I J jMJBiaaMeswsse!aaassa --' ; :L . L . J';1 j'.""j., h".--' .. . m-y. , , M . , ....j, P U0rttiruj jtar. : cBAZr'nuorou. w vw lie la I Lot With a Patient and Takes Away Her Bloody td Make a jVfr Woman of It. Ellen Case, a young Woman employ ed as a domestic servant in a family !t Oakland, CaL, was attacked by a trivial malady, and Dr. Pentack was - pAed in. This Dr. Pentack had long been known as an odd man, full of freaks in professional and special 1 onduct yet he had a reputation for fi-.-ii in the practice of medicine, and pnioved a large practice. Really, he 'i a maniac, and insanely in Jove with the girl ' wnom summoned to treat. He v., advances, which he" ""was had made she had .-irll I: i sea. xiio oiyuu :, t uci iji ' V the idea into f hl Qralyfhfead that if he'tsoutd get two quarts of her blood he could construct from it an exact counterpart of her. This conterfeit . creation, e pupposed, would be endowed with life, and in all respects like the original. He an nounced that it wonld be necessary to bleed the girl, and he actually let out from her arm the two quarts that he wanted, takin it away in y pail, .The oaoration was injurious" to the pa tient and nearly killed her. Another physician was sent for, and upon hearing wha$ Dr. Pentack had done, lie communicated to the, police his belief of .that practitioner insanity. X visit to Pentack's - residence 4 was made at once- He was found boiling the blood ifi 'fli kettle, ,&' mixing va rious chemicals with it. He begged to be let alone in his experiment, de- daring that his process was -certain to evolve a living woman -within a few minutes if he was not disturbed. The officers arrested him, and he is now in the insane asylum, where he talks about nothing, but his process of making fac-similes. of liuman be ings from their blood. V T , th Knlogy Upon a Good man. . Charlotte Observer, Judge Mitchell has for. some years past been physically unable to per form his duties, and we have reason to know that b would have resigned some time ago if he could have had a1 Voice in the selection of hig successor? We are gratified to reflect that.we have not been among thbseffwho; ad vised him to resign. We always be lieved that in not resigning, as in eve ry other act of his official life, he was influenced alone by his sense of what was right and just to the people who placed him on the bench. -We know that some of the lawyers of his circuit have criticized Judge Mitchell's decis ions, charges, &'c, pretty severely at times but not even his most virulent enemy has ever had the face to throw a doubt upon his integrity. "S Other. North Carolina judges may have re tired with more reputation for, abilij ty; but not one ever stepped off the bench leaving behind him a ' more stainless record. ' ' ' The trouble with this honest old gentleman has been that he found4' it as difficult matter to forget ; the -M old practice," and familiarize '7fcinself with the " new practice ' under this Canby Constitution as he would have found it, had he tried to forget the judicial honor of , former - days ; and adopted the partisanship and 4 cor ruption so prevalent in the judiciary, of the period. Another, reason why Judge Mitchell failed to give satis faction to certain me wbes . of the bar was that he had an uncomfortable recollection of days gone . by, when the bar of North Cooolina purged 1 it self of all dishonorable''. members, when theesprit de, corpy of the bar was such that, if it existed to-day, many members "Would "be" drummed out of the . profession Whateyejr.the t bar may say or tninKwe4eiure uie honest yeomanry of Judge Metchell's circuit will hear of his resignation with regret, and will ever remember him in his official capacity wth( res pect and esteem. ':. r A Chilian irjethmeUb. Manvpersons have doubted the exis tence of"a man who is rone" hundred and thirty five years of age but there is nothing more certain, as is proved by tne nartlculaxs-obtained toy.- me census coileetorsV "His iiameirf FeHx.J Rojas, and he was born in 1740, and. under the Spaniards held the position of sergeant-major in A line ' regiment. When Carlos III. issued1 the celebra- ted order to expel, the Jesuits, Rojas took in charge two members of the Order and carried them from Linares, to Santiago, This venerable man re members with great cleanlesa all the events of those times, and to converse tn linn about Chili is to listen to the minute history of nearly a cen tury and a half. He passes our print ing office every day in a portable cnair, wnich, is carried pyr two serr vants, and our readers can see him whenever they please in his place at the church hearing mass. Tulca (Chili) Opinion. " The New glory of Idackclb. ' Here.ia a modern history' of Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth : They killed Ban- quo, one of the, late King's Generator 'in there was a ghost4 at the feast continually, and that ghost was JJan qno'a. It didn't improve their appe tites particularly, which was very un civil with the ghost. TheV carried tilings with a high band for some tiiiH'. but at lenirth Macbeth was killed in a hand-to-hand fight with -Macduff. His last words were: "Lay MiicdufffcJand d d be he who first takt'M Scotch snuff V Macdaff laid "ii wil.li such i effect '' that Macbeth wjtitMiioii laidouUf Mrs. Macbeth fled to Am.'ricaand ihk JaVt heard "of h" r "lie wan around : shoutitiir lawyers m an Francisco. : s - Deatb ITT . ... 