THE EIORIiniG STAB. j PUBLISHED DAILY, BY ; - RATSS Or SUBSCRIPTION IX ADVAXCK on. yeri (bmaJl) postage pa Six months, ( I u Thrdcmoathsf v o - rtiA tnontn, I ......... 11 00 4 00 23 1 00 mn citv Subscribers, delivered In any part of the .Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than S month in advance. -' '-'v-' -v-:-' OUTLINES. Some bf the toasts and speeches at Lex icon, including Gladstone's beautiful let ter are given in our telegraph columns. 1- (jreat excitement in New Orleans over determination of Conservatives to seat certain Members, which "would give them a majority on joint ballot. Packard says the Sjadical Senate will adjourn sine die before i? permits this. Two editors arrest ed in a I Paris duel. Trouble appre hended with the Indians. . Yesterday at opening of Epsom races there was a large crbwd. Dr. Kenealy was arrest ed on a pliarge of libel, but the case was ilismisstid. Night before last the Ad. vcutists of Chicago put on their ascension robes, but not going up, dispersed before inoruiiig. ' Attorney General Wil liams, it is said, will retire be fore long from Hie Cabi net.. - Committee appointed to examine Auditor Clinton's accounts in Lou isiana reported a resolution of impeach ment. : New York Markets ; Gold, 115UJi ; cotton, 16J16J; turpentine, 37 J y roginTia 07i3 12. pirits Turpentine Tie late Methodist festival at Monroe was a success. Amount netted, tjtfia. L ' Recent concerts; and tableaux in Shelby realized $83 for the Methodist church. . ' ,"' : vTie Shelby Aurora will com nieuie tie publication of a senational serial sUry about May 1. - . - Iii Alleghany county, Sunday lie fore the hist, a man named Ross was killed 'by the failing of a burnt tree. The venerable Dr. Drury Lacy preachel in the Presbyterian Church, Ral eigh, last Sabbath, seated on a stool. The residence of Capt. James A Graham; of Graham, (value $3,000) was consumed lust Sunday. No insurance. The Lincolntou .Progress warns the publjic, especially hotel keepers; against h banjo-picking fraud calling himself John M. Brovtn. ' ; ' The Warrenton Gazette sug gests as suitable candidates for the Conven tion, the! uames of lion. YY. A. Eaton and Mr. Pritchard. 0ri Saturday 1st May, there will be a mass meeting in Concord, to take into consideration some definite action in re gard to tjhe approaching Centennial celebra tion. Y T ie State Fair will open ou tbe i2th of October, lasting five days. The notice ia given thus early, says the News, to give contributors and exhibitors time to prepare.. ; " - ; . : Major Montgomery, iu a very sensiblej letter," addressed to the editor of the Concord Sun, declines to allow his name toi be used as a delegate to the State Convention. MrvR W. Allison will allow bid name to be placed in nomination, says the Sum Y Itialeigh N'tics .. In this imma uiiite vicinity the destruction of everything in the way of fruits, early vegetables, &c., is thorough. Nothing spared. Mr. Mahler loses hiaj whole crop of grapes estimated at $2,000. i The loss of others in grapes and strawberries is also large. The railroads from Washington to Charleston via Fredericksburg, Rich mond, Petersburg, Weldon, Wilmington, .Florence, &c., have agreed to return dele gates free upon paying full fare going to the Southern Baptist Convention, which meets in Charleston on the 6th of May. It was resolved in a county meeting at Graham on the 17th, that Ala mance county, snould be represented by a county organization at the Mecklenburg Centenriial. Capt. J. S. Vincent willbe chief arid ; Capt. James A. Graham will be spokesman of the delegation. ... On motion, the Secretaries were directed to ascertain Hs far as possible the names of the sons of 1 (evolutionary sires now living in this coun ty and request them to attend the Centen nial, j. ., ' ftetcs: We learn that the Com missioners appointed by the Legislature to act on behalf of Western' N. C. road have made arrangements satisfactory to all par ties. The sale of the road has been ordered jind the State will become the purchaser at the limits fixed by the act ($850,000), she being in a position to outbid all opposition. As soon as possible after the sale and con firmation thereof work will be begun to push forward the extension west from Old Fort. Penitentiary labor will come user fully into play. - "' In attempting to colonize voters iue