THE MORimiG STAB. PUBLISHED DAHY, 8Y ' : KATKM OK AIVIvltTlMNi. arnrntj. Une Square one say,.'... iii '-'' a f fiTdayK.4... e? tjw ofie week 3'5f ' HI -1R tUTH VT UW W Ma v on. yew. 0y maI1) postage paid,".'. 7 00 SrmontT V - - ::::::::: !S- I'o City Subscribers, deliyered in any part of the ritY Fifteen CenU per week. ,Onr City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months in advance. - . "'' ' - - "' OUTLINES. ' '. yesterday at Boston there-was, a grand parade of colored Masons from different parti of the Union. ; Great inundation in Southern France. ; Mrs Til ton de nies the upholsterers' and all other stones - implicating her criminally with Beecher. . Iowa Democrats nominated Leffler for Governor and Woodward for Lieutenant Governor. -- - Hundred thousand loss by fire at a dye house, Mystic, Conn. pifty lives lost "aWValparaiso during late storm. New York markets: Gold, 17 i7i Loader in. a card flatlv denies Mrs. Tilton's allegations, and says he saw niore than he stated to the Herald; Trpe-Setiing by Electricity. The London correspondent of the Liver pool Courier writes to tbat- j(,nrnal: It has been hinted from time to time that one of our wealthy Lou don journals has "under, considera tion" the practicability of printing its shoots in several of the great towns simultaneously, in order to secure a distribution of its copies fas early as the various local journals which are so fast depreciating the circulation ami once paramount influence of their London contemporaries. , How can this staggering feat be accomplished? The loading journal had its atten tion drawn some weeks ago to an electric machine in operation at the London Stock Exchange, by which the fluctuating quotations are tele graphed to a nnmber of city offices, where an instrument, composed of movable figures and a dial plate, is made to record changes from, hour to hour. If an electric cur rent can be made to manipulate movable figures, it was conceived that a system of mechanical type-setting might be carried on simultaneously in a number of distant places, the opera tion beiner directed from a central of fice in London, the news being there collected from all parts of the world, :nd that the "copy" might be put in type at several provincial offices sim ultaneously by operating on an elec tric keyboard, or a number of key boards, controlled in the central of li.n This idea, like so many other inventions, is not new. Mr. Mackay, of the Warrington Guardian, work ed upon the same line of invention about eight years ago, to my knowl edge, and simultaneous type setting by machinery was by him carried to a practical issue, though he found that his invention did not result in profit. He worked a number of type setting machines by operating on the key-board and proposed to set up col umns for an v number of uewspapers by this' simultaneous process, the only difference being that the various rua chines could not bo placed in distant places. In other words, he did not H.Jkii..f 1Am will J oTntf ruot tr 'PllO VWIIIIVVll tlitlli Tf till v-vya IV! VJ .aaw - fact remains that he actually worked ten or twelve machines on this princi ple of connected action, "which derived its ilifw-t ?nr nnurpr from otifi kev- u...v....g J board. There is no moral doubt tnat the eame thing can be done on wider scale bv-; electric agency. But, if doiie, would the game be worth the candle? I know the TZmes, or rather the manager of its mechanical depart ment, is putting the thing to a private ' test in order to ascertain its mechani cal practicabilities. If that can be made clear, the Times directors are not likely to he deterred by financial timidity from the next Rtep in the un paralleled adventure. What a world of journalistic development the pros pect opens to prescient eyes ! Reaeb fond tides on the Kleveutb Day Mr. Beach concluded bis speech U the jury in theTilton-Beecher case at Brooklyn Wednesday,, with some further pungent re vie and criticism of Beeclier's peculiar ; religious ideas, sis expressed in his Writings and ser mrins, to demonstrate that he. was about as bad as Tilton in the free thinking line, if not decidedly worse. Among other things .Mr. Beach quo ted from one of Beecher's - talks, in ' which the latter said he would rather , have been the prodigal son than his T brotlier, who was too stingy to drink and too unsympathetic to gin lasci viously. This quotation Mr. Sher man protested against as an outrage,,, but he was taken all aback by the Ju Ige, who said he had read it in the (JJirlstian Union, which is the official organ of Plymouth Church. Mr. Beach also severely, criticised the posit uui of M r.Tracy, one of Beech or's couiihoI,' who