1 : nmTrniii ii-n m 1 nin J- " - - - - . ... -. . -.-.- . .. :. . -. . . .:. " J THE nOEimiQ STAE. O&eSqa&rlKffieday,... published daily, by '. ; 1 f. -, - - loree ! dsTBr.'.w..;.. .........- four days......... l jviu uajr D. ... S tit rates or lUMOumn ih aDvurca : use ye", (by mail) postage paid,.. :. T 00 mouths, V ) " " 4 00 Three raonthB("j " . H 85 fo City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the eitv Fifteen Cent per week. Our City Agents are not authorised to collect for more than 3 months in tdvance. -: -. ' '- -, -. - v - a OUTLINES. . -I "' V. . i t '-i At Atlantic Mills, Lawrence, Mass., 1,250 hands shut down for 8 weeks... , New ork markets: Cotton, 15f16, gold, 15f $16; turpentine, 32; rosin, $1 70$1 75. Cotton States Congress meets in Ral- h Tuesday, ' Gen. Bcnn!ng of Qa., dead. The cburcbes la Portland siffered from the storm yesterday. drcat storm In Valparaiso. Schooner Almaxtta, New York to New Orleans,' lost off Bahamas. . : i ' , . .1 , OUtt NOMINATIONS. ! ; ? The D emocratio Conservatives have nominated the delegates named be- low m me cuuuuua uesiguaiea: i i Xlamance-Capt, E. S.,.Iarker. . " Aiis n Col. JL T, Bennett;: 4 VJf Iftirke Mai. A. C. Avery. Bnncombe Gen. T. L. Clingman, ol. David Coleman, r . -Beaufort J ames EJ Shepherd. ljertie Jos BCherry- f. W i f T' 1 iriadeh.- Winnin Rns.xM Brunswick -David. S. Cowan. , Da vie -Ch arles Prici?." VJ.r ' 1 j ,( 'hntham Hon, ! iJohrV , Wanning, William Stroud. - -.- .-. (olurabus'-Col.jForney George. '-( ii t Carteret James ltd m ley. ( -aiuden I. Wl Morrisett. A T O.itawba Col'L; M: McCorkle. Cumberland J. "-AJ Worth, Neill R. I Craven lions. M. E. Mauly and C. U Clark. U:? . 1 "!,;! l)jlin--Iev. John N. Stallingg, Ym. Farrior. 4-.. v-j ! ) .-! -ty Elgecombe Fred. .Philipv II. C. .urue. " ' "" ' ' -' ; Franklin Col. W- Fernej Greeiu t (4ates Gen. W. P. ltoberts. ; : Guilford CoL JV A. Gilmer, Nereus Mendenhall. " ', ,. Harnett John A. Harrington. -Hyde W. 1L Carter. ' ; v p. Ireilell Thomas A. Nicholson and 0. L. Sunimers. ' i- s S- Johnston Willis Saunders. Jesse hiuiant. - I ' . Ijonoir James M. Parrot. Mecklenburg Col. Win. Johnston jiml J lev. A. Ransom. , ' " " " . Martin J. Sv Waldo. : 5 ; f Lincoln Caleb Motz. " ; ? Nash Beni. II. Dunn. Oransre HonsC WV A. Graham and iToAiah Turner. v i Onslow CoH Jame3" G." ScotU' lerson CoL : John W. Cunninjjt mm." ' : ; J Pitt Hon. Thos. J, ; Jarviv Coli Win. M. King. . ' - n,i-rs:ui,.H Rowau Honl F. E Shober, Jno B. Henderson.''?-:-' ; vWJ;''-'Et'ii Hichmpnd CoL,BFLiule7 ' ;?5 liolieson Dr. Duncan Sinclair and M;lvin A. McEachern. - iC: f 1 Randolph Rev. Braxton Craven, . D., Dr J. AI. Wortli.-' , lt)ckinham Ex-Govif ' Davfd S. Ht-id, Ma j. J. Turner; Moreliead. ' f 1 uuthertord A. I. Xiogaiu h Stokes J., F,' HiILf:;v-r Wake Richard IL Battle, Jr.; Maj. Seaton Gales, Rufus II. Jones indD. b. Hoiitod."v.-r:';;;v;: Wilson CoL R. W. Sfngietary. Vr Yadkin J A. Stephenson." r lEaleigh Sentinel of Fridayil ;Y The scenes enacted in Judce Watts' k-oiirt yesterday -and to-day are with- kmt orecedent. The grand jury were aiiem pting t ind'.ct the." J udge for bribe-taking. ' A witness," Mr. E. G. 1 1 a v wood. 1 ef used to be' sworn 'and Ju!jre Watts anuealed-' 'to the bar to know if he should coin pel. the witness to Iks. sworn. - Some of the bar said vs. and others said nav, : Tlte mr- jorny'i i0wefer,said.yea, but the court, Kim i::iv. ant! ruieti mat me coun ;ui no authority. t compel Mr.Uay wnod to answer, but it beiu a soecial rase aimed at him he would request Mr. Haywood to be sworn. ;, Mr. Hay wood declined, but subsequently was sworn and.wentt before! iheGrJafid J ury. Soon! the Grand, Jury return ed and askd: eraphatieally; ifthey nad jurWdietiofl U of ihe easeii ?Tbe J udore declined to', give ahf opinion, but referred them to Col. Hay wood. Spirits Turpentine if The Grand Jury ' Jf Wake liave jii(liiti A W TStHin' Jr for the murder iru in' Vantlinr Rrnnfh Utwnftlliri. The Governor was to bare issued a procla-. miaiwrti o( tawura tvr: nis arres jyesiwiny. The following pirectQrsf he ?f P 1? wifp. A wi.n a niMM nffirf Tiv t fin nfl Vate :klMlders.Ht their late meetinglnGreena- n .ro: T. At Holt. Uaw Kivefi K. JMy- UnmM Mcliae Wilmington. 4 5 J;. - The Attorney General has issued a ceond opinion concerning National banks, reporting -nnaftclal ' condition, ; reafflruiing ply wiih the Legislative enactmcnl or action f...;ii I... a ; . . t ' J , . mil UC urUUgUl ttglUUSl HICMI 1- -a-viH;, r ' ttocky Mount Mall : The Djera-J riic Commissioners of Nash hare already av4 ibe county $l,ot,by Uking ad vnJ Use of the legislative act requ!ritfg the Htate (V support ita insane persons. Their Repub Moan predecessors did not know .that such a law Was to existence and so supported iliese persons from the eounty treasurry, h lien other 'counties ,: were drawing ' the amoanta from, the State Treasury, r- - ' ':- RaJeigh .; jvew Hn. " A. " S. Ilerrimnh nH (ion Ww? R. Cox left' this ty yesterday evening for Moore county, for tLe purpoas of addressing the citizens of that couatrto-day at Carthage upon the Convention subjeatj 'We. learn that Oen. Cox intends "visiting tha Western portion of the State' jJuriDguhiicaninaign and will peak at various points.' , The Uneral is a forcible speaker and will doubtless accom plish much good wherever be may goinen iiifhiening the public mind as to the neces sities of the hour. It is expected that other Imminent gentlemen from the Radical rid den portion of the State will spend much imei the West between this and the first Thursday in August. j - . VOL. XVI.