Mayor of Kaleitru got himself into a scrape. ; A negro rented a house on condi tion of occupying it according to the pur pose claimed by the lessee. Finding that it was not so occu tried bnt used to assist in colonizing Radical voters, the attorney of the owner ejected the parties by due pro fess of ,aw. The Mayor with a number of ins inencis came to the relief of tbe ousted parties, and a scene ensued; but fiaally tbe Mayor and the persons in the wrong gave in to the majesty of the law. - Warrenton Gazette: Mr. Cnrran, wl-o had charge of Mr. Thos. Flemming's : mm, near Gardeners Church, took his ham ' mer and went down under the large water wtieel to wedge up some of the machinery. This was while the mill was grinding. Soon after his disappearance, the mill stop ped, and an investigation revealed the hor rible spectacle of Air. Curran's mutilated body ground to pulp in the wheels. . His cunning was doubtless caugnt in tne cogs, arid he was found with a knife in his hand. evidently having used it to liberate himself from his perilous position. He was beard to call to his wife, ; but the unhappy lady could not reach him until life was extinct. Mr. Curran -was abaut 85 years old, and leaves a wire and several children. . i Definition of a classic. James Russell Lowell has a paper 'm A orth American Review for April on Spencer, in which is . given this deBnition of a classic: "A classic is properly a book "which maintains it self by virtue of that happy coales cence of matter 3nd style, that innate and exquisite sympathy between the tlio.ugbt.that gives life and the form which consents to every mood of &rac.e ana aignuy, wnicn can De sim ple without beiner vulgar, elevated without being distant, and which is something neither ancient nor modern, always new and incapable of grow ing old." - - . , r VOL. XVI.--NQ. 27. THE QITY7 Ta alalia. . The mails will close at the City Post-Of-fice until further notice as follows: Northern (night) mails daily. .. . 6:15 P. M. " through and way (day) ; mails daily 5:30 A. M. Southern mails daily . . . ;: . .. . . . 5:15 P. M. Charleston direct daily.....;. - 5.00 A. M. Columbia " " night .. 5:00P.M. Augusta " .. 5:00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y) .. 5:30 A. M. Smith ville (via Easy Hill and Town Creek) Tuesdays and -. Saturdays . . . . 6.00 A. M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape - Fear River, Mondays and Fridays ....... .......... 1K)0P M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, dailv 5:30 A M Onslow C. H and intermediate . offices every Friday 6:00 A. M. Mails delivered from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 M-, and from 2 to 6 P. M." i Money order or Register Department open same as stamp office. NICW ADVBRTISEnENTK.' S, W. Ficklin Thorough-bred Stock. W. G. MacRae WU. B. Association. See ad. Grand Pythian Ball." Local Dota. - Ed. Conigland, Esq., was in the city yesterday. . i ' , - lesterday was a mud, warm, seasonable day. ' . There , was no, session - of the Mayor's Court yesterday. Import Entries for' sale at the office of The Morning Stah. -' 3U Twelve persons were received into the First Presbyterian Church on last Sunday. . v i , A ball under the auspices of Germama Lodge, K. of P., willbe given at Apollo Hall to-night. . j Both printing (and ruling done ! in the finest grades of copying ink at the Stab Job Printing Office. tf The last hop of the season of the L'Arioso Clnb will take place, on next Thursday night at Meginney's Hall. ) City subscribers who fail to re ceive their papers regularly.wilplease re- j port the fact promptly at this office. tf News about the Magistrates Courts was decidedly dull yesterday, there not being a single case to vary the monoto ny of stillness. ! - - We are requested by the Cen tennial Subscription Committee to state that contributions for the Mecklenburg eel ebration may be left at the Star office. A daily mail to Smithville is being advocated. This is much needed and we hope to see a successful termination to tbe efforts that are being made to eslab- ish it. .. " : We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to a grand May ball, to be given at Lumberton on Wednesday even ing. May 15 proximo, under tbe auspices of the Lee Cornet Band. Tbe Howard ItellefF. E. Company. It will be seen by the following pream ble and