- . ' -'. !!-a" :'ckA' k-A !::::- aa v : -: A:k-k:c a a. :';-r:!.;.j;..-!:;-- ' .!; A a n kAA k:'- v?'-;. -:V' ! ? FUBLISHKD DAILY, BYt J V l - - - I 1 O - rt ' J ' ' '"i : rM ! . V 4 1 -t 1 - " f 11. 1 - --1 ii -m 1 1 1 f i. . . - i ' . - i ffv. ...w . . f ,r - r; it . is IUTM OT BUB8CBIPTIOH IK ADTAZTCX: giimontlift , J I u H. ........ w nvi ritv Subscribers, dellTered in ny put of the rvxirtnormwk nnrPitr IduiIiim OUTLINES. Quite turbulent scene took, place in Dublii at the midnight O'Connell banquet. L Democratic majority -increased . in Kentcuky, but CJonvention iWas' defeat e(j Twenty persons in jared by an ex plosion in PennsylTania.7 i More race trouble ia McMillan county, Tennessee. J " ' TUB ELECTION. IT S. ? W- The returns : received ' ' Yesterday were not so favorable toHhe rPemo crats as tnose ox ino uay ueiore; ana white we are not ' entirely': without ,pes, we fear the . Republicans ' will H". ve a majority of 2 to 4 n the Con- . ...ntlnn ' Ancordiner to our calrtnla- YUblVU f-J ' ' tions, they have thus; far made a net rain or aeiegaies, ana; we are ap prehensive that they will gain 'three or four more in the '. counties yet to be heard from. If so, they wilt con trol the Convention! V . . :. i ' ' : THE GimYf: The mii. . -: . The mails will close at the: City PosiOf fice until further notice as follows: ' -! Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and West of t Weldon, 'k ' . daily at v. vj 5.45 P. M. u through and way (day) mails daily . except Sunday,' 6:30 A M. Southern mails for all points : : South, daily. .. . ... 5:15 P. M. Charleston, daily, at.......... 5S0 A. H. Western mails(0. C. R'yVdaily - (except Sundays,) . . 250 P. M. CLnrlotte mail closes at. ....... 2:30 P. M Smith ville (via Easy , Hill and . - . , r ,; Town Greek) Tuesdays and " - Saturdays ... .. ... 6.-00 AiM. FayetteviUe,-an,d offices on Cape . -,; ...-'. , Fear River, Mondays and '--r. ass Fridays. .. . ..... 1 dX) P M.' Fayettevilleby C CB'y, daily (except Sundays). ...... U . 5 SO A. H ; Onslow C. H. and intermediate " : offices every Friday . . . . . ; . 6 $0 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboat, close at 3 P. M., daily, except Sundays. ' - Mails delivered from 650 A. M. to 750 P. M.,-and on Sundays from 8 50 to 8:30 A. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M.: to 12M.V and from 2 to 6 0iP M. , . Money order or Register Department open same as stamp otBce. . : -- : o: ; ;.; ; '" "V; "' Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed, a; - ; n .. . Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day arid night Mails collected from street boxes every day at 5 P.M. ---- - - ' MEW AD VEBTI S EM EN X. Harrisos & Aixen. Straw- Ilats. a MussoJi & Co. Cheapest Patent ; Shirts. T. P. SiKEa For Rent. X i'K Williams & Murchisok. Bacon, Pork;5 Geo. MvERa Process Empire Flour. " " H. G. SMAMBokES.--Regular Meeting. John Dawbos. Hardware. . : .... . . Kerchxeb & Caijeb Bnoa. Bacon; v P, H. HiYDEaar.--Harness 3Iaking. C. W. Yates. To School Teachers. .- : Chas. D. Myers. Blackberry : Brandy. James C STEVEats6ar.-!iQrouidJ.Coffee. A. David. Somethi ng New ! . v See Advertisement-" For Rent." Heixsberuer. New Book. , Local 'uou7n - No marriage license were issued by the Register of Deeds during the past week. ' j ;' ;: "lX-'i-.-i V- "" Services at the usual' morning and evening hours at St. Paul's Episcopal Church by Bishop Atkinson. ; H -i n-;Mh The interments in Pine forest (colored) Cemetery during the; past week numbered 7, of which all were children. ( Itev.v Geo. !.wi: McMillan wUJ preach in the Lecture Room of r the. First Presbyterian Church at 11 A.. M. to-day. Air. J. M. Cronly of this bity has received , the appointment of naval cadet at Annapolis from this Congressional District. . - .rVLy; y.z-.:- The Clerk of tbe Market repoTta for the week the arrival of 397 cartsfand of beeves slaughtered 45, sheep 58, hogs 2 and calves l.. . r Columbus ; did ; splendidly .last Thursday. Col. George received 48 more votes than the largest Conservative majority ever cast in the county! EiiEliliiH We learn that there will be another Regatta at Wrightsville Sound on Wednesday next with a full entry of yachts. A fine tinie is expected." : ' . Iu renponse to many J anxious inquiries we would state that our roosters have not yet emerged from their coop, 1) aviag neither strayed escaped nor been stolen, , Hattie Johnson, -; whose " arrest as alluded to in Friday morning paper, f d the charge if Msauiny : numj0?.:1 lreet8, bus been released on the payment wi costs. HIS J. i&&Ki&)ti4i ! , George Rhodes, the colored boy for whom a warrant was issued :: for ob- , taiuiug goods und false 'pretences, which was mentioned io Friday's paper, is said, to . have fled the ciiySI Ye whol i'arft s tired V?ofc jjoUtici, will you not turilo'tlje fetter of CoL PmuI H. Haynepriuohjnir, ihipaleUv, lay, aud refresh 'yourself -with his gnial iud eleganVcruicisth'? - ? ' I he present week baying been 't apari by the Bisiopr the'fM?Elj " Church,- '.uthVtheri ' will bev terviceS during the entire weekatthe' Fifth Street. . ChurcijVcommncmg?ai 8P.;M t if .'altrTinj8ere like the Old Fields in .WUsoii, county our old nelds would be turbed into a blooming gaft J uen. That township gives ouc brother gin.? geltary a clean majority of 197 votes out of a'egiBtered vote of 281. ? - - ' : ,.i t I'll 1 1 ' 1 1 1 : t 1 11 iii TN- r. tv tt t t, . .. "Vji . - ... 