THE HOBimiG STAB. j FUBLISHXD BAILT, BY RATSS Or BUBSCJUFTIOH TS ADVATCS . fll ... A ,. vegr, lOy man; yuiu. $7 00 4 00 85 1 00 SixmonthB. t Three monthBf ) w month. I 7 . Pitv Subscribers, delivered in any part of the Fifteen CenU per week. Our City Agents are not authorised to collect for more than 3 months in dvince. - - OUTLINES. Cincinnati Congress District,5 it is esti mated, loses tea million dollars by the gtorm : Holders of Duncan, Sherman & Co.'a letters of credit in Europe have no money and are indignant. -Ex-Senator Norton, of Illinois, is dead. National Educational Association is in session at Minneapolis; - Buckle's spice mills burned in New York.: Large! gather ing at National Methodist camp meeting at Bjddeford, Me. --- Ceremonies of the O'Connell centenary commenced yesterday t Dublin. New York markets: Gold, 113il 131; cotton, spirits tur pentine, 3H33; rosin, $1 65&f 1 75. - Spirits Turpentine Mrs. II. C. Severs, an aged Char lotte lady, fell down the steps of her dwell ing and broke her neck, Tuesday night. "Toisnot Transcript: We learn that apolitical difficulty between the whites and blacks, occurred in Marlboro, Pitt county, on Jast - Saturday night, during which three negroes were shot No whites burt. . -' ; 7 y-;-:v Vl:'r'' i The Anew savs . the Conserva tives in Warren county held a mass meet- jn" On iUUuUajr auu uuuuuucu tui uic ukuc Convention Dr. Thomas J. Pritchford and fur the Legislature. ' . -:: ' ' Tbos. W. Dewey, President of the Bank of Mecklenburg, Charlotte, and a' distinguished Mason, died in that city of congestion of the braic, Wednesday. He was Grand High Priest of the Royal Arch Chapter F. end A. M. of North Carolina. The Petersburg iVew of y ester- 1 nna . tlor rn VV olnMlnv rnrin i rrr Lieut Minetree and private Olivier, of. the police force, arrested a white man jiamed F. M. Collins, hailing from Halifax.'N. C, charged with forgery, committed in Prince George county, Ya. . " The Toisnot Transcript learns that after the speaking at Stanhope, Nash county, last Thursday evening, an affray occurred between two negroes, and while Mr. Jesse Flood, an aged white man, was trying to separate them, Mark Dozier, a nenro. ran up and pulled Mr. Flood off and cut a gash in his. side about 12 inches long. He is not expected to live. Dozier was ar rested and is now in Nash jail. - Merchant Marine of tUe World. A paper was recently read before the Loudon Statistical Society giving Tn nnmrtai on1 tnnnQrTO' nf tha m chant steamers and sailing vessels of all nations in 1870 and 1874. The number orsailinff vessels in 1870 was. 59,9187Hoonage 16,042,498; in 1874 the number was 52,289 tonnage 14, 523,630. The number of steamers in 1870 was 4,132 tonnage 2,793,432; in 1SG4 the number was 5,865 ton nage 5,226;8S8. From which it will j 1)0 seen that the number of sailing vessels throughout the world, has de creased, and that there is a vrery large increase in steamers', the latter being nearly ninety per cent, and the for mer about ten per cent. At this ratio of increase there would be more steam than sail tonnage afloat. The total tonnage of the great nations indicate their relative rank as follows: First, Great Britain; second, the United States; third, Sweden and Norway; fourth, Italy; fifth, Germany; sixth, France. -" . Not a Model Christian. llndianapolis News. A visitor to a Sunday school pic tiie near Albany (let us say Troy),, iocsd a pompous man, who jwas an r. J! : ,t t. 1 u . sort of "king bee" among the people, superintending all the arrangements. iLarge tables were spread and loaded with an abundance' of good things. As soon as everything was nearly ready for the feast, a number of child ren "went in, when the ex sheriff howled out: " Hold on, you d d hogs, will your Then in a milder tone said to one of the ministers pres ent: "Brother , will you ask a b! essin e A Silly Smuggler, A man engaged in smuggling to- hanftn intn Vntioa yanoit I w lrf hfd Inraaelf from neck ;to foot with to- dinary garments. The weather - was very hot and he had some distance to walk before crossing the frontier, so he got into a violent perspiration, which resulted in such an absorption through the skin of the poisonous qualities of the fragrant weed that the poor smuggler was taken ill on the way, was caught by the custom ihouse officers, and now lies in a dying at ate. - - S'-'-'s A man in Medina, Ohio, while riHng in procession behind his wife's ivrnain the other day, overwhelmed with grief, bad sufficient strength to "top the procession ' and inmp out of the carriage' to pick up a knife which lie detected in the road. ' i BUhop Lyman's appoinlmenu. tiurch of St. John Baotist... ...Auff. 7 Vaile Crucis. .............. i. . . .Aug. 8 Patterson. ........ .Aug. 9 Lenoir Caldwell fii. . . : .. . . ' Auir. 10 Hickory. . .......... . . . . ,r. . .. ...Aug. 12 MorgantoD ......... i .Aug. 15 P. AL,Oid Fort.,... Aug. 16 st Andrew's, Buncombe (Jo. Aug. 19 Hard Creek, Buncombe Co. . ...Aug. 20 arm Springs. , . . . .......Aug. 22 HurosFine., . ,Ui.Vr:i-Aug.;25 -BakersYille ... ............ - Aug.. 27 River Valley, .t . j . .'. Aug. 29 tver Dam, Buncombe Co., Aug.3t iievard, Transylvania Co. . .'. ... .Sept. 2 'Si Paul's, in the Valley, Transyl- :v, vania Co. v.i.. -8ept. 8 P'hi Hock '. Sept. 5 1 JeiHlersonvilhi iiW&Vl i ii iTM 5 i Sept -" 7 Olencoe. ..; . . k, . . , .Sept. 10 i.alvary Church, Henderson Co. I .Sept. 12 Mcester ; . .Sept.. 15 !v "ynesvllle. .. . ... ,.. .Sept. 17 -AsJieville. ....... .. ........ ......Sept. 19 The collections at each place will be , ap- fropriated to Piocesan Missions. 1- HE VOL; XVI. NO. 116. THE Q XO?3rr, The mails will close at the City Post-Office until further Notice as follows: Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and West of i Weldon, daily at.,.......,L.... ... . . 5:45 P. M. " through and way (day) . f mails daily, except Sunday,' 6:30 A: AI.1 Southern mails for all points - - n South, daily. .... j 5 :15 P. M. Charleston, daily, at..... . 5:30 A. 11. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily - (except Sundays,) i. .; 2:30 p- M Charlotte mail closes at. . . . . ; . . 2:30 P. MJ Smithville (via Easy Hill and Town Creek) Tuesdays and, Saturdays .U . a 6 $0 Al M. Fayetteville, andofflcesonCape : Fear River, Mondays and Fridays. ..... ... ...... 1k)0 P M. FayetteviUe by C. C. R'y, dail v (except SundaysK..,. . . .". 5 :30 A. M Onslow C. H. and icflrmediate - . offices every Fridav . 1 . . . . . . :00 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboat, clfise at 3 P, M., daily, except Sundays. Mails delivered from 6:30 A. M. to 7:30 P. M.,-and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 13M., and from 2 to 6. -00 P. M. : Money order or Register Department open same as stamp Office. - " ;' - ' '" ' - i. . , Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night Mails collected from street boxes every dayat5P.M. : 1" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. W. RowELii. Wanted. Immediately. Hriksbergeb. Knabe Pianos. B. Glhaves. Calanthe Lodge No. 7. SnnrsR Bros. If you doubt it ! Jahes Madden. Notice. Iioeal lion. J::. Warm anA partly cloudy. 4 The delightful season of cool nights is upon us in its full glory of ocean breeze. a-,,-," Couldn't we have a better sys tem of fire alarms in this city than the present? t .; ' It jwas moderately feverish around the city last evening awaiting the result of the election. . 'We understand that the Cape Fear Light Artillery Company realized about the sum of $90 by the recent excur sion to Smithville and the Blackfish Grounds. . : Complaint is made that in some sections of the city trash end garbage which has been put upon the, streets is left there some times as long as two weeks. At this particular season of the year all the streets should be thoroughly cleansed every day. Owing to some difficulty exist ing in the arrangements of the Fifth Ward Independent Bucket Company, we are re quested to state that the active services of the Company will be suspended in cases of fire for a few days, or until the matter is ar ranged. Coopr Union. A meeting was held on Fourth between Harnett and Swann streets, on Tuesday night last for the purpose of forming a Coopers' Subordinate Union. The Union was duly organized and the following offi cers elected for 'the ensuing term:: W. T. Spooner, President. , II. A. Skipper, Vice President. W. R Skipper, Recording Secretary. ; H T. Henderson, Financial Secretary. C. B. Skipper, a S. J. E. Justice, T. - G .D. McKinerly, S. A. Commmu af Safety i. E. Justice, T. Henderson, D. B. Craig. , Trustees-D. B. Craig, II. A. Skipper, John Fieeman. Dlsorderlr. Residents in the neighborhood of the railroad, on Fonrth street, complain that certain parties who are not known, except thajt they are colored, have been in the habit for the last two or three nights of tearing palings from the-fences, hooting and shouting after , night, to the great an. noyance of all quiet and