i. it A ThS Oi- AbtHt'tlMM.. T-i 5 PUBLISHED DAILY, BT T.-.T: n;r4; .-. , -.- -- ' :M W w . .-wi-.; liv-vj,! iyLjJ , . : ,.. '.. .. ; - , ft ,, J, , ,; y, T- - "ft; ..: - .." ,T' -T . ,a ver. (by mail) postage paid.......... 00 Six months, J "v r ;vr J - One month, I M - - w -iv, ritv Subscribers, delivered In any part of the mfteen Cents per week. Our City Agentsare C tyknthoriae to collect for more than 3 months to advance. - - . - - ; . n. OUTWMES. nne hundred thousand persons will be nublic charity .f ronvthe 'French inacda- At Toulouse.OOO drowned by tioos. the overflow;. ifix Jbimperor Ferdinand is dead at Prague. ----Jiarge Jpsa ot life by the potta on the Danube ' A mob hanged a Depaty Marshal ia Iowa. -5 Col. lios. U- Be Witt committed suicide yesterday hi liichmond. . There, is treble between Spain and China relaUng to the Cuban Coolie traded--- Tweed with draws application for reduction ofbaiL York markets :' Cottoni 15i15i ; turpentine jij i in. $l 70$1 80; gold jQj. r IvAmericans won anotherTictoryf Coleman winning the cup. " I nominated Iheelegaten lowa Ibe counties aesignatea: r iJertief- J??;Cherfl(H liluden-J, W. Ru r v. j j ;. 'i lirunswiek Robert D. Cowan rr . CatawbSPb ; Oiimberl and J A. Yorth,'NeUl R Bine.-' " ri.'-T rHfef -;f '.' Craven- -lions. M. E. . Manjly and C. V. Clark. v r' : Dapliu- -Uev. John Ni Stallings, Win. Far ior. ' " , :" ' KJgeco ubeCapt Fred.Phiiipsi, H. c.' .Uotime. ; ' , Frankli'n Col. W Ferney Ctfeen. t l larnel j John A, 'Ilarrington. f , ! -II y'de-jV. M. Carter. , ::'r";.: j ''" Johnston Willis Saunders, Jesse Ilinnkut. ' , . '.$ a: ) ' V'v'i i ; Lenoir-j-James M. Parrot. !. !-;;':'" 1 Martin TJ..SWaldo. Lincoh Caleb Molz. . Nash Benj. II. 3urin.? : OrangY Hons. Y. A. Graham and Josiah Turner. - 4 ,.j - Person Col. Job 11' W. Cunning ham. ; t - .. . . .- , .i-;'--.-VM-V : libbeson Dr. Duncan Sinclair and Calvin A. McEachera I: I Randolph Rev. Braxton Craven ). I)., Dr. J. M. Worth: liockianhain Ex-Gov. David . S. Iletd, Maj. 'JJ. .Turner MoTehead.? : liiilherford'-rA. G. Logan.' ? v . StokeJ-J.yF..Hm.i--;; WakeUKichard Ti; ,I5attIeJr Ms Se.jton Gales, Ruf us ,11. Jones muI I). i. Holland. ; Yailkln J.r A Stej1ieii8on. 7 Prriiti Adreutnrec ol Thrf Cn dimu fedltorit-Flj-Ius Throagli tbe Air aal Landlus. I Lyter A Fear fill Nlsbt In take OHiarlo Prof. 'DouaJdaon'a Trip from Tor-: -.. onto, j . - -rlfni'-Ll Mr, Cliaries Pirie, of the Toronto Sun? who with Mr. Chartes of the Jjiailerland Mr.' Devine of the 4 j 'iW, went up with Prof. Donald- . sou in the balloon lyi T. Barnom frbra Toronto on Thunjday last, gives a"n interesting account of ,the voyage and their miraculous eseape from the waters of Iake Ontario, .They reach ed an altitude of.2,000 feet, and when iwiiight set; in; they "were i over the ' t ii tie of tbe . lake. I Tlie Professor Ihen aifnonnced that they would be corauel led to rematu but all bight,' as it would be impossible .to,'make a landing unless the wind changed..- The wind shortly, increased and drove the bajlpon long; atitBeJ rate' rate of forty .miles antJbourf Mpre ballast .be ing thrawn out the air-fihip ascended until it . reached a height f of nearly two i,b iles. . At this point the conld ' h," no; ,hing r but.each: o,ther and the stars; , The atmosphere was clear and hittefl r cold, and ; they .huddl to gether in the basket to - keep them selves wanrjrtThbeyeed, and came within a, Jfew, Ji undredCeet of the water. They sighted OshaWa in the distance before it bebarMldark and eijme within a few hundred "feet ; of land. Then a change of i . wihd I rove them far ou over the; Jake;; Mr. l'irie ;on tin ties r bik'-fv f"- ' r ' lA STARTLUTG PHENOMENON ' j " y ";A the. vveiiiiig, wore into night, a , jlavy rhist rosejft.oihe west,' rr in rear : f'f the biiltiori. It seemed to follow ylisHi )eiiind, bqt jJld not overtake it, tin; air being quite clear' in front.- At a late ' ertod in the 'nlghtj wheii two f tlit rt-porteriwerit almost asleep, having Imu singing d ferideayOring l' j'aHSjt he; ti me as pleasau tly as pos . "iUe underiJthe circumsthcesi! MK: 'IirteWhowfu)r6n;the;lo Ifctilyjcalled attention to a magnificent lurt of light" wbjch illuminated the ky ' He fancied fora moiuent that the balhion was on fire,' but this ijehiorf wa quickly dissipated, and "! t'iise of the I light' was discovered ,tobeja mobflbnlUatmeteor, which "appeared . aioiost directly overhead, ; JiwLinjg for ..as inBtaht; and tberi pud I lenjyjdarting off in an easterly direc j. - tioti, Changed its eoarse and gradually i fadej away. The spectacle was. a ngal'arJy' un press! vebne andliwfll Mev'er be forotton bv. those ,who( . stuX jtsr the T&mL' drift I fter.n passing Pwk i Hope; he HidenJ"fcthe;lla.Hort Vy . erratic, the -vf iad ftblbwing'f roi 5,l PohitH Tof 1 the'1 c6mbaRs, Aflef ng about for some lime in Minis' ' . ' - . " ! . .. . ... . . ' I i ! ZZ VOL. XVI.