1- 1 ( J1 t-; -1 -it "S t m 3 -V : I : i !: ; " i - J Wilmington, ir. a: Wedstesdat ,MoBNiNGytAuG.I 18775. BY TELEGRAPH. NOON KEPORTS. ': L SOUTH CAROLINA. , Exciting Seeue In a Columbia Court of "Jimlce" Tn Thief Parlter Ks- eapes Panlsbment on r a Fllmsey Pretext A Well Pot Up JoJ. ; : Charleston, Aug. 17. . There was aa exciting time last evening ia Columbia, caused by proceedings under the habeas corpus writ lot the release or ex- Treasurer Parker. Tne aDDiicauon was heard at, 5 P. M. before Judge Mackey, Parker's counsel claiming his discharge un- uer iub pru visiuu ui uie vuusutuuuu pur hibiting imprisonment ; f or debt. The Sheriff's return failed to allege that the case -was one of fraud, a charge which is express ed in the constitutional pronibition or im prisonment for debt, and after argument the judge released the prisoner. The court room was filled with an excited crowd and Parser was immediately rearrested on a criminal warrant for grand larceny, but his counsel waived an examination, and urg ing that the amount in the alleged robbery had nothing to do with the amount or nail succeeded in getting him released on a thous and dollars bail. . .y. :.. :-:J.-: It is generally believed that Parker will escape and forfeit the ban. The ATews and Courier denounces the re lease of Parker as a gross judicial outrage and as a job put up by certain State offi cials who feared Parker would, implicate them in his enormous robberies, i f FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. . :' - -Tho r Insurrection , In tUe TurklsU Provinces Measaroa to Suppreaa It Accident to an Ocean Steamer The Elections In France Abatement of tlie Cholera in Syria. - ' ' ' CONSTAUTIXOPIE, Aug 17. The Courier de Arient estimates the force dispatched against the Insurgents in -the ; iurkish creata at twenty thousand. Advices from Syria report the cholera abating. ' Vr "', . ' .. Losdoit, Aug. 17. "j A special to the Ttews from Vienna says mieingence nas Deen received there that i he inhabitants of the Basinian provinces have risen along the -entire length of the river Save. The telegraph wires have been . cut, thirty Turks massacred and the official buildings burned. A number of refuses were flying into Austria. v ; -The vessel, from Mexico. ,has arrived off the Isle of Wight and reports haviag seen the steamer Nevada, which left New York August 3d. forLiveroooL proceeding under sau. ner engine Having oroken down, fj j s : . Pakis, Aug. 17. Presidents of the Councils General were elected in many of the departments yester day, l The returns so far received indicate that a majority of those elected are Conser vatives.' " ; - 'ij iiliECTBIO SPABKS McCreery's official majority as Governor oi .eniucKy is 3U,lija. VThe House branch of the Legislature stands: Democrats 90. xwepuoiicana xu. . - Several small - dealers on the Chicago Board of Trade, who have been operating uu ihv long- siae oi tne wneat market, have failed, owing to the continued decline. une large firm is embarrassed, the bank reiusing tne accustomed discounts. 4UK NIGHT REI'OUT. WASHINGTON. ueatn trom coal OH News from the Xellow Fever District Condition of the Steamer Rio Bravo. r t, , . ,Washikgton, August 17. A woman, wrhile kindling a fire with coal was iauuiy burned. Commodore Cooper telegraphs from the Pensacola navy yard, yesterday, that there is no fever in the yard or vicinity. A inarine stationed outside the Quarantine line, nearuarrancas, died Saturday, and aDoiaer is sick at the same place, but is tioiog -well, uthers who were stationed mere nave been sent the quarantine station : at id ve uaK in cnarge