A QUARTERLY PERIODICAL, DEVOIED TO i : Field Sports & AngliDg BEING A COMPILATION OF TIIE GAME LAWS Of all the States of the Un on and the Provinces of . Canada, with Interesting Articles on. Bunting and FiBtitns. valuable rvoiea on uame ana isn. inscrip tive Sketches of the Game Fields and Angling Waters of America, and other Useful Information for Gunners and Anelers. . Terms Sinsle copy one year. 5: six copies. $10; ten copies, (15, and for each additional copy at fc2, the agent may retain 50 cents. SiBgle copies be had of all gunsmiths, fishing tackle c eult rs, er news agents, or will be mailed on receipt oi price i50 cents) by ... , CUAKLES &UYDAM, Publisher, . 149 Chambers St, New York City. The extent and character of the circulation of Frn, Fur and Feather renders it one of the best adver tising mediums in the country for Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, IX iDLUlO. A'J 1 Carriaees. and all kinds of eooda and wares pertain in, to the wanta of SDortsmen. Those who make I si ma 5T-.. of hotels for sportsmen at the various hunting and fishing localities, will find it an excellent medium to bring their establishments to the notice of this class of patrons. Sales of Advertising per . Annum. One page, $50: half page. $30: . quarter page, $20: eighth of a page, $12; sixteenth of a page, $7. - April 6-tf rrTTK IHOKNINO STAB BOOK BIND- JL ERY is complete in all all its appointments, and is in charge of one of the most skillful workmen ' In the State. - All kinds of Binding executed neatly, cheaply and expcaiuoaeiy. eoo TP$ PACIFIC Compound Acid Phosphate of Lime, .... :FOR--f ' , 1 j Composting1 7ith Cotton Seed. ; " This article is manufactared erpresslv for composting with Cotton Seed, and when ih bines economy and excellence in the highest degree. It should be composted with qn-equal weight of Cotton Seed, and 400 to 600 lbs of the Compost should be applied per acre. It has been applied with the 1 Seed hi the drill with excellent results, although it is doubtless better to prepare a compost In advance. ' ,OUU aOuS OOlUDie iracmC VrUanO ; i ! i -For Sale by feb 17-2m i ' - MISCELLANEOUS, THE ALDIHE COHPAHT'S NEW PUL.ICATI0KS. L SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCBIPT10N. - THE ALDINE: THE ART JOURNAL OP AMERICA. This splendid enterprise is not , only well sus tained in every feature, but is being constantly de veloped and improved. - It to-day stands without a rival in the whole world of periodical literature. The beautiful dog-potrait, " Man's Unselfish Friend.'" a chromo presented to every - subscriber. is a dicided hit. and villi, if possible, add to the popularity which this work has gained.' The Art- Union feature also promises great and beneficent results, in arousing public Interest in the fine arts. Circulars and fall information en application Parts I, n. III and IV are now jeady. LEISUBE-EO UR. MISCELLANY. To be completed in 40 parts, issued fornightly. Each part will contain an elegant frontispiece, origoally engraved on steel for the London Art Journal, i v i . at a price within the popular reach, en gravlngs never before offered at less than five times the amount. ' These plates have been the attraction of , - THE LONDON AP JOURNAL- Each part will contain 26 quarto pages, including the elegant frontispiece, on heavy plate paper. A suoerb title-page, richly illuminated in red and gold, will be given with the first part, and the print ing of the entire work will be a worthy representa tation f "The Aldine Press" which is. a guar antee of something beautiful and valuable. .! At a Cost of 25 Cents a Part. TARTS I, II & HI v RE JUST: PUBLISHED. THE ART JOURNAL. ! Complete in 13 monthly parts, at $1 each. Repro ducing the oest lull-page illustrations irom tae earlier volumes of The Aldine. i ' " Each monthly part will contain six superb plates which . accompanying descriptive matter, i and whether for binding or framing, will be entirely be- Tona compeuuon in pricp or uxueuc ciiaracter. Every Impression will be most carefully taken on the finest toned paper, and no pains will be spared to make this the richest production oi a press which has won. in' a marvelouBl v short time, a world wide reputation. " . I GEMS FROM THE ALDINE, Eppeciallv assorted for i Scrap Book i Illustrations Drawing Class - Vopies. . i ! A larse collection -of pictares of different sizes and on almost everv conceivable subiect have been put up in an attractive envelope, and are now offered at a price intended romase mem popular m every .sense.