,r.; ! . 1 - t i. ... 1 WILMINGTON, - r Tit- BY TELEGRAPH. NOON IM2FORTS. "FUANCE. j " " Tbe AmerleaitCentennlal-rFrencU In terest In it. : , . ' i ' r ' Paeis, July 1. Thd Jmirtud Official DUDIisnes ine aecree appointing a special committee for the pur pose 6f encouraging Frenchmen to partici pate in the Philadelphia Centennial Exhi bition, and for facilitating the efforts. of those who intend doing so.; The , commit-, tee ia Composed of members of the Assem blv, merchants and other persons, numbers of whom hold relations with the United States. - '- I ' ,l ENGLAND. Commercial Fallaro Fljl'Iaiand Ad wleee . . i . : . London, July' I. I Thk liahilitifis of Dacosta. KaalteBV0. ro 1 S50.000 ' not $350,000, as ; before stated. The liabilities u of Kilburn, Ker shawNfe Co., whose failure is also announced, are $3,750,000. rr .;-. 1:;T'.: '' . Advices received to-day from Fiji report that there is no dimunition of the violence of measles and typhoid fever on the Islands. The mortality from the diseases is great. Tt in hrab&ble that medical assistance will be sent from Aestralia to the afflicted peo ple. Jlii Leech has resigned the captaincy of the Irish rifle team. j & Tliere were two deaths at Key Y,cst Wednesday, from yellow fever. . " Tbe St Louis Times has been purchased hy Ooi John T. Crisb, of Independence, for $13,150.-vtr-"-''t V'W'fi A! San -Francisco telegram stales that Wml Irwin has been nominated for Gov ernor. Bis politics are not mentioned. n Al the commencement of Yale College, the Begree of Jl; D. was! conferred upon five 'graduates of the medical school. ' One of them is a colored man. ' ;?: ! ''v:;. ij a collision of Illinois passenger trainsi the engineers and firemen saved their lives by jumping. No first class passengers were hurS,.but fifteen emigrants! seriously wound 3 ed. oUIt NIGHT UEFOUTJC 1 Oil VPorks Destroyed; py FIre-Tne Tllton-Beeeber Cue-Several Iner- reetaml Attempts to Procure a vcr diet Hlghlr ; Intretlns Proeeed Tne Spectator, Wild with. Ex clicmeat Tlie Jory IiOClted Up. .' I '.r:-ff,NEw;YoKK, Jnljl.,'. . Leonard II. Ellis? cylinder oil works were burned to-day. Loss $30,000. i TChe jury in the . Beecher case came into court this forenoon, and Carpenter stated that the jury could not agree upon a ques tion of fact , ' ' 'V " -. f Judge Neilson told them to disregard the "affidavits submittedrfor reopening the case and sent them back. At 125 Judge Neilson ' came on the bench, the consultation having broken up, and was followed into court by the counsel, who were received with clap ping of hands and stamping of feet f- They all took seats ia their usual places and con versed with one another.! ' ;-- .A ;.- , M 137 the jury , came in and took their seats, looking pale and exhausted. Some of fhera carried coats and travelling bagsln ' their hands, from which the audience con cluded that they had come to an agreement and were prepared to leave court - Judge Neilson requested the utmost si lence ia the court during the. proceedings. Tilton and Beecher were then both absent' . The clerk called the 'jury, who answered to . their names in low tones. Judge Neilson then said he; was sorry they could not agree . and asked them if the disputed question was one o( fact or law.-! " ',:Y,t: 'f jAai r j Mr. Carpenter, speaking with a low voice, slated thatit vas impossible for the jury to . agree, and that he regretted it very much; the question., of disagreement was one of Judge 'Neilson then called' attention to the length of the . trial, and said that was the first intimation he had from the jury , Iu" our? embarrassments said .he, various considerations had been pressed on their altenlioB. His attention had been called to 'the tact that after the arguments and be foi-c . the . charge some papers , had been handed up to him. - He had examined them - that evening and denied the mbiidu for ret owning the case, Busuming for the moment ' tLiit the jury would forget that subject He would like to know if anything was linger- - ing in their minds with regard to the mat ter.'and "askeoTthem if it would be suitable fur them1 to' state 4o, him toy; question of - fuCt or law which disturbed them. . : Carpenter replied that . it was solely a , .quefcUon of ; fact,' and no agreement- was possible; that in a month they would be no nearer an agreement than they were to-day f He said he spoke for eleven of the jurors ' wbn he believed that an agreement was impossible, and; that there , was only one idan who believed they 'could ever reach an unanliftons conclusion. . ; , ' . Uudge Neilson spoke to them of the im portance of the case,' and asked them to J; gjve U their further consideration, request ing them for that purpose to retire again to ihfir nmm and ' commanicate with him at Lateb. The jury have been locked up ! fvr Die night by order ul JuJgr N-ilsou. , WAJHI?JGTOW. ItoaMplUa of Taxation on Tonniet f ttatl 4;atrM'eta Oebt Mtaiemeui. " Washingtoh. Jnlv 1. Tlie Worceker. flasrsbipof the North At lantic Squadron,' bus reached Norfolk. mud- the Caiutodagati ban left Pcns.icola for NewOileans.