ig,...,, - ' - - -.-v. . - . : . -l- .. -t. w? . gyrrrJ:".r . rrbw-.s-- insarasSESs . THET20EimTG BTilR; PUKLISHtD DAILY. .BY hates or BUMcacif viOM v nr aita3to j -. JmTmonth, ' 100 Vn OUT Subscribers, delivered in any part of the .it Fifteen CenU per week. Our City Ageou are pot kothoriied to collect for more than S mouth In advance. OUTLINES. V g murderous assault was made in Law rente, Mass., on a procwslon of Orange uien, yesterday, 'and seVeral persona were injured . rr Tbo preliminary, court for the trial of Bishop Whittinghara, of Mary laiid, has been appointed, t i-The Fresh nian yacht race at Saratoga Was won by Cornell University. - Missouri ' makes an earliest appeal to secure the Democratic National ConTeniion next time;' - Ger man war yeshas)lensecretiy taking' soundings and mapping coast of Jutland. 1 Yesterday Gov.' Brogden ' welcomed tbe delegates to' the CJotton Btatei Con prc?' now sitting in Raleigh. New York" markets: Gold,' 15i15fi.-cotton, loJ15I; rosin, fi 65fl0; turpentine, 33. ; t Second annual session of Ameri can HebrerrigregationcomrM yesterday in BuSalov 1 and - was largely at tended. V- r jr i tv 2 TftK rOTTON STATUS CONGRESS Sroud Ananil SeiilOB! ' RaleighiNews, Tuesday. J .,,f ;v This body will convene in JLhis-city this morning at 1 1 "o'clock, "meoting at the hall of the House of Represen tatives. il At the hour pamed the President, Col. D. Er' Butler, of ; Georgia will call the Convention; to orders when Gov. Brogdeu will welcome the Con gress in behalf of the State, .which will be responded to by the President. Mr. F. H. Baabee will then k come the visitors to the city in be half oflMayor Separks, which will bo responded to by Dr. AVin.i Maxwell, Master of the State Grange f Ten nessee. ; .iiHa 4- ;-.;!jri..w z-j. -. After that the osail order of fast ness will be proceeded with. .. ' I. - At 4 P. M. ;the members of tbe Congress will visit the Inwue ' Asy luin at the invilationfof Dr. Grissom. Members of ' the city and visiting press are invited to accompany the excursion to the Asylum. Tltb Congress, was prganizeddur-j ing the meeting of the State Fair in! Atlanta in the fall of 1 873, and held its first annual session in Atlanta in June last, at which session Co! D. EJ Duller was re-elected' "President of j the firtngtiftfia.'';:, '.'J.v-. ", The attendance upon the present session, it is thought, ' will be good, all the Southern and. many , of the Northwestern States being repre sented. '" : . ;i:T S''?: C 'tiV The ladies and the public generally are invited to attend the sessions of the Congress.! iar s pirits . Criqia.inT Stanly cutily remark st iiue. -:- j-;-iW'-r-aJTWv"Xn? i' v Catawba wheat crop the best since tite war. jv- ;,s;n-; y-U):r:Tp- Tbera is a promising crtp pros poetln the Daabury section. m, '- As Edenton sloop landed 4,500 Nortfa Caeeikx water melons at Norfolk on Monday.-' ,7 ' '' Catawba looks over all our heads down here and counts fifteen feet to her corn stalks. 4 "j., ",i4 f-.: ': ...; ; lion. AJ S, . Jklerriuion and Geo. AY. It Cox spoke in Carthage, on Saturday, on the subject of Convention. . ' The wife of Hev. C. R Jones, 13. D., formerly of the North Carolina Con ference, died at Yuba City, Cal'; June 21st i Charlot'te has eleven7 stores in' icourse of completion. A. large , number of smaller houses' are also going ' up in that city. 'i. ?. t- Tlie Haywood u Conservatives will support Dr. Sam. LovefurCouvention. A Mr. Wilson ) is 1 running as independent, ""fortunately: --p y; V-y.- ! Springs, the fat editor of Mt. Airy, has been heard .lrom.1 ' He. has lost two hundred' pounds,-1 ' says the Hickory Pfest, but stiU weighs 800.'; - ' '-r: A new Ppst OfBce . lias been eV tablished 6h' the WeateriP Division of the Carolina Central Road, called "Mountain Island" about ten miles, from Charlotte. ; Cdtawba is going . to be tip on churches, tod. ' Herr i the ' Hickory iVe saying that the Catawba Baptist new build ing will be the fines. ib the. State westof Salisbury-:" - tT-K?" Gen.: R: B. Tance 1 will address ! the people of Hendersonville at some con-venit-nt time daring the session of the1 Dis trict Conference there oh tbe subject of the 'Qiplwtn Asylam. - 1?i!!t" ,Ther fearless Qornetr fellows in laieiglilif aflnoODcingan teiectlon. say Uatv uaitera will be allowed vote, and tbe Supreme Court, will havt.nothing to do with fhe election. :; '.iL-iut-L. :-;:,A ! The members of the Edeuton Slim M. E. Church Oibirj Raleigh, kindly aud delicalely offer their services to sing at the private houses of invalid' members who we uot able to attend Church. Our ,god contemporary, the Hiarlotte Oemseral, has just entered mj iu 2iit volume.; The Democrat is a popular and very useful paper, and we hope it may live as long hi we shall ; want newspapers. -r Alrs..,Graot indf .Miss, Mitchell, w lio have teenJCtjridnctiDg-a school of high Krade iu Oxford, for a Ions time, will take ' harge of tbe: Srimintoo Female College; iu Matesville this Fall. They are daughters i f ihe late Dr. Mitchell, of Chapel Uitl.J t At a - mass convention - of the Tmwratlc ."citizens" of RandoTph County;' Friday Ja8t 1L . & Bobbins, Ksq., was nominated for the State: Convention U fl 1 he vacancy on the ticket occasioned by the declination of Dr. Craven. ' We,, copy Jthej-ollo wing brief rom the Btidmora dazete i-tfThe Bishop f North Carolina is pleading for $13,000 to establish the Bavenscrof 1 Associate Mis sion in the western part Of his diocese. - He has received already one-third of the amounu" The Concord Register, has jasf-J.