THE HORIIIITG STAR. PUBLISHED DAILY, BT iuwa or BUB80BIPT10H ik advance: 0n year, fm postage pa .... Six months, , ( m - ) , . reemnhthfU - ::::::::: f 7 00 4 00 5 25 1 00 fn ntv Subscribers, delivered in any part of the tt Fifteen CenU per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months in advan cc i ' The bursting of a dam in "Wrentham, Mass., did considerable damage to property on Mill Rifer. Snow in Norfolk and cold weatBcr all over Virginia and the Northwest. A Receiver lias been' ap pointed fori the Northern Pacific Railroad. gljip iornwallis wrecked off Pitcairu'a Isan j 4 King William has signed the bill withdrawing grants from Catholics. sir Edward Thornton will give his de cision in the Bogdad Mexican claims as umpire in a few days. Forty or fifty thousand people are reported to have cen tennialed at Lexington yesterday. Bloody affray at Hawkinsville, Ga. Chicago Aventists prepared to leave the world last night " New York markets: Cotton, 1616i; rosin; $2 103 15; Fpirits turpfentine, SSi cents; gold, 115 j Mexican raiders are burning ranches and the people seeking'refuge in the towns, f , . - . ' .. This bitter cold reported by tele graph froqi point's in Virginia and the Northwest is remarkable. At Rich mond yesterday the thermometer was i - ' 8 degrees below the freezing point. There was snow at Norfolk, and even as far Souih as Weldan, in this State. Great destruction of vegetables, fruit and other crops is reported already. Vauee' Slietelica About to Appear In ' fa JVeat Volume. ; Norfolk Landmark. ... ; Weurint in auother colarnn an ad vertisement ' of our own, which, we think, deserves something more; than a "local notice." In it we announce to the public at large, and .especially to the people of Noith Carolina, that by the middle of May, and not later than that date, we confidently expect to offer fov sale the "Sketches of North Carolina," contributed by" ex Gtfvernor Vance to these columns. They; will be produced in a handsome octavo volume, which will be elegant ly printed on tinted paper. To the sketches, as originally published, , we shall 1 add several other pa pers from the same gifted pen, which have never before been given to the public, and we have every rea son to expect a brilliant suceessjn our adventurei The Sketches, of which we speak, have dose more to popu larize the History of North Carolina, perhaps,' than all the learned and laborious" works which have been given to the public, and in saying this, we are not guilty of injustice to the historians of the State, whose labors, we-jfuily appreciate and ad mire. Vance's papers have been es sentially r popular. He wrote them iitrrentecalamo for the columns of the Daily JLaridmark, and ignored, ou a .ound theory,: the more ponderous treatment, land elaborate details pf the annalist or historian. But, in doing this, he ;has still preserved the fssential falcts of Carolina's history; lie has grouped those in a masterly manner, anid through the whole per formance, hasty as it was, he has shown an affluence of resources and a warmth of jeolorihg which render bis successive pictures worthy an endur ing place in our literature. It is in tiiis belief that we have collected them, in the volume now in press, and in offering this to the public in a cheap and attractive form, we feel ilm we are not only illustrating our own enterprise, but that we are per forming a duty to the State of North Carolina, whose name and fame are so dear to ;the heart of the distin guished aiithor of the "Sketches" of which we speak. j . f . The Cold., Norfolk Virginian. There was a sudden and severe change in the temperature on. Friday night, and yesterday morning it was ascertained that the " cold lipp'd frost" had not only kissed the waters while they jslept, but had also hipped the early vegetables to a mournful extent. From all directions , of the trucking region came tidings of woe. : The tomatoes and cucumbers were all killed. and the strawberries, potatoes and peas were more or less hurt. Mr. John T. Griffin , in