. v - - THE IIOEITIITG CTAE. . c PUBLISHED DAILY, BY or auBsounioa ix aotato: ' One yr. (by mn postage paid,.".;.".;:. fT 00 Six months. (" " ) Three months( "1 One month, i C " ) , i " i . .- uu 1 5 4 M V ; w To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city.Jnneen iraus per weei. uuriaiy Agentaare not authorised to collect for more than S months in not advance. OUTLINES. New York market: .Turpentine, 31fc&32; rosin $1 65$1 75; gold H2illS. . r Carlists concentrate forces for an Advance ioto province of Lerida. - Six hundred delegates present at Convention of Bankers, Saratoga, . -.Two persons fatally . injur eJ in an accident at Cincinnati ' Area of corn 8 per cent greater than last year in tbe whole country. a THE . CAMPAIGN. ... t? -, Noieo ansV Gleanlns. .Ex-Gov., Graham being una ble tcTaddfesslne citizens of" Orange county in person has issued a printed address otmuchTxogeocyo, J 1 I v Raleigh News: We cannot too often" sav that the Convention will be heldT" ianot; going tofadjoufnV if the rtaaicais'uave iuo uiajoruy. ; 11 in the, handaof Democrats, for perr raanentgood if '-in1 the' hands of Radicals, for eqnal ' by as permanent evil. The question .then for the peo ple 'which5 party shall hold the Convention, tne JJemocrats, . or -tne Uppublicans ? : Democrats speak out. Raleieh'As The campaien in the county ia progressing with nn abated interest," and we have the most cheering news from every section. ; ; -Sentinel; The Radicals of Jones county have nominated - Jacob F. Scott; the present member of the Leg islature, for Convention. : Observer : Vance and Leach openea tne oau wiia puuuu gpeecnes in Vnarion.B tamuruajfuigui. - - There are not over SO white Radicals in Franklin county. - The Sentinel learns that Man rice Q. Waddell, Esq., of ; Pittsboro, is to go West to reply to Greasy 8am" Watts speeches. He nsed up the oleaginous little Judge, the other .lay in Pittsboro in a way well nigh indescribable. . Spirits Turpentine Graham lawyers" raise Irish pota toes as well as points of law. Surry Visitor: : The corn crop looks iMitter -than for .many years past,' though the ci(op isnotJarge, by any means. , The Supreme CouVt . have deci iled the contested sheriff election case from Wake in favor of Dunn, thus sustaining de cision of the lower court. 1 Henderson ' Tribune : f Editor gone. 7 Mr. Goodloe gone," weather hot. what's left sick, focal scarce. Now ' what shall we fill jour paper, will this week ? - TheRev.K5. TrBaileiy; "of War-rt-ntoD. has purchased the interest of the ltev. A F. Redd ia the Biblical Recorder, and will at once assume editorial charge of that iuost excellent journal. w-fcU Surry I Visitor: One day last week a little girl, about eleven years old, killed a very large rattlesnake on the Bay slack farm. .The snake was about four feet Jong, with fourteen .rattles. Spunky little girl. that. . : j .r.! -i - - i Charlotte Observer VJoa.' Beck ley, the faiker" who drugged Mr. James Boyd, of Chester, S; 'C; in thia city, last Fall, and then robbed him, and who aub&e quently removed his ease to Cabarrus, was convicted at the recent term of. court in Concord, and sentenced by Judge Scbenck to ten years' hard labor in the Penitentiary. He has been taken to his new quarters.; Raleigh lveus. His iixcellency, Gov. Brogden, yesterday evening respited the Weldon bridge murderers, Cornelius .Williams, et at:, in consequence of the de cision of the Supreme Court, in the case of J. C. L. Harris, Solicitor to the Court. The abbreviated opinion reads: "petition for writ of habeas corput for a prisoner under sentence of death to testify- before - the grand jury in .regard to indictments against his accomplices; allowed." i . . JSaleighH lZvcwlCCapt. l 'A3 B. Hill and Mr., Hyman, of Scotland Neck, arrived in the city. Sunday. eve,ning having in charge a person supposed to have been SScott Partin, the wife murderer, and though befitted the bill as to the published des ciiptioa yet h proved to' be only'a fellow that looked like him." The man says his name is Chapman, hails from Craven coun ' ty and an itinerant book peddler. Hi sus picions monouvres ia that section so early after tbe escape of Partin led to his prompt arrest Partin remains at large with as yet no clue as to his whereabouts. sTAttDCinr - nurei i abont to abolish Dass r-;--u88ia ia aooat to aooiisn p i nr. pons. . The crops, everywhere .in East Ftwrtdii arelueking weifcfV- A.V'- Bananas -are ripe ' in Palatka, Fla. ; algu figs and grapes.' ''' ' J ; ; The estimated value of the last French vintage is $400,000,000. - One paper tenders its sympathy I to ThHMl,ore Tilton, the Atlanta Herald. Six new weekly papers have ap-jx-awd in Ne w Orleans wkiiin a few weeks. : r.'