-amed of the commission of a rape by one William Thomas,a white man of low repute, Mrs .Caroline Stogner, neaf Big Luck; iaidy countj-, on the 2(Jth of last month. , The bcoundrel escaped,' and the-woman makes tyro or tb,ree different statements. -.jyOi' iiiLJJObll OrJTJE SSSS VOL." Xyi.NO. 96. 1 In the . Northwestern portion of U..USIUU cunniy recently ; a man . named Buck Suggs ravished a Rule eirl nine or ten years of age. He is the Same fellow who maiciea once for the committal, of a similar outrage in Harnett county, but got clear, upon some ground. lie is at large, says the ut- iii.f S The Pioneer says that at Bak-w-Tlle' Mitchell county, on the 1st inst, u. Him . '-Deaton. aged 13 years.com- uiucuoumme oy nanging liimscli to a beam under a stable shed on the premises of T. C. Buchanan, with whom he has lived for some time in the capacity of a Concord Register; Mr. White, who lives in thesRethfil nitthhnmnA I Townshin No. 10. had nn ftrhihitlnn tn town one aay mis weeklnagget &cf gold about the size of a hen's egg, which . was t. , f uu rni a iewj aays neiore by las little boy Large quantities of gold have frequently been found in the same neighborhood. - - , The-Mails.-- V-; - r.-, .t .? 1 The mails will close rat.ihe'iRty' iWo nee until further notice as follows: v Northern (night) mails Cor all points North. :f East and West of ' Weldon, 4 r 5 daily at . f 5:45 I M: it f " through and wav (davY v i -v .i malls d&Llv.Yrprt Klin i air Jt.QA A "M" -j 1 ' -J , Southern mails for all points ' : . ..... coutn, aaiiy.;. ; .. .. 5:15 P. M. Western maila(CCL By) daily .; ' (except Sundava-Viii .i : 1 . . : VftsSft A- irV Smithvillevia Easy r Hill and V:' Town Creek) Tuesdavs and V f V Saturdays ;. K)0 A.1. Fayetteyille, and offices on Cape v ; : " rear ttiver, jaouaays and v"' Fridav8...... . nm t"i Fayetteyille by C. C.R,y.dUy. . X (except Suiidavsl. .... , . fiiaiT 1ft Onslow C. H. and intermediate . ; offices every Friday c.-oo A. M. , i The Smithville mails, by steamboat, close at 8 P. M., daily, except Sundays. J Mails delivered from 6:30 A. M. to 750 P. M.,-and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. :-::; " ; 1 '' -' ,7 Stamp Office open from 8 A, H. to 12 M i auu irum 9 w owu tr. m. jnoncy order or Register Department open same as stamp office. v.'.. .' -v : '' "- i--;. ' Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. , Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night.' :- -- .. . : .: . - -; Mails collected from '-street' boxes every day at .5 P. M. , ' j- ' - ";t NkW ADVEBTISEJKW. . IlErN8BKRGEn New NoveL : .:..s : ;':: , . Axes. Sp&uht & Son Porter and Air. James C Musds St. John's Loile. -g Muxson & Co. Linens at CosL 4 , , , : A..V- Horbklit Notice; : -' Vj D. Macumbeb -Excursion. teal bet. ; v J usiice ,Ca8sidey h ad ; ne Case of petty larceny before him yesterday, i but it was -contmued.over. " :: The Howard Fire Relief Engine Company No. 1, were out with their engine yesterday for parade and pracUce.0lIO k I The Democratic Conservative County Convention will meet in this cily Thursday evening, July 22, at 8 o'clock. The Independent Order of Jfech abites is said to be in a very flourishing con dition, the membership numbering about sixty members.. . ci ' We receive many complaints of mail failures, especially on the W. & W., Railroad.: We hope : the 1 mail, agents wUl "mend their licks." The funeral services of 4 Mrs. E. HL Lord ' did not take place at' S& John's Church as the types made as say yesterday morning, but at;StJ JamesV f An open-air concert by the Cor net Concert Club will Jake place at Sunset Hill on next Wednesday 'night. - The pro gramme for the occasion- wH be'announced indue season : : - Itanse of Xbermoaneter. The following was the' range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in' thU ciiy, yesterday:'7 " Ai iivu - .... r- 7 ASSLlW p Mj, 89t 2 I. M , 90; 4:30 P. M., 91; 9 P. M., 77. iff 10 "J .1 nactstrafe's Cntu Henry" Taylor, colored; (not Jthe well known. imnoonderV was" -arraiened before f iJni!. Gardner. vesterdaVi cnareea dv ms i wife AftflnintaTajlor with willful abk the case dismissed. :;; TUB Crep. '(-:; ; : , .' . -. ; We learn from a gentleman recently from Onslow that the