- - - ; - . ! -Envelope No. 1, containing E0 USagffi ARl - A liberal die- ines. is new ready, and will De I to any address ior ujnjs uuuuft-K. . count to agents and teachers. t -- THE ALDINE PASSE-PARTOUTS. In compliance with repeated requests, . the ! pub lishers of Ths Aldutk have prepared impressions or many or their most Deauuiai ptates lorpasse-par- tont iraminsr. - - - . , i. , The cuts are monnted on a beautifully tinted azure mat, with a handsome red border line. - To ar-tach the class, it is only left for the customer to paste and fold over an already attached , border, and this may be done by a child, r I 27 snbiects. 12 x 15 in.. 25c : with glass. 50c Six of this size for SI 00. when selection is left to puoiisners. ' - 6 subjects, 10.x la4 in., aoc; with glass, 4oc 7 subjects, 6x8)4; in., 15c; with glass, 40c 1 subjects, 14 x ia in., sue; witn glass, 1 w. Sent by mail, without glass, post-paid, for price CANVASSERS WANTED. THE ALDINE COMPANTf, 5 Maiden Lane, New Toik. Agent for I1L. Ind.. Iowa and Wis..' jan 20-tf . 40 8. Clark St, Chicago,- I1L MAYOR'S OFFICE, . .City of Wilmington, Jan. 23d, 1874. t?rom; this date auctioneers I I1 nrohihited sellin? horses or stock of ai ARE any kind 1 i? front of the cty arket Princess street, from the Eastern line ol Front street to the Western line of Fourth street, or Second and Third streets, be tween the Northern line of Market and the Southern line of Chesnut streets, are designated for this pur pose byorder oi the Mayor.- J. H. "ROBINSON. jan S4-tf , City Marshal. Forest aaid Stream, - .- - - - I . -i - L - A Weekly, Journal of Siateen Pages. DEVOTED TO . '.- ! . . FIELD SP OR TS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HISTORT, FISH CUL TURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, JfJJJESItK VATION OF FORESTS. YACHTING, BOAT- INQ, AND ALL ,; j Ont-Door Recreation ani.SMy. . Tt is the onlv Jonrnai In this Ceuntrv that fully supplies the wants and meets the necessities of the : Gentleman Sportsman.j , TERMS $5 00 A YEAR. T.ihflral disconnt to Clubs. ' ;r - - I -. Send - for a ! specimen copy. Forest & Stream Publishing Co., 17 Chatham Street, (City Hall Square), i New York. Post Office Box 2S32 : . mar8-'.f! ROD ?c GUN, -LATE- THE AMERICAN-SPORTSMAN a sixteen fa ge paper. j DEDICATED TO j SiiooUag, Fisliipf and Natural History; Wilbur F. Parker. Proprietor and Editor. ! t Ulp.ld Snort articles bv the Fibst Scushtists & Spobtsxem of America. fJUCJC. Zi.trj. s Juonins. f i.00. 6 Montha. $4 Yearly . i i aena ior eueciuicjtiwiijr, iu - Ii D & GUN, April 6 tf '' West Meriden, Codu. Office, Treasurer & Collector, 'CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, I. . February 18th, 1674. Notice to; Owners of any Truck, Dray - " . --- or Wagon. i ; rpHE OWNER of any Truck, Dray,. Cart cr . I X7acrTi rtmoA In tb0 nitv will flpnd thA MIRK t1 tb hTi nf John A. Parker, en Second Street, and nava tneir uegisierea iamiwr psmicu uihwu w fore the first day Of March, prox., when the Ordi- nance Imposing a Penalty i mnoBin? a renairv wm oe eniorceu. A list of tha registered numbers will b iornished on application at this office. T. C. SERVOSS. feb J9-od tf Umr Treasurer. Don't Forget! Best Butter, in tbe World.1 TTJST ARRIVED AND FRESH DIRECT FROM GEORGE MYEBflV UUA'O COMPANY'S 200 Tons No. 1 Guanape Guano: : W. II. McKARY dc CO., Agents. ! MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE. : Marshal's Office. WILMINGTON, N. ?.; 1 i - " April 1st, 1875. ' A HE ATTENTION OP THE CITIZENS OF THE community ia respectfully called to the fact that! the sickly season approaches wiih the warm weather which is now near at hand, and that it becomes my duty to adopt the most stringent sanitary measures at this time in order to preserve tbe health of the city. : To prevent, as far aa possible, the spread of all diseases incident to the warm season, which . 1 DECAYED RATTER, VHTH, ; GARBAGE,! TRASH, AND ALL REFUSE MATTER, - Tend to generate, f I would most earnestly ask the hearty co-operation-of the' citizens 'generally In' placing our city ini such a cleanly condition ! as to render it impregnable to those diseases which' have birth In filth and ah unwholesome atmosphere, and to a lack of prompt attention at the proper season.! To this end the entire force of the city will be em ployed in . j .. T '- . i - , . t ...... .)