resolutions, passed by the above. named company at a recent, meeting, tbat they have decided not to attend the Meck lenburg Centennial: ' Wilmington, N. C, April 20. At a called meeting of the Howard Re lief Fire Engine Company No. 1, held at their Hall on Monday night, 19th instant, the following preamble and resolutions were offered and adopted: j In consideration of the danger to which this city would be exposed if the larger portion of the Fire Department should go to Charlotte, N. C, in order to attend the centennial celebration on the 20th of May; and in consideration of tbe difficulty of overcoming a large conflagration even with the present full force of the department, exemplified only in last August; be it ; liesolvedy That this Company very respect fully declines the invitation to attend the centennial celebration at Charlotte, on the 20th of May, extended to it by the .Centen nial Celebration Committee. Resolved, also, That the thanks of this Company are due and herewith most heart ily tendered to the Centennial Celebration Committee for their courteous invitation; to the city authorities for the courtesy and consideration shows to this Company by granting the permission to attend the cen tennial celebration; and last, though not least, to the officers of the Carolina Central Railway Company for generously tendering this Company free passage to Charlotte and back. Resolved, That these resolutions be pub lished in the city and in the Charlotte papers.- ' . ' ' Wm. 'Jno. Buhmann, Recording Secretary. New Hanover at the Centennial. By refereqee to the proceedings of the Centennial Committee in this issue it will be observed that , the gentlemen who have the matter in charge,: are taking the neceS' sary steps towards the proper representa tion of New Hanover at Charlotte on the 20th of May, next. It jwill be expected that Wilmington will put her best foot forward on that occasion, aud there, no doubt, she will be called to prove her boasted promi nence as the metropolis of the State. We uhdeistand it is the intention of the committee to furnish badges, representing a centennial soldier, with one foot in a hor net's faest, to tfie members of the New Han over idelegatioq. ; j , , ' ' The citizens will bo doubt observe the 20th ultimo as a holiday, particularly as it has gotten to be noised around, and is de voutly believed by numbers that ". many of us will not have an opportunity of visiting the next centennial. As there seems to be some truth in this view of the case we had better make use of the opportunity to en gage in the present centennial Morn WILMINGTON, ,THE GHEENSBORO LOTTERY. Tbe Grand Drawing at Greenaboro Prlzea Rcaled to One-Sixth A Lynch be rarer Geta tbe Benbow Houae. . Special Star Telegram. Greensboro, April 20. Tbe Grand Gift Drawing Commenced at 10 o'clock this morning. The following are the largest' prizes drawn up to 9 o'clock P. M. : Ticket No. 63549. held by Prior Wood son, of Lynchburg, Va., drew the Capital prize, the Benbow House. No. 98032 drew five thousand dollars; 916, one thousand dollars; 32715, five-hun dred dollars; 34605, five hundred dollars; 94250, two thousand dollars; 21715, five hundred dollars; 1358, forty-five hundred dollars. , , The Drawing wjll be continued another day. j . ' - The Prizes were sealed to one-sixth. . Guilford. Superior Court Trial of Important . Caaea. ' The above court convened at the Court House in this city on yesterday morning. The first case called was that of the Slate vs. the Wilmington and Veldon Railroad Company. This case was an indictment for a nuis ance. Messrs. Strange, London and Nor ment appeared for the State and Messrs. Wright & Stedman and Geo. Davis for the defendant. The , State . charged that the bridge over Fourth street was too narrow for tbe accommodation of the public and was also insecure and dangerous, aud that the R. R. Co. should build a better one. f The R. R. Co. contended that the bridge is ample for the wants of the community and even if it were otherwise, that it was not its duty to provide a bridge or keep it in re pair, v i ' ' ' : The jury brought in a special verdict and the question of law is yet to be decided. The case of the State vs. J. W. Schenck, for a misdemeanor was next taken up. It was ordered by the court that D. A. Smith be endorsed upon the bill of indictment as prosecutor in