'Hi, - i ): e shall come down to the tune when we have but ten dayn left, ihvu "me davk. fieht davN. seven ilavs.Vix days, fivwdays, four dayn, three dayn, two daj, one day. ' Then ; hourn tiiree hoar, two hours, one hoar. en only, minutes left five minute, 'Of rainnteH. ' three minaUw, two tnmutM,' one minute.' Then only eo- 'i'is left; three seconds, two second!, ne second 1 -2 Gone? The chapter of hfe ended! The book closed! The lule at rest I The feet through with the journey 1 The hands closed from au work! No word on the lip." No hreath on the. nostril The muscles "t'll Th IUne BtilV e tongue hieaKtisiBBbfJttaij iio tjiooTiiotfYoa '''Vputjsraking.trrimpet to ' the -ar, hut, eoald not break the deafness; iN? motion. No throb. No life! un! StiUl A mistake. A gentleman from Kentucky as sures the Columbia Union-Herald of the truth of the fcllowtng incident, which occurred In his State, and which is rather hard on the new fashioned tight dress: A young lady tried to sit .down in , the street car, but was pmuea oacK so tight she couldn't. An old lAln ... . 1 , ueeueu. over nr Rnona and asked her, "How .Iong have you been afflicted that way?" The young lady blushed : and Tnade ? break," Bitting down side-ways, and holding her knees together so tight that she looked as if she had oni a one-legged pair of breeches. The old lady no ticed her sitting in this sidewise, cramped position, and whispered, 4BiIe, I spose; I've had em thar my self.11 . J Wr aleacla Compliments Gen. Iryor 21 WeJdtr4ncl?td6g;I -Jgls CMeJpl5 on Wednesday Mr. .Beach paid a high compliment to his associates, naming ' of whom he said: v r "It has beeii a regret and a loss that inevitable circumstances have withdrawn my learned and accom plished friend, Mr. .Pryor, so much from our. side If he has not stricken so many blows in the field, he has nevertheless been the wisdom of our cabinet. Doubly are we all indebted, and especially myself, to hia ready krTA --.- i O ill! ; sol . ' r a - Henry Watterson, editor of the Courisr-Journal, will deliver an address be fore the CollegB societies of the Indiana State University on the 28th? inst 5 MISCELLANEOUS. ' ri ,Do6rs, Sash and Blind?, FaliHs, Oil; Varnishes, Clas &c. flUK ATTENTION. OF BUILDERS AND AaheM i called tm oar well : selected stock, at redut cl prices. Call and examine at NATH'I. JACOBI, : i ' Hardware Depot. 'jPisH HoDlfs and Lines. SANS TWINE, 6CYTHES, GRASS UOOKS, - -: . tardea Hoes and Rakes. i - xr. . , - . : Lowest prices. .-LhV....- KATB?L JACOBI, , Hardware Depot. f V V t i- : Kims, Hubs and Spokes, Axles, Springs, " . r " -h . t Carriage lffateriala, &c Orders by mall promptly filled and Batisfaclion Saaratoed4..i' i ;:;V-.;l., I, ,-V ; r i HATHT JACXJtl, UARDWARX DEPOT. . i; No. 9 market Street. joncJO if CUSTOM HOUSE, WILniNfiTON, N.C, I 4'oUeetor's Office, JoiieiTih, j8T5. : t Mlf'rKlDAT. the srrn pkoximo, at 13 pV o'clock noon, I shall expose for tale, at he public warehouse nndcr my charge, the fol fcnelaime i merojiandise, as provided by law, following viz: Maris. Ab. Fkga 4b Contents Quantity. J. Vandervalk, 286 ljtf pipe Gin. 387 IV Pipe Gin. S4X Gallons. De If shaven. V. 1 l46pipeOiifc,7 ,Vt 146 pipe Gin. 4( fsR.. -; .4- .. Said eoods having been Imported In. the' Br. Brig Bob't. Anderson," Hopkins. Master. May 14, 1874. ff em Liverpool, ana eoneignea Jiastev. .? JOSEPH C. ABBOTT, Collector.' June 17 3taw3w Th SatTn TTARDBNS AND TNVIGOKATKS TUK uumsi 1 Purifies and tfor&ame tne areata I CleanseK" Beautifies and Preserves the TEETH ! Use it dail v. and your teeth will be tbe last of Na- tnre'stfiftfl tofailyou. J " BOLJi 1IX ALL 1JKUUU1D1S. may 88-eodlyth sat tu I glCB, Tj.& Collector, CITY OF WILMINGTON. V. C, I -jreoruary idw, ten. j Notice tc( Owners of any Truck, Dray " ! or Wagon. . r i .-- i . .... THE OWNER of any Truck, Dray, Cart or Wagon, nsed in the city, will send the same to tbe sbp of John A. Parker, oa Second Street, and have their Registered number painted thereon be fore the first day of March, prox.. when the Ord nance Imposing a Penalty will be enforced.; !-?. A list of the registered numbers will be f nrnished on application at this office. - , - BRVOS8,' - feb Ifreod tf thnr .- ' : . TrcasnrtT. Quarantine r Noticer,T f TNTIfj FURTHER NOTICE. AID I . m p.,i. M.iith t 'ntw Kur. wi:lcOD,e to at tk vi.itiii station near Deep Water Point, and await tbe uspection of the ; Quarantine. Physician. ; . All ve-si'l from Ports where Yellow Fever or othi-r 1 factious disease exist, wUI be required to . rirria ..Twi i,tnlonmd OunrS: tine. aU vessel?, or boew of any chiwa-ner having a'ck- ness on board on arri al, or having bad -iciuess any time during the voyage, are require 1 1.. come to the .t., in., tn imuwv.t.iiin. without reiraid to tbe r-rt 1 1 om whence they cone. Vevse s not included as above will proceed without deten in. -' Miots are tspec:a:ly eiijouied to make carefu' ln qniry relative to vessel, orew Jke , a- d if not sattsfitd J ith the-statement of the aptaia nr Commaader, , ,b. nad is In m aith eondilMB. th V will i.rimr thA veaset to the station for furthSrexajnlna- - ey .... .. Pilts wilfully violating 4he Quarantine laws are subject to a forfeitareof their branch; Mastera of vessels toa flue of two buadred dollars a day for every day they violate the Quarantine laws, and an nthor iwrann are liable for each and every offence. it .nMnKt Av vitjitlnn nndcr shove regulations, will set a flag in the main rigging. Port -w v" f; W. POTTER, Quarantine Physician, " - f ' - rort of Wilmington, N. C, SmUhvllle,N. O.' May 37th, 1875. , ' ; June l-8t aw till Nov. 1 Ta Fr , ! p rinaFrcsb Teasj . ViTUTPurnrrvimiN ORIGINAL PACKAGES A f J lull lice of Black and Green Teas, of very best elections that can be made., , These goods are very Hnnftrinr and will be sold cheap in order to-, make quick sales and keep fresh stock. -jaoe JT-tf . J.C. STEVENSON'S. 1 : : 1 I Hill . MISCELLANEOUS. "TpESEE'rtfiEp.nrAIIOF Which Vxflxma- lias attained in tiv carta of the I . .; country aa a ireat and tiopd dediclne, " ,fy and Ue lare number of testimonials which art Coup Btantly ljtW reeolved ftoni veareosa who hcTo been cured by lta umsl U onclaefo proof of its tfeat ame. , it is recommeuUcd ?iy pi vsicinw and aooi he caries. At aBiood Pnri&dt and llecttU-Rcstorer it oas ao onal.