THE LI0E1THTG-BTAE: BATIiS UV lilV fch l lttlftU. One Square one 'aay',:".?. '" "... ',. i..71...7...'.. V " ' PUBLISHED DAILY. BY . - V ...... .... w .A.VTwo. week..-4.v... " "Thre weeks...;. ,.ti&. " r One month.. t...C.. oc- RATXS OT BUBSCMPTIOM ik abvajtck: O SH 8 or una year, (by mall) postage paid, $7 00 ; r-s ui ;.) w yr-, Six months, ( " J " 4 uu Three mou tW ; " ' r - 5 To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the n-ifteen Cents per week; Oar City Agents are cr, cl. .'IZIJ H (I ,Y J 0i tJfliiiO A'.Vriiiiil In:;. ,;) jve mourn ... ......... " v .5 i W1' 1K1K xio&tha, H Ml year..-. .v. . . . : . . . 60 M -TT-r 1. 1 at'.1 t3P"Con tract WILMINGTON, ' N. 6.;vFRIDAY.'?AtI(Mm,ISl33 18?5iK;t OTOENO&rsI TOSSa Advertisements taken at propoi nnrhorized to collect lor more than 8 months in n i vrri The situation in Herzegovina more criti cal, ' - Abysinians preparing to invade Eypt Horace Bin ney; oldest Phila delphia lawyer,' dead,; aged 97; - WrnJ. Welsh addresses an open -letter or,, severe criticism to Granfcsrrr? 014 paihortcjCpn ference opened at BoaJyesterday VoW : York markets: . Uoldyv fllSr!!; spirits turpentine, rnTwb blocks of San Francisco;, burned:;;; f'Red Cloud, c. demand '.compensation-' for - damages done their country., : Tilton brings suit against KenseUa forlibeL. : r A; McCabe, delegate from Edgecombe to the Ctonstatu tional Convention; was seriously injared by explosion of a jubilee cannon night before last, f ." . " ; ; - a- i P y : TUB ELECTION. We received but few additional re turns yesterday, and these make no material alteration iu our previous estimate. - 1 - . , Yadkin is Republican by 34 ma jority, and Surry Conservative by ,10 majority. -..J. .-.m . We . have ; a private letter from Webster, Jackson county, which ex plains the status of G. W. Spake, the candidate elected in that county. Spake ran as a no-party candidate against E. M. Painter, the . regular Conservative candidate, and defeated him by the withdrawal of the Radical, candidate, in Spake favor, two days before the election. With this ex planation, which comes from a trust worthy source, we Auinkthe chances are that Mr. Spake will be found . on the Republican side on the Conven tion issue. . ; . ; - " -;: - :; I The whole question we think, hqw depends on the position of Ransom, of Tvrrell, Wilcox, of Ashe, and Spake, of J ackson, all ' said to have been elected as Independents. , If they act with the Republicans - the Convention will stand: Republicans Gl, Conservative 59 if they act with the Conservatives it will stand: Con servatives 61,-Republicans 59? V w Our latest telegram from Raleigh, printed elsewhere, no)?,-' foots up as' follows: Democrats, ; 60 j Radicals,' 58; Independent Democrat, 2; while our estimate, as given above. ist.Dem oorats, 59; Radicals, 58; Indepead- iTlK.nOBIAI. TBIUDfEI. ; - ' - 1 'I be Nertb Carolln and , Vlrlsiim Pre oa Hit Death of Gov. Gra ham. ; Italtiirh Xeia: v- i Every man loved him. - Every ! man revered him. Every man respected him. In all the relations of life, whether as ;the man, the statesman, or the politician, Wil liam A. Graham stood the first. Raleigh Sentinel: . A greaVpublic loss the fall of a pi)lar of Btate; the extinguishment of a beacon light, which for a quarter of a century has shone ttlonstbe stormy coasts of Southern politics. His history is identified with the Ilstory of- country. , i Richmond Dipalc7i ; i He was one of a class of men whose value to the State and to society can hardly be too highly estimated. , ,. ; . .. : ' liichmood Vu'g :- -, in. , . " i la the death of Gov. Graham the country loses & distinguished statesman, the South loses a loving son, and North Carolina loses a big brain and a faithful heart she la&y. well mourn and remember forever. ' Petersburg Index and Appeal': , Nunh Carolina loses bet foremost tates muu iu the budden 'death yesterday of Hon. Wm. A. Graham: lie dfdl::ieave be hind him in that State a publio man of the same sUengtbaad-Uturr-He was as good uh ye wa greateo-uiuung 'jajuassive uuuu with all .the graces, and virtues of private character. His death -will be the occasion o: uniVirsal crwf Utrougbont the country-r - . -. i i m mlu. .a gnei not connnea w uiose wno aiyrw uiujj Imii embracing air who honor purity, dignity aud ability in th publicservice.urfr j : Norfolk lAmamaiti;":fXti i The shock of his death will fall, as