the case. An affidavit was made for a change of venue, which was not : granted. : The prosecution then entered a not pros. . The case of D. A. Smith vs. James W. Schenck was then taken up. This was an appeal from the decision of the Probate Court on the motion to vacate the order of arrest which was granted by that court, as before reported in these columns. The de cision of the court below was confirmed and the order of " arrest vacated, when the plaintiff appealed, but -the defendant, J. W. Schenck, still remains in custody, by -advice of counsel, owing to tbe appeal of the prosecution. Some other proceedings will perhaps be taken in this case to-day. The following" minor cases were then taken up and disposed of, occupying the time of the court until the close of the even ing session: State vs. James Usher. Peace warrant. Defendant dismissed on payment of costs. State vs. . Mary Davis. .Peace warrant. Defendant bound over for six months to keep the peace and ordered to pay the costs. State vs. Geo. "Wilson. Peace warrant. Defendant dismissed on payment of costs. State vs. Zack Taylor Peace warrant. Defendant dismissed on payment of costs. State vs. ; -I Assault and battery. Guilty. Defendant fined $10 and. costs. "":- I- O-:.:-Tbe Opera Hoaae - Baker & Farron's troupe make their ap pearance in the Opera House to-night In regard to : this company the Savannah Morning Hews says: "Tbe reputation which preceded Baker and , Farron, the great specialty artists, and the fine company sup porting them, attracted to the theatre last evening, on the occasion of their first ap pearance in the city, a remarkably fine audience, the parquette and dress circle being comfortably filled, whilst the galle ries were crowded. - "The new drama, 'Chris, and Lena, or German Life on the Mississippi, was pre sented in a style which carried the audience captiv-f. . '.'Chris and Lena,' . represented respect ively by Messrs. Baker and Farron, were immense, and kept the house shaking with laughter. ',, They are first-class specialty actors, possessing in an eminent degree im itative powers as shown in their dialect. "'Messrs. Wood and AlcDonough as 'George Rawlton' nnd 'Border Dick' was well up to their parts, whilst Miss Hyams and Miss' ' Seabrook proved themselves clever actresses. Mr. Haobeck rendered verv naturally the character of Wolfein- stein,' and Kinlan's 'Lawyer Smart' was capital. Altogether the company is an excellent one, and. Baker and Fairon in their specialties have no superiors. The 'Muldoon 'Guards' and 'Little Friends' brought the house down in tumultuous applause.' To City subscribers Beginning April 1, Mr. Samuel. Davis takes charge of the entire city circulation of The Morning STAR;-and from that date all subscriptions will be payable to him. He will serve the paper early and regularly, and hopes all bis subscribers will pay promptly, as he has to meet bis engage ments with the proprietor whether the sub scrihers pay him punctually or not. tf Unmatlable Letters. The following is a list of qnmailable let ters remaining in the city post-office at this date: Mis3 Ida Norcom, Bolton; Miss Fannie. T. London, Pittsboro; Mr. W. P. Price, Richmond ; Miles Frank's, Newbern, N. C. N. C., WEDNESDAY, THIS CENTEIVNIAL COMMITTEE. New Hanover to be Well Kepreaent- ed at ITIecklenbnre. ' A full and enthusiastic meeting bf the Centennial Committee ' took place last night at the Cape Fear Club Rooms. A decide'd interest was manifested in the representation of New Hanover at the Cen tennial. Delegates were present from the Hook and Ladder and Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Companies, and from the Fifth Ward Independent Bucket Company No. 1. These delegates reported for their re spective Companies that the Hook and Ladder Company would attend in full uni form with their truck, and the Wilmington 8team Fire Engine Company in full uni form with their engine. The Bucket Com pany will attend in full uniform, but have not yet decided to take their truck. - Col. S. L. Fremont, from the Committee on .Transportation," reported that trains would be in readiness to convey all those who desired to go to Charlotte. The fire and military companies will be transported free. The fare for all others is put down to $3 75 to go aqd return. " Mr. F. W. Iterchner offered the follow ing: , j - ' Resolved, That