BILL AND TIIE WIDOW, -.-, vy "Wife," said Ed. Wilbur one morning, as he sat, stirring, his coffee with one nauu su uuiuiugv a piura cake on his knee with the other, and looked across ' the table' into the iiritrht eyes of his little wife.wouldn't it be a good joke to ;get bachelor Bill brnitey 10 iase wiaow waison to J3arnum s show next week t" "Ypa can't do it, Ed. ; he won't ask her, he's so awful shy. Why, he came by here the other morning when I was hanging out the clothes, and he looked over the fence 3 and spoke, ' but when 1 shook ont., a. night gown, he blushed likekk girl and went away, i "I think 1 can manage it," said Ed. ; "bat I'll lav61ieust onjttl But then it wouldn't be much barm" tinder the circumstances, for I know 6he likes him, and he don't dislike her,; but just as you say, He's so shy. I'll just go over to his place to borrow some bags of him, and if I don't bag him before I come back don't kiss me for a; week Nelly.'?,.;., ! So saying, Ed. started, and while he is nowing the field, we will take a look at Bill Smiley.y Hells; jather Ta vood looking fellow, though his hair and whiskers showed some gray hairs, and be had got in a set of false teeth. But every one i saia ne was a good soul, and sohe was. -He had as good a hundred acre farm as any? in Nor wich, with a gobd hdns0 and !every thins: com f ortable, and if he wan ted a wifemany a girl would have jumped at the chance like, -a rooster on a urassbopper. JiotBill was so bash fulalways waihdwhen Susan Berrybottle, whom- befwas so sweet on, though .he! never said "boo" to lier, got married to old :j Watsdn, . he just drew in his head like a mud turtle" into bis shell, and there as no get ting him out again, though it had been noticed since Susan had become a widow he had paid; more attention to his clothes," and r had be0u very regular in his attendance atvthe chofeh the fair widow attended.' P 5 '" s But here comes J2d ..Wilbur. ''Good morning, Mr. Smiley." " "Good morning, Mr. Wilbur; what h the news your way ?" f : . T ':. ' "9h, nothing particular that I know nf," said Ed, "only - Barnuin's ' show that everybody i is talking about and cvervbody and his "girl are going to. I was over to old Stockrider's last night, and I see his son Gus has got a new buggy, and was scrubbing-up his harness, and he's, got that' white" face colt of his slick as a r seal. ' I un-. lei stand he thinks of taking Widow Watson to the show. He's been hang ing around there a gqoddeal of late,, but I'd just like to cut him but, I would. Susan is a nice little woman, anl deserves a better man than that young pup of a fellow, though I would not blame her much either if she takes him, for she must be dreadful lone some, and then she has to let her farm ut on shares, and it lRu't half Worked,' :i!iilno one else seems tov. have .the jiuuk to speak up to her. ' I?y jingol if lwere a single man I'd show you a trick ur two. r .- . ' " ' ' S. saying. Ed.' borrowed some bags ami darted around the corner of the him, where he had Ielt Bill sweep i nir, ami put hit ear to a knothole and. .listened, knowing the bachelor had a" haliit of talking to himself whtn.any-; thing worried him. - ; "Uonfou nd that young Stockrider!''' said Bill, "what business hasbe there I'd like to know? Got a new buggy, has he? Well, so have I, and a new harness, to; and his horse cjan't get in sight of mine and,' t jieclare, I've naif a mind 'to yes, I will! I'll go this very night and ask jjer.1,a gQ t ihesHow With ine! I'll show Ed. Wilbur that I ain't such a calf as be thinks I am, if . I did- let old Watson i e m act of, me hi. the, first place !" E ). conld pcaree nfrelp - laughing iiiright, but he. hastily, hitched the lags on his fhoulderfandwitha low i'iiekle at his . success, started home tell the news to Kelly; and about live o'clock that evening lhey saw Bill iro by with his buggy on his way tin; widowV. ' lie jogged along quietly, thmkmg ef tlipj ojd gmgmg school days and what pretty girl Susan was then, and "wondering ih( wardly if he would -have more cour-; age now to speak up to her, until at' a distance of about & mile, from her" bouse be came to a' bridfe over a' large creek and it so. happened that 1 j UHt as he reached- the middTeHhef ridge, he gave a tremendous sneeze' and blew his teeth out of his mouth a,'d clear over the dash-board, and "iriking on the planks tbey rolled ovt-r the side of the bridge and drop rpf-d, into fmr feet of watef1-1 j .Words could Viot dVjdstiW to pj0or j 15 1 1 1, r. pai n t the" expression ' of his fa,e, as he sat there completely lmfounded at thii8tartling.;pieceof. luck. After ,a, while :he stepped nt iof his buggy, arid getting - down "i Ins hand and knees, looked over Wo ; the -wateW i i'Yesi there they re," at the bottom, with . a -crowd f little fishe'g tubbing : tbeiV rcoges against them, and Bill wished to ?'dnesa that, his nose jwas as close .'r one second. . His beautiful teeth tjiat had cost him'no much; and ,he "now coming on and ' no time to get another !: set; "anil lhewidow and young Sockride ;Well; he must try in be lost, for sojmeonemight'tpmd ?'onJ? and ask him what he i was foolj ln? around therejfor. i He' bad n 6 notion of spoiling hiswzood oUhes "v wading inLwitb4beni on'and . be S,,' if he did he could liot go to the 'low's thai night; so he tbok a. look p and down-'tbft roadr -Mw 'Iteev that '"Uone fl'"ckly undressing himself laid ; his 'Jothes in the: buggyrlaff keep flhem iean. Then he-ran nronnd the bank and waded into the almost icy-cold "tier, but is teeth did not chatter in ur bead ho only wished they could. Quietly he waded, along so asjiot to stir up tbe iaud. 3and whni Jifa t n tbe right spot he dropped under the waier ana came np