orderly citizens in that vicinity. .Such conduct should be stopped at once, and all order-loving peo ple, both white and colored, have an Inter est in bringing such offenders to justice. Attempted Bobbery. We learn that the residence of Mr. Jersey Hopkins, who lives on Fifth, between Dock and Orange streets, was visited by a burglar early yesterday morning, but happily he was discovered in time to prevent the dep redations he had evidently intended. It ap pears that the servant went out into the yard about 4 o'clock, when the discovered a man standing at a w'mdowrwhiclr had been left open to admit the air. The girl ran into the house to alarm the family,- but when they arrived on the spot the would-be burglar had fled. , , ,, r e aa 1 Severely Injored. We learn by.a telegram received here that Capt. Thompson, of the B Brig ' Sterling, which was cleared; from this port for Lon don on the 21st nit., by Messrs, Alex. Sprunt & Son, had in some manner received such severe injuries that it was found necessary to put into Halifax, N. S., to secure another master in his place. ' Capt. T. is spoken of in very high terms as an bfflcer. and man; and the accident is very much regretted. . wrlmm lli'rm. f An alarm of fire was souDded last even ing at half-past 8 o'clock.i The bell, after some striking uncertainties,- accused the Fifth Ward of incendiary proclivities, but though the gallant Bucket Company rushed out prepared for an encounter with the en emy be did not put in an appearance. It was a false alarm. WILMINGTON, N. CM FRIDAY. AUGUST 6! 1875. ELECTION IN THE CITY. Same Old Tnlne. The election in this city yesterday for delegates to the Convention and for town ship officers passed off very quietly. We failed to hear of the least disturbance at any of the polling places, or of auy unpleas ant words being exchanged between the rival parties. The whites as a general thing, and we believe it was the case for the most part wUbthe colored people, voted and went about their business. There was less noise and confusion around the polls than is usual on such occasions even here, where, with a few notable exceptions, elec tions have always been conducted in a quiet and orderly manner. , . i An amusing incident occurred in the 2d Ward during the forenoon, which created considerable stir for a time. It seems that a private box had been prepared for an In dependent candidate for Magistrate at large, which some michicvous persons placed at the front door of the Court House, while the voting was going on at the rear. Into this box tickets for the candidate - referred to were crammed by the wholesale, asMt was known that they would not be counted. The party referred to finally heard of what was going on and had the box removed! at the same time announcing the fact that he should indict all who had any connection with the matter before the United States Commissioner, as he stated that several parties had voted for him in good faith. : Among the dodges resorted to by the Re publicans was the following, which was ex tensively circulated and posted in promi nent localities, being the most noted but flimsy: DEMOCRATS TAKE NOTICE! How can any Democrat vote for Silas N. Martin and James H. Chadbournc, Yankee Abolitionists before the war, Union men during the war, and extreme Radicals since the war. . - i : We hope no Democrat will forget his manhood by casting his vote for any Radical. I . Democrat. j The official vote for delegates to the Con vention only is given. There was no op position to speak of to the Radical town ship ticket The nominees ; for Delegates to the Convention were Conservatives: Hon. George Davis, CoL Robert Strange, Robert K. Bryan, Esq. . Radical : G. Z. French, S. H. Manning and J. H. Smyth, col. The Radical ticket elected for Wil mington township is as follows: For Jus-, tices of the Peace J. J. Cassidey, Josepli . C. Hill. col.. HenrvBrewineton. col.. Alex-! ander Sampson, col., Anthony Howe, col., j Stacy VanAmringe; for Clerk Samuel T. Potts; for Constable Solomon W. Nash, col. ; School Commiltee-r-Alf red Howe, col., A. II. Morris, Joseph E. Sampson, col. v We append the vote in this city for dele gates to the Convetion as follows: FIRST WARD. Upper Division--Republicans Manning, 369; French, 369; Smyth, 309. Conservatives Strange, 74; Davis, 74; Bryan, 74. - Lower Division Republicans Manning, 501: French, 512; Smyth, 501. Conservatives Strange, 84; Davis, 85; Bryan, 84. secokd ward. Rejaiblicans Manning, 147; French, 148; Smyth, M5. Conservatives Strange, 232; Davis, 231; Bryan, 422. YEXRD WARD. Republicans Maaning, 277; French, 281 : Smyth, 277. Conservatives Strange, 215; Davis, 214; Bryan, 215. FOURTH WARD. Republicans Manning, 269;Freoeij4270; myth, 2C9. 