I ; a i t i i.ri 1 1 i-g 1 - i 1 ; :'!. 8 ll -a V 1 ! V HI Mb ! it i n .,? Pi : s. h i; :f3 .-ft -:? m - : : git ' 11 lit Hi l it I fg - i'i 9 'A 6 i WILMINGTON, N. C: Thursday: Morning, Atfd? 12;718f7?. BY TELKGKRAPH. NOON REPORTS. . - ENGLAND. Troops Leaving Constantinople for -M Herzegovina BnnUtt and. JPru sian Frontier Guards. . '? y i . i ;. London, Aug. 11. A telesram la Uie Times from Constanti nople says 2,000 Turkish" troops left for ; Herzegovina i JileK." - " - ' 1 ,The Pes? publishes an account -of a sen- ous scume oexween Russian ana rrussiaa froutier guards. The affair 'wag provoked by the liussians, who trespassed on uerraan A',' THE BLACK HILLS. miner , Departing Beports of Gen Crook and Col. Stanton. r,, J .... .-, ,., Cheyenne, Aug. 13. Geo. CrooK and Uoi. Stanton- have re-i turned from the Black Hills and report that the miners are preparing to leave the coun try. The mountains are iau 01 quartz, ami if capital and skilled labor will develop the miners, they will prove to be equal to those of Colorado and Nevada. There . were 1.500 miners in the Hills, who fcave done much preliminary work. ; ; I NW YOBK, Deaik of Hon. William A. Graham Absconding Revenue Officer. j ' ' Sakatoga, Aug. 11. Ex-Gov. William A Graham, of North Carolina, died of organic disease of the heart, at Congress Hall, .this morning. He came here about three weeks since and had been confined to his room four days. . f New Yosk, Aug. 11. A Si Louis dispatch says Jno. A. Joyce, late revenue agent, has absconded : from that city. -He was under a $15,000 bond. KLECTC1C ' SPABKS. 1... ' -! McCrfiery's majority in Kentucky "for .Governor 13 nearly 37,UDu, witn 24 counties to hear i rone l , ' The Cincinnati Gaxelte has letters from 120 county seats, in Ohio, where the flood occurred, and they represent crop prospects mucii Dctier inau was expeciea. San Diego advices represent the purser of the steamship City 01 Manama as. reporting that the revolutionists 'attempted' to sack San Alas, put, they were defeated and 41ed. Halleck & Brown, charged witli 'compli city in the recent U. 8. Treasury robbery. waived an examination at Washington and were sent to Jail. Bail was fixed at $40,000 By an accident on the Denver and South Pass Railroad, James Smith, telegraph re pairer, 'was killed, and Mrs.-Jane Lane and daughter, were fatally injured.-" -A rinmbef of others were severely hurt." OUJt NIGHT KEl'OBl'BS, -WASHINGTON. Yellow Fever Intelligence Tlie co lomolan Hepnblle's Tronliles Ad vices from American Naval Officers. J j . . " Washetqton, Aug. 11. : - Gen. Brennan telegraphs that there have been no jiew cases of yellow fever or deaths from it at Barrancas. Every patient is r.onvalfisnnnt -A The Navy Department has advices datedJ Ts a e m -ft ' 1 x aaama, a-ug. u,irom uapt. Bimpson, : commanding the United States steamer Omaha, regarding the troubles there. Presi- " dent Mira arrested an English subject named Taylor, Superintendent of the Gov ernment Tvorks - The British Consul ap- , plied to Capt. Simpson, his being tbe only war vessel there, as the officer of a friendly wer, ti intervene; STSnbsequently Taylor was released without Simpson's interven tion..''. ' - . . : : y i ':-Cttpt..;Siapsoh refers to . the troubles id Magdalena and Bolivia between State and Federal troops, 'saying it really . seems as if a general war- in Colombia la imminent. Tl Omaha has been r instructed to re main at Panama during the disturbance, for the protection of American interests. ; ; j Rear Admiral Collins, commanding tbe SoBth. Pacifie squadron, has been ordered to repair .to , Panama in his flagship, the liichmohd.' i v : v j ! The; Department will order the rsteamer Shawmat, how. at Hampton Hoads, to pro ceed to Aspinwall to look after American r iiteresta oo this side of the Isthmus: r,-r.'