nKlNfi ASKED FOR AN AUTO- ON ELL IN JULY ATLANTIC. IjOW , m ti,esc fragments of heroic days Si thought met deed vf itli muttial pas- ri,prp sits a Fame whoso silent trump "" makes cheap : ffbat short-lived rumor of -ourselves we raise; . ' " . I" had far other estimate of praise v2 stamped the signet of their souls so deep . . ; ir.!.- in art anil action, ami wumc. mcuiuuca keep Their higl't hke stars above our misty t ihisVave presence to record uiy.name "methiog within me hangs the head and 150 shrinks; ' . . Dull were the soul without some joy in fame; Yd here to claim remembrance were, me- thinks,' ----v. -f . ... him who, io the desert's awful frame, ijoicbcs his cockney initials on the Sphinx. proceeding- ' be or the State WutveraltyV Raleigh News. ' ' ' ' The following is an abstract of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees f our University, held in the Senate chamber the 16th, 17th and'ISth of the present month ,Tpe flamest? of, the Trustees present havo already been published: Jff rt' p f t Gov.vBr6gden presided vaa.Xhafr . r. officio. In addition "to the regular Secretary,' Paul 1. Means. Esq., was appointed Assistant Secre tary- - - ," . , The Trustees recently elected by the General Assembly, who will enter on their duties December 1st, uext, were invited to honorary seals . with, the Board. ' Mr. Kemp P. Battle, Chairman of the Committee on Contributions, was called on for a statement of amounts obtained for the revival of .the Uni- vcrsily. i, '. - .' . ,r ,. yvw i. Mr. Battle reported that about 20,000 had been pledged, payable to the Trustees of the University; fund viz: Messrs. B. F. Moore, Win. A. Graham, Wm. H. Battle, in five equal! annnal installments. Abont f 1,200 were paid in first class securities or cash. - The committee were instructed to continue' their labors and rejort"the result to the next meeting ' of the lJoard. .- . ' : srff The committee stated that thev had found the strongest encouragement; not only among the "University boys, hut all friends of higher education, of all classes and all denominations. A communication was received frora Col. John D. Cameron, editor of the Kaleigh iVews, Rendering the use of the columns of that paper for the publications and advertisements of the Board free of. charge,- as a contri bution towards the fund for, -the re vival of the University whereupon it wa3 ordered that the. Secretary return the thanks of the Board. V - The Board proceeded to the elec tion of Professors of the various Col leges, as adopted at the last meeting, in the order named . ' The letters reeorhnieridatnry of the candidates were" all read in detail." The names havirjg been twice printed, in these colurana are'omitted here.! A committee of nine was appointed l onsisting of Messrs. Kemp 1. Battle. consistin .15. F. Moore, P. C.V Camerpit, D. M. Carter, Rev. J N. McKov, John Manning, V. L. Sanders, John A. Dugger, of whom Gilmer, John E. three shall be a quorum,? were pointed to revive - the .scheme studies and take such action prepara tory to opening - the University as may be deemed expedient On motion of Mr. Gilmer, Messrs." 1. F. Moore, Wm. A.' Graham and fiiuniittee to revive aikl consolidate hy iavvs of the University, and ft'!ort to the next.; meeting: of .the llt'anl such change-v additions and ' aiiifiidmenta as. they shall deem de Miable. ' Oil motion of lion. Z. 15. Vance, the Secretary was instructed to cor respond , with Theodore . F. David Sffi h Hon, in Hie Lnivpreity under the "charge ile late W. V. Woofin ' Esn. Mr.' Andrew Mickle was elected irarof the University. His. com pensation, duties and bond to be fixed ')' tie committee of nine abovemerH Honed. ? Alessrs. P. C. Cameron and the f wretary and Treasurer, were author weo to settle with Mr. Mickle in full '"r all past servir.PH. On motion of Hon. B: B. Moore, it a ri'Holved that the committee of "ln(J ''eretofore appointed shall in T 're what system, if any,' should be "lopted in regard to the appointment ' a i resident pf the University, or a .u,ue. tnerefor, and report next meeting of the Trustees.. "Ii molioillf Mr Hatflntt. ora at re- 'lvel that the next 'meeting' of the snail be on TuesdaVJ the 31t in Agust next; at which meetii gut next; at which meeting all '"imiiuea Bhall make their rep4ni. y-i A Fearful Crime.-', i T , Suffolk, June 21; hn V llkinn, a colored man about ,Jears of age, iwas arrested and ',(ige in jail at tbis.place last tfatrir- -j wiargea wun committing a rape I 4 nuie white orphan girl aged y, 7'"y "ear jxiaffnoiia sSDnnes. i ne g rl 18 said to be seriously iniured. , ; 9 W thA fious schism is "impending in 1 10 Missouri Constitutional Conven- r"1' 0wmg to i the rejection by the members'.' of a proposition Providing for the representation of J sectiona of the jState . in. the Leg i' -rl? ba8iifvf populatiOnTAt a? ;,lelfttig th propriety of .witln " itiy ,, iiuiji .. tuts nuiiuer- "'"" of the body. - ane inventor of Wlieelbarrawr 2.It t4k.algreat:niaao do litHel uimg sometimes. tin . v v no do you think invented that very simple thing called a wheelbar- jjeonarao tia V inci." - ' s,s , And who was he ? xie was a musician, poet, painter, arcmieci, sculptor, physiologist, en gineer, Jiatural historian, botanist and inventor, all one. lie wasn't a "Jack at all trades and master of none.' either,--He was a real master of many uu a ptaubiuai woiKer uesiues; When did he live? - somewhere about the time that Columbus discovered America. And where "was he corn ? in the beautiful , city- of Florence, in xiaiy. .