the iiommio STAR. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY JUTX8 or SUB8CHIPTIO IK ASVAKCX: u yer. fl mm postage paid,... Six months, ( - J . ... -Three months ) w , ... ikna montn. i $7 00 4 00 85 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part oft H v Fifteen CenU per week. Our City Agents i tthe ,i( V Fifteen Cents per wee, vur wj Agents are not auuiormcu w - tdvance. :- OUTLINES. Reported Lome and Louise are coming. . Lady Franklin hopelessly ill. Collego and fifteen buildings at St. Theresa, Canada, destroyed. Several persons drowned by rising of tho Garonne river, France. Five bands of Indians from the reservation have taken the war-path. Loss by South American earthquake much greater than was reported. Bear Admiral DeCamp. died in Philadel phia i Count Von,' Arnim convicted and sentenced to nine months imprison ment. - New York markets: Cotton, lloi--5; rosin I1 70al 75jHBpirita tur pentine, 31. . Yesterday Judge Neil son instructed the Beecher jury and they rtrti red. Judge ordered reduction of Tweed's bail. The wreckers are about ' to raise the sunken steamer Louisiana near Norfolk. " War" - Department doesn't believe that all the Sioux are on the war p.ltu From 15 to 20 deaths from yel- l.iw fever daily occurred at ltio Janeiro during May. . . , Dnplln Coanly Conservative Noni . natlate Conveotlon. Condensed from Duplin Record, '; Pursuant to notice given the dele gates from the respective townships assembled at Kenansyille on the 10th inst., in Convention for the, purpose -of nominating two delegates to rep resent the county of Duplin in the Stale Constitutional Convention. - -The Convention organized by elect in' Dr. John VV. Hill Chairman, and Mnwrii. Thos. S. Watson and Geo. W. " Carroll Secretaries. On motion, the following resolu tions were adopted: " Jiesolvett, That ttue roll of dele irates b called, and tTiat in the event of any of the regular delegates being absent each delegation be empowered to elect proxies tO i represcnt their re selective absentees. . Jieeoloed, That the Chair appoint a committee consisting of -one from each delegation to d raft rnles for the government of this Convention.; . i ;, The committee on their return re ported through their chairman, Dr. J. W. McGee, the following resolutions: Resolved 1st, That . each township vote its full Conservative strength as polled at the last Congressional elec tion, and that each delegate be enti-tleHo-,vote his fractional part of said popular vote if he o desires. " '; ' Resoloed 2W, That a: two-third majority of the whole vote be re quired to mate a nomination. l being ascertained that the nuni bsfc necessary Ito a nomination under the two-thirds rule was 1,198 the con vention proceeded to ballot with the following result. : 'r x - ; First, second and third ballots, no iclection. . , ;, ; . , Fourth ballot J. N. IStallings re--:rtved 1,407 votes and Win. Farrior a,S2 votes, and they having received nhe -highest number of votes polled, sand being more than two-thirds of the popular vote, they were declared by hc Chairman to, be the . regular nominees of Ui convention. ' . . Oa modon; the nominations were made -.2:. - Wm. Faffior, on being called, came forward ard ttajilced the eonyention for this mark of andenee and es teem which they had conferred upon him, in an exceedingly feeling and im pressive pt.'fli, in which he stated J that heS alued the love and respect of his fellow countrymen very much more than" gold, and pledged that should he be fortunate j enough to be I'ircted he would use all of the skill, "talent and inflherice he possessed f of i lie good of Duplin county and the glorious iOld North State. Uis speech was received with much .ntbnsiasm". The '"Chair apponiited1 aa Executive ; CoromiUeeroreaehonshlp;--151? On motion,' thi: Convention ad journed. . -i " John W. IIiix, - ' ': Chairman. ; fnos. S. Watsox, 1 ; iBo. VV; Cabkoll, Secretaries. ifM. Stallinffs. our able contempp jprjr- f - the Magnolia Jiecord, ' ac - wyted Uve nomination by letter. J.m HfMzmmUom otJu Mitchell. , fUaleigfc JTews." ' " The weigh t of years and increasin g iHnrmities of age have indncea tne resignation of this gentleman, which was handed in to Governor Brogden on Mnnlay. Judge Mitchell was the only Conservative elected out of the uil judiciary , of . twelve Circuit J udgei in 1870. "He has proved him- fl it able and incorruptible . and his withdrawal from the JBehch aV this time is mnch to be regretted " !i 1 1 It seems probable that the vacancy will be filled by. the appointment of Mr. Furches, a Republican, but 'who is c-oiict'ded ' to ' have the requisite amount of legal learning, and who jprinenis tewer, points oi oojecuon A'lan most of his party. ' J ' , . - Richmond Disttatch, of Tlmrs fay; Mr. J. D. Patterson, lateagent'of ihe umero Express Company ai - ueiasvnie, . V.. charired with " feloniously takioir. Wealing, and carrying away divers packages f money," &c. was brought before the Po-. lice Justice yesterday , morning, lie was committed' to jail for ten days, and Gover nor Kemper was notified in order that be uiglit communicate the facts to the Gover nor of North Carolina, In accordance with the provisions of the Code.