crops iti that and other counties on the coast, especially cotton, are very poor. It .seems, dillicull to usigu fi caase forth is parllal failure? OwVarC of the farmers of that.sectiou, but it is Loped that they wilt do tetter next tinft0 yif$ ' Optra Hbm vmHtKtvr.t-iM(it:rk: The,' Apollo Cornet Band w ill play some ot tneir clMice music 00 tbe portion of the Opera tiuuse, ou the " iuccastui ; to-uight of tlui Ifirst appearance ofi he Wilmington' Ajateayj)ramatteAasociai peau Club will preside iu the Orchestra, aud takeu altogether tbe yuiig men intend U present for.lhe entertaiumentof their audience bill -which caiiorXkiUoJntercst aud please. The box sheet uiay be found at lleipger Opinions have been delivered Jfl the. Jfpl-, lowing cases iq jthe. Sureme ifyrthi'z:yyAH : D. 1. McBryde et ah vs. John Patterson, from Robeson ; ' judgment' ' modified; cost equally divided.'..! ' i. - '-Ji: y By Reade, J. i-x; , ,f r Z. Z:" VK" '" M. L. Holmes et aL Vs.' T. J. Crowell et aL, from Union. - Errors and Judgment here for defendant R J. Holmes et al. vs. T. J. Crowell et al.; from Urdon-ff Affirmed; fnd judgment here for defendant. -L u . - -, By Rodman, J.: n n ' , ' Alfred Dockery vs; R 8. French et aL, from Robeson. Reversed and ( action , dis-, missed. " . , . ...'; WILMINGTON, h Property CbanKlnj-JR"d"i Messrs. Cronly & Morris sold the follow- ingjpieces of property to the highest bidder yesterday:' - - . .'vi: - - TwoHStory brick store No. 2 Granite Row, Front street, 24x89 with L. on alley of :i5 feet, now occupied by H. Gj Hastcnjo BrunhUd & Bro. for $6,500. ' "T 1 1 ; Two-story brick Btore on" South Water street, 24x95, now ptcapied by ? Grant! & Hinton, including wo wafhoisea Ji reite of Same; to R. E. Heidc, for $5,975. ; 1 of the participants. A great mahy from Two-story brick . warehouse in rear of J along tb? line of the railroads are expected above. to'John Haaf. for $1,475: -w I l.totakerpart in the excursion. As will be Two-story brick store, 40x186, 'occupied by ICronly & Morris, to Edwards & Hall.for $6,100. q tT '" v"' A T (T Ti Wharf, shed Kiud offices1 ormositetdrf abve, 99 feet front upon Yater street, 00 up.eu uy wrer gu., w vicu. . Harriss, for $4;450r . -i-VO . - ' a " ft gr . ' - Warehouse on Wilkinson alley, 131x40, a r - ST CV 3 A A.r i I- 1 40 V- fwan ior( foov.r p , , , Wharf with bU Iboildings .tWeorJ, 15Sf xSf Harriss & Howell and others, to C. man. for 1 5.000. 1 . c A threo-story i4ohble-i ajrick Jbuildingi upon North, side . of t Princess, ' between Frpnt and rWater ; streetsi.occupie4 by:fif J ,WL .Gordon, ;(v. ,tl., Harrison and Mrs. Warren, to w. lieruru tor :a(Jl. i: .,, kk three brick 6tore?neY Wcrtl Water and Princess straets.Ijpccupied JCJ Hyer. C0 by 91 feef! loX!. if. Stedraari,v1or The ftdlowing cases were iliried - of before this tribunal yesterday, moruinej. , r Kbrgan Henry, charged with cursing and abu.-ing bis wife, Mary Francis,' was found guilty, but tbe case .was dismissed on the payment of costs. .t t - Alice Mathews, charged- with dranken- ncss, was fbmd guilty arid'ordeTed4 'pay a fine of $10 or work for thirty days on the streets.'-. " ni !--vt,T n ' -r'f i ''n r.-Vrt nnm ' Isaiah Branson, charged ' witit'-fighlMg ankl other disorderly conduct oaCanypbell street, was found guilty, and ordered to pay a fine of $20 orwork for thirty days on the streetsil iSBlMinlii MliK Ann McAllister, charged with the same offenee as above,- was found guilty and or dered to pay a lino, of $or.workflirty days on the -streets, ,t4 . i Mary 5 Nixon,; charged; with"5 the ; -same offence as above, ' was foand. guilty and fined $20 or work for. thirty .days on the streets. ; ; ' ; . . . , !f Alice Mathews, up on the same charge as above, was found guilty add sentenced to pay a fine of $20 or work for thirty days on tite streets. : - - - ;:- SMary Nixon, cliargedwith play in" cards on Sunday;. was fwnaVg'iykBaderciL to pay a ti no of $20. and ctwls , ,cr work for thirty days on the streets. . , Isaiah .BruDson, charged with allowing card playing on Suriday S-as 'found 'riot guilty aud discharged. t - ' IMartha Williams, charged wrtbutiag pro fane language on the itreetsVwas found guilty and fined $20 and costs or work Jfor .thWtoVfhe'str Armte McAllister1,' charged with' playing cards on Sunday, was ordered to pay a fine of $20 or work for thirty days on, the etneets. i $Geo. W. Davi& charged with a violation of the dog ordinance, was ordered to pay a fine of .$10 and costs.' Defendaht appeal 1 I to the Superior Court and was required j ed td give bond in the sum of $100, for his appearance. - . : ' There were eleven other cases for the violation of the dog ordinance, all of which Were appropriately disposed of. : 'fiti' fumn lain ) The following persons were tried, con victed and sentenced at the late terra, of the. fc Snpertor Court : ' i David Nixon, larcency. 20 ; years in the Penitentiary. 