- . -r:..TJ,r...U ...... r". . v - . . ji ciuaps Huiue ot you - may leei a little better acquainted with him when I tell you that it was Leonardo da Vinci who painted one of the grand est pict urea in the world "The Last Supper' a picture that has been copied many times, and en graved in several Btyles, cbo that al most every one has an idea of .the ar rangement and position at the table of Our Lord and His disciples; though 1 am , told that without seeing the painting itself no one can form a notion of how grand and beautiful Aud only think of the thousands of pqor,;. hard-working Americans who really own, in their wheel barrow, a "work" of Leonardo da Vinci I St. 'Nickplgii for July. ; : ' " : ; t ) : 1 '' A Serioua.Tbouebt. The imagination can hardly con ceive the heights of greatness and glory to which mankind, would bo raised if all their, thoughts and ener gies were to bo animated with a liv ing purpose. But, as in a forest of oaks, . among the millions of acorns that fall pei hap?, be one in a million that will fe'rowv on into a tree somewhat in like maimer fares it with the thoughts :nd feelings of man. What, then, must be the confusion f hen .we see all these wasted' thoughts and feel ings rise up inr-the, judgement and bear witness against us? The Itefermed Episcopal Church 5' ' nioTement. t The Episcopal Recorder states that Bishop Cummins, of the Reformed Episcopal Church, has received a let ter from "a clergyman in Hhe Island of Tobago, British West Indies, giv- Ill ST the following information: am authorized iby . the-- Leeward par ishes of this island, viz: St. David's and St.- Patrick's congregations, of about 3,000 attendants and 500 com municants, to express our united desire to join the Reformed Episcopal Vhuron, placing ourselves unueryonr, episcopal charge." A cordial- reply has beeii sent. - "- ' - - A Macbn Man who went home the other tiinht : with : his trousers worn out in the rcarr astonished -his rela tives by claiming thathe inadvertant ly tat down on a dog. ? His mother-in- law sarcastically remarked that he looked Hke some one had backed him up against a steam rag-picker. MISCELLANEOUS. : BuUders -Hardware. r r n m, " JJOOrS, SaSIl ailQ IJllIlQS. Paints, Oils, Varnisnes, Glass &c. nHE ATTENTION OF . BUILDERS AND X others is called Wow well selected stock, at reduced prices. Call and examine at - NATH'L JACOBI, ' s C 1 ; J 'Ji Hardware Depot f ish Hooks: and Lines. s ANE TWINE, SCYTHES, GRASS UOOKS, Garden Ilocs and Rakes. Lowest prices. NATH'L J ACOM, r !f Bard ware Depot F?' Axles. Springs, , ' Carriage Materials, &C; Orders bv mall -Dromotly. filled and satisracuon NATH'L, JACOBI, . . HARDWARE DEPOT. jnnogQ-tf N. WfurUot Street. W. B. Burke, " COMMISSION MERCHANT. , CITY . HALL. Bntlrtine, Main street; Co:umbln, S. i;. Sell all manner of North Caiolina Priducef: bntter, Meat, KbKS, Poultry. Green and Dried Fruits,-Peanuts. -nJi. jtn. i Onir-h ulea. ton of s the Market, aud pn.mpt returns. All . informatKn furIdhe ship-, pers, correspondence and consignment solicited. may iif- rou .in w p - Look t Your Interest. The KersllLW Qazette OFFERS TO TUB ' tnnta-irtAn i o mi.rfm mil 1iu..where. SHDerior inducements ' . . . . ma A VXTTT . kai. huainoa in its columns. Hartne a a laree and rapidly increasing circulation throughout one of the wealthiest sections on tne -.vaieree titcz. itfls cooaldeid a most Mi . .-" .' --. ;:.. Valuable Advertising Medium. Advertisers who desire to teach purchasers should it 1. nnhliahnri in Camden: Kersbawo.. 8. C, at the head of navigation on the Wateree river, at $3 a year, always in advance. - For terms of advertising, c. anurees i TTR ATJK P.-BKARD. BdJfcPrOD'r.' noy Sfi-tf Camden, 8. C The Camden Journal, Published Beery Tliurtday, at Camden, S. 0., S THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER "IN Cerahaw rrnnntv. and has an extensive circulation imam? the Merchants. Farmers and all classes of busmeesmeninmoOTuniT. , , , t nrtaTM in t.hM Merchants of Wilmington a desir able Medium for Advertising, the. conntry in which i. . i-t... kinn .nniiiwtnl with thnt. r.lr.v'bv steam- Wateree. River, and tfe WUinijg ton. Co- hinmoia ana Augusia juurvu. . .... 1 Liberal terms will be made with those desiring to dvertise - U'' ',' 'J ' '. - ,: t (' t I ft?aOT Price' SVawthaS' HAT. ' - tebn'tf" ' ' f "' ? Editors and Proprietors ''TtflSCELLANEOUS. PE.GfiEi-TEPPTATIOH, Which Tbbtink hos attained In all part b of the conntry as a . ? . .:: . ( Great and Good Medicine, J and the largo number of testimonlalB which are con siantiy being received from persons who have been cured by its use, is conclusive proof to its great value. . It is recommended by physicians and apothe caries. As a Blood Purifier and UealthRestorer it oas no equal. .