THE JIOEITIITG STAB. "pUBLKHED DAILY, BY ;, ; IUTK8 Of SU1SCBIPTI0" IX iSTATCS: vesr. (by mail) postage paid,... J.ha " " " ......... io!i.( ::::::::: $7 00 4 00 3 35 1 00 SixmoBtha, C Three moniu M . AnA month. To City Subscribers, aeuvereu in any par oi iue ,it Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorised to collect for more than 3 months in tJvunce. ; r. OUTLINES. Another liondon bouse and a Manchester firm have failed. Chinese have partly satisfied the demands made on them for the recent insult to our Consul at Chin Kiang. Counterfeiters at Alleghany City ar rested and gang broken up. Col. Su"e late Superintendent of Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railroad, found dead in his bed. Gold discovered in large quantities on jrrencn v;reeK, ciai; nuis. King of Burmah grants permission for English troops to pass through his territory. 1 Another severe ecclesiastical law passed in Germany. -New York mar kets: Cotton, 15t15i; rosin $1 75$1 80; spirits turpentine, 82J; gold, 117iU7i. ; . People's' Indepcndcut r party of Cali fornia iu convention yesterday, nominated Geu. Bidwell forGovernor and Lieutenant ami Acting Governor Pacheco for Lieuten ant Governor. f OUB NOlRINATlONtK - ' ne Democratic Conservatives l).ive nominated the delegates named below in the counties designated: V Catawba Col. L. M. McCorkle." Cumberland J. A. Worth, Neill 11. Blue. ; . ; :-. ; , Duplin Uey. John N. Stallings, Wui. Farrior. . FranVHnCol. V. Ferney Green. : Harnett John Harrington. : -: : Hyde Mr. Carter. . Edgecombe Capt. Fred. Philips, James H. Exura. t Johnston Willis Sauuderd, Hinnant. Lincoln Caleb Alotz. Nash Benj. H. Bonn. Orange Hons. Wm. A. Graham wnd Josiah Turner. ' - Person Col. John W." Cunning hm. ''" ;; liandolph tlev. Braxton Craven, a D., Dr. J. M. Worth. p llockingham Ex-G o v. David S. Keid, Maj. J. Turner Morehead. Rutherford A. G. Logan. Stokes J. F.Hill, Yadkin J. A. Stephenson. For the most par these are admir able selections'. ; ; i A AVortrroman VuprcjadleeASonrce. Says the Charlotte Democrat:. The usury law has done ' the bnsi ik'ss portion of oar people ' (farmers, merchants and mechanics) more harm' ' than is supposed by those who listen to the arguments of demasjojjoes who yiretend that thev are hi favor of lieai money, but who wring every -cent from their debtors they possibly rtjau. We say this, as a money-bor- irowr and not as a moiiey-leiuler. WVr want nn nfficp unit vnnlil nut accept one if every man in Mecklen- Imusr .countv was ,to vote for as. but we Intend always to. express an opin ion on public schemes and measures where Ike people generally are inter ested. ....... ; - - - ; A j Tbe Stata T Stoaewall Jackn. The com inittee appointed by the General Assembly of Virginia to ar raneo for the reception and location of the Foley statue of Stonewall Jackson have decided to 'have it erected between the avenue on the north Bide of the Capitol and Capitol street, directly opposite the centre or l the Capitol building, Richmond. . By arrangement with the Allen line - of .steamships to Norfolk, the "statue will be transported from England to '.Norfolk without freight charges. It 'will probably arrive early in Septem iber, and be formally unveiled and in augurated on the first - day of the week of the State Agriculturrl Fair, in November. - . - f The Arama mt Vlefrf.- his speech accepting the nomi naiion for Governor of Ohio, Gpyer- " He heard old, gray-beaded Demo crots say to-day that they would not be satisfaed with less than hfty tnoa- nand maionty this fall. The ticket would be sent before the people with the aroma of vietorv about it. The ball had been set rolling now, and victories were in store for the Demo cratic parly for fifty years," and they would all live happy and die happy, ami go to heaven in a body. kuiogy n ftloaarebv for Kepabll ' k cia Gttilt. - - - DuBijyJane 20. " -I he Amenc:in riflemen, by mviti- lioii of the brd mayor, atteuded ser vice jo-day at St. Patrick's Cathedral. "The sermon, which was preached by - Canoa Keeper, was an eulogy of mon archy and tbe established church. 1 he resident of the city; comment - severely on tha aoeaker's taste. ' In nhe evening the visitors enjoyed the i- Jwpitahties of the lord mayor inau- " It takes a column in the Warsaw -AT0 Yorker" savs an exchange, ' to -explain what Grant means in his third- Uerm letter.' And yet he means simply Hhai he wants a third-term and in- ends to have it, and be hanged to he man who savs he shan't.