.A ma n namied Go'm3 ulgh t Is run ning fur th Texas C'ousiiiutional Coaven tion. . - .i : - Mr. CharleH Reade i ont in an-; oiher Witr4 fvor f,iirt,eri&tional copy right la:the2H6- Kf if" ? ; CoI.rAi K.LamA;iwill have thnrge b( tne' political department of the uew uamonc paper in a van nau. "Ductless "d. Otrante, widow of Naitoleou's celebrated Plice Minister Fou- ;lie, is ueadlit a' very jad vaiicd aTJj ' f r-;: lie' friends of Jiowdoin College me estahllabmeBtxtf Longfellow Prof es- f sorsnp in honor of the poet.' , ? . -. -t.Thousahda upon thousands of; f" e out or employment, and yet itjs said farmers in 'some sections are. having trouble get harvtsf hands.- ; V . '??Ud rike Wi&uhe'tifer'ge Jliat Brigham Young and the lesser priestly establiab lezaiWai alia consulates abroad. aim? Chinese offlctals. it it added, hare nn ," - .: ...i HE I XTWr -wr-"r-w-. I III . Y VT ATO 19 S OITfZ". , N BV ADTEBTISBKlBNTi. . ALEX. OldhAK New flnnr ! ChAS. H. DITSOH& Co. Mnsift TVmfca S- 6. Nokthkop Lemons and oranges. iwa gooa cnance. i ; IvS. Radcliffe Notice. Local Dots. . The Board of Aldermen held an executive session last night - Sixth annual meeting of Wil mmgton Building Associatioffat old library rooms, Front street, at &i o'clock this even- in8- - ' v J We observe among.. the- names or parties to whom, patents parties to whom, patents hare been is sued, the name of Mr. W . P. Elliott, of this city, for a bale tie. r " . Slight "changes, in barometer and temperature, southeast to southwest winds,' partly cloudy : weather! and occa sionai rain vf or our section of this mun dane sphere, is what Old Probs. says. tin mailable Letters. The following is a list of the unmailable letters remaining in the city post office: Mrs. Rosa II, A., Ashe, . Raleigh, 'N. C; Mrs. Julia Flcmming, 15 N. Charles SL I Baltimore, Md.; S. M. Thomas, Laurin- burg, N. C. Blaciatrateo Court, " Before Justice H. K Scott, of Cape Fear Township, Washington Hill was arraigned on the charge of assault, and battery on the person of Judy Bengwin, both colored. Defendant was ordered to pay a. fine o$5 1 nrougat 10 mis cay ana committed to au Graad JKxenralon. The Cape Fear Light Artillery will have a grand excursion to Smithville and the Black Fish grounds on August 10th. Mu sic and refreshments will be provided; for the occasion, and nothing will be left un done to render, the affair pleasant and agreeable.' .The proceeds will be devoted to paying for the uniforms of this com pany. The Orphan. Through a letter received by Dr. S. S. Everett, of this city, from Mr. J. H. Mills, Superintendent of the Oxford Oi phan Asy lum,' we learn that be will visit this city on Friday next, accompanied by a dozen of the orphans, and that he will give an enter tainment on tbe evening of that day. Ma- souic Hall, we understand, has been secured for that purpose. Our citizens can feel as sured that they will not regret being present on the occasion. A Free Fight at Hilton. We learn that quite a considerable row occurred at Hilton on Monday, night be tween a party of colored men. It, appears that some of the party were riding on what is known as flying ponies, located at -that point, when a difficulty occurred between one D. Chadwick, who was superintending the business, and one Buck Wright. A gen eral fight ensued, dpriog which Wright re ceived a severe cut and Chadwick was bad. ly handled. Among .other parties implica ted in the affair were Pat Walker, Uriah Scott and Josh. Tucker. At last occounts no arrests had been made. Aeala Arrested. ;. . n .., Patrick Flynn, at whose house the sad affair occurred on Sunday last, by which Mrs. Margaret Reynolds lost her life,,; was re-arrested on Monday evening, on a war rant issued by Justice YanAmringe, and lodged in jail. This action was based on the representations of Coroner Hewlett, Dr. D. M. Buie and several citizens, some of whom : were witnesses of the transaction, who were not satisfied with the verdict ren- ' " I dered by the jury, as published in our last issue. It appears that Dr. Buie held a post mortem examination of the body on Monday and from what we can learn his evidence, adduced by such examination, is very im portant to the proper understanding of the case. JThe singularity of the verdict was extensively commented upon yesterday. 