I' -V ! M..1fiiTotiTn: .4 v; - - t 4 - ? -'v-1 a 1 y - 1 if SUE - --. e - i ; - -. i- . . i WILMINQTON O. . BY TELEG-RAPH. .,-iXf ,-r; iJi St ira ;a :a,;& Uii't ";'. ' t '? ..'J vi:.;j f,cir-i";.i. The O'Conhell Centenary Dispatch '' Brilliant "lilumlnaHoiii'&e. i l v' The banquet last, night, given, by. the JLord ' Mayor "-of 'Dublin ini honor-' tr the memory uf 0'Connsll, was a brilliant affair,: A dispatch was received from the Pope, giving blessings to-'all persons-assisting at the centenary celebration. . . Tho- health of i the Pope was proposed first andtbe Queen's health next, The toasts were received with loud cheers. 'iTf ; The toast- to' the memory of O'Conflell was responded to by a grandson of the Lib erator and by the Archbishop of Mitchell, who said that England was once tinder the government of Frarite and yearned for de liverance! from thraldom.' It was not strange that Ireland should pow yearn for home government as did England of old ' In consequence of illness-of his daughter. Lord O'flagatt'a address will ta read to the- people by th .Lord, Mayor ol jjooiib, aiier ihe procession passes through: the;: streets . from the nlatform erected bn the .site in tended for a monument to ibe memory oL ihe Liberator. e' .trttHi t.ittt sKa iijUj The city Wasf .brillian'Uy JUumtoate Jast; night and thronged witn people. !:j-.:itUi'i.''Jl- T' ' .s'"nq 1 Life auTa-t .i . r.jj3 1. NEW: TOBKt : !i.-ij..4 Duncan. Sherman ttX!9. The Mexi can 9IInlatera .Demand on Judge - Shlpman Tiie Case to jco to the 8a- At an interview last evening Mr." Duncan! said be Wievedc"rangementr would " be completed to-day in London whereby Mots, gan &Co. will protect ,traIelters, draft is supil hv Duncan. Sherman & Co. . IgpacibMisclexicaiM a demand-a fJadra fSaipmaa for; nearly $17,000 on deposit fot'tbe Mexican govern menT'.i Sbi'pmi te(usd toTaevetm.ntt will iwidXiMtly bo;OBpugbt before ib'4 V S. Supreme Court to Obtai'thaslm,'W the grp'd;'al.th.l4r'pjt iiaoiri declares sucu,nKBey t prpxecteay ina same immu nity as thb person Of foreign miniateraciiso n i v if i ahas viebn li-g-elecl Se&onJ inonJaluck xreu- dent era against Napoleon's heirs for noa-eompletion of the - n J! 1 1.1- 1 lite oi vaesar, was aisuusseu wuu vusis. t ' A fire atMount Pleasant,' Micli.', burned ihe Enterprise printing building .and other bouses. jLpsspne hundiea .Uiousanajaoi lars. . At Philadelphia, orie'ehild'is dead' and ten sick fem eating stalesausageau .jAdog whicl at9'9b d1ed,f and the sausage mak . At Minneapbli3f the National iflducatwa- the use. of rpublic. lands 'for fh jbenWSt of corporations and sections,; and urging-;Coir-esS' to provide better faUesfptbe; Bureau of Education! The boSer'of asteam'thresi on Ben Harlan's farniiB-MnrTaTf county, Tenn., expWded j'rWayf- killings Harlan, his engineer and a , colored ( man. - Seven others Were'wounded, two of "whom -Will probably dk. ;vtq -x- i ',; . . . -jj,., " "'h- . : " ;'-' r . II.;.::: J .-.I' : i . ' riV';i our. nigbt iiEFoirrs. ...... .v4 ..... cvASniNGTON.':-' CommlfiioaT.of Wells ; Slened Ttoe - - Yellow , eTjer-qaaea Fort Bar raneaa Arreat of an Embexzler-The itloner Coant Jn tiie Treaaurr.- ,J . .The President baa signed the commission of H.:P"tWel i Fisher. i.ffdraT ia-i IM:-j.-a-af g.rldJMrio? j a The following has been received from . . General Brae naa at JFort BarrancHS "No newnesses "Of "yeHoW fever slflce'the 2d. Assistant surgeon -dH- E. -. Brown has ' itrrived. 7 rDi1 Sternberg is- reported by hi physician jnyalinjti'TliioniUMf. there are forty-five eaaes unoer ineatment, twenty-nine eonValesceht.' 'Mi-nm been relieiied'iroiaaB'tjt m thpeparpicbl' 'of the Gulf. aaitjttitfftq twat .'. t h$ The Bey of "Tunis will collec 3f centimes per ton on mercantile -vessels entering' the' jjort of ItegeBfcyV W43e&ay tho expenses of ihe light honse al Cape'Bpu. . - The Revenue Department lias advices of the arrest of C. B. WUkinspri," collector of ijie s'uth district of .Missouri jchargedwitlit t-tubezElemett' is: signing: false vjenificatea, und cbnsniririff "td ttefraud the Government!