Mi IHE HORimiG STAB PUBLISHED DAILY, BY r WJA. SI. BBB1TAJBD.; BATkiij W AllVKR'liMMi. 0!iefcqnireoneaay,....f. ... , -.j..-1 " " twodays,. ........................ 1 " -' -three days, i .t: j. .rt..-. i. v... W . .. . fOUrd4yB4i Mi S H ' fivadaya S W. . : "f one wek. . . i i. '.t ? . .-r . . . 5T : " ThreoweBkih........'......... W - ."-- One month 8 W "1 .r BAT OF SOTSORIPTIOll IN ADVAKOK: viyir. (by mn poetge paid,.;... .w T 00 s,x months, , t t, M Three months( I ,K 100 ,AA Willi... - , ,sit Sabscribers, delivered in any part of the TH.y.r Tw.nerwaek. - OnrCitv Aeeutsare Jf Jwthorized w collect for more than 8 months in Fifteen advance. B" - (- .--.OIJTiINK.'v , I?:irye, a French sculptor, is dead. Tornado killed ft number of persohs and demolished thirty houses in uetrott. - - Five persons near Fall River, Mass., killed I htf ft nassing train. VYednesday Uer man naval review by the Crown Prince will commence. - The Chicago firm of Koe Brothera arrested for defrauding a Rich mond bouse. laaro started to Arc tic legions for Sir John Franklin's remains. 2,000 lowest estimate of losses by Trench inundations. ' Great 7 inunda tion in Bohemia. - -New York markets: Cotton 15f15i; turpentine 82; rosin $t 70 $1 80; gold 117i117i. ' Beecher says ouly one juror hold9 out against him, and he knows who that man is. A nlpros was entered in the Hinds cases. . Bcechtr jury still out. Tennrou JDrm. ; fj'j'- Queen Mary,''; the latest produc- j , iir ifn " u.r-:-ituvii. 1 u y reviewed by the New ; York Herald. In "concluding the Herald criucCsays: The most suprismg thing about iliis drama is its complete; un likeness to everything the critic could" have an ticipated. In spite of iis few Tenny snn'iiin lyrics; and conceits ' it ; is not 'lViinysoniaii. It has none . of the mawisli setiUmentality of "The Prin cess" and none of. the morbid and ol scure transcendentalism " . of. "In Meiooriam." In thought" and treat ment it U simple to. seventy. Even wlii'ii it is most beautiful it is almost h;ill from the want of"' adornment; There, is not a careless line nor an ill considered speech from, the' first' act to the last. Sometimes the constraint is too constrained and the severity too severe, hut this is true5 only' in the dramatic, not the literary sense.. As the work of a poet it may be sniil to be faultless, and if hs diaiiiatic triumph has been "equally assured, the laureate "might well contest with Shakespeare the palm of gn-atiicss. Could Mr. Tennyson have been an actor without losing his gift of sons, it is quite possible his work WO till. 1 have been a play as well as a .drama.-Its fault is. in its failure to present to the eye what it reveals to the iraagination,Juid yet. its very clumsiness of construction is its per fection as a , picture. The ; stage, carpenter's hand ; would ijnarli-its beauty and yet .fail to give it life. If we . should the stasro we should see. it on I miss in " it tirl..li ?j mrtut arnnicil a ! 'nl find I .i i.? i: ' e !. . I no recompense in tne niaiuinue oi us scenes, matured ill a poemjtint shif ting awkwardly in a, play. It is dramatic i:i form, but not in fact, lvui while we regret the loss of .the J'lay .we are not condemning - the ilrama.' As7 a jioi'iii eveiu thc dramatic ; form was necessary to the - loet's-- jurVMie, anl if "he has cheated the play house he lias enriched player and play goer alike. As an historical study, the picture of a reigtt and au age iin Rome respects tha most-inarvellous ii ta the world's annals, his work is un surpassed, we might say - unsurpass able. No other, not : even r Shakes- pesire himself, could .iave. done.uet- lor with lli a materials 'at his coni mand; and this much we may say of iL'iiiiYnon s vuteii luurv, ium . u w not the highest effort pr gemuv-u is at least the Ti pest fruit of intelleu tnal culture. Tbo Herald Bocetoer. : .. The Herald of Saturdayi,' writing wiLh the prospect of 7: a ifiung jury before it, says:--.:- ? With such a result of the trial as now seems P?t,wffi iui 9 WIJ1IC, UUU Ilia IUI IUCI - BowuudiM 4 moral influence 'willwill into con vulgar cariosity to look at a man who I lias survived his: clericahprior" ora I uri.k to c A.W!k:.:nn. t moM lolnnt I liij hi ciuiuiuvusvi iuviv 1 divorced from any. high attnpnte oi eharacter, The great and respecta- j me denomination of Uoneresrauoiia luiitti' iwtii with which Plymouth church is torn ected can trot afford to counte-. - J. - T. paratd from its parent ctree j If 1 lie CougrfgaUonaliats disfellowship and cant off Flymoath; church il will un under a ban ; of morar condem nation which, will ,,edaoe it to the unditionOf a mere place of - eccleai HHiical amusement, where crowds may, assemhle to wkness; the;, antics, of a diHgraced pastor. ;. 