it 1. f. i" if ill?! ' 1 I hi "ttnrr--v.. WILMINGTON 2T. C.: Sunday; 118?fl.f BY TELEGRAPH. ':! ."" -Vis ' J i-J f jS til 0:ili'ir;ftf. ,:$ .-. -i . !'( .: '!aa ahi trr .H-Kin.l bv. . jfi.i irwi ilHUiAH ATcuS Ie9 fti'MIUii. The Graid Bananet la Exhibition Palace A Sceae riat'6jivnai Blii4- Retiracy of lb Mayor Tne Gai Bx tiasrulalied . 1 i c'a . I na thpra waa no inHdADt Tintil tha-resrtd&r i Dendence of5 Ireland" was reached. VThe t Mayor called on Chas.' Garwin Duffy tore- spood. ' Duffy's rising created a tremend l tremendous uproar, -which lasted twenty minutes when the-Mayor withdrew. Dr. Butt rose to speak, when the , gas was put out and the company dispersed in great contusion. r Dablln Advice Ham Rulers and tbe Lord Ittayor-r-Xlio Some Oration on CConnell " : mjj? A Dublin; Special states that four Home J Rule members of Parnameflt promisedTtU atiena me aemonsuTuionio-uay wuivu ia v consider the prpceedings df the Lord Mayor yesterday. , r, h rt rA 5l5vi . A Rome despatch states that ia the , ora tion on O'Uonneit by froiessor Anatrte,in the Church of St Agatha, yesterday, OXJon nell was claimed as the pioneer of the re vival of Catholicism in. England and the discourse was Ultramontane throughout. "i Kf.KmrRie 8PiRKR.-i 1 McCreerv'smsiority for Governor in Keb tucky will Teach : forty-five, thousand," bat I Convention has prQpapiy oeen aeieaiea; . By an explosion thThiladciphia.AcseB- : al. Saturday, about twenty person were for. iured. some fatauy. AH were"'Doys;i'onepi whom waskiUed.,!;',!:;.C,i:tL Zt-.rt 4 ) iw,r,i , A CSnmnnati roeaai says 8 nearo attempt- t"- . AT V r v t L AIcMmn)UDty,-Teniiivon tke:hiKh.way.- The negro was captured,: afterwards ?tm? rHy on1 vnii -1 The MtiViiM "nHnert a fearing thenegres would attack the town but quiet preyaili J i4rt..i i 4 w '-liiooil? aniT 6rr raToD NEtv iobki ti ".JtjK fill'.;:... ".lij io . - Departure ot Cardlnfel neCl oalcey urope-Tea(lmonIal . Nwvr Tokk, Aug. 7.' 5 Cardinal McCloskey, with-bis Secretary sailed forEurbDe to-daV.7'A'laree numbelr! of Catholic clergy'and laymen assembled at the wharf and i members fi the : Catholic Union presented him with, an informal adJ dress, expressive of lovalty and deyotiori to the Church and the loly"ather.i -.t appealfrom Judge Barret's decision ' refur - ing to reduce Tweed?s bad. -t:d j j v .v 1W '-':! OBtiQ. t .w. - .i- t V - ' . ' , , ... ... :, ... , - v, Bold Bobberxr-Sodlea dlea.!foanU In'' tne Hirer. H i . . . Vux .a. v. " CixcishatX August 7r Solomon! Paruras,' s ! Ciaoinsati broker, was robbed of $10,000 jvorth when the thieves entered the rear of the house.' .if :-3" ?3'3,7'? r It is thought that the. bodies of f odr young men. iound in tne nver. and v?no were at first i supposed Jlo -have beeh utuwuw, u.iui auiuju, .luu.uwCT Parliament .ta be PrAK rrf- ble BavaecB ax Ckoiera. . ThltfIAi2fP5rliaifwill adjourn from Tuesday toFriday"' when it will be rorogoeaV-Hui tt gzah cna:s3 r The Secretary of the .Universal. AJliancel T.l A(U 1 t . hundred cases are reported daily, but the real number is concealed.' The Christian , quarters are- deserted, the. mission school closed and the children dispersed OfllceoX, Chief .Signal Officer, . . ; ishijtigton,-Aug.1 7655 tyM I For ibe South Atlantic and Gulf States, . pald?jratoec14ey4iwea f near theFlorida and Gulf coasts, south to I wesi wjbcjs njnejAjianutt, coast ad east- erly lb southerly winds TntBe"Gulf"States. lAtlantlo, coast a ad east- t irindsTntBe-Gulfmtes.1 Satorday'a Ceatenary Doinat-Tbe I Cr&wd1 rieient at (.laineaii Ceme I resMutitua in avor-of H(me Rnl rwi I amnesty fbrJJ iuipr1sobea offenders w)rie I adopteU.i,, WMSIIINTiTON. . I .''.let Yellow at J Barraaeaa Kluaa- ; ilal natters. . '-''" ; : l.rtaariaVvVi&oTo,; 7, : -. n.A , ji..i. ,. ... .: , - . 1 Fort BarxaDCaaT: Pla.. dated. AmttitW. ccr siuue veaieroay s report. hefJa thi inorbiog siltlti :u Im uV-atl 6lbra are doiasr well. The Treasury books for theHacal alxml tdosed, will show the national ipcome are well at tbe fenaacola Nai Vir.i 1 : . - : .