- Cour- tier Journal. Charlotte Democrat : It should tt& no difference npw . whether a Pewo- favored or opposed calling the iXwven fl"M tliia vpar nr nert rraarrruit men of ih opinions ouirht to co-operate and see thu food men (and not Badicafc of. any ? I HE ;M(RXIN(- .STAR. VOL. XVI. NO. 80. Spirits Turpentine The "Junior" of the Oxford Leader fell down and hurt himself enough to last a week . . Rev. W. F. Cleffff. of the N. C. Conference, died on the 16th instant, at his home in Chatham county. -Ss A little negro crirl. Pesrv Man ly, was killed on the tracls of the & W. At. lt,near Weldon, on Monday. ; : la the Federal Court at Raleigh Saturday, the ownership of the Littleton nursery was decided in favor of William Johosoo Powell, the murderer of Mr. Cohen, was tried and convicted in Halifax not Hertford," as the mistake of a contem porary made us say. ' At correspondent of the News suggests the name of the distinguished Bishop Pierce, of the Methodist Episcopal Church for the Presidency of the Univer sity. : v " We learn from the Weldon News that an affray took place at Marga- rciisvuie, in jxoruiampton county, on Sat urday afternoon last, in which Mr. Jesse Banty was shot and instantly killed by Mr. Rufus T. Davis. THECITY.; : NKWADV KRXIS KBt KNX8. .1 IIeiksbkrgeb S. New Novel. : DkRosset & Co. Prime Virginia Hams. Seb Ad. County Commissioners. JL P. Risrao Strayed or Stolen. Ske Ad. Card of Thanks. Habbison & AxLKNj-StrawHats. Gbakt & Henson Flour, Ment?, &c. Local - llnta. A scrub race between several yaw) boats, manned by young Wilminglon- ians, took place in tbe river yesterday. ' ' We acknowledge the receipt of an Invitation to be present at a pic nic aud match game of base ball at Standback's Ferry, on July 2d, 1875. j . Our report of the Fayetteville Centennial, given yesterday, ' is 'supple mented to-day by an account : from an es teemed correspondent. The daily mail to Smithvillc will begin July 1. We think Mr. O. G. Parsley wilt be tbe contractor, and the quick little steamer Dixie will be the mail boat. - .Prof. Tamburello, aided by bis pupils, will give ; a Concert at the Opera House on next Thursday night, fur the benefit of the Ladies' Memorial Association.1 Two colored men were yester day arrested and confined in the guard house, charged with having been engaged in a fight in the vicinity of Water andMuI berry streets. . - : ' ?...--.- j A colored voter invaded the sacred privacy - of tie editorial room yester day with: "Doh't you want to buy this Young lwwi!"' we aian'L, auu mo hawker of hawks stalked oil with indigna tion In his eye and an extra glosa on Lis ebon countenance. ' - The Raleisrh News says: "Wil mington subscribes for over one hundred and sixty copies of Our! Living and Our Bead, and receives none of the money that is expended in its publication. Raleigh business men receive over f 7,000 from its publication and, that of the Journal of Edu cation, and subscribe in return to. not over nine copies, both - publications included.: Very appreciative on the" part of Raleigh": Tk Tab Race. We are requested to state that - all those intending to participate in the 5th of July tub race on we Eouna, are desired tu so inform the Regatta Committee of the Caro lina Yacht Club, in order that the necessa ry arrangements may be made. Baaea mt TkerHoaicier. - The following was! the range of the Aher mometcr at the Signal Bureau, iu this city. yesterday: - :u7. IL, 75; laiL, 88; 2 P. M , 80; 4:30 P. M:;79; 9 P. M., 76 mailable Letters. . The following is a liat of the unmailable letters remaining in the city postomce Democrat Office, Wis. ;, Mary . J. ,Hewlin Julia Boyklnt Herrinsvme, Sampson C6. N. C; William Hollo way, 44 Market street,; NewVbrk.fHv- HO Perianal. . 'v Capt. John W. Ilinson, for many years prominently, and popularly, kuown, In the eommisaion business of this city, took his "departure for his new home iu Ptiiladelphia this moruibg;1 Yesterday afternoon he en tertained a number of his personal friends at the PurcehY nouse, preparatory lo bid ding them f arewelland many kwud wishes for his future , health and prosperity were expressed. ;, , , : . . , i J k 1 1 3k I . "4 t In Philadelphia-Capt,. Hincm will engage iu the eeneral commission business in con necUoo with Capt. D-...Cumming, late cashier of the Bank of Marion, and an old and esteemed resident of Wilmington. Stolen Ooode Heeaveredr '"" 'r Some time ago the trunk;, of Mr. II. G. Easterliog. a passenger on the ,W.;&;W. U. B , was stolen, it was supposed by a train hand. The case was- put in the hands of Constable Carr. who succeeded In a short time In successfully working up the case, anj a colored train band named Jesse Nich oiBon wa8 arraigned, charged witn the lar- I M j committed to jail in default of hn to -wi a further investigation. -A quantity of clothing has beeu found under circumstances, that dispels any doubt 'of their having formed part of the contents of the trunk and the coming of Mr. Msterjing I . lha nrnnflHV identified IS 0017 HOW I .. . vihnann 'committal . . - WILMINGTON, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. . Synopsis of the Proeeedlnge. The Board . of County . Commissioners met at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. Present James Wilson, Chairman, Van Amringe, Wagner, Nixon and Morris.'' .' . The following order was passed: Whereas, ! It appears that the order passed by this Board on the day of excepting the return