J5s moEimiG staii ' i. ... n twv im . a nvinTimiL'.. e ' riil Mni.i lit a-- 5 4 1 1 I .'. . : 1 1 ' v fit ) ? - three diva , '. " four days. ... ... . .. W- - j " fliTiaay8j...v.3.:.tj:.::::...:. e(--"cMWMk : , .: s tt I BiTM O BUB8CRIPT10H IS ADTAiTCB t ' r (by nnJl) postage paid,,. Three monumv . -.. i sabscribeis, delivered I any part of the bXbjl '.kAJMl ro CUiiWb ill! 1UU1U UUU1 U U1UUUU u OUTLINES. fifjal LisU mass celebratidfi at New T-.rt in honor of the O'Connell cebtenary. jlemphis advices say the river is rising 8t that point, with damage to levees. Tr-: oEndisb shipping bill, largely amend- Vhas passed the Commons,"- Forty- Ave cases yellow fever under ; treatment at B.rmncas. -Dnncan, Bherman ,& Co: have perfected arrangements to meet their ,0ntenarv at Dablia was a brilliant affair the Pope sent benedictions or the partick 14, gold 113i113, rosin fl 65$i 75, spirits turpentine 31,;;.; THE EJECTION. - ; - ' f t From all the returns, offioial and reDorted, received by us up to 12 o'clock last night, ; we : consider.; the contest very close, with trie vnances if decidedly in favor of the Democratic Conservatives. With bo many coun ties not yet heard fromi it is impossi ble to estimate accurately, but we b-'heve from a careful -summing up of all our returns that our party will have a small majority in the Conven- . tiori- ' . ."vT-f Cl-tWr I Our latest telegram from Raleigh estimates our majority, at 15, and state that the Republicans con- ; ' U?f i ii'.ii w - ' - . ceJe 6. . , , . ..t: Qar own estimate, is made, how ever, independantly of that made in lialcigh, and we think our 4najbrity will range from 4 to 6.; :. ;i' ....'V.' The Sootfi. nalninjc It Own applies. : " Lynchburg News. V Several indications have receutly Leen given of ; a change of agricultural policy in the South, whereby the jihtnters will endeavor to; grow their wn food supplies, instead - of being dependent for them t upon' other sec ii,!is of the country, - A contempo rary published at Selma, Alabama, says that the "canebrake region" of that Stata, instead of buying corn this year will have plenty of its own growth and some to sparer The plant ers every year heretofore : have bor rowed and sent to the Northwest hun dreds of thousands of dollars to pay for corn and forage and their transportation, and have depended' or their cotton crop to pay the debt. Kow, however, this money is either in the pockets "of the""canebrake'! jilanteor will be as soon as. : their cotton is marketed. .r This. policyr of growing a home supply of corn will also tell in future seasons in pro tluciiig a home supply -"of provisions. The planters" are "raising cUtlfeand hogs, so that next year loey hope to produce their own beef and bacon. Theurospect is so promising, our co temparary adds, that planters . who did not sow corn this year, will do it next year, and then there will be '. "a surplus of hundreds of thousands - of bushels; there will be. corn, corn everywhere, corn .plenty and to spare; there will be corn in abundance where 'there never was corn before." This policy, which thus seems to have taken a promising start in a thrifty, sec lion of "Alabama, although not yet general in thtf South, is a wise one. The rotation of .crops' is one great cause of agricultural' success aud of wealthln the North and .'West To save ,the co6t of transportation 'by growing theirs own food at home is another source of prosperity in.many f. the States. The Alabama planters are urged to continue pidncing corn, and convert it idto meat at home. Experiments that have ; been fmade show that this can .be-' done -as -auc cessfully in Alabama1 as in. JCentucky.. or Tennessee, heretiif 7 wholesome-, rale has beenJong. in Tue.' " The depredations . of; thieves are Com plained of as, a drawback, npon atock, raising jo the Sottthj -but Hbes it is" thought, will decrease as employ mens and industry increase, and as the Laws come to be enforced' with' more cer tainty. . Cottou nanuiaetnre Soath. , Ueceut statistics show that' the Soatbvrn States have 187 mills, 10, 447 looms, 497,627 spindlesand ' last )'ear consumed 58,996,519 pounds, or dU,m 147,491; bales of 400 pounds each. Georgia has 42 ot the mills, running 2,934 loOma and 13fr,330 "pmdles, and consumed 18,522,399 P'uu.j8, or -Hbiii-V.w ft' ate tu Georgia in' consumption is k uth Carolina which jcopsuraes 14 558 poandsand the next is Ala haui a,' wiih 6,490;' followed' closely Tennessee, ' with . 6,276,153, and Aorit Carolina, r;e,03ff,673; rirgibia: 5,434,025 poundst and the rest are ""der i 2.00O.OOl i.vti-oi.t.- Missouri . hich lakes 3,48 1,372 jMunds. 