Batkm ov nvicit'rmN(i. THE H0RIII1TG STAB. 1 PUBLISHED DAILY, BY " HATSS OF WIBBCTUTTIOH IH ASVAJTCX: .ma year, ;0T mall) postage paid,...:..... T 00 mreemontftaC u - ?S One month, ,l - -.- .,..--. w City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the , Fifteen Cent per week. Our City Agents are not authorised to collect for more than S. month! in - OUTLINES. Lulu beat Goldsmith's Haul at Rochester inlhe best four consecutive;; heats oa re cord, and wnowqiieenpf tbeiarf. A hundred and eighty thousand failure in St. Louis in the boot and shoe husineasl 3-irr An explosion of a .boat on, Jtbe' Tennessee 4 river killed five vrs6ibs.f i-fJ Trouble at Pan vers, Mass., between Italian . and Irish Iaborers- Rockforlckjjsiand & gt. Louis R, R? Mdfir decree of TJ. 9. Courtr foreclosure of mortgage, tr-r-Greatuncle of King f cff J&varja : f all f rbni horse yesterday and was 'efc?fTIt B. steamer Brow lost near Sabine light house, but crew and all on board aavA New. York.niarkets: $1 65$1 75; spirits turpentine, 81i32f. Commodore Morris,, TJ. & N., is dead. We have prepared; the following list of members-elect to the Constitutional Conven-; tion i . - W'-"VJ Alamance. J Ej Boyd,. rail. Altxander; Reaben Watts, cons.- gain, Alleghany, JS. Jbr Vangban, c Anson, R. T. Bennett, .:; Ashe. J. O. Wilcox, ind. .1 1! : i.x ' IKU.i IT Jjeaafort and Pamlico, J.E. Shepherd, c .Bertie, F. ,W. Bell, r. ; , 'i . ., Bladen, A. McDonald, r. . - :4 ; Brunswick, E. WvTaylori'r gain, s.i.-.-u-Buncombe, Thoa. XvUman; P5 Cole man, c. gain of li i txsL-d' BurkeA, C Averyy Jf - --"l Cabarrus, R. W, Allison c. t Caldwell, & W. Jones, ; .it v-.?rwi7r Camden, J; Lw Chamberlain, . gain, Caswell, . Bi Withers, c, Wilson Cary, r., gain of 1. . 5- ;, . . ...... '; : Carteret, James Burnley, c - - . Catawba. LC M. McUorkle, c Chatham, Johnilanning, Wm. Stroud, c. Cherokee and Graham, J. W.' Cooper, e. Chowan, J. R. Page, r. r . ' Clay, - - X'-C" -i-vi..- j Cs i.iu. Cleaveland, Plato Durham, v :. ,v Columboa, Forney George, Craven. R. F. Lehman; J. 8. Manix , r.i Cumberland, R, P.Buxton, J. a Blocker,! r. gain. - ; : Currituck. W; H. Cowell, c ; '? ; Dare, G. B. Blivena, r gain. ' ! Davidson, T. CL Bobbins, B. B. Roberts,c! Davie, Charles Price, c i ' - u is Doplmi'J. ICtallings; . Wm. Farrior, c Edgecombe W P. . Mabson, A. jlc-; Cabe, r.- ..-: Forsy the, W. H. Wheeler, r. ' Franklin, W. F. Green, c . ..a f 5 " " Gaston, Jonas Hoffman, r gain. jr w Gates. W; R Roberts, c : " Granville, X J.. Young," J." A. Bullock, r L Greene, Josepn Lixon, x gam. ; . . .- Guilford, A W. Tourgee; A 8. Holton, r4 gain. !' . . Halifax, J. E. O'Hara, J. J. .Goodwyn,.' Harnett, John Harrington, c. .a r . ! Haywood, Dr; Sank Love, tj.O Henderson, Frank Woodnn, r. ; Hertford, E. J. Horton, r. i i Hyde, W. & Carter, c ' ' -1 I Iredell, T. A ;Kicbxl8on, C. I. SuniT mere, c. ' : '-; -:'; - ',! . Jackson. G. W. Spake, ind., gaim " - j Johnston, B. JL Hinnant, P. Tf Massif r. gain ' 5 i . . ; j Junes, J..F. Scott, r. : . ; , - ' .. Lenoir, R. W. King, r, gain. 1 Lincoln, Caleb Motz, c. I' i - .;. t Macon, 'W.. AHmam1 -llartln, Rev; O. B Hasaell, C. gsin I . McDowell,.CorNeal, cr . J , Mecklenburg, Gen, 'R. Barririgcr; Dr. W Kerr, r. gain. ' .1 Mudieon, Dr, J. K. Anderson, & i MoutgoraeTytAIlen Jordani-rfgain. Mitchell, J W. Iwwnian, vr. gain, -;vf i. Moore, W. M. Black, r. gain. Nasa, B. H. Bunn,c. " . j New Hanover and Pender, G. Z. Frencbj S. IL Manning, J. H. Smyth, r. y Northampton, Wra. Barrow, r.' ' . Onslow, James G. Scott, c. "i Orange, Hons. W. A Graham, J. Tur ner, C. . " Ti J: ' j Pasquotank, W. J. Muhden, r. .., Perquimans, J. W. Albertson, i. . i l Person, Col. J. W. Cunningham, c gain. -1 ntt, Hon. T. J. J arris, Win.- King, c Polk, N. B. Hampton, ir f - J r Itandolph. J. W.Bean, Al, K. Lowe, t gain. 'H,.-':: -. : .' i Richmond, Hon. O. H. Dockery, r gainL Hobeson, Dr. A. Sinclair, C. - A. Mi- Eacbin, c gain. ; 1 'a j KockioKham, Hon. JD. SReid, J. Turner Morehead,c.ijOO U- .f ' S Rowan, Hon. F. E Shober, J. S. Heri- dtson, c; t:iuiiviit f'j". , Rutherford, J. JL Justice, r. -Sampson, Wm. Kirby, S: J. Faison, c." I Stanley; Joseph Marshall, c , r Stokes, W.WMcCaadless. r. gain. . ; Surry, Joseph Dobson, c. Swain. Transylvania, G. W.; Wilson 'C.' f1 Tyrrell, Dr. E Ransom, ind-i gain. Union. Dr. T. W: Redwine. c. Wake. R C. Badcfir. M. k C; Hodge, A. L Davis, J. j. NowelL r gain. Warren. J. W: Thome . J..O. Crosby. T. Washington, J. M. Bateman, r. gain. Watausa. L. Bino-ham. c ""v - Wayne. W T Fajrclyth. GJ..H. Gran tham. r gairi.'"1' J. "" i Wilkes, T. J. Dula, Q. A. Bryan, r. i Wilson, Col. R. W Singeltary, $. J I Yadkin, B. F. Jones, r. f Yancey. , t- - r Z'" i Bpirits Turpentine I . A negro