-' ! lie lias' been suspende'daMbillllfieoVaTy Theominlttedisppointed toy JBristow to t xamiDe' accounts and'" jcount the radney iaF1 me lreasury. nave reponeu a loiai aencii of 47-81?7,J acluyrnfe4n()97iBlbftn3ft:oM3:T Qottoiitteeoalptai'balMplgw the cash room July 2d, to w : mitteluJIshrn', to which the Com- Pan'tlfieai lassff Daneaii'siieK. man 6c Co Arrana-mentVor JUaiier ,1 in a pumtef MfcirtbwKhuscbeSf, , . r?It 'I' Drexef, Morgita s Uo. make'thV furma .I announcement inli.irv;Hrog credits and citeular noiea(icunii;auitd by letters- bt : ideaiilieaiioa, i$KjaeUlbjf 'iputican, bhermau & Co. Ou th IXuioa Bank of Londun , will ! be cashed or, exchanged, for new credit fn presentatit'at.iJUiiinCiolvlle8aisl i S. - Myrgau & Co,t Jjondon,' or Drexel, Harjes r 6. " flenrv .Smith was killed bv.astrav hnllnt from a ph:u party, who, were targa 'hooL- K . iii (u ilk uppueutt' eiae-oi.uie riven ?" 10jmi,''eJ'. Ji -'J. nil'. tt3atlfc3 hi n.iaJ j'soi'iiii Co n re'r at oee . tate lno-Rensash iiiuu:nm;, v-.i.Wi;Vj" ' The Opume.fi&y- foreign eeclesiasUoal l establishinenis'arsv preparing the necessary., deed for ihe conversion of their rear prop-; erty ioto-ItatHin rexLtea.ria -conformitY jeiih the tawoMS73. J 'otKhe property 4 or ine insutCjtMiegesuWfi rbgin, n the f lla iastanL ' " ' .. ,OH Oil A 0" IA ,. r -. . " ar-J i baa ,TjnBtKi ni ationarp r.rnti; jng barometer. M 8t yj3 a broadjCeeldentat Oeatn '-812 cenlsf June lS fia&S&&'a, The soIempoaea)gfti-M)i9 ' Mt?a,kitrfrroh '!Mi'isiii-t1M'!"r''5Buiy of the O'tiMiell cemenarywaakxjlebfaie : i t, SJSrS? afiJ ,0c thwrnorniug' fn-Bt-Srephen's Church b' MJT!1 Bishop . iXa ot Newark, . assisted Jby. fflS tnree SleaMasfolebra BAt3j Tot tW Sento aanlfkAt4lAit4 U3aTiw4 deciiedlwftritei-'3Vt-.-,fi: aourJi to westrtwinSi2i ' - vu aiBLiuiiarin ur rm I COiTlPAJtATiyE GOTTOR r .STATE ?j iT-wKT KEW.Tonit, August C. CoCCatatcmeB Fot Iba-wctif indiniObS: 6th: Net receipts&t all United States ports during the weefeWCT?2,298tJalesrr against 08 -bales thft-aarmrtysti'me -Jaslr Teartr total' receipts to 'date, since Sepi lsC;48Ztl? bales; same date Jlast'year 8,758,417 bales. The exports iof the rweek -were 2,718 bales, against 8,764 for the , same, weea last year: total to date. 2,641,021 Jdes, against , 774,448 same date last year. ? "The stock at all United States ports, is 118,423 bales, against 155,234 same time last year. ' ' . The ; stock, at all interioti towns, 8,8?0 ,bales; same time last year 22,842 bales. ' ' The stock at Liverpool is 959,000 bales, against 911,000 same time last year. - American cotton afloat for , Great Britain 26,000 bajei) against 43,000 Bme ; Jime.last year. - . The Blrer .Blaln Steadllr Tbe Old Town Levee ' caring " Way Planta " tlona Tbreatened, Wa iro t , i.'' Memphis, August 6. ' The river is rising' steadily two inches, every twenty-four hours. The levee as far down as.-FriarV- Point' is TgoOd,othO'tonly' break being at a cut in the Old Town levee through which ihe water is pouring, , threat, ening the plantations below. ' The St. Francis . river at,rHadison .has. nsenlour feet '"This water comes from thoMississiDDi near New Madrid, and threat- ens' the find cotton lands above Helena, in" ! 1 Cotton: men predicts a loss of 0,000 bales or cotton in the Memphis district alone.-- it&'t'iaii'i'f cc : OH ,r-i.1 jtff!-;S TO I Attorney-General Pierrepbnt" is tlieuest oi tots jaaeot xirag -franco J-J l!k t l S Eajrene i Archie Kelly,a negro, was hang (. .... iL..- 4 ed Friday morning, t Selma, Ala.,, for tho murder of Andrew Cunningham; iJ another - The pilot' boat Starkey Spoke the Bchrlf , Vrrie neyer, iromirroviaence ior vuaries :tod, off Cape Henty,:t yesterday. She bad beenb sbmlt 4 of Hatteras ?and twiceeris countered heavy weather. . ' . Numerous ;amendmeri8 Were made71tt comniitlee to the : Shi ppirig Bill introduced in the House of Commons bv Sir Charles Ad,derIy: Thev b,ill finalrjr'passed1 Friday jfevehing wlthouj at division.1; :;! i Nkw York, August o.j Uoou. 5' Stocks active and unsettled. Money 2 19 cent. Gold opened atllSJ- and olosed at llZi Sterling exchange Jong $4 871: aboit j gtlje 8trong. State bonds dtill and eady; lour firm. . , YVbeatnommalat23 cents belter. Corn quiet and unchanged Pork heavy at $211 els. Bpintsturnentmenriaat3lim32.centa. Rosin quiet at $1 65afl 75 for strained. Cotton quiet an.d steady, -wUhrV Bales of 815 bales at.14 cents for uplands and 14$ ceotaf or J&JeanCoFjtnres oneUweakiJas foDowe' Septeoaber.13 2d-S213 3l-S2cts; October 13 33-32l? 25-32 cents; November. .is 5K-3sgua za-iK cents; uecemoer is ga aa ai131 clsr January 13 15 1G&14 cent;. rebruary 14 3-3214 7-33 cents. If Oats firm sotitherarC0t4 cents; 'Rye' ami as wt&va. r-rovisions quiet, steaay Lard quiet crude 14 cents: refined 14ia 14f cents.frCofie"otrlet. and flrint Jobbing iuus icxj. ceuw. jLongari quiei -aow easier at iof cents. . .s-y.