- - , - . ,- -. .- M r VrirrnrK i totiim?Ted fw a f-ncy lnfr. mada ok t-w aan," tesWmo: i ijvew fvrSc S'ttcr cnt 4oiB?H?i. t ,.i '! .toiy to ri ? Ssii epi Ju'ciia movo diss i thf-t t it ; fi i o cr-bfl t Ie4 eS.'-cptt-I-iioa; .i-'i.iva-, 10 one can ('Oro... Ia t pnv of :.;' ; C!-e.s e -g-is y t-ct t.3:irvi,;iif.ri 2r.-: j -jf -irt -u -L-f! Tlcessof fco-o rli.w;-o-.Mrt -..-.o',l"i i Stol- Xf r? ore s or .coxscm. U snsm wL-i tst'eve v r. c.caii, pp ' n l t, ' .1 f"U ecta i-o-fc t o ; rue td-: oi r .r.r taT for ye-.- jV uot coi!clttf,.ve soi,itfiff Ore. oils not -3 p vor&3 aiovK' Jut anyl so-.' a-u p v i i, e '.v .4 on :t or of Jtflv vr- ,u oJ e:e.cUe, ciiaBseof T-e,' torejnlw'' t v . i ,esBe a -,V'ool,,e;rra tuo publd in; ! rtlx-ecf, yfs'x v-e virle by. TUe contiU-rnic-Ht-.MrAaicMfwdftsreJi H ts th aie ,1m! ik?v-isxvS t..p ie.-.ir;.!?j (,s iplicd by t-ve YezejiMiKMglcnt. imoK! si'ADiOiasuccess fnl hi t'Je C3. of 6ire.i?o, th.-n m'nerpl medicines. VidETajsia cuniuoed oi joor, btLs and herba., It i iplca-iiiit to te, -d is poifeeir jp.'o to give, ainf.mt. Do yoa uectl tr Io lot, heeiUte to try it. Yon wi'.neviirieyictm h .tt'-i ; - ; Canuot be Excelled. ,';HAEL8TOWr,Iarcb,ieca II. K. Stbtsnb: - nef'Si"-Thi8 is f 4 certify that I tirve nsed yorr "Bloo-1 Fpsaijion".in rnvfi-i.-llyforsnvw-J vn:. fTtaid tiiisk t j it, for ticvora't oe Oiakeioos Hiunors, jV Mm ::.uccvuih, if cai'ioi oe -xcei'ea; ana,' a & blood-p.u'flor end -piiajivieiiicine, ititbelest tbing I bave ever nsed; cadi I have used almost every tMng. I can cherinUy recommend it to any one In aevd of tuch a medicine. ; p i . Yours, ri-epcctfully, ' ? MRS. A. A. JDINSMORB,' 19 Russell Street. ; - - - -- - 'v. 6 - - What Is Needed. r Boston, Feb. 13, 187L namrr R. tSTviH, Esq.: - ; jJJear Sir About one yer since I found myself in a leehle condition from eeneral debility. VicakTiXK turn ftrong y recommended to me by a friend who naa oeen mucn beaeated by it nsa I procured the article, and, after using several bottles, wai restored io neaitn. and discontinued Its use. tinned Its use. I feel quite conndent that there is no medicine sui iperior to it for those complaints for which it is especially prepared; aud wonld cheerfully recommend it to those who feel that thev need something to restore them to le feet Ih-hIj h. - - iti-eetrully yours,:- U I PETTENGILL, - , Firm of H. M. Pettcngill A Co. . No. 10 State St., Boston. Sie Ileal lb, Strength and Ap- petite. My daughter has rectrived great benefit from the use of th Vxobtixs.- Her declining health waa a source of great anxiety to all of her friends. A few bottles of the Vxoktuib restored her health, strength and appetite. , . : V. H. TIUJ1CN, Insurance and Keal Estate Agent, No. Seats Building, Boston, Mass. Gained Fifteen Pounds of Flesh. j : . , South BanwicK, Me., Jan. 17, 1873. ' II. R. SnvxNa, Esq.: Dear Sir I have had Dyspepala. in its worst form for the last ten year, ana I have taken hundreds of dollars' worth of medicine without obtaining any re lief. In September last I commenced taking the Vket oik, since which time my health has tteadily improved. My fond digests well; and I have gained fifteen pounds or flesh. There are several other in this place taking VaaKTixavaiMl an hare .obtained reiki. Yours truly, -W ; - - THOMAS k. Moonn, ; Overseer of Card Boom.' Port smoolh Ca'a MUJa. VfetLue Is sold by All Druggists. nay 90-DaW lm. ..wjniV;-, Reduction .rjr?ric ! TOLSLEY'S Celebrated PINB ' " . ' ENGLISH Breech-Loading Guns, itlanHfactonVl Pioneer Works, BIRMINGHAM ENQ. ' : f HAVING ESTABLISHED A BRANCH HOUSE in New York for the sal of our celebrated weapon, we offer to sportsmen the Cheapest Guns or guaranteed quality and snooting powers ever soi a in the United States. They are built with every im provement for American sport, and are made in six qualities, each Onn hainjr oranded with-one of the unwermentumea names, wuicn ocnoies its quality : Brans, i- -iv -c?jiW.U.v,4i -frsacmj -1'IONKKrt .j i i-.v. IS W Gold. STANDARD N ATIOR KMJ. J. .4i . . . CUALI.BNUE..W. .... .U 11S .... 140 .... 1SQ -' PARAGON 333 Anv one of Uj above bramw may be selected with lie inreatest confidence; as nerOuar7 bears our name tiat we ao not tnoreugniy guarantee in every ro-; eintvi. ..... . ... ..: . ,. , i. a UJ'S , FOR WAJWED a.o. j). N. R. uuns buut to oraer, anoo ve1rices. a apec.altv Send for detailed particulars, with illus trated descriptive prifo abeeU and testimonials- to. our tjranca uous, '2$ u Jiuldea Lane? "Sew: Tork. sept iS-DJtW tf Notice to '. Sliipperse i . bLYDB LINE, 5 SiMm2 New York and Wilmington Steamship Co. - ! TO MEET TUE WANTS OF.THK TRADE lave added another Steniner to j the Line, and will sail from v NEW'Y.6nk :fr ; ' EVERY WEDNESDAY AND. SATURDAY, 1 at 8 P. M. from Pier 18 North River. Semi-Weekly frorir Each' Port t 5 I BREAFTER SHIPPSRS CAN RELY tJPON II the Prompt and Regular Sailing i f these Steamers from N w York as advertised. As the (Jumpany has determined to adopt regular eailiag davs. snd with tke additional steamur mere can we no cause for delay m shipments. Other Menmeri" will be added as required.' fa CAXAUX, Agent, mar Ift-tf WUmingtOB, N. C i