THE HOBNUTG STAB. PDBUSHllj DAtLT, BT ttATxa or sonacBirrxosi in adtjjtci: One year, W Pf g PiOr " lw ;x months. 4 ) Three months( " " Ore month, " ) " 9 85 o ! v...... l oo To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the -ity Fifteen Cents per week.'. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect tor more than S months in not authorized advance. OUT LINKS. Six women and Children killed by a des iructive cyclone in Fountain county, Ind. r A Spanish expedition into the interior was captured by a superior force of Cubans. Spaniards at , Portp ;Ilic'o look off a passenger from a British baitiue. ;; Reported that negotiations are pending, with prospect of. being , consummated, to unite Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph and Western Union Companies, c Catholic Total Abstinence Society sends greeting to the Pope through the AWigate now in this county. . - -U.'S. and Canada postal sys tem goes into .'effect s Sunday" Two new yellow fever cases ahd two7 deaths at Fort Barrancas. :' -' ;; ,! ; ; . ;,!: . . I , THE - CAMPAIGN CHEERIKQ MTELLIQEJrCE. rWAKR. The liaieigh .Acio? .'continues to hear the most cheerinff - news from every portion of Wfke county. 'J- '- ' - CUATUAM. ' : ' i ' Messrs. D M. Carter, F. M. Bus bee aud others, will speak on the Convention question av banford; on Tuesday nex t. yiitf; ' '? nashv:,; . :t The Ad&tince sayi'Buniv Conser vative, will be elected in Nash. 5 ' ' The A doance has favorable 5 ad vices front Waylie; Pitt Beaufort and Pamlico. :. . JONES. The Jones people JiareTBtrjDii hope of electing Simmons, which will be a Conservative 'ffutfi; r..' f - Raleigh News, of Friday. . i SiaES I5UIGI1T. : .: Yesterday we said skies Were brigh t. To-day we say they are brighter ! Our. letter. from the Westshdws that the whole Piedmont section is in a Maze. The people are aroused. Our . Hueakers are a broads the "Kadieal v sneakers are abroad too, but the v go I down beiore ineir gauam opponents with a resistance so feeble! for almost absurd. , t ' ;s From the transmontane country we hear equally as inspiriting i accounts; That region will vote almost as a unit. From the EiisT there ' is the same eiieouratremenU - We know- of no county where the . Democratic party. will encounter absolute loss; ; Wake, Cumberland and Chaiiiam we claim with almost absolute certainty. Jolin- sioa will not depart, from her faith, but come out with a goVd substantial Democratic ; majority. v. Harnett, and Itobeson rnusit bepfougbt lor. Our hpeikefs rnusfbe there. Th:ii i-i the weak 'point of the line. ' "A little moregrapen Oapt. Bragg. -EDGECOilBEr t Tlie 3a7 saysthat V: Y. AIabson,: negro candidate in Edgecombe for Convention, said Ja a harangue at Ilocky Mount on last aturday:, ,, " I don'ii want podrJ white : .rneri ; io vote for ; "me. V I doo'tnwant i to fhe trammeled by theif votes. can, be elected witliout them. I am a repre sentative of the great Republican party, and Lglory in juy aao j I ' WAKE. ; -- The -AtuA-r gives"! this verbatim speecli of .JSJadison, llodgeoueof he itadical caiididateis for ConyeiUiori iri ane cowly, inade at Holes ville ' ori veducsdav: , ' , ' Ftller Citizens I am agin a Con vention, I am' agin a Convention, what in the h-i doryon want with B -ouveiition ?t Yoorown a.Gonyentiob and a Legislator- l66lkp!iyqiU&yp changed your Cepstitutior 8 times already, and TIP be " d4 'f btx : kno wed it. ' Now, by Gybttwaolt to change itain ana; alfjfbbto M- . ) - Old Ilodge won't' go there- heV gojt plenty "of , fmimy1 atid itt)Canfc.llinrt him (Here he was interrnpledTby . ArehieCawthorn, fl fell 0W-Radical, v witb rebu have gor plenty "of it and you areaBmean as h 1 with it.");; ;Nowv; felriW.)citieris;l3l thews fellers talk about civil rights What in the h f is civil tights, did you ever pay taxes on - civil rightn ; uuiv'take that home and think about iu ' i have traveled all the vvay f roni Maiiie to Texas and never seed a nigf gr in a tirat claws cr, j JNow, I hain'i r..t ; ' .'ii"' i i 6"v mue luieu any more aoouv mw 1 'xTx.,u.. 4 "H . I tin traine to .