- l Niv loiuc, Aug. fcr-Jfivenini, 1 ! T?,v:sr;:s; ' Money easy at 22i cent; Sterling exenange anu at f4 87i. .. uoid strong at 1181131,., Government securities dull but strong new 5's 116J. State bonds quiet ana nominal. r . i ; ' i -!" ' VbmmeretiiL Cotton steady, wit Whales of 1,644 .bales at 14(ai4i cents. Flour 1023 cents bet ter, with moderate eqport demand,. and ad vanced prices insisted upon, whicu restricts business. ' - Southern -flour 10 cents better and In good demand common tb t abr extra $6, 30$7 05; good to choice extra t, 10 850?'' Wheat peried -ets better, : but af tetwards reacted an4 closed at abont one ce&tdecliao from 'extreme, quotations, With depaand for export more tadiye and' fair speculative inquiry at r55f l tSO-fOT-wrn-tei red and amber-wester, 41 XKWoi- new I amber. . Corn heavy and, lower at 8083i cents Tot ttni wesu'o-iBlxei'aiQSCcelitB for sail do., 7578 cents for healed west era mixed and8a8cetttgrovelITwst- ern. Coffee-aRtofirmfaat inaciiwat 1T4- jcearptaifOjcrgOesarfd'XSSl tents gqld)"for jdbiots. SngaV "'firm' at" S I-16J iff cts for fairto. good rehning.. 2-l6aai ceats for pHmef'f?fined' firmer' f jiTf'nior x in i i cent ior.crusnea -.ana- DQwaerea. Pork!firmer4evlns;iff2f'60gf21u75.i new do. 131 ctaMolassesJuai. ana in fair djemsnd iii 62 cents for-Porto Itieo, 252& oeats for sofearonsefBfflbtf HM:ti 6tOS9. . teats.; : Rice ju'iet but Jcm.-f "Rosin duU at Siie5fi 7aBptrtts turpentine fees vy at t fntiimiskefiTOer ceipss .i uaies. .x uraresposea uareiy sieaay, i wiin sates cQlUVk -bate as jlqwAi-Augusf , 14i14 5-22 xents; beptember 14 tM614 :32.ctsiiOctobef 13 2?-32reentsJJbTember 13 29-32 cents; eeeinber i3 S cdbtsV Jahuary 14 lrl614 fr82 cents jPebraary 14. ,ipri:i4 ceniai Mkf WIWjM: oi ion . f . 1 i c- oniC fi. lSiv'1'1 r3' - IP do ng- at li 1 J-recei i ft bnltw: . BustOLU dull atn4irecMB.4-.bafe8V CBarlesro J dliSlSfciMlrepta; balVNe , : OrleaM.vimn at 12.! l(ai4-,rHrftiiH 7 ba)es;galtrrhyre,;i quiet iit 13 rttfP' 5'vm cvcf4 uy uiqx;Muuetpuia, mues,i at '13iv14tl4f-receipts 157 bales; SaSrab j naliO.me't at yi31rvcipts 62 hales;' M6- roHBiow itfARKtrr. ivil km ituhtia j aoKrf opABiai AhvJjSJ.1: j VM aVf bduijattsi-Yxa M nmT nils Augr.;HK ton i ouiet-mWdhne unlanda 7M t J ,iniddlng Orleans 714 .Bales of 10,000 bales?' foMpecufotiO'BiantL fitQt t00ft:;,"f"4"! ioiujU'-oaie8 ior tne wees oa.ooo oalea. of! w.Whicbi; ; IS.fWere :f for export and BIH-uuiairuo. oiuck fn pon, jJOtfuuUj paies lnclading:'553u Americans oReceipts.lBvti ettoaleSincludfnj ,00a American. 'Aw tukt.:;epbrt$,000 b,aJes.;':Afl6ktr;,4011O0Jtr n-Tanmr ii wiiiiii mr rni n n a iia tai r mi ar- n -ta-ai -- i ,. a 4 moiton sates on a basis middling uplands "nothing below good Ordinary deliverable ; (Bales .on .a "basis oE truddHne.eDlaBds. nothi ng below low middling, f oliverabl I October and KeberVrt' f-H U I xii-ra73UUIAjiit0AyiUiW.:.i f r ! WTf iM.siSWailSjari. I llfl I It " a ---1 T r IrTy iili"M ici to IAmTa nn a ii.fj. i j. . Je. on . mmnog upland-, notet Renies I ol erfdiwt Cot ldg below low middling., deliverable Sep tember and Octbber,"7 S-ied;1 '17 ' Sales of shioments bf new errm ud n hnmx Of middlinnTOilaftli Ddtlirf petow! i6w middlings.drr? r Vf f SPiraTSTimpENlOTgKeceipta 363T casks.j Marke steady, y Sales of 300 casks at 27i cents. gallon f or Soutberh packages.", steady t.$l9SM.,;Balea.,J JjOOa .bbla at CRUDE TURPENTINEKeceipt' 155 bblk Sales of 155 bbls at $1 15 for Hard, 3 OdforTeltowiDip ani'MfjYtriin,; Market steady. .Tr ..f, ,,; ic f .. r TAR-Receipts and sftles of -; 13 bbls at $2 00. Market'steady.- - A -f - C6TTOXRpts 23;baM and no official quotations. - Nwf. lorlcu iKnvaii score JHarkei4 j ' rAnzt 4if 1875.' .-.Receipts to-day, 328 barrels crude turpen tine, 1.240 'bbls' rosin and 24 barrels tar. Spiritdfpentine jWas '."ta' limUed ;deuiahd from all quarters and the market" generally .slow and uninteresting. - Holders refrained ifropi.offeruigjwith any freedom,", but 'there1 was auppiy enpugu -t uu ,i. ppartj,.iuf.. "calls and about former rates remained cur ren. Sales for W bbls at 32c for Southern kirids, thernoyement of fyeaterday f having evidently supplied -the wants of buyers for thejmomentc Holders, however, , did not ; ap$eajr;irtlcnrjy -ness, and in a general' way 'the tone was quite steady at foroierfigurcsi Tar steady i and sparingly .qffjered, , mtcb. quiet. r ' After 'Chkrfgenblwerl1?! following sales.; ; 200 bbla Nor 1 rosin at $2 .75 per qui; to uuia paio ah cnnJ auu iuu bbls-WOT to-bale at S4 005 25; also; in spirits .turpentine: 250. bbls at. 310 for Boatnerns, ana 324c tor JNew Yorks. I Tho 'telegraphic 1 ndviceS;:trday,' were ii er noolr-epirits turpentme steady at 23s cothmon rosin steady at 5s 3d. London spiHts-furpdritine dull at 22a 6dj corHmorh jrosln:stsady ats Sd,; ,; ui w MARINE. la i sua". i : f ry.i Htmr-.A H Hfirt" - Worth -;"iivt.tRTinp VVOrth & worth. ., . ;. ... . t Stmr Juniper, " Skinner, Fayetteville, s v it a" k JVieDane. . if t Q rrt i "WO w T?