Pickled, Oysters. in 2 Bills. New ! Birer Oystent, PicBeir a1H oitvnwfi .. Kits Siounialn tl utter. For, sale cheap. I' f, s V EDWARDS & HAXL.' June 3 tl ret. up; j 7 p-io" omv v n; r NEWT ; AD YEUTISpiENTS, 1' BOOjH&EIITS vwen" It is the cheap wanted to aell"The People's Common Sense Medical Ad- cheaoest book ever nnbhshed: 885 page, over 350 Illustrations, $ I 50. Thousands buy it at fcbbt who conld not bo induced to purchase the 'Sign-priced books treatln of Domestic Medicine. TJnV'ke other books eold through agents this work is thoroughly advertised throughout Worth America. Th's fact,: together, with the large size, elegant ap pearance, aacTmany new feature of the book, causes It to bell more -rapidly than any work ever published In this eountry. Those of my agents who have had exattience in selltng books, ray that in all their pre vious canvassing they never met with snch success or made so large wages, - as stace commencing tbe sale f my work. For terms and territory, adurees (inclosing two postage stamps- aRd stating experi ence) It. Y. Pierce. M, D World'a Dispensary, Buffalo. N. T- ' ' Vote Mark envelope M Tot Publishing Dep't ' Portable Engines. " The best in the world for Ginning Cotton, Grind ing Cora, Sawing Lumber, and General Farm or P'autation ' purposes. Stationary Kn?inet - and Boilers of ail sizes for all uses. Grist-Mills, Shingle Machines, and General Machinery. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for Circulars and prices to the - n VHILLICOTHB - JTOT7KDBY .at MACHOS S WOBSS, - ' ' .v i.v j Chilucoth, Ohio.! -' tyPlease say in what paper yon saw this. ' , v. TTTATCTJB9 is JEWELRY sent by Express with Vf the privilege to open packages and examine goods before paying for them." Write for prices. t 1 r .. lu'Ui uIMlDY, Halifax," N. -O;' Mappliine Habit :'S T I AND' t " 15 r INTEMPERANCE Speedily cured by DR. BECK'S only known and sure Remedy.. 0. (TIARGE for treatment nutil cured, tail on or address DR. J. C. BECK, , i v 11a Johnbt, Cincinnati, O.m dhrt7 A WEEK )rnarunteed to Male and Female B I I Agents, in their locaUlv. Costs NOTHING to try it. Particulars Free. P. O. CO., Augusta, Mo. - ; n - - - . VICKBRY A Advertiser's Gazette, A. Journal of information for Advertiser! Edition, O.COO copies.', Publlstacd Weekly. Terms, S3 per annum, In advance. VK8PECIMBN COPIES (DIFFERIKT DATES) 1- TO ONK ADDRESS FOR K UTS. Office No. 41 Park Row, New York. CEO. P, BOWELL & CO., , , it..:' Editors and Pahliihsrs , 1nineJ0dw4wks. . - University of Virginia. SUMMEJZ t i W LECTURES (nine weekly) . T K' 1 V 15 HI J U Y, 1875, AND END 1STH lit - Hmvii iimvH Af itlffii,! flSA 1&tftjk fitu. d -nU tietiguhig to pursue tucir etadies at this or other I w ctHMl ; Sd to those who propose to study iiiivatolv; 3t to young practitioners who liave not bud' ibi' dtm' age of rystematic instruction.- For Circnlcr api ly (P. O. University of Virginia) t" ' : jime if dw4w - Prof. Com. and Stat. Law. - fiAILUOAD UNES, &c Wilmington & "Weldon RAILROAD COe "-Ovnos or Qn SurasuiTsaiiur, I ' . Wilmington, N. C, June 8, 1975. f Change of Schednle. OT AND AFTBK JUNK STU, P&l SKMUUU Trains on the Wilmington and Weldot Kaih-oad will run as follow : ... ' -. -'( t flSAII. TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daHy, (San- - day's excepted) .... i ... w ...... At 1:85 A St. 11:45 A. M. 1:51 P. M. S.4 P. M. D:li5 A. M 11:41 A. M t:35 P. M 6:05 P. M Anave at Goldsbero v . Rocky Mount. Weldon. ...... , Leave Weldon daily ... At Arrive at Kocky Mount. ; - Qoldsboro . . . i Union Depot. icPltESS TRAIN AND TIIHOCGII M FREiqilT TRAIN, . Leave Union Depot daily At 6 0 P. M. 1 85 A. M, Arrive at ytomeoont. .i . ,,, Rocky Mount.... -; i &) A. M. Weldon ... ( . . . . . - --f. :0U A. M. Leave Weldon daily..'... ..-..... 7:0 P.. Arrlvs at Rocky Mount.?. ... , 1 . ', ;r.TV :30 K"M $" ' UnionDepot... ...... :30 A. M. The mail train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North iq Bay Llaeand Acquis Creek routes. ,i.itk U. l4iki '-i is.. jj I sutorasa Train connects only with Acqula creek route.' Faiimaa'i Palace siesputa fjara n title Train V FRBIGHT trains will leave Wilmington in weekly at 6:01 A MM and arrive at 1:40 P.M. , , ' juneS-tf ! General Sunerintendat-t. General Sun'ts Office, WltintNCfTON,; COLIJTIIIIA '4.AU- GUST A. JU 9. COMPANY; WILMINGTON, N. C, May S8-lff".5 Change of Schedule. rN AND AFTER TUESDAY; JUNE 1ST, THE w following scnedsie wiu be run on lata. Jtoaii NiGUTEXPJBES8 ANDPAfiSENCRB J , . TRAIN (Dally). Leave WUminstoa.... ... 6:S5 P. 1U:3-1 A. 4:15 A 8:45 A. 4:15 P. M. M. at M. Leave Florence Arrive at Columbia. Arrive at Augusta, Leave Ausruata. .4.. i. M.- LeavCviumbia... .ii.w-SstS P, M. Leave Fioreoco.i.vi..ii.!. .LiAJL lilS Jkt M Arrive at Wilmington, .i... ............ 1:10 A M. Passengers going west Deyond Columbia take this train, leaving Wilmington, at 6:2& T. M. Thrsach Prelxbt Tr.alai Dally (except r i - Sandarsl. Sheave Wilraington 1.65 P. M Arrive at Florence.... m.w s:w a. m A rrivi- at OnlumbiA. i i. i. . t i. zt.i . .a .ll:0( A. hi . Leave Columbia..;..'.: ?."... .V - 6 S3 P. M. Leavo Florence...... ... .. IS 40 A. M Arrive at Wilminirton... ... ....... 8:00 P. M. Through connections at Florence with trains for Charleston. ' Local Kreiarht Trains, with Passenger Coach at tached, l. avc Wilmington Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday st 4:50 A M and arrive at WHmlngtoa 'wnndnvH. Wndneivlav. and Fridava at 8 P. M. I j M88eni.'n fori narleston. Co'umbia and Augasta and hevond ahould lakh NbrUt Express Tram from nmiiiL ton.- vy .--.. - , . . . . Tbrou'"h Sleeping Cars on night trains for CharlesJlT m and- Auguia.