all persons desiring to join the Centennial Club are requested to give their names to tbe Secretary of this Com mittee, Mr. Junius Davis, so that suitable Daages may ne provided for them. Mr, Tr H. McKoy offered the following: Resolved. That this committee request the citizens generally, . to strictly observe the 20th of May next, as a close holiday, and maiau ousiness oe suspended on tint day to enable all who desire, to visit the Cen- tenniHl a: Charlotte. On mou..rt.f Mir. T. H. McKoy, Messrs. F. W. Kercbutr and D. R. Murchison were appointed a committee to confer with Mr James M. Brown! with a view td'gelting ud a concert for the purpose t raising funds. The committee then adjourned. 1 be Tax Listers. . The tax listers will positively close their sessions on Friday at 9 P. M. For the benefit of those who have not yet listed their taxes, we again announce that the ses sions are daily from 9 A. M. until 3 P. M., and every evening from 6 until 9. All those who have not yet availed themselves of the opportunity to list, are required to do so before the close on Friday night, in order to escape the penalty attached for a failure to list. v : -. -. ' "Like tbe JBtoutm that Bloom and ; Die." , ;-' ' t We are sorry to learn that many truck gardents in and near the city were badly injured by the recent cold weather. We pitied one amateur farmer who related that the income from his garden was the only cderyha had; but says he: What beet all was for tbe cold weather to turnip just as my beets were .'getting radisJi, and when I visited my garden in the'morning and saw that I had more ground pease than I had any use for, J consoled myself with this reflection, lettuce pray. Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. : April. Columbia Plymouth...;... 19 21 23 25 27 29 30 2 4 5 6 9 St. James', Beaufort co. Lake .Landing, Hyde co. Sladesville. " " ........ Bath. ........... Zion Church, Beaufort co. . . . . . Washington. May Jamesville. ................... Williamston c il Hamilton , . Scotland Neck. , .. . ........ . CITY ITEMS. Book Butdxbt. thx mobkiho Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling In a work manlike Manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Becelpt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness In the execution of their orders. . '"'v.-r"1;::" '!.' Tkahbtkb Fanrrufs-lNKs. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en daring and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. - Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execut orders promptly and at moderate prices. Copt or Testtmonial. IIans ib al, Mo., May 30, 1874 Messrs. J. & W. Tolley, 39 Maiden Lane, New York Gent. TheJS Qnn which joa trout for me, No. 2093, has arrived safely to hand. Allow me to thank yon for the fidelity with which you carried ont my instructions. The general outline, leanty of proportion and excellent finish, are all that could be desired, and more than meets my expectations. I am more than ever impressed with the idea that it is as necessary for a man to have a gun bul't to meas urement as to have a boot so built to en u e a good fit. The pattern 175 aud penetration 40 are very su perior. The pattern is as close as I desire, and tbe penetration I think is seldom attained, being far ahead rf any public record which I have seen. Respectfully Yours, G. W".,l OK31AN. iF ror . Want a Situation, . Want a Salesman, ' Want a Servant Uirl, Want to rent a Store. , Want to sell a Piano, - Want to sell a Horse, Want to lend Money, Want to bay a Bouse, " Want to bay a Horse, Want to rent a House, - Want to sell a Carriage, Want a Boarding place, Want to borrow Money, Want to sell Dry Goods. - Want to sell Groceries, ... Want to sell Farnltore, - Want to oell Hardware, .;'.:.....:-. Want to sell Real Estate, Want a job of Carpentering, , Want a Job of Blacksmlthing, ; Want to sell Millinery Good, ' Want to sell a House and Lot, Want to find any one's Address, Want to sell a piece of Furniture, Want to bay a second-hand Carriage, Want to find anything yoa have lost, . Want to sell Agricultural Implements, Want to Advertise anything to advantage, Want to find an owner for anything Found, -. - " Advertise In DUB MORNING STAR. ; ' " - - APRIL 21, 1875. -, Biabop Lyman's Appointments. The following are the aDDointments of Bishop Lyman, of the Episcopal