-NO. 86. purposeless manner, the balloon de scended to within twenty feet of. the waves, which -were rolling heavily, the great drap; rote trailiner in iho I lake. As this weight of rope was udx.ixig wimi iue motion 01 toe balloon, the Professor's orders were that it should be taken into the car. This was no easy task, as it was an inch 'thick and nearly three hundred feet long:. - It bavin cr been coiled in the car after very heavy labor it was found that the weight on the car was more man the bottom could bear.and it was again gradually let out to the extent of fifty feet. The balloon sud-; denly dipped into the water and rose 10 say the least of it, unpleasant, and T$QS Jt P wardi Bhdthe ! moon j rising, illumined t&e whole extent ot 'the' lake;S :'.M : : BIGHTINO A 'SCHOON ER. 1 ; ! K ."The . light enabled , .the party I to! oiguu Buiioouer in me uistance, com-j ing toward theiii frbm the east in the direct line of the balloon. The party! .miucuiawijr iiaucu. wie .uoar,, wnicn: replied to the cries and asked where' they .were, Naturally, they replied! -up in a pauqon,"? Whicri had such a humorous sound that -those, on board the schooner uttered some ejacula-j tions of displeasure," and immediately tacKea away. This was lika the last, bbpe disappearing nd a feeling of! dread apprehension ; fell upon" the party, Alt hope . was not however abandoned as it was felt that another vessel might come in -sight or the? wind drive fthe balloon ashore. J7At about 1 o'clock the car again dipped, in the water and dragged at a fear-j fully rapid rate through the" lake. This necessitated the parties on board clinging to the ropes and standing on' th edge: of; the basket. The cold was intense and the. arms- of the re-? porters. became so numbed that hbld-i tn'g on was almost mechanical. ; . ' THE EESCUE. "'"'y:- j When all hope had . been aban4 doned, the Professor, from his. perch! aloft, descried a', blue " light, which! was hung at the masthead of a schooner approaching- the balloon.' As soon as she came r.witbin s. hailing; distance the distress of the ferial trav-! elers was made known, and a small! boat was put out to the rescue. The, balloon appeared to be filled with a spirit of contrariness, and" instead of waiting to be rescued flew before the wind. - Two yon tig; men in the boat,1 whose names were subsequently as certained to be Henry - Loncy, aged 21, and Thomas Whallam," aied " 1 8J rowed vigorously" for an hour anU a half, sometimes neanng : tbe ' balloon arid again left far behind.' Fortu nately, a dead calm fell, and the boat was enabled to reach the balloon,and the unmanageable monster was towed to shore near Long Point lighthouse, in?Athol Uownship, 'Prince -Edward courjty.f ;v.r;'l Jl '...,..'':'.,'v : !' JSpirits urp i , '; ' ' - - ... . .' j rT-r' The Wake ? poll-tax cases .have been continued until next term of Court.; j Scott Reddick J was' drowned while bathing 1n a mill pond, near Char lotte,1 on Monday". . Wm J The Executive ; Committee", will meet in Weldon on Thursday, the 8th of July, to perfect arrangerrts for the next Fair.. n ; :,. ., i,; 3 '; j fiH.Sn :ntiK,; -tilfj '. The Oxford zader "reports' the crops in all sections of Granville to - be ex cellent A larger tobacco crop than usual will bema4erlt: ." :'" ' ' - j -rrKi Observer says llfie bridgi over Long Creek,, where the fatal accident of last Saturday occurred, is being repaired by ibe -Assistant? Superintendent. rf As hun dreLhands are at work,' and the wreck hag already been removed. - It is thought that byip-flay tbebridgewiH be completed and trains can run as usual. . . ' ; -iThe Raleieh News pays : From all weUear the iutijrest !n the! apprbacking election tor delegates. w me jpnvenuon increasmgrThere'can be pc jlotibt of th0 elecfidn'ora large "majority of iDehiocratsi and event I those CDUHtlea conceded to b0 doubtful, distrust baa given way: to. coftfij denie s The Radical DroerammetoadiduTB r withodt action is having Us effect,' Reform is demanded, and It must be had. r 'A- Richmond letter of 29thHo in de&Appeal r John D. Patiereoo, charged with embezzling money while agent of the uthgra'lJjtpTfissjCornpanl-at Reidsiille; N. C., and who was arrested here a few day fragov applied.y esterday , t hrougb .MrA& M Page, bis coqpsel, , tut -Police Justice White 10 be discharged. The application being refused, Mr. Pagehad ius-client be fore Judge ,WlJfyrd, , of die ;CiIy Circuit Courti ttfday; on a writ of i habeas corpus, aud succeeded in haying him discharged, j The citizens of pHiither, branch township; akejcountyt; re si greatly exf cited by what is suppJ8ed fo have been a uoou left his home la -company with his wife a daughter of Henderson Walker, of ' . l.j'J i j.'