1 Conservatives Strange,. 181; Davis, 181 Bryan, 180. , FIFTH WARD. Republicans Manning, 477; French, 480; Smyth, 479.: ' 1 . " . Conservatives Strange, 118; Davis,' 118; Bryan. 107. ' -m m ' Good Templars. . . At a meeting of the members Lodge No. 64, L O. of G. T., held at Temperance Hall on Wednesday evening, the following offi cers were elected for the ensuing term : James Alderman,. W. C. T. ; Miss Mattie Orr, W. R. H. S. - Miss Eliza Jones, W L. IL S. Mrs. Tirgihia A) OrrnWi V. T. -. W. T. Jones, .W; B. - Miss Mamie Skipper,. W. A. S. W. B. Willis, W. F. 8.. , Mrs. Maggie A. Kendrick, W. T. S. F. Yopp, W. M. :;.. Miss Lou Yopp, W. J. G. Chas. Elwell, W. O. G. W. M. Hays, W. C. a W. Yates, P. W. C. T. . An Rx8lt(e Treasurer Breaks Jail and Escapes. ' . '' . . '. " ' We learn that ex-Treasurer. Niles G. Parker.of S. C, against whom judgment had been obtained in a civil suit for $75,000, and against whom a crimiual indictment was pending for embezzlement, &c, broke jail at Columbia on Wednesday;. evening. It was expected that he, would come in this direction, and a dispatch s was sent to Mar shal Robinson to ; that effect, warning him to keep a lookout for the individual. ' In accordance with this request an officer was sent to Union Depot yesterday morning to watch for Parker, but he did not make his appearance. , ' It is said that Parker has defrauded the State to an immense amount, but we have not been able to obtain the exact figures. ' Bange of Thermomeier. v ,The following was the range of , the ther-; mometer at the Signal Bureau in this city, yesterday:. . " - 7 A. M.; 76; 12 M., 89; 3P.M, 89; 4:30 P. M., 86; 0 P. Jt, 77. MOKNINO ELECTION RETURNS. BKsCIiT IN DOCBTt Some Vnexpeeted Gains and Other Unexpected Loites Lote ' Wake and Probably Wayne and Meck lenbnre Carry Robeson Consid erable Gains In Bladen Guilford Probably Lost, r .'' Enough returns have not been received to enable us to formulate an opinion as to the result. We present the returns from some counties, and withhold comment until fuller information reaches us. Below we give such news as has reached us: Special Teleurams to the Iflornlne star. ' WAKE, FRANKLIN AND WILSON. ,' ' . . " ..- Raleigh, July 5. Wake county, has gone Republican by some 200 majority. The contest was hot. Franklin and Wilson have gone Democratic. Wilsok, Aug. 5. Singletary, Conservative, is elected by 800 majority. r . GUILFORD. . Greensboro, July 5. Returns from six townships in Guilford show a Republican majority of 847 against Convention a small Republican gain com pared with last year. ; ; RICHMOND, &c. ' Rockingham, Aug. 5. Dockery is elected by 350 majority. : Only two townships heard from in Mont gomery couuiy Andrews,.; Conservative, ahead. ' .' : : ' Laurinbubg, Aug. 5. Richmond votes, as far. as1 heard from, thus: Laurinburg Legrand, Conservative, 59; Dockery, Republican, 143. Steward ville Legrand, 42; Dockery, 93. Wil liamston Legrand, 231; Dockery, 125. Laurel Hill Dockery 58 majority. ' ; CABARRUS, 1 . Concord, August 5.-J Cabarrus is all right. Allison, Demo crat, is elected by 300 majority. I- - ;M - MECKLENBURG. - Charlotte, August 5. Election returns come in slowly. Tha Convention candidates in Mecklenburg of the Democratic party are probably beaten. Lincoln elects Motz, Conservative. Ca barrus goes Conservative by a small mojor. itf . Ias.ton has gone Republican proba bly. Heavy increase in Republican vote. The Conservaj3y,e wte falls off. WANE. GousSBOtRO, August 5. The vote in Wayne k very close, and re quires the official vote to decide. The ne gro vote is largely increased.