Diocese or JNortn tJaroiina: Saturday, April 17th, Blount's Creek. Sunday, April 18th, Trinity Church Beau fort county. - Friday, April 23d, Sanford. : - Saturday, April 24th, St. Mark's, Deep River. - v Sunday, April 25tb, Pittsboro. . :. Sunday, May 2d, Williamsboro. Tuesday, May 4th, Goshen, (Consecra tion.) Collection in each congregation for Dio cesan Missions. fc . " ; : . ; We announce again that mar riage and obituary notices are charged as advertisements, and that those received by mail wiil not be inserted unless accompa nied with a responsible name. . : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Belmont Stock Farm. I AM BREEDING THOROUGHBRED HORSES, from Imported Percheron Norman Horses and Mares, and from the - , Blacl Haw! Branca-. of tie Jorgai stock:, And bave of these breed all ages for sale. ALSO FINK BRED SHORT HORN CATTLE. And have Bulls from one to four vears. also for sale. Also breed - - Chester White and Berkshire Swine And pigs now ready for delivery; and all at living apr xu lhsw W4rn H. W. JflCJi.LlJN. YUjrton BnilAing Association. I?HE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE Wilmington Building Association will be held at (o'd. Library Rooms), on Front street, at 7:30 this (Wednesday) evening. ' -v Cues will be received daring the day at the office of the Navassa Guano Company. . WALTER G. MacRAE, apr Si lt Secretary and Treasurer Grand Pythian Ball. I GRAND PYTHIAN BALL WILL BE GIVEN Jl. under the auspices of Germaaia Lote Ho. k K. of P., APOLLO HALL, TO-NIGHT. Committee of Arrangements : A. C. H. FiNCKXir, John Oldenbottle, Geosse L. Schtttt, H. Latbenz, H. Kokowskt. tST" Tickets can be secured from the Cemmittec f Amngtments. apr 21-lt . ' MISCELLANEOUS. Every Day and When Wanted, Fresh Ground Pare Lapyra Coffee. JAY ASIDE YOUR PREJUDICE AND TRY IT! We know its worth and can Assure the Public of its Perfect Purity. FRESH ROASTED, FRESH GROUND, Strictly Pure Xasnyra Coffee. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 5 & 7 North Front st. ap 18-tf --22 We Want Cash, QR PROMPT TIME BUYERS FOR 500 Packages PL UG AND FINE CUT TOBACCOS AT SUITABLE PRICES BY J). PIGOTT, Tobacconist. April 18-tf Wanted, EVERY ONE TO KNOW THAT I WILL MOVE my Stock of Watches, Jewelry, &c. , To the Store on the Corner of Front and Princess . streets, on the 1st of AprU, where I will open A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF Walclics, Clocks, Silverware and Fancy Gods. J. H. ALLEN. marSO-tf AgeBt-. The Demand for Our $7.50 SUITS M SUC II THAT WE HAVE ORDERED THE SECOND SUPPLY. BO Y' :s SUITS, Fine aesort ment, and very low in price. We have the finest assoitient of CHILDitEN'8 SI'ITS ever before offered in this city. SHRIER BROS, 30 Market St. apr 18-i f Blank Books, VTOTE BOOKS. TtRAFT BOOKS, -IN BILL tOOitS, POCKET BOOKS RECEIPT B O OKS, .-MEMORANDUM BOOKS Of all kinds, sizes and prices. ' ; LEGAL CAP, FOOL'S CAP, ' LETTER AND NOTE PAPER, Sc Envelopes by the Million. For Sale by HEINSBERGER3, apr20-tf Live Book and Music Store. Baldwin Apples, "Jt TESSINA LEMON.S AND ORANGES, - - BEST MORTEN'S GILT-EDGE BUTTER, at tbe lowest retail price. Peach and Apple Butter. A f nil assortment of freeh family supplies always on hand at lowest prices, delivered promptly, apr 8-tf JAMES 6. STEVENSON. Coopers Tools of Every Quality. TRUSS HOOPS, JOINTERS; DRAWING Knives, Handled Adzes, Board Axes, Com nasses. Horse Heads. Doevelllng Machines. Drivers. Setts, Punches, Chisels, Stock Handles, Leveling Planes, Stock, Crozes. &c Tne finest and largest stock and prices that will be sure to -give satisfac tion, can be found at the Old Established Hardware uouse or ' JOHN DAWSON, apr 11-tf - - Nos. 19, 20 and 21 Market St. WHOLE NO. 2,353. MISCELLANEOUS. A fork that Eyery Sportsman Wants. FUR, FIN AND FEATHER, A- QUARTERLY PERIODICAL, DEVOTED TO Field Sports & Angling .. BEING A COMPILATION OF THE GAME LAWS Of all the States of the Union and the Provinces of Canada, with Interesting Articles on Hunting and Fishing, Valuable Notes on Game and Fish, Descrip tive Sketches of the Game Fields and Angling Waters of America, and other Useful Information for Gunners and-Anglers. Teems Single copy one year, fS; six copies, $10; ten copies, $15, and for each additional copy at $3, the agent may retain 50 cents. Sis gle copies be had of all gunsmiths, fishing tackle