- . -. - Vkqktine is Hot prepared for a fancy drink, made Tram, poor liquors, which debilitates the system and terids to destroy health instead of restoring it. Are not the many testimonials given for the differ ent complaints satisfactory to any reasonable per son suffering from disease, that they can be cured f Kead the different testimonials given, and no one caa.ouht. In many of these cases the persons say that their pain and suffering . cannot be expr ssed, as in cases of Scrofula, where, apparently, the whole body was one mass of corruption. .If Vegktiioi will relieve pain, cleanse, purify and cure snch dis eases, re-toring the patient to perfect health, after tr.ing different physicians, many remedies, suffer ing for years, is it not conclusive proof, if you are a sufferer, yoa can be cured f hy is this medicine performing such great cures? It works in the blood, in the circulating fluid. It can be truly called the Great Blood PurWer. The great source of disease originates in the blood; and no medicine that does not act directly upon it, to purify and renovate, has any Just claim upon public attention. When the blood becomes lifeless and .stagnant, either from change of weather or of climate, want of exercise, irregular diet, or . from any other cause, the Vxex p wUl renew the blood, .carry oil the putrid humors. Cleanse the stomach, regulate the bowels, and impart a tone of vigor to the whole body. The conviction is in the public mind as well as in the medical profession that the remedies supplied by Jhf Vegetable Kingdom are more safe, more success ful in the cure of disease, than mineral medicines. V xaBTim is composed of roots, barks and herbs. It ii pleasant to take, and is perfectly sare to give an infant. Do you need ltl ho not hesitate to try it. You will never regret it. . . - Carinot he Excelled. t ' n ' CHABLE8TOWN. March 19, 16Ca II, R. Stevens: . Dear Sir This is td certify that I have used yonr " Blood Preparation' in my family for several years, and thisk that, for Scrofula or Cankerous Humors, or Rheumatic Affections, it cannot be excelled; and, as a blood-purifier and spring medicine, it is the best thing I have ever used; and I have used almost .everything. I can cheerfully recommend it to any one in need of snch a medicine. Yours, respectfully, 1 ' ' . MRS. A. A. DINSMORB, - . 19 Russell Street. What is Needed. : Rostov. TTrtv 13 ISWt IlENRTlt. Stevens, Esq.: . Dear Sir About one year since I found myself in a leeble condition from general debility. Vegxtutk was strong'y recommended to me bra friend who had been much benefited by its use. I procured the article, and, alter using several bottles, was restored to health, and discontinued its use. I feel quite confident that there is no medicine superior to ii for those complaints for which It is especially prepared; and would cheerfully recommend it to those who feel that they need something to restore them to perfect health. Kespectrully yours, U. U PICTTENQrLL. rirmors. w. rettongni & vo. No. 18 State St., Boston. G Ives Health, Strciisrtu and Ap- petite. My daughter has recived great benefit from the use oi tn VEQETnnc. .Her declining nealth was a source of crreat anxietr to all of her friends. A few bottles of the Vesetln restored her health, strength - . jusurtuicB snu ikcui neuiie Agent, : No. 49 Seats Building, Boston, Mass. Ouined Fifteen Pounds ofFIcsli. South Bibwick, Me., Jan." 17, 1872. ; II. R. Stevens, Sso: JJcar Sir 1 have bad DvsDensia in its worst form 'or the last ten Years, and 1 have taken hundreds of dollars' worth of medicine without obtaining anvr lief. In September last I commenced taking the V kg ktini:. since which time my health has kteadily improved. My food digests well; and I have gained fifteen ponods or flesh. There are several others in this place taking Vkgettme; and all havo obtained relief. Tours truly. THOMAS K. MOORF. Overseer of Card Room, Portsmouth Co.'a Mills. VcsreCiito is sold by All Druggists. .may 30-bWlm. RAILROAD LINES, &c. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. Oma or Gxh!. 8rm!Rnmin)XNT, 1 Wilmington, N. C J nne 8, 1875. ( Change of Schedule. N JLSiu AJTian dUJMS ii ii, raioc.xuo.ft Trains on the Wilmington and weldoc Baiiroad will nui as follows : ' jQTAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dally, (Sun : day's excepted) ................. At ixcepi 7:35 A. M. Arrive atOoldsbero 11:45 A. M, Knr.lrT MntlTtt. . 1:53 P. M. S " ' Weldon 8.49 P. M. Leave Weldon daily .... . . i ir . .. At li):t)5 A. M 11:41 A. M arrivv u cwuulj jiluiuii... ...... uoiasooro 1:85 P. M Union Depot..- 6:05 P. M. t BXJPUESS TRAIN AND THKOCGH i M. FUEIGIIT TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily Arrive at Ooldsboro .'. . . .At 6:0 P. M. 1 25 A. M. Rocky Mount... 8 30 A. M. weiaon. 6:00 A. M. Leave Weldon, daily,.... .. ... .. 7:03 p.-m. Arrive at Kocty Mount. .... - 9:30 P. . uoiasooro............ .. Union Denot 12:-25 A. M. 6:30 A. K. i Th mult train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquis Creek routes. '' ; "J 1 Express Train connects only with Acquia LTeex route. Pullmut's Palace Sleepins an th la Train. - (TRRIC4HT trains will leave wumni0B in Weekly at 5:03 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. IjuneO'tf General 8uDerintenditi.t IfleMid Suits Office AS WILMINQTON N. C., liti'vL Change 'of Schedule. AND AFTET TUESDAY, JUNE 1ST, THE J following Schedule will be ran on this Road: NIGHT EXPRESS AND PASSKNiK i '--vfi. TRAIN fOallTV- O " 1b W!lmlntrt)Il 6:25 1. M I iva Klownr. ua. m Arrive at Columbia ... . .. .... ........ 4:15 a. - . ey.tte . r" - c- . . -- -w Leave Augusta, . . . . ... 8:15 P. M ... 1:10 A. M lieaye ueiumDia. Leave Florence.. Arrive at Wilmington . . -J 7:10- A M. j Piuaenererfl coins west beyono uommoia lase this train, leayfiig Wilmington ai :SS P. M. 'Ilironeh Frelsht Train Dally (exaapt i - Sandar) h.-, - .v wniTiftnn . .............. m -I, 1:65 P. M. Arrive at Florence .