'This 1 will be the natural consequence of, a disagree- 7lDe J'7-.W -w 0VV1110 iiivf iiaviv: vm"" - written bh j, the. portals of the ; once famous Plymodtrehtfft;li.' Frank Enterer, a German aged 60 years, wlio was committed to prison in Philadel phia Wednesday for attempted rape upon a little eirl 4 venra old. committed suicide Sunday nieht, by hanging himself to a cross, harof thecent , , 1 1 t . Wake county on Saturday nom iaated this ticket for the Slate Constitution al Convention: R. H. Battle," Jr.; Beaton i!ep, of Raleigh; Kufus II. Jones, of -ary, and D. B. Holland, of the western part of the county. ' The SejUmsI saysr The d elect -eonoty. to a man. will walk ud and ; this ticket; it gives general satisfaction; a d. - tt ?ti J w 1 RnivUrf. charlaun and a'-eotnediSt in. tlie pil-- .The piuand if he continues to 7 kttraot near Church Greets, twas entered on Sun- rjWagnej aa14;WMfe1toy.:0?celr: ,.rwu it w;ti fmm mntiirpa nf dav niehfhnd new silk umbrella, a hat line a part of it.1 ?"ft'i:J.1:,::i! V:!' ;; Uianee a ishnrch whiuh sustains a pas-, I vimiisb of oflleera. : ,; . t ' . ' i:! I . ... - . . . t t .f - .f I v- t n ,tt- i t ...,,. m n:. I . .- , .-.:.:. if - i.,... : Pi.5t.,iSi or ",e a,rnla " B. "W?1 !rr up to the present ume. . , - !J ' J i: 1 v ENGLISH, CLASSICALAND V iTuEM ATica L TNOBBEBTO .. ' . 1 . " - - . ...r.7:::r -;iib -MorriareDort:'. lie 'objected -.to" the n.uirm'.n Wilson obiected: he wanted W. IL Grifflith.- J . ... aw'lvfiro ... A of my handsome ot that denomination pronounces Literal'y.Socieirihe XoU0Winllicej were . - , , i 1 x lVaahty: R..S. . - t ; I ' - 7-v. - a sentence of disfellowship; against Lwted for the ensuing t-;rm: . .,. " . A f another man adelj iw ; T ' '. T ', logger ,iuEngim..iiiV .bsoi'T Pie'CO ii . . . . ... .rv . I eieciedfior lUBcyouius 1-1111. . , , xuarla Alii.bis rei&irt iwas JUulmDartial.l -if...-t. nteaaoi ia '.-motion: wanted the: -'P. T. Uicksey, L at ;u .!-. vyi-iM. . .' ,'. ... . . ' I -. -.www .ymoU,: ;nlfth. facts: that .he had : - -T"be ancid he M ' IwH. dketbeb .WrZI M. 8. Willard, Vice Preside,,,. l9 !and:,botigbt itwai cor " efa to know aboul'it. I A. T.' Hewlett; K.'of W.'" '.- l! U V 1 BBTAK;- fici. Theymunbo ao,i HE ' VOL. XVI. NO. 84. : Spirits Turpentine Wayne county taxation 88 cents on the $100. .. V , Mr.-; W. T. Adatais of the firm I - of Adams & Son, Raleigh, died Saturday. Tbo Sentinel devotes five col limns and a half in editorial to the Fayette ville Centennial. ' -. : - There is to W a grand Fourth of Jury excursion from AVeldon to Peters burg on Saturday next. land, of Rutherford ColIeger.killed a rattle- , Zir ZufL HiAlrvrtr hveoo Mica Mortr H.nrr. I 8naKe, a lew days ago, wnicu jiaa nine l rattles and one button, X 7 7 : The Messenger : TheDemo- erats of Lenoir, met in Mass Convention in I Kinston oa Saturday last, andidid thtm-I selVes honor in nominating Jas. M. Parrott, .'Naturally EdfTecombo county is saddened by the drowning of Misses Hester Pippin and Dora Statan, which took place I Jg Commissioner .Morris, who bad been ap in an ice ppnd .pm: tbeplantatloD Tof Pf. T pofi, witkClwiiWarlWilsbBLto UsWEjoto Staton, near-Tarboro. Miss Pippin had m a. i r-i . i T ingham.i The ;Upfortunate7'. young ladies I just reiurnea. irom du Jiary 8 Dcnooi, uock- were bathing. The cane sold last week in Ital- Bingham. the7 wounded artilletymen, real ized something over f GO,, and the result ot the voting gave the cane to Rev; Mr. Man- gum, of the Edenton street church, who received 108 out of 241. ' 3l JElj G IE JL T5fZT-" NBW : A D VEBTISBRl BHTs i" 7 . See Ad. School Notice. - 7 Geo. W. Bordeaux Not ice. , . 8. M.. Thomas -A Card. ; See Ad. Graud Family Excursion. LocmI Ctoi. - - . - The getting up of the tub race is progressing finely. f Yesterday seemed to be a lively day in all parts of our city. -: t ; --- "T n hAnr.aa n ninmmnl I'll A TQt. ... . I- ter were disposed or atpnyoi me ainjjia- j trnten fniirtji vrHtprlsir ' . - I ' - . iuasier iuarit iiriugers, n sun ui Hon. R R Bridgers, of this city, n Friday -v.. :.-.ii,Vo.:v Ti passeu tue eumuaiiuo u uie u, ,o. .xt. Academy. , 1 By a ty pographical blun d graceful rcjigious poem we printed morning was dated at Wilmington whereai it should have been dated, inaton. N. C. 'H:-;A -'l: ? Ilanee offlJermomeier;;";-;' 'u"'ub .v "- mometer at the Signal Bureau, in inis ciiy, VeSterdaV: ' 4 " "7 '"V : rt rT .1 A! M . 