-do. , UuiV vou -.ier hfar-tell n-i a ihnr'- l.iiilHincy- 'nn Jill ...... r his fence cas hi gap was down atd uow you, want makes a con-j citation aud go to h I if you do 'itJ I have told vou all I kuowed about! this fwliaxl gilfyixfc'&bvi p wliatTCave said norae with you Ij culd go on and talk for two hours) j'Mt tli SjUntsway. A have vbeeh .tetl- bit; you. 1 have been giving you the! aouudest? 'dtjcVrme feai been preached: here t Uayfi';thanj. y0.j And thiai8 the' kind oP men "Rad- 'ion for hoiieat. nndi )rpcnt ' met :tO 1. " 1 m4.t (ii'i! -iU'' "r wit t !i.l J i j ve under l"'in--i'f'-''-! '''i'.-"'"1'" ; The will 'of Andrew,' Jackson Dej catur, grandson vf Commodore &te i phen Decatnr; bequeathsli'htimber of interesting heirlooms inherited from eajiiiiii,,wob. foist, upon the' jpeople! f Korilf CJarolu : 4. HE MS WiieiMlPr; VOL. XVI.--NO. 111. his famous ancestor to various parties a spy-glass' and glass'gl6be which "form part of the spoils of the first prize captured by au American man-of-warl going to .hisisteriMrs. Patsou'i and hiagraridfather's Masooi io medal to her husband. v A OXlnlaler JBreaka Ilia Back.. A minister from William T ,5tK . - . . .... t . , - " nis sister-in-1 thrown town, runmns Droketrand-themsmo hone of w-.wj. iu.M jBu,, was uauiy iu- jured about the neck. ? The mails will close at the City Pbst-Of-nce until further: notice as follows? xunQeramguu mails lor all points JNortli. aw.' Miss ISrvson. were Smithvillc vesterdav morninff to address the. ?.Y"MV ""i4 .V. "UI'"B i!"" I CS T) ITlT.S -. A 11 TTIft fl T.I Yl ft from a carriajro atrWatsbiP mMjM. nn th Cnnvntinn he prered to resume hU ' ' n .; J.-"- ' Pa., Weanesday by the horse question: The boat arrived at its desW 0J ' Off. '-Hudson's back was ti . .k h viv TJor.nir,-n 'th& about TQqr Wcente ln money.. was gone. hnt ;:mniinrt ,.,,,.v , r - I , .AM,aaa,vvesi oiweiaonr ''femandrftheTCcaslon, .. uanyai..... ...0:45 r. At. " through and wav(daV w I i mails daily. except Sunday, 6:30 A. M. somnern mails nrr' all noirits ' Bonthr dailjV-Liiy-.. I s80 A. M.I fexcent Runrlavn ' o .!?n t xr omitaviiie - J-lt .......... m, ceuv',Jr X S Onslow CvH- and. intermediate -hk s ofllces every Fridav.;. . .. . . 6:00 A. M. i oe omiinvuie mans, bv steamboat, closa I . w-v - m : 3. 57. except bundays. Aiaus-aeiiyereairom 00 A. M. to 7:80 P. M., -and on Sundays from 8 30 to 9:30 A JH. ---::.: - ;. ;.' - ----- and from 2 to 6i00 P. M. Money order or- itegisier department open same, as stamn Office. .J -i'v . stamps lor sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. amy uiu Key Boj . a ey raxes accessible ai aii'iiours, aay mi !rhf . and night. Maili collected from '.street boxes every day at 5P. M. ; 1 :- -- v - f - . R liftmH Aujrvir.w R. o SBB Ad. " St.: Louis Law SchooU" ,.; , Loral Dot. v There was no sessioii ol tne tity Court yesterday ' " ' Crops in ! Brunswick are suffer ing terribly for lack of rain. . " v. - . the mumps is iudating the heads of many of the little ones in the northeast ern past of the city.1; ; , ' The.rods. between here and the sound are said to bo iu a bad condition. Hnrrv nn the Inrnnike! :.V . j g- - Thfire ar aahl in bmrW visit- ors fat the various sounds! uaVasouAhan donngsoy previoas one tince tb war.. ?l vnseryaiivra ji smunviue ye- terday, usuallywell 'posted poli- tica. ania mat uowan won id carrv Kruns- t . .tiwjyw-M.,........ I At tte'pity-H thermometer, touched 04 desreeS ' nd at I Messrs.' T.' W.' Bro' w ri & Son's jewelry store .onthiapst tABnnthAfl.twinda aiicrhtfthjinirea .... .. I in temperature ana partly ciouuv-weainer i ww prevail inlhisT section ?tc4ay if the m Ll;i .L?rT-l.'5- i I - Several Ben Joneses -and 'other members of tha ? eetored Jones family, who ippueoieti ta-wn.. t a. w . yi. jpi it iiuv rir ina auviiru a,lMivi, jr n f Fillvnw er. C-H. Schnlken. Jr., U. M. rniyaw, u. Sullivan, Jell Mott. , . , .i..n: T -.Vsi::;-.';,: - -: W irg- M;oniua,- i.fcua. Wf Andrews, J. C. Borden, II. M. Bowden. . -rTT . r i-X .fi.:iks 0!nl...1 I allier.GhomasiaH; SNor com, J,.C,L,umsden,:.Rger. Moore, James F. Post, F. n. r. we.., wos. Price,:RiB. ?Pldr.f-!-.; , i. ar...;r .1. .. T. r '.nl Iteul (via J2asv v Hill and n iii-K-1 waidness of the Cane-jFeafS' Deonle in: the! j-.,:r??'.r.''-f,r, 1 .;,.TT!r.o fviusion,, crcwewg.fsaySEUiai, Jowir Creek). Tuesdays and j liberty; their devotion to the prini Presence of the. Magistrate. iU Uiul, i a Ul?r8torJfa .f TaeJ?da: veninS while Mr, Saturdays '.W.LiV,:Vii:;.;:.