-j ''J.1 Arrive at Columbia...... .-. luaX) A, M. 1 .am rvrinmhia 1. ....... f'"-'6:80 P' M. Arrive at WilmiDirton . -. m . . r 8t0Q P.-If 4 iThrouglt connecttons at Florence : witn trains for Charleston. - ' -. . ' t . Frrfwht Train. wtth Passenffer Coach at- V.-hmi 1pjiv Wllmmerton Tuesdays. Thursdays and iSaturdays at 4:50 A. M and arrive at: WUmlagtoit Wednesdavs and Fridays at 8 P. M : HBMiiirere for t harlesion. lolumbia and Augusta ml hpvnnri should take Niffbt Kxuress Train from :U,Mlmlniitnil . t . .- . 1. y f ' Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charles- ."nana Angus ' JAMES ANDERSON, may 28-tf , Oen'l 8no'u ; SEABOARD AND -MOUNTAINS.:' t W TT.nrrwnTfVW MTZRCIIANTS. WHO DESIRE to cultivate business relations wun ieaieri uu Farmers. In this region ana w eei huhu "'"""h nnv itnvin? direct railroad commnnlcation with Wil mington, fTom statesville,will find the v 'Americto a good medium for that purpose,-- it being one of the oldest and most widely circulating Journals in Wes tern North Carolina. -.f,,i.- Advertisements of any length, may be ent, TWith an assurance that """V'tSTOk. i dcclO-tf ' ' ' Proprietors. EatiSSBaen. f "TJ AD VERTISEMENTST wanted to sell The Peonle's Common Senap 'MndltMil Ad- yiser."i It is tbe cheapest book ever Dubiished: 885 jjogoB, uverzou uiusirauons, x ou. 'xnousanas ouy it at sight who could not be induced to purchase the high-priced books treating of Domestic Medicine. Unlike other books sold through agents this wsrk is tborougbly advertised throughout North America." tub lact, .together with the large size, elegant ap pearance, and many new feat ares of the book, causes it to sell more rapidly than any work ever pnhlished. iu mis eouniry. i nose oi my asnis wno nave naa experience in selling books, say that-in all their pre vious canvassing they never met with such success -or made so large wages, as since commencingtbe sale of my work. 1 For terms and territory, address -(Inclosing two postage stamps and stating experi ence) It V. Pierce M. D., Worii'a Dispensary, Buffalo. N. Y -r ivofe-Mark envelope " For Publishing' Dep't' - - i Portable Engines. ; . The-best In the world for Ginning Cotton, Grind ing Corn, Sawing Lumber, and General Farm or; Plantation purposes. Stationary - Engines and Boilers of all sizes for all uses. Grist-Miils, Shingle Machines, and General Machinery. - Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for Circulars and prices to the Chillicothx Foundry & Machihe Works, ; ' - Chiujcothb.-Ohio. tPlease say in what paser you saw this. WATCHES & JEWELRY sent by Express with the privilege to open packages and examine goods before paying for them, write for prices. . iu u. uraux, Halifax, n. o. OPIUIVl, Morphine Habit ! INTEMPERANCE Speedily cured by DR. BECK'S . only known and sure Remedy. CHARGE for treatment nntU cured. Call on or address DR. J. C. BECK, 11 John St, Cincinnati, O. ; A WEEK ruaranteed to Male and Female I I Agents, in their locality. CosteTNOTHING y. Costs NOTHLNU P. O. VICEERY & to ! try it Particulars Free. CO., Augusta, Me. Advertiser's Gazette, A Journal of information for Artvcrtbers. Edition,.: 0,600 copies. Published L; ; Weekly. Terms, $2 per annum, in advance. FIVE SPECIMEN COPIES (DIFFERENT DATES) TO ONE ADDRESS FOR 25 CTS. " Office No. 41 Park How, New York. GEO. P. HOWELL tc CO., : . Editors and Publishers. June 80-dw4wks. University of Virginia. SUMMit: LA W LECTURES nine weekly) TKGI.V l.- t. JHI.Y, 1875,- AND- END 15TO r ved of signal use 1st to ktii- J Sept. Have dt-nts tfutiguing to parsue their studies at this or other law cbool; Sd to those who propose to study privately; ' to young practitioners wno nave not had the adVah sea of systematic instruction. For circular apply (P, O. University of Virginia) to JOHN B. MINOR. . jane ll-djtw4v ;.- Prof. Com. and Stat Law. MISCELLANEOUS. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO. $20 WILL BUY A FIRST MORTGAGE PREMIUM BOND OF THE Hew.-M Industrial EiMuition Co. Don't compare it with a Lottery; bear in mind that the capital invested is always secured. This Loan is issued on a novel plan, and is authorized by. special Act of the Legislature of the State of New York. ' ? :" ' '"' - -';: E very bondholder must receive , at least $21, but he may receive $100,000! or $35,000, or $10,000, or $5,000, or $3,000, &c, Ac 4th Premium Allotment, July 7th, 75, 5th Serie Drawing; July 6, 1875. Circulars giving full explanation, rill be sent, free of charge, on appli cation. t For Bonds and full information, add ress without delay, Morgentliaii, Bruno & Co,, ,s FINANCIAL AGENTS, '.' 