- .-., ' f Taxation of tonnage on vessels from Bel gium, Bremen and Sweden lias 1 been re- Aitoat five' thousand new mail contracts Joimueneed to-day. Tbe Secretary of the Treasury decides that checks, drafts and orders, drawn in the yuited Slates U(on foreign banks, rtquire a stamp lax.,-; , 4 ( .,. , I 1 Tbe debt statement shows a decrease of nearly a million and a half ; the coin in the Treasury is nearly eighty millions; currency nearly four millionsv and coin certificates htariy- wetUy-two millions. iu iiiiivi ; ! .The new, postal rates between this and t poreign counties go lato enect tordayv ;t i WR4TIIRH KKrniiT.' -' -t AK UKrAKTHkMT, I ( FARTMKHT. I t T HtHi'-mnS (ThSa airrnnfc riiH.. . I- I' J - u.ok t,.. i ii , a nlrr, i ' A t For the Boath Atlantic and Middle States, ltisher Ijarometer, southeast t northeast u iudi ; generally clear and cooler THHlUvr,- ; V 1 GEORGIA. Sam Bard P.jn. an A Hl Sureties Thlrty Car ioadi of Watermelon for Cnlcso. 7. , . 7 , ; ".;;.. Atlanta, July 1. - ' Sam Bard refused to give up the post office this morning, f as lie i had neither re signed or been suspended." Bard's bonds men;, thereupon notified the, money .order clerk not to regard BardVordcr; as they were ho longer responsible ns his bonds-' men. Bard then left tne omce- una voniy took nossession. H;-"- ' - ' . Thirtv-two car , loads of .watermelons passed through this city to-day en roitte from the highlands of Florida to Chicago,, , A delegation jot thirty-one Floridians go with them to make permanent arrangements for trade to and from the northwest. -! T:-- 3 '; i !' f RLECTKIO SPABKS. ,.Te California State Temperance Con vention nominated a full State ticket; head ing it with the name of W E. LovelL A Laramie City telegram says Cot K B. Carling, Quarter-Master at Fort Sanders,' suicided because or financial complications.' tt. ' DOMKJIXIC MAKKLETS. V r Nkw YoK,f July l;-Noon.'. ! ij-.."...' j JPinaneutt,. Stocks active and steady. Money 2 $ centi nrem. Gold opened at 1161 and closed at 116.. ' Sterling exchange long $4 87; short $4 90K Government : securities ' are dull but steady. State bonds are quiet but steady. , ; . . u . -' .' ... r . ; . . Vommercicd. ' ' -. " Flour; sleady7'". Wheat is .a cent , better" Corn is a shade firmer. .Pork &tm at $20 85. Lard firm steam 14 cents. Spirits turpen tine 82f cents. Rosin dull at $1 ?0t 80 for strained. -Freights are firm. J- ' ' J", - Cotton firm, with sales of 443 bales at 15i cents for uplands and 15 cents for Orleans, Futures opened as follows: July ll15 310 cents; August 1515 9-33 cents; September 14 31-3215 cents; October 14 9-lC14cls. ; .. . '- i .'! i. ! '- . 4-. . . . i l " New York, July 1 Evening. Money easy at 32 39 cent Sterling exchange $4 OC.v old stronger at 117 i llii Goveraiuent secunties dull but steady new 5's 118J-.' State bonds quiet , and nominal.. , .. . . ,., , ., ;.- s ; , Cotton quiet but steady, wiih sales of 1,107 ' bales: at 1515i cents.5 Four a: shade firmer and iu lair demand Southern firmer, with ; fair inquiry . at $o$5 90 for common to fair extra; $5 95$8 55 for good to choice do. Wheat active, excited and full 3 cents higher, with brisk export demand and large inquiry for forward de-: livery, closing, however, rather quiet and a trifle off from the extreme, price realized: $1 301 35 for winter red western, $1 35 $1 36 for -amber do., $1 32$lHL0tfor white western. Corn a shade firmer, with more.. doing at ;7780? cents for western) mixed; 8083i cents for sail do., 7476 cents for heated, .Oats more active - and 1firmer -at 6364"fcents for nixed western, 6368 cents for white dov Coffee-Rio firm and advancing at 16i19 4 cents (gold), cargoes of 2,635 bags ordinary at 16i; cents (goldXo lots quiet at l$i20 cents (gold). Sugar Hull and unchanged at 7f8, cents for fair to good refining, 88 cents: for prime ; refined steady. . ltice quiet and: unchanged." Molasses dull ; and heavy.! Spirits turpentine quiet at 32 cents. - Poik lower new$20.80$2085. Tallow steady; at 9 cents. Rosin dull at $1 70$1 80 for strained.