we havesaid,with peculiar severity on his native JStaie, but be will not be lamented in Caro-' Ima alone. The broad South will partici--ate in her grief; and nowhere will the sor-; row and respect of the people be more gen-; uiue than in Virginia , for apart irom Ida vinues and public services, he was engaged 'ti the serviced this Commonwealth at the t im o Lh dtat y as I member of the Board -of Aiuiiratiou to uecide the disputed bound ary line between this State :and Maryland.3 Thus he died, in the midst of grave public, duties, and it may safely be said of , him, that in solid talents - and" exemplary eleva vation of character he was an honor to his country, and that his death has been a loss to the whole Republic. j " ; Norfolk: Virgivian:. Ui ' Q1 v. Grahaui was preeminently distin- guhed for theHdignftt a,idPril o uis characier, his lof ty patrjotiBPV.ihis. broad views: and cocoprehtiBsiye j statesmanship, his elegant accomptisbments and sterling in tegrity. He- Was always decided' and un compromising in hiajViewSalid: ojpinion?j and yet, even in the beat of a plilical Can vass, he efen jL'hallebged the admiration rf hisadveraaritis by his splendid, Cafeuta aud his courteous and respectful bearing ' lo- wards hferox ' "rrr p. i . -UOV.-GrHhamTelongea kfthe ahcient' Tmw of gentlenveu ad politicians, and his I'h at'ihis time wtttbe eSpecrally'deplored. He waa tle cotemporary of Morgan, Iredell, Badger, Bragg, ahd other illustrious sons of the jobte oldr ffortii St ate; iwhose names make urf-a State" and'national roll of honor "f which aheand Ihe nation may well be - It is believed that Scott Partin, ihevwifmordsreri ii concealed in the owaaips near tne residence 01 uis jaiucc . m . . . a 1 .. 4rf t i-anther Branch township, Wake county. . OlDTXiiaiJisr, TUB CONVENTION. ' We have prepared the" following list of memberslect to the Constitutional Conven tion : d i 1 i i A A Alamance, J. E. Boyd, rad. : " Alexander, Reuben Watts,' cons, gain Alleghany, E. Lr Vaughanr. "Anson, RiT.kBennett,'c lAshevJ. O. Wilcox, ind. , '; Beaufort and Pamlico, J. E. Shepherd, c Tor;-T7 xrr riS"" r?i fi r f , , . Kjx&ix .rl JUwC.! ; Bladen, A. McDonald, r. i Brunswick, R W. Taylor, r gain. Buncombe, Thos. L-CHngman, D. Cole mar, r. ".-'-A. v. gam vi J.. . Burke, A. C. Avery, c. Cabarras;-R. W. Allteon-c. ( err CaldweCE.'W: Jones, cT .. . V- Camden, J. L. Chamberlain, r. gain. i Caswell, E. B Withers, tx Wilson Gary, r., gam of 1. . Carteret, JimRuinley c. Catawba, L. M. McCorkle, c." Chatham, John Manning, Wm. 8troud, c Cherokee and Graham,' J. W. Cooper, c. ? Chowan, J. IL Page, r. ....... , Clay, ; Cleaveland, Plato Durham, c. 1 1 ; CohiniDtt'FoTbey'GectgeV c. j fCraveBfi P. Lehman, S. 'Manix, r. ' Cumberland, R. P.'Buxton, J. C. Blocker, r. gain,-:- , , . . Currituck; W Hr Cowell, c. ; ; Dare, O. B. Blivenav r gain. ' ; Davidson Cw Robbing, B. B.Roberts,c. ,., Davie,. Charles Price, c!l - tDuplin, J. HT. Sullmgs; AVmiFarrjtor; Edgecombe, W P. Mabson, A; , Mc- Cabe, r. ... , ' ' Forsythe, W H. Wheeler, r. Franklin, W. P. Green, c. i Gaston, r Jonas Hoffman, r gain. ' 'Gates, W. P. Roberts; c. Granville, IM toungi' J.rA. Bullock, r. Greene, Joseph Dixon, r gain. ; : ''Guilford, A W.Tourgee, AlS-Holton, r. Hajifax, J. E.,6'Haral J. J. Good wyn, r. Harnett, John Harrington, c. i Haywood, Dr. Sam. Love, c. Henderson, Frank WcKlLa r. Hertford, E. J. Horton, r. : . Hytle, W. S. Carter, c. c, Iredell, fTr. A. Nicholson, C. L. Sum mers; C. ' " a-1- - r; Jackson.'GW Spake,1 ind; gain . Johnston, B. IL Hinnant, P. T. Hassie, r. gain Jones, 'J: F. Scott,' f: 5 Lenoir, R W. King, r. gain. v Lincoln,. Caleb . Motz, c. : ; ? ... Macori'W.'lSL.' AllmanV c,- ; :: "IJVl ; Martin, Rev. C. B. Hassefl, c. gain, f McDowell, CoL Neal, c. - Mecklenburg, Gen. R. Barringerv Dn. W. Kerr, r, sain.,-, 5 ., ti2 Madison, Dr. J. K Anderson, c. ; - - r ; Montgomery, Allen Jordan, r. gain. Mitchell, J- W. Bowman, r. gaiu. Moore,. W. M, Black, r. gain. V , Ifasb, B. H. Bunn, c. New Hanover and Pender, G. Z. French. S. H. Manning, J. H..mylhV r. Northampton, yVm. Barrpw, r. . Onslow, James G. Scott, "c, 4 f; ' Orange, Hons.- -W. A. Graham, J.-Tur ner, c. s... j:j7j;::tn;?f : ; Pasqubtank,5 W.X:Manden,f. , '" Perquimans J. W. Albertson, r. Person, CoL J. Wi Cunningham, c. gain. Pitt, Horn T. J. Jarvis Wui.