..J . iiltll nhrlil the same Beigaooruoyu, uu a uui wun eight months of age," for the avowed pur pose of 'going wita his family o 4be neigh borhood of Goldsboro. v He left under Very sUspiCibus circttaistancesraad'as nothing has been heard of his wifebor child, they are thought to have been murdered at his hands. The whole country i being scoured by citizensvof the township. JParton has been seenince skulking in the neighbor- Aletter passed., through the Charlotte' rtbffice" recently bearing this addressj iMXiOUssvilly,Xantucky, Mr. C.rB. Cook, the president of Cullard Philology Inslitutionr BoxrlS. if not, mr Posemaster, I wish you Ju plaie it in Imfa U Cooke's box so will gitit, Im n6t surten of hisbox 1...: 14 unt th nosemaster will Pleas be so klndas'fo seobf this Jeter In; the; Collared that on the 12th ol . eDruary msi a young man .naruedott Partoo ;m ,of A. W Prtiin ut that section. Tale in the after Philology malle." . I ...V?. I- .., ..! ' f. .l B GIT NEW ADVERTISEnGNTS. Munson & Co. Clothing' ; 4 , I .Harrison & Allen Hatsl V 1 -11 Green & FLANNKKiiSeett sl itK)jL First Nat. Bank See Ad. Kerchser & Calder Bros. Sundries. Heinsberger New Novels. A. Danid Clothing. See Ad. of Carolina Central Railway. M. Katz See Ad. ill Local DotM. w ! Therewere.no pases dis of at any of the Magistrates' Courts " yesler-1 day. :t " ; : .', . ' ..- There was only one unimpor tant case disposed of at the Mayor's Court yesterday. l '!' i V iV ; The arrangements for the tub race are. progressing towards a successful completion. ; -V . r-n, Tbe. Carolina Central ;tliail way now has sleeping cars attached to its night passenger; trains. This feature was added on Monday night last. x ? 5- Two' colored men were-yester day arrested in tbe act of fighting oa the portico of the City Hall,' and lodged in the Guard House to await a hearing, ' r. W. ( W. Lane has ; been awarded the contract by the U.' S.; Govern ment for furnishing medical jaidaratteoj lion to sick and disabled . seamen at this port,iior.the ensuing- year.-1 V -i ; WeVj we're, j little, n ahQvfahe mark yesterday in the weight of the head of cabbage referred to. It was raised by Mr. James Dray, on the farm of Mri Agos- tine, and' weighs 26 lbs. It required a dray to raisq it; and came, very near requi- ring a uray 10 uaui 11. Itattee of Thermeneten ikU-:j. Uf.' ; The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, iyesterday: I .! -I i C .':t : Id'jh . 7 A M., 78; 12 M., 80; 2 P. M , 86; 4:0 E, M., 85; 9 P. M., 77. t w The following is a list of the unmailable letters remaining in the city postoffice: -Alfred Jlowell, Sunjteri Alfred Robinson, Laurinburg, r . .C; Frank IL Mikell, Sumpter . C; John Judge, New York.. New Trial. a ' - ' ' 1 ' ' In the case of Waller vs. the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, in-which damages to the amount of $5,000 was awarded! the plaintiff, in the TJ. S. Circuit Court at Ral eigh, an account of which appeared in these columns at tbe time,1 a new trial . has. been granted on tlie ground of excessive dam ages. . ' f f , - . . : Ti AnotbOr Kowrtnc; Kaee. "The cre w of the .boat Alice has challenged the crew of the XtovX AddU to ' row another race on Friday evening at 6 6'clockl' ) The latter crew has accepted the challenge, and it is expected that the race' will take place as set forth. ;'.'JLi, il V !'f K 1 A - ." Annual Commcneemenu The annual commencement at the Acad emy of ' the Incarnation took ' place last night, the spacious "new hall of the , Acad emy being filled to overflowing with a nu merous throng of ladies t and, gentlemen. The exercises were varied and interesting, and lasted for nearly three hours. Right Rev. Bishop Gibbons presided. V We will favor our readers with an extended report in our next issue., i - T k- The steamship X.uaHe yesterday while on. her way to- thSscity had het rudder r- iie4 "away -jii "buts Rvenae''. QuxtefrVrairford and ;steam.tag! Alpha promptly went to her assistance; ; The ' LudQs waa5 towed ib. the. city ' Wthese- Stfeamei bMng dei! consequence 1 ofe acda Orlalif.:vj)aliK . ,',At an electionof: bfflceri ofprlonliodge,. No. 7i L: 6. fbi F.hdd last-nlgtii, the f 0U0 wing were -elected for : the easmng ternv:.; t.