- ) RALEIGH, Deatb of EHBovernor CrahamUon or-td HU' nemorr-EIectloff " Ke ' :t r':i;'t"S " ' ' Raleiqii, Aug. 11.: j The news of ex-Gov. Graham's death at Satatoga this morning cast a general gloom over tbe community. The flag on the Capitol is at half-mast in honor of his memr ory arid. Mayor Separk has called a meeting of citizens to appoint a guard of honor to meet the remains at Weldon on Friday with a special train. The Bar will also hold a meeting and appoint a similar committee. The remains : will lie in state in the Senate-Chamber Friday morning, and be buried at his home at Hillsboro on Sat ' iThe latest reports show that the nBlectibri has resulted in the choice of 60 Democrats, 50 Renublicann and nn TnHntumfi.ni ti gate, t t.jLJL v v LUi i,i.iia ; NKWIOBK. Pollileal Nrwp-ArreM and Beleaeof .1 Boneleanlt, Ac. v, . ; ; : New York, Aug; 11.; j Tli'e Republican State Convention meets at Saratoga Sept 8; " 'iv.tV'i " "i '! :" ; J Dion Boucitault was arrested as he was leaving for Europe on, suit of Robert M. Wade for libel. Bail was furnished and ttoucicault proceeded on his trip,. .... f & Newbukgh, Sept 11. Bishop Cummlngs, at a metting to organ- a ivc-iuiujcu Jiipwcopai enure n, saioi there wers .nqw .fifty ministers and forty congregata-ms-of thai church 4n the United Siat-8 and Canada. ,,, , . , ; , . ' :'- ENGLAND. ; -..:, : ' L Aid for the Strikers Tbe Sblpplus i . -'- Ulll. . ' V ' IX)NDON, Atlg. 11. I . The Dundee Relief Committee has given assistance to the amount' of over $7,000 to the strikers.: Tbe masters and , workmen conrinne firm. " i jo . .,- , - Sir .; Charles : Adderly's mercantile sti '5 had already passed the Commons. v , v- 0?' Chlef 8inal Officer, l '! 'W ftshlagtonVAug..ii6d85pTWi; ' 'For' theoth;- A't1Btti.:,iili-l '4. , lojidy ieaUierr rain, .with southeasterly 16 r westeriyTriffds, slowly rising barometer and o decided, change n , temrjerature " ? ISLECTKIC HFAttK". A KeV West teleerata announces the" at rival there of a --bark f nm Jamaica,-with yellow fever abgard. Oj9 death had oc- curreu. sava: , Hans Christian lAndersen was buried. to-day. i. The Kins attended the service, the whole nation mourns, his death and affecting tributes" are received from abroad. - The St Louis Globe-Democrat claims that twelve families have been compelled to leave 'Williamson county, 111., to escape the vengeance of the outlaws who rule in that county.. Many, more are arranging heir,. uusiness 10 leave. . DOMESTIC KIARKETS. ;; - jEy Xpix, AugutjlLjr-Noon. Stocks dull and steady. Money l g? cent. uoia openea - at 11a ,and ctosea at ; not, Sterling exchange long ; $4 874: short $4 904. Government securities active and; strong: State bonds quiet and better prices. Flour quiet and firm. Wheat quiet and heavy. ; Corn quiet and unchanged. , i Pork! firm mess$21 75. Lard firm steam 14 cts. Spirits turpentine steady . at 313 cts. Rosin firm at $1 70$l for strained Freights firm. Cotton quiet and steadyJwith sales of 524' bales at 14 for uplands and 14j for Orleans.) Futures opened quiet and easy, as follows September 1313 1-16 cents: 'October: 13 19-32al3 cts; November 1310-32ai3; cents; December 1313 21-32 cts; January; 13i13 13-16 cents; February 13 29-32 IB 31-33 cents; March 14i14 3-16 cents. New York, Aug.. J 1 K veni n g . JPnanctaL - ;-- Money : easy at'143 $ ceut Sterling exchange quiet but turn at $474. Gold; strong at 1133114. Government securities active and a little better new 5 s . HGf State bonds quiet but steady. Cotton quiet but steady, with sales of 1,147 bales at 14f14f cents. Southern flour is quiet and without material change in price common to tair extra f 0 So$7 15; good to choice do. $7 20$3 75. Wheat is less active and heav Corn is fairly active and about a cent lower, closing steady at 80 85 Anta fnr &tpm i!prn mtVorl K5?7?Sl4J. rid for sail do., 4i8o cents for yellow west era. . Oats active at G44664 cts for mixed western, 6669 cents for mixed State, 72 cents for very fancy white do. Coffee ; Rio quiet. Sugar quiet at 8i cents for fair to good refining, 8 7-16 cents for prime; re-: nned dull at 10flUf cents lor granulated,' Hi cents for crushed and powdered. Mo lasses quiet but firm at 4553 eta for Porto Rico, 5o5a for sugar house, luce, quiet and unchanged. Tallow hrra at 9 cents. Rosin dull at $1 6ol 75. Spirits turpen-: J 11 . n i sznc . t-. i uuc uuu uu oito cents., jrors. lower new iob lots $21 65. Lard heavy old prime steam 14J cents,' new da 131 cents.! Whisky dull at $1 23. . Freights firmer. , (k 1 i in . . ' r closed weak,' with sales of 16,200 bales as follows: AnffDSt 13 l5-1firf12 31-32 rvntat September 13S13 29-32 -cents; October 13 11-16 cents; December 13 23-33 cents;: January 13 37-32ai33 cts: February 14 1-33 14 1-16 cents; March 14 7-3214 cents' Apni cents; May 14 Ii-i63i43-aa