IHE IIOEimiG STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY . rath or BUB8CBimoa ix astatcb: r (by mall) postage paid........... $7 00 SiXmJ?intU" " ' " M .......... 85 " nty subscriber,. delivered In any pi - Jmfwen Cents per week. Our City A elt7'...fhnHsd to collect for more than 3 n art of the sent are month in got jjTunce. OUTLINE, -i New York markets: Cotton, 15f151; turpentine, 31. National Division Sons' of Temperance in i&ession, at Provi dence; R I- Hear 'portion of City IIoteit Lynchburg fell in yesterday, killing a lady and injuring several others.; The Bonapartist Rouher is cutting a figure in the French Assembly debates. In the college boat race, Cornell won. - -Important session of the Cotton Congress at Raleigh yesterday. ;v.-If. -Marh,-who has been investigating Indian affairs, says to the President "in effect that Secre tary Delano and the Indian Commissioner are both frauds. ; : : ; ' ; i ' , ": Air. Johnstone Jones is editing the Ualeiih Sentinel in the absence of Mr. Turner. ' ' . , K (OTTON STATES CONGRESS. 01rlngmlcd Men Prenent-Klo-' qaeut Addresaes The Cotton State roaffrcka Welcomed ta Nortl Caro liua aud to IlaleUrli The Object and Alms or Ibe Conffrcai I . Condensed from the Raleigh News. J FIRST DAY'S , SESSION. At U o'clock, Tuesday, the President, 04. D. E. Butler, of Georgia, .called the Con sress to order. , In the absence of the Secretary, Messrs. R. T. Fulguum, J. D. WbiJfonl and John sione Jones were elected Secretaries of the .'im-eling. , ? -:- v. .'- A committee was appointed to wail on t!i Oovrruor and invite him into the halt Gov. Brogden being introduced by Col. T. M. Holt,, proceeded to welcome the members of the Cotton States Congress to Hie capital of the State of North Carolina. The speaker hoped tbat much good results would follow from the labors of those who had, on this occasion, gathered together fioiri different States and from, different ' sections of the Union." The United Stales had been peculiarly, blessed in many re spects, and it only remained for our people, and particularly our mechanical, manufac turing and farming interests, t work to- gether more harmoniously,, advisedly and energetically to make this country all that &s most ardent friends could wish the pride of our own people and the admira tion and envy .of the world. And in this t-fTort the people of. the South and of the great West had much .to do, as upon their exertions depended the success of every interprise in this great country."- The South ' should depend to a much greater extent 1 upon her own resources if she evef wished j to become . prosperous and independent we needed. more manufactories of every character, a greater .diversity in our crops, and a more - harmonious working together f those interests which were so identical. He again extended a welcome tq the Cotton &ates Congress to North Carolina. - - Col Butler, in behalf of the Cotton States Congress, thanked the Governor ana the people of North Carolina for this welcome lo the Capitol of this State. CoL Win. Johnston introduced Mr. F. It. , liusbee, who in behalf of Mayor Separks, extended to the Cotton- States Congress a hearty welcome to Raleigh and its hospi talities. '. t" '.':, ' " :"VV- Dr. Maxwell,, of Tennessee,' responded to Mr. Busbee in behalf of the Congress. On motion, Gov. Brogden and 'Mayor Separk, of the city of Raleigh, were invited to seats on the floor, and these gentlemen acknowledged the compliment in befitting .terms. , ,j , ;: ' 'jixVvfC' , iV. The call of the State and delegates pre sent showed the following representation : Representatives of National Grange Hon. IS. Shankland, of Iowa, and Judge J. T. Jones, of Arkansas. ;f v :; . ' Arkansas John T. Jones. Georgia CoL D. Ji Butler, Dr. Thomas P. Jayaes, E. T. Paine, EL AY. Butler and !i?eae Morehcad. North Carolina Col. Thomas 31. Ilolt, Brevard Davidson, Capt. C. B. Denson, OapL James It Thigpen, Dr George ' W. Graham, Jordan Stone, R. T. Fulghum, Azariah Graves, G. W, Lawrence, James 'P. Johnston, Col. Wm. Johnston, M.-A. BIeds6e,P. C. Carlton, Dr. M. Closs, S. B. .Alexander, B. 1L. Collins, Jno. T. Whit ford, John C. Wooten, George C. Taylor, Gen. W. R. Cox and Carter Harrison. South Carolina R. M. Sims. Tennessee Dr. W. Maxwell. - Judge Jones, of Arkansas, moved a com mittee on business. Messrs. i Jones,' of Arkansas, Jaynes, of Georgia, Maxwell, of Tennessee, Holt, of North Carolina, and . Sins, of South Carolina,' -were1 made said committee. ;.