-. -- : I ."l " -4fT?s,i tis ini .iii f -oian4A. peracvi8. ra , tjtid I .BWrAWK Pap t : staxa4nW-Xjoaua , Tq. Sor ,f?5K?f f Uml -1 uiV-American nfi foam io j . hfiS H?Bt- by VLetor Uu r..riV L ""rogtrmori T;rretr Titnraud WHCmg a umn of aeveii -milHoaolbirVi lour .tbtmaaadr nersons . mere, nrnt nH I ! be tblffh- OfJ MtSS LretUe iBrv-; indemnify owners; pjAe.tplricipated slayea in rono itico. . .. At.&Winfu. thJSQJwts rirxploaiOH in the.idesburg iaraeaJ,kaiaaed b jllieJ creating up oi conaemnea metallic amu nition. A boy was!Mer&na 20 others se- 1 A dispatch from Giatenan, Canada, says three dWIii wjule -ftitf ftflrti&ft a ousn, were attached ana Kiuea dv a near. Only the feet "and arms of thtf Children tin; be found, , e.f : ,,,! I OOISBSXIC HIARKBT!I. ; ; ! New X oiuruguBt ' fc itoon L4 i '"JMtf .hat ? 13tocks dull and steady i'iMoney 2 $ cent. ttold opened at 113 ana closed at 113. Sterling " exchange Ions: 4 87i; -short $4 90 p Government secoriUea dull r find ntpaHv": State tionrtRrtnit inrMnoroK J i Flour quiekv Wheat auiet, i and JieaTY I Pork firm at $21 6ka21 75. Lard firm I steam' 14jct8. Spirits turpentine drill at Sl I centa.;;Eosin.iuiet -at u $1.65L.J70, .fof I strained. Freights steady. Cotton: weak and nominal. with sales' of 252 bales at 14 cents for uplands and 14J cents for Orleans: i) atures opened miiet, as follows : September 14 1-1 6 ct October IS Ifl4i2ai3 .15-16, cents?. November 13 15-15 cents; December 13 2&23ii3i5-aU cts; January 14 8-32ai4 5-82 cents; Febru ary 14 6-3214 5-16 cents; March l41J32a 4.4 li-oa cenis. Money easy at It cent. (Sterling pxchanM quiet, at ,8?iN, Gold weak at IISIQIISJ. Government jsecuxHesdqlt State : bonds j Kjr,"; uo iAUs jquiet and lower. UommeradL Cotton weak and Vnominali'with.'saleii of. "23a Dales at 14i14f cents. 'lour quiet at ;$S 80$7 for common to fai extra south ern; $7 108 50 " for gdod to choice do.' i Wheat l cents lower 5 for spring; spot, and a moderate demand for f uture .deliv- :ery,.at t S9$l 89 for. choice. . No. f 1 4lf 1 43 for JSo. 2 Milwaukee, f 1 47 l 4J, .for No. . i . aprine.. 1 4S for j ,No. 1 Minnesota, $1. 00, for amber western ;.i in store, uorn opened firm, UutcJosed !eayy at 8UJi ;cents fop, steam wqsteru imixeafc qai. cenw.. jot., saumwi:cn i, jwuyw wiu. - ji i (gn4,.3pr, wuue, western. x'rii . ueay, .ax ss. . ? j -wi'it .... . J A':.; 1 1 or prime steam: new do 13 cents. Coffee gLi. fiu W-J" RvtfncKihffed '-J&Wti'S&i glasses sieaay. optnis mrpeairoe emu a v wwon no receipts., . Glares cj0seo: steady, with sales of 1.200: bales as fol- 39-3213 15-16 cts; October 18113 5533 ; cents; JSovember 13g)13 25-33 cents; De- i cemoer id 3rhbi? li-ia cenu;. Jaanary !l29-32lI5-lDV,cent8;February;14tl4; ; 5-33 cents; March 14 U&mU cents: v JiALTIilORP, Aug. 7, : ;00T5i-wD' YSfir8. I duU L9.1J?k PWions Quietlmt flfm- f mes fWtW. oe; Diius .quiet amJteady. l J"."wt?V "f Ji "ues 10 Tnf ; nams cema nata umyii.i:a1K l .1 u "" . '! .!t.-'--r'ulJ,"'.;aa I cotton maukkts. E IJbeton,. doll laliiiiijiaieat. ; miUMieipmai firm, I3f , ;14il5-grofts h receipw oaies; vnanesion, anil vI3f,, iJ-rCy.0 pLIttiqS, iUUUIlC, vOBM- e oal at 13w13j l&mUL eceiltt-2a .bales I- Norfolk, steody at 14 receipts 5 bales; So ij vannan, quiet at 13 receipts 10 balestAu-J 1 'Ddasteadyat:13T13i-rre- I ; - .jVtywf :,i-n 34 It - i .3 .. .itHwii: h .iv,.,-- : fi??": . , , l -'-i ''t'' xajum,-AQg.. I Rentes 6Cf 50c. r i : . - T-yvrhtat. Ann. -7TJ 1 m1dHng Orlteans7idv-Shlesof r0,W0balei nefthilTbelovf:miadlirfJi'-de - Sales ob basis middluur UDland rnjlL,; ing below low-ratddlfflg.SeMverable itep I tember and rOcldbetrTJWd: I Sales orshipmVnte of new'crepn abasia I of jaiddline uplanda, nothing below low I ndliigB-SIDYU M0lWS!lA I 1 1 i ' ' -. .. i - . ' V- . . . bales Amencair. -- ,:;sp3:upefiii; 1 i ie-m.fij is IT Raleisrh tsdmArains? of a iack; of telegrapJic;facnUk!s..k I'ri Second Methodist Church mi Charlotte; ' .