; ..r.ff tr, s.:. . 1 - I 4 I 1 . 9 I J mL7 .a. i r - trsr Ten Tnousana rwr" 7 " , Later mail advices f rom" different . places in Colombia mlre than 'confirm torrors 1 oortimnotn in Mftv . A letler .from I Salaza, May 28th, saj Cucatt is i a pitiful remains standing. vj.itsco .,oua.v-v from the surrounding country have swept !own od . the :flr-fatfid city and hardly a single safe haabeea saved from tB&Uuuu& Ilouse. Tour hundred mules were killed mnvnthemtba stencn is Decerning isiaun fal. The villages of San CrisiobaliJj'asmv Guasimo, uapacna,Danaa.n.uiuo, Saa Suay, deJ2sea.Jtosasiqand San Cage tano ajreompleteV destroyeitvJThe stoxe-s house at Puerto ao-Los pachorwas acked and burned; by panditA" l" ' : ' . I A lettetrom AearIsy 30th,Asays ten thousand people weroftfidi at Cucula In. addition tonother tnoosarda,ho.were seri ously wounded-and bruised J Death and desolation reigned everywhere. Great numbers of haciendas haVe been destroyed uhd hundreds of houses m tbe county ove tirownit" leavihg'-the Jpeopfe homeless add consigned to poverty Manyyt Qe trecS were torn up1 f rota? the Tdots andsma1l hills opened -Jiko a melon, The. cause of ;jtbe great catastrophe is of cause unknown, as is the precise place of 'its' 'first manifestatioii. Some suppose that the Yolcaao of Sabatera, Ulrica was in action in 1848 is again break ing out; while others "say that a riew Vol cano has appeared in the. hills of Giracha. I A private letter from Bucaramanga of May 24th say that in Kedecuesta the town halfis- destroyed and. injPamplaea,, the Cathedral is in ruins. 1 A telegram from Hon. Aquilo Passat to President Perez; dated Bucaramanga; May 24tb, says: " The earthquakes continue. Lrist night the Cathedral in Pamplona fell, aad these is great alarm and great devasta tion throughout the valley of Cucuta. I " A. dispatch1 to President Perez;' from Chinacota,. May 24, says the popfttion of San Jose Rosaiia- and San Cayetano have disaDDearied. 4 The rest of the department is in ruins and" there are" more than four thousand deal-Tictimp. iftcyrrll : f A irspatcTi from tJScordro, dated May 24, fcays the Bituatitm is assuming a grave as pect, and sickness and starvation in Pamp lona ase mcreasiug. ' tt&etzm.tibri!L tihiaemffuhftfoff M 22r savs the. Shocks are repeated." There - were two last, night; and one o-day. Great Alarm exists among tne people and tnrougn itil ithe allies ;of Colombia. The ; meet liberayiesponse wcreS being made.: ,v At Manchester, Waterman Smith's private residence ivas burned by aft' Jncen- iliary. Mrs. Smita saved her life by jamp ng from the second" story -window. ; Loss fifty thousand dollars." - -A:'-: 'y, j A Key West dispatch; reports that there - Kvas no. death from yellow fever , on, the jlbird, but .'oa fourth .there vcas one deailr and a lew new cases were, reporteo. v 1 There werimmetase crowds at both the , morning and evening.services at I3eecner church Sundav. lartre numbers beine turned 1 away a each occasion. Thirty new menf- icrs or.:tne cnurcn-"were leceivcoy :. ftext Vedncaday. evening.A. special meetlnsof the Plymcthsociery Ttfill bo held) fo? the; purpose ef Taisinihe saiary of the pastor.! The Londoa-2iipsn a lata -issue, referi v ing to Iiady Franklin's critical condition,! says sae oonunues7Hbjnanue$ine same; keen mterest In all (Connected wlta -tne Arctic' ' eiploration, vhich ,' has l)cea ' ther leading ieature or iier iae itur recovery is considered hopeless,;1-1 aJife-ft-a-tUT A -AiSau-Fancasco,, dispatch of the-grs1 ue.corrcu&i.anaganHeHJ amvea mero xaii ' Sunday night from thaGulf of California The situation of affairs' at La Paz tt mer ' ! roriotui,' and;i Js iUttdetstood i that the. cor-j vett Venicia is ordered to thai; part 00 he4 rjBtnra foBn-Victoria; Ajnericanrinteresls ?i i A Mavana-letter 1 Joba 26th ears ac qprdifl to omcial reportsrotn rantaClar scvcraTfofces of battaliopof . jBza oA.:the rIic?MreaH surprised the encampment 6t , Lured seven prisoners oaK June. A Washington dispatch to the New1 York World says there are dark rumors afloat afi feeling certain prominent treasury officials' : i 1 . 1-1 . r i which itisexoccted will devcloD themselves : very soon iSeeretary Bristew is said tapi I uicposBftssioacX; eridendcistAblishingJtheir . j crimioaitynd ,eures$ed determination, luexu o wie jaiiexienioi ine wi f'ffni. jf.njt'2fj Ti.a jxu ,wrr .VwimoK: ko American VMtltal In :'tu s.4Tvatai Ilaef-gpanitia, . A ffAlr-Defeat of -The festivMElveh bv : Americana at the ! CrysUl Palttce was a grand affair. - Marble Hail and the Banqueting Room were -mng- 1 niliceutly j decorated.;', One thousand : per- visaed. the Palace daring the dy and I j, ;XHMly nnd S4nkfy'rgi to Pari' wheip ' tlHj will altwnut.to hold revival. meetiu. 