-!:;: ;;;.,rt . :-v.,r; f.y? President Butler gave a brief history of the organization and its objects." It was : organized at Atlanta in 1873 with a view f betteriog the condition of the people of the cotton States. At half past 4 o'clock the gentlemen of 'he Congress, accompanied by the Commit- tee of Iuvitation, the Mayor of the city and , a number of gentlemen of the city took "eats in carriages and proceeded to the In sane Asylum. Arrived there, they -were welcomed with the' coutesy characteristic . f the Superintendent, Dr. Grissom, and e.nductel through the different, wards, KiK lieiis, laundry, gardehs,"&e: fTlie visi irs were much struck with the order,: sys-'-tem and perfect neatness and cleanliness of every thing Comparisons were drawn be tween thiaand. similar institutions in other Slates by no means to the" disadvantage of 1 thin one of North Carolina. BIGHT SE88IOX. "The following order of business was re-' ported and adopted:" lt. Report of committee on constiiuiion aud by laws, of which J. L. Biidgera is clmiruian ' - , .2. Heporl of committee, on cotton facto ries, J E. Moire, chairman. 3: Report of committee on statistics, i . 4 Itejx.rt bf CoL "J. LV Bridgers on agri ' Oiture, Jtc. 5. Call for infotmatiion from the Direct trade Union,of Patrons of Husbandry. tt. Call for information in regard to the tabli8hment of agricultural bureaus in the t? u11? on "gricultural education by Dr. Pendleton; President of the State ARriCDltaral College of Georgia, to be read J'y Capt. C. B. Denson. o- Inqnire Into the best means of bring ing about a close intercourse between the 'uth and the West and Southwest. v i I?- f lm and place of next meeting.' i it. Committee of three oo improved ag ricaltnrai implements and machinery; Miscellaneous-business. I be regular order of ' business was de ferred and miscellaneous business was en ,eredinto. ; . , ' Tue Congress decided to hold Us next r,?iar annual sesttion at Nashville, Ten ' " at aucu time as the President thall l'liint. - ' The following dispatch was read and re- The VOL. XVI.--NO. 97. f erred to a special committee composed of xuessre. irm.jouBston, J08. J. Davis and jx. m. mci'nerson: 1 i ? -t " '' Cdaklottk, N. r, July 13, 1873. T9tha JPresideni qfthe Cotton State Congress. "Your body is asked to consider whether mo ien per cent, lax on other circulation than National currency is beneficial lo the cotton interests of the South, and if its re peal would not lower the rates of interest ana greatly benefit the farmer. , ' : ..V ' r ;? ' ' J. Y. BrYCE, "A, . : J, E. STENHOUSK, Delegates to National Cotton Exchange The following additional deleerates were reported : Messrs. R. D. Wynne, of Geor gia, ii. im. ix. iieary, oi ixuisiana, Rev. M. J. Hunt, of North Carolina, John Donnan, or Virginia, Dr. O. L. Ellis, A. M. Mc Pheeters, and G. W. Stanton ef North Car olina. j Decrease f Exports. , " A statistical abstract of the foreign trade of the LTnited States shows a decrease of t $67,000,000 in the cur rency value of the exports of domes tic produce daring the first eleven months of the fiscs X year 187475. The main part of the decrease has arisen upon the following nine arti cles, all of them t leading staples of export: Flour, wheat, cotton, pe troleum, bacon and hams, spirits tur pentine, tallow, leaf tobacco and tim ber. V In the nine articles here alluded to ' there has been a decrease of $87,500,000. About 640,000,000 -j of the falling off has 'arisen . on wheat and flour, and, as is shown by the New ,York Bulletin, is traceable partly to the lower prices of those articles wheat having aver aged 30 cents lower than for the pre vious i ear arid partly also to the holding back of the grain in the in terior. The decrease of $32,800,000 in cotton is attributable almost en tirely to the reduced quantity export ed, the price bavins: averaged only half cent lower. In petroleum there is a decrease of $9,600,000, the re duction having arisen from a diminu tion of 20,000,000 gallons in the ex port and a decline in the average price of 3 3 4 cents per gallon. In bacon and : hams there is a decrease of nearly 30 per ( cenU in the quantity . shipped, while the re daction in the aggregate value is only 12J Ter cent., the price in this case having averaged higher than the previous year, and in . consequence limited the export. In tohawo we have a decrease of $5,000,000 in the value of the exports and of 64,500,000 ponnds in the quantity shipped, the price! having averaged 9 i5-8 cents ; against 11 1-3 cents the year previoa The principal articles that show an increase in vine vaiue or me exports are fcoru, furs, hides, hops, firearms, leather, oilcake, : cheese and lard. These facts show that the falling off in the exports - has been - mainly con nected with a diminution in the sur plus of products available for nhij- ment. h Spirits Turpentine T Heavy washing rains in Hills boro section last week. . : Mr. King, of Granville, married a Miss Loftest. A marriage high up in the pictures. . L. W. Allens tobacco barn, Oxford, burned last Saturday with a thou sand pounds of tobacco. .. . ,, ,;L - - The Oxford Xeader regrets to hear of the illness at Buflalo Springs, Va.,- of Hon. A. W. Venable., . - , '.. The Torchlight hears considera ble complaint of the destruction of corn crops by wheat bugs in Granville. V Mr. A. K. Murchison, retires from the Salisbury Intelligencer, and that paper is now edited by Messrs. Bclo and Tayloe. .r . . Mr. Mills, announcing his inten tion to retire from the Superin tendency of the Orphan Asylum at the end of bis term of service, calls upon the people of the Slate to assist that institution. . . . ; . - The Democrats of Northampton have nominated ; Mr.' 