--NO. 94. TBCE3 CITY. The mails will close at the City Post-Office until further notice as follows; Northern (night) mails for all points North, - IJastand West of Weldon, f dailyat..........;..;... . p. M. , through and way (day) ! mails daily. except Sunday, 630 A. M; Southern mails for all points iouth; d.aily.s . . 5:15 P. M. Western mails (C O. Ry) daily u - (except Sundays, .......... 5:30 A.M. Smithville (via Easy . Hill and , . Town Creek) Tuesdays and i Saturdays . ...... . ; . 6K)0 A. M. Fayette ville, and offices on Cape Pear River, Mondays Suid ! - r -Fridays.;........,., ... 1:00 P M. Fayetteville byC, a RV, daily I X (except SUndaysJfftff ?:30 A. M On&low CL U. and intermediate x offices every -Fridav . .1 .. ; . . Ca)0 A. M. ' The Smithville malls, by sleamboat;lose at 3 P. M., daily, except Sundays. V Mails delivered from 6:30 A. Mi to 7S0 P. M.,aad on Sandays frooi8:30 to 9tS0 Stamp Office open from i.'M.-Jto512 M., and from 2 to 6. X) P. M. Money prderor Register Department open same as .stamp Stamps for sale at general delivery when stampofflce isclo8ed. f!w y -rwiti f- Key Boxes accessible at all ; hours, day and night. -s-': ' - fw - .i. ... , ., .K,.i. Mails collecleit from' street boxes every ,"r"'. ..... '' 1 '": "'mm a,' ' '' :"'' i .?.'-- NKW ADVEKTIsBnENTV . Skk new advertisements oh . telegraphic page.'.; V," ' John Dawsox Cartridges. . . s! Giles 35; MtmcHisoN Hardware. Kebchner & Caldkr Bros. Sundries. ,V. D.;Macomber Moonlight Excursion D. Pigott pox Box Cigat. .'i''' "v v; ; , Grant & Hiktos Hay. ; K '. - WiixiAMs & MtJRcmsdN Bacon &c,, . S. G, Northrop Bananas. ; 1 ; ; ' , Munsojt & Co. Boys'. Clothing at Cost. s Harrison & Auan FashioBable Hats. H. G. SxALLBONBS--Notice of meeting. Geo. Letber A Hundred Years. ' c ! " Opera House Robert Emmet! - A. David Clpthing. ; ; ; ; T:. ; Geo. noxiTEt Heavy Gold Vest Chains. :. Shrier Bros. Blue'Flannel Suits. ; .. : Heikjerger Family, Bibles j 5 Geo. Myers Fresh Parched Coffees. 1 V . ' i There, were nino" ihteyninls' in Pine Forest Cemetery during the past week, ; all of which were children. : " ' i f - The passengers going. West ; via Carolina: Central Kailroad after, Tucsdsy ! Will take supper at Abbottsburg. : i'r Eight tnarriago licenses were is-. sued during the past week, three of which' were for white and five for colored coupler. : - A trim iittlo tugboat will take? a ifyce party of jntlemen' tJ Smithville and the Black Fish Grounds tinnorrow; evening. M ia Tliere were five interinenu in Oakdalc fcemeter during the past week, three of which were adults and two were children. !- - - - i v I -a) , .. j The Bishop of ;' the Episcopal; Diocese of North Carolina will visit Sj James Parish this (Sunday) morning to or4 dain and administer confirmation. Seats free. ; , ' The fcrth Carolina State Edti national Society will meet in Raleigh this week. Dr:: S.,v& 1 Batch wet! and II. Blake will attend iron New, f Hanoyer. pa -4 Falling orj stationary barometer southwest to southeast winds, continued warm cloudy 'or": partially eloudy weather and rain areas are the predictions of old "Prob' for this latitude to-day i ... p ' f We regret lb hear of the death of Mr. Mark Bridgers, at Annapolis; j Md. He. was a son .otHoiKcUyr this city, and bad tutifecen feirteml thfe U. fl. Naval Academy as a cadet . The, owner, of the Qui Vive ha. challenged One Or all of the pther yachts at the Carolina Yacht Club for race, .from itbeBaiks 1 'use , out Masofiborb , Iilet, three miles to sea and return; 'The Qtfi Vk to, nave- the , choice,-opweatler,nfi Bepartr the Qrmm JTnry. i Tlj-GVanJury aitig Visited lb Work' House Poor, JJonse;; and County Jail, through their 'J preman,, B, . F,! MitcbeB, Eo., havet submitted the following report;. J i f We lOUnatHCWOrE. nouse auu pooruuusc in very good condition in all respects.' The jail is in very good condition except in one rtsped-t Wo suggest ihatflwindwsnd ihxirs bd the ground flJot Jtr bHaemeot of the building should be grated' similar to. those on the ?pper floors, as we understand that -the greater number; of Upewoitsi liave escaped through the first floor of the build iflg, aiid if the windows aiid door referred; to-above were grated .we, think- the jail oittd be far more secure. . i ? 1 ' 1 . . ' t .- . 1 1 ';;. ! , f ; Ai an election held last uiht, or officers of Wllmingtott iegree jaigeo. a. -y,. 