(i; u: tn r- f- it.i-ci:iif a-Farro r. 3. W, Hodees,-'VG., d-f - r. i, S..Fiablate, R ovm vnwtf J. B Taylor, rS:'"":1 ' ' 'N'Gillican, T&A&&'h?'';.. i - .The aliovei.oflicers will be installed on nexti Wednesday night, when the. appoin tive officers will be named Tbe LateFirefii La urtn baric. In adilitioB to lbe;ccoaut which has al ready appeared in our columns of the dis- asirous counagrauoQ ut, jxiaurmuuig, we learn from thc same correspondent the fol lowing particulars j The firms of MeCas kill McLean .and (Bryant; &. Morgan, were, ' comparatively speaking, perhaps, entirely secured.' Fl Fountains'" loss in goods reached fully four thousand dollars, J not insured, together with his books with ' ' ' 1 l" . LL'l " TCT TI Vnmhn'a laa numerous acuouuia. juuiuj oiv reaches fully one thousand dollars. About half of thi3 amount is covered byinsur ance , in the North', Carolina Home Com pany. Several companies are represented, but none are represent ed separately for more than about .fburJubCwan'd "dollats. "'Many f amllres loat 5 ila5 ! prlyate property; closing, lewelry.&Cv. various amounts from ten to fiVehCndreri a1l.eiel;osyof Mrfihrordes ihahc1keepeJ-moujat.to upwards bff2,0()0in'je other neraibusehold;, furniture. !S The ground made' Jvant by tbe-fir is nearly two acres in extent the depbhp!nd, pther'Urbad pro perty with the SUndy hQUse and the burnt rteres-may Wifely es-t jOT,000, with i20,000 covered by Inanrance jn vari- j ous compuK?3-'i' "! Hl'i.-n I lliiiT ill' f .. I -i.-i-t Superior Court. ' ?The following cases were disposed of in ' 'thisOTrVyesterte1-li State vs. : Calvin , Boy km, for bastardy. Verdict not guilty. . ... l.State vstpearyRbbeson, for larceny. By consent of defendant's counsel a juror was withdrawn and a new trial was ordered. State vs. C. H. Strode. J. W. Whitney and j. A...Asne, ipr assault ana; nauery, Verdict guilty as to Strode and Whitney and not guilty as to Ashe. Rf-WRt01' and battery. Defendant called and failed, Judgment "wi. p 'Ci i; . .' ' ' ' ' ' '" Rnpp'oied Stolon rJopertjr. ' 'n 3 V A colored man named John Owens, who keeps an eating house on Water street, be tween Chesnut and Princess streets,. yes terday morning left at the Marshal's office a .bag containing a plated silver urn engraved M. D. B., a plated, silver castor, a butter dish, and a waiter of the same kind. The letters M. A. S. were engraved on the latter article This property now -. awaits the owner. T :!' i-.;"'.!.; ':..:-!v '; . ;.!,. : Owens stated that on Tuesday night a A ' II JJ . , " . ! ' V. 1 man caueo: ai uia eaiiug iiouse anu asaeu permission from a man whom Owens had left in charge, to leave the bag there which was gnted.;TheJmah tenflsayUig hewpuld call tp-day. A A policemap .was at; once sent aown 10 me nouse oi uwens.10 await the arrival of. tlie individual who bad! left the, bag, V He has not yet been taken,; uowevcr, ana nas prouaoiy oy ims ume takeri thdintini fbn&itie tofkop away. ; . . - . luierrttis Corretipoudeuee.. , Tlti tj.io iir is a conrof a correspond- eurutuni iuoK lace yesjeraay f Wilmikgton, N. C. . June HIv , I I have been notefied in a note found uu-f der my door this the-JJOth Jonb 1875 as fol lows: To W. H. Moore J. P, Wilmington N. O- June aOth 1875, My Dear kfoda f rend Kir yuu-had better leave this houajvithin otie weak or you will surely" KeachH 1 no inore.: ..; Vi- i,, ;, tiili'fiAuift'V-'' .15y ordr of the city develes head quart ers. - .. . , , ; Answer to the above note, I cimply fdref worne the party or partyes not to come 16 my house at night as I do not doany busnesl at night all ,ot , my busness, matters ar tran cted in the day time and m o pen day Light I do this to let any, and. all .persons know that if any onefecles Ideseries of On- gureing me 1 now worne: them not to come to my house by night.1 j;1 s ' 7 j Amateur BowlBKSBaeo, --. ; : According to previous annbunce.menj( id the Star, the second-amaterir rowing-race took. place in the river yesterday afternoon at 6:30 o'clock. Major VL P. Taylor and Messrs. Jnb.!J7 Fowler and Junius DkviB acieu aa luages. . -' ; .; The following boats' enteaed for the