7 'As colored man by the name of Fred Lord, was arrested yesterday, on the charge bfgohVg to-theresidence of CoDDearing and. representing himself as the "confiden tial servant of Mr. Chad bourn, that he had store where among other things, he sold , . a great many articles of cast off clothing for gentlemen about town &c., by which representations he succeeded in getting, about $25 worth of clothing to dispose of in this manner. It appears, however, that defendant had no store, that he disposed of part of the clothing and appropriated the proceeds, wore eome of them on bis own person, and only -made returns to a very slight amount, .This was some time in Mai' last. Defendant was ordered to give security for his appearance at Court, in de fault of which he was lodged in jail. The case was heard before Justice Gardner. An AIIead Frxery. ' .-f ... A colored drayman by the name of An drew J. Merrick called at the Mayor's office yesterday and represented that a colored bo by the name of ".Tames Anderson, :a Mrter in the establishment ; of Messrs. Bruubild & Bro. had engaged him on Fri day last to Wke aff order to the store of Mr. IL( Hutaf, corner of Eighth and Chesn at greets, and get a number of empty whiskey parrels. -The order purported ; to have the signature ot Messrs.! Brunhild & Bro. at- it and reQ nested Mr. Hutaf to . t . . charge the amount1for;the Barrels to them. Merrick was directed by Anderson to take Jhe hirrels U a certain point and did so, but since which wis haye been i oqtbje to itae WILMINGTON, Tlie moonlight BxeuriioD. ; The . moonlight excursion on Monday night, under the auspices of the Pythian Silver Cornet Band, was a very enjoyable occasion. The Gov. Worth left tbe wharf at about 9 o'clock for Smith yille with a happy throne numbering about three hundred ner- sons. The-LaFayette Silver Cornet Band, a number of fine looking musicians from Payetteyille,; were on board and frequently discoursed excellent music to the great de light of the larire number of excursionists. J This band appeared in their handsome grey I uniforms, which were verv Drettilv trimmed and whfeh Atft mtifh tn Uia frpnnrftl at- I tractiveness of tiie-acener' otr-hoard.-'.'Tha I Apollo Band from this'city were 'also the j guests of the Pythian Band on the occasion land rendered . themselves-. successfal pro- I moters of the enjoyment of the musie-loving 1 partidDanf&The:nigW .not.aeemo be very propitious. Large black masses of clouds eontinueti to darken the skies por tending rain, and notwithstanding the many wishes thai went up, from too otherwise happy throng for one glance of the moon, fair Luna did not deign to put in her appear ance, thus causing a slight damper of dis appointment upon the happy group, that looked wistfully up at the gloomy skies from the decks, where 7, all other wise . . was gay chit chat, pleasure ure and meny laughter. The sound, how ever, of the string band, combined with the lively patter of feet on the decks below, where . a happy party were gaily tripping the light fantastic toe, quickly dispered any feeling GL disappointment that tbe non ap- 1 Thus tbe great majority of the party con tinned to dance merry hours .away, while the excursion steamer ploughed the dark ness of night and the black waves of the river, on her onward path to Smithville. In a short time, 'however, the thick mass of clouds, as if ashamed to remain in direct opposition to tbe wishes of tbe excursion ists, rapidly swung into line and passed from the skies and tbe stars glittered and glimmered, radiating a pale gentle light on the earth below. The music never ceased, the dancing never grew less, pleas ure was ever at its height, and still the en joyment went on as; the Gov. Worth drew up at Smithville, long after the midnight hour, when the excursionists rapidly took their wayto the Academy in the little town. dancing was commened . . an kept up wwbou intermission for several hours, until the warning whistle was heard and the party again embarked. The real furry of the storm which had seemed impending all night, came on at Smithville, when fortunately the party were all securely sheltered in "the Academy, dancing away regardless of the, vivid light ning that lit up the sky, the loud and deaf ening peals of thunder and the heavy seem ingly ceaseless rain, jThe run back to the city was made in due time, a great number essaying to catch a few hours of repose, while others continued to dance or to join in the merry chorus, on the quarter deck. The excursion was indeed very enjoya ble and it is doubtless, if any similar affair on our river, was ever fraught with more