had in his first connec tion with the scandal gained Tilton's Priori rideiice and; afterwards, iri viida :li(n of a bledi?p. became , counsel for ... I r w - -A l'Tch er. and nnallv a witness against Tiiton , CoHiieilman Kent to ihe Peuiteu- tlary. -Oouncilman Win. Dwyer, of Ho-'-bjken, N. J., was placed on trial in .the Court of Quarter ; Sessions on Tuesday, on the charge of stealing n poll-book of the Fourth VVard in Iloboken, at the charter election in April last. The jury returned a ver dict of guilty, and the Councilman was immediately 'sentenced to three months' imprisonment at hard labor in the county penitentiary. - 1 -77- Among the graduates at West Point Mat week waa William Young, son of Uiigham Young, the Mormon chief, who came out fourth in a class of forrty-nve. T? Dr. Craven, President of Trinity College, delivered the address atXadkin College at the late commencement. 4 The tlt-nree of D. . D. was conferred on Rev. il-'ii Gray, of 4he N. C. -Methodist Pro-i.-siaut Cli'irch. Fifteen hundred dollars were subscribed on the spot towards the building of a college chapel: VOL. XVI --NO. 82. WeiUrn N. C. n. R. This road was sold at Salisbury last Tuesday, The following particu lars additional to those heretofore published wo get from th5 Raleigh JYetcs . ' . " The road was really knocked down to Hon." A. S. Merrimon as pur chaser at $825,000, and he now'stands as ostensibly the holder of the pro perty.! Up to the time of the sale, the interests which .Mr. Merrimon represented were unwilling to sub mit to the scaling of itheir claim as agreed to by other parties, -1M.'8 bid being th e Ifjghest, it was knocked down to him, and he; gave a check for the sum required to be paid in cash at the time of purchase $10,000. Sub sequently, however, &Mr Merriman's clients agreed to submit to : the scal ing accepted .by, other" parties, and the commissioners on the part of the State then agreed to take the purchase off his hands. Still at present the transactions stand in the name of the first purchaser, and the State com missioners will so report to Judge Dick on reWrn day, which will be the first Monday in July. On the 1st Monday in" August, which will be Uule Day, the sale is expected to be confirmed by J udge Dick. After the confirmation of the sale,the Governor will appoint three -eommbsioners, who will proceed then to carry out fully the purposes of the Act. "Until that time, the road will remain under its present management. Spirits Turpentine The Edgecombe canvass opens with speaking to-day. Mr. Saunders Cox was drowned in Greene county last week. The'Wilson Conservative nomi nating convention meets to-day. J. J. Sharp, is the "gloriful" Radical candidate in Nash county for the Convention. :. powerfnl Baptist revival un der Rev. F. W. Jordan is progressing at Murfreesboro. At the date of the last Winston Sentinel all the young men of that place had gone frogging. Judge Kerr will deliver the ad dress at the Chowan Baptist Female Insti tute at Murfreesboro, July 7th. . The little girls of Wilson held an entertainment last week and raised some money for the Orphan Asylum. Last Saturday night, says the riain J)eaIer,Mr, Robert Etheridge, of Wil son county, was killed by a kick from mule. -vs..'.,v --.:--j--.,ii,J! iVv.' - The new Insane Asylum will bo located & mile and a half from the court house at Morganton, overlooking. Luke Louise. ; Mr. W. II. Page, of Northj Car olina, carried off the Greek prize, mid Mr. W.J?Y Tillett, also of this State, secured the mathematical prize at Randolph-Macon College..-...". i.;y;s.:.'., ,x. - i,,-'.'V . On the 22d, at the Episcopal Church at Pittsboro. Mr. Henry A. London, Jr., and Miss Bettie Jackson, both of the same place, were married, Bishop Lyman, and Rev. Dr. Sutton officiating. . The Tarboro Southerner depre cates the re-establishment of the whipping post for prudential reasons, and thinks the jails and the penitentiary afford sufficient facility for punishing-criminals. j Mr. J. H. Exum having been compelled by private business to decline the nomination for Convention in Edge combe, Mr. H. C. Bourne will take his place on the Democratic ticket. Davie county has had a big bail storm, commencing near Reedy Creek and extending , into Davidson, a distance of -more than ten miles, with a breadth of one and a half. The damage to the farmers is extensive. ,.. V , , The iSoutliemer says Edward Colton and Charles Boyd, both colored, en gaged in a shooting anray at bparta on Saturday evening about a negro girt, uoyu was dangerously wounded in the right breast. Cotton has escaped, arrest as yet. The commissioners of Halifax county have voted away of the county funds three