THE HORITHTG STAB. , TDBLKHKD DAILY, BY ' - aATis orsuBscmmos ih advakcx : One year, (by mail) postage pa $7 00 SiX lnOBinB. iDt ) 4 00 Three oniMi - .1 a 11 k . aa One month. v - 1 00 To CUT Subscribers, delivered la any pai art of the not authorized to collect for mora than 3 monlhsin. entsare 5U'-"- OUTJLIXES., A petroleum combination is forming In New York. A great lire at Oshkosh, Wis., destroyed two lives and a mile and a half in mills, printing offices and other : VMsMSnffa. Thursday there was a three hundred and fifty thousand dollar fire at Detroit -Uov. Valmaseda has issued ' nrlarnation of Dardon in Cuba to those- " r: A: n wuo 6ui.CUviv . 6-- Jubal A. Jiriy aiso coniraaicis me aosura I Barbara Frietchie story. Gen. Bartlett was serenaded in Richmond Wednesday nj(tht and made another speech for recon ciliation. Leverrier discovers a new nlanct. Freedman's Bank Commis- J sicmers Uive $300,000. -- Georgia Grand Itoyal Arch Chapter returned to the Grand lioyal Arch Chapter of the United States, . New York markets : - Spirits turpen tine, rosin, $3 05$3 10; gold, 115J J 115. I I Spirits Turpentine Town Greeosboro. pontics are iiYeiy 111 Washington had a Saturday morning at 2 o'clock. 500 fire John Smith has been sent from Orange to the State penitentiary for larceny. Mr. J. W. Cheek has presented the Baptist Sunday School at Durham with au organ. fhe Uouservalive citizens of Cliariotte have nominated Col. Win. John- siou fur Mayor. Thirty persons at Toisnot have connected themselves with the Methodist Church since the revival commenced. It is going on still. The Tarboro Tobacco riant says that two men, Logan Groom and John Green, were parties last Saturday to the unmerciful beating of an old man named llaight. We learn from the Toisnot Transcript that Mr. A. G H. Cooper, of Nash county, shot and killed four, large wild goooiers at one snot tne otner day. wuicu, aiier aressmg, weiguea 04 pounds. ' Col. Thos, S. Kenan, of Wil- son. has in bis Dossessionla Dowder eourd. used by his ereat crandfather in the Revo lutionary war. " CoL Kenan will send it to the Ueniennial celebration at Charlotte. v The Transcript hears it rumored that Dr. Mercer, a gentleman of means and a very prominent citizen" living near Tois not, contemplates erecting a cottn factory at an early day on Tar River, a few miles above that place. At its late session Orange Pres bytery ordered the sale of the church at Kinston. The proceeds were $2,000. Of I this $900 and a $400 donation of Judge Howard will be used to finish paying off the indebtedness of the new Tarboro Pres- liytenan church. The Historical Society - in act to incorporate the Historical Society ,0 Aorth Carolina: , The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, Sectiox 1. The following named persons-'-viz: William A. Graham. William Hooper, Thomas Atkinson, Charles Phillips, Fordyce M. Hub- bard, Charles Deems, Braxton Craven, William II. Battle, Mathias E. Manly, Bartholomew F. Moore, iiich mond M. Pearson, Ed win G. Keade, Nereus Mendenhall. John H. v ueeler. Zehulon H. V ahce. Calvin I 11. Wiley, Georire Davis. William I . 7 - mmm af on, Richard. B. "Cieecy, Gen. D. 11. .tun, S. U. fool, W. U. .Kerr. m. Shakespeare Harris. K. P. Bat tle, G. D. Bernhelm, Geo. V- Strong, Cyrus-L.- Hunter and Cornelia Phil lips Spencer, their associates and their I . successors, are created a body corpor- I aie, under the name of the Historical Society of North Carolina, with the powers conferred on corporations by the 20th chapter of. Battle's Revisal, entitled ''Corporations," as well as niuoc couierrea ov inia act. 1 o ,, - . .1 oec. z. me nrst meetiner of the I members of said corporation shall be three fi ZitJ..ZZ of them Khali ,Wnaio wlnK meeting three shall be a quorum for the transaction of all business ' " bee. 3. Said cornoration shall have power to make such rules, reffulations I aiid by-laws, in reeard to the meet- I a nigs of its members and the terms of I I'leir admission, the mode of votino. I . , - . , ie i unctions of its officers, the num- I er requisite to form a quorum, and I U other matters relatinr to the erov- erntueut of the corporation, as may be , , u prppe'', not inconsistent with ,awo Ul lQC lana. ' Sw. A Tk :j - I : . x .e Bam euqwrawoD snail bave authority to acquire such real al personal property as may be prop er for carrying out the objects of its creation. especially books, manu- "fcnpts, documents, papers and rne norials of whatever kind, relating to the history of this State, particularly 'hose possessed by the late Historical eietyof North. Carolina.. It shall likewise be authorized to acceDt dona- lions of money or property, for the 1 I'uiposeor enabling it to prosecute eat-arehesinto said history and make I'u.mcauons relating thereto. . Sec. 5.