'James W. Vinson for the State Convention, and Halifax county has nominated. Richard H. Smith, Jr., and Dr. H. E. T. Manning, of the Weldon 2few. Good nominationa -' ,, Jjeadef: ;W learn that an oltl colored woman named Dicey; Howard, liy Ing near Oxford, was struck by lightning one ; day last week and that two men; were killed in the samel, manner heal1. Oak Hill. The latter is merely rumor; , K : hi. , The tax-payers of Halifax coun ty had the largest and niowl infiuential gathering on Monday that ha been held in that county since 1 1861. Resolutions were passed condemnatory of the. abuse of the liuaoees of the county by Radical officials. - J- John IIall,f as we learn from the Piimeer extramade an attempt last ttatur day with two meo'named Gregg aud Bixin, to rescue his brotoer W H. Hall, a con demued murdereCin Ashe v die Jail, but was killed by tbegUaiil who were on the look out It is rumorejl that Boon was shot in the hip. . . ' ." r'.- -' ? -- Newbetn $ Nut Shell: At a meeting of a number ol one of the oil Boards of City Council of this city, held Aiouday icveuing at the ''jail, resolutions were adopted informing the Hoard of Al dernieu Jhat it is their intention to ''hold over," aud authorizing ex-Mayor Campbell to detmtud of said Board of Aldermen a full surrender of Iheir offices, aeaf, property, books, monies, eici Jbelouging to said city. What other action was taken at this' meet ing we did not iearn. : As to what course the Board of Aldermen will pursue we are unable to' ' say, though "presuuie they Witt either "turn over" to these parties request ing that procedure or will turn over to their successors in May next, as per oath of office .' -. - - ' ' ..'. - ! Col. John S. Mosby, of Virginia, has declined the invitation to deliver an nd dres iu Tremont Temple, Boston. , t . TaAHina fPararnw-lHaa.;-lavaJnable to rall ro4 companies, steamship compauiea, bauka, mer chants, manor actarera and other,' ; TtBsy are en- hdurinir and changeleM, and will copy aharp and dear for an Indefinite period of time. Having just Mwdved freah supply o' thea toka, wear pr4 pared to execnU orders promptly sod at jaooerate prices. ' ' Mm WILMINGTON, TJET jB iO I.TYr i NKW ADVBRTISBlSBNTSa Aiac OtDHAM New Flour. Harrison & Alten New Hats. See prospectus , "Pee Dee Herald." Coi,. Beak Notice. J. C. Munds St. John's Lodge, r- i Preston Cummtkq Wil. Lodge, 319. Local not. - Thus far only 900 dog badges have been sold. '" ' J 'j' The next regular meeting of the Board of Alderman, will take place to-morrow evening. ; -.v;:'j. ; - i - The frequent thunder showers do hot seem to have much effect on cooling the atmosphere. . J, :'J:u fl The Mayor' being absent from the city there . was no Session of the City VVV1 J VObtl VICSJT UIVl UlUf p Southwest to southeast winds and clear or J partly cloudy weather, with possibly light rains is the prediction for this latitude to-day. -j - -". ..:: - We are requested to state that the place of Clerk to the Auditing Commit tee of the County. Commissioners has not yet been filled.. !''.. In speaking in our last of Henry Taylor (a respectable man of the colored persuasion) we intended to call him a 810 poiinder not a 110-pouader, as the types had it. "' - r-i- 'k ; ' vf tr- ' j The Excursion of the Summer Light Infantry (a colored - organization),4 which was to have taken place on Monday, the 19th, has been postponed to Wednes day, the 21st itist. '.; '.;:;i : The name of Larry Neal, con victed of -larceny and sentenced to the Penitentiary for 5 years, was omitted from the list of parties sentenced by Judge Mc Koy, which appeared in our last. f- j Raose of Thermemeur, The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday: " j . t A. M., 77; 12 M., 91; 2 P. 41 , 91; 4:30 P. M.. 93; 9 P. M., 83. Improvement. . ' : ' j-j-' !?-.':( The old Repiton building. on the South, aide of Market street, formerly occupied by Mr. T. II. Smith as a grocery store, .was. in process of demolition yesterday, prepara tory to the erection of a 1 fine new store in Its plaee. The new ' building will be run baek about 170 feet, and will have an iron front. - : j j 'jDivlrieOoaaTaiB.;.