yi0rnin0 Stun J i v."4 t WILMINGTON, N ?.. Friday Morning, April 16,1875. BY TELEGRAPH; v o. ii:ioitTs. SOUTH CAROLINA. Got. CUamberlaln and tne TaxBlll A Veto Expected, Sec. , Charleston, April 15, . . Gov. Chamberlain ' left Columbia last night to attead the Lexington centennial. The News and Courier says he has decided to veto the onerous tax bill passed by the legislature at me ciose oi uie reueui bcb- siub. luistcuoawiugire great oaiioio- tion to property holders throughout the State. Two colored murderers, named Burch and Ilarde, sentenced to be hung here to morrow, have been respited for one week by the Governor. .-- WASHINGTON. New Chief Commissary Funeral of jrudze AtocbaThe Presidential Par ty off. - . WASHErtiTON, April 15 GenTX Beckwith has been assigned to duty as Chief Commissary. The funeral of Judge Atacha, who died in New Orleans took place this morning from the church of the Immaculate Con ception, in this city. The remains- were buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. The President and party left this morn ing for New York. ILLINOIS. The Inter-State, Billiard Matches A Prolonged Contest Tbe Successful Knljjuts of the Coe. ' Chicago, April 14. In the Inter-State billiard tournament, this afternoon, Rhines, of Chicago, beat ' Harning, of Ohio, 200, to 183; Miller, of Louisiana beat Shaw, of Iadiana, 200 to 110; Maggiola, of Louisiana, beat Liverman, of Wisconsin, 200 to 135. In to-night's billiard matches, Carter, of Ohio, beat Parkevbf Chicago, 200 to 145; Burleigh, of Michigan, beat Gallager, of Ohio, 200 to 67; Macafee, of Iowapbeat lloa, of Louisiana, vvv to Ta. ELECTIIC- SPARKS. At New York, Walton J. Brown & Son, wood dealers, have failed. : ' Wagner's brewery at Sparta, Wisconsin, has been burned Joss $60,000. Henry W. Iutton, senior proprietor of the Boston Evening Transcript, is dead, aged 79. It is reported that the Turks have killed 270 Christians in Roumalia and Bulgaria within the past three months. V A telegram from Hendaye &js the Car lists surprised Fort Aspe, near Santander, carrying off 200 prisoners and four guns. The injunction against free - passes will compel Grant and his party to plank down cash when riding on the rails to tkc Lex ington centennial. 1 - The Pennsylvania law taxing the fran chises of coal mining corporations -three cents per ton, has been declared unconstitu tional and will be appealed. i Advices from San Diego, Cal., report outrages by Apache Indians. Three men, with a pack train, and a mail rider were killed. Troops recovered the pack train. A dispatch from Havana says "Sharkey is there. ' He slipped his handcuffs ten times during the journey and once attempted to jump overboard, lie is greatly depressed orjll NIGHT REI'OKTS. NEW IfOHK. 3Ionster Benefit for Dan Bryant's Family How It Is to be Managed ' Haytlen Advices. t j New Yoke, April 15. Canadian dispatches report the general opening or navigation alODg the bt. .Law rence river. -"" f , A monster benefit for the support and ed ucation oi Dan iiryant s children is to take place on the 29tb, af each place of amuse ment, the gross-proceeds to be placed in the hands of Travers, Belmont and Duncan for investment to meet the object. One thousand dollars has been donated by the managers for the Immediate wants of the family. V: . Kingston advices say the cause of, the meeting of laborers was the burning of lields by sparks from a locomotive. The supposition at the time was that the labor ers had fired tbe estates. All is quiet now, and the gunboats and troops have returned to Port Royal. : ! . Hay tien advices report much disturbance. Several parties have fled to the English and American Consulates for protection, where they remain safe from arrest by the govern ment. I- ' Fullerton is sick and the Tilton business has been adjourned to Monday. LOUISIANA. Iteporc of the Committee on Elec tions Acquiescence of the Ousted members in tbe Award, 4c. , ' i New Orleans, April 15. QThe report of the Committee on Elections, emuooying tue terms oi tue award, was adopted in tbe House by 82 to 15. Most of me memuers uispiaceu made ppeecues, in- t mating their ' acquiescence. Mr. Poin dvxter, of Assumption, one of the colored memocrs ousted by the award, said he had ti.e s if.staciion in giving -up hia set to - know that his old master, who