of the Tax List of Wilmington Township, which had been re turned to the Township Board, according to Section 10 of the Revenue Bill,' with thee assessments of said Township Board, made by them according to law, was not entered on the minutest W .O : TLJ - Ordered, That the said order be entered nunc pro tune, and that the entry of this preamble and order shall be the- evidence of all the orders, acts and proceedings here in recited. v , - c ' Ordered, That the clerk of this Board notify the Chairman of 'the Board of Trus tees of each; Township in the eounty of New Hanover to meet this Board on Mon day, the 28th day of June, to assist in re vising the . tax; lists of the county for the Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy having given the owest bid for medical attendance to tbe sick of the put door poor, it was ordered that he be given the contract" for attending to the same. ' ' : -' A communication from' the Mayor of Weldon, N. C. was received and ordered on file. v J. ' J. Cassidey and Thos. M. Gardner handed in the following report; ! j Having been appointed by your Board to view the real, estate of the Township of Wilmington, and equalize the value of the same, hereby respectfully report that we have performed live duties assigned us and herewith return tae result of our labors. The report was received and ordered spread on the minutes. V, . . :. . Mr. James Wilson, Chairman, and Com missioner A. II. Morris having been ap pointed a Committee of two to examine into the matter of the Index Books' and report to the next meeting, Mr. Morris asked for further time, and Chairman Wilson sub mitted the following report: :' lo the Board of County Commissioner of Hew Hanover jouniy : ... Gentlemeh : Having been appointed a Committee, to examine' the matter of the transcription of the index books, by J. H. Smvtb. and also the amount received py him for said work to date, we beg leave to xeport that we find that agreeable to. a pe tition made by several prominent members of tbe bar, to have copied two index books in the Register of Deeds' office, tbe Board of Commissioners entertained two proposi tions for the said transcription, one from Jasper Bishop and one from J. H. Smyth. The communication of J. H. Smyth, to the Board, which was a lower bid than Jasper Bishop's, is as follows: , WrupNGTON, Nov. 9th, 1874. t To Vie Hon: Board of Commissioners of Km Ilanover County, finance Committee: Gentlemen: The undersigned will corf- tract to ' transcribe tbe two indexes for $1100, or two cents per name, compare and correctthe same for f 1400. Hoping to see fit to award me the contract, I am, with the highest consideration of respect. " ; -r, J. H. 'Smtyth. At a meetine of the Board in December 8th, 1874, we find the following entry on the minutes: "The application of Jasper Bishop and J. H. Smyth, for transcribing tbe indexes in itegisters omce, referred to the Chairman pro tern., with power to act" Nothing further in" regard to the matter is entered on the minutes of the Board, ex cept in the Auditor's Report, which shows by the payments made that the contract had been awarded to J. H. Smyth. ;. I We find that tbe following amounts have been paid the said J. H. Smyth, on account of said work: - Warrant No. 221, issued in Dec., '74, 'for;1: ;.......: $200 Warrant No. 438, issued in Feb'y, 75, - fo 250 Warrabt No. 613, issued in Marca 75p U for,. v- -... ,f-aoo Warrant No. 614, issued in March, 75, " for;..;::..............:.....:. iw Warrant, No. 628, issued in March, 73,, i-,. for;..................-. Jsou Warrant No. 830, issued in May, 75, ' for;; .-..... ..... .. ....... "256 Making in aU, the sum. of thirteen hun dred dollars, witbin one hundred dollars of the full amount of bis contract ,, . Aa reeards the work, we find it far from being complete. -The comparing 'the in dexes with the original book of mortgages and conveyances . on file in the Register's officer - so as - to- -correct errors known - to exist, has not been-done, and " the new in dex books areuor evenxedpies of the old; thousands of abbreviations are made un tiAHiM which ere calculated to cause con fusion, and to give-the members of the bar much trouble ano; perpiexuy;in raasinge amlnations of the records; names, are also mioaneitad-'new h&mes sub8tiroted:'and in correct; references are -given ;.to, pages pf books.. rAi. scft :.:;; i-i..r;i.'i I i-; : Although ; this work of copying 1 is not complete, and ftv.far, a failure, it is the smallest part of the contract, the principal part of which is comparing of the indexes, with all of the original papers on file in the Register's office, or with tbe books contain ing copies of all such records, so as to cor rect all mistakes and omissions of the index Oii the 5th dav of June, instant, J. II. Smyth asked tbe Chairman of the Board to sign a warrant iur iuc sum ui uura nuu ArvA nnd fiftv dollars, that bad been allow ri him in full settlement of hil contract. for transcribing