-The officer in charge of the Capitol shall be anthori7.Pl to fnrnish said society a room in said ' building 'or the safe keeping of the books, pa pers and effects of the society, pro- ."""( mat ibis can be done without "convenience ; to any officer of the -ie, or 10 any officers or committees of th the General Assembly. 1 ' 7 . bQ: 6- This -act shall be in force rotrl its ratifi tmn . In General Assembly .! read three Vraes and ratified the 22nd day of 1 arch, 1875. V UJL, X. V I,""-NO 1 34: EGITY. The BEatls. - The mails will close at tb City Post-Of lice untu farther notice as follows: wonnermnignt) mails daily.... 3:15 p. M. ' and way (day) Southern8 mails daily . , . . . ; 5 p vynanesion direct daily........ 5:00 A. M VolumUl night . . 5KK) P. M, gsta . . 5:00 P, M vvesiern mails (U. U. R'y) . . 5:30 A. M. Dmimvuie via Jiiasy Hill and Smithville (via Easv Town Creek) Tuesdays and Saturdays c.-OO A. M r ayeiieviue, ana offices on Cape ?Fear , River, Mondays and J)Tiaays. 1 .-00 P M Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily 5:80 A. M wnsiow j. a, ana intermediate offices every Friday . .. .. ... 6:00 A. M Mails delivered from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M.,- ana on Sundays from 8.80 to 9:80 A. M. Stamp, Office open froni 8 A.M. to 12M and from 2 to 6 "P. "M. Money order or Register Department open same as stamp office . NKW ADVKKTlSBnENTH. IIkinsbkrger. New Cook Books. H. W. Shurb Sweet Oranges. See Ad. 4,.The Mystery." Local Dot. There was no session of the City Uourt yesterday. Import Entries for sale at the office of Thk Morning Star. ' SL No ,cases 'disposed of yesterday in the Magistrates' Courts. Both printing and ruling -done in the finest grades of copying ink at the di aji juu rnoang urace. 11 The ' Grand Jury during their session have found thirty-eight true bills and twenty-four not true bills. .1 City subscribers i who fail to re ceive their papers regularly wilplease Jre port the fact promptly at this office. tf In the communication of "Nlm- rod," printed on this page yesterday, for "I use these wads" read "I use three wads." Rev. D. K. Bennett -proposes to write a history of the Cape Fear Baptist Association, from its foundation in 1805 until the present time. To give ample time for the dec oration of graves after the usual ceremonies on memorial day, it is suggested that the procession move promptly at two o'clock. There will be a meeting at the Lecture Room of the First Presbyterian church this (Friday) night at 8 o'clock to practice for memorial singing. All persons who have been invited to sing will please at tend." - ' ..The second quarterly meeting for the present conference year is to be held by the Presiding Elder, Rev. W S. Black, at the Front street Methodist E. Church, South, of this city, on to-morrow and Sab bath. A Love Feast will be held this (Fri day) evening at 8 P. M., and preaching on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. x , . , , " has 1 aggested that it would be a good idea for the Produce or Commercial Exchange of our city to act at once on the proposition to suspend business on: the 20th of May, as many clerks will be governed bv their action in makinc arrance- mi,na i uaA n, rm(ann;i Am aUVU0 IV UV'UA ftUU VVUVUUII Daily prayer meetings at . 5 o'clock P. M. are still being held at the Front Street Methodist Church of this city, and as a partial result of the same three - -1 - more persons were received into church membership and two persons received the ordinance of baptism last Sabbath morning. . BodyBesened Vaneral Ceremonies. The body of Mr. William K. Price, the young man who met with such a sad fate on Wednesday, was recovered yesterday . n . 