had always tw.u just aud kind, wduld take ii. This wi. au honor which did not occur, every - -- 'l - s . " ! he joint resolution, recognizing the Kellogg government and pledging members t tu 'purl" the efforts of the Governor in tbe : tine ot reform and good government, was a hipted by the House by 89 fo 18. The firtt race ' to-day, u sclfiug race, one mile and a quarter, for the cliib purse of $100, was won by Century, wiih Mary bt-cond and Tom Leathers third, beating Mildew, Stone's b. f. Bob Britlon, .CbiiV Doyle, King Amadeus and Capt. Header lime 2:l W AKIUNGTON. Tbe Atlanta Postnaastersltlp, Ac. Washington, April 15. - Conley's bond as postmaster at Atlanta, lias been forwarded for him to fill ud. Gov. Bard claims that the people of Atlanta pre fer him. Both the , President and Post master General say if the people of Atlanta prefer Uov. Kara, tley eao have bin?. ; ; ' McAdoo has been appointed postmaster f.t Jefferson. Texas. v . Mj. A. E. Bates, tecectly appointed pay- intisu-r m me army, iiasneeu ordered to dul y in the department of Texas. ' i lie aisoursements or the Atlanta post (ifTlce. durinsr Rarfl'n ndminktrnlian vwo over $900,000, Instead of $90,000, as'stated j chui uay, I- Office of Chief Sienal Officer. Washington, April 156:35 P. M. Probabilities. .: - Tot South Atlantio States and Tennessee, partly cloudy weather, southwest to north west winds, stationary or falling tempera ture and slowly rising barometer daring Friday, . , , , ULECTRICNPARKS. The specie in the Bank bf France has de creased 700,000 francs. - . A Montreal telegram says the Detroit and Milwaukee R R has beeir placed in the hands of a receiver. : ' r OOJUKSXIC MARKETS. - New 1'okk, April 15. Noou. 1 Financial. Stocks quiet Money 3 13 cent: Gold opened at 1154 and closed at 115. Sterling exchange long $4 87; short $ 4 90J. Gov ernment securities are steady. State bonds are quiet. . Commercial. - Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat quiet and favors buyers. Corn is quiet and un changed. Pork quiet at $20 25. . Lard firm steam 15f cts. Spirits turpentine firm at 38 cents. Rosin is firm at $3 1U3 15 for strained. : Freights steady.; Cotton dull, with sales of 900 bales at 16f for middling uplands and 16f for middling Orleans, oales or futures today opened quiet and easy, as follows: May 16 11-32 cents; June 1616 ll-16 cls; July 16 15-16 16 31-32 cents; August 17 cents. New York, April 15 Evening. . Financial Money easy at 23 33 ct. prem. Sterling exchange strong at $4 87. Gold dull At 115ail5i-. Government securities active and strong new fives 1163. State bonds quiet but steady. . Commercial. : Cotton quiet, with sales of 1,660 bales at 16 . cents. Southern flour declining common to fair extra $o lof 5 80; good to choice So 83S8 zo. Wneat opened a shade firmer and closed quiet but steady at $1 85$1 30 for winter red Western, $1 30 fl 32 for amber do., $1 33$1 41 for white Western. Corn heavy and 12 cts. lower, ruling at 92&924 cents for Western, mixed afloat, 1)3 for yellow Western, in) 92 for Western mixed in store. Coffee quiet but firm. ... Sugar quiet but firm. Rice quiet and unchanged. Tallow firm at 9 cents. Kosin firm at $2 10f3 15 for Strained.-- Spirits Turpentine firm at 881 cents. Pork heavy at $22 50 for new.. Lard unsettled and lower. Whiskey firm at $1 14$. Frtights firm. ! Cotton net receipts 463 bales; gross 610 bales. Futures closed firm, with sales of 29,100 bales as follows: April 16 5-16 16 11-32 cents; May IS 11-31 164 cents: June 16 21 3216 ll-16cents; JTuly 16 81-32 cents; August 17 cents; September 16 37-33 loi cents: October 16f16 13-32.cents; cents; November 16 5-3216 7-32 cents;De- cemoer 16 3-1610Jcis; January 16f cents. Baltimore, April J5. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat quiet and lower Maryland $1 25$1 33; amber SI 35S1 37; white SI 25a$l 35. Corn weak and lower southern white 8890cts; yellow yoyoteent8; western mixed 90 cts. Oats quiet. Rye firm at $1 121 15. Pro visions firmer: Pork $22 50. Bacon steady and inactive shoulders yi(my cents. jor- fee strong ordinary to prime Rio, in car- Njoes, iblo$ cents, bugar firm and active at 1010i cents. Lard refined 1516 cents. Whiskey neavy at $1 14$1 13. Louisville, April 15. Flour unchanged. Corn firm at 7274 cents. Provisions firm, with an advancing tendency. I'orR 3ftSS33 ou. liacon- shoulders 9 cents; clear rib and clear 125 la cents. .Laru prime steam lololcts. Whiskey $1 12. Bagging firm at 12f13 cents. , . Cincinnati, April 15. Flour firm. Corn firm at 7275 cents. Pork firm at $22 00$22 50. Lard firm- steam 15i cts; kettle 15&15t cts. Bacon firm shoulders 9 cents; clear rib and clear 1213 cents. Whiskey firm at $1 12. ,7 St. Locis, April 15. Flour in good demand low and medium grades scarce. Corn dull and drooping JNo. 2 mixed 7375 cents. Whiskey steady at si ii. i-orK nrm at Jiacon firm. with only a limited jobbing demand. Lard nominal at 15 cents. COTTON m AUK ETS. New Orleans, quiet and unchanged at l&J receipts 1(54 bales; savannah, dnll at 14. 1515 receipts 486 bales; Mobile, quiet at 15 receipts 70 bales; Charleston, steady 16i receipts 312 bales: Galveston, steady at 15J receipts 750 bales; Norfolk, .quiet and unchanged at 15 receipts ,814 bales; Baltimore, quiet at lbs receipts 159 bales: Philadelphia, dull at l&i receipts 38 bales- Memphis, quiet but steady at loilo3 re ceipts 136 bales; Boston, quiet at 16 re ceipts 37 bales; Augusta, quiet but steady at FOKE1GN EinKKiS. iX)NDOS, April 15 Noon United Stales securities new 5's 103i. Erie railroad shares 271. ', ' The bank rate of interest to-day is fixed at 3-lb per cent below the bank rate. , Bullion in the Bank of England has de creased 19,000.: Paris,; April 15 Noon. , Rentes 63f. 95c. . ' LiVEKPOoii, April 15 Noon. Cotton is quiet middling uplands 8d; middling Orleans 8J8id. Sales of 12,000 bales including 2,000 for speculation and export - i. Sales on a basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middling, deliverable April and May. 7 15-16d. Sales en a basis of middling uplands; nothing below low middling, deliverable June and July, ttyd. ; LATER. . Sales on a basis of middling uplands. nothing below low middling, deliverable M:iy and June, 8d. ' " lhe 8aie80t ctto today included 7.100 bales American. -. ; BreadstulTs quiet. MISUELLANEOUS. ROD c GUN, LATE - THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN A SIXTEEN PA GE PAPER. . DEDICATED to Shooting, Fisuini and natural Bistury. Wilbur F. Parker. Proprietor and Editor. SCIENCE, AMUSEMENT, ADVENTURE AND Field Sport article, by the First Scientists & bpoBTfMBN of America. PRICE. (1.00. 3 Months. S.uo 9 ont&s. (4 Yearly Send for specimen copy, to P. D & QTJN, April tf - West Merlden, Conn. A EttY is complet In all all its appointmeata. and is In charge of one of the mopt skillful workmen ' la the state. All Kinds of Hwdinr executed neatly. War Departmen t. COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKK T. STAR OFFICE, April 15. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Receipts 198 casks. Market dull at 35 cents, with no sales to report. ... ROSIN.Receipts 1,254 ! bbls. Market quiet and firm, - with sales ot 500 bbls No. 2, or E, at $1 80. CRUDE TURPENTINE Receipts C00 bbls. t Salesof 400bblsat $2 55 for Yallow Dip and$l 65 for Hard. Market steady. TARReceipta 285 bbls. Sales of 150 bbls. at $1 55. Market steady. COTTON. Receipts 168 bales. Market dull and inactive, with buyers and sellers apart," The following are the official quota tions; ' Ordinary.. ID cents lb. Good Ordinary 14 " " Low I Middling. 15 " v " Middling 15i : , " Good Middling 15J New TorK Naval stores Marltet. i April 13, 18T5. Receipts to-day 4.036 bbls rosin, 413 do tar, (Without any unusual -buoyancy the tone of the market is, as a rule, favorable to the sellers. Spirits turpentine has moved fairly with full former asking rates ob tained, and holders at the close quite stiff in their views sales of 100 bbls at 37c and 225 do on private terms. Rosins moderately . V . a i. i a r : a A aciive at lormer raies uuu xiuiucis mcoa firm oa all grades, with the offerings not liberal sales of 150 bbls at $2 15 for good in yard and 1,000 do at $1 12fordo afloat. Tar quiet and steady. Pitch dull and nom inally unchanged. The telegraphic advices were as follows: Liverpool spirits turpen tine firmerat 26s 6d, common rosin steady at 6s. London spirits turpentine steady at 26s; common rosin steady at 5s 9d. MARINE. I ARRIVED. Stmr Nortli State' Green, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. 