1 j Richard Bennett, larceny 5-years1 in the I Penitentiary.. - f,Tt -j-P A rtfX Eli DudleVr larceny.'o years uVthePeni- tentiarv. .- ! ?' I Henry Johnson, larceny,! 3 years-in the? Penitentiary. , xAtwwu MUJr CharrJartlnt' HircenyQi Months in tbe County Work House. - ' f ffr ) . Depnty helI."rMris7w4l jeH.tB for Raleigh this morning with the convicts destined for :theiPtBltrtiay?f - 4 ' Rev. Dr. .r !. ! ' ',' I The following extract concerning this gentleman we take from the Raleigh CAris tian'dfoeatiDrjftfaiiM for many years Presiding E der jof this district of the M. E. Church, and consequently is well knowiimiilDbr&ifoi our thiiini: Closs is very precarious so much so that eminent phy sicians have told him that if be continues on his present round Of appoint ments be wjlj, not,, Ijve until Us cJose t ,At. the District Conference at Plymouth . he suddenly lost all consciousness, which con tinued for several hours,! and; for a d7 and night there was -a total' ks of memory. ive years ago he had a similar, attack at agnolia.1 i Since the attack;'. ;aVPttmpufhl he has Buffere&.f rom chills and bilious . f e yer, but;1 notwithstanding, has attended all of his quarterly meetings but tmfil" Now;' at the advicem his pbvsicians and . the" tfr- cent request of his people,, he, will quit rhis L A ... i..i::l.i:.....l U.. U,. tk hill Anllin- -1 try for recreation. We trusf his health may be specdy and gnjtjrely ,rcatpred. j H j I --rt; i !-rr'.-.y. i a-t bu.rJ-utn sdi ot iff The t.eelra To-NikIiI. ' OurjfriendSy should .bear in mind ttal' Prof. Kendrick, of Jacksonville, norioa. will deliver a tecinrj I at he,jroonw of ttaJ Wilmington LibraryAiscrmdihUKWidi ned eveninei atijiiciock. Plorlda. Tbe theme: of :tb lecturer wiU nadoubt be treated in a manner which will ensure the Interests and appreciaUonatJ yld ire so fortunate as to be present . . " N. C, WEDNESDAY. xi lrr5anllTit Bxn-faioi: ST . The moonlight exdursidn, announced to take place on the 19th, under , the auspices of the.Pyaa Silver ; Corpet Band?;jt . ex pected will be a grand success. The La Ftyette Silver Cornet Band of Fayetteville iinttijte Aillp Crn.et Band of this city "haveaccepfeiir- invitations to attend the ex- cursion, and these together with' tbe Pythian Band will leave nothing wanting as far as f muaieconcerned. to securcahe entoyment I seen by advertisement In this issue, refresh I ments will be disposed of on board the 8 Aamer T T X T T T irr ti 1 il it I. W 0onll,dei-blll .,tention isbeine naid : to tyrBcientific 8port of iate in 6ur city. One f afrnoon dario each week the go,,,, of U the ftre-nrms of a rifle dub which has been formed, in our city may be heard re-echoing frumHhe swamps across the river. The Jtarantlier.. rifle.; clob isn6w spoken ofamLlhis of course is calculated to bring about competitidn, . increase the practice and develop skill. Such: . organ l - kitions are of course to be encouraged,' aa Ithey tend to promote health by the exercise , whcjUjeractkeen or cause ta grow a! love ' for ouUiobr, sports, ' fWft hope $00. to : ch Irdrgardzatiou ot another jifle-claU.? 7 A team Xftexempie r israei The aTratigementa : are being, perfected fcr(the remony of laying the corner stone of theTer. e of Israel, .to take place i-.tiir, .mtevfV7h"RW VflWlXfr trow, who was T invited to officiate on tbe oc casion, arrived Jn.tis, city last evening and is the Jutst of Mr. A, Weill The ceremo nies' on the occasion promise to be grand arid ihterlstrtfg,an such an .i-ventJn.lJjfrhUtqxydfj the jfewish pli tif NorUCArpa tl 1 . - - j ... i If Thectir Case."! .i.i. -.- .. it The following regarding the recent city billwe clip from the Newbern Nut SMI : 1 Owirig to the'late Supreme1 Court 'decis ion in the case of VanBokkcleava, Canaday. as to the constitutionality Of 'the amended charter,, the Republican City Convention of Newbera. Wet in the comity jail oh Satur day nieht last to take Into consderation the f legality pf the. amended 'charter of this .city. Several speeches were . made - and various opinions interchanged, after which the com mittee went into BeCTersesBioTiriiis--pre sumed, however; .that-no other action was taken than that of calling the bid Board of CHv Coundl together. rwhich metL of thf ailarSiPliffleterdty. As the! session 01 tne isoara was sinctiy private nothing definite is known .of theur proceed ings, thdiigb It 1s presumed he Board de cided, to apply for a wri pi quo warranto, in reference lo the i present Board of Alder 'men, and that it is their intention to get out an injunction restraining .lhe.cUyJ4Igol-: lector, from collecting taxes. , However, all this is conjecture,' as we heretofore stated thejnedtings were private - Bishop Lyman's Appoliitmenla. " Statesville. U.rvW -Drff'y 28 Gynne's Chapef.v;..?.. . P. hU. . July 30 Wilkesboro. , . . . ... ........ . , . , . Aug., 1 Ore Knob, AsbeCJo. ..... . ... r. . .Aug. "3 P. M. Jefferson Co.. ii... Aug. 4 Dnnna Wataniro Cn A Her A UUVUV. -II .mug. V. a .............. w Church of St i JdhaBapUst .AUg. 1 1. Yalle Crncis.".'. .;.).......... .Aug. t 8 Patterson. .Aug. 9 Lenoir, Caldwell Co. i .J.-.f Ang. 10 Hickory. : .7;: .-vrtuvAng. 12 Morganton ; .' . ; .-. . . . . . . . v . . . Ang. - 15 P. JL Old Fort. A. , ., .Aug. 16 St Andre wVBuhcombe Co.V.. .Aug. 19 Hard Creek, -Buncombe Co. ;v.y..Aug. 20 Warm Springs,....,,,.. .. . . ....... Aug. 22 Burnsviife: .. ... ... r.: .-Mns.-25 Bakersville I'sQ ,iiJiJ.J:ngrS;S7 1 jgik Kiver vaney.. Aug. s BeaVer Dam, Bttncon&be Co. .... . . Aug. 31 Brevard. Transylvania Co. . . .... .Sept. 2 St Paul's: in the Valley. Transyl- ' " " 'i 1 i vaoia Co.i...ifMi,). ........ .Sept. 3 Qiencoe. .f;1. V. i . v . . s-Sept. 10 llendersonvule . .bept -7 Calvary Church. Henderson Co. . . Sept IT Liecester. r. r. .... -. .Sept' 15 Wayne8vliy!JSfiBiiUil.ia.U.ept 17 Asheville.. L Sept 19 , The collections at each place will be tap propriated to Diocesan Missions. ;- ti OF ItBTTBS - ;. the city post-offlce July Remaining5fif' 13, 1875 rA-:- " Brenry Baker, MolCefyanOH Biddle for Reuben Everett 4 V- - .Cr-Garelt, Creech, , B vlena Crafe; - Ida Cbambers. It M Uapps; teoecc uraig. IJHKitAnidkey Ldly Uavls,xuara linrl lav 'I hm llamola . nines a & a a. vjt a vvu( as v , , . ... . ... . h t H w jM uigbsroun, xsannie nicks, Nelley ffbnaHookaii. Aler,HillEdd HinJtmnL Iiteta, Mary A Hines. , ..fii- Ti, . . ) J Stephen J Jones, Martha Jones,- itrm Jones Johnson, Battie Johnon.eiw tuu i f K Annie Jane Keneday, Mary E' King' Thomas H Kent'H 1 T ;-' UU, I L Mrs M L Littleton, , John-Lowryft. Caroline Lofters. ; -C , ! M Alex Moore, Daniel McEocbtrtiV Christopher McAslin, v. Joel uMyers, i.ij , y Morgan, John R Melton, Lucitta Murphy. Mary Ann Murphy,' Peter Mclver, Samuel Mitc!belI,Thomas J Mulford, Wm J Morris;1 I N James R Nard, Louisa Nelson,1 Rose Netsoaf Isaac Northrop. r rp rj t T t y Pi-uJames Prue, JohnlF. Pagll Gebrge Pittle, Lessie Paunds.,; , : S -W. R 8antley,'$aTlie;,Steward,.TT T Vork Tooley.' v ! ' i WVlrrfitVWM,ie4.lrt.tCr8,lMrs John A White,, i Y--E.Yanibert , L-"' J J Deal, Stmt CaswelL - - , . " ; Personc&&ii f4cliiaiko above list will please say "advertised." If not called for within SO days they will; tea8otat to the(Dead tOfflce. . , . H Ed. K. Brqtk, P. M. -WtlmfnglcH -uly 18., 1875. ! PTTTMAN In this elty. on the evenina of the 13tkhuUW'MIs& 1 LTbe fnaerai will tak place this Wed.Kaday); treating the Second Baptist Church at 8 O'clock. Tbe friends and acqoaintamcos are invltod to aUendl- V .... 4U 14, 1875-, 'tiotjnxirJjcofliEWTiow-. ; 'i . - - -i .... . . . x. i JNewimnoverrjomify.wiimnig'- m : At a meeting, of th ETPcntive..,Cnmtnittee of ithe Democratic-Conservative party of New nanoVerCouatV .held thfanlavilt; was decided to call a Masa Convenlion of the. uany,f iu uo ueiu ai iue vourt uuuse, iu Wilmington, Thursday evening, July 22, at $ o'clock, t ,m 1 . 1. 1 . The principal businesa(bf the Convention will be the nomin'atiotf of candidates for the. Constitutional Convention and the ap pointment of an Executive Committee. i j - WmI H: Bbmiakd: 1 ' d&w4dfjij w m latiul I .Cbadrmaw &mi HoonMt Eicorsioi to SiitiiTille . ytblati gllver Cdrnet Hand, - of jWIImiagton. llmeataryjto tke orde.' or ;';Knigm X' rfre8hmntB kare been reserved by tbe- ieom- mitteewitb J. KIdjt,: J. W. Zbnermaa ad A, H. ' Leslie in charge. . Positively no Manor . allowed onboard. -", ' 4---' WJ JU'sJEWElT -Kit--twa tilzit 1 j President. ' ' !- !t . ... ! f;;.,M ; J I.V-. - V. D. ICACtTMBEB; Julyl4-tt h'y:-itnm yjsiJiu-j -y Secretary. ' I i . ii - -:-.! 1 .7. .. liiUT iiv j;iitfii; THEEH WILL BB, AK -ELECTION HELD AT the usual polliagplacea, on tke . . Flrat Ttanraday In Aa'KHst. 1875. " in Pender connty, for tbe Election of Township Officers and School ComaiUeemeiu m CaiwelL Colombia. Sockv Point. IT old en. TTnlna. Holly, Grant and Lincoln Towaahips Two Magis trates,: one Clerk, one Constable and three School Commlrteemea -each. 1 Lincoln! will elect one Alag ietrata for tbe eorporatioa of LUUnton. . - Pender and. New Hanover counties Three delo gt!U to ConetltBtional Convent iou. ' i- k t3&7 Tbe attention of Kegi straw and Inipectors at Alectiona la called to 4h Laws of 1874 ind '75. eaaotera tm and S30. sections 1st and 2nd. II A. V. HilKKKl.14 auerur Pender Co. PMrair, N. C, July 14, 1875. jnly f4 wltialt. ' Balance v4 -,, vv y A ( .1: A.T LESS TBAK OOST. rfMrKT iCTBT W SOLD 6t7T TltTS SEASON'.' 1 -' ! : ' ' ' '' .: 11.,. . . ... s Bcoi! Drjc :CoAT;xOnly$2?i!; BBOWN, AND'tWlUTR DUCK SJ1T8 . At leas than Coat. o 1? -ttTi;-- tt iH jRTnsoir & colt jjulyl Oty .qoUuers.' 