14 s 1 he ir t. VmUlug iPJr toe n ' -' -r ..:;.'Vfioi.'"- Imperial TelegraHio hej -htntelc: Uh AferisTO3S7W.u"g4' "" The Htreamommericed 'falling :ist-iiight.htw:ierirsiidiiightMdd8y' they cannot f aU very fast, on c- 'unt of the great rise in the Ohio "ver. The .Valley ; is 'pretty ' well ."Wept:of alt produw; arid the wheat '! oats that were out of teaoh of the water, are sprouting .in, thft shocks in l"e fields. The continuous wet weath-; f r has prevented the 'grain and ' hay from being saved' v !-" " , ' ...... ksnpp v vi j r,i , , vi' vol. xvi.-no: Hi: An attempt is bein , made at the present time on the Swedish coast to recover the cargo of an East India man, which foundered in 1712. Thus far the diving operations Tare report ed to have been signally successful, a large quantity of Chinese porcelain having already been recovered I in so perfect anaRWhlT individuaT pieces have been eafferlvHointrht fnr by collectors, and have realized high prices. Vi .The Winston Sentinel hears' that two men byvthe j name -of r Atwpods got into a difficulty'with' a"iiero! in Yadkinville last week in which the negro was stabbed: and died t soon afterward. The Atwoods have: been nnmmitliul tn v.il -v I JEiODD1!? 1ST. Tbe ItlaUs. r : The mails will close at the City Post-Office until further notice as follows : ' i Northern (night) mails for all points North,' '.' East and West of. Weldon, .-m. I-daily 'a,,,. vj45;P M. n .! "1 through and way (day) . , . ; I mails daily. PTOpntSnnHnv fi-an 4 Southern mails for all poim . f . t douui, aany . .... , ...... . 5 :15 JL Charleston. d&HvJ atzc - j .1 s-aa A ir Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily :"-.' j '- " ,1 except Bunaays,Ju..J..irj.. 2:30 P. M. Charlotte mail closes M-H". 7.2: 30 P. M amithville (viarEasy HiflVaadrnff j'tF Z TownCreek)-Tue9dayB "and- P :KA : featurdavs - ri -on a m JTayetteviiJe, and offices on Cape rear aiTer, Monaays and Fridavs ... ... 1-noP M FayetteyillebyC.CR'y.dailv I (except Sundays).. t . . 550 A. M Onslow C. H. and intermediate I Offices every Fndav. . 600 A. M. The Smithville mails, hv sii-ftmhnt f lr at 3 P, M., daily, except Sundays. I Mails delivered frpmfi 0 A. M.'to 730 P. AL!-and on Snndavn f mm s -an tn g -an A I Stamn Office onen frrtm ft A : M tn!9M and from 2 to 6)0 P. M.. Money order or Register Department open same as stamp Office.. .. -:: . StamDS for sale at ireneral dclnrerv when stamp office is closed. -s . : "" Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night , j . , Mails collected from street boxes everv day at 5 PTM.' w " - ' " - 1 j' NBW , ADVEKTlSiin KNTV VCT.-P. Ttxkk Notice- , A ; J. - H. RoBrssoN Notice. ' DkRosset & Co No Ca Bacon. Wmoht & Stedman Real Estate Sale; Loral Dotal. I Our Robeson friends did almost well enough. :- -: i i 4- Weather 1 ' Probabilities for ;tb- day: Decidedly warm". t 1 , .v . j-r Our 'neighbor Duplin does well, and tiled, not satisfied, goes and does bet ter f Long live Duplin! . ' ": ' A . meeting of i;the Fifth, Ward Independent Bucket Company will be held this evening,rat 8 o'clock. " ' --.Bladen Conservatives deserve. high credit for the gallant fight they , made on Thursday. See our returns. " '. 1 , , " r. -The dwellifig of J. B. Under wood, at Fay etteville, was destroyed . by fire on Thursday morning last at 'about 8 O'clock!" ' ' ' ' ; .L '.;:; -.. l - . -,r, .... :- ri- - The Rev G. D. Bernheim being once more able to occupy his pulpit, we are requested to say there will be services in the Lutheran Church f o-morrow, both in the German and English languagesV f A quantity of bilge water thrown nto the alley just in rear of Market and be tween Front and South Water streets, yes terday, created considerable stir among those who do business in the neighborhood. -7- Complaint is made that the alley between Dock and Orange and running from Third to Fourth, is in an uncleanly condition. Among- theodenferdua scents which greet the olfactories of the neighbors that of rats is said to be'nbt the most pleas- ;.. :r 1 -... fa : Acala ia itiinpo. . .-.v.or HaftieaJohlison, colored, whof was tried before the, Mayor's Court on the .sour tut., on the charge of disprderlyi conduct, and who was ordered to pay a fine of $25 and posts or work for thirty days on the streetsl but who5 was subsequently released on bond for the payment of the same, was rearrest ed yesterday on the charge! of making an assault upon Charles boutheriaoaon inurs day night, on the public 'streets.' Bhe wil have a bearing before the Mayor this morn ings Uncivil" KtKtote A "scrimmage'! occuned on Thursday nightlii " whanOnow low between one Ed Ward Jbinerj colored, and Frank Hargrave, white, a denizen of that deje&tabte locaJUyJS There waa-no blood spilt, and we are assured that politics had nothing to do5 With ;the affair.