1 j j uuvukv u uuvk, ur a vuiureu uiau uaiucu Price WM d to have 8Qck which we underrtand. about fifty yards from the mouth o Brunswick river. fr: After the body had been brought to a I convenient place, Coroner Hewlett was no- tified, and empannelhng a jury, held an in qQest over lX- jury ofinquest returned verdict of accidental death by drowning. The funeral of the deceased took place yesterday afternoon from St. James church The Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Cem- , fjany, of which he bad been! a member, turned out in full uniform, to oav the last sad tribute of respect to the memory of their deceased comrade. As the low dirge as- anAuA trnm the ohnir thrt oaahet rnvoroH V" Wnh flowers, was borne into the church, where the solemn and impressive Burial Service of the Episcopal Church was re cited. After this the remains were placed in the hearse and followed to the grave by sorrowing relatives and- friends. Superior Court. mis court convened at tne usual nour yesterday morning. During the day the following cases were disposed of The case of the State vs. Mrs. Rooney, charged with selling liquor without license, was called. Verdict not guilty. A number of civil cases were called up and disposed of. v ,; Iv i It was ordered by the Court that no fees be allowed to any person not a regularly elected Constable, in other words no fees allowed to Deputy Constables. . IroresroliiK Pleoenre. in The Wilmington Library Association hav- lug Invited Mr. T. B'. Kingsbury to deliver before them a lecture on Tennyson, that ac complished gentleman is; compelled foi various reasons to decline the invitation. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY- Beport or the Grand Jury. The Grand Jury closed their labors yes- terday and were discharged. After a visit t, . j , ml.. o o to the jail, work house and poor house of of fare to the Centennial via the Carolina the county: they made the folfowinrf ienortT nntrl TitrA -iA i.. inly," they made the following report County of New Hanover. A State of North Carolina. Spring Term Superior Court. r V r;""V'"T..UB!WK'r KAMUi; 'tiS&tlfiSZSS sideration, that on the 28th April 1875 tney visited the county jail and found one woman (white), sick with rheumatism. She aava h h. l.oVi k.. "3:si: and we would recommend that she should .w u.iwiuuu iLuiucuiaicjjr. nc, juijuu recommend that the stove pipe be repaired and the free use of chloride of lime or some other disinfectant around and in the nrisoners who ru . " rJ of not being able to pay costs, &c., before some of the Magistrate's courts, and We wouia recommend that such prisoners who to work out such sums as may be aeainst them, thereby reducing the expense of the nut"17 S rHHZ ?LC0m; sppm RtiafiH .afar.a no ..Mu n We find thft nnnr hnnnA in vorv cnrA dition. The inmates sneak m hir7tprma nf Dr. Scott, and say they believe he does alt he can fur them towards relieving them of Jfr"Jl&hj!ll ject be sent them until the number is re duced. . We next visited the work bouse and found everything in good condition and order. The' prisoners say they are well treated, wen woraed and can enter no com plaints towards the managers. Our reasons lor suggesting that the prisoners iu jail should be sent to the work house, is we hnd an insufficient number at the wot k houe to carry on the work. , Respectfully submitted in behalf of the urand Jury, . iv-: - - .; R. G. Ross, i April 29th1875. . Foreman., Tne spelling; Bee. ; In view of the early organization here of a spelling match, we append a few rules which we clip from an exchange, for the government of the same. A "Bee" for the purposes mentioned in our issue of yester day, seems to have met with some favor. Those who have an idea of participating, can learn exactly what risk they run of going down." No doubt dictionaries, spelling books and alas, primers will be in pretty general requsition by those desirous of reaping the laurels of a well contested bee. Tne following are the rules that govern such affairs throughout the North and elsewhere: J . 1. The captains draw sides bv lot.- 2 A speller has but one trial at each word 3, To set all at ease the dictator will be gin with simple words as ache, field, break- last, etc. t -. i.