with his teeth in uana, ; ana, replaced i them in his mouth. Bat hark! What noise is wiair a wagon and a little dog 'wug,wnu au pis might,- and bis i . sianmg. "YVhoa! whoa otop, you brute you, stop!" But Biop ne would not.? but went off at a spanking pace with the unfortunate bachelor after him and the little dog yelping after him. Bill was certain ly in capital, running costume, but ujougn ne strained every nerve he wv. "u nuuBu tim ouggy or reacq the lines that were dragging on - the After a while his plug hat shook off the seat and the hind wheel went over it, making it as flat as a pan cake. Bill snatched it as he rati, and .after jamming uu unupieu, on ms neaa. Ana now he saw the widow's house on the hill: jast as be : reached the tailboard of tne buggy, over which he hastily leaped, took his place upon the seat; uumea on nis coat, buttoned it . up to the chin, and drew the robe closely ajui. : lit . is neeaiess to say Luat no. unnecessary time was lost! nor had Bill any to. spare when the oss'uug . uruie;.,wDo couia not sooner be induced even to slacken his pace; stopped conveniently in front oi tne house. As Bill did not offer to get out, the widow obligingly went to; see what he wanted, and there she stood chatting with her white arms job the top of the gate, and Iber face righty toward him, - while the cold cniiis ran' down bis shirtless back clear to his bare feet beneath the buffalo robe, and the water from his hair and the dost ' from his hat had combined to make some- nice little streams of mud that came trickling down his face. 4 ! . ? She"asked him to come in. u No, he was in a hurry, he said. Still he did notoffer to'go. He did not like her to ask. her' to pick-up his reins for him because he did not know what excuse to make for not doing it him self fThea he looked down the road behind him and saw a white-faced horse coming, jand at' once surmised it was that of GusrSibckridge. He re solved to do or die, and hurriedly t t rrm : -j i wtu ui eirauu.: aiitJ ewiuow would be delighted to m- of course she would. ' But wouldiit he' come ihj No, he was in $ hurry, he said ; had to go on to Mr. Green's place. " Oh," said the widowv " you're going to Green's,? areryou ? Why, I was" just going there myself to "get one of the girls to help me quilt to morrow." Just wait a second till I get my bonnet . and., shawl, .and ; I'll ride, with yon." And away she! skipped. ? ! - "Thunder and , lightning !" said Bill, what a scrape ! and he hastily clutched his pants from between his feet,' and was preparing to wriggle into them when a light wagon, drawn by a white face-horse, driven by a boy, came along and stopped beside him j ; The boy held a pair of, boots in one hand and a pair of socks in the other, and just as the widow. reached the gate again, he said. " Here's your boots and socks, M r. Smiley, that you left on. the Widge when you were in swimming." '"You're mistaken," said Bill.' " They're not mine." r v f Why;' said the boy, ain't .you the young man that had the race after tbe horse just now?" - I I f Nol sir, I am hot ! You had beM ter eo on about your business." iiill sighed at the loss of his boots, and turning to the widow, said. y ' Just pick up thejirieswill you,' please, this brute of a horse is always switching them out of my hand."! The widow complied, . and then , be pulled one v corner ot tne rooe; cau-j tioosly down and she got in. " What a lovely evening, saia sne,? " and so warm Ijdon't think we need the robe over ns, do:.we ?" ! j fYou see she hadrona; nice : new dress and a pair of new gaiters, and she wanted to sho w them.) . ".Qh; my !" : said Bill earnestly, Jlypu a nna it cniuy rwiug, auu wouldn't nave yon eaten com ior iu world." !'W;J&??4 j Bhe'seemedensediat this-Itender; care for1 heTii.healtb and contented, herself, with stickjbg, one of; her little feet out witn a long tc. the em! of it. ""What is that, s Mr. Smfley a necktie?" - v ' .4; v. iuit'a -n t -rYes,saidhe "I bought it the; ether dayrtlnd I-must have left it in the bnggy; 1 Never mind it."i- r "But.'fsaid she. "it was so care less and stooping over she picked itj up, and made a motion to stuff it iut liof voAtt them !":- " V i iJill felt her liand going down; and making a dive after it, clutcnea it in his and fceld it bara ana iasi. j 'Then he went on quite 'a distance, be still' hojding.her hand in his : and wondering, what be fshnld do when, they got to Green's; and she wondeH ;..r whv he did not say something hand, and why his coat was ounoueq n,. n tiffhtlv on such a warm evei t ine, and what made his hat so dirty; until they were gomg. uuwu ; hill and "one of -the traces 5came un hitched and they had to stop.; . f . Oh, murder!";: exclaimed Bill, (rWt. nPtl?" i! I A f What isHbe- matter, Mif SjwIe?J 'sauTtHe wido w,Witli a start which came; near jerking Iho robe ; on 01s "One of the traces ' is off,! answer- ea ne. s ;,. -. " v7ell, why don't you get out and "WbyWillWaia "what is the mattterr-; 1J0 ; ten r me. , .