-L:--i6.)0 Ai'Mr- .IT?" ..T'-:1. v .Mr. Lamb eovered bofh. hiK watch Wri1 1 Jas. Wood, of Bucklesberry, ; andA.neero' Favettovme.andbfflceBonnaoal . r cipies or v,onsutuuonansm anu meir sier- ; - , " ' , . . man (nameMknowflLwere crossine a field FearSBJver Mppdaysraodi liO f j Ting patriotisnt I Illfi.!;, V' S "f a"!r"ff r?" jotct wereo-w give to geek, shelter from the storm, i Mr. Wood Fridavs. .' . . i -ki P t" T?iam .m tw ti. u-ii,a. in justified bond in? the stim!6f $200 for his was stf telt by rightning and killed instantly. waegreesrrwngoBeflegree wwerat eacn mingU)a Concert Band commencedplaying assembled were appreciative, nowever. ana. r Rising or. stationary barometer, io five minutes a considerable crowd coH ;i RKlwafa9ted with .even tery. Jl Mt,,r1 4 () "weather clerk" at Washingtoa is to be he did not know how to speak to the citi- ine stage apporaiments were very creuiiaoie. , , . ., Jj tW JCI Q1S U "n i u belief .V Uil,-uuUijl - ' 'zensf Wiiniiriiton. He would as so,n The iaughabte farce, Th lA'rKriuilX.-- t '.i' think of getting up' 'to make' a Bpeefch Darkey,1? was well received...,! The special- ; A&LK2H V SZ,w -T- i t T hUrpwPtrfamUy,HeAwa.,ttod Menristlngof tinioji. miUoos' " r7y rafiHT .bn, I iathertowid Ward. . wU le and dances, were the crowning, features Id ne tadjriieriinvu , j v next tothroufron tol eHeU lveL BykUaa,- PoUar Anther otHope' PAndfromtoLf the-re ri peooli had- ;ciata .certainly presented avCfediIereii, .?ff 4f; hu.uJc oi vi.-u.i imiinnif votfiru . He will keen bis offlce I . . .. .. .jyM' Ui J J. fiwi u s j , . m s a-ik-vj. . t " """7 Zi' ' i . n I toved and cosnieired nonors upon nim. m i icriaiuiueu. ; . ; i . t?! had .'aiairhhade someshVJ-AV MVtf y,.;V 4t f.r ; .; -. - . ; .; ; vice to this noble citv and this section. He VPT-f ! j aom'M fA DQruvfjlh tV . n,lhRTlmDran V ennf him tn tha C.ndld. ca tliof Ihnv hdA I Iflft 060016 OI, JTCIiaer CQUDIV 111 U1U lUUUWt I '.aiid. who tractice honesty. !laSr?4etog enabled him t o do what he had done fpr tug-limes and places, all.hi prevlouisjip t3tlW11Miat&; f4 ! v J withihefr theirwelfare.'-. VmUdOMr U Pintfn?rfl5?nl J 1 0 .f dl X BeaeamehUoaedlnourto gpbke ' of? htf frienaand oldccmifkdes, ' jB6rgaw,esday,7nly27?j at ljooolc 'lirsfetob ?AAirA. ira; , t! 'tbleiiawatcbfs a re'fueeerfrom" Raleigh manv'of whom heCAlled bv natneA Sen- M- ,auo.3 ii I : i 2 "i . t V t .rjitAyjQBAeisi Vnd does not belong-here. J-''- itoVBaagaWremaA Lincoln Township, Saturday, July $t t;JOiii i-- ' make-uBpolmclsh (u?ua placa. of. voting) M I .i-tfll, 'v.f j.Rim?! " coty Efeivemee. - . , lplacewas tolJeaVtKt day to Um Township, Monday -, Aug. 2 (usukf .The DemocraUc place of voting), 1 o'clock Ai M. . ; ,tbe yonnt.M ewaaoveM yeawuay te Hilrusted that the Columbia Townsmp, Tuesday, August a . 'Vvfcrlthsr and organized bv'Uie appointment I . " ... , ' ... fi , I f usual elacewof votiAtfl 11 o'clock Ai M. 1 I ,""; - " ,. ..... i . 1 Diaie wouio -compieieiy -reueera uerwi ' ; ' : " j vp ofjCol. W. U aunde cirma5.;ana trjm. lidicaL. Jbrsldorf1.r uxt, Mf ek.4- J Caswell Township, Wednesday. Auguht I " ' -w' . " i " i There "TXas " sometning - at this Ume,l 1 t? rre'r w'ixri TlJ U J it ,wu..v rri Trs T - i.f truly proud and that was the reflectkiiiMiat ihM-ititv ami ; iitiviiiiVHaniri ill -w ii- i Tiiingtcm -"i- it waa one ceuturv since rthe. firs effor s Sarah Robinson -aged ;between 65 and TO, ,r Fir WmApmm BW l,v ,hai; diaUniruiall-aWra suddenly! yes u)-' I"::"- invited guests jit tbe aWFJilPtfv re Bryan, Junius a Q ir lijer,, Lewis L Vil- .tmrJf . f"i rl' r 'f 'r ii.VinV bw.fti to Jbe CJnb rooms. An elegant en Uams. John W. Plrdew, 4-ia. is. tluggins, r . - - . . i j .,f t- - J imes Fillyaw, V. L. Jacobs, James U TOrvr-T Aif . T -' TSSiSTr 3. Fowler JrvW,:R Kenan,' E. D.' Hall, GriffltbChataWs HJ , Tle following waajhe range of .tber Savage, Francis M. James, Isaac Northrop, ' mometer at the Signal:Boreao-4aM;ry;. jobnMulbrhoXTBajrnet.H. M. Wat- yesterdays,' , , - ; :- J'" sonthos: W, HaySvP. Steljes, Isaac W. 7 A. M.; 80; 13 W, DO; '3 P. M.; Wt'4i80 King." sT; ' P. M 88; 9 P. M., 80. Maximum 09.' V V- :-S 3 : S"f I .-'t-r .'.i-.'