cents; June 14 15-1G cents. ; , . ' .'a ... . Bajlttmobe. Auff. 11. Oats steady and firm. Rye dull and tin changed. Provisions stronsv buoyant and higher. Pork $22 50$22 75; bulk shoul ders 9f9 cents; clear rib 1212f cents. uacon shoulders 10i ceats; clear rib 14 cents; hams 14J15 cents. Lard firm re fined 14f cents. Coffee quiet and firmj Whiskey steady at $1 24. Sugar quiet at 1010f cents. . j COTTON IQAIIKET.H. Norfolk, quiet at 1414i-T-receipts 48 bales; Galveston, otull at 12, ' 1313i re ciput t uuirs; jriiiiaueipuia, nrra ai- loj-i 14144 receipts 243 bales ; Baltimore, quiet at 13, 1414 receipts 24 bales; Savannah, quiet at 13f receipts 8 bales; Augusta, 13f receipts 23 bales; Charles ton, dull at IS, 13J14 receipts 137 bales; Boston, dull at 1414 receipts 4 bales; New Orleans, '; qniet at 12, 13i14i re ceipts 64 bales; Mobile, nominal at 13. 131 14; Memphis, dull and nominal at 14i receipts 26 bales. ; ; ' ; r" n ' ' 1 FOIiKIGN WAUKK-ri.;;::.: ;i ' ' .. . . .. ... Londox, Aug. 11 Noon. ; The street rate of interest is net cent., I per cent below bank: - " -- - ; r Paris, Aug. 11. , Rentes CCf. 621c.., .. c LiVEiiPOOLAug l Noon. Cotton easier middhne unlands 7 8-lGd: n)jteaiisr 7-itP;rmooo oaies; lorpeculation and expoit 8,000. 5 vuivuii -ariiw quiei auu steauy. 1 Sales on a basis of midd liner BDlandsi nothing below : low' raidaline. deliverable August and September 7 1-1 6d. " ; ine sales of cotton include 7VG00 bales of American. -- : - ' - s-. v i , LrvEEPOOL, Aug. 11 Eyenihg.: j Sales on a ' basis of --middling BDlands: nothing below;,Iow .middling, deliverable November, 74d. . . ' - , : ; , I LATER; : : ' Sales of shinments of new cron Wahisix of middling UDlands. nothinsr below .low - ( NE V7 ADVERTISEMENTS BASS' PALE ALE, j B . W. AyjO.'S PALE ALB, ' ' ' : . j xounger's BparkHng Ale.- s ; ( Mnir'e Sparkling Ale, : r : x . KcEwen's (sparkling Ale. ' 't-; :; - : ? otnneBS Brown fctoat. ! : - B. Vi & Co' London Porter. 1 FIZTT CASKS "AND ' CASES, u ' ' : CHA8.. J). MYERS & CO., j ;.: n 6 &TNerth Front 8treet ; . . LOW PRICES i Best; and ; Fresliest - Family 1 Groceries. Gooasby feyery '8teainer ,u Ooeds by 8fl&'and Kail P PHI HtiK tot deUvering family Bapplie ., CUAS. !., MY8B- 4k CO.. . fcagW 4 l fj - 6 A 7 North Front Mnset. j B. RAINUKa.;vl'I. it . J.i.t iPBBKTDKJit .VicsPkksidzkt . w. i 1 4. Caeaixs HO J W.-DI .1t)tLNHON. -. J I, CUM JCINO. , i v.. . w.. . . BANK OF MAmONi SIAKIO C,'1v sfa yds uirecton Uij 3 w,-, t,a XJ. UU. W. D.-JUUBSOB.-m;-.,;.,. r, u .ri T i u.itrnm: " UUKtAfl A UUU til HUM WM. A W RIGHT,.. JNO. W. ATKINSON. ....:..WDmiDgten N.O .-- .f.i;- r. 'r. it. .v,:' - - ijo an tneordlnary rmip8B of ft Bankv ' ISfJ6" :ertiflcatee of Deposit bearing latere-X. ' - Will take nleasiira in nnnmnKuliiMiiir Hi. nr.u.J tile TOromunitie of -Wilmingtoa and other places by discoantinz finch naner cjui ha - nwAmmn(j "f Rood ay any of tbe Banks located where the par- t'litfa ''"in?; .. n' a" r.- - i ank of New H Mver.J. ,.i.5.b. Wuaunetont EBY is eomsleta In all all It tt,nnintm.u and U in cbargeof one of the mtt knifuJ workmen O ,hi- 9?at. " J'10 W"ti"p wnted neatly, lciij-iyBd fltpwSUioaeli.' t , V COMMiSttClALe .waiiHN GVT O NrM Ait K XT. T STAR OFFICE Aug. 11; SPIRITS TTJRPENTlNEReceipts 52 basics. r- Sales of 50 casks at SSicents, Mar ket firm? at 28 Cents bid and 28 J cents asked for Southern packages. r; ROSIN, Receipts ,1,013 bbls. tales of, -200 bbls Strained at ffS5.:; Market firmJ : CRUDE TURPENTINE Receipts " 671 bbls. bales of p7 bbls. at f3 00 for Virgin, $2 00 for Yellow Dip and $l '2i6VHard. ; MarkeVsteady. .. ., , 'iS-tiV i iTARir-Iteceipts- andsales. f 13 rbbls at $2 00 per bbl. Market steady."-'-"" nCTTONRecptSi i)aIe8,MarKt quStatfons norhidal. j New - vork ''Naval Stores' ITIarUei, i! Receipts to-day. 3,972 bbls.' rosin, 81i do; .oTecidedlymore active, and closes Urm. . Sales, 750 bbls at Sllci- Rosins also' were. m, neuer uemana. ne . reaucea -.xreigo- iharsres bavin? a tendencv to indnr.Q .x noMerslo take holdi Quotations werfinn! nt the close.. Sales, 11,000 bbls straineii, onl private terms; 1,937 do delivered at $1 70;! 