-Trio-r T traf t Avail a WJl iiams ess Jtiurcmson. SttoKorthcast, Padisot Point Caswell,; r Stmr Dixey, Jacobs,- Smith viHe, O G Parsley & Co. . v y vxj . vj - ' 8 8 wed Barque" Frantal, Lunegcn, Dakar, So aars. ft-Ei Heiae. T m. - iScht Wive-,PeiitWi,'i:itttc ifiveT, S C, OiBican & Co. .--.-. - ' " $chr Ogecbee, Sabiston, Middleton, B Pi Mitcheiywita,W0bhsbewcorn. v 8chr Rebeccat Nelson.1-' Sndciletooi JBvP .Mitchell & Son, with 1.100 bushels corn; :i CLEARED. Wti I Stmr A P Hurt, Worth, FsycUevffle f mrth& Worth. tf.:t'P rStmf Wave, t Robeson, t Fayetteville, ,winjams-&; Murclnson. - v.ur , Stmr Juniper, Skinner, Fayeitevitte, .Yitk & Mebane. r r ' Stortlasti isonJrPnt(sweU, A ii vanuoKKelen. h Sunt CHxey, "Jacobs' Smitliville,'' 'O'-G jraraiey & Co. . , r v . ,r t ,t m Br Brigantlne Wcxfbrd,' Foster,- London, J as Anaerson Co r v : .., :! - . , . , :a I 4i.jjs . . -. . v--..i- -. ft J !,.. -v -t. EXPORTS London Brigantine Wexford 1,605 casES spirits, turpentine, 100 bbls rosin. , MISCELLANEOUS. Pjay- Your City Taxes i OPFICB OP TRKASTJRER AND COLLECTOR, ECTOR, 1 f. N. t:., I sruh, isxy - .v. .v" ' vt duly 'TSIE CITY TAX BOOKS FOR lftTS HAVma X ! been received at thia ; office, the aodenigned is rt-fT.?'.r'i-'s-r- . it--,.:.. j -...?.-..' r- , , J COLLECT TAB CITY TAXES ti aw. -on Real Estate and Pemonal nrnnprfv fnr 1ST! r r IffittiiiTna. r . . r j - m ran x n-o- w uioreiora - aouneo,- 'aaa re aawted to Eive this matter immedinM attention. anq to call ai ltd office and "pay op" wltboat lart her delay. r-. "CITy COUPONS ara-Blso rwiivaWrf rtn bavifipfii of tity Tixei " t-iaJS'TSS-tf, . Treasurer and CoUector. 1 . 1 I'r.XUHKVIIM. A&d 'ARBiviNii btv eVery 8Tfi a' er V "falfcIdaof BanWrare, ne4 arooad a boose or T),emovad without painv or the 0 ae of aitaer caua- AU tica Or the knl e. and nttiinnllv aurvi. ' It nmio. -iulj and an open nicer formed, medicines will be di oy jtxpreaa to jpvearoaipv relief -.CougulU-ttoa ky letter. One DoDarr Send 60 cent for Book with ssaeriptlvtt Case Bef ereaoeaand TMthao&iala. tiS, I .v DBiLf PARK A KnMtlHH i . 1U ttnTTi Tiritir '"m iBoit.r1 "3 9 "if li lil bck usoon Bait. VnsF Iav Yw MT.. -L. fl( Tons Pieced Ties, ,5f 1 ;"i fw1 Willi Mra AiirtrBCHi8t)W;1J' rPftotographs 1 t;l FOtrft RMTfcR'g1 WITH j PRB?E ,tjT8, d. a sMrrn & co. ish and KMiiWtXThWARl One oftna timet and," ie,' can be fonud at the' Old1 Eitabliabed Hard." aa-v vMvmT lu huw rwui. SLLIU unrHM Ul Ml IT. inM re uonse or -. : .Swurf- u Td Kda.'WsS and M TTarttet Bt rf ; i in i l ..jji hi- xGoHee and Cheese.: COASTED JAVA AND RIO COFFEE, SAM3AQQ vA jf.M KldaiW CBeeaai0.ioOHr3 'tint' i iy ,i'or iMaat n!o-?tiit ,Ki..f-H ri-i ii e80-tf nmr. .. . ....... ..I iSSSaaTSS ri--!fy aawatntooaeH t the-shoo foniw arav OCaantM faa A in .....n l. t . . . 1 . . T " - - a--T 110 eon vto call Ani-htrf Ti-.H,, k. Wtstn nfnnfniT.7rTti TT?" r ""T . T ?'tw PrTaViaad-hsrtlne.t Hair Cnitina"anH I SiTO ' 1 ". u i Krrn rr j. " : j ' . W I L M I NOT O N M A U K K T. ' I 'fri StItFFiC'ATig: "0:;'di 5 . -rt,'1 lilnVj Ce?trai Railway, wTwfmUS Zn7Zf nneaai cor. luarKet aBUSeeoaastal "uanaB.ciTcuiauoB a any jiapec between Chvto His V it At U KS Ali BS Jf A1CE9. ... fc Oh quouwioBB, tt Baoold be aaderatood, rep up eball orders lusher irlcei have to toe ctsCried. . Doable Anphor.i, .... .... . 18? ! Bides, b.r.. .. VBtnr Smoked , t;. liaBl.. RriA . lt.'d) : is " i"? 5 - Pi 11 U"; TT T?a feidt.s .. 13 ;,W. .is 5,'. 7 pa tha lloof.... if., B A g tttbS-Hpirita Tnrpenttne,. hecond Haria. each. .i. . .: . .... :V New New Ynrtiaactu vrti'Si'fi. '&S,d-S' Mjiw V . I- m ro V. O lK New City. each. S 58 & S 75 BRICKS Wilmiogtoa1, j 4fr r. Northern..........; BUTTER North Carolina, t . P Northern, .tt,;,f. CANDLEti Sperm, to4 ,I..... Bifi Tallow, $ lb Adamantine. a lb:. f 8 WO'O 10 00 (ft tt 14 00 A 2d 35 ,,-,85 fet , 44 ., 15 fik' . CHESS E-NortherD Factory 9 JX wairy, creamw B... ........ IT-: r 18 I JUO. W H ,. so et.n .. 5, W ooRNLbuahicrr: COTTON TIES a), Sk..i j.. St J.! I DOHESTICS SheetiDK, 4-4, yd xarn, v Dnnca..i..v. nSHackerel,NolW bbL,. i: . J bbL,u...w;,.,i 9Hackwl No. K. bta.... IS 00 i fa 20 00. , sfco a s oo. 13 00 -13 60 ? 