named ; Ben Piper, was owed in Gldsboro' on Friday last, oh the clmrge of forgery. ! ' : -t : . ! '' r - In the Supreme Court; " do FH d iy, appropriate testimonial, wag ' rendered to me life and service of ex Gov; Graham.. Treagnfer of Gastdn .cpnntyre P"rts havmg had 2,tX)0 bfedttnty money a the Bank of Mecklenburg at the tlme of la failure. ,:u,i vi,4 Ih v tf The New .York, Tribune sdys that Governor Graham waa one of thef Mo-8ts at Governor TiMefi's banquet at Sar woga the Uher day., and ; that Uieir -Tiews Natioual politics were mainly in accord. i Charlotte Observer: ' VVelearii . Exf ellencyi Governor, iBrpgden' 8 appointed asV (jommiosiobers on the N C. K. Rl W: 8. Pearton. Maj. W R,,Uiu and Mr. Good Roberts.. ;As "is Excellency has determined to make a partisan matter of iXrom the niaterial he d to select from ne coqhi Hobaxeipkae Binch beterna.iK ;ottM ihMv- Chariot te Oecv H1 week or I'i-Pr riwa'. arweart told by a na. MajrwrW.Tobblns; 6rStatesville, w.r.w ividAr'cj)uaJy? W.awtat hi 5ptb U. Hubbiiw, Esq , who was running jr the CvnyentioDx wjih bhicanTHsaj.t Wbnp "e carngn was overw be asked Jiimiwhar '? nHJUght' (he result "would be:.' ;Mr. Rob JJ'Mfepufid.thAt bp; 'calculated Qti bia elec- "Wlbvimilnni.lain ,tm AVksM I hp upciat count 'Was; efided.rhe "was1 found VOL. XVI. NO. 125 Norfolk Landmark: We had the pleasureyesterday of a visit from the Hon. Jesse JT Yeates, of the tEdenton (Nf C.) District, and our long conversation with that gentleman confirmed and ' deepened our previous respect for bis broad and com prehensive intelligence. If the "American Congress could be filled up by just such men, the "lobby" would die out and the word 'jobn would disappear from the polit- uau vucaouiary NSW ADTEUtlSRinBitTtl Chas. D. Mtkbs & Co. Caution. See ad. -of Preston Cumming & Co. ' A. DAvro-Superb clothing, f-, ELECTION RETUHHS----OFFICIALx liiirnlsUcd-to the Slornlnsr Stan Imootgomery. Allen Jordan, Radical, 635; L. D. An drews, Conservative 895." ' Jordan's ma jority, 240. . ! , p. "'':). 1 . 1 PtvrUn.WATAU0A Haryejr Bingham, Conservative, 893; Jas. S. HilL. Conservative, J03; J- H. Mast, Con servative, 100; J. T. Lippard, Radical, 117. Local Uou. . . Some ef the .finest watermelons of the season are being brought to market now. -Manning,; the younger, of, the Weldon popped in one minute last night. ; .:r X ; A number of U. S. troops passed through this city yesterday en route for the garrison at Smithville. e s i ''We note the presence "here abouts of very few mosquitoes, flies, &c, compared with former years at this season. ' rainbow yesterday afternoon indicated, we hope, that we are to have a "spell' of better weather than we have been blessed with lately. ' " " " " ' ,tr?earPjat an arrangement will probably be effected by which our friends at Masouboroand Wrightsville will receive their maihvoa Sunday morning. . v;i.vs.-. The Hibernian Association turn ed out in their beautiful regalia oa Sunday, the occasian being the! funeral of "Mr. Richard Joyce, one of their deceased mem bers. ; - -' " Capt. Smith is heaving the tracks in the Carolina Central depot here ballasted with a fine 'shell marl. found near the depot and at a little belew"the level of the build-iags.- . 'A fVi'v- s - Mr. J. M. Cronly, who recently received the appointment of cadet in the Naval Academy at Annapolis, left for that place-' Sunday ' morning on the steamship LueOU. ..'5..'!, iK l ;::.v, , The Rev. Dr. Bernheim, of ,the Lutheran Church, mentioned Rafter service Sunday evening that next Sabbath would be the sixth anniversary of : the dedication Of their present house of worship (unless our German failed us). - : . One of the heaviest rains of. the season fell, in this city and vicinity yester day afternoon. The' streets and alleys were flooded with water, and it is reasonable. to suppose that they, as well as the cellars and low places generally, will require, looking after. ' ' ' ; Two broth eraof the colored per suasion had a tremendous big quarrel yes-' terday ' over onelU1UercinclnvTand the next step, of course was an application at a. Magistrate's office for a warrant byjone of -the-arties ' against the pther.- It is a glorious privilege (f) to ; be able to "go , to law . ,. On sxme ;paria of 'North Water street there is a very offensive odoraiUing, '. which is not at all conducive to the health of the people in that part -of the city, nor pleasant to those' whose business requires themto goln that U hoped the matter will be remedied. 