1 rr n 1 - , - ., - ... .... . 1 1 -. - 1. . ' . . . : . . t , it t- . . . . . i ' 1 ti : . ... :3 . ........ r ....... . . r .... ... ,i i I J . - " '' ' 5 ,.J r !J '.v.: . ....... - , . . -r : ' . : . . 4 . . .... .... . r -. r . . . - .-. 1 - -. - ! J f . . " T -r nmtV. : , V ' - K Ml ' - : ' - , ; I ,' ' -- : i ' - - - , , . .... -if - f ),,- ..; -i . a .. rs. .... - . , f JwlC-Tl - " 'rX ; VOL. XVI. NO. 118. ELECTION RETURNS. "" aeieKram to tbe morning - Star.,-. '' .: NORTHSTERNCOUNTIES. ' ' V'".' ;'.t: 7IAXKIQH. Aus. 7. Intense feen etlsirtfgt&nrlrest doubt as to the result, rews fr6mRobeson and one Conservative in Caswell has given mucb encouragement t Chatham is Demo cratic j In the first district Oates Ys Con servative. Hertford. Bertie, Pasquotank. Washington -.Perquimons, Camden and y wanuou as-nepiroiicanr r lyr rei elects Ransom, independent We are still hopefuL W? heard nothing more from the northwest yet j " V : . , i yifX'-i & WExboNAug; 7. : Camden,' Radical, 50;" Washington, Rad ical. 435; , Tyrrell, Radical,- 150; Martin, uemocrat, 52? Chowan, Radical, i 147; Gates, Democrat, 400; Bertie, Radical. 500j Hertford, Radical, 130; Ferquimmons, Radical, 368; Pasquotank, Radical, 100; Put, Democrat, 200. a i ; ; i t u I -f .?i.SGREEN; 'iSri'u 1 . Hon. Jas. P. Speiget, Democrat, 802; Joseph Dixon, Radical, 999. s r; v j . 1 r ; "! ,; ORANGK kr l Hon. Wm. A. Graham, democrat, 1,908; Hon. Josiah Turner, Democrat,' 1,777; Washingtou Duke, Radical,. 1,530; John T "HoganrBadical, 1.539J. OJ. Xl ;.'X , Official by Mall, . ; duplin. J. N. Stallingsj Democrat 1,654; Wil liam Farrier,' Democrat, 1,702; Kinsey Jones, white Republican, 1,090; Irvin Bea- man, colored Republican, 1,016. Majority in 1872715; in 1874 712.u l ' ; ' DAYIDSQN.T BiB. Roberta, Conservative il,533; F. C. ,Robbins, Conservative, 1,599; John Michael, ; Republican, 1,342; John T. Cramer. .. 1 ' ROBESON. &fp. f JiUHBESTON Aug. 7. The following Is the official vote of Rob eson county f Sinclair, Democrat 1382; Mc Eachin Democrat 1374; Neill McNeill, Rad ical 1198; Dr. Norment,' Radical 1203. - a: f u HYDE, TYRRELL;. &c. r ; ' " .' ' Tarboro, Aug. 7. ljyde gives avhands6me majority for Carter, Conservative.3 -Nothing reliable yet from Tyrrell, Dare and Washington.- Of the three first two probably ' Democratic, the latter Republican. ". : " .IV. '. ' - -Newbekn, August 7. Hyde. goes. Democatic by a handsome majority. ' Dare is conceded to the Repub licans. . Tyrell a reported. Radical majori ty of 150. Rodman ,is; defeated by 250 majority in Beaufort and Pamlico. "' : ,". : RANDOLPH. SURRY, &a . X-:k,," Raleigh, Aug. 7. Randolph is - claimed . by the Radicals. Surry and Alexander Democratic. Noth ing from Wilkes or Yadkin.'" Caswell elects Conservative Withers and 1 Radical. The Radicals claim 10 majority.- We are' still somewhat hopefuL ....... - ! -V- SAMPSON. , i : "i' k'kk 'fi-:-i;fii MaOsoixav Aug.; 7. ';f. The officlaf vote of Sampson gives 30 Democratic ma jority. Both our candidates are elected. " ''''' ''' : " kkksk uPERQUIMANSw; i ;- -n J. W. Albertspn, Republican, 985; Wm. Newbold, Democratic. 617- . George; French,-1,)93 "Stephen ' H.4 Manning i;i58;V Joho IL ; Smyth", 1,160; George Davis, 20 Robert Strange, 21; Robert K, Bryan, 826;Dan'l U Russell, 71. vrilmlnKton Retail Jtf arket. , ,. . ! The ? fonowing prices 'ruled yesterday: Apples, (dried) 12J cents per pound; dried peaches 25c per pound y walnuts, 25 cents per peck; pickles, 20 cents per . dozen; laid, 18 cents per pound; butter, 3040 cents per pound; cheese, 25 cents per pound; grown fowls 7580s'pau; rgees(e $1 50 per pair; beef 1016fc. per pound; beef, (corn- ed) 12iloc. per pouna ; veai,s v6t(&iotc. perpouna; mutton, 12i16 cts. per pound ; ham, 161S cts. per pound; 8houlders,12 14 cents per pound; .tripe, 20 cts. per bunch; clams'; 25 cents a peck open clams, 2025 cts'a quart; soap iuncb,5cta.; eggs, 1820 Cents, a doz; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs); potatoes, new Irish, 40c a peck; new sweet $1 a peck; fish trout 25c. per bunch; mul- lets 1025 cents per bunch; turnips. Mi l cents-- a .' ' bunch; .. onions, 50 cents ;peck; f cabbages ; 1025 cents a head: bologna 20 cents a pound; wild ducks 5075 cents a pair j raaisnes, parsley, 5 cents a bunch; onions, 50 cents a peck; carrots, , 5 cents a pound; rice,'i12i cts. a quart nap beans 20c a peck; squashes, 20 cents adoz;cucumbers, 1015 cts a doz.; green coM 30c a ddzehTWakbCTries 510" cents a quari;Homtoesild's cents fa