-King, c. Polk, N. B. Hampton; rVr ' . . Randolph,' J W. Bean, A. M. Lowe, r gain. - v RichmondHon. O.. HDej3yy gata. Robeson. Dr. A.' Sinclair, C. A. Mc- Eachin, c gain.. i j-lW 1 A nkiham, Hon. D. S. Reid, J. Turner . Morehead, c: v : v 7 ( Rowan; Hon. F. E. Shober, J. S. Hen derson, c ' "5 - . r -':s . .Si. Rutherford, J. M. Justice, r. Sampson, Wm. Kirby, S, J. Faison, c. ' . Stanley, Joseph Marshall, c - J ' Stokes, W. W. McCandless, r. gain. Surry, Joseph Dobson, c. - ' 8waio: t 'i c Transylyania, G.: W. .Wilaon Cw, u. : Tyrrell Dr. E. Ransom, ind., gain. . . ' Union, Dr. T. W. Red wine,! c. Wake, R. C. Badger, JIX,' C. ? Hodge, A. 1m', Davis; J. J.- Nowell, t gain;1' a ;71 L . i ............ . . L . Warrea, J. W.-Thorne, J, O. Crosby, ' r,- oiWaahington, J.-M..BatemaB, regain. Watauga. Jj Bingham, r. . Wayne. W. T. Fairclotb, G. 11. Grafts tbamrgain. - fj Wilkes. T. J Dula, J. Q. A. Bryan, r. . nson, uoi. xv. vyr; Dipgeiiary, y.r r j. 1- TTT . i. i. ' 1 Tadkin, B. F. Jones, r. j; Yancey. , ? .i m.;t ' I The above list is mWmplete;: as ;we -ajre: without the names of the candidates elected several of the couotiet.' Our latest esti mate of the general result will be found pn ;ouf:firsirpage. Eds. Stab 4 . Riahao X.rniaki'aalutiiieiit. 1 Morganton - AHviaa jJtiUidrewup1JetU M Hard Creek, Buncombe CO: Aug. au Warm Spxmgs.....r.,....;.r1..vAnK. ff Jiurnsvuie. .................... . .a..., El k River Yalley. ........ ..... . Aug. 5J TWrer tamBuactunlKt Ouv ..... Aug. 81 Brevard, Transylvania Co... .Sept. v; 2 St Paul's, in; the Valley, Trausyl- vania Co...., .,-.... ....Sept. 8 Fiat Rbck..-sept s Hendersonville . . . . i .Vi i . . . wl i Sept 7 glencoe. . Sept 30 alvary Church, Henderson Co4.,jSeptv12j Liecester ...... ......... - r .SeptjlS. Aslievllle:t.1r. . ".:?..:." .. . . . .Sept 9, riTbe cotlectioaaateacB- place wUl be ap- v TBAHaraa pagmao-nras. Invaluable to.ratt mAd comDanle. gteamghlp eompanlea, banks, mer- anrin and chanireleaa, and will copy laary M- JVlattf - lfct - - wi received ft, irean jnppiy oineso uulm, winf j pkre4 td ecoU:Brdl promptly and at modfate pnefif THE GITY. NEW ADVBU'CISRinBNTS. Ji jJXAIAiXCatt U MALUKU UHUB OUgU, Ut B. Kahnwbilek. Auction Sale. . James C. Stevenson. Roasted Coffee. ? ' C. Pitto Tkan AaoAvfatinn li SEicAd " Direct Impof tatidn. Local Hot. ; J V ainyprudyttodaY j" Afibther heavy rain on Wed nesday night. ; ii.. 'i . ! i ; - The po)ice force received their monthly pay yesterday. ! .-yrHpjftlcsbave iirfered with bust ness during the past week. ii-r 'Mayor Canaday - is out of the city and, we learn, will remain absent until Saturday. There was no session of the Mayor's Court yesterday morning, no cases being ready for trial. -j-i j We omitted to state yesterday, in our notice of services of the .Week of Prayer, that the evening services at Fifth Street M. E. Church begin at 8, aid that a special service is appointed .there :'for. this uiuiutug a. p. j -"Ve learn that a youth who: has a habit of using uncomplimentary phrase ology witbont paying inuchT regard to his pauses, yesterday had some of his sentences punctuated by another, who stooa py and pointed them off by knocking holes through ttem at intervals, . just, where they issued from his mouth. Pat. appl'd for, ObetrnetlOM of the Sidewalk." ; Some person connected with the South, era Express office; left a -lot of boxes: or chicken coops on the sidewal in front ! of the office on Front street, when closing jup Wednesday night : and some rafochievbus boy or gust of wind threw the pile into the middle of the walk, as the night progressed, almost completely obstructing iL A gen tleman hurrying home between showers, fell, in the darkness, at full length overjthe boxes, severely-bruising himself and giving rise to mental emotions none of the pleas antest. The private watchman, Who Blood by, took no steps to prevent or remedy: the accident. It lsi -charitable -to suppose though it seems to us .almost a stretch bf charity that in the ' darkness he had not observed "the bulky ubsti udiotw-ly ing at a distance of ten or twelve -feet from waere Jie sat, but we think he,jnight surely hate replied more.. pleasantly' and ; politely, thaa he did, when questioned on the subject. Wft think the Comban'v should see that the possibility of the occurrence of such acci dents on its premises is avoided, a j ; ! 