Western Branch township lost twenty-five thousand . tomato plants, besides other ; stuff. The potato patches looked very badly scorched ini every direction. It is said the fruit was not much;: damaged unless it might be the pears. Yeeter day was .very cool ail day,and the truckers we' conversed with were very apprehensive of further disaster from trust last night. A heavy frost at this time would ruin the fruit and trucK prospects for the year and be a loss to the farmers of this section .of at least a million of dollars. Ow ing to the backward season at the -fr'-orih our truckers were hopeful of a 'iosi aouudant and . prohtable year. i the 13tl of last Aprihour truck- . !"g interests were irreatlv prostrated about here by a severe freeze, and we earnestly trust there may not be a repetition this reason to further re tard the peculiar productions of this .., Kii.. ' . 1 - ...... - . t"uuim section. Danville News. "J Persons in t.liia vimnitv who hav vxatnined the blossoms of the peach trees which lareJu bloom, report that most of the fruit has been killed by the' cold snap. - Should it continue for a day or two longer, no doubt the whole fruit crop of this section will be destroyed. ' 1 HE VOL. XVI.--NO. 26. Thelnmrince at Charlotte. - The insurance companies, so we learn by a special telegram furnished to the Richmond Dispatch, lost the amounts annexed at the great fire at Charlotte last Friday: , German American, New York, $10,000; Man hattan, New 'York, $10,000; Frank lin, Philadelphia, $5,000; Home, New York, $5,000j Continental, New York, $10,000; North British, London, $20, 000; New York Underwriters', $7, 000;Etna, Hartford, $10,000; Phoe nix, Hartford, $6,000; Hartford, of Hartford,- $1,000; Niagara, New York, $7,000; Fireman's Fund, $2, 500; , North America, Philadelphia, $2,500; also, $25,000 in joint policies taken; the Richmond and Dan ville Railroad Company and the owners or the compress-machine on cotton in Richmond comnanies: names not known here. It has been ascertained that only 2,000 iales jof cotton were burned. : ! The Raalls. , The mails will close at the City Post-Of- fice until further notice as follows: -U d Northern (night) mails daily.... 6:15 P. M. 1 turougn anu way aay) ; i mails dailv s-an A TW ; Southern mails dailv. . .... n-Mi P M Ouarleston direct dailv. R-on A M Columbia nisrbt . . 5KX)P. m" Augusta " j " . . 5:00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. K'y). . . 5:30 A. M. Smithville (via Easy Hill and lown creeK) luesaays and Saturdays Rc(i A M Fayetteville, and offlceson Cape . !- rear uiver, juoudays and ' '' Fridavs .. . : 1-noP xr Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, dailv 5:30 A. M Onslow C. H. and intermediate n offices every Friday.. 6:00 A: M. Mails delivered from 7 A. M. to'7 P. M..- ahd on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30; A. M, Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 P. M. ; Money order or Register Department open same as stamp office. : " I NKW AOVEHTlSKSlUNTSa I Mcxson & Co. We have got them, j S. W. FicKLiN. Thoroughbred Horses. U eixsbebger. Blank Books. ! Seb Admertisement"'LosL" i Local DOU. - -.: :;! ' We learn that there was a heavy fall of snow in Weldon on Sunday last. - Judge Kerr conducted prayer meeting at the First Baptist Church of this city on Sunday morning last. i For the information of those who do not know, we state that Sunday was a very eold day for the season. u We leara that on Sundav some of the firemen lost all their admiration for "beautiful bell(e)s" of the ding dong sort. We announce again that mar riage and obituary notices are charged as advertisements, and that those received by mail wiil not be inserted unless accompa nied with a responsible name. Iu consequence of the pedestrian feats recently performed by the manager and some of the operators in the telegraph office here, that establishment will hereafter be known as the Weston Union office. i Notwithstanding-the numerous fires we had day before yesterday, the city seemed, to be