quart; okra, 5 cents a dozen ; cantaloupes, 1015 cenUil watermelons; i530 .cents; shrimps 20c a quart; crabs 15c a dozon. : ; Pirib Ward BBeaet tJomptaK f At a meetihg held last night of the Fiftb Ward Indepeadep.tr Bucket jCompany No. 1, at their haD, for the purpose of efiecting a reorganization, the company was organ., ized on a firnbasia?' The following'offlcers were elected : J ' ' !: "n '' ' : J. W- Guthrie, President. ' ; ., j W. Ellis, Vice President - T. F. TylerSeretary., ff - I D. Wilder; Treasurer. :Z j if'. '.V 1 Miles Costid,' Foreman. . " " ? J R. GuihrielstAmutanl Foreman. I J. B. Burnet, 2nd dow :. ' : Axemen -E. S. Griffith, J. M. Hawkins 1, JJT10UII . J - I Laddernjenr-rD, jW Walker, M lecher, J. Ward, Risley. j - ' r I Thcompony Is now, prepared for ac (ion) whenever d wherever needed within . ----- . , . .. - niiiiiiiiii.n city limits. - "" HUH ... V K .XI il 1. 5. m ' I f j " n -1111 x v 11 x y 11 uj r a m i n VM A - y. iii-, , t, - WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY. AUGUST 8, 1875. Oar Cbarebes To-Dar. ; t Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets, Rev. C M. Payne, pastor. Seats free. Prayer meeting at 5 p. m. , .-'v .. a , ' Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South ),- situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m cvv.il. e.v-'i .t m . oauuaui .ouiujoi at 93 a. lit., s,., k... First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and grange streets: Morairjg service in the XecturelRooroC 1111 o'clock a. m. Rev; Geo. McMillian ofllclating. Sunday school at 5 p. m. '"'k-' , 1 There will be joint services for the par ishes of St James' and St John's, 11th Sunday after Trihity, as follows: Morning Prayer t St James' at 9i a. m. Evening Prayer at St John's at 6 p. m. Sunday School in each parish at the usual hour. Services at St Paul's (Episcopal) church corner, of Fourth and Orange Streets; as fol lows: Services at 11 a. m., and p. m by Right Rev. - Bishop - Atkinson. Seats free. ; ;.; '.. - First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Services at 11 a. m and 8 p.m., Rev K C. Dargan. Sunday School at 9Ja. m. Pray ef meeting Thursday night at o'clock, j Young men's prayer meeting on Tuesday night at 8f o'clock. ; k -- Second Baptist church, corner Sixth, and Church streets. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m.; Prayer meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. B. Barlow, pastor. '. s . ; , ; - - - St Paul's .Evang. Lutheran Church: corner of 6th and Market streets, Rev. G. D. Bernbeimj pastor. German service at 11 a. m. ' English Service at 8J p. m Sunday school at 5 p. m. Front Street M E. Church (South), cor ner ofFroot and WalBUt streets; Rev. J.E. Mann, pastor. . Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 5 p. m. Young Men's Society Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. . : . St Thomas' Catholic Church, Dock St. between 2nd and 3rd.' Services to-day as follows: Holy Mass at 7 a! m. and 10 a m. Vespers at 5 p. m. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Sunday school for the eolored children in the basement at 3 p. m. Rev. M S. Gross, pastor and Rev. Jas. B. White assistant Seamen's Bethel : Services at 3 p. m Rev Jos. L. Xeen, CJiaplain. . :J ki k - Services at St Mark's (colored) Episcopal Churcn, Morning- Prayer at 11 o'clock; evening prayer at " 8 o'clock. Sunday; school at 4 p. m., at St Barnabas' School house. - Seats free, . , -r- . - 1 h First Baptist Church, colored, on Fifth and Campbell streets. 'Services as follows: Sunday School at 9i a. ' m. ; preaching at 10J a. m., 3 p. m. and7J p. m. Rev. F.R. Howell, Pastor. t . i ,, Services at the First Colored Presbyterian Church, Chesnut between Sevenths and Eighth streets, at 11 a. m. by Rev! D. J. Sanders, Pastor. . Sabbath School I at .9 a. m. ma7rs Court. : The following cases were disposed of by this tribunal yesterday morning: , Edward Joyner; charged .with resisting police officer E. F. Martin, while in the dis charge of his duty, was ordered to pay a fine of 50 and the costs' -kk- The same, - charged with cursing and abusing officer Martin, was ordered to pay a fine of $50 and costs. . , . . ; The same, charged , with disprderly con duct, was ordered to pay a fine of $20 and costs.' .. rhiJ --: ; " -" '' . -- , Ella Morris, : chanced with being drunk and disorderly, was ordered to pay a fine of $20 '."and costs! k .Ella Morris, febaigedj with imrainganij abusing a police officer while in the dis charge of his duty, .was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $20 and the costs. Th xeanlra TiMdar - "" ; Extensive preparations are in progress for the grand ' excursion to Smithville and the Blackfish Grounds on Tuesday next, under the auspices of Stonewall Lodge No. 1,' K. of Ej From present indications it will be one of the most pleasant affairs of the kind which has taken place this sum mer. Every. Vccommodalion ; will be pro vided tor) the. .comfort and convenience of those who participate and we have every assurance that those whOiWish to enjoy a puffXwhlch this is iuoOofseakreezenever had abetteropportunitytnaj will be afford ed them by ye gallant Knights on Tuesday. That this will be the case is rendered doubly certain io tbe minds of many from tle,fact that they are always successful in such affairs.