- 4. Obsolete, provincial or technical words are not to be excluded, but with this pro viso: That upon such word being given out any speller may have the right to object, staling his plea. The umpires will then de cide whether (aid word be suMcienttv ob jectionable to exclude it. No speller will be allowed to spell a word two ways with out electing, one mode as being positively correct. ... 5. The speller may repeat the word after I tne leader, spall nave the right to ask the r meaning, or question the correctness of the I pronunciation, or to correct his own spelling up to the pronunciation of the word after spelling the final syllable; but after the pro- nonciation no correction will be allowed. 6. Whenever a speller misses be shall eo I to the fool of his division, and on missing three words he shall take his seat. 7. Webster or Worcester ahall he. author. I ity on all disputed points. ,- '1 llpu mips am llhoral annn.h anaMmn I the speller as he elects to avail himself of all I tne latitude in spelling. , . . i A New Dodge. It very often occurs that some of our citi zens who own cows miss them and they arrive me conclusion wat tneir property wu guaycu iuiu iu wuuua. xieceofc ue- velopments, however, show that there ex ists In our city a gang of men who make it 11. Tl. 1 - 1 11- . . I ,ucu WUBU mJ w cow upon me street to drive it into the woods some dis-1 tance from the citv. When a reward ia of- I , . ... .. i ierea ior tne recovery or me cow, tney go I apparently on a " nnnt," which, or course. I proves successful and the cow is driven in triumph to the owner and the reward ob- i tained. Several of our citizens have missed their cows recently," and on one ' occasion when the members ot the gang failed to ob tain the promise of the amount they wished for the recovery of the cow they attempted to sell it to a butcher, but failing in this they lowered the price from $5 to $1 and returned the cow. Private parties are already at Work trying to ferret out these guilty parties, and if they are apprehended, they will be dealt with with all the severity that the law allows. Burglary. Yesterday morning, about 4 o'clock, the residence of Mr. Donald McRae was enter ed through a basement , window and $10 stolen. The burglar after entering the house passed to the ; sleeping appar'ment of Mr: McRae and searched his vest, taking the money out, also a check and other papers of less value. He then, it appears, must have entered the room usually occupied by xr t 1 r 1 1 I I Mr. John McRae, who was absent, for that apanuteui uure tuu iiupren 01 uavmg oeea ransacked." Nothing of value was missed I from this room, however. The burglar having satisfied himself, walked down the steps and walked out through the front door. .' :: x To i'lir Sobserlberi. I Beginning April ; 1,1 Mr. Samuel Davis I ioVo f.h,rrA r,f th Pnt5r ritv ntmUi , . - . of The Morning Star; and from that date all subscriptions will be payable to him. He will serve the -.paper, parly and regularly, and hopes all' W subscribers will;. pay nmmnltv ' aa fA haa tfl moot tita tti m.,! I v-r"J t - mnntA with thn nronrifltor whether the sub. ,. . . . . I viivQia uiui iuutfiu.nj u4 . ......... : : :. ... , , , 1 " " .:.., , , , i Centennial. In an article which appeared in our col- 1 umns a few dava ao-n rnnrnin th t I ln r(l . 1 iku iuak vui. x' icmuuk a report on transpor tauon embraced all fire and military com- whetherof this cityor not. We learn from CoL rrem. reading .hUk.lterU.ii &a Carolina Central Railroad company pro poses to transport the Fayetteville military onA v(ri.i. . . i, uuuipauiea to unar- lo"f !reo otehuv and to carry all others i w vuo yvt uiue icrmemoer 1 Lln0 "way Companies have Deen authorized to make any through rate with the Carolina Central Railway at cot less rates, with cars to run I through from Richmond, Portsmouth, &c, I 'without 'change,'- and 'return in the same I manner. the lJailroad Company expects to ar- range for the accommodation of their pas z ' sleeprug is concerned in I euis at Charlotte '"ProemenUlo Waaeaboro. I . correspondent writing from Wadesboro says the building spirit has at last aroused the cidzens of that