- She gave his hand Slittle . squeeze, and looking-into his pale face she thought'he was going to faint, so the got out her smelling bottle with her eoiA Rill . "1'VB COt r that is, 1 naven t , go5-ou, ? Vf left ha midland , pulling, tlie stopper J uub witu. uer tectii, sue biuck it unaer his nose... - "Bill was just taking in breath for a mighty sigh, and the pungent odor made him throw back his head so, far that he lost his balance and went over the low back buggy. The little wo-j man gave a little scream , as his hare feet flew past her head, and covering her lacei with her hands, gave way la tears or smiles it is hard "to tell which. Bill was "right side np". in a moment, and leaning over the back bf the seat was humbly apologizing and explaining when Ed. Wilbur and his wife and baby drove np behind and stopped.' Poor Bill felt that he would rather have been shot , than had Ed.' Wilbur catch hfra in such & scrape but there was no help for1 it now, so he called Ed. to him, and whispered in his ear. Ji.d. was like to burst with suppressed laughter, but be beckoned to his wife to draw up,'and, after say ing her,J he helped I ihe widow out of Bill's buggy" and into nis, ana tne two went .00, leaving the men behind. Bill lost5 no time in arranging his toilet as well ad he could, and then with great persua sion Ed. got him. to go home 'with mm, and hunting, up slippers , and socks, and getting f him '; washed and combed, bad him quite presentable when the ladies arrived, I "need not tell how the 'story was ail wormed out of bashful Bill, and how tbev all laughed as they sat around .the. tea table that night,' but will conclude by saving that they went to the show together, and Bill has no, fear of Gus btocknder now.' ' "- ' ' This is the story about Bill and the widow just as I had it from Ed. Wil bur, and if there is anything unsatis4 factory about it ask him. ; :. 5 HardwlrSofand Steel! A FULL ASSORTMENT Olf i J Pocket and Table Cutlery " of every description. SCTTHBSr FISH HOOKS AND, XJKKS. , All kinds of Tools, AcJ- Prices reduced at 1 i NATH'L JACOBIN. , j Hardware Depot! Rims, Hubs2.and, Spokes, A XLES, SPRINGS, &c. , ' A well selected stock of ' . ! ' I CABRIAGZ AND WAGON MATERIALS at the lawet prices. Order by mail promptly filled and satUf action guaranteed. , . , ' . . j NATH'L JACOBI'S, Hardware Depot. J Sash, Doors and Blinds, j Manufacturers agency orders filled at factory prices. pal nts, Oils, G lass, Tarnishes, &c.' At NATH'L JACOBI'S, j II A KU WARE DEPOT. No. 9 Market Street. aug 15-tr Sidney Complaint, ! Probablv there in no complaint that afflicts the human system which is o Utile underseood at tte present time, aa tome of the varied forms of Kidi ney Complaint, i , " .. 1, J There is aodiscupe which causes such, acute pain or more alarming in its results than vroen the kid- ney ran to secrete irom tne diooq ua one aciu. and other poisonous substances, which the blood accumulates in its circulation through the system. : If from any cans the kidneys rau to perform tne functions devolving upon them, the cumulations are taken no by the absorbents and . the whole sys tem thrown into a state of disease, casting great Sain and suffering, and very often immediate a earn, ence the importance of t keeping the kidneys and nlood in a healthy condition, through which all the impurities of the body must oass. . ..' f i Paliij In tiie Back There is no' remedy known t- medical science which has proved itself more valuable in cases of Kidney Complaint than the Vmbtikk. It acts direcUynpon tbe secretions, cleanses and purifies the blood - and restores the whole system to healthy The following extraordinary cure or great suffer ers, wbo hare been Riven np oytne oest pnysicians as hopeless cass, will speak for themselves, and sbouia cnaiienge tne , moat pyoionna ' ncenuon or the m.dical faculty, as well as of those who are suffering from KidneylXimplaint. -j- 1 ;., The Best Medicine... : , Kast Mabshtikld, Aug, SO, 18T0 Mh. Stivkks: Dear Sir--I !am seventy-one year of age; have suffered many years with Kidney Conn Slaint, weakness in my back and stomach.; , I was' idaeed by friends to nse yomr yxevrnCK and I think it the best medicine ferweakneaef the Kid-i ney I ever, uetd. 1 have tried soany remedies f erj this comnlaint. and never fonnd ao iauch -relief as1 from tInrVAsTrmai atatrengtaeasamlJavlgoiiatesj the whole system. Many or my acquaintances nave; Uken tcsnd t believe it ID be good for all the com-j plaints for which it Is recommended. u Jo! is iA j Yours truly, ' jUBiAnn. pmtittwrtf. , VlU-tf'F V!S 11 3 Y.H ' H T' i-.t t.t,. . . - Prononncodc Incurable, f hiivafflrctd wlih. Kidnev ComBlaint for tea yearej have suffered great pain in ray baefchips and side j with great dUncaity 1 us,,. paas,ngtnraie,t wuk. often and m very sipali guantitlea, freMieny acconi-4 panied with Wood and excnittotteg.p.-ia., h. f 1 have faitbnlly tried meat of the popular rcmej dies recommended for my ' complaint ; 1 have beenj nnder the treatmont of some f tbo moot ekHlt nl onvsicians in Boston, all of whom .pronounced -pay castfincsrable. This was my condition when I was advised' by jt friend to try tBe-viflxnn, ana s could see the good, effects from the nmt dose I tookj and from that moment 1 kept on improving ui til t was entirely cured, taking Mi U, should think, about six bottles. j s t ..' - . J It is indeed a valuable medicine, and if I should be afflicted ainun id the ! Bamu wayi 1 would gle a riniiKP for a doe.if.l could not ret it without . 1 Respect ally. Mi J. M. tllLB,. 1 , l Tlilrd street. BoTi'n Boaum. , .', Nearly-Blind. J f i-H. R. STBVTOsr Dear Sir Irf texpres ing' my thanki to yon for benefits derl - ed 110m ne 'nse oi VBSBT1NS ana to neneac oinere i wm eimc;. - - W hten eight or nine years1 old 1 was afflicted with Scrofula, which made its appearance ia-my tyet face and head, and I was. very nerxbliud for two years. All kinds reoperations were performed on niy eyes, said ail tono-good refnitr 'finally the d sr ease principally settled 4n-my bo .y, liuUia aud i tj and atttaresitf an aggravated Wjr. " J j Last summed was,,mm.mecuj:, wu wj aiiri birtnev. and it was at t hies Very hard o retain the nrine.. 