-- ' " 1 ' ' " J - - 1 ' f Tickets can be had at the book stores and the price can be ascertained '; by refer ring to the advertisement in this issue. We leafn that; the Goldsboro Base Ball Club challenged ' the "Charles Sumner Club" of this city for a match game to be played "onTThuraday, Jhe tbwhich Was accepted, but the former failibg to put in an appearance the game" was claimed by the Jattef9 juns to noee., Tlje Goldsbprc Clubf we hear, is expected- to oenere new wei car. Kadlcal Banner. - - : ; . t As the returns came in yesterday favora ble to therRep6bliUeonly pro ceeded toalagHbeirtanners on the outer w alls" of the Court House, with J he "cry of still they' come," " but suspended them also on the inner -walls of that building; lit- erally enshrouding the "temple of justice" with RadicalnntingT . " . j, , Bancre if Tliermomewr, The following was the rapge.ofthe theP mometer at the jBigoal BufoJhJejry;'-- yesterday : '; : .'. , . , vA . t--.:vt,r. nt 7 A M.779; 12 M, 88; 2 If. M , c; 4;pv P. M, 84; 9 P,M.,79.' ? , , MAK1. A. Home FerUIIzer-Exeorilen te tbe - -: .-. .. .. -; . .... . - ' .. .. BroDtwick Pits We have bo often dwelt upon the advan tages which 'would accure to-our:pepple from the full development, of .the rresourpes with 'which Nature has in, such matchless profusion blessed bur State; that we Some times fear our monitions may seem state to our readers, and hinder rather than advance the cause we have .at .heart Yet, ; . in .our capacity as a public journal and exponent f the true interests of . the. people to and,, .for whom we speak, we deem it our duty,! 'upon I every occasion that .presents,! to re iterate and insist upon that truth the proper appreciation -and appropriation of which we believe of more importance to material growth than apyV other which ; could be mentioned : that is to say, that within ; our own borders and at our very door is stored every element and substance necessary to our prosperity as individuals or as a people,4 and that we only need a little confidence in :ourown ability and in each other in ordet to see tnat fact demonstrated. j We were moved to speak of this subject at present by what we observed yesterday as one of a party who visited, by special train ot the Uarouna central Railway, a tract of land 17 miles from Wilmington on the line of that road, belonging to Messrs. Cronly & Morris, of this city.; The party consisted of Mr. Roberts, the President of the road, Superintendent Fremont, and a number of gentlemen interested in tbe road and in agricultural pursuits,' and the object .was to make a thorough examination of the locality t with reference to the extent and quality of Hie marl deposits there, and the feasibility of idling the marl to the rail? road at reasonable e j pease .VsV' .v.. k k k 1, I A number of places on the tract,1 remote from each other, were 'visited, and from the indications, of the outcrop we were' satisfied that a very, large . portion of . the whole' is underlaid by a bedof "blackrock? niarl and a. white shell marl of yet unde-. termined extent, the whole being from 6 to 13 feet in thickness. The so-called black- rock has about it nothing of the' nature of rock being soft and friable and on ex-. posure to the air it exchanges its blueujh- black color for a grayish-white,' owing' to the evaporation of its water. The ' pro prietors having sent a sample to . the De partment of Agriculture, at Washington, an analysis was ordered with the result set forth in the following letter to the Com missioner: .,.,.: ;. . :,;,-.;-. .f,v- :f IiABohatory of Def'tof Agriculturk , ) Washington, D. C, June 29. t) Hon. Horace Caprem, Commissioner : Sib I have the honor to report the fol lowing analysis of a deposit found 17 miles from Wilmington, N. C.; upon tbe. borders 'of Livingston Creek. Brunswick "county. The substance examined ' was nodular in form, possessing a structure somewhat like tufa, many pieces being tubular witu suells adhering' upon the inner surface, and "evi- dentlyhavlnghad ' an"" organic vegetable core: grayisn-wnite in color, of small spe- ciflc gravity, and to be considered as con cretions. A single lump of a different na ture accompanied these specimens, which possesses most of tbe characseristics of the "South Carolina phospbatic deposits," espe cially in being richer in phosphate of time than the first-mentioned samples. - It would be interesting to know if the - laree mass was obtained from the same formation and locality as the smaller nodules. The latter yielded, ia 100 parts: 'a'-, ; V.:,. tWater.!. 0.200 Silica (fragments of fine hyaline . y quartz). 