place. Eight or ten new buildings have been in rtrnirrraa nf hoinop ' ' ft built-in their midst during the last few ..t. . ,.T . . J . , " v--rvo. uuo in lutse win ue a tarsre nana- some brick building several stories high. The first story will be for stores, and the upper stories will be used for a hotel and offices The majority; of buildings are dwcllit V1 : , Jliey now have two livery stables. '!' PresbvteriaflS rare aliont 10 buHd , iuWV fiandiome church, and the V rewr,m,jf..dlwunibyir house of. worshin. Other imm-ovementa he tay.' Since the "bigfire" near ly all l he property has been insured, so if J it should be burned .down the .citizens would be able to rebuild. Election 1 Officers. At a meeting of Wilmington Lodge No. 64, L O. of G.. T.J held at Temperance Hall on Wednesday night, the following officers were elected: ." - ' i C. W. Yates, W. C. T. Mrs. Virginia A. Orr, W. V. T. W. M. Hays, W. C. John n. Craig, W. 8. W. T. Jones, W. F. 8. Mrs. Maggie A. Kendrick, W. T. W. F. Yopp, W. M. . Miss Fannie Jones, I. G. . ' Thomas Stoval, O. G. The installation of the above officers will take place on next Wednesday night. Unmallable Letter. The following is a list of unmailable let- ers remaining in the city post-office at Wilmington, April 29: Annie E. Jerdon, Grist's Station, W. T. vtooiu, xruiui vusweii, jx. j. x rrice, Bogue Swamp, N. C ; Isaac Cobitt, Black ?V?-?M08ef m N-! C; T. J. GilL Laurinburc. N..C.,.. eolc Out. - Some of oar citizens who turned their cows into the streets for o-rartno- t, LJt ilv . g J them and believe they have been slaughtered and sold in the ' market, cans. kg them to suggest &. rigid enforcement of i "'umoc, u;u rtjuires me pro- ducUon of the hides of all beeves, &c.; oU I fa-A 1 . I T m m n I . . ,. n Pender Gaantr. The newlv elected Board of f!onntvfnm. - missioners of Pender county met yesterday and qualified. They accepted the bond of I (hA PnrAna alAi T 9 1.An.M,'.ft.i t. 5' I ZZr a cess until Saturday. BlahopAtktnoua"AppolntiueRta: J U,! April. I WM..W.M, ... ...... Klor! tav 1 1 a tt ot. Bath. i. . w . 1,4-29 Zion Church; Beaufort no.:t. 't.' 80 Washington......,, ii... May 2 damesvuie. . . WiUiamston..,..,.; Hamilton Scotland Neck. .j.i.r.UU.i Bishop Lyman! Jlppolutmente. The following .are the nnnointmnt.t nf Bishop Lyman, of the Episcopal Diocese Sunday. May 2d. Williamsboro. "J Tuesday;' May -4th. Goshen. -(Consecra- tiOn,). ts,.,, i .5. , ; -f ,r , j? Collection in eacn congregation for Dio- esan 'Missions.'" . i;- ;.r.-; Book Bmukbt. i hx nomruio Staa Mook Bind ery does all kinds of Binding- and Ruling in a work, manlike manuer. and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Book, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. TBAiura, PRMTiN-IKg. Jyaluibl. u. rail road companies, steamsbirj cooiHfaleshanlw, mer- chants, manufacturers and others. They arc en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time, .Having just received a fresh supply of these Inks, wear pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate Copt or Tkstmoniai- Hajjhmai, Mo., May 30, 1874. Messrs. J. AW. Tolley, 89 Maiden Lane, New Tork The is Gati which oa but for me, No. 2093, has arrived safely to hand. Allow me to thank yoa for the fidelity with which yon carried ont my instructions. The general butlinekeauty of proportion and excellent finish, are all thai could be desired, and more than meets my expectations. I am more thai ever impressed with the Idea that it is as necessary for a man to have a gun built to mess urement as to have a boot so built to ensure a good fit. The pattern 175 and penetration 40 are very su- perior. The patten la as close as I desire,' and the peneiranon 1 una is seiaom aitamea. Deing far ahead of any public record which I nave seen! - fcespectfully Yours! " ' " " - . a W. Dobjia, ItlABBIKD, - WEISIGER PETERSON. Last nisht at Bar. nume Creek, at the resioence of the bride's father Dr. C H. Peterson, bv the Ber. J. B. Barlow. Mr I mi..... n nr.i.1.. tut.. n..l. n.. ... A11UIIUUS. HI JUII iUUIUU rCWrBWI. all 01 jtew nanover couniy. APRIL - 30; 1875. It having pleased Almighty God t take Ont of 'our S.?"