the two index books. The nhairman refused to do so, stating that he intended to examine the matter and bring it before the Board on the Bin mst ; naving nontln hen lmoortuned by the said Smyth. the Chairman told him, iu tte presence of Joseph E. Sampson, that 'it was an out rage on the county.? V Oh; the 8th insL, the said Smyth, knowing the state of affairs, and in the temporary absence of the Chair man, had his warrant signed by the Chair man pro few. r Qu ibe-next day, the Chair man having returned to.ihe city, ascertain ed that the warrant had been signed, and the money order issued; and on enquiry, as to its whereabouts, the said Smyth in formed him that it was not' in his posses sion t that be bad used u , ! , On further investigation, we found that the warrant and money order had been al tered from $350 to $250. - ,-. . ' We therefore recommend that the -said J. H. Smyth be immediately discharged from his employment as connected with tbe Board - -' ' James Wilson. " WniiNGMV;N. C".," June 23d, 1875. The Chabman thereupon moved thatJ. H. Smyth be discharged from bis position as 'Clerk .of the Auditing Committee. juere 1 considerable and continued discussi discussion en- N. C, THURSDAY.! sued, wbich was participated in by all the members of "the Board. The debate be came lively between Chairman Wilson and Smyth the clerk,- the latter insisting that bis character was attacked. The members of the Board debated the question at length but only so far as concerned the resolution by the Board, authorizing Commissioner: Wagner to sign the money warrants in! question. They refused to take a vote upon the motion to discharge Smyth from the position as Clerk of the Auditing Committee, on the1 ground ' that the Chairman having employed the said Smyth, the Board had 'jcuoofjKHattef1'' v ; The debate was long, but devoid f any special, interest to the community, that we could learn of. "We were not present ' and on account of : its uninteresting character, have made no special efforts to reproduce the discussion. . . The Board referred the whole matter to the Chairman, with power-to act; where upbn the Chairman discharged J. H. Smyth from the employ of -the Auditing Commit- teC , ; I An application was received from J. H. Smyth for the position of Clerk to the Aud iting Committee, from which be had just been discharged. It was referred to the next meeting. ' The Board then adjourned, : to meet on Monday next. Tbe Bar aud Hlver. As a matter of general interest, we pub lish in full an interesting, account of the improvements pf our bar and river, togeth er with a list of the various bids offered for its coni ii iiod improvement, taken from the Baltimttrvw '' - '- ; Cl'ii.'l Craiuiiill yesterday opened pro- ixwals iu this city for tbe extension of the Federal Point Jettee at tbe New Inlet, near near the mouth of tne uape Dear river; North Carolina. This is an important work.- lieing to close New Inlet by artificial means, and thus increase the depth of the river to the harbor of .Wilmington, so as to admit of the passage of large vessels. New Iniel was defended by the Confederate Fort Fisber during the war. It is located on the eastern side of the Cape Fear river,? nineteen miles below the city of Wilming ton, and eight miles above tbe mouth prop; er of the river. - Old records show that this inlet has been in existence for somewhat over a century, and that its origin was due as much (i not more) to tne action ot tne wind upon the dry sand of the beach as to the tendency of the river currents to seek that outlet to tbe sea. up to me summer season of 1873 no steps were ever taken to contract the area of outflow at New ' Inlet, although several breaks which had : from time to time occurred below the New Inlet had been successfully closed. On July 1, 1873. the work tor closing tne space be tween Smith's and Zeke's Islands had just been completed, and New Inlet remained as tbe only passage to tbe sea except tue mouth of the river. At this time the con dition of the New Inlet was about as fol lows: Width in a direct line from Federal Point to Zeke's Island, 4,200 feet; depth of water on said line from six to fifteen feet at ordinary low water. Vessels of light draft (say nine feet) coming to- this point from the north, can enter by way of tbe New Inlet at high water, thus saving a run of about thirty-tive miles to enter the i old mouth, in July, 1873, tne present f ederal Point jettee was commenced, and during the summer and fall oi mat year was ex tended ,to , 500 feet in . length. As the Object ; of f this work was primarily to serve as a denector to tne inlet currents, and not necessarily to form an in tegral part of any closing work which might afterward be undertaken, tne direction given it served to diminish the distance across the Inlet by only about 400 feet thus leavingthe distance across, from end of jettee to Zeke's Island,, about 3,800 feet. One of tne results oi mis wore nas oeen the growth of