1 Wk 1 ii oo csufd c Atacaerei. nolZ. ai ntii s oo a iS.oo; ' h iN, V. ttefrtp ptU tw ... Oryj0od,fc........ FLOUR Fine, bW...... .0.!a,S60..3 7jaa 4-60. 500 a Snpe. NOTthern;; bbl...... 500; 6 00 sasa'TOO .ilia -it, a DOl. va ii vn as hi MrExTFalbW": w vu . k w uy . na aa ' v aa rv h JS KTiUIKEKft S' gUi a Mi ii a , . .... v .. ,,i . Peruvian Gaan4, tf SOM 1B',, Baogh'aPhoaphate. Caroliaa Ferdllaer, " t ... ,?, 8Q 00 00 00 00 00 & 60 U0 60 00 & 65 00 00 00 , 40 00 Oronnd Bone. 67 00 , -Navaaea Oakno, '-' 3omplete Manure, t ! ff j w uu x o uu 66 00 ; 66 00 00 00 ;67 00 woo1 a to co i- AVandoPhoaphate.. f'iS BergertAJBala4 Pfcoepk. GLUE . W 0O ,4J.TO00 El aim ck im on t . W W w- 13 & 17 GRAIN Corn, in atoi 3RAIN Corn, is store, 66 tts, Corn, Cargo, B 4i,.. . 'Oonjj, YeJ.iboabL;..'iy.'.-. 105 a ' 1 10 Uate,- BOBOei...,;: ... ., .. , iPeaa,Cow,V bushel;';..;:,.. flIOES Green. a......i...l Tin ' PA' 6 i HAY Biytarrf, tbtOO J . "W ."W .-f - North River, 9 1C0 , HoOP IRON ttmU.i.r ... . LARD Northern, ft B 1 10 1 20 1 us 1 10 16 17 riv w. 1. ....... . v...... ,. , Ship 8tufl, resawed, M ft Rough Edge Plank. S H ft. i4-t50 O 1700 00 15 00 iWestlndUCargoes.aocordlng toquauty, ?i mrt.. ....... Dresaea Floormz. seasoned. moo a sf aw uu o siw - ScanUrng and Boards, com-i t : mon, Jai(.. ...... MOLASSES Cuba, hhds,V Kl Cuba, bbls 9 gal..;......... IJugar Houta, hbds, gal.;. 1900 Ot3 00 .48 a , - Bwa.i-fcai...' J '27 r 8i ,T 40 & . 50 jiH(i,ui TP ....... NAILS Cut, 4d to S0d. t keg,: , '100 4 75 j 18 00 00 VI 10- 15 , 1 00 1 10 60 J 40 uUj& kerosene, v gai. ......... LardV gai:..i.. ixdnaeea. y Roein.ai g V0 A XTYTTTHJ . avT tw-a.M , x utoii - a u m uuouw...i.a. ' 140 160 , 75 000 POTATOES Swaet, busheJ... inia, ftoruent, ddi PORK Northern. City Mess. 1; Thin, bbl...-....-r. ...;. . HM.?n kM 8 Z5 O 860 18.06 93 & 00 OO 00 CO 00 00 00 CO . HlflT. Tp UI7S. ....... ........ Ittunip, 001....;..., R10B Carolina, ft..... 00 00 UO ' oo . Kastinuia-TV Rongbv 9 Durh.-. . KABS Country, ft ... Clty, t5f ................ . 1 wa: 00 - I0! 180 ax ' ltftt 8 ttwro-. ...... 6 i 88 halt juum, p buanei.... . Liverpool, y sack............ - American, 9 Back........... SUGAR Cuba, 9ft if Porta Woavf) iij&fiv- Crushed, -9 ft....-......-.... SOAP Northern, E.. 8 H IN GLJES--Contract, flf..,.. rvmnAAinw ... LI 00 1 10 l 10 1 00 8 .09 10 ova 10 . 10X ' . 10M WW w uu 8 60 800 .mnwi. y ...V ' Cypreassapa W M,. ....... M sou 9 60 lv VyPragf Paarta afl M. Bl A VJS3 w. V. BbL, ... 90 00 85 00 " n. v ana., w m, WW 00 00 18 00 0000 Cypress, V M, TALLOW S ft.. oa TiiBM-bhlpping, Jl. ; Mm Prime. , -17 0000 13 14 00 , 8 60 10 00 4 00 600 1 00 600 mienor to ordinary, M ... WHISKEY Northern, W gal. . . IJprthCarohna, gal...... WOOIwaahed; ft.;.it.. Washed; ft. ii ........ ... 1 75 S 60- T 83! ; a 40 BATE8 OF FREIGHT. Per 8ailln: Per Steamer. j: vessel TONW YORK, Crude Tnmentine bbl 0 ft 0 8 00 0 85 0 50 0 83 .000. 75 Tar v ioi. . 8 0 85 65 0 00 pts TamesQne "Rosin bbl spta TamesQne ft bbl 0 00 85 A nd A 1 K uouon.p bale. ..... Peanuts sjUbasheL... TV EPmT.,mi.Ml S 00 0 00 It ft 00 Crude Turoes tin bblLo OJA 0 60 i on A J1 M f "8pU Tarpentine bblj rol 00 aw nn r:a wa an oo o so vxosm tW odj. .......... o oo a o so o oo a o so uotton jb wue..;w.. CottoB Goods bale.. PeaouU baafcol.ttfi! o eo a ool nOQ 1 00 a W 0 f6 8 0Q fr lQ VWOS75 ..0 00 0 10 TDO00 uuiu uer. m a v.w faia.oo ..Tyj-t.-.' 0 00 a 0 45 ( X rTo BALTUfona. Oriai a Turpentine bbl .000 045 0 00 4S , 00 0 TS OMO'046 0 00 8XXJ Tuy bbl ; Sata Turpentine bbl 000645l Rosin tt-bblAi.iXJ;-: uiiaw y ooie. ........ Peanmta 9 buehel, a, Lbaiber K M. vi-.... 1 To BosToa i. Crude Taroenrkis aj hm oooseo oeo 011 00800 k.oo.:oo O HI 0 ut f; 4 00 o-oo o oo a e oo tO 00 0 66 Tar .bb4i-ij..j(. 00 a0 65 epts 'i-urpeuua .y u Rosin' I BbL.. ... . i Cotton . bale.-j.. a oo a oooi iO ea o oo 66 0 70 ooo a ftoo o oo oobl j0O (A 9 00 resents buaheL. 0 00 00! 0 M a oio o oo a o ooJ Ill) I osmtaurau baily t Wiin siajtotis. X. B. GJXAINGXJt, PRESIDENT. worn .114 116 silver. ina im Exchange aightcn tvf Tot.-p,-:.'r.tf .5 disc'ti Boston " Bxibanre SO days 8 V cent interest adard te aoove. tui oirisvv Hanover Stock - lt& PtNatJoDalBank,....ii.fs..i...-..-,.- 95 Dawson Bank . . iiw Wilmington Buildiiiu Stock... ina fU Ql JO. llnaT.n ln .-; C. Bonds Old Bx-Coupon. 80 Do. New ... ,'..10 Do. Special Tax.. .1 4 4 W. A. Wlf&rK.' Bonds Te (Gold Int) I mi ; ' j r rtTl olbw 'Oentral R. Rr Bot.rf -B ii8- i Caiolina " M luiagmn vaty ponos. a w c... . . . . , . 