4'...;.:...... 20.260 : Carbonate of Lime. : ; . . 68.720 ' v Carbonate of Magnesia.. . . .. . . . 5.018 ,v . Phosphate of Lime. ; ... 8.470 -.Alumina and Peroxide of Iron. ' 2.832; 'k:'t -a. i .-a i 1100.000! :The very, high, pewonUEe ', of Carbonate of Lime in this material suggests its use as a. fertilizer, me smaller proportion or Phosphate of Lime adds greatly to its value and places it nigber in - tbe ; list of t lame Marls than the average of specimens exam ined in ims larjoratory. i Very respectftdly, -aki i&UMt'iw i : :v. Thomas Autiskix; M. D.. ' V' i " ! 'kk-mr '.'-JWmwr?'-: From a very cioee inspeaioiv of ins beds we are inclined to believe that they will not throughout their entire thickness majntafn an equal proportion of the salts of lime: but experience on the growing crops, with' f re quent analyses, will soon enable the mWt jto be so taken from the beds as to secure B; definite composition of high agricultural Value. ..The sooner to make this ;dc8irable determination and at the same time ;; bring the subject to the consideration of the agri- Cultural fraternity, it has Seen v determined to make preparations to ship a car-load to each3 of several principal stations for 'gra tuitous distribution in time -for' the spring crops, and the railroad company will , so reduce the freight as to enable those who wish to make more extended experiments td supply themselves, on the'; line . o?- the road, within 10Q( miles of the pits, at a uniform price of $5 00 a ton, freight paid. iFor greatet distances a small advance will be charged. !--' ' ! . ' We believe that when the farmers , .be come accustomed to the. use pf marl , and appreeiatelts valueythai .It will - 'ntnly secure the profitable working of these pitSy but of many others in localities scattered all over the State "which are "now unknown or untbotugttt Of, and with a resulting Econ omy in the first cost of , fertilizers and in increased returns for labor expended which will be of sjmoet incalculable value , io our Bit CI It 'X Ble Bear Horit ln sedjpr! County. i: On Tuesday last' Woui'daklhe attention of Mrhomaa Lpf oUyTotviuip Pender Cou nty; was palled to the fiqueaTug; of a hog. Feeling that a . bear had: seized, one of his!wine, e,- at nce , summoned several of his neighbors. Armed with their double-barrel shot guns and pjrovMed w.Ith. dogs the party, comprising some of the best huntsman of the vicinity started forth to bring bruin'to' judgment - This was" on, Wednesday, morning a little before day light. ... Pretty soon Mr Lee discovered! an old female bear and three cubs. ; He took deliberate aim at, a .distance of- seventy odd yards, fired and brought the mother to tue ground., ; jLn a few .moments: she arose and walked rapidly toward, the marksman. He then gave her! the benefit of the contents ot the other barrel, ! which again 'stunned her. i Soon, however, she was up and : beat a retreat to Cover in good though rapid order, Seeing the old bear had received aj mortal wound; Mr; Lee turned his attention to the cubs; andudrove)two 'of .them, up a free! Herehej7 joined by yMr. MLee. Two of the cubs were ' despatched by five . Joined by Messrs. Moore, Beasley and Sears and several dogs, pursuit was ' made pf the bruin 'mother, whose severe wounds had prevented her from going very far. Mr. Beasley attempted to shoot, but the cap failed to explode. . The! bear turned savagely upon him. and would no doubt have soon enfolded him, but a well-direct ed shot brought the ferocious beast to the. earth, dead, f t. , . - , ' ; .The trail of the third cub was soon after found, chase given and the animal treed J Three shots put an end to its life; and thus closed a. bear hunt that occupied in all about two hours, and resulted in the death of three of the wild animals which have greatly annoyed the farmers of . Holly Township. ; ;i Btbberf. .uvj:,. .:.lt J. A. Ashe, the well known colored dep uty who officiates around the Magistrate's offices, was standing in front of the Court House yesterday, between 12 and 1 o'clock, so he i informs us, when his' pockets!' was picked of a bundle of warrants, issued . by different Magistrates, of the city, in the folds of which was the sum of $11 in money. A number of the "truly Joyal.were en gaged at tbe time in putting out ' flags in front of the Court House and he was stand ing in the midst of the crowd when he mis sed his treasure.' ' ' , ' . '.1 i ... ' ' City Taxee. ' . The Gity Treasurer .desires us to. call the attention of city tax payers to the fact that the time is near at hand for advertising delinquents,; and that city coupons: are re ceivable in payment! "No time, should oe lost in the payment of these taxes and they should attend to the matter at once.. , ; -.. County Commissioners. . The Board of County Commissioners met yesterday afternoon and canvassed the re turns of the late election in this county and the result was; announced. ' Uo other; busi ness ' of : importance' was transacted, 'the Board adjoining to meet iagain on Wednes day morning next, at 10 o'clock; ; '' BIsbop Lyman's. Appointments. Valle . Crucis. , .,ffff. ,.,f f ... .Aug. 8 Patterson; .'