-; The woman (Hargrave) having refused to come to trial was put nuder a suitable bond f or bet f appearance oefore the Mayor tms morniog.: .'-.?); is. Altfnal LI lie to Hatteras. , ; ., .j, fi ! The Signal Service line along the seashore from Smith vfile to Cape Hatteras will short, jy be commenced.! Sergeant Seyboth is authorized to! receive proposals' for the exe cution of this, wotk.; The , line wul closely follow the shore Jn all indenUonjfc, It will be of greal' service fn tne 'commercial marine. HADCe'tf Taertnemietet- The followjpgw4hfi.wnge;jEsf:iUe Uiei jnometer at the Signal Bureau, In this city, yesterdailOCIHU Sl i0 .t . 7 A. 12 MiWr 2;?. M , 87; 4iJ0 P. M.; 85; OR M., 78. r; ! WILMINGTON, ELECTION, EETTJENS. av a. C Special Telegrams to tlie Blorulnar BEAUFORT AND PITT. Takboro, August 6. "- Rodman's defeat iu'Beaufor is" certain. The lowest estimate gives Shepherd a ma jority of 350. ' V Jaryia aud King are elected in Pitt by a majority or between Wand iw. No reliable information from Martin Hassell is-probably lected.i- v-s ' Edgecombe pollshe heaviest white vote since the war. . . . j .Later nassell is elected in Martin by a majority of sixty-four. . BLADEN. . Abbottsburo, August 6. Bladen has gone Radical by a majority of 150. .......... GUILFORD. . . 1 j - Grkensboko, August 6. . " The vote of Guilford is - almost sure but not official. Gilmer, 1,816; Mendenhall, 1,27; Tourgee, 1,910; Halton, 1,943. u p y Wadesbobo. August 6 f Stanley, has gone Conservative. . -,T ., - i;v:; :j ALAMANCE. .'- .;V":-.v; . . ..' "."-i Compact Shops, August 6., " f The , ; electin - has - been ; quiet. Boyd (Rad.) has a majority of 88 . . s u r . Mokbobv August 6. This county elects T. WRedwine, Dem ocrat, as a delegate to the Convention, by 289 majority5; ",; -vr; " ROBESON. . Lumbbbtow. Ang. 6. The full returns not yet in. The contest wilL be close'. .Doubts are entertained. . - Later. --Robeson gone -Republican by about 30 majority. . , . , , ...t . DAVIDSON, Ac. Raleigh, Aug. C. News from State good. Davidson, Ala mance, Chatham, Franklin, Pitt, Beaufort,' Nash and Orange, certainly -Democratic. Johnston almost certain for , Democrats. Cumberland ditto. Will hear from West, this .afternoon and send.. . - . V DUPLIN. . ' ' Maonoiia, Aug. 0. - ; This county maintains ber former major ity. " Tenownships heard from, show small Democratic gain over last year's vote. :. ; '- If WAYNE. . -;'. . ' " ' "h " Goldsboro, August C. Dortch is beaten by 41 votes. . Faircloth and Grantham, Rads., are elected. " " MONTGOMEY, &c. v ; . Va Rockingham, August 6. "Jordan Is probably elected in Montgomery No news from Moore. . ; Dockery's majority is 445. "C: ri y GREEN AND PITT. rSr Kf . "' ; 1 KlKSTON, Aug fcz Dixon, Republican, elected in Green by One box in Pitt reports Republican gain. Later. Pitt (official) Democratic by 130 majority. - v ANSON. ; ; Wadesbobo, Aug. 6. Anson county gives Col. Bennett, Demo cratic candidate for Convention 168 ma jority (official). . ,: . LENOIR COUNTY. : IReported for the Stat. The official vote of Lenoir county is as follows: Richard , W.; King. Rep., 1,454; James M. Woolen, Dem., 952; W. F." Lof tin, Independant, 5.' " . THE1 VERY LATEST. RUTHERFORD, POLK, &c. t CnJLBXiOTTE, AugU8t 6. Rutherford elects Justice, Radical, by 13 j majority ; Pblk has gone Republican; Burke elecU' Avery, Conservative, by 175 majority; MeDowell is Democratic by a mall majority; .Gsstpn elects Hoffman, Radical, by ,75. majority; Qowan is Demo cratic i Davidson elects - the Democaatic ticket ; Guiif ord is Radical and : Alamance Democratic a gai q, t . It , is reported here that Wilkes, and Yadkin, have gone Con. aervativeT Davie is fjonsetvative by ilOO majority.. ri y.-.-. rr- . tx sTli Greessboro,-August 4Jr- ,r. Guilford has gone Republican by about 100 majority. Catawba, Iredell, Burke, McDowell Rowan and Davie are; reported Conservative Rockliigham 180. Conserva tive majority; Forty the is Republican.' 1 CARTERET, JONES, &c..;. Newbern,' Aug. 6.' ' ' Carteret elects Rumley, Democrat, by 350 majority! Jones gives Scott,. RadicaC a rcK duced majority , bf 100; Lenoir elects King; Radical, by a large majorityj Dixim, RadK cali gets 192 majority in Greene; Beaufort and Pamlico over Judge : .Imnl inn ' .. , -r. n. i juanur repone lcinwvraiu: jn m majority. V ililii !T Vi.J i. ? . .'