WIZMING TON, N. C. : Saturday Morning, April 10, 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. NOO.VlIErORTS. TENNESSEE. monthly Report of ,t lie Cotton Ex change Production, Condition ana 'Coat of Crop and Labor. j Memphis, April 9. The monthly report of the Cotton Ex change for March from West Tennessee, North Alabama, 1 North Mississippi, and .Arkansas north of Arkansas River, shows by 188 responses 83 3-10 per cent, less num ber of bales of cotton were produced in this district than in 1873. The facilities finan cially furnished in aid .of producing the crop were 20 per cent less than for 1873. It is estimated that Si per cent, only pf the crop remained unmarketed on the 23d ult There has been an increase of laborers in this district of t per cent, since the consum mation of last year's crop. Preparations for crop planting are 5 per cent, in an ad vanced, condition as compared with the spring of 1874 The increaseof acreage by new cleared lands is 3,per cent over 1874. The prospective decrease in acreage of cot ton planting, from that of 1874, is estimated to be 5-45 per cent. , ' .Laborers are accepting work with alacrity for thirty-six per cent of wages, forty-five per cent for shares of crop, and nineteen per cent, for renting. ; : s NEW YORK. Conference of . Presbyterians Tlie Confederation Plan Tweed and lfae Law. '- ' , New York, March 8. A conference of Presbyterians was held here last evening, in the interest of the pro posed Presbyterian Confederation. Apian for the purpose was submitted on July 24th. Representatives of all Presbyterian bodies in the world, designing to take part in the movement, will meet in London to draft a constitution for consideration, and to fix lime and place for holding of the first coun cil of the united body. Notice of action was filed against Wra. M. Tweed yesterday, in the office of the County Clerk. The list of property attach ed embraces everything known to be in possession of Tweed at the time of his ex posure and which he passed into the hands of other persons.-- j CONNECTICUT. The Vote for Governor and Congress men The Democratic majority. Hartfokd, April 9. The total vote fdr Governor, Monday, was 44,301 for the Republicans; 53,785 for the Democrats; 2,879 for the Prohibitionists, and 14 scattering, being a. Democratic ma jority of 6.C61. The total vote for Con gressmen in the State i3 47,311 Republican 51,093 Democratic,. 1,909 prohibitionists. The Democratic majority in this total vote is 1,767. The prohibitionist vote is almost wholly drawn from the Republicans. The total vote for Governor is larger by 1,584 and that fox Congressman by 986 than any previous vote in the State. i PENNSYLVANIA. Heavy Damisei to the Stockton mine Arrival of Troops, &c. IlAztETON, April 9. The fire in the mine at Stockton is gaining headaway and the repair of damages will require months of labor and the expendi ture of thousands of dollars. The soldiers were received here with jeers. iThey number about twelve hundred and detachments have been moved to sev eral points. : . The indications now are that the strike" will extend until it covers the entire anthra cite coal region. . ILLINOIS. A Fearful Tornado Fifteen Perseus IS a r led Beneath the Itulns of a i Church. Edinextrg, April 9. A fearful tornado has swept over this place. The Christian Church, where thirty or forty young ladies and gentlemen were rehearsing, was demolished. - Fifteen per sons have been taken out of the ruins, one of whom was dead. Several had limbs broken. Five dwellings were prostrated and an elevator badly damaged. .; COMPARATIVE COTTON .STATE ME NT. ' ' ' ' New York, April 9. Cotton statement for the week ending the 9th: Net receipts at all United States port during the week were 39,076 bales, .against 48,912 bales the same time last year; total ICUCipU) IMJ UaiC, 3lJ.li.' .IB-, 0,A,J'X bales; same date last year 3.407.749 bales.! - The exports for the week; were 54,448 bales,against 86,652 for the same week last year; total to date 2,134,020 bales, against 2,262,727 same date last year. 5 i . The stock at all United States ports, is 561,282 bales, against 552,870 same ; time last year. .. . ! The stock at all interior towns, 83,122 bales; same time last year 84;751 bales. The stock at Liverpool is 893,000 bales, against 838,000 same time