-' '-- 1 1 The Chairman' of the University Trustees' Committee to make preparations fr reopeniog has called a special meeting 'r June 80th The News also learns that 'v I'. C. Cameron: .Chairman of the Com- '"ilee on Repairs,' is -pushing the repairs "1'iujy lorwara, ana be wm soon nave tnough accommodation for 200 students.. VOL. XVI. NO. 81. Spirits.Turpentme The wife of Col. John E. Lind sey, late Senator from Nash, is dead. A man in Raleigh has had a third crop from one planting of Irish pota toes, r - 'Crops areba41y injured in Rock fish township, Duplin county, by excessive rains. 5 ,- - .... ":c. -y- -The Charlotte EagU will be re sumed, first as a weekly and then as the proprietor gets material as a daily. One of the Richmond College Medalists, last term, was R. P. Felton, of Edcnton, for greatest improvement in de bate. . 1 The Conservatives iot' Joy ner's township.Wilson county, have declared for Capt. W, D. Well as nominee for delegate to the State Convention. Rev. Mr. Bronson preached the sermon before .the cadets of the Carolina Military Institute, at Charlotte, last Sunday evening: Discourse ; on the relations of modern thoughts to the Christian Church. Ilobe80nian : Ve greatly fear that crops in this; section of the State will lie short, though we were pleased to see that crops between this point and Fayette ville bad not beeo injured prior to the rain of Monday. -Hillsboro Recorder: The to bacco crop is now all set out and a good stand has been obtained. The planting is much larger titan last year, the early appre hensions of a scarcity of plants having been without good reasons ; While a white .boy and a negro lad were fighting in Newbern a day or two ago, Mr. Thomas Watson interferred, when the negro, who was named Tom Roberts, struck him a blow on the head with a piece -of iron, breaking his skull. The father f the negro boy, who also interferred, wa struck a serious blow 'over the head. ' Raleigh ivetea special from Wel don under date of 23d: . There is a railroad war at Weldon. Two engines of the Pe tersburg Road were attached and levied on for debts duato employees. Forty-eight cases to be triedbef ore a Magistrate to-day. The pa of the employees is several months in arrear. - On Tuesday, at" Salisbury, the f 'Western North Carolina Railroad was sold. It was bid in for $835,000 by Senator Mer rimon, for Norris J Son, New York credit ors, who 8absequently allowed the State to purchase a the-same price. - Steps will im mediately be taken to carry . out the pur poses of the act of the General Assembly, and after confirmation of the sale, Ac., work will be begun to pUsh it through to Asheville.- ;i v-y--"-;'.-s. -., '"' TJEZJE CIT Y. ! NEW ADVEBTISBIRKNTl. . J. IL Smtth A Card. Ciias. D. M vers & Co Oranges. C. M. llAKRis C. F. Light Artillfrj-. . SmuBR Bros A Few More Left. : IIeinsbeboer The Odd Trump. 13. F. Mitcheiju '& Sok Virginia Hams. A. David Clothing. - See Ad Howard Relief F. E. Company. T. C. Servoss An Ordinance. , .. . r Rev. ' G. D. Bur'nbeim, of this city, will preach in the Presbyterian Church in Lumberton on next Monday nighL Charlotte, despairing of --ever letting a sufficient dog-tax, has established a sausage factory. Bull-y for Charlotte! : " Candy Jumps, a festivity of the war dance species. Is rapidly becoming a nuisance to the .citizens of what was for merly Fifth .Ward. . 1 -J. :; . , : Attention is called toT the. City Ordinance published ; iff thi issue ; which was passed at a session of the Board of Al dermen yesterday in regard to cows running at large.;, , ;. , ..V ,.v.;V Shooting . across , the nver by parties on the other side at night is a diver sion which causes terror to many .of those whose" business compels them to walk. up and down Water street. ,; - : - A meeting of the Board of Al dermen took place yesterday. Besides the passage of - the ordinance regardis oo. referred to elsewhere, : no. pqstness of in terest was transacted!; ,-J!rJ'.i'i ' '. 'Mt. Kebo Lodge,' a colored.; or ganization of-ncienii York" Masons, were out - on parade yesterday, afternoon and made a'; very creditable display, They were accompanied by the Rose Bud Band of musjc andpardedthe priucipal.streetft Uabce mt Tfceraioi icter. . The following was the raligebt tW ther- . - ril -at Tt n ttf.lf.t.. momeier ai me oigost oureu, m iu mj, yesterday: 7 A-'M., 78;12 M.1 85v 3 P. M , 83; 4:30 P, M.f B3; V V. Al., i t Floral College fjwmenetneNt The commencement of the above institu tion will take place too Tuay aid :Wed- nesday next. 29th and SOtinata.r. nv oa. W Wilson? D. -DA "wiH deliver a sermon On Taeeday, at 71 o'clock IP. M., and Ex-Governor Vance'will deliver the an nual address on Wednesday mining at 11 O'clock. :. Tblr Qaarterty laeeilnar. iWii-nt We have been requested to state that the third quarterly meeting for, the preseal con ferenceyear will be held pn Sabbath , at Fifth Street Methodist church, and that the Presidfnl EfdWrRev. W.1 Blacifwil be in attendance. J A Love Feast will ! be held in connection therewith, this Friday eyenipr at Sp'cjock.:,, lt ja Onward, Blch( Onward t A colored man named Richard - Bennet was yesterday arrested on the charge, of stealing some .clothing. . He was brought up the City ' nail': while the Mayor's Court was in session, bad.a al imniediateiy and was at once committed to jail W await the Superior Court. Thus, in a short time after the robbery, he was in jau uy iuu uecrcou a Court. i . . .i k-. .... ...... f . . 