- ' f ton i JAMJBS ANDERSON, may 83-tf v ..... ... - Snu'i. I XTOW IS YOUR TIME TO SAVE MONEY, IN the purchase of Dryl;Goods,? This nttck is to be sold in a limited time; aiot one 4-ent above ' actual coslk wfll be chat; 'be (ShaTged Tc d tor any Article, either large or email; sintrly ot Ja quantity WUC1C, CllUCH IBCVUI BUiOU. HUK t J "VS H Ian trtid alrrur St a v ah AafinnA AsTSlTlt.AO'fs-' : the sxadj&ttsNEf and every piece, of goods la . desirable. There ara n.any email lots of broken packages, remnants, Gloves, Collars! &c, &c, that will be, sold at much less than coet to close 'them. out. . V ... t . -v ... ., .' . ' . , ' , .. T .Very respectfully,- ' . .h. , . -t ,i ... GIOl LIEBER, . , ! No. S9 Market Street. Wilmington, N. C innei9-tf LatatiCtylcS HAVING RECEIVED BY EXPRESS BLOCKS of tbe latest styles of Hats for Ladies and ChS- dren, Mrs. Virginia A Orf is prepaeed to alter, press and hiMiOi 'work entrusted to her. Old Bonnets L and Gentlemen's Panama Hats made to rr ' Iktblf TVeU as Jfew. For particulars call on or send to MRS. ORR, oa Nun, between 3rd and 4th Btreeta. v . . ap 15-tr I in f ; XLfNSUttANUK.- TJEUHOITT Li 6 In$ilitariompaiiy- OI" Richmond, Virginia. 5 'Hi Over 22,300- Policies Issued Annual Income Over $1,500,000 PtOEressiye ! ; Froqcrou 1 Prompt U SMALL EXPENSES. SMALL.' LOSSES. SECURE , , j jai.i,:. :,., .if- - -,,. I INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE, ' f AND , GOOD , SURPLUS v I. h... Premiums Casu, Policies Liberal, jlnnual Division of Surplus. J ..,.- i ii i 'I ARTHUR J. HILL, Jr., Agent. ; . Oflfce for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood. Medi ' - 1 . - l t - - ...I -ii cal Bzaminer, on Market street, two doers west of Grees A Flanner's drug store, Wilmington, N. C. , - September S-tf , ;:;,. .,-.s:. INSURANCE ROOMS . Hot-,- ; Atkinson & Uanning. $70,006,000 Aaaeta.Repreaented. . FIRE. Ins. t Co. of North America. .. .Philadelphia. rnenix insurance company. ......new iora. Continental Insurance Co ........New York. N. British A Mercantile Ins. Co .London..: Hartford Fire Ins. Company Hartford. Nations; Fire Ins. Company.. ....Hartford. - Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co Massachusetts. . I v RIAHINR. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co ..New York 1 : .' Ius.:Co. of North America Philadelphia. i LIFE. . Connecticut Mntual Life Ins. Co,. ..Hartford. March 5t-tf . i . . i NCOC RAG E IIOME msTrTUTIONS. j . DCUUT1LJT aUABii. XUOn j THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, j , BALEGH. N. a . . This Comoanv continues to write Policies, at fair rates, on all clnsses of Insurable property. , - All losses are prompuy adjusted ana paia. , i ne DOME " is rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, witBconSdence, to tnsurersot property in oobd varuiina- Agents in all paits of the State. , R. U. BATTI LB, Jr., President. C. a ROOT. Vice President. BEATON GALES. Secretary. PULASKI COWPKU, Supervis atkinson. Mann: sot. ' ING. Aoxhts. aagi-tf Wilmington, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. HEW AEEIVALS This Week.: WACCAMAW A CAPE FEAR F&ESHRATKN ' . ' it I c E , : -.";' HAMS, S SIDES, SUO UZDERS, (Dry Salted and Smoked). . . . English and Scotch Ales, V COFFEES of all kinds at Reduced Prices, FISH, ' CASE GOODS or all kinds, TOILET SOAPS, Fine Pale and Common 80APS, Twenty w " ! different kinds ?of " TONIC BITTERS, Cigarrt Tobacco Kerosene Oil t, Hay, Corn and Oats, WITH HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES OF Groceries at Wholesale. CASH or close haying-customers can be suited al ways, witn uooa uooas at lowest Market rncea. -, may jKf ADRIAN M VOLLESS. The Ealeigli; Hews, Daily and Weekly, FUBUSHXS BT i . .. THE NEWS PVBXHISING CO., i Devoted to tha best Intercuts of the State of North Carolina, to tbe success of the Conservative party, the development of tbe bidden wealth of the State, tbe cause of immlsratlou into our ' midst,- and- the; advancement of the welfare of our DOODle in every' thing that serves to make a State .prosperous and independent its m ir. i , , ,,... j .AdyertMlng Cojtainns, - s 4l will be found of great advantage, as theDally enjoys a very large dreulation. and Is double taatoi any. Daily published in Raleigh, and the Weekly circu lates in every county or tbe State. Rates moderate. " ! ' ; Subscription Bates: . v 1 ! - ' Daily one year $5 00. ' 6 months SOU. tTeekly one vear. ....... -.; -1 W JT0UN D. CAMERON. Editor. ovauAn Bivsxm, Asoriaie o.uitur, K. C. WOODSON. Local Editor. Inne 5.tf Just IReceivei A LARGE LOT ' or FINE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGAUS. ; Also, ' ' Fine Double-Thick . Navy, And Other Brands of Fin Cbewlns Tobneco H. BURKHIHER, I No. O Blarket Streets uly 8-tf ,..,. m-- - .4 '- -sv ;; i;,--- MAYOR'S OFFICE, Citv of Wilmington, H ... " . Jaa; 23d, 1874. rROM THIS DATE AUCTIONEERS ;ARS F prohibited selling ilted celling horses or stock of anv kind in1 front of the City Market. Pripcess street, from the Eastern line oi Front street to the Western line of Fourth street, orSecond and Third streets, be tween the Northern line of Market and the Southern line of Chesnut streets, are designated for this pur poBej oy order 01 tne mayor. , , j J. H. ROBINSON; (1jatf, , s-.j w .City Marshal. Tkfi HortMarclina-Arps a, WEEKLY, FAirillY'kD POLITI CAL NEWSPAPER. . Xsight A Spa, - r r, .Prcprietcrtv ... WAnBflBQ. N;, g.; H 'AS A LAKS22 BOUA-n5E CCXUiJlTlON . than anv oaoer in Anson county. Established in 1843, it is the only official organ of Anson, MoaH gomery ana vtaniey couaoes. At is tne ouy reliable adverUsins medium ux ax son county. Terms reas onable. Every merchant and business man should have the ARGUS. . i i t Harsh'allai Office, .i'J-CtritMIHOT,4!!;.',' April UISW., N DSXXES TO ENABLE MS TO CLEANSE THE City thoroughly and with aa little delay as possible. I have divided the City into four (4 Health Districts wtth a Health Officer assigned to duty in each. r;; The fst District, in charge of Health' Officer J. Hi Brpn, embraces that portion of the City Notth of Market, and East of 5th street.',. 