81' 12 M.. 87: 2 P. M . 87; 4i0 P. M.,84; 9 P. M., 78 !- Vsfi.-f?WVrS!apaa, Ilesatta Prlea, - ? ' : There were on exhibition "yesterday at the surerMessr8Tf-W;'Brow fSonWj.Vv-arrant No. 221 issued Dec- 1874 $200 00 folfowinV.pirzes,"Tntende"a fofhe regatta,- to take place on the Sound; on ; July 5th. 1st prize, a silver tete-a-tete set and waiter; Sri nrTzp. a marine sdv class: dd-pr'ze, a r - w. . . , . goblet. ' :" '' 1 -7"v' ' There will dpubtlcssbe a spirited compe tition iott these handsome prizes. r f Anotnerpwifiaa. ; .U Anotner amateur rowg .rawt wm nlace in the river on., to-morrow, afternoon, ! 7ri.W Iwitj'wiu hAmr. I cuiuiiieuvius a yy,iv-.? " r. . i ticipatod in by.yomewhat older than . engageu .iuT mo m,,wvJ"u"J' i cA i;ota or.on Pnfprpff Alretdv. I OCVCU UUUW , . rf - Each crew is determined to do its utmost Cloalos Exerclooo The closing ejercises ? There as a large and appreciative aadience rJUil So be able to give a" more (leiailCU aCUUUUk IU .uui ucai . and somelother articles pfvaluftwere stohiri. The burglaTseerustohave kept away :om l.n ololninil AnrfmMitjL nfuMIldllBef IOr iuc sinjiug fear of detecttosv ? ue eoecieq an eianu.ee by climbingup the plazzai posttothebac to succeed, ana a. iiveiy uvuyss uvu- be receivet r rejected as tue wor i acted wrongs anci ue wouio. puvy iw not cases were nxea ior trial. - i ' less iake placve7l:'vp bay justify. r r - 7 I ; The criminal docket' composes a list of 1 ,Granfl i , f Reflections Aaving been cast upoqthis ., , , - mt. i t rf- .i.-; r.r-K-r. I Board laltbepastsar aaysj: atnuftejing - p.1.' .M,"".rr,lt : piazaau roro there ue easily, reacueu uus.jiuhairmans report oecause . it, reux-cteu ,yu interior of the house. E 8. Ltimer, Secretary A.' tL Waddell, Jr, Treasnr-er. ; ' -C. M. VanOrsdel l,: Editor. : ) The standing committees will be appoint ed at. the next regular meeliiig, which will be hel.l on the 2nd Friday uigiit iu October, :he Society having adjourned its meetings until after hexpiratioii of Uw I months. ' ' " ' ' the summer - T'be ,oUowing cases were dispose.l of yes tunlav mrtrn l n (7 Eiiza Jane Dwto was'irValgnea" fir Jis- ;OPW dnct and ' fotind Eailtyi Judg- ;. nHwl on navraenl of costswi iuiu o w-w: y ar j Rebacca Sauls, conductJudgmei J ment ' costs Dora Williams, arraigned - for disorderly conducts Judgment suspended on pay ment of costs. , , , t i State tsT James Burnet, 'disorderly con ducf. Derendanf isiibmitted; npd was dis missed on payment of costs. f Rbcrt Hyman, disorderly conduct. De- lenuaol Was UOCU W auu vyoto... !ti ; ii I . ' :. I I I i W-tornor Wft9 Wl linif IO rPCdTB SO TDUCU I .... .1.2a n,l fmm Kan amtuir lul IKM I nltlfpra WcrA OlllV RlPfTlAll. TnT.inR enSUlfl? .j .1 . ..iJTTJilPtinM. Jtl. 4i. ntlili I .arranged, fisorder.y 11 ot suspeBded i on :pay-1 wuoie niawwr; uo mu - s t ..... ... I -M1T-- WILMINGTON, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. iiynoptl of the Proceedings. -A. ." The Board of County Commissioners met yesterday at 3 o'clock, P. M. :.:Treseot - rJam?s Wilson, Chairmau, and Coimisslonersi'WagVef - ITaoAmTingotj Morris and Nixon. The minute9 of :t'iQ lasts' m?etina were; read and approved. The communication, of iS. A.Cutie was referred to the Finance Committee. .5 W. J. II. Bellamy, of. .his. 'iTTSj 55 i'"jov;iau u uucuu mc um uw tr New Hanover county, living within the I city of WilmingtQnalhatBee reojirerK to attend to all cases of Bickness that may J be fcaUed to Lis attention ,bv the Chairman J of the Board or any of its members, but lDers. DUl I nlKl h out door poor as may bo con- K?nea lo luer nomes uy sicKuess. the matter of J. H. Smyth and the Index Books, submitted the following report i WitMINGTON.N. C, ), June 38th, 1875. J HofwrabJs Board of County Ccm.mi':uiop:r8: :l!wvmrmi jw. Hotiini Kaon nnnATnfA itn- ... - - the Committee to examine the matter of the I transcription of the Index-Books. by ,J,.H. I bniyth, and the amoant paid for said work, I beg leave to make-the -following report: I hnu. on examination of the minutes. I page 2,841, a petition from nearly all the I members of the bar, to haveicopied two Index-Books in the office of the Register of Deeds. I also fin d'two. applications to transcribe said "booksj' oner from Jasper T1 1 . jr i!fij t J 1 Jltl - x:iuup, jsq., tor uueeu iiuuureu ooiiars, , also one frm J. II. Smylb, which reads as follows, dated Nov. fith 1874: ,s n Ibntrdta Soar of :ntyCmersl ' Gentlemen: The undersigned will con- tract to transcribe the two Index-Books for j eleven hundred