? Fnend and Comrade William u iovuu c nena ana vomraae William we the members of the Wilmington I uKuaurriBJ, we uie memoers or tne wuminetor r?t??mJ Fire Engine Company No, l, are called upon 'itt'X.'Sl" !oiy. to.oam ai- w ion, ad ' IBM im we have lost a useful md valuable Tire. wan. ever prompt and foremost In the discharge of uaDi companion, a true and tro Btwortby friend. ; Viulntnen'rer6f his "yoath, wltha future full of bright anticipations, no one pocseesed better and brighter prospects for a long life of usefulness. Endowed with avere virtus to mofrf lif hnnnv young; so noble, his untimely death is truly to be deeply Icourned. J , hisdesth ulteX I endure. , Trulv Death W i .htn S!iS2d I " "u bid cere symnaiBies in tneir ahuction. W. A. WILLIAMS, , V Committee, " - P. ii. J!'JKJJI1UMT, J K. ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Wystery. apr 30-3w , . Best ; Cook Books Published, The Oueen of the KU&on ;?hM r.ioA ta; ceipu'.... .....i.,'. U..:..k : 1 TO wm mu jwuiu iKr Miss Leslie's New Recent for Cooking' :..v..... 1 75 The Young v SSSSSffi num. uate's Hew Cook Hook. . . . . . . j 75 wire's cook Book., .. ..-t 75 New Cookerv Book . 1 re Goodfellow's Cookerv US it Shr.nl1 Ro '1 rrx. -1 iie luuwui um book. . uj iiannan M. Bou- I vier....;.. .... i... 4. jt. 1 75 &.tP'on.'?,Nw 9.ok Book.' .'. . . w, ;.V.".'.V.V. 1 75 vviaaueiiasew-iJooKBopii .......... 1 75 1 jars, iiaie s tteceiDts rnr the mniinn 1 nx. x nc . x- amiij oaio-au. cy AUlUOr national Cook.. 1 75 For sale at .. HELNSBEBGER'8, apr30-tf Live Book and Music Store. PAPr BALDWIN APPLES, ftTrrppf nran(rAS OWCCu VI dllg CS, LEMONS, COCOA AND PECAN NUTS, Chocolate and Gun Drons, Cream i ! Bsnbons, &c- r.;j::;,..' : Fresh Groceries. ' " '-'Vi ' H. W. SUTTRE, ;. aprSHf 31 North Front St. j PEARL HOMINY EEDTJCED IN PRICE TEN cents oer bnsheL Sold ta less than any other mill in the city. Apply for sud- vi j hi uic ,ayv x car x luur jnuia ana iresxi aominy Manufactory., n - AJSX. OLDHAM, ap 27-lCdnac Proprietor. Notice. BY AUTHORITY OF THE OWNERS of the Br Baranentme "Englishman " we nereoy give notice to all con cerned, tnat no aeets contracted here oy trie captain or crew will be paid ty tne bhip or owners. ALUS. SPRUNT A SON, ' apr 25 nac lw AgenU and Consignees. MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted, "RVER ONE,To know that i will move. WatcheS. JeWelrV. &C. To the Store on the Corner of Fronted Princess Bireeis, on tne 1st ot April, where I will open ' A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF Watches, Clocks, Silverware and Fancy Gtods. J. H. ALLEN. Agent mar SQ-tf Latest Styles. H Tt? uSSi2D1JX KJUKKSS blocks .na hiwi, work entrusted to her. old Bonnets uawawunigniiuuiuamMeto IOOlc as Well as New. Nunee0 0B p 15-tr M- . . I VX''X 1UUU JAA Sacks Coffee; Bbls Sugar, Kft BMs Bfce. For sale by KSBCHNER A C ALDER BROS. apr 25 tf Bacon; Sugar, Coffee, Floor. 1AA Boxes D. . and Smoked Sides, r ' 1 Boxes D. 8. and Smoked Shnldcrs, 1KA Barrels Refined Swear. W. - i , i : ,;. 1QQ Bag8 Blo Coffee. JQQQ Bbls FJsuryall grades.V; V', For sale low by ' aprtStfTj; O WILLIAMS &MUHCHISON., WEEDING HOES1 WEEDING HOES I-One of ! the iMgest andhest assorted Stocks of Weed- ing Hoes ever brought to this city can now be found at our feftaMshment. where the.faiinwinv hn. I "can 'be bought at ery low flgnresf Scovil s (genn- uuc a. oiueua, : ABiuman, juweu ootu iron nd steel), c., &c. The Handled Cotton and Corn Hoe and Double bladed Hoe can also be found with us Give ua a call before purchasing else where, tpril S5 dtfJ GILES MCROMaON. Molasses, Molasses, Molasses. TT JgQ Hhd and BblsNewCrop Cuba ; " For sale low by ' apr 9.Vtf WILLIAMS & AIURCHISON. Parasols,' Corsets and Kid Gloves. HANDSOME KID GLOVES AT $1, GOOD; Handsome Black Glores at Si 25. rood: Hand- tome Parasols and Sun UPmhrellaB verv .ifchean: am best Corf ets sold in the city for the prices. ap 10-ir ; BuaMtwilZ -s.LEIBER. ' J .- - .' '" f x I'..', j A . . Snar House Molasses. Hhds Si HJ Molasses-. - .1-. 1 . A 100 KAA Bbls S. IL Molasses. For sale by apr25tf , ' KERCHNER it CALDER BROS. C. H. Ward's ; jashIOnable iOni dressing U ' &k&Y- ing Saloon. 