extremely! cold. Scarcely anybody got warm except the firemen, and that was only because they werej!re-men.; The drawing of ihe Greensboro JLottery, which was to begin at 8 . o'clock last evening, was postponed until 10 o'clock A. M. to-day, and in ten minutes thereafter, we expect to be editing the Benbow House. The Centennial Execjtive Com mittee for New Hanover county will meet at the Cape Fear Club- Rooms this evening at 8 o'clock. Delegates f from organized bodies contemplating attending the cele bration are requested to attend. r ; ; 1 The revival at Front Street M. E. Church still continues, land as a partial result of the meetings held the past week five persons were baptized and eight re ceived into church membership in the pres ence of a very large congregation on Sab bath morning last. : . We have been requested to call the attention of the city authorities to the fact that boys are In the habit of running, chasing and stoning cattle in the street, which should be stopped before damage is done to the private property of our citizens or some one maimed or injured by stones thrown. . 1 -j-: . - : - -. ; Superior Conrt. The above tribunal convened in this city yesterday morning, Judge Kerr presiding. There was the usual array of spectators and suitors in attendance. We observed the very beneficial change in! the interior ap pearance of the Court room. It has been entirely cleaned and renovated and a new carpet has been laid upon! the raised floor inside oMhe rail,, while the portion of the room reserved for spectators has been pro fusely sawdusted. ; j ' The follo wing persons compose the Grand jury: R. G. Ross, Foreman; E. J. DeBer nia, Ben j. Labor, Thomas Miller, Allison Alderman, Samuel Nixon, E. F. Martin, John Pearson, John Loftin, Robert Russ, Herman Tietgen, Robert Willis, Benjamin Hollis, Isham Quick, J. R Snecden, Alonzo Hewlett", R. H. Hicks, Andrew J. HowelL After the determination of the prelimi nary business f the opening of the Court, the following cases were taken up: . State vs. Margaret Dahmer; for retailing spirituous liquors without a license. Jury out. ' . , ' State vs. John Watson; peace warrant. Case dismissed on payment of costs. - WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY. A Shooting affair. ; ' - It will be seen by reference to the pro ceedings of the Magistrate's' Court, before J, C Hill, J. P., that a defendant, Isaac Hirshberg, was bound over in the sum of $1,000 for an assault with a deadly weapon, with intent to kill. In this case F. W. Hott appeared as prosecutor. "It seems that the case arose outjjf quite a strious shoot ing affair, which took place on Sunday afternoon, in the alley running from Front to Second, between Market and Princess streets. The testimony showed that the prosecutor and the defendant met on Sun day at the time specified in the alley above mentioned, adjacent to a saloon, when the defendant asked the prosecutor to take a drink with him, and the prosecutor politely refused, saying that he had just had one, or something to that effect. . The defendant again asked and the prosecutor persisted in refusing, when the defendant, who it ap pears was intoxicated, brandished a pistol in the face of the prosecutor and cursed him, when the prosecutor struck him one or two forcible blows in the face, knocking him down and knocking the pistol out of his hand. A bystander picked the weapon up and handed it to a colored man, instruct ing him to run away with it. The prose cutor then continued on his way up the alley towards Second street, but the de fendant again securing the pistol followed him and fired one or two shots at him, lone of which would have taken effect but for the fottunate eircumstance of the pursuer's feet coming in contact with a rock, which must have thrown him out of his balance. The prosecutor then fled towards his resi dence, being entirely unarmed, and the de fendant followed closely, entering: the house, and was on his way up stairs to the prosecutors room, "where he had gone to obtain a pistol, when he (the