dollars or two -cents per name; compare and correct the same for fourteen hundred dollars. Hopingyou may see fit toaward me the contract, I am, with the highest consideration of respect, 7 J oqw, Q.'lfh P11??!?. j l On page 28o, I find .the following en tered: -Tho aPDlicatiotis ,of Jasper Bishop" and J., H. Smyth, for transcribing; the Indexes in Kegister s offlc . lieferred to Chairman pro Um. with power" to act. iSee chapter 100. section 11. Battle's RevisaU VjlXsA'k yj. (nty ComHUioners, where they Zrr rAl and ODoroved by the Board of Commission ers, shall be deemed and taken as public records: in like manner, ' to 'all intents; as the original books and copies Uerefrom,7 roaV be certined accordtntny. ' - -. i , It seems that at the time that J. H.? Smyth I ' j J r . .1 ... .1 4l.n kah Kn mnn nntinn was uirccieu to uu una wuik uu raa nvniijt as Deputy Register ; he was 1 know,' acting' as Clerk to the Board ol vounty uoroiris- sioners. ; : The amount paid JM H. Smy th M s fol- 438 1 " Feb. 1875 250 00 " ui'liH ',!'! Mar. 250 00 ' 614 " " " " 100 00 " 028 ' , "'.-,250 00 " 831) " May " 250 00 amounting lo thirteen hundred dollarsf i I find on partial examination ot the wont errors to exist; also many abbreviations are made with the given names, out tne sur names seem to Q copies from the old index I UVrra tnith CAmA Trrm I tinfl . tTIAllV 1 nod Uames on the old Index, and also new In- . j. fe -.iggnenia.'. The work is not comnlete and has not been compared. The Books have never' been tendered to this , rv : ,t.: ,W Sehas oaru as- compwiicj; a u ejuiujuic ui n v ( Decn ouowea me, ana x wouia recumucuu that this work be comDleted tt the CUfliest . T - . V ; nTn f n n v that it 1 y conduct, and I would respertf ally . sag- RTlSSSaS isflWofwb,C i ' ' ' 3 'ZT ' I nt- .:nun f i . ! i: J-ir.i.'-t) The Chairman asked why his; report had (!') Ijit; if his report (heretofore published in lull I in tlio Rtiii' vtaa 1 nnV TPrpAVRCl he WOTIld . iu .v .wu.; ; .. "u;7." " " .rr:; 77; , v . J . . enter His protest j h "VanAmringe said he ; 0Biecte4i to -jthe the Auditing Committee,. The Chairman asked' the latter why he did notlsign hisreporL ! Morris stated that because be knew noth ing of the facts nor the. conversation the Chairman had, with Smyth,- and had taken no part in them; and he could not sign what he did sot know anything about; he thought it was hlsr 'duty to 'investigate' the matter himself. .... r,..i, 2- Tbe Chai; man iulei posed that, he .was Chairman of the coinmhtee that; had been apixi.Med L,r, the. pu pose; that Uie. report of the other member of the committee had been received and his thrown under the - - deem it oeceasar may, direct the ltegisterpcaicd ,iue,Cape tFs 'i?ejifral nospitaU j me ioiiowing urand Juiy were drawn:.: ings, includingthe store and warehouse of Ml - fc I "l u,c:"? muowj. ."m ;v ?" " k .t,n. t.o iiir rr onni.t rpopive medical I is. v JBiicneii. i foreman s ltoeer it. Bulti-1 liizzeu es KODerr-r.iorBas and the I ? r-"- the books in the Register ot. weeds' omce, a . a, k t-i -1, T ' dwelling i house of T. C. Brundr. besides i ! S3unay ias irom uecay or oiucr unuse iiiay fcyuiro . .,Wuuuu..v. vu. ',7- 4oL,'-x , "J- . ' T several houses are now standing. Some -tX i- i 1 s r i i - I nW n nanin IDJV rrWT.UJW. lrilT"rfria I - V Ull. iUUllU iMJOl. iUIBHUt I 1 IliNIMI K. IX.1HI' I ' ' - - r, - I m it I to hs rianwrlt(l 'and indexed! tner-may f nr. i . : - - .--u.. i opicer,- kj; v. aiorse. w.' i. ' dacESOn. Jonn I t. A:wMn.i.i- l ' -. I ntlAw him Riich comneaaation at the ex-1 m r -li?t-"-iiAt7PAi T7or;t TooToo T.KiTrtun... I : ; j I -.: Woc,K ' I " ' ; , 1 IrCO Vi "rSOTueaUX;' lvegiaier, !WttO .'.- 1 T voov iiw, omm uuiuu,,iki,o- ocmvo iu wuiug iu ouyincia luo Uttiucanuu . I ' - . I Kr"" J. . " I ' . . ...I. ;n wfirl lr I Klall lmn AlP-rnndPi HnOelnr ' Ramnol I.IO BCVl I lliinlr -ina!. 11Ahiikn xclifin so H-ansnnhefl 1 eQ IO DUDIISU UH u-JTCiuscBtm iu iv6. .v . " "'.?-"" i of the school 01 tte I conscious oi naving nonesuy enuenrorcu iu ipe ouujruiu icyiipu ut !"Yf"vy1 1 wici oiwi vwi, ouwo ui uuw, y o- vmitnin in i - The'vnairmsjpsaia ae wwuu uui cuuuw rect. v . , ...... . . . r. . :. . lue Auuairuian uiaue uujwuuu. jvfmv ---- ... .. , . .. ,i , juubi "., , ... ... , I . m ,i T - .1.1 -h 1rwlr ll n tllA I nreier against: nmriu, iu u-u that he would not sign the" warrant for him td get aiUbe money'1 before the worki Wjas couipWtedl.V'lin jbld, Smyth If. was; an out rage on the county.;,;,.. ' ; '(. : ; . Wagner asked - if that on?ersataon bad taken plrfde' before the Board. if 7 The .Chairman tesEfonded that It had not. He1 said WhHe bo was on the excursion ; hi. im-itr) . "Ii it ' J J - V: -.. L . . - - . . - i ' i- r ll J : .