5 i -.- ,? l5 - f: The Snd District In charse of Health Officer G XX Tayr, em si aces that portion of the City North of Mariet, and'West Of 6th street - 1 N J The 3rd Distijct, In Charge of Health Officer Av J. Denton, embraces that portion of tbe City South of Market, and East of ith street,; , , , , .The 4th District, in charge of Health Officer S. F; Walcott, embraces that portion of the City South of. Market, and West of 5th street ' " " ' The Bealth-Officenunay be known, by the Yellow Rosette, and they Are Instructed 10 Inspect and re. port all nndeanUness to my Office 't j I 4i ' J - i ' t It is hoped that , the citizens generally -will - co operate with me, 'in this Important work, vnnd begin the needed cleansing without further delay. , Any person requiring the services bf a Scavenger, may report the fact to-the Health Officer of the Division in which, the work is to be done, c at my Office, and the matter shall bavn thA VtrnmnfRBiT at. tentioo, 1 " " Tmsting no further anteal to our rood .Citizens mayjbe required, and that oar City shall be a model in neatness during the coming summer, ' . i V i I am, veryEespectfuIly, i M ' f , J. H. ROBINSON, April 15-tf : : ; j, ,,., f : City Marshal. Artist In '-,-fi:.1.-f. rayon Portraits. VASSAFMAS FORK, N.. C., : O tGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION A to his Portraits In Crayom Persons wh-htng TOOd Oictnres at thcraselvfin nr rinnniwMf frleni can have them nicely executed by sending him a puufugrapn to worn rrom, Agooa pnotograpn la necessary to Insure a good akeness. The prices below include Dostaee bv maiL on roller. ' A nAst frameof walnut ana gilt will be furnished to those wnq desire it at Jl.50fS.00. . . . . PRICES: . , - " Sizd, 14 x 17 Inches, - - - . . f5.00 LM9 Bise, IDUStl - . - . - - .... 10.00 Mr! Harris bosseees the rsra rift :of hoinar i1a to delineate, accurately, from photograph or other picture the exact likeness f any one. W e guaran tee eatisiacnon." luxiord Lieader.l . u Wa liam Mum Ma wwl. ...? ..nntn I. lent Try hint-'i, Central Protestant! " !We have seen a capital portrait of Hon., A. W. Ve4able,by Ms. E. LManM; that reflects . addl tiooal lustre on his genius in that department" LTorcb-Lightj r-.. ,- . .. : ; v. t mar lttf;i SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED ABE, : 1 1 TCHE ONLY ILLUSTRATED "WEEBCLY IN A ' the South, Eight pages. Fprty columns. Con.- J taming more reading matter man any weekly puV- lisbcd in the Southern State. ; - r svT a - J . ' The first number of the SOUTHERN ILLUSTRA TED AGE will be issued on . u- Hainraar 36tb day or Jane, 1875. The Publisher intends makins? It an illnFtratrJ record of the times. It will treat of every topic. Political, Historical, Literary and Scientific, which' is w current interest, ana give tne nest illustrations that can be obtained; original or foreign, j The SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED AGE wfli' be printed on hew type, and heavy book papers ; on u net oi contnoutors will be round tbe names of iany of the best writers in the South. Serial and short stories, poems and sketches, snd-Well con ducted editorial departments, giving the latest per sonal, literary,' scientific, . - political, religious and commercial intelligence, will fnrnish every week an unt of reading matter unsurpassed bv other na. pers, m excellence and vsriety. It is hi tended to make the SOUTHERN t ILLUSTRATED AGE a journal for the fireside; several columns will be specially, devoted to all subjects pertaining to do mestic and social life. . No family should be without it. ;, "i . & SubsctiDtionDrice 6nlv X2 ner'anifnm.? PnKtsra rev. . . "4 1J: - ! -- - . S. t. FULGHUM. Editor , , - ; Raleigh, N.' 7. , jhne 10-tf Sale of Valuable Eeal Estate IY VIRTUS OF AND. IN ACCORDANCE WITH I the provisions of a certain indenture of mort gage, executed by Feist Mayer to "The Bank of New. Hanover,' bearing date the 7th day of March A. D. 1813, and registered in the records of New Hanover county, in dook jskis, at page 84 -and iouowlng, tbo undersigned, astheaUomeysof eaidtnostgageet will Oa MONDAY, THE ttnt DAY OF JULY NEXT, at 18 o'clock M., at the Court House door In the city of Wilmingten, sell for cash, by public auction, the following described piece or parcel of land situated infeald cky, vie: . T' , : . - tsegtnning at me corner or a lot now or recently owned by A P. Repiton end wife, on the south side orjnaricet street, ana -running thence .southwardly alone their line one hundred - and thirtv-two feet to Betteneourt's aller. thence alone said aQev east- -wardlr fifty-eight feet to another let now or recently ownea dt a, r. jxepiton ana wue, tnence witn tneir line northwardly sixty-eix feet to the lot of J. Wii- x erson, tnence wun the Dackiino ox wiifcerson's let westwardly twenty-four feet to his corner, thence with his other line north wardlv gixt-r-li feet to Market street, tbence-along Market street westward ly thirty-four feet to. the beginning, and being in block 153 according to Turner's plan of (he city of wumington. , wright & sticujiajm, f juae : ls-aia ' Attorneys.' ForEcle cf Horte. Jaines