thousand two nunarea ana eiguiy- five dollais for extra services to party favorites in the last eight months! This enormous sum baa been divided up be tween four leading Radicals. Halifax is entirely in the hands of the Radicals.; ,: i f , The Winston Republican le.arnp that on Tuesdav a " scaffold ' to the "new building being erected by "Mr. E. A. Vog ler. ib Balem: gave way and felL precipitat- ing;to the ground, a distance wfsome twen ty feet. Air. jsl a. vogier, ms two auus, John and Charlie Vogier, nd a negro boy A II were more or less hurt. , but r none ot them, it Is hoped, seriously. ; IU- Raleifirh News: Yesterday, while one of the guard. Mr. R. G. Best, was ac comdauviug two of the peniteutiary con victs afiei.water, at the brickyard just east of this city, the prisouers struck tue guara on the head with a rock and felled him to the; ground and wrenching from him his gun, struck him 'over the head with that, and . then made goody their escape. Mr. Ileal was aeverely. but we are glad to learn not seriously,' hurt. The Governor has appointed the following members of the Bo.-trd of JJirec tors of the" A & N. C Railroad: Messrs. L. W. Humphrey and John R. Smith, of Wayne, H. W. King and Antnonyuavis, or Luuir, unariea a. narper auu iu. t. ; Grimsley, of Greene, Jacob L. .Scott, of Jones, and James Campbell, of Craven, with Isaac Ramsey, of Carteret, as States proxy. Messrs.- Smith and Grimsley are now members of the Board. .,, The new Tmrd met at Beaufort Thursday, says the- jews, ual doubtless organized by tlie re election of CoL Humphery as President of the Board. . " " l V J v We learn by the Advance . that the exercises of the Wilson Collegiate Sem inary closed Thursday evening with a bril liant concert by the young ladies, presided over by their accomplished music teacher, Miss Emily C. Toms. - The hall was elab orately and handsomely decorated and pre sented a beautiful appearance. At an early lmnr it was filled with an intelligent and appreciative audience,; . The scene a the M.vaa when Prof. HooDer announced that ho had accSpted a professorship in the Uni versity was quite aaccung. WILMINGTON?JN T EE 213 G NKVV ADVKRTISKItlENVit. T. C. Servoss. Monthly License Tax. Conoley & Yates, Just Received. ' O. G. & Co. For Smithville. Loral itoiii. ' ; : " ' ! ' - i $ t , j Watermelons in market yester day. . .. . ..... " ' ! i : I There was no session of the City n . j UUtll L Vf'KltrilHV- .. . . J v. , (J r, , ? Advertisements "should be sent in to-day as early as. possible. f The Howard Relief' Steam "Fife Engine Company were out ou parade yes terday evening with their steamer, the A. Adrian. All those wishing to partinipate in the tub race on the Sound are requested to so inform the Regatta Committee' of the Carolina. Yacht Club. . .- . The numerous seats on Sunset Hill has lent another attractiveness to it which makes it a very inviting place to spendjan hour or two in the evening. For the South Atlantic States to-day, stationary or higher pressure, slight: ly lower temperature,. southerly winds and partly cloudy weather, with occasional iocal storms. - A crowd were out practicing pedestrianism , last night. After awhile, however, they contented themselves by resting close enough to the street to see a plank walk. f , Kanxe uf 1 Iieratomeier. - The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday: 7 A. M., 79; 12 M., 80; 2 P. M., 86; 4:30 P. M.,85; 9 P. M., 78. Supreme Court Case. . Among the cases considered in this Court on Thursday was that of the Navassa Gu ano Company vs. Win. II. Willard, from Orange. J. W. Graham for plaintiff, and Morriman, Fuller and Ashe for defendant. Argument was commenced. - .. " J lltuulont. I Reunions being the Order of the day, a friend proposes an excursion down the river, touching at every camp, fortification aud post where our troops were ttationed during the late war, and to be participated in by only those who wore the gray or were stationed below. Who will take the initia tive steps towards getting it up? - Hoivlus Uace. Six juvenile crews have already entered a boat each for the rowing race, to take place at oj P.M. Monday next in the river. Several additional boats are expected to participate. The boys are fall of eagerness for the fray, and a lively and spirited com petition is expected. The course and other particulars will be announced "hereafter; The Festival Last Night. ' The festival given last night at the Ran kin Hall by the members of the Sunday School Social Society of the Front Street M. E. Church was an exceedingly pleasant affair. The numerous delicacies were ex cellent, and were highly appreciated by the large throng that crowded the hall -There were a great number of young ladies pres ent, which of course lent a charm to- the scene. The Apollo Band discoursed- some excellent music on the occasion. We hope the Society realized handsomely from their efforts, r -, - Uepublleau City Politic. The sea of, Republican politics in ) the city, ' which has for some time past been rolling, seething and surging, will to-day gather in " ono huge roll in the Conven tion. It is said that there are many ; indi viduals to satisfy, many parties to conciliate and the consoling faculties of the party are to be brought into requisition very thorough ly. Brooklyn is divided iato wings' and rings, there being, we understand,' no less than six wings there, all flying in ! a differ ent direction, i- Third Ward; also presents to their inlnds &: problem , as to who is the regular nominee. . ., , . " , ;' In the words of Colonel William Thomas Cutler, " Let de wox populi parahze de franchise ob de ConstitooshuU.''" "' """ v ' . t'; ftepabireaa Couaty and Towuanlp Coiiveutlon. Iu accordance with a call issued a few weeks ago' bythtf Republican' Executive Committee of the county, a' nominating Convenion will assemble at? la o'clock to day, in the Superior Court room, for the purpose of nominating three delegates to the State Constitutional Convention. ' , The county Convention will be com of 57 delegates, viz:! Threef from each the thirteen townships of the county, three from each ward (O. S.) of the city, and three from the town of Lillington. , . After the nomination of delegates to the State Constitutional Convention, a body composed of the 18 delegates of the city and township of Wilmington" will nomin ate two candidates for the office of Mag- istrate-at-Large of the city, one candidate for Constable of the township, and three candidates f or the 3ciioi Committee, , ' As there are 'ak many, candidates as there are delegates a lively time is expected, par ticularly as caucuslhg'is said (6 have N been the order or tiie day for.' some time past, especially on the part of the more' hopeful of tlie aspirants.1. 'j now the matter 1 Wl be finally arrauged Sit is difficult" to say,and 'iudgefrom the "crammed appearance if many a historic carpet-bag that dangled from the hand of several wbrrifand weary county delegates who arrived in the cS, last evening, that an all-night session m ex pected. ' , "... p. 8. CamnlMloae r Court. Before J.J.- CaBsidey, United States Com missioner: In the case of the United States vs: W. J. Edwardsi Jr., who was arraigned on Thnrs-' day for. a violation of section 3,892 Revjsedi Statutes of the United Stales, the defendant was yesterday bound overdo the next term of the United States District Court, which meets in this city in November, in the sum of $300. The required bail was given and Edwards departed for home. : L G'TM abfivq aj4jwaajciejfsome- little peculiarity in its way. Defendant is aged 20 years ,and isespectably-connected. It seems from theevraence produced in tne investigation that several young ladies who lived some distance apart were in the habit of corresponding with each other frequently. On many occasions they found that their letters had been tampered with andreported the matter to the post-master in charge of the office at Rosindale. That official com municated with Col. E. R. Brink for in structions and as suspicion had been aroused it was resolved to watch the further pro gress (of the matter. It was known that letters were taken out of the office by the defendant ostensibly for the parties for whom they were intended, and on arriving at their destination it was found that they had been tampered with and cut open on the end and had then been glued up or pasted together,' which seemed to establish the fact, that their, content? had been ex tracted and read and then replaced in such a way as to escape detection, if possible, v. Another circumstance was: in ;. evidence. It was testified that on one occasion the defeuiiai.'i i was at he Poslofflce when a colored m'aii' bn-nght a letter there-which was to he maiieii to a j'ouug lady acquaint ance 4if the UefendanL The defendant told the pobtoffice clerk who received the letter that as he would visit the hause where the young lady resided on ihe dayfter, he would take the Jetter there himself. - No ol.j.