.ii- ji iV j - S-53i. f. . , $ V'JLXA ATXmvT- alii I : WILMINGtON;N::;p;;SATURDAY Cainpaisu speecb at iultb vllle-A WIlmlnKUa Tribute l,Miror,JtMr; jJ! IVVj' HmsuiiI ; - ; 3 -s.t from n,a -nt .ir.wnih rivr tn i j - ts - e.,- .Ti:.T;rK a. t.JLnM According to appointment, notice "U CaPUT. J8omherhind'g hyery st which was all too short. Senator Itamsom1 ;tired 40 Bboot 1 o clofsk ?n "f B.rowa and Messrs; A. H. VanBokke uJi iLi JrX2-f.:.t MU.ii ingof the 28th inat , hanging" his Vestiand; lep, F. W-'Kerchner and Geoi Harrisi g found a renectable number of his fenowt'rf..ri.Yu,IW,,r1,.r5 fM.T.ft'"?,Wf "'l citizens who gave earnest heed to the clear,; aimnlef vet4 masteffiil argument of more than two hours in Ifencth which be deliver- J ed. The eloquent speaker eDt speaker labored under a severe hoarseness and the indisoo ..,... .Jj. i-T-f; fully equal ' io the KralnnmiiVtn "a I ing. out lie was I ' .. "Peech that gave general pleasure, and which lonht not will nornmniuii ,r,l.,n ' Ui C?PJ ' we trust and doubt I pood Tha introrlnction was ifM .uccupieu -in, ical mention.- ,.wt. tt.A f,,i nni?n,i' wl MoVir I Graceful allusions were madfl- to the fori r the Conven- this cass not whether tion should be called, but whether tK.;..M be controlled after it had met by Conserva- t liv Conaerva- i tnct ua luiuiLais.' ..ouuuiu . aui 4ia vuivitun I 1.i,,i:i.,(JL,jiiy;m,wi F" i f . u a as aawiB vwu awaia tnni uw u w im i , l m - . i " tJ??ur ""ac" - ,""ua -V's.Ki,.;. J,fU.M ? ,!,. i I negroes and a smalt number of whites, or id n nmnlt numlw'r of whiles or should her Caucasian manhood assert itself lDe om OI Augnstr-uiai was . me ques- I uon, anu n was a momenioua queauon I j Oeneral Ransom descrfbed the- condition of tne i n til rt ( r iiitilaii thn virrn nf lo i iao l I I " " .. I tri i.''pp inhAn, J rijrhtsbill Discuise it as Radicals m ht rightts Mil. Uisgn it , as Iteatw, miit in some of their discussions,, tin odious present campa gn. inai portion oi ,ine. , i " Tt vpDgre,reiernog. to mixiog oi racca in iue bcuouis, waa 7e au upu question for agitation in the States, and m&av of the Radical 4eaders wanteJ it en- tl in the State laws, -He referred to the ntlannnAQd A. PantlKUndll ilualoM n IhA UUiwk-o v a aivwuviivau awMwa w waa aaw 1 subject. TheSenator dwelt atsomelength on this topic, and urged Jn most impressive and touching manlier that his hearers, Jils State and country would never consent as voters to the fearful degradation that would . , . , 1 ,. i ensue upon the passage of this school featpre oi me law. nereoeuaiornaniiUBireques eu Maj.- EngleharTl to Teadthe prorMMeid - law, whichrequest was complied with, and soon I - . a - ' i . a ' a a I Mter iie?unew cpncioueois mosapie - - - I aiajau aw iu.i ur. i w wrvCurtis nerformed I tlie-introduction io,n BPprwpfi r- fe,,, , m. r.. i i.. .i. .i.o.:..ii....i i Tlie Nyee brought be distinguished ora. r and hfs Wilmineton escort back to the I i- m -WMtirs lllll' ill I lir: ii iliii v IA ibiiuii a mm nv I tor ana nts wnmineion escon dsck vo we i T - M. ! At a Quarter befora 10 : o'clock the Wil-1 lepfed fhe ohiect heinff to hear a short .. . . .1 : . . ... I speccu iromtneir senator, lmrouucea py i t a fi.,i,-- ' .n..g.n;';,i I Maj. atAglBblrd, GBajHOQVsud felt that the debt was due by him to theiia. ey Brwlge about 10 '.o'clock l.TKalr o-enerons and liberal nartialitv haddWW-Wt'T4"10 .Wittaddress 8uOU,d make uig!. uearert and their fcedp e . 1 - - 1 bv their distinguished for freedom. In this commeinorailotryeSr iujr hia smcew thanks a second time fur the ... - iwi (.' . ; ' : cordial reception extended to him, he hoped UlMiJJSIil. iTpipA H?a,M ' ' n ....... . e band tt, ..0ja La eUe J f I Q f J Uirii ftfterthi Li iuTtue " ' 5 , . . . inlffbe playing - Gen. Ransom has conferred, a Pie iykire fon our publiby his visit which wi Jfowtten. i. We hope be will . jnasiBiratek' court..., r "i,-: i..;:,..;.,; t .- . 1 I - , .i'- ..'l.:-. ::.'(- -.-. !-. - Ben Jones, colored., was arraigned Verore Justice Gardner yesterday afternoon on the I .chan?e of stealine a watah and chain' from lamo; wuo nas: a aiecping apartment at t eoat, the former Containing h:S watch, ,on a On tle eveniug of .the SStli as Jklr Iamb ' iW mDS articksv,the chain waa.pawned . the; Wilmington, Garden foradrank. The party whapAwaedJhe-watch was described . l Mr,ad ww WemWWby bim,heha f requeMJy een about the stables under Tarioua'DretexlaJ Keebibir a sham lookout iv ... i.