. , .Aug. 9 Lenoir; Caldwell Coi."l .tr! .V. Aug 10 Hickory v ....V . . . .. 4-..:Aug. 12 Morganton. ......... i ..... ; -.Aug. 15 P. M., Old Fort.i-.t........tAng. ;16 St Andrew's, Buncombe Co. .'...'.Aug. 19 Hard Creek; Buncombe Co. . . .. . .Aug. 20 Warm Springs. . . . J . J . J . ; ; . ; : . . Aug. 22 Burnsville. .Aug. 25 Bakersville . .. . .Aug.' 27 Elk River Valley. .... . , . . . ... .Aug. 29 Beaver Dam, Buncombe Co.-.'.'.. '..Aug. 31 Brevard, Transylvania Co. ...i :. Sept' 2 bt Jfaui's, in tbe Valley, Transyi- . - '- - vama Uo ....bept'i 8 Flat Rock. Sept . 5 Hendersonvflle ....... i . . . .... . . .Sept i 7 Glencoe. 1 ;.'..', . .Sept 10 Calvary Church, Henderson Co. .'. Sept 12 Liecester. . . ..i . .. . . .Sept 15 Wayne8vllle, .... . . . . . r. . .Sept. 17 Asheville. .. ... . , . ... .Sept 19 ' The collections at each place will be ar propriated to Diocesan. Missions. ' ' ' 1 .. - - - 1 1 aj) am ss - " CITY -. ITEMS, p H -- ; Ms. J. WHZTroaja.haS raised In b!s rarden thl year come very fine grapes of the Concord aad Isa bella Yarietles."-Tney are Tamer later than venal, on becount of thefrpt last. Spring; but are', excellent ia flavor..- z.fc'zkx&t BooKirasmt. ?itto bry 5Ws"all kinds of fcindlng and Baling In a Work tninlike manner,; and at treasonable .prices. !Mer ChanU end other needing Receipt Books, or other Work, may rely on promptness In tbe execntion oC jheu; ordera. 1 Lati PAVKRa. To .mS,Vmn. .Depot, West Bide Jrronf street, , we are maeoiea jot voies m he Tew Tork Ledger Chimney Corner and Frank LedW$ lUustruted Nnvspaperloi the current week.. The Stand win'remaliropcn 'uniil! iro'clbck' this Copt or 1 j;tu(on1al. Topkk. Eabsas, Jn. S3. lS75.-J-Mxe8Ba.T4. W. Toixnr, 99 Maiden Lane, Ne York; Gentlemen wish to add' my, testimony to the nnanimoa voice of your caetomers as to tbe quality of Gnns made by your establish ment My Standard, Gnn7a.has: proved'; after thorough trials all yon claim for your work. A ttnmf ccenr&te shooter, of fine aorkmaBshiO. and. perfect in all its' parts. ' I regard if s a better Gun than any other establishment furnishes at he same price. Quite a large number of yonr gans are la ne in this State, and , as far as l ean; lesrn, their owners are unanimous in their approval, v i h&nr 'Vefrespollyyotirv' Ekkkk aug"7-tr!,vi 7ku zteliZ h'tL Si'- -'f I1- -'' i- i-. ' " ' ':''T -ii- jJ. At a meeting or the Hibernian Benevolent Associa- na beld at their HaU AUSUf it t nol st 6th, 187S,acommh tee was api irnted who drafted tne following reao.a- iak which nninhnanalT edooted. - - Untitled.. That this Association return a vote of MMka a tha- Hon. A 14. WaddelL for the very eloquent manner in which he delivered the address on the occasion of - the Centenary of Daniel Q'Con- nell the Irish Liberator - a . 1. ... , . ... ii.j nt lr. ; rmAsi - That thAMA n-aoTntfoiis be imbnraed In the city papers and the Hon. A. M. Waddell ,be.. I , . JAS. REHXY. . . aa g81t j waiwiw m 1 na rfi' f f it GKBMAII BABDWARltri One of the largest and fiaest stocks ia this 8tate. and prices to suit tbe times, can be found at the Old -Kstobliahed Hard ware goaa$?,aiy' ,qZ--rtUHAU 1I Ui iAft ia-.- a.T :t-oks nAWBcar,- 7 aagn;"a''i 19- SO aadSllfarketSt WHOLE NO. 2,570. DIED. CAMERON. Is this elty, oni Sa'nrfayJ1 the 7th A uguBs wio, airer a Bevere aoo- protracha Ulnees, Mrs. Julia Uw Cameron, In tbe SSad year of her aeu. 'Mrs. C. wse formerly a resident of- Baieigb, sod at an early age attached -herself to the Baptist wiiuvu, ui wuicu uenommanon sne remainea a con sistent member darin th whole o her ' life, illus trating by action thefaitA she professed. . : . The remains of. deceased were taaen to Folkton yesterday for interment to-day. .... r- r ; u ? i A christian. wife, mother, friend, neighbor!' ter vamuj pugrunagv wob bo spent as to give assurance to sorrowing and. bereaved kindred and friends. uiek cue u cuicrcu u a lliu ui unuueraDie D118S. r BELL.In this. dty. on the 6th Inst. ' at 10 o'clock P. M.lfrank Gibbs. . infant son of W. K. and Sarah B. Bell, aged eight months and twenty- us jo. tii, vi-ksi-jH tHM'. ; The funeral will take place at 9 ocIock this mom- at the residence, of thebarenta, on.: Fifth,, between Castle and Queen streets, from thence to Oakdaie. Cemetery.' The friends and 'acquaintances of the family are resneetfauV Invited to attend.' r 1 - J -r ' Bolter little children to come nnto me and for. id them not for of such ia the kingdom of heaven." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bacon, Pork, Flottr; Bagging Ties, Etc' Boxes Smoked Bides and Jihoulders;, . AU.t 5Q Boxes S. S.;Slde - 'ki OK BbisHessPbra. ' il I '. Ak1' "Vl llkfl! 8 0 0 la 1nr Shades. . . Kolla Bagging, ) A 1 AA Tons Pieced Ties, pi AW"; f. - . .. I. . . ..... . J00 Barrels Refined Sugar, f ' ' -J00 Bags Prime Rfo Coffee. ( JklA . 