0. K;' the folWwing geptleinen were elected i J, Joneft B. Mjrr -i "fev.4!: lTKein8JDr. v!wk?Hm,rSecieUf 1. Jiiiicholsoni-Tregaunl jjiJ. - i 7 , " R. S-.Townsepd, J, y. naciatrate CoW r I, ii u.iai ijrix;i-4;i 4 Stata'vs; Margian Grady j: larcenyjXJDe fendant was bound oyer to the next tcrm of the Superior, Court in the sum of $100. j State Vs. Mary Davanler, for a, misde meanor for using vulgar and,, obscene lan guage at titiptaJ-'k ij'ublfo highway to the scandal of good citizens. In this case judg ment was suspended on payment of cbsts. ' i " -. - ' : ' ". WILMINGTON,, N; C:, . SUNDAY. . j THE CITY CASE. , -aEOOEI iJTudee Rodman Opinion' DlflTera In Some Points from lite Other Judge of the Supreme Court. r State ex rd., VanBokkelen pis. tt !Canada3', etals.', "! t I concur in the judgment 61" the Court. But as I cannot concur id some of the rea sons of the majority, as expressed by Justice Uteade. it is nroner to state wherein I differ jfrom ray associate "Jthd mjt cas fjpif ianierence: , -, j 1. I concur in thinking that the Legisla ture has no right to require a residence of ninety days in the city of Wilmington, as a Qualification of voters in a city election.' I Much less has it a right to require such a length of residence on the same foe. The UonstituUQu l 'Vfituro 4t noSt A qualification; of voters, a residence of twelve monthHn lae4:utioa.1it5raierht divide he State lato one .state and of thirty days within the county wnere tuey oner to vote, it says notnmg about resCdenccfiin,, cityf-as .necessary : qualification ui vete4a: city kiatiou.,-Ii-iAn i must be conceded, however, that no person can vote at a city election unless be resides in thecitj at the time he offers to. vote. r 1 ibhnkl alsof that It Is krUaitftUi jpowex of the Legislature to require as a qualifica tion that 1 he voter shall have resided-for a reasonable time within the city. There ean -I be no reason why every person, (otherwise- quaiinedj, wno aci'umana, awwjW resides in a municipality, "6e il a "Sfatej ' co'dhly, township or eiryi W the time tefbffertto vote therein, should not. be allowed to ypte-t But it is also reasonable to require that the bond fide-intended permanency of the residencer;shal be clearly proved, and 4his can bo. best done by . showing that it has! existed for a time-long enough , reasonably, to create the presumption of gobttfuith add. permanency. . v t - r, ., , 3TMs time, the .Constltufipb jhks xetf ia to counties, at thirty days. And the rulels equally applicable tkeitlei if' Uo 'IRiskt lure think proper to apply il.; The - Legis lature: may shorten' the time 'which will create the presumption of good : faith per-' manency,! but they cannot extend it beyend what the' ! Constitution says' shall be suffi cient for that, purpose. . If they can extend the time f beyond thirty' days there is no limit - s .. . .. . ... -;. !- As a ward of a eity has no- separate gov ernment of Interest distinct from that of the city, there would seem to be no reason in requiring any time of residence in a certain ward; as a qualification! for voting ifor city officers, as distinct frbm1 ward olficers,'if there be any such. ; , . v But to require that the voter shall 'have resided for any definite time on the same lot, evWently . makes a disqualification which can find no sanction in the Constitu tion, or in justice or reason.'.' In large citbra most of. the inhabitants-are boarders or ionvnts. t jUndor the Act arf onsi4er ing, if a voter should leave a hotel for another, of if his lease should expire and be .should remove to another residence in the same city, ;. within ninety days before, an election, he would be disqualified. It can not be necessary to say more on this part of tlie case, except to observe that the act was enacted only about . forty days before the election. Hi a-m'i" . . isaij-jOi : 2. I also agree with the- majority-of the Courlin its view of that part ol the act wdoh requites Voters, before being registered, and also if challenged, (before Wtugj i to .prove their. qualifications by, witnesses personally kitvwn to the registrar and pv&hbldcrsj! These officers are, in a certain sense judges. : The registrar td confine myself to him), must be, satisfied of the qualifications of a ' vtAr before registering, him by the same rules of evidence wnich apply to otuer judges of facta,' and au action would be Harper, ws set asideVy the Cort-a acj against him if after reasonable proof of Hxfcnrbf tlie corrbtt Ccin4niinicai6nfflie qualification he should maliciovMyntnie to register a person enuuea to . registrauon. No doubt the Legislature may enacf general laws admitting or disqualifying certain classes of witnesses, but its power cannot be unlimited in this respect I conceive it has no right to .enact jjile of evidence for a particular case; or to impose such qualifi cations oq witnesses as practically leave the admission of the evidence to the arbitrary opiaion of the judge, .without liability to review; or to make the competency of wit nesses in a particular class of cases depend ent on a mere accident, and independent of any rule professing- even "to be founded in reasons .What .could.i besaid for a law which made: the competency of. a witness in all cases, or in any - particular class of pasSe ejtampicf op trials $4r tnurdeX'to depend upon c the " lTrelevanVTiccidelit that th wns was er was no venommi mown' to the Judge or jury,' and which left it in 1 the discretion bf the juage to admit or deny his persona acquaintance, according tb his capricefj-vs.ij-v, x' t,! 