1 uf ' Bljrr Cfrt Tii , i. vt . The following cases were disposed of by this tribunal yesterday morning; vvinA . ; Joseph Roderick, charged !witb disorder ly! conduct. Judgmenti suspneded. ..Amos Johnson, charged with disorderly conduct, was fined $1 00 and costs. , w ' Nelson Batson, charged with trespassing upon the premises of the coroplainaat in the case,' was found 'guilty' and ordered to pay a fine of $50 and costs., A. C. Wessell, charged is yiJrvW - with keeping Den his bar-room After -12 on-Sat- urday night;? was ordeW , to ipay a nne oit $25 and costa, - Defendant appealed to the Superior Court and was required to give a bond of $200 for his appearance. .. v -Hi Joseph jRegister, charged: wiUi assault and battery with a : deadly weapon on the person of Chas. Fitiey, was ordered to give a justuled bo the7 for his appearance at the next rterm, ul the Supe rior COUrt. , A - , h- '.J" m-v '.n'-r-- ' in another case in which disorderly con duct was the offence, judgment waa bu pejhded;' and In another, in which . defend ant was charged with disqrdely conduct and TesisaBgltheJolIMidef'dant was or derefctq pay a, fine of $70 and cost,rtrom which decWonhe appealed, to the SUperi- or UoOrt ji . . r Tbarneaitier. . ke lellowioVwaikbe5 range ot 1 thether- mqmetsrat tfwSifnal Breau; ?o this city, veaterdav: - ; - ?' --hi; WILMINGTON, COLliniBTJS COCNTlf. '-: j , Pfefcable Horrible Murier. ' We have the particular! f r6m a friend of a probable horrible murder in Columbus counly. It seems that on , Saturday, morn- ing," about S o'clock, there' leas jhouting heard at a place known as the Gernegan place, together with a light as if a house was on fire.""1 The neighbors soon-gathered orTthe" spot, w hen 'it'was "found'lhat the; house was in truth on fire and that the cries: proceeded' -from ttwo children,, the only, surviving members of the family residing at; the place, which consisted of a man by the; name of EU Coleman, hia son and daughter.! When the neighbors reached the place the: house was nearly consumed, while in the! midst of the flames, and at that time be-; yond the reach of any earthly assistance,! was the body of the unfortunate man,1 Coleman. The two children that escaped,; aged respectively IS and 15 years, succeed ed in saving all the furniture, but, strange to; say, their father, who was a young, heartyj and vigorous man, was burned to death. Strong suspicion, we understand, is entertained that foul play was , used.! It appears that on Friday evening about' 10 o'clock, deceased left his mother's house fo'go home, the distance Tbeing "abo'ui 'one mile. He wai not drinking, and it is ibt likely he could have procured anything in-j toxicating on the it led through the woods 'and there "were" iio cross-paths or houses on the route, while it is known that' he reached home In due time and bad nofli-i ing of the kind about the house j - As before stated,' the children saved all of the trunks and furniture iaroundj their father, even including the trunk under: the bed on which they reported he was lylngj but when the flames were extinguished he was not in that portion of the bouse, our in formant states, as reported by the children' and not all of the bones of the skull in that portion of the house with the body.. This tragedy: occurred about four miles East of Fair Bluff, and of course has been the source of no little excitement in the neighborhood. - - Pleaeaot AflTalr at Clarkton. . , , . I Our young friends at Clarkton, Bladen county, seem to have had a , pleasant tim on the occasion of their exhibitionTridaj evening last. Our chronicler, who . is not unusually Impressible tin such occasions, tells" ushaTThecountenancefyVwitl. ness fell with the curtain, at the close; so we judge the audience, must have been well entertained, also.. .1 L , 1 The programme embraced, after the ad dress of welcome, and an' organ duet by Mr. J McN.,' of Clarkton, and . Mr. F-. of Wilmington, a charade "Mrs. Jonquil" 4 in which Misa L. C took the principal part in a' way which 'provoked '.much mer riment; "The Six Virgins" a charade by a number of little faWes, very well andret t ly done; 'Dark: Deeds" a JitUe 'drama by the accomplished principal of the A cat emy and his lady; some comic songs, wit 1 local hits, by Mr. F , of Wilmington; tab leau "The Proposal" by Mr. J. McN.and Hiss J. McC.tS farce "The Irishman at Home"-by. Messrs. McN. and G. C ; com ic song by Mr. J. "McN. ; "Matrimony"- charade in which Misses L, C., McC, and M, C. sustaiaed the principal .parts. The regular programme concluded . with . a tab leau; yivant entitled "The Sixyirgins," in which that number of young ladies formed a , very pretty,living picture. But the young folks had not Jyet seen fun enough at the dose of the regular exercises, so they form ed themsel ves into a sociable. In ; the re membrance of jdl of which we hope they fisav keeo J lephaprmaay adaylOOO'Iv j - - 1 llalJrael'a:eeldea'e',i?'"A'' :" I