500 Bales N. R. and .Eastern Hay, : 2000 Busheii Prime White and Mixed Com.; ' 100 BbLB Ehda New CroP Cuba Molasses' 2000 Sacks Lisbon B&'';J-i: 200 Second Hand Spirit Casks, g00 Bdla Hoop Iron, BbisGlue: ' '" ;'' ;i: ...i'jj 300BagsShot. - , ., ; ( 250 Kegs Nails, ... y A -00 Boxes and Half Boxes Candler, ' A 1 ; i I 7- , - ..... .;. . C A Boxes Candy, , 25 Boxes Soda, 70 Boxes Soap. 25 Coses Potash, " 50 Cases Oysters,: '! -. ' OA Half Barrels Snuff, 100 Tons Xureka Goano, A(U 800 Tans Gaanope Guano. - " . For tale low by " " T ang8-tf . ' ;V- WnxiAMS Jfc MURCHISON. 1 ! I JMPORTKD PICKLES AT S0CSNTS AJAR, . : We are forcins the nrice down. Encourage us by -.'; J. r. .i " sending your orders. - Imager .Beer,. Ltger Beer, , - ;it Ul'TSPERDOZEN. ':-j The Best Goods at iw les T T will Increase our olready larae sales, and "our" urana is aneaa or aiLr (HAVB TOTJ TRIED OUR AAAt Process ; Empire Flour, , and ! ,.' ' Best Batter In ; tne Wdrid -; if not when your package Is out send to na and we wui eenver a sample ireetoaay part or tbe city. r-:;f Fresh Groceries every i week, at ? aivV .. . . . . . . , GEO. MYER8V f"? ang 8-tf . T ' 11 & 13 South Front St " - Tiie Honselioia of BouTeiie. . HE HOUSEHOLD OF BOUVERTE; OR, V :yu'A.:itlk& Elixir of Oold, K J belaz the first volume of the Author's New Edition. of Mrs. Warfleld's Works, is published - this day. being complete in one large duodecimo volume of Eight Hundred pages, containing the whole of the two volumes as originally published, both- volumes being now complete' la one, and - printed ioq the finest white paper, and bound In morocco doth, gilt back and side, and nublished at the low Drice of tt 75 for the , complete work, in place of 3 00, as I formerly. ' , , , ' . ' ,. -4 . : . -..-' u J Foraaleat-''i- w 3 s.t.ft'i oft J v HEINSBEROES'a V ? angS-tf urt .book ana music store. At Yates' Book Store. rpHERE IS TO BE FOUND THE LARGEST AND 'A. best Selected Stock of ' . f.;v STAITDABD'AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOB In the State. ' To School Tcaebers i .: t la the city and country, yon are respectfully faulted to come ana examine my . ,. , .-. STOCK OrVSCHOOIr BOOKS. ' which is now. complete and will be sold at very : low Voices. .. .. .... ,. ,. ' . ' t.."-"--i - ' V. Yf. IA1KS, - ang8tf : ; , - rr Market Street. it Ouf. Frieiids "TXTILL PLEAS? BEAR IN MIND THAT IT RE- I v v quires i':d) !'; i.'-!! - - ill Caisli on Deliveiv ? FOR THE CHEAPEST PATENT ... e . rf1 it? ' ie Fronts are too small to . r . , , '. , j in Slake a Minute of Them, i i Having only a mail balance of Summer stock on .... . -. 1 .1 . . 1 -S :',-..'.,( . - v -j roua w wilt uue mil tctj-hiw - r ,v; i , .... m-.yv .MSON A .COv ,:!.-.; aagS-tf UJ . t1ty CJotbiers. i GOME AND t& BVT BE PREPARED FPU A SUrpliaC ; .' ' A ',': :.; , .-' :',.... ..All. are Astonished and .Wonder 1- HOW I CAN-SELL !- Clthtnsr', o! Clieap1 '"l 1' 5feii.it, ,lHi- -yii'ti-h:. -ii-i ' VJ m 'Hi- i- Great rush, Saturday, don't delay to come if JOU ' " heed .anything : In A. " -' ! i THE CLOTHINGf' LlNE FOR SUMMER WEAR, aamy immense stock will oon beexaustedat the present rate. ' - . - '. nn;-r,?- v ;vfi?(. : IA VIUJ "-V: angS-tf A ; Roasteil-ani Groniial Coffee, j L ROAST THREE TIMES A WEEK THE: PURE Xaguayra and Okl Government Javre Coffee, and. gronnd to order. Quality -guaranteed. -' Buy where yoe will be emre Jo get it fretsh :,J0O bbls Chk reUt-jfAMESlg h--,A liJ'A' ! I '' " A ? Baffslps;. on;TIes, iPiATdnsTIes. I f..r. ,,Fpraie;Oy ?, f u:.t, ., f t ang 8- . KSRCHNEB ft CALDER BROS.. " i (,y: - giiar IXotuer SolasSes: i TrK1' W Vn1aaarf .. Jf- ? l'2l:J: i 25HhdB B. M. i. 1 - r- Va. aalA n -- '.-''-. C if r I ang 8-tf k A KERCHNER ft CALDER BROS. - 5 Of .... M four days.. . ....r. ftvedays.1.i14iM,i .i.-.S Of - oneweex..;., Two weeka.. flfWKU. 1 .... 8 W 6 OV 8 Of une month...... ItUWIUKU U M M' - ; . Six months.. w...W.v...... ; -J ' Oneyear...... ........M 0 fd Contract AdverUaementa, taken , at propo tlonately low rates.' ' tw , ' ive Squares estimated sa quarter-column, and ten squares as a half -column. ""NEW advertisements. i; .-1 . I HAVE JUST RECEIVED BT . ATLANTIC Coast IAna. mv fifth hnniM .'nf T. tv.i .United SUtea Tea Co., consisting of about thirty - " (iw-i ui iHumcumo air viirns cans - with ecrew covers, and. sold at the same prices as over the counters or -the Company in New Yoi k " icity, : . " . ; . it' AfV fill StCi i: ..'.a G. NORTHROP'S - aug 1-tf - t r Fruit and Confectionery tcre. . ! a orb 6'N' st- k! 'f CELEB1UTED BLACKMY ijgNPORBED AND PRESOUBJU) BTOURJCrTY. j .v;:R:r;rj:;fhy8ician8.FSold adybtA:A ias ii .CHAS! p. MTERS 4 CO., ! 