8eiug yoar advertisement iu the Commercial I bdught SJbo'Xib t , Yki(yt.NB.aiid commenced dhiug according to; direpfkus in two or three days I obtained 'great relief. Aftr using four or live bottjes. tI ;n0tiee,d U . had a wonderf ul effect on' the rough. Scaly blotcbein my bdy ,au.i lees i stiirti8edM,v'OKtrKK,J and the humdroul Sores one arsernoineroiBaipeBrwu udmi vucj I shall fry Jwbwi . tte onlrWW lyv .unco more accepfc my ramu, uu v" me to be. '-"-very respec STIN ARROTT,"' ; Dec 1, 187i. - ' No. Gano st Cincinnati, O. raMMai the Kidneys. Bladder, etc, are always unpleasant, and times they become, the most dl Messing ana dangerous diseases that can affect xhe nrasystom.t diseases xt the Kidneys-ans ftomtoipiiTitteB to tW bloodcsdsing hnmorswrhfch setUeon these parts. Vbst ran excels any known remedy In the wholo wotld for cleansing sad purlf y togthe blood, thereby causing a healthy action to an tne-organs i bwjuj. j - . j , s Vegetlne if sold by All Druggists. July 80-DWm. - THE ) J'JACOBII all eooe, and 1 attnoute ine cure oi n wo uibctwc. toVWra,and nothing -W'ki , tn .m nr. airnted wih-JlVthlB2 Of the kind NEW AD.VUTISEMENTS. ;:;;ili)Wi;Teiiiai5:Mffle,r; tio soharCiOttbsvill'e, va. - " N ineteenth'annual session begins first of Septem bcrf or circular curing Faculty and expenses. &d dress . . J.K. H. KAWLINQS, M. A Principal.. Charlotte Institute for . YonHgilalies J Rev.- 8. TAYLOR MARTIN, Principal, ' 'CHARLOTTE, N C. ' ThA Snnnfll aoaolAli Vorvtnwtnn Aitf 1a A nnJtnn uu sauxiutAS DlyODlwu, WVgUIUUlg Vtk A SUiU UUUlUg Jane 30th, is divided into two terms, without inter mediate vacation., tumdsome buildings &ud grounds, and a full corps of experienced instructors.'- Board, and tuition in English. flOO ter-term. -For other Information send for circular 8.. I'AYLOR MAR' TtN, vnariotte, H C. .. . . ; , t Tne Only Polytechnic Home School. St. Clement's Hall, EllleottClty, Bid Five vacancies owing to enlargement.-: Apply at once. Graduates rank high. Receives only first- class toys. Four courses: Classical. Liberal, Scientific, Coram'!, bend stamp to Masters for Decennial catalogue. . Y . CEISllS PATENT SKLP-REGtJLATINp I Gram : Separator, Post-office Box No. 8, Richmond, Va.. 'j.-'J eEITIBAIi-AGltKTS P0B-'- V . v I Eastern Virginia and the States of North Carolina,: ; South Carolina and Georgia. . This is the most conven'en portable, and i best made Thresher and Cleaner now in use-.: ; It threshes rapidly and cleans more perfectly than any other pattern. It has .a Self -Regulating Blast, which maaeB tne blowing over or w neat an impossibility. . llttcnrtnti M. flfltalAimDi -r f tia moonlnA- anil Smith's Mounted Va. Horse Power, promptly sent 10 any aaareeB. , , - PLEASANT AND PROFITABLE EMPLOY MENT. Beautifnl I" Charminffl" "Oh. how lovely I 'f What are thev worth ' &c Snch are exclamations by those who see the large elegant New Chromos produced by the European and American Chromo Pnblhthing Co. They are all per fect Gems of Art. No one can resist the temptation to buy. when seeing the .Chromos. Canvasser. gents, and ladies and gentlemen out of employ-, meat, will find this the best opening ever offered to inske money. For f nil pat ticulars, send stamp for confidential circular. Address F. GLEASON & CO., 738 Washington St., Boston, Mass. ' The Brown Cotton Gin Oo.j New! London, Conn. I i I MaiiUfacturera of Cotton Gins, Cation Gin Feeders', Condentert and Cotton Gin Materials of event descrip tion. Our Gins have been In nse thirity years, and have an established reputation for 'simplicity, light, running, durability, and for quaRty. and quantity of lint produced. v Our Feeder is easily attached to the Gin, and easily operated by any hand of ordinary intelligence. ' They are the simplest and cheapest: Feeder in the market and feed with more regularity than is possible by hand, increasing the outturn and giving a cleaner and better sample. At all Fairs where exhibited and by Planters having them in nse, they have been accorded the highest encomiums. Our condensers are well-made, durable and simple in con. svructwn, ana ao wnat is required or mem rapidly and well. No Additional power is required to drive the Feeder or Condenser, and no Gin House is com plete without theax. We are prepared to warrant, to any reasonable extent, perfect satisfaction to every purchaser. Circulars, prices and full informa tion furnished. Address as above, or apply to K. P. Covington, - Wilmington, M. C. $50 to $10,000 II as been invested in Stock Privileges and paid ' 900 PER CENT. PROFIT. " How to Do It," Book on Wall St. sent free. TUMBRIDGE & CO., Bankers Jk Brokers, Wall St, N. H. rp"p A Q The choicest In the World Import J. Xi riOt ters' . pricesTrLargest . Company in America staple article pleases everybody Trade continually increasing Agents wanted everywhere b8t inducsroeais donTt -waste time send for circular to KOBKRT WELLS, 43 Vesey bt., N. x ., P. O. Box 1287.1 . 'rrr A WEEK guaranteed to Male and Female ftp I t Agents, in their locality. Costs NOTHING O. VICKERY to try it Particulars Free. CO., AugHfta, Me. - v ang i4-dw4wks. Belleyue High School; 'v VBedlord Co. Virginia. 5 k (On Va. and Tenn. R. R., 16 Miles West of Lynch burg) ' ."'" j. I The tenth Annual Session begins Sept 15th. ' - t Full corps of Instructors. Beautiful and healthy location; Pupil members of the family. For cata logue containing information. . address 'WILLIAM xw AtsBu-i- mncipai, ueiievue tr. o. July 6-DAWgw. i:- -:- ' jhieh'am i stitute j BERGEN POINT, N. J., for Young Ladies and Misses, will commence on September 15. -1875.' Located in a beautiful and healthy- neighborhood. only eignt miles from New York, on the Central R. R. ot New Jersey. For circulars, apply to Mrs W.' Townsend Ford, Principal. References Rev. Geo. Zr Gray ana iter. u. w. v. Jones, jsergen romt, Solon Hamphrevs, of E. D. Morgan A Co.; Samuel frown, nes't isowery savings uanx: - a. oj. Warner, Son Merchant New York City. augl-t4W4w; ; TTrrrrr r. (:, S f.: Life InsuranoeOompany Of Itichmond, Virginia, i Over 22,200 Policies Issued. Annual Income Over $1,500,000 j Prugressiye ! Prosperons! Prompt H 8MALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES, 8ECDRB INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE. AND GOOD SURPLUS 1'rcmiuiuH Ciuiit, Policies IMberalj Annual Division of Surplns. au ARTHTTll J. HILL, Jr., Agent 1 Office for the present with Dr. T. Ft Wood. Vedij cal JExamlner, on Market street, two doers west'of Green A Flanner's drug store. Wflmlngton, K. Ci September -tf .