gen uine pleasure to all the participators. The committee composed of the President, Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer, of the Pythian Silver Cornet Band were inde fatigable in their efforts to render everyone happy, and that they .well succeeded each excursionist can attest. The refreshment committee showed themselves solicitious for the welfare of the inner man. The ex cursion steamer reached the wharf at about 7 o'clock yesterday morning, while both bands were playinir. and the happy throne landed, seemingly well pleased and some- . . . . . . I wnal fatigued witn the nights injoyment. Saved Hl Sul. , We learn that a colored boy, whose name could not be ascertained called yesterday at the residence of a gentleman on Fourth, between Orange and Ann streets, knocked at the door, and upon ; the appearance of a young lady who answered' the summons, the boy stated that her brother, who is clerking in a store on Market street, had re quested him to call and get bis Sunday suit of clothing,- as he desired them' for use on that evening. - On the -impulse' -of the mo ment the young lady was, about to deliver the clothing to the f boy, : but upon-.second thought, concluded he,would consult her .nnt nn tho m.i hfnr AnntrBn Thu aunt on the subject before , doing so. This lady suggested to the boy that her nephew should have sent an order,, fori the articles, to which the boy replied that he was too busy at the time or would have done so. The ladies, however, refused to let the fel. low have the clothing, and, of course, when the young man arrived at home after the duties' of the" day were .t over he. de nied hiving sent any ''such message, The boy bad probably seen tbe young man on Sunday, -clothed - in- the "habiliments, above said, and had determined if possible to obtain possession of them. The young man of course congratulated hlm&ell.ou the narrow escape he had made. ",.; , ! ..h . Instances of this sort should serve as a warning to families, and ' save Mhem from being victimized by such sharper.',. Concert ibUj ,,.u . ; The Cornet Concert Club will this eve ning give'-, one -of their -pleasant .open air concerts' on Sun-Set Hill. The concert will commerrce at d o'clock.'"' ' J ," : The following will be tbe programme on tbe occasion : Grand March ; Song (with out ;words) Thine linage ; Waltz Bchttf bert's Serenade ; ; Polka V Song (without words) "Maggie iv Darling"; Brilliante "CarvU.w " : : -. -" - y ;' Kan are of 'Tr monaster The folIowTng waslhe range of the ther- mometer at yesterday 7 7 A. ine Digoai.Mjreau, in tins ciiy ii wo, j ,-ii-wr i f1?: I' : ' ; ' ;m M-Lanovoh V Malby MiUey licClehan. M., 73f 13 M.,;88; a Jf. M.; tr4:3U r Wm D McMillan, Mary am Mcenzy, Miss N. C, WEDNESDAY. ftlarl mu a Fertiliser Its! Effect Upon '"Worn-out Lands, &c. '' The use of marl as a fertilizer 'is attract ing a great deal of attention among farmers and planters in this section and its utility is L -becoming daily more . thoroughly, ? under-, 1 stood and appreciated, iThis..marMs . be found P larSe qaanUUe at several pouita on the Carolina Central road, and an ar rangement has been effected we are glad to learn by wich this new and important domestic fertilizer can be delivered to par- ties anywhew on the C. C. road within" a I hundred miles of the marl beds near Liv- injestone's Creek, at 15 perton. Messrs- I Cronly & Morris ownrtheinarl beds at this' I point; which is aboW lftn' iiles from . Wil- . . ! ...It mingion, ana irom mem . we nave obtained the G following extract from a letter received from Mr. Alexander MacRae, Jr., of Argyle, RobeBon county which will give some idea of the effect; of the marl even upon old, worn out and aban doned land: : V ,j4 '- v.;.'. ! You will recollect that at your offer to get a few tons of the blue marl last summer I sent down a half dozen,handstodigitouti What little I did succeed in getting up, Was pui iu bu uiu, luiucu-vui nuu auauuuucu S . 