7W " " 7C 85 ill'fMHt- T-Old.AC.r.7i-;r. " , : tiew 6 c. 7.65 (Gold Int) " - - H WC KA f 1 OW UWIVTBT WHUljr CMMIOS U yCarS),. -.f r: -T-, "WJA W. Railroad Stock ...70 C C. Railroad "'.". W1L Gas UsrhtCo. " .. !im::;:7o 21 . A Seaside R. R. .00 TUrt TTnr.T.AA.,!?--...:-- J,Hf?! auditors and Proprietors. qlHE ENQUIRER IS ' PTJBCJSHED AT MON Al roe, Union county. N. C' everv Tuesdav. at $3 .00 a year. The Enquirer circulates extenslvelv thijougheut the. cotuttieS of Anson, Union, Chester field and Lancaster, and reaches a arr lkrott nnm. Jer of intelligent readers, r, ,,. .,. .: ..... , .,. . r, Tna mercnants of Wilmington wfll find it to be and Wilmington with fubaps one exceotioB. I -v uwmwipt'UVVVIWUl -' I . wuwabh a a A A Jaa XXI A AAA fa A Alfk. M,"aP"-aissaiaigimii.. t .i TT.T, Pulillslied at Ularlon, S.,C $3 a iiOffera the following liberal premiums to aub- J -1A; JiAKDSOMK r-ENORAlTNG aqMinJit? alnele sobfcribera. ' ' ' " ; " AN EXT B A COPY OF THE STAR for one year to iany ope who will.eend a Cldb o Fivk subscribers, 1 land an Engravmjo each memher of the Club." - I fAj LAXif'S MOROCCO SATCHELL OR SET OF' iGOLD STUDS, each valued at $7 50, toanr one sending a Club of Fifteen. ' TtSSS 1JUUjA-K3 IJX UVLiLF ior a CJUO OI IWCBIJ- Ava ' TWENTY-FTv"ED6LLARS IN GREENBACKS loracmooi niiy. FIFTY DOLLARS IN GOLD for a Club of One Hundred. - i ' AN ELEGANTFAMILY SEWING MACHINE, Wilcox A Oibbs, iworth $30 for a Club of One Hun? dred and Fifty: ". -- With a little energy and enterprise, ome lady or gentleman in every neighborhood might get on or. more of the handsome premiums offered. ' Premiums promptly paid on receipt of names ac companied by the cash. u-monbt may oe remitted Dy draft, rost umce order, or iir refstered letter at our risk.' -' . - " Address all letters to i' - W. J. McKERALL, Editor, decl5-tf , . . . , Marion, 8. C. ' The' Raleigh News, Daily and "Weeklv. r ; ...... Devoted to the best interests of the State of North Carolina, to the success of the Conservative party, the development of the hidden wealth of the State, the cause of immigration into our midst, and the advaqceinept of. tte welfare of our people in every thing that serves to make ' a Slate prosperous and Independent. Its :f;u SmiV ?jin,,u i-; :a-..; ; t , c: i j Advertising Columns ; j will be found' tit great advantage, as the Daily enjoys a very large circulation, and is double that tf any Daily published in Raleigh, and the Weekly circu lates in every county of the Sta'c: Rates moderate. .'j Weekly one year.. f... ........... .Y.. 1 oa JOHN D. CAMERON. Editor. i -'' ' JORDAN 8TONE,1 Associate Editor. ' ;,,! B a WOODSON, Local Editors -. jnneSfj' ' .!..; .-i m THEf BAPTIST KEmW. An Independent R elisions Kewt -, - ,2,ui';a:ii:I ' ' ouupuru iui usieima me uocumc ox jree agea I doctrine of-the unlimited atonement; and believes that salvation is attainable bv all persons who hear and understand the gospel. It advocates the Lniori and Co as amnion of alt Christians at the Lord's ta- toetSTAiS1 vtaTcatesthruseTf9U union nmm iutiiuuu vi uui new i eeumeii. 11 recognizes Christians of all evangelical 'Churches as t . m 1 . 1, f . i . 3 1 co-opexaan. amOag the pro tea tan t denommauoas In the; work of evangelization.-It advocates In. merskut as the only proper mode of baptism and believers as the onfv subiecta. Oar motto is s . FREE SALVATION. FREE COMMUNION AND ir.- IMMERSION.- - -- -..i.. ! 8IJBSCR1PTION RATES One year .f. ....i. ............ - -..$3 00 Six months, j. . .:. s.. . . . . .. . Ltl ... . . J. SS Three Tnoata8.rii.:i...i....:i.w.i....i.i :.:..i. 1. 75 n RBV.B.W.NASH, : - La Grange, N. C, ; 1 , ; : - f ' Editor and Publisher. :H,X;:4HEOTDICAT0R::; :. -:iol hvfS-Jt!!! iiii i4Yl TJSINESS "KEN ' OP..' WILMJNGTOr1 'WILL j vH ..tototereai.,; ; ; j; . Gaston. Cleaveland. Rutherford. Polk. McBewell. 1-sBurke and Caldweh eountfes. West, ana In' Halifax, I Warren, Edgecombe. Nash and Northampton. In the .East. liberal terms offered to yearly advertisers. -.'. -tH a.r, JfKWIN, jan 8L4f V-.; :.;) ..,u.t j ., .... -j Publisher.; - - - - ; - ;-' - ; . j "- ' ! : The Leader, v (LATE CAUOLIJfA . HERALD) , . Free and Independaat Weekly 24 -cojamn paper; 1 :" OXFORD.' N. C-""i , :' ' s";-:i. Robzbt Slow. , . ions T..Bkitt. : i : Editors and Proprietors.,,. : . : , 1 '"" OPINIONS OF THE PRESSr : ' " The Leaderia a well edited paper.-&wttarn Horn. The Leader la a handsome and cleverly edited paper. Echo. . h ; i v - ' We aekaowledge tae receipt of the first number of this neatly printed and well edited iotunaL Afcto. btraian. 