1 4 ""w-T" " " " 1 - - . ' WILMINGTON N. C.v FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1875. IdaslBtrate's Court. Emma Bowdca was arraigned before T M. Gardner, J. P., yesterday, on the oath of Eliza J. Nixon and charged with larceny. The evidence was not found sufficient to bind the defendant over and she was there fore discharged. Oakdale Cemetery. No place in our city presents a more at tractive appearance at the present time than Oakdale Cemetery, evincing the fact that the superintendent, Mr. T. Donlaa, stands at the top of bis profession & the care) and management of flowers, evergreens, trees, - " . i Bten il.ii' "' ... TJ : Festival To-NIcut. The Sunday School Social Society of the Front Street M. E. Church' will to-night hold a festival in the Rankin Hall, corner of Fourth and Princess streets. ' The mem bers of the Society will do all in then power to merit the patronage and the appre ciation of the public, who are invited to at tend, ITbey will no doubt be greeted with a crowd on the occasion, and we hope their efforts will meet with the success . they de serve. '. .. i ' Mayor' Court. i-iiU-:f- ' The following cases were disposed of yes-. terday morning: ' H .'. ' : i," :. j : Wm. Newkirk, colored, disorderly con- . duct and fighting.' Fined ft and costs. David Price, colored, disorderly conduct Judgment guilty, and fined $10 arid costs. Jack Best, colored, arraigned for disor derly conduct 'Defendant submitted his. case, and was fined $10 and costs. t, , . Richard Bennet,' cliarged with larceny, was committed to jail in default of $100 bail. " Intolerable.' Some of the citizens who reside on the outer end of Princess street complain of the serious inconvenience caused tbem by tha shouting and noise carried on sometimes all night by a number of colored people in that vicinity. Quiet citizens ,who spend their day. at their various avocations find -it -im possible at night to get the , repose which they' so much desire: The Marshal has been notified and will at once proceed to have the nuisance abated."" " Known In New York. k Jt would seem from;the annexed extract from the Tribune, which is used as a pre face to the report of a recently published speech in The Moiurcxo St ah, one of our celebrated characters is known and appre ciated in far New York. The lribune says, editorially: 1, , "V-' V; : 'It was Colonel William Thomas Cullar, of Wilmington, N, C, who was indignant What be was indignant aoout. is, a nitie hard to discover, but lielieving, as we do, in free speech and unlimited spelling, we could hardly refuse to print a brief abstract of his remarks."! ! 1?' ) Gov. Vance Ca Stolon.- We learn f rom the Charlotte Observer that while returning, Saturday night, from Ral eigh, where he had been upon legal busi ness in the Supreme and Federal Courts,' and to deliver his lecture on " The Scatter ed Nation," Governor Vance got out of the train at Greensboro, for a lunch, leaving in the seat which he had just vacated, the ele gant ebony, gold-headed cane which was presented to him, about six weeks ago, by the Jewish youths of Wilmington, and when he returned found that the cane had been stolen:1 'Though a careful search was made, inside the train and out, the investi gation failed to reveal the whereabouts of the stolen property and nothing has yet been heard from it. Yesterdayi !inorning;.Mr,J James .ChadV bourn at the ofBce of the Messrs. Chad bourn, divested himself of his coat and vest as be usually does in warm weather on entering the office. He ; was called on business a short time after to the warehouse below-and on returning to the office .missed 4he gar- saents which he had left there, they having in the' meantime been stolen. In the pock et of the vest Mr. Chadboarn had left a gold watch and chain worth $125.