- eighdrpppdeAd 3t51i6,' ogpty iXJ!HsIje; py aneoxing.ii aaunBtoM jii4(,'j:MMxi)(ut College and Miss Eflle Ronke were mAriW Ott U4thhist.Vtn' JEklgecotabe COBttty. " i" ' Mt. of Jlash ..chfrVwumiritbv fMrdkUi'J ilouJay, ViithjLlj iew man two cmocea ot OtoAt. wiw iii , -m Vames.i oimibv w-no iuitrdere.1 ' IVPty itf "io,,f afeC!tjauo;(ylast: hww yw !rVlI dor WhltfWIdiaalbr pftffie Baptfet-cborch, Hf- tli Xtala 'arluwitU... ri. -nTTi-nvn Xitaal fO r?r "o8gy?verety : !..-k i..,.;irJ.-.:.. ....... ... . l'!"J.'t!i Tn; oouatyv has defaulted, aad that the- Board pr Vinm88ionoriHatttnrMy hayo taken daj for. wsaahirii;adothdf ueWiJiii Huifni it'r,;o..k. a - . committed td jafl f 6rnonp,aymeu'liMc08t87 nff house: belorigiog ! lo 'laj; '. flfC WilliarasoB. a Uol SDrios'Btreof Wknowi? as tlia -Bhaat, Jlouae, atwi receotly ocou- Piedbvllf. .fJR. TTnrfprwiwvl u'ta l..,rnA.l lo tba ground thj? mof Ding, auot4 tclock, I k andnomwial at 14receipt 59 bales; -Gal-; a Maw-aal' ahA.1iut:ulJLlA .i.k . 't m . .... luAt' JJr. tern- I appiBi!eoi'geni'w( urjariotta of xUm The loss, weearBr;was covered byrinsur- Sentinel'. zQpe jjf rther haudsomeat DemocntvM6de' gaiied Ma iUState was that wbk:hWftf Acleyeby the Dem ocrals of dtevidsen county, under the gal lant lead Of Roberts and Bobbins, aided1 by, JohniTyl6eqJilwnh&iablefpeni aadl CoL MarshairiLPinulx; "and others in th field, and 00 claimed Davidson Democrats Scarry " it by nonor to uanason i Xii'.i -'ft UMifth aval! b i .1- i .. , f 1 - - '-j., .' - i i j i 5 J J ' i i 1 1 ft i i 1 W I L M IN G TOIT 'ij1vr:A Tl TTKT. , , startpotpvA SPJJIITST.URPNTTNE, Receipts 540 caisks at 27 cts bid for Sputbora packagesi but no sales to report. lj? ' dgaNec steady at $1 35 forStrained,' but no sales: lo reporfef! vj cr.v,. ;i x:st? Wot CRTjDETtlR bbls. j)&les:ipf1597bb,a!at $3 .OOfoYirgin f OQ fotiyellowsDip-and. at;$l 15 for riard. JuarKet steady. COTTON. Receipts 29 bales. No sales PqPfflcialqyonalii;t;tciT ,;;.,!T I'orK'1':. jsavrnj'' . Morea."''' UMrket, ' yvjjvanaii.'lT'" ' ptrits' 'urpe'ntine was in moderate !de nand, and : the jmarket cho-wing-ratlier a lull toueu UAtthd slifiJit jdeclio4 poted last ;veaing,r: howeyerr .JioWera ? were,,preuy steady and offering stocks with moderation. Bales of 50 bbls.at41ic..and,70.bbls at . 82c much variation jlberel tf as coDsUlerable looking, around by exporters, but they figured closely, and: did not purchase to any extent- Sales of 700 bbls No. 1 and pale at 3, 754 62ic. Tar firm but quiet. Jitch rithbut chahire. n-J 'l :o ; 1 ' ; - AfterJChanse. there .were, sales of , 270 bis. (small bbls) of strained rosin at $1 80; Isdin spirits turpentioe, lUflf bbls at ' 31 lc for Southern), and 32Jo for New Yorka,; ! The telegraphic advices .to-day were: Mverpobl-:-6pirits turpentine steady at 23s; common' rosiat ptfiadv atu 5. London . fepirits turpentine .dull at 22s 3d ; common jrosin;isieady"at'5s 8J. " -H'-"? lo Kfifj.'oTE. MARINE; , ( . .. v ARRIVED. Steamshm Raleiffh. Oliver. Baltimore. A rStmiL D.Miircliison. Garrasou. Favette-. MlleiWHHaBas &UrcMsonv ....-rj j 1 j Stmr Dixey, Jacobs, Smith vine, O G IParsIey & Co.J , ! Schr J M FitZDatrick. Cranmer. 18 davs jfrom. Philadelphia- Wprili & Yorth, -with jltt tons ofjcojfl. .4; "l CL12ARED. I Stmr D Murhison, Qarrason". Fayette !vJl)eYiBlto$!iS(Mirei3oa. f. 1 Stmr Dixey, Jacobs,'SmithTiHe, : O : G I'arsley ce Co. ! j ..- Br Brig, Itq Gjueen, Hopgood. Bristol, DeRosset&'Co. COASTWISE. 25 bags peanuts,, G pkgs indse. FOREIGN. cbskj spiriia,jiuw uuia rosuLt i"; ' JUKGELL ANEOTJS. ' FINK STOCK OF ; , . v I f .(1 .0'. vVAaAi;?iV.)'-l' '-u. .'t.-i-MT -..JUST1; RECEIVED AT t.. ;j n -t.i U .. V "k-.j br-r GEO IIOXNET'S, i .M5vtf V-.;i cjiiit,t63Matket.S2reeti;t aEXOUBSIQN.r i - - - stonewall IHlsiNo. 1 K. of P. ' r - T'dcaclayf August :iOtb;i . TWm STBAME WAOCAMAWf ?HW uuu t ix v cioek a. as; anarD. xoran axenr sfori to Hinitavfflo'aiiii Rlu-lt- Vinh (4rnnn1 : mil m-M' tinnBo'cteakT'. M,'- ; " , Ticketa far OeatleaaenT? . , : H'.Vi'. .V.'tT W 8rrant8 sccompanytng families,. . v;niiaren unaer 0 rears or age S rears of-aofre.J---"" BT Tickets for sale a? Heinsberget's.and Yte' YkX'D...