- .Lard lower at I3f cts for prime steam, cash. ; Whiskey firmer- at $1 194; $120. Freights quiet but firm. . , ,: ' Cotton net receipts 103 bales; gross re ceipts 102 . bales, v Futures closed quiet,' with sales of 15,300 bales.as' follows: July 15i159-S3 cents; August 15 5-161511-33 cents; September 15l-32 cents; October 1414 21 32 cents; November 14 17-32 14 9-16 cents; December 14 17-3214 9-19. cents; January 44 21-3214 11-16 cents February f 14 29-32ai4 81-83 rents; March 15J15 533 cent April - 15ll-3215i cents; May 15 17-32 15 19 33 cents June 15j13i cents. : : '. : Cincinnati, July t. Flour dull and 'lower; family $5 25 $5 35.uOatsdull at 5357 cents. -Wheat dull red 1 18$t 23, Corn dull at C6a I fid cents,. ..Rye dull and nominal, liftlfer quick uuu uuuiuugeu,, xrortk. mm ui f.su spot and sellers apart-Lard steady steam 134 cents; kettle 14 cents. Bulk meats firm' shoulders 8 cents ; cleat rib, sides .113 . Hi cents spov ljjf , cents for, buyers irt All(Tiil. ili"nr ciilpa ' 1 9.frh 1 9A. mtdartsti 12i12i cents for buyers; Bacon firm- .i.n.TMX m rnti: rfh aufa irf-! clear sides IU ceetav Whiskey steady $1 15,' 1- ; . Baltikorb, July 1. i i f Oats r dull southern 64(70 cents.' Rye dull and nominal. -Provisions strong; with an advancing tendency. Pork firm at $21i Bulk shoulders 9 cents; clear rib sides 13 cents; loose - packed eeets -higher, Bacon shoulders 11 -cents; "-clear rib sides 13 centsf hams 14H$ cents. Coffee quiet and', strong ordinary to prime Rio car' goes at 16it9eent3; jobbing lets 1CJ19 cehts.iT Lardis!?ndyir-refirjed Ili)Jcentsi . Whiskey .quie.tt apdtfirm .at $1 19. , Sugai & TXiil t;6T; . LotTIB, July,: Flour--in this articletberc is only a small local trade.1 Wheat lower ' for cash and higher for futures No.2 red winter $1 27$ Oats firmer at 53i54i , cents cash. Rye nominal. Whiskey steady at $1 18. Pork quiet at $2025. Dry salted meats quiet-i- shoulders Si Cent; clear nb sided llf cents; clear sides 12412i cents. Bacon firm, wit only a jobbing trade, t Lard held hlgher-f summer 13 'cents; winter offered at 131 cents'" r y-".j'r' "t''1- .-. :-t,-i f i . . - Lomsyn 115. 1 Corn 1 7678 cents. Oats dull 5558 cents. ' Rye nominal. .1 ProvUions very firrti prk $20 50 Bulk.' ment shoulders 8f cenls clear rib side9,,12 centfi; clear fide 12 cents.' BacUu shoulders cents; clefljr rili 13'13i icsents; clear. 13f cents'; suiftr cured hams 13g13f eents. .Lard tierce 14ilJUut3tkeg :15i5 cts5 A Whiskey ' .. ' .:. v 'tiff i j. . ' Mobile, easy at 13 14, 14 J14f; Aupui ta, nominal, 13, 14aMiTreceipts43 bales; Baltimore, qviet at 13J, 1415 receipts 14 bales Brt8lo?qiet-at'14i; il5i15i-i-receipts 44 bales; alveaton- dul and irreg nlir at; 121, ? 13Ui-receipt8 87 bales; 'Pbiladerbia.1lrmfat'a'H,''14iloi7 ceipts 54 bales; Jkleinphis. quiet at 14i rti- .ceipts 41 bales; Norfolk, s quiet at 14i re cei ots 5T bales:- ( jtiarlesUa ' ini.t. I fat--1 ili 13, 14i(ai4t receipts 35 baleS: New Or leans, quiet at 13i,14i15 receipts 37; oaiesoavaonan,;quiecat I3i, I4tl4f receipts 55 bales.' . ;n4.; bwi-yi'ij i si.-. ;,; fir FOHE1GN ITIAttKKTS. .Rentes C3f. 9c. J - . LoNDoir, July; 1 Noon, i rierailroad.sbares li'W.-i'M .1 Liverpool, July 1 Noon.'t s -i C6TOti'Qvetrmiddihi Uplands Tjd ; rnid dling Orleans 7 7 16d. Sales of 12,000 balep includmg' iS'.OOO' fo fer port nd Speculation.' ij; Sales on a basis of .middling qplandp, nothing . below. ; low middling, deliverable July and August id.'"-rUi i & L,. Sales pn, a basis, of jniddlinj: oplandi,'s notnmg ceiow low tntaauDg,,,ienveraoie.1 Aiytiist and. September, 7d. . . r ' : x on a basjji..or rniJ3lin upjantty v nothing "below low middling:, deliverable September and October, 7 3-16J. , ' LATER. Sales" on a' basis of middling" nplansd, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable July and, August, 6 15-lGd.. - .- , j ' t Sales orrnr basis - of middling uplands, nothing below low middling, deliverable July and Alisst, 7d.,i..-.i, The sales of cotton to-day included 6,900 Dales American. ; . BreadstufEs quiet : mmmm. j London, July 1. Evening. r) Spirits turpentine 22s. . " COMMERCIAL. W ILMTNGTON' MARKE T. :i , i tx ait l-juijr J. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Receipts 444 casks. Market firm at 31 cents bid. Sales of 25 casks at sreentsper gallon for South ern packnges. " - ROSIN. Receipts 1,573. bbls. Strained rosin steady at $1 4711 50 19 bbl. No sales reported. - CRUDE TURPENTINE Receipts 131 bbls. Sales of 10Q bbls at $1 30 for Hard, $3 SO forSteliow Dip and $4 35 for Virgin; Market steady'. TAR-iReceinU ..19 bbls.3 Sales u of 10 bbls at $i 75 bbl. Market steady. COTTON Market dullapd lower to sell. The' following are thejpfllcial nominal quo- toUbn '-r; - - . ' Ordinary, Nominal. -Good . Ordinary,';; ,v-. . ,U2i cents lb. Low! Middling,. I...... 13J - " Middl&g,- .V4iHi Mlddlictr,.-i i. ' .1414i NWffirorK .Kaval Ktore Slarlcetf n r- Jnne 29. 18T5. Receipts to-day, 4525 barrels rosin, 855 do smnts turpentine, aao do. cruae lurpeniine, 203 do. tar. Business arain dull, but the turn of the market moSSy in sellers' favor. Spirits turpentine was without actual sales that we could learn of,-- but the tone was much stronger on moreencouragigg adyiees from the South, and buyers appeared to be feeling around; bids were made at 32 and 32c. was about as' low aa anything could be reached. ' Rosins remained quiet, and beyond a few retail parcels we learned of no movement; holders, however, refused to force matters on common grades, and as the prime sorts continued scarce prices generally were maintained. Tar is; fairly steady but quiet Pitch is selling slowly at about former rates. The telegraphic ad vices were: Liverpool spirits turpentine dull at 22s: common rosin dull at os sa. London spirits turpentine steady at 22s; common rosin steady at os. ::. : COTTON ANJD NAVAL STORES. The following is the stock of naval stores ' and cotton in yard and afloat at this port June 28: -IC v.;,:'!- Cotton, in yard,.. .. . . . 589 bales, " afloat,... ........ 117 : " Total,... 700 " Spirits Turpentine, in yard,.. . ., 3,608 bbls.' - ; - t - atloat... . . '. . 1,147 ..'-.Total,...,.'..-.......-... Rosin, in yard,. ............ - alloat.. . . ..... . . . Total,.;,,.. Crude Turpentine, in yard,. " - " afloat... . 4,815 4! 33,545 bbls. 2.C63 " 30,208 ' 923 bbls. Total,..:.. L i 923 " Tar,1 in yard,. . .1,123 bbls. " afloat,.., Total...., 94 " 1,217 RECEIPTS For the week ending July 1 Spirits, 1,197 casks; rosin 4,537 bbla. ,'r '' ": EXPORTS'-. ' For -the week ending July 1 Spirits, 1,331 casks? rosin, 6,500 bbla. Ciir .conrfw: The following cases were disposed of 3'es terday morning: Q Helton Hawkins, charged with disorderly Conduct, was found guilty. Judgment sus pended on payment of costs. -ti. -r--i '- . , .t .i... -.,..1 . I cnargeu wuu uisorucny I conduct was found guilty, 'Judgment sus pended on payment of costs, "' MARINE. . .. - A1UUVED.. :; : Steamship Benefactor, Wood, New Yorfc AD Ca?aux. ,. : ;;:";",""'' '" ' 1 ; Stmr North Stale, : Green, , Fayetleville, TTT ... c ir' .L ....... . T Stmr oiili' S'tafel' Green. FayettevilleJ Worth & WorUu ;. . , r. MISCELLANEOUS. JUST RECEIVED IN ORIGINAL PACKAGES A tnll lice of Black arid Green Teas, of very best aelecii' ns that can be made. These goods are very Superior and will be sold cheap in order to make. quick sales and keep fresh stock. jane S7-tf J.C. STEVENSON'S. Iilosquito Nets 1 a " - FRAMES,. GAUZE AND LACK. OUR Second Stc.k juet received and fur Bale low by Jnne 87-,tf D A. 8MITTI & i IS IN m EANO! 0TVNES1RCPAIRS Bonk' - ,1 a btore. i jane S6-3t Mineral: Waters. "TTICBY. KI8HINGEN, SKLTKRS AND CON- - f gress Mineral WaU-rs. reprodaolngin the h-ghest degree attainable, the waturs of the most celeb ated m,diciua' t-prini, with tiie addiiionel great advaa- tage of dispensing them in a greater degree of con centration. '.- - 1 i , The above, with Pnrs Cold Soda Water, always on draagiit, - - - . ..-..; j At - , ! - S. O. NBTHROP'S I '; 'June 13-tf ; Frnlt and Confectionery Store. I7ASUIONABLE HAIR DRESSING SHAY- a. si.ii'-1 ' ine Saloon. 7 South Front St. WTlmlnirton. N. 1 . N. B -J. have secured thescrvice of the BEST artistn of my profeiion. Coffee aiid' Che ese. ltiOASTED JAVA AND BIO COFFEE. 8 APS AGO a -; and Eidam Cheese. ; . T Vat nala m.t - ! Nortbator. fllarke4r avaa Second ala. June 20-tf ' ticii,. , , . 1 AATons.Ettreka Goaao, 150 , Torn GaaaaM,' iwu uaano. r or satt iow oy 1 luue STtIT , v WILLIAMS fc MUBCmsOJ IVIIOL ES1L K PRICKS." tdff" Onr. quotations, it B&oold be understood, rep esent the wholesale prices generally In making up small orders higher price! nave to be charged. -1 f,AJiTIOiJta. .VJUOJCS. BAGQINQ Gunny,.,.... 15 i . ' r- f i t. It , Yi 14 , 14 1W MX to. W Doable Anchor " A" i BACON North Carolina, J.-l 16. 11 13 Uhoaidersfi lb maes, v B. ....... Teteru Smoked Uams.. Bides, a....iiK ShouIderB,. ........ Dry Salted Sides W ft i Shoalders, ......... to 16 & 11 13' 5 1034' pgKtr ..... ... , On the Hoof V 6 , - BARBELS Spirits Tarpengne, secuua uaaa, acn New New Vork, each. New City. each. ... .w.. r 25 ! 