-i -.1 -u- ; , f i .i - . rtf-f flna 7 ame across him on 'Thursday 'afternoon,;' and as Mr. L. Hr;nu.yeu uunuy m couaruonw eigminieu, knoW what you want,, Mr. lixmb,' here's ou-rWatcWl atatllhii'hh'n , , ,n " -. ' T T i7 1 , Sr.? anoslhc.f Parl aff4 takmg the article from his pocket He was permitted. io re-x "PPearance at the next term of the, Superior I KCWtt.CmdeiaultotwbichJlft was lodged in Nun ! t I J"" i f I John waddell, arraigned on the charge of misdemeanor, was discharged ou the lJV 7 , : i .1 I a ol Heart DUeaae.' An inquest . was held yesterday morning J ..p him iJwiv tt AM KnAnor' tiiviim-pri I ove WOlllli n wno uiea suddenly wmle crossing ' : -m. -- . - . - - - ' " .... :rruM. i . M11 oPfinnntof whinh n.nnprpfl i UltY " "H au.accoufltotwpicp appeared in j i i V9 yesieruayv .. me eviuenee wasw lheeffect that deceascd was on her way to K ., , . fli w 6" ,J - i I ierininaie'd her lifei'-'She'called Sor helo. when two Colored Avomen annearedr"w w""tt"t'"wycucfl"ll',u . . . . . , f . ff fnP anl nssnfm Th womnn or Hp! nwhft rpnilpat wiw., fltf. v'.-i-. luJ.- .i.- -iJI 71 J"r : ."7JrI"j , 1 . : 't : ..f " , . it.. aTl -.,11 woman,g ...y, round her far beyond the reach of medical aid thathedid. not deem it exbedient to administer anvl ' nd af,er 8he breathed her T ' last. . . , . p. i.i. - - : !Thery returned a verdict that deceased ttf - . aAl f ri diafr. fQf lhe heart . to whicu malady, we understand, she had ..,,.. mH.,' Tbe Opera llonae Lait Nlnbt. . Owinr Drobablv lu the ODDreKsivencsS'of .. . .r..L'. ...S.l-. .. .t.i "nS ttbiea Bt theODera Heii'se to wit-' ... ''a . t. r-J ' T, , ii .-b-l. "l mr-m t z X a. IT tU 'a aui t? I I1KWI LilK atTBll Villi B CUU1L1U11 UA. . 1LUUC1I JJalAA 1 1 III rr MTtlllllll ICI1U1L1UU til ILUUClb UU1 B w met," together wlth! a farce and several L1 ,i ojjyv''""i " : " '""""ft" y r"i i Dramatic Association. Tne number tuat I, ; more real mem tnan was tne case neretoj TKa trm. ..niUmon tuniui k! I: ft j-s uwwu well tin in their resnective BinraMan .ml I' well up in their respective characters and - K. Bryan, aImpcratUConferTatite alUei.,eaiui a 1 4--i 'r:; j i ..1.1 .1. . aMAH 1,,. lv vR i lie unuiv yii lpwWi .w i iiK ivuin?rr i TV W . 1. 11. otbemeikteaniJyVaLutVclocV . . ,. . . ' i fir ghng for breath. They hastened to her . outiooiaie wauoruany usance,;! aa!Ui.rso(n anr:oraiin3Q ueri r . m. a- T a Coroner newieii , was uouueu anu oeiu an inquest over the bSrdkt rftiiriied that deceased came: t,, her -death frutn cauae8 unknown to the jdry. ; j I ii 1 TkL.1 ii-ii a 41. - a 1 . ... . ; i Lonacevity. ' . f - Ii 'A'Aa A 'T llr. : I'aUCarrJlieabf Thereis'u tdlored' iromah .residine oh.fflW'Wt WHPWifnjo SlL'i Ja i '(' . . .n .. s.:!.4jT I UapL. Gralngei's place on Alasonboro' Sound v I 5 m- i YL. ' aik residedwe believe. at or ji ear., the p0f nioAo' Vlnpinff tha whrila nf tha -lone- 'riPiAnrl J place during tne wnwe OI tne,-long peiioa 1 troubles. ' ' sjapo jyr a.larns Artillery.1 ! r . l - ,. ' . r r ! l5. v -At ameetingof Cape Fear Light Artillery, held last evening, the following gentlemen I wefe elected hbn'nrarv 'mpmhera nf th fir. i jr;icKuiperianqli!j-.dJ.';(umming, L,: is. r; '..Lmj, .r.:.i.Ji.I .delBt-Vhnrt!li?wer6laid .lastreeir at Wilsoil u niversaaied at.KittreHV Wednesdav. There I was garget ce; tmvato , nrjf Ae A01snOteray anray occurrea oetween a. J..Ji.iyicK I t. T nU1' A 11 S "XT U ucuucn uuuo m, vyv;j JUICY, 1U IIUU, last. Sunday morning,. durinF which Bone was seriously if not fatally injured, '.,' ; r-r- s. rams win prooapiy run inrougn to Shelby in three : weeks.: v Col." Fremont Informs the Otenw that the bridge which ha8 just been completed over Buffalo creek lg Tery handsome ahddurabfe-perhapsthe best on the road. .waJ,;'f ' . i Th negro was seriously in jured.' . ' vn i nirrsaay iff tne ouprema Court from the Fourth district ThosJ M. ivo t t. m... ii, a U,,, couniy ; Merrimc, Fuller & Ashe and Stewart & Kerr for plaintiff., W 8 &D. J. Devane and Sihith & Strong fordefendant. wsivv j.:v vrXIi..