Federal Point, the beach of which has followed out along the jettee on both sides, to about one-half its length, and to high water mark.. . It now seems advisa ble to extend the Federal Point jettee dur ing the coming-fiscal year to as great a length as the state of available funds will permit. About $100,000 will be available for tbe prosecution of this work, with the probability of an increased allotment, in case advantageous bids are offered. The desire is to entirely close the inlet Capt C. B. Phillips, of the corps of United States engineers, who has charge of the work, states that' when the present de flector was erected the water in the mouth of the river increased in depth, and it! has been satisfactorily demonstrated that should the inlet be closed, a depth of eighteen feet at the mouth will at once be attained, r ; The bidders for the. work ' were ten in number. E. T. Bangs and M. ' Dolby, of Manlius, N. x.,' propose to do the whole, usifisr granite rock, for tSOO.OOOr Curtis. Fobesb Co.. Portland. Me.'. $300,000, using rock, or will complete the work two feet above high waterfor $500,000, if the logs taken out ot Uape ear river can oe used; Eschbach & McClenahan, Baltimore, at so much per lineal loot, u ng brush wood and stone; Thos.-Keeler, mmon, jn. i., pro Dose to furnish material-only; H. S. Ser- voss, Wilmington, $135 each foot in height; F. U. Bniith. JHew lorK, cno work and d vke. bv the lineal - foot; A. Strausz, Wil mington, proposes to construct catch cribs " . m i . s,, . ... i on open rails, to 0e.1uen.mieu wmi roc, aud with brush projecting to, catch the sand; C. J. DeGraw,1 Oswego, N. Y., cribs of rwund timber filled with stone and brush at 34 and $39 per lineal foot; Uerry..Jd wards & White. Boston, offer to furnish rock at- $6 50, per.- ton." .The, bidders also diffef as U the mode 6f the-wbrk, but it seems none have doubts of its feasibility. . Contractors are now at work extracting stumps front the bed of Uape J! ear river, anmpt at which are very large, and grew there at aDeriod very remote. The wtiod is frequently found to- be cut by the salt water borer worm; although the 'water is now fresh.; The theory is that the present bed of the river was formerly a forest, tben it became a part of the sea, and is now the fresh water CaPe Fear river. Will some of the scientists give tbe dates of these well defined changes? ' All these improvement took to making Wilmington a seaport where vessels of large tonnage can enter, without difficulty. fltacUtrte Crt.iji ::S Y i f i Before T. M. Gardner, J. P. : : John Skipper was arraigned for the lar- eeny of $7 50 from John Piver, (while the latter i was asleep, ine aeienaans con fessed judgment, and was sent to jail in de fault of $100 bail. in Mary Davanter, colored, was arraigned ior using vulgar, and obscene language, on "the public highway, to.the, scandal , of ( the good citizens. - Judgment was suspended on payment of costs. JUNE 24, 1875. , Revision f the Tax lasts. ; The Board of, County Commissioners will held s a session of three days from and in cluding Monday - next, for the purpose of revising the tax lists," as they have been re ported to the Board. At any time during these sessions the Board will hear all cam- plaints from tax-payers regarding the val uation of property by the tax listers.1 J An opportunity is thus afforded tax-payers of having any mistake iu assessment corrected if any should have been made. After the expiration of the three days no correction will be allowed, unless according to . tbe strict letter of the law. v " 1 K r- Snnet Hill" IMt Night. A pleasant feature - of last evening was the open-air concert ! given by the Cornet Concert Club on Sunset Hill. A neat and commodious stand had been erected,' duly furnished with lamps, while here and there upon the green ; mounds ' were scattered seats for the accommodation of the listen ers. J - A large throng assembled, and remained delighted throughout the rendition 1 of 'the programme, which -has - been heretofore published. Among the crowd of interested isteners we are happy to say there were many ladies, and the Cornet Concert Club have reason to feel proud of their achieve ment in causing so many of the fair sex to brave the dangers of a damp evening for the sweet music and the gentle breezes of Sunset Hill. There ; were, in all, several hundred ladies, gentlemen, and children present This concert having been such a grand success, it is hoped that it will have many successors. , ; EXECUTIVE conniTTEB mi EST. IIdqrs. Central Ex. Committee, Democratic Conservative larty . New Hanover County, Wilming- . , ton, N. C. June 17. 1875, The members of the Central Executive Committee of tbe Democratic Conservative party of New. Hanover County (being the (Jommittee as constituted before tbe coun ty of Pender was established) are requested to meet at the Star office, in this city, Wed nesday, June 30, at 3 o'clock if. M.. ine ooject oi me meeung is 10 cau a County Convention to nominate three can didates for the Constitutional Convention. ', : - Wm. H. Bersakd. - d&w-td - : Chairman.; FAYETTEVILLE CENTERNUb. The Patriotic Eemonatratlon at Pay- eltevllle Monday A Glorloaa Time The Grand Ball dee. From a Star Correspondent. 