- I Ml II 111 I II N. C., TUESDAY. Smyth took the opportunity to get the Vr' ? v wgncr..w.i tnewuimaa y ue uiu not state to tue iioara sometmng or mis matter, and Ithey :?. wonld . not ; have .had Smyth's warrant signed; but would have put it off until the Chairman saw fit to sign Uv Van Amrjnge thought (he report reflected on ihe'chaTrman pijp teni.' ana therefore lie would not sign it He further said that he could prove where Flack under a former Board had draw n $3,8C0 in some" s?n)ilar W U w UtoZto the re r - , . -.m fi port being spread upon the minutes. .- - Thraajorttersb.tthe Boqrd dissented, for reasons" appee' ing In thcrabove report of the debate, ; and the report of chairman wnson was doi receiveu. uc- vumiunu therefore entered the following protest, and requested that it 1)6 spread upon the minutes: Havins been appointed on a committee to, examine into the matter of the transcrip- tiorrof the Index books by J. H. Smyth, and having given the matter a thorough in vestigation, at the last meeting of the Board I presented a report on said subject and as the Board have made obiections tolbe re- l ception of the said report, now therefore, I IV HU1V.O - TliaVUtUU . -j i c james:wilsonLio soiemniy prmcsi. ugaiust K AA -i TJ -o in tr X 11 Or" tf A TT Smyth moneys belonging to the county of New Hanover amounting in all to the sum of thirteen: hundred dollars vfor wprklm-1 properly .peiformed on .the said index I books. J do fu:lher protest against the conduct of the Auditinir Committee of the said Board in having audited the account. ,of J' H. Jmytap, the fuJLampunt and-, extent of his contract lowit,-.. the isnmi of fourteen . . . .. - . i . 1. n 1 n liunareo uOltars wiuioui , naviug . mauc proper investigation as to the progress or completion of said worit-of transcription; : " " W'l - - A e.mmuuic.tiou was received irom ur, M x-'beRoeeet.'" regarding the FCstabish- . . ,, . . il5; nf TS!v ment, in this city, by him, of a free Lye and Eur Institute, where those or tne county poor, lle.cled with diseases of those organs, nMWi'ii mpdiral attention for a cern tain re hardta 1 ? I i The communication was placed on file. J A communication was received fromDrs. jl. J. DeRosset and Tj OF : Wood, an-l .day morning at 1 o'clock, Hon. A. A. Mc-nnnnrino- that there would be an institution f Koy; Judge, presiding. Solicitor Normenl nr.Pr.Wl in this citv on the lstof July; to be I U to publish an advertisement in regard to schedule B and G.-in the SailyVip'-."! TKa m,imr f riPfiin n clerk to ihe Ar,iiiin.r nnmmittefeif was nostooiied until ih neti TPimiar mwiinp. - Auditing' mission to speak, stated That hewasa can- j didate'f or conventional liofiorsand desired gobefore bis 'constituency ".with a, clear j ;ord;hehadbcenarraignedabout the ln-1 to record deIkiDtaraBdischOTee4iw totally senarate .which was like aj ragning a mau for one offence and finding h"m gcilty A - of ancAher.. "T - A . ' 7f 31 anotner.; vTTTI C 3 M I. The Chairman stated that he had found orrnm in Rmvih's clerical work as clerk. If I one of liisclerks'had dne lie same thing garding-libel ca-ne m for a fuU share of at-1 j,treeta7 -rhe friend8 and patrdns of tne la be -would discharge Uimon the spot, ,,. J tention. The misdemeanors of officers'.df I itutioh'are invited to attend. 7"'. ' Smyth arose, making rti elaborate expla- nation., t. 7 : - -7 I The Chairman said that Smyth was al- dy discharged and dlsgvacedhhat he had ed wrobg, and was ! not entitled to ask rea acted any favors from the Borrd, and. was sur- I ba!aMy3 atni9 ft'ftAT'TiAlTiof fllsu- . yjucu Ulft 1S 1 tl"v' "V,"D I charged from the position -r the latter had and the! Chairman ditto, J... au ,t onntn aebatesued: i HissionetMoirisbjectedtoqua K -egngs of the Board; thodght they were out' of place, , he., thought the Chairmon ought td. teH Smj ih to dry up. The Cbaiiman told Smyth to diy up,. WhereuDon Smyth dried up and laughed, fiBayJsuissdia Oiiw a , spilej jlhat C?'a8 i ..ST n i r - "child J'ke an.d d.7 .. Tha "fnltnwYnV TOnVion Was" . off erred'. bV fjommisaioner Morris? 1 ' ' MjOm! I . i .1. . .' n.iu .Alnttn of uraerea luufc B voniuiiwro uu j y Hon W. P. Canadav. C. M. Bteadman and M Ton(jon Esafs.. be appo'nled to inVesti - gate the action of J, H. Smyth as clerk to; the Auditing Committee ana also the tun- Thei Chairman made 'objection.5 ' Some high sounding expressions ' were used whereupon WagnerTsked the Chtra ques.; tion knd Morris said, "seems like we live in a comm&mty WtbieveB.""