race: Addle A. M, Waddell, Jr., coxswain; iissiePembroke i Jones, ebxswein Step and Fetch It H. R. Russell, , coxswain; AKce-J. McR.' Russell,-coxswain7-aa-i- II. D. Burkbimer, coxswain. j The W riglti was expected to have entered. but owing to her beU5gsfobnialJ rt " carry: three pars, she was withdrawn. , . The boats started off in fine order at . the discharge of a pistof iuaui . The Lizaft after oarlock, was . split, de priving her of the use of one of . the oars, i , The Addis, after first starting was caused some delay on account of the proximity of the steam-tug Alpha, which steamer was on her way down the river. ' " " 1 The course was made by the boab in the following time and order: Katie, 1052; Ad die, 11 2; Alice, it 53i; Step and 'Fetch 3t, Immediately after the close of the race a. yn&a was awarueu hi iub urst uoau a ! r A A 3 1 A - iL. J a. 1 . 1 prize of 3 f olhe cond-and a priMj Of '$L to the third. ;'' '-0 ' "" I ' '; MtQh interest having been evinced by Vhe large number of spectators present, the young gentlemen have spoken of anothejr race for the latter part of this ,or tbe , first! next .week.;'.;:--; "; ; , : doatak.Bxereiaet.' . . j l! ' A large audience assembled at the school room of Misses Kennedy & Hart, on .Third streei" 'ouayIg0''!ldJiitalB the-j closing exercu of , that institution,. The entertainment was varied and interesting throughout. The pupils" exhibited eoukhju erable proficiency In" the'rendition' 0t( .eir several parts, and the numerous thw?gLs-.j sembled were highly delighted wilhjbe-i-. terestiog character .of the .'eqtertainmenjt.. Tbe young lady pupils of course lodged charming, and have reason to feel proud of the manner in which they acquitted , them-1 selves. ; Tbe,f olloingjirder , of exercises was ol)8erved:i"JtiiChfc," uet,Trovatore, by .Misses DeRosae aad MjWt "Pr-; logne," Holmes,, by Miss, Da,niel; "Fisch-etti-,,i Fantasia per Piano, by Miss Lorq;' "Fable,'' La Fontaine, by Miss ' Jennie At kinsonthis recitatibn' was ' mnch admired ; HJirompini,'' rjr ia4;. "Prison Scene" from !King John, by Misses Empieand Wilson Lange,'' Deslr dHai--monie, by Miss Myers; 'Blumenthal,'' The Message, by Miss Calais; ?GianBini,"duet, Traviata, by Miss, Parsley and Mr. amba-, lloV "ProcraWalipnBpnayarte, WMisk JJXj vl a 1 -A&iiiui KvuuiiiMi J Boiutheyv iby Miss UOr;Ci uipdeiroid' Pensee pour Piano, by Miss v Morrison 1 J TliS H 1 11 ,: TTn elle DeBsseH sahussi? The Fishermeii, byMlSses l lar Calalsf I 1 W A. 'At'th'e close of the exercises the honors and 'distinctions -of -the -many deserving nnnila were fairaarflKjectf after "Which the 4T X V.l 4a g., f entertainment camelo a close. f Book Bnrora. TM MomliiHa Sta; Boo! err does all kinds of Binding and Ruling In a work ynyiHk joannc, and at reawnabte yrlcea. . Mer- cbanUand otbera needing Receipt Book, ' or other ot.ayrelt ea promptnew in th eMcuflwa pf tft.prders, t n ;i4! f j ' . b4 Caaelaf wMleh aa A4verttemuC -fli wsr;-jjeloi,Tr -rfi'.l.ifJinfciij. '$svl i- A.snori.time agoaresidehl oil this icity missed a valuable gold-headed cane, which hd prized ' yeryf hlghl jria He 1 thought and searched; I went fetothii'meetirlgr halithat ofilcej lhis churchi 'h W ; place - of 'bihess and;&n was useless,' he !wartM tp cable egme, pucofild jr' eailedt and watchedatiii hepttofaWlok the5 ddg!cjury' in order tb discbver,'if they had iaken his (cane)ib() jkn. ,ip vair and as he' rjisbed fintp.this pfice 'says' Jhe ponspling repyf f .sConsequeotlybe adyerr tlebj, apd elt satisfied that be had for once found. the 4alm.anfGlead, ,'AifeWjdays Of paUept waiting, bow.eyer told him that even in this he5 was disappointed.) He could go no f urtber-ihuman . ;enduranee I was at an end.i; He expatiated freely on' the nse- lessnesa of. advertising, and went to his res idence only to find the' , Identical cane be hind one'of the doors in' the 'honse;' just where M himself had left ItH He 'is faow the happy possessor of the cane, V a ' betier and a wiser man,' and' advertises f reefy. ' ' ' A Danseroua Practice. ' i- rv.i iyin ) Si The employees in the Stab : Job Printing" office, were very much surprised ! on Tues day by the j sodden.' appearance ' among; them, of a large sized pistol percussion cart ridge'.'; 'It had entered through 1 a: panel of glass and came, very; near striking' :a' work? man who was1 engaged bear the windpwJ The cartridge had not ., been exploded , and was ! doubtless 'fired by some : ambitious marksman ; who' .was' desirus of shooting among, the stars. ..We would like to in foim the ambitious individual, that we have made,, arrangements ' j for f hitn , to use , hif slung allot for such we snppose it to be art pme other portion of the firmameQt , ; ; j HiftsV Centra! Ex.' CbibrrTTEEV " 1 1 ij "TohnfrkfX A riAii 0 Aiwa 1 1 va Ta 1 W 1 1 -4 i :.: New Hanover County, Wilming i iti.ai-v.:; toq'N. C,; June 30,. 