1 Tf ljs? Xiniliet1ufrtiultfBfr..iii i rmtHmmtt;4mr SdiwfiikWafci I . 4 ' j Onrr artillery TepulxHl 8,000 Alfonsisfs 1 wiwu m u wuoi ;in ixavam', t a column 6t 14,100a with suftiplj5S for thii'rt- lief yfj iVdW-a .vas defeirid .beyond Ija V, i'nel)U. J)on Carlos lifts taken chief roni i muni) ttt Ibe Northern army. and frfnral i iMdvHiiee has l beepAdecidd upoij. The re- ! I ""'I o? ilifreg4ri'8,Jifeatji ' false. Bef- i end Alfoiisist officer) lately joined ua. ! Tiw city and fi tress of Witlines de Uet. .juiutt nvij( from. Barcelona,, jjurreodered. to j 1 the Carlisis, with garrison, eauuB. tauui-i I i nous tMrapttseaecs, Ipcludin seven so-' I I iH i hr officers:"'- - i''- -- - - ; ! Th0 Sti'i&jqaA'ji W4iiyointai) an e4 1 ceettmgty VftneW-WrcleStgftirist-Uie celb nbratitnr by the AnericanSi R saysNtirie 'M but Aiiican4iVtt(i,vfcWuM Umib such !a , display of bad.taste o4.discourtesv. as was , , stHjwnyesterday in ahw. tetratiwn. add' ! ! uuac wiii TOitgiuMiacn wobiu loieraie. itct It is hardly, decent foranEnglfshman to par I licipate fit the celebalJoB' & inglishiais Tf 4er!fciThe Ahericant insurrection: wjis U nhottt !M0fl(f.8oW4jrele'lW ih I liistwry;'' present times, forbearance' . ftn4 ttooclfiattoii.ipjih 'Bngitah'ltMols' e , I turned j America- with Insult.' and abufie, n whUA i onlyenoolteeed by cringing flit- i 1 icrj, ana uiw uean Bianicy cans recxmcilia tioaamt peceTnak'ws."o r 71 rrnil j 1 1 Theu7&tf w WeludiaerJiy larUdh j ! fays:, Amon Amerjcau-there are but fefw ' 1 actually 'particibating-'biHhe gegeifel ad : system , of public plnndet ip the country; ; I : Wlto WOUld not 1nvfnto c.Ynf.iiJ 4t,D IV.. wii nitons for the ordei, honesty and ley aly r this empire, from i trWeh enrtirffl madv an insane revfSt. 11 ttbirrlble cifttf ophJE Tug boat in tin Into and sunta Distressing; J ir3U oonjiifjafll o'titlj u A NoHffotK, July 6V j Thn itPAHi lur Lumberman: while re-' limine last niirht from Portress Monroe with a pleasure party of eighteen on board, was run into by the" steamer 1 Isaac Bell, when off Sewell's Point, and suBk imme diately in ftfty3fewafer jeoatt2ewn: lowered from the Bell and several of the survivors , picked ,up. The following is a lisl; of the lbst.- 'MrS. rEhzabethl'Hudgins, a widow lady, and her colored servant; Geo. Wilson, Mrs. Jesse Predereci, Mrs. G. W. Baker, Capt. Edward Cook, Jas. O. Borum nnriKarrr Borumr nof MMorfolk;lMissJW. 1 BoromofiMattheiwg-iCbttnljrr1 land Vdfi en gineer of tne .Lumberman. Capt. Brown,-of -the -lumberman, was struck en the head and severely injured by the wheel of tho Bell,vbut ,i had strength . left to rescue his wife, who had T to crawt through the windows of. the pilot house to avoid being carried 1 down by the fast sink ing boat Mrs. Brown was severely injured internally and -it is'leaxedsbe'will not sur vive. ' , Boats have been seat-down to drag for bodies Thas.,,Loucks, , au,old and well .knowa telegraph" "operator, fdied here-yfesterday,1 aged 33. - i FIUNCB. Politieal goif i JaiKeVtfe tla iaiAo aid , Pabis, Jury 6. ' Granier de Casagno uoIqs GambettATre spotosible for4nsultlng)angaageuiai LaH puMique Francame, and demands satisfac- was slightly wounded" in the chest and arm. The-tlifEwreat gtoTipsi of 4he4ikjitf in the FrocAsmbrrme -nctSty-4ndiae- August. t- . . ' Celebratlott ef le Parth ItnpoalnB U AtdCSTAj July 6. Thc4lh of JifrfM ''celebrated by the white military yesterday for the flrst;time since the war. SixT Augusta companies, seven from Charleston,' and one from Co lumbia, were in line. : It was the ' most im posing military displaj' since 18C0. - United States flags were carried in the column and six hundred men were in line. Georgia xe echoe3 the Banker HjUcentenouiL laECTUIC SP1BKK. f lJ-itiAK :i'JLJL5ilJ'I aifoit Signor Blanc succeeds Chevalier Cinti at' Washington. " .'-jv sa The Pope : appointed t several -Bishops, iimong- them ; lr. llerora, of Santiago tie Cuba.' ' '-r r -;; Tw passenger trains -on the ;gouthide road, near Fort Rockwayj N.jY.;' collided. Twelve persons were killed and 2o wounded several, it is supposed, fatally, -i xi : t .'In-: a tows at? the I celeoralioufsat Vicksburi;; several' "a were wounded, three falaDyi r Atf, (L- John Hill,; white, was also mortany wounaeu . Otllt iMWftTTltJEl'OttT!. ' ."' - . n - MISSISSIPPI. il8tnrtanecat k PolttlcaT jHeetlu? 