defendant) was stopped by an inmate of ihe house, ejected from the premises and his arrest caused to answer the charges as stated else where. Alarms of Fire. .On Sunday,, about 11 o'clock, the alarm of fire was sounded and was found to be caused by i the accidental burning of a quantity of shavioga in the yard just in the rear of the residence of Mr. F. H Mitchell, near the corner of Orange and Fourth streets. The fire was, however,." promptly extinguished. " Another alarm followed so closely that it was thought to be tae same, but was found on investigation to be caused by the burn-ing-of a tnrpentine distillery, located in the extremejiorthern portion of the city. The distillery was tte property of Messrs. J. R. Blossom & Evans. The watchman upon the premises is of the opinion that the fire was'igirited from sparks from one of the engines on the railroad adjacent, as there had been no work done at the still since Thursday last. The fire department was promptly on the spot, but owing to the com bustible character of the materials, hot a great deal could be done. Messrs. Blossom & Evans lost about $1,800; uninsured. No damage resulted to other' parties that we learn of. . J At about 1 o'clock another alarm was oc casioned by the burning of some shingles on a House near the corner of Fourth and Nun streets, which cairght from sparks from the chimney. - . - ' ' : ' . The bell again sounded at about 5 P. M. which was caused by the burning of a foul chimney on the premises of Mr. Sol. Bear, located ou Red Cross, between Front and Second streets. " , ! It was a fortunate circumstance that the fires located in thickly settled portions of the city were discovered so soon after their origin, or otherwise, owing to the high wind that prevailed nearly all day, serious con sequences must have been the result. Tbe Preabyterjr of Wilmington. The Presbytery of Wilmington met at Hopewell church in Pender county, on 15th inst., and organized by the election of Rev. B. F. Marable, Moderator, and Rev.'S. H. Isler and Dr. L. W. Robinson as Tempor ary Clerks. r The business was conducted very har moniously, and reports from committees of the Various departments vof church work showed in the main, encouraging progress. Rev. J. EL Wilson, D. D., was elected Trustee of Davidson College, Vice Rev. Colin Shaw, who resigned on account of ill health. Rev. Dr. Wilson and Mr. George Chad, bourn, were elected Commissioners to ap proaching General Assembly of the Pres byterian Church at St. Louis. Prof. J. R. Blake, chairman of the Faculty of Davidson College was present, and. ad dressed the Presbytery most admirably on the work and prospects of that institution. Alex. Sprunt, Esq., resigned the Treas urership of the Presbytery,' and Mr. John McLaurin was elected to fiJI the place. A very large number of persons were in attendance at the meetine. and the dele gates and visitors present were entertained with boundless hospitality. . Tax Listing:. We are requested to state that the tax listers will hold their sessions hereafter each night from 6 P. M., until 9P. M., as well as the daily sessions they now hold from 9 A. M. until 3 P. M. All those interested are informed that' Friday at 9 P. M., the listers will close their labors. New Itallroad Agent, Mr. Jno. Nutt, Jr., formerly of this city, and for some time past the efficient tele graph operator; at Abbottsbure, has been appointed agent of the C C. Railway Com pany at that point, vice A. W. Osborne, re signed. Tbe new appointee will doubtless fill the position in a highly creditable man ner. . MOKNIN OFFICIAL VOTE OF PENDER. 2 g 2. 2. g 2. 