- f- Dn Inquiry K vu discovered that a col oreof man' had' entered 4he'6flce la; the meantime, and waafbMid shortly" after- under-S4tfotrcani stances, sl Ue--aeselip- tion oTTTiia individuafwas obtained as far as'possrbleand'pU police. s'il inm (j"Si firis-a About an hoUr afterwards the office of Messrs. J. R. Blossom & Evans was en tered sineuiarly 'enough, when It 1 was .Var cant, and nearly the same7 transaction took place, Mr. Thos. Evans missing a valuable suit off clothe and , thirty-six tdollars in money on his return to the office. It was heard that a colored man had been seen cooly ' walking out of the latter office with the bundle of clothes under his arm, and his description was found to tally with that of the perpetrator of the robbery of Mrl Chadbourri: !:;;a' j' . Inquiry seemed to. establish :Bie follow ing: The same ' man . ha'd committed', both thefts: his name ). Is ' Hpnry Eliot;, he was discharged from the-: State Penitentiary on Wendesday, 1 6th i nstj he -.went, ioto that institution under that natne , and came out under the name Of ileurry Mvtaughlin; he is about 6 feet in higM, Wtighs IW' pouAds and is black,. . .. .Jltim;f ,Eliot aZiMMcliaugUlin had Ukeq passage, chmDariied bv a white man, on One 6f the river steamers, i giving it out as their inten tion to stop at White Hall. ' The 'coat' and Vest of Mr. Chadbdurn were found late last evening in the posses .;nn nf colored man named iKU Huggins. who stated that he haa Dougnttnem iroras colored man, at his store on" water street, for the sum of 75018 and a )have. ;.The other articles have not yei neen recoyereu, wards ;iej surely walk-z cutbut Ehowed nvslinsf havlnibeea ezg&ed la robbiiry U. 8. Commlaalonr Court. rBefore J, J, Cassldey, United States Com- missioner: The United States District Court Room was , yesterday morning filled by quitca number of spectators, who had been attract-. ed there by -a case of some iusterest W. J: Ed wards, fJr.f,'a ypung white man of Rosin dale, Robeson county, had been arrested on a warrant issued by J.. J. Cassidey, U. 8. Commissioner. He was arraigned on an affidavit which charged "that the defendant did take a letter which did not contain any .icue or vaiue or evidence mereoi out oi a post-office before it had been delivered to th!eSpers6ilQ wpaQas diKd, with a design to pry into the business and secrets of another." t. The defendant plead, tNot guuty to tue cuarge. CoL. N. A. MpLean and Ex-Judge Cant- well appeared for the defendant and Ma). D. G. Devane represented the United States. i- There were quite a number of witnesses and the hearing of their testimony con sumed the entire day, nine being examined for the prosecution and five for the de fence. .Among the witnesses ; were five ladies; residents of Kosindale. There were present a great many friends of the prisoner. From what we could , learn he is a young man of respectabiHty, At the conclusion of the testimony yesterday evening the case -I ' m." ? .... ' . ; " . . 3 was Buouiiueu wiuiom argument. j The Commissioner reserved his decision nntH 10 o'clock lhisf morn ing.-r--jr ' EXECUTIVE. COnniTTSB JttKliT- IIdqrs. Cestkatj Ex. CoMMrrrEB, " Democratic Conservative ' Parry I tit-w Hanover County, Wilming- f ! ton, N. C. June 17, 1875. j The mai ofitbo Central Executive Committee of tiie Democratic Conservative iwrty of New' Hanover County (being the Committee as constituted before the coun ty of Pender Was established) are requested to meet at the star orace, in tins city, Wed nesday; June 30, at 3 o'clock P. M."J-I; i'- The lject of tho meeting is to call a County Convention to nominate three can didates for the Constitutional Convention. ... ,v' j WM. H. Bbrnabd, d&w-td - -wz ",o;ia;j.Chahman MARRIED FOWLIH GARRISON In thla citr. at 46'clock P. M., yesterday, byKer. J. H. Barlow, Mr. . K Fowler to Mies Elizabeth C. Garrlaon. Jn Si It NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4) Howard Rett Fire Mne fovNa. 1. AlTBNTION HKMBEItS: Meet at ' yonr Engine House THIS P. H.. at 6 o'clock, aharo. In tni uniform, for parade and engine trial. By order of the Foreman. -. - - june-lt Kcc Secretary. , Headq'n C.X Light Artillery. ery. , 1875. ) - WrUttUGTON, June 24th ATTENTION MEMBERS: A meeting of your Battery will be held on Friday evening. Jane S5th, lust, at 8 o'clock, at year Armory, en Second street, a ran aaa prompt attendance is commanded as bnMneas of Importance will be brought before ine company. - By otoct ot tnc vaptaia.-1 June 55-1 1 ; C M. HAKrUS. Orderly Serg'c 50 i rly Boxes ru ,50 ORANGES AND LEMONS In Prime Order. Bought Before the Adrance. For tale low by CHAS. D. MYERS & CO.,? 6 7 North Front St 50 Fifty Boxes 50 FIRE CRACKERS GOLD CHOP. Iiow for Cash."' ": "' CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., , , . 5 fc 7 North Front Street. Tie Best Flaiorar Eitracts, T?YERY KIND. CHA8.'D. MYERS ; CO., 1 1 June 25 tf jDoraal copy. 57 Nortn Front Street. Hi it it an iil.L. 't . -i t't i . . Office of City Cleric andTrcaiorer, I Citt or WmtiMOTON, June 81, 1875. An Ordinance CONCERNING COWS AND OTHER CATTLE Bnnnlna at Laree. " t Ba rr OBDAtmrD By the Board of Aldermen of the city of Wilmington M. C. aa follows: SkctiokI. That any COW or other . ' CATTLE OP ANY KINp j ' !, ,r .