-!;:! i. 11: - Ve regret to learn that the injury re cehred by Dr. McGougan, of . Columbua coauty, a short time since, caused, by a fall of his horse, was followed by an attack of pneumonia which greatly retarded Dri Mc Gougan V recovery.: 4 He is now improving, but it will probably be , ten days before he is able to walk. ' - j '"...'-. Pender County Commissioner. This body met on Tuesday last No busi ness of importance was transacted: - Mr. J. B. McPbersori was appointed Tax Col lector, his bond being fixed at $20,000. The i Board ballotted again for a commissioner to fill the vacancy, of A. V. Horrell, sheriff elect, ; bat without definite result.. The County Surveyor was instructed to run the j new lines of the county. The Board meets j again1 next Monday. . " untraseone. A warrant was issued yesterday morning fof the arrest of Fillmore Dixon, charged with entering tire bouse corner of .Third , and Brunswick streets and . cursing and abusing, a white woman by , the,' name o Mrs. Daniells, to which he added the out rageous insult of slapping her, in the face. Dixon was arrested and gave bond for his appearance before Mayor Canaday this morning. : ' ! ! ' 'a !ltmIiilnaM.v - w We have been shown a gavel, made of the wood of a mulberry tree, located about ten miles from (Wilmington. This gavel is very handsomely varnished and trimmed with silver bands.1- It rwas presentedjby a prominent niemberot the Odd "Fellows fraternity to the Lodge? to Whichr he be lohgs on the 30th anniversary of his be- coming a member.11 It hai a histoVical rem iniscence which connects it with the olden. tithe, having beea'made from tree undef which James "Love wasbeunngtbe Revplution; while manf uUy strugging iwilh. the British soldierly for his life, i.vi Tlie following regarding ' the history of the affair, we copy , from the .Wilmington Xlhroniele of June 11th, 1845: '"James Love, who not long before had been massacred at Rouse's house, near Wil mington, with many others, by. a detach ment from the Command bf "Majorf Craig, who was in possession of the town. Love was a companionable man, both gay and facetious, and had .his followers, either in sports or adventures. He with a number of select companions, after night fall, re paired to Rouse's house on the Newbern" road, to drink cider and play whist. They. had not been long there', before the house j was surrpundedby jBriUsh jlMfantry and the work of death commenced. Love had taken bis saddle into the house and laid his sword upon if. ,lHe8eiledlVoth,xhbld ing the saddle before bony he: cut his pay out f .the.t housemakipg '. for a mulberry tree in the yard; near I its trunk be fell, his body ran through with bayonets.. Out of the bloody struggle onlj oneof the sociable few escaped, a. young man named Wilson, from Duplin county." The tree is still standiug to'mark the spbt where the scene of carnage took place, and the piece of iu wood which has been so neatly fash ioned into a gaveU will ever we are sure tear a melancholy IrilefesTfrbM the Miti ful rtory thai cllngsrouod it1;-' ' f : N. C, THURSDAY' TemnoHrrIrael Laying tUe Corner The ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the new Jewish synagogue, the handsome structure now in course of erection at the corner of Fourth and ' Market streets, will take place this (Thursday) afternoon, at 5 0 clock. Gov; Brogden, ex -Gov. Vance ana other prominent gentlemen have been in vited to be present The construction of , the temnle is under the supervision of the building committee of the s Jewish i congre gation of this city. No pains will be spared to make the occasion a fit celebration of the laying of the corner stone of the first . syna gogue ever built in this State. The following will be the programme of exercises on the occasion. The, procession will be formed, under the command of Mr. SoL Bear, chief marshal, in the -following .order : . " Cornet Concert Club Baud. Masonic Fraternity. 1 , v Chief Marshal and Aids. 'Members of "Temple of IsraeL" . . .Jewish Youth. .Jl. i i -1 Invited Guests and Citizens. ,x. I . V-Thc Press. ;'';; State and City Authorities. - ; Board of Directors. , : : 4i i- Building Committee. ? . . . Orators, Chairman and Secretary. . V-L . ROUTE OF PROCESSION. ' tv- ; , From Masonic ; Hall to Third street,' up Third street to Red Cross,- down Red Cross to Front,' down Front to Market, up Market koFourln.