600 bbia good, 1 75, and 250 do, 1 Tar and -pitch without change, but about steady.... ; ' 'v. ... .; . . ; . ; The telegraphic j advices to-day' were; Liverpool spirits turpentine steady at 23s; common rosin fteady1 at os. Lionuon spirits turpentine dull at 22s 3d; common rosin steauy at os oa. MARINE: j'H i - i ARRIVED. ' f f Steamship Benefactor, Jones New York,1 A u uazaux. ; f Stmr D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette- viiie, Williams cs Murchison. Stmr Dixie, Jacobs, Smitbville, O G Parsley & Co. "" CLEARED. Stmr D Murchison,; Garrason, Fayette- vilie, Williams & Murchison. Stmr Dixie, . Jacobs, Smithville. O G Parsley & Co. . NEW APVEKTISEMENTS. PARENTS Wi ILL DO WELL TO KXAMINK OUR STOCK or Boys' and Children's Clothinj. We are offering un uouuico ui our oiuck at A GREAT SACRIFICE, r A few more ALPACA SACKS left for Men's wear V V E MUST CLOSE OUT OUR SPRING AND Summer Stock to make. room for ' . .. Vi FALL,: GOODS. aug 18-tf. SHRIEK BROTHES. Stylish' Fur and Straw Hats. Traveling bags, umbrellas, &c. Ladies'. Panama and Chip Hats, At 'tJ '.. IlAERISON & ALLEN'S augl2:tf' ' -L- - City Uat Store. MISCELLANEOUS. Sale of Valuable Eeal Estate . M. CBOM., Anctloucer. rBjf CtlOXLT & MORKIS. BY V1BTUB O 9 AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH the provisions of a certain ladenture of mort feage. executed by Feist Mayer to '"l'he Bank of New Hanover," bearing date the 7th day of March. A. D. 1S72. and registered in tbe records of New Hanover county, ia book EKE, at page 84 and following, tbe undersigned, as the attorneys of said mortgagee, will ON THURSDAY, THE 0th DAY of September next at 13 o'clock M., at tbe Court Iloure door in the city of Wilmington, sell for cash, by public auction, the louowiue oescnuea piece or parcel or lend eltuated la said city, viz: . Beginning at the corner of a lot now or recently 'owned fcy A P. Repitoo and wife, on the eouih vide of Market street, and running thence southwardly along their line one hundred and thitty-two feet to Bettencourt's alley,: thence along said alley ast wardl v fifty-eight feet to another lot now or recently owned by A. P. Repiton and wife, thence wiih their line nonnwaraiy sixty -six leet to the lot of J Wf. kerson, thence with the back line of Wlikerson's let we twardlv tw entv-f our feet to his corner, thence wuu ma uuier line nonnwaraiy sixty-six feet tc li. ..I . - . . . . . aiartei aireec, mence along jtarket aueet westward ly thirty-four feet to -the- bemnnincr. and-bein? ic block 153 according to-Turner's plan of the city of ..fogT-dte,, 4,,. m Attorneya. Ml Dozen- Sold "in ftn Days. THE EXCEEDING CHEAPNESS OF . - .. . i . :- OUR :ainiirtta Shifts IS PATENT TO 'ALiL ": . Our Orders Exceed our Capacity to Fill Weekly arrivals of 13 dozen will hardly ke'ppace , - j with orders. , 6 for 07 50 Cali. i: ' ) :,:r- V ' . munson co.,' ' 1 rFresh Teas. , ... , . ,,..;. .. .. . ... . ;. . .. r : T HAVE JUST RECEIVED BY -ATLANTm X Coast lane, mv fifth invoice of Tts f mm th United States Tea Co., consisting of about thirty different varieties, put up In handsome air tight cant with screw covers, and sold at the tame prices as over ihe counters of the Company la New York At j s o woPTnuriTiia aug 1-tf Fruit and Confectionery Store. ! Bacon. Bacon, Bacon. jgrj Boxes D. S. Sides, . A , - 2 Boxes Smoked Sides, . ; O Boxes Smoked ADS Shoulders. i5 -i . t-.rl .;i ''l-l r-y. ' For sale by ' " "'. ! ' ang8tf J KKRl HNEK ft CALDER BROS. FIELD -AD FIRESIDE; YalaaMe Real Estate for Sale. BX VXRTTJE OF AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH T the provrwiens of a certain Dee of Mrtrf m., I executea ny Berry uieaves and wife to The Wilt- miDRion Doiiamg association," dated the 93d day of Ma , A. 0. 1870. the undert-imed. as Attttnutva the V;it3 of Wilmington, the following described in.-B ur iinrvri vi uira. tuute, lying .and being ii theCyof Wnmiugt)n; Beginning to the easteii tion or TbiTd una HlniiRn ntiwt ThsmM n-KA& ? 2 -i116 Jtae ?f Third Street sixty-six feet, thence ; paiun wuuhju Diaaen street one nunorea ana tnirteen reet, thence southwardly w 7 a"m buwi. nxry-Bix leet. and thence e?twaidly in a line parallel with said Bladett sttet-t ojie iinndred and thirteen feet to the beffinninei belne the western nortion of lnt -m a In Dlock nnmhevei'i SO urnnrrlinir tr ft,, tn. said City of WilmingtoB. ' : TT-. WRIGHT STEDMAN. CT vauglO-DSOd V tl jkimt Attorneys B, ' I.' McVvthm.' :-n,: J. P. Babtkwtoh. . i.