23 Park Bow. JVno York. U, ,5-. .1-. J..:.. V -.. -, 1 . o; ; ... , ' . Remit by Draft on New York City Banks, Regis tered letter, or nisLumce Aoney oruer, Aprn 6-D&W 3m. . " uicL - Stream JLWeeyy 7Jpnrnal p Sixteen Pages. -tij.vwJCii. . DEVOTED TO ' zaiFIEZ D SF O R T S . PRACTICAL NATURAL HISTORY. FISH CUL TURE. PROTECTION OF GAME, FKKHKlt- VAT.ON OK. FORESTS, YACHT1STO,- BOAT- lr, A2it ALL i - Ont-Door Recreation ani Slnij . It Ut I he only Journal in this Csuntry that fntly Supplies the wants nd meets the necessities of the TEKMS 15 00' A YEAR. Liberal discount to Clnbs. .Send lor Specimen Copy 'orf it & Slreim Pakllshlng oo., 17 Chatham Street,' (City1 Hall Fqnare). Hew York. fast Office Eor 8831 3 f mar 28-.L THE MASSE Y .tJniloifolnMa T' fc TY Hp : anil Pnrter ji llllUUUlpillu' A U AA iliU UUU A Hi IU1 j frNiirrALED in purity; unsurpassed -ii 1 r 1-iiiir -TbA mciRt DODalar of all Ales manu- Jfactared in tbe-irntted- States, especially for the Southern trade, wiu remain ugui, sparajing anu WweetlbnBer.5 arid " afford a greater profit to retail (dealers than any other Ales. ;' X )i bbl 3 25 and $3 60, bbl XX $7. i!tth rt 'Ala 7Scensoer dozen; Porter. Soda and arsaparilla 60 cents per dozen. : Assorted aDd ship ed in the oaten t spring lock- shipping cases for the Country trade, 6 dozen to the case. ! J M. KORDLANDER, ; . Pfr. 4tb and Hanover Streets.1 i ' inneit-lm - " -" Wilmington, N. C. Tonsorlal Removal Ji ARTIS has purchased the stock and material lof James Carraway ana removed to ne buoi lorm Uriv ivmniMi by him. in the basement of the Purcell House, where he invites his old friends and the pub- flic generally to call on nun. uesc worxmen in tne fetete employed, and Shaving, Hair Cutting and Shampooine done at the shertest notice. Try him IXlfjIDDiNO CARDS AND YlSriTNO CARDS : atv ' . . a aw printed fn the most elesant style, at '- - r: v WM. H. BERNARD'S snglj Printing and Publishing House. INSURANCE? ? PEEDU0NT & ABXJUGTON . LifelrisffiaiiGetib 1 Of - Richmond;, .Virginia. . Over 22300 Policies Issued.:. Anniial income' Over $1,506,600" I ProTOiYe 1 Prosproiis ! Pttt ! SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES, SECURE. INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE, : AND GOOD : SURPLUS Premiums Cash, Policies Liberal, ... , J- . Annual Division of Surplus. 1 AETHUR J. HILL, Jr.,; Agent Office for the present with Dh T. F. Wood. Medl; cal Examiner, on Market street, two doors west of Green & Planner's druse store, Wilmington, N. C. '" September 8-tf ' ;-. . - INSURANCE ROOMS Atkinson & Manning. $70,000,000 Asaets'Bepreaented. : pike. Ins. Co. of North America. . . .Philadelphia. Phenix Insnrance Company N ew York. Continental insurance km new loric N. - British & Mercantile Ins. Co .London. Hartford Fire Ins. Company Hartford.' Nations fire Ins. Company. .....Hartford. Springdeld F. & M. Ins. Co Massachusetts. : ITIAIIINE. Mercantile Mutnal Ins. Co. New York Ins. Co. of N orth America. ........ Philadelphia. . LIFE. Connmicut Mutual Life Ins. Co,. ..Hartford.' 1 March i-tf : s- r JgNCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. ; : Security against Ifire THE NORTH CAROLINA UOUE IXSURAXCE COMPANY, ' RALEIGH, ' N. This Company continues to write Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property. . - All losses are promptly adjusted aud paid. The "HOME" is rapidly growing In public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property in North Carolina ; W Agents in all paits of the Slate. fla R. YL BATTLE, Jr., President- C. B. ROOT, Vice President BEATON GALES, Secretary. ' s PULASKI COW PER, Supervisor. ATJUNSUN J4AJNJN1N. AGKWTS. , . . aagl-if . , .... r Wilmington. N. CL '2 MISCELLANEOUS. NEW ARRIV ALS This Week. r ..... - - - - : - . - - r -' WACCAMAW A CAPE FEAR FRESII-BEATEN it I C E , HAMS, SIDES, SHO ULDEIIS, (Dry Salted and Smoked). " English and Scotch Ales, COFFEES of all kinds at Reduced Prices, FISH, CASE GOODS of all kinds, TOILET SOAPS, Fine Pale and Common SOAPS. Twenty : different kinds of TONIC BITTERS. Cigar?, Tobacco Kerosene Oil, -Hay, Corn and Oats, WITH HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES OF Groceries at Wholesale. CASH or close bavinr customers can be suited air ways, with uood uoocu at lowest uaraet races. mays-tr - , aukiah a vuiiuiuta. The Raleigh News, Daily and Weekly, THE NEWS PVBLHISING CO., Devoted to the best interests of the State of North Carolina, to tne success of the Conservative, party, the development of the hidden wealth of the State, the cause of immigration into our midst,, and the afiv&ncement or tne we 1 1 are oi our neonie in every thing that serves to make a State prosperous and independent, its ; ; . : Advertising Colamns will be found of great advantage, as the Daily enjoys a very large circulation, and is double that ef any Daily nn Wished in Saleieh. and the weekly circa- late in every county of the State. Bates moderate. j , Subscription Bites: . Dally one yea . ; . . ; . . ." v. $5-00.) ! . 6 months. ........i...... 06.' ."Weekly ene year . 1 03. JOHN D. CAMERON. Editor. - " " j . . . JORDAN -STONEi Associate naitor. j ' : K. C. : W OODSOK; lioeal JOHOr. v.i ' june5.tf , :. , . .-, . Just Eeceived. A LARGE LOT FINE IM PORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. " - Fine Double-Thick Navy, . And Other Brands of Fine Chewing Tobacco H. BURKHIMfiE, f So. 6 Slarket Street. July 36-tf . NOTICE. MAYOR'S OFFICE, 1 874. ) ' -' City of Wilmingto . Jan. 23d, 1874 T7ROM THIS DATE AUCTIONEERS ARE X? ' nrubibited selline horses or stock of any kind in front of the City Market. Princess street, from the' Eastern line ol Front street to the Western line of Fourth street., or Second and Third streets, be tween the Northern line of Market and the southern line of Chesnut streets, are designated for this pur pose oy order oi tne Mayor." --j -' j :r... .u .