- From the Fifth district A. A. McKethao vs. J oLn-WJ McKay nLr both from Kich mond county. M Steele & Walker and Ray f or plaintiff, McKay, Pemberton & McKay ad Smith '& Strong for defendant i ; a J, umuiwciivu uau iww, tmermiu- I'mnnfo Inert ..nV ' 'Tl. T,.A XT. ajitjuio laot weeii. ice jwoe&mian savs: jn .r t " , . Y -V. V, J ..y"4 0f thelndependent Order of GoodTemnlars. aj. muutruuin. rMi i . . i-irnnn vvnirnv i niAT aeuverea aiecrareonneMayignt, and ?n SajurdayightJ.H, Mills, ,, 8u .intendent of, the ..Orphan -Asylum, g$ve af w;i JUVAIT tu UMU1UC1IUU aiwuucu. vie would not be understocxl as intimating1 that certainlv' the lartrPat 'TiafcriannfonM that We hare ever seen: 1 Bottfentertain- nents were splendid. Long lire the causes ".weicnjDom ueM:w0ruiy-gentlemen we . ::!. i -'-' .i--."t r : - 1 i 1 C1T3T: XTEJIv V'?M'4;f ery Binding and Kuling in a work SLTo? wJE, chants and others needing Receipt Books; or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of ineir oraers. , x .v;o.:n;-, ' I Trahsteb Fanrrnro-lNKs. invalnable to. j rail- roai companies, steamsmp cqmpanles, banks, mer- cnanis. manmactnrers and others, . They are ear daring1 andchangeless,. and win' copy sharp and. clear for an indefinite period of thne." Having Just oeiw4 fresh an?ply.of:tJiwintt,iw; we are pre- W" moderate uiij ji: im ni - til ( J 1 "BTTTTnriTcrr- '.vi- ir 'iv. - JiwnwDuiiTu, in me Sam y ear ur niaage. J , hejrjrtands and aciaamtanceaofttoo famUyi are 'VHW'' A TVT?ttQ1 TirWtffrK J - -rrl: ''''' v " 'r '"' IfilJa Oi f-iitlt Vi-yii;! I i-, J'i riavmr,inaii.iiainisijii i v. A No4el.ii By! 3. W 'Merest1'' Anth'or1 'bf illss itaseneis uonyereitin jurooa. peceesien: t to unyaity, . fOrflSjie aw. - - - - ;: ..... -. ..i ....i nRnraRjrBniz'R'a i XUx Deoaxtment Wahitgtvn paieraUj The regular an nil at term of .thi8:Law School .will bbrnfion' (WONltM)A.,JOC10BBR 13th.' 1874. . Full cootm, twoi verms, ix months eacK. , btadenU" ' adtdtcted to the Senmr ,Cla8. ou examination, by- j tRor,paniqlaa-aiiars 1 liMiA' -j.'j ul j j U.,. D I B n A n ri nmn w .a r ir.iii , t j. Stl .v.iU.iom Sk thlrtiSL',Vt?LwiU.',Mo, . L , fal.yai3m,Ba,Ta,yKii gji;o j'f til i :' I ' - ..!...' I- - L ...... r ... i 1 " f awaawalwaiawaHawa.wBawalwa. iterdav morninktfcza UlHAMQEtt.''n:.7.l:'''1.l' .'sfcKT , 7 1 T3.'1J. CCTMMINU. : . ,. .., C. 'ASHixa! 1 .!!' TiU o IlilllJ - uTlMi' J0 ( oJ tiHMt i-j't;!li .uii-m ; , . , . r: r- , . , ... K r,,:-- Imnl Uil iilli-i $ - ."AHi - Jf. - rriffrot y-idJ liinfi j -KJ forv av"'uii 'itii' 4 w.v-i Im uoea ail tne orainar v musuiess oi a sana. t . r viRUaJrAkiAeasar teweetfoioiUtteg rW.mett-!iVM DT aucoanuux well payer u wa vxi nunuurayw jaacod h-ry cfi the Bloka located here-th'par- ueBuruauTyiusiuii uimuiwh. i., t.i i.i ,1,5 1 V I j laA 111 jIWO VUaaat4aava uv wawa ailU MWvVIUU Jamea carraway and remeTedto the ahon t am. 'erry occapied by him, in the basement of the Purcell aou, where he invites bis old frleads and th pub lic generally to call on him. Best workmen in, tha : Rtatai amnloved.' and BhaTinin 1 Hair ' Cnttin and Shampooing done at the shortest notice. Try him. ,-.. iNrJYi AGVEKTISEMENTS. a- - ! 1 ' ., ' V i Sale of Valuable !Eel Estate (y ylBTUKOPLAND IK ACCORDANCE WITH Sj the provisions trace, executed by I ne pro visions or a certain, u i of a certain, udentore of aiert- executed by P verj. bearinr reiet Mayer to The Bank of New Banorer" hearing date the 7th day of March A. n. 1813, and registered In the records' of NewHa county, ia book BUI,-at pgo84 and following, the 1 nndtslgned, aaeaVtcrnerQr eaidmorgageei, Will u,.Trw-a-.r:jj-r --7rr7 , ON. MQNDXTI TBS Urr DATdoRJtJLXKX , , j . i , a mortgagee. Will 7 ui. n ununrcaB, sen 10 caaik .py pa one aocuon, tbe I following described piece or, parcel of land situated I in eald cityrTix: iu'Jiiis'.j i -i:yufc.y4'-ii ,j ,,, J. Beeinnini? at the corner of a, lot now rfwnf owned by A P.1 Beplton and wife, on the sonth side of Karket atreet, and ruontng:thencef wmthwardly along" their line one hundred and thirty-two feet, to Bettencourt alley, .thence 'along said 'alley east- let weetwardly tw enty-f our feet to his corner: thence with his other line northwardlyi aixry-slx -feet to Wilmington. wwy-r.