1 XIioKesBltvV' : the court house yesterday,- grew - out of a difficulty between twofwkJte mcq,one of whom it as dangerously- woutrdech -r'A. Pis tol was then drawn by Bgrv AlIcn. a colored; politician. He was knocke47d6wnv2l,yi hites land: seriously ' beaetk: Soouterf this a fight toolc place beiweensa twgfco and' a wnne man. in wuicu me nezro a ekuiii I WMbroken.A5ht wasben:4ired.into thej I'rWdbr aHdiiefJaSt in ay hack,. which .was reiarneu uy lue wunes." uunug, UreiAcfee tftoWgns wer?kniedtid one; seriously wounded. Jverytning is quiet to-l uay aouiULiuauei uvuuwui ftveaucuj Gambetta has declined to accept Gran iei de Cassignac's challenge to fight a .duel bn account of article? published in ; the Bepub Uqm Frmc(m. He says he cannot hold himself at the .disposal of th& 'first come among his political adversaries, as ' he (1ia8 tAiter.uiiiew 4w .xet)pMiuHQitues. vv.iuni towards bis party, r ranee and the Itepubj IliLINOJIS.r Death from IrfWAJSME Ul 7?o At A dispatch from Des iloines savs that on Saturday evening, . aa.A. Jargelhuniber-O perspnsjpere Returning an. companyrJronj wreenneiaAQ&ir'conHiy, in vtieir liomes in the country, they attempted to cross Middle river in wagons, wnicn was swoUeU from recent rains. One wagon was up&ett j ni iw . labt Mfc jMontgomtery bd-. iia JittlV ctuia, and J. K. iSaker were drowned. )WAniaj8Tow. EmleratUj Btatlatles Tllaw Faver, Washioton, July 6. j Fourteen thousand emigrants reached Sew York ui June. ' FW the sametime last yeaf'2,000 arrived:"1' Wm. C. Nichols has lieen appointed A- fistitnt Tfenrer at'OhTcaifii: t f lwea at Nayy , p Dau v, tjont gey Wast, report oun death and two uew cttaea WtullKPAIITUKNI' ' Vnii o?' Wi Signal Onii4er ' WjMhiitji,; J1yi Qrr . IV tJM lSur7ngrfWye.i,1oiate iu uoir . sslaiettud TeuneSsfe, slight tangfs in barometer, south Miel to souifa- ejtwiodrfrconiUiued warm elhejVJJlear 4r 'partly cidywsatUer; 'i'J l l ' I IKMtitctrritl i ttsfr "' ' ,'ofeWveryliUhiuoingand lower. Money" 2 cenl. preta,: polu inf Stirling eih i rniuent aflctlriliCaiuektfiaeCaadislxoug.' state ootids are duJJ uut steatly. s gulol anTSUatjUt .tfecTdeZr efcftrge tJorn steady. 'Pork- heaVyit $20 75$20 85. ,tAi&T. le&&&L6istSl&&it Cmocents. Spirits turpontine dull at 32i cents. Rosin heavy $i 701 75 for strainted.f Freights firm. - -r - Cotton Arm and fceWSiefTwiih sales bf 252 balesaUM teats f of uplands and lk cents fpr Orleans. Futures opened firmer. ujiows:iruiyria 1031,51 cents? Atwust iov&io 1-10 cents: September lot 15 9v cents; October UlM&aU Mfl centsV Noi eibw44t&Hi cents; DecimberMl ' 1 " Nbw f chtk,'July 6 Kvcnlng. !......'. T " i'rt-rWOJlCloi. , r--n - v'n I JMbhey ry,esy at 221 cent, ter lJngichajJg dull at, $4. 87;' Gold dull, but firm Btll7ll?4v ti Government seenri-' tfes.jlun but steady-netri i5,s 118f: - State bdnds,mietiapd nomiuaL , W ; if':;.;... Cotton; firm and held higher r with sales of. ;376 Kales at 15I5j' cents.' 1 Flout1 steady and in moderate demand Southern ' quiet (--common to fair extra $5$5 90; good to cnoice extra 5f a 25. Wheat Heavy at l(a2 centslowerv with sales at $1 82ai S6 ;for winter red "western, $1 87$i 38 for iamber do:,( ft 85$1 40 for white western. (Corn firm, with moderate inquiry at7878i cents igt31stiao0westetine6r284 cents for sail do. Oats 12 cents better at 68B8i vcjhU for, white: western,?' 672 cents for whito'doi ? Coffee--Rio 'firm but quiet ' at 1720 cents (gold) for.cargoes;i Hqbbihg'demnud - fai at ,lTJ20i centtf gold). - pugar uuii ana unchanged at lim J8 cents for fair to good refining, 85-16 cents for prime ; refined , in fair demand at.' iut cenia ior.Bianaaro, iui cents ior graou lated. Hi cents for crushed; lliall centr : for T Dowdered, 5 Rice quiet but v steady. Spirits turpentine: dull at S2f cts." Rosia i dull at $1 70 $1. 80. Poik heavy new mess $20 85a$21 liaxd lower at 13 916. cents for prime-eteam.i Molasses grocery , grades dull but heavy. Whiskey firmer at $1 Zlff I -iM,TBglWS!QtHt4-n iVt , Cottoii net"receipt8'232' Dales; gross re ceipts 232 bales. Futures closed firmer, with sales) o2f,O0A biles aVfollofrsV July 15 1 r-3215f cents; "Angus 15" S-U2 tents; September 15 53215 3-16 cents? October 14 3 16, cents; November 14 lI-16l'84-33 cents t.Jt)ecembcr 44 . 14614 22-83 cents;' January 14 13-16 cents; February 15 1-82 &W 16 cents; 'March 15J1 -82 cents; 4pfi 15 Trlfl Ctuts; May 15$15 11-16 cents' June 15 18'l62H5$ cents. JtjSt&:izii-lZo. v 'r"ry BALTijrpEU, July 6 tlwbolftlie&'Jbe dull at 95c$l 00.