1875- n At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the .Democratic-Conservative1; party, of New Hanover County held this day, it was deemed to can a juass uonvention 01 we barty, to be held at the1 Court House,'4 in Wilmington,; Thnrsday evening, July 22, at 8 o'clock. :! :uH url iu 1. ... The princinal business of the Convention win be the nomination of candidates for the Constitutional. Convention and the ap pointment of an Executive Committee. i . v ; Iff au XAo m rM. . , i . urr aa unmw 1 tit 1 d&w-td Chairman, mil NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS.: Oiir Stock of CIp A Sr AN INDUCEMENT TO BUYES6,:WE CbJt- X Vmence itu ale to-Uy at.-i . J ; Tbe Publlc.wUl nlease call ' and Jndze for Chem- seivea. t - . .s . . 1 i- , CasH slid prompt payers Wanted piily. j jalyl-atThSa; City qothlere. 'New ;! Novels., Bv Wrixuit Black. Author of "A Princess of rnnie,-' "'ine amnge Aaveniurea 01 a runeura, c, c. iuosBea.: jraperrBi. uu; viou i 00.1 AI.ICK ItOBAIrfB. nt 'f';'J A i;' : ' ;' ATale'of tte Sonui wnC Bv: R D. BIacX xou. Antnor of "Cradock NowelL '' 'laai4 of Sker," Ac . Paper, 75 centa. , j , . LOBHABOOHB. j; .' ' By R. D. BLAxkoBa. 1 Anther of " The Maid pf. Portaleabi "f:u: ; i HEINSBEBQES' tmeVI-tf Lite Book-and Music ' Store. W...8. F..E.1C6.,: No. l it '.; 'iAV-uVHiiii,t(i''a'ji'- YMJii EQULAR MEETING TO-NIGHT IS IMPORT- .ant and a full attendance la desired. - - j .. , . . . jnty Mt RecJ Sect'y.l i Excursion Straw Hats. frr INE DRESS STRAW HATS, LADIES' LEQ- born and rHmama. At . ttATlttTSO'W.Jk AtLEN'S. ,..,'.1 - . - a ' !;:'. ; j.'.-i 1 . 1 i.isi.: t Jnly l-tf , ; f . ,; ,..,' City natSterei TurnivSeed! r111- --ii A' m 5 ' Cf a Ail .new cBteiiittiiio1 Grown bv Landrelb. A BuisL PbUaderphU. , Alto a large asaoexment e , - , -( i - t ; j i3 i,ei'iti-b,fc;'!iiK!i!,r'r i Hf For sale y! ' QRSENATLANNERi ! ' 1. 1 I .', , I ' ' I 1 1 't " 1 . ! .11' I rusT Natioxai. Bank ot I j "'ll f . J j Wj&UJraTO. Ulj 1. 1875. ! . have 'declared a di?iden4 of FOUR PER CENT. r. 1 . m tnA iiirn mar . . r J jutV'if TMjf t r sq t- ,; cAflnler.1 t4-I it f j kjutif ;Coxn'Hayi san4. tIIplaseA A Bales Hay, JV if J iii!tv WUt I BidNeWCroChAay tc: Bbh S. H. Melaseee. . y , . i I O 4. v-1 ' l-ti;. .-. ..vH.': .i;f ! ;i - -ii nu :; Vn ..la K t ' . t. -f : . . .t , July I-tf KEBCHNER A CALDER BROS. Flonr, Meal, Rice anA Coffee, TlJXjxJ Tf; For sale by -.: . ' ." .-fii.M3f tf ... KERCHNERA CALDER BROS. ;iy3aS0Rfe fern 20 Totitltooplroiie ; 1 A A mrteir.Glab, Uimgs; lams, spanisa isrowiv ivy itc m ealekri: d.9 Ett 8. JBaeon; TLtd Tsltaeco. kaBoxcD S 8iaea;and,.SbJttlders,! Boxes JU Smoked snoniaera, 1 ,s K A iiWBoxfsSPob.:, m 4iiiLFoeSalebyi tan? ai itiy tt.; !( Inly l-U 1 1 KEKCHNER A CALDER BROS ? -Ufi. -i i-.t ?. It . ' ,.- ' I- X NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - -r-'-t ' - - .. - --:T, S-T Treasurer's Office, iilJe.yy (liia-iJeiitral Baiivayi Cfliapaiy, Th Coupons for interest on tie First Mortgage Bond of, this Company falling doe' July 1st, 1875, will be paid in gold on presentation at this Office on .t. . ' Treasurer.' . feC fSij."Wf; ..f .JitV.??-.''t;' fc'ff'-lA.f ON THURSDAY, JULY 1ST, I. BEGIN MY Grand Clearing Sale of i m i f j ?;-.;uit Bl Wtr' eleeeTout: every article of Summer Stock, I have decided to MARS DOWN prices and nuke a demonstration that wiQ insure a " GLEAN SWEEP" in every Department -I raarsntee a good bargain to each and every euatomeri . tC.;!l),::;'!'Casli.l ..'i .J-no.'t .!." i-u-A.' DAVID. : ! L B. GRAINGER., j . UUJ. HON. W.-D. JOHNSON;. ' J. D. CUMMING. '. ; . v. ; : . . .PuMmiirTj :..Yici Pkksiskmt.; ..:..Casbixb. bjqfjmarion, MARION, 8. C. i I 'i'S : Directors:; j 'V ! ': : r' ,-: 1..' 4 . f ! nON. W: D. JOHNSON...... ..Marion, S. C. J. D. McLUCAS.... i... ' : DUNCAN MURCUISON. ............ WM. A. W RIG HT .............. . Wilmington, N. C, JNO. W. ATKINSON........... - . i D. II MURCUISON .......I,.. .4 .,,T . . ; . L B: GRAINGER,... ... . T:! ; V1 ' . i -"i--J .' I . I i ( Xt -!'