-ction being raised, the clerk cancelled thu stamp and the letter was handed to dc fendauL' It was delayed some time before aching its destination, and was theu handed to the person for whom it was in tended by a colored man 'who stated' that the defendant had requested him to deliver it. On examination, this letter was found to be pasted together in a bungling way at the end, as if it had been opened and read. No other reason seems to have been ad duced for this alleged opening of letters on the part of the defendanVTexceptthaf he either desired to pry into' the secrets of others or was anxious to know what the ladies had to sayr or else ' what , they .said about him. . Tho' young ladies who testided in the case were summoned for the prosecution. They betrayed an unwillingness to testify, In view of the above evidence the defend ant was bound over as stated above. Out Willi It. , Candof, will not, ther Board qt County Commissioners probe the Index-Book job to the bottom and give all the facts to the public?. There is an odor, of rottenness about it that is decidedly unpleasant, and that ought to be traced to its source and neutralized. ' , Why did the Chairman pro tern! of the Board contract with Smyth to do the work at such an extravagant price? Is he not to blame for that? Why, as charged by Mr! Wilson, has the work been imperfectly per formed by Smyth? And if the work were not progressing satisfactorily, why? were Smyth's, bills , approved , by, the , Auditing Committee of the Board of Commissioners? Is it' true, as reported, that " addition, division and silence" was the motto in this transaction? .r There are other pertinent interrogatories that might be propounded, and that ought to be answered; for as the matter now stands it is a stigma on the Commissioners and the county. Certainly, there are some members of the Board who are interested in bringing out all the facts in this case. Coraer-Stone. -' ' The services of St. John's Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M., have again been brought , into requisition, they having accepted - aft invi tation tendered them by the Israelites of the city to lay the corner-stone of tlieirnew Temnle of Israel now In course of erection at thecorneMfeurih-and Market streets.5 The time for the performance of these ser vices will be made known hereafter, as at the preseut it is in the hands Of- the. goint Committee of Arrangements; appointed for the purpose by both institutions.11" iiftiallalloii of Offlccn. Mount Nebo Lodge No. U, F.-&.A. A. Y. M., a clored institution publicly installed posed the following officers on Thursday at Chris :hof tidh'apeUlAV WUX S Hezekiah Reed, W. M. Eipohn H. BrqwuiW' (y;SylveterCapps, J, W.( John Wk' Moore; TreBSurer. - t j ' . . Jas. E. King, Secretary; :" ; '. Jas. W, Pearson, S. D. ; ' ' !':'"Jos. VL Lucas, J.v D.--; ,"!. iij Wm. Holt, Jr., Chaplain. - Joshua Green,' S. S. J j, ' ? Anthony Mault8hyi. J. S. . Charles H. Ward, Tiler. 'Ti.rarita Pr.MICC. C-TlUO CMIlAio l3Uft vMft ujw and will soon become thoroughly organized. It consists at present of about twenty mem bers, whoWV ohfc It is to gaeross theriyer 'etiry Friday afternoon and spend a few boors pleasantly engaged in target practice. Yesterday evening the club adjourned to their practice grounds; after the -regular WTrainesa hours, much uleasure was reabed from the exercise and several excellent sh were "made. -..... wit ' I I jnastrate Court. .-rniCili b, mrin err T i 1 EU Dudley the colored iadiyhlul . wh was arrested some time ago for, getting , up rh exoitinir entcrtainhient near the corner. jof Front and ( Walnut: streets,; one of the ' ' . 1 1 L - - main icaiarea oi wnica was - me cuuwg oi Jiis wife's throat with a razor by the said jEli, was arraigned for resisting the; Deputy Sheriff in the discharge of his official ; duty on that occasion. It appears that the of ficial in question made Bhort work of the 'entertainment by, changing the scene, much Itb. lhfi .chagitn "of1 EU, !whp took' refuge .under a" house He-' was finally arrested and made some not very complimentary allusions to the Deputy Sheriff, for which last mentioned act in the drama he was arraigned. : The Court refused to take juris diction of the case and issued an order fpr the committal of the defendant, to answer' the charge at the next term of the Superior Court. - : ; i i.'-'-; . : , ri ; ' n.'f t EH Dudley was also arraigned for an as sault and battery upon Mollie Harris. -' The defendant was found guilty in this case and fined $5 and costs. 