50 SB 2 Se6 to 28 8 00 0 iU -55 It & a 75 r 10 0O BEESWAX-HP lb..-.. BBICKS Wilmington ,. W , .. orxnern..4.;4?..,.,..;.. ...... BUTT Ji it North Carol Uia. ft. Northern, V lb... ....... CANDLES Sperm,- lb........ 14 UU 25 j 40 42 15 Tallow, ft.. Adamantine, tt ft........ .... 15 Yt 13 35 80 25 12 CHEfiSS Northern Factory V ft Dairy, cream $i ft ...... State. ft.... 'itf 3ti S3 6 9 COKFEE Java, V ft - iuo, v ............. Lajruavra. V ft CORN MEAL f? ImsheL COTTON TIES ft .. .. 0 4X DOMESTICS Sheetimr, 4-4, V yd! Yarn, V bonch FISH MttckervJ, Ko. Jy, bbl. , 1 15 18 00 & SO 00 60t 8 00 13 00 13 50 if 60 11 00 e& 11 so AMOt 1, V ft fOf.......-,i. Mackerel, No. 2, 9. boi Nci i,V bbl.............. Mackerel, No. 3, bbl...... Mullets. 9 bbl. t J. . ...... N. C. Herring, y bbl.... .... Dry Cod. ft............... r 5 00 e . e 00 4 50 & 8 50 FLO UH Fine. V bbl.... ....... 50 00 - Super. Northern, fi bbl 5 00 6 25 7 25 -003 0 63 00 00 0000 Kitraao. v DDI.... Family r " V bbl.... & 7 00 8 HO Toco. i 000' 60 00 ' 00 CO 1 Oily Mills 8npr 9 bbl.,,. . ... - - family, J DDI... Bs. Family. bbl .. FErtTILlZEiiS Penzvian Uoantf, XJ0 fts " . Bangh'Ai'hoisphate . t, L ui i Carolina Fertilizer, Uroond Bone, . , Bone Meal,t 41 iJS 4 80 00 O 0000 eouo 05 00 40 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 4500 00 00 . 57 00. Floor, NayaBaOusno,- 55 00 65 00 67 CO, 70C0 7000' 00 00 17 & 0 00 ! Complete Manure, f',,.., Whain'a Phosphate' 41 AWl Wando Phosphate, Bereer & Bats's rhosph. . 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 1t GLUE S... i -i t in uaALH Uorn, is store, v "s. corn, oanro. C 00 Corn, YeL, W buBhcL........ Oats, p. tooslwu... ........ Peas. Cow. W i.Bdhel ...... E5 125 HIDES Green; & tt..-..';-.;... .....8i ,"CVry, V ..-..i..'...i-,.. HAY Eastern, V 100 Bs...... North Kiver, y ICO . . . . HOOP IKON ton........ , IS -000 1 25 X10 :: YlK 1 25 & 1 20 1 08 ' 18 00 l eo 24 00 22 00 LARD Northern, t. ....... North uarouna, v a LTMK bbl....... oo LUMBEB Citt StxaxSawzs 1 Ship Stuff, re sawed, w n n.. Romrh Edtre Plank. M ft... 27 00 25 0G 23 35 00 O 23 00 to 49 80 4 75 00 00 145 110 40 175 0 00 850 t i 25 00 West India Cargoes, according to quality, v ait DreaseaFlooriair. seasoned.. -SO 00 Bcantling and Boards, com- a -k , 15 00 4G 8 -'"48' 40 4 00 18 1 10 1 00 80 1 40 75 8 25 24 60 00 00 M0LA88S-Cnba, hhds, V gal.. ... Uuba,Dma v gai.. Sagar House, hhds, V gal. " bbls. gal.... Syrup, bbla, Sgal...., KAILS Cat. 4d to SOd, keg.. . OILS Kerosene, V gal.......... Juard, gal....... ......... Linseed, gal. .......... Roein. gal................. PEANUTS basaai...'.... POTATOES Swaet, bushel... Irian. Northern, w doi ...... POKE Northern. City Mess.... ", Thin, bbl... Prime, 9 bbl BumD. bbl 00 00 00 00 00 00 2i CO 00 00 E1CK Carolina, V t.. 8 00 1 20 2 : 2 , 6 75 1 10 1 10 8X G 11 ,3 10X 10 10 iox . -, 5 MU11UU,T v.. ........... . 00 130 ! 00 110 Koagn, 9 oan HAGS Coon try, 9 Jt City, V B ROPE SALT Alum, f) bushel IJTerpooi, V s&ck American. 9 sack SUGAR Cuba, 9 . Porta Kico, p A Coffee, fi S.......'...'.. B ' " 9 lb.. C i Ex. O V Crushed. ?B ft 12 7Jtf 600 300 SOAP Northern, 9 R.. ...... SHINGLES--Contract, V M.. 4 t?0 3 50 6 50 3 60 20 00 00 00 18 00 . - 08 common, 9 a.... ......v.. Cypress Sftpa ft M,. Cypress Hearts 9 M. . . STAV fii AV.O. Bbl., a M... . 25 00 08 00 .00 00 - 00 00 14 00 10 00 600 5 00 2 50 . 40 k. u una., w n V--T ' " Cypress. M ..A:... TALLtiW lb....... TIMBER Shipping, S M....... 17 13 Mill Prime, W M. ........... Mill FairT 8 M Inferior to Ordinary. V M... 850 4 00 1 00 I 75 M 85 WHISKEY Northern, fi gal... North Carolina, V gal WOOL Unwashed, 9 lb....... wasned. v w....... OOB.SCTS1 BAII.T BY THS EXSX QT KTW BASOTKB. ' T. U. GRAINGER, PRESIDEOT. J BtJTINO. 8SXJJHO. Gold 114 116 ; Silver.... 106 118 Exduuuru -ugUi uu Nrw VoUc, ....... X CUsc't. . .Baltimore........ X - Boston................ X". "r-1 Philadelphia, ...V...:. X " ! Western Cities;. V " i Exchange 30 days 8 9 cent interest added to aooye. Bank of New Hahoyer Stock llJ ! Vint National Bank, , Dawson Bank.. Wilmington BaUdthg Stock........ Mechanics Navassa Guano Co. ., 95 103 102 93 125 N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon. Do. Funding 1866.. ...... Do. 1 18C8 ...12 ...12 ,..!! ... 4 DO. BPeCUl TMrt.Y ........ 4 4 Do. to N. C. Railroad.. 48 .48 W. A. W. B. R. Bonds 7 c (Gold Intl. 90 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 C. .70 Wilmington City Bonds, Se. 70 7 we.. ...... .83 J old 6 Sc.... 76 ' i new 6 c....65(OoIdInt) -8C... 85 1 " S New Hanover County Bonds (10 years), -' f . 