2.2 g : . .. B Q o 3 a , m : CO BC A " UBOitqudaji 'XMOro is 5 1A w 1-t ' issaaaggg S'SSSiB -J ao o ftS A ' U 1-4 99 M M tmt tu to - d 1 Si ' (h. Buntoo 1 '9JOOH 9 Ql eO Ot CO Ol nijoH "SajOOTji 1 PA I k'. ! M t-i t-. - -BoiSaiqsv trinoS Mi3xng -4 K? noiSumn HOiqsv S 8: "SiuqeM'T. Si Larceny of Ganar. S. VanAmringe, J. P., yesterday caused to be committed to jail in default of bail, Matthew Milton, a colored man, who was charged with breaking open a car at one of the rail road depots and taking therefrom a box of candy. . It appears that officer C H. Strode was in a store on Water street on Saturday night when the defendant came in with the candy in question and at tempted to dispose of it to the proprietor of the store. Officer Strode having his sus picions aroused at one arrested Milton. The defendant made, an affidavit impli cating Yander Smith, also colored, for whose appearance, the proper process has been issued. magistrates' Court Before J. C Hill, J. P. s State vs. Isaac Hirshberg assault and battery.. Fined $10 and costs. - State vs. the same assault on Benj. Skylark. Fined $5 and costs. State vs. the same forcible trespass into a, private residence. ' Fined $15 and costs. State vs. the same assault withi deadly weapon, with intent to kill. Bound over to the present term of tbe Superior Court in the sum of $1,000. To City Subscribers. Beginning April 1, Mr.. Samuel Davis takes charge of the entire' city circulation of The Mousing Stab; and from that dale all subscriptions will be payable to him. He will serve the paper early aod regularly, and hopes all bis subscribers will pny promptly, as he has to meet his engage ments with the proprietor whether the sub scribers pay him punctually or not. if City conrt. ; . The following cases were disposed of yes terday morning: - " . Peter David was arrainged for drunken ness and disorderly conduct. Fined $5 00 and costs. - - Three other cases were continued. v Bishop Lyman's Appointments. - The following are the appointments of Bishop Lyman, of tbe Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina: Saturday, April 17th, Blount's Creek. Sunday, Aprd 18th, Trinity Church Beau fort county. -. ' Friday, April 23d, Sanford. Saturday, April 24th, St. Mark's, Deep River. - , Sunday, April 25th, Pittsboro. Sunday, May 2d, Wllliamsboro. Tuesday, May 4th, Goshen, (Consecra tion.) Collection in each congregation for Dio cesan Missions. City subscribers who fail to re ceive their papers regularly willjplease Jre port the fact promptly at this office. : tf Star APRIL 20, 1875.- Bishop Atkinson Appointments. 1 Apbxl. Columbia.;-;-;-;. ,L: :?v. '.' " 19 Plymouth..... 4 , . ' 21 St. James', Beaufort co. ........ 23 Lake Landing, Hyde co. . T 25 Sladesville, -, . ; 27 Bath ;........ " 29 Zion Church, Beaufort co. " 30 Washington .. . . . ...... . May ; 2 Jamesville.......... , 4 Williamston. . . . . .......... .. " 5 Hamilton " " 6 Scotland Neck. " 9 CITY ITEBls. Book Bitokbt. thi mobnik Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Bindtog and Ruling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and other needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness lathe execution of their orders. - Tbahsrb , Priktinq-Ikks. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having Just received a fresh supply of these inks, we axe pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. . Copt op Testimonial. Hakhibai Mo., May 30, 1874. Messrs. J. fc W. Tolley, 89 Maiden Lane, New York Gent: The 13 Gun which you built for me, No. 2093, has arrived safely to hand. Allow me to thank yon for the fidelity with which you carried out my instructions. The general outline, beauty ef proportion .and excellent finish, are all that could be desired, and more than meets my expectations. I am more than ever impressed with the idea that it is as necessary for a man to have a gun built to meas urement as to have a boot so built to ensure a good fit- The pattern 175 and penetration 40 are very su perior. ; The pattern Is as close as I desire, and the penetration I tbiak Is seldom attained, being far ahead "f any public record which I have seen. Respectfully Yours, - ' G. W. Eobman. if rou Want a Situation," Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Uiri, Want to rent a Store, Want to sell a Piano, Want to sell a Horse, . , Want to lend Money, Want to buy a House, -" Want to buy a Herse, Want to rent a Booae, Want to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding place. Want to borrow Money, Want to sell Dry Goods, " - Want to sell Groceries, : Want to sell Furniture, Want to tell Hardware, Want to sell Beal Estate, Want a job of Carpentering, . ' , Want a job of Blacksmlthing, v Want to sell Millinery Good? , Want to sell a House and Lot, Want to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece of Furniture, Want to buy a second-hand Carriage, Want to find anything you have lost, : Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to Advertise anything to advantage, Want to find an owner for anything Found, Advertise in . TUK MORNING STAR. Spirits Turpentine Wayne Court is in session. Wheat in Cleveland county is looking finely. A post office has been established at Gibson's Mills, Richmond county. . Mr. Caldwell, of the Charlotte Observer, continues ill of inflammatory rheu matism. A Rowan man named Lverlv. Lhas killed a hog weighing over" one thou- sanu pounas. Died in Franklin county on the morning of the 15th, John Y. Jones, in the 83rd year of his age. The Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. for the State meets in Elizabeth City the second Tuesday in May. Mr. John Robinson, of Golds boro, is to deliver his lecture on "Tyndal lism, or Atomism' in Ne wbern on Thursday. Garden vegetables and fruit are all "gone up." What Saturday night failed to kill, the frost of Sunday night completed. So says the Goldsboro Messenger. Raleigh News : Mrs. Carrie B. Norwood, the estimable wife of Captain Thos. S. Norwood, of the Bingham School, died at Mebaneville at sunrise on the morn ing of the 15th ef April. Mr. Stillman, a sewing machine agent, last week had a narrow and thrilling escape from drowning in Polleberry Creek, in the Flat River section. He barely saved his wagon and horse, but his machines were swept down stream. . . - . A man named John Foster Mil ler, said to hail from Cbarlotte, where he had a family, was accidentally run overand killed on the 12lh instant, on the Washing ton branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road.. -,.. . . The Democratic Conservatives of Goldsboro have nominated Capt. J. W. Henry for Mayor. . The nominees for Town Commissioners are r Herman VeiI, Ed.. Griswold, B M. Privett, James M. Hollo well and E. G. Hood. , . Mr. J. E. Radford, of Ilosedale, N. C, died very suddenly Saturday morn ing, of billions colic, at the Peabody Hotel in Portsmouth. 1 The cause of his illness was from eating imprudently on the Bal timore boat On Thursday night. - Goldsboro Messenger says: Two whales were captured below Beaufort last week, one on Thursday and another on Friday.- The last is said to be a huge monster, measuring 85 feed A number of our Golds boro citizens, taking advantage of tbe low rate of railroad fare fixed for the occasion, went down to Beaufort on Saturday. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " Blank Books, NOTE BOOKS. DRAFT BOOKS, . . BULL BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS RECEIPT BOOKS, ' . MEMORANDUM BOOKS Of all kindb, sizes and prices. " LEGAL CAP, FOOL'S CAP, . ; " : " LETTER AND NOTE PAPER, fcc Envelopes by the Slilllon. . For sale by - - - , ' - 1 HEINSBERGER'S, - apr30-tf " Live Book and Music Store WHOLE NO. 2,352. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Belmont Stock Farm. I AM BREEDING "THOROUGHBRED HORSE, from Imported Perchnow Norman Horses and Mare, and from the - . , ; . Black . Hawt BrancLof tie Morgan S TOO IKZ , ; And have of these breed all ages for sale. ALSO FINB BRED SHORT HORN CATTLE, And have Balls from one to f our Tears.also for sale. Also breed-: . Chester White' and Berkshire Swine And pigs now ready for delivery and all at living rates near Charlotte, Va. -apr 20-D8w W4m ' S. W. FICKLE.' We Have Got Them ! 'pHEY ARK JUST MADE UP, AND VERT NICK. COME SEE How Cheap They are Then. ! 