1 His pecuniary con dition not justifying such an expenditure; he was lodged in jail. ,.' " 1 " .'" Henry Johnson' was arraigned for the larceny of a watch. The stolen property" was said to be that of onebdum, who being sometime ago, owing to, the, force of cir cumstances, compelled to take his depar ture for the State penitentiary,, left all his worldly goods, which was a trunk -containing the watch and several other articles, in the county, jail for safe keeping. How Henry got in and got out again is not ac counted for. It is highly probable that he was on the watch and when no watch was on, he walked in and watched out.: lie was sent, in default of $500 bail, to watch the trunk until the "session of the Superior Court. " ' . There was never thought to be a scarcity of tubs in our city until the tub race was spoken of,, and then the race for tubs rapidly diminished the supply. FROM FAYETTE VI LLE. ' fStar Correspondences! y ; " ' '' ' Favetteville, N. C, June 23. The following little incident that occurred here a few evenings since, during the play of "Rough Diamond" by .the Fayetteville Dramatic Association, forcibly illustrates , the facility and readiness with which some minds parry an en carte thrust by a stinging repartee, and Shows the telling effect of an instantaneous flash of pungent wit: Mr. represented "Cousin Joe" in the drama, and by his vivid and masterly conception of the character, sustained the role admir ably and by his ingenious rendering of the salient points, and his incidental witicisms and local hits, frequently brought down the house. Just at the close of the play, when the curtain maintained a Mahomet- coffin like besitency between the ceiling and the stage, and the audience was trying to catch a last,' lingering look - at "Cousin Joe's" funny phiz, some wag in the crowd. having impregnated a cabbage ,witn assa- foetida, threw it to "Cousin Joe," with the expectation of raising a laugh at his ex pense, and thereby "grinning" him. Cousin joe," hewever, was not at all disconcerted but, looking at the cabbage an his comic and inimical manner, mat convuisea tne audience with laughter, suddenly threw off his rustic character and thus addressed the crowd : "Ladies and . gentlemen : I little thought when I undertood this comic char-1 acter. which I have represented this even ing, that it would be possible to offend any one by word or deed; but, as yon 1 all see, I have reckoned without my host, for this (picking up the cabbage) is an undeniable proof that one fellow at least nas gotten so mad as to completely lose Tux heacCr Thus the joke, boomerang-like,: recoiled on its author, who, ior some moments alter tne laughter at his expensehad subsided, would have found considerable difficulty in com posing the cnscles or his lips sufficiently to take a chew of tobacco or whistle "Silver Threads Among the Gold.", - .. ; EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE JuTEET- ;- INC. - - ' Hdqrs. CehtralEx. Committee, Democratic Conservative rarty New Hanover County, .Wilming- , , . . ton. N. a June 17. 1875. J The members of the Central Executive Committee of the Democratic Conservative party of New Hanover1 County (being the -Committee as constituted before the coun ty of Pender: was established) are requested - .... -. A1 ft . TTT J to meet at tne oiar omce, in wis cuy, , ea- nesday, June 30. at 8 o'ciocs f. m. , . : l ne ODject oi tne meeting is to can wa County Convention to nominate three can-- didates for the Constitutioqal Convention. til,' Wm. H. Bernard, dt&w-td, Chairman. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Inks and Copying Crayons, Where it is difficult to CArrv inks. - all its eseentialB . Mil. i . ' ft - . ; . i f . . i ate snpplh-d by this new article, which is always ready lor, n-e. at j , .-. . ,: t. . : ,s- . . Ii( ,TI1K CITY BOOK STORE. , ,v , ..."..THE .GEM';,..;" ' or Songs and Dances , for. the ; -Tcniiarewor-ihe Church, t ':!.-,?!;. '"wo. aale at YlsnM't f? "-H r? - I i w - l ' ' " - J ' CONOLKY ft YATES' ' ; . jane 2fi tf . v , j ; . , v City Book Store. To Owners of Drays, Wot or Carts. OFFICE OF TREASURER AND COLLECTOR, 1 - - 1 '-Citt or WixmsoTOK. N. C, V -V -i.rc . -n.-.,... Jum Ktk, 181&. ) ' i t.t. PARTIRS OW1T4G DRAYS. CARTS OR i-J. Wagons, iwlfQ: are.' deliiiqaent. Jg.-, payment thercott of the nsaal , , . ,, .. - Vk ., ,; ... ' , f Monthly Ucense Tax, are hereby notified thai if the same is not paid by , Monday the 88th day or June lust., iney wui oe prosecuted in the Mayor's Court, and thereby sub jected to additional costa ana expeams. , T. C SERVOSS, june20-:w' "Ci'y Clerk and Treasurer. ; . For Smitliville. Steamer dixie Will leave our wharf 8taraay,at4P.M.-,;-.:, ";'.-.-. . i Returning Will leave" Smithville, Monday atT ots j jane Sfe-tt.' O. G. PAESLEY & CO. ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. nun. w. it. utiH SUN .......... V ICK IKSSIDKNT. j. d. cUMMrHQ."rr:':... , BANK OFMARIGN, 'ffl. pirectors: " f.fii HON. W. D. JOHNSON.... J. D. McLUCAS. j.'..A..i; DUNCAN MOBCHISON. . . WM. A. WRIGHT..'