-' ' .Eil'OdlF : On arriving at the temple the t following brde"r'ofexercise8 will be observed : i' Music by Cornet Concert Club..' , . : lusic by Choir.;, . Invn-aiioir by I lev. Dr. M. Yastrow.' -Request of Chuirtnan Building Committee ; to the Worshipful Grand Master " 7 lay the Corner Stone. - , Deposit'Tof vaiious. articles in the box by the Grand Treasurer. Ceremony of 'laying the "Corner Stone by ' ''-Masonic Fraternity, f Architect, Builders and ' Superintendent. Oration by Hon. A. M. Waddell. Music by Cornet Concert Club. '. . Sermon by Rev. Dr.M Yastrowi Music by the Choir. ; - Benediction. At lltej conclusion, .of .these! ceremonies. the procession 'will reform and march with Invited guests to the City nail to partake of. refreshments."" ' 1 "';' ''7, ' The Israelites of the city are requested -to close their places of business at 3 o'clock, P. M., to allow themselves and employees to participate in the ceremonies of the lay-, ing of the corner stone. They will meet at the room of llw1 Library" Association at 4 o'clock. 4 The citizens generally are request ed to transact' their business before the hour named for the ceremonies, so that all can be present on the interesting occasion. Oar City audita TTeatern Hallway. Apropos-of the deliberations of the Cot ton States Congress, .now in session in that plaee, the Raleigl iNews produces a sketch of the Carolina' Central -JZailway accom panying a map. of the; territory tributary and contiguous to this port. , We copy cer tain parts of this article as follows : thank ing the Netos for the kind interest it takes in our prosperity s ;: Uii$ sj.iHi:ZL 1 "Rival lines may have looked upon this road with disfavor, and rival interests ob structed its progress with jealous opposi tion. We only , look upon it as a great work necessary' for the present develop ment of. the country through which it pass es, indispensable toTthe prosperity of our greatest commercial seaport, and promising m the future by its connections with the great West to bring North Carolina in the great line of Inter-Oceanic traffic. - "This Road was orieinallv known as the Wilmington Charlotte and Rutherford road, and neiore the war, unaer mat name ' was completed to. within a few miles of Rock ingham in the couaty of Richmond. The company fell into dimcumes and the road passed into other.handa under a change of name. Under its new' management "it has been completed .to Charlotte. Before the war the western end of the road bad been completed as far as Cberryville. This end has now been , extended nearly to Shelby, making a continuous line zrom Wilming ton of 242 miles; the longest single line in North Carolina under one management "Its farther extension west is the subject bf a difference of ; opinion, merely in re gard to the direction. 'The extension is a fixed determination, to be made with the Western North Carolina Road, but wheth er at Hickory ' by a' branch from Lincoln- on AW .whether from Shelby to AshevUie is -an unsettled, point. TBut-when thocon- nectioo.Js.maaa4VYuniuigton as orougju, oy the comuletion of, the.rVV, N., rf. lailrad to aiorrisiown, rwiuiin aou nines i oiocui nati. the same distance that it :is from Bui-: timore to CinclnnattTi "f i ; b f u f li ii "We believe tuat Wilmington possesses such superior advantages for. control: over, the West India and South American trade; that she will attract it and control fie soon as the Carolina Central - shall have pushed its way through the mountains, and' so soon as the broken link is completed which unites the Great West with the At lantic Seaboard at Wilmington. :.' "Cincinnati, for instance, o0 miles rrom; Wilmington or from Baltimore is tbat much nearer to the West Indies bv the distance' between Wilmington and iiaiumore, . otso miles. Wilmington Is south oi all the danger ous Capes on the coast,' and consequently has thd advantage f not obly In" saving of distance but in insurance. What ap plies to Cincinnati applies also to St. Louis-i Chjcagb)an4 Abe trfcgiona3aJ4ng) tfief QliaJt Mississippi and Missouri, it is nor, mere fore, a visionary expectation that not only will Wlhnington eMhe'entreport for the great bulk of West India and South Amer iban products, products needed for the sup ply of the Westy-imt she will.be the ship ping point f or" much Westeroprodnce seek ing foreign markets, . and thus aiding the Southern Cotton Congress, now in session in carrying out their plans' of direct trade with Europe and foreign-, points generally. The VeHue! . ,j -,. -I. The Coroner's jury in the case of Bella on tne Streei a uay or vwo tsmoe, au acuuuufc of which! appeared In the Stab rendered! a verdict that she came jto' her death from heart disease. ' ' ,. . r . . . . a . 1 .. t. 