of Dr. JU.artin. i ne lonowing telegram was received at inejiavy Department this morning from lieutenant Uommander Kells, of the steamer Rio Bravo: ; : " Orange, lexas,Augugt V7tJt.I think I -i can save the vessel and get into Galveston if I can get a tow. I have requested assis tance of the collector of Galveston. Am caulking and rigging pumps. ; If I can get iu, two weeks, will see me ready again." ; : A circular from the Internal Revenue Office gives notice that there will be a sus peuMon of the issue of documentory or pro piietaiy stamps from the 31st inst., to the 5th proximo,-both dates inclusive. in order that the office may have an opportunity to make certain proposed changes in the place ,of delivery. ; -- . i ; ' SEW OBK, j I." . i i " ' " ' i , . . f i . t'. " i 1 . I I I Attempt to.Suoota Prominent CIt zen and Bank President Jealousy kite Canse. . ";,-p.--- .. - rv.i New York, Aug. 17. ' j This evening Robert Gibson,' assistant superintendent r of the Newburgh water, works, attempted to murder Alfred Post a prominent resident of this city and presi identof the Highland National Bank of Newbnrgh, by firing a pistol at him in the street. The bullet grazed Post's neck. Gb su aimed for a second shot, but in his ex citement failed to cock the weapon and Post gt out of the way before Gibson could fire , again. The , latter wag secured and C ommuted without bailJGibson charged . tli.it Post had sumethiug to do with his .,' ife'a leaving him. . . .: . . , FOIIEIUN INTKLLICKNCE. The Old Catbolle Csaferrncest Rome . Arrlral or Cardinal IfIeClokey at Havre. t - . s Bohn, Aug. 17. ' Tbe session of the Old Catholic Confer. enee closed o-day. AreLbishop Lykurgus, ; oi Lyia, on behalf of the Greek Church, .and Bishop Sand ford, of Gibraltar, on btl half of the Protestant Churches, thanked ;Dr. Doll'mger for the good results of the con- f erence w hich he had called together. They expressed the hie that the churches would ; . coutinue to draw closer together until there was an united, universal church. Bishop lteinkeus closed the proceedings with te deurn and prayer in Latin. 4 ' : 1 '; Havre," Aog. 17. Cardinal McCloskey has arrived on the steamer Periere, in good health. He dei arts to morrow for" Paris. . . it KATIIEB KEPOIIT. -! " - ' Wah Department. AB UKPA liTM KM T, i , lap Oflicer, : I ? g- 17-8il5P,i!. ; V "wliinton; iu'g, ProliabPitif h partly cioydy weaiher and local rains, with southwest to nortVweat wJoils, aUiwlY ris nig ufsiet and slirhtly filing tempr. PCNNSYIaVANIAt Brntal Act oa th Part of a " Well, Known Wealthy Married Man of Phlladelpnia A well knowQ wealthy married man nnmcfl .Tnlin T. TTnte vna VipfnrA a map-is- utile vj uay, uuaigcu wuu u ucuuu ain sault on Miss Pembcrton. It appears that Kates seduced her when she was about fifteen years old. and she claims that he has uvtu ,aira iu a iuq Ul Duii-oiaiuj v otuvw: Recently she attended a pic-nic without his permission, and when she returned he charged her with tinfidelity, "knocked her down, - beat in a brutal manner and then tore her clothes off her person, and after pouring burning fluid all over her set fire to her and endeavored to burn her alive. The interference of some of the people in the house prevented the consummation of his desisjn. Un ' Friday ; evening ' last he whipped her in a brutal manner and swore he would disfigure her so that she would never be able to go out Great efforts are being made by interested parties to keep tne details of the affair from the public. Kates was held in $3,300 bail for his ap pearance at Court. :;.(..