23 XT "ST. MUNSON& CO. April 30-tf , ? City Clothiers. . Lost. ON TE3TERDAY, AN ORDINARY SIZED Morocco Pocket Book (much worn and clasped with a wide rubber bana) containing-between $50 and $75 in bills of various denomination and two or three receipts and due bUi npon which was the owners name. The Under will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at THIS OFFICE. . apr SO-lc MISCELLANEOUS. DELICACIES. SHAKER PRESERVES, -KJEMP, DAY & CO'S. PRESERVES, Dundee Jams, PINK APPLE CHEESE, EDAM CHEESE, French Green Peas, French String BcansDuikee's Salad Dressing, LEA & PERRIN'S WORCESTERSHIRE BAUCE, And everything cheice and elegant in Domestic and - .. Imported. Groceries. DRIED PEACHES, APPLES, PRUNES, ' -CHINESE PLUMS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, "Best Bntter in the World." And New Proces Empire FA MIL Y FZ O U E. Cnly sold by GEO. MYERS'. 11 & 13 South Front St. apr 18-tf A COMMUNICATION ! YOU CAN FIND Handsome dress suits at a. david's Fine Prince Albert Coats at A. DAVID'S Nobby Bnsiness Suits at A. DAVID'S The Latest Style Pants at A. DAVID'S A beautiful line of Furnishing Goods st A. DAVID'S Any thing in the Clothing Line at . A. DAVID'S Suits made to order at A. DAVID'S t It you want the style go to . A. DAVID'S Come one, come all, and be SUITED at apr 18 tf . A. DAVID'S, No. 27 Market st Am us erne nts FOR ALL SEASONS! CROQUET SETS, PUT UP IN BOX, CHEAP est ever broaght to this city; Chessmen, Checkers.- I'omonoes; and tbe following interesting and instructive Card Games: Grandmama's Geographical Game; loetical fot t ie; Uame of Authors; . Jaiihet Jenkins and Sally Jones; Sam Slick from Weathersfleld to Paris, &c.; Robinson Crusoe, Queen's Guards; Characters and Predictions; &c, &C All for sale by . CONGLKY & YATES, apr 18-tf City Book 8tere, No. 47 Market St. Just Received. Diamond Eings, Pearl Sets, AT LOW PRICES. GOLD AND SILVER WITCHES. GEORGK HONNETS, 53 Market street.- apr 18-tf Du Pont's Powder, JIFLE, SPORTING AND DUCKBLASTING I AND MINING, In Whole, Half and Quarter Kegs, For sale by -. : mar 31-tf ' O. G. PARSLEY A CO. Flour, Flour, Flour. 2QQ BWsB. W. Floor, tQQ Bbls Bell MiU Floar. - QQ Bbls Princess Royal Flonr. For sale by .. ..; apr 18-tf KEKCHNER & CALDER BROS. IHolasses. Molasses. -. gQQ Bbls. Sugar Ilouee Molasse. ; 200 HhB an 'as8e For Bale by apr 13 tf KEHCHNER & CALDER BROS. flay. Hay, Hay. . Bates a8tern Boy ' " qq Bales N. R. Hay, ' V For sale by apr 18-tf KEUCHNER & CALDER BROS. Bacon, Bacon, Baccn- Boxes D. 8. Sides, Boxes D. S. Shoulders, . -Ri Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders. For sale by : ' KERCHNER CALDER BROS. apr 18-tf ; The milsboro Aecorder, ' THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATS. CIR eulates extensively in Orange and adjoinlna counties. Subscriptioa price $3 60 per annum. Pabliahed weekly. ' i JOHN D. CAMERON, oct9-tf Editor and Proprietor The irxoiiNTif o staix boos niins ERY is complete In all all Its appointments, and Is in charge of one of the most skillful workmen in the State. AU kinds of Binding executed neatly, cheaply and expeditiously. Cue Square one day,i..,. ;.... i o ' !! twodaya,....... i.. 1 t(! !1 three day. .-..... Ct T. ! 'our days........ M - i aveaays 3 (a one week. 8 61 Two weeks Threeweeks..;.. One month.. .. . . Two months. . . Threo Binntiio - 5 GC .. .i.......: . 8 EC - f .-..(.' . . 8 CC - 15 Or i.-. L - f Six aonths..;.'." . ' i Onerpiir ,.$a co , .85 CC t9"Contract A ri vei-t'ia".WvlVt." 'i'.'.'' ' ' V ' "1 50 U tlonatelTlowrater - : Five Sqnarea estimatei as a auarter-column u d ton squares as a half-column. . ' ; MISCELLANEOUS, OPERA HOUSE. - c , -, One Kiglit "Wednesday, April 21. THE FAVORITE 1 CHARACTER COMEDIANS BAKER AND FARE OR. THESE I FAMOUS DIALECT ACTORS AND persona) ors of Male and Female Characters, will appear in their great dramaUo specialties, en titled - .