-..,,( .'' . i" ' V J - Turnip Seed I ( j rl. s 4 .NEW CUOPWM I Growaby Landreth& Bniat,' Pajlsdehla. Also a large assortment ot civw .4jsi-i nni tK'nnvmrX s'.-.-. CABBAGE r SEED I rf ' ? - For Bale by GKEEN"A FLANKER '1 ' , aug l-tf i i ! : u k i; s -uk . IWWM V. - ... : 1 MISCELLANKOUS. Reduction mj Price ,.- . i .'-tit 'ti lit': i j , . , -V T0L LEY'S Celebrated PI N B :''..-r.'i'--, v.! ENGLISH Breech - Loading Guns,; Mannfactory, Pioneer Workf , BIRMINGHAM '.JENGl " HAVING ESTABLISHED A BRANCH. HOUSE in New; York for the sale of our celebrated weapons, we offer to sportsmen the Cheapest Guns of guaranteed duality and shootta? Dowers ever sold 1 . i t t 1 . a ' : mi i - f. . i ut uia uiiiicu Duuco. (. iney nrm buui wiua evry jm. provemeni, ior American sport, ana are maae in six qualities, each Gun being branded with one 'of the unaermentioned names, which denotes its quality Prick. pioneer..:;., .'.$ 65 Gold.' Oft . TOLLET. STANDARD .. NATIONAL.... CHALLENGE.. 4-. ,. 140 ... 180 " Any one of the above brands may be selected with: the greatest confidence, as no Gun bears onr name that we do not thoroughly guarantee in every re- t U UAH JfOli WAJLUJUU V. U. JJ. , ' N B. Guns bunt to order, at above prices.' a specialty. Send for detailed particulars, with inns' trated descriptive price sheets and testimonials, to our Branch House., - ' : i : . j j. 29 Maiden Lane. New - York. pept 25-DAW-tf s ., L i ; JUU.CAi3AiaA i3 JXlji ;- t .WILMINGTON, TV.. Cm 'IX. i ' " ; e - April 14, 185. f 1 For'tliB Inforiatiiiir of 'tie Tnilic. ! In ORDER TO ENABLE MS TO CLEANSE THE City thoroughly and with as little delay a possible,' I have divided the City into four (4) Health Districts ' with a Health Officer assigned to duty In each. , The 1st District, in charge of Health Officer J. Hj Brown, embraces that portion of the City North of Market, and East of 5th street -. The Snd District, in charge ef Health Officer C. C. Taylor, embiaces that portion of the City North of Market, and West of Sth street . . 4 . ' j The 8rd District. In charge of ITealth Officer A. Si Denton, embraces that portion of the City South of marvel, ana naBtotoin street . . - , The 4th District in charae of HeaHh Officer S F.! Walcott, embraces that portion of the City Sonlh of Market, and West of 6th street, - : f 4 The Health Officers may be known bv the Yellow Rosette, and they are instructed to inspect and re-i port au uncieanuneas to my omce. . : , . It is hoped tthat- the citizens generally will. co operate with me in this important work, and begin the needed cleansing without further delay, t Any person requiring Ihe services of a Scavenger J may report the fact-to the Health Officer of the; Division in which the work is to be done, cr at my Office, and the matter shall have the oromntest at-' tcntion. . - . - f Trustintr no further anneal to onr pood citizens' may be required, and that onr City shall be a model far neatness during the coming summer, s - x am, very jxespectjuiiy, - - . i j . J. IL ROBINSON, April 15-tf : ; . : , ; . CUy MarshaL ' TO HOLDERS OF COUPONS. ! OFFICE OF TREASURER AND COLLECTOR, ) i -- . w iutiasTOK, jh. dune swtn, I87S. j Notice is hereby given, that the ; JT COUPONS 1875, 1 ; : j (of Bonds of this city), cannot be promptly paid. . .' :... In consequence of certain changes, under a recent decision of the Supreme Court; 'of this State, as to ! ' - . ; "i the manner of assessments, of the Realand Per sonal Property in this J city il and thereby the City - ! - - - - i Tax Books, not yet having been placed in possession of the undersigned, for collection; together with' other, complications, in regard to bur Municipal affairs, now pending before the Supreme Court of North Carolina, the city of Wilmington must neces- sarily crave some indnlgence from the Holders of City Coupons, nnder existing circumstances. T. C. SERVOSS, City Trtasnrer. june 30-tf INSURANCE ROOMS Atkinson & Manning. $70,006,600 Assets"Represented. Ins. Co; of North America, i ' .Philadelphia. Phenix Insurance Company '.....New York. Continental Insurance Co ....New York. . .. N. British & Mercantile Ins. Co .London. . Hartford Fire Ins. Company ...... .Hartford. ' Nations; Fire Ins. Company Hartford. : Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co Massachusetts.; iiABIllB.-----. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co..; New Tprk 7 Ins. Co. of North America. . . . . . . . .Philadelphia. - 'I "" j " . 1.IFE.: " - Connecticut Mntual Life Ins. Co,' .'.Hartford. Harcns-tr Havana Lattenv- l z j . . i --. " ..... ...i. - j 4 v jt- 38S Prizes amounting to.. . f 45 0,000 t 1 i iofi...w.. ....... xooooq 1-1, 'bT Of'i4iWi...-:..Si.J.JlI V-2,O0 v IK " i . of j. i. .. . ii. .-.w .-. . w. si. '.! 1 OOOO )S of ui o,000 each.'.i..iv:ri.w -10,60(1 to " of 1,000 ench;...;H..-.;i. .10,000 9 " of 50ac.i;t.. .. 44,600 635 -'- Ot - rtlM.lH.r,.,:iiV.I :10UVQU .'Circular with fuU iutwinmii.u,seut ."tlckfiti for sale by v p. c. ievlun. ! a acaoonet ana general Ageni, may T-dwly , ) I S0 Liberty stNew ,xork. ROD iCUW. ' -LATE v : n' THE AMERICAN - SP OBTSMAI 'Sr. SIXTERNrPAGErPAPEm vb.uija:i:b.u iu ..I ShooM Fisluii aninatflral History C CT5NCE.AMuSEMkNT: AD VENTURE AND 11 WinM Snort artJcli6.hv the KlTlST RniKNTISTS St Spobtskkh of America. PRICED $1.00. 