-. i Hie Shelby Aurora. SHELBY, NORTH CAROLINA? ' TTrSFSING MEDIUM J- West bf CbaHotte. , Itclrculates In nearly .all of ud 4uuiie aiong me line of me Carolina Central rpaa,, anff tnroughastoh. :peveland Catawba, Rutherford nd oTk cotlatie in 1;. A?sC5 Addwsf-"' ""S .-sonntiMf Sont CaroJa? ,;.:.. : MoDUFFIB A BABINGTON, un ,0-t( ;4 ... v Proprietors, i a.iA 1 of September, a.-D. 1875, at W o'clock M., sell tor cash DV public auction, at the fionrt Hnnu Hwrr in Jflr" Oar quotations, it aaonid benaaenteod, rep eaent'ther wholesale (rices generally-; In. Waking sp small orders higher prices have to be charged. : ABTICIJS8. raiess. BAGGZNQ 3nnny; .. ... ... .. Double Anchor... .. . ... - Double Anchor "A'V ....i.i BACON North Carolina, , . . Uains, V . . . . ; v ; Shoalders, lb.,....,.."... .. v;Bides, !tb.. :o Western Smoked v ; ' t ' Uams , t.v,. ' Sides, Jb..4 . . ..:'.", ,i . f Shoulders,.... ? -; Dry Salted -4 " -KoU-;.r:.;.::.::r-,: 15 21 Q 14. & 11 J& 6 &" 18 5 On the Door " BARRELS Hpwts Turpentine,.- : Now New-York,- eachl"! 3 OS 3 60 ' a t5 a a 75 a 58 i 16 8 00. 10 00 ! 03 14 00 . ' 30;fet 5 ' ; -S6 : 40 , -S5 -:43 ! 14 -45 is each.... ..... . BUTTKK North Carolina, lb. 1 - - onnern, CANDLKSr-SDerfii J W & - Tallow, Mb v.. jjrl: . .U; . Adamantine. 1b7!?J.'PJi A-:. CHfiBSB-Northern Factory B uairy; cream v State, 9 J.... .. t 13' o 'iiy 's.frt 131 1 :30 0 ' " 38 35 ' ' 7 ;" t &tX& 1 12 - AX 6 , 8X. -"9 ; -1 16 16 00 SO 00 ' 8 60 e, V 00 18 00 13 60 ; t 60 ' ' - : 11 00 11 60 6 00 8 00 : 00 -860 f 7 4 60 S 00 i 5 00 6 00 . 6 25 7 00 t 35 8 00 0 00 000 o oo o oo ; 00 00 0000 : 00 00 0 00 SB 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 60 00 6600 : 00 00 40 00 00 00 4500 00 00 1 67 00 65 OOf 6500 . LagTiavra. ..: I corn RNli EAL bushel.. - i I COTTON TTK8 K I DOMESTICS Sheeting; -, V yd; FISa-i-Mackerel,No.li bbL.; - 1 No. 1,V bbi..... I-.'- ; ( Mackerel, No. , bbi.. .. .. v ' No. , 9 x bbi.... : f Mackerel, No. I, V bbl..,..'. . Mullets. bbl. N. O. Herring, 9 bbi. Dry Cod, lb PLOUB Fine, bbl. .Li ;.-i-r... Super. Northern, bbl...... Extra do. " V bbl - FamUv ? " ' bbl ..... City MiUs Super., y bbl. .. Extra, V bbl .... " - Family, bbl... i-'hWnllT. tthhl .. FKBTIL1ZERS Peruvian Goano, V SOW ts - Baugh's PboBphate, " Carolina FerUUser, Ground Bone. " " Bone Meal, ' ' " Flour, " Navassa Guano. - " " Complete Manure, '.. i. Whann's Phosphate -Wando Phosphate, f r t Berger St Bati's PhosnhJ H OU 00 .. fen 67 GO 00 00 70 00 oo oo , e 70 oo 60 00 00 00 GLUE 91 JO ; GHAIN Corn, In store, 56 ts. 13 17 i 1C6 . : 85 195 2 & 13V 1 10 - i-. uorn. uargo, oo si Corn, YeL, S ouaheL. v . Oats, S bOBhcl. ... Peas. Cow, bushel . 7tf HIDES-tireeiu B . Dry. fi B t . HAY Eastern; 9 100 North itivcr, tt 100 its HOOP IKON ton ; 8 : 13 1 25 1 10 1 20 1 08 16 110 LARD Northern, 9 lb - North Carolina. V S 1 LTMS V bbl.......... . v . LUMBER Citt SnuSAVKD- Shlp Stuff, re sawed, M ft.. RooehEdxe Plank, ll M ft... 17. 00 00 lfcO 34 00 noo S3 00 3500 West India Cargoes, according ' toqnaiity, y Jnit.......... , Dreesea Flooring, seasoned.. Scantling and Boaraa, com mon, Mft..... .... MOLASSESCuba,hhds,9 gal.. Cuba, bbls J gal............ Sugar House, hhds, tt gal. . - bbls. gal.... Syrup, bbls, ftrsj. NAILS Cut, 4d to 30d. ft keg.. . OILS Kerosene, y sal Lard, gal Unseed: fi gal..... Rosin. gal.. ..... PEANUTS V bushel: POTATOES Sweet, bushel.. . Irish, Northern, bbl ...... PORE Northern, City Meat..... 30 00 S3 00 33 85 00 15 00 13 CO 40 48 3f ; S3 37 ; 40 I 80 4 00 4 75 V 18 00 00 1 10 1 45 1 00 1 10 SO 40 i 40 i eo 75 000 8 35 8 60 38 00 39 60 00 00 00 00 Thin, 9 bbl.. Prime, bbl Rumn. W bbl.. WW WOO 33 00 00 00 RICE Carolina, 1 .......... . ' - : 8 00 oo 1 W 180 East India, $ a............. Rough, a burh HAGS Country, V lb.......... t City, V 8 ROPE-i.T..... ;.. I- 3 oo SALT Alum, 9 bushel ! 75 uverpooi, v sack .. American. sack 110 1 10 1 00 8 10 SUGAR Cuba, 9 tt.. .00 rortamco, y A-Coffee, p t, B " Q ft.. c- 4 . p Kx.o v a . . ; Crushed. lb . i0 ; IS SOAP Northern, lb. . ....... SHJNaLES-Oontraet, ) It.... 5 IX t w. oou 3 50 300 wuiuiua. v ji.... Cypress Saps 9 M,. 6 60 60 . vprecs Hearts 9 M. .. VE W.O.BbL.M... STAY 30 00 35 00 00 00 0000 K. O UUd., fjl M Cypress. V M.. 18 W 00 00 T !.. 08 TIMBKR S rhlppiiie. M. n n oooo 18 14 00 8 50 10 00 MiU Prime, Mill Fair. WJJ. M Inferior to Ordinarv. SB M . UU 6 00 1 00 500 175 3 60 35 Y 31 WHISKEY Northern. Seal.... North Carolina. 