1 South Front 8t, Wflmhuiton, N. C. N Br I have seen red the services of the BEST artists of myaprof ession. L: ; K-5'iT THE LADIES ARE INFORMED THAT WE have on sale a handsome stock of White Goods. conet and 8trioed Muslins. Great bargains are Mmt offered, aplft-tf BOSKOWITZ & LEIBEB. . WMiSlSr??,AKD,8 1 aigl 1 FriaUsf aoi Pabliahiag House. , . , -, m eny occupieu uj una, in laeoasementoi inePurceU WiD2. CABDS AND VWrmra CARDS House, .where he inviies his old friends and toapub Y f printed in the mostrtegantstyje, at - He generally to call on Mm. Best workmen ia the WiL, B??' A5D'8 I State employed, and Shaving, Hair Catting aad , -.. ai . .V . C .. i A : i. f WTTOT.Tfc NO.. 2.361. " - "MISCELLANEOUS. s ? WILMINGTON &: WELDON. J vV ii mliiffton, Columbia & Anjustu R A I L R O k D S: Mm , rASaOBK DEPT. t WiLMiHcrroH, N. C, April 85,1875. ) transported over these Boads at an average rate of . vwintid nun jV uwnraus rap, r , ; j Throns-h ticket, wni hanU via .J theOaroliHa Central Railway from all Stations of each Read, and also via Goldsboro and North Care wfi j 'rom 8tations Wilmington is Weldoa . A. POPE, General Ticket Ageut.- pr 29-3t. MAY DAY.; Caroto Central ; Company, iVIiL?5.LL BBTUBN TICKETS FOR ONE' f''X1" M?'.. As? ior encn tickets. Children half fare. . Ticketo good for three Aa-nrntv - , . ; S. L. FREMONT, "Always Ahead99 . NEW BUTTER ! NEW BUTTER I First of the Season I Try It None Genuine Without onr "Stamp" on it ; , ; Give Our New Proccs Empire , FAMIL Y 1?L O Uli One Trial and Yon will Never uss Any Other ! For medicinal and table use we have just received a lot of the . Choicest Liquors : -,t Imported: Old "London Deck" Pert, very fine and old : .- Duff Gordon and Crown Sherry ; . Jamaica Bum? Old Holland Gin; Otard Tlnnrw Jk rv, Rmmv iojo Our Stock embraces the Finest Brandies, imported Cn j i wilu porucuiar care ior this market. . - . GEO. MYERS'. apr89.jf, , 11 & 13 Sooth Front St.' Butter and Hams, LARGE. LOT OF FINE . - Goshen and Cooking Bntter. FINE STOCK OF rcortn Carolina , and Canvassed Hams. For sale low by EDWARDS & HALL. apr29-tf Reading for All. , , . THE CUT BOOK STGBE HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL THE latest Dnbhcarlnua nf th. A-- . atnrlr rvf J , -uu. wmjjicw! STANDARD WORKS. Also Appletons Harper's, The Galaxy, The Eclectic and Scnbner's Literary Monthlies, 't he Bow Bells, tetirjf8' "e and Godey's D'lLY NEW YORK PAPERS, &c, Ac. All for sale at ' . KJr CONOLEY & YATES, apr85-tf No. 47 Market St. Merchant Tailoring. "pRENCH CASSIMSBE SUITS MADE to ORDER . Blue Flannel Suits made to Order. Business Suits made to order. ;;,,!. s Diagonal Suits made to order. - Wedding Suits made to order. I have on hand the finest stock of . , FRENCH CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES! Suits made to order in the latest style and as low in prices as any - house North and South. apr25tf A. DAVID. IF. M -f AMiW SITE 10IBT! JgU Y OUR " EXTRA HOMINY," Forty cents per bushel less than the Pearl, And pronounced by all who use It to be far superior. Our Pearl Hominy, Eualto any manufactured, we sell at figures as low as any other mill In this city. . We would call attention to our choice brands of - FLOUR, BOLTED MEAL, FEEDS, &c Weights guaranteed as usual. apr28-2t B. F. MITCHELL & SON. ParsTiiTis. JJEETS, CARROTS TURNIPS AND ONIONS, For sale at '. --- r TXL HTW.-RUNGE'S. Northeast cor. JTIarket and Second Sta. ADrilS9-tf County Merchants Can find the largest jnd jmost com- plete stock of Hardware and at the lowest prices in the city, at the Old Established Hardware House of JOHN DAWSON, t apr 25-tf ... . Nos. 19, 20 and 21 Market St. lager Beer, Lager Beer. LOVERS OF THE ABOVE BEVERAGE ARE respectfully informed that Irom this date the DCSt Of -.! ; ......... . , ;'? PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER can be obtained by the .glass, quart, gallon or keg from the undersigned at Brock's Exchange. apr9 3t W. 1L GKRKEN. Walnut and Peanut Taffy, ORANGES AND LEMONS, PICELED SALMON and Mackeral; Sugar Cured Hams. Shoulders Strips; Tongues, Dried Beef. All Jast Received and For Sale at I',. !'''