-' ' 1 ' " ' The motion was seconded and earned, i A report frond H E. Scott regarding the bridges in Cape,Fetr tewpship was received aurd ordered otfllie. A XKjx .KJ i l lie meeting wan tne Viiairmeu oi iuc trustees of the townships, was postponed. r Several applications for .reduction of taxekiwertf received and acted upoo,l after which the Board adjourned. tn jK .... The regular aunuax meeuuoi mc cuaru otTwJatpJfoi iestcrdayernopn at 8 o'clock. at Masonic Hall." An election of officers for the ensuing year took place, I... A ... Tt' . ' : W. A. rreAcli,? President1 1 Clayton Giles, 1st Vice President v M. M. Katz, 2d Vice President. - J L Macks, Secretary and Treasurer. After some other business had beea dis - posed of i the Board adjoprned'j. j , . ' v i ! - is i -.iff I lur luu; IK wu uuuut; uuuucm . - : v.- wuit wuu ivicui iu&iu. buu uiaujruiuunui i ' !(;'.", F J -' , i f . JUNE 59;; 18751 A9IBTEVU BOWING BACE. The Addle AVlna Tb Afnatearii Com -; Jo Jj::;i!":Ornrlf...i.-r, r. The rowing, race, according to previous annonncenient,. came off in the river yes terday afternoon,, commencing at ! 6:20 o'clock. ; Ma j, M. P. . Taylor and Messrs. Clayton 'Giles and ; Junius Davis acted; as dges!7:in. fHi;u'-:saa3; -i:-f The following boats entered ".-'' :J1 AddisDeL&Dcey llv'aiis,1 coxswain ; Al bert Gore,' Stroke ; and John .Daniel, bow. ty. it -rtr x i-r ""! - - I swain Oscar Grant,' stroke ; Fletcher ning, bow. ' ; : . '.'r Xaaa Pembroke- ? Jones, , coxswain ; E. B. ligeihardiiStrpke ; Jos. D, Smithi bow TTrAfrtrWright MeaTes, coxswain Ed ward S. Latimer, stroke j Jos. Mi Oronly, bOW ..Ji!. f . .-...-'Mi - J Hi j J JUf 7 V Kate'E. S. Dix, coxswain $ Roger Petto-"' way; stroke: Jas J G.. Bradlev. ?boJ'; V s 1 1 The start was made m good order. rThere I wasastift -breeze blowing at the time and ... . . l . . 6 .. , ' . - f a iiuuuch auuai iuc .wives uiu uum uai i made the rowing particularly hard. Tlie ....hJLuJ. young men, hewever, moved bravely on bending ' all thei r: ' engines' in order to w in the contest ' The ' Wright made a very nromlkinV. tiii."hnl W'nf'inft W Oar. s1:nid 01 1 ' whirh rfttWd hr tofalT '. - i v jl ua t'uurse was irom ine MarKet ijock TT I m 1 . .. i x T to and around a buoy opposite Berry's Ship Yard and return to the home buoy. .The several boats made the course in the time stated and 'came in in the following order : 16 lOllOWingorder : I i Addis, 12 mm. 30 sec min, 82 sec; X. .14 min: -rU n; 10 sec- Katie 14 min. 20 sec - 'a ia mi The amateurs ought by all means to feel encouraged at their success, and the in- terest with which thei movements ma watched by an interested crowd, and should try again. i - a Superior Court. (The June term of New Hanover bounty Superior Court convened in this city yester- was, as usual present:,; klah Reed.-Alexander Hossler,- Samuel Ai T.5 J. SouthcrTand, Daniel Smith, C. .0. .SdutJicrJaDd Tl; 'J.:TibrBt6b,, Johb'..-' Torest. . . ' -7 7..J.' ,r" ' ' " i v' I f Auer tue cuoosmg or tue .urand je y, occupied about one hour, and . twenty-five minutes in its deliveiy. Nearly all : the oflietrces fcnown to the law were touched j upon; and many of the more important ones dwelt upont at considerable length. i The offences ercated by recent statutes were explained aoiT the necessity f or the 4aforcement of the penalties in . such laws 7 . red . with, force. The duty of public; officers were treated upon an 1 the "law re- law regarding . the treatment and. disposal oi prisoners was sposen tf at , some tengin.. Dur space is far.tOO, Circumscribed; tp give j feyeu a synopsis of the very able and instruc-; tive charge of His Honor. ; At the conclu- J aion of the eriminrl docket was called over I A'7"vtt -m asai 1 SUU AU UUJJ VUM 'I U1UC1CU 1U1 CatU UUCUU r -who was marked not taken. j The other importance. Thembrning session adjourn? .ii. io ...iv - JlnA ap0 time of .the adjournment; State vs.Uoe White, larceny; guilty,- Or dered into the custody of the Sheriff.. ! . ! State vs.'Isaac H'rschburg, assault with a I pistol. - Judgment suspended payment I . "... '. I ment of costs. j State va, penrjRsoularceny, guilty. I Orrtfirp.rl intolhBruatod'vof the kher-ff. State vs. Oeneral Bill Green, peace war. i i TV: .: J .'n.Ant ' - au t. t ayusuiiowu on ji 1 . v V . . m m- 1 Electlou or officera. ;., Attain regular, coudIU sleep of Wyoming Tribe , No. ,4,: Li O. R M., the .following Bold Attempt at Theft. '"7 ' 1 " :-'." Mri' L. Flanagan,5 