'It is neatly printed; well .edited and deserves a handsome support from the good people of Gran ville county. AalHoh New. " -. ihov 15-tf I Wilniingtott-Mercliante . ; XvHO WISH TO EXTEND THEIR : BUSINESS I T on the Carolina Central RaUwav ahoald not. overlook the fact that Rockingham is.the wealthiest and haa the greatest population f any tewn between Wilmington and Charlotte, and thai it has but one newspapet; the- -,u:vt re mi .srlfjo.-en('- of the South, fir X'. K. r A wMcb enjoys tte ? ;i : of anVBdbertmUIslied tn the PMTV leFeel 1ING1 lug it the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM.' Bate i at advertisinir reasonable. Snbttrrmtkm tiinw W'Addresa. . W. R. TERRY. Publisher: - Jfeb4Vtf m S r'-t tilt- n m v ..., ' " - .' " KocKingnam.w.' v. THBnCHEROmrHERALD. I MURPHY, CHEROKEE cbii N. C h only paper publishod in . the Twelfth . Judicia I S . . . t. Tvl ... t A , , v, Ak IanaFENsaaT Wimr. devoted to- the Aen- culturaL Educational, Mineral, RaUread and general uierastsor toe country.. ,!,-..- r'-.v.st wi tiaaaiarge circulation in wortn uare una, upper eorela ana East TennesseeAnd siforda an excaHent median fOKadverti8inr tv i S RATES MODERATE. Subscription $3 per annum in advance. ONJJTRE on;s .,iM-.fl ixuopin yAPsta .Amm ofiJiiaa. 1815 ' I 8atnrda7vJ(8ti .The Publisher intends .ds making it an lllu.tr.ted recent ut the times.. Ii - 1 1 wLt tivat of every - topic;! Poll ttcnl, Hit-wncal Literary and cien is of current interest, and srve the beat t that caa he obtained original ori foreign j 'ie SOUTHERN ILI CSTRATED AO printed dh new type,-and hevy book pai On It . '1st of contributors will he found the nunei' of many of the best writers m flieSoutb- eHaland- BouEi b v ies, poems sou saefonesv'aBa Woli. cun?,. aactea eaitonat aepartmeots, giving the latest per comiaerolat mtellitfMiet-Ht. ftirish every week an amount of reading maxter,unurpasst d by other pa pers, in excellence and variety. t is4 intended to make, the SOUTHERN? ILLUSTRATE! aqe journal for the' fire side; several cohusBS will b specially, devoted tQ all JubjeQts Dertainipg to do-r mestic and social lire. 4 ' f No family should be without it.?f t ;i - . r r- "r June W-ir" w RaleML'l. fc. t 4-. . . n i - n il i.ivfi 1 1 m irmrn. f look-to Tourilnterest. 1 i- ' . t. , 1 . . .. nifPPiiinir IP q r wpnTania. inTOflTiTifliit . 1 uuiviuaiug 11 u AiUlUUiU lUIUdUUbllli T3he KeisiialKr Qazette J. - ntPFERS TO THE MERCHANTS OF WIL- m mingion ana eisewnere, supener Indncementa to advertise theit busmeas in its colamna.' : Having a piuiT uivreaauiKCUCBiauon.SBSOaKBOaS . the'wealtaieat sectiens on the Wateree river. coneideiisd a moat 1aa k - - . . - .4. Valuable Advcrtlsl am. AaviiVd' uTnruM ill taA C4A RTTK ,: IttoMtoeSTKir-hiw Oa. 8. C.V at T.flH naaiiw VaaTraT-Uat A . A as - 1 aouicEB MiifluuTT'rn.irDaaiDun. . 1 ; ; sr. mi. h --f . t : i". t ! i .j- ' C l.TOX eaifnffMtC Ushippers mV MmptuaBB bf these Steamera, and 'quick dispatch gieu to I 1 nh&imW ylia IV"'? : UBMedW'thaBputbern-SUtes; . " .T: . I "U1 !! v. rr- iiv..f -K Tbtt nr? t number of TED AGE will be iasl trf 7 .nor3 fc-iii-i . jiWPi . Ww inUa)ta'hAr.llfl -'t aw.ij ,u riistn-7'iUtavcmsemeBts.''' t"1 - Dt-tCAMERpNtii . , ; 1 - ..T.TTRANK jP. BEARD. Ed. A PreDtn. T ; Til ff niV'JLil 1 J oclh i t t -i f 1 7 7: t f i r-. .1 f .SttnacrlpWou $9 la-advmea. iAddroa-! n'- ThermdmeJr -lo f.U i lil'Vl'l ARB BOTH WARDTAND FULLY SATISFIED paet season.tbat are till desirous to cloee out i CA Q G O U N T And, have marked them at such prices, as jcaDribt' fail to insure their diate sale. ,k.i '"Hi J - A DisconBtOl 25 prvcent will lie r . Gents i white Dressy Shirts;; ? w ul !f.-.l ti 41 . , A full line alwaS pti HandiAlsb taSs Collars. and lnderwear. ! jfAQENTd FOR FRANK JOfocluiie Heiedles1 5 cents each. it.!-!', tt. t july 25tf - t i f. x. Clydes iUeW Yprlc and Boston Lines. .. . VIA'.',' WILMINGTON, N. C. -:-, - , N.,E;Y N0 W wTWUK9lHppO. 1.! 8AII4KQ PROM VOK, h-X r AMD; FROM Weesi; ' BOSTON ; AND FALL H1VEK. u NBW: YORK AND WHillUQTON' STEAMSHIP COMPANY. CONNECTING WITH THE -:;-;t -u : itr- r AND STUMERS PAn.Y.BETWEEN ., L . .. Bbistdh;Mird:;i:Wew ; York. : -. . i 1; : f j .Between New York ajid WUmJngton, Wednesday Shippers may rely upon the prompt and Regular Sailing of these Steamers, and quick dispatch i vi aTl Shipments by this Route. ' ' ' :"; j 5WJ i ; . h,- . ;. . e Connecting at Wilmington with the Wilmington, Commbia and Augusta Railroad wnminrn Weldoa Railroad, the Carolina Central Railwaz.and Cape Fear Riyer Steamers. t . . 