--i-tiuti - .. Ai':.,. c, ni-...t-.: ' " ' '' RUNNlKG'ATMBaR.iY ,', within the corporate "'limits of this city shall bo impoumuku by too utyMarenu, ana ine owner. requirea to pay a. , ,j , - - - FINB OF TEN (10) DOLLARS before the same shall be released. Sec. 3. Any ordinance or parts thereof conflicting Tn above Ordinance was adopted by the Boanp or i Aldermen on the 34th day of June, 1875. and . will. g into eilact oa and after MONDAY, JUNE 8, tostantr TK!KRVOS, jane35-tf City Clerk and Treas'r. '.IM IOt-TO-20 jV t. a i . .. ! fj-..Jl-. PER CENT. T T T TN BUYING YOUR - - -. ' tJPROM -CLOTHING iA.iDAVID.LOI 1 mm jDA&fDJ It n i ht o'f H'ttaiiP jane-Sftrtt H':ixiTls If t x -' .11 .1 ' I' ,"1 ! 11 U. .- !....! , .. J , Sketches :i :l 7.-) , jNortli aolina? tt nnOdEtiiER withaw elegiac ode and; .-.'.-...y OTHER POEMS BY -. - ; jainei 1 Harroa Hope. " Fbr sale at J.- 1 REINSBERGER'B jane )25-tf . v Live Book and Music Stqre. Choice Virginia Hams. J.W t Lati ms ,.s.vl W j Witt w mmv .j , ' I K. F. MXrcnEXL A BCN. SStfJTho"Odd-Troflip J. 0,tl -. '- " i' IB TBtM BEST NOVEL OF THE DAT. " . i J For skat'i f jn 85 . HEINSBERQKR,8. NE VV.;, ADYEUTISEMENTS. ; To tie Voters of toHanorer Conntj ' And Citlzena of Wilmington. ! ' A MEETING OF THE BSARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, called and - held Juno ' 13d, 1875, Jas. WU8oriEsq., Chairman, haTing boen ap- . pointed on a committee to examine and report apon the work of the transcription of the Indexes of the county which work was performed by J. H. Smyth preferred, in the report made.grave charges which, reflect upoa the character of j; JL Smyth. Lr '- ' ' fiow, that the public may not oe misled by the outrageous and unfounded statements made in the report made by this Wilson, which are as barren of truth and confirmation as he (Wilson) is of common honesty: I beg leave to call attention of the public to the facts in the case, and thereby first exonerate myBelf of any wrong or any colob of wrong, and vindicate the Board of Commlnfioners, Wilson al ways excepted. ' i.Vj.'JI- ;..!: . At a Meeting of the Board of Com missioner held October 15th1874, as appears by the Records to be. found In the office of the Register , of Deeds, Book- C, page S33, the contract was awarded to me, my bid being lees than that of Mr. Bishop., The work was entered upon, and running through a period of seven months, with the assistance of Mr.' Alfred Lind, the matter of transcription or copying -vim fully and entirely completed, as per contract, any. statementa of Jas. JWilsoh to the contrary not: withstanding. .The proof of this statement is on the face of the records, and an inspection being suffi cient to satiffy any one of the facts, James Wilson always excepted."" f ' ' He states that the work is incomplete. The books have never been pronounced complete, and have' never been handed over by" the contractor to the Board as complete. . The statement is worth noth- Wilson claims that there are thousands of abbre. vintions and many names spelled incorrectly. . There are many abbreviations,' but all of them are at Christian names;' and the Christian names of males. Now, to say that it 1 annoying er trouble some to any man or common, intelligence, . to say nothing of the learned members of the. bar, that such abbreviations are improper, or cause any an noyance to any one to read readily is sheer folly always excepting Jas. -Wilson. ;; . As to the spelling of proper names, every ' ote of any cultivation knows that there is no role by which to be guided, and in making a copy of. an instrn ment'the original ahonld be followed strictly. .;: : i The correction, whiah la the last work to be per formed, has not been completed, nor, has it been contended to have yet been commenced. As far as the work has proceeded it has been per formed well aril caref ally. '' ! -" ' ' " The colloquy which took place between me and Jas.:Wilon was,' stripped of verbiage, a baseless, unfounded, nnsustaincd reflection on me as a. gen tleman and an honest man, and an nnsustained at tack upon the Beard of Commissioners, which was censured severely by the Jioard's refusal lo adopt the report' ! ' ' ,'' 1 ' " i; : These unfounded eharges which were made, were made with reference to the work performed by con tract, to wit, the Index Books. . -i Now, this man has sought to impress the Bord and community that I altered a check, drawn for $359 in my favor to $350. So far from such state ments being true, the facta must Impress any one that some motive other than the public good, and a direct intent to injure my reputation, actuated this man to make the charge. u,. u.iti On or about the 17th of Mar I nnt hettmt th AnA. Ring Committee a bill tworn to by me for aa instal ment, to wit, $350. This bill wast at the request of the Committee, withdrawn, after it had been audit ed ana ine warrants-made out for that tmornit Tha reason for withdrawal was that that inclnded the oaiance or contract money, and they desired me to make the bill for $250. Pursaant to their desire the bill was destroyed and the one substituted for $250 was audited, warrant drawn, ana Register of Deeds requested (in connection with a hundred other war rant) to draw an order for the amount $250. The Register having drawn the