-. TI . I 1 - . n . .. . fc" 1 1 . . ow oburcB, noma ewi otana, ana ny id uhd-; m Ufarul ' 4h nJ Iks Ka v.ik.. JlIiaTiTASSariT. w. ta.iT.r .r'rTT':;?..' . . ' n.i.i !n 1im if i 11 1,1 1 "1 .'.if r-ri '..i.i;..-T iJUSII.-t--Jltj'l-, That we are offering the balance of our . r.i. - - Spring? and ! finnmiI StocUTof V i - .- 1 ( ... i i 1 .'A'A'V-KH Ma. BOY'S 'AND J ' 7. buy.1 JTV.3VtiA ALWAYS. '2 y.SH-rtUVX". V TO ii.-.i HOOP IRON, 00 liaicl !; TOBACCO. -A NAILS, .well selected SNUFP, oUAUS, T .IOW I uonsij 000,OSt .-. .. c kw'k.omaa.ijjjur.Liuj'ULN i-uulnu a itAMS. 1 ..,'. ro r of For sale . hy i( r Cy'), 1 .; ' v. . :t SI-Jt 'Jli EDWARDS'; HALLfe tsi A !tB.l t.t:?rO-f?airf r tT7-'i3fjlC's''TT-ikJ?A2!iJ; td. I " J I I -'. PIUS. laai-nofllNotth: Ain(kicakrl -j.i.?MlmdrffehIa.-J Phenix Insurance Company.... ...New York. N. British A Mercantile Ins. Co .London. SprJngfleldF. kfcMIns. Co.... ....Massachusetts. MarcantHe Mutual In& Oo... i.v.Naw York i ids. co. of NortkAmeiea.UU..r1iiladelphia. PMrUfe Ins. Cp,.Hartford. tbe stoma The Republicans T riiw 's by edmaiorit'Thife f -etort&lT 1,25 dCrosio, 341 do spirits, 20ff do. crude American, ft sack.... lSS-ab W. lS&'c&too. 13i-sheefjfc- woAa-gBba, .......... CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, " l Wfd sueh'nvnr ttntyou are bound to bay. u Dy MOLASSES Ac. I ... . . .. . . VtJrV: I I 1 f IfiO VWjn Cnrinn u 7mmmh - rLV?:: gf1 wtwl -rr.i v8 . nrkil Mili-l i;iiJlU I New Haaover County Bonds no vearsW . OnTTHinPiilI ...II. T TTCIOin I BtTiTi inn : WilOLESALE J?ICJB8. -f 2 tSf. Oar qnoutaona, is saoald be unaerstood, went jher- wiOletale, p,t,i gmral.. Jtlf i?1 ffp Bdkall'orderi higher prtce tiATd fti fcharjje 13 unnniA Anrnnr Doubl Anchor " A'V? U IS 3 o i i - HI.' , : - . .. iSj .......... . Ei. ..'J''irmtir"-''-' 103 neon the Hoof -.i: a i;u.Li;c li:: :-..!8- $AJiEJLS--tJplEa TaipefittiieiS ras.o sea. New CltT. eacff"rrrr ro8e aw i bkjssvvax W lb 28 4 80 BRICKS-WamlagUSyM 8(l 10 00 ; I Northern 03 it, 14 00 BUTT EHr-JNptxh Uaroiiua. . CANDLIfiSSpem ,tt,,..w Adamanone. 1b...i.-wi.. CHSE-rNorihai Factory O .S i own. w h.... .....--. COFFEE -Java, SK . ua ;(;. S5 it .: 16.00, SO . 8 60.t J 60 a .- COTTON TIES tt 9 . pOMESTlCS-8boethig.i-, yd ' i am, y onncn.i..4......ti. f Aati Acitert!!, NO. i, p bM... . no.i4 bbii.w.... ..... , i Mackwel. No. , :. bbl .. . . t No. a, V Jrf bbl.. . ...... -i Mackerel, No., J bbl......,, y Malleta. bbl........,.,. 'lKl,lemBf bt- . . Dry Cod. S & ............ U00 CU as UO , Kft ' 00U abouti1 200V" All F .HWes, tol. IZwillz. i;.0O,.. 860.; PLOUR Fine. bbl...... .4 60.. a-6 09 600 6 00" 6 85 T 00 ; 7 26. 8 00; 0-00 , . 0 00 .0-00; ! 0 00 00 CO a 00 00 00 00 & 00 00 80 00 " c 0000 : 00 00 60 U0 60 00 .66 00 00 00 & 40 00 00 00. 4500' 8aper. Northern, bbl.... Extra do.; bbl..... FaaUv - t,V. (h 9 bbl...j U City Millupar., W fiw.,,., , , Extra, fi bbl...,. rattXM.iaKK-- .,- v. ...... : feruvtaa Uoano, V 80UU tba ! r Bangh'a Phoepbata, . . . " . Carolina FertUixor, :. Ground Bone. " : ".Fioar, :.: : - ! Navaasa Gaano ' .M.i mplet Hanurn, in ; Wbann's Pnosphato " " M 1IT J TI V . . 00 00; 67 00 &0 UO t6500 00 00 & 67 00 00 00 70 CO 00 60 J 7000 ao.ooi.4oo is. n , 1C5 110 ' i Beigar .Bai PBoapbi f U ujuua n. .. ..... GftAlN Corn,lE stoi store, ? 60 fta. i ,,Oom,;Carg6i-68Ba..,..;! 17 Corn,:' Yef i ttlahat..V.'.v..i e,,Oau, Whel.;.;-.;.J;....l -: -i l,VOW,- uiDits ureen, v v.... ........ i Drv.8 T , ' -, . . . ...... ... ! ; North Krver, ft 100 B hoop;. LARD Northern, B " .7 .''ag.i ' jra is 1 SO vj 25 1 10 1 SO l 08 ;tio t 'oa 16 00 .1"-"--" s4 no troo SiOO S500- : ' v - ri t; : i i Shin Stuff. resawed. H ft.. I Boueh Edjre Plank. It ft.:. moo. eii . Dressed Flborlns. aeaaoned.. ScantUnf and Bosnia, com-: woo sar 4 : I ..