-Provision s quiet order trade fairjy: : ncUvs; trk steady - t $2 1 ; bulk meats steady shoulders 9 cents; clear W 12I cntl ' loose. Bacdh' steady- sKoolders" steady V br i kldei Sl218:cenHH bams 44iJ6 CpntSi t Coff ee strong wih ap upward tendency ordinary to prime Itio cargoes lG10frcent jobbing Jots 17 20 cents. Lard steady crude 14 cents; re fined 1414 cents. Whiskey nominal at $1J20: ttegar strong and active 'at Wr lOjcents, fiy .i.M on PolClilGN ItlAKKK-IX Erie railroad sliares 12f . . ivr?.i . i: i if , Pauis,, July 5 N(Ku, Rentes 63rV'9oc'.'r? ! i v-;',':'---5 ?,'?" r Vi-K 1 Lttkbpool, July 5 Noon. T'lDottott firmer middling uplands ' TJd; middling Orleans 7 7-16di- Sales of 12,000 bales; fpr.spcculation and export 2,000.. . 'Sales on a.'basis of, middling uplands, nothing: Jbelow Jow middling, deliverable JuiyAndCkngust 7dili. tUl v 1 tti it Salesmen iarbaBiaijot middling-uplands, nothing below low middling, deliverable August and September, 7yd. :;t . . Sales" ou 'V -basis' of -middling uplands, nothing" below low middling, deliverable September and October, 7jd. : '.u Sales on a Casis of middling uplands, - Sales of shipments . of new' crop ona basis of middling Orleans, nothing below low middlmg 7 9716(1. L.Ui: !lA I -- ' ' -- ' . r.ATVTi ' r: ' ' , Breadstuffs dull.Cf ! j If.. Livehpool, July 6 Evening. , 1 lalcs on AtraWmiddlin9p1and3, nothing below good ordinary deliverable July and August, 7. .: , - Sales onw. basis of middling Orleans, nothing . below low middling, deliverable August and September, 7 5-16d. Sales' of shipments of new crop on h basis of, middling ; uplands nothing below 'low middlings, 7d. Yarns and fabrics steady. at Slanchcster are ;1 be sates 01 cotton to-day included GOO bales Atnericarc" ; ' . Spirits turpentine 22s Cd23s. ;: , i lit COMMERCIAL; 3V I TM I N (i TO N . M AUK-K T. -- ' '.-.i-.-- ... ... . ' ; . ..- :u i. t.K i A ...-..; ' V I f ; ; ;; star office, Juy$ j f Mk'lTS.TUliPENTINE-Relpti 700 ciKk2!fci of'500 caska at 31 cents per gallon . fyr J Southern packages. . Market firm at 31 Cents. ROSIN. -Receipts' S,2C8 bbls. Strained rostnlull at l 47. Sales or 850 bbls strained at $1 47, and 88 do fine rosiasat t, ClIE (URyEK INErReceips " C10 bbls! Sales of COO bblV at $1 30 for Hard 1 $2 SO ojr XelloIbnd 4 Sa yr Virgin! Maiket tteaily.-4sIi.Mm, .- TAR. Receipts 12 bbls. Sales of -1$ . '--V, .... w , 1 1) bis at i 75 per bbl. Market firm. c .X)tT0H. .Receipts 3 . balei !;Bale b 13 bajes at the follow'ingofflcial quotations: Ordinary :tJuiiuii Good ;0r.;r;2T")ate. ,lh Low MiddlingiV.4 13f -.os 5, ? fiddling: ": it f ff. fiitiutl Goodddlm&h?: I4(gil4i Maw - Vorls Naval-- ntoraa- Markat r 1 spirits turpenlifie The gedefay position of aff Aiirtf otT( tbrSriatiei remains -much the iame prides undergoing n&' violent change and neither buyer or seller showing an mf clination to hasten business. On spirits the tohe H'tiade.easier(jrnostof the recent press) ng iordlf h having been ; filled,? and aapr.howiug:leBS iiiclLnation to operate. AlM.ut 50 bbls werej ibbed out at 32 fc, this Uknttf the IftdnDd. r liiwius were -fiitfrv) aJ- Vive atfd s'tem'ry'rtn rfiefirni5iecrtunti."frm theSauth, but the call notquick or general, last'1 evening's purchases' liavipg met thji intMt positive wants. Sales or 1,000 bbls good straiiuMiat 4t:'80 nnd 125 bbls pale at 5 005 50. Tar quiet at about former rates, r Pitch uncliantred.hj The telegraphic' I ad vires werer.WveriMxjl-8piritsiureiiUne( ttleauy at as Otl; ;tnm)nr rosin dull at 5s' Otd.f tA)mlon-spirits-orpentine steady 1 at s:0d;.commoi rosin. i f ! i.ltjf i .tSteamslUp Rebecoa Xayde,ct0hild3i-Bali niure, A 'D Cazaux.' r-i'' " " Jt . 1 btmr Yave,; . ' RBbesonsFayetteville,, Wflhams&-Murchison t ,it. -.h" .? .i I i Stmr Northeast, Pttddisou- Point Casw'eU, iV II VanBokkelen. ' , , ; Stmr.o Juaipery,; Skinner -Fayetteville, 'Viek A? Meban.1 ii !. .j - i t, i -.Stmr, (Gov Worth, Yorthf Fayetteyille. , Stmr , North State, Greeny Fayetteville," t) V UilJ "nTCFov-rfnri-ni tmr Juniner. Skinner. Favetteville' 1 'vick s? AieDanei" mk .-"i'.vt ?v Stmt Wave; Robeson, Fayetf evine,1 W Itams nrcbisori: -d-V : i StmKNortbeast; PaddiwirPolntlCaswem a : y anooKKeiea. " ' Stmr North StatoJOreen Payettevnie, Voj lh & Worth. WHOLES A. 1.B PRICKS. CPUr'qaotaaona, It should ttt6aerBtdtJJC rep eaent the wholesale price generally. ' la' making ap small orders higher yrtck bate ttt be charged. AJtTiciJta. r BAQGtNa-Gnimjr.... "... " MX". iKuDie Ancnor. . . -;: r. . . . 