lastiyear. is American cotton afloat ifor Great Britain 202,000 bales, against 248,000 same time last year. WASHINGTON J ! on He- Attorney : Geueral Williams fundlns DntlesJ i -i : ; Washington. April 9, Attorney General Williams, in an opinion to Secretary Bristow regarding; the refund ine of doties. "savs the ISecretary of the Treasury has no power to! refund duties col lected in accordance wi,iu any.: uecision, ruling or direction prior tlo the passage of the bill, unless modified or , Overruled as specified in the bilL iMoneys collected since cannot be refunded, except as provided for in the bill, the title of thejbill restricting re fanding duties to March 3rd, 187o. i if u katiikr repoict.' ; - ' Wab Department,! ) Office of Chief Signal Officer, .lsV-' " Washington, April 9 1:35 , M. j) Probabilities, j : i For the South Atlantic i States, cooler J weather and increased cloudiness wrto light variable winds, mostly from tJie , east Hand south, and slowly rising barometer. IV pOIflESTlC MARKETS. ' Ncw York April 0. Nhh Financial. Stocks dull. ? Money 4 opened at 113 and closed tent. Gold at U5. Sterling exchange long $4 86; short $4 90. Gov ernment securities active and strong. State bonds are quiet - ' t s ' " . V; OttTwaercia,'. . jj Flour firmer. Wheat is quie ; and firm. 'Corn firm.-Pork firm atj $22-75 $3, ,00, Lard quiet steam 15ijl5 1146 cents.. Spirits turpentine quiet at 36 cents. Rosin Freights firm at $2 10(&2 15 for strained. i II.- 338 hales atl6 17 for middling to-day opened heavy. Cotton dull,' with sales o: for middling uplands and, Urieans. bales or futures weak, as follows: April 1G&16 17-32 cents; Mayl622-3216 13-16 cts; June 17 3-32 173-33 Cts; July 17 15 3217i cents. KBW. l OBK, April o Evening. Financial Money easy at 4z&off cent liLECTllIC'SPAKKS. Sir John Gray, member of Parliament and the proprietor of the Freeman's Journal, Dublin, Ireland, is dead. Gen. Compos entered Refold Spain, after the light, losing fifty killed and wounded, l'tie. Carlist loss is unknown. The tornado three miles beles below Lit tle Rock, uprooted1 trees,, unroofed houses, killed a Mrs. Jones,' and seriously injured her two dauahters. - op; si vk;cit utnmix SPAIN. Probable Effect of. the Confllet Be tween the Government and the Uni versity Concha. . ' - .. - ; : Madrid, April 9. The conflict between the government and the University may cause a fall of the inin isiry. Several more professors were exiled' t i;y. The King's priucipal physician was lf.: ied tlie head position ii the University t-ut refused . It i rumored that Geiu'Coiicha has been officially invited to leave Spain. PfcNiVSYtVlNIA. 'I he liainoklii Miners-til Qalet at ' U llkekbarrc Troops Still Arriving.- . ; PoT-rsviLi.E. April 9. Tlie miners in the region about Shamokin are on a strike. WlLKESBAKKE, April 9. All is quiet here and it is Expected the men will resume work next week. Hazleton, April 9. i There was an iucendiary firj in tltia place yes'erdhy. ) , Troops continue to arrive by every train. 1 ! s Sterling exciiange quiet at $4 so. Uold;il5115i. Government securities active and steady new os l to. bjate Donas nominal. (Jjtnmerctail - . , Cotton dull, with sales of 878 bales atl6. 17 cents. Southern flour firmer, with fair inquiry common to fair extra $5 85;" good, to choice do. ?o 90$S. Wheat il cent better winter tel western $1;! 20 1 30; amber westera $1 1311 34; white western $1 36$1 42, white Illinois $1 S5. Corn a shade firmer, with! fair demand western mixed 9293cenjts; yellow wes tern 9393 cents; white dk. in store ! 91 cents; new western mixed .in store 90 91cents. Coffee quiet but- steflxly. Sugar more active and steady. Rice quiet but steady. Rice quiet ,but steady. Tallow firm at 848 cents. Rosin! steady. Pork firmer new $22 50$22 75. Lard opened lower, but closed firmer prime IfSteara I5J cents. Whiskey lower but active; at $ 1 13. , Spirits ' turpentine firmeri at liSSJ cent Freights firmer. , f ; ;. Cotton net receipts 918 bale; gross re ceipts 2,634 bales. Futures closed firmer at-a decline, with sales of 44,800: bales as tollows: April 16 cents; May 16 11-16 cents; June 17 1-16 cents; Juiy 17 cents; August 17J cts; September 7 7-l17 5-32 cts; October 16 17-32 cts; NovemfeerlO 5-16 163 cts; December 16 21-32(ai6 3 32-cts. January iojio y-itj cents. - f j j ; Baltisiore, April 