1 -v : The injustice1 and' folly of sucb' alaw wfluld.:' bf W, gtoss that! its" validity would not find an advocalei. xet that u a part of the act' we are cbnsiderlpg; The right to vole is: rprbperry',,, and no. man 'can' be de prived; of it iVbnt uby.tfieilAW ef jihe'land' (Bill of Rights, s. 47). and the arbttrarf will of a tegistrar orbf "a Jud6te; is n6t ;lavf;of the land," in the, weU i e Wed cleaning of, the BiU Of Rights. .wra .W mAi,y 'l The requirement that the witnesses to the quaM6,a';irfenal.l fjoiially known to the registrar, ufs a new, and most tmreasonaible addition to the' qualifications &rvbtejkwhh and in my opinioa is: clearjy v.beyondj ths , power of tlie Legislatum' ' ; Vf in T-ue uonsmmtion gives ione'jjegisiaiure legislative power includes as part tlie power to creap$ ana regulate municipal cferM TIP! f f f ;uere shall ; be, tne manner or electing them, (subjerti-Of- Oourse til 'ttByionlitu tional pi V visions which may be,applicable,V their powers, :&c.',.. The Legislature may ,db fthis bv a special Act for t any .particular muni cipality; for this power is elearly given: by the power to create and provide for. the or ganization of a city, ' whether this power be derived from any special provisions: of the Constitution or general, grant of legislative power, it seems to me, must be included thDoWer tb divide it into WardC'rtSec.ii; Dillon Mun.i corn., sec, aa.) ., tins being I conceded, I find nothing in the Constitution wvpnil wards shall be eanal in area, dodu latioo;bf tajtable-ptpperty; or forbids that each '." wafd,':''howev;r;3 unequal; , in au of those respects,- ' shall "send the .there' isr nprflx press ires train, on the gislai live-power in these respecta: But it is ar tuted that there ir a 'general sphit or intent io oe,;gaj,urU iruiu vyouMiuiou, wm efTeci that every voter shall .have an equal weight id electing.public officer and in the government of. the State, or ofrthe subordi nate nftialfctpiaay to? whfpJviWbelongs. ' It has been said by some one before, that it is dangerous t9 n4ertak to construe, a Con stitution upon what may be supposed to be its general spirit,' for one may be easily mis iaT hv a nrpnhfiflessibn aato' what that SDirit ought to be, and the results, even of the. most impartial iip j ww.iw. the gBnerat.power- of - legislation- supiect oni urcenni )fecml1trtwirfDff.i Mhe of itself , : - . ' . .... v : f' i - f . subject, can never be certain. For my part I find no indication of any such general in lenad;cf rtaioly of 'nona. winch can be "applied to cities and townsby any admit ted rules of reasoning. Art. II; sec. 6, says that the House of Representatives shall be composed; of one hundred and twenty representatives, to be elected by the counties respectively, accord ing to their.population, and each county shall have at leAstn representative, although it may not contain the requisite ratio of representation. Section 7 provides how the ratio of repre sentation shall be ascertained, and how fractions shall be carried over, with the yik)f jre4uctatbmethifagjlike an ap proximation of representation to'population. These provisions are merely directory They look only to the existing or some simi lar division of the State into counties. It is left open to the Legislature to create new counties, as it has repeatedly done, without any objection to its constitutional power to hdo so. y For aught that I see ja-thesConsti hundred and twenty counties of unequal area, population and taxable property, when Leach would be entitled to one representative the House. I think Ibis instance, with- out going farther, is sufficient to show that mere is no general controlling intent in the Constitution restraining the Legislature from an unequal distribution of political POWer. V r Jhat this power may, be abused for parti-. sao ends, there can be no doubt. It is in different ttfme whether in this case it has been abused or not This Court I has au thority to repress an usurpation of legislative- power, out not to correct a mere abuse pfjt.