yesterday, -caught 'a small colored girl engaged in an attempt to j relieve the till in bis 'store of Its contents.: The little robber had bnt a small portion of the coveted quantity, when her furtherpro-i prona was stonoed. She was taken to (he Guard Hoasev w . i 5i : At"' kbbut 1 ' o'clock1 yesterday mornings i flames .were 'discovered proceeding from the corner of a frame dwelling house, the prop- erty of Mr. Alex. Sholar. -The alarmwas heard bjRichsrdf ones and;, ois Nixon two colored police officers Who,:witb the aid Of a few Citizens. " SUCCeededi' after much yenunt? wuai migna nave- iwen.aianse ure, The bouse was untenanted at the time, but a strong smell 'of kerosene- around' the 1 bad been set ou fire No serious damage resulted.1'; T' ' . 7 i I i J l t '.1.4 'If Ui,. ; WHOLE NO, 2,410 JPIHB IN LAHBINBCBG. ., ' . . ; j - x r -y,i It'. v-t. j - JTTFj'iotl isrii.-Jl t ! The, Town Bdntd Almoit to Ainea v.; f-SOwOOO. Worth of property Doo m's fcroy ed Many Families Homeless, f - We learn from a correspondent at Lau rinturgi C- C, H. R, the following partic ulars regwdhpg the great conflagration':1 ' 1 'tAt'abbul 2 o'clock; 'a! retfoke' out in k buflding formerly used by C. TJ Willisj asf a'bar room, and was used by him for pur-. yvoc9 uu ucuutwir auuhu ajl.ammi ad joitifug storehouse's andjiwellingBandia less than a ha hour from 4 he appearance . rof he flames, thousands 'f .jdollara'pilb or properiywas m flames., . The stores or MdCaskell McLean 3ry a nt7& Morgi v T. franklin v andJ'N. H. '&Dtphy,: were so: cbmpletely destroyed fhat feuit few at fides' weM saved.' The postofflce property i was vt. : !4l.. ,J V L; . . . . -., - - l I kindly cared for the hospitable community- I iiiiutRuraa is ii ti wuiiuuk iiiuu. una i hvb ucku m, . . , . . - i tue TO ur .lar&babout, twenty thousand of , which is covered by insurance,; u The maddened flames : died out es night J! J ' SJ A J at. - j.L- '.t. . way PO.UUimormuS suiiauoueiufiu aP?tt tnetown fille wit& e10 wit was, and smoking in the embers of Hs own roin. Houseless families can now be seen, sitting in little squads upon and around what small part of their furniture could be saved from the destructive flames: ' i Th firm, nf Mrnjwkill A: Mctnn Was tn- ?i iJf to tlikkmonna ' of'- tt.M0hBrvimi Morgan $. Or Bundr .6Wi ho ProPt 'T- " F. Fountain lost about $4,000, UBm5um,-,!"m 1 a' J 3 -,J- . aeeP S,ooin v8preaus ne tonanu mnJ reairYisiior9:-oe6eettyiew. tu?4UO uru.ua. hm.w iia. t 3l a z a. a uuca:ei compaDtesofure organLsaiions, out j- when tho aituation ,was fully realized me-1 iiKnniAa M Atrianra anrl la TtAVAM Af aIT AtAaoAM 1 chanics, merchants and laborers or s'j.ciasses I aad colors " common in ' the land, and men ! of va'riousprofessiOns combhied en maste I uuu uia . viceiicui BurticK iJ3y luerciesr foresight; and in-the absence of general or 1 gaaizaUon 1 and that , )degree of excitement- common upon such occasions, several bulld- V ia aa aa " ''i'T raton. ' - " ' -hrrrr irtrrrc. m Exenralon ! Anexcursion w:U take place on the Wac- camato to .emunvuie and the uiacansn If1" be devoW to TfaymglBff "Expenses j Of uniforms for h'end.1 ' The managers guarantee a good time to all who desire to participate.; 1(7 '-' :rr. . ,.i M.iV Academy of tbo Incarnation, I The closing exercises of the above insti- siut'.on, which is under the .charge of the Sisters of Mercy, wiU take place to-morrow evening at the nevv Hail-of the Academy on Fourth; -between 7 Orange :and Ana METTS In the city ot Charlotte 6a Saturday rSdotlMahOT WJya. . .... ., . ,L - I C ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTrV :" 7 TO '" -U.)7 ana iBlaclvM5 Grminfts. Under the auspices of tha c t APOLLO BAND .5 'h-y.u: iA on the j -. ur i;s . . --- Str. WACOAMAW, i -i Friday, Jnly 2nd, 1875. i f EVKKY AFBANGEMTNT WILL BS MABS foe the comfoit and conyeni-ncc of tha Excursion lata. A Stiias Band wi'l be on board, and those who do Hot wish to visit the Black fish Grounds can I remain at SmithviUe l whereaHail wiU be enga I ror uancing unt!i ine Bieamer rerarna. r xne will leave Market Wharf at S o'clock anara. - - Tickets for aale at the aeverat Book 8torea. , Tickets for Gentlemen $1 CO. , Ladies 10 cents. ' 8 J7 WKST. i J. A. YtlVBVSi, rVinDVIHCe. . JnnaSat MJ.BAUMAN.l , 1 1 ""."Sdhodl'Notibe: lira TJNUiBSIGiiKDEa 'LEAVK TO tss nounceto the c:tlaena f - Wilmfcfcin ' that they will, about, the first' of October-next,- opea an 1 to ll. i i .'tt: ,itMit ii: )(t A rt mnnwa BrfRJun tVV Tlte pivMT?JT ofSCflBlWLaJB&CTAXlakeeproswIththcBer enaoAct a hereby notified to come forward ri& j w tbelrSemiannuatTax.oa Jurist, for the hrlf I year ending 7uaft 30th, 1873, rod also .renew their ! Icen" to, do business; for the .ensoin haf year ending December 31st, 1875. I il:' GEO. W. BOTJBDE AUX, i.Jyyf9"- ; Eegietcr' Li i ' ,j 1 Aj'fjAjrd.' 