.. l.., jno;w. atkinson....:; d. r. murchison ....... .......Marion, 8. C. ..J..i...' ';; U . t Wilmington, . C. 1. B. GRAJ j Does all the ordinary JosIb8 of a Bank. ; lesnea CerOflcates of Deposit bearing interest. : Will take Dleasore in accommodatin z the mercan tile commnnitieB of Wilmington and other places by disco anting snch paper as can be recommended as good by any of the Banks located where the par ties are carrying on business., .. ' . . j Correspondents: .nee Nauo Citizens National Bank. . . Bank of New Hanover..... : may 80 tf nac .Baltimore. ..i.-..WilmJngton. miscellaneous, 50 Fifty Boxes f 50 ORANGES ANt LEMONS In Prime Order. For sale low by " 4i r-i', r it--: .- Bought Before the Advance. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., ' : 5 & 7 North Front St 50 Fifty Boxes 50 FIRE. CRACKERS GOLD CHOP Jfc Low for Cash. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 5 & 7 North Front Street. , -Tie Best Flayorins Extracts, 17 VERY KIND. ' ::'.' . " CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., 5 & T North Front Street. jnneSS tf Journal copy. Something New. s : Frencli Linen Snitinis at 15 cents, i Worth 25 Cents; ! . Japanese Poplins ; at .20 ceuts, worth 30 cents. Call and see them. '"' '' ''' ' J. &7H. Samson, 43 Market Street. june5 tf Pickled Oysters. ;; 2 m. Hew Rirer Oyster PicBei. 4 ' 8 Kits Mountain Butter. v .- . - ; .. . .-; : ,1 . I. - ,.,.' i .iFor.pale cheap. ... . , j EDWARDS & HALLX june23-tf " Binford, Crow & Co., "VTFERTO THE TRADE AT LOW FIGURES j Q Q Q Bbls Flour, all grades, gQQBbls Sugar House Syrup, . ; , 2QQ Bags Coffee,.; v,; f ; - ; . : 2QQ E:egs Nails. :! ' . ... Bbls Sugar and a full Stock Goods in their line ' Special attention paid to securing low rates, freights in carload lots. L ' - S may 5-dAwtf BINFORD. CROW St CO, ' Only a Few ' TT7H1TB DUCK COATS AT $3 00. ' : Only a Few White Duck Vests at $11 Only a Few Mte Duel Pants at $3 BBOYW DUCK SUITS AT LOW PRICES, j Trunk s. Bg i and Hats Cheap. ' i'. - MUNSON St CO I ' June 53-it . . ; s ; City Clothiers. Spirit Casks, Glue, &c. QQ Spirit Casks, , 10Q Barrel. Glue, ; ' Barrels Bungs, , i 2QQ Paper Biveta., r i - . For Sale by ' 1 une 20 tf KEUCHNEB Si C ALDER BROS. ; ! '- . . 4 ; Hay, Rice, Kails and Soap.' j j 1 ffi Bale Hay, ; -Ms u ;. A . 4 ( Barrels Rice,'''. !'- - - -. -n A Kegs Kails, i - ' '".'..U n-j-i. ot J'otlalotary.N. -i' f jnne 60-tf , KBRCgNER CALDER BROSJ ! Coffee and Cheese. RoASTEP ?AVA AND RIO COFFEE, gAPSAQO i.; j f- and FJdara Cheese. ; , For sale at . ? . , O. H. W, RUNGE, i Nortfceaat eor. Market nd Second M. jUne20-tf , I Idler iSllteFar. .! it IF THE COLORED1 PERSON THAT FOUND the pocket book on 2nd street, between Orange and Ann streets, containing valuable papers and two keys, one of Brass the other ef Steel, will send the same to the office of the Star he ill be liberally re warded and no questions asked. ' ' ' Jane 20-4t FEBBIS HAMS, i TRIPS, Shottlders, Dried. Beef, and Smoked Tongaes, Uimcanvassed and free from bugs. Fulton Market Beef and Pig Pork.' Also a fine let or Hickory Smoked Torth Carolina Hams at ; 1 19-tf " ' J.C.STEVBNSON'8.. . . ',1 J -. ; 0. , . Strayed or Stolen.5 ! A BLACK COW, HAS WHITE BAG AND SIX teats. Had, on large, beU.,, Marks: Crop and. under-bit in each ear. . '. " 4 ' ' A liberal reward will be paid for her delivery to theundersigaedy . . . FRISING, j ttne SHr-oC vurutsr ui (uiu tt woici : mineral Waters. ! : triCHY. KB58nreEN, ' BELTERS r AND CON V gresa Mineral Waters, reproducing hi the highest degree attainaoie, uv waters ut ut iuubii vmeunui4 medicinal springs, with the additional great advan-' t>t ot dispensing them in a greater degree of con-, centration. , ' ; - t ; . Tne aoove, wua rure uvia. ua on ft- "I ! I J. O.;N0BTltE0P'S Jane 13-tf i 1'ralt and Coiilectiimery tore, , ,.s i Two weekf.....V..........:.ii W . " Three weeki.iiA:AAU.U,.J!iti " MM,OtefrmOnth,w....u. 8 W " " Two xaomtlwft.i,. P j Three montha Wl . i Cr"Cotttract.AdyrU8enient8 taken at prf-pir tionately I6w-rtee. J wo ; t . . i "i j a . uarea eetiuaateA as a qnartor-column, and ' Xt,cei14i$eous.; ; ; l-VOI PARDKNS AND INVIGORATKS TUB GTJMSi Formes and Ferxaiirea the Breath! CleaoMa 1). m-nA lftm. . g -"- - - l - v m w-v ! , , , .. - Hire's fiirta ta Tall rnn. may S8-eodlyth sattn. . x J r, ! , , Office, Treasurer ;& Collector, :; J i !" ""' C3TY'oV'v7rLMINGTON,N.C.,t ' i fi..,"f..j-,J s fi ( .j-rebrnaryl8tlu.ia74., Nbtic6 to doners of any TruckJDray , i or Wagon. " .iff. ,-- t t nf.. f, -...(-.: , - THE OWNER of any Trock, Dray,' Cart or . Wagon, used in the city, will send the same to ' the shep of John A, Parker, en Second Street, and. have their Registered Bomber painted thereon be fore the first day of March, prox., when the Ordi nance Imposing a Penalty will be enforced. . A list of the registered numbers will b famished on application at uus pace. . . . . - feSlS-eodtfthar - ; . .