-man. m at ik.... MOLASSE8Cuba;hnda.9 gal.. I Cuba, bbls S eai 48 1 8onr Honsfe hhds. tl pal- 3. S8 u 87 8t 40 80 ' 4 00 475 "18 0000 110' 15 1 00 , 10 1 40 160 " 75 000 ' ' 8S8 860 . J3 60 S60 00 00 00 00 " 00 00 0000 " oo uo oo ; r.'o 8 'j.DO ' 00 i SO' 180 - ' 4- 6 V-3j .': 75 00 w 1 10 1 10 r 1 CO ., . : 8X .08 0 - i 1 Syrnp-bbls. fl gal........... NAILS-Cut, 4d to SOd. ft kej?,. . OILS Kerosene, ft gal.....w... , Linseed, ft gal...... - Rosin, w eal.. PEANUTS It buaheri.....,.. . POTATOES Sweeu ft buahL ? rrisn, Kortnern, w dm i,.;. . ;POKK ortnern. City Keaa. . . tmb, w obi.;. ? Prtmo. ft bbl - Rumrir bbl RICE Carolina, ft t. ....... " Roajrh, l bur.h... .....i. i. UAGS Country, ft ...... . iwris-.&...vs A-Con.ea.itf ....., 10 i Kx. C ' . , ' Crushed. WTb... 'Sox 6 NniP Vmtlinnl Ml . v... . . v uivi T w.. . ...... SHINGLEeContract, If..... 4 Of,,-. 600 60- 00 I Cyprei-s Hearts M. ' 60 STAVBj W. O. BbLt ft M... i.t SO 60 S3 00 tma.,a.1i, , Cypress, ft M.:...... TALLOW-S S .TIMBER Shipping, ft M ....... -;mSf1ML::::: ' . .. . t . 31 " V. ii 00 00 00 00 ' 18 00 DO 00 . 08 ' " f 17 .0000 V 19 14 00 ! 8 60 10 00 4 00 600 t 100 600 176.. t 66.;. Inferior to Ordinary, ft M vtij&ivui XMonnem, gal.... NprthCarohna, ft gal.;.!. 70OL-Uawaabed, ft ...... ... w Waahod. ............. . 86. v40 RATE? OF FBEIPUT. Per iSailina Per Steamer. ' ToNw Yoak." Crude TurDeatine S bbl 0 45 0 Va Vmi a a m !'i"ar v nor.:..' : . Rntl TnnwnllnA S2 Kil 0 80 0 8H1 60 0 86 LIS S & 86 a 0 00 i r - --rr. ;lVbai;'J,'" 40 0 001 TOO 0 00 0 00 i 0 OO i . S .t .86- O tOJr lMO Oi ls . JJ a IT - U5?a a5 JfS' 0 09 0 6M -i 08 0 501 liTarfi btriv1'13' " i I spuTurpen ft bii 0 00 Ml 00f I'ttosin W noi 0 00 0 SO 60- 600 080 0 00 010 InoSodWbalal 0 000 75 00 0 10 tOO 806 i r v 0 i.lO ou To BaiAnataaa. I Crude Turpentine 9 bbl 0 00 O00 6 46 00O045 far y 004 0 60 046 0 9 W 0e5rt5 AT.l.TT.r'"" -lK;vS I .2 221 9.1 i SSSJaaKSfcia '-yv 000 011 I r'-T"" 1 t ... wb ,u J 0 00 8 00) :6 60r XA 0 00 0 60) r "f O6O 6& 0 00 0 00 OOOt oo. oof : Oft 0 90 i?2 S 21? B UU 0 O0I Puit.-ftluhel.... 0 w .1 ooq TL yt . rx OOOj I Lumber l ! Lumber ajM..k AO 00 ucotaoa. firiljlIIlAU'lVlfAV011KX' 'T i' irtf;.,k Baiamore, . r.; . .t.". . cosion..... ........... ( " . Exchange 80 davs 8 V cent Interest added ta anova. Bank of New Hanover Stock ; 1 8 First National Bank..-r.-..-.-.. ;-. ! 0.1 Dawson Bank los Wilinington BuUding Stock,.' Mechanics' Z-.i tik, ..... .. 108 Navassa Guano Co. " i 135 N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon 80 j P 5'wi--..ti..' Do. SpeclalTax.... f 4 I J JSrLf'r Kauroaa.i. 48., 1 t W.i. W.B-B. Bondr y cOeld lntj.0 ' j ; f f Carolilii Central R.R.4HwidB,6 ftc.'.W 3 J 1 1 C a Railroad " WlLGasLicrhtCo. " WU. Seaside R. R. . " ... .00 a linonrCreEnquireiv .- " . 'f .: KIora and Proprletora. j.' TJIRER IS TUBLISHED AT ; MOW- on county, . u., every 'I'uesday, at S3 00 a year. The Enquikib circulates extenalvelv rtv throughout tha bounUee of Aieon, Union, Chester- fieId and Lancaeter. and reaches a vry large num- tatelltKeat.ieader.-' t r .: .f -H r am mercnants or w umington will and u to be eaQof the best advfttaing: mediums on theCaro. bana fide circuiaiW Tinh una c;enirai itauway, as we guarantee as la . i..a . "AAoaeex sept 6-tf The IXUIaboro a ec order, l J ikV r' j., i THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATU. Cnt eulates axtenalvelv la:onLn.. uiit uriiAininn counties. Subscription price $3 SO per aim ant Published weekly.. ..r'r---, ; -V - . ii roroiniGB,- v. 00 BuhmJiBW k -"rl f ;thkqugh bixl8;OFladpg,.gi JL 1 iJ? i - S ii I . " 7 a fin ' I t r ry . fi ' j i. "Tied. m it?(.:a ' r "ouuiniiQ iLLUDiiiMiiiJ.Auiir ' frT?7. . r. , I w- W. Railroad Stock .....f7a 1 ' !:1-fr w i oe8- JS-ilfoy amf Prfpritii!f ,,. rep x Tmr-r"w- r-N r-u i -n ;tt ofii a tv . Published at Marlon, S. C $3 Offers tbe following liberal premiums to acribera; - ' - r A HANPapMQMyPT.G " Ja,j inKie subscribers. i AN EXT HA" COPY OP THE STAB for one year to nr Ana who will send a Club or Five subscribers. and an Engraving 1 o each iriember of the Club. ; J A LADY'S MOROCCO SATCHBLLr -OR SET GOLD STUDS, each valued at $7 50, to any sendlnir a Club of Fifteen. 