... . , 1 ." i CLEANSING, DRAINING, DISINFECTING I,E- MOVING TRASH, ic , 4c , For at least, the next twenty days. All persons are earnestly requested to have the trash and refuse matte; upon their premises placed upon the streets, where jiracticable ln Barrels or Boxes, which will be removed immediately. I DISINFECTANT ' j- will be furnished free of charge at my Office to any person calling for same. .. . I . j THE HEALTH OFFICERS TO BE DESIGNATED V BY A YELLOW ROSETTE, i 1 Maybe notified pf any stagnant water standing upon any lot, damp cellars,, or anything which nviuu kcuu w UUU UiO U6UU1 W. but? VU J . LTXJ complaint lodged -at my Office will have prompt at-j tentioa.. Hoping -that proper sanitary measures adopted now may j secure to us a healthy city during the summer. I earnestly solicit the aid and prompt co-operation of all ieod citizens to attain thta greatly w ie desired end. Very Respectfully, " ' ' j. rr ROBINSON, City Marshal. April 1-tf J 0. WEST & SONS, 1 Aladdin! Security Oil; 1 - . r, w uarraniea i6U uesreem Fire Test, i THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN THE WQRLDL - Read Ihe following Certificate selected from .t many others: t HOWARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPACT nif BALTIMORE. Baltimork. December. &L 1R7d -i . Messrs. C. West d Sons Gentlemen: Having used the various Oils sold in this city for illuminatine ' purposes, I take pleasure in recommending your ''Aladdin Security" as the safest and best ever used in our household. Yours, truly.:- , (bigned.) 1 Andrew Reuse, President - 11' Wlt.L,lNtiT KirLODK I I ASK TOUJ2 ' S TOItEKEEPER FOR XT. WnOLESALB DEPOT. ' 1 C WEST & SONS. .' 113 and 115 W. Lombard St.. oct27-6mos Iialtimore. Md. Eugene L. Harris, ;-Artist In , - . j Crayon Pprtraitsi SASSAFRAS JFORTT, N. C' BEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION to his Portraits in Cravon. Persons within? good pictures of themselves or deceased friends can have them nicely executed by sending him a" pnoiograpn 10 wars: irom. a gooa pnotograpn la necessary to insure a good likeness. The prices below include postage by mall, on roller. A, neat irame oi wainuc ana gut wm De iurnu aed to those who desire it, at $1..50$2.00. I'tuc&s: ... - f i Size. 14 x 17 inches. - - - - - - , i 1 5.00 Life Size, (bust - - - - i. . - " ' . -' f 10.00 XESTI9IONIA1.S. ' ' J 'Mr. Harris Dosseses the rare elf t of beinr able to delineate, accurately, from a photograph or other uwiutb tue uwi. li&cueaB vi in? one. w o euaran ! satisfaction.'" - Oxford Leader. I We have seen' his work, and consider It pxppU lent Try him."- Central Protestant! i 1 We have seeira capital nortrait of Hon.! a. W. Venableby Mr. R. L. Harris; that reflects addi- uenai lustre on sis genius in that denartment Torch-Light - . mar 17-tf t Greensboro Gift Concert THE LAST CHANCE TO GET The Benhaw House, or Some Other i Large Gift, for $2 50." t - - i ' U '1 rHE DRAWING OF THE , j j ! GRAND GIFT CONCERT - in Greensboro. N. f!.. has been deferred until A mil I 19th, when it will, WITHOUT ANY FURTHER j DELAY, be proceeded with. Those wishing to in- i vest can do so by sending to the Manager, C. P. r Mendenhall, boi 8, Greensboro, X. C, ot to the rr t. . i mi i a . .1 , i place by E L- MATTHEW P. TAYLOR. I mar z-ii Agent; HARDENS AND INVIGORATES THE GUM Si r Purifies and Perfumes the Breath! : Cleanse i Beautifies and Preserves the 1 TEETH! 1 , , Use it daily, and your teeth will be the last of Nt-: hire's gifts to fail yon. f UVUJ III ALL DRUGGISTS. ; may 28-eodlyth sat tn 1 , HERRI WGS Patent Champion Safes j ESTABLISHED' MORE THAN A THIRD OF A ! CENTURY, 1 ' REDUCED IN PKIE. ALSO TWO HUNDRED SECOND-HAND SAFES . FOR SALE AT VERY LOW PRICES, it ' HERRING & CO., I 251 and 852 BROADWAY, New York 56 and 60 SUDBURY ST., Boston,! : , feb 11-Deod 8m Th Sa To v, Orton Plantation. ; NOTICE, TO, TRESPASSERS. All Persons are hereby warned against shooting, : hunting, fishing, ranging or otherwise trespassing on the lands known as the Orton Plantation, in the County of Brunswick. - The indiscriminate siaugnter , of game at all seasons and the Incessant depreda tions in other and mora important respects, have rendered it necessary to post tnese lanas; ana iair notice is now given that the law will be rigidly en forced against all offenders. - : dec W-d&w-tf ' . I. B. GRAINGER. -1 1 K

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