- For that, the Legislature is responsi ble to the people alone.i--i-,;s-):.., I'i It is proper, here .to notice a position taken, lit argument by the learned .counsel for the plaimfT, -' which might seem to 'find, some countenance in the generalty of my'e'xpres Si4u4 o the legtslariye power V create, or ganize, and regulate municipal corporations. The contention of the learned conasel was. rtb&V the fc Legislature "-might4- itself ap- jwil4Wi jnu.aicipWi owcs., f pd conse quentf) , if it allowed them to . be elected, ;had an- uu. United power! to prescribe the qualincntioif -t the elect0rs.1l do not think 'lliat this UonWusrori fatily follows, frem the concession Iq the Legislature' of general legislative power over such - corporations. The appoinfthfept pf olflc.ejs;rexiqept merely temporarily, and for (he purpose of organi zation, is not properly a part of the. legisla tive power; Jt is not included ujiaerthe general' grant; and clearly, it Is bt else where . DecificaUv - eranted. Therefore. uuUer,8tc.,t7.'pf mp-J?Hl bf HTghts,' it re- iuuus nuu luc JJCVJiC, luai if iu oajr, niui the people, of the locality id which the office is to be exercised. .v t;;-,,., .,, v-v,., :i . - From this reasoning my conclusions are: j 1.. That the, Legislature may xronstitu-i uonaiiy mnae s city info wards unequal in! population, &c!, and. give to each ward anj equal representation in the city council.' . j 2. That it cannot require .any qualifica-; lion for voters im the city elections f addi-t tional to those required by the Constitution f or voters in general; t j 8.;'It. may. require a residence of thirty days within the city before Voting, as art htssnrance of bone-fide-remdeoeQ -wiiUia the city at the time of voting. . . , , ! 4. That the'pfoorof the qualification of a VQter cannot be materially other than is competent. under the: general rules of evi dence. t 'i"i1 ULViOjtA' superior Coart. The following cases were disposed of yesi terday at tins tWbuna! 4 V' j -The verdict in the case of the State vsj Wm. Fisher, and jphn TFisher, ! arraignTdifo an assault with intent' to kill ' George W jury withjaAQotside partyi astated in our last issu& "Tne defendants; William and John Fisher, were bound over to the next term of the Superior Cpurt,: and to keep the peace until then in the sum of $200 each; , WhicbonrwaSgiven- ' - 5 N j Larry Fishery-colored, was arraigned for contempt-of Court,, in communicating with the jury in the above case.'? Defendant was, ordered to'be confined in jaif for 80 days. 'A' number f of defendants - were ' bounji over to the next term of the Court end la number of recognizances were renewed, j in the armiment before' the Court of the aseHf T.l0RtJait vs. the Wamingtdn J3mlding Association, in whiph cpmplainait sought to enjoin, the sale. of certain real XffifatlbV ybx;.J3pn-paynient pf. dQeff a4d lnterestv "'ja tnsn This case is similar 4o several, injunction cases'wntcn were tried ar m msi term pi the Court before Judge Kerr in which djc Ctfipna !'werfl jendered for .the Association. Jdessra. Strange, London and Martin ab-j peared for the complainant and Messrs. Davismple, Wright and Stedmanforthe defendant Decision in the; case was ie i - - " -.. i !NNMte Hsmo Dramatic A elation. ..There will ha at nerformance Viven at the QpsrapHouse on next4ednesdiiy.night pyl ' ineoef tnlicn$,wuO .h14fc begn very active.. . : " vV: T ring suitable and 1 In fth'Hrs)ilq and nrocurin JkQrS cW3nesJf.yaf(jkI pasU Tl?ey,wilnut(upo?.? boards thethrifimgj Irish Drama, In three acts, entitled "fiubeit 4 Emmet" They have given evidertt jih one or two full dress rehearsals of tlejr( ability is- Ai-amA f iilTv nr 1a I riA mnrfcr.Aft urtir ,4tiia al'l teur association in the .rendition, .of.tliis drami,iwWe.predic for them a , fjflj 'hose and for their audience an evening of interest tnaenteminmehfc;!;:;j; The Bcrcers Comlnsr. ff l-tUg Bfejieff art tfreaiiffrfdrT Iniit n I WeT lleain by thetaleign jsews wnere.tue uiksk lemre t4m Jrf g are in JackaoBj Michigan i ireorganizing; Tljei e ; tieStfcoafpaiiy adu iacltutQ njany atactipns - riot nfcrttof ore nresented, and best of all the famous Sol Smith Russell1 will' be with theng U oStJid) rr8 will also come.- The company will play in New- .bern December; JOtb, ,an4 hereu probably dpjing that montt. a- I m nrtt A Tll.FmABl.ttftr. The foUowing.was the range bf the ther- moeter.thj Signal Bureau, this city; yesterday: - - - . . -:iTA. 78;13 92; S P, M Si) 4:30 n ait . All ar ' ln ' t-'M JULXJ ','1876: V " V ' " Our CJinrelaes .Xo-Dny-f -A L' !r First Presbyterian Church, corner Third aqayrange streets: t'rayet-jmeeting iat tu o'clock I id. m. morning ; service - at 'i 11 p'clock a. m., afternoon service at 6 o'clock-. Rev. ,'Dr. ' Wilson officiating. . Sunday SchOQUt5p.in, . . tAiSi!,sr I Second Presbyterian Church, corner , of Fourth, and Campbell street, Rev. C M. rayne; pastor. Services every Sabbath' at II a. inl'and 8 pi' ml 'Seatsfree. Prayer j SeTOces in. .St.: John's urcbj.toajr as followsi 'Early celebration at7 o'clockx f Services atT B. Jariies' Church: ps follows :Jpijat services :ip St, James 'andSt5 Johns'parisheif Turorhfng';,Pfayer ufuwaiion , ;anu , comnrunon t,k 14.. m Evening Prayer at St Johns' at 8i sL mi:n- j&rvices at St,vuPs (Ephicopal) tchurcb, corneir,ofl tFoaxtli ( andj Qrgestreets, 'as fbl7 lows : 7th Sunday after Trinity. Morning Prayet8l9 o'clock iEvening Prayer, at 8i o'clock f fRev.iiTjn M.. Ambler, VRectar. Seais'free: mvp'-io-mip ; t j: uen , jjoiwsm vuuiuu, vutuet 04. jmu:ii.c. and Fifth stjeetsJ Services at 11a. m and 8i p. ,m;, Itev E.C.Dargan: Sunday School at 9i a. m.' Prayer nieeting Thursday night tAfy o'clock. Young men's prayer" meeting on I Tuesday night at 8& o'clock. ii r ; St Paul's' Evangel Lutheran! Church: corner of 6th and ; Market