Wilson " vs. Foreclosure. Thomas Parker, i OF THE B Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE SUPE rior Court of New Hanover Countv ia the mat- te of James Wilson against Thomas Parker, I will expose to.aale, , ' . , v . . , ' r BY PUBLIC AUCTION,' Oh Wednesday, the 80th day of June. 1875. at la o'clock, M., at the Court Honse door, in .the city of Wilmington, the following lot or parcel of land, sit uate and being ia the city of Wilmington. County oflNew Hanover,-and State of "North Carolina, and bounded, and described as follows: .Beginning niuety-ulne feet east from the north-east corner of Ann and Seventh Streets, thence running, along Ann - Street westwardlv thlrtvthree-fect. thence northwardly and varallelr witn Seventh Street Due, hdnred and slxti-nve feet thence eastwardly thirtr three feet and thence southwardly onehundred and slxty-flve feet to the place of beginning. 1 TKRHMOffKALIL i w 's .1 It,? ! J . if -- ROGER R. SULLIVAN. . . I ' iv- .: . . . Commissi oi.er. " Mabsokit Beixajit, Attorney, . 4 tasy 87-law4w-wed - - ;.. -t-.- Offlce of Connty-CeMmcca ! ..... a NlW HAHOVXB GOUNXT, 1 TN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1 OF -AN ACT"1 X to raise revenue, ratified February. I4tb. 1874, and Section 17f an act kaowia as the Machinery Act ratified the 32nd dav.of -March.. 1875. tbe Beard if Cpuhty Commissioners of New Hanover" county,' met to-dav at the Court House, ia the City of ' WU- mBngton, for tbe purpose named ia aaldac , and have taken a recess anti :.-4. -i-ut-r- t Ilondar ths 28th day of Jane, 1875. At wnich t tne the Commissioners will proceed to S rise the tax lists and valuation reported to them d complete the lists by computing the tax payable by eackjperson and affixing the same opposite his name, 'me1 session oi tne ucaawiucont the space of 1 ! t.i a ;, . t Three Working Ditys 'The Board will hear all persons objecting to the valuation of their property, or to the amount of tax chanted- against them. 4 he Board has a right to rais valuations of property that may be unreason.. ably iowr ana ror tnat purpose are empowereu to aflmmMi-inil mniiA wIlnMlftL ft i .' f - dtftet the tax UsU are made up and placed in the hands of the Sheriff it will be almost impossible to nakn inrrectIonS. All faults must be considered the fanits of the tax-nevers themselves.'- Asd notice IS hareby given that no alterations DI be made. after tne time expires except in accortumcv wta ne f ' JAMES WILSON, -1 t?- Chairman Board of County Connniwjonera.: t ijune84-4t. - ' For Srnithvillo. DTE AMEB DltlS tvHX LEAVE OUB WHARF Saturday, at 4 P.' M. ' n in. Betumlng-Vnil 'leave- Sml&viHe, Monday1 at tl jane 86-tf , O. G. PARSLEY A CO. ; t llCELLAICOU 'PBITISH: PERIODICALS i -rr j r The litic&l ferment ammttr tfn Vnwmoan nfi ads . the 'e between. Chnreh of science in its relation tn Thoninira .. fitant publication of new works these and kin- ' ' dred topics, will give unusual interest to the leading 4 foreto Reviews during 1875. . Nowhere else can the inquiring reader And in a condensed form the facts ! -aud arguments necessary to guide him to a coriet t conclusion.. f -, -t r . fa - - - TJIE LEONARD SCOTT PUB-" ! LISHING -COMPANY, y . , j 41 BARCLAY STREET, NEW YpRR , , , y . contjnuethe reprint or the four leading Reviews, via: impmimGE review, lon- 1 , ZW QUARTERLY REVIEW Cm- '.C. t" ' ; AservaUi)e WESTMINSTER i- K f i VIEW, Liberal) ' BRITISH -7 J ; QUARTERLY REVIEW, J '- TEEMS Patabls ror any one Review.,-. $ 4 0Uper uuuci. For any two Reviews.. ..".. For any three Reviews:, i i..;.; .. 19 00 For all four Reviews...... . 13 00 For Blackwood's Magazine.;..... 4 00 For Blackwood and 1 Review., i.. 7 09 For Blackwood and Reviews,.,. ,10 60 For Blackwood and 8 Review; . ' IS no For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews. 15 00 The posTAoa will be prepaid by the ithout charge to the subscriber, onl v on lUblisberB cxpiess condition mat subscriptions are paid xxvasiabx.y in advascb at tne commencement or each year. - , . . .. m i m ' i ....:.-. A discount of twentv oer cent will be allowed tn ClnbS Of four or more Dersona. Thus: fnnr ennieu nf Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one at drest tot $12.80; four copies of the' four Reviews -and Blackwood for $48, and so on. ; :: To clubs of tea or more, ia addition to the above discount a copy gratis will be allowed to the getter- ' upoXthedab; . - . . . .'5 -PREMnjMSr: .Jri New subscribers (aoolvine earlvl for the vir i.-r.n may have, without charge the last volume for 1814 oi sucn periodicals as tney may subscribe for. Or insteail, new subscribers to any two, three, or . foui'of the above periodicals may -have one r thu "Four Reviews" for 1874: subscribers to all nvt- may have two of the Four Reviews," or one BCt if Blackwood's Magazine fer 1874. - Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount t" clubs can be allowed unless the money Is remitted ' direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. , Circulars with further particulars may be had on topKeatton. - ..j '1 11J LiiU ARD SUOTT PUBUSUINQ CO., febaa-tf f . - y 41 Barclay st New York A ! EeBresfiutatiTBMCIiainiiM' i ; American Art Taste '' PrpspectiL ferl 875, E I OHTH 'XhAS :;.iv-"u 'x'Aft-- .