1 1 6n tuvijn xsonn uaronna, mi. 16 0 1 'IT -1 IW. .14 UaiOS.; iiUivV:.:.-L.uJi'.ui..l it 16- 7ft Sides, V ID.................. .1 14i Bhpulders, ,M? 1 11 i U 14 13)tf 10X ury eaiiea 1 1 - t Sides W ab.UiiiU .i'4J!jii(k jl2S'(a BaouiQeru if...... ;-'fcial ,Q ..-... ,;8k &5t; i. 8 55 t On tne Hoofj.j .-n BARRELS Spirits TurpeatUie.M .-;! Sooodd Hasd.ach.' i..l. if ,t New New. Ifork, each. l:S SH,0- STB ! RKESWAX V- B..i;i..v--,.v!a sfr jSHv.Wl;f' aur BiUCKS-WUmlngton, ft II ; : Northern .tna-aTX. BUTTER North CarJjma. a. Norther f.,lX . UU'J CANDLES Sperm, y Sb. . Tl n 1 . ar a . i' 8 00 10 ou r 20 Gh. S5 - 85 44 fin; 14'.. is . ; LHlft., 1,; -vrV Adamantine, ft IbUi ..viaii CaEiiSB Northhrn Factory ft S !j-ftaie,-aj nia.i.us ill -i A1U, 9, HW,.M.wllkHto & i-w . ii'. za a 5 tfa S7 taSgoayra, 9 lb cttonties3 1? .!!!?..:. l i?3r .15 4X . 16 00, 20 00 t 8 60 O 00 y 13 00 13 60 7 60 46 V-.i u oo : e n so ; 6 oo & ,80U 6 CO 8 60 li 4 60 & 5 00 6 00! & ! 00 6 85 7 08 J7 35 left 8W"' 0 00 . 0 00' ' 0 00 0 00 p 00 00 00 00 Op OO 00 00 : v 111 V'l 80 00 00 00 s 00 00 60 00 li 60 OOs 65 00 4 00 00 . 4000 -8900 45 00 00 00 67 00 66 00 6500 00 00-; 00 W 7008 00 OO 7000 i 0 00 00 00- . -13 17 i 10 0 00" DOMESTICS Sheetlwr, y ydj ivo.y ...... ....... KISU iUckerel.No. 1. ? bU. . j -: - No. . 1, ft . u. hbu. . . . . ; .7 ; j Mackerel, N. 8.9 bty. , .. ., Nc. a. K hhi...... j . , Mackerel, No. 8, V bbl,,. . . . ! Mullets. lbbl...:.. I N. C. Herring, V bbl. ....... . Kamilv r'"t nbl.V..",; r City Mllls-Sol?rV, 9 bbl. M-'ll WUfcL' i-ut" (m, r aa -v. 4. aiMj a a S,KHirj2KRH A a . i'.i v. ulu. awv a a , J Baughs Phosphate, " ; , ;; Carolina Fertiliser, sr; " OrouDd Bone. , ;, " Boae Meai,"i,,m "Ifc " Flour, ;NaV-ssUuana.'i3 fi.;; v "'- Uit iomplte Manure, t m Wbana Vhophaie r i ; t H'Wando Phosphate, - Ms fn Berger A Bute1 I'htiapfc. GLUE y lb.....!.... .1......;. GRAIN Corn, tn tovf S tie. Corn, Cargo, &S vs.....-.'.. ! Corn, Yet., 18 buehel...... ' Cats, W boshel.... ......... f ea. Cow, fi boihel. ..,.... HIDKS-ireh. D Dry, .. HAY ft; 100 Be..,' . - Noun Kiver, t 1C0 B p 125 7 iitfia 8 13 o oo 1 2U 1 25 1 C8 , 110 16 11 00 00 1 60 ,;, UOOl iKUN V ton..,, LARD Northern. S HMat f-a-l North CaroUna, ft tt.. LIMB-V bbl .......... LUM BSR Ottt StxaxSaw : Ship Staff, rceawed, M ft.. I Rough Edge Plank, fTX ft. .11 S4 00 S7 00 S3 00 85 00.; 0 00 S3 40 tM' 85 00 w est inaia cargoes, accoraing toqaanty vn Dreesea Flooring, seasoned.: Scantling and Boaraa, , com-: A Uf 15 OO S3 00 4tr MOLA88 KH-Cnba , hhdr, Car.'. Cuba.bbli ft gal ' V 8ugar House, hhdfl, ft gal. . . fV' bbhOs gal.... :' Syrup, bbls, gal..;. NAILS Cut, 4d to 0d. ft keg. . . OILS Kero-ene, fl gal...;...... "' Lard. gal....... ......... Lmseed, 9 cal..... .......... Rosin. S eal.. ............ 18 48 ' 60 , 88 66 .40 40 80 4 00 a 4 75 ' 1' 13 00 00 : 1 1 iw ' 1 45 ' 1100 110' so n 4a PEANUTS i boahel....ii4. H 1 40 1 75 FomTOJis sweet, Dushei.. 1rt.h. Northern. bbl ..... ; 13 0 00 8 25 360 S4 60 S&U0 00 00 0000 00 00 00 CO Si 00 00 00 ' " 8 et "OS 1 20 1 30 PORK Northern. City Mesa.... . Thin, ft bhi............... -- '. Prime, f) bbl..... - Rumo. V bbl. BICK-Carolina, fJ i.. - Kat India, fl ft ....... i Bonsm, v Dur.n.;..,. i... .. UAUS Country, t....,.. SALT Alum, ft biuhol -I . . 75 OO r i . 1 .1 .1 10 1 10 - American, y sack aUOAU-Caba, V Porta Rico. V !.... . iu 5 .X 09 --lttf D'ioji( r A 10 .10)i A Coffee, te...f.. OA, VrS i I V. ttft i. ! aaw Cashed, r 103( . 5 11 18V: SOAP Northern, ft .., SHINGLKS- OinUacV M.. . Common, ft M . . . . CypressSaps M.Al.. 4 OC 6 00 1 60 SCO 6 50 9 50 SO 00 , 25 00 00 00 00 00 .18 00 00 00 , 08 . ; 17 00 00 . 13 14 00 8 60 10 00 -4 00 .800. 1 oo . eoff Cyprec Hearts It K. A 8TA .O. BbL.fi H.,. CyproM, ft M... tall6w- s.4-...!.:..;..,,;. TIMBER Shipping, ft M..1..".. MU1 Prime, ft Si........... ;. '' Mill Fair, Inferior to Ordinary, ft M.. WHISKEY Northern gal..' North Carohna, ft gal ....... WOOL Unwashed; ft . , Waahed, t. .....;..... a HATKS Ity FREIGUT. uilSl..f Per'- Saffinf I i f.aiu-v,. uer 8teamer. D )3 ToNtvVoBi.' ', ititti ir Crude TaiyeMltoe ft bbl Tar UbLr2... . . ... . ;. 43 0 C. 0 00 6 85 0 ' 8a 0 86 0 5O 0 83. Spts Tuicntia ftbl t-as a- o oo) V mi f 73 0 00 t,A9 0 001 26 00 010 - s 00 0 60 O 00 0 60 0 00080 . 0 00 060 t no s oo 0 0O 75 : 6001 7 00 8 00 0 004 060 046 0 00 0 76 0 00 06 -ooo too ft oo o-oe J60 80 r- I 0 00 0 65 ' 0 80 10 65 noaiu ff uuj. ........ .. Cotton ft bale. . 