The northward bound train on he Wfl mingtoDand jfeldon RaOroad, '"when about half a mile, north of Dudley's depot, at l$i' o'clock on 'Sunday morning, was thrown from the track.1 The accident, we under stand, was ' caused by a ?very heavy rain which fell in 4hat quarter on Saturday afternoon and night, which washed and beat the embankment down .in such a ban ner as to make it fmpaasable. r;Tbe extent of the rain allnded to can be jmagined when t istajled thaaUof four fachefffellTheie, was no. damage, we-learnexcept tii tie cars the roost of - which jwere leaded with' ctonwitlr ;pairgers;kc. , wer j transferred taTsoon Oa rjossible.and the con nection at Weldon was saved;, kBe the track wel arelinfornjeilSav r by; 6 o'clock Sunday evening. Fortunately no one wasierioaslhutt hy.tne accidethe engineer alone receiving .afew. slight bruises 1. .... . .ll A 1 v Tlie; Heeie avr4atsaorak ! A correspondent at Abbottsburg writes that he moved to that place in 1860 and found ' about twenty DempcTaU living ia and around the Village, and, he thinks, about one hundred and fifty Radicals,' the latter having IftrliheirjrirMALieaders Gen. Abbott, Ex-Sheriff, .EJdridge ,ap4. Prsbn Casbwell, with an occasional smattering from' FT W;3 Foster ' arid ' Abel ' W. 'Fishpr. With these efficient leaders, as - they , were called, the RepuMicanswere successful in all tliracelorinaCtue 5ih inst.. at which time the fDeinccrateteltcteaone ilagistrate, the Wa Vie with them for Constable; ' Our cprn V it T Zii j... . 5 . .w.i i...l'It. . I "' . .4J.. TI10 . linn!, nmfl re8ponueni( , f.,"J1.." from his lah ands growled in the faces ; of theDeBioafJmeytheringtothe nniia and thermanedoodlft wailedasjuual, but the people were determined that justice ahoaid be aone uus -anwo! ifcavwwuu tl and hence the restilyic. toryhf 4mevof the1 Worst' iKadfcirholes.ln tb State V i And nowicaBiioti the '. people 'have Sue sa nerveattiPTe? the Stat and prepare themselves for the next flghtf v N. G.,' TUESDAY. Maa:Utratee'Coirt.fe-4v-;.-' The case of Thomas Allen, charged on thS Affidavit rEli2aiPeroe9 on the 28th of July, caused the death of her son, Neptnne JacksonVwhoWbody Svas IbVndmeaock kelen'a distillery camd jup fo a Shearing be fore Justice Van Anuinge-yesterday morn ing. The evidence adduced by the woman was deemed altogether insufficient to con vict Allen, but rather tending to show that deceased came tajiia death from a snag while diving into tKe river, by " which his, neck was dislocated The , case was therefore dismis . and the prisoner .flb- charged from custody. ..aUfi-r.sxu ; d ? i.j,i!, Thoi'BSl arraigned;f trespassing on the premises of Sarah Wood, both colored, was fined 10 cents and costs. " Before, Ju8lice7Gardner,John Battle col ored, was arraigned on tbe.'charge! pf iom mitting an assault and battery on the person of John Hill. -He was found not guilty. The same, charged with trespassing upon the property of ; John : HllT.iwas fodhd not guilty. . 8'raaitirr.- ... ... rmong thtf decisaiDthirGtourt ,Ten-; redn'SatuTdayand printed inheTtal-; eigh JVete,' we notice these: Henry C. WalL et aL.js, . Henry Fairly, et al., from Richmond; judgment modified, and cause remanded. ; ;v By Bynnm, J-: TJ. C. Myrover, Ex'r, vs.; R. S. French, et al, from Robeson ujudg- ment reversed. 'JaI -, liil ll ! . J. Francis King vafj. E. Winants, from New Hanover ; judgment affirmed. . ' Amo Wade vs. City of Newbern. from' Carteret; uiiii allowed!. tlZZJ:'":.- 1 Kenzie, t-t al., from'Robeson; reversed and reiormt-u. , GriMena;'Mutp McKay, Adm'rV from Cumberland; at firnjedn.;i w:i-' ?:v" '.!"; -:?-r " .'-;;;! A Th W. & .Rlroad Cos -arerbuilding 04 their water, front a new wharf, to extend from the present idock-ltner400 feet to deep water. Tbe'wbarf will:.bei,r3o feet wide and a steam-pile-driver is now at work on it. . The , water at the send is eight or tea feet deep at present, but itr is expected thai when the wharf is bunt, ' the current will 'cut away the sand to some extent;0 thus deepening the water, as was. the case on the building of the long wharf of Messrs. Vick & Mebane, adjoining on the south. ',?".f j Economical Walk. :": -i t :is We have heard, of lately ears, of a great many improved styles of pavement, all in tended to seenre increased ' economy in the first cost or .wear: and tear, or both; and some of these have proved measurabTy suci cessful. , - Not v even our granite blocksj however-it seems, will compare in dura biirty with Wwoe "Of - the -pavemefnis of the ancients, for. an esteemed correspondent rei minded us recently that some of the' old military roads of the . Romans are . still in good condition,' apd .the annual cost oX re pair but a trifle, after 2,000 