streets, Bev. G. D. Bernheim, pastor-t 'German services . at 11 a j m. i English service at8ip m. ' San daySchrjel "at 3p. mfi'' ! ' f!S'''! ,!j- i -t j " Front Street Ml Ei Church (South); corV ner of Front and 'Walnut streets; Rev. J.E; Mann, 'pastor.' Bervices at 11 a. mi and 8 p.' m.' ' Sunday school at 4 p.' ni. Young Men's Society Tuesday night at 8 o'clocki Prayer meeting" ' Wednesday f night ''itt' 8 o'clock., ? -; a y:.::- :i:;';':':''f J jfifth, S;Method sit4iated.on.Fiftli between Xun and Church streets; ' Rev f Tf Gibbs I will ' offlcike nxorning and eyenjng, , , Sabbath .School at 9f.a.; m,, i:Pngprf meeUng Thursday even- j -a. f L-l - ' i ..." v ' . ' '' .7 t. Tuomaij atnnp vurch, pek between 2nI iand 3x3; J Sefcvics, to-dayai aa ; follows: !HoJy Mas.4t 7 a. m. and 10 a n). ; Vespers at 5 p. m. Sunday school at 9 a.m.i -Sunday school for the colored children in lho basement at 3 p. ny - Rev. M. S. Grdss,! '' Seaine's JBethel :s Services 'at 1 3f pV 'in. Rcv.'.rb&-;LrKee i,!U' , Services at St Marks (colored) Episcopal Chttrohj,' f at If ';'oclbckj evening , prayer at $i o'clocki-" Sunday school , at 4 p. m. at St amab'os ' School Jiouse. , Seats free.., ... :. .. r - ". ., i f -HiFirst Baptist Church, colored, on Fiitbj and. Campbell, streets. Services as f ollows Sunday School; at 91 , a. mi preaching i a lOKa. tu.,13 p. m. and7i p.,m,' ,Rev.;F.,Rf nowell, Pastor. ii vaua I Services at the First Colored Presbyterian Church, f Chesnnt ; between Seventh an Eighth streets, at 11 a: 'm. fby Rev. J; Sahders, Pastor.1 Sabbath School at 9 a. m,- WUmlnsrton Ketkll WaMteti 'M''' ! . ., The ; following prices ruled yesterday!: ' Apples, (dned) lt cents per pound; dnea peaches, 25c per pound; walnuts, .25 cente. lard i20 cents per pound jjbntter, S04Q cents per pound ; cheese, 25 cents per pound! ; grown fowls 9Q$1 00 apair;geese $1 50 per pah; beef 1016fc per pound) ; beef,, (corn ed)' 12115c, par (pound ; , yeal jL2Jf(td.' per pounds mutton, 12iawa JPonnc ; ham, 1613 cperjppwdshpulders,l2i . 14 cents per pound;. tripe, 20 cts. per bunch; clams; 5 oents a peckopen clams, 2025 cts a quart: soupbunch, 5 cts. ; eggs, 26225 cents. adoziufgeboVct3&chunk(51b4r potatoes, new Irish, 40c a peck ; sweet 25 cts j fisbJtrUol-tl per bunch; turnips, 10c. a bunch; pnionp, 50 cents a peck; cabbages' 1025 cenis a bead; 'bologna x 20 Jpents a pound'; wild docks; 5075 v .cents I $ 'i&uffia parsley, p cnts a bunclv nicfi 5 ce'ntsja bunch; carrots, 5 cents V; pound; rice lf cents a qnart; strawberHeffiJJiif (cental & iquanj Bnpeaps jia-j fea, tu cents a dozen ; cucumbers, lQgJULcts a do: (4.pentf jt qujirtt.tpmatcAQi PMftflttaftt okra, 10 cents a dozen; Cantelepes, 10J5 cenfcywaleclBnc;ed0ca.t8V HI. LI "iTie aisrntor Tire was sounaeo mis morn ing at aiwui 12 p clock.i, kThe . bell at, the Market fouse was'ruhgin consequence for . . . - : v: gnesoi nre proceeuing irom tne. iiireiiun of Fifth wariL ne we departmenc re- ''i ...... I ' ,4U ! - spooueq promptly to the can,, put. ajier a search tijptd to discover anj ' flr6 or ;cause 'for the alarta.'s t - ift-. ' j r.ri . tiit :!.'.? iU,t iit; - '-'A ii -i- A. sis- - -tcA- I ; t .,! . - . ... '.i :vThV foowgweW'dW of j at this tribunal yesterday i ' Jj 'j'1' ,':s , ' j 4 Carbiine' Andre i ws was arraigned fbr; 4s-r orderly conduct Judgment stispended on. ipafmentuf cosu.ii.1 itthtif ov ? Henry Anderson was -arraigned for dis1 nrilprlv vinfliipt ' TUnArt 5 and cost a. - of the 'Market for the week ending July lQt-lSiSlt nUtitUtlK Pli'A '1 No. of Carts in Market. 1 1 . , .233 . " Beeves Slaughtered 62 Sheep " ' " 'j J 5i Calves " . ..11., golleltor'a Xtepora w ; ,V j vt f; .The Solicitor vesterday reported, that he had examined the offlw of lieClcrrof the 4 gvifjefidriCdantjrof this county, and found all the paybrs ropey'-led and labelled. and the books correctly kept? ! - 'corn.'SO centsStaSszen blackberries & I ;WfebLE . NO. 2,546. COVNTT COS VEHTIOH. a I Hdqrs. Centra i Ex.-Committke j . t ? : Democratir Cnnsprvati ve Partv :' NewBanover Countvi Wilmimr-' , " ; " 'it i ton, N. OL, June 30, .1875. J At a meetinir of the Executive Committee of . the Democratic-Conservative party of jwew nanover uounty beld this day; it was decided to call a, Mass Convention of the party, to be held at the Court House," in yVlmitogtonThursday evening; July,- 23, at8.o'cIock..,; fvrn?;": a' a j The principal business of the Convention' will be the nomination; Jof-i candidates for. the. Constitutional f Convention and the ap bointment of an Execntive Committees- . i J' .: iun0tjilAniyM.'U BKRKARpv ; 1 . 1 Chainnan i i mm aaa oa " 1 Lats FAPKB8. To Harris' News 'Depot West SiaeFroiil Street,'' we are- kaebtedt for :btlea of tha KvKjtQrkLedgefi, Chimney j Corner and frank Leslie" $ JOmtratect , Newspaper for the icorrent weekl taiie Stand will Teoiala4 dpeanntif 11 o'clock tins . mormnty ?j aumi '01 : tiki:m! Iahctsb0 t'srimiiiaiifl, lavatoabla te.