8 0 i TEH DOIXAKS IN GOLD for a club of twenty- nve, twenty-ftvjb dollars in greenbacks I And have marked them at stqcd. prices aa i': daft riot JfailJto insVre thei ir a Club of Fifty. I I diale'Sale. 'M'Hl hlv bm nl 'itmnfm (' ,Jv.;f.soi -su .T.?J Zi-)j--i .i-ji tor i FIETY DOLLARS IN GOLD for a Club of Hundred. AN ELEGANT FAMILY SEWING-MACHINE, 1 vviicox tiiDfis, T0rtB f boror a cmooi une dred and Ftftts :Ai . v"-hS-- With a little energy and enterprise, ome lady gentleman in. every neighborhood might get, one more of the handsome premiums aSered. - i Premiums promptly paid on receipt of names ac com earned bv the cash. i Monxt may be remitted by. draft, .Post . i j j r . i i i .i .. . ...... oruer, or 111 renai erca wsiier a 'our rie jt. ' j Address all letters to ! W. J. McKERALL. Editor. declMf . , t ; Marion, 8. 87 -1 wx - - 00;,. : 00 ,f; a Oiir Dox Box HALF, DIME OCT iJ r .t 60, v . jQUARANTEED TO BE AS GOOft X'., as your.CJgar dealer seUs.ya j For One Dime, i , , or no sale by D. PIGOTT, i . ; ; ! July 11-tf : ' '" 'V Shelby Aurora. "w H '11' WM'l'm'vr rra" mre . "" fpHH ATTENTION OF THE , if uxrspqsss heist : op avtlmington Is called to the above-tttled paper, which,' beia pubUahed at Shelby. N. O., the terminus of the C C. K. is one of the best mediums in Westers Cairo-, lina through which to introduce, themselves to ths' jl raao or mat portion or the State. Kates for adver- MBtngveryuoerai. . Address: t : feb28:tf; , r' "PUBLISHER AURORA. j.V : .' J : A - XN; 'ACCORDANCE WITH sf AN ORDINANCE feaaseovhy the Boardof Alderm,n of theCityufl i ' Vn - Molio?do(4?nne JKW 0(.. A . Ff j!? an? 7-tf Cftv Marshal. N. C. BACON. . 3,500 XBS.iNoCa8Ides. . , , , , , .; . . INo Ca Shoulders, ; . Vary superior, and fpr sale low by U7-t j.5!t j,;,!. -Vn DahOSSET CO. The Ealeigh .News, 1 PUBUSHZS BT the NKir.i pnnrHiNiiva Dvoted to the beat interests of the State of North Carolina; to the saree8 of the Con eerrativ party, tha development of the hidden wealth of the State, .uro vnnpp vx uuausnuiuu uiin our. miaK. aiur advancement of the welfare of our people in every- jaoig mat serves 10 maiu - a state prosperous Independent. u - Advertising Columns will be found of fereat ad vanf age,as the Daily enjoys a very targe circuiauon, and is aouble that of Daily published in Raleigh, and the Weekly circu 4hju BTery county m lam oia'e. itates moderata. ! Pay-one jear.:..,.; ' ... S 06.!' i " 6 .mcntlu .... " a kl . l ' Weekly one year. ......, eeitiy-:oue year... , . J OOt IX I WUUNJJ, CAMERON. Editor, JORDAN STONE. Associate Rliinr I X; v IS. June !Ttf THE BAPTIST "REVIEW, An Independent Religions Ne wt- 1 paper.. .i It supports and defends the doctrine of tree area cy, and Personal Accountability. It advocates the ooctnne or the unlimited atonement ; and believes that salvation is attainable by all persons who hear ana nnaersiana me gospel. advocates the Union and Communion of all Christians at the Lord's ta ble regardless of Denominational or Sectarian dis tinctions. AM -vindicates - the cause of Christian Union upon the basis of the New' Testament.- It recognizes Christians of an evangelical Churches as coKperaUoi.amoag the trbtestant'denomfnatteBB n' the work; of evangelizafion. It. advocates Im .-. v. . auu WTWUKB 1 . w" i7ii uvwvi uapueiu Hicnuup bm Liie uujt proper moae oi naptism and fiWga - l ! ' , T1.,. SrCBJPTIQNBATM ' -l One vear . ?. s '" ; - fTtrh;'- .ri Three mbnt fa,S; ist FrtjcbtBdute toaU-pdiat8Horthor South. ' r TIvrTttrl -r- Mi! vBALTlMOREvj'j . yii ij; I ,j i. PHILADELPHIA. J ' Newton, Ni C. iTtralNESS MEN" OF WILMINGTON WILL :-M tod it to be to their Interest . IT 1 i To Advortli In tW ttndl.. a I - whicA B6d circulation in Lfncom, Catawba, I Burka and Cttdweli counties. WtMrtL I jWarreiij Edrecombe, Nash and Northampton, In the I tisasc-- raoerai termaoaereq t yearly adverusera. 1 1 ' L. V. ERWIN. 