- Faircloth, Radical, is probably elected by 50 majority, while the Tesult is still in doubt as to the other member. It is feared that Dortch is beaten by Grantham, by a few votes. The whites of Wayne were never better united, but negro importation did the work. " CRAVEN, CARTERET AND LENOIR. Morehead City, August 5. Craven gives the Radical ticket the usual majority of 1,200. Vote light. Carteret elects Rumley, Democrat, over Doughty, Republican, by 250 majority. Lenoir gives King, Republican, between 300 and 400 majority. . Nothing from Beaufort, Pitt or Jones to night. ANSON. Wadesboro, August 5, We carry Wadesboro township, after the hardest contest ever fought, by 33 majority. Large gams make the county safe by a large majority. Vote heavy. ' LlLESVILLE, AUgUSt 5. Bennett's majority is 49, a clear gain of 17 the largest vote ever given here. Not one white man . voted the Radical ticket News from all Anson good, k - T ;' " ROBESON. " ; ' " " Lcmberton, Aug. 5. ' ; Robeson is undoubtedly all right. Five townships heard from and all give Conser vative gains. Britt's, Norment's strong hold, gives a gain of forty-eight Conserva tive. . ; : ,: ' ' LENOIR 0- ' ; KlNSTON, Ang. 5. ; King, Republican, carries this county by about 400 majority. . 1 DUPLIN. , - i , ; - Magnolia, Aug! 5. Island creek township gives Slallings 153, Farrier 156. Beamenand Jones Republi cans, 111 each.' V.. j;7.v' Later. The Democrats elect all town ship officers by large majorities, and give WmJ Farrier for convention 196 and J. N; Slallings 195. Bearaen and Jones Republi can, 136. a'-, v" '. - ' NASH. j Rocky Mount, August 5. ; Official returns from three townships show a Democratic gain of 80. f Ourqounty will give Biinn a heavy majority. ' . ..";; ; UNION: '; - t - I : " . . Monroe, Aug. 5. ; The vote of Monroe township on Conven tion is: Dr." T. W. Redwine, Democrat, 376; J. J. Hasty, Radical; 163. ' Will send full report at county to-morrow. . County will give a Democratic majority of at least 250. ' ' " ' BLADEN.' " ' .t ' Abbottsburo, ' Aug. 5. ! The following is the vote of three town ships in . Bladen V Bladenboro township, Russ, Conservative, 94; McDonald, Radical, 100. ; Democratic gain 1,' Abbott town ship, Russ, 'Conservative,' 98; McDonald, Radical, 105.' Democratic gain 11. Brown Marsh township1 Russ, 'Conservative, 67; McDonald, Radical, 76. Democratic gain 18. " We have great hope of Euss' election: O'CONNELL,: The Centenary of the Illustrious Irlsbman Its Observance In this ; Cty Line of 9Iarch &e. 1 w A meeting took place last night, at Hiber nian Hall, under the auspices of the Hiber nian 'Benevolent Association, to consider the manner of celebrating the centenary pf O'Connell, the Irish patriot. Mr. J. H. Allen, the Vice-President of the Association, presided on the occasion, and Mr. John W. Reilly was requested to act as Secretary. ' , ' f On motion, a committee of three were ap pointed to submit a plan for the celebration of the occasion. ; . i- The committee made a report, which was adopted; whereupon a committee, consist ing of Capt. I. B. Grainger, Jas. Corbett, L. Brown and Major James Reilly,-with F. H. Darby as Chairman was appointed to make suitable arrangements. On motion, the public generally were re quested to participate. i ' ? ' Mr. James Madden was elected ' Chief Marshal, after which the meeting adjourned. . J PROGRAMME. ' The following has been 'decided upon as the programme for the celebration to-day; The procession, consisting of the Hiber nian Benevolent Association in regalia, to gether with such citizens as may wish to participate, and a band of music, will start from Hibernian Hall at 3:30'clock, and observe the following line of march: Up Front to Market, to Fourth to Mulber ry, to Third, to the Theatre, where Hon. A. M. Waddell will deliver the address, and suitable resolutions will be passed, i ' After the conclusion of the ceremonies at .the theatre, the procession wil reform and march to Third,' to Nun, to Front, and thence to the Hibernian Hall, where the procession will disband. ,' ' CITY'. 1TE91. Book. BtKDKBT. na jhoktlmo Star Book Bind ery does U kinds ot Binding and Ruling In s work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chant and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. . ' 4 - j Copy or testimonial. Haknibal, Mo., May 30 1874. Messrs. J. & W. Tolley, 39 Maiden Lane, New York OenLi The 13 Gun which you built for me, No. 2093, has arrived safely to hand. Allow me to thank you for the fidelity with which yon carried out my instructions. The general outline, beauty of proportion and excellent finish, are all that could be desired, and more than' meets my expectations. I am more than ever impressed with the idea that it Is as necessary for a man to have a gun built to meas urement as to have a boot so built to ensure a good fit. The pattern 175 and penetration 40 are very su perior. The pattern is as close as I desire, and the penetration I think is seldom attained, being far ahead of any public record which I have seen. ' . Respectfully Tours, ' - O. W. Dobxas. : NEW .. ADVERTISEMENTS. " The O'Connell Oentenaiy.7 OTICE: Irishmen, their descendents, friends and the Fublio Generally; ,you are respectfully in vited to participate In the celebration to-day, in honor of the Centenary of Daniel O'Connell, under the auspices of the Hibernian Benevolent Associa tion.' ; . ' ' . !,.' . . - Members of the Association will meet at tha Hibernian Hall In full regalia at SJ4 o'clock for parade, which will be followed by an address de1 liyered by Hen. A, M. Waddell at the Theatre. JAMES MADDEN, ang 6-lt i Chief Marshall. Knabe Pianos.' THEIR PIANOS CIRCULATE NOT ONLY IN America, Canada ana South America, but also In Europe; their fame having been carried there by the great pianists who have visited this country. ; Wherever they have been exhibited they have in variably carried away the gold medal over all com petitors. The first European and resident pianists have thoroughly tried and tested their various styles of Instruments, and have voluntarily accorded them their unqualified approbation, and have given to the firm the most valuable certificates of their opinion. For sale at ; .' . ! HEINSBEBGER'S ang6-tf - -: - Live1 Book and Music Store. If You Doubt it!; CALL AND BE CONVINCED ; : ; That we are oflerujg the balance of1 our Spring- nnl Summer Stock of I Aii MSN'S, BOY'S 'AND' ' ' CHILDREN'S f. CL OTIIINO, and euch figures ''that you are bound to bay . . og6tf - SHRIER BBOS. : Wanted Immediately. A. WHITE WOMAN COMPETENT TO MANAGE the details of a Boarding House. To - such a one a good situation will be given. : : ? w j : - ! t ' Apply to ; s : ; J. W. ROWELL, i augS-3t ' Abbottsburg, N. C. To Oillcers and Members of Ca- lantlie Lodge Xo. ? K or P.--'s THB-REGULAB MEETING OP YOUR LODGE will be held this (Friday) evening at -half past 8 O'CIOCE. ir;f,Mf;ii aUg6-lt : ' ;'''B".: GLEATES, ' ! K. of B. and 8. t . i. b. GRAiNGER;r:.f.:;.t :;:.;paBsniii HON. W. D. JOHNSON, ........ . Vici Pbkbisxht J.D.CUMMING. .........Cashisb BANK OF MARION, . . ! -til' : - Directors: ' i :. ' ! : HON1. W.D.JOHNSON.. ,..Marien, S. C. j.D.McLtTCAS...:... ... !T : DUNCAN MDRCHISON,.,v.v..v..iiJ l i f WM. A. WRIGHT.. ..t.........Wihmngton,N.C. JNO. W. ATKIN80N...i. i..r... ' , " , D.R.MURCHI80N...VM.v.,..J;iJU fi tr L B. GRAINGER...". M ; Does all the ordinary business of aBank, ;y ' Issues' Certificates of Deposit bearing interest f , "Will take pleasure m accommodating the mercan tile communities of. Wilmingtoa , and other' places , bv discounting such paper as can be recommended as good by any of the Banks located where the par ties are carrying en business.':, v , , & . (torresponflenti: Merchants' Exchange National Bank.r. .'.New Torsi.; Citizens' National Bank. . ..... . . . ... Baltimore, Bank of New Haaover. .Wilmington. . maySO tf nac " ' " ' ' ' TVHOLE NO. f 2,568. MISCELLANEOUS. , T U E, 8 D A S "VTTB RECEIVE DIRECT PROM OUR OWN , l Dairy" a f resUjsupply of ,',,;. " " OUR fiES T BUTTEB IN THE WOIlLD,,n ' ; Every pound warranted -the, .'..:. Best Batter, In tbe World, and to keep in the warmest weather. : We pay any , - price to get it for our ' ' ' ' FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS, V and sell it at the close price of 40 cents per pound, ,r. i : the tame pnee of other grades. ' i ? Everybody Uses It, and we can barely get sufficient for the demand. We guarantee " perfect" satisfaction for our . Patent Proces Empire Flour." r Our sales are constantly increasing for ihis popular Flour, and every day we fill orders from new friends. One trial is all we aetc : ? - ' - Fresh Groceries and supplies every weekat GJSO. MYERS'. July 29-tf . 11 & 13 South Kront St INSURANCE ROOMS ' . . OF ' .,:-. Atkinson & Manning. . : $70,000,600 AsoetsKepresented. : FIRE. . Ins. Co. of North America. . . . Phenii Insurance Company . Continental Insurance Co ....... N. British it Mercantile Ins. Co Hartford Fire Ins. Company.... National Fire Ins. Company...; Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co.... . irXARlNIC. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co....... Ins. Co. of North America. ...... .Philadelphia. , ..New York. .New York. j .London. ..Hartford. ..Hartford. " ,'i , Maesachuseti s. .New York -.Philadelphia. '';- -wrfj- LIFE. - ; ?' Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co,... Hartford. I . March 3-tf , . . Quarantine. Notice. .TTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. ALL VESSELS U from Ports South ef Cape Fear, will come to at the visiting station near Deep Water Point, and await the inspection of the , ; ; i Quarantine Pliysician. ; . 