-w m-m. " " T . V junefs-dtidt WS.rf- 81 Atai f J r T f i V .1 ) . . - .m ; 1 C ave Salem I T8 POSTPONED tJOTIL' MOIDAT TTsk T.1 5 J '' AtigT Si l75, !at; 13 o'clock "' XIM i JolylrTthilSTiMwnac'l (?T; 18 75 griWixo s 7 5 New Flour Just from the Harvest Fields LnWot'bB SURPASSED '"BY ' THE EAST; West, North or South. -Every barrel audi bag ;j7 IS. JCELLANEOUS; We Me no note of WmM M its Lossj 'XJnD, THOSti I WE 6 HAVE NOT. -LAID JN A 4X. stock of mods tor : their -own wear'anrf famll v I wanny nnyignt iee to anotner let now ar recently I , .y , w.lT- -At a- ' t ownedbyA. P. Kepllton and wife, thenc with their I l' ' S IT N' A' line northwardly sixty-aix feet to' the lot of 3. ,Wt!w rY, , -.i , H.-V .6 i. :v hereon, thence with tha back line f Wiibaraon?a I lA ' -" " ' '' ;-L . JBaTaci. HLreer. inRnrfl flinrv m ariror arMaot wMtmrwi- 1 a . It thirtv-fonr iwt ta twwZrhTfcT ii1 1 JairaDJe cnaractertsuca Of genius, which have made bC'acrto of fuarauMaeu per iet t. , oeua your oraers to iu vape 'ear Pkrar and Pearl Hominy Mills. , . i juIySSwnac j fi;!, ALEX. OLDQAltf, Prop'r. use from the splendid stock -thai Jhave been: com- I PIT I -peiled to eacriAce, will simply regret it;, time flies, I WJ.VJa.XvO. aaAlwKi'Ji .vii 'it .'.ewi-itSK.l .oil i 3,1 f - " ' ; ! -s ! FeW Weeks ' is Xefir lit to before theremoyal - of mr Mock to another ci v. T wm oner anotner.inaucement, ; knowing as 1 oo, the I i ) . i ; U t.i S0A&QITT) 0lt MONEY: cd It is thla besideB seTHhg'" some ! of my stock at ifty per cent. . ur.aa. l tlA.n lAsx. 1: wm maice taverv purcnasera. . ; 1, . , i .1 ., . , nil DISCOUNT QP 10 PEtt PENT.; : 1 on all sums over ten dollars, this U as near g ving A$? OF ?S!5SSS? SS&WSP I away goods as I can. come to , . " j CITOP WILMINGTON, jr. U, V a T T nnnri OAT T a m -nnn a nmi a " f ' " 4 T . ALL GOODS SOLD AT LESS THAN COST, by July 2JVtf yff.i l, GEO. LIBBER, r S9 Market JSL Ti UESD, AY S - 1 i, . - 1 -r . - ,;r f I TT7E RECEIK ' DIEECT PElOM'rbuit ptvN J TDalry'-atreaheupplyof -Jaml. . i f i : 1 OUR BUST' SUITES 23T : XHE W&RLD" r r 1 - Every pound warranted the '1 il J.ili . I jiIM ,4 j ji. Rose nniiiiH i ivnuiii and to keep Ihf the warmest wealher.! We! pay any, ;!: j.. , pnee 10 get lc.ror onr 1 - ' ' FRIENDS AND CUSTOMEEi and sell it at 'the close price of 40 cents per PODbd. j - 1 ' . jthd ame price of other grades1 1 ,f j .V - Ml r anft wei :cani barelyJget solfficfeat Tat ' thd demand. . ! "w irrpcett Jtpeiptu:.r ' U1SU. JUISKB'. ' I July S9-tf . 11 & 13 South. Front St : - - ' L- closing; oi 'MfiN'S AND ! BOY'-CLOTHINO . , -r !.A T C 0 S,T;l . 8Mts?Hadeit6; Order Our sales are constantly increasing for this popular Plour, 'and every . daV "we 'fill orderB from new1 frlers. One trial ia all we aakvf'r;. f.1.' . 1 - jftesh Groceries and supplies every week, at f , Reduced jMcei f rjliLia H.' vlt tf. J H-J'J ,l(to worktojmy: stock of y-:c! I s-J CLOTH AND GAS8IMERE; :i -Mil fifi:i Voifui &ltt:lr Ui -f j u .-j -:- j . i . i on i. i j!v i Aril; ; Merchant Tailor. It liEust1 be Done I I'l-j Wuft'STlalat STOCK OF MEN-'bOYS AND r . .Must bet sold to. make room for. . i I j(sj;ii; i O UR FA Jir'D' ' G &ODM, We 4rend barrfto,clo,t:t 'V wnnimnii srt. ! l l av - - -ira - " " r l - - . . . . july 89 tf, !l. II K .-.! ,,1K1KK BBOS .BafireiBk. tTie'i Spirxt'CaAks.' iGfine, A A Tons Pieced TUm, . , I "Jritt out' fijsp- '.ifiBbwCllaai-i nj ni.ui s4,.ujfUj .Mnj--i . f ' ' ... .. ..... .. julyld t;,,;..WJLiJ,W4 AlWW-tlON Q Bo w D; SJ Skies; ; -r Boxes D.! e.'ishouklers. :i(;?i ' i'. MUi.i nit:t!- 'id! II: it: l s.!' n:; i ' Q r Boxes Smoked Sides, , . iiii'.' lt:i 2Q Boxes Smoked fipovldena. iiiiii! nil july 85 tf., ;UEKfc BALDER BROS.; 1 - Flonr, , Flour; Flour. u ,. ; .550 I iibls.Bob (White -Blour, i t'il jllii.SS-l 1 HUE 1 JfQt Vofr ;uJnuvlilJ j.tai ml. For sale by -- - -- I I 1 HgBI I J !!; I . i n i. rt tlj .IKl t)iu iiPin!lf jj W .i;lii;K, I -k.r j 1 OWk' FtntitDRE .VlTH tPBicfi tlSTS 11 i; . I.i I J m Wl 1 i M ' ! U 1 1 i :.ti i r :i p . -. ,'ii-.. A t T i hmay J-tfr JiuH sani:AiUTit . w. I ) 1 . . . ! ' TresK dtembaa' i 1 1 -. j iMHOICE N-C, Faa aad- Shoulders, weighing j from 47to 10 bb: x ems sugar wurea Strips, Shouldsrs; P. M. Beef and rig Pork. ..j.l i.'VI .. v Vl ! 1 It? -'tf, . . Goods guaranteed fresh., and of. best quality. July S5-tf JAMES. C. STEVENSON. 1 "v , .twoH..... . J 1 R0 w --thiedays..v......J...'...-...