years of cpn stant' setviee Thls- vioki ;n8xiidty a theme worthy the earnest attention and in vest! gallon of Oujr road-bulldera and econo mists, but' iii the matter of sidewalks we are pleased to believe that we have now dis covered a plan which, for both durabHitjr udByives l'ioflipUitt so far out of sight as jvould make the old Latin engineers '' hng theur.; heads.;' WW beiieve hy now. being tested in -nftf experunental sections ' in thhv' city,, that unless there te a great change in the present rate of Wear and tear this wslk is destined to last at hSW.OOO: years, without costing one cent for repairs; The pavement is very : aimpie In construct little iwl4BlioM'3.'A npnat(mei treacherouS to the tread-pthe whole so ar ranged that whea a man comes and loeks upon it he passes by through the middle pt lna,atSeLJ"n,1 vim-mum tnuvil: h - Seriously; if economy;; is not. the ; sole desideratunv in. a-isidewalkj' these places might be. muclr Improved lor Otner uses py a few lottri. bf ; ! sandor of mortar Skillful arjtjlied."''" ,i;o-e;!i a sih "ryY aasP saw " : 11 XI UawTBUYteav Atettk4J isirlej?rr AppoTrnmeTifs of ITev. WTd. BlactrJ -Ti!e- terly meetings for the present tjonierence VeV of he'Wilhimgton DistrWt v Bladen aada F, , Mission, at Centre August, IV J; , , , ,;; j 1 Ma?noUa at Harrell's: Store. August 54 'and 80. .r..-L M&iajfro4, JtfFjont SiroetChch, Sep; tember 5 and 6 i ..ixtfMi 'sTiliWiMptekb M - Tb mails will close at the City'Po8t:-OfT fice until further notice as followsri in Northeni (oiKbt) mails for all pothisorth,' 1 Kant and West of .. .Weldon.. daily at. Vi ':i U'i'.'ii. i'V-8.45-.' M.v . - through and way (day) j i mails daily. except Sunday; 8:30 A. M. Charleston, dailv. at. 530 A. H. Western:maita.'CfcRij)dBJly:; J (except Sundays;) . , i i v. 2 30 P. M Charloite mail closes at. ou r. so. Smithville I via Easv Hill and i ! J Towit'CYeeis. iwaaytiana i.nliCTPAN MOBCHiioil.,,...... fevfjr T8arrfays A.-.viJt-lVyi'w'V-ij-f- A.JE, f WM. a. WRIGHT....... Wuniington,NJ .I-Fear iBtver. ' MwtojvuL,m,- i, I y jyaMVtfv J ef " OnslOv C H. and intermediate iit.r.' offices every Fridav. ... . .- C :00 A. nTAAnt M. The SiaUhville jnaBscby rteam' boat, dose atfrFJil-dauyjexoept Kaatuya. r feila delivered from 830 A. M. to. 780 P. M., and on Sundays from 8 to fiBOA; - Stamp Office open rrom b a. il' to 13 al,' aaw " v and.from 9 to.6KW R.M, j Money order or Htamn f lfIHfl OTien TrOIn H A.IL' IO 12 Al. J AUGT4STV17.ii875.; Register Department open same as stamp Stamps for sale, at general delivery when stsmn aAIcb is closed.. ' . r Key-Boxes accessible at ' aiirhourBcday and nipht.Ji;:'':;'l .'v-3 xjuy - Mails collected from; street 1 boxes ' every , daytPtl '--hietim sUtCUr .-.;'' '..wspi,,; . f.jf,y BUbop .Lyman's Appbintmentfe. ' " T Morgabtbn;:.,.;;... Au'15 P:ALi01d Fort.iLnVi.l,;;Ui;Atlgl6 Sti Andrew !a, Buncombe Coi. . ;':Ang.-19 Hard Creek, Buncombe Co. ; . . . . Aug, , 20 Warm Springs.i ,rf.,Aug. , 22 Burnsville:'. . I . .'. . ... Aug. 25 BakersvUIe .0;' . ; V, Aug. 27 Elk River VaneyilJi ;! U iWUi ilAug.' 29 -Beaver Dam. Buncombe Co ...... vAnel: 81 ok sraw b, in . tne ..y ane-y, 4. ransyi- , r -; ",vania cd. .. . .-...Sept: 8 Flat Roekv:'; l:-ii.?:VXii.H'i vXSepW: 5 HendersonviUe : tsftiitfrsih i ;6eptX'i7 Glencoe. , '. . . f ;, yt . , Vj . .:...Sept( 10 Calvary, Church,;Henderson Co. ..Sept., 12 Liecester : . ...T. . '.1 . 1 .Sept.-15 Waynesvllle. . ;i . . ; . . .V:?.' . vSept.c17 Asheville. .y;U ;i 1;; A.tiSepk;i9 The collections at each place, will be - ap propriated to Diocesan Missipna i,,ff : j r ' .ITEMaV Ultk PjiTxasiTo HarrlaV Kewa ' Depot, 'West aide Front Streets we! are tadebted- for copies of the New York Ledger, Chvruyty Coiner and Front Leslie 'm Illustrated Newspaper lot the current week. The Stand. will remain open until 11 ok clock thia ; , TMtJteria Panmxo-IXKS. inTaioaele to I rau road oompanies, ateaovsaip compaoiea, hanka, mer-' chant, Imaaafactarera and others. .Thcj are en during and changeless, ' and will copy sharp and' clear for an Indefinite period of ' time. Having just received a feSh supply of these 'inks,' we are pre-! pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate pncee; .' i' . . :;,' ; . i i '.-.! ' .v" -.' - .! t , , l?oou Bwmbt.-Ths mobhiho 8tab Book JBlnd ; ery does all kinds of Binding and Eullng in a work; manlike manner,1 and' at reasonable prices. If er ' chants and others ueodlng' Receipt Books, Or other woi'auiy rely on ' prom ptnees is the execution of fbair osderavi!. -vr;; r.