1 '. Fayettevtlle, N. C, June 21.. : As "Centennials" are as epidemic in and throughout the country "as grasshoppers in the.West.and tbe crowds that attend them; comparatively speaking, as numerous as the "hoppergrssses" (vide Gov. Brogden), we had one here to-day, which, next to Mecklenburg, is entitled to precedence over all others. .. . ;.... ? One hundred years ago at Old Liberty Point (upon which spot many : a flag, both the stars and stripes and the stars and bars, have been raised) the Rowans, the Car vers, the Hollingsworths, the Evanses and others, threw down ' the' gauntlet and de clared, in unmistakable terms to the British1 Lion, that they must and would be free. To-day the. descendants xf these patriots assembled upon the same spot to commem orate and celebrate the patriotism of their forefathers. . , , j l: . ' -y, , H i ' i i - 5 1 ; Mr. Robert Strange Huske. after prayer by the Key. H. G. HUL read the "deciara- tion," prefacing it by a few chaste remarks that had tne ring or eloquence inneruea from two sides of ancestors. ' ., Mr. Bart Fuller followed: in an address that was carefully and elaborately prepared, and aBoreciatively listened to by a large crowd assembled from the adjoining coun ties. ' ' -" Mr. Turner, of the Sentinel, was loudly called for. and contributed no little to the success of the occasion by some of his orig inal and characteristic remarks, . both as to the past and the present not forgetting the future. He told his audience mat iw years in the life of a nation were but as one year computed as in the - life of , a man. . W e all , . - t j .. 1 . 1 n . 1 anew wuat we iiiiu . pusseu imuugu auu what we had vet to pass through? wnetner for 'weal- or i; woe, rested with God and the conduct of f those " who had to follow after us. . That;"naUons to. be lqved must be lovely' and it rested , , with the coming generation to make our country loveiv or otherwise. .. : uur two muitary companies, tne masonic and Odd Fellows' .fraternities and others made a display quite creditable to the occa sion, and altosretner ine ceieoration wa quite a success.' j-' We noticed with pleasure the presence of your esteemed townsman, Mr F. W. Kerchnec As Mr.. Turner said in his sueecb. we certainly intend to be at the next Centennial held at Liberty Point if we are living then. JjOBan. f: a" iiorsroi to mention tnai tne uen tennial closed with a grand ball. The hall was beautifully decorated by the ladies, and evervthing looked as if we were return- ing to the good old days of yore." It would have dons' your heart good to have seen the beautv and chivalry as they prom enaded on the floor of Williams' Hall.' ' 'I'V'ii'itl: niVi,'!. ! 'lil'uifLiS-iH 0;i v'i ;-L.i . '. NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. : FasMonaMfi Straw Hats. - - ; Mackinaw and mdlan straws, drab Cassimere Hats. Ladies' Straw Hati. . , 1 , . j ! ' v . At) . HARRISON & ALLEN'S, J : i nae34-tf " t a . u.i dty Hat Store; ?We are To-Day Recei ving a fresh invoice 5 of our Originaf Elm Grove FamQy Floor, the best floor in the market for the price; also. Ferris' choice meats, hams, shoolders and pig pork. ".v . "' ' : June S4-D AWlt i ,- GRANT A HINTON. ' Strayed or Stolen. - A BLACK COW, HAS WHITE BAG AND SEE teats. Had on a largo bell. Marks;, Crop and under-bit in each ear. ."- ' , A Uberat reward will fee paid lot her delivery to the ondersigned. R. F. RISING, jane S4-St Corner 9th and Wooster St. WHOLE NO. 2,406. .NEW , ADVERTISEMENTS, j Oice or County Cemmissloiiers. , WUmlngton, K. C, Jane 23d, 1875. f FI PUESUANCK 09 SECTION 1ft OF AN ACT to ralee reyenne, ratified February 14th. 1874, and Section 17 of an act known aa theManhinerr Art ratified tbe (2nd day of March, 1875, tbe Board of Coanty Commissioners of New Eanorer county, met to-day at the Court House, la the City of Wil mington, for tbe purpose named in said acta, and have taken a receett until - BondayYthe 28thay of uie, 1875, At which time the Ocmmiseioners will proceed to revise the tax lists and valuation reported to them and complete the lists by computing the tax payable by each person and affixing the same opposite his name. Tae session of tae Board will continue for the space of , y:-;--v - f r" Thred Working Jiajis.' The Board will bear all oereons objectine to the valuation of their proDertv. or to tbe amount of tax charged against them. The Board har a right to raise valuations ol m-ODertv that mav be nnreason- bly low, and for that purpose are : empowered to summon ana examine witnesses. t After the tax lists are made no and placed in the hands of the Sheriff it will be almost impossible to make corrections. All faults mart be cossidered the faults of the tax-payers themselves. And notice is hereby given that no alterations will be made after the. time expires except in accordance with the JAUBS WILSON, . Chairman Board of Coanty Commissioners, jane S4-4t Card of Thanks. T3K LADIES GV WILMINGTON LODGE, No. 64, L O. G. T., desire to return thanks to the following named Ladies and Gentlemen Tor their kindness in contributing to the Festival and Ball givenDyinemon Juneitita: ,.