- ISIiBCTRIC UPAIIKS S The ew assessment of Property in Bos ton shows a cain in the value of real estate of $4,500,000, and a loss in the value of personal property of $9,500,000. The tax levy has been reduced H per cent. .The receipts under the license law reach nearly half a million, whereof -Boston pavs over nny-two mousand. n,uwin uootn was thrown irom his car nage at ort Chester, N. Y., and had his left elbow and one rib broken. He will be, as good as new in a few weeks. Alexander Queal. who obtained la &3. 000 accident policy and was . reported drowned by two accomplices has been ar rested at uswego. . At Providence, yesterday. 'the Soveien council ot the bona or Jonadabcr.' com- menced its annual session.- ! I Hon. John B. "Wellerl ex-Governor of California, died in New Orleans yesterday fnnraini, .nail T( 1 Auva e Great preparations are makinc: to cele-: orate suiiaoiy tne oneninsr or the Uinciuna- ti Exposition. , ..if.;--'--..-'.-v. Uean liraiey. the well known counter feiter, has been arrested at Boston. ?3 Naw York, August 17. Ntxn. Stocks quiet and steady. Money 11 13 cent. troia opened at 113 and closed at 113. Sterling exchange long f 4 8C; short S4 yi. tiovernment securities dull and a little lower for some. , State bonds quiet but ueuer prices. v :ti , t . C&mmerciat. ; Flour dull and heavy. Wheat dull and nominal unchanged. Corn dull heavy. Pork heavy at $21 45. Lard heavy steam Id 15-lu cents. . Spirits turpentine ouiet at 3132 Cents. Rosin steady at $1 65 $i vu ior sirameo. j reignts quiet t Cotton firm and held hicher. with sales of 1,450 bales at 14for uplands and 14 J for Orleans. Futures opened quiet, as follows: August 14 cts: September 13 27-32 131 cts;.October 13 11-1613 23-32 cents: November 13 ll-161323-32 cts; December 13 553-33(3135 cents: January 13; 27-32a 13 29-32 .cents; February 14 1 -3214 3-32 cents; aiarcn 14 7-314 y-32 fents. f : . ; Nkw Tobk, Aug. 17 Kveiiing. Financial. v ; Money easy at 12 19 ceuL Sterlini exchange weak at $4 ml. Gold steady at ij.ouani4.5 vioverument securities dull and lower new 5's liaJ State bonds quiet and nominal. . . , ,t. ; -i ' , .Commercial. ... Cotton firm andlheld hisher. xtUU salpa or 1,!JM Dales at 14i(ai4f cents. Southern flour quiet and in buyer'af avor common to lair extra $a u$e b5; good to choice do. $6908 50. Wheat is fairly active and 45a$l 48 for winter red western, $1 48$1 50 for amber do, in store. Corn is a shade firmer, with a fair demand at 7o78 cents for steam western mixed, lS7lJi cents for good sail do., 80 81 cents for prime to choice do. 81 cent for strictly prime yellow western. Oats firm and fairly active at 586l cents for mixed western, C368 cents for white do. Coffee Rio firm at 17i20 cents (irold) for car goes, 1721cents Cgold) for job lotSL Sugar quiet, but steady at 7 15-1 68i cents for fair to good refining. 83018 7-1G cents for prime; refined dull at 10iai0Jail cenis r i. , . a - j - - iur uaru irraaes. jJioiassfS nnn ffrocerv J i i . . -r- - ..... . o J graues auu. liice quiet nut steady. Tal low firm at9J9 cents. . Rosin and spirits turpentine steady, y Pork lower choice new $21 GO. Lard opened heavy and closed urm at id JO-Jboai cents fornrimH sipnm Whiskey steady at $1 24. . Freights lower. Uolton Gross receipts 57 1 bales. Fu- tnres closed quiet and steady, with sales of 12,500 baies as follows: August 14 1-33 cents; September 13 27-3213i cents; Oc tober 13 21-32ai3 11-18 cents: November 13 23 3213 .11-10 cents: December 13 11-lff id 5J34J2 cents: January 13 27-32am e.t- February 14 1-32 cents; March 14 7-3214i ueu; i JO-sa cents; May 14 11-1 614 2S-32 cents; June 14 29-32l4 15-18 cents.- rt-..