-.ri;j'S'ji I .'Jv'w CopVor Tnxnoaix. ToFXKjL',kAxsAs, , ISTiMissas-. J. 1Hy?ToixiT, S9 Maiden Lane, Hew tmtC'denilethenP-i wish '.ioadd my1 tesUiiioay to the unanimous votceof your customers' as to the quality otGnna made hy your" estbllsh- ment. My rt Standard Gun has proved after; thorough trials all you claim for your work. A Strong scenrate shooter, of 'fine workraanshi and perfect in all its parts." ltgard it as a( better Gun than any other establishment furnishes' at the same; price. !Qnlte a large number of. your guns are In aae ia this State, aad aa far as I can learn, tbel4 ovrneraareanauhnojaaln their approyaL. . j j . , !'" Veiy respectfully yours,. , ' , - . , j ' aug'f-tf' : ' 1 'r " .V ' " " A.' HAMatATf. j .-i Thb Tojllut" Gra.-rOopT o : TasTxnoiaAJ .' -I nxnteo? Crrr, N. Sept 80th, t874.--MxssBs. 'j fc W. ToixJiT 29 Maiden Lane, Ne jTork; The lO-goage Gan No. 3C78 1 ordered from you gives me entire satisfaction. I was very exacting when Qr derthg'the Gun Vat must 'say that you have more than fulfilled what I required of you.' ! I hkve shot several reeeh-leaders by first-class makers, -and your gua beats them all for beatty and workmanj ship'. . Aa lor shoouag qualities, your gmt shoots stronger and more evea thaa any gual ever shot. have shown U to several good judges (including first-class gunmakers) and all agree that the "action is very strong and durable, and that the gun is one . of the best e7 erer Baw- I have made sotae very long'sbotv with it, using only 8)f drs.'-ef r powder, .which Is all. your gun requires. - I have shot it at a target according to Che rules of the Turf, Ffcjd and rann trials, and the average of .6 ; shots., at. 40 yards . is;" Lef pattern, 169; . penetnuon ,38; right-pattern, ' 1TO; , penetration .-89; using Sjf dra: powder.' Now " 1" ata" sore such' 4: ' goi IS seldom met 1 with,' and1 am' 'very' roudi,-to b the 'Owner of it -' But the 'real test of your gua ia ia. the field-there it excalls taU othert, Mtling cleaner and handsomer than any gan I eyer saw,: as you assured me they would.; Both paper aad metl shells, work spleadidly.; . GentlemenIaTe fb off you my very best thanks, and will recommend your ..f.jiK vh;. YourSBenectfuny; NEW( ; ADVERTISEMENlr i CAUTION. Beware i::U li'j 1 ' i Look' out for American Battled ; u 'j; 1 ii ..ii . 1 ,'. :iii . i;r.. . . : .Whether used as a beverage or medicinally, ' You Want the Best r'iis "!i n:The, Best1Isthe!-!': ."f ; v.l AN IMPORTED BEER SOLD BY;U8y v; and worth tour limes' ;fherice' f I6mestic Beer. We are now receiving t 1,, entjr-five-ClaseS)- BEST OHiU, LAGERS. r, lngWul., .-5 sfreetj N O 'O'H'IT-'": fiSDv BESITATB TO. BXfX i ' i . .! I li1s-S ,-.s;vS:.- ! r r t. V 1 :l i- now, for -'i is selling them ''W" .W that. It is teally I, .' inducement to bay whether you need them ,f ' - " " -of not" Call at ,. :'f ?isJ ian Nor S7" 'Market St.. ( 1 ana you ijwu r oe. coujtac,, ot, . ,.h jov auglT-tf i.iies-! li-3x.tfi . " ;awrteir-M wi: L B. GRAlNCTER .': . L' MOSJ W. b. JOtlN8( JOHNSON. ..View PaxsiosKT V. a . . . D. C. WaJJL.-: Cxsam 11 HON. W. D. JOHNSON.' ; v . U.I X . .Maslaai M. . C i. D. MoLUCAn. TWaaYI flu a kSH1nsiTv tMiarlnsaasi nf ft Ranlr. - i leCWtllleaer Deposit bearing taaweet ! Will take pleasure in accommoaaung ine mercan IrJeeaunantltesloT Wilmington and other places ritaronntin? sneh oaoer as can be -recommended as food ky any of the Banks located where the par-1 ttoaarftcaryiMpaustnes j , ca -j CcrresTxmdeiitip ji t.: - andverNattbhal :?.NeWToTai' rWmsNadonarBank!l .hiS A'i .iT. i . ..Baltimore. 1T. itr rr,:f -r vrvrMraHlMn- aap II SI vi uvif aaawiviJi a a . ! ' a"'W ;; T .:; ; i.-n BANK OF MAKIOjN, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lifts Tlceit ' Admitted Member - . - , OP THE FIRM OV . - Lieston CummiDg & Co;j -englT-St .;'. - 'H'w- Oilft Vf: 1rr,.fTi-i r. n'J ii - DWE1LIN& ! fQ LEASE in 11 i. ., TTOR .A TERM jOF YEARS, OR ' J? ' -To SeB. Situated oa Chestnut IT aUeetlwtweeaourthiaMTifirirfTtft-, ir,,.,. IPPi TIMMEDTATELrYs, -ii.'.'asPwintto-leaTe thecity is a few days. - Ji,augtMtIiii! ,yfsi,lkme xI'WMeLABS.-i ;!MISjCElAT THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT ON THE 6th day of August, 1875. a warrant of Bank uptcy was .Issued out of the DUtriet Court of the United States, lor the Cape Fear District of North Caro lina, arainst the- estate of ' Marshal - B."' CTunip ler, . of Clinfon, to . the' county j u of Sampson m said District, who Has - Deen , adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition, that ' the 'pay ment or anv ueots aoa tne -oeirverv ei anv tronertv belonging to such Bankrupt, to him' or for his use, tind the transfer of ; any property by hfm;-! are for bidden by law.' -'And that a meeting of .the credi tors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to beholden at the United States court room in Fayetteyflte, N. C, be fore ' William A-' Guthrie; E?q., Register in' : Bank ruptcy for -said-District,' on the 1st day of Septem ber. D. 1875,atlQ o'clock A. M.. -; , - ,. - . J. B. HILL, U: 8. M. u ' s-i.ang 10-oawSw Tu, i ) itiz o Wm saUl District. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT ON THE 8th ' day "of August," 1675, a warrant of bankruptcy was issued Out of the District Court , of the- United States, for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, against the estate of George R. Williams, of Newton utove, w tne county ox sempson,- in saia uistnct, whn Via a hMn mAinAtTf & BHnbmnt nrwkn fit. nwn petitien, and the payment of any debts and the de livery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to hiiu or to his use and the transfer- of any prop erty by him, are ferbidden by law. A meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or-more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy-, to be holden at the United States Court room in Fayetteviile, N. C, before William A. Guthrie, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy of said District on the 1st of Septem-; j, aug 10-oawJwTu .For, said District ' Stf. Louis Luw JScliooL15 ... .t0 l 1 i - ill ii V ..'i 'f iti " . j (Law Department of Washington University.) The regular annual term of this Law School will; n on wjuuijuwax, wiubjlu istn, 1 course, two terms. tu months each. Students' admitted to the Senior Class,- on examination, by ( application on or before- October 13th. ' Tuition,! $8J first year, 69 second year, including use of; A-Jurwjr, f 'July L O O K !- I JICPOBTKP PICKLES AT 30 CENTS A JAB, ; We are forcing the price , down. . ' Encourage us by sending your orders; v:. .' t ;-rjt::i. ' ' i Imager Beer, Lager Beer, :'f ;r; The Best Goods' at' Low Prices f; will Increase our olreadv larte Bales, .and "our' , Brand is ahead of all.. ,,: ; ; ..t;.. ;. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR ; ; .-Jj f ' "v ' ' ' t " 1 ' ' Process ' Empire Floor, and ; .Best. Butter. In the; World. If not when your package is out, send to. us and we win a cuver a sample tree to any pan oi tne cit y, i . ' " Freeh Groceries every wdfek, at . " . '." ill ,: GEO. MYERS', .. . aug 8-tf ' 11 fit 13 South Front St, ; ;;.:4.000 Sacks , ! i.rM r LIVERPOOL SALT ii i ' I '.if, jST ' KTMJ o rtej r.Jfi WiX-'. d'l ii , '1' V ,:4v:i:. h'.'il iii S Mill .'"ril--ll7 and for sale. I ;:'' '.. 1 angll-dJhrtr BINFORD,' CROW 4 00. Hiss AngeL", ! ' , : ' By MIBS! TILIlCKEBAY ' ' l1" j A CHARMING.' STORY, ' FULL OF TENDEB ness and delicacy; j - . "-, I Picturesque, and Soft, and tender a quaint. and v i' Sketclt of, Bygone Age. , i- The Book la siagularly 5 atfractivoi Ifkas many' nlaA an A hMnttfnl MonniA iinri in nna . far which all admirers of Miss Thackeray's writings-; and are they mot legion J will be thoroughly grata ful, For sale at . U i ninnmtnninii . . .. , - .. ! , I aag lS-if ' ; . v 1 '! J-live Book had Music Store. . . tt- a ! . i OR' ALL ABTICLE3 .IN THE HARDWARE j r I -ang'H-tf XuiJljV'NeBardStoreJ ..-itl'-rfSTMI".. ' Citiz e h s? i VKIa f Icet : S&TOttDAY MORNING. v-'.ii 8 ALSO FIX EIUIGLAIT1IM. V-r . a. a a a,j tsaalO-tf Proprietor. .lirPfttpgraps UF OUR 1lBBTJ.RJLwJTH TRICE LISTS furnished Oh apl!catlori 1y i ! 'tmailsiir'11 'TJAi-rn1' coi ' . Li V :f 1 - '1 ' .:! t ? T B; AVE" ' JU8T 1 ' bECElVED,f BY' ATLANTIC A BOaaLianw, my srta invoice or xea rrom we United States Tea Co., consisting of aeout thirty different varieties, pot up hi ban some airtight cans , with screw covers, and sold at the same pilocs n over the counters Of nhe Company . in Now jifotk At t aUr S PiNORTHROP,8 i 1-tf, , Fruit ana Confectionery Store, aug WfifS'fyfMWOCF,SA iJ;l ,rti Sid EidahvChoesey x v; iJ0if j ' ...If ... f n -i'i . . ' t ,.l .1. . I Kill. If. iu -i 1 . r . ' '-''-i L''i-;. M flfrUCBH cor, jwrah nctvuuDWi iuneSO-tf '"'. .m., ; iHE UNDEEJSi3NED BAS'SEMOViD TO; HIS i'iT7j.iti. inily .-fiiiJ 'jiiiii il. '! ' i Dullding cm Dock atreet, betweea South Water, and Ffont8tretta,;;f rwiUJm .!:.;-;,-; sj:,J - augl4-8t - .: "i -T:'6ILAN. ILASTTN. Fr particulars address1 j 'jt:n. t:iJ iii ,., f I ,!,' M 8TE WART, Dean of Law Faculty 'f :'- . 90S N. Third Strfct.LoiOs, Mol j )i July 31-oodSm 8a Tu Fr .tcuuv. ttsiwn mweekv......i .v.......... S 6f -"r-TwvBkil0i . 4W w ' ft nn Threeweeks......-....... 6 50 .i.t.........'.. . " " . One month..r.; ;:;.T.......: .. . 8 oo 'Twoaonths. .i,.f..;,15 oc . Three months....:.:..... .:...... 00 Con Btract Advert&emaia i&km &t nmtxii. tiwiatalylowratea, -w . jnve Bquares estimated as a anarter-column. ard tea squares as a half -column. MISCELANEOUS. Sale of t Valuable Eeal Estate -itr Rh PMvr.yiivfltc. . -VJO Ollf I'' T7T?5"ti''trTr -:f JC -?n91n.-'l ' -.7. -i r. . 