3 Months; fi.00 6 Months. $4 Yearly senrt BtamD Tor soecimen codv vj April 6-tf .31 Park Row, NewYorkJ Pav ,Ypur City; Taxes i OFFICE OF TREASURER AND COLLECTCfR, v-t -! nq X CITY.OF WiuUBW'ioji, a. j July 27th. , N.iC.;- V 7th,j874K nhHECITY "TAX BOOKS FOR .1875 HAVING .X beenrecelyedat this office,, the undersisned is now prepared to rit ff 'ft tf f f ' I i on Real ? l8taf and. Personal property t f of 1875. ALL PARTIES are . therefore notified, ; and re quested to give this matter immediate attention, and to call ate 'thl office and "pay up" without IYWu'pONS are also receivable, is payment 1 jnlV 88-tf tj -' rA ' "Treasurer ana uouecter. . V-iJ . r 0'OUB jrTJBNTTORB WITH PRICE ilSTS furnished on ' ; .-.i , may 18-tf ... D. A. SMITH & CO. MISCELLANEOUS. The F.l o r n i n 2: 8t ar , 'ft-' .ft- Oi PUBIISHEl DAItY &BV WEEKLY snnscTiMnnn HflTR Mr AdvanM si. 7. . - . . it, ! DAH.T STAR, One Yearj postage psid,.....f7 CO V$," Months " .'...1400 " , ThroeMontlu M y " .V.;.. . x 35 J 4,""';' One Month : " ... 1;. 1 00 WEEKLY STAR," One, Year postage paid, $1 15 . V oix iaonms, - " - , l ot Three Months' . ; - . 60 tN6ticestoftlir3 Pressi ,i A.fl?stclass paper. Sattleboro Advance. v ' Emphatically alive pKpet.-Coldsboro News. i .V. 'i .'".'-' - . : . . . . - . ; The Br is a live paper. Sumter (S. C.) JVctoa j une oi our Den excnanges.-.n.awsevc'. v ucmnety : One of the best daily papers in the State. TlUdon ews. av. ,:t: -:, - ..,1-2 - One ot the very best of oar South Carolinian. . ' : daily exchanges.- Ranks among the leading Dailies of the State. vnnsnan Jiawcaw. One of the best Dailies. In the State. MatesviUe InteiUQencer. .. ; ; .:'- . . . 'I A valuable paper. We cheerfully recommend it. reewe vovner t s.:-.-....;,,. -. a ' Ranks among the leading journals of the South.' Marion (a. C.) Star. . . , '; , -V: ! . . One of the best and most desirable papers in North 'r Full of pen eral news, and a credit to Wilmington Eliaabeih City North Carolinian. .' ?. 0 Om ot the best daily. i tapers published in. the Southern States -Sorry (A - One of our best Southern Journals.- As a newsDa- per not surpassed Dy any. jfrtena of Temperance. One 6f the )iest conducted in the State ; bold, inde pendent and well informed. IRUsboro Recorder, j I Ably edited, and "has a circulation which speaki TotnmjS of comment on its influence. Maonolia Monitor. . ,. . . ,. . ... . . -. .-. - r. . Onward and nnward it poes until now it has : the largest circulation of any Daily in the State. Pied mont Press. . . The Wilmington Stab, now very much imDroved. has the largest circulation of any paper in the State, Enfield Times. V f The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise and literary merit. vnesier (a. v.) ueporter. Unauestionably the best daily Journal In North Carolina, and has no superior in any other Southern State. Marlboro (S. C.) Tunes. - . ' , i For editorial ability, general news, correct market reports and line literary selections the Stab has no superior. .fiociy Mount. Mail. . , t - , - I Is well conducted and has as much and great a va : nety of good reading matter as any Daily in the State. Warrenten GazetU. - . This naner. thou eh not many years old. is one of the best dailies in the -State, and well merits the support u receives. jjouisourg vourter. ; One of the best daily Journals on oar exchange Hat. Belongs to no ring save that which encircles. the good of the people. atxwwmA Mirror. , : i The Wilmington Moenino Stab is among the best newspapers in the South. Rich, rare, racy, always fresh and "on time." Asheville Expositor. ' . i A staunch and indenendent advocate of the neo-l pie's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first jour-! nals of the 3oiithenrceuntry.-i2odbinAai Observer. A live newspaper, and the beet Daily n the State.' The circulation is larger than that of any other Daily in the State, which-proves it. Milton Chron icle. - .-:-:; -.-.'' - " ;' : Those of onr readers desiring to take a daily or weekly paper from North Carolina cannot do better J man take tne Wilmington stab. n tier aw vs. v.) Democrat., - . I The Stab is one of our most highly valued ex- chancres, and it affords as pleasure to recommend it as one of the most racy and reliable dailies in North Carolina. Kins ton Gazette. : i It is one of the most manly ana vigorous Dailies among the thousands in the land. There is no dodciner about this saner, but it meets every, issue fairly and squarely. It is always full of interesting matter, ana tne wonaer is now,- in tne snort- space of twenty-four hours, it can gather up so much in4 formation, and so varied. It has from the first had an honorable career, and we wish it many years of prosperity. N. V. Prestutrian. i The Stab is undoubtedly an enterprising sheet. beautifully printed and conducted with marked ibUity.' Air. isernara deserves great creoiv lorms efforts in journalism.-Raleigh, Bent' tel. No paper ever started in"North Carolina has grown' raoidlv as has the Stab. . Thouuh only five years old. it is now a fixed institution, enjoying an influ ence and a prosperity second to none in the State. Salisbury Watchman. The Wilmineton Stab is in the front rank of out Southern dailies, well edited, full of Hews and select reading matter, telegraphlreports, and in every res-?, pect a first rate journal. If we had many such papers our State would be the gainer by it Greens. Patriot. APPLE TON'S ! American Cyclopaedia; New Revised Edition. 