. .ii.ijji.t :;..' t,--'i!1..'W. ?' : Does all the ordinary business of a Bank. .... f; Issuea Certificates f Deposit bearing interest. ! Will take pleasure in accommodating tbe mercan tile communities of Wilmingtoa and other placet by discounting such paper as can be recommended as good by any of the Banks located where thepar tieaarecarrying on business. )! ; -r: . .-..! u. i ::'". vs:.v; fTT,S . ; , 1 ;-n- ic f ? d s . Cferrepooxdejiits : ., ,:iV -r. Merchants' Exchange National Bank.. ...New York. Citizens' National Bank. ...Baltimore. Bank of New Hanover. .;...;.....; ,. Wilmington. . may 80-tf Bac - . . ; , : - ' ' ; - MISCELLANEOUS. . ' v ; SAtriCAUR." A RELISH POR STEWED MEATS. ; I UEA' TS AND COLD are'Selling rpHE CHOICEST SMALL A-Cured, . ; .. - SUGAR Thin Breakfast ' Strips, --i.i ;i, ; Smoked: Beef. ! ii:.': ; OndiHTindred .-';u;. il;'. 1 . c ASKS AND CANS ALK PORTER; BROWN bwu ana impoixea ' - ; ' LA O EK BEER, YoungerV, Bass, McEwan's Bloodwoif A Co. j '' Quinness Brown Btout . ' I :- T "? lTectar XOiampagne Cider;' - j l ;v ? 7 : i; 8lesale and Retail. :R-''-A';' 1. ';: .;T.Wi';-i - ochaS. D. MYERS A CO., ' i -June27-tf . ,; . 5 A 7 North Front 8treet. ' TuB Comity: Scliool aminors q f :V--OT-;:r;r.:,;i He w Hanover GdTiixtyy itVlllhi ILL HOLD AN EXAMINATION OF cants for teachers certificates ia. Wihningtonatthe Court Howe, commencing Thursday, July 1st, 1875, '..-,5 , ! ' . , 1, i ? commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., and continuing , 1 . . ,. i . .t ' i : : . 1 ; - - during the week;, All persons desiring; to teach wTA promptly present themselves! for, examination, ',- j j june88-2t; ii.' - ! ; . ;i ; 1 J'tiH. SMYTH.r j Secy of Board of Examiners. n I ' - . i : IDIAGORIAL .',: 1 -ml 4. t .-.-- . . ... . . DICE PACE- AND PLAIN 1 1 :- ; ; ; 1 .'i 1 alpaca; coats; ! : " ZINEN'D'uSTISRS,: : Ilohair Dusters ,j t i i - 'trunksr llaSf . Ate. '- . f MUNSON A CO.. :'June JWt-'l City Clothiers, if;-; -a GO U.T' TT7!.,. 1. .... t . .,,.. 1 L T .TtLnrsday Bvealac -lIFi lat; j r :j Ti;rT;ri 6 -l'ti&: .-iaj M'c J j':-'. UryN BY(AjnntBSB or thb.; pupils 6p 1 1 Profeesot TanUjurcBa, for the beaeftt of the " ' ' Door open at 8 P. M.' ''Concert begias at8rJ0 i Tickets, 60 centa Reserved' seats . to be bad at Helnaberger's Book Store. ' '. - June 30-2t Just Received; '.tin . 1 -. - I -'""!, am Fine J Americail Watch I! .ii' T ii-l t: IhI. ,f!vlilJ'ii' -M'f ..:;;Gpldana.;SUverOasos.r; , t , -.-.I ltam HONNkrv' f .r-Jaae Mfi,j Utltf '4t?'ir.to I 4i, vj T V U . i.U -1 1 Established1 that ws are C offering J J'-Ilens and1 Boys Clotlilns- 1 I'Wl fl U 1 il - -it other hoese. ".'!'.! rrtt Vitd '.-X)UR' tS 00 WHITE ' AHTRT S -; .. 1 is not to be equated for the tan)4 money. Jn fha city. , We pave a fuUHao of- . ; r,. ' , . f K';-.nl n.'i'" rft"iyff ju .9 .';f il.t:S-aw WMS-P Vt o ur' 1 and fun line of furniBluag goods at reduced prices. 3tad tMf-i i'fflaJ.-viri?j pmtum mug. Pox. Cmithvaio. j Steamer pmE will leave our wharf , Returniag-Wm .leave SmUhvllle, Monday at T, iTT, j.-.i.i .. li-M 4 . .i..;t.-, .,, t,j-j j.i.i juae 2&-tf l-i yt 'u.'iO. al PARSXXX A.CO. om tsqnareone day,... .... . -.v-:-':-!"ii:V;?twaaya,ivi.w-i. .it ! V t S""6 day wv-U.. .. .t j, O. i 5 f our daya. .Uf . . f ' "I. . iftvedaye..., ...i,n....;.sc 1 tfc ,t1-"'!!:'rt?weelui.i.i''J...U.M.sU " " ' TwomonttAlfT.OifJ.115' . -. One vear .v "-j- ; mi ee . ....... ....... ov - rOontract AdrertlBemenU takon at proper tionately taw rates.- - '..- v 4 1 u -Five Squares estimated as a uarter-eolumn, at d ten squares as a half -column, t ,-,... -. ; . ;hiscelaneoijs,v: Board fpr.the STimmer vcpnshtsvilleSoiijad iss- rennaneni or AYartMent. J- permanent or transient xi si tots, Wednesday. JoRe soth, rendered attractive by a beautiful grove and fine walks,- located, in, the midst- of a well settled neighborhood. J .a, ; There are on the premises two fino large bathing A Sail Boat safe and managed by an. experienced Sailor is always in readlaesa to convey persons to Farttes grove 1 ;tb laoie wm oe aappufto? wita the' tn toe Hound; Fiah, Crabs, (shrimps, Ac. Meals at an hour for buainesa men -to reaeh the eity to time for work.- Heals can be had at any time during the da j . : For further particulars enquire of ' " - ... ... 3Hi?j-(l;-&U-:3bfli :;iMRS;-BOUDINOTTj':li?.J ! . T ' " Chesnut between Said A 3rd Sta. ! joae 27-2taw2w-Su Th -ttm-.tumi .