7 Nortn Front street augstf ! HARNESS- -1 -- :TO MY v .f , Carriage and Wagon MakiDg ( ESTABLISHMENT; ; : -jt I have added the scrvtces of a first class.., ' j: AND 1 . and take pleasure In notifying the public that their q . . .oruera wui receive, immediate attention. ; . . . . Chabobs Low, and Satisfaction Guakahtskd, aug8-lw ', - --'f- P. H..HAYDEN. SEE IP YOUDON'T WANT KIT II Ell IuLACCARONI. VERMICEELL OLIVE OIL. BAR. ---x , LiiY, SAGO, OR' TAPIOCA, CAYENNE ;,-. PEPPER, PURE SPICES, CORDIALS,, j , Sauces, Crate Eelisles. Chocolale, , -. Raspberry Syrup, RAspberry Vinegar, jAll freth goods in store and for.cale by . . - j ; : ; , j ,( CHAS. D. MYSR9 4 CO., aug8tf , i 5 & 7 North Front street. JFrom tbe 1st of October Next : "i: all the room In the building known as- - The Seamw Home; Also those In the Bethel; with the exception of the first floor, with aU the furniture belongine thereto. The Home has a large tank, which 1 urnuhes suffi cient water xor tne latcnen ana water closets, -wm h pipes leading to each storo. . , ' . , : The building Is- now and in good eondlUon, and ' amply large to accommodate all Seamen that come to this port.. s .. , . r. t. -. ;, ; . . .V - ,.- ALSO,- ; The Large' aud Commodious Store, on the North -east corner of the Home. 4; ; j . , . . ; , jror parucuiars, apply to - i AH - ; w:rt-"-.a-f'.i.Bv V. MTTCHELLiff- i . 1 -'ijA" Ac- B. Gw-WORTH, i rij .fj-V-T.;. I B. X.lHWKj-yknSi-. - H.B.EILERS. . aug 8-tf ' .:,.;.,;.;. , , Committee.; u Cheap rStraw Hats. 1 A? INE AND MEBIUMiiUALITIES, CALL AND sea us.. Our Lpw Prices cell our goods, , . , . ; At ": lA A-' HARRISON & ALLEN'S ' - aug 8-tf ' CRy Hat Stored Fot-Reiit; ;iiu:." il XT ' ' 1 i '-:s - K-,ii:--'-- u i:.. - U NTIL OCTOBER 1st ; 1876, the Dwelling House. J on Mulberry, between Front and 'Seeoud streets, 'i four reoms,' kitchen and outhouses, recently: occu- -i pied by L B. Fonville." , For ..further particularf, j apply to ' v '' "'t i!- - - Ar augiwt. s :., t-l .:,i;.if;jrT.-j;BiajSSii,t;t Bacpiia; Badoix, Babdli. 0 Boxes J. S. Sides, iu:..Uv ( iLS i.?I . n-tf Boxes Smoked Sides.- ' V .- ' I v r m - aV, n t Boxes Smoked ft 3 Boxes Smoked ft D S Shoulders. 3 i .W. t.Foraaieby - aug 8-tf KERCHNER ft CALDERBROS. Sty George ;& Otirw: SotnptK, r flHE BEGUriARMONTHLY MEETING OF THE St. Oeorge and St. Andrewr Bociety, wui be field at the Hall . of . the. Locomotive Brotherhood, on Front street. Over tbe Soilroad Bridge, on Monday night at 8 o'clock, .tjjfir :-r- - aat Mf f 'V- W 1 Secretary.. ; Sweet Cuba Molasses. 60S Hhds SweetiCaba Molasses, " For sale'by aug 8 tf ' ' KERCHNER ft CALDER BROS - L B. GRAINGER. .... '. ,.. . '.. ..FBxsrnaifT f: ., Vica Pbxsio(t ..........Cashibr HON. W. D. JOHNSON.-... J. D. CUMMTNG. f.--.l'i-S IBANK OF MARION, THrftctorsf t . i . HON. Wp. JOHNSON,,., . ...Marion, S..Cg J. D. McLUCAS. ; . ; .-.'.v. I . .;. ii ' '. Ii f" ' ..-. " DUNCAN M URCHIHON . i ,,.. v . i v WM. A. W RIGHT . . L , ... .'. . . Wilmington, N. C: . JNO. W. ATKINSON... .V.,..V .-' O. R. MURCHtHON L B. GRAINGER. .....,V,.j ; 'i-H' ' ' 'i'' Ht !tr-ti t-:ii Does all the ordinary, business of a Bank. (i , ; "., , Issues CertiScates of Deposit bearing interei-t! t Will take nleasure in accommodating the mercan tile communities of Wilmington and other place by discountinj; such paper as can be recommended as good by any of the Banks located where the par ties are carrying on ousinesB. ' , 1 CorrespondeTits: . . i . ! . ! -, MerchantsEXchanee National Bank.....New York. Wtiaene National Bank. ... . .... . .1 ..... i . Baltimore. Kank or New Hanover.... ...........wiimingron. msySOtf DM'tt ;;.-;i U V .u--r l f f- Sale of Valuable Eeal Estate ;:it-i Iff . CR05L1T, Anetlaneer. 1 - ,lt-,l 4 t'3 Tj Y V1HTUB.OF AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH i thenrovisionsof.a certain indenture of mort-. gage, executed by Feist Mayer to The Bank of New" Hanover," bearing date the 7th dayof March. A. D. . 1873. and registered in the records of New Hanover county, In book EKE, at page 84 sad following, the . nnd. . reigned, m the aUorneys of said nwrtgace will ON THURSDAY, THE 9th DAY of September next at IS o'clock M.; at theConrt Httue door In the city of WUmmgt-nseJtr casta, by pablle auction, the following described piece or jscel of land situated in said' city, viz: .,. . r J BftfHnnknr at the 'comer of a lot now or recently owned by A P. Repiton and wife, on the sooth side of Market street, and running thence southwardly along their line one hundred and thirty-two feet to Bettenconrfs alley, thence along said alley east wardly fifty-eight feet to another lot now or recently owned by A. P. Repiton and wife, thence with t heir . line northwardly sixty-six feet to the lot of J. WM kerson. thence with the back line of Wiikerson's let westwardly twenty-four feet to his corner, thence with his other line northwardly sixty-six feet to ; Market street, thence akms Market street westward ly thirty-four feet to the-beginning, and being in ; block 153 according to Turner's plan of the city 'of : WilBJngtoa,'('iJ::-t, jWRIGHTftbTEDMAN, i:i aug 7-dt9 vAwneya; . three davsi.. r X , .; . i ,i "i .i f v Hi. m .Si:; 11 hk A i ' I! mi :A k & M Ai A .A A it' t I Ir I' I:. i I, i .r I' 5 - k -. 1

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