-ijnti- Tpad oompaales, steamship companies, banks, mer-, iCbants manalacturers and others. , They are en- jwuaug fiiiw vimiiftvuiPOj caaau w ui puaiy-am dear for a indaflntte period, of time. Having: lost received a, fresh supply of these links we are pre pared to execqtebrders vromptlr and at moderate prices. f . , . - - . r ' Book BnrDKKT.-'i-ra AOaHiaa Stab .Book Bind erVj does all kinds of Bindlnjr and Baling' In a work msalike, manned and at reasonable prices. '' Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, ma j rely on promptness. In the execution of their orders. - - '):- ' :.',''.'. .'' , r ' ' 'a'.. " V- V Coir or TxsTOioNiAij.-THAiniiBAi Ma, May 30, 18-U essrs. J. & W. Tolley, 99 Maiden Lane, New York Gent: The 13 Gun which' you built' for "me,f No. J093, has arrlTcd safery to liaadi '' Allow me to Utaak yontf or the. fidelity with which you carried out my instructions; "The general outline.' teauty of proportion and excellent: finish, are ill that could be desired, and mora than , meets my expectations,- ! am pore than ever impressed with the idea that it is as necessary for a man to have a gun built to meas- aremeat as to have a boot, so built to ens ore a good fit.. The pattern 175 and penetration 40 are very suU perior. The pattern is as close As 1 desire, and the penetratioa JX think is seldom ' attained; v being far ahead of any public record, which J have seen.. -' '"' ' " ' KesDeaily'Yours. ' iy-t j X11. LORD On Saturday. ICth instant. Mrs. Eliza H..i relict of the lata William C. Lord, in the 8id year Qf i her age:' -' V '-. . . , TIe friends of the famUy are invited to attend the; funeral at 8t James.' Church this afternoon at 6j o'clock. 1 " '" ' . . " : LA " ':-"' I rNEY .&DYERTISEMENm !i ? ?. !; WILMINGTON AMATKUE DRAMATIC AS ' BOCIATION. i i Ji- 1 Wednesday Kvenlnz, July 14lli, 1875, Will be nresented the Thrill isr' Drama. In three acis enuuea - - - Bofoett Tiiliiiet. 1 ( I The performance will conclude with the laushable farce, .'-- -" -- '-''-' ? u,uai M i a at ituncitbacia , variety, ;. j Gallery, 85 cents. ' ' .: ' ; 1 Doom open at 8 o'clock. Performance to cowt- 1 Admission. 50 cents: 1 Reserved Seats. 75 cents: meace at oclocK. i. r A kk.sk. Cbmplimeiitary . IV THE CEDES OF Ktiights of , jPytliias. I., grand Hoonliilit Eicursian ts SiiMi ' aafnM m aTv4.. ..tnk Tl. 4ri4V ' 'lotrK ouu iciuu vu jiLVUuav;iugub tuij AtjkaAy ioiii V iiiu. ''qiyrnIbYTHE''1''1'' : Pytblan Silver Cornet Band, of Wilmington,' on STKAMKR GOV. WOPBTH. The Stmr Uorth East and Stmx Caswell have been chartered ia connection with this cursion. : Rockv Mount, t! Gotdsboro, $5 SO; Mount OUra, f 50; Magnolia, Sd-4u;x;upunuoaa,H wjl ,,,, , 1 ' Cape relax 'kM iS'brtlieaat'toer; 1 JisvetteTlIlei 5 OOrOeder Creekv t4 75; Prospobt nail, 94 i;juiaaoeiauiy,f4 uu; vyniteuau,i x; roint wasweii, sx uu. -.i.sv t j. r-- ; j The Steamer North East, will leave Point uasweu at 10 o'clock AT M.; Monday, ' Jttly 19th, touching at Henrys Still, Borough Landing and Reading's Bluff. 1 Tickets for sale at the different stations and land.- ings and at the City Book Stores. .For farther information apply on , .board Steamer flovernrtr Worth. North East and Oaawell. Jno. I. rresiaent. , , ( . ;- . , . x H- JtAUUMBait, 1 r n.uiy 11-ttl, ilj:t J;.iiu TT tu.'i Becretary 1 hvttiuAt v., .XiTl i iVOU lOGHTf WAIT. AND NSYXH HAYR THE X opportunity ol on jlng goods at the prices 2 CLOSING C ZTF-'MT 810ck at iVis notWmaW 'room WumtVer attcte Mtf il a sale to. , close nat lbe. pnojrestocit in a gnen naraber of tiaya. and to insure this, on and after the r liFoiOasH f Only.? j j Come without further lavitalion, or delay, as at the7 Prices, s---A .1 :"-"rv'. . . ','.: , . THErJKcirWJgApLi DIMIiSISu I every, article is new.no shobby or auction goods in thfeftorei'1' -I' J iwi .i-.'! i. - , j -4 1 f . . . .- ... Vcrv TOHnftfnlly. . . 1 i Flopr.ugrar,, police i,, d,, UIcfJ A A Bbis Plour. . .v i... . .- . tfUUv ''' vifi-'.iiw wiwir.fe 30 Barrels Sugar. )'l Sacks Coffee, tJlMM;l! ;:.. it OA Barrels Bice.' For Sale hv ' ' 1 i t jary 11-tf KBBCHNMB .Aj-CALPBR, jfltOg. 1 Spirit Casks, Glne. &ci ATCp1nivCasks, Jglj Barrel 01ue4v ; -V 1 A r-qtak H6od IrOA TilsiMfH 9i ft li.ifnr' 10 RTvaTTBttngs, NAUJ, 'Sc. julJri-flHSlSifeC BSdS4, M ' W . WW L ", 1 i ' 1 k- . UCTIlfJ'JieaJt aaajnay.; f,i jQQQPttshehjCcra, !f,f;o, vlolj.-. m. w Y i.TT L rhA Baaaeiawatec uroana meau i H"-. t- - For sale by y ' ! ',. ' jaly 11-tf. 1 - iKXBCHNKS CALDKR BROS. . Cuba Molasses. . 75 nwu xicn vivy VUM . i L . I' ! ' july'f l-tf KERCltNEIt Si CALDETt BROS, OtBWTtd ! , Round trip tickets to Bmithvilie, from along the line or the Wi WJ R R: Enfield, S 15; Tir boro. a& 25: Rockv Mount, f 7 25: Wilson.. 6 40: M ''-Two weeks,.V....V...: "... 5 ( J i " Threeweeks...........;...i.... 6 W , t "- Oaauinth-.--.v-.ii . 8 " 1 " Twomontlis.ii..!?.,......,.15 W ' - One yearlT! .......'........... 60 M ty Con tract lavertlsements taken at-projKii- " Oonately low rates. ' , . v -r Jive Uqnares esttnated asa qnartei-colnmn. aid ten squares as a half -column. , I.