40 e oo S 00 0 00 reanuts Duinei..... " To PBiiaimaiA. t 0 10 0 001 Crude Tnrpeatine ft bbl roe 8 601 00 50 Tar fi oi... Spti Turpentine ft bbl Rosla ft bt...V....;v Cotton ft bale.'. . . . ; ; Cotton Goods ft bale.. Peanuts ft busheL.V... Lumber ft M. ,is ".o To Bairnroaa. Crude Turpentine ft bbl Tarft bbl...;.V:.,.i ' 8pts TurpentiiMf ft bbl Rosfu ft bbl.. Cotton ft bale.i, ...-. Peanuts ft buahetj ... Lumber ft M:...-..k.y, u ..f To Boatoir ' CrndeTurpentuie 9 bbl Tar bbl.iSi'i......Hi Sets Turpentine ft bbl Rosin fl bbl...,.;..... Cotton ft bale.i. ...... Peanuts ft bushel. Lumber a) M... .v. j a ui i w 0S 0 601 0 so 00 0 OS 0 75 O0 0 10 0 00 10 00 0 0a 0 46 0 00 45 0 00 o to 9 OH 4 46 0 SO 2 80 O OO O M 0 00 8 00 lf U- ,'.Ot.x 000 A 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 000W( 006 0 90 f '0 60 O 70 60 6: 00 o oo o oo 00 000 0 00 0 00 O 1 : 11-60 I inj i-jH-jf-g, -?vly 3 ii lj jf!r.Jc( 9?s ttiix j coBBabriQ'9iut :t'ra,a-ant W m Siitdvia, , - " I.: B. GRAIWGBB, TBXSISatNT.' , (i ' aft ; mi , (VjJjvj fj !.j!;J4 Exchange (sight) pn N w Yo k, Vdiec'i . , , 'i.i. -PhnaoelpMUi::'"' Rxchane 30 days ft y cent iiiterest added t above. Bank or wew tianover stoat,,,:;;,'.'. - nw First National Bank, : 'r:'1 l)s stm Bank'. '. .-. ;. . .. . . '. . WlluiinUon Atuildiug swei,.; Mechanics'.. ,. " 99 Navassa OuanoOo.: - ...... t.-.i 15 N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon. ... .... ..80 ' ii .Do,.-. ,". Funding 18.?..iii.i.,lS a r 1 ! Do. " ... 1858. .,1,1 I i i ii! t : .Do. .-. .Kow.v.J.:.y;?i.'..M tifni - jjo. special i ax:.i; .vv.'i j a a;u ;m i f '-i iDo-to N.C RailroadM. ';vvv: Wi '. f t W W K R RnnHa 7 at (3nlrf Int W : -.rJ -i ; ! Carolina 4tentrat. R. iiondsd Jc j, . W .n iT Wiimlngtoii City Bonds, S c. Jiv..ij. - tuna ; ; ' " - 7 Wc... ;.... 85tJ'Pf !):" :iwr.;l . u - so-new . (tioM tali' wew if snaverjoHniy jtamat hu years), 6 c (Go.d Int.)..,; 3wvv J;.i.i...15 W.' W. Railroad Stbcki .. 70 North OaraUna R. &x" r j 35 CC. Railroad " 01 .u . Wil. Gas Lhjht Co. M 70 Wil. A Seaside R. R. " ..00 Just -tteceiveci. iFrne : AmericHn W.ktch it' J )!.;ij vinpr f -T ij. i i f .il - s ;j5 " Gold and 'Silver .Cases;., !. .i.uu.'j c;ei o.noil j 1 Jto.-i j tl w . , , GEORCIR, PONNET, i!ijun97-tf imihi (( ..' 'ii. f...,".j a r ' 1 ' TAlSlllONABIJ.. HAIB . DRESSING i SHaV. Aj , ... ii f v TfH-f. y J - to BalaosirV 8oatb Front St Wilmington, N. Cj ' y N; 1 have secured the acrvioea af- tbe BEST arttfrfi" of my pwfmop. - - s MISCELLAKlSQtT. - IT E W-A'R'B I V-A'I'S .0 i(.'.Ktoy M fi!T '.tSaiai V-". ..r, ;nfT:hlSeeKv :;" WACCAMAwi iVCAP-. FEAR FRESH-BEATEN -.1 ','.' ."' JjU-Jp-tJ, "'w1-'''' i" Id M In-j o..! iVi f;. ; n!( 5o rtsK.l ''' i- (Dry galted,andBrabked).,-' v"- - fi;" ; -ti' '.-. JEpgljurt and Scotch Ales, i-iL i 'COFFEES of all ainds at Reduced Trices, FISH i . to i CASH? GOODS of jdlikjuida,VTILET. SOAPS. Fmo, lei)!io1umon ppAPTwenty !v- dlfferenlkhids"of ;TOKIC JSTTTERS ,ioO Cigajrp,;.Tobacpp JCexoseiift Qp, j.r,i:, noif4 oo .a-.ea j Hay; tlorii aild;'0at8, WitH: ilUNDREDs'oF OTHER ARTICLES OF , CASH or close buying customers can he suited al Jraya, with, Good. Goods at Lowest M-ket Pricea. " BK BDTTEE'illf JHE : ;0BLD. rirARUL'a THT?ijElT and EVERYBODY SATS SO. "AJ Owinar to large shipments' every' week we ane iuBhlng this Choice Dairy of Butter at 40 cent per ppand.itti i'A : -c-iMl &;:.?. s-ilnv-.i .3 ? "rt ' FRESH PATCHED1 AND GROUND ' .i Jlavai and .lasuayi!aaCJ?(ffeeJ .sot hmoiGS FEET AND sHOCKS, -yx fj :.Choibe:Swee; Butter,; ji -i:,.--. -at 3S eeDU per Pound.: -t,-- J1" -DICAtEiV COCCiAWrjy rln ttnt), v;lf '(fJ.r v-4 ttled Xager Beer, -i quarts and pints In cans of one and. two dozen, at aoavHncrlvlrtar Tvrtv !" ' .-!-J- 1 ! .,; , -i-ii GEOi'MTERSU . -!)uo SO-tfi: ,-P.fr 11 13i South Front BM . Tti.H V ! -f 'i'lii. 1. )n'..M..f iij -n.' Af i i hlaijt: Reserve ; rnpnE BALANCE OF M'ST0CICAS'l60T'iTO : JL' be sold -within thirty days.- In order to do tbio all i: It. ii'-; a- Ciiii --rl'-i; - DRESS GOODS UU;be sold at 2a Per Cf ill . Helow Tbelr Actual Coat ! , ; ;.. , - :!.. ;..;;,:;: : . t-. .. .- Tbfa sale presHits greater 8dvantac o the pnr cbaser than any that has ever been made iu this city. : vT:Hstoc- w5' 7j i and orery'artKlo Is desirable? 'j? j: !?.- u-yi i SOIJ) AT AND BEL6 W COSIV j t-S J :-r,:rrn:.tT mi b:; :ypi-,h ;r :' . ; aa It is. ; t3? goods delivered until paid fo;. ; ifi CEO. UEBEIL 29 Market street Jury U.ii vtfiiam. r. k Wilmington, N,-C;j Call andJSeeOur FEENGH JAGONETS .K .. --. ;:;: : . ; r. : ... . -..'V.-.,' : "... - : '.. .. . .