--a w iai-u,;l--, -..t. , .l -; . '-p' ; Ixuisyrxii:r Aug: 1. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat iren. erally unchanged,' with some ! sales rather lower, at $L 05$1 30. .- Corn quiet and nnf.hA.nrpfl Datarniiat anil ntttknn..J -. Rye none offering. Provisions quiet Porlc nominally $22 50. Rnlk mAatiMihAn1-W 9 cts. ; clear rib 12 cents; clear sides 12 cents. Bacon shoulders 10 cental clear rib liUcti; clear sides 13S cents. Lard tierca 14i cents; keg 15Jt5f cents. .Whiskey f 1 18. ; Bagging demand active at 14ai4i cents. - . . ,' : " ... . " Baltimore, Aug. 16. s Oats steady and . unchanged. ' Rve doll at 9096 cts. Provisions quiet and steady. Mess Pork $22 50f23 75. Bulk meats-- sboulders 9i9f cents- clear rib 12iI2f cents. Bacon aboulders 104 cts: clear rib 14 cents; hams 144(ai5 cents. Lard onit and firm reflDed 141 cents. Coffee firm i job lots i82Ii cents. . Whiskey dull at 9 1 24. ?; Sugar steady. ' .:.. - l Cincisnati, Aug. 17. : FUmr dull and unchanged. h i Wheat dnll and uesettled old red $t 40al 55: new irregular at 90(21$ I 50. aa- to oualitv ' dull and lower at 7580 cents. - Oats dull and unsettled old 68a73 cents: new 4(i(ffi 50 cents.-: live. steady and in fair ifem-mri at 9092 cents. - Pork dull and lower to sell; $21 50 offered. Lard dullatam ia 13i cents; kettle 14 cents; common sold at 13 cents. Bulk meats dull ahouldets 8(a9 cents; clear rib 12J12J cents; clear sides 124 cents. ; Bacon oulv a limited demand '-ahoulders .10 cents: clear rib 184 18f cents; clear sides 13 cents. ' Whisky in fair demand and firm at $1 18. : : ' . cnrroM niHK kt. Norfolk, firm at 13 receinrs ' 73 halpn- Galveston, quiet at l'di receipts 208 bales; Savannah, quiet at 13$ receipts 8 bales; Memphis, quiet at 14 receipts 10 bales; Philadelphia. Quiet at 141 receinta 2in bales; Augusta, nothing doing and dull at io receipts iz bales;,Kew Orleans, dull and nominal at 144 receinta fi halea? Mv. bile, nominal at 14 receims 1 bale- IW ton, .dull at 14frrireceiDts 12 bales: Charles ton, quiet at 131fai34 repinta 1fl halpo. Baltimore. firm at 14iai4 recefnfa dm . r, Iayppoox,; Aac. lT-Nopn. ! i Cotton market ' fl rm mi(lHlinr nnlnnHa 7 HWj mldling Oxleans 1 5-ljd. galea of 10,000 bales; ' for speculation and export 2.000.- ' jureaasiuas uuii. -rrv4T ' - T.TTrWTJTlAAT A lira 1 . .tMAn UA f iiau Wll, AUg A XTCUill. The sales of cotton include 4,100 bales American. v - v ?v - . Yarns and fabrics at Manchester quiet and firm. ( ,.r c- : j Spirits yurpenxine . Ibe peach crop plaveu out around Shelby., y . I , h The Norfolk landmark hears of the accidental, probably fatal shooting: of Mr. Edward, Howell. tf Gates county wnue out uununsr.-. --. x -j . The News hears lhat a difficulty occurred- between ; two brothers, : sons of Washington Davis, of Orange county. One' was killed and toe other serious! v wounded - Tr .. . - - " inives were usea. The only premium offered at the recent Madison county (Ky.) Fair, for the; oesi crayon wore:, was awarded ' to Miss. Mary E. Richardson, daushter of Prof. V. u. iticnardson, lormerJv of Davidson Coll lege, N. C. i r loe Jveios 6ays : Ihe prospect for a fall exhibition and a large attendahce at the Slate Fair to be held in October is most promising. Applications are beinir daily made from almost every State in the union for copies of the premium list.: ,J .1 - Baltimore American. 