9. Flour is quiet and unchanged. Corn quiet southern white 889Q cts; yellow 90 cts. Oats firmer--southern I 7276 cents. Rye steady $1 C8l 10. Provisions ac tive nothing doing in "job trade. Pork $ 22 50. Bacon shoulders 9 cents. Cof fee in better demand ordinary to prime Rio cargoes loi18J cents. Suglir firm at 10iaiOJ cents. Whiskey qi iat $1 13i 114" ; . I : 0 t i!' - ;ST.'Ixtri3Apvl,9X" Flour is good demand and tifferingsiighf. Corn unsettled and lower H o. 2 mixed 76 77 cents. Whiskey quiet $1 11. Pofk declining at $22. Bacon firm and unchang ed, with only limited jobbjng demand shoulders 9Jr9i cts; clear rib 1313 cts; clear 1313 cts. Lard nominally 15 cts. Cincinnati, April 9. ' Flour-firm. Crfrn quiet and steady at 75 cents. Provisions exciteid. Pork $22. Lard steady steam 15i bid; iikettle 14cts. Bacon easier shoulders 9i cents: i clear rih 12i12f cents; clear 13 cents, steady at $1 10. Locisv: lril8. Whiskey i! Flour unchanged. Corn firm at' 75(a716 cents. Provisions quiet. Pork i $22 50. Bacon shojulders 9i cents; lleariirib and ciear iiiJi cents; bams 13i13 cent. iiarci prime steam I5i cents; tierce 16 cts Kegs u cents, jjaggtng rirm at 12 centi vt mssey f l iu. K BTS COTTON 1TIAII Columbus, steady weeklvll recclinta Sfil bales; Nusiiville, easy recetpk 1,007 ibalesj; Selma, quiet receipts 400 bale; .Mo n I- iuacon, ni m receipis aS5 oalW; Uaiimon fleas receipis 04 uaiesjl'UihU receipts bales; Churlest ceipts 6 7(!6 bales; Augusta! i,4w.uies; oosion, receipis iMemphis, dull receipts 3,44 vestoh, quiet rnd .weak in bales; Norfolk, quiet reeeipt FRANCE. ii n government and Ita Subjects iioroan 8panisb Affair. Paris. A nril !1 The French Governmiiii lioo s ructions to Us Consuls to summon, for tho "7' w Buujecis who are abroad and xyuu uwc x ranee military service, to rels tt r at the consulates. ' 0,8 i-ouneen otneers, deserters from Don anwo, uavc icucuea criantz It is snid Gen. Elio has given in hisadbe New Orleans, demand fair it 7,247 bales; Savannah, easier I ai.ly lower at 18 receipts 5,1 fi elphia, qnie h, quiet r uH-4-'receirt 1,287 bales! bales; Gal- beiprs 11,122 8.331 balesi J6-feceiptg ut not nuot' 5 bales; Moi- it i nothing below lowi middling, deliverable May and June," 84d. ' The sales of cotton to-day included 7,000 bales American. ' -. Breadstuffs steady. j v "j - London, April 9 Evening, : Street rate i per cent below bank. . , LiVEiiPooiiApril 9 Evening.' , ; Pales on a basis of middling Orleans, nothing below low middling, deliverable June and July, 8 3-16d. , Yarns and fabrics at Manchester are dull. COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET, . ! STAR OFFICE Ariril 9. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Receipts 247 casks. Sales offlOO casks at 34 cents per gallon for Southern packages. - Market firm. 'I . . . ROSIN. Receipt 1,144 bbls." Market strong, with sales of 1,000 bbls Good Strained or D, at $li 75 and $1 70 bid for Str'ained, or C. j i CRUDE TURPENTINE-Receip'ts 1,200 bbls. j Sales of 1,000 bbls. at $2 50 for Yel low Dip and!$l 60 for Hard. Market stead. . ' ' ' ' , :. . '. .. TAR. Receipts 323 bbls. Sales of 108 bbls.' at $1 50, an'ad Vance of 20 cents since last reports. ; Market steady. COTTON. Receipts 114 bales, i Market dull and nominal, whh no sales to report. The following arc the official quotations: Ordinary, . Good Ordinary,! . . . Low Middling,: . . . Middling,.. . . .". i . . . Good Middling,! . . . .13i .15f ,155 15i .16J cents If) lb. yoon. '"' .. i! 1 ! 9 Noon. - mIs j V: 9-N oon. Lomdon, April; 9 Erie railroad shares 26, Pakis, Apri Rentes G4f. 10c. . Livkhpooi, Aprij uikju uuiei anu unciiHhH in nnAV.i ' t ,. ...... L1w"- l x,wv uaies mcuuing a.uw for speculation u?STale8 for the week tt 7,000 bales" which 12,000 were for export add 23,000 for speculation. Stock in port 893,000 bales; JSS Kd!DS 533',000 American, Receipts 88,1 000 ibales, including 42,000 American,! Aci tual export 6,000 bales. Afloat;1 437 000 . .u.,uS 4ulWU Daies American. UOSlS Or mirlii nn hn.nJ.: deliverable Sales on r !. '"w- llingj ' LATER. - u" ,a uasis or middlinz hn ands noiu ng oeiow low middling shtnned Anril and Mav n a.i.i ,UIUY'-Lub uippea Sales on a basis of' middling lorleans Neiv j Vork Naval Stores market. April 7, 1875. Receipts to-day, 3,042 bbls rosin, 386 do spirits turpentine. Business