9 d WOOL Unwashed, t W&ehed. 9 S 35 a 40 : MISCELLANEOUS. - Valnalilc Real Estate for Sale. r" TY VIRTUE OF AND IN ACCORDANCE WTTTT d. I -L the provisions of a certain Deed of Mortgage, in i execuiea Dy Alexander m nolar to Michael Gronlr. " i i . i . . . . ., . .. - - i Dn Brats Cutlar and Robert K. Calder. Trustee for ri'he Wilmington Building Association " dated the zstn aay or duty, a; i- iobh. ana by said Trustees assigned to said corporation "The Wilmington iiuiidingesociation" by deed dated the 8th day of April. A. X). 1871. the nndereiened. as Attorneys ior Baiu.jnungagee, win on saiuraay, tne inn oay or Septembe?, A. D. 1875, at the Court House door in the City of Wllmineton. at twelve o'clock :. nil i j r hi i, . . . . . . , . for cash by public auction the following described ioi orparoei oi iana situate in saia uty or Wilming ton: Beginning in the northern line of Chnrck street eighty-two feet from the northwestern intersection of Church and Fifth streets, thence running west- BHuij wiui uo uunuerii use si cnurcQ street eigno-tnree ieet, tnence northwardly and parallel wnn inrtn street sixtv-slx feeL thence eaatwardiv and parallel with Charch street eighty-tbree feet, and thence southwardly and parallel with Fifth street sixty-six feet to the beginning; being part of Jot No. 6. block 103. according to the nlan at M Dnf Urilmlnirtnn ' . . T . ... - . W olUUX & BTEDMAN. . .-. i anglO-D30d . .- , ..... -U ,: .; a ttorneys. A Question of Honor. la usual in her stories, powerful and ABSORBING IN' INTEREST. -. It la a storr of much. Wantv and .nw' wiM t,i ' . , ., . 7 . ' " y- m tu Mium uuht eu.tain - tne niga - reputaaoa the writer has no 1utly won. a targe lot just received by express and for sale at ' ' ' " HEINSBERGER'S aug 10 tf Live Book and Music Store. II A R N E S ,S . TO MY Carriage and Wagon Making E-T.iBLISHMKNT,. ,,1 have; added, . the services of a first class " Harness " Maker .'..'..- .'W;----' . AND-, .: . r and take pl-asnre In notifying the public that their uruera win receive immediate atiention. i Charges Low, and Satwi-actioh'Guarahtskd angiw p: H. HAYDEN. Migar llouc iMolae. Til. 1 . n mm mW-. - 35 O r Hhds S. EL Molastes. For sale by ;.- if augS-tf KFROnNSR CALDER BROS. .maiiAnn nJ UUiCllbaJii AjJUtf AJL9XJL CtliU. toes, can be found at the Old Established Hard. warn nuuiie or aug8-tf ' Noe. 19, 90 and 21 Market St. Roasted and Ground Coffee.' 5 ROAST THREHTinnra a wwwir thu tttd Laguayra and Old Government J.vre Caffue,- tr.d ypn will be sore to got.lt frli i..00 hC7Z ' iuuuu wuiuer. wnaiirv crnnrdntMi Hn. mihmn U. J. lilVnn . - . r ang B-ff At JAMBS. V. S rBVlSNSON. MISCELLANEOUS.. Bacon, PoiKTlonr, Sagging, Ties, Etc pjQ Boxes Smoked Bides and Shonlders,, Boxes D. S.iJ3ides; u f. !," IMJJ 2 Bbls Mess Porx. j 800 ,ur 8,1 graues. ; :)' tQQ Rolls Bagging, ...... JQQ TOBaFiecedTis-jV f f'T1 jqq Barrels Refined Sugar, . , . . ( 100 Ba8B 111:11110 Sio colIee u ? i 500 BBN" j? i804 ??8tr n.ayr o o i 3000 BuBnelPrImo White and Mixed Corn., 8 : 1AA Bbls and Hhds New Crop Cuba Molasses JQQQ Sacks Lisbon Salt. tJQ Q Second Hand Spirit Casks, QQQ Bdls Hoop Iron, rrji.Bbls Glue ;! 1H5 .!jti 300 Sags Shot, y 2J ft. Kegs Nails, ' 100 Be8 and oxes Candles, Gross Matches, Boxes Candy,- ... O R Boxes Soda, 70 Boxes Soap, - 5Q Cases Oslers, ; O A Half Barrels Banit. 100 Tons Eureka Guano,' v aw -mns uuanope uuano. - For sale low by ang8 tf , WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. 7 Eflpes; Boilers"ani ;Hacliinery. For Sale. iEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR 9 rtNEW AMD SECOKS-HAP : IE3 ISF Gr I 1ST JEj S , - FOR GINNING COTTON, SAW 'AND, GRIST MILLS, e , BOILER FEEDERS, STEAM PUMPS. , R A II 91 A HUNTER, . ,. Richmond, Ya. N. B. address of parties te whom we have sold secona-nana machinery given when desired, aug 10-Dcod&Wlm TuThSa LOO K 1 JMPORTKD PICKLES AT 30 CENTS A JAR, we are forcing the price down. Encourage us by senaing your oraers. Lager Uccr, Laser Beer, . .'