..'vi.V " Raleigh, Aug: 6.?). Martin gives oiDemocratic majority. Buncombe, McDowelOuVciCatawba, Iredell, . Rowan and Davie Democratic. Nothing from Randolph.'-' "Davidson " all right. Johnson, Radicalby .2paH,.r The latest estimate is that the Democrats will have 15 : majority and the Radicals concede.6. riy rr J rttV vrnTT - Ur-, - : i r fasr an ' A Shark Caught. 0I ,VAA' 'AMiX Mr .George Chadbourn -caUghr'.at the i mouth of tbe river yesterday a young shaft about four feet In length. He was brought totbecity. . ' v- : i electj Shepherd, Deux:Mt,r t y.' -n5 Vvntfnr life, was to tWbt Rodmari. Shepherd, in a' jofity hhe battles of 5bejppresised And iworkf or ., SATURDAY. TUB OICONNBLL CKN1BKARY. It ; Obterraeee la Our City Report a i of the Celebratlou lu Honor of tbe ?-i f3 rf-nm frit fit4Yftf2'i?"i-wv, "u - ; Birth of the Illustrious Irlsbman 1 The Paradt, Addreii and Beit lotions. Yesterday being ' the ' 6enteriary ' of ' Ire land's great liberator ' and patriot, Daniel O'Connell, the delay- was. apnropriately ob served in this city. . The. natives of the "; Green Isle! their friends and the; public generally seemed interested in the occasion. At a meeting held on Thursday nighty under the auspices of the Hibernian Beneyoleut Association, a report of fwhich appeared in our columns yesterday, appropriate arrange ments were made Tor the due observance of the day. The order of exercises are -fully carried. -out and the O'Connell centenary excited inucbf interest -.besides being a fitting -and -"enthusiastic -'celebration 1 of suchr a great event" 1 v V t p ' In accordance with the directions of the Chief Marshal, the members of the Hiber nian Benevolent Association and many citi zens assembled at Hibernian Hall, on South Front street, at about 4 o'clock, and the procession was formed headed by tbe Cor net Concert Club in full uniform, followed by a carriage bearing the Hon. Ai M. Wad dell, the orator of the occasion, and .Mr. John Dawsoii.'-the honorary President of the Associatiori., r The procession marched ' up to Market street, thence to Fourth, to Mul berry, to Third and thence to the Theatre, which bad been arranged for the occasion, where" quite' a nu mber of ladies and gentle men bad embled. The spacious stage was. handsju.t !y, carpeted and- the walls were tastefully decorated - with ' banncrs,: giving the hall a neat and attractive appear ance. 0 A number; of chairs were placed,.in a seuii circle behind theiorators deskl '""The members of the Assbciatibn, together with 1i?ir friends, passed into the body of tbe theatre, while tne orator and resident ot the Association took their places upon the stage.---- -. , ------ r - r After 'a'hcaulifully appropriate; air' bad ' bceu played by the Cornet . Concert Clubj which' had taken their places just to tbe right of the main aisle, the proceedings were commenced ly tlie meeting being called to order by . Cap!1 L' B. Grainger, the President of the Hibernian Benevolent As sociation, who moved the election of the following gentlemen as officers pf the meet ing: President Mr.. John Dawson; Vice Presidents, Messrs. Hugh Waddell, F. Wi Kerchner,. W, IL Bernard, M.3L; Katz, : J. A. Engelhard, James Madden, Jas. Reilly, John H. Allen, S. H. Fishblate, A. Weill, A. Adrian, E. Peschau, John L. Cantwell, Roger- Moore; Alex 1 Sprunt," B." Glcaves, John W. Atkinson and R. W. Roddick; Secretary, Mr." Frank H. Darby. ; The gentlemen named passed npon'tbe stage, occupying ; ieatsln the rear of the or ator's desk, when Mr; John Dawson, upon taking the chair, made a few- appropriate remarks relative to the occasion for which the Irishmen and their -friends had assem bled. He spoke feelingly of the interest manifested in the celebration in honor of Ireland's great son, and then introduced Hon. A. M. Waddell, the orator, as one well ijaalified to do justice to the memory of Daniel O'Connell. v Col. Waddell then arose and. delivered an address. - - -- :'M TT rnmrnenefld : bv. makinflr in anolncrv fori what he snould say on so great a theme.: He had only been advised' of : his having been selected as speaker the night previous Wis himself of Irish descent. ; He sketch ed the career of the illustrious'. lawyer, par triot and stateman from bis . education at a French college to the sad i scene - of his dying pilgrimage to the fanes of Old Rome.. CoL WaddeU rightly named O'Connell the foremost son of a great .people .who had produced such splendid cratorB and states men as Currarf, Grattan, BurkcndoSbers scarcely less ; famous. His eulogy "of the the conclusion of his address and bis eara , jest plea for liberty of conscience everywhere ' wep brilliant and thrilling. The . address was well received, as was manifested by frequent and hearty applause. ; ' i f At the conclusion of Crf..: Waddell's ad dress, Mr- F, H4 Darby as Chairman of the Commillee of Arrangements, read the fol lowing rewtatos jich0oft)notl9n;. was unanimously adopted: . .. .