6c(Go.dInt) j.........75 :: .;.-." 1 W. A W. Railroad Stock .70 - i North Carolina R. B. " S5 , C O. Railroad ' v..i.,.;i,;.01 WiLGasLUrhtOo. ., ..,.70 WU. A Seaside B..Bv .00 BATES OF PREIGHT. Per Balllnc; Per Steamer. Vessel 1 i. ;i. To New York. Crude Turpentine ft bbl Tar bbl.. 0 45 0 0 0 80 in 0 85 0 00 0 35 0 60 0 85 0 00 . 75 0 0Q I 85 0 00 1 25 0 00 0 10 0 00 0 50 0 00 0 90 0 00 0 80 0 00 0 60 00 2 00 0 00 0 75 0 eo 0 10 7 00 8 00 - I 0 00 0 45 1 0 60 0 46 0 00 0 76 Spts Turpentine V bbl 85 0 00 40 0 00 Cotton 9 bale. t va q 00 Peanut w rouei.;. 0 10 0 00 To Pbiibklphia. Crud-TiirpetintfJ bbl Tar bbl... 0 0 0 50 0 00 0 50 Spts Turpentine 9 bM 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 50 Kosut ft nw. Cotton Whale.:.... . Cotton tioods bale. 0 90 . 2 00 0 00 0 76 0 CO 0 10 OflO 10 00 0 00 0 45 Peanuts bnshel... r w m , , j uuiuuoi 7 n. .......... To BaLtikoiw. Crud Turpentine V bbl Tarl bbl...... ...... 0 00 6 45! 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 45 0 00 2 W0 pts Turpentine 9 ddi Rosin S bbl.. Cotton y bale.;..i Peanuts 9 bushel. Lumber KM. 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 11 0 00 e 00 0 00 8 00 50 ; To B06TOH Crude Turpentiue S bbl Tar tt bbl... 0 no 0 00 0 00 015 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 e eo 0 65 0 09 0 M . 0 65 0 70 2 50 6 60 0 12 eh 0 10 Spts Turpentine ft bbl Rosin 6M..,.AI Cotton ft bale.. 0 00 0 00 B 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 reanuta 9 bushel.... Lumber tt M. ........ 11 50 12 J LpokoaYour)Int?yest. AilTertisim is a Prlltalile Inyestieiit. The Kershaw G-azettfe AfPKRS TO THE1 MERCHANTS OF WlL J mington and elsewhere, superior inducements to advertvt their .business in its columns. Haying a a large and rapidly increasing circulation throughout one of the wealthiest sections on the Wateree rivar. w ia coueiaeiea sinosv v1 A VV' ' ' valuable Advertising ITIedfuni Adyertisen who desire to reach purchasers should advertise in the GAZETTE. ..m.j't w.iw i ' U ts published in Camden, Kershaw Co., 8. C, (at the head of narigatioa on the Wateree river, at t a year, always in advanee. s. .c- w.i.fv 13 ; rot terms of advertising, Ac address , r t - 0T6-tf ; .... ... Camden, 8. Cj TISCELLANEOUS." 41 BSTBUTTER IN THE WORLDS' TRULY THE BEST and EVERYBODY SAYS SO. Owintr to large shipments every week we are rnehing this Choice Dairy of Batter at 40 cents perl poand.r g.st . s '" i ' -t S "' FRESH PARCHED ATfD GROUND , Java s and Laguayrn Coffee, i LEMONS AM. SWEET ORANGES, , j ' PIGS FEET AND HOCKS, . V Choice Sweet Butter -: at 35 cents per Pound. ! DESSICATED COCOANUT (in tin-), . - bottled Lager Beer, , '! quarts and pints in cans of one and two dozen, at ex ceedingly low prices; at - - - e ' v GEO. MYERS'. - june 20-tf , ! Jl & 13 Sooth Front St. , hBBtli trees Treasurer's Office, ' Carolina-Central Railway Company, - No . 6, Bboxd Stbxzt, New Yoek. The Coupons for Interest on Ihe First Morteago Bonds of this Company falling due Jury 1st, 1875, will be paid in gold on presentation at this Office on and after July first proximo, j WATSON MATTHEWS, , . ..; i ; Treasmer. "july l-lwd<w -- DIAGONAL ' DICE FACE ' AND PLAIN t '1 ALPACA COATS, LINEN DUSTERS, Mohair Dusters, Trunks, Bags, &c. j MUNSON & CO.J i ' City Clothiers. jane 30-1 f A CLEAN SWEEP. ON THURSDAY. JULY 1ST, I BEGIN .MY Grand C learing Sale or ;.. CLOTHING. In order to close'out every article of Summer Stock, I have decided to MARS DOWN prices and make a demonstration that will insure a " fc'LEAN BWKKP" in every Department. 1 guarantee a good bargain to each and every customer. Cash. C. 6. D; Cash. ... A DAVID. July 1-tf Just Received. : NEW LOT OF THE COMBINATION Inks and Copying Crayons, Where it is difficult to carry - inks, - all ii s essentials are supplied by this new article, which is always ready for use. at . . .. THE CITY BOOK STORE. . "THE GEM' or Songs and Dances for the : Children or the Church, t CONOLEY A YATES' ! City Book Store. For sale at June 26-lf To Let. THE HOTEL PROPERTY IN GOLDSBORO N. C, known as tho WEIL HOUSE," ON REASONABLE TERMS, The Iloafe is situated on East Centre stret.rop positethe the Depot of the W. A W., Atlantic As N. C. and the N. V. ltailrosds, has FIFTEEN COMi FORT ABLE ROOM;, beside the OFFICE and BAR-ROOM, which have lately undergone thor ough repairs, and are' now in very good condition. For terms, &c, apply to H WElK