. , $1 73 PER DOZEN. : .. r The Best Goods at Low Prices will Increase our olready larye sales,! and 'our' 1 jsrana ia aneaa or ail. HAVE YOU TRIED OCR Process Empire Flour, and Best Butter in the World. If not when your package is out, send to us' and we Will deliver a sample free to any part of the city. Fresh Groceries every week, at V' , GEO. MYERS'. '. angS-tf , 11 & 13 South Front St. Wedding Presents. FINE STOCK OF silver wake; JUST RECEIVED, AT GEO IIONNET'S, julySatf ; 53 Market Street. At Yates' Book Store. rpilERE IS TO BE FOUNDTHE LARGEST AND X best Selected Stock of STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS in the State. To Seliool Teachers I m lw CTty and country, you are respectfully Invited I to vomu ana examine my STOCK OF SCHOOL BOOKS. which is now complete and will be sold at yery low prices;.. ,...- . .. .. ;n -. .- - O. W. YA-TKS, augStf - , . Market Street If You Doubt it! V ;;' CALL AND BEONVINCED .That , we are offering the, balance of our bprlngr and - summer Stock of MEN'S, BOY'S AND : ' CHILDREN S CLOTHING, and such figures that you are bound to boy. .' aug6-tf 8HRIER BROS. 4r.OOO Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT i 1 V JUST; IMJPO R TED and for sale. aug II d ftwtf n f fflNFORh. fRO W Q ii O K D O IM ' CELEBRATED BLiCKBERY BP ANDY JNDORSED AND PRESCRIBED BY OUR CITY CHAS. D. MYERS & CO . 5 A 7 North Front street. aug8tf Bagging: anil Tiers. 500 Rolls Bagging, .r. Tons Ths. .I'VIOWCUJ . Ml' ;J .it if aug8tf KERCHNKR A CALDER BROS. 1 vv printed -lathe most elegant style? at . WM. H. BERNARD'S ' wcet Cuba JllolaMes; - h Hhds Sweet Cuba" Moli sses; fri f j For sale by aug 8 tf KBRCHNER A CAT DER BRO .J3"- " r ' i CITY OF WILMINGTON, Jf.G.M rbruaryJSt.lM f j Notice to; Owner s of any Trc Iav ---r - r- wagon, -.--..i-..-.:".-. j . Waeon 'la 'h.ikn 2Jilg Z1 if iore the first day f March. sm&. -when twrwi uuea uupownif a rnaitrwui MaiforMri .-.t;.iiui nll . ....... . n k . - . I : : ! WU1 W .TrfSK??! ?" rnraleherl ,F'"--"" BLllllB 11HW. . i I 4tJ 111' O. S BRVOS8, : Treasurer. feb liHfod tf thur Thermometer o .tji! .til fin r,.t t;-fr BJ? (VI :StJf sit t hat : : :;,.;&';markeT;:'stSeet. -v ;' JJ-KE BOTH WAIiM AND FULLY SjlTrSFIED WITH THE TRADE THKYHAVr- tavh ai past seison, but are still desirous to close out a few small lots previous to taking an R V i;;,'--V:',A O C-X)' U -N-Tl ' O F1 STOCK And liaive marked thein at (such' prices as "cannot fail to insiirp ti,;- -diate sale, t i - , J- ; . .... -hi t ' " t,le,r 1 A. iBJit or .25 Per ;ceiit.wm;b5 iGents1! WM 1.'' j : r'- If H; I -if M AD;E bT 0: -D.: :- J? v.- sFIT GUARANTEED j t sua 3 'i AGENTS FOR FRANK ' ;:.n:-507.s,5 -vi:;f "rSwT july25-tf- ,7 OF"" es W ew York and Bosto h L i n es VIA. WILMINGTON, N. C. Fast Freight Eout e to all Points Kortli or South. . ; ' N E W Y O li K . .JEy YORK AND WILMINGTON STEMSIIIPCO., SEMI-WEEKLY, SAILING FROM Ktyi' V(intt" Wednesday and Saturday at 3 P. M dnsday ; BOSTON AND FALL RIVER. NEW. YORK 'AND WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP COMPANY, CONNECTING WITH THK OLD CplOKf RAILROAD . . ... . AND STEAMERS DAILY BETWEEN Boston : and lIew York. " Between New York and.Wilmlngton, Wednesday and Saturday, from each wort Shippers may rely upon the prompt and Regular Sailing of these Steamers, and quick dina'ch iv,-, all Shipments by this Route. '( -j ' - - . ... 1 , T A1 TM7 T A . Connecting at Wilmington with the Wilm&igton, Colnmbia and Augusta Railroad. WUminpfin ,' Weldon RaUroad, the Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Bteamers. 4mlnet0? ana THROUGH BILLS OF LADING GIVEN: jTO AND FROM ALL POINTS IN NORTH AND SOUTH ' UAKULlflA IfclJSOUUlA AND ALABAMA. ALSO TO ' ' ; JTew York, Boston, Providence, Fall River and other Eastern cities. BATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS BY ANY . ; ; : , , - ;r VtSUVKKUliAHltJISl'lSOMt'TLX PAID, . MARK ALL G O OPS VIA CL YDES WILMINGTON I TNh !. Fnrther information apply to either D. p. C. MINX. . 4 General Eastern Agent, 29 Devonshire Street, Boston March 18-tf Baltimore and Southern Steam Transportation 4 Company; 1 j VI:wffiKN( : VV m tm. Fast Freielit Route tcr; -' BALTIMORE.' . - - ' ' Baltimore and ' Wilmingtoa Line Semi-Weekly, : Sailing from BAXTIMORJE - - j : ; Tuesday stud Friday, at 3 1. ' M., ' AND FROM WILMINGTON; . ' 1 WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. I !'