1 FrHtv Last The iiTOCessdou formed; At the foot of Market street, promptly at 8; the right rest ing Water, the left .oa Docki- The Market to Front, (procession "riffht shoul der shif arms") up FrontNo the Purceil House, (prbcelon' "left wheel," in excel lent order,) down alley to the office of iTee MoHXtxo STAB,(processiou ''present atma" in presence of ye night reporter). In rising to respond, the reporter expressed gratifica tion at the appearance-of j the procession, paying a particularly delicate compliment to its arms, . and . concluded by proposing: .The cneese-Kniie me cueese-anue vuomaat pere. . l lic cneese-sniie was - laaen nana- ing,M ' the : reporter dismissed tor btt itlpu lated refreshment the small boy whi bad bought him the melon, and drew close the curtains "of the sanctum to shut ; 6ui the curlosily of jtlie vulgar Perils f lUm Deep. tv u-:j; ii ii i.'; We had employed a special poet .to do justice to the perils of the! briny as illus trated; by thej4! recent 'jatirring events at1! - -- - -- '- V- M . ; ....... Wrightsville, but after he had composed, one original verse we found he had 4r&trff. so much more on his imagination tbWni the facts, and was laboring under such,.. pectiHariy. exhilairated condition of , tnrnd ; that. we felt compelled to expel bin) from the. establishments . L ? r" .VOB, Bessie fas a sallor'i wlfc a And he went off to sear7 ..; ? 9iy lit jLna none so aaa ane,: 5Ther They scraped him off and wrung him put,' , ; A Bald on Batnera. . i v Wo pn.rn that about fifteen warrant l " " r . . . m. t . i ;w4rSisnd yeseOiJ frreja bf,boyf batbjag w Gree.n'aii)h:P9ndt " fbeold Jwbarttiad'jijcst east p tlhefiMy. f ust ice Tari Aihrioge, who issued the warrants was i'-i ' .- . fJlS-Lz-iut.- bimselt an eye-wHnessa iew wtw -ag vi, the i baWnrc'r ?na if?re and was jfcea forcibly impressed -With the impropriety of hejr4oingso.!iSin4he,a ynpif't have considered 'the matter Dawne boy a bat Mngakthat point a nuiBCe.wlita-eupOn tbeyrrantswTsrelssued as stated:" j )r ,9ivjJ4i!&yi0leer c!eMf of pond in question. 1 , , j S Those who are iateresteotaajihe approach of the flay seSfbrthe xcuttloiii'df ktba Wil nnngioIghi Infantry, dh 'the; -steamBjiin. ite of : it -that Wednes- 4&th inst babrftTai1llldj beinzTadvF"J ffiPM eastiinVftwtts feared that the iaAimht aot arrive ev tais pori, wiwt1wxu "'P ftom SiWMifP or th0 rexcnr8ro1iist3:, .Hence the cbangeJ - - bot tipsel: oTbefWatifeF-Wet astwfeef mbdHras tbTee; j l RrizA.willDleaBe make) a mj 1 the dav has been chaneedi from taUTfVRtf toJmrsdiiVViex. ELECTION-EETTJENS; 4i iM? ditT'io M'ia GENERAL ST A-TJt REPORTS. ,YAai(TAuK, YuRAiJaaHvAug 12. ' A" dispatch was received thiSj evening statmx. that Ibe official vote ot Ashe.county elects Wilcox, IndependenfDemocrat. -The result now. foots np; Democrats 60; Radi cais.'5;;lnepfin j ' : u The : Radical d emon stf at MHpn tgh is, weak atKl void of "epthusiaanl. ' They, con- vouo tucji uitTo iusv iuo vvucMuuu,j Woodson.! I Farhlshed to-th Mowilng- Star. , .Wilson Cary, Radical, 1,517; E. By Withers, Democrat, ' ffi 1 5 ' G ifes " Me ten,' Democrat, 1,006. Withers and Cary elected". ; E; 5 M. Painter,;1 Democrat, J84l;;G;. W. Spake, claima to be Independent, : 48?.' 8pake'a,majority waimade by the Radical candidate withdrawiflgin bis favor two days before the election. , . , , , YADKIN... if tir.:'I B. F. Jones, Radical, 922; , J. A, Stephen. son, Democrat, 88$. Jones, majority 34. ; macon. ' W, A. 1 Aliiii ;t n, -"Democrat, 548;Mjtrk May.t Radical,' lMtrr . . t ".' . HENDERSON." J. F. Wiiodfin, RadicaL" C83; "CotJ J. :DV Hy man,; Democrat, j $53. Vyoodfin's J ina-' Black, Radical, l,b7d;'Graham,'. Demo- crat,:.87,tt,TT tfrr .f o-r r rYNJ Joseph Marahall.mocratTri p.; jf oreman iiiiaicai, 344a. u. Marahatrs ma jority S33.- ' ' Ckraalcl af the rjaaqua. .. , r-. j ; ' Oar;occasional correspondent "S,- sends ns the following readable chronicle of his experiences and impressions pri the cqa sidn 1 of the recent masquerade ball at Smith- Ville: - -- . '-.