has shown more animation, and the tone of the market as a whole is steadier, and more cheerful.' Spirits turpentine mejt with a very fair de mand and full former rates were obtained, closing quite sieady. I Sales of 225 bbls at. 36c for Southern. Rosins solid with con siderable freedom arid realized full former rates, without apparent difficulty,', with some holders' rather -fnclined to withdraw stocks of particularly desirable qualities. The transactions embrace 9,000 bbls in yard good at $3 10; 300 do at $2 10; 1,500 do afloat at $2 12, and 500 bbls No. 2 at $2 50. i Tar and pitch quiet and without change; to advise. The following were the telegraphic advices: Liverpool spirits turpentine firmer at 28s 6d, common rosin steady jat Gs. London spirits turpentine etnaHtr ut '.la Sil" phmmnn main stpnrlv at 5s 9d. MARINE. ARRIVED. Stmr Gov "Worth, Worth & nYorUi. Stmr t Juniper, Phillips, Vtck oc Mebane. Sllmr Wave, Robesdn, iFayettevillc, Wil liamls & Murchison. f - . j ! CLEARED. Stmr Gov Worth, Worth & Worth. Stmr Juniper, Phillips. Vice & JVlebane. Stmr I Wave, ! Robeson, VVilliamsA; Murchison Steamship Regulator, Doane. New York, A I) Cazaux. Bris Edith, Johnson. Hayti, Northrop & RjummiDg. v Worth, Fayetteville. Fayetteville, Worth, Fayetteville, Fayetteville, i Fayetteville, EXPORTS COASTWISE. New York. SteamshiD Regulator 213 bales cotton, 3,510 bbW rosin, 423 do t-ir, 25 Bo rice, 2 do eggs, 30G bushels peanuts, 57 bundles paper, G.000 feet lumber, 7 bales feheeting.3 r . - .. f . : - I ; . ' - FOREIGN. ' ! '.' riAYn. Brig Edith.Ul73.327i ber.OOOO shingles. ifeet lum- W ISIili:SAL.E PK1CES. tT Our quotations, it saould be understood, rep esuut tue wholesale prices generally. In making Bp small orders higher prices have to be charged. : PRICES. , Laeuayra. N Jt. CORN MKAL bushel...... SHIPPING DIRECTORY. List i of Veicl in the Port of Wil mington, N. C. April lO, 1875. I ) BARQUENTINES. JEltzabcth Taylor, Proctor, Vick Ss Mebane BARQUES. azone, BaltzerJ i E Peschau & Westermann mella. tledwis. E Peschau & Westermann Louis: t Gehm(Ger), Stewe, I i. ! Peschau & Westermanc Magenta (Nor), Sundersien, R E Heide elautuon (Nor), Terstensen. R E Heide nnaGer), Sierents, 1 . v ! Peschau & Westermann moai Mc Wilhama. LTaa Annfirann Sr. Co ikntrabbt, Mosweick, i : E Peschau & Westermann Fyen, 'Casponsen, I Star of Hope, Ilamann, E Pescl nnapend, Pust,E Pescihau te Westermann - REeide RE Heide Lyn, TprestfefNoi). . . i - . II E Heide lau A Westermann RufusJ Njellie BRIGS. Christensen, RJE Heide J'E Lippitt & Co Alex Sprunt & Son RE Heide RE Heide RE Heide RE Heide RE Heide Clifford. Henley. Lilly, Ryan; j Heldig, Jorgenscn, . Mira, Stof, i Miletus, Olsen Da Capo, Flames, ! ;"'. Zawia, : Ommundsen, : ! SCHOONERS. S G Knight, Pratt, Finny LB Shaw, Wiltz, J Donna AnDa. Whalev. liessie Dickenson, Dickenson, lit J E Lippitt & Co Adldie Fuller. Henderson!, Worth & Wiirth nney u 1 yler, i U U iiailway Uo ra Condom, i Noiithrop & Cuminintr G G Barker & Co Chad bourn & Co Worth & Worth Si Fl Aqnie Burton. HcNeelv. Mary B Reeves, Bracy, B Mry a 1 rainer, Uskuih. eiiriiahlj Teller. B F Wait, AvI ward. Will U li jMiiens. lveeue. MISCELLANEOUS. Harries & Howell nford, Cmw & Co dis.j Master VV & W R RCo i:ims& Murchison J E Lippitt & Co IK KfttST- CLASS STEAMERS PHILADELPHIA & SOUTHEEN Mail I Steamship Companv ! i PIONKKK, 81S ton, Capt. John Wakeley, TONAWANBA. 644 ton, Capt C, C. WUtbank foi$i a we:kly Line, and sail alternately from PhUa 'lelsihU and w ilmington every Tuesday morning, a 6 oVlorli.i ! ' ' ' 1 ' 1 Through iillla of Lading Given to New Tortf, Boston. Providence, Fall River, Portland and all point in the ilnew England States, at as low rate as by any other route. Also to Liv erpool, London, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Ams terdam, and all points on the Continent and East Court of England. J J Thrragh rates from Philadelphia to all points In North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, at as low rakw as by competing lines, p For Freight engagements and rates apply to i WORTH A WORTH; Agents, T i ! Wilmington. N. C. J. M. Fobsbm, Saperhitendent ,1 . J?. L. J AMES, General Arent, Jyne6-tfl S87 and J38 Dock street. Philadelphia, EODINO CAKl M " inn VTarmrKrn inmna r.u.u ui uu oon e esani ar.v . at pi elegant style, at BAGGING Gunny....... .. .... Donblo Anchor Double Anchor " A" BACON North Carolina, ; Hams, 9 lb Shoulders, lb............. Sides, b.. VTestesn Bmoked Hams.. - Sides, Q lb.... ........ ...... Shoulders,....,.... Dry Salted Sides W lb ;.. ..".. Shoulders....... BEE, On the Hoof............ BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each New New York, each. New City, each BEESWAX i. . BRICKS Wilmington, M..... Northera.. BTJTTKRNorth Carolina, V B. Northern, lb CANDLES Sperm, $) lb . Tallow, p fl... .... . - Adamantine. B fi CHEESE Northern Factory 9 lb uairy, creamy id.. state, td........ COfFEE Java, fJ t. tao, w... guayra MEAL COTTON TIES B,.-.. DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yd I am, bonce FISH Mackerel , No. 1. 9 bbL. No. 1, )i bbL. .... . Mackerel, No. S, btu Nc.2, bbl..... Mackerel, No. 8, 9 bbl Mullets. Sbbl N. C. Herring, bbl. . .. .. Dry Cod, $ ..... FLOUR Fine, bbl........... Super. Northern. 9 bbl..... Extra do. " $ bbl..... Familv " 0 bbl City Miltar-Bnper., bW... i V Extra, bbl.... " ,. ' Family, 9 bbl.. Ex. Family, $ bbl.. FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, 9 2000 lbs Baugh'a Phosphate, " . " : Carolina Fertilizer, " Ground Bone n a , " Bone Meal, " " Flour, Navassa Guano, " " . 'Complete Manure, " ' Whann's Phosphate " Wando Phosphate, " Berger & Bute's Phosph. " GLUE B..i GRAIN Corn, Is store, 9 50 lbs. ' Corn, Cargo, "66lbs Corn,. Yet, ?8 bushel... ...... Oate, bushel Peas, Cow, bushel... HIDES Green, .... Dry, 9 lb , HAT Eastern, $ 100 lbs North River, $ 100 ft HOOP IRON ton........ .. LARD Northern, $t lb North Carolina, B ... LIME W bbl LUMBER Citt StkahSawid I Ship Stuff, resawed, M ft.. Rough Edge Plank. T M ft. . West India Cargoes, according! to quality, ynn Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. Scontimg and Boar as, com mon, M ft.... .... .... MOLASSESr-Cuba,nhds,tf gal.. Cuba, bbls ft gal , hhds, gal. . ODis.w gal.... Byrup, bbls, 9 gal NAILS Cut, 4d to SWd, 9 keg.. . OILS Kerosene, 9 gal Lard. gal... Linseed, $ gal. Koein, v gaj PEANUTS 1 bushel POTATOES Sweet, bushel.. Irish, Northern, 9 bbl PORK Northern. City Mess.... Thin, 9 bbl....... Prime, 9 bbl. ....... ....... Rump, 9 bbl..... RICK Carolina, 9 lb. East India, 9 lb... Hough. 19 bosh..., iCAGS Country, 9 lb. City, fi n. tsfjsrtsr SALT Alum, 9 bushel... Liverpool, sack American, 9 sack.... SUGAR Cnba, 9 a;. ... Porta Rico, 9 a A Coffee. lb B " JO B c- 9 &.. Ex. C 9 crushed, E... SOAP Northern. H lb . SHINGLES- -Contnict, 9 M. Common, M.... I CyprcesSaps 9 M Cypre Hearts 9 M.. ....... 1 siAViJj w.u. BbL.yH... .. ILO nhd., ?J-M. ..... ...... Cypress, 9 H. TALLOW 9 ... TIMBER Shipping, S3 M , MU1 Prime, S Ut............ MiUFair, M Inferior to Ordinary, U., WHISKE Y-NorthHTi, gal. . . . North Carolina, 9 gal w-w- iunacucu, w " ' ....... Washed. 9 lb , UX& 15 18 17 10 UA 12 13 H M n & i 12ii4 Wi 9 & 10X jyilSCELLAlEO US. . .UK 6 & 8 S 25 3 GO 3 58 8 8 00 0-3 SO - 88 95 14 15 & & & & 17 21 25 & iu 1 80 IS 00 8 5C 13 00 T 60 11 GO 6 CO 00 & ; & 1X& 50 a 4 5 00 6S5 7 25 0 00 O 00 00 00 00 09 80 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 so 00 13 100 & & & '2 60 - . if -7 2 75 80 - 10 00; 14 00 i'40. 42 ' 15. ! 1 18 10 . U6 25 . 27. 1C5 - 7 'l 20 00, 00 f 13 60 j 11 60 8 0fl e6 it 5 00 1 fi eo 7 GO' 8 to: 000 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 65 00 & 40 00 45 00 5700 65 00 67 00 & 70 00 & 70 00 00 00 17 0 00 & 60 110 7 i2a 1 25 0 00 1. 00 0 00 110 00 000 00 15tf 00 00 00 1 65 . 83 24 00 22 00 S7C0 25 00 20 CO 23 20 00 35 00 Sugar House, 15 00 42 45 84 83 40 4 75 18 1 10 1 00 80 1 10 0 5 25 00 00 00 CO 00 23 00 43 47 85 40 80 560 00 00 & 145 & & 110 40 150 000 350 22 60 00 00 a 0000 00 00 00 00 8 00 00 1 20 1 SO 24 6 75 115 1 10 . Q UX 10 '.MX 1CX 6 4 0C 2 50 6 60 9 50 20 00 00 00 18 00 08 17 13 8 60 4 00 1 00 1 75 20 85 8 23 00 09 600 800 25 00 09 00 00 00 . 00 eo 14 00 & 10 00- 600 (ft 6 09 2 60 40 HATES OF FREIGHT. . Per Steamer. I To New Yoke. Crude Turpentine bbl 0 45 0 0 0 00 0 35 Tar 9 hbl 0 30 0 85 0 50 0 35 Spts Turpentine 9 bbl 85 0 00 0 00 75 Rosing bbl 40 0 00 000 35 Cotton $ bale. ....... 2 00 0 00 0 00 1 25 Peanuts 9 bushel. ..... 0 10 0 0C 0 00 0 10 Tt PniLADKLPHIA. Crude Turpentine 9 bbl 0 03 0 60 0 00 0 60 Tar 9 bbl. 