5 v! JaalWfi.1r tt t nioa PnbiiakerV I I jflllK - l.ll -T llllr. ITlT.flrPRT. Tff. THE'. iMERCHANTS" OF WIT- mineton.and elsewhere, suoeriar Indue, menu k. at 2 1 n.l-i . : . ' Advertiser who desire to reach purchasers should advertise in the GAZETTE, . .4 f -fit ttr. l-; -2 rpTHE ON LY -ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY I IfN m. IU6 CUUalk -AlIFUL.lMFe". WfTT.V dWfltTln , flAn. x tic ui ri 1111 ill I icr ui lob nui rnnKra 11.1.1 wth a Saturday, seib day of Jane, 18T5. The Publisher intends making it aa Illustrated record of tbe times. ; -I -. wtU treat of ; , every topic Pol tical, HistoeicaL. Literary and Scientific, " which is of current interest, and give the best illustrations that can be obi ained, original or foreigntT r 1 Je P? L,00" iaeBuux-iaajaa.uw'lCAXBDAGlL will be on new type, ana Heavy book paper. list of cont tntmtore win be found the names of many of the best writers in the South. Serial and short st tea, poems and eketcheeii and welt con t auctea editorial denartmenta. eivian th . iiaj ,., ducted editorial departments, giving, tna : latest oer-t I eonaJnterlwy,yecfentlfic. OoliUcaC 15150 5' !1aaa Journal for the fireside;,. several eolomna VZStfltiVSRtt rttal"g todp-, tainioB tivrln . ' f''"'. : j.-.uinuijr ruutijo. PC WllOOUtUL. i SubsciipUopprlce only $i per wnum: Posteue' free. 1 tl DlfnDTTir' T JIi." 1 iA 1 I 2 ' ; " T- .---.--" . , . to advertis their ousiness In Its columns. Having a I ""'..'""r r'ulB uyiix" .MwwwriammpujpMa. y: ; Taldable Advertlst ITIedlum. ; -1 f j ; .1$ . W, . X(U KH A Ij'o,; Agent Baltirnore tkne, 60 Siuth iiBalamoreTi ' ' I the head of navigation on (the Wateree river, at - ... ' ' I ' A - . . inne 10-tf . Italeigh, N. C,: i i -7 1 1 1 f, , , , 1 - 7 " T' ' ' ' i i mi - ' , . '. .--.-", . -. -. ' .. . -i: a ,j..vyj&KS1iffi eijx;il u&Yi. : ,Imx?1 eub - : 4 - p I ? A RB BOTH rVTAHM ANDFULLY SATISFIED WITH THE TRADE THEY 'HAVE DoWW,, XX past season, bat are-still derirouB toclose out a few email lota previous to taking w. THe I .tt.-oxi :tiit iS fyth-)4 itkt-t Cit i AligMlr-viin! ll-j -' . " ' OF on ! T QU.NT;:c).lf sto.c k, One ; A . Eisconfit cl 25 -per cent, will iiiyi - t-4-" or Or T. - I j '--.-''Genl '-1 A ?:.! j j.wua:ejr aunts a .t;iiiii-j-j- Office i 5J.!'tysTifH U l.'ia AouW hs--ii .! O, - - - r'..:';, T-'rr:; fit ill-f si? t j t(H AGENTS FOR FRANK Halune Needles ;5 ;: cents ? eaclL ' ; ;; iRMs, cash on July 25-tf Piydes Wevryork andJBon tines. Fast Freight Bqpt to : dnesday ;and Wednesd , . BOSTpN ANB! , : NEW YORK AND WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP COMPANY; CONNECTINO WITH TH h. OIBgCttl 0 KTi E AILE0A D AND STEAMERS: DAILY, BETWEEN Ht'f Boston Between New York and Wilmington, UMI I Shippers may rely upon the prompt and Regular all Shipments by this Route.. . .- ana Connecting at Wilmington with the wnmingtOB, Columbia and! Auguati.lRailroad, Wiiminetou an.: w eiaon itauroaa, inc uarouna central lumway any - THROUGH BILLS OF LADING GIVEN TO ! J '- r7 vAKyiLNA , liKUKiilA- AND AI.AKAlfl ,. i ... '-'New York;- Boston; Providence, Fall Elver and other Eastern cities. '. ' RATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS BY ANY THIK ROUTE AND TIME AS OUICK. I Os .- , . OR OVBRCHANGES PROMPTLY PAID. " H1 113 MARK AZZ GOODS VTA! Further information apply to either of i the undendehed AtrerAa at tho T.fn D. D. C. MINK; - ' c General JSaatem Agent. J i- r . i?, mi hv - r"-: .. ; v " r . -!iMARciri8-lf inui Baltimore and Sotitlierll Steain Transportation Company. .A ,x .VIA. WILMINGTON; N;1 torn fciiil 01 -.v;;;.,:; - j.: i " " ' "' '! . 1 5 J ; ' DaUimaw. .J . uiltnlnAvf An Tina Mif i . i It; - BetMUT. i'Fr v Ii:!?' Taetdayi aud lrlaayv ia Si . vii.f.v INT) FROM WIIkMINVjTON-'jKlif WKDNB8DAV AND JHATVt4.1AX. o j..,.. . ? BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE, ; j Baltimore, Boston . and Providence Line or Via. Canal Daily to PluTadefehlaVand J T' t' ' ' CLYDE'S PHILADELPHIA AMJ.'PRjoVTDENCK LINE. ' It 7i t ".m iiii.,i4 ml-jffisc v7: i,is. .ljjr -Hint A ' tfCb'J Baltimore, PhladilhiA, Bostoa, Providence and A. O. C A Z A Agpt i!J bit: i :i i-:-" v ;i PllbtOjgraplis i i;H li-J'jill O F OUR FlftHUYlJ BB WITH' f&RB LISTS furnished 61 applicatfon' by miVk A .mar lS-tr Tk A t.kVlrtlrt'-C 'AA Vl " mm 1 .'