-. : . . J. H. ROBINSON,' jan S4-tf - ' City MarshaL ; The Bo'rtt Carolina Arins a weekly (family' and; politi- , " "CALJ NEWSPAPER ; . N. Knight & Son. - - - Proprietors, i , WADESBORO, ,N. C, HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION than any paper in Anson county. - Established in 1843, it is the only official organ of Anson, Mont gomery and Stanley counties. It Is the only reliable advertising medium in Anson county. Terms reas onable. Every merchant and business man should have the ARGUS. , ,- , MISCELMNKOLT IiIarshalV)fiicet - TVIlVjniNGTON, N. C, I -Apru 14, ItSib. ) In oeder to enable me to cleanse the City tborougbly and with' as little delay as possible. have divided theCIty into four (4) Health Districts: with a HeaJtH Officer assigned to duty in each. - - Thelst District, in charge ot Health Officer J. H. Brown, embraces that portion of the City North, of Market, and East of 5th street. V " ' ' ' . The Sad District, in charge of Health Officer a C. Taylor, embiaces that portion of the City North of Market, and West of 6th street., .; - , The 3rd District, in Charge of Health Officer A. J. Denton, embraces that portion of the City South of Market, and East of 5th street ;- The 4th District, in charge of Health Officer S. F. Walcott, embraces that portion of the City South of Market, and West of 6th street, ; '; , ; The Health Officers may be known by the Yellow Bosette, and they are Instructed to inspect and re port all nncleanliness to my office. It la -hoped that the citbsens generally, will co - eperate with me in this important work, -and begin tne needed cleansing without further delay. " Any person requiring the services of a Scavenger, may report the fact Jo . the Health Officer of ' the Division in which the work is to be done, or at my Office; and the matter snail have the promptest at tention.: .- ' . : . -- ..., ! .' ' j i Trusting no further appeal to our good citizens may be required, and that our City shall be a model in neatness during the coming summer, I am, very Respectfully, ( J.H. ROBINSON, -. City MarshaL April 15-tf Eugene L. Harris, Artist In SASSAFRAS FORK, JST. C, TJEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION JLr to his Portraits in Crayon. Persons within et good pictures of themselves or deceased friends can have them nicely executed by sending him a pnotograpn to work from. A gooa photograph la necessary to insure a good likeness. The prices below include postage by mail, on roller. A neat frame of walnut and gilt will be funis bed to those who desire it, at f,L50(&$2.00. - . , - s , ... PKICES: . Siae, 14 x 17 inches, . - J5.00 Lire awe, Dnst) - ' - - - - - - ziu.uu TESTIMONIALS. Mr." Harris Dossoses the rare eift' of beins able to delineate, accurately, from a photograph or other picture the exact likeness ef any one. We guaran tee satisracuon." luxiora leader. t We have seen his work, and consider it excel lent. Try him.". Central Protestant. ? We have seen a caDital nortralt of Hon. A. W. Tenable, by Mr. E. L. Harris; tbat reflects addi tional lustre on ms genius in mat aepartment." .Torch-Light .ii : .. mar 17-tf SOUTHERN ' ILLUSTRATED AGE, . I , BALEIGH, K. C. rpTHE ONLY ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY IN "A the South; i Bight pages. - Forty columns. Con taining more reading matter than any weekly pub lished in the Southern States. The first number of the SOUTHERN ILLUSTRA TED AGE will be issued on Saturday, 261b day of Jane, 1875. The Publisher intends making it an. Illustrated record of the times. It will treat of every tonic Political, Historical, Literary and Scientific, which is of current interest, and give the best illustrations that can be- obtained, original or foreign . -- - . The SOUXUJUU4 !X.US'l.'tATiUi AUK WIU DO printed on new type, and heavy book paper. On it list of contributors will be found the names of many of the best writers in the South. Serial and short stones, poems ana saetcnes. ana wen con ducted editorial departments, giving the latest per sonal, literary, scientific. ooliticaL religious and commercial intelligence, will furnish every week an amount oi reading matter unsurpassed ov oiner pa pers, in excellence ana variety, it is intended to make the SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED AGE a journal for the fireside; several columns will be specially, devoted to all subjects pertaining to do mestic ana social are. No family should be withontiu - ; - Snbsci lotion Price only $2 per annum.; Postage free. , . , -. ; R. T. FULGHUM, Editor, June 10-tf Raleigh, N. C. Sale of Valuable Real Estate BY VIRTUE OF AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH the provisions of - a certain indenture of Jnert- gage, executed by Feist Mayer to "The Uanxoi Mew U.-A f lu.riM. -Anti. TtV. Aa A Tl 1873, and registered in the records of New Hanover county, in book EES, -at page 84 and following, the undersigned, as the attorney s of said mortgagee, will ON MONDAY, THE 19th DAY OF JULY NEXT, at 13 o'clock M., at the Court House door in the city of Wilmington, sell for cash, by public auction, the following described piece or parcel of land situated in said city, yia: -.-y---r.i-.