warrant for $3i0 instead of $250, himself made the alteration. The course pursued by me to secure my Instal ment $250 was theproper. legal manner of pro cedure. . That Jas. Wilson did not desire the war rant to be drawn amounted to nothing, his objec tion being made a nullity by the action oi the Aud iting Oommittee,by which the bill was audited,there being no other nor anv higher power in the county for passing on the claim against the county. The action of toe Board in approving the report cf the Auditing Committee, In which this bill was fully and clearly get out, was proper and legal. The ac tion of the Board in directing tho Chairman pro temport to sign the one hundred warrants of which this $250 was ane, was proper and legal. The whole transaction ab initio was proper and legal, as will more fully appear by reference to the report of the Auditing Committee, warrant book of the Auditing Committee, money order book of the Register of Deeds, all of which may be found in the office of the Register, and the bank statement of the business of the 9th of June, 1875. These are the facts, fully recited, and the means indicated for proving the same. Yet in the face of all this, this man Wilson, on account of personal spite, ostensibly because I did not show him . the "courtesy." as fce calls it, of waiting upon him to attend to the business of the county for which he was elected, and which he neglects, to attend to du ties in Mew York for seven months; which he neg lects to go on frolics down tho Cape Fear. This man. who finds errors, criminality and short comings where none exist, would receive from me the chastisement and censure he deserves if I were not cognizant that he was m New York four of the seven months no was absent involuntarily, belrar a non-resnon sible creature, if rumor la to hehelivd For his trip down the river when the countv bus- icfls called n on ' . J CI 1 ... acre uer? can oe w pauijuiiig ex The contract not having been completed." he as sumed too much to. dismiss me that lie might not do that he shall not do. For his removal of me from my clerkship he has. not dared to offer a. cnarge, tnouga wita nis accustomed facility for misrepresentations he has insinuated that he "can make charges,", i If he manufactarea one, for there can be none other than such as he ' may manuf ac-i . tare, will make him; roc ant or prove him an incor rigible faleitler. 7 1 4- . r fijt' J'SJ tjc;J jf.lH'KiKiU! ; 3;Xpm SMYTH.1 : ;'.;;;A Few ;More:Lerof ;;: QHILDREN' JAILOR SUITS . AT $3 00. pHILDRBN Linen Salts at $2 00. iii!j B LUE Flannel ahirts-irf; .. j-. i; Hs : j -Suitable for Yacht Crews. VJ EW BTVLESBowb and 8caifa-r ;'?., y t. "so ' t y-tvx'it.'f' rt - .rfit- BOYS Btrried Alraca CoaU for $l OQ. ;, -; . , . f - . II : .i ... 'in i VfEN'jJ Striped Alpaca Coats Only $1 tfl. i A1X. june 25-tf 8HRIER BROS.: ! HE- X B. GRAINGER. .-..'.-.Pbmioxnt; J. D CUMMING . . . ..Casbxkb. llON. W; D, joyNaONii;i.Uvl.iiMarUm; S. CJ J. D. MoLUOAM. .sii'; jMH. MWWfj.w aat DUNCAN MORCaiSON.'.jJ.vAv i .-.vf A: ' WM.i AR RIGHT ..f.-.w.Ui Wilmington, N. C; JNa W. ATKINSON.w v j D. Ri, .XTJltOHI80N.4g.'4tutii.-. '1.i ,-h t I L s, 6RAINGERav-i;.v.t.iJi.'!vis- p f-ti - i Htt iijUJ rjOjiitttSMIS iii 1 , "I -lir vftff ft '.Jij -i-inji J Dpea&.$e.ojtdInary bnslness ot'a'Battle.!:?"-''-.' ( -TssuesCertiflcatBS of Deposit bearing interest. Will take pleasure in accommodating the mercan tile communities of Wilmington and other places by discounting snob -popes as can be recommended as Eoodby aay of theBanka located Iwhere the par- Hum uorr 68poRu.eiiu : wua ,i. Merchants' Exchange National Bnk.,...New Torki Citizens' National Bank. . .. ...... ; ... . . ..Baltimore. liaakofNwBAno?er;.,UiiX.i...'..WUmuigton. mayxu-unac . yt- "i i 1' .' . (.'-. .rnn vi.j..!-fr..t :'. if Mir i .-"! I'i WHOLE NO. 2,407. MISCELLANEOUS. ; lliADIES!,:,; NOW IS YOUR TIME TO SAVE MONEY, IN the purenaso of j .i-,,s.t. -. ,., " Dry Goods. This stock is to be sold in a limited time; not one . cent above actual cost, will be charged for any article, either large or small, singly or in quantity In this sale yon have a decided advantage, j , t rT TtfM STOCK IS NEW, - and every piece of goods Is 'desirable. . There are' many small lots of broken packages, renmantCi Gloves, Collars, &c, &c., that will be sold at much less than cost to close them out. ' , - 1 Very respectfully, - - ' i , GEO. LIEBER. , No3a Market Street. Wilmington, N. C. June 13-tf . - ; Dissolution of Partnership. . "VTOnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE J-l Fartnerghlp lately existing between William P. Oldham and PrestonlCumming, under the firm name and style of Oldham Cnmming, was dissolved on the 21st day of June, 1875, by mutual conseut. By the terms of the dissolution all debts owing to said firm are to be paid to Preston Camming, who is alone authorized to receive and receipt for the same : and all debts owing by said firm are to be presented to him for payment. This 22nd June, 1876.; - ; ' W. P. OLDHAM, . ; PRESTON CUMMING. j-,, . Additional Notice. . The businesn heretofore carried on by the firm of Oldham St Cnmming, will be continued at the same place, at foot of Dock street, by Preston Cnmming,' under the firm name of Preston Camming & Co.. thankful for the liberal patronage extended to the firm of Oldham & Camming, respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. This 22nd Jnne. 1875. . june23-3t PRESTON CUMMING. , Something New, iFrencii Linen Suitings at 15 cents,; Worth 25 Cents; Japanese Poplins at 20 cents, worth 30 cents. -'' " I ' ' ' Call and see them. ' 5 ' J. &-H. Samson, 43 market: Street, June 5-tf 5 Pickled ' Oysters. 