- in all colors, worth 40 cents, for S3 cents. ' ' Also our' .: ;. . ' ' 4 new stock of - V : - '- ' ' . .-.hl'sT-."'- rt-.r--i-'.-?-. .fH H"-.' tt ;: ;- , vt '. . ' .:t v French: Percales,! - J. & JS. Samsoni 43 Market Street. r.aiyatr j..,:.'... v; GO TO 5 A LLKNS-.- AND GET TOU A CENTENNI A I. J.X. Drinking tnip, in cafe for. the pocket. - YpuUl all need them if jou to up. " : . maylO tf ; - .... : -. .. v;: : :. u .. . . .. ... . ihn , 1 O.TWS ANli 'toTST-' THE Pftf.1tTn?TEr . ft s i x. French Biggin 6offee Tot, Hakes the' best eCee in the wen-id, and with lens coffee than any other coffee pot now tn use. n f:: ? vmay 19-tt - .9M::T!?-'.? .:trt-:i:i.nn i LtENT AND I)OK AT HIS NEW 5ILVER 2l ware. jqgt racived.i ; ; - . ?' mayltf j While tlie Iron'is Hot f tiPii'$iil-l3 -n (Si v.i ., : i-i b-n"';i XfEYER: SliJCE ;TItB WAiiUASr STJCn IN- :c- 'inducement been offered ia :y Very lino Linen Buck -Test $1 25;' Children's Uben 1 Back Suits; Boys' and Children's Linen tjultsy j CHILDREN'S' 3SAlLOIiV stHTS! ' . , ' i ' , ' ! ,f Those Blue Flanuel Suits .will be hereby tpmor- roW's express. 1 )') ;ii ii;r (July 4-tfJ J i: SHRIER BROS. 1 1 Jnst:,Reqeiyed.;;7; ; i A -HXV LOT OF-TtlE COMBINATION ' i;'- j. Wbereltrts dimcult td carry mk's," all its essentialB are auptiiiea oy tnts . sew article wnicn is always fWMty. i o at, Uiniv.-.rz'Si aU hi c ;f!,-TO-l CTTY;B001ClTORE.n f-v 7 - or SoBgs' i-ades? ifjunaJK-tf KlAV-.-J4io t Cityjiooki Store. ..I.ju.. I t;.i- CbffeeiiahdCheiBse E OASTED JAVA AND RtO COFFEE; SAlSAGO 1 lli.irorMie U: . ') III tf '! ' i NortheaHt cr itlarket aud second .-r. ii jane ao-tf rrtr v 1 John .Dawsos xJr A'RDW'ARB ? StAbLISIIMENT ISVTilE place !to flnd the 'ai-grsx and most -complete torikio goot is, and rices that. wilRsunety , ivd :sat4sfacidnr firiittistratdr!$:!gald.i AT OUU SAlvESROOMS, ON TUESDAY, JUI.Y SCth, 1875.' at 10 o'clock ' A'.' M'," we' v ill ell w ithout r. i-prvp. iiv orderX3rh8. Webb, adminis trator tbtate of O. p. Tew, deceased, 66 Muskets, j j eriuB c.'ibii. , , , vivjiijji. a, jnunitia, i "July 4 anctaO-St s ul. jl i amAuioueera.i - Miner al ' Wat ersn 1 3 TrCBY.- MIIMOEN, BELTERS-AND-OON-gress Mineral Waters, reproducing in the h ghes degree attabiaethe wafers of the mott celeb, ated medicinal tprins, with tne'addftiOnal great advau i tage of dispensing them in a greater degree of ,ont eatrtioa,,.i ,.. (,,,.,, Vr , " i j i . .. 1 he above, with Pure Cold Soda Water.-always air drai v ut ..Ki!a-n.nL,iS QTNORTltRorS June 13-tf Fruit and Confectionery atore. - j' " ' r . : 1 1 i j . j ... . -HBarioirPdrSiigatf,; Coffee. A J rrk Boxes Dv S. S.des . t , " " " ' it A ftarlTl'(lnfli uoar.-'; ! "i ' AW liir ;MJ -.. TlKiBagi Prl Wo CfMreo. --rj.;o-.- -ri-'tV:!' l -Vnraalalaw bv - ' " tv-- . .. July 4 tf WILLIAMS 4 JIURCIllSOS, OXiOTI3:iT;C3-, 45 BR O WW ROD Pi CKl If fir: if -'i.s.r 7."(J ? t v, " 'V;-:-;f'45-MARKET'STRj:EXJ- -- TJKSIRB TAL-t'hbUW ALL WHO TAKE. AN! INTEREST IN THE PRICK :' .'" . .'k 'i. ' pf rjry,'Oooc,8ito fhe fact that we are allowing - i .JJ.'i'ffl J .J;.'..) vf Sill Jo iiojj. i S'I'J - , 1 on all Sammerrb5s;jicoaB.T. 'Any article that bclonigs specially to 60ttiner wear must bo uniA n 1 LBAM A li&CE'SliAWLS SACQIJES, ' viwi ' k iisf sis "' le to order in any styll that may lU de'eired? Made any style that may be desired.' iHrU .V i--: ;iGffsJCoIlars and Dnderwear. tt!T ii- .iak . t ... - i . . I .''iifSI ! .'i Strre4 ttob Chevlo uusiraoie ior iraveiuug. iauies iKirt oupporiers, 1 a new thing, and " S!i'i1 one ot trie niosdBiraDle'artfclea'th intrddnceJ' -: .TU tinn;i .iv, t..it,..-1)K..ii.1;rj-. i i;siiioit-'J n no d n ""V-; ;; 1 Swisf,l?fltifisoolc anil Victoria Stripes ' Agents Tor Frank' Leslie's Cut Paper jPitttemu. .-ii tK S .:; 4ACH1NE NEEDLES, ; 5 CliNTS ; EACH, It i'U F'ikV:. ':r iii TEltMSj' .CASH-ONLY! ; " t j j a - i - july 4-tf - VI A.r WILMINGTON. N; ex - ' r...j East Freiffht Eoute to TEW' TOSUCANBnLMINGTON STEMSIHP w eonesaay ana - urtra'- rnnitr j - Wednesday "1 .'- K 1hTi4 i SESLLSiSiL iff ! BOSTON AND - V tsr- i ' ! ! ' .NEW ;0'-iP .?INQT; STEASniP COMPANY. 'CO Til b O JL JJ i -U V Ij U Hi AND STEAMKliS Boston and! W v-aictwecn New York and Wilmtogtott - ShiprnM may rdy upon the prompt and Reguto disp&ich given in all Shipmfmti fl8!06'..- : ' TT " ! ' " ' ' : : i i;-i i.itsow :1nfti .nBf:iStM ;.iii---'.-iAt O. .vKfe;i. vl,;-;;: - Conuecting,at Wiiminpton with the Wilmington Columbia and Angnata Railroad, Wilmington ami Xveldon Railrbaa,.taVb Caroltoa Ctraf Raiiwayand Cape Fear River Steamers. ;- r TTnnotfin BiLL86r iiraoQiVEN to and from: all points innortii anu south ; ... 