'I CLEARED. .Steamship Rebecca Clyde, Childs, Balti more, A u uazaux. steamship uulf stream, Jones, JNew York, A D Cazaux. btmr North State, Green, Jfayetteville, Worth & Worth. Br Brig Lily, Ryan, London, AlexSprnnt & Son. Bor Brig Tobiason, Cork or- Falmouth for orders, Williams & Murchison. schr D lora Condon, Condon, Bath, Me, Northrop & Cumming. EXPORTS COASTWISE. . New York. Steamship Gulf Stream 4,311 bbls rosin, 5 do spirits, 1 bdl furs, 40 bales cotton, 6 do cloth, 1 do yarn, IB bdls leather. Baltimore. Steamship Rebecca Clyde 898 bbls rosin, 355 do spirits, 111 do tar. 116 dp pitch, 1 do oil, 66 cases tar, 1,054 bushels peanuts, 64 bales cotton, 33 do pa per, 43 do yarn, 5 do sheeting, 2 pkgs mdse, 2 bags dried fruit. I Bath, Me. Schr Flora Condon 237,638 feet lumber. ; i FOREIGN. . London. Br Brig Lily 4.000 casks spts. 883 bbls rosin. ' i Cork or Falmouth for orders. Nor Brig Ara 1,730 casks spts. SHIPPING DIRECTORY. List of VouelR In the Port of W !! mlngton, N. C. April 15, 1ST5. STEAMSHIPS. Benefactor, Wood, AD Cazaux BAlitJUENTlNES. ; Elizabeth Taylor, Proctor, Vick & Mebane Englishman (Br), Parsous, Sprunt & Son . BARQUES. , Amazone, Baltzer, iu Peschau 3e Westermann Amelia Iledwig. Gehm. xj rescb.au oi Westermann Louisa Gehm (Ger), Stewe, Peschau cc Wcstermanc Magenta (Nor), Sundersen, R E Heide Melanthon (Nor), Terstensen, R E Heide Anna (Ger), Sievents, Peschau & W estermann Omoa, Mc Williams, J as Anderson & Co Entracht, Mosweick, E Pesshau & Westermann Fyen, Casponsen, l RE Heide Star or nope, llamann, 4 .., E Peschau A Westermann Sonnabend, Pust,E Peschau & Westermann Lyn, l, RE Heide Forsete (Not), RE Heide I BRIGS. Der Pommel (Ger), Bahm, l E Peschau & Westermann Alkor (Nor),Errecksen, RE Heide Ara (Nor), lpbiasen, xt E Heide Rufus, Chrislensen, R E Heide Nellie Clifford, Hepley, J E Lippitt & Co lleldig, Jorgensen, KEneide Mira, Stor, RE Heide Miletus, Olsen, i RE Heide Da Capo, Flarnes, ' R E Heide Zawia, Ommundsen, 'RE Heide j SCHOONERS. Heleo Rommell, Corson, Harriss & Howell Minnie, Hudson, Northrop & Gumming S G Knight, Pratt, G G Barker & Co Donna Anna, Whaley, Worth & Worth Bessie Dickenson, Dickenson, J E Liippitt & Co Addie Fuller. Henderson, Worth & Worth Annie Burton, HcNeely, Harries & Howell Mary B Reeves, Bracy, Binford, Crow & Co Alary A. Trainer, uskins, dis., master B F Wait, Aylward, Williams Murchison C H Fabens, Keene, J E Lippitt & Co MISCELLANEOUS. , Look to Tour Interest. kimlmi is a Profitable Investment.- The Kershaw Gazette OFFERS TO THE MERCHANTS OF WIL minston and eleewhere. snDerior indncements to advertise their business in its columns. Having a a large and rapidly increasing circulation throughout one of the wealthiest sections on the Wateree river, Hisconsideied amost Valuable Advertising JTIedlum. Advertisers who desire to reach purchasers should adxertiee in the GAZETTE. it is published in Camden, Kershaw Co., S. C, at the head of navigation on the Wateree river, at (3 a year, always in advance. or terms or advertising, &c, address. FRANK P, BEARD, Ed. A Prep'r, Camden, S. C. Bfnov 26-tf THE VINDICATOR AND SOUTHERN WATCHMAN, Newton, W. C. T3USINES8 MEN OF WILMINGTON WILL Ju nna it to he to .thex Interest To AdTcrtleelp tbe 'Vindicator." Which nas a good circulation In Lincoln, Catawba, Burke and Caldwell counties. West, and tot Halifax, S -JVUJ ,r s , muB' "d wortnamptOD, in the Met. iuerai terms onerea to yearly advertltera. ..... 1 ' V. ERWIN, J - . PublUher. WHOLESALE PRICES. t& Our qaoittUODB, it saoaia be understood, rep esent the wholesale prices Konerally. In making up small orders higher prices nave to be charged. , -. ABTICUC8. BAQQ1NQ Gunny.. 15 UUU U1C OUU1VI. ...... Double Anchor 44 A". BACON North Carolina, llams, 9 id..... 16 10 12 0 17 . 13 13 'MX : io . ex 2 50 Bhoaiaers, v jo... Sides, V E.... ....... Western Smoked Hams.. . ....... Sides, ff lb Shoulders,.... Dry Salted Sides lb........ ... ..... Shoulders.......... BEEF On the Hoof................. BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, . Second Hand, each New New York, each. ' New City, each 17 llitf - 6 & 3 23 3 00 8 53 28 8 00 02 20 &3 ' 85. 14 15 17 13 35 21 25. & 8 75 80 BEESWAX $ !b BRICKS Wilmington, Q M Northern.. BUTTER North Carolina, $) a. Northern, a CANDLES Sperm, 9 J& Tallow, 19 B ' Adamantine, g tt ; CHEESE Northern Factory $ B JDairy, cream 3 lb , State, lb..........v COt'FEE Java, 9 B. . Rio, $ B Laguayra, 9 fi. CORN MEAL $ bushel. COTTON TIES fi 10 00 14 00 40 43 15 18 16 86 25 27 1C5 ,7 11 0i DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, $ ydi 1U i ara, w ouncu........ FISH Mackerel, No. 1 . 9 bbL . . 80 & 20 CO (& 9 00 13 60 1150 16 00 8 6C 13 00 7 60 11 CO 6 00 00 no. I, 9 a bbL...-. Mackerel, No.i,9 boi...... Nc. 2, 9 X bbl Mackerel! No. 3, $ bbl.. Mullets. bbl .....7. JS. C Herring, bttl. . .... . Dry Cod, 9 a................. FLOUR Fine. 9 bbl.. Super. Northern. $bbl...... Exua do. 44 M 8 bbl Family 44 9 bbl City Jiilla Supr., 9 bbl.... v Extra, 9 bbl 44 Family. 9 bbl.., Ex. Family, 9 bbl.., FERTlLIZKiiS Peruvian Ouano, 9 8000 s Baugh's Phosphate, 44 44 Carolina FerUiizer,4" 7 44-.-Ground Bone, , Bone Meal, . " 44 Flour, 44 - Navassa Guano, .-.. Complete Manure, 44 44 . Whann's Phosphate 4 Wando Phosphate, 44 Bergcr & Batz'e Pboapb. & a w 7X& 4 50 5-00 6 00 7 00 81-0 0C0 000 .600 6 25 7 25 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 00, 80 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00. 65 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 65 00 6700 70 00 70 00 00 00 WIAJE w to. 17 000 86 GRAIN Corn, Is store, 9 60 lbs 100 Corn, Cargo, 5 ids ; Oorn. i YeL. 19 bnsheL Oats. W bosbel. 80 110 Peas, Cow, 9 bushel uxuitb ureen, w... 7 13 1 35 1 00 8 14 Dry. S fi HAT Eastern. 3 100 2s 0 00 0 00 North Kiver, 9 180 B HOOP IRON 9 ttn..i LARD Northern, 9 D North Carolina, 9 fi.. ...... LMR-9 bbl 110 00 000 CO 15 00 00 & 00 1 65 24 00 22 00 20 00 20 00 LUMBER Citt StxamSawib i Ship Staff, resawed, 9 M ft. . Rough Edge Plank, fM 1 1. .. . West India Cargoes, accordinc ! to quality,! ft Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. Scantling and Boards, com mon. M ft.... .-... MOLASSES Cuba, hhds, 9 gal.. Cub,bbls 9 gal Sugar House, finds, 9 gal. . '? 44 bbls. gal.... Byrup.bbls, 9 gal..... NAILS-Cut, 4d to S0d, 9 keg.. . OILS Kerosene, 9 gal.......... Lard. H eal 27 00 25 00 & 23 85 00 15 00 43 45 31 83 40 4 75 13 I 10 t 00 80 1 10 60 8 25 00 23 00 43 47 35 40 80 N550 0000 145 110 40 150 000 350 22 50 00 00 00 00 Linseed. eal Rosin, 9 gal PEANUTS 9 DUShel POTATOES Sweet, 9 bushel.. . Irish, Northern, 9 bbl PORK Northern. City Mess Thin, 9 bbl....... Prime, 9 bbl Ramp, bbl RICE Carolina, 9 lb...... East India, 9 lb Rough. 9 bush 00 00 00 00 00 00 GO 00 8 00 ' 08 1 20 1 30 RAGS Country, 9 Ot City, 9 fi ROPE 2 ax 6 75 1 15 ei 1.10 8 a n io 10 10 io 5 40C 2 60 6 60 9 60 8 23 00 SALT Alum, 9 bushel.... Liverpool, 9 sack.... American, 9 sack... SUOAK Cuba, 9 To.. Porta Rico, 9 lb.. A Coffee, 8 B... 09 n 9 C 4 B , Ex. C 9 lb Crushed, 9 lb......... SOAP Northern, 9 lb.. .. SHINGLES- -Contract, 9 M Common, 9 M.... ...... Cypress Saps 9 M, Cyprets Hearts 9 M..... 123 6 00 800 i STAVE W. O. BbL, V M... 20 00 00 00 18 00 08 17 x 13 8 60 4 00 1 00 1 75 20 85 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 14 00 10 00 600 600 260 eb. 40 R.O Hhd., SM Cypress, 9 M... ............ TALLOW 9 lb... TIMBER Shipping, S M Mill Prime, fS... Mill Fair, 9 M Inferior to Ordinary, 9 M .. . WHISKEY Northern, gal... North Carolina, 9 gal WOOL Unwashed, 9 Washed. lb RATES OF FREIGHT. Per Steamer. Je To XSTbt YontKi Crude Turpentine 9 bbl 0 45 0 C 0 00 0 35 Tar 9 hbf.. 0909 0 35 0 50 085 Spts Turpentine 9 bbl 85 a 0 00 0 00 75 Rosing bbl 40 0 00 0 00 85 Cotton 9 bale. 2 CO 0 00 0 00 1 25 Peanuts 9 bushel 0 10 0 00 000 0.10 To Philadklthia. Crude Turpentine bbl 0 03 0 50 0 CO 0 60 Tar 9 bbl. 000050' 0 00 050 Spts Turpentine 9 bbl 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 80 Rosin 9 nbl.... 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 50 Cotton 9 bale .. 0 00 2 00 00 2 00 Cotton Goods 9 bale.. 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 75 Peanuts 9 bushel 0 00 0 10 0 60 0 10 Lumber 9 M .... 0 00 10 00 7 00 8 00 To Balttkobb. Crude Turpentine bbl 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 45 Tar 9 bbl.. 000 045 0 00 0 45 Spts Turpentme J bbl 0 00 0 90 0 00 0 75 Rosin 9 bbl 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 45 Cotton 9 bale 0 00 2 60 0 00 2 00 Peanuts 9 bushel 0 00 0 11 0 00 0 00 Lumber M." 0 60 8"00 6 50 60 To Bostox Crude Turpentine ?J bbl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 05 Tar 9 bbl.. , 6 00 0 00 0 00 0 65 Spts Turpentine bbl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 90 Rosin 9 bbl 0 00 6 00 0 65 0 70 Cotton 9 bale 0 00 0 00 2 50 0 00 Peanuts 9 bnsheL. ....I 0 00 0 00 0 13 0 10 Lumber 9 M I 0 00 0 00 11 60 12 WIIiItllNGTON JIIONEY BIABKET. OeBRXCTXD DAILY BT fHX BANK 0 KXW HABOTBB, I. H. GRAINGER, PRESIDENT. BUZ IMS. ..118 ...1C6 BXLLIHO. 