-.. M. If. Katz, a D. Myers, B. Solomon, T. H. Smith, P. Heinsberger, Mrs. Empie, Mrs. Geo. Chadbourn. Mrs. Benj. Berry, Mr. Tborbura and Mr. Lessman.. - By order of the Ledge. WILLIK SELLERS, It. S. Hiss ANNA JAUBS, A.R8. jane24-lt A New Novel. Aunt Margaret's Trouble, By MISS DICKENS, Daughter of Charles Dickens 1 Esq.. the Celebrated English Novelist, the An. thor of "Pickwick Papers," Nicholas Nicklehy,". SC., AC. ' . - Just received and for sale at - ' HEENSBEEGER'S JoneS4-tf Live Book and Music Store Prime Virginia Hams. About 1,000 of very choice Old Dams. Just received and for sale by ' juno24-lt DeROSSET & CO. L B. GRAINGKU. HON. W. D. JOHNSON.... J. D. CUM MING. PBKsisxirr Yici President. .......... Cashikk. BANK OF MARION, MAUIO., S. C. Directors: HON. W. D.JOHNSON. ....... ......Marion, S. C. J. D. Ho LUCAS. . : w . DUNCAN MDRCUISON 1. f WM. A. WRIGHT WUmlngton, N. C. JNO. W.ATKINSON... . . . B. MDRCH ISON , ... i LB. GRAINGER . - " . Does all the ordinary business of a Bank. , . J Issues Certificates of Deposit bearing interest. I Will take pleasure in accommodating the mercan tile communities or Wilmington and other places by discounting: such paper as can be recommended as good by any of the Basks located where the par ties are carrying on business. - Correspokdents: Merchants' Exchange National Bank. .. . .New York. Citizens' National Bank, ........';.. ..Baltimore, Bank of New Hanover..... .4... Wilmington; may 30-tf aac . ... . ? . . . ? MISC1ILLANEOUS. N OW IS TOUR TIME TO SAVE MONET, IN the purchase of Dry 1 Goods. . i r -Hi : f i : ThisBtockia tobeaoldia a limited time; not on8 cent above actual cost, will be charged for any article, either large or smsJL singly or in quantity In this sale you have a decided advantage, : . - THE STO CK IS NEW and every piece of goods is desirable. ' There are many small lota of broken packages, remnants, Gloves, Collars. &c. , &c. that will be sold at mack less than cost to close them oat. ; . . v-,. very respecuuuy, - GEO. LIBBER, .. X f No. 89 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. I 'June13-tf ' ' ' f ? :.v Spirit Casts, Glue, &c. QSpiritCaske, . : T rk rv Barrels Glue. , ' .1 i I 1UU --t-,t Hi ?i Off Barrels Bongs,- . .2Q0-tH-iifc:&-,i;m: June 20 tf KEUCHNER CALDEB ttUOS. 1 : : . Hay, ice, ISTails and Soap. T jQQBalesHay, . , : ... Barrels Rioe, , ,.!.. , ' , ' 1 s- ' 2QQE8 Nails, :, . . t j -QQBoxesSoap. , . ; For sale by - , i ' June 20-tf ' KERCHNER St CALDER BROS. ; Cora Sacks, Tsbaeceaad Coffee. ... New and Second Hand Grain Sacks,' " ' '. lQO'Boy lAA Bags Coffee, t For sale by ' ' j " ," ' ;- ; junetf KERCHNER CALDER BROS. ; Coffee and Cheese. XVOASTED JAVA AND RIO COFFEE, SAP8AGO . andEidam Cheese. ' ' s , ' For sale at ' . ; ' O. H.W.BUNGE, Nortneast cor. Market mad Seeon im. June 20-tf " ".r- - Kerosene Oil, 25 WHITE LEAD. . . t t nhr KTh OTT.. , ' : HOSTKTTER'S.BITTERS, ) -t , VINEGAR BITTERS, ' " J " ALCOHOL, SIMMONS' LIVER KBGUIATOK, 1 " For sale by GRKBN PLANNER. Just Arrived. .i.,rfM': 150 BILES SSLECTED KW SOBS HAT. i For sale low from wharf by i Jane 93-lt h " B. F. MITCHELL ft SON. RA'I'lin O A li V It TI S I i ' T" OHe Square one day, . ;". . ... . ..T.i, - t' l c oaysf.. .i ;.3i t ......... i-v... three dfiySA.r..y...;.i.'.f.t. . r M i.fonrdays....i.i....s.. " " ' Three weeks,).' I. '.o.osvi M . " .' Qnemonth......,i... '? Z u ' tfoontOis.iv..A...'M.-.- P? Threemontht.,.i.V.;.... 52 " , - Six moflths......., ....... U." One year,.,. ..wv.C.'.i. -. .-- M tloafttelT low rates. - Viva mllArM AwHyaHtAal A a nM4jtajnfnvnta:' toA MISCELLANEOUS. Bacoih Fork,. Sugar ilonr, Corn, &c. Boxes S. Bides and Shoulders, ' - v 50 XM?&8ide8:-fiit::': .'?-.?.- .v JQQ Barrels. Refined 8uc;ar, . j rrQ Bbla Fleur, all grades. 8000 Bn8nelBPrime ,White Corn. . , , f 100 Bags Prime Rio Cpflee.' JQQ Barrels S. H. Syrup, s . 150 Bhds and Bbla New. Crop , Cuba - Molasses, 9(10 Bales Prime N. B. Hay,. 350 bales Prime 0JJ Eastern Hay, . .. .' . . . , ; 400 BHn-. xr ' 9(10 P60 Hand Spirit Cwsa 1C0 Bbla Glne, 25Q KegsNails,; y,. ;J 1AA Boxes and Half Boxes Candj J.JJ Hi,-' U.SI -.f Boxes Lye, , 2 Boxes Soda,' . O r" Boxes Potaeh. Boxes Candy, : uU . : , :..:;.;;- , ;..v 1 tiu;;. Q Boxes Soap, . w . Kf BoxesTobacco, I , . -T 1 K A Gross Matches, . . j,. For sale low by . , WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. ' Guano. Onano. flnano.1 1 '" 100 G008 Eurek , Guano,. 