BROS., juneSl-tr . Goldsboro, N. C. ; Raleigh Newt copy, and send bill to sdvertieer. THE ANSONIAN, 'Weekly IFewspapery JhtblisJied at Polkton, N. C. . L. L. POLK. .Editor. IT WILL BE PATRONIZED LARGELY BY the Farmers and Business Men of Anson. Union, Stanley, and other counties along the Carolina Cen tral Railroad, and the Merchants and other Business Men of Wilmington? if they would secure the trade of that prosperous section, will find no better me oinm for advertisinr. ' apr 1-tf - Tonsorlal Removal " E ARTIS has purchased the stock and material of James Carraway and removed to the shop form erly occupied by him, in the basement of thePurcell House, waere ho Invites his old friends and the pub. lie generally to call on him. Best workmen In the State employed, and ShavinK, Hair Catting and Shampooing: done at tha shortest notice. Try him Baeon. Lard and Tobacco. Boxes D. S. Sides and. Shoulders, 5 Boxes 1U Smoked Shoulders. K A Tubs lard, 50 Boxes Tobacco. For Sale by - July 1-tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. W. B. Burke, : COMMISSION MERCHANT. CITY HALL Building, Main Street, Columbia, S. C Sells all manner of North Carolina Produce, Batter, Meat, Kffs, Poultry, Green and Dried Fruits,' Peanuts. Grain, Ac - Quick sales, top of the Market, and prompt returns, i All information furnished ahipr pers, correspondence and consignments solicited.. : may 10-eodsni WeFr 8n v. ' m i ;v;:Smitli's. Peed Cutters. ,. : ThB ''tXB,'t',isj MOST ., ' DURABLE TfEED ,V ' Cutter In the Market." "i .j i 'u For sale low by GILES A MUECHISON. June 90-tf John Dawson's' ; -Hardware establishment - is i the place to find the 'arges t end most complete stock o goods, and prices that 'will surely give- satisfaction in this city. -. v . 4 v . June 87-t.f Nw. Hi; 2fl anill Market Sy ; Excursion Straw Hats. Fine dress straw HATS, I ADU2S' !LEG- born and Panama. : , - At "i ' July 1 itf "" ALLEN'S,' UAURISON A Cy Uat Store.? Jrm-'T National Pank of. ! t ; Wilsinston, July 1, 18;5. T, HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK have declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT. payable on tbe 10th Inst-; July l-2t ' ' - r A. K. WAlKER, : I : ' ' ( ashler.; Flour, Kice aud t'offee, QQBblsFkmr . 1250 Basbe'8 Meal Water Ground), 2 Barrels Rice, ,x . , . . rrr BagsCoffee. , . ' . , , ', ' For sale by Jnly 1-tf KEROnNKR A CA1 DKR BROSj Spirit Casks. Hoop Iron 00bpirit casks, 2Q Tons nopp Iron,' V. ' ' ' T ' 'x ' inn Barrels.Glue, r.nnffs, Rivets', Spanisb Brown, For sale by Joljrl-tf KSRCBNEH Si CALPEB BKOS. BRO 17 W: & 45 MARKET STREET, nTTAVE" DETERMINED TO CLEAR OUT ALL Greatly VEeHiiced Prices. f i fl t Sale to Commence Some Great Bargains will be Offered. WE DO NOT THINK NECESSARY TO GO INTO WE DO NOTHING BY HALVES. ONE i PRICE. CALL! EARLY June C-tf Clydes llewrYork VIA. WILMINGTON, N. C. i Fast Freight Route to .. - . . 1 s '- ; . , r- N EW Y O E K . TEW YORK AND WILMINGTON STEMSIHP CO.. SEMI-WEEKLY, SAILING FROM NEW YliKK Wednesday and Saturday at 3 P. M.. J AND FROM WILMIKGTON, Wednesday and Saturday. BOSTON . AND FALL RIVER. NEW-YORK AND WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP COMPANY.CONNECTING .WITH TUB OLD COLONY RAILE0A D . : " AND STEAMERS DAILY BETWEEN ' , Boston and SMew York. SEMI-WEEKLY Between New York and Wilmington, Wedaesday and Saturday, from each port. Shippersmayrelyopon the prompt and Regular Sailing of these Steamers, and quick dispalch given tt. all Shipments by this Koute. , ' NO DELAYS. Connecting at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta. Railroad, Wilmineton and "Weldon Railroad, the Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers. i THROUGH BILLS OF LADING GIVEN TO AND FROM ALL POINTS IN NORTH AND SOUTH . CAROLINA' GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. j - ALSO TO New York, Boston, Providence, Fall River and other Eastern cities. RATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE AND TIME AS QUICK. LOS OB OVERCHANGES PROMPTLY PALO, i MARK ALL GOODS VIA CLYDE'S WILMINGTON LINK. Further information apply to D. D. C. MINK, General Eastern Agent, -i 29 Devonshire Street, Boston Maech isnf Baltimore and Southern Steam Transportation I Company. VIA. WILMINGTON, N. C. Fast Freight Eoute to v ! ' BALTIMORE. " Baltimore and .Wilmington Line ! ; Semi-Weekly. . Sailing from BALTIMORE ' ' 3 ' ... . ' . . Tuesday aud Friday, at 3 V ; j AND FROM WILMINGTON . VKDNKSDAY ANJD) SATCBUAV. 1 BOSTON ANDTPROVLOENCB, ' ? 