-, . . ,,iiiJ . . iitiitti 4 fiii;-J ii. Whereas, We, the Irishmen and their descendants in this city have met to cele brate the centenary,, of Daniel .O'Connell,: the great f 'Liberator'our beloved country .man who was ever foremost in the defence of the religious and political rights of all, and by whose untiring efforts we Irishmen " and our fathers were enabled to become 6itizens of our fatherland, therefore', " ? . ..Be it ResolvedThaX wa, Irishmen, the de scendants, friends and admirers of the great Daniel O'Connell, in unity assembled,- do honor tne noDie ana pure patriot, tne un the equality of his Celtic brothers, in order to Diace mem on tue same iooudk, uoiui- rufter a laborious career wassuccesstui; not. however, without bis trials, tribulations aud hardships,' "all of which be.nore with hero ism anit, curisuan rorwiuae; i.i4ie xeion s cellyhad no terror for this indomitable spirit that worked unceasingly, for the prosperity of that dear Erin that he loved so welL ..i - Eesoiced,Tb&t as long a lover' of liberty and freedom shall' actuate the 'efforts oi Irishmen and their descendants, the memory of Daniel O'Connell shall ever be enshrined itf their hearts ":-"" ''"rV7" . Eesolwd, ThutjuV b;dceainM tithis meeting be published in the city papers, j. After the adoption; of 1 the above- resoluy ion sC'onJ rooon o'f Ca'pK,; t, i B Grainger, 2e' meeting adjourned.:11 t-'v":eH ) ,r",n'-;; "'The procession 'agala formed, th Cbr het Concert Club at the head, And marched to Third street, to Nun, to Front, to the Hibernian Hall, when the Association as- I tUiniv Mttnrv nhnmfiBinn nrhisn whnlp aim mmTJmi' - sembled. in meeting, Mr. JH. Allen oecu pying the Chair. ' ' - ; ' - On. motion, the Secretary was instructed to return to A. M; Waddell 1 the : thanks of :ie society for the very eloquent and happy manner in which he had responded to their inyilationlo deliver the address, f ;e? the tender payoteJj fitj. lba to jthei jphief Marshal, tne meeting ad jourhedi Tbe Cornet Concert Olub throughout the occasio eppiuedthei Mni m th selection of excellent airs which : they ten dered itb the 8kiHfor whichthey are just Jy adniired; 1 ;The"' aftslpiatrpngrat, was highly creditable to our, ; Irish citizens . and the great admirersof the great "Liberator.?' i " - - -. . '-; . .. - Nothlotc But Politics. ,i.jj-;; ,11 ji 1 ':. The news on hevstreets yesterday run- altogether on,; one schedule.'! -Nobody seemed to kpo wf anything- .not connected with the election and everybody wanted to Know more abou that than f we . were able o tell them.1 . We had to reply to the many inquiries on this subject in the words of the Chairman of ova Executive' Committee at Raleigh1, "Returns meagre ;:result' micer tain;" In fact, we were almost constrained: to answer them in the 'words we used in 1872" We have met the enemy and we I .-- ..-.i i - 1 . !: -j trff; -Wit' !.'( ( ' f'.. A1, the Republican . headquarters, .which was at , 'Squire Cassidey's office, things seemed to loos pretty lively, and no doubt friend Marcus, at his lager beer saloon near hy,smiled with satisfaction as hesaw the ex hilarating disappear in the direction of said headquarters,-while the '"returns accumu lated in his money drawer.- There the of ficials and men of prominence in the "Rip roArious" party - did congregate; and read ,tne news, good, bad and indifferent, as it came in. ' ; . y-- n and1 arodhd the Court ,Hbuse too,' groups of excited politicians, mostly o; the .colored stripe, were gathered .discussirg the "probabilities.' " 7, '.' ;V . . , ...',c,,' in a wora, under ail, the .circumstances Items of general news; were very scarce. : fu. Btohop LrmaaV Appointments '' f' Vaire Crucisi '.';:V. :V. : . . . .-. 1. .Aug. Patterson, tt VJ'. i'iiv.-l';i; ,.,.i.Vi.''.i .Auelu 9 Lenoir, Caldwell Coi i . ..j.'.....Aug. 10 Hickory, , ... . . ,.Aug. :12 Morganton, . -.. . , . ,,. . - Aug.. 15 p.m., oid Fortw. : : , Aug. i St.; Andrew's, Buncombe Co. ; . . . Aug. 19 Hard Creek, Buncombe Co . . .Aug. 20 Warm Springs.:.. Auir. 22 Burnsville. .Aug, 25 Bakersville ....... ,v . ; Aug, 27 Elk River Valley.;. : .... Aug.. 29 Beaver Dam. Buncombe Co. . i'v'.1. .Aas. 31 Brevard, Transylvania Co. .....j. Sept.; 2 Bt.; raul's, in the Valley, iTransylT) s;i vania Co i SeDt t "8 Flat Rock; Sept .5 Hendersonville . .;: .U. Sept; - 7 Glencoe.vi...i;.C:;'.i;;i .jivl.'