7 1JUU,!rlOB 0" THROUGH BILLS OP LADING GIVEN TO AND FROM ALL POINTS. INNORTH AND SOUTH . !f , CAROLINA GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. " v . , . . . New York, Boston. Providence, Fall River 'and other Eastern cities. BATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS BY ANY GTHER ROUTE AND TIME AS UICK. l.Os OR OVBRCHANGRS PROMPTLY PAID. ; . LOS MARK ALE G O ODS VIA runner information appiy to tamer D. D. C. MINK. , General Eastern Agent, " .'; S9 Devonshire Street, Boston March 18-tf Baltimore and Southern Steam Transportation V.". i'.i : i ' :, : ,VIA. WILMINGTON, N. G. " : -it f --r! ' !,t .- ff.ff ; Fast Li jTl lo ;:r;:.:. d.t :.:o nATTTWrVRH ' -' Baltimore andWlTiriirit6n. line Sailing from BALTIMORE rea4ay v sua A Friday,' at 3 F, .fll. AND FROM i WILMINGTON WXiUNBSDAT. AND SATURDAY.'; ; " BtiSTON AD PRO YlDENCE, i - ' ; : Baltimore and Wilmini Xiiie,1' ' Baltimore" Boston and ' Providence line or Via. v iy- i fl 'CanrfDaJly koPhllMeiMayand CLYDE'SrPHILADELPHIA AND PROVIDENCE; , SalilaivoretPUhjilal BMoswv1(ie1uidiaef Eastern ciWes'1' Rates' Gua nTrtttottmeaQiUcJcJ iLoeses iovTctarge8prmpUy paid.f i( . '.f ' 1 "31 714 I ' 1 " For further infofmatjon aiMv tojtbar MISCELLANEOUS i is callfld-ifaftha ahovs ttned.DaBetli whick.beiHB published at Shelby, N. C , the terminus of thetJ. ti. R. K. , is oneAf the beat mediamat iaiWateta aro-j lina througk which xo introduce- .ihemseivea to -the Trade of that portion of the Siate? Rates fof advfciv Using ry,nberal. AddieMrn, n;r .f febgatf, ;, . , , "PUbLISHER ATJRORA.' UM I Pkll o omoaea Diaes ana Shoulders, 0-;... J fSK Bbs Mess Totr' -"r f " 100- KA.Bs4ra;PrtmeRki Sagar, : ' ' -ntittn t irip6rHiaJldwbyl s I H fr? ';! at Pi anirli.tf - , . -WTi.i Taxra lunomitiiAir 1 J.S. . lit TT?'"!'!!" WIJauMVUWV.T. . . A fela'abfl H. iov. JcZu ' . fin BOlaahdHhttSNBW Crojf ClbanMhlaBSei, X,.Yt I ."ii!. fi.r it-rv-.v.f ,i . .1' ..... i 1 VUJ 1 i I( i I f. rni . USOOlod, -,. n Lr.t .-V . V k . -r , ut ;t j iA"'l t iJl - !jJtM. JiiitJ Hf-ff- 1 05 ippheShad e 10. WITH THE TRADE THEY HAVE DONE Fot U a few small lots previous to taking an THE ! F S T ) C K untno- ?-rr Giyea off all; Renrnaats of. Dress fiooiis ? til f....: Uli. i. . . is A I . LESLIE'S CUT PAPER PATTERNS. 1 KMM ONE PRICE? t - - M BROWN RODDICK. Y.O R K. . iand 1 Saturday. ; V CLYDE'S! WILMINGTON LIXh or me unaersignea Agents-of the Line. WMP, '. vlLi JLYDE to C., General Agents. Vis.--.'i.'iv. 1;ew York Line.". R KniFlirirr Ama. "v. v l .i i i' a. d. caza tvXgeuC ; Bahimore and New YorlcXines. Wilmington ' H: C. 'I f,tYtrnmr I ':':-.--' v viiiu wujf i r i V i i ' -:. .i "it, i " . it - - " ;: y'f- Philadelphia::' ; ' ; Baltimore and Wilmington Line h'v : ' SemOTely;;-.";' :;;.a 1 Between Baltimore and Wilmington, Baltimore and Pliiladelphia St Bt. Ca Daily Via. CanaL iBe' tween Baltimore and Philadelphia. WESTERN CITTES. ' . .; Btimore and Wilmington Line, ! Northern Central Railroad uind the Baltimore ana 0hjoBAflroad.': . 1 -. t G Rales' Guaranteed as low as 'j i.- .i P . S ' vFlZJa7JITa?2 JafJJa f thte imtVuto. i i. . MISCEJ.LA14EOUt. t: ' r fimil i: EE. i DEE . HERALD, ptrBLlHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, at Wade -nxV,N. C, Only one dollar per er. f ! fright, cheerful, progressive, a ways up to the ea vanciag thathesf the rimes, the Birald tabei Tank wi;h the leading journals of ihe day. It is the side f Christianity.' The Hibaid is devot: d to the family, circles 1 contains original and tei c-' stories, wit, humor. AC : everv fanulv Ib the lt.ua should' sabscribe- for it Its low price (only kc doliari p aces it within the reach-of every one in tue land. 'e pay all postaerel' ' ' READ WHAT THH PEE68 TIIINX8 OF US ' 'it . . : . i . : T . . , . . -f . .The'Hsri&iB a FtHfCldis Family Paper; Having some n : the ablest writers in North Carolina at tached to its staff . There is enough humoroui reading in it to make one laugh for a week enonph to keep you jolly till -the next cotaee.-Socimari (Ga ) jfcu..We refer to the publisher of thiapaper. tbabseribeiat once, i Addreesi HERALD, Wadei- mi "n j a I,, ,HICK0UYt N. C, f TtlB . ONLY PAPERS PUBLISHED TN CA-, ,1 .1 aWbAoirntv; and haa art axtenstve circolatw" I among merchant, farmnra. and all classes of bu- . I , f I .. . ' L WIDE AWAKE DEMOCRATIC PAPEH, j-t f ?illi ftr !' ; if-i.t T ' i . t ii

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