.:' ill i"l . ' 1 . i ., ...... apr 29-tf JAilES a 8TEVENSOJt,S. . Syrup, Spirit , Casks, ITails, Matches. JQQ Barrels S. H. Syrup;5 ne " ,! ' ". . QQ; SecondHand Spirit Casks, " 200 (. , v . j Cases Matches. . - For sale low by - ap 25tf . WTTJ.TAM8 a MURCBJSON. - 0 ; Tonsorfal Uemoval ?, rT: ABTIS has purchased the stock and material or .tames larraway ana removed to toe shop form- iin in 8uta employed, and Shaving, Hair Cutting ai Shampooing done at the shortest notice. Try hi 1 ORx, tiqSsftt One kay,'. 7. .". .4, .J ..;. 1 14 I " twoaaya,...., i( 1 .( ' three da vs..: .. luutmjihiHi,,,.., a Tf weKi......... 5 0C ThreoeekB.i.,....; 6 60 One month ... a no J ' : r0 menth ........... 00 .. aontha ...85 CO ' , . . year., ......'...,... ...... BO 0 SraSX estiiaatea ua anarteroliiinn. and f wn squares as a half -column. ' iM?fi?tair AnTeruseinents taken at propoi- MISCELLANEOUS. Br TIRTET .OF A DECREE' oVTHE STJrE rior Court for the county of New Hanover, made on the 18th day o November, 1874, in the case sof John London and wife' Lucy against n.'pr. Latham and wife Eliza W. and Isaac Bl Gralnirer. nrriUn L cnbed, for partition, .the undersigned, by said decree duly appointed Commissioner for that purpose, will, 0a Tuesday, the 4th day of May, 1875, at Exchange Corner, in Wilmington at 11 o'clock ; ; f ' A. M. expose for Bale . . That Desirable House and Lot -f. . situated on the north side of Market street, 9 feet westwardly from the western line of Third street. with a front on Market street ef 42 feet moie or less, running back north 132 feet, the same being part of Lots 4 and 5, Block 166, now occupied y Mrs. Clifford. .Terms at sale. . - A. T. LONDON, Commissioner. ap a-6t-ap 2 9 16 23 80 and may i NATIONAL HOTEL. CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT. WILMINGTON, N. C, May 1st., 1875. ' THE UNDERSTGNKD FOR MANY YEARS Proprietor of the Nntlnnsl ITntoi ? i. this day withdrawn from the control, in favor of mv BonC. R. Jones. Thankful for the liberal patron age of the past, I would bespeak a continuance of uic cauiu lur my encccssor. - " f- ! -REUBEN JONEH. Having assumed the management of the well the high reputation this House has always borne under the management of my Father. , Kespectf ally, C. K. JONES, . . Proprietor. apr 23-9w . 5 Fifteen Hundred Pounds QHOICE SMALL SUGER-CURED PIG HAMS; "Olght Hundred Pounds Choice Thin Sugar-Cured JLK Bieakfast Bacon; Qne Thousand Pounds Choice CornedJPig Pork; rpwo Thousaha"Fohnas Choice Mess and No. 1 JL Mackeral and Salmon ; Two Thousand Pounds" Choice Cuts Fulton Mar ketBecf; r 'pwo Thousand "Pioand8W Choice Table Bntter JLf&e., &c, &c Lowest Figures to Casli Beyers. CHAS. D, MYERS & CO , ap 29-tr Journal copy. 5 & 7 North Front St -22- 1 We Want Cash, QR PROMPT TIME BUYERS FOR 500 Packages PL XI G AND FINECUT TOBACCOS AT SUITABLE PRICES BY J. PIGOTTy ... Tobacconist April 18-tf NewCrop Cuba MOLASSES: Another cargo just in which we offer to the trade at L O W FIO IT BBS In Hogsheads and Barrels. feb 27-dAwtf BINFORD, CROW b CO. Children's Clothing. QHILDREN'S SAILOR SUITS, i i j . . Children's Linen Suits, . . - Childrea's Kilt Suits. Lien's Clothing. OUR $7.50 SUITS ARE NOT QUITE ALL GONE; FineSuitsfor S10, $11. Very Fine Suits' for $14. 8HRIER BROS, . apr 29-tf ' " ' '80 Market St Gents Fuiiiisjiing Owd f ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR SUPERIOR tock of Imported Hosiery: Gents'. Bro Half nose, uenis- irancy cotton Half Hose. Gents' Fancy Lisle Thread Hose: Gent' i.inn tww HandkercbieSs, Gents' Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs; Gents'. Gauze Merino liadershirta. Gents' Lisle Thread Underchirts. A handsome supply of Col'd Percale and White Shirts Great bargains to cash buyers. aplCt: BOSKOW1TZ &r LEIBER. Corn, Hoop Iron. Glue and Sice. 12 000 BnBhels Prim! White Corn. -gQQ Bdls Hoop Iron, . 1- QQ Barrels Glue, Barrels Whole Rice. , ; . For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. : apr 25-tf FOR THE ENSUING WEEK At CITIZENS' MARKET, A FINE LOT OF Sampson County StaUfed Beef which I will sell at prices to suit the times. Call and see for yourself. ; T. A. WAT8ON, Proprietor. f eb28-tf Du Font's Powder, , JLFLE, SPORTING ANDPUCK BLASTING AND MINING, In Whole, Half and Quarter Kegs, ' For sale by n r " ' mar 81-tf . t O. G. PARSLEY & CO. Hats Hats, Hats. JL HE LATEST STYLES, BILK AND FUR HATS7 LADIES STRAW HAT& At HARRISON & ALLEN'S, Aprn 29-tf CityvHat Store. 1 ; i' 8 .