-.'' ! '- .', -.:' ! . i;rA - BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE, . . , ( j f Baltimore and Wilmington Line,' i Baltimore. Boston and .Providence Line . or Via.' ; f .Canal Daily to Philadelphia, and CLYDE'S PHILADELPHIA AND: PROVIDENCE line.' ' ,": ' ' ''j; t Shippers may rely upon the prompt and Regular ail Shlpmentabythis Route. ;;; THROUGH BILLS OF- LADING . GIVEN TO- VAUuija a, WJSUBUU AHD ALABAMA.. . . . . . ! Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, Providence and other Eastern cities! Rates Guaranteed as low as ' any other lton te and time as Quick. . , Losses or Overcharges promptly paid. ... ! u f ,-r . i Foe farther information apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line. r,i KDWNi Fi l KA.a.l.i AgefttJteltimoWLine, B0' South St,1, Baltimore. ; roar 1( if iA, UC,Z UJC. Agent i: - Photograplis 1 Of. OUR FURNTTURE-WITH PRICE LISTS i K. Ii 'a s ,i If S-i.n.'f tf - fnrnibhed on application by 'mavrlS-tf a. a smith a; co. Coffee rand Cheese. LiflASTED JAVA AND KIO COFFEE, AlS AGO ' H: and Eidara Cheese. i-f- For sale at . G. H. W. RUNGE, r. Nortbes.tcor. market sndKeeondMi, jpne kf - f -.t , , E. 1 t ii ti h-llziihiiVt; UkA Sil hull I AB,TJ? B PwehasedXhe stock .and: material of James Cacrawa ar n.v and mtaavoJ s- a-'kn iw ' erly occupied by him, In tke basement of tbe Parcel! UOUSe. Where he Invites hla nA Mmj. ..j .v .r lie generally to call on 'Mm. Best workmen in the : " mm rr v. a iii u m tut btaf- eimiln.pil .tw) stimhu. ir . Shampooing done af the shortest notice.. Try hinu l( Store l-v it...... . 1 ' ,'.i ; , i.-. AN' ARRIVING BY EVERY STEAMER- A i: ;'. i kevmngee, Screws,. Window j JastenlngSi Blind Ilnej. fastenings, Well Buckets, Fixtures, Pumps, f x ... " tiaraware QBca around- a bouse or u. Aiiioraie Hw by... v , , auga-tf ' ;GILKS A MURCHISON. 105, Jn .theShad v R O. DDICK THE rnme- ;0iTe!i cl all Remnants 'cf Dress GjcSj Dress Shirts; O O0a 3D E R .1 LESLIE'S CUT PAPER PATTERNS. 1; ; -: ''''r ' ''J t I 'jj i I ' :V-ONE PRICE! ;: BRQWM & RODDICK. ' ; and,; Satnrday.7 . OTHER ROUTE :- AND TIME AS OUICK I os of ;-.the undersigned Agents of the Line X, i WM- p CLYDE & C., General Agents. '.. . New Yerk Line. . . f i,: , - V T -r Bowff Green, New York, A. 27. - CAZA UK, Agent, f BaHimote and New York Lines, r - . . . Wilmington, N. C. m . all points if orth or South. ' ' ' : PHILADELPHIA. , Baltimore and Wilminsrton Line 3 - Semi-Weekly, ; V ' Eetween Baltimore and Wilmington, ' Baltimore and Philadelphia St Bt Co. '. Daily Via. Canal, ; ' L ' . Between Baltimore and -Philadelphia. ; i WESTERN CITIES. Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Northern Central Railroad and the Baltimore a r , y)blo Railroad. ; - Sailing' of these Steamers,' and quick' dispatch ; V( .-, . . , t r .. . .. given to AND FROM ALL POINTS IN NORTH ANDJSOLTH Baltimore aid New York Lines. Wllmhigton. N. v MISCELLANEOUS. :)t THE jPEET DEE HERALD, ii f.-dtji'.f. j'-.',-! j..;!.!;-.''.. - - . - PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, at. Wadi1 boro'. N. C, Only one dollar per j ear. 'Bright, cheerful, progressive, a ways up to the tfl Taoqing thoughts of the times, the Uirald talc rank with theleading journals of thday. It is '; the side :of tbiistianlty. :The Hsrald is devo: A to the family circle. It contains original andei- c . rtories, wH, humor. Ac ; every family in the land . should subscribe for it s .lts low price (only di l!ar p aces U within the reach of every one iu tui; . land i We pay all postage. ftU READ WHAT THE PRESS THINKS OF US The Herald Is a JVrtt Clot Family ' Paper. Having some of the ablest writers in North Carolina at tached to its staff There is enough humorou reading in it to mate one laugh for a week enongn to keep you jolly Mil the next comes. Rockmavt (Oa ) iVwsWe refer pa tbe publisher of this PPr- . Subscribe at once. Address, HERALD, Wane boroN.U.iu iv y. inM Jnlx 6 tf The Piedmont Press, - . .t IS THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN Ca tawba county, and has an extensive cireolano: among merchants, farmers, and all classes of biifi- neasmen lnihe state. The PRESS is a ; ,; VVIDE AWAKE DEMOCRATIC PAPER, and is a desirable medium for advertising in Weston North Carolina. Liberal terms allowed on year ? : advertisements, i; , . ... w , Suoecriptiou f 9 In advance. ' Address ' i - i : MURRILL A TOMLINSON. . mar 96-tf Editors and Propnetorb. t " J

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