1 t i - . v BY VIRTUB OF AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH the; provisions of a certain redeature f-mert-gage. executed by Feist Mayer o "The Bank of New Banever," bearing date the 7th day of March A 1. 1872., and registered in the records of New Hanover county, in book EEBY at page 84 and following, tlic nndt rsigned, as the attorney s of said mortgagee, will ON THURSDAY, THE 9th BAY of September next ir'-S'-.T -' r-:j '-: . ', . at 19 o'clock M., at the Court House door In the city of Wilmington; sell for ash,t by public auction, the following described piece or (parcel of land situated to said cky, vte;,.;r,--,,,1 , ... v: . Beginning at the corner -of a lot how or recently owned, by A P. Kepi ton and wire, on. the eoarh side of Market street, and running thence southwardly elon? their line one hundred i and tnittv-two feet to Bettencourt's alley, thence along said alley caet- waraiy nity-eignt reet to anoiner lot now er recently owned by AP. Repitoh and wire, thence with t heir line northwardly Bixty-slx.rfeet to the lot of J Wi kerson, thence with the hack line of Wiikerson's let westwardly t w enty-tour f est to hie con er, t fa en ce with his other line n'orthwafdlv' aixtT-Eix' feet to 'Market street, thence, along M arket street weetward- iy luiriy-iour leei io ine ot ginnine, ana oemsr in bloek 453 accordiOg to Turner's plan of the city of wiimmgton. wkiuut a; iSTEDMAN, aug.XTdia Attorneys. Bacon, Pork, Hour, Bagging, Ties, Etc. C A Boxes Smoked Sides and . Shoulders, . Boxes p. 8. . Sides , 2g Bbls'Mess Porx.- ,; j Q A A ; Bbjs Flour, all grades. Rolls Bagging, 0J;Tons HecedjTies.t -.. 1AA Barrels Refined Sugar, : V; ; 2QQ Bags Prime Rio Collce.. ,'.,.. , ; . , Bales N. R. . and Eastern Hay, . ii I . Q A A A Bushels Prime White and Mixed Corn. uuuv - inn Bbls and Hhds New Crop Cuba Moksses 1000 Saks Ll8bon Sa" OA A Second Hand Spirit Casku, gQQ BdlaHoop Iron,,, j --if 300 Bl8lpt- OKA Kegs Nails, J -. 100 Boxes and Half Boxes Candles,- 75 GlOBBmtclieSfna C A Boxes Candy. , .' ; 2g Boxes Soda, 70 Boxes Soap, . ',. J-r j Cn Cases 0a.-VfiC on Half Barrels Snuff. 100 Tons Eureka Guano. dJ 300 Tans Guanope Got 200 Tans Guanope Guano; ' 'T'..,. JfUraaiejow oy... i ;v aug l5-tf - a . WILLIAMS & MURCH1SON. .. For aalelowby .. Jaggiitg, Ties, t&c. , &c. gQ0 Rolls Baggiag,. 1 Q A Q. Barrels . JFtour, i 100en- n Bhls sugar, ,,-,1 Bbls. StBL Melasqes... ,. i'i ;: i 2 Bhds BL. iMplassea ; 1. 't j 1 ' ? '3 ( n Hhds Cuba Molasses, J'.'! -j n Tierces Rice, 250.. Cases QjBters, 50 . l ases llr Peaches and Oysters, 150 Cases Pickles, K A Boxes D. S, and Smoxed Sides, 25 I oxes 1 )J 8. and Smoked Shoulders; - ' ; 3000fe-!;4 "T uio ggQBPriuwEasterjOpay, . ;. f; 100",-Tc?,,i h i-;: f : JC Tons Jttpop Jrpo, 100 Pfiper Bivets, ( . QBars Glue, 200 Kegs Nails.j . 2QQ Boxes Soap, 100 Coes Candlps,, ji: .. 3QQ KeguPpwder, oAi I, t'J-. ;. 5 . v'! , , For sale by aug M KBRCHNKl ;&CALPER BROi Our DOi'BiSx !'.l iSllitl lr. I GUARANTEE TO BE AS GOOD as your Cigar dealer sells yen ,. For One DfmCa 1 ; 'auglStf11'1.'''' rrul: Ifiead' of Evepdy ! " i CJTUALLY WjITHOUT A COMPETITOR. - it '4 Dry .Goods' Men Nonplussed. aurj EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF Waiusu tt a , Shirts. ,it iUvi , WXI T-FIYE ! J i s i. . j H W .Hi . ( , in less than pOZ&JST SOLD JU.I, i . f . 'J : i J two weeks. .1 ,i V'tUj ixvvc vrucrs nitu tnMtJ-SSaN,:.Cttf So'e Atnilc. Examine ;u1 MY STOCK OF STANDARD, AND ifiiscellanoousBoo jashich t am 'selling at kraatly reduced price. '! J lijl'l. lt't i- I -H- ! ". .i !' J -H . THE LARGEST AND ,MiIiEST SELJEQTED STOCK ) Wr't - "'ci.m f,INtTnE;piTY,-t) Ji: ;;' l.;h: ..vJil ,1 auglbtf ' t,,., ;,., Vj-Market Street T WILL .SELL, , ON THUB-SPAT. . MORNING A Angust'19Ui,atl0ocrdck,- at the' residence of fcoL Levy, corner of 2nd. and Ana street, without re4 serve,'- '--7 .-' J .'' ri ;-, f PARLOR,' .BED Airt? jdrNlNCJ ROOM SETS Carpets, Mirrors, Bedding, u:J:i.-.-( t: CROCKERY, GLASS .AND PLATED WARE, i? t. KitcheaJItolsflssJSae. MUk Cows, a flue pair well trained Goats, Wagon and Harness In prime order . Auctioneer. iW ..EngliliiOutlry-, KNIVES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Razors. StroDe. Brushes. Rodeer'a Ivory Handle Table and Tea Knives, Sliver Forks. Spoons, bcis- norm. Carvinz Knives and Forks. Table Steels. &c A large aasortment Jtureedtrom the Impor ters, and now opening at the. Old Established Hard ware house ot'f' "' I 'f. ',, i '.. ' , . f JOHN DAWSON. ! " augl5-tf ' "NbSilS, 20 and 21 Market St.! aim ::l' - n - 1 l: ; . a,- I: 1 : ' 1. . 1 1 f 1, :i- i-ri'i i I ' 1 v.-- ; f ' 1 1 ,1 s 4 i i "J luajuruy PI JUHl i . - - ,. ... .' .-.!- -yf.i

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