116 118 disc't 44 44 " Gold ..... ..................... Silver. Exchange (stent) on New Yotk. Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia. ....... Western Cities Exchange 30 days 8 cent interest added to above, Bank of New Hanover Stock, (Par 25) 28 First National Bank. . . . 100 9 Wilmington Building Stock, 101 110 mecnanics' Navassa Guano Co. 44 N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coui ...21 ...15 ...14 ...12 ... 5 Do. Funding 18 Do. 44 1 868 ; Do. New Do. Special Tax... Do. to N. C. Railroad ..43 W. A. W. R. R. Bonds 7 cGold Intl. 90 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 Sc. .70 Wilmington City Bonds, 8 Sc. ....... .70 44 44 7 Sc.. 85 44 " . ; old 6 Sc.... .96 ' 44 new 6 Sc...65(GoldInt) " 8 $sC. ... ... .80 1 " 44 ) iew nanover uomnty jsobos iiu years), 6Sc(Go.d Int.) 75 W. & W. Railroad Stock 68 North Carolina R. R. 44 .......80 C C. Railroad 44 ... 01 Wil. Gas Light Co. 44 ......79 WiL A Seaside R.R. 44 ..... ..00 MISCELLANEOUS. The Raleigh News, DAILY A ND WEEKL Y, PUBLISHED BY & UZZELL. TEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF JLS the State of North Carolina to the success of the Conservative party, the development of the hid den wealth of the State, tbe inviting emigration in to our midst, and advancement of tne welfare of our people in everything that serves to make a State prosperous and independen 1 Its - ADVERTISING COLUMNS will be found of great advantage, as both the T)b!1v and Weekly circulate largely In every portion of the oinio. xvauss moderate. SUBSCRIPTI6N RATES: " " Daily, One Year , 7 08 ' Wvskly,One Year..................... 09 Subscribe for 174. , . STONE St UZZELL, Cfani-tf Proprietors. MISCELLANEOUS. Silver Cups, Seal Rings And Patent Keys, just received at GEORGE HONNET'S, mar 21-tf 53 Market: street. THE STAR, Published at Marion, S. C $3 a Year in Advance, Offers the following liberal premiums to sub scribers: ' t. . . - A HANDSOME ENGRAVING (19X14 in.) to single subscribers. . AN EXT K A COPY OF THE STAB for one year to any one who will send a Club or Fivk subscribers, ana an Engraving to each member of tbe Club. A LADY'S MOROCCO SATCHEL! OR SET OF GOLD STUDS, each valued at $7 50, to any one sending a Club of Fifteen. TEN DOLLARS IN GOLD for a club of twenty- live. - - TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS IN GREENBACKS for a Club of Fifty. FIFTY DOLLARS IN GOLD or a Club of One Hundred. AN ELEGANT FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Wilcox & Gibbs, worth $30 for a Club of One Hun dred and Fifty. . With a little energy and enterprise, fome lady or gentleman in every neighborhood might get one or more of the handsome premiums effered. Premiums promptly paid on receipt of names ac companied by the cash. Monet may be remitted by draft. Post Office order, or in registered letter at our risk. Address all letters to W. J. McKERALL. Edilor. dec 15-tf Marion, S. C. The Totocco Leaf & Cotton Plant. CIIARLOT1E, N. C. Terms or Subscription: One copy, one year....... 00 .... 1 CO mx montns... CLUB BATES: Six copies, to one address, one year $10 CO Twelve copies; to one address, 1 year. ........ 20 00 Rates of Advertising: Ten lines, or one inch, to constitute a sanare. One square, first insertion $1 09. Each subsequent Insertion 50 cents. J. R. M0SBIS,' Editor and Proprietor. Largest Circulation of any Trade Organ in the Southern States. dec 22-tf Christian Advocate, BALEIGHy N. C. Rev. J- R Bobbitt, Editor & Publisher. ESTABLISHED IN 1855. Has the ' , Largreat Circulation lu the State. Devoted to Religion, Literature, Science, Art newB, ana uenerai intelligence. Tbe Organ of tbe N. C. Conference of tbe m. E. Church, South. It has its support, and the continued aid of its Ministers, (all of whom are agents) towards increas ing its circulation. We oner no premiums. The Advocate stands npon its intrinsic merits. While it is Methodistic in doctrine, it will contain news from all Churches, so as to make it a welcome visitor to the intelligentreaders of all denominations. its wide ana increasing circulation makes it a Most Excellent Medium for Business Men Ucnerauy. r ZW Terms.2 00 Der annum, in advance: l 50 for six months - f eb 14-tf THE LANDMARK; PUBLISHED AT STA TES FILLE, IREDELL CO., K C. IS THE leading Newspaper in Western North Carolina it is the only Democratic Paper published in Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest coun ties in the State and has attained a larger local circulation than anv Darier ever heretofore published in the county. Its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle ghany. Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is larger than that of anv two DaDers in the State combined ; and is rapidly acqHlri g a strong foothold in Forsythe, l: "I .1 . t.1 i It is the only paper in Western North Carolina that employs a Regular Canvassing Agent, and thus kept constantly before the people. Under this system a rapidly increasing circulation is the result, making the Landmark THKBESTIADVKflTlSING MEDIUM IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, -dec-tf 'LANDMARK," Statesville. N. C. The Savannah Advertiser, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY AT S A V A.N. N GEO. N. NICHOLS, Proprietor. A II. G A . P. W. SIMS, Business Manager THE Advertises is a live, comprehensive news paper, publishing the latest News and Market Reports from all parts of the country, particular at tention bein? civen ta Bamniuh'a Tjvnl and fnm. mereial Affairs. IN POLITICS the Advebtiseb will be a bold and fearless exponent of the Democratic Conservative Creed. to AnvrrRTTsurR mnriu ,.,nn.o. .... offered, our large and increasing circulation render iug me ouvjEKTissB a vaiuaDie aavertismg medium. . TERMS. Daily 1 Year 7 00 44 -6 Months. 8 60 3 Months. 75 Weekly 1 Year..'. l 60 Agents wanted in every town. Sample copies free on application to this office. fsept29-tf "Tbe Kortli Carolina Arps . - A WEEKLY, FAMILY AND POLITL CAL NEWSPAPER. 17. Knight & Son, - - , - Proprietors. WADESBORO, N. C, TTAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION JL than any paper in Anson county. Established In 1843, it is the only official orsran of Anson. Mont gomery and Stanley counties. It is the only reliable advertising medium in Anson county. Terms reas onable Every merchant and business man should nave ine Annurv The Piedmont Press, HICKOKY, N. C, TS THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN CA- jl. law oa county, ana nas an extensive circulation uiercuiuits, larmere, ana ail classes or busi ness men in the State. The PRESS is a WIDE AWAKE DEMOCRATIC PAPER, and In AflPRirahlATnArlfnm tn..J.jw4lnt..nr ... North Carolina. Liberal terms allowed on yearly Suoecriptioii $2 La advance. Address . . , MURRILL & TOMLINSON, mar 26-tf - Editors and Proprietors. Butter. Cheesfe, &c. "VTew lota of Mountain and Goshen Butter, Cream i vuccbo, utru, vracsers. eoap, c. ' - For sale low by. npr Jl-tf EDWARDS & HALL. 45. ARKET BROWN & WE STILL CONTINUE TO SELL AT OUR FORMER LOW PRECES. NOTWITB STAN DITTO the advance in the markets, and as a substantial proof submit the following list of prices : Coats' Spool Uotton 6 Uents a bpool, or 70 Cents fer Dozen, j Unbleaehed Cotton from 6 Cents Per Yard. . 33 Inch Fruit of the Loom 11 Cents Per Yard. I ' ; . 36 " " -, . " 12 36 " Wamsutta 16 New Spring Calicoes, Best Quality, 1 0 Cents Per Yard. Ladies' Ruffs, for the Neck, 6 10 Cents, wortbj 25 Centsa bargain. It would be a GREAT SAVING to those visiting the City for the purpose cf doinz their thonuln i. n. Dry Goods line to give as a call PREVIOUS TO MAKING THEIR j PURCHASES. We take this method of advertising prices for for you to compare tiem. with not onlv WttrHwn., ... a Vicinity, but those of ANY SECTION of the Country. We have no time or inclination to buuon hole DDsiaess, and we propose doing that in a legitimate I. SBYEEAIj 100 Dozen Kid Gloves for 50 Cents Peri Pair, Worth 1 50' Ladies' Hemmed Pure Linen Hdkfs 15 Cents, Worth 25 Cents SO Pairs Blanket $3 OO, Worth $4 50.f ' . . - i i . i ... . " We Have Got Everything We Advertise ONE PRICE. TERMS March 7 tf G ly d es lS ew Y o r k and B ost o n Lines. VIA. WILMINGTON N. C. Fast Freight Route to N E W YORK. jTEW YORK AND WILMINGTON 8TEMSIHP CO.. 6EMI-WEESLY, BAILING FROM