- . . HE ALDINE, THE ART J0TTENAL0F AMERICA, A Magnificent Conception, wonder- lally carried ovi$., .,r -; ! .. Tbe necessity of a ootralar medium for the reur e sentationtif ' the Droductklne of onr rreat arifMn . has always been recognized, I and many attempts .. nave oeen maae to meet tne wanu. . The successive , , , failures which 60 invariably followed each aitciupt -in this country to establish an art Journal, did not ' t-'l proye the indifi erenee X the people of. America to n ; i the! claims of hisrh art r So snen &x a Dronap duj . . preclation of the want and an ability to meet it wtre Hiiown, mo puDiicat once, ramea witn entnnsiasni - to ks support, ana tne Testae -was a great antbtic and commercial ti iumplWI HE ALD1NK. , r , . THE ALDLNE. while iasned with all the tpci:- larfty, has none of the temporary or timely interest " characteristic of ordinary porlodicala.-- It is an 'tlu- -gadt miscellany of pure, light' sad graceful liters- - turfc; and a collection of pictures, the rarest speci- sotartisuc skiu, m black 'and white. : A 1- . ' gh each- succeeding number1 affords a fres-h sure to its friends, the real value and beaatv .f - HE ALDINK wiUbomostanDreciatedafUir ii ia . , boBLd ud at the close of the vear." Whila othrr - ' puklicatiohs may claim so perier cheapness, as couv -;- pasea wnu rrvais oi s siauiar class, -ftuti AXAtinx .-; ; Is 1 a. unique and orieinaLcoacepUon-alone' anil . nnipproached absolute. y without competition in ' pribe or character.- The possessor1 of a complete ! ' volume can not duplicate the quantity of fine pajx-r . and engravings in any other shape or number of yohimea for tm times Ut cod; and,' -there is the fhiymo. txtndittf i i?. t i ...... r.. ? -r "'. The national feature of .THE ALDINE must be taken in no narrow sense. True art is cosmopoli- ' ' tai. While THE ALDINE ia a strictly American institution, it dot s not confine Itself entirely to the reprouttcuanw jaura art, -t jua tb iKBiop ts io culti vate a broad and appreciative art taste, one that will i discriminate only on grounds of intiinvic merit Thus, while placing before the patrons of THE ALDINE, as a leading characteristic the pro- tioto will always be given to specimens from foreign masters, giving suoscnuerB air me pasurs ana tn- " stmctton obtainable frosahoma eafereigaaourcecks j ; iae arusuc illustration or America scenery, original -with THE ALDINE, la an important f ca- ' tuie,-and its magnificent plates afaat a size more 4 appropriate to the satisfactory treatment of details than can be afforded by any "inferior page. The Judicious intersper8ion of landscape, marine, figure, and animal subjects, sustain an unabated inu-rest. . Impossible where the scope of the work confines tne amstxoocioseiTtOA sutna at-via.nr sunier.t. t Tbe literature of THE ALDUS a Is a light and giace-' ful accomDaniment -worthv of the artistic features. ' with only such technical dlequisltlous as do sot in :' eriere witn tne popular interest 01 the woriu - u -; -n . ' PlXISSIItTSI FOB 1875. ' 1 Everv subscriber for 1875 will receive a beantif n porti ait in oil colors, of the same noble dog whose ' lcture in a former issue attracted so much atten- on., ttr.tis''. j.si ft j KAN'S UKSEUISH FRIE2n), - will be welcome tn every home. 'Everybody' lOVcs such a dog; and the portrait ia execntea ao tree to " th4 life, taat i( -seems the veritable presence of the, . -.-animal itself. The Rev, T. De Witt Talmage tells that his own Newfoundland dog(the finest inBrook- " ' 1 ly4) barks at it L Althnnghiso natural, no one who ess this premium chromo will have the slightest ear of being bitten. 3 rh o(.m uirv- .si A' - Besides the chromo. every adraneo. subscriber to, 1 THE ALDINE for 1675 , is constituted a member, and entitled to all thejrlviieges of 1 "; '- she axjmns art tmioisr: 4 ; 1 heUnionownstheoneinalaof allTUE ALDINB , pictures, which, with other paintings and engrav- ' ings; are to be distributed among' the1 nletnbers. ' T every series of 5,(XXJ subscribers, 100 different f ices, . Valued at. ovei 1 4,600 are distributed asr soon as the series Is -f ulL and the awards of each series as inade are to be pnb.iBhed iu the text sue-' ceediug issue oi tujc ALdHXK. rj his leatuie uly apbliea to suheetiberS who pay- for turn pear in ad-i Tance. KuU parucuiars in Circular sent on anDllca- tlou -enclosing a stamp. ' . . r One SuBbonimoK, vntituho to THE AU)INE jOKS IUB, THS CHBOXO AMD TH AKt UKIOJJ, ' J iffV.00 per annum in a;yauce; ''i' ''. r (No-charge for not-tage.i ,' i Specimen Copies of THE ALDLNJSW tents: -t-":' ALDLMsi will, hereafter, be obtainable only -'v bf subscription, .TberQ .will be no reduced or club rates; cash for subscnptlous must' be 'went to the pqblisneis direct, or handed to .the local canvascer, without reeponsiUtity to the publishers, except in . cases where the certiacate is given, bearing - thuf fac-simlle signature of Jams Suttom, Pretiden , 1 i j , CAXVASsEUS WANTED, ,. ' A ny pererm' wUhing to adt permanently as a locai , emivaiwer will receive full and prompt Information by applying to "' .- ' ... , 1 THB ALDINE COMlPJLNY;'; n ,L , San Ifl tf ! ' ttf Maiden Lane, New YOHti A- 1 tymmMwr Mw.t Carts, tis THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THsl CllY . OF WUMINGTON. N. C, DO a .,;.. - ORDAIN, That any Dray, Truck Wagon, or Cart found ia use within the City llmiu without tbe - , ; Badge ore$fejmber a required by Oty Tax Ordhianco passed May 9th, -1873, shall be subject to seizure by the City Marshal, and the owner thereof subject to a fine of Fitb ' DotiRS for each and every day the same is used -in this City without the prepayment of the monthly . tax,or wfthout having on thor:t .tAfA t , ( Badge bt Eegistered iTumjjeir : ' . as the Ordinance of the'Cltyreqnlres. 'W1- ' ' 5 -i Any Ordinance or parts thereof - confiieting with -' the foregoing are hertfcy repealed. , .. . ,, - The above Ordinance was passed by the Beard of - Aiucrinen at uieu mewing x eoruary letn, 1874. T.CBERVOSS V: .V City Clerk. feb!8tf