2 Bills. Kew RiTer, Oysters, Ficiled. 8 Kits Mountain Butter. . . For sale cheap. - : . , EDWARDS & liALL. june 23-tf Binford, Crow & Co., QFFERTO THE TRADE AT LOW FIGURES -JQQQ BblsFlpnr, all grades, gQQ BWb Sugar'Houpe Syrup, 2QQ Bags Coffee, , 2QQ Kes Nails. . Q Bbls Sugar and a full Stock Goods in theirlino- Special attention paid to' securing low - rates, freights in carload lots. ' . ' may 5-dJk wtf BINFORD, CROW & CO. Only a Few "yniTE DUCK COATS AT $3 00. 3 Only a Pew White Luck Vests at $1. Only a Few WMte Dnct Pants at $3. BROWN DVCK SUITS A T LOWPBICEB. : Trunk s. Bjs and Hats dieap. MUNSON & CO.. , -is. . . mtj Clothiers. june-tf t Spirit Casks, Glue. &c. Spirit Casks, JQQ BarreUi Glue, ' 1 2 Barrels Bungs, 2QQ Paper Rivets. . . - : ''i5 'For Sale by " " " j jnneSO tf : . KKCKNER & CALDER BROS. ' Hay, Bice, Vails and Soap. : ! 1 AA Bales Hay' ".' 4 A BarrelB Rice, , ' . 200 Kes:sNaU' ! - "-.' .. AA'BoxesSoap:'tvi-i'4 y i-iv j; ; " '? . For aaWby - m li 3 . u bo 5une20-tf KBRCHNER j CALDER BROS, s Coffee .andTCheese. Roasted jataXiid riocoffee, sapsago 'Il io 'i imd'Eidm? Cheese. 'iy' ll 1 NoTtbeast eerA Market and SeeoQd Kti. june SO-tf ' "-'l 1. 3o.i-,i;-U..f iidi .n? j Liberal Eeward. TF THE COLORED PERSON THAT FOUND .a. neroocKet oooic on xna street.' d the pocket book on 5md street between ! Oranire te papers and two and Ann streets, containing valuable IkCJO, VUV.V1 V1MD UIO UUIC V WW ... DUIV tUV wneto theofficaf the ttTBhe mill be liberally re-i wr-AA aw A wj MiiAoMAno aoirf , inno 4At I -s!,-s,:lii!BttTonrs,"'-;"iH TJIFLE, 8PORTING AND' MUSKET, MINING J ANB BLASTING POWDER. . - ------ ' .it'.'..; For sale at reduced prices by ! may 6-tf : e."OPAR8LET. CO. j FasMQnaM&I Straur Hats. i AND; MILAN ' STRAWS, DRAB I .,11-. Cassimere Hats. Ladies' Straw Bat , - , .HARRISON A ALLEN'S ,.!,;.;; , City Sat Store." Ui - ' uiAt. .'juaai4i ,- Strayed or Stolen. I'iliC i:aj ! J. BLACK COW, HAS WHTTB BAG AND SIX teats. Had on a large belL' Marks:" Crop and nnder-bit in eaek-oarv i U A liberal reward will be. paid fot er fthe undersigned. R. F.'RISINd, i June 4-8t 'eomerna ana wooster Bt. i ,. ...-(, i 1 il j. . 4.1 ... : 5 j Quano, Qu&no, Guana , 1 00 Ton 'Bareka' Guano, .150; Tons Guaaapo - V m ' r"- full Jnne80-tf For aale low bv ..',,.! v WILLIAMS MURCUJSONr I ;aagli mating ai Publishing Hobml 1 tit KATKS OF Al VlCltTISIN.. . One Square one day,. I.,... Z. Ti two days three days. , ..,......,.. . . . S IK M ' tt f our daya. ........... ! avedays....... 3 W one week... Two weeks a cr .... . 5 06 Throe weeks.. ' . tw . rt One month.. ...... 8 CP wo months.. Three months , Six months... IB Of S3 W S5 (10 (0 oe A... wn Te' one .i" i VHWiAaT,irUata taken at propoi. tionately low rates. ., ... ": . . , Five Squares esttrnated as a quarter-column, am Un squares as a half column. - 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Bacon, Pork, Sugar Flour, Corn, &c. Boxes 8. Sides-and Shoulders, ' ' ' Boxes D. S. Sides ' Bbls Pork, ? j - ' Jf 2QQ Barrels Refined Sugar, i ; ' JQQ BbtaFldnr, all grades. : r gQQQ Bushels Prime White Corn.' x '' "JQQ Bags Prime Rio Coffee. ' JQQ Barrels S. K. 8yrup, : '" t ' - 2gQ Hhds and Bbls New Crop Cuba Molasses, 9AA tales Prime N. B. Hay, 850 bales Prime JJVJ Eastern Hay, . o , . QQ Bdls Hoop Iron, ' ' - 200 nd Hand sPT,t Casks, If 0 Bbls Glue, ' 25Q''Kegs Nails, 1 - - JOO 50X68 Hal' Boxes Candles, l j- i K( Boxes Lye, ! ' ' ' : ' Off Boxes Soda, 2 Boxes Potash, 1 g0 Boxes Candy,' . Boxes Soap, ': 0 Boies Tobacco, 2o Gro8s Matcne8 For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Mortgagees Sale. BY VIRTUK OF THE PROVISIONS OF A CER tain deed of mortgage made by " the Wilmine ton and Seaside Railroad Company" to 41 the Bant of New Hanover." dated the 3rd dav of Fehrnnrv. 