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 50 Spts Turpentine p bbl 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 80 Rosin 9 hbl.. 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 50 Cotton 9 bale.. 0 00 2 00 00 2 00 Cotton Goods 9 bale.. 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 75 Peanuts 9 bushel 0 00 0 10 0 00 0 10 Lumber 9 M. ......... 0 00 10 00 7 00 8 00 To Balttjcobb. Crude Turpentine 9 bbl 0 00 0 45 6 00 0 45 Tar 9 bbl.... 0 00 6 45 0 00 0 45 Spts Turpentine $ bbl 0 00 0 SO 0 00 075 Rosin 9 bbl.... 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 45 Cotton 9 bale.. 0 00 2 60 0 00 2 00 Peanuts 9 bushel. .... 0 00 0 11 0 00 0 00 Lumber M. 0 60 8 00 6 50 60 K TO BOBTOK Crude Turpentine 9 bbl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 65 Tar 9 bbl : 6 00 0 00 8 00 0 65 Spts Turpentine bbl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 90 Rosin 9 bbl..-. 0 00 6 00 0 65 0 70 Cotton 9 bale......... 0 00 0 00 2 60 0 00 Peanuts 9 bushel . . 0 00 0 00 0 12 0 10 Lumber 9 M 0 00 0 00 11 60 12 WILMINGTON MONEY MARKET. Oe&RZCTES DAXLT BY TOM BABE OT SXW BAKOTXB, I. B. GRAINGER, PRESIDENT. Gold ..... Silver..... Exchange (sight) On New Yotk, .. . . Baltimore,... Boston....... Philadelphia- Western Cities, BVTTNO. ..113 ..116 SSIXTKG. 116 lie' X disc't X " X " Exchange 30 days 8 9 cent interest added to above, Bank of New Hanover Stock. First National Bank, Wilmington Building Stock,.. Mechanics - " " ... Nsvarea Guano Co. " . . . N. C. Bnds Old Ex-Coupon. .(Par 25) ...... 100 ...21 ...15 .. 14 ...13 ... 5 ...42 28 96 101 15 110 Do. Funding 18(6 Do. " 1868 . Do. New........... . Do. ' Special Tax Do, to N. C. Railroad W. A. W. K R. Bonds 7 c fGold TntVOO Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 Sc.. .70 Wilmington City Bonds, S ftc . 70 " " 7 Wc ....85 4 " Old 66... .9(5 " new 6 Vc....65(GoldInt) " 8 ?c.-. 80 ( " " nvw nanover ioamy. duous (iv years), 6 ttc(Go.d Intl. W. A W. Railroad Stock North Carolina R. R. " C C. Railroad WU. Gas Light Co. WiU & Seaside R.R. .75 ...8 ...30 ...01 .,.70 .00 , MISCELLANEOUS. G-reen & Flanner, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, dealers in Pur Drng-, Chemicals Proprie tary Med'cines, Mineral Waters, Fancy Goods, Garden Seed, &c, &c. . 49 Market Street, margo-tf r Wilmington. N. C. Bottled Lager Beer As ROCHESTER, MILWAUKEE AND TIVOLt : For sale at . ' "' . G. 1L W. RUNGE'S,- - ' Northeast cor. Market and Second t. April 4tf ' Molassss ! Molasses ! - Molasses! 200 Hhds. and Bbls New Crop Cnba. roi ap 4-tf ror saie low By WILLIAMS Si, MURCHISON. Notice to Shippers. IctYDE LINE. New Yorlc ani Wilmington SteamsMB Co. I TO MEET THE WANTS OF THE TRADE llnvo added another Steamer to ' Hie Wne, and will sail from NEW YORK ; EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, - at 3 P. M. from Pier 13 Noith River. T Semi-Weekly from Each Port HEREAFTER SHIPPERS CAN RELY UPON the Prompt and Regular Sailing -of these Steamers from New York as advertised. As the Company has determined to adopt regular sailing days, and with the additional Steamer there can be no cause for delay in shipments. Uther steamers wm oe saaea as required. A. D. CAZAUX. Wnt. ar 16-tf Wilmington, N. C. Reduction in Price ! :. , .... A ;- .-. : . ! ! : - i i .- . JyTOLLEY'S m Celebrated fine: 1 K M'VII t ENGLISH Breech - Loadings Guns, BlaiiHfactory, Pioneerworks, BIRMINGHAM, ENG., HAVING ESTABLISHED A BRANCH HOUSE in New York for the sals of our- celebrated weapons, we offer to sportsmen the Cheapest Guns of guaranteed quality and shooting powers ever sold In the United States. Tbey are built with every Im provement for American sport, and -are made in six qualities, each Gun being branded with one of the undermentioned names, which denotes its quality : Brand. Pbics. PIONEER 65 Gold. TOLLEY... 90' " STANDARD... 115 " NATIONAL... ............ 140 " CHALLENGE. .180 " PARAGON . 