NEW, YOIJJi Wednesday and Saturday) at 3 P. M., FROM WILMISGION, . .... Wednesday and Satkrday. BOSTON AND FALL . . ... . NEW YOEK AND WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP COMPANY, OLD COLONY EA HE 0 AD, AND STEAMERS DAILY BETWEEN Boston and Rlewl York SEMI-WEEKLY Between New York and Wilmington, Wednesday and Satuaday, from each port. , Shippers may rely upon the prompt and Regular Sailing of these Steamers, and quick dispatch, civen 1 o all Shipments by this Route. i " N O DELAYS. Connecting at WDmington with the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, Wilmlneton and Weldon Railroad, the Carolina Central Railway and Cape fear River Steamers. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING GIVEN TO AND FROM ALL POINTS IN NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. ALSO TO j j , New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River ocd other Eastern citics. RATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE AND TIME AS QUICK LOifSFH . OR OVERCHARGES PROMPTLY PAID. " 31 ABET ALL GOODS VIA CLYDE'S WILMINGTON LINE. Further information apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line D. D. C. MINK, . ' WM. P. CLDE & CO., General Agents. General Eastern Agent, 29 Devonshire Street, Boston. Baltimore and Southern Steam Company. VIA. WILMINGTON, Fast Freight Route to BALTIMORE. ' Baltimore and Wilmington Line Semi-Weekly, Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday and Friday, at 31P. Jtt AND FROM WILMINGTON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. BOSTON AND PRVIDENCE, Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Baltimore, Boston and Providence Line or Via. Canal Daily to Philadelphia and CLYDE'S PHILADELPHIA AND PROVIDENCE LINE. an S&TCwsXVte." PMpt and Re S these Steaiers, and quick dispatch give to THROUGH BILLS OF LADIMG GIVEN TO AND FROM ALL POINTS IN JNORTH AND SOUTH '. CAROLINA, GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. ' ALSO TO Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, Providence and other Eastern citips ! T?t u,n'..lj , u any other Route and tlmeks Quick. Losses or Overcromtly te8 Guarftatced br MARL ALL GOODS VIA WILMINGTON, STEAMERS. JL " For further Information apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line. : EDWIN FITZGERALD, Agent Baltimore Line, 50 South gt Baltimore. 1 mar 18 tf A. D. CAZAUX. Airent MUmnr. iJ w. J t i , . . J . ZT. NOTICE. rpHE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY INVrTlTO THK FAPt'tttat THF iisWrntSKte delphUw'YorosD Wilmington and all Eastern Cities TO CHARLOTTE, STATESVItLE, SHELBY, Rutlicrfordton, Aslieville, Greemille, Spartanburg, Western Norjhtt Line. North Carolina and an1dnK.,., BuWing - opon .ppuuon ap3-tf The Western Expositor ASHEVILLE, N. U. : W. H. Malone, - - - Ed. & Prop'r JJAS ; THE LARGEST CIRCULATION Western Northern Carolina. " vertise!hC PapCT f r b(WiBe-8? mcn. ' which to ad Specimen copies mailed on application. - ' ?fSSS EXPOSITOR OFFICE, , nov29-tf - Aheville.N?f. STREET. . 45. R O; D DICK. M v i . way. . i - ' , " . ctob LOTS, Such As, CASH. JSTO SAMPLES CUT. BROWN &! RODDICK. all Points North or South, RIVER. CONNECTING WITH TnE r New York Line. . . -r . '. J - 6 Bowling Green, New Yoik. A. 'B. GAZA tjX, Agent, i v , Baltimore and New York Linep, Wilming'toD, N. C. Transportation N.-0. all points:North or South. fniLADELPHIA. - , - Baltimore and Wilmington Line Semi-Weekly, X Between Baltimore and Wilmington, Baltimore and Philadelphia St Bt, Co. Daily Via. Canal, - . . Between Baltimore anoPhiiadelphia. I WESTERN CITIES. Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Northern Centrai Railroad and the BalUmore and Ohio Railroad. i ...i' I " .ptc ivn ianes, Wilmington, 1. V. Carolina Central Railway, General Freight Department, WILMINGTON! MARCH 31st, 1875. to.the uudersigned.! Office In Bank of New Hanover " . viiajvrk., uenerai jrcigni Agen STIIiL AHEAD!- V k -, - : DESIRING TO PLACE A WIDE-AWAKE, LTVK and progressive newspaper in the hands of every qualified voter in Robeson and adjoining ceun ties we will fend the ROBES O f X A N To all new subscribers at the following rates: .1 Copy. 40c;i Copies, 75c; 8 Copies, $1 00: 10 Copies, i 60; 1 Copy 8 Months, 75c; 1 Copy tf M2nt1 Mi 1 Py 18 Months, $8 60. , Bend stamp for iBeclmen copy.