1874, and duly registered in the proper office in Boole 1 1 1 on pages 43, 44 and 45, the undei signed as the Attorneys of said mortgagee will on Wednesday, the 21st day of July next, at 11 o'clock A. M.. at the door of the court house, in the city of Wilming ton, cause to be sold by public aurtion, for canh, all and singular the various lines of Railroad. InrlnrHnir the rails, sills and superstructure of every kind con nected therewith lying in the city of Wilmington owned by or belonging to said , Wilmington and (Sea Side Railroad Company; together with the leasehold interest and estate of said Company, on i he lot at the sout heastern , intersection of Beventhsnd' Red Cross streets, on which it stables are stand ing; and also all and singular the rights,! privileges easements end franchises of said Company in any way connected with the use and enjoyment of said lines of Railroad and the receipt of the Issaes and profits of the same: and at IS o'clock M. of raid day, will cause to be sold as aforesaid at the stables re ferred to, all and singular the horses, mules, cars wagons, carts, sets of harness and other personal property of said mortgagor." ,ThcWilmington and Sea Side Railroad Company. ' Wilmington, Jane 19th, 1875. ''r t i' - 2 " - ' WRIGHT & STEDMAN, 1 jnne20-td - . Attoracyg. THE FIELD: A Journal for the Sportsmen of To-day; a PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. 1413. Canal St. Chicago. TERMS ', OF STJBS CRIPTIOX i : PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ; . ' Yearly, $4 00: Half-yearly, $J.O0. Foreign and Canadian subscription, post free-n-Yearly 18s.; Half- . yearly 9s. Single copies, 10 cents. .. T THE FIELD is a complete weekly review of the higher branches of a sport ShootiDg, Fishing, Racing and Trotting, Aquatics, Base Ball, Cricket, Billiards, and General Sporting News, Music and tho -Drama. - ' .-':. : ":.... THE FIELD will be found in keeping with the times, on all subjects pertaining to honorable sport, and wilt, under no circumstances, admit to its columns anything tending in any wise to demoralise or degrade public sentiment... ' -. THE FIELD being the only Sporting Journal published West of New York, and the recognized -authority among the sportsmen of the West' and South, among whom it enjoys a large and increasing patronage, possesses superior; advantage as an ad vertising memum, wmcn will, oe appreciated hy i nose desiring 10 maae ineir onsmess am own in the United States. aprW-tf , ImportaHt to Owners ot Does. OFFICE OF TREASURER and.COLLECTOR, ) , , , . i Crrr ot Wn.iosaToir, N. C. -. ) Aj3 MANY PERSONS DO NOT APPEAR TO understand all the requirements under the DOG ORDINANCE, notice is hereby given that the PenaltyoflO.Dollars for not procuring the required DOG BADGES, will ' be enforced on and after THURSDAY, THE 24TH INST. - The Ordinance provides- as 'fellows: That the owner of any Dog within the city limits, who shall fail to pay the TAX Imposed by- the DOO ORDI NANCE shall be subject to prosecution for viola tion of said Ordinance, and required to PAX A finic. not to exceed of the Mayor. ; By or FINE, not to exceed (10) Dollars, in the descretion trderor the Mavor. x. V. BKKVOS8, . ' Citv Clerk and Treasurer. City of Wilxisgtoh, N. C, I u , vf.v june!, una, ' i i tf i -i-.ini --, juoeS2-lw . . THE MASSE Y , jpajeijiliia . TTNRTALEI) IN PURTTY. TJNSIJRPASSED IN U quality . The most popular of all Ales manu factaredin the United States, especially for the Southern trade! will remain nghtf sparkling and sweet longer, and afford a greater profit to retail dealer than any other Ales. i- ,.-; ;. ;j , X iM, $ and $S 60, bbl XX $7. , Bottled Ale 7 cents per dozen,' Porter, Soda' and Sarsaparilla 6$ cents per dozen, Assorted and ship ped in the patent spring lock shipping cases for the oeRBtry trade, tt dozen fa the case, i , - . -. , - M. KORDLANDER, Cor. 4th and Hanover Streets, ' i nne9-1m Wilmington, N. C. Hi -r- TUB HOTEL PROPERTY IN GOLDS BO BO N.-C, known as tW J.viiij o r!fc-WEIBH HOtrSE;' " "'.'! Oil REASONABLE' TERMS, 5 ' ' "The Hon Is ituated on Ea.t .Centre posite the the Depot of the W. W., Atlantic A N. C, and the N. d Kailroads, has FIFTEEN COM FORTABLE ' ROOMS, besides the OFFICE and ' BAR-ROOM which nave lately undergone thor ough repairs, and are now in very good condition. y ! For terms, Ac, apply to i H WElC BHOS, , iane 21-tf Goldsboro, N. C. ' laltghiirs copy,' and send bill to advertiser.- f latest" Sfiylesv m A VINO RECEIVED BY EXPRESS BLOCKS of the latest styles of Hats for Ladies and C fail- dren, Mrs. Virginia A. Orr Is prepaeed to alter, prese and bleach work entrusted to her. Old Bonnets and Gentlemen's Panama Hats made to ; . ; . 1 Look ai Well as New. ' ; 'i. i 1 1 i , i i.t j." i . , . For particulars call on or send to MRS. ORR, on Nan, between 3rd and a th streets. : . u: ap 15-tr , W. 1 1 r i 1 1 f ii. ';, . j 1. 1 i N i i i ) i i ! - Kerosene Oil, 25 CTS;PER GALLON. l-4.'. , -1 i'iju j xj.Hitatoiu, . ) : . . , . , UOSTETTER'S BITTERS, ll.V , .t..!..r ! , VINEGAR BITTERS -. ... - ' ALCOHOL, SIMMONS LIVER RIGULATORi . : For sale by r GREEN PLANNER. . Com Sackra. Tobacco and CoflTee. '- -JO New and Second Baad Grata Sacks,'' :-"-; 100 Box08 To,)&co0' 1k, j ' ''"s 1 AA BagCteuV, " l. : . '- ' v ' For sale by . ; Jane 30-tf , KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. Il i f f ii if J .. ' I.' r . IE: i-'i , M l! .11. $ 41-, ti : ! ,' M ' . il f; is, r I. 'ft I I t t I I i 1 '.I'.'l V il l , - i. t -'J 't 't - i

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