1 :;,i-Vi SfiVirrri:A-. i - ! A VTHOR OK s "STBATH3fC'BB,,'iMFOLTB- laiae,? "Under Tw "Jdalle.V "Trico- trio, UUUUIUI II -i , ' UUUUUU11 I I 89eiMlUTTEkBi!ilJISEL'. J Jnet received and for sale at J r j ... . , , , . HEXNSBEBQEB'S, . .idly U-tf Live Book and Music Store Direct Bnportation. BXBtBEBM DUBLIN POBTEB (Pints.) J 1 fc - j For sale, wary Boar, toaoec confinement. ' .ALEX. SPEUNT & SOX. 'Siif Johnny 'LougNo ' p. : & a.j m: 1 - - . - - rraE -jXEMBEBS OP' STv, JOHN'S LODGE, ' JL N. t re hereby notified to meet at SL John's Hall to-morrow Thursday) afternoon at 4 o'clock, for tbe purpose of Laying the Corner 8 tone of ITeaapto of Israel. ' Yisiling Brethren are cordially invited, to participate. By order of the W.1L I 8 75 gid I 8751 t-hfiOi? ajtrQ xr-j3 -sK 'tre New Flour Just fcoa the Harvest Pields i - -1 .-- - ANNOT iBB- 8TJBPA8SED -B7 THE BAST, J West, North er lkmth. - Bvery barrel and bag guaranteed perfect. Send your orders to the Cape ear jtioux ana feari ttommy Jims. ljnly ft-Sw aac5 2. B. OBAINGEB. . .... ..4.... ... Jrwudsht HON. W. D. JOHNSON..... w...VoPKEsriEitT. if. J). CUMMJNO Casbub. n 11 oti Directors t iH;ti; HON. Wi 0. JOEOreClir, ..i L ... .llarien, K. c 'DUNCAN MUBCBJSON.... .... WM. A. WBIGHT A. ....... Wilmington, N.C. i JNO. W. ATKISSOi.VLI4... 0741 " ;BL B.' XUKCfiSOM' ;C...V.-.i J,-?-r-," L B. GBAINOEB L.... " oa tiCin'bae Issues Certificates of Deposit bearing Interest I Will take nleasara in accommodating the mercan-" J cue com man lues or wunungton ana outer places: . m . . . .... . . l .a . oy aiscoununx sucn paper as can oe recoramenaeo, as good by any of the Banks located where the par ties are carrying on business. ? t : . .HtilijoTftH-f f nam I. , m i Correspondents: Merchants' Exchange NatmnalBank..:. New York. CiiwUs". Mahmai llank.. i. . . vwl . L. . Baltimore. jiank of New Uanover........ aWilmiugtoo. may zu tf nac 1 t i i luli;lr rt rCaroMvMMary;Mnte, v k GH AEXbri, .; d-lhe 'text term ttegiaa on September 15th 1 next" This Institute la equip ped with the moat improved arms and with the necessary-appwrtttua forgiving instruction. It is a Graduating Military College, with an Auxiliary Pre paratory Department , . . iv i r . t -.iucfx Tbe fcuDenntendent Is assisted by an able and ex- ' perienced Corps of Teachers. For Circulars address ' Superintendent jnly S-law 4w nac : ' yy i" ' - - A Hundred! Years. j" J. X . - 1 - a- . .a.. 1 r .i t ) ii .i -7C(V MIGII r WAIT. AND NEVER HAVB THE ' X" opportunity oi buyfnggoods at the prices at which rata" " ' ' -..ii-t ! .... iiiM ui ?.it !ti;cr I; A ..?. .niiittt. it Is not t stake room for another stock, bat is a Bale.' (osUae rout fbdJentire stock. lw Ai. given number of days, and to insure this, on and after the Ixth hwtgeodawillbftaold at s t . a u ir :?i:, LESS THAN COST, t...-- THE STOCK WILL' Mr, is new, no auoouj ur aucuon the i 1 r.' i. XJK8UL jiriy W it "JULY PANK:OE.aKION, J .;0,' :- f JWHOLE rNO. i 2,548, w scriBuon(Rai6ii'Ad?aEC8:'' D AILt tfrAft; Vneearj poetigp' paid,'. i i til cd WEEKLY 1 STAR! "Odei'?ear Jxietigepaid- ft Ui inij ; ?. b-t ; w i,r . ! ; i Notices of the Press rs ': I irJ :-.Z"j.'!;.- ---if -f'.T .t,',l. '-r'fi 1 4 tsUiUM paper. a&fr AftHin!fc ' , ' phaticalry'aHTpaper. fie Stab is a live paper. Sumter J3. C.) Ntiet. ' ' pne of our best exchanes.-AotM ( uwrur banes.-Ai One of the beet daily papers In the State. Weldon rtt tb r-- beat: nf dni dallv ch&nges.- . ! Banks among the leadiks Dallies of the State. One of the best Balnea la the Stata-TJVZf btUiUiaencer.- , '-:- - f-ii-. if -7,'' i . r-, . .f.,. . A valuable paper. We choerfuBy recommend it. -Tul Carrier. ; :V!:i ;..r: .: .!!i:). ' Ranks among the leading Journals of the South. Mario g. C.) Star. ' ' '!.,,,;.-,!, .-') .:--r , .. - tae of the best aedmoet desirable papers in North arulia. iiarftilii Vb&aian. p , 4-, , r iTnll or general nvs, aod a emiHto Wiisaingtoa , -matU Norih CmvUaian. -h ' k'ne' bf ihe 'best' tlady papetB ubiidied id 'the . k)ne of our best Southern journals. As a newspa per not surpassed by any.-Huf ty Temperance. - lone of the best eonducted in the tltate; bold, inde pendent and well luformed. Hiiltdoro Recorder. , . 1 j'-h.j.-. i-......i i.j . Tjiii.y .; 4i;.-s-.s.ti:i( ! Ably edtedaad has a drcalatioa which speaks volumes of comment on ita influence. Magnolia , . -.;' .--,. ? . -; -: ... - ..: iiy iyr. ! Onward and upward It goes until now It has the largest circulation of any Daily in- the State. Tied- f)i: ,,. i.; i.J-r y: l The Wilmington Star, now very much improved, has 4fee largest circulation of any paper in the Statev 4JtfftM.i; .,1,.;.v:ri .-.; I Tbe Biaa stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise and Dterary merit G&eeter i fzjaeponer. i '-'.u-'nv-.',.r-'-'. ' j 1 ' - .... I - 11,. .1 . ( -r ' . I tteqaestionaMf- tiie best daily Journal. In North Caroiiaa, and has bo veperiOr In any other Southern StateAferw& .! Time. - -,- , -i-vi For editorial ability, reneral hews, correct market renorta and fine Uterarv aeleetioiia the Stab has no gapciior.Sockjf MwU MaiL .;i, , . '..: ,,: ,' 1 Is weli conducted and has as much and neat a va nety of good reading matter as. any Daily in, the St.fVarrmtw (HtzetU. ' . s rl :, j This paper, though not many years old, Is one of the beet dailies in the State, and well merits; the support it receives.