-. ' i ; " " " 1 ;:; i i NEW. vADYEfiYISEMENTS. : 5 ; n. cronly; Auctioneer. Corner, apon aecommodating or such terms as wlir T -! sun purcnaserar to ne etatea . on aay or sale, the f ol. lowing described pieces of Real Estate situated ia the merchantUe centres, comprising first class storey , - rare houses and wharves. Jhe sale to be peremp. . . : ory to dose; Vix i ; m$ -lami rnov i t ; fiTVW jferfcfcStoreiaiuj .: - j j --i1 ; 6 i Granite5 Ro Front s'tt; 34z89,- with L 15 ; reel, on tWilkinsoa aUey, now occupied by U. G. . Hashagen.' ' ". ''. :' '? ' i .: j -.srwaiStorw". Krick Storev;,?::,r,;. Warehouse attached on.' South Water street and r iHenderson alley, 84x93,. now occupied by Grant & jHinton.ii;i.'!irf --ii'jiistv.r&mif "a?' -.,'(. J. oM9-Srickiluse fop Henderson" alley,; to ,rear of afcore, S4C8, now . ;occupiedbyL W.Gcie. 1T7 j; J f - Two-Story isHck Store; -f :T 7 ; --.iStirJ. :at . J ..; Jfcii t v Jl ! l ;,f 1. 1 -4 f tt pid ' with opening on front, 4QxlG3, now occupied by '; . Cronjy-MorriajJi;ia 'bisum a't-iuh iu;ij ;1fti Wtiarf Sned iand' Offices, ' .,?.;., -,;,-;p V ..'' -, . 99 feet 'front, "in thtf 'occupancy -of ifGeo. C. Barker & CO. . y'4 ., ..... . f-v Wharf bef,-Chesnu & I'riucess,' ' JH.WSl-Vui Ji:ih f:igfli n'"npj!' i" ;? 158 feet front, with three brick buildings,' sheds, Ac.',1 thereon occupied b Jlarries & liowcll aad i others..' . . ';- - ' "ThreeStdryBrick Store! m , corner of Npith Water and PrincesB streets, 22x91, - i i f Three-Story :Brick Store north or and adjoining above, S2x91.' ' Three-Story Brick Store -no ' .: i '.. . . . l. n6rth Of and adjoining above, 22x91. '. " " " : A ' -"J l-i n ;iil.T i a " i. ; llxCC. east of and adjoining above,, now occupied by W. Lynch and others.1 - - .? 'j '.i ; m - ' ThreeUy tirick Buildings cast of and ad joinmg alwVe, irxoi." "-'' 5: . ;.;!l'j?llJ .;! 1 f! -.?-( . 1 1 ,V ' A,' Anv information desired, or sn insnection of the property and its lines clearly -defined, upon applies, tion at the office of the Auctioneers. v v ::July 4 8 11 13-aaq .jr i r,i s ' a a. Fresh Parched Coffees THIS WBSK AND GR6tJND FltESII IN 8TORK Java; L8ayra,v llaxacabo and Eio. :;fjf;T:.res?r 4 ?4 small lot of lis 0' iVfl ' . HANGING. ;B ASSETS: AND' FANCY COVERED ' ! ' ('f BASKETS; '-L:''V Very pretty and useful. Send for sample of Coese & Cos Loose Pickles and in Jars. , : . .' . Fine Old Blackberry Brandy; o-?-:t-,' t'i)actfitand4ha ,popalar,: ' :rBLUE GltASS AND "."GEM" WHISKIES.')' ' Patched Rio Coffee' in pound papers.' ' " ' . 'Best BnuW ' In I the World,' and' onr' celebrated NEWE' PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR, guaranteed to keep ia the warmest weather. The only reliable brands to buy.' 'We will make the . prices suit "Families" oni the' sound fox anjtting . la our line, at ' . ' ' . ijiU-.Vt A,, :ii a vTVSt. KU. Si.lL &K&, jaiy 11-tf ; it ' ; ' is south Front St. Boy'Olothiiig at (0pst. : .;-r Tl fBN'S COATS. PANTS AND ' VESTS AT '7rtif'!. i Xlnen Dusters at Cost. f- .;I5:fftl(I .1 ,! '. . A A: ... f71lO USTERS AT COST. j it .All: dotm&g,: at. .Cost.. .,, n'jl- knNsok i co.; ' julyli-tf. City Clothiers. ; Vicrtoiy,? Victory, - Victory, i Ti rr ENE3tT,j HIGH1 PRICRS, ROUTED FROM '- 'imWeifBattleO -.!?-! r L6"vr FricW' Comja- Out VictotioTiff. ;4t ? MEN'S AND BOY3V CLOTHING, - f Gent's Farnishlns Goods, &c. r ;Vn miv iss ;;r''iA-.iDAJVn), J ; i; bat general's all btaera Iatojr;prices.T "il jalyjl-tf j..t -,,.,ai nr. i .. - , , -V. ?i?Boys Blue !Eaniifel Suits. ( f S : J i J . i J I . i l' ft (! f V 1 'J i is I ts nl u ):' . 'vysJfEIfH FZANXEL, SUITS , , . f ;; OnnjjRENjSi 8ADLOS STJITS (jCHILDRBN'S Fancy Diagonal Suits. 1 ,-'',, J ii - Ml JiJiTKj -JH j Hi y. ,.f; j;tl v'i?:-.f:h; ir .tJi7 Til! Is-. , SUMMKR MERINO , UNDER, ..SHIRTS, GAUZ B U'i i ;; : 3 i.ii f?iiiJa:j ?li- J ;.j ; i r . . .? wwwwvan - -v n a ' a nrnnn shirts; jean drawers, ...'.: .-. .fr-riJi. :l li. WtWViVAN A- A' 8IlRIER,BRO ft i QQ UWaaadBbls New .Crop Cuba, ,-Moacrm,; '300 - H!-;y4i uWi 5' :t .'Hi?ttiForsaleIoWby'v. f ' ' V ' l iiiylltf " WlLLIAIlS MCTRCMlSrf)N.j .. i.. I'd.u T?lmr f!arn. S.vrnn. Kici. J QAA Bbls Flsur, all grades., , ,. ', .. , . f G 0 0 0 Cn9tiele Prime WhKf Cora. J Bbls Bice.,, .-ir'kVA-;;r.:-v- ".v: K tl" ' f-., t. I i . 4 . . ..... cuFot aala low br i - , - ' r ; ' ! July tl tf WIt.Lf Alf8-AyunOHIWN. liny, Hoop-1 roily Glue, Spt Bids. gjjjfBaleT Ni'd iutt A A Bbls GW, 1 ijt -i t :-.. i ' Beon4 Hand spirit Casks fiKii! ,i ; j ''' ,-i ' -For silolow by July 11-tf. .WILLI A sIS MVBCHISON. I I r I I i I I I T 8 I J I i , I ii 1 1 .i i ' : i i j St George & St. Andrew' Society .'"''.' ; J - The ; regular monthly. MEETING OF the St. George and' St. Andrew's' Society will be held at the room over the store room of the Wil mington and Weldon RaQread Company, on Front street, across the bridge, Monday night at 8 o'clock. r, July llVi ... H..q. 8MALLBONES, Sec'. I f'-iiJA'. i ;r-trV tit'(: : r j . CSOT A MOSEIS. : li fS TUESDAY. JTJLYia,lS MI IIIO'CIOCI A. IB.' we Will mll It Vri-hl -, 4 i m I 1 ' At: 1 " 4 ':' i'' U. . ill! t-,i:. i 1 1 ; Ml .1" . V. A i ' i fi;si it i r w : 1:1 . i. f i It -t. .u. j ( n iJifh,-,-

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