150 Tons Qnanape For sale low by ' ' '''. ! :,. June 80-tf .WILLIAMS & jfURCHISON. mortgagees Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS OF A CER tain deed of morteaee made bv " the Wilming ton and Seaside Railroad Company" te "the Bank of New Hanover," dated the 3rd day "of February, 1874. and duly xe?i?tered in the proper office ta Book 1 1 1 on pages 43, 44 and 45, the undersigned as the Attorneys of said mortgagee will on Wednesday, the 31st day of July next, at 11 o'clock A. M.. at the door of tbe court house, rathe city of Wilming ton, cause to be sold by public auction, for cash, all ana singular tne various lines or Kauroaa, including the rails, sills and rapers tincture of every kind con-. nected therewith lying in the city of Wilmington owned by or belonging to' said Wilmington and Sea Side Railroad. Company; together with tbe leasehold interest and estate of said Company, on t be lot at the southeastern intersectioa of Seventh and Red Cross streets, on which its stables are stand ing; and also all and singular the rights, privileges easements snd franchises of said company In any way connected with the ase and enjoyment of said lines of Railroad and the receipt of the issues and profits of the same: and at 13 o'clock M. of eaid day, will cause to be sold as aforesaid at the stable re ferred to, all and singular the horses, moles, cars wagons, carts, sets of harness and other perf ona! - property oi saia mortgagor.". Tnewumtngton ami Sea Side Railroad Company, v Wilmington, June 19lh, 1873. :' 5 : 5 WRIGHT & STEDMAN, ' ! . June 30-td ; : Attoracys. A Journal f or tte Sportsmen of May . published every saturday morning. . at . 14 S. Canal St. Chicago. TJiRMS OF 'StTJSSClilPTION PAYABLE IN 'ADVANCE.' ; Yearly. f4.00. Half-yearly. -ftS.OO. .FOrelgo aud Canadian -subscription, post free Yearly 18s.: Halt- yearly 9s. j Single copies, 10 cents.y. nu .... THE FIELD is a complete weekly review of tb higher branches of a epoit Shooting. Fishing, Bacing and Trotting Aquatics, Base Ball, Cricket, Billiards, and General Sporting Mews, Music and the Drama, ; ' j vH-utjn '. -1 :-;'f ' THE FIELD will be found in keeping with the times, on all subjects pertaining to honorable sport. ana will, unaer no circumstances, aamit 10 us colamns anything tending in any wise to demoralize or degradepablic sentiment. - ' ' . THE FIELD being the only Sporting. Journal published West of New York, and the recognized autnoncy among ine sporumeB ex tne west , ana South, among whom it enjoys a large and increasing patronage, possesses superior, advantage as . an ad--vertiaing medium, which will' be appreciated by those desiring to make their business known in the UnitedStates. " :J !- aprS3-tf - important to Owners ; dt , D ; : vnrrni vm fim-n . ovmim Ji DAT T wnWAD ; t. . V. Crrr or WiuaHTOH.a. C i i AS, MANY JPSBSQBS DO SOT, APPIAB TO understand all the reonirements under tbe DOG OROINANCK, notice is liereby grren that the 1 -. . Penalty of 10 Dollars for not precofiBg the' rcqoired DOG BADGES; Will be enforced on and after;, ,,, , THURSDAY, THE 24TOINST.; ThA Ordinanee nrovidea aa fallows: That the owner of any Dog within the city limits; who shall fail lopay the .TAX imposed. by the .DOS ORDI NANCE shall be subject to prosecution for viola tion sakl Ordinance, 'and reqaired to1 PAX A FINE, not to exceed (IU) twiiara, w ine oescreuon Of the Mayor. By order of the Majw- i .f ;!.' city Clerk and Treasnref. ' or.WHiraojoK, KkC,. I j tir( Jane 8-lw A GEAKD FAHILT EICUES10H l ...... J . S , - ! . i . . . . ILL; TAKE PLACE ?Q f , ; f! L ; , . , : 8 n IT II flLLE aad FOBT .C A S W BI.Ii GOVEEOU, WgRTH, on. m n J ly . - , .Under the Ansptees of the;,? MacMiiMi' anrBlactmiiUiiioii, v NO. S.OF NORtH ciftOLINA. " '5 The Committee reserve the right tiejct all bb Icctionable Derons. No spirituous liqaors will be allowed on boariL i A good am : - 'i ?. BAND OF MUSI a., . , ,. will be in attendance. Refreshments wiinc far niched at city prices, t y: r' t: . '1 he boat will leave Market Dock promptly at 8 o'clock, A. M. t.ii ;,'f ---,'.ti.;i-i ..! Tleket. - . - t . , - f l- 00 Each, which may be procured' at the store of T..IL Smith . andJ.ll.AlcGarity&Cp. j , v- jane S-2t ' Li To Let . . I. THE HOTEL PROPERTY- IifiGOLDSBQR; N. C, known as the . , "weil house;' 7V linpk rivn.a (. aftnaiml An-Kital: titrntra ntaeit.tAn. posite the the Depot of the W. AW Atlantic A N. C. ana tne . v. Kauroaas, warn ru J w FORT ABLE ROOMS, besides the OFFICE and BAR-ROOM, which have lately s undergone thor ough repairs, and are now in very good condition. 1 For terms? Ac., apply to m WEIL BROS., -June 81-tf , ,. , . Goldsbpro, N. C, - Raleigh New copy, and tend hill to advertiser. "U Latest ', Ctyle3. 1: i HAVING RECEIVED BY EXPRESS BLOCKS of the latest styles of Hats f er Ladies and Chil dren, Mrs. Virginia A. Ort is prepaeed to alter, press and bleach work entrusted to her. , Old Boaaeta and Gentlemen's Panama Hats made to . - Look Well a Kerr. . . -. For particalars call on or send to USS. OEH, on Nnn, between 3rd and 4th streets, ap 15-tr . ' .", are elected unti) gout.