.SeDfil 10 Calvary Church, Henderson Co. v. Septi 12 Liecester ......i ............Sept 15 Waynesvllle. .. .... . . . . .Sent! 17 Asheville: ... . i.. .'; . . L :'. . ..Sect 19 - The collections at each place will be- ap propriated to Diocesan Missions, -i Hook udxbt. m MoasmaStjJt Bpok Bind err does all kiade of Blading and Baling In s work manlike manner, , and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely oa promptness In the execution of their orders.- 1 : - : . TBAHsnss FBnrrnro-lKKB. invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. . Thoy are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of tune.:. Having just received a fresh, supply of these - inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. - .". ......v j ! 1rt-n..-Vfj-." -vs.-, i " SB S - ; ' i. - Cbpx or TxsmoHULiM TorxKA Kutsas, Jan Xt, 1875. KsesBS. Jr. dk W. Tollst, Kaidea Lane.lffew York: '' GenlUnunL wish to add my testimony to the unanimous voice of your customers as to the quality of Guns made by your ,' eatabliah meaWi My ' Standard Gun", has proved arter thorough trials an you claim for your work. A string accurate shooter, of fine , workmanship and perfect la all its parts,, I regard 4 1 as a. better Qua than any other establishment furnishes at tne same pricey Quite a Urgs number- of your guns are in' use in this State,' and 'as far as I can learn, their owners are unanimous in their approval. .K t:-j Very respectfully yoors ' xaigT-tf A.'lLuoiAti'.;, If NEW JYETJrSMBOT8,t e of YaluablerEeal Estate in. CROWX.1T, Auctioneer. TV v - j ' y -. I Si I By CRONLT & MOBBIS: B" V VIRTUE OK AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ithe provisioiMfof certain indenture otmert eagf. executed by Feistllayert:& "TTJie BacVqf New Hanover." eearrire datefthe 7tn daVofHarcbrA. D. L 1873, and registered in the records of New Hanover P - . . i v. -u -. o. a - " .1 undersigned, as the attorneys of said mortgagee, wilt ON TURSpA Y, THE 9rn DAY of September ne at IS o'clock M., at the Court Houve door m the cfty of Wilmington, sell for cash, by public auction, the following described piece or parcel of land situated in said eity, viz: i - - - - -' ; ' --; - :;' :,. Beginning at the corner of a lot now br recently owned y A P. Bepiton and wife; on the eouifa side of Market 'street, and rnnnine thence southwardlv along tqen rtne one nuxurea ana uurty-vworeei'ia l Bettencbtrrt's a!ley,Ahence Uocg'said1 alley east-1 wardly fifty-eight feet to another lot now or recently owne led bv A. P. Kebiton-and-wlfe. thence wita tneir line northwardly tty-ix feet to the lot of J- Wil- keraon, thence with the back line of Wliker son's let westwardly twenty-four feet to hie corner, thenoe 'with his other Hue-northwardly iixty-six eet tcf Market streer, thence along Market street westward ly thirty-four ieet to the begmnmg;snd being in block 153 according to Turner's plan of the city of Wilmington. . WRIGHT fc aTXDMAN, - jaugTrdt:. ,-.;;, !st.-Hiv!M.! i Attorney s. . j. : tNttdH A.! CALLED MEKTIKQ OF THE FIFTH WASD Independest Bicket' Company ;w01 bojiiWjJ j o'clock this (Saturday) evenening, for the transac- J Uon of imprtantinew F.TYLK jt ,t t aug.74t tn-iiiyi idsirr ' ki Becretaryit in -l:ivri Uotice. i A.f tli'-u: (i vtst XN ACCORDANCE WITH i AN ORDINANCE passed by the Board of Aldermi6t the .Citv'of Wilmington; I wiQ sell from the City Found on m day at IS 9'clock JCi' font (Q fine hoata. ; ' j.u.bobin80n;, , aqg 7-tf r H04xi fNsCaHaaiS, (itiir. At No Ca Shoulders, Very superior, and for sale lew by aw by ' .! -' DaKOSSET & CO. 4Ug7-K . - rWH0tB,SJ.B6bS'; NEWIADiVERTISEMENT&ii z b. raingkb.:j:. .;..t,.. apbmimh h , JOHNSON.;. -. :;.VicsTaMiif r, BANK OP MAUIO If, 1 HOlt'W D. JOHN80HT.? i-..ttarien: tt. C WM. Aj WRIGHT.. ....... ......WihTmgtc4;K.rjj w. A.x-a.itso... : " l D. B. MURCHISON iis; JL B. GBAINGEB,,, .,.,, ... " Doeaall thdordmaryuslnesa of a Bank, i Issues Certifieaten of DDoit.beariH? intrt. r Will take pleasure in accommodating the. mercan" tile eommanities of; 'Wilmington -and ther place bv disconntinz such Daner as can be'recommendeii' as good by any of the Banks located Where The par ties are carrying on business. nmw . ?j7u!j Merchants1 Exchange National Bank. . New York. Citizens' National BankU Ui.-.'. . Hi I .t : ." Baltimore, ank of New Hanover. . ... . WUmtngton. ; mv zu nac MISCELANEOUS.I r t Tuesdays :TX73 RECEIVE.' DIRECT FROM OUR OWN: a OUR BEST B TITTER 22ST, THE WORLD. i j i"t.,- Every undwarrwted'tt ' I Best' Battier'' In , WoridJ " ', i -i -, -u j.jr-T-"-.' ;. 7 1,177 T -i'.ri i and to keep n the warmest weather.