1 All vessels from Ports where Yellow Fever or other infectious disease exist, will be required to undergo a rigid and prolonged Quarantine. . All vessels, or boats of any character having sick ness on board on arrival, or having had sickness any time during the voyage, are required to come to the station for inspection, without regard to the Port from whence they come. Vessels not included as above will proceed without detention. -i Pilots are especially enjoined to make careful in-, quiry relative to vessel, crew Ac. , and if not satisfied with the statements of the Captain or Commander, or if the vessel is In a filthy condition, they will bring the vessel to the station for farther examina tion. . 1 ,, . , '; - , Pilots wilfully violating the Quarantine laws are subject to a forfeiture of their branch; Masters of vessels toa tfiue of two hundred dollars a day for every day they violate the Quarantine laws," and all other persons are liable for each and every offence. : All vessels subject to visitation under above regulations, will set a flag In the main rigging, Port side. . .- ,-'.-., i ,. F. W. POTTER, Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington, N. C. . gmithvffle,N. C, May 27th, 1875.- , , i June l-2t aw till Nov. lTuFr -! - First of the Month, ND WE TRUST OUR FRIENDS WILL as promptly to our polite calls for MONEY as WE ' always do (so cheerfully) to their demands for . i FAMIlVr SUPPLIES. I : " HELP US CASH US.V And oblige. Yours,- v 3 ' CHAS. D. MYERS A CO. The Partly Hade S ZEE Z HRj T S ARE A PERFECT SUCCESS Forty Dozen Bold in one week. : WARRANTED WAMSUT1A Cotton and Best Linen. 'As we can get but 13 doz. per week, first orders will take the precedence. Only f 1 25 for as good, a shitt as has ever been sold in the United States for $3. Sole Agentt, - . . MUNSON ft CO., , ' aug 3-tf City Clothiers, 21 N. Front St . ALWAYS. HOOP IRON, Jf in hand 4 TOBACCO. . w.wn " '. ll . csl IIUU ' A&UiO, weu seieciou-vDiJUJi c, : GLUE, ' :, and Bold ., ; FLOUR, BUNGS, , low by . . . , MOLASSES Ac. i ; ; ) :; ;7 ' EDWARDS & HALL. , Consigned. SMALL LOT DUPLIN COUNTY HAMS. ., '.For 'sale by V'-"" 'J' ,. EDWARDS & HALL. j june 29-tf Yates' Book Store; B LANK BOOKS! BLANK BOOKS! A FULL As sortment always in Store. j r ; , f S CHOOL BODKS! SCHOOL BOOKS I STOCK complete, and will, be . sold at ruDiisnera' prices. f. :'!"-i"s" r. . " .."'j.;'"-. ' ;": S TATIONERY! STATIONERY! LARGEST and best Stock of staple and irancy btauonery in the City,- which will be sold at 60 per cent, less than ever before offered in this Market U, W. YATES, , ; Market Street- aug 1 tf Our Box Box f tt jinn iif t. OIQAEzS, GUARANTEED TO BE AS GOOD ' : , as jour Cigar dealer sells ywu ! For One Dime, I -' : )- iff- -; ',' or no sale by D. PIGOTT, ; jnlyll-tf ' I' HAVEJJUST' RECEIVED BY1 ATLANTIC Coast Line, my fifth invoice ' of Tea from the United States Tea Co., consisting of about thirty different varieties, put up In handsome sir tight cans rwith screw covers, and sold at the same prices as over the counters of the Company in New York ftt yj:jt.4 ' r: - -v 8. G. NOBTHUOFST, augl-tf i Fruit and Confectionery Store. i ;.- rpHE ISOBNINe STAR BOOK BIND- : X KRY is complete in all all its appointments, aad is in charge of one of the most skillful workmen in the State. All kinds of Binding executed neatly, cheaply tad expeditiously. - '"'iliii; BATES OV AOVKHTUIK QneSquareoneday....... ....................fl 01 - aa. v - a mi,, j Two weeks. . s. .':'" . .1. . . 6 00 " ! " Three weeka....,.....,....,- 6 6e One month......'...'...,;...,..... : 8 0C , , Twomonths....... W 'V Three monUs..f,..i:.:.i.,i.-.,.w,M 00 " ' - Six months...............,:. .. .85 00 CB-Contract Advertisements taken ' at propoi- tionately low rates. Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column, and tea squares as a half -column. ' J -: MKCELl-u-NEOUS., ; . FAIRBANKS' SCALES. RETAWS THE STANDARD Also Miles' Alarm Cash Drawer, Coffee and Drug Mills, Letter Presses, Ac. Ac ; rBIMCrPAL BCALS WAREHOUSES. FAIRBANKS 6c CO., 31 1 Broadway, N. Y FAIh BANKS & CO., 166 Baltimore st, Baltimore. FAIRBANKS & CO., 63 Camp St., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & CO., 93 Mala street Baffulo, N. Y. FAIRBANKS A CO., 838 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. FAIRBANKS & CO.,.403 St Paul's st, Montreal. . FAIRBANKS A CO.. 34 King William it, London. FAIRBANKS. BROWN &CO., Mlk St., Boston. FAIRBANKS A- SWING, Masonic Hail, Phi la. FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO., Ill Lake st, Chicago. FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO., 139 Walnut st , Cin- ' cinnati, O. - - . FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., 18J Superior street Cleveland, O. ' . ! . . ... . , FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., 48 , Wood street, Pittsburgh. , EA1KBANRS, MORSE A CO 6th and Main str. et, Luuisville. ' - . - : FAIRBANKS A CO., 302 A S04 Washington avenue, St Louis. ' -v.