-r Louisburg Courier. j - UiJVi .!.-i ii if.i !.; ,M ?' -fl- i i One of the best dally Journals on oar exchange fct. . Belongs to ao ring save that which encircles the IHWed'of the people. Savannah Atlrror. ; i . - '- - '. . . . :-' ' -.!;;:;'?': : BTba STflmlnirlon Moxsnro Stab is amenz the best heispBjCB in the Sooth.. Rich, rare.' racy, always snARiikftP nme;" junemue jsapoeuvr. v j '-,!.--' - -i ; ': i ' - 1 1 A ajtaunid independent advocate of the peo ple's Aleuts. 3fervedly ranks among the first jour-' sals of Jqffmtzj.-ocUno?iam Observer. l'illlini-- ? -t J'i f - m: J if. r' A live newspja. sad.the best Daily a the state. Tin circalatien s jrker .than that, of any other Daily in the State, wlaati jffAves tt Wltm Chron icle. -V-;. J .- .. J Those of our readers dedrinr oe a 4aft nraeklv saner from North Carolina cannot do v-or better thantaka the Wilmington SxABp C), jjemucrwi. f The Stab Is one of oar most highly valued ex- it-t - tbti I It ISMQ of the most manly aud vlgorosa fiayies 1 'among tbe thousands in -the land. There is no dodging about this paper bat it meets- every issue iairly and squarely. It is always full of interesting matter sad ha wonder is how, to the short apace; of twenty-foar hours, it can gather up so much ia fxrasatloa, ano varied. ; lit has from the firet had aa honorable career, aaod we wish it many years of .gwwiwl.ji.4ijrsa BmMHmv-i .t m ;; vf-iilns The Stab is andoabtetOr enterprising sheet, 'beautifully printed and cenfturteA with marked ability. 1 Mb Bernard, deserves ejt credit lor hifr efforts in iournalism. Raleigh SmUsd. - r i , !! ' " ' ''! ; No paper ever started In North Carolina baa grown ' ao rapidly as has the Btak. , Though only Ave years aid. ft is now a fixed institution, enjoying an influ ence and a prosperity second to none in taSfjtie., Salisbury watcAman. tt 1 f . I 1 .1 i t " Southern dailies, well edited, fall of news and select i1 nut Wiimintrtrm htab la m we iruiii ihwb itai reading matter, telegrapmcyeports, and in every res ipeotalratratejonnkaL If wehadmaaysucheapera ; oar State would be the gainer by it Greene. Patriot. I A.ffort, that EOT; Sio;1siaii,fp. A ffABTEKiT PEKIODICALi DBTOTED i TO . BEtXQ A COMPILATION jOF.TnE . . -' "iikTfTin Y!kwi8',-i : ,:'!f --r- - "I1 ' ' ' Of all the Statesof the Un onand the Provinces of a . 1 i.a- . a A . Inln. . . n 11 nnl i.i anrf with intseestiBir Articles on II untlns; and Fishing, Valuable Notes on Game and Fish. Descrip tive Sketches, -of (the . Game Field? Mid Angliag Waters of America, and other Useful Information (or Gunners and AnHlera... , f, i , H , Tsbms Single copy one year, 0i six copies, $M; ten copies, $15, and ior ach additional eopy at t, the agent may retain .5GCeut. ' ' : Single copies be ihad ,.ef r all, gun emit lis. fishing tackle dealers, or new,ftgentj ir wiilte mailed on Tbe extent and character of thectrculaUan tat Fva, Far ahd Fxathsb readers it one of the beat adver tising mediums ia the country or -Gue, Bides, Putals, Fishing Tackle, Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, Carriages, and all kinds of goods and wares pertain ing to the wants of Sportsmen,' ' Those who make the repairing of fine guns a specialty and the keepers of hotels for sportsmen at the various hunting and fiahina localities, will find it aa excellent Medium to bring their establishments to the notice of this class Of $30 page, ' For Smithville. Steamer dixie, wiix "iftlJN'BEGTJLAELYi every day except Hundaya: tf x-aniivi'L, :; Leaving Wilmington 4 P. M. j J' Leaving 8mithrille...y..,;.i.u.vJ. i 7 A. jM. . Commutstkm tickets may be purchased at our; Capjala bava now atrive4 and ,sre.for aale st. the iawert liviag prices,) y j r;oij ; W:H5liiiif . Jnlyas-tf '.I v? GILES & MTJBCniSON . Cuba SZoIaues. .ituilfiUf 'T5' eiidsile)tCK-tAMoJasje?t. july 11-tf KEBCIIKES & CALDEK BROS. Bale of Aaveranna per ntnww. one page. ; half page, $3?: quarter page, $20: eighth of a ,fB; stxteentu or a page, f 7. ' Apruo w - ,;- ---: ;: V. H;-vi;i w '- , : -Three manxtiiiy.. iMLZi.- . tycontmct AdvertisemenU tifceav aiepror- :.- ?. Sionately low rate; ''i? - ; ..i ?-..y ten squares as aJiatT-coJntnn. S:t'Dti0f;S6user;:W 1 : l : - ' ---T.-rr;., v'iHVi - litMIGTON-AMATETJB-DRAMATIC AS- r : t ' Wednssdai ,KvenInC July 14tli, 18T5S V-ftfm be presented the 1rnrfll!ngJDmi;; In three1- -f act, siWy,. l;fc : -The prrfoxmkmoa frill conejnde. wiUj. the langliaMe ..f't' farce, - , . f- ... - . '-' ElHifcliback's Vanity,'. 1 ;' 'idmisrid icentt;ffieMrve'a1att,:' eerits'f'4 Gallery, 85cepts. . ,-.,.!, t;,. f .rv ; . Doors open at 8 otloelt Tterformance to' com-"J ' meticett 8Jtf o'clock,.. "N... F. PAN iEBj.' r, . 