'JULY 15, 1875J Thievery. --; w.f.v: if 5 ? There, were two robberies and one at tempted robbery in one neighborhood n Monday1 night last. 0 Two houses wre en tered; the thieves getting in through upper windows by climbing piazs. - The clotb- ing from a room In each of these buildings was afterwards ; found on the. roof of the piazzas, but . about $2 .was all , that , was realized y by the robbers.' The location visited was' in the neighborhood of Fourth and Chestnut streets. Flghtlnc Scrape. A difficulty occurred.; on board of the British Barque Sterling, lying at the wharf of Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, yesterday morning, between two seamen . named Ben j. Roberta And- Peter -Johnson, during which the former struck the latter a severe blow in the f ace, cutting a . gash reaching from the lower, hp to , the chin, making quite an ugly wound. Johnson had a war rant issued from the office of Justice Gard ner and the offender, was arrested and car ried before the official aforesaid, who, after hearing the case, ordered the defendant to pay a fine of $5 and costs. ; " . ' ' ' mi m The Opera Houae Last Nlsht. A fair audience assembled at the Opera House last night to witness the rendition of the three act drama,' "Robert Emmet," by iuo tt ummgiun A.maieur uramaiic Asso ciation. , The Apollo band discoursed some good music from the balcony and formed the orchestra daring the performance. ' T The entertainment was rendered with much spirit and appreciation on the part of the Association, the members of which showed an almost thorough conception 'Of their different characters. ' A little more at tention to elocution on the pert of some ,of the performerswouId"have increased the effect, while the' stage' appointments and dress, could hardly be arranged with more taste and appropriateness by the most skill ful professionals, r This ' department rwas especially commendable. ."Robert Emmet" was , exceedingly well f rendered con sidering the youth . of f the ' performers, and - the. ; haste ; of i its preparation: I .TJhe Amateurs did themselves 1 much crciit showing, as they did,Jtho result of patient study and practice in the rendition of their several parts. .The local j hits in "Hunch back's Vanity" were well received and the dancing was loudly applauded, while the specialties showed the : force , of the com pany to advantage.; We think the audience was well pleased, andthe it Association ban congratulate themselves ' on coming up to,' if they did not overreach, expectation, f A NEW ' ADVERTISEMENTSJ; YOU ARB HEREBY RESPECTFULLY JIE qneeted to 5 u CLOSE TOUR PLiCES OF BUSINESS this day, Thursday, at 3 o'clock P, M.,' to partici pate In the laying of the Corner-Stone of our Tern-, pi :. " . . .:. 1 " : . 1... v jteet at O'ciock at ui 1x00 ma or tne Wilming ton Library Association. ; ' 1 ;i SOL. BEAR, President, J.I. Macks, Secretary,, .... , . . July 15- ! NEW AND NOBBY " STYLES i 1 STRAW JLADIES' STRAW, PANAMA AND CHIP. U At. I HARRISON ALLEN'S : ; :m ,CUy Hat Store Jalyl5-tf, 1 i.ii. : FOR SALE. !-:.; i lSMALL SHETLAND PONEY, SADDLE AND Bridle. 1 Ado! t to alyl5-2t JAKES DAWSON. ) 1 St John's ; Lodge, , No. 1, I '-:' F.'& A. -M.' v :. .. i - j: THE MEMBERS OF 8T. JOHN'S LODGE, No. 1, arejiereby notified to meet at St John's HaU this (Tharsaay) afternoon at 4 o'clock, for the porpoee .of Laying the Corner Stone of Temple of. IsraeL Members will proyide themselves with white glove. Visiting Brethren are cordially Invited to participate. By order of the W.M. ..... . . .lAJUta U. mVCU9,, i July 15 it J.'""'"; Secretary.'. OTmingtqn LoageoiiSlQ. THE MEMBERS OPWTLMINOTON LODGE, No. hl9. are hereby reanested to meet at St. John's Hall to-day (Thursday J at 4 o'clock p. m., to anicipate in tne ceremonies oi laymt? me vomer tone or the Temple of IsraeL, By order W. M. rr 3 aly 15-lt 1 " ISTON CUMMiNGSecV.' I. B. GRAINGER.. ...r. IVOSi W. D. JOHNSON ...Phbsidbnt .Vtc PKJtsromnv BANK ,OF.: MAklON, I V :";?- i'ivm 'tJ1- ni-- H?u?-'Yr !( Directors:,. j! nON. W:.,Ht JOlINtsON.l..i..j.. Marien, SO. DUNCAN MURUUISONW. ' ' i 5" s WM. A. MRK1HT .. .WUmIn&ton.N.C. JNO. W. ATKINSON. o ': .:.' . "ii;;, i ... . iTT-Ji- :'': ,. fil i i Atl'f i f'i Docs all the ordinary baainess of a Bank.i : ' v. i - ' Iesnes Certificates or Deposit bearing interest. ; ' Will take pleasure in accommodating the mercan tile communities of Wilmington and other places by diaronnimg such paper as can be recommended as eood by any of the Banks located where the par ties are carrying On business. ' ' ' v ,?? ; ' i . ''.: i. ltKKy, : ' i ' .' ' '.' , f- i ' "tli-j i.(krre8pon.duts: it4 , Merchants' Etchane National Bank.... ..New York. Citizens' National Bank. .. ,i -j. :. . .. . . , Baltimore. Wank ot New Hanover,. 