dealers, or news agents, or will be mailed on receipt of price (50 cents) by - CHARLES BUYDAM, Publisher, 149 Chambers St, New York City. The extent and character of the circulation of Fun, Fin and Featheb renders it one of. ike best adver tising mediums in the country for Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, Carriages, and all kinds or goods and wares pertain ing to the wants of Sportsmen, Those who make the repairing of fine guns a specialty and tbe keepers of hotels for sportsmen at the various hunting and fishing localities, will find it an excellent medium to bring their establishments to the notice of this class of patrons. . . Mates qf Advertising per Annum. One page, $50; half page, $30: quarter page, $20; eighth of a page, $12; sixteenth of a page, $1 April 6 tf DELICACIES; SHAKER PRESERVES, KEMP, DAY & COU PRESERVES, Dandeo Jams, PINE APPLE CHEESE,. EDAM CHEESE, French Green Pens, French String Beans, Euikee's Salad Dressing, ' LEA & PERRIN'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, And everything choice and elegant in Domestic and .. Imported. Groceries. DRIED PEACHES, APPLES, PRUNES, CHINESE PLUMS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, "Best Butter in the World." And New Proces Empire FA MIL T FL O Vli. Cnly sold by GEO. MYERS'. 11 & 13 South Front St. apr 18-tf A COMMUNICATION ! YOTJ CAN FIND Handsome dress suits at a. david'S Fine Prince Albert Coats at A.DAVID'S Nobby Business Suits at . A. DAVID'S The Latest Style Pants at ; A. DAVID'S A beautiful line of Furnishing Goods at A. DAVID'S Anything in the Clothing Line at A. DAVID'S Suits made to order at A. DAVID'S If you want the style go to A. DAVID'S Come one, come all, and be SUITED at apr 18 tf A. DAVID'S, No. 87 Market st. Am usements FOR ALL SEASONS ! CROQUET SETS, PUT UP IN BOX, CHEAP est ever brought to-this city ; Chessmen, - '. Checkers. L'omonoes: and tbe following interesting and instructive Card Games! Grandmama's Geographical Game; I'oeticai rot t ie; tame or Antnors; Japhet Jenkins and Sally Jones; Sam Slick from Wcathersfield to Paris, &c. ; " Robinson Crnsoe, Qneen's Guards; Characters and Predictions; &c, Ac. All for sale by ' CONOLEY & YATES, apr 18-tf City Book Store, No. 47 Market St. Just Received, Diamond Eings, Pearl Sets, AT LOW PRICES. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. GEORGE HONNET'S, 53 Market street. apr 18-tf We Have Got Them ! HEY ARE JUST MADE UP, AND VERY NICE. COME SEE How Cheap They are Then. IB XT "3T. MUNSON& CO. AprU SO-tf ' City Clothiers. Flour, Flour, Flour. 2QQ BblsB. W. Flonr, JQQ Bbls Bell Mi'd Flour. t 300 Princess Royal FJour. For sale by- -apr 18-tf KEUCHNER A CALDER BROS. Illolasscs. Molasses. Bbls. Sugar noasc Molarses. 100 HMsS" n MoaMee' 200 an '8 nta "8sse8 For sile by apr 11 tf KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. Hay, Hay, .Hay. . 2? Bales Eastern Hay, .- 100 BaleN" IIay' For sale by ' apr 18-tf : KEUCHNER & CALBER BROS. Bacon, Bacon, Bacn- Boxes D. 8. fides, fQ Boxes D. S. Shoulders, " " " Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders. For sale by apr 18-tf KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. Tne Ulllsboro : Recorder, THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE 8TATE. CIR culates extensively in Orange -and adjoininn counties. Subscription price $2 50 per annum. Published weekly. JOHN D. CAMERON, oct9-tf v Editor and Proprietor NOTHEB SHIPMENT :T Cold Pressed Corn Beef. . ' . , v , : CHAS. D. MYES St CO., ap 18-tf : 8 t North Front Sv Butter, Cheese, &c. New lots of Mountain and Goshen Butter, Cream Cheese, Lard, Crackers. Soap, Ac. For sale low by nprll-tf EDWARDS A nALU t&ATlCS U ,.4BV LMTlftllM.. i one oay,...; .. i ( twodays,,....... 1 t three tiavs. . m C( .... U - . aveoays 3 W u oneweek ............... s M " Threeweeks.............., etc ,1. Ona month...... 8 a ; months. .-.15 W4 " - .. T,hre months..... ,..,..... Cfl m. SLX months , 85 C9 " One Tear- . . . ni ce niffV???5 . Advertisements taken at propot Uonately low rates. " .