- C SERVOSS, , TreasnnT. ( NOW IS YOUR VfflS TO SAVE MONEY, IN , ;thepnrehaseo; . .r. i;, t Dry j Goods, ... This stock is to be sold In ft limited time; not one cent above actual cost, will be charged for any article, either large or small, singly or in quantity : In this sale you have a decided advantage, . THE STO CK IS N!Vt ' ; ' and every piece : of goods is desirable.. .There ate " many small lots of broken packages, remnants. Gloves, Collars, &c.&c. that will be sold at much Jess than cost to tloee them out. ' . " j " " ' Very respectfully, '' - : ': - ! i :.' - GBQ. LIEBER, . .' No. ?0 Market Street. Wilmington, N.C. June13-tf ' . '- -t ; '- . , NewMusia Bdokb ! The Chorus Choir, .i. a W.!; i By,Paf;SBKN .TotmE. , f A new 1- ook of sterling merit, for the use of M usi cal iBocieiies, Conventipns and " Choius Choiis," which are now becoming quite common. 290 pages, and about 100 pieces.. oh r Price $2 00. . Per Doa. $18 05. : Loreley. An TJnfinisied Opera' by" ' lUcndelssoIiii. 60 eta. Per Doz. $5 40. A beautiful fragment, which, however, is complete in itself, i . . . -.J:-..',f.. "II; .,-,,, ;, f-t.; .,- . , HOW SHALL I TEACH T OR HINTS TO TEACH ERS. A pamphlet by Dr. Lowell Macon, with a concise description ef his mode of instruction. Much sought for; SSccnts.'1 ' ' ' ; ' FIRST WALPUROIS NIGHT. MENDELSSOHN Cloth $1 25. : Boards $1 00. Paper, 60c. s -, u , ; , , For Musical Societies. , ; Cnrtis and Behr's . New Method, for the .,' r-';t;!Zither.l$l.,.;f! " The Zither is an instrument liko " a guilar, but much more powerful, and well worth leamiag.; Sold by all music - dea'ers. , Sent, post-free, fr RetaU Price. ' J " " ' ! ' , O. DITSON & COJ, I CHAS, H.D1TSON & U Boston. -I '711 Broadway, N. Y. jjuno23-dw2wWed4fc8at ,i jj , ' t.:-s .' CUSTOM HQUSE, ' Wf HWINCIXON, If. f?, ' t Collector's Office, June 17th, 1873. J i i ' ;'-l i - '.-r,i o W FRIDAY. THE 9TH PROXIMO. AT 12 Marks. Atw. Phgt & ConUtUt. Quantity. . - v.r f.:f,:tYi, sriiM ! ' J t J. Vanaervalk,. V Delfshaven. V. - : ;.. 286 IU Pipe Gin. 24V Gallons, afff iVblneGto. '123rf- " 1 -. 11-16 pipe Gin. 1 1 1-18 pipe GiniJi" :'J Said goods having been imported in the Br. Brig Rob't. Andersen," Hopkins, Master, May 14, 1814, from Liverpool, and consigned to Master. " . , f JOSEPH C. ABBOTT, Collector. 1 June 17 8taw3w Th Si Tu r. f: r m l , . . . i Important to Ownto ;ot,DoS. . . OFFICE OF TREASURES' and COLLECTOR, ) : ; Crrr or WruasoTOK, N. C ) . . - i , -i - As MANY PERSONS DO NOT APPEAR TO understand all the requirements utider'the DOG ORDINANCE notice hereby given that the, , Penalty of 10 Dollars fornotprttcoring the' rcqaired DOG BADGES, will THURiSDAY.'THE 24T1T INST. The Ordini ce provides "as Teuows: That the ' owner of any ?. tha TAX imnosed hv the DOG' ORDI NANCE halt bo sobjeevtt prosecution ior ywia tinn nf .nid Ordinance, and recalled to PAX A FINE, not to exceed 00) Dollars, in the atscretion of the Mavor. By orie ot the fiayor - '5:.i i;;s-i '"!! - ,T. COJxlVto3 ' " J! -J CkyCleik and Treasurer. June 21 1875. - ! ; THE'MASSEY PliiladBlBuia I Jt II Ale ? asd Porter. UNRIVALED IN PURITY. UNSURPASSED 1A quatkyrTba most popnlarof. all Ales manu factured in the United States, especially for the Southern trade, will remain light,, sparkling and sweet longer, and afford a greater profit to ictail dealers than any other Akst , -. , ' X A XX X bbI$3-SSTand $3 60, X bbl xx 1 Bottled Xle TS ct-iits per 001:611; Wrter Sod, and Kar.annrlilH ft-l rents ncr dozen. Assorted and ship ped in the patent spring lock' shipping oaes for the uu,., ..rT, t;t iMT xSrdlandek, , . i s Cor. 4th and Hanover streets. jnr-e9-1m t M m ' , . I w ilminerton , N, ' ToLet. X"' HE HOTEu ' PROPERTY1 IN1 GOLDSBOtt N. a, known as the, ., n.t .., v, iV WEIL -HOUSE,", 1 1 1 1 , von REASONABLE TERMS,: ., . ThA Tlnnen la til tnat aiI on Ea.t Centre stret.!OD- posite the the Depot Of the Wi W.Atliwtlc Jfc : N. C, and the N. CVKailroads, has FIFTEEN CO M- FORTABLE BOOM, Desiaea- vie uiriva biiu BAR-BOOM, which bftve. lately, undergone thor- rT. mmIm miiA are now w in very gooa conumon. If or terms, c, ajipiy v (i u. " June 21-tf - 1 " Goldsboro, N. C. ILt Kalagb JSewt copy, ana sena yux to aurctoci. - ; Latest1 Styles. - HAVING RECEIVED BY EXPRE88 SLOCKS of the latest styles of Hats fer Ladles and Chil dren, Mrs. Virginia A. Orr isprepaeed to alter, press and bleach work entrusted, to her. Old Bonnets and Gentlemen's Panama Hata made to -i-- " KfSWJ. IS ' vaa aw m .' Vcn- nartit-mlars call en or send to MRS. ORS. on I KTnn tvprwaon Hfrt anrl 4th street.' i ..' apis-tr , l. (i .4 tf -. 1 , . ...I 1 i