-i :: 4. r,y.;.; , ,..:!. j ,j ' . It is with pleasure I sitdowa to chxpnicle a very joy bus event In the history of Smith ville.'' I allude to the 'masquerade on Jast Tuesday night About 9 o'clock the sweet notes of music, "mellowed bv distance:" lured me Xq the; Academy t t'whic I found Drtuiantly illuminated and densely crowd ed. The large halls were thrown into one by removing the folding doors that divided them. JFlags of every variety and color were festooned and draped along the wall, while Evergreens' tastefully decorated the windows and dOorwaya. A largecrowd 6f eri bn;thrbniged?thejj :6,' wWle'frm'a; platfonn in the centre aline ball-room iand discoursed most " excellent f eet-inspfrihg music. I Somewhat "a stranger in a strange land," my utmost energies were .brought into play to penetrate the disguises and dis-' close to my curious mind who wore! them, hut atthehour of 12 pie inasks were dropDed, and friend recognized friend with merry Uggb,r fAmopg the.femal characters, all of which were tastefully, and In some instances etegantJy.'.aU&edI iaQca' -fchi ;;follbwmgt Tbe , Amizon, "Miss' M.P.;: who 'trbre a richly decorated costume, oriental in Its OVAHlfllto A lOwlo vr r$ ! XKafrtiaMA. naa 1J itkA exquisite display of barbaric pearls and gold; "Sun Beam," Miss R. P. the glitter pfj wnbsia; jgudeq i lluston-dies. reminded iene of sunbeam as t lights sqme fleecy ciouaj B6' ji!tott jjeaaijMisa ivji .1 whose ail very.' dress'' tremblei la the mazes of the' ijah'c? like ;the! softlbt of the inopa en 11 lolls upon inej- neaving waters,, of. tbelofelT bayij'Trepch Peasant,'iMias.; McGj-whliIithfy step Widfliae $0 cit to L Belle France; the t'Gipaer OueeB.Misa B. whose graven uwaes.awr miii uaauiag eye vtuPI weu tail 0 arm,- presented an attracUtre pjictu re Hrf ounUi lifet.taa ,4nownke.TMi88 P.. aiifte'obltryCnd floor, eV'dressrot Prete illusion flt efblem ha Vt aa Tl ' of the beautiful snow; the "Faa," Miss B, 'a uv vvnomai mw BBr. iiijioa ieM4a', representing tlrat 'fesseritikl 9 a umHrerveason; the j"Eveaing ' Stars' 'Miss her 'summrer L. T.. eraceful and brieht and beautiful as i. . r y .:. -!. ., ,..v 1 ibWalaiwcpleirlb ftwii jlkbt, skyt ,'a Petite " Miss.a . ij thef 'DaKyed-GirP ot : WdieA mU pi.P; lid wh6sA eyesVdarkl spefldTv glowed -the witching light that lures mankind id drink deep of the elixir of iove; "Old Aunt pitiati. .feet in aprrdricfe, costume and actiag1, and showed no little deetee of histrionic1 faie'nd f upon,tbe part, of the' young lady ytio as- sumellThelt. Some of .the. gentlemen were in hai idsolhe costumes and others1 in dominoes, which aldded rtr&hto-abe iDictSTCseueueffedt of the Vail, bh fsti n?bictrteanry,'grAce adj lovelf- ness adorned the fairTadies that' tkere' was leu tune time-anu .jesta luwtisatiou now with preciauajifhe gaUant beaus "thatrush- ed to conquer or to die" in the struggle fort Beauty's band and neart i a avad I Tt! wibmSreaalffrthirJance Ih ' ' . f IM- . k r'Llt J evening, and when, at 4 o'clock AJ jaj1,,!" reluctantrjrietttnose icouns-oi pieasurv t&W(lM Sojoa3die philosopher, ierj4itodarVftm unqnasirniaoo Wtae wit-fflritwoa?a atill; their charms beSbw:'1 "u"'i "(w-Muk) hit. r ij-B j .... m a m ' -r o lit. no ffj. itfe(Hij to4 7 o :-v. ... J . , ' ,U ...I ; Wat t.siairrjTiii-r t I. !. Opinion of tne unpreme Court l'the aiBBlIdtnff ndiXoMii .Ap-Iuion n&t Csea,.iii-5vwrj oiiirifavnloilf io "oJita . PBTKk Bj Jt33DTBt-AZSl-!Wnx 1 s" lifypja i iVlrtotf li'Wan ,v ?: .iifta OpinroDijL Mechanics B. and L. AsB'a." J am" Mrs hi The ;cciaplaititr' alleges(' i among other tuiua, lutti iuw. mortgage ueeu uecaiea uie repayment 'JififtV'yanced to plaintiff ior: the .redemptiOB- of ibis stcfckL i The answer; adbiita jthia actv,id admits 'farther that H'Wasaviolatlon of the Charter and By-taws:,VfJth'e'Assbbla4p to. include : tma sunt ift the , mortgage, ttlien - alleges that the mortgage was so'drawaby the mis take of i the dr Afismjaa, an 4 ipray s. to have the deed reformed by making it conform to ; , Qif'cbrwjoni! poMng.'of tihe question of reforming the mortgage . deed, refuses td grant the injunclibri;' -In: other words, he vacates erestraining order and permitathe defendant. tot sell under adeed which, by the -admission of the defendant, covers too much and is In violation of the ' Charter and By-La'wa1 bf 'the1 Association Theire is errbr.p' Order re'vesed aiid bause 'remanded, 'tp.jtbe end that an' inunction issue, as prayed. for, in theJc6ibphintJ and .conunuea uautj iurther. orde.ana to the n,d that the. pleadings, may be, so amended. as,to present an issue of ,factj to, be tried by ai.juryunuer msttueuons py .the court, to tnejaaecjUiloUowmat: -:nuttr-y;c:i nWuiV. ; i 'S Was the mortgage -deed mentiohed, in' the pleadings drafted so-aa to- include the' sum paid to the plaintiff -by-the defendant as the price 6f the'redempiiori of his stock; by accident,' mistake" or by the ignorance of the draftsman T Or, Vas deed, mentibned in the pleadings',' drafted so as to include ihe' 8u'm paiii by the plaintiff fo the ueenaant as tne price tt tne redempliOB or his stock, Jby-Qesgn, . and on purpose and' with the privity andiknowledgepf , the de fendant, and ,yita; asyiew to oppression and. wrongful ej?action?:' :it y., Jfid - f : j A verdict bpon thid Issue (wW enable the Court (to see1 whethei;, j$itha jnqrtgage-, deed comes tinder the rules, in regard to the cor rection and reforming of deeds;' or 'under the rules in regard to declaring deeds f void for fraud and circumvention. vJb yu The Sase 'may thus 'be' disposed' of .upon the mal(e'r! of the mortgage deed ; hut should uic veruict ue mat tne ueea .was .maae to include too much,, hy accident,-mistake or the ignorance of" the draftsman, 'and the deed be reformed, bo as to conform to the Uharter; apcl iJy-xaws, uien, uie general question which, was ,.j argued with much earnestness:,, Are, these Associations a swindle and a means of deluding and cheat- iBg ignoxaQt mechanics! which the courts have power to suppress,- as contended for by plaintiff's counsel,' or are these Associations folia fidij and a fHeans of enabling! poor mechanics to borrow money and pay it back by small monthlv instalments, 'so as to ease andiavxlhim,(by.,fttUrig yie payment, of interest and dues. to. what; may soit his jcpn-, yeniencef : i And, in the second; place, tsup- poso the mechanid ootnes in, , according . to the Charter and IByfLaway abd indirectly borrows money from, the Association at the rate of 25 per ' ' centum, must . he abide the consequehces, brl, in the face of the statute, add the Charter ' of - the Association, have the courUf power to mterferef' h,"i ' TCfpon this', general' question we' are jioj '' opinion. Error. Jhis.onon bVcerjified. j -ReJ, maade'dj , ;j fK .V',,., j j ',, Broonastleks ts. Briek. ,,.t ul !. ; ' The denizens of Princess- street between Front and Second, were startled yesterday afternboh by the cry; ' which ' was wafted eyen' w 1 'is the Oourt H9use, indicating thai afigtjwad 'in i prbgess;' 'tJpon InVes tigatibn wejfoiind ' that the1 difficulty was ; , between twocblore, 'named Cornelius wt.jijiuai Gftdiani, the latter pronounced to De. in a somewhat de mepted condition. , ) A broomstick was brought intorequiMtion.) by-Moore and'i brick was . Ike I weapon pitched s uponj ' by Graham. )i The broomstick wa broken over the snowaers or i graham, wno railed; to make auy lttipresStonrnpon his antagonist a a.ja . a c ,m .a.-. Stil. t . 2- . . - j " hife fis.t and "iiull . when1 'the tspee tators inteifered and the fight was bEvtught,tq arioso,.., By .thjajinie a wairant. had beeujprepaied hy j, , ijjf5 whose office was imuiedia?eiy.jpppo8ijte' tne i ' field.vf iStrifejanOj JkhteVa4rtiewere ' car- - ncu ueiuic uiui; wuv, auer. vamiBinga ' number jof Witnesses, -sentenced Graliamto confinement in the coqaty ajl ffortwnfy' ''days anil bfecUarged Moore on die pavnien't f bf cots.'! '''"( 'i-tHi..t. -Mio-j - ' ' NbtwimstaMdmji the pblitlcaV ixci jemehV we oeneve,,is the nrst ngut That ' has oc- i "nt ti;iii.f(j ".' r--Jin i .. . wWfA. boy, wwm?z?& iiu y . i i 'JtTA'yoldiflay y thb'nahWbf kbfanl Brown, who is among the laborers femphJ- f .MVWKHf1 .p'thenie Of Israel, was .considerably injuredye$terday wnn" tub urtca. 7ne; "parties had; now reached,clbsef quarters ancl were Agoing ihat Ma ePt'ed'here'fbr tUfe a!8tfe4k-ths;, on of B.MdMWVWWX'iS imoragl e or sia Homeiinft iry-tioaring wfer4nto a b i ii.-i.-- x aivtv l . wbichcontajned paddeali fof water he was soon enabled to resume hisAp, jj ya.JiBvBeamaojamlr, tabor,0 IhotlgMns yes,we nv a pretty, iWJaiHoo..Hjs !i-7 :bu'f-ww uuh MO aui'iniuiis city, fa. i i -rfl--i fMni a aa a -a a nn -a vt 'mtar Aaa' I . : . . . h'M Os; TlrM'tf fdrBt ttie rifld TOatcn thlff ial-l." I 'Ji a ;U :- -J ! 'fti u- School committee.' ' tvgWVit '.itJ.. i W5aS?85 t"S?' m.W ? v The Cbmmitteeproceeded toabermanent flganiAliod'fdr iBensuiig' yearly eleetf iag'Ai'Bg Morris Chairman arid; andLJ'Ei ampse.4 Sgjaro ; Kh?oK f7tA.cmynica4ion was received fron Ai H. Morris in favor of gVadingJ'e"puhiife schools and adoptmg'un'tform'xVnbt fbrlikegrmheh j VJi'vi i',,v2c 5' sJ -r I-1 i 'vT.! ..aOraeredTJiattheChatr be requested, th ascertain the amonntofsbhool monies in the TreasufyiidtKe;erfedtt bf'Wilniirigtoa town1- JiiiMiiyfi -yu vlaia vufCsiiial jt.s- im i biifOifdereoV. That the Chairman obtaiafrom youchera and pthief. properly belbnging. to the common schools of Wilndiigtipn towa- ship:1 - 'ii! HM.rtr itfirhJii rtBtiv'i,,;.,, ... CominuBickn.fwmJJJLam'psbn.: in - . . . ' reference UMappointmg , a, superintendent and principals of schools, received and filed, m Communication fr6m? J.' H. Smyth re- celved andfiled. j , -! ' J prderedXflaf: E. Sampson be a com, ' . .7 . . -2- pumber and condition of the school houses of the township; also' .'to ascertain what building ih; the i northern' part of the city is most avaifabie for the lobationbf anaddii $ Ordered that A-,H. Morris be a commits ,tee,tp visit and report upon the: condition" oi all the public white schools-in the city; Vnd ihof::A tTn o Tm ia 'cirKiiav tta,' it j ... - ..-.j for the colored schools, with the further ?duty ' of ' ascertaining ' the most available cruuding tor occupation . as a new colored , ' lt 4 , . , school for the southern part of the city, j ?i. , ,WQerpbpon a ; recess , was . taken until, Tbursday evening next, at 8 o'clock. . j j j . - in f.'t.ijj.-j j JP'endefc CiHintytrBondaiOf. Offielala . Inrdancewith the requemenUiK, J-S the law governing in such cases, Judge Mc- I Eoy will on Friday, the 20th Instant, make swim in blood to carry the Providence box. an official'examinationas tb ihesufficiency SZS?ltl0tio,DftT oes,icharge d t j . tJ. -i .v . ' i ;?n silar offences, are to be sent up to of the bonds af certain of 'the county :of-. day from Providence. :" " ,,;: - . . ' . ' ficials of-FeaderJ The law provides that 1 whenever flye trustworthy citizens com- t plain,. on oath, of the insufficiency of any j : . -. . -..j? mv- official bond for the proper protectionj of the public fandAO.rJnterestst a ju'dicialey- animation as to ;,the Correctness of such complaint, shall , be had forthwith;. Such compliunt.haviDg.been entered in the pxes- f ent instance,, it has become thb duli of t a ir T3- w .I. ' ' ' Judge. McKoy to make the investigation contemplated. , , It is manifestly, to the. in-: terestof . every one that such an, examjna- tion Should be had now, rather than risk the I discovery hy-and-by that a defalcation has occurred and that no recourse can. be piad upon the bond ; and to the -interest of efery j official really qualifled for his office that no I ,uniU8t . suspicion of. bavins, furnished im- proper security shall, rest upon. him. Beeovered Ilia Treasare. ' : A' 'colored ihah oy-! the ; tiame of jmes Telfair,' while returning fr"om the Sound on, Tuesday morning, ' had ttie misfortune to lose his pecket book containing. $40. He failed to discover his loss until after j he Teached home, -when- he immediately pro- I . . . I cured a norse and 'returned, searching the J road carefully for the missing treasure;, but J in vaim i He returned home that; evening with, the conviction.' that .his ; money i Was' gone. Hot soy hQwever. ior.on iMfeunes day a young white . man, iwho , had fpnnd ' the pocket book andhad learned by inquiry to wmit belonged, restored it and itf contents to the now delighted owner. ... . I i -i . ..... . . . .. ? -i - ' Martha Parker, ' colored 'waa arraigned before ' Justice ' Van Amringe ' ; yesterday, I morning on me cnarge oi Keeping a uiaor- i pABPETS, FEAXHER BEDS, KTCHJS?I UTEN deriy hbijse;5 "After hearing the ' case the Is. r . - 1Ls' 'JuUce' dbcided the 'woman ' and' hey hus- band,' Marion Parker, who made the, com- I plaint,' equally ;guilly, "and dismisSed the I case on payment of costs.' . " ' ' i ' , in vape u ear townsnjp, unanes murpny, i Xi Dcoii. cnarzea .wiu cpouiuiuuk uu a-. TT1 r.- . . 1 ' ''. 1 I I aault on the person ' of. Henry Westi "aisp" colore. ,The 'case .was dismissed 6n the! f payment of .costs. .". , s I U.!.tt MeVnodl-a Dlstrleti . V' Appointments of Rev. W.&Blacg, 'Pre-' ridinit Elder, for the third round ofj qMal' iny' '1 vmo -a8. anus. rr.i, -W . ,;. v i, , -L 1 an 3 t r ? V, Secretary and Treasurer, terly . meetings, for the .present confferfence Jn... ? . J. i. '? :r. T:.,iS , IWagnolU.'at narren'Stb ijmlngtort FVoee T !.t. 1 1 -a. C3 :1 Ml.. 0,.il- 1 O I rut 8aprew.Pp.e, 9iJ i; w,BeaVrfB e uldin.gj ap.d .Loan AasocU- qn day T nwtrton f IrinlimimA 1 i TCrmn. f i t j f i ... i ....... i j , I vTea!''anienBeneum.'ii . raven.' iau5Bieinweecuji:!'m j j, Nimssa Gaaob Cooinarty vs. W. 11. Wil- i i ... ! ., . I irbraHarapsoo. f,jro. filul.U,a 1, r? I. lard, f romQrange. lteverseor , and lU(fg-t ' ,i.i...fwm...jiijo :.J - ti iCP.imX-niM&(ill?X tt:0Ii ters, use. in Barrels, Tne spelling iever nas at 'UBt't vnarhon n itrii riunL. . -. , f ' . . f . -ii - - a w a aaa i m Ma a-n am arr n a a-w - tT-! aettatwe atatlng riBinm tompaiy. ' ;"J 'ntitt rrii.StJL;r.j d I I: it')', L'tll'. ftii are raging ia..the lower part.f. Anson.;; v," . Tho. lUbarlotti .rr says . Ernevt the bigamist, -failing to mve bail w-as lahed.5 -v -4-; ' - : f lln5Charol'te'Waa' or twitn Xhamaa Perdue seriously; cut :WJ Hprah le'?ea -' , , , Tbe, Mr. Flood who was in- jared inSackSori township, Wilson 'eeunty, ' wlnftweU Hu0i,.. UspmrxrAr.G. Boney S Son8r at Pup in Roads, shinned hnndreacfaekens during the month ,of; July just past.j .r.. . .; ? . . r Raleisrh jCiv- ft K -iLmlr : - rr?11 $?:stf 48 thought -that.tue vtewill be thrown out, aa 6etetal poll-holders; ii ow uu:: .u j j; i,,,, 1 J.-! Windy nBilly?,'i . Henderfton, mounted jon Darr's mule, is represented in. Ve lVCiM(8atotf as bringing' in the Democratic returns -from Caldwell. The photographer ot that journal should not go ' backon it friends: ' ' " 1 From the Jidb'esoman : 1 The Wilmington Stab says Our friends in ?be?OQ county did almost well enough."- Judging from the action -of many of ihe othercounties we think.'we did most nobly.- 0ldI?Pbeson is seldom behind, . ."-"A . .Georgia paper says : Rev. Heath'eriyi of Hendersonville, N. C. ; preach-" ed in pahlonegajast -Tuesday ; week .upon which he called the law of God., He is evi- dentlj insane on the subject bf religion and I 7,7" " :' " Charlotte Observer ; ' YesteTAav I afternoon four negroes, Josephus Williams, Manlius Peonies. Amzi Morrison! and Le- j dnidas Witherspoon, were brought to th is - vy f wucuw.uyuouip, auu cum- mitted to jail upon an : Order from Justices Reid and Bryant, of aaid township. .; Two of them .were. committed for, haying per- J.urea emswves oy voting m the lute elec- I tiuu, nacu lucy were under aee. and the other, two for . intimidaUngr voters at the we spoke . last week, which proposed to : "an, " ., - i'M; CITY.IITEaa, . :4r!tjm??':t -t -"? ?'1 i5- L "' r Book Bcen?fiST. Unt mRwuia Stab Book nini erydoeiaUldndaof litod'iigandltBUiig iaawork -)niallte.aiaaav sod at reasonable prH. Mer and othera needing Recent Books or other SSST'J ? execution of ; u .u;. m mm ' '" ' I 'Si0 Jrn KaisAs, an. 2. 187?. M?8a. .ft W. Tollkt. 89 Maiden Lanet-Neir -yor ks ?29i, my teetimony to thotmanimonavolceofyoTU-ctittcmers -as to the quality of Gnns jnade by yoou eatablleh- ment "y Blaadar 1 "un haa .pwadi after Z " rpeTrectlnattitktoartsi. IreEaVdil aaetter Gnn ttian'aiiy .other -estabiiyhntfnridBties "at the eame ; wtte; a l$rgtfuni6'er, of ; yboi gnns are io nite in this ! atate; and as. jar as l ean learn, their I .ownerj ara nnanimons hfheif appovi '.' .. ;- ,!.-i:.'Ci favccuuiiy ours, . ,f , , .ang 7rf -:U 'r .. . J . , . A. JHAia att. TS. ;L;Aurtioiifim;:;:f A USf tH1Uli'i Market Btreet.lO Packages J3raadlea and Whiskeys. OCJiawels ChoiCeMairetS. ' O:! --. . ; . ,.ailds-it , B. KAIINWEILKR. i f su :)'.. -Auctioneer. a j Huction Salei" ;.!.. lit ,(; i. ri;ii. ii.iTiJ' I wnx MELLON SAToTtTJAT.Wtli lnst.atlO oclock, the entire stock-of , (J'-- IDB CLlBTOltD'S EOAiDINGr HOUSE. on Market etredE, between Becond and Third streets, consisting of , , -, ... 1 Parlos aad' Sed Beom Puxnituxe. A large Mantel.Mirror, Pictures, Marble Top Table? angia-st; ," ' Tl&r ' . . Jj6 It UnCierStOOU rpHATI SELL THE PURE AND GENUINE LA- ander Kjr ow pnai dirUon. and ground a k 3 ysswu -. HRfl Kstflfft 'Mil Tjiflir JiSSnnifltiim i4 i -v ' f . , MONTHLY. ISSTAbMENT hb tJbllar jeiahare ttdaoand payable today. i;t 1 iu; I f O K llhds 8. IL Molaeees. jvii3iiiiroraaHJyiY,-;i ;i:i;:-lf aqg 13-tf, .. KKRCHNER& CALDER BROS, .XTOW LAUDIN6 EXOERMAN BRIO BERTHA. :.?y- J hremcrhafeni ., KFJJT. TVTSTrT T VPS fir TTU! I'M .. rmt. TVTQTrT T WTja (irnnwninopro i . tftr hr&fittrrm rf."V-ff'.."fi"Tv4-:' J lo ,yl h,VAvjJW'fri, 'jProcjsery8BdEaenware assorted, packages. t . v . cconin uana ,apin! irreis. . - ? . v r r TottgW - ' angis-Swf ."W .-.7-- 4 Sea New' Adion 4tn Pass. r ti'norl IliBtllTpri Rlnn In Rimli r P I 1 :4 sill st - r 1 : 1 4 ; Mi -r : 5 -: ' - . -ii . fi ' it N If I;' ! f (1 !4 ft l'Kf . r!;-.t,'i-.'T if:- i-iirso'l I i 1 S l. i 1