4 1 1 1 A field, and the result in growth of cotton is so surprising that it is a subject of general j inquiry among the farmers as to how it was treated.".;, - ZZ" ! f One important feature of this marl as a fertilizer is the facts that its effects are per-! manent. The farmer and planter .who uses it will not find it necessary to procure the article from year to year and scatter it upon his ground. It impregnates and permeates the soil and becomes a part and parcel of it, enrichiug and improving it for all time . to 1 come. - j . --: ": i The existence or these marl beds along tbe line of the Carolina Central road is but . . . -J one of the many evidences, which are con stantly recurring to show the wisdom of constructing this great highway; by which the development of the almost unlimited re sources of our State have been so greatly facilitated. : " : ,;. Marl, as a fertilizer, is j undoubtedly destined to become an important auxiliary to farmers and planters in our section, and i we can but think that the officials of the C. C. road have acted both wisely and gener ously in placing the rates of transportation at such a moderate figure that all can enjoy the benefits accruing from its use upon their land's. T I ' ' ' itleetlnsr of the StocKIiolders of the Dawson Bank. t;jj.;. 't' At a meeting of the Stockholders of . the Dawson Bank (as re-organized) held yester day, at 3 P. M., the following gentlemen were elected Directors : James Anderson, Alfred Martin, J. L. Boatwright,' of firm of C D- Myfers & Co., A. J." DeRdsset, James Dawson, M. M. Katx, E.! Peschau, J. A. Maultsby, H. A Burr, of the firm of. Hart, Bailey & Co.,' F. W.; Kerchner, John Mo- Rae, Rob't Strange. r , -k The Stockholders ordered that the Books of the Bank be openedfor subscriptions to increase the capital stock of the Bank to $500,000. '" r ; At a meeting of the Directors, held after the adjournment of the Stockholders, ; F. W. Kerchner, Esq., was elected President. William Larkins, Esq., Cashier, and James L McRee, Book-keeper. , ' The Board of Directors are among our best SSI5 mens it is only reasonable to suppose the Bank will continue" its prosperous career. mtayra Cnrt. . ' ' - ' v ,,The following cases were disposed of by - . t ? L J , ' this mnunai yesterqay morning; . . - i josepmnoiiau, cnargea wim uignway i robbery, was ordered to give bond In the I sum of 200 for her appearance at Court " 1 mian Rhanriaril ohannul with hio-hxrov I robbery, was ordered to give bond In the sum of $200 for her appearance at the next term of the Superior Court, j ; . . Kosanna Larkins, charged with highway robbery, was found not .guilty and charged from custody rhrf Margaret TallyV charged with disorderly" conduct, was continued over for a future. I hearing. ,.,,,,,5 - . -: -j Jennie Foster.'charged with, .keeping a bpuse of ill-fame, had a hearing,- but (he Hayor -reserved 'his decision until Thursl . 3 7:- rL- T 1 day next 1 i Daniel Shines, charged with disorderly!' Nehon Keller, charge with disorderly !rtrtnrtit vuna nrdnre In TttLxr n firm nt R I cents. Cato Macks, arraigned on the d costs. same charge; was fined 3 cents r, l.lST.OIT.IfJKXTKBS ; Remaining in the city post-office 10, 1875:" .;:;;;f-,.V;,. -'''".:'"'. P tr -1 !A-J W Andrews; Joseph 'Albert.. July ! . B Mary C Bohan, Dr- Hartwig Bunz, RIit TVtinrlen - "Elv B&rnitz.v 1 1 -. nrr ri :i i. OAmma Colwell, James' Canady Julia G Cameron, Micbal Carroll, Mary Uhalnn,-' Stephen H Collins. ' .. 1 D Zekal DonatsoUWri EDavJa, Thos j Dbnian', Rufin Dayes, Lizzie" Dorghwry John Dobb. Byoo Lwan; 1 i .E--JamesFJlder'ivs i'ZAitA i vFJW Fillins, D T Fry, Betta Frenk, Frank Fountaine. U ...i IV :' ' G Allia George, Kindred Garris, Majry Gordin. PAGrimlyrrr)SOii H A C Ham ton, .Charley Haynes, Char lie Hodgers, Miss Edna Harris, Jeseph Hodges,1 Jennie Harris; Rebecca Hlghsmith, Samuel Harrison, Sarah Hamilton, Mrs William Harrison. : " - i " J Sarah C Johnson, Oliver Jones, , Grif fin S James, Thomas Johnson. - - - -j K Isaac Kellej, . Thomas J Keenan, fbr MarylWAelantla xjdxO "2.. ; -' , j ' It Airs i Lane, Jonn oiidiu Liucas, fi an I TI T t- IT.nr . fl MaHnt tr'fiilltlirl.nl JULY , 21i . 1875. v N--rRobert Nickson, Annie Norman, it s ! r xiiner erce,Annie Fugh, AdaPugh; FraUk A Palmer, H P Parker. ' . '" R Alice Russell, Emmaline J Rush, J E Robertson, J TRidontte, J Hepburn Read, Lucritie Russell, R P Rjsing, Sallie J Rans; William Reston. I .J; ,, c r ' J W Steams, for Jesey Pokin ; .John Seel, ; Ufary5 Smith, . Jlargrett ; Shaw, Richard Steward, Richard M Sedberry, G Yf. Sugl- taray, Adele- Smith, Calie, Smithj' A - E Bikes, Dunkic i Shaw. V ' , . ' C n: T B Tomsbn, 'Qeo Tate1. ' i f Tf: fi W -J H- Witt A 4 fnr"RtnYvAn'CYf flnUstno,.'. Jm.WU.. inMa W iv.n ir VT 11 ' """"t jfuuucii. , j '-riufVi t ji . , Persons calling;for,leUera ;in the above ;ist will please I say jadvertJsed n If not called for within: 30 days they will be ' sent to the Dead Letter Office.! : j f i -.K':ij Ed. R Brink,' P. M. Wilmington, 'July 20, 1875. Bishop Lrinans AVpolutments. v Statesville. . '1 1 i L . V. July 28 Gynne's Chapel. '. , .. . . ... . . July 38 , wuKesooro...... : . . uv. i .v. ; viLAug., i Ore Knob. Ashe Co.. . .. . ... .....Ane. . M. J effereon Co. . . .h. ........ . Aug. 0 4 Boone; Watauga Co.... ...... ....Aug. 6 J Church of" SL John Baptist. .'...'.Aug. " t vrucis. .....9. . A . 8 t '"WU( .. 9 Lienoir, Caldwell Co. . Aug. 10 nicaory . ..Aug. 13 Morganton. '.,.r';,V.V. .V..... .VAUg. 15 P- M., Old Fo-t... . J. . i .:.'. ... ...:Aug. 16 St. Andrew'd, Buncombe Co. . . . . . Aug. 19 Hard Creek, Buncombe Co..... ..Aug. 20 Warm Sorines..: ...Antr. 22 Burnsville. ... I ......... . ... . . ... Aug. 25 Bakersville .Aug. 27 Elk River Valley...... ....Aug. 29 Beaver Dam, Buncombe Co. ....i . .Aug. 31 Brevard, Transylvania Co.-. . . . .. .Sept,' 2 St. Paul's, in the "Valley, Transyl vania Co.. ....V.. Sent. 1 8 JTiat Kock. .... . . . !: ........ ... . v . Sept .'- 5 Hendersonvillev..i. ........... ..t3ept 7 Glencoe. . , . . . . . . . . ... Sept 10 Calvary Church, Ilenderson Co. ,. Sept 12 Liecester . . .. . .... ............ ..Sept 15 Waynesvllle . v. . . ; . . . i . . L . ... ; . Sept 17 Asnevuie. ... ..... . ....... ..Bept 19 The collections at each place will be Ap propriated to Diocesan Missions. . ,? :i COOllTr. CONVENTION. : HDQRS. Centbax. Ex Committee,1' r . ' .Democratic Conservative Party 7 . New Hanpver County, Wilming-i ! -' ton, N. C, June 30, 1875, 'At ft mpptlnor ff tlii"Rviit5i Pnmmittoo of the Democraticonservative party of New Hanover County held this day, it was decided to call a. Mass Convention of the nartv tn h hplrt at thn nrirt TTntiso i in .P5J?y. l.De aJ.a at.tQ0 .VOOrt ,tquse, in Wilmington, .Thursday evening, July 22, The principal business of the Convention wUlbe the domination of. candidates for the Constitutional Convention and the ' ap- j pointment or an .executive Committee. ; Wm. H. Bernard, d&w-td Chairman. Out of 17,368 male prisoners arrested in Dublin in 1874,' 5,327 could neither read nor write; and out of 9,432 iemaiesi 4,iu4 couia not read, or write. : m. . . ; , : i lhe experiment Oft Carrying let- j tcrs on the street cars is to be triefl at Cleve land, Ohio. C1TX ITEMS., flnest'and most substantial quality ahould Wmd Co.7veTnioI' 0 . prices which place them within .reach of alL A jomted fishing-rod is a convenience! that good fish ermen cannot afford to dispense with. When prop erly made, these rods win last a life-time and thus prove an, economical Investment "' Books of . Easy Music ! ;! : Collections of Easy, Brilliant, Popular airs, that every one can play, and no one can help liking. ': i RfUSICAL GARLAND. (3 50. Ylollnand Piano Dueta. musical FLOWERS. Flute and Piano r-- flute bouquet. $1 60. Airs for Flute. violin amusements.' fi 60." Airs for yiolin. auva w.tou imiimi WINNER'S BAND OF" FOUR.' $1 00. Quartets for 1st and 3d Violin, Cornet or Clarionet and Bass. . STRAUSS DANCE MUSIC, ai 00.' Violin and' lOaii ki-li U. .s''-'4 v VIOLIN AND FLUTE DUETS $1 00. By Winner. CLARKE'S (f) INSTRUCTORS. For Piano for Seed.Orgaa, foiYiolhw .-'Each $1 00., ,-, v, ;; j r. ' "'K.f WINNER'S NEW SCHOOLS. EachTSceats. For Piano, Cabinet Organ, Melodeon, Violin, Guitar, Banjo, Cort,.French Acoerdeen, Geiman Accor deon Fife. Ftnte. Plaeeolet. Clarionet. . - i .. Sold by all music dealers. t Sent, post-free, f or rer : M Hfe o. mtson ft co.. ichas.h.ditson CHAS.H. DIT80N ft CO. Boston. 7M Broadway, NVY. , f ,ifdr ai-dw2n WM ft Sat f 4 C'i J'1 SSS&SS- "" """ WED DUN til -i . ffti (ioiffA L' ' COATS' 'AND ' VESTSI '. ' " Bine Flannel Snits. THZIIi? LINEN . SUITS," i s As cheap as they can be bought ready1 inad. . :..t 4k::..:.:'-::i::v:::a:::david July 11-tf ;"""".".''!.!!; Slerchant Tailor. TI1 tV T( DESIRE THAT "THE, COLORED WOMAN. who saw the thief leaving mv nremises on Sat urday morning; last and who at my request Kinaiy stopped andwatched his movements, would call on me at once, I wfll reward her for her trouble Ju ySl-St-nac " y .JfcL. .RADCLIFFE. -Hess LtioM anpraiiies, :' li!'. i ft-. tJSTEECEIVED L, STEAMER' RSGULA- S. G. NORTHROP'S r Fruit and Confectionery Store; J.U i'ii I 875;.?W" 1875 ewupt fromtlve Harvest Fields VANNOT BE SURPASSED) BT THE EAStI O Westi North or South, ' Every .barrel and bag ruaranteed perfect. Send yonr orders to the Cape Fear Flow and Pearl Hominy Mills.. . u July Mit nac ' y ALEX. OLDHAM, Ptop.'T. v ,-, WHOLE : NO. 2,55i. NEW ADVERTISEMENT Tfe I. B. GRAINGER. ..'. HON. W. D. JOHNSON....;... J.D.CUMMING. H...: ....... Prbbiskht . Vica Pbisujbnt ........ .Cashiis BANK OF MARION, Birector8 : HON. W.J. JOHNSON. .U J. D. M0LUCA8.. DUNCAN MtJRCHISON.... ....... Marion, S. a it i ".Wilmingtoi,N.'C.. I W A- WRIGHT...' I W(J. W. ATKINSON.. oJ I. . MUBCHISON; ' nKP"K.tt-'-t5 Does all the ordJnary business of a Sank. -" Will take pleasure In accommodating' the mercan tile eomnumiUea of - WUtninirtnii uid tt.lw nlaoaa by discotmtins; sack paper as can be recommended) w sroo mj any oi we Banu locatea wnere the par- Merchants' Exchange National Bank.. ...New Tork.1 Cldzens' National Bank. ................ Baltimore,; anx orjNew anover........y.....v.;WiunIn2ton.; maySOtf nac TIN ROOFING. I AM PREPARED TO MAKE EITHER LARGE or small contracts for . ' ' . . . V -Tin Roofing, ,7 : and will guarantee PERFECT WORK. ; Gutters and Leader Pipe ' " . . - . made to order at LOW RATES.- - " . HARDING JOHNSON. 1 - Nutt St, betwen Molberry and Walnut. ' July 18-nac lw ' TAX NOTICE. All persons subject to the p atm.es t Of Schedule B and O Tax will do well by coming forward within the next five days and pay their tax. In a few weeka the Tax Collector has to-make his annual report The payment of doable tax will be strictly enforced upon all delinquents after Wed-, needayl Slat hut. GEO. W, BOUSDEAUX, July r7-4t Ba eu tn wed nac Register. MISCELLANEOUS. Sale of -Valuable EealEsf ate I jjuwhiv TJYtueofandin accordance with the provisions of a certain nidenture of mert- executed bvFeistMaser to 'The Bank of New HanoverJbeadng date the 7th day of March. A. D. 1873, and registered la the records of New Hanover S?J?..is:.W84 and fol owing, the ---8"g.wui ON MONDAY,' THE 19th day; of JULY NEXT, at 13 o'clock M., at the Court House door in the city of Wilmington, sell for cash, by public auction, the following described piece or parcel of land situated jlu.bbiu. city, viz; . ifeginnini iningatthe corner. of a lot now or recently I V-' . , -by A Pi Repiton and wife, on the south side-1 1 H A A Bbls Fkmr, all owned Dy v- cwi, wiu .mining uicuw niuuiiruuij I along their line one hundred and thirty-two feet to I Bettencourt's alley, thence along said alley aet- I wardlv fiftvichtfeettn anothpr lt nnw nrrMvnt.lv I of Market street and running thence soutbwardlv ward I y fifty-eight feet to another let now or recent) owned bv A. P. ReDiton and wife, thencs with thei owned by A. P. Repiton and wife, thence with thet line northwardly sixty-six feet to the lot of J. WiU wtuu, uicnce wnu lao oacsune ox wiiKerson s let westwardly tw enty-four feet to his corner, thence with his other line northwardlv aixtv-six fwt tn Market street, thence along Market street westward ly thirty-four feet to the beginning, and being in block 153 according to Turner's plan or the city of Wilmington. , . . WRIGHT, ft STEDMAN. june : lS-dtd ' Attorneys."- I The Above Sale I MONDAY NEXT, July 26, 1S75, at 12 o'clock luT., IN FRONT OF COURT HOUSE. : : ! j jujy lain, iwionais. ; ! WILMINGTON Building atoual hbetiho. ;, rpHE SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING. OF THE j Wlhninrton BuildlngfA8sociatioa wiU.be held at Hibernian Hall (old Library rooms). . on Front street, Wednesday (evening, July 81st. at 8X o'clock. Eleven Directors are to be elected for the ensuing year, and a foil attendance of Stockholders is requested. . .- i . .-. , .-., ,.-a W1. G. MicRAE, July 0-8fr .- Secretary.- HAR-WOOD. A iACW 11UV CU io-.iJT 5'ii-ritui j ,r BWa OF. "THE ODD TMIMP Published by E. J. Hare1 ft Son, New York. "Bound. in Cloth, $L36i Papers Cents. r , , ? j t , - )Ju8t received by Express and for sale at i ' .' :-u . t -, : :' ' ''' '" w " HEINSBERGER'S, I :( july30-tf .,, ...Live Book and Music 8 tore Shirt ? Wear-3re,: Attention ! ','!i i: : ; ' f t' i .'!. . . : . .. . "KEEPS" PARTLY, MADS -, i Dress1 SMrts Wamsutta MuStta CUT LKK GTH WISE ,;CLOTU,: v, ' ' ONI $15 ER i)02El!r CASH. tif!7 hunsph &:o.,;. 1 1 1 i-i t ulySO i t (i, fT?r .CLOTHIERS ; Dissolutions 1 1 "V. i5 rBF .tnii 1 Ar . . . -t i Fonville ft Watson is thia day dissolved. i The I V Imsineps will be carried on Dy. Mr. H. W. Watson. 1 who alone is- authorized to setue. anv bnsiness of 1 1 the late firm. lule Arm -: "'' ' ' ' i i,liAVVl ''july'4-lwfS',n: r lis li l Li V f Ty B. FON YILLE, . If. M.rVATSON. To Harness ; Makera v m . pariage Trinimers. WANTED, IMMEDUTELY. A MAN. WHO thoroughly understands both' harness making and carriage iriiunine.-. v j , . r . ,. . -,i - a. -i ; A&Sreusi P. H. HAYDENi July 20-3tnac . ,ri r Wilminston, TSL C -i I , i i . i . . "i J. f- r ij, " - : i ... Builders Hardware ! 1 AT, J5 PJVES Ti ytflUGESi tfir.frf (8331-) rr. ... - . i ' At 4 . Julyl8-tf ,v New Hardware Store! He cliariic3.t)f all Trades. 