1 ... . . . . .' .Wilmington. ; , mas SOU nac(-iiii n. iiUu vn; i ' , . . i (, j E-EEEHERAlr pUBLISHEp, EVERY WEDNESDAY, at Wadesr Brieht cheerful, progressive, always up to the ad vancing thoughts of the times. the HiBAU takes' rank with the leading journals of the day. It is on the side of Christianity. The Hiati.n la devoted to the family circle. It contains original and select stories, wit, humor, &c; every family in the land' should subscribe for It Its low price (only ose' dollar; places it within the reach of every one in the land. We pay all postage. ,: . . ; -j ;,('..:;; :h:.U ;.' ...f 1 '! READ WHAT THE PRESS THINKS OF US. '- I The HtraldlA a Firtt Clou family Paper. Having some of the ablest writers in. North Carolina at- in Vann von lollv tUl Ga.) Newt, we rarer to tne puDiisner or this paper. BoWribe at ones. Address, HERALD, Wade kt. boro'.N. C jalylStf 1 - WHOLE NO. 2549f iNEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J B75 875 H"ew Flour Just from the Harvest Fields ltANNOT "fBB SURPASSED '' BY THE EAST,' vr wesi,nana or coma, jivery carrel ana oag guaranteed perfect. Send yonr orders to the Cape year Moor and Pearl Hominy Mills. , . July Sw nae ' ALEX. OLDHAM, Prop'r. Ftesli Parclxed Coffees THIS WEES AND1 GROUND FRESH IN STORE Java, Laguayra, Maracabo and io. 5-. c; UsmaUlotof HANGING ; BASKETS AND FANCY COVERED i:i BASKETS, j , . - tf Very pretty and useful, Send for sample of Bosse A Cea Loese Pickles and in Jars. . .. . ; . : , j r. .: line Old Blackberry Brandy, 7.- jaet in and the popular. it' -! - .?.; : BLUE GRASS AND "GEM" WHISKIES. ' Parched Rio Coffee lu pound papers.' ' Best Cutter In the World, ;" and onr celebrated NEW PROCESS " EMPIRE FLOUR, guaranteed to keep in the warmest weather. The only reliable brands to bny. We will make the S rices snit "Families" on the souurl for anything l our line, at ' . r : GEO. MYERS". - , ; ' Jmy 11-tf . ' - ' 11 A 13 South Front St " Borden's Extract Beef, BORDEN'S BRAND. CONDENSED MILK, -EAGLE Small Fig Hams, Sugar Cured Should'' . ers. Fig Fork. ' SCOTCH OAT MEAL, FRESH GOODS. , ' CHAS. D. MYERS & GO.. :- , 5 A 7 North Front St. ; .. CHOICEST TEAS, . TJRESH SHIPMENT. FINEST GREEN, BLACK. JD Japan and English Breakfast, just received by us. . . CHAS. D. MYERS & CO. Sauterne. Catawbas, Clarets, Rhine and Champagne Wines, j . EVERY VARIETY. ' 5 & 7 North Front St. Oranges and Iemons CHAS. D. MYERS & CO.: jaly 13tf 67 North Front street ! Call and See Our - FRENCH JACONETS In all colors, worth 40 cents, for 25 cents. Also our ; new stock or ! &i:Percalesr; J. & H. Samson, . '' ""' ''' '''' ' 43 Market ''Street: jnlyS-tf Victory; Victory Vjctory. MY ENEMY, HIGH PRICRS, ROUTED FROM the field. , . - , . - ' In every Battle Low Frices Come Out Victorious. f r . MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, : Gent's ? Furnishing Goods, dee. I :: a. david,) - I ' . . " I Out general's all others in low prices. jnlyll-tf : Our Box Box IIALFDIME i I UARANTEEDTOBE ASGOOD as yonr Cigar dealer sells yea For One Dime, or no sale by . . . PIGOTT, jnlyll-tf Heavy Gold Vest : Chains, ; Coral Sets, STUDS AND SLEEVE BUTTONS, JUST RECEIVED AT LOW PRICES. GEORGE HONNETJ " 63 Market St , july 11-tf T he C ree n G ate, -I'.'t ' v. .'-. i- i 'V m i.T f -..;.;,".- i I ". rpRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY MRS A. L. Wlstcr; Only a GirLfrom the German, , . .. ' by Mrs. A. L. WIster; Which Shall . ; It. Be:. Tha Wooing O't; . V . 1 ?. tl tf.it ilHU.llii. 1 , I.:; ; "ilJ The Floating, City and the Blockade Runners, by i t &', Ilh)I;1 ft tin .: j i , ' ' ; j Jales Verne;Hitherto,A Story of Yesterday, . 1 lo ui;;jj-!u,v! j i ' i ii'Hi 'J.yi I ; by Mrs. ATD..T.. Whitney. ; , t tll forsale by ; ' CQNOLEY YATES. ;juiy -tr-t;i City Book tilorct Kgna a'.Story, . , BY ,"0 U I D A," A1 UTHOR OE "STRATHMORK,"' "FOLTE- faine." "Under Two Flegs." "liUHe." "l'r;co- trin,M&c&c - ' ! M EK O I R 8 :- . ' or GEREBtl"?. T. " SHERMAN, ' CTd'HI'lUg HV TITlfQIT 13 .WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. -' ''-'' In Two Volumes: .41 1 ? Jnet received and for sale at . HEINSBERGER'S,. ' Ijnly tHf :Wve Book and Music Store Coffee' and Chee'seJ X0 ASTKD JAVA AND RIO COFFEE.SAPSAGO and Eldem Cheese. . -':'' For tale at ' ' s -' -"i I -t . , ' G. H..W..RUNGE, ? ltortliemat cor. UTarkec and Second M. j jnneao-tf - ;; ""' -',:r t f Fine Fresh Teas. i.i-t TUST RECEIVED IN ORIGINAL PACKAGES A dl- full line of Black and Green Teas, of veay best selections that can be made. These goods are very Superior sad will be Bold cheap- In ocdor to make quick sales and keep fresh stock. . - ?JuneS7-tf'V-;j ot XC BtK V EH SON'S.' TrMnTi Seed! ' u.:-i- rr, , : ... m i r xuruip DtJtJU i NE W CHOP 175 ! Also i'1 i i . ai mm mm an wt - mi mr mr arm w - J . 4 '..1 - . ' - - ' ' 1j , For sale by GREEN & FLANNEB. S mi 09 Square one ?y ,,: fl h two daVi tttfeeci VB. ...... f at five days.. 8 K v Two weeks......,,..;.......,.;. . 6 : Three weeks, a?. .'