225 " Any one of the above brands may be selected with the greatest confidence, as no Gun bears our name that we do not thoroughly guarantee in every re spect. , . - ! GUNS FORWARDED C. O. D. N. B. Guns built to order, at above prices, a specialty. Send for detailed particulars, with illus trated descriptive price sheets and testimonials, to our Branch House, , - 29 Maiden Lane, New York. Sept25-D&Wtf H 1 ! Silver Gups, Seal Rings And Patent Keys, just received at - GEORGE HONNET'S. mar 21-tf ; , 53 Market;ttreet. The Saleigh News, D A IL Y A ND WEEKL Y. PUBLISHED BY STOGIE & UZZELL. - - I DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF ithe State of North Carolina to the success of the Conservative party, the development of the hid den wealth of the State, the inviting emigration in to our midst, and advancement of the welfare of our people in everything that serves to make a State prosperous and Independen Its ! ADVERTISING COLUMNS will be found of great advantage, as both the Bailv and Weekly circulate largely in every portion of the Staid. Rates moderate. 1 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, One Year $7 09 ; Wnkly, One Year 2 00 Subscribe for 1874. j&niii-tf i STONE & UZZELL, ; Proprietors. I -500- NEW WHITE MARSEILLES I AND LINEN VESTS Elegantly Made .Hp. We have attached to our Percale Shirts the PATENT COMBINATION CUFF. Have you seen tfkem? The nobbiest and most complete thing out. I apr&tf A. DAVID, Merchant Tailor. I i . ' I Shelby Banner. TUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT SHELBY, CLEVE ?i land county. N. V , at $1 50 per annum, in advance: Has a large and rapidly increasing circu lation In nearly all the counties West of Mecklen burg. 1AI-0, au extensive circulation in the coun ties of Spaitanburg, York and Union, 8. C. Has Just been enlarged from a 20 to a 82 colhmn, and is bow adorned with an entire ne dress -large, clear and beautiiul print: Its politics art Democratic, ltsbighet-t aim its greatest ambition is for the good of the people -the welfare advancement and prosperity ox the country. Advertiblng rates, mod erate, t - Respect ul'y. DURHAM A WRRR ffb4-tf Eds. and Prop'rs. J : . " - - The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS paper and the Organ of th Methodist Protes tant Church in Nona Carolina, is published at Greensboro, N. C. j Terms, $2 00 per annum, la advance. ! The eligibility of its location, the nnmber and ac tivity of its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand for it among the more solid classes of readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage of the advertising public Terms very favorable. Consult your business inter ests, and address the editor, - f J L. MICHAUX,' ! marl if f Greensboro, N. C. The Kershaw Gazette. THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN KERSHAW county, is published every Wednesday, at Cam den, 8. C, by Frank P. BeatL It has a large and in fluential circulation in one of the most productive portions of Central Carolina, guaran teeing greater inducements to advertisers than any other paper in the;county. The most liberal rates of advertising. ; Address ' - I I FRANK P, BEARD, Proprietor, . septl5-ff ChithIoti. S.4C The HiIIsboro'"iiecorder. , w4 -vv'.v;..:.iH;. ? ''C, qpHE OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE. CTR X culates extensively in Orange and adjoininn counties. Subscription price (2 60 per tm.m, Published weekly. . , - s JOHN D. CAMERON. 0ct9.tr Editor ind Proprietor ; 45. : i.lARKET STREET. B R OWN & R O DD 10 K. 45; W E STILL CONTINUE TO SELL AT OUB FORMER LOW PRECES. NOTWlTESTAxivJ the advance in the markets, and as a substantial proefsubmit the following list hi nn.f ftlJ1Q VUOIO .pvvi wv.'vu ' v J v . v via .j. L jviCIJ. Unbleached Cotton from 6 Cents Per Yard. ? . 33Incb Fruit of the Loom 11 Cents Per Yard. 1 - 36 " : " i 12 1 " " t 36 " iWamsutta . 16 , New Spring Calicoes, Best Quality, 10 Cents Per Yard. ; Ladies'jRuffs, for the Neck, 610 Cent?, worth 25 Cents a bargain. rirv Rnnita I nn In civp. nan .. ro lu lee PREVIOUS TO MAKING THEIR PURCHASES. -J TtVtM TS ffm Tmm 4rvmnnA 4 V. wwrm Vlrlnit.v. hntthnanrtf ANY fittfTPTOra of thu Pnnntrv W linua tmfma tKJt i70u.aa you on the Streets, look you up in the Hotels, or by laying any claims of frendship. Our obicct lann.li business, and we propose doing that in a legitimate way. - T vmtll SBYEBAL J"OB31iOTSj ' ' Such As, i IOO 1in7ln Kid f HIotas fur SA Tonf a Pw Pain Wi.l. r? n. . Ladies' Hemmed Pnre L.ineulldkfs 15 Cents, Worth 25 CcniM 20 fairs Blanker $3 OO, Worth 4 SO, f ' We j Have Got Every thing Wle Advertise March 7 tf ONE PRICE. TERMS CASH. NO SAMPLES CUT. ) BROWN & RODDICK. Clydes Rlew York and Boston Lines. VIA. WILMINGTON, IN. C. Fast Freight Route to all Points