16th i The first receipt here of new crop cotton was sold Saturday, the lot coming from Northi Carolina. It was classed as middling, and brought fifteen cents per pound. ' The old crop is better worked off than at this time last year; and the new promises well in quantity and quality. Mi i: f ? ,t ? Very soft low coiffures are worn- in ans and nets for the hair are being re vived.: - . ; . . ' COMMERCIAL. W I TM I NGTONi AI AUK KY. v - STAR OFFICE Aug! 17. SPIlilTS TURPENTINE Receipts 050 casks. ,f Sales of 120 bbls at 281- cents for Southern packages. ' Market firm. ROSIN. Receipts 2,808 bbls.- Market quiet, with sales of 500 bbls Strained at $1 So. " V f" : j ;f.' ' CRUDE TURPENTINE Receipts' 406 bbls.' Sales of 40G bbls. at $3 00 for Virein. $2 05 for Yellow Dip and $ 1 25 for Hard. Market steady.: i ' ; ; TAR Receipts and sales of 227 bbls at 9 flO Marfcpt ctPArlv COTTON. Receipts 2 bales. Sales of 13 bale3 at13i cents per lb. Official quo tations nominal. r : " ' ' . New York Naval store market. ..A usual 14, 1875. Receipts to-day. 2.199 barrels rosin. 640 do spirits turpentine. The rosin market continued in a very quiet and almost nomi nal position. jotwitnstandinr the decline in "charter room, exporters are scarcely maaing any inquiry to speaK of. and con sequently quotations are not over and above steady; Bales. 100 bblsJNo. 1 at &3a4. and swtcois paie ai . uu4 lo. in spirits turpentine, nothing beyond small , iobbincr sales were made. .. Holders, nowever, . are steady at 3132c for larse lots. Tar was firm and in some demand from the jobbing traue. aies, oo pois Wilmington, at $3 G2. ity piicn remains quiet. xue iciecrapnic aavices lo-uav were: Liverpool spirits turpentine steady at 23s ; common rosin steady at os 3d. London spirits turpentine oun at Z2s: common rosin steady at 5s 3d. MARINE. ARRIVED. Steamship Raleish. Oliver. Baltimore. u uazaux. Stmr A P Hurt. Worth, Fayetteville, Worth Worth. Stmr Wave, s Robeson - Pavetteville. w iiiiams ca Aiurcnison. Stmr Junioer. Skinner. . Pavnii,';villo Vick & Mebane.i . . Stmr Northeast. Paddison. Point CaswelL- a.11, v antJoKReien. Stmr. Dixie. Jacobs. Smithville. O O Tarclfl Sr. f V. t - . , . ' s Bpanisn unir ilora. Juan 'Luaces. San tiago de Cuba, Northrop & Gumming. V-iltfeUIf- CLEARED. .--v- . SUnr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, vonno5 tvona , Stmr Juniper, Skinner, Fayetteville,! v ick s Aieoane. -; j Stmr Wave. Robeson,; Fayetteville, Wil liams & Mnrchisop. .! : : ; j A TT AT T)Ul.l . . -,. . . Stmr Dixie,. Jacobs, Smithville, O O Parsley & Go. 1 J - . : MISCELLANEOtrs. Eugene L. Harris, Artist In Crayon Portraits, I ojooja.J7M,j3.o j?. vmji, J.Y. u.t t j I ii !l i'ii ! U " i 'V i ? ; i V ; BEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION to his Portraits in Crayon. Persons wishlne good pictures of themselves or deceased friends can have them nicely executed by sending him a photograph to work from. A good photograph is necessary to Insure a good likeness. The pnoes dojow include postage by mall, on roller. A neat rrame or walnut and gilt wUl b furnvbed to those who desire It, at fl.&5a$a.00.': . t JUICES: Size, 14 x 17 inches, - - . . . . . . 5.00 Life Size, (bust) : - . -v - - . rf .. . $10.00 TRHTlinONIAI.8. Mr. Harris nosseses the rare trift of belnr hl io uciid' aie, accurately, irom a pnotorapn orotne . picture the exact likeness of any one. -toe guar an tee satisfaction.!' t'zfo(d Leader.l a. . ; . - . , ... . V " o " We have seen his work, and consider it excel. tent Try mm" 1 Central r otestanLl " We have een a caDital oor rait of i on. Al W VensbJo. Of Mr. K.L. Harria: that nflHrla hAM- tional lustre on his genius ; in that department" ITorcb. Light. : mar 17-tf We Waiit the Boom ! v I A ND rHKREFORB MUST DISPOSE OF THE balance of our: . B IIWHEi O IiUvS wJ. . y lUUllUg, . DCC , j ' FINK SpMEft MERINO SHIRTS, ' ' 5 ' f 1 ,-:jrcaