THE HORITIIIG STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY r . . batxs or ituBSCBXPTioa or abtajtci: on year. six monthi i8i . ) :? ......... 400 nths(" 1 5 : - S 25 ith, C4 -) 14 - 1 00 Three mon one month. To City Subscribers, delivered in uy part of th city. Fifteen Centa per week. Our City Agents are . uurvuj .Agenisare more Uian& months in not authonxea to couecs ior advance. ..- ' - v a OUTLINES. J A disastrous hurricane struck Pontaise. north of Paris. Germany lemonstrates with Russia upon infraction of the former's territory. Catholic clergy of :' Posen ' liave submitted to the "f ecclesiastical de irees. Mail steamship Boyne, from Brazil, was lost off French . coast, - but her people were saved. 7 The miserable "Grand Army of the Republic" protest against Jefferson Davis speaking at Illinois State'Fuir. Jesuits ordered to leave Guatamala. ' : - A- Boston - shoe - firm. Brock & Currier, 'sentenced to' prison for fraudulent" bankruptcy.'--New 'York markets: Gold, 113i113. ; r FVNEBAL HONORS. Reception of Cor. Graham Be niaiua Honors to Ilia iaemorr In Various Places. . ' . ' ! !' Weldon paid a tribute to the illus trious dead by receiving his bod j as it arrived oh the Virginia- train and turning it, over through a full com mittee of her citizens to the commit tees and companies: from Raleigh. The louowing explains wnat was June at the Capital: " - J' ; - j t Raleigh, August 13. Er-Governor Graham's remains ar rived by a special train from Weldon at 2 o'clock this evening, and were received by the citizens and the mili tary, the line' of procession being formed in the iollowine order: Uiti zens' Cornet Band of Raleigh,- Ral eigh Light Infantry, - company? of. United States soldiers from the, bar racks, Raleigh Light Artillery, hearse witn remains, citizens or. mm Doro, citizens of Raleigh. : ; The cortege proceeded np Harget to Fayctteville street, thence to the Capitol, where the remains were de posited iu the rotunda of the Capitol. Many thousand people thronged the thoroughfares leading to. the rotunda, anxious to get a farewell view of the corpse. ' . : 1 i ' At 4 o'clock the procession ' was again formed, and escorted the re mains to the depot, where they: were taken in charge by committees and the Ualeigh Light Infantry as .a gward of honor, and carried to Hills horo'by special train for interment. On the arrival of the train from Weldon, the several bells of the city were tolled and every place , of - bnsi ness was closed. ..;-:&'ti In the death of Governor Graham North Carolina meets .with an irre-: parable loss.- He was one of her purest and greatest statesmen. , ; IKECITY. NEW ADVEUtISKnBNT! ' Mcxsox & Co. Ahead of Everybody. . D. Pigott. Half Dime Cigars. Habrisox & Allen. Straw Hats. Edwards & Hall. Flour, Coffee. Wn.r.TAMS.& Murchison, Bacon, Pork. Giles & Mrmcmsoir. Hardware. ' Kerciixek & Caldek Bros. Bagging. C. W. Yates. Call and Examine. , ; B. KAirawrLEB.-4Anction Sale. , IlErssiniEGEB.--New Book. Grakt & HraTOjr. Hay and Oats. ! Jonn Dawsox. English Cutlery." I Shriek Bro. Summer Ctothingr-T " - Natii'l jAcoBt Iron and SteeL ', ,Joiix3IcEntbe Hibernian Associations Pesner & Kobekts. Fresh Peaches, ILECTIOH EETURHS-rflFnCIAL 1 Furnished to the Morulas Star. J l .v,DARE.:;:i;';U'.;'' T- C. Meekin; Democrat, 196;' G. D. Bliyen; Radical, 264 r' Bliven's inaj. 68. : - JONES.-"3 f ; . Jacob F. Scott, Radical. 714; Fennifola McLindell Simmons, , Conservative, 516i. Scott's maj. 198. ' : f- i " .. ' ' ' -v ; . ! . POLK. ; .... N. B. Hampton, Radical 337; B. T. Mqr-: rls, Democrat, 290. Hampton's maj. 47. I ' :K ' ' SURRY.4 :;' '!:!; J : : ! Joseph Dobson, Democrat, 1,119; John M. Brower. Radical, 1,109. . . Dobson's ma jority 10. . . ' . ; ; I The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this ciiy, veaterdav " . " 7 A M., 75; 12 M.. 76; 2 P. M , 76; 4:30 i- M., 80; 9 P. M., 76.' ' r An Alleeed Homlelele. V t V :. . t ; ! It will be remembered that in our issue of the 29ib of July we gave an account of the drowningat orrnar':Mr AZ', H.';'Van Bfikkelen's still, of a colored boy by the nanie of Neplune Jackson, the verdict of the jury being that deceased came to his death by the dislocation of .his neck -by some fause unknown to, the -jury, . Yesterday Eliza Peden, the mother of the deceased bov, who it seems has been twice married, bad a warrant issued by Justice VanAm rmge for the arrest of a colored boy by the name of Thomas' Allen, aged about 18 years, on the charge of murdering her son.! In Justification of this act the woman alleges that she can prove in Court that Allen had only a few hours before the body of the boy was found threatened to kill her son, say- gbat he would " send him to h 1, &C. ; ( Thomas Allen, the alleged murderer, has Wn arresled'and is now confined in the county jail. .... ; , ; - I The preliminary examination of the case "Will take place before Justice YanAmringe . i n Monday morning, at 10 o'clock. "': f i : ' i tta - , -rv--- VOJj. XVl.-NO ' 124. Local Uota. Cloudy weather'ahd rain for to day. -7 on8,'melons everywhere, i' A?d plump as downy goslings are oo far only 120 persons have paid up their taxes for 1875. hanging-basket of portulaccas in a Fourth street portico. The buildings on the "poor farm" in Brunswick are nearly ready for the re ception of guests. - There were seven interments in Pine Forest Cemetery the past week 4 adults and 3 children. . ' The Register of Deeds only is sued one marriage license last week, which was for a"white couple. . - The, rainy season has commenced in earnest.? Yesterday we had several show ers and the cry is still it comes. xxr " .. : ' . we learn mat a trout T was caught at Masonboro Sound on Friday last, which measured about 2i feet in length. '- t)an. Ellison, bur fireman,!cap tured in his yard, this afternoon, a baby opossum so small that he took- it for a rat. -i We" learn that the fascinating and popular Miss Helen D'Este and troupe will behere in the early part of next month. The steamer Mnma Zhtnn is at work in Seward's ChapneL The depth of water, we understand,' remains about the same as When last reported , ., r'c,.. f - Mr. J. K. Tnrrentine of this city has received the agency of the Buffalo, Cleaveland and Longshoal Paper Mills in the Western part of this State. JTacob.Horn, Magistrate in Fed eral Point township, we understand, pro poses to remove his office from that town ship to Wilmington at an early day. We learn that there were two fights between colored men at Union Depot yesterday - morning, both occurring about 8i o'clock! No arrests that we have heard of. It is expected that the rector of StiJ Paul's Episcopal Church,. Rev. T. M. Ambler, who has been absent, will arrive this morning and preach as usual, morning and evening. " " 7 - -. ' There is always a puddle in front of the Court House when it rains in fact, several puddles, and they interfere seriously wilh the convenience of ladies who happen to pass that way. All are in good health aboard of the Spanish brig at quarantine, so we learn. , The vessel, is being put in order in respect to cleanliness, under the orders of Dr. W. F. Potter, quarantine physician. We learn from the Gazette that the Wilmington Amateur ; Dramatic Asso ciation will play , in Fayetteville for the benefit of the Orphan Asylum. A member of the company informed us that they will play there on the 26th and 27th ' inst, not the 19th and 20th, as stated fn the Gazette. False. ' ::! The rumor that was circulated here on Fridav that the Commissioners of Robeson county would reconsider their adjudge ment in the matter of the election of dele gates to the Convention , is groundless.; A correspondent at Lumberton teiegrapns to us that it is " notoriously false." Having once pronounced who was. elect ed there was no power, to coerce them into a reconsideration if there had been the in tention to do so. I ; WllnilBaTlOB an Seakoard Kail war . Owing to the pressure on our columns this morning, we have to announce in few words that the old Seaside: Railroad has been surDerseded by a new corporation The Wilmington and 1 Seaboard Railway Company which . has purchased all tne franchises and assets of the old road, and leased them to Mr. T. J. Southerland for the present. We reserve more extend ed remarks, suggested by our informant, for another time.;;;-" ; (,'"; mayor's Coart. '.'V'-'V The following cases were disposed oi Dy this tribunal yesterday morning: - Thomas Lee; colored, charged with curs t ing, abusing and beating his wife, was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $5 and -costs. "-1 ' :-7 '":-i:V' ' ' " The same, charged with assault and bat tery, was; found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $5 and costs. , ', ' ' Capo' Fear Towullp.':H The Board of Trustees i of Cape i ear township met on Friday and organized by the election of R. K Scott, Esq., as Chair man. :- .. . . ft. I The newly: elected ConsUble of the township, Win; Moore, colored, was nou- fled to come forward yesterday anu quaiuy. Two overseers pi roads were, appointed and the Board then adjourned. 1 - jriarket Beport. ".';Jv ." The following is the rep6rt of the Clerk of the Market for the week ending Aug. 14, 1875: ' ' ' No. of Carts in Market. ..400 -.. 51 ., 48 .. 3 .. 2 . 1 Beeves Slaughtered Sheep . 44 Calves 44 Hogs 44 it Deer 44f Sirack.Wlth Pleeo r iroB., f Ajducultycurred at the Charlotte de; pot -esterdaheraoxjnV about 2 o'clock, between Mr. Joseph Register and a colored man by tb name of Charles FUley, during Whicnheofniervriruckilhe iaf fer a sefere blow wiropfece-fft'inflR5finjr a bad woond on his h ad, cutting his lip, &c. !; warrant was issued tor Mr. Register, who was bailed: in the sum of $200 to appear before the Mayor's Court on Monday. r....', rt- , Itfi 'iAJ WILMINGTON, N. C. SUNDAY. ; AUGUST i5- 1875 i ; Oar Balldlna: latereata. - ' .. Theseasonof unexampled depression in all the business interests of the country has not been Witbeut its effect in checking Jhe growth of our city. Builders early noted the nneotv ffflimr rfmnntr !nnnta nnnan- the uneasy feeling flftnonir tenants conse quent upon the reduction of force in some manufacturing establishments and rumors of further reductions,, and, - anticipating a scarcity of tenants at the lime of the next year's renting, prudently determined to re duce the extent of their operations. Had this been theonly influence at work to at feet this branch of' business, the 'result nuu&u iiuuniiij uaic uccu iuq aituuon w tire suspension of building in Wilmington, but like depressing' influences were affect ing other branches of trade. Early in the year the owners of saw-mills here foud that returns for lumber sold at the Ncrth were becoming very unsatiBfac tory, and, owing to tbe great reduction or building operations iu that section, a time finally came when the result ot shipments of lumber on the market of Baltimore and other Northern cities netted scarcely .any- thing to the manufacturers here-over the cost or production, and, in some cases mat we know of, account sales was accompa nied with a request that the manufacturer remit a balance due the commission mer chant for wharfage, lighterage, inspection. commissions, etc., in excess of the amount realized by sale of the lumber. Of course such a state of the market led manufactur ers to reduce production and ship only bill stuff, and as bills have of late been only about as frequent as angels visits and the foreign demand is light, important reduc tions in prices of lumber and efforts on the part of the mill men to encourage home consumption have resulted. .Last month and the present arc naturally our dull season of the year, many of our most enterprising citizens being away on their summer trips of business or pleasure, but by September we shall beguTtolook for their return, and with it, in view of the prevailing low price of labor, lumber and brick, and most other articles of consump tion in housebuilding, the addition to our population as a result of the successful es- tablishement and operation of the Cotton Mill, and the generally more cheerful feel- ing in business circles as a result of the news of the past few days, we "look for a gradual and healthy, revival of the build ing interest of our city. Already, from the number of new buildings we notice erect- ng in our rambles about town, it would seem that the influences we have mention ed must be beginning to Uke effect. We give below brief notices of the prin. cipal wbrk8 now in progress,some of which, however, wc have mentioned in former is sues: The new press and cotton shed of the Wilmington Cotton Compress Company, located on the late site of Bowdeo's still yard, is progressing rnpidly to completion. and a" pile-driver is at work ' on the exten sion of the wharf. The boilers are already in position, and the boiler-house; of brick enclosed on three sides. The press itself is. to be covered by a frame building, of which the timbers are standing, and the foundation of the press is completed and the Jgreat cylinder of 72 inches diameter was being mounted to its position on the occasion of our visit. A large force of workmen were engaged on the long brick walls of the cotton-shed. The press, we understand, will compress one-half more bales than the old one' and deliver them'of only about three-fourths the size, thus se curing a great economy of time and of stowage 'space on ' board ship. It is in tended, . that f vessels - of deep draft shall have water sufficient to 'enable them to i load at the wharves without the extra expense of lighterage! It is estimated that the press will be in work ing order in five or six .weeks, when Wil mington will have facilities for ..the recep tion, storage, compression and shipment of cotton greater than ever before, and with an economy certainly as ereat as at any other Atlantic port. The Crolina Central Railway runs over the front of the premises. The8tore near the southeast corner of Front street and Market, belonging to Rev. A, P. Reperton,of Norfolk, Va., and lately occupied by Mr..T. H. Smith, is being over hauled inside, floors raised, and an iron and pressed brick front put in. We have heretofore- noted- the progress on the Synagogne of the Hebrew cpngrega: tion the first ever erected in the State- under .the supervision of the" Cape Fear Building Company. ; A fine new two-story frame dwelling is building on the- east, side of; Tltird street, between Mulberry and 'Watnuffor Mr,, John Col ville, of Messrs. Colville & Co T)n Wafer street, belween Cliesnut and Mulberry, Mr. J. F. Post is building a two story brick grocery for Mr.J. C. Heyer, heretofore -noticed. ' Near Princess, on Water street nd ad joining the office of Messrs. Harries & Howell, Mr, Geo. Harriss, of that firm, is putting up a one-story brick building to be et for stores. - ;, ,. The l Odd Fellows are stnecoing their building on Third street." ; I: ! As mentioned yesterdaj', Messrs. Walker & Maunder have a two-story brick building nearly completed, over their marble yard on Front streets. .. . . ; A neat two-story frame dwelling is build BC on Mulberry street, between Sixth ; and &TenlOoV'Wm,'ilL- oUaon.-- I , Mr! Geo. Doyle, Fourth- street, between Orange and Ann, has a good swo-story frame bouse nearly enclosed. 1 ' ' i Cn7xiiauen ; sweet, oevweea uiu auu Sixlfi; O; It Fmyavhsj ajfrsjne cot. tage neaxty wmpletedv;: ' v Mr. George Shute has made quite an ad dition to his store at Union Depot. I ; At Fourth And Mulberry. Capt. -Divine haj made a verv creditable two-storv1 brick house, with mastic front, adloining bis resi- I dence, by tisine the floor' 'Of pmajl build' ingt adding to it in height and building a I i s " -' two-story extension. ; Ex-Sheriff Black has at Sixth and Mul berry a two-story. frame; building, under W. K. Price, col., is building a two-story irame bouse on seventh' street, . between Mulberry and Chestnut. y Mri Geo.1 A-'Teck." having recently pur- I chased from the. estate'i 'of MrA Henry Bremer,' deceased, . the grocery formerly occupied by the latter on South Front street' near Dock, is raising the floors and putting in an improved front. A very - pretty - two-story- and basement frame house is in a good state of forward Wesson the West side of Third near Orange Mr. Albert Baldwin, of Messrs. Freeman & Baldwin; dentists, is the owner.- We bear of a number of small buildings J going up in the suburbs, and there may be some more centrally located which we have fined to observe. In other respects our i j;8t j8 complete. Brans wick. Conner We learn it from a gentleman of Smith- ville that, at the last meeUng of the JBoard of County Commissioners of Brunswick. D. . oowan, .fisq., entered a formal protest, calling in question the legality of the late election in that county, by reason of various alleged unlawful transactions in Northwest township by E M. Rbsafy and others. Tax Keeelpu. .The receipts at the office of the City Treasurer and Collector, for, the week end ing yesterday fooled up as follows : License Tax. ............ ..:;..' 472 22 Real Estate and Personal Tax, . . . 2,453 90 Dray and Dog Tax. ; ..... .. .; i . 20 00 Totals $2,955 12 Excursion. A colored military excursion to Abbotts- burg will take place on the 23rd inst The companies to participate are Companies A and B, Wilmington Rife Guirds, .tbe Sum- I her Light Infantry, the" Wilmington Dra- goons and the Brooklyn Zouaves. The ex' cursion will be under the auspices of, the first named company, j- - A Monster of tne Deep. We learn that quite an excitement oc curred on board the Revenue Cutter W. IT. Crauford on Thursday last,; while lying at anchor off Smith ville, occasioned by the capture of two of those little artful fellows called sharks. One measured eleven feet and eight inches in length and five feet and eight inches in circumference, being a regular "monster of the deep." The other was over seven feet in length. His shark ship No. 1 contested every inch of ground (water), and not until the officers emptied the contents of their revolvers into his head did he condescend to surrrendi-r. , The appearance of these ''little artful fellows,'! who do not care a cent who t they gobble np,shonld serve as a seasonable warn ing to all who are disposed to indulge in salt-water bathing . outside of the bath houses at Smith vrlle at this season of the yer. ' : :v . . j.i'J The shark first mentioned is probably the largest! ever caught in the (waters at tha point. ... ,, , ., ; . .. .; j . .. : i t i l - Our boarding-house poet brings in this sheaf of full ears, gleaned painfully from his own storm-desolated field of sad experi ence. -The labor was undertaken after reading "Man and Beast, Here and Here after:". .... 7 ,' " Often in the stilly nighln . ' ' ' Long I for that land so fair, . .. Where, His said, the ills of life - Come to tease and torment ne'er. Often, then, I feel a pang, 1 Hear a music soft and low; Avtful thought that music brings : . - " Where do good mosquitoes go?" , s- .-"-. Here we are mosquito-bit - . ; , Fleas hop on us when we sit . Sleepless bed-bugs crawl around ' ' ' . Oh, hark I from the rooms what a doleful sound. , ,. i ' .... ". Here we, meet to part again" . . , ; There no parting ah, what paint ; !; Mere " there wilt no parting be'V:, TT ; ' From the ever-faithful Jtia. 'Skeeters, bed-bugsj' must they be In the 44 Sumraer-)and" with me? , Wings! in them no charms 1 see, Though their comp'ny loving be! i Tne Boys 'ln Hot Water" Aft-ala. ' Complaint was made at the Marshal's of fice yesterday tf the annoyance experi encedjby3 tbe assembliig, dailyi of a large number of boys,' white- and colored, at pr near the comof Sixth and Chesnut jstreets, where ' they 'are in the habit of throwing melon rinds,;rocks, &, rather .indiscrim inately. Tne police were ordered to iook after tbaro. l-' ; -'-' . Another complaint was made . to the ef fect that a parcel of boys are in the habit of going upon the premises of a gentleman at or bear the corner of Seventh rand Orange streets, during his absence from hoinejfrlsm his fruit, &c Tbe, policy were Instructed to look after this case also. ' ' ' The boys about town (or many of them) are either on a fearful rampage or are badly We learn that there "are six !nv mates in the county jail at Smithvillo just now, of which two'are insane ' two are in, for stealing, one for murder and one for Illegal voting one year ago at Town Creek. I nnterr lal Exeltiaitat at Bald : ;rt ;.v:ij2; -; We learn from a friend at Smithvlllethat U61 . oe' ?P"te tempest--ui';a! tea - pot" at Bald Head for some time, and that I Inat. tdboIt it micnniBil 1m oh.nA nf in In. u nvvn. iwouiuvui w. bu cioient snectral rebellion ' sendincr terrdr-to that'secluded but pleasant summer retreat. The stories are so various and numerous of the wonderful antics of the terrible: tomc- ffiing, that to one far from the excitement of the locality,' our friend remarks,' it calls 1 to mind the famous prpduction of e'hiiagij'aM-i' I native talent of P. T. Barnum. who several 1 years agor placed on exbibiuon an annual without name... So grotesque was .the ani mal, in appearance and actions, that na turally the people would 'exclaim, -" What is it ? and from this universal exclamation of the spectators Barnum's "Hodge i Podge" of humor, ingenuity and native bandiword became known as " What is it f" The vari ous performances of his ; gbostship, as re counted by trustworthy residents of Bald Head, evince the handiwork of the human and a. small; interposition . of ' the super- naturaL tTndoubtedly if a requisition was , made and honored for a good shot gun, and a first-class spiritual medium, the , terror- stricken few of the Island would with the - ki)J of these valuable friend solve themys-j I ii, .F..i..iut,.t k v a I bed-covering found outside of the house, writing on the floors, moving of chairs and trunks and books into the middle of the floor, spectral appearances of human form at midday in the hall of the house, when the men of the : same were away, noises of various grades of sound and intensity, &c , I that : have so startled, the good people of I Bald Head. ----:-v; -u.-s ' ' .:: ; The poor pilots who so uufortunately lost their lives near , that spot about three Tears ago are said to be mentioned in eon- Onr Cli a relies To-Day. - :: ; Second Presbyterian Church,' corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Services tt 11 a. jn. , Sunday School at 4 p. m. Seats free. . , . , ; ;; i r M j Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South); situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets. Services at 11 a. m, and 8 p. m. by Rev. J. W. Craig. Sabbath .School at 9ia..m. . ; l There will be joint services for the par ishes of St. James' and St. John's, 12th Sunday after Trinity, as follows: Morning Prayer at St John's at 9 a. m. Evening Prayer at St. James' at 6 p. m. ; Sunday School in each parish at the usual hour.; ; Services at St. Paul's (Episcopal) church- corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol lows : Services at 1 1 a. m. , and Si p. m. Rev. T. M. Ambler is expected to be pres ent and officiate.. Seats free. K" First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifthstreets.,Seviccsatlla. mand8 p. m., Rev K C. Dargan; Sunday School at QJfa. m. Prayer meetingThursday night at Si o'clock. ; Young men's prayer : meeting on Tuesday night at o'clock- v 7s 7 Second Baptist church; corner Sixth and Church streets. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m. ; Prayer; meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Rev." Ji &' Barlow, pastor, . , ;; ; St. Paul's Evang. Lutheran "Church: corner of 6th and. Market streets, Revi G. D. Bernhcim, pastor t English service at 11 a. m. I .German Service at. 8J p. .ni. Sunday school at 5 p. m. - . V Front Street M. E. Church (South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets; Rev. J.E. Mann, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. . Sunday school at 5 p. m. : Young Men's Society Tuesday night at 8 o'clock Prayer meeting Wednesday 'night at 8 .o'clock.' :'. ?; ;"--'; i St. Thomas' Catholic Church, Dock St between 2nd and 3rd, ' Services to-day as follows: Holy Mass at 7 a. mi and 10 J a m. Vespers at 5 p. m. Sunday school at 9 a. in. Sunday school for the colored . children in the basement jat 3 p.. m.; , . Ke v. M. b. vross, pastor andvJasB. White assistant ,( Sanh'a,iBetJiel .Serylces .at 3 p.! m Rev. Jos. LKeen,. Chaplain... ; : . V The Revi Dr. A.. A. Watson will . preach in Rt fart' nhnroh this tvpnincT fit 8-JM1 First Baptist ChorcBV colored, on 'Fifth and Campbell street 1 Services as follows: Sunday School :at9 a-t m.; prenchint at ioj a. m.v 5t p aiHi7i p. m.n 4ev.jj-. k. Services at tbe First Colored rresDyterian Church. Chesnut between Seventh and Eighth streets, at 11a. m. By Rev. D, J.J Sanders, Pastor. Habbatb School at a. m. WllnalnKton Retail JTJarket. , , The .following . prices .ruled yesterday: Apples, (dried) 12i cents per pound ;.dried peaches 25e per pound; walnuts, 25 cents per pecky pickles,- 20-Scents i per dozen; lard, 18 - cents per pound ; butter; 3040 cents per pound ; cheese, 25 cents per pound ; grown fowls 7580a pah-; geese $1 50; per . pairj beef l016cl per pound; beef, (corn edl 1215c.' per pound ;xveai, 12j16c. perpbuhd; mutton, 12il6( ctsV per pound; Bam,' i6l8 cts. per pound; shoulders; 124 14 cents per pound; tripe, 20 cts. per bunch ; clams,1 25 cents a peck; open clams, 2025 cts a quartiSWpJiuVS; eggs, 1820 cents, a doz; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs); potatoes, new iiish,"40c a peck; new sweet $1 a peck; fish-trbut 25c. per buqcb; inul lets 10 cents. jper . bunch;', turnips,' 10 cents a bunch; Jonions, 50.) cents aT o peck; .eabbagesi-jlOf! cents: a head ; bologna j SQ; cents a . pound : wild ducks 507S cents a pair; tadishes, parsley, 5 cents a bunch; onions, 50 cents a pecs.; carrots,; 5 cents a .pound; rice,' 12 ots. a quart ;snap beans 20c apeck; squashes, 20 cents, a doz ; cucumbers, 1015 cts a doz. ; green corn 80c a dozen; blackberries 510 cents a 'quart; tomatoes 10 ents a-quart; okra, , 9 cents a dozen ; cantaloupes, 1015, cents 'ti watermelons, 1530 cents; shrimps 20c a quart; crabs 15c a dbzon. 1 ip' :.if; 1 :. ;V WHOLE ; NOT 2:57$. f WllaalaiartoB methodise Dlatrfet. oi Appointments of Rev. W. 8. Black. Pre siding Elder, for the third, round of. quar- l terly. meetings for the present Conference j year of the Wilmington District:" r "" i- . y ; aauvu auu A . AIAiaOiUU, U VULI Cf . f Ttloan !utA C -V irir,;.. -i. rn-n -i1 Aurast 15 and - ' J . ' I - s; Magnolia, at Harrell's Store, August 29 j and 80.-. - r . , t.".r. - ' 1 Wilmington, at Front Street Church, Sep- tember 5 and 6. uuuwiuic, ai. Duuuiiuic, tnrjjicuiucr CITY 1TE1I1S. U,PAPiEa.-To; Harris' JJews JJepoL West aide Front Street, we are indebted for copies of " ," iwwy vw iwf muu i'iim. The Stand wilt remain open until 11 o'clock this morning. :yui t".j ) fr;.t Tbasbrb' PimmKa-tSKS. Invaluable to ran road companiea, eteamabip companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. . They ars en during and changeless, and will copy sharp: and clear for an indefinite period of time, j Having just received a fresh suddIto! these inks, wears ore- pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Hardware. IlOIl and SteeL ;v - A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Pocket and Table Cutlery ( ! of every deesription. SCYTHES, FISH HOOKS .AND LINES, All kinds of Tools, Ac Prices reduced at NATH'L JACOBI'S, Hardware Depot. J Elms, Hubs and Spokes, AXLES, SPBINGSl&c A well selected stock of ' ', CARRIAGE AND WAQOIT MATERIALS at the i teweft' pricea; Orders by mail promptly j Ailed, and satisfaction guaranteed. NATH'L JACOBI'S, : . Hardware Depot, Sash, Doors ' and Elinds. Manufacturers agency orders filled at factory prices. Paints, Oils, Glass, Tarnishes, &c. At ; i. NATH'L JACOBI'S, ! v' HARDWARE DEPOT. - r t t No. 9 market 8treet. ' . ang 15 if i We ' Want the Room ! : A ND THEREFOBfi MUST LISPOSE OF THE XX balance of oar .: - t Summer Stock of Clothing, &c, i FIXE SUMMER MERINO SBIRTS. . GAUZE SHIRTS, Jean Drawers, Fine White Shirts, -only $1 85; Boy's White and , . , Calico Shirite, i COLLARS, CUFFS, TR UNKS, 5 TraveUng Bags, Satchels, Aci ' AH at prices to suit the hard times, .ro'.'fi. as . . anffl5-tf SHRIEK BROTHES. Hiss Angel,' Br, MISS THACKERAY, A CHARMING lSTORTV' FULL OF TENDEB- nesa and delicacy. Picturesque, and Soft, and tender a quaint .and Pretty .. - t - . .. . i , Sketch of Bygone . Age. ! The Book is slntmlarly attractive. It has many wise, tender and beautiful passages, and is one: for which all admirers of Miss Thackeray's writings sad are they not legion T will be thoroughly grate f td For sale at HEINSBERGER'S : , i '-i' 1 ! J i if IU'.J ! Live Book and Music Store. . ang 15-tf v Hardware. f X? OR ALL ARTICLES IN THE HARDWARE .. LINE GO TO. , . ' giles & murchison; i ang U-tt New Hardware Store. Fine Straw Hats. -rrr' ffi ; ii '? t i l tit t-i TV S ARB 'SELLING OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Straw goods at Very' Low Prices.''' '' V r HARRISON ' ALLEN'S; ang 15-tf City Hat Store. 1: Hibernian Benevolent Association. kk: MKMHKRS'.:: Y u are' herebv notfaed formeet at yonr. Hall, (late Library Rooms) this Pun as wYetting. at :3:15 o'clock pnnctnnry. for the pnrpooe ot attendunr th- Taneral of osr late Brother member, Richard Jrce.; - ingifilt secretary.'! j. . i . ,; ... u AY . . i . ., a a .. - ' J Ziegler Rje Whiskey Apple, Blackberry and Ginger Brandr, Port N "K. Ruin.- 25 Barrels choice Mullets, which I wilr ell without reserve at mv Sales Room. No 6 Market street, to morrow morning , at 1 HUICK U1TUF UUUUKV UU'1 AUUF 11 o'clock, August lbth , i ' ' x 1 B. KAHNWErLER, 1 ugl5-U. , -,.- t i..AucUoneer.i Food for -Hai anS . Beast. t - Bay, OATS, CRACK CORN, BRAN. PROY- ender. Klour, Water Ground Meal. Bolted, Meats, Sazsr: Canned Goods, for sale low by . - - i i.itHifii.;i. I ang 15-DAW GRANT 'HINTON, Cont-Mer. snd Grocete. Snglisli'rCutlery- IrsbCKBT KNIVES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. XT Razors, Strops, brushesJBodeer'i Ivory Handle Table and Tea Knives. Silver Forks. Spoons, gcis- rors. Carving Knives ana rones,- tsois steels, : sc. A large assortment just receivea irom iue jrapor ters, and now opening at the Old Established Hard ware hOUSe Ot i .-i '; !(- e u. ' JOHNDAWSON, ... sngl54f No. 19. SO and SI Market Stj. J X7o Havbr Got Theni ! .:.f , FRESB EVERYDAY," Presh. dear-Stone Peaeues. 'if rimni.H s uuumtcra, -r aagl5.ll - Cor, Front and Walnut Sta, '-:i-e;ii;ra ; -. .THE- : ! --'Zf I JACGBl) Jif I axe, y ' RATKSi OF AJVfc,ltXI8INC4 ' . N 1 0ae.8qiiarc'en Bf,7r::?i::: iV.i.i.-.. $1 1 ' - " . tttn iti - - ' ' 1 U three day8.. 9 Ot . four days..... .......... i W . " TedayB......,..,,..i...,...i. 3 W I. HTM "..M'.-' Two weeiV.V.Vl.lJ.......I 6 00 1 ThreaweekBL.'..-:....-.;........ 6 60 ' One month.... 8 OP ''TwBuattiii.;...u.. .15 or Three montka...'.. S8 00 -4 I' " J : B 10011018....:...... ; ...85 Ot ; vneyear..... ..soil t3f" Contract - AdvertiiieinAnta tAtm at nivnit. . Fire Sqnarea estimated aa a tan aqaares as a half-colamn. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IBattHLV PorkpFlOTir, Bagginff, Ties, Etc. I KA Boxea Smoked Side and Shonldera,'; A Kfi BoxeaD. S. sides w Bhln Vaas Vnrm I JJ f t f 3 0 0 qU" pElp,? ' I 1 00 TmB Pieced Tic' I 2Q0 BarreIa K611 Biw, 1 AA Bags Prims Bio Coffee. KQQ Balea NB. and Bartern Day, , ; 3000 B,l8l,el8PrIine jWhHe and Mixed Coru. 100 pbl8 and Hhd8 ' Kew Crop Cnb "' Mo,aMe 1000 ' I 2AA Second Hand Spirit Casks j f f dJI. TTiuin Iu'. jTg BblaGlns QQ Bags Shot, 25QKega Nails, JOQ Boxes and Half Boxes, Candles, rjjij Grossllatchee, , Boxes Candy. . 25BoxeBSod, 70Bo8op, 2g Coses Potash, FJQ Cases 'Oysters, 9ft Half Barrels Snuff, 100 Tona Eureka Gnano, A(U 200 Tans Guanope Guano. ' For sale low by ! an; ;15-tf WILUAMS & MTJRCniSON. Bagging, Ties, &c., &c. QQ EoUa Baggin& Tons Ties. , 1000 arre'8 our QQ Bags Coffee, ;, 5Q BW Sugar, Bbls. S. H. Molai '2 HhdsS. JL Molasses. ; y . , , . I : 0QHhdsCabaHolasse ; ( - ( Tierces Rice, 250 Cases Oysters, 60 Cases IV Peaches and Oyste,190 Cases Pickles, K n Boxes D. S. and Smoxed Sides, 25 Koxes 1 JV 8. and Smoked Shoulders. - QQQ Bushels Corn, I -. 35Q Bdls Prime Eastern H ay. "I fl A Boxes Tobacco. 1UU gQQ Spirit Casks, TonaHoop Iron, 100 Paper Riveis, 1 KA Barrels Glue, 200 Kegs Nails. JQQ Boxes Soap, 1C0 Ccxes CandUa, Q(( Kegs Powder, For sale by ' au?14tf KERCHNER& CALDERBRO- A'RE ALWAYS Hoop Iron,, kept in stockT Molasses, Cotton Tics, and; sold - Salt, Flour, , Coffee, Bagging, very 'low. Bangs,. special in Glue, ducements are offered Sugar, Kails, . to cash buyers. Meats, dec. - EDWARDS & HALL. an? 15 tf OurDox Box CIG-AS, QUARANTEED TO BR AS GOOD as your Cigar dealer sells yea ;,aD.,PIjaO.l .1 Ahead' of Everyhodyt ACTUALLY WrrnOUT A COMPETITOR. Dry Goods Men . Xonplusscd. r EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF. Wamsutta Shirts. SIXTY-FIVE iDOZFiN SOLD in less than two weeks, 6 Tor r Leave orders with 50 Cash. MUNSON CO., : Sole Aeents. sag 15-tf Call and Examine - MY STOCK OF STANDARD AND . , MisceUancous : Books. .1 . vhich lam selling at greatly reduce! prices. - ;:..' - THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK '"' kN the city. " -l ' ' ' " ' " ' C.W.'tATES, snu 15 tf ' ' Market Street. At Anction.. IWU L KLL , ON I THURSDAY MORNING Anguxt 19th, at 10 o'clock. - at the lesidence of SoL Levy, corner of 2nd and Ann street, without re serve, 1 '. - j - ' ' A Pine 1i Octave Knabe Piano, PARLOR, BED, AND; PINING ROOM SETS, Cat pets. Mirrors, Bedding, i CROOKEUY, GLiSS , AND PLATED WARE, - . i:. -'... .".!-Jl I . 1. ' ,f Kitchen Utensils. 3 Fine Milk Cows, a fine vair well tra'n 1 tioais; Wsgn and Harness in prime order. B. KAHNWEIfiEK. . ang15-t I" Auctioneer. ' L R GRAINGER..!.'. .1 ........ fbi 8idiht ,,Vk Pbsidknt .Cashikb HQS. W. T. KlHNsOJU.i. D.C.WADDELL. ...j. ....... BAIL M" A "RTOIVr MAKIOIV, S. C. Directors : HON. W. D. JO HNSON. 1. . . ; .Marion, S. C J. O. MfcrJWATr,i-rV-.-l-rs-rt v-... . - DUNCAN MURCHISON " M; A. WRFGHT. Mi .v.'. . i . .Wilmington, N.Q JNO. W. ATKINSON. " D.R. MURCHISON'..' " L B. GRAINGER.,. , , M . Does all the ordinart bssiness of s Bank. ' : Issnes Certificates of Deposit bearing interest., w. .a . 1 1 i . .. I.., . l y vriu uu nsBsmra ni waxnninoaaiuig laa mercan tile communities or Wilmington, and other places by discounting such pirper as can be recommended as good by any of the Banks located where the par ties are carrying on business. , , v ; : ,; Oorrerpondents: ' Hanover National Bank.....;. ....... ...New York. Citizens' National Bank; ......... . . . . Baltimore; Bank of New Hanover. ..... Wilmington. may so u nac : s I k $ i i. l t. If'r t ' i ft -I I i

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