Horth or South. NEW YORK AND WILM1KGTON STEMSIHP CO.. S EM I-WEKKLT, AILING FROM NEW YOI'K "Wednesdayi and Saturday at 3 P. M., UND FBOJI WILMIKGTOJV, Wednesday and Saturday. j BOSTON AND FALL felVER NEW YORK AND WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP COMPANY, CONNECTING WITH THE OL 1)1 COLONY RAILROAD, AND STEAMERS DAILY BETWEEN? Boston and Wew i York. SEMI-WEEKLY ! L Between New York and Wilmington. Wednesdav and Satnrdv. f mm ginnh nnrf . Shippers may rely upon the prompt and Regular Sailing of these Steamers, and quick dispa'ch riven f o all Shipments by this Route. . :.,,.". CpnnecUn? at Wilmmgton with the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, WilrolnHon and Weldon Railroad, the Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers. ' - UIIUBgwV ma THROUGH BILLS OP LADING GIVEN TO 'AND FROM ALL POINTS IN NORTH AND SOUTH '; also to i i---v!' ' New York. Boston- Provirlenri- Fall IKwp rmA nlh. Bo.tn, ,ui. I r- RATES GUARANTEED AS LOW A? BY ANY OTHER ROUTE AND ! TIME AS OTJICK LOXSFS MARK ALL G 0 ODS VIA CZ TDJSTS WILMING TO N LINK. - iu kc& uuuii-Duuu omv'J w ciuicr u mc uuuerBisraea Agents OI tne LAne D. D. C. MTNKL General Kaaterti Arrpnl. j 29 Devonshire Street, Boston - uuciiguu aecdis oiueuiiei ' WM. P. CLVDE CO., General AgentsJ 1 : New York Line, A. I). GAZAVX. Asreiit. jji-itiun. 1 1; aim ixew i otk Jbines, - ; i ! 7 -. IWilmingioD, N. C. Baltimore and Southern Steam Transportation Company. VIA. WILMINGTON, N. C, "Si.ittiS) iAiiiJKrf' Fast Freight Route to all points Horth or South. BALTIMORE. j i Baltimore and Wihiiiiigton Line; Semi-Weekly, j Sailing from BALTIMORE I .' ' ' i Tuesday and Friday, at 3 F. Si. AND FROM WILMINGTON I WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY.! . PHiJiADKLPHIA. j ; ' Baltimore and Wijaiiigtbn Line Semi-Weekly, j ;; i Between Baltimore and Wilmington, I Baltimore and Philadelphia St. Bt. Co. ; iauy via. Canal,1 ! ! Between Baltimore and Philadelphia, i BOSTON AND PRVIDENCE, I Baltimore and Wilmington Line, .' Baltimore. Boston and Providence Line or Via. ' Canal Daily to Philadelphia, and I CLYDE'S PHILADELPHIA AND PROVIDENCE WESTERN CITIES. "I 1 '' Baltimore, and Wilmington Line ' Northern Central Railroad and the Bltlm6re!and i j - Ohio Railroad, ' ' I ' ! THROUGH BILLS aifs&WsXVtli6 Prmpt f Reg -f these Sterand quick dispch given to JNO DELAYS. OP LADIMG GIVEN TO AND FROM ALL POINTS IN NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. I "'.X.l' 7" j tV.-. 'i: 'I ALSO TO - -J ' '-'.1- I Baltimore. PhllnrlplnVlin Ttnalnn T-iv.ll ,-,- I .i .. . ! ' i : ' M any other Rcutelind SmeQ! low as ,b, MARL ALL GOODS VIA WILMINGTON STEAMERS ' " For further information apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line ' EDWIN FITZUEBALD, Agent Baltimore Line, 50 South St,, Baltimore. ' ' ' ' ! marlStf j A. P. CA1UX, Agent Baltimore and New Yort Lines. WllmiDgtO-K N. N."0 T I C E . Carolina Central ; General Freight Department, vv-j.uiiNliTpN, MARCH 31st,- 1875. . Wilmington, Dotn via Direct Steamer Lines and via WUnn '.-.j d T b' ""-ers witn its cor delphiajkew Yor,, Boston and videnn A A I 1 lnrt'lV.rtri.wv 'fs.mn.J3 1 1 I T. . nxmtuir auu uii; eastern Cities7 TO CHARIOTTEj STATESVILLE, SHELBY Rntlierfordton, Asheville, GreenVtlle, partanburff, ' nijd all stations on the Atlantic, Tennj & Ohio Atlmk rt ' 7. ,. ) Western North Carolina Railroids as weU as Si ' tSints in GRORm i w,? Air. ne' North Carolina and Ineurance from Eastern cities guaranteed aTlowas vl anv w.1 ANii ALABaMA- ' and Kate always a low as tlTe lowe Uyotner No terminal or tiinsfer Charges, Rates to all points furnished upon aDDlicationt. the i i j Building. 1 . apP2-tn ?- the node1L8lfSedAT in Bank of New nanover r W. CLARK, General Freight Ageat i The Western: Expositor ASHEVILLE, N. U.S W. H. Malone, - -. Ed. &Prop'r JJAS . THE LARGEST CIRCULATION ' Western Northern Carolina. ' ' , 1 It ia the paper for business men, in which to ad- Specimen copies mailed on application ' " iB! ' EXPOSITOR OFFICE, ' nov ? Aeheville, N? STT T T A TT Tl k T i w w mm ' mm mm : I ; JU!a-J.JJ XX JJ i I TESIRTNG TO PLACE A WlDE-AWAKE, LIVE o-and progressive newspaper in the hands of ! MORES ONI AN i To all new subscribers at the following rates: ' Sl !? Si Py. Months, 75c; lTCopy ft- Send stamp for isecimen copy 1 ' 1