7; ) Entirely rewritten by the aolest writers on every sub ject, rnntea irom new type, ana luasLraieu with. Several thousand Engravings and Maps.! . r: i The wotk erhrinallv published under the title of Tms Nxw AxxBicAK Cyciopeima was completed in' 1863, since whicn time tne wiae circtuauon wnicn it has attained In all parts of the United States, and the signal developments which have taken place ii every branch ex science, nieracure, ana an, nave in : aucea tne eauors ana puBiuntsTB va euuiuu tu u ci act and thorough revision, and to issue a .new edi tion entitled Ths Axxhcak Cyclopedia. . Within the last ten years tne progress 01 oiscovery in every department of knowledge has made a new work of reference an imperative want. - ( The movement of political affairs has kept pace with- the discoveries of science, and their fruitful ap-j plication to the industrial and useful arts and the convenience- and refinement of social life.- Great wsra and consequent revolutions nave occurreo, uw elviE-r national changes of Jeculiar moment.- The civil war of Our own country, which was at its height when the last volume or tne old work appeared, has nappfly been ended, and new eourse of commercial Wdjndnstrial actinty has been, commenced- j : .Large accessions-to onr. geograpnicaii. tjmowieage have been made by the Indefatigable explorers of AfrieaT''ij '- '"' i.j.;ji5!u t The great political revolutions ef : the last decade J Stith. the natural result of the lapse of time,hav ronght Into public view a multitude of new men whose names are in every one's mouthy and of whose lives cortotw to know the particulars. t Great battles Jiave been fought andJmportant sege iKinined.6f which thedetails art as yet Dreserved only in the newspapers bri in the transient nubScaL Dons ox tne oay, o wucu,vuituvw. f u Mte uxcu permanent ana Bawjeauv uisiurjt. , , . . : ' in preparing "the : present edition forthe press," ii has Aceerdinuly beun the aim yt the editors to bring down the information to the latest possible dates and to furnish an accurate account of the most, ref cent discoveries in science,' of every fresh product, tion in literature, and of the newest' inventionirr the practical arts, as well as to give a succinct and ori recorU of thi? progress of political events, ork haW been ticgua after lone and caref Tne -work hair been freguh after long and careful preliminary labor, and with the most ample resources for carrying It .onto a successiui lermmauon. XOne OI UlwvrujUJiu vciuijrjc (uw navA hnf sverv nase has been prfneed on new type; forming n f a new Ccinpedia. with the same plan ana compass as up ji cu.tDfui, uu iui( ior greater pecuniary' expenditure; aid' with such im pfovemenU in its compoaitioif as have beensnggesb ed by longer experUmce; and; enlarged knowledge. I . Th iilnatrations which are introduced for the fit st tbne in the present edtripn have been added not for tbe sake or pictonai eseci, oat, lo gure greater jnaa; ity and.force to the expUuatione in tLa text , f They embrace all branches of science and of natural histo: ry, and depict the most famous and remarkable fea tures of scenery, architecture, and art, as well as &e processes of mechanics and . manufacturers. . At though intended for instruction rather than embel lishment, no pains have been spared to insure their artistic excellence; 'the ost-of their' execution- i enormous, and it is belieyed they will find a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopaedia; and worthy of its high character. s" t ..This work, is sold to Subscribers only, payable cn delivery' of each volume.', It will be completed in sixteen large ctavd volumes; each containing about S00 nages,i fully 4Uustrated with; several : thonsand .Wood Engravings, and with nnmeroua colored Lith- ograpups.,;. lpPrice and tyk cf 'Binding: ! In extra rSoth,pexol..;. 5 00 In Library Leatkerper voL j. i. - 6 00 In Half Turkey Mwoccopervol...,. 1 0C In Half Russia, extra gUt, per vol. i .... .' 8 00 In Full Morocco, antique, gilt edges, per vol. . 10 06 lb Full Russia, per vol.. ; . v.v. . . .. .. .. .. . 10 00 j -i Three volumes now. ready. Succeeding volumes until completion- will be issued once in twelve months.1 --''. " ; "' ' ' - .Specinien pages of the AjmicAir Ctciomedia, showing type, fflustrationtv etc., will be sent 'gratis, n application. - . . -1 .. . . Fibst-CXass Cakvassih8 Aozhtb Wahtsd. - -Address the Publishers, - D. APPLETON 3t CO., u -r ' - - '. 549 A 651 Broadway, N. Y. - jaafl-tf '-. ,: ,. '...:...'.. MISCELLANEOUS." , ; - OF THE-, ' - BRITISH PEElbDIO ALS .The political ferment among the European nations. tne stive between Church and State, Ih Lhe disenssion of science in its relation to Theolopv. an&xhe con stant publication of new works on these and kin dred topics, will give unusual interest to the leading foreign Reviews during 1875. 1 Nowhere else can tbe inquiring reader find in a condensed form the facts and arguments necessary to guide him to a correct cunciaaiua. . .-. . THE:f LEONARD SCOTT PUB- a I- .i it-. LISHING COMPANY, 41 BARCLAY STREET, NEW YORK, continue the reprint of the four leading Reviews, via : Ei)h?BUBGM MEVIEW, (WMg.). L0N ' "bOJST Q 1JARTERL F: REVIEW Con- lj BE . ... Q TJARTERL TfiE VIE W, ; ' ! " ' Evangelical.) '. ' .. rv-' .: '-' '"'.AND. j 5' ',. ',''' - : 5 Blaclcvooa's , Eliiiliiirgli Maiazine ; ;5 TERMS Patablk Stbicti,t ih Advadck : For any one Review.. .. ,i 4 00 per annuo. For any twoReviews.. 1 00 " " . For any three Reviews;. ....... ... 19 00 " For all four Reviews lSOOf---' " For Blackwood's Magazine. 4 00 " - " Fr Blackwood and 1 Review. . . 7 09 " .For Blackwood and 8 Reviews. .. 10 60 : " ' ' uormackwooaanaaKeviews.... 