4 Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Baltimore. Boston ' and ' Providence line or Via. Canal Daily to Philadelphia, and CLYDE'S PPTT.ADteT.PHTA AND PROVIDENCE L , . . , LINE. .1; 5 - . t Shippers may rely n ail Shipments by this on the prooapt and Regular mte. , 1 . . , V, THROUGH BILLS OF Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, Providence and other Eastern cities. - Rates Guaranteed as Jo: any other Route and time as Quick. : Losses or overcharges promptly paid. - v ' ': i! MARK ALU GOODS VIA WILMINGTON klEAMEHS. ' 1 ' . For further information apply to either wf the undersigned Agents ef the Line. KIXWIN FITZGERALD, Agent Baltimore Line, 50 South St,, Baltimore. mar 18 V Ai Di fjAX DX, Agent Baltimore and New York Lines. Wl!mhigto- N. MISCELLANEOUS, THE LANDMARK. V;:.; PUBLISHED Al 8TA TES VILLE?1 IREDELL COvS N: tl : 1 :: ih . i 1 THE Leadine: Newspaper in Western North : : : -.: : . . - Carolina. It is tbe only Democratic Paper published in Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest coun ties in the State-r-arid has attained s larger local circulation thaii any paper ever heretofore published 'In tbe county! . rv - f .lto circalationJa Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe,- Alle phany, Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is larger thatr thatof any two papers In die State combined; uad is rapidly acqairi &a strong foothold la ForeyUe, Surry, Rowan and western Mecklexiburg. , j j j. It is the only paper in Western North Carolina' thai employs a .RbsoiI Canvassiko Aokst and thus keptonitat tly before the people- .1 udur this system a rapidly increasing circuUUou is tbe result, making the Luidmabk - ; . ' j' TIIK BEST A D VERT1S1NO MEDI CM f.lTX WESTERS NORTH CAROLINA. ADBRESS, CAN Did ARK. SUtesviUe N, c. ROD D ICK . THEIR SUMMER STOCK AT Monday, June 7tli, 1S75. DETAILS AS THE PUBLIC GENERALLY ENnw STRICTLY CASIJ. AND SECURE A BARGAIN. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market M. and Boston Lines. all Points North or South. either of the undersigned Agents of the line. WM. P. CLYDE A C.. General Agents. ' New York Line, 6 Bowling Green, New York. A. D. CAZAVX; Agent, ' - Baltimore and lew York Linen, Wilmington, N. C. all points North or South. PHLLADELPHIA. Baltimore and Wilmington Line Semi-Weekly, I I ! II - fi-Mil?JU. Between Baltimore and Wilmington, V Baltimore and Philadelphia St Bt. Co, Daily Via, Canal, : Between Baltimore and Philadelphia. si.. WESTERN CITLES. Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Northern Central Railroad and the Baltimore uu ! JObio Railroad. Sailing ef these Steamers, and quick dispatch given . - - '. 1 iv . 3STO IDJElXjJiLrsr LADINoj GIVEN TO AND FROM ALL POINTS IN NORTH AND SOU 1. . ; - t . CALIN A, GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. . - ' f 1 ; .: ALSO TO ! " J - . MISCELLANEOUS. ' ; A New Paper. TIIF CHILDREN'S FRIEND Will BE PI -libhed every Wednaday, at the Orphan Asylum, m Oxfiwd, N. C ; It will . nwr Held o-cupied by other paper,- representing o party in pohtics awl sect iii religion; but helping ail parties and all cc U unite in promoting the jndicioue education f 11. . young, and the contiuuous improvement of Jhc oui. . It will aiscuss the duties and privileges of pan-jit'-and teachera, and will defend the right and uc nouuee the wrongs of children.- It will explaiu bo our University lies desolate and our Colleges ai.u ; Schuois are poorly attended, while the Stockade 1. -eelf ceems to be tou. small, to contain the ri throngs which crowd our penitentiary. It will p spocial atteniien to poor orphans, and will teiim"''1 a how tn , uaMUA tbir nmiMt AeUTSdatlOn. Dim . . n ...... u,Iua t .rkm..nnm mk .1111 .1 fill I.LJ. ... u 1; k..l tnr hnnpot WOTS. le work. uvw w .WW, UVT.A. WOK. object ef the paper is to he 'O 1VI ra'w I v ieln all our people w good ai d do good. Price, ouedullar a year, aiy- inadvar.ee. A few cash advertisement w.-- s mitted, at ten cents a line for the first jnjwnwn. and five cents a line for each wbseqaent lujert1" Tbefbtme advertisement will not be BinserteO a than thirteen times, as a live paper can not sin.; any one song forever.-; The first numoer ' appear on Wednesday, tbe sixth of Jew"?' Airfrtcndsof theyoung are wqnested to.forwHr" subscriptions at OJiCej '.t :..': : ' ,.. . .Anoe8,,-. . tjjk CHILDREN'S FRIEND. . , i Ja4f f - - , , . 'Oxford. N. . TUB jnoiKNlNG STAB BOOK Bl . KEY ia complete in all aUJ tte mSt and U in chargs of oas of the most kiliB 5"?, In the State. All kinds of Binding " ' ' j cheaply nd expsdH.cmsJy. - ;i