-..i 0 !! " foif eays,'..... 9 5t ' Two weeks. .......... 5 CO " " -Three eeka,,.H..j.. 8 60 8 00 . 1HVJUUUIJ1I.MM JU VI- l . .r.Threetoontli8...:y......i.......2 00 Six months ...88 00 m One year..... .60 0 CwContract Advertisements taken 'at proper. tfonately low rates.; w -v v o .4 v .v(! . Piye Squares estimated as a quarter-column, and ten aqnarea as a half-eolnmn. MISCELANEOUS. e? HPMB INSTIONS- ( THE NOKTH CAROLINA HOSTS INSURANCE COMPANY, :.,.,:.,:v;. ,ttAT,TCTaa, n. c. !;.- :- ThiB Company cob Onnea to write Policies, at fair rates, on allclasaaa of Insarahle property. f au losses are promptly adjusted and paid.' The "HOME " is rapidly growing In public W.aad PSf?.' conden?e; . n,arrf Property In - " ' 1 '!.." 1 .';.'.' . . 1 ' f - w- Agentstnall paita af the 8tate. m J,ntl " '-"fi CB. BOOT, Vice President, i . , M PULASKI COWPKR, Snperviaor. ,, ATaXHSUJS. S H ANN ING. ASKNTD. aeg 1-tf Wilmington, rl V Ilie.JostifPasciiiatiiiE'KflTfil Us-ii QS TBS DAT JS By OUITA. ( This story possesses in full measure those unmis- fiSHS11 the Jri"ce of language, and all the JUIEUEU AlUldUU Ha lEUIl. ' Aft DISS 'IHR lTiTnilT W 1 'T lllftWJ aK V. I1H1VI W Vtu " Ji - .-4 ' ' i ..." i t ? ui j Just reoelred and for sale at ! ' i i a ji ju'y S5 tf I city Book Store. . Weddihgfresents. PINS STOCK OP 4 1 SILVERWARE ; if JUST ."J.l! RECEIVED, AT i GEO. IIONNET'S, July S5 tf i 63 Market Street. Oiix HALF-DIME j.TJAKANTEED TO BE AS GOOD as your cigar aeaier sens yen 4' For .:Oitc!i)imc,' m D. PIG-OTT, ' jaryll-tftrai; City; Taxes! THE CITY .TAX! BO0K8 POB 1875 HAVING been received alj this office, the undersigned is . now prepared to j. . ,. . s COLLEC? THE CITX. TAXES " r- on Heal Estate and Personal property for 1875. . ALL PABTIES are , therefore notified, and re quested to give" this matter immediate attention, quceieu ui give mis maiier lmmeaiate f.wenuon, 4 .51' 'f'.ifi P0? and,pay, up'Vwithout Afh U Ll. di9!TWSiare:lao;reeerabl.iB, payment ui ut.jr ajteo. july 28-tf i ; T,5r4. EBVOSsi j Treasurerand Collector. 1 SECOND HANCf 20 HORSE POWER" V- -1 . . ! . l . . ' : i ' i( Slattouarr ' Stcdrii C'lSiiglnc, and 80 ' hOTse pbw0r ' Portable Plue Holler, with rmokestack, pdn4pc.raif'ln excetfent order 'Also 1 SECOND HAND i HORSE PO WER 6sciLLAT- r NG STEAM ENGINE, ' suitable' ifor -ginning Wd'Jgriat mM Wfrt-W'sold- low. For information applyo HART, BAILEY & CO., , j 17. South Front street jjane i8-tf , . OUiUli ALWAYS. HOOP IRON, ; i h fif band? ,. v j ! TOBACCO. NAIl4SrweUselec.- GLUE,' and sold FLOUR,. I BUNGSv 5 u "' V lowbr "" ' ' " MOLASSES Ac. ,ni' - .i U'.'4'! SMALL LOjT pUPLmjCOUNTT, HAMS. .i. POT1BJe,1py ;;: , ,i; v : June 39 tf . .. ; ! i k Ptm i Kn tfiTi t rflTtiV'j'fvl art fi abaWVWIar aaW WVWUH a M)A W .VlaMWIlaW ft! TlrPGC Hrnrtft 'Unity' WAMSUTTA CQTTON AND No 3100 . IRISH LINEN. ! - - , .. PERFECT FITTING,' SHIRTS. FOR $ 7 60 t'JNJSBEO UP WHEN KSCjUiRBD.: f . .J"jjf 'ftdj iMUNSON A CO.; July 27-tf City Ulothiere t. Jllt'Mt Jf'I'l ViNG KKCEIVED BY EXPRESS BLOCKS dreh. Mm. Virginia A Orr isprepeed,U alter, preaa . aoa oieacn wora 'entrnsiea io ner. 'cimi jtonneis and Ocntlemen Panama, Ilata madeto y. : i :i JLook iui! Well as Ncwi' J i i - ' , ' ! - ' v " . ! For parrTcafinf can on or sehd to MRS. ORK,5 ot Nun, hetweenflrd and 4th street. j ..;,'( ' - aplS-tr "-- . ! ' - . :' ' , Coffee, ' Sar, alice and tard. 1 Kll "P wer, ... v v tlaVrsiti v;it v$.;i,..5ii t r i 1 V K rt Barrels Sugar, f7iiPiIat4isi'.. j - 1 . Foraleb julySS-tf KK NER A CALDER BROS Goifee and Cheese. EdASTEDVAVii CoVfEeIsAPSAGP ,A,it 1-3I)'..V. t't V'J .1 I I ...... .V IIHl Mmuaiia lUCCTV. . and Ejdam Cheese. HoriBcaHCor,naraeiaaaeca"s Corn, iFqux; Hay, - Salt.-s;; QAAA Bushen Prrme Whlteand Mixed Cork. MA' BblsFleur, an grades. t5 00 N ?nd Eastern Hay, . 1000 B"aitcr 1 ' jnlyte-tf WTLLIAMS t MURCHISON. "VTTKDDINli CARDS AND VISITING CAJiDS TT printed In the most elegant 1 .1. -. ic, a ii : I WM. H. BERNARD'S Prlatiag an4 Publiahiug House, aagll Box - mux- 111, 1V t' I4 I . -": i!4 a.:.' I mv. W ? : j mi W't ' . mi: 1 -tf'4 r.. I INv. ?i&V i"- : 4i ; 1 IMP iti-- . nm ) I",:.' m t;'- i- . -i's :. it: . i f . ji ! ii- VI ! 3 i'V-: il 5- Y 1 II II ir. w tv 1- fir ' i

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