-.j . ... : CHRIS AND LENA, ? - -or- , . - - -." : " german life on the mississippi . Supported by the Talented Dramatic Company from BID WELL'S ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ' i i New Orleans. Messrs. BAKER and FARRON will Introduce dnr-" ing the drama, THEIR GREAT AND ORIGINAL' Songs, Dances and Sketches, Including the New Muldoon Guards, Tim Flaharty. The Little Frauds, The Happy Dutch Pair, Ktc.i Etc. Reserved Seats can be seeared at Heinsberjeer's without extra charge. . . . , AdmissieaasusuaU aprl8-8t First of the Season," LADIES -DESIROUS OF GETTING" FIRST choice In the New Styles j -OF Spring Dress Goo'ds, Can be supplied by calling at J. & TI. Samson's No. 43 Market Street We are receiving daily per Ball and Steamer fresh Installments to our . WELL SELECTED STOCK In all our departments. ,1s J. A H. SAMSON, marSl-tf ! 43 Market street. New Crop Cuba MOLASSES. A.NOTHER CARGO JUST IN WHICH WE J oiler to the trade at DOW FIGURES !ln Hogsheads and Barrels. ' feb37i&wtf BINFORD. CROW A CO. latest Styles. HAVING RECEIVED BY EXPRESS BLOCKS or the latest styles of Hats for Ladies and I hil dren, Mrs. Virginia A Orr lsprepaeed to alter, press and bleach work entrusted to her. Old Boaaets and Gentlemen's Panama Hats made to ... IiOok as Well aa New. For particalars call on or send to MRS. ORR, or Nun, between 3rd and 4th streets. apl5-tr Wanted. SHEPARD being the only Painter that' buys his Paints, Oil, &c, direct from the Manufac turerswhich enables him to do mora woik for ler money than any other, -j SHOP PRINCESS ST. WANTED. 1 BARGAINS IN PAINTS, OILS, IVARNISHE and Colore Brushes, Ac Call on Soepard, ' Princess street, and buy Pure Linseed Oil fer $1 per gallon and other stock m proportion. . apr 181m Hats, Caps, &c. X-iRGE AND ATTRAOTIVB . STOCK AT Wholcfale and Retail at. - - HARRISON A ALLEN'S, April 18-tf City Hat Store. " Pure ColiSoda Water. HAVING LATELY RECEIVED NEW AND 1M proved apparatus and fountains for the matiu t acture of Soaa Water, I am now prepared to furnish this healthy and refreshing beverage for the sum mer, with Fruit and Cream Syrups; and warranted pure. ' - . At S. G. NORTHROP'S April 18-tf f ' Fruit and Confectionery Store. Gents' Furnishing Goods, - ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR SUPERIOR stock of Imported Hosiery: Gents' Bro Half Hose,: Gents' Fancy Cetton Half Hose, Gents' Fancy Lisle Thread Hose; Gents' Linen Pocket HandkerchieSs, Gents' Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs; Gents' Ganze Merino I ndershirts, . Gents' Lisle Thread Undershirts. A handsome supply of itol'd Percale and White Shirts Great bargains to cash buyers. aptfti BOBKOWITZ & 1-PIE. FOR THE ENSUING WEEK - . . At CITIZENS' MARKET, A FINK LOT OF Sampson County Stallfed Beef which I will sell at prices to suit the times. Call and see for yourself. - : - :. rT. A. WATSON, f eb2S-tf f ' Proprietor. - Medical Copartnership, Dr. P- L. MURPHY IS FROM THIS DATS associated with me in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. WM. J. LOVE. April 12th. j apr 13-oaw3w Tu C. C. Parker &- A. H, Leslie. ! . SUCCESSORS TO J. A. PARKER, Painters and Glaziers, at old stand, corner Princess sod Second streets. Are prepared to do all Kinds of Painting, Glazing, Kalsomining, Ac - All orders promptly attended to, and satisfaction Sln. a : . iQ a. . Hay, Hoop Iron, Glue and Sice. 200 BaIe ?rime N ny '" gQQ Bdls Hoop Iron, - I jqQ Barrels Glue, - ' . tJQ Barrels Whole Rkc. , ' - For sale low by apr 18-tf ! WILLIAMS A MURCDf SON. Flour, sugar. Coffee, Cheese. ' gQQ"Barrels Flour, all grades, , 2QQ Barrels Refined Sugar. "JgQ Sacks Prime Bio Coffee. 2 fj Boxes Factory Cheese. For sale low by apr 18-tf ! . WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Bacon, Corn, Syrup, Molasses. 150 oxes S" SWes and Kbunlders, . -Boxes Smoked Bides and Shoulders, 12 000 Bu8llel8 Prime Wnite Com. . QBarrela 8. H. Syrup, i - jgQ Hhds. andBbls New Crop Cuba Molasses. For sale low by ' ap 18-tf ' . ' WILLIAMS MURCHISON. Parasols, Corsets and Kid Gloves. HANDSOME KID GLOVES AT $1. , GOOD; Handsome Black Glove at $1 85, good; Hand tome Parasols and San Umbrellas very cheap: the best Corsets sold in the city for the prices. aplft-tf r BOSKOWITZ A LEIBER. ULstlHers' Supplies. TToop Iron, Nails, Glue and Bangs. For sale low by , iuD W AltDo ixaxa aprll-tf

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