'gjhlyn-gt yrS-? ,-,t Manager. . tolley:s feftatedK Breeoi-Ioadiog iGiiiis, i jrianafVctbry;' f. bnfcr' Works, f . BIRMINGHAM ENG: f i JJO.-iir. 1 v ')i:t!Hif;' -. Lute ;.!' .j i TTAVTNG ESTABUSmSD A BBANCII BOUSE V Lit ijlj. in New Tort: for tbs sale at our cdLubr. of guaranteed quality and shooOi powers isriiW '! in the United States. They are built with everv ira- '- weapons, we oner to soorteinon toe uncanest liiuu provement for American sport sod are mads in six j qualities, tech Gun being branded with one of the . UBdermentioned names which denotes its quality j f t Bbano. . . k . paios. ft PWHEBR a;.iV.V.?..i.i.U.ii.$ 65 Gold, i tf TOLLEY. . . . . go " STANDAKD i.?..ivU:..iiJ....,g... 115 I 4 NATIONAL... A...... 140 M f CaiAlENGE..i.-.v;7Ji......;.. jaw S0 ,tU k PABAGON. . 285 .- I ! Any one of tbe above brands may be selected with ' j the greatest confidence, as bo Gun bears our name ,1 that we do not thoroughly guarantee to every to-; 'j Bpcctv ... ,r ' 1 ,QUNS FOBWARPPD C. 6. B. J -s. tv -'s f tM- it f f ! N. B. .Guns , built to order., at above nriccn. a specialty, i Send for detailed particaiars. ti itijap, j iraiea aesenpave price sneets ana VeMumoam. to lire 8hietA ana t&tim. v . ' -, -'J 39 ' Maiden Lane. ;c New Vork. i SJtl5-D&W tf s - . , - . 1 FOli illtiSfiASIDE, yjiEtiOUNTAlNS 1 For hours, of Leisure atllome apd Abroad, u j y.u... -,,v,K..n;)VvH ,-,iC j The following collections contain the best and i most popular of .all published Songs, vocal or In strumental Ducts,' Bondos, Waltzes, Polkas, Quad-,, lilies, eta, and furnish' unfailing entertainment to " aU lovers of iMm)i;jjf njiw lyr-i-' Musical Treasure. Vocaland Instrumental. .-'.'.,! Moore's Irish Melodies.- ' -..- VocafcJ.K i: u h W Gems of Scottish Song. , r '! Gems of Gemjan Song. i ; Q ' Ji ' J - Tl Jo t ; J ii .. j i 4 ' Gems of Sacred Song. , r 4 Wreatlwf fteuiv'JV:1 : '): ? v . i:r fehower of Pearls. Vocl Duets. . . j . Ppenaie Pearls' .CVAcsI'-' 'Tia'i-vJ iJ j.y. Silver Chord. ' " - ' j Piano at Uomeu r Feat hand $e$e, .1 i i. i a y 4 Gems of Strauss. .Instrumental. 1 Organ at Home. lJXtteed Organ, Ptecc&i '.---'-i Home Circle. Vols, lands. . IntitruiaeniaJ. PianeforU GemsJ , .- .r:'j.t --. 4 V . in 1 liobo oiuuiiu i " Laree Handsome Books, .which are for sale by eAi romUentidealena:fu n vtiw yt3ii'ft ,ft"! f I Price Of each booki Boardiv3S0 Clchi $3 DO; Full Gitt,$! 00: , , , - ' ; bchi, poBt-iree, ior retail price O. DITSON ' CO., I CHA$. H.DITSON & CO i ".:iifttf:-j .ji aJoetoiu;i''i i ' iucroaaway 1.7 jnly &4aw2w Wed SB Sal; r . , r . ' BXolasscg, Guano, JValls, Shot. : j .. .. .. 'ai.il. . 6..t.l4lv., jH:ji)4H.lt',l jqq uaos ana bdis ew Ll-rop yuoa woiasecs. OUU ' v15 iu .' ' Ji'J m j a v u oiva imoi id . , , i , . , . - B . , - . -jf-tfT WimiMUit3HIS6N ; s . Plour, .Coiil; Syrup; Eicei ; f Kt .-.i!tll"!4aiitj.it;mv'.rtvi.i -r'i ' i DAA. Bbls Fleur, all grades.. ' ft A A Bushels Prinfe White Corn.- u CYt Barrels S. H. ftyrnp, . ' f jnly ll-tf t .1 WILLIAMS j MUBCHISQN. , f Uaj", IXoop Iron, Glae pt Bbl Bides It!s;Easten Hay , i; ( . 35Q SBscond Bard ftplrit Casks, j-.r.f l'-!J- For said low jnly ll-tf 'w. WaiUUISON. ii.'j . r 50 8b,? it. K. Pbls City Mcee ToJc, - - J dCOr-' J- ;ijt .-.Vrt'Jiii V; V'ii Barrels. Uefincd Snuar,- , , ' -j 1UU ,'-. jr...V' tn;i;it j .U,r- 1 DA Dag8 Prime Itlo Coffee. : . ..! m V V4'4 "!' -" '- " li?t:itj.. - Forralelowby ' : ; ' " f ; July fi-tfi '"Wli.UAM8Jt MCCClllSON; " !'! ' 'Spirit Casks; Glue &cv;1 : " g Fplrit CAskf m: j y 4 i i y; j ;.4 1. ;'f' JgQ Barrels Gajd, il : r i'iii .-'i C 4i jq Tonilleop-Iroa, .'..(( ! i jiil:it ', ,4,; . i-ft I ' 1 Blve, s; -Bung Nalls-ei- . 1 c. ii Jit -.;:-. For sale bv . - ' " jaiy Mf t ; KKltCnNElt A CALDEK bKOK Cartridges;' Cartridges: NBAtitiTOtt "Tint spnikof ibi;n J Breech Load g Kifle, aluoi Kim fires for . the Henry, Spencer Sad Winchester Bides.' PWtol Cart ridges of every diwcription, . cQ be found at the lowest pesiible prices, at the Dji4E&bIUhed D d ware House, of v V . ,. ' . - . . '- . ' , :;rv ylf ijoBNDAWSON;1-j j ul J 1-tf ' tiJ -d I Nos.19, id and tt Market ftwlT tit.--' ALL PERSONS... ABB HEREBY .WARNED against shooting, hunting, ranging or otherwise trespassing on my premise,. Inmcd, , East of Wil mington, and knows as the Dudley lands; as the law against trespassers will be rigidly enforced. . jnly -WW " ' " - " AARON DAVIS. iisj g 1-I'!UJ1"5 Otil m.ii;' rrfii fif;i-' THE MACKINAW: ANi GERMAN STRAW, Fine Mima sad Canton Straw, Ladies Panama, "At" "i-TtAESISON : ALLEN'S V , july ll-tf, ., , , , 5 i., iy tst store. ti i v XTTEDDENv , CARDS AND YlSITDtG CARDS i T printed In the most eiegsiit style, at vf- N Sf' H. EiSNABD'S ,vasgirfr - . PriaaadPiiMiiihlBgHoaas. ' . ' . -' ' i t.j ' .:.; 1 (.';' . . 5i" ' . . I II: -8. ; ': ; ! ft- t. ll

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