1' ui- ..- - CAROLINA GEQSQIA' AND -ALABAifAt i : r:; t . r- :...-ti t. gNew York;1 Boston; Provideace Fall River and other Eastern cities. ; ' )' RATES OtARANTEID AS LOW AS BY ANY THER ROUTE AND i TIME AS QUICK. LOS 77. t .-v-:" OROyERClIANGBS PROMPTLY AID. h JlfAJi&JzZ ? O 02) VIA QL YD&S. I WlZMJtfG TOfr Lltih f i- r Further information apply to either Of the undersigned Agents of the Line. Bi D.'&l!lKji''J'--i;ju''.;- .-; .: ,J f General icastem Agent,! ... , . ? . ,. '. - i- -;'--TVli Gifyl f7X,' Agent,-' ' ! J j .f rtJ fe nn-tf kit BaHimoreand KeWTorkiines,1 ? BaltiiciCrre buffi outa tot ( SaltimorVlaiiifl - WiliniBgf on 'line i SeniFWeeldyif 1 ' Sailing from BALTIMORE ' ;. ' ;i' '"; Xae,s4tay , n4 Friday, 4 "3 . M.4 . . .-Km a-Drkaf . -U7TT.rTlaftIVVM t. ! -Tim vnnif . WTT.VTUTrJ . ' v K JD N ,ES DAY AND1 'SATIJ BBAY, f tcTv..r!i! ?ia -fji. lifted ji :)C;i, . . .. u -s j : -s i BOSTON AND PBOVIDENCB, I f .i !iB4itinior6 and CTiliXLingtomIine, Baltimore, J Boston and ProvWence Lina tir A7! Cal Daily UjMadelph4a,aa4n! tit CLYDE'S PHn.ADJTjgXAa-AWD PROVIDENCE i , Shippers may rely upon the proaipt and Regular arl ShlpmenU by this Route. ' ; : fedltimorO. Philadelphia,' Boston, Providence and any other Route aud trae-asQu&kv Lossed ilf i. n XARK. ALL GOODS VlJ. ; ,i-JKnH'Ifr, triTZ(;EAX.4 Agent 1 to ai 18 tf !i.Mtiil.wia .- -Oi c A a r x. TlieuHEWspDer i. HA S KEEN INTRODUCED by M RCU8 WARD i& 'o .to eupiily ww$ equally file in hu?--huld. offire. or 'coutitins'-hiiue. as well as' id thc library of th Htetary: aian; r in the chamber a of , theiawver. ... .f . , ; , , , ." . - . J UCIC UC ICW KCOUCIP Ul A W t.BAII o 1.UU U't It. I. daily meet with paragraphs, notic , pr advcriiHB- meots, which they would gladly cue oui and retain. but not having an ay convenient means of prtTserTing fVen if cut ar ie can-. . A For sale at ii-jiun St uri , L ! ' BEINSBBROER'S iuly4-tf : ; . 1 .JUive. Book tuid Mubic Store. t-t aaajr, iiiHip iroiiy:tjiiiiea .wp uui WKViales l4, Bj!andaitUn Bdf ii-prai? d Hoo Iroi ,t"u-''J lttr aWd Hand Bplrtt Cadja flC-J 'ifioli f i JtiU . ! .-';,(,..-Ji f. '- , i . For sale Idwhy t, i-.n- .? n 'nil j,.fj CQQ OFler,rdJ;giadea.ijtyl"49tijf,K f r. fniA ' Bushels Primd WhiteObrh. ti Kft Barreli S. H. 8rup, r. .' ftB,blaEce,ji ifi itailtiJ.- f ; J ....... j ' v i- ;. j ' i i r - ( To salelflv b v ;!. i.-rt -.fi f t.f. Jaly!! r WIlUAMS ft 2 cMURCHISON. ii? -;,t ,twa-s c oil 71 TUKUIUU ILLA UtT LAUIHU UlVlt"l AJD FJKOM ALL POINTS IN NOKTIl AH1 SUL 1 ife Fit gaartetoedVi utt, aesortment atwavaen . Fit guarateed.u A full, aesortment always en hcmi i . . t 1 ..;v, V'tc ii-iil-v i"i.M M anl'Blaidavr A very large assortment .ili' in . : i.-.'-f ft' 1 'ji?H- .;!."'!.;.;: IJItOWJV RODDICK, 45 MarfceUi. 0. v- ; f '71:! . ..! iut t.'j ; v all Points North w pQSEJ-WEEEXT,! SAILING KHOM NKi Ht aaiuraayr at o r. m.. -we w .itt fWfiTTti : aM V Saturday. EALLr illVEE. il f Jet A 1 L It U A JJ DAILY BETWEEN' -' T " ' v ! . ' WM.P, CLYDE CW., General Agents. . :1 ; r,t : Jwew xora t.ine. t pbints NoHli or South, -Baltimore - and i Wilinington line .: ; ' '; Semi-Weeldy, ' T ISaltimore ai-?hilale1phia St Bt Co. Hht i U Daily Via. Canal, m -'-1 Between Baltimore and Pluladelptiia. . -OH -fHi : iJ - WESTEBN'ClilES. ;'hl ". -Baltimore and Wflniiiigtoa -Line, i Iforthera Cerittaf Railroad 'an8 the Baltimore an 4. f i 1 T "ft ,wimh uouiuau. v.. ll lafiiiii .I?'- ttf i' tit jj'i '-t - t Balling f these 8teamti-s, and quick Oh ! t;,i v. ,r i . r dispatch glreu other S&stomcities katea G loW - ' I h ; .;v n .m. - " r WLlriiW'ita r iopuuer wi me uiaersignea Agents oi tne L.1BC. hi(JmoLine!&.kra .. -, ' :,iJagent'BiitaidiNew Yort'ttneal Wlimiugmh. N- ' , ".A'CLEAH -SWEEP. 9N TFTJRSDAY. . ULY -f 1ST, ,1, JSJCM.J -raadt' llariug Sale of- ' ' ' ' ; .1 " - CLOTHING. Tn orflpjTTh ftfSSs ?ft "esr?"article of Sumun-f , 8uK,-Phavtf tfeaided to lAKtf IKIWN pric a'' ! mate a demon strati on that riU insure a MLnAi j ' SW EKP" inT t-very' 1 .epartmerit, ' 1' guaranty i good fa-gam to ia and every customi ; o y 'rrr n , ! , 1 !!t;. i i".11 1 : .".!'-;' V ' - Bbis aid BbfeNe?CrbrCnba KMolrw' 30 8,!Kegf NJ Bhisr8h KegfNirbJi! I 20 Ija1y4if .iftH KWfLilAM9 -IIJBCHlspiL- , , 1 ERT Is cwmplet alTafl iti Pota and is In cl.argo7onaohemoMsUlIfuJ t' ana ts m cnargeoionaoi mtniuw"""-. j -.Hti- I nthesute. All kinds of Binding execmw 1 ' heaplTVui eipedUiowls. - i 4: r;