- .. We .pay any , ; , price w get xor our, - , " f ; FBlEjttlS AND customers;5 and sell It at the' close price bf 40 cents per ' pound. : ,iao. lampnceoioinergraoes. l;, - ti - . ' ir. - a t m. - and we can barely get sufficient for the demand. we guarantee - penect" sausxacuon lor our i . i Pttanr UrAiaa. vmmva Xm ait " Our sales are constantly increasing for this popular rioor.- ana everr- aavwe nu- oraera-nom new mends. : One trial Is all we ask, . ... . t ,.. ! Fresh Groceries and'sUoDlies everv week, at , r-iuly 29-tf , ' f f ,. , ,f ll & 138outh Jfrpnt St. '7-fV, XiiaBe Pianos. r.'- s TV. XHEIB PIANOS CIRCULATE NOT ONLY IN A America, Canada ann South America, .but also in Europe; their fame having been carried there by the great pianists who have Visited this Country. '- Wherever they have been exhibited they Itave' In variably carried vythe geld medal over tail com-; petltors. The first European and resident pianists- have thoroughly tried and tested their various styles of instruments,' and haveroluntarDy accorded them their unqualified approbation; and nave gtveate t&e urn ine most vamanie cernneaies or taeir opinion.-' "" '!:. 's 'i For sale at '',' im :u fus ' i . : r . , nrraopjomTD'o an? 6-tr ,J " Live Book and Music Store. If You Doubt it! .CALL AND BE CON.yiNCED : i4 That we are' offermg the balance of our Spring and ' Summer ' $tock of j " 1 . ' Ji a. ;ri v ;- .,-. i - " MBN'Sj BOY'S AND1 M tiHr ;T' CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, : and such figures that you are bound to buy. ' y i ang6-tf - BHRIER BBOS.i , J-CITY OF WILMINGTON, Ni C.,l . jreDTuaryioui, mi' 1 : Notice to Ovmers of any Truck, Dray or Wagon : y ? 2- rpHB OWNEB of any Truck,. Dray, Cart or, JL Wagon, used in the city, will send the same to the abep of John A, Parker, en Second Street, and havs their Registered number painted thereon be fore the first day of March, prox., when the Ordi nance imposing a .renal ty will be enforced, r . . f - A list of the registered numbers will be 1 furnished I on applicatien at this office - rfebl9odtfthur! n n airaxmaa v .Treasurer. ePailyllade -! A BE A PERFECT SUCCESS Forty Dosen xv. ; 1 . .soiamonoweeK. : . . . ; WARRANTED WAMSVT1A . .s Cotton and Best Lmen. ' - : As we can ret but IS fiof Bei week, firtt orders will take the prooedeaee Only 41 is5.for.as good a smrt as naa ever oeen soia in ine unuea stales Jpr $3. , SoU Agmt$.A . -; f.' 1 t ang-tf : 1 taty aothiers. 21 N. Front St; ' ; ALWAYS. tmr-n tryrtrK ii JJ ' on hand' " TOBACCO. , NAILS. -i ' well selected' : ''SNUFF, ' LUE; if an sold FLOUR,' BUNGS, ; ..--in loir byi oi It MOLASSES Ac V ' EDWABDS nfcHALL. . f , GO A SMALL LOT BUPLTN COUNTT HAMS, ' " XV; -?;' j ' - . jr. it!, a .-! .: 1:.1 l-i,;. I J .. ;;i lt.l! - tf.if -in junew .,..,.,,, , j, ,t-.,,;i Yates-Book Store, TlLANg BOOKS! BLANK BOOKS ! A FULL A- 11 sortmeat aiways-.in srorei j- - - rtCHOOL Bd 'i'lftii SCHOOL B06KS! ' STOCK O complete, :: and wilt be - M ac rnblUliers' prices.v .i! ii:s .ij-i .--'i'.';: STATIONERY t STATION ERYf MRGB8T and best Stock 0 S tapl and. Funcy Suilpnery fa the City,, which will, be Md; at 00 per cent, less, Oikri ever before offered in tills Market - . , I T" y?itfffinJfP"J:i,t.i id ! a W. YATIiS. . "-Market Street 1 ang 1 if I Our,, 7 lM-:-. .,1 i I: CICKAUraS, i il ifS UABANTKED TO BE AS GOOD JTt-f -. -,' r f,. i a as your cigar aeaier Bells yea . . . -11 i?of;nneD!mc,1;.ai,i - J..:,., i.v.Aif-, ffMSi '?'i-LmA h;'i.nyi1 Ktil 1-Hl?.tlli oifferent varieties, put up to hansoBM air tight cans wa screw-covers, ana soia as me same prices as over, the counters of; the . iCompany t ta. iNew York kt 'M.iiri '''r& A KOBTBtorTi l -iangl-tf,,T FTaItAd CoafectloA Store, j - ' - 1 -T. - . ' . . ' . . iYtTKDDUM CAK1M AND VISITING CARDS f T printea in us most eiegant WM. H. BERNARD'S 1 sugll Prtatmg and PuMishlsg House. nsignea. ;LArv WTrMf f m- - mm 1 r;Wi!??rf.i tyf i:m-f;Wi f.'Srjirit caaka, Spirit Caitai : Coast Line, my fifth in voice, of, Tea from the, DUU ,.lVi f Unite Btale?Tea..eotisIstrjie of asout thirtv' n i. ForSalebv .V4ul ui ' ,f; - . x wv wx;& ........ . ... - w Three weeks 6C ' - . 44 .OnillllhiitV : v. '. r. ? 1 f ' xwe months ...15 OP ji r - f Three moatha.....i....-.'