13 00 " For Blackwood and the 4 Seviewa, 15 00 t' M . The postage will be prepaid by the publishers without charge to the subscriber, onl v on the exnieHB condition that subscriptions are paid inyariablt in ajjyajxuk w unt cummeiieement oi eacn year. - " -. ; " CLUBS: '' A discount bf twenty per cent will be allowed t clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies oi Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to me ad dress for $12.80; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $48, and so on; ' " To clubs of ten or more, ia addition to the above discount, a copy gratis will be allowed to the gettet, upof theclab. PREMIUMS: TJew subscribers (applying early) for the year VST-.b may have, without charge, the last volume for 1874 ef such periodicals as they may subscribe for. . Or instead, new subscribers to any two, three, or four of the above periodicals may have one ef the "Four Reviews, for 1874; subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one .set f Blackwood's Magazine for 1874. ; Neither : premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remit tt-l direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. 4 Circulars with further particulars may be bad on application. : V - - . -r - - . T.EUS I,1HJ AUU BCUTT rUBUHIUNtf CO., ' 3 feb26-tf . , , , 41 Barclay st New York. ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. " u ; SecuritF against Hre. ; ' THE NORTH " CAROLINA ' HOME INSUItAJVCE COM PA M , This Company continues to write Policies, at fair rates, en all classes of insurable property. Ail losses are promptly adjusted and paid. Tlx HOMB" is rapidly erowinz in public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property its North Carolina. . ' Agents in all pai ts of the State. K. H. BATTLE, Jr., President. C.B. ROOT, Vice President. . BEATON GALES, Secretaryf PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON MANNING, Agbst. ang 1-tf - -'-. - - Wilmington. N. FOB;SAIiB. - SECOND HAND 2a HORSE POWER - Stationary . Steam jEngf ne,; and 30 horse power Portable FIho Boiler, with emokestack, pump, &c., all in excellent order Alto 1 SECOND HAND 12 HORSE POWER OSCILLAT ING STEAM ENGINE, suitable for ginning and grist mill. Will be sold low. For information apply:to , . j u:-.- '. HART.' BAILKY & CO., 17 South Front street. june 18-tf The Centennial - Newspaper of the' City; of Charlotte. THE OBSEItVEU, NOW OFFERS TO THE MERCHANTS OF Wilmington the best medium tocommunicate with Merchants and dealers in Western North Carolina.- !.- - --TV-'' ' ' It has more than trebled its circulation and size within the past twelve months, and is now one of the most attractive sheets in the State. During the coming Centennial celebration a very large edition, containing full accounts of the cere monies, will be printed, giving advertisers a most -extraordinary opportunity to communicate with the ?ublia- ; .-. . ' - . .. - 'erms of subscription f 8 per anunv Terms - of ad vertising very low. Address, - ; " ;"-- - OBsEKYKK, may 14-tf .: :- i- Charlotte, N.CC! FOR H ENT, From the 1st of October Next ...7 :: ; : .- r?;: f . : all the rooms in the building known 'as' ': ; ' . ! - The ISeaman's Home;. Also those in the Bethel, with' the exception of the first floor, with all the furniture belonging thereio. xne uorne nas a large tank, wnicn iurnisnes euni cient water for the kitchen and water closets, with pipes leading to each storo. , The building Js now and ' in good condition, and ampty large to accommodate au seamen that come to this port. The Large and Commodious Store, on .tbev North east corner or tne none. For particulars, apply to - ; . ..- - ' i. 1 B. E; MITCHELL,' ftw 'li'-.':,! BmG WORTU.i - ,i. " 'U: ; U ( Cw- lK.RIIKlDE, , aueStf V;i K tiui 10 U :'u (Committee.' Quarantine Notice. TTNTIL FURTHFR NOTICE ALL. VESSELS J from Ports South ef Cape Fear, will come to at tbe visiting station near1 Deep Water Point, and await the inspection of the j. Quarantine ' Physician. ;: . -All Teasels from Ports where- Yellow Fever ior - other infectious disease exist, will be required to undergo a rigid and prolonged Quarantine. ness-on soard ea arnvali or iisvinghad tickBecs any time during tbe voyage, are required to come to the : station for inspection, without regard to the r rt irom whence .they come: -sYese:-not above will proceed without detention. .. . . t :' MIoU ate especially enjoined to'maVc' careful In quiry relative o vessel, crew &c . and if net- ratfeflt d with the statements of the Captain or Commander, or if the vessel is in a filthy condition, the y ill bring the vessel to the station for 'further examina tion. J h . l-.T:'H)li,w!. 1 ' : runts wIlfuHy violating the Quarantine laws ere snbjebtto a forfeiture of their branch: Masters if -vessels toa -fine of two hundred dollars a'd ay for . every day .they violate the Quarantine laws, and all -other persons are liable for each end every offence. . .All vessels subject to visitation under ahnve regulations, Will set a flag in the main rigging,' Port Side.''. -":-itH .-! ' J.,;u-i -n-tHi ::. .:: ? F-.W. POTTER, Quarantine Physic' ap, -' " , - Port of W ilmington, N. C. Smith ville. N.' C. May 27th. 1875. june l-2t aw till Nov. 1 Tu Fr - s ,0filcej: Treasurer & Collector, . ir: ' CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, 1 ; ; r February 18th, 1874. 1 Notice to Owhers-pf any Truck, Dray iji h : Wagon, . rrai OWNER- of- any Truck, Dray, Cart or X Waeon. used In the city, will send tne same to the shop of John A. Parker, on Second Street, and have their Registered number painted thereon be fore the first day of March, prox., when the Ordi nance Imposing a Penalty will be enforced. A list of the registered numbers will bs furnished on application at this ofilce. febl9odtfthur .. Treasurer,

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