- . - Fire Squares estimated as a auarter-column. ai d ten squares as a half -column. - ' - MISCELLANEOUS. OPERA HOUSE. One Night "Wednesday, April 21. THE FAVORITE CHARACTER,' COMEDIANS BAKER AND FARROR. THESE FAMOUS DIALECT ACTORS AND personators of Male and Female Characters, will appear in their great dramatic specialt ies, -entitled ' -1 ! ' ' LIIRIS AND LENA, . . -OR GERMAN LitFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI i Supported by the Talented Dramatic Company from BID TO ELL'S ACADESIF. OP ItlCSIC, New Orleans. " Messrs. BAKER and FARRON will introduce dnr ing the drama, THEIR GRBAT AND ORIGINAL Songs, Dances and Sketches, Including the New Muldoon Guards, Tim Flaharty. . The Little Frauds, The Happy Dutch Talr, Etc., Etc Reserved Seats can be seeured at Heinsberger'a without extra charge. . , - - . . . AdmiSBien asusuaL . ' aprl8-9t "First of the Season," T ABIES DESIROUS OF GETTING FIRST JLi choice in the New Styles OF 1 Spring Dress Goods, Can be supplied by calling at J. & H.. Samson's No. 43 Market Street - We are receiving daily per Rail and Steamer freeh Installments to onr WELL SELECTED STOCS In all our departments. , J. & tt. SAMSON, " mar21-tf - " 43 Marker strntf. New Crop; Cuba MOLASSES." : Another cargo just , in which we offer to the trade at . LOW FIG URES In Hogsheads and Barrels. - feb 87-dAwtf BINFORD. CROW A CO. " Latest Styles. HAVING RECEIVED BY EXPRESS BLOCKS of the latest styles of Hats for Ladles aad t hil dren, Mrs. Virginia A Orr is prepaeed to alter, press and bleach work entrusted to her. - Old Bonnets and Gentlemen's Panama Hats made to Look as Well as New. - For particulars call on or send to MRS. ORR, ot Nun, between 3rd and 4th streets. . , . ap 15-tr . ': , ' Wanted. SHEPARD being the only Painter that buys his Paints, Oil, &c, direct from the Manufac turers, which enables him to do more woik for lets money than any other. SHOP PRINCESS ST. WANTED. BARGAINS IN PAINTS, OIL8, IVARNISHEH aad Colors Brushes, &c Call on Soepard, Princess street, and buy Pure Linseed Oil for $1 per gallon and other stock in proportion. - apr 18 lm Hats, Caps, &c. JJiRGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK AT Wholcp ale and Retail at. ' - v HARRISON & ALLEN'S, . April 18-tf : . .. " ." Cily Hat Store. Pure Cold Soda Water. HAVING LATELY RECEIVED NEW AND IM proved apparatus and fountains for the manu facture of Soda Water, I am now prepared to furnish this healthy and refreshing beverage for the sum-' mer, with Fruit and Cream Syrups; and warranted pure. r - - At ,S. G. NORTHROP'S April 18-tf ' Fruit and Confectionery Store. Gents' Farjiialiiiig Goods, : ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR SUPERIOR stock of Imported Hosiery: Gents' Bro Half Hose, . Gents' Fancy Cotton Half Hose, Gents' Fancy Lisle Thread Hose; Gents' Linen Pocket -Handkerchie5s, Gents' Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs: Gents' Gauze Merino Undershirts, Gents' Lisle ' Thread Undershirts. A handsome supply of Col'd Percale and White Shirts Great bargains to cash buyers. apl6tl : , BOSKOWITZ LED3ER. - FOB THE ENSUING IEEE . A.T CITIZENS' MARKET, A FINE LOT OF Sampson County Stallfed Beef which I will tell a t -prices to suit the times. Call and see for yourself. T. A. WATSON, Proprietor. feb28-tf V Medical Copartnership, ' Dr. P- L. MURPHY IS f ROM THIS DATE associated with me in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. WM. J. LOVE. - April 12tb. apr 13-oaw8wTu . Hay, Hoop Iron, Glue and Bice. 200 Bale8 rrime N- nay' gQQ Bdls Hoop Iron, .' 100 BMTCle Gme .JQ Barrels Whole Rice. For sale low by apr IS tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. - Flour, Sugar, .Coffee, Clieese. 800 B,lel, Flour aI1 100 Barre,Beaed 6nsar "JPjQ Sacks Prime Rio Coffee. - - Q Boxes Factory Cheese. : - V . For sale low by v - WILLIAMS MURCHISON. apr 18-tf Bacon, Corn, Syrup, , SZolasscs. IdO BoxesD' 8" 6idea Bhunldere, -150 90X68 Smckea B!deud Shoulders, 12 000 Busne'8 rme Bte Corn. fQBarrels & It Syrup, , Hhds. and Bbls New Crop Cuba Molasses. - For sale low by : ' - . ap 18-tf ' WILLIAMS St MURCHISON ' Parasols, Corsets and Kid Gloves. HANDSOME KID GLOVES AT $U GOOD; Handsome Black Gloves at $1 25, good; Hand some Parasols and Sun- Umbrellas very cheap: tbe best Corsets sold in the city for tbe prices. '. aplft-tf BOSKOWITZ St LETBER. jJistilUrs' Supplies. TJoop Iron, Nails, Glue and Bungs. - Forsalelowby -- EDWARDS & HALL. apr 11-tf - Du Font's PoTzder, ; JIFLE, SPORTING AND DUCK,' BLASTING . AND MINING, -- In Whole, Half and Quarter Kegs, ' ' For saloby :: mar31-tf . O. a PARSLEY St CO.

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