1 -1 S ' i r - ... , , , t. TAyK THIS METHOD. OF tRAXOnSQTBX EmPloyeeaof theCafiXlWay toathacltteeaa of I fhe town of- LaniJaburg for vneir promptness in niiot the town as weH as for theunde. gjjned, and thfka ,of tn parties fnterest: l should be given them voutreaerrerr 1 j 7 . .! ! Laarinburg; June SSth, 1S75. i . a ft .... - J-. ... .a - .7- . - - - ... . - " TwomonthB...,,..J,.i;,..Ji5 0 - 'Six Months... ,W-S5 00 ' trW Contract Advertlaementa takeih l fwiiOi- . Uonately lowratm. v, -.i : vi . . PItb Squares eBtlraaled aea quartcr-coIuDin, ai d , ten aqnarea aa a. balf-ooliuni). ' v (-; Ft 1 1 . . NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS, y, v ; - LB.GRAINER...i..Jk DOJ. W.D.aoUNSON...V.:.!...ViCBPEB8ujrt'- Vi i. D, CUMKINO. ..tyi(.w,OiMiw.-: Ai f BANK OF MARION, K : MARION, S. C . Directortl4 ' HON. W.'D. JOONSG?N.i '."Marion, . C J. U. MCLDUAH... w.,,.,.,.r.. , j.l DUNCAN MORCHISON...... ' ' ' " VT1. A 'WKiairP . Wilmttmtnn N ( , ' r . . -f . Doss aU the ordinary bualaets of a Bank. ' Imubb Certificatea or Deposit bearing bite W6itis;ti:?j'; 4W11 r2rA rilAianPAiri dMAMai AitaHn 4 Vi ai maiviati. t ile communities of Wilmington and other place 7f ; -l )y diaeonntlnx such paper as can no recommended r ' i-i Sood y any of the Banka located frhera the par ties axe carrying om poeineaa, s ; , 7. " i-j j t!-''i'Cknspoiideats:!ii' ;..iuii- Merchants' Kichanjre National Bank. ,i..Nw York. ; i CHaaena' National Bank . . . ..... . , Baltimore. ' Bank of New Hanover. .........Wilmington. - )! h i Ti J MISCELANEOtJS. : i i . t . . , . i i . . Bacon,,v Pork, ; Sugar Hour; Cor'&o. ' m - r JM:i:m,l: KA Boxes D. S. B!dw T4 - V ' I I II 1 wucu JLVCUUCU BUIiai) Qnlfl cnsdelelTlmo While Corn, UUUU Bags Prime Rio Coffee. rt (f Barrels S. II. Syrnp,- 1UU I HhdB and Bbls New Crop Cuba 7' fclol&ttes. Qfill Bales Prime N. R. Hay. 850 balea rrime1 4QQ BdiaiioopU, ; . ( ; ' ' gecotdnan48plrit CWsViio' Bbis blue, OK A Kega Nails, '7: j Ts Boxes and tfah Boxes Candles, : U ir;si:M.w:ii uyu -fVsn ' a.f-Ji; o An ,"r? at a nnTcaa Miuia 25 50x68 fVh' i -r w n 'T m i i a .7 .-, ;..,,"; rf Boxes Candy, VX Boxea 'soao v 4.. qj U I r:37urni7i7.;'ji:!r7; .X um .:-i i .. 150 j;1168' ; 'Tor sale low by 1- f ftyWILUA MS AMURC1IISON. RBEISH FOB STEWfibltfiATS AND COLD. ; We are Selling. ' . if6 'niiR'-"'. - ,?- .!;' v.,r fi-; 'i , , Thin Breakfast , Strips. l" Bmot BeefH 7.'7 V One Smidr ea -ii'siil- OASES AND -CANS, ALK, POBTKB, -BROWN , . Stont and Imported- $A GBR tiEEK. Tonnger'a, Baas, McEwans Bloodwolf & Co. 7 ' t i-'f.ji Qahwesai Bio tonfc V t-fifn ., ; , rTactax.fCaiaitjia June ST-tf,jri-'i; 5 Nprhi ronttreet. l. MIK1QI 4b UU.. ; Special Hotioe. at.t. frusotts apis mwiiiFUv ' lorwarned against Trusting or liar- boring any ot the Crew ot the j Norwegian itaiiaiGi l?1rank;' I .-fi'Tr: i H iLtsi! L 77!i!;! V7 t jaebu contrasted by theniit .-c jnnet ( ' u- i id U J:iot$mau1il GUTi LXNGTHWTSB j.THB. :CLOT5,,EAPT.' made to order can only be found at ' '. ' ' ! can be bought a t't't tJi' c lees Than Eter. -1 iif t. r jnne 87-tr City Clothing store, i . Front m. . 'aTiist.-Beoeiyedv - Fine American L7atch i-...i-l.ii5 .i lti.i, . v nil .jtj t.J ;-JJ :'';'GoH'M'SllVerCases.!f7 ' VUKUKUE HONWET, ? l.fj-yil UtiUil 111 , .il.Hiri nerchant Tailoriiig. DISPOSE OF TUB BALLANCE bummer, btock of , . 'Ooods.' r-.i up 'afgKfflfly reduced prices. 1 witWn'tuo next thVy 'daya. AnextmiaaiionwDipiove that ' v.. r il .- . . - - t I Am Offering Bargains; i june?7-tr ?,! '': , tTis : f j 'Tlie FStCt HaS Se6H I - - s:ii"v'' -''! ESTABLISHED TOAT WB ABE OFFERING enperior indocemenfa in ' t I -" " t , ? '! O Ben aiid Hoys Clothing l.t - tony other; house. .v t ' OUB S3 Oi) WHITE . 8H1BT ' is not to' be equaled for the same money in the City. -We have a full lias of vtfui ,!') .Extra , Si28 Alapaca-Sacks, . j EXTRA SIZE PANTS,: Extra Size Drawers, I aadMBaVef faraWibv'pwds' t futMi' ? i4"' J SHB "!; lf..!. .( uv reduced prices. . SHBiEBBROS Corn, Hay and Holasses. nnW Bushels Corn, " -u gQBalH& r.1' ' P EM Kaw Crop Cuba Molaasea,' ' 1 J inne x7-tf , ..KEBCHJTEB ft CALDEB BROS V! Hi. 7l .1 r 1 -1 TllBJlBfiTlAldfl 7 1 Hit :i 't. A I. i "it'll i!j!iV- -.1.11 1 J t " .1 -,U jjd.t - 4,1 ( I V I,' i . ti iU'tf.

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