-.;..-! . FAIRBANKS A HUTCHINSON, San Francisco. For sale by leading Hardware Dealers. July 4 deoil su we f r w3m THE CELEBRATED CHICKERINC PIAU.OS'. . - V " ..... K j ESTABLISHED OVER 53 YEARS. ; Over 46,000 made and Sold. OJEB ,81 LEADING PRIZES RECEIVED.' ' They still maintain their great popularity as thr The Lxaxiho xake or all, others made. L. M. GOTTSCHALK America's greatest South ern Pianist- exclusively used and performed upon them in 1,000 Concerts. ; Eminent Artists, Annteurs and Musicians pronounce them . ' . The Best and Most Beliable Pianos! For purity and volume of tone, touch, durability, ' wear and material used they cannot be excelled. , They remain in better -tune than most Pianos -' made. - : They are the most preferable and desirable Pianos made.- . ' . They are the most , reasonable, pi iced First class . Pianos made.' , They possess all modern improvements of any : value. . They are in every respect superb and perfect in struments. - They are Fully Warranted. Illustrated Catalogues furnished free of charge. Apply to ' - CHICKERINQ A SONS, I or J. F. RUECKEUT, Boston., , ; Wilmington, N, U. . VS GO TO , YATES, BOOK AND MUSIC STORE where vou will find a fresh snnnl v of thvse justly celebrated Pianos constantly on band. . ., aug4-udswic . - "Wedding Presents: , " FINE STOCK OF : . v SILVERWARE - .-. ' - - !- j ". . , -1 : -- 1 .- - - i - , . ... .JUST RECEIVED, AT . f GEO. IIONNET'S, 53 Market StrecF. july 95-tf Sacrifice !: Sacrifice ! ! r ORDER TO CLOSE OUT THE ALAN CE OF my Stock of - MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING t . ! rteiure a gu XHorui to purcoase my -. - FALL STOCK, f I will dispose of the balance at a great sacrifice.' LINENS AND ALPACAS AT AND BEL9W COST. A. DAVID, :au31-tf 1 .' ; Merchant Tailor. . St, Louis Law School. (Law Department of Washington University.) The rezular annual term of this Law School will . open on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1875. Full course, two terms, six months each. Students admitted to the Senior Class, .on examination, by application on or before October ISth. . Tuition, $80 first year, (60 second year, Including. use of Library. i For particulars address . , i; G. M. STEWART. Dean of Law Faculty -v,.. 203 N. Third St, St, Louis, M0. iuly 31-eod3m Sa Tu Fr ; i Tobacco, Snnif, Oysters and Pickles. -JQQ Boxes Tobacco, ' .. . :'2Q Bbls and Half Bbls Snuff, t JgQ Cases Oysters, JQQ do Pieties,' -- , ' For sale by - . . aug S tf KBRCHNER A CALDER BROA ' ' ' :i " Flour, Cofleeand Sugar. ?; ' " ' rQ ' Bbls Refined Sugar, ' ' : ' -' ri Uhds. Dcmerara Sugar. ' 1 . V For sale by aug 5-tf KKRCHNRR A CALDER BROS. GEORGIA 1 FLORIDA S2?aa&& Georgia or Florida, should subscribe for the Uovn- ; isa News, published at Savannah. Ga. Daily, flO; i Weekly, fi per annum. Advertisers desiring u- i tomers in these States, should use its columns. It -i the best paper in the Southeast. Specimen copies 1, 1 sent on receipt of 5 cents. - t Address . ' ' " ang5 tf " - J. II. ESTIf L, Savannah, Ga. Boy's Fancy Dress Hats Fashionable silk and t KTRAW, LADIES' Drab Chip and Panama, . - ,( '.;...' ; 'At . ' HARRISON & ALLEN'S ang 5-tf . . . , : :. City Hat 8tore. ' A Sugar House Molasses. JQQ Bbls. S. If.' Molasses. s ' '' ' ': For sale by aug 5f KEUCHNER A CALDER BROS. : j) ! jSpiritasks, Spirit Casks, 300 ' l , For Sale by ' -' - ! aug 5 tf, KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Frrisli Teas! Fresh Teas ! , Black and Greenland uncoloredi Japan Teas just received. , - 1,000 lbs N. p. Bacon of best quality u i Finis' Sugar Cured Hams, Strips and Shoulders, augl-tf . JAMES. C. STEVENSON. !' "ITTJtDULNU CARXa AKU VlSlTINti CARDS TT printed ' In the most elegant style, at - - . WM. H. BERNARD'S ; ngl 1 . t ? -; ; FrlBtlag and PnbUshing Boom, .it - - - 1 fffV three days..,. W " four days...! M '' " - five days......... W M 4 ""r. 1,11 -