-r .Beginning at tne corner or a lot now or recently owned by A P. Reoitoa and wife, on the south side of Market street, and running thence southwardly alone their line one hundred and thirty-two feet to Bettenconrt's alley, thence along said alley east wardly fifty-eight feet to another lot now or recently owned by A. P. Repiton and wife, thence with their line northwardly sixty-six feet to the lot of JrWil kerson thence with the. back line of Wilkerson's let westwardly twenty-four feet to his corner, thence with his other line northwardly sixty-six feet to Market street, thence alons Market street westward5- ly tnirty-ronr leetto tne neginning. ana nemg in block 15S according to Turner's plan of the city of Wilmington. , . waiunx- s jsiAiuiAM, junel8-dtd ' ' ' Anorneys. Foreclosure of MorUap.; James Wilson : ' TS. Foreclosure Thomas Parker. TY VTRTTTK OF A DECREE OF THE SUPE I J rior Court of New Hanover County m the mat ter of James Wilson against Thomas Parker, I will expose to.saie j BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ; On-Wednesday the 80th day of June, 1875, at IS o'clock. N at the Court House door, in the city of Wilmineton. the followins lot or parcel of land, sit- ralit and heinsr in the city of Wilmineton. County Itrf New Hanoveru and State of .North Carolinaand bounded . ana- aescrioea. as, iouowb. ueguuiuig n1i(etv.nme feet east from the north-east corner of Ann ana seventn streets, inence rauuujf wins. Ann Street westwardly tairiy-tnree reel, , tnence nonb wardiv and narallel with: Seventh Street one hunred and sixty-five feet, thence eastwardly thirty three feet, and tnence southwardly one hundred and sixty-five feet to the place or beginning. . TlfiRMS OF SALE, CASH. - ' -.-., . . , ZV ROGER R. SULLIVAN, : - r . Commis8iobcr. i Maksdicw BELnAmr, Attorney. miy 37-law4w-wed f Orton Plantation. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. a i.-.i fi- . ..... ' . t ... ,, ... VLL Persons are hereby warned against shooting. hunting, fishing, ranging or otherwise trespassug nn the i&nii known as the Orton Plantation, in- the County of Brunswick. The indiscriminate slaughter of game at all seasons and the incessant depreda tions in other and more important respects, have rendered it necessary to post these lands; and fair notice is now given that the law will be rigidly en forced against au omeaaers. dec li-d&w-tf r . . I. B. GRAINGER FIELD DOGS; Breetlmg Kennel of ,L CrMieU; Newton,' New Jersej-.' ' "VOUNG POINTERS AND SETTERS OF THE 'Finest' Strains v FOR SALE. o Dogs broken thoroughly for $58 CO.: For full par ticulars address, s- - - - - ;ti A. a WADDELL, mar SfVD&Wtf , , Newton, New Jersey. FINE STALLrFED BEEF t ... ; , -AT- - CitizensJP T.larkef 8ATURDAY MORNING. AISO FUSE SPUING LAMBS. T. A. WATSON. June 10-tf Proprietor. MISCELI,ANiOUS. : iz OF THE ' ' 3RITISH1 f EEIODICALS .The political ferment among the European nations, the strife between Church and State, the discussion of science in its relation to Theology, and the con stant publication of new works on these and kin dred topics, will give unusual interest to the leading foreign Reviews during 1875. Nowhere else can the inquiring reader And in a condensed form the facts and arguments necessary to guide him to a correct conclusion. . . a i. .... THE LEONARD. SCOTT iPUB ; I - LISHING COMPANY, . v A T A TrXT a v cvrrm-v nm yyimy srv r-. w 1 JJA-UA1AA.A OXXUkflil, XtAW. F'"IKt 1 continue the reprint of the four leading Reviews, via : Ebumimon. review, lon . DON QUARTERLY REVIEW Con- j tertaiitey. -1 WESTMINSTER RE- - f VIEW,, Liberal) BRITISH ! ' ' " QUARTERLY RE VIE ' 1 (EoangeWsaL) . ' , " -- AND 1 . '". ' ; TERMS Patablk Stbictlt ra Advahck: f For any one Review.. ...... 4 00 per annant. For any two Reviews ; 7 00 " . " For any three Reviews........;.., 19 00 M ' For all four Reviews.. t. ..... . v.; . 100 ' For Blackwood's Magarfne..,. .. 4 00 . " : " Fsr Blackwood and 1 Review. . ... 7 06 ' . ; . For Blackwood and S Reviews. . , 10 60 " ' Fot Blackwood ahd 3 Reviews... . 13 08- - : 1 For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews. 15 00 H - r; The postass will be prepaid by the publishers without charge to the subscriber, only on the express condition that subscriptions are paid invariably iu advancb at the commencement of each year. " A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs of four or more persona, ; Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one ad-" dress for $12.80; four copies ef the four Reviews and Blackwood for $48, and so on. To clubs of ten or more, in addition to the above discount, a cony eratia wiibe allowed to the eetter- I up of the dab. , -- ' .-.-..v , .., . ... : .. , . . jn. iii minim. . . New subscribers (applying early) for the year 18"; 5 may have, without charge, the last volume for li?;4 of such periodicals as they may eubscribe for. - Or instead, new subscribers to any twe, three, or four of the above periodicals may have one ef the Four Reviewa" for 1874; subscribers to all Ave may have two of the " Four Reviews," or one set 1 Blackwood's Magazine for 1874. . . . " Neither premiums to subscribers nor disceuBt to clnbs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. circulars witn inrtner particulars may be bad on application. - . TUB 1,H;UI AKi BUU'lT fUULdSUlNO CO., ' feb26-tf 41 Barclay St.. New York. A RepsentatiTS' am' Clampii of 'American Art Taste ! '' , BfosDectus for , 1875. EIGHTH YE l , iTHE aldine: i . . . i . THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA, ' ; Issued Monthly.' - '. 1 A Magnificent Conception, wonder- ; . fully carried out." ; . The necessity of a popular nfedium for the reore- - sentationcf the productions of our great artists, has always been recognized, and many attempts hava been made to meet the want. The successive failures which so invariably followed each attempt in this country to establish an art Journal,- did nut prove the indifference of the people of America to tne claims or mgn art. o soon as a proper ap preciation of the want and an ability to meet it were - - snown. tne public at once raiiiea witn- entnusiaum to its support, and the result was a great artistic. , - ana commercial uiumpn this ai.iiixs.