..iJW CO 1 ' x months.. i;.:.:.......... '...35 00 . : ' One year....;. .60 01 (JOntr&ct AdvfetHmunmiU tnkan At nmnoi- Booately low rates. .. . , . , " . ; Fire Squares estinateel as 4 qaarter-colDmn, and tea squares as a halt-column. , . A 1 rtMISCBXLANEOTJS. - THE CELEBRATED if ffl IISHS -t JL -A. JN vU fc3. , .. r. ESTABLISHED OVER ta TEAKS Over 46000 JSZade-and Sold. ; 'EB, 81 ; fApma B&IZES t RECEIVED. ' They still maintain their great popularity as the . j -Hn Liii me xaks or 414. othbbs xase. -; , . L. M. GOTTSCHALK America's rreatest Sontfi-' ?i cm Pianist exclusively, used and performed upon thorn in 1.000 Concerts. Eminent Artists, Amateurs ' and Musicians pronounce them- ? . v, ' " me ue&i ana Jfiost Reliable Pianos ! i For poitrVttn'd volume of ton?: fcinr.h darabi'llr.v: i wear aud material used-thev cannot be exc-lled.-- i ;; ' They' remain in better tone7 than- man' I'iaccH ; ? , made,; ; ;.- ; - . r. ,;: ,. - : 4 urj ie me most preierspie ana uesirauie rinos made, . , ? . ..' ,.. . :,. . ,; ... .. i- r They are the most reasonable' priced 'rlrst 'class '. ; Pianos made. . in .. .T n., . . Thev bossees all modern raimoveinenta of anv '-- -. ..value. - ;. , -. . . Thev are in everv resnect suuerh. andnerTect in- .trnments. ::. ; . - - '.- - ..- ; ! They are Idly: Warranted. :' ' Illustrated Catalopnes furnished ' f ree nf r.hiirc ' I CHECKERING i SONS ' j or j. : F. BUECKBRT. r ; v Boston. . , , . . v if ; rl . ;v Wilmington, N. P, ; . t- GO TO YATES; BOOK AND MUSIC 8TnRE where you- will find a fresh supplyof these jnsuy ceieDratea nanos constanuy on nana. : , of $lie Hoiitli ND WB TBUST OUB FBIENDS WILL as promptly to pur polite calls for. MONEY as WB j-r always do (so cheerfully) to their demands for -kj. '.- 'i FAMILY'1 S 1JPPLIE S. 11 1 1 x 1 And oblige, Yours, ... if! ' CHAS. D. MYERS CO. INSUliANGE-ROOMS XLLlklliaUli CO ALLillllllll. - . $70,000,600 Assetsttepresented. PIIIK. InsL Co. of North America.' .l;Wfladefphiai: Won. -Va.W Phenix Insurance ComDanv.. Continental Insurance Co ........New York. N. British Mercantile Ins. Co .London... - t Hartford Fire Ins. Company..:.'.. Hartford. ' wationa; tare ins. company. .....uartrord. Springfield F. 4 M. las. Co..i....MassBCbuens. ! !:n;:fO:?'iaAIIIK-'r!-;v. Uj a T, Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co, '. . . . . .New York V Ins, COif North America. ....-..Phuadelphia. ! V;: Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co, . ..Haxtford. jaarens-u: vj itv ' ; .. -. ' . -: i .- " 1 1 1 Ii 1 1 1 vi i 11 1 1 m mi 1 T . li-5W e dn mo' PriRs Ants: i J FINE STOCK OF! --"i ' JUST RECEIVED, AT: 4fi ;, I' GEO. HONXET'S, '. h ijtlJ5-tf' ?iiZMSlti. 63 Market Street. Sacrifice ! Sacrifice ! ! T ORDER TO CLOSE OUT THEJBALANCE OF MEN'S AND BDYS CLOTHING !: Before ! go North td purchase my J Hi'Yr iff; :S I will, dispose of the balance at a great sacrifice., LINENS AND ALPACAS AT AND BEL8WCOST, i : ' - . ... w Ji3Ui ! , ,:, ;;!MrchantTanor: i ei. Ajoms aw ii . The regular annual term of this Law School will open on WiiuisissiJAX, ucTuejut i3tn, 1875. Full course, two terms, six months eacht Students . I .. admitted to the Senior Class, on examination, by . application on or Dei ore uciooer -lztn.- 'rutuon. w first year, '. zoo secona year incmaing use or library1' ' ' '. - , 'T . " ' -' J?.v For particulars address! JU a. ..ioru: ' f t G. M. STEWART. Dean of Law Faculty : , 803 N. Third bt, St., lOUUi, HLp. Uly 31-eod3mSaTu;Fr r is;- ; :fi: : Tobacco, Sniiffi;py8terf aiul Sickles. .i; -f Eh Is and Half Bbls Snuffy 11 . . r ,:,;'i'-, ! it;.: 5'. i.T.y ; Mi -AIam. V.a.a'W' ' 1 AT ' f,. 1 Fill u"co W"i, . , , - . ' . , rtrt VIrllM - . tt ERCSiliEK'i Jci'LbEBB!OS.:' :iA -j . Floiir, Coffee; and Sugar. ' 1 AAA Bbls Flour, f''.'" iH AA ! tL f .Bbls Refined Surac : :-'-;-.. ; . . . .. ;.. ; Ilhda, Demerarss: Sagar, ! - 1 U . ( v , v..' ) 5 Forsalo'sy .-Uv-"- 'i-J; iaog5-tf KBBCHNER Jk CALPE BROS. ; . , ; ; nriVnrtT 1 1 arUcs In- UliUUUin : a UUlltilit isrmaiwm- i sooa . Georgia or Florida, should subscribe f pr the ;MoaH. ,; rmation i aoeut isa Naws. nublisfaed Savannah. Ga. Dallv. tlO: fFtaKy, $ per annum. Advertisers desiring, cu-, , tomers in theve States, should. use its columns. X U the itet paper in tlu SoutktatU Specimen copies' I aug5-tf ;,-s.-. - J.- JL ESTILLr-Savaniaah, Ga. . V T7i A7 ASmOKABLE SILK AND . STRAW,' LADIES V . , Drab Chip and Panama; MvtM ,u:.htrid ;r J ! At-! .i i 1 J1ARRISON i& ALLEN'S -- 1; :h,. '--- -.7 i;.iOityHatBtore;-f. I-,'? ang5-tf AAA jBWs..S. H. Molasees 1 Jir rt ;!. i.- i- .- rorBmeuj- -" sag 5-tf KERCHNER CALDEB BROS. i 1 FU -;A - AA"A.V-A-A AmAV 1 f, J A. AVA AAAAAV SS . , i JjLACK i AND 6RESNJAI0 irtrcOLOEED- ' tsapsa:TeM last fleeslrei. : -t,-., i.'fi..f ; f; "-;-. . an t . : r WOOsbsK. aBsvconrfhest ojiaUtyv: Finis' Sugar Cored Hams, Strips and Shoulders, j smgVtf JAMES. C. STEVENSON. ! i i -f. JK f" - Si i ' .1 m !!'- -. ' -a-1'-,' ... , - a - i i . !j - - -s. t. v m 'J; ;(( j ' !. V "a !; ( ,: 5 -: I- ii'