7r X very large and an class assortment of Tools, required by you, and at prices that will stand inspec tion. Quality of goads guaranteed in every respect If you would save ttoae an money call at the Old Established Hardware House of .i.T-v , ; i I ' ' . JOHN DAWSON, I :f JnlylS-ff 1"." Noa.M Wand M Market fit RATES OF AIlVKRTlSINCi. One Square one day,.... ..J,... .. 1 i. tlraya..,. 1 M V "vthfee days... : font daya.. ...... .... ....... . , . , I '.. i on weefe.A.. a 6P Two week.. fi 0C Two months. i...i.i4V. .15 on 'Three months.' .S3 00 ;", f Six months.;..., k..'..'.5 00 ' 5 One year. . .60 0 - CVContract Advertisements taken at propi Mly low fates. --..v ?.-...?v yx Five Squares estimated as a quarter-coluinn, ard ten squares as a hair-eoloma. - 1 MISCELLANEOUS. FAIKBAI7KS' SCALES. Coitee -and Drug Mais,- Letter' Ptesses, 4c., Ac J- PBOWJiPAI. SOALI WBiniOCBXS.' ' FAIRBANKS & CO., 53 CmT Melul FAIRBANKS CO, 93 Main street Buffalo. N ; Y T SiSTiiS 'z xx rr3J?' " Montreal. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Ill Lake at., Chicago. FAIRBANKS, MORSE fc Co! 189 Walnut st ,n- cmnati, . . FAIRBANKS, MORSE St CO, 182 Superior street. Cleveland, O. t FAIRBANK8 MORSE ft CO., 48 Wood etreet, Pittsburgh. .- :'. - . - EA1BBANK8; MORSE ft CO.? 5th and Main BtK et, Luuisville. 4 S i , , i r . i FAIRBANKS & CO., 803 ft 804 Washington avenue, FAIRBANKS ft HUTCHINSON, Ban Francisco. . . Kor sale by leading Hardware Dealers. : I ; July 4-deott sn we fr a w8m ' ' . ; S. W. Goo&ridgevl Grafton, AVlndham Co. Vermont. MANUFACTURER OF Fine Fishing Bods 'n- of all Idnds-M'"''1 ' . : Particular attention naid to to Southern, trade. -uut Jr." ! " , Rods Of any desired 'pattern0 !i i? ": MADE TO QRVEll ' on Bhort notice and at reasonable prices. ' Send forCironlar: " ' ' " - 3nly14)ftWtf We Hust Close ; iut. OUR ENTIRE SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK ' ,. . ; , Those in' need of ., , , .. , Men's Clothing, BOY'S CLOTHING,: v CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, ' GENT'S :FURNISHINa GOODS, Ac. &c.(P,l ' ; . Will find extra inducements at 11" - ' jnlyl8tf ' '' "!:: SHRIERKROy. Binford,-Crow- & Co., OFFER TO THE TRADE AT LOW FIGURES ' '". . ' . . .. .iM ' gradeB;!J-'J . . v v v.. . -i.- - r t t, ( ... . K f A Bbls Ssgar House Syrup,- r- i' 1 i . r OflA Ban Coffee. ? - f ' ' '' Of! A Bags Coffee,: Bbls Sugar and a foil Stock Goods in th'etr line Special attention iaia 'to' securing low -rales freights in carload lots, . , . r. i . . may 5-dAwtf -' BINFORD. CROW & CO. - Bacon, Com,. otrr; Syrup, ' - Boxes D. B. Sides ity ijWxt -A :-.;. 50 x Bides and Shoulders, QAAA Bushels Prime "White Corn. f - 800 BW 1nr' 811 grades gQ181 . H. Syruis f For sale low by ' ; t : :'-. c . jttlyl8-tf WILLIAM8 ft MTJRCHISON. Sugar, Coffee, .Bice, llolasses- f A A Barrels Refined SBRar,'."'' ; - - Bags Prime Rio Coffee. Bbls Rices' . X00 BblndHllld" f1 -CuDa 'Molasses ' July 18tf . WJ1XIAMS ft MURCHISON. Hay. Hoop Iron Spt Cks, Glue. : KAA BaiesK. R. and EasteraHay, ' ' KAA BdlBHwprronVj0:!:iJi' J ' 'V . CAA Second Harid Spirit Casks, " " H For sale low by ' ' jnlyl8-tf WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. Salt, Nails, Snot j Guano., : n A A ri n.nvii f t.tm c.i. tJ!i- OAAKegsNafls. , ; '-'; fcfc-'Ort-. 150 Bag. phot. ; 100 Ton Enreka 9n -t A A. Tons Eureka Guano ' . - lUUU-'iiiu'li 'twill hjitt elHfUi'ti-l 200"s-; 1 :"...! . For Kale lovr h jtuyis-tr , ,,..yr, MS ft MURCHISON. BacdH, Sacoiiy Bacoiii OA Boxes DJ K Sidctf,'5 " Sft ;.U-'"" Shoulders.: ( . For tale br v 1 v. .1 ; jaly 18 tf , , KKKCHNER ft, .CALDER BROS. .;' rcuba Biolaisea ijK Ilhd NewCiop Cuba Molasses, j , R f BbU New Crop Cuba Molasses. Vnr Ml a K iuly l8tf . KS ER ft. CALDER BR0 1 i I'- Corn, Meal and JTay. ; !. t 11 II ft Bushels Corn, lij.i'l )xr IJff TY Y a . , 'i. ,: 1 1 i 1 1 1 uiu 50 Bales Hay. T,. lijid rl orSaleV IK. bv ' . ER ft CALDER BROS. ; Rice, Sugrar, CofTee and Tobacco. 25 - Barrels Rteei ftt 'tiM .Wi" :t-f;r.'tvt . 20 Barrels Sugar, ! f T K Bags WTiK -it-:r.. "-:.: ;100 oi . X5ai;v - .-For'saleby" V '''!' '-'M i! .' : inly J8-U u lCERCHNEB A CALDER BROS. '-'Fine; StiwrHats. 1 '.n.:;,'.;,: ; : -si- ytrx L -.si' , ..:. :: UARSISON ft ALLEN'S jnlyn-tf City Hat Store. ' -AKD SHOULDERS FOB SALE El QTJANTI tiestosnlt. Every piece guaranteed. ' - :. juiyWtf ,' ; JAiris. b. ssb h n f t - I: Mr mm mm Mil 1 1 f;f';j' - 1 1 : 1 f v fel f-- "' ' ' i; l;".J I $ - '. if 1 I:; r i' 1 t f I '.tii n.1 .1 ' 1 T ' lil'f'nj'.-r hi?

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