.1. 11 j r iim, . Mil V; Coffee1 Jand Cheese. I -BV-. . - " ,w w sw V i . , - - -: - . . . . - v ...r. J J"J nitVk.'in,VjBHi)i nortaeaat cor. Alarket and Se'eoa'dxia: juiesoy . v-'M'1" Uiu-iiaiU'ittit T 1 Tmiiniilul 't.AAiit I .III.II..I...I . . 1 U'e'4r '. . 1 1 ...... . 1. . ! EJ ABTI8 nae oaWhaUA ti.y AXIZUUX it rt 1 1 ( . sr wwa auu uiauaiai iiZjziL . f iV"f lu mepasementoi tnemrceu House; wlritftfb tovltei hiaold friends and theiufc la im we 1 oa n 1 1 Aa I . a. 1 . . a . r . - I Ha,aaa,i IT L '" 7.. SZi.lZ! f i 8Ph ooe al theakor I xrTi J- i'TTTi-ii.-. a'; jLi J :... t ND AtetVtNG BY5 eVery fiTK A 4trim i ' kUi,,pP'T., d:!torge, assortaient .of.NaUa, H5eVlSlm , a" Je or Hardware used around a honsu or l"it AH for sale 'ow by " ' ' - - .- .......... - ., - . 11 . . I.J 8 - aaua AO M - i ..1 - i ! t ..- f SI; ! H s . . ... iiiiw HI r lrnnie- f K-..r 1 lev Bi?eii off air :Eemnants of Dress I ' . . . . . .... i ' ' White Dress Shirts, uuanin Pj p:se, DEB, , . .v. guaranteed. - iiU LESLIE4S7UT PAPER PATTERNS. Ut.t' j:Jt i ::. ::n .';: ;i-;! to, .V.j-,.;! .. - v ; ONE PRICE? a'j.-;is.H;.iu:-.i-tstJjiri:.y;i; . ' . ' BROWN A; RODDICK. VIA: WILMINGTON, N. Ci 'SSS. ' aU Points Kprtli or South W llV.,,:. . , ? KI-WEEKi.Y. SAILING FKOM NKVt Yh, ;9atiirday luy'Eii. rk '-ij ...f T ( . i tl Wednesday andaturday, Xrpm each port. Sailiag of these Steamers, And quick diflDalcliVv- a.-'----- .. 'T",.-1 K j ., ana WO. i car ju ver steameia. . AND j FROM ' ALL; POINTS IN NORTH AND BOLT.u CL TIDE'S : WlMlftGTON LI Ah A WM. r. CLVDE CW.. General Aeenta i i.-hI s ; :h:kVJ -jMj.-trj,.x. .New York Line L 6 Bowlinjc Green, New Y(,rk -i-tt tVAZA.UX Agent, ... Baltimore and New York Lines, dfxli Ufi;fUL-. WilmingtonN: i'::.- kt-,i.K d-u. i.f sin r T 'I. '- i. . as. 5 .Ui.l .'.'j i;r j. ... . - . ( JMUUiaore :iasa wiuniiigtoii .line-- .' . , Between Baltimora an Wilmington, Ballimoare and Philadelphia St Bt. Ca i naiij via. canal, H Between Baltnaore and Philadelphia. V; J'. f '.WESTERN CITIES. : : 'Baltimore and Wilmington Line, ' ortbera Ceatral Railroad and the Baltimore auu Arjhltf lii 3,, yhloSallroad. -ilhtO All OJ CAROliNA, GEORGli fair ALABAM 'i:h 'in 1 51 ;:" 1 -.u . -V,.,,... .-..' - other Eastern cities, . low a r- Baltimore and New Yor Lines. Wllmfnrton N. ; J i" " . 1 ' f - - ?0tJBLlTlED EVERY WEDNESDAY, at Wade-il-bo-o':W. ci nly.oao dollar per year. ; ' I BrighWcheerfuLpcogreeaive. a ways up to the ai Vancing ihoufchts of the times, the Hxbald take rank with the leading journals of the day. It is he side of 1 hristiaaity. ; Tbe HratXD la devot u ttte family efafcle.ff H contains original and eli c' tftprleswit, humor. At ; every iamily in the lend (should subscribe' for It ! Iu low price (only c-bi d l arp aces U within the reach of every one m the laod.t: WepayanoaUg j.m - i ..' j ... ii-jzxz r .ij f it READ .WHAT THE f RESS THINKS OF US , ; TheirmjisaSrf0Wa Having some Of the -abiest writer lit north Carolina at tached ; to k staff.. . There . is enough humoron reading In it to sake one laugh for a week enough .... v. . n . ... . . n..k.iwr : July 15 tr ; "FntW-Ti'li JJ ji x.:T1a.:.m it-' " j ! AiierieanionirrtJ&a, IE THE. ONLYJ PAPER PUBLISHED .IN CA Uwba county, and has an extensive circolanoi. among mercbaate, famters, and ail classes of duc-; nosamenintheStatej The PRESS is a ''!'w'kir! r-trirUitkrifTkV,ttn. ' i v..SiJ.' '77. jiH.;.i. ...... . v m-vev. you. jolly im ine next comes. jow' ( Ga ) KtMt. ' We refer to the publiaber of this Pper OnoR. aAdKs,i HERALD. Wadea- aad la a desirable medinat for advertising in V estcru North Carolia v ' Liberal terma allowed on yean? advertisements. 1 ' Suoscriptioii $ln advance;' Addrees : 2 .! i ... JuUKRILI A TOMLINSON, i mar 86-tt . . .r . .... , . Editors and Proprietor. ; ". .. UlLiCS MURCHISON. I

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