-t? ' CUSTQIVt HOUSED fi 5 7:!. -I j 'fit :; I t WILRIINOTON. K. c. ' Collector's Office, June 17th, 1875, ON FRIDAY, THE 9TH PROXIMO, AT 12 o'clock noon, I shall expose for tale, at tbe puoiic warenouse unaer my cnarge, the following unclaimed merchandise, as provided by law, viz: , -H-ttip ri r.jftj f:iiff .K-if:?1 -am C;Vi' ' a f : Marttfc l t Si, Phgt & Coidents. Quantity. J. Vandervalir,) 1 286 ; ljf pipe GIn,(.S4j Gallous. Delfehavea. ' J '287 ttf pipe Oin.' -12 " " - - - 4ir uiiu ' j - r-! - - ,7 r ' ' ... .;' :! . Said goods having been imported in the Br. Brig ' Rob't. ADder8n."-HoDkins. Master. Mav 14 1K74 from Liverpool, and consigned to Master, v ' . Joseph c. abbottJ i . . , . ... uouccior. ' June iTStawsw ThSat Tu- ii i- . v -. f1 t. HARDENS AND INVIGORATES THE GUMS I - Purifies and Perfumes the Breath I Cleanses Beautifies and Preserves the - ... I I... ''' !.)..-,' ' ?TE E T II I (! Use it daily, and tout teeth will be the last of Na ture's gifts to fail you. ? ; rnf f , SOLUBY ALL DRUGGISTS. . h i i f mayS8-eodlTthsattu ' ; . !V; Office, Treasurer & Pell. . ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' -f-.-ff' " :CITY OP WrLMTNGTON, N. G, I j J4i;;;vri?..,i-N.--v.;Pjua r Notice to Owners of any Truck jlhray rpHE OWNER or any Truck, Dray, Cart or JLf Wason. used lathe citv. will send the same to the shep of John A. Parker, en Second Street, an A nava their Registered number painted thereon bc- ior tun urtst uay or aiarcn, prox., wnen the ordi aance.lmpoging Penalty will be enforced. - A list of the retristered numbers will be fntrvtcliwl on appiicaaen at this office. " T. C. 8ERVOSSf Treanurer. feb 19-eod tf thur vNotice. .Ti' v:Vii ii ? ir .. .. - iYlY WIFE.; CAROLINE' iAU'E-f W1M.TAMS. having left my board aod bed without provocation , I hereby notify all persoae not to harbor her, and I farther notify them that I will rav no debta enn. tracted by her. ?'.- ' ? 1 . ; r I. Jfi. WILLIAMS, '' Jans n.law4w,ThM' Bnuw wick Coanly, N; C. ' Bacon, oruarbnff Corn, &c TK Boxes 8.;Sldesand8houWersjtJr Id t (:.- '. i- 1 ... . r g Q Boxes D. B.' Sides' ' . . -'x -.-f.:--1 KABblSPork, i t 4. . ii!iM-f'I r,rf) of- f A A Bariels Refined Sugar; ' I' i' 'i'- ffAft BblsPleur. aH grades.':''1 ; t- QQQ Q Bushels Prime white Corni 1 1 A A' Bags FrimeRio;Coflee:r,i v '. Barrels S.!tt'syrtp,.'r;1? ; gQ Bads and'BDttlCropf 1 Cubsr'llonuses, O A A- Bales Prhne-N. R, Hay,'' TaW Prime OUU Eastern Hay,-, it- t.ii. , j , . '00 BdlSHoop trtnviiV ' K vf- y. 2'00 Second Hand Spirit Casks, iCtfBblsj Glue, 0 ka KegsNiuisV; !,i c;; '; yy': :t ! v v--' 200 Boxes and Half Boxes Candles,1- 5 g0 coxes tye, r 2BoxesSoda O Boxes Potash, pA Boxes Candy, '"' , .'.;." KA Boxes Soap. 4 A'Boxes Tobacco ' ;:"'"'r ' ''"'" ':' . - CA Gross Matches, It :; . h - lOUj.T ,iV .-.'i:-.. - i: .-.. i ' For sale low by . ' . 1 V f ft ' ' WILLIAMS AMURCHI8QN. '! Grand Family' Excursion' ; 'uTUiij-ik.a. -rjQti h., t; t ?ht. SxnitliTille aiii 4 Blact 4 Fisl : Grounds, Under the auspices of the 1 - . ; JtfOIjkQ uB AND i -;-v . ; f'r outhe ;.. t. j ','-' Str.ACOAMAW, t Friday, Jnly 2ad, 1875. ; !TT VERY ARRANGEMENT WILL BE MADE for SU t.he comfortand convenience of the Excuision Ista. A String Band will be on board, and thoe who do not wish to visit the Black Fish Grounds can remain at Smitnvflle, where a Hail will be engaged for pancingjntli the. Steamer returns. The Boat will leave Market Wharf at 8 o'clock ahara. : i Tickets for sale at the several Book Stores i . t ri.;w" T WEST. : .-j 1 ,june29;3t U. J.BAUMAN.) I2i. To WflfiM cf Drays, Wagons or Carts. OFFICE OF TREASURER AND COLLECTOR,' 1 . . 1 j iBUl, 1913, - ' i Ha. PARTIES OWING' DRAYS, CARTS OR n. Wagons, who, are deliaqQent. in . payment theruonof the Usual' : . .'. ' -' . .. , jy 'tefaS$$i3!ii censo;ai:!?! "il ;: arc herebt notffieti thailf the same is hot paid y -Monday the t8th day of Juae test- they will be prosecuted in theMayor'a Court, and thereby .sub jected additional coats and expense..;, .. t '. -..i v,;." T. C. SERVOSS, Siimt n-lWinH' ti J i;city Clerk and Treasurer. ; , m: !NroTiGi3:!f Aim PERSONS SUBJECT TO THE PAYMENT ' ofSCHEDULB B A C TAX in keeping with the Rev enue Actara Jiereby jutifiedta xcme forward and pay their Semiannual Tax on July lstfor the half year ending June SOtH, 1875, and also renew their AOceiM. tojO Dusuiesa fprthe enscing am. year luneai-tw....: t oi HmI.'M! .Register. 1ft nh HIS MSASAN iESORTC V MILES FROM ?fe the. Janctiou f the Sound and Crek, will De in readinese to aeoommadatB eithm- pick BiekiBB. from fie' CttvJwitt find the it Wrichtsville. a most delfrbtfni nwit . MlUCtB Of 1:' I. II. iiSt - Jl: i ' ' ' i '3- ', ' A ! .-' i ! lit t. f -' j' TT