. . . i i. One month..... z 8 W " Two months... f ; Three months .u.sa co Zi ix-mwatlii.u-.-..-.i -vi..5 "' uneyear.. .;...........-.'.:..60 Oe jm contract a advertisements taken at propoi- tionately low rates. jf ive Dqnares egnraatea as a quarter-column, and Anaated aai ten squares as a half -coin ma. MISCELJiANEOUS. Reduction in Price. ! T0LLEYS Celebrated F I N E. lireecii - Loading Guns, Maimfactorr, -TMoneer Works, BIKINGIIAM, ENb: " ' HAVING ESTABLISHED A BRANCH IIOU8E in New York for the sale of our ctlebrated' weapons, we offer to sportsmen the Cheapest Guns I of guaranteed quality and shooting powers ever sold in the United 8taiea.They are built with every Im provement for American sport, and are made in six qualities, each Gnn being branded with one of the ' undermentioned names, which denotes its quality : Brand. ; ....... prkV . pioneer esoSid. TOLLKY. ....... . . , .V . 80 STANDARD .......'..:.!........ I " llfi NATIONAL. . " 140; . CHALLENGE. . 1 180 " paragon . . . .T.r.r:.r.Tr...::. ;. : . r sus .Any one of the above brands may be selected with the greatest confidence, as no Gun bears our name that we do not thoroughly guarantee in every re- -spect . : ' k O U2iS FOR WARDED C. 0. D. ,N. B. Guns built to order, at: above prices, a specialty Send for detailed particulars, with illus trated descriptive price sheet and testimonials, to our Branch Iloueo. v i j i , , . F " .. " '." ,; 391 Ulaiden ; aept 85-DWtf Lane, ' New York. 4- . Pickled Oysters. i 2BuIs.Je" Riyer. Oysters. PicHei. lilts mountain Butter. For sale cheap. i EDWARDS HALL, i jnnc 23-tf A Hundred Years. r 1OU MIGHT WAIT. AND NEVER IT AVE TUB dL opportunity ol buying goods at tae prices at whjchlam , , (. j CLOSING CUT- MT SIOCK . It is not to make room for another stock, bat is a sale to close out the entire stock in a given number of days, and to Insure this, on and after the 12th inet, goods will be sold at . . , . i , LESS THAN COST, ',: For Casli Only, Come without further Invitation, or delay, as at the ffe8 . - .'- THE STOCK WILL RAPIDLY DIMINISH, ; every article Is new, no shobby or auction goods in the store. ? v-f , i , . ., r .Vi-jt.-i Very respectfalij. aO. LUSHER. i July 11-tf J.; Balance JTOCK OF LINENS H AT LESS THAN COST.' r. . ; ?..-... . . T HEY MUST BE SOLD OUT TniS SEASOA . Bro. LlucEiiAJS0nJy.$2. - BR0W1T And Sthitb 1 BUCK suits ?' i i. At less than Cost. MUNSON & CO., .City Clothiers. j julyl4-tf 2 BARRELS DUBLIN PORTER (Pin ta.) , ; CASES BASS'S PALE ALE (Ojoarts.) , Vna aanl iapw Irtm a1aa afmaihfiwiatif t ALEX. SPRUNT As SON. I alyl4-6t. ii I , ' - !Iolasses, Guano, alls, Snot. , QQ Hhds and Bbls NewCrop Cuba ' Molaeres 200 '"on8 c"aaaap 604,101 -" j. -'- - i -, JjQQTohsEiirekaGoanOi j; 5 t ,f - . 2QQ Kegs NaUs," t!, J f, . . ; t OA A Bag Shot- - 3uly 11-tf - For sale by '': WILLIAMS A MURCUISON. , 1 ., . ilour, Corn, Syrup, Eice, 800 Bll8 1?ur' rei' 000 Bu8aelaPlm .White Corn..,. Q Barrels S. H. Syrnp, ; ; v 1 " 2 Bbls Rice, ,;.;,;..! -J For sale low by '.'. jnlyll-tf ' WILLIAMS AMURCniSON. Uar. Uoop Iron, Glue, Spt Bbls. KAA :Bales N. K. ; and' Eastern Hay t 1 1 A(t) Bdlsirooplrorf, J 'T '". 'f jQQ BblsGluc ''." r j FccoLd lland SpU it Caska ' f - 1 ' 1 For sale' loW by O ' " ,?( - ' ' ' ' ' tjulv 11-1 f WILLTAMS Sk MURCIHSON. , Bacon, Fork, Sugar, Coifee r A Boxes D. 8. Sides . , fi Boxes D. S. Sides and Shoulders, .. . 2? Bbls City Me Fork, " - - -- JQQ Barrels Refined S0?r. ,.-,,,. - t (t S rrime Rio Coftee. . i .j- - ; . D .. tor emciow Dy . s : i July 11 tf WILLIAMS jfe MPRCniSON. '' " Fpirit Casks, GlA8,'&c" 50()Casks; . - r JfjfJ BarrewGlfle, ! .!-.. - J- j.: Toha Hoep Iron i i; v 1 Rive f. Bimg, Nails, 4e. For sale by July 11-tt K KRCIINkR ft CAI.DKH BROS. Cartridges, Cartridges.' IKNTRAL" FIRES lF0B rHB SPRfNG WI KtA '' J Jireech Lo&d.ne Henry, Spencer and J iireech Loading Rifle, also Kim area for the i d Winchester Itiaes.-PUtol Cert- ; ndgeaof every (description -can be . found at the lowest possible prices, at the Old Established Uai d- ware House of ui.f).;A joHNDAWSON.' ' Julyn-j- , Novl?, 0 andil Market at. I J. .;':,' I Cuba molanet. 7PL Hads New, Crop CubaIolasses, In K i Jaly lMf ? IceScHNEII ft1 fvALDEB BROS. j- Tonsorial XSemoval ' V "' E. A ARTIS has purchased the stock and material of James Carraway and removed to the shop form-, of Jamc erly occ Hoose,! liceenei eriy occupieo. ny nun, in tne oasementoi the rurcell Hoose, where he invites his old friends and the pub- lie generally to call oa him. Best workmen in the " State employed,, and Shaving, Hair Cutting and Sbampoolng done at the shortest notice. Try hlm -rr. . a i- 4 '- ! I' H i s fi. 1-. I; i : ft I .'I' s if I f hi I S3 H Sf h r u it', J. '4 i t - t-' V i I If - "1

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