- - " " this auujlmji. wniie lssuea witn ail tne regu larity, has none of the temporary or timely interest characteristic tif ordinary periodicals, it is an ele- ' gant nusceiiany or pure, ngnc, ana graceiui utera- , ture; and a collection of pictures, the rarest speci mens of artistic skill, in black and white. Al though each succeeding number -affords a fret-h . pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty tf 'I'M IT. A r ilTNTW. will Iwmniitr.iinnviritoil after it u bouLd up at the close of the year. 'While other publications may claim superior cheapness, as com pared witn nv&ie oia similar class, th t auuims is a a unique and original conception alone aud .. , anapproached .absolutely without competition in ' price or, character. - The possessor of a complete -volume can not duplicate the quantity ef fine paper . ana engravings in any otner. snape or nuus-er 01 , volumes for fen times Us cost; and, there is Out " chroma, besides! The national leatnre oi TUB AUJirtit must bo . taken in no narrow sense. True art is cosmopoli tan WMIa TR1I IT.nnjlt ( .Mi-tl. A mrian institution, it doc s not confine itself entirely to the reproduction of native art. - Its mission is to culti vate a bread and appreciative art taste, one that- ' wiui ejscnminawv only on grounds- oi. lnuuuic meriU Thus, while placing before the patrons of THE ALPINE, as a leading characteristic, the pro ductions oi tne most notea American artists, atten-. tion will always be given to specimens from foreign masters, giving snDscriuers ail tne pleasure ana in struction obtainable from heme or foreign sources. . ; Tne arostic illustration 01 American scenery. original with THE ALDINE, Is an important lea- taie, ana its magnincent piates are ei a size more nnnrnTirfatA tn thA sfitfctf fintiirv t.rAatm Ant f MfAila tnan canoe asoraea Dy any lnienor pace, xne judicious mterspersion of landscape, marine, figure, , and animal subjects, sustain an unabated interest, Impossible -where the scope ef the work confines the artist too closely to a single style of subject. The literature of THE ALDINE is a light and grace ful accompaniment, worthy or tne artistic features, with only such technical disquisitions as do not in- eriere witn tne popular interest oi tne worK. PREHIUSI FOR 1875.' . - ' Every subscriber for 1875 will receive a beautifn portiait, In oil colors, of the same noble dog whose picture in a iormer issue auractea so mucu auen- , "MAN'S UNSELFISH . FRIEND? ' will be welcome in every home. Everybody loves such a aog, ana tne portrait is executea co trae to . thsltfA t..t- 4t uumi t-lia arlfJla nWUfiJlPfl nf thfl animal'itseU. The Bev. T. De Wit Talmage teUs that fain own Newfoundland dog (the finest in Brook lyn) barks at it I Although so nataral, no one who sees mis premrum enromo wm aavo iuo uiguvrat fear of being bitten. -i - - ' . ' i Besides the chronid. every advance Subscriber to THE ALDINE for 1875 is constituted a member, . and entitled to authe.pnvuees or yu: . I -THE ALDINE ART UNION. ' Th TTnlon own trie OtlHtialsOr KU T11K Al.lJI!d K Rlotures.wn.cn, wuniecner. .paintings ana. engrav igs, ate to be distributed among . the members. , t every" series of B.tXX) subscriber, 1 100 different ' Mieces, ' vaiuea over i,dw are ouuwuivu as Boon as the sories la faU. and: the awards : of each r eeries as made are to be published in the next sue- ceeding issne of THE ALDINE. ' ThU i eatu.-e nly applies to sunsenrjers wno pay jor one year n aa- vance. run parncuiars in circular sent on appiica. . ilun enclosing a stamp. ..... t . , i ONB ; SUB6CBTPTIOH, XNTITUNO TO TUE ALDINE . OK B YBAB, THE CBBOXO AND THB AST UNION, $ C.OO per annum, in aayance, . . (No charge for postage.) " "' V.. . 11 rl F I I., . I r 1 I . ' ly. mrn flwf. - TtllS: AtDINii wilh hereafter, bebbtainabte only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club latee; cash for subscriptions must be sent to the publisher s direct, or bunded to the local canvaster, ivithout responsibility toy the publishers. except in - eases wnere uie certiucate is given. Deanng tuc f ac-simile signature of Jaxss Sutton, President. CANVASEIIS VIVANTED.. t hdv uerBou wucuma w mm ucniwiaiur m b hml-u can vatseer will receive full and prompt, information by applying to ; f THE ALDINE COMPANY, s jan lOtf :' ' &8 Maiden Lane. New York - j , ' .-.AN OMtBlNAISVE,, :,:; J yuuvimuig iiujuj ii uf,vuj vimiwj uvi f PH E BOARD OF' ALDERMEN OF THE C1T V !1 OF WILMINGTON, N. C, DO , -I ORDAIN', That any Dray, Truck -Wagon, or Cart found in use. within the City limits without the Badge or Eegistered Number cao ivuuucu a j va - 1873, shalTbe subject to selaureby the City Marshal, and the owner thereof subject to a fine of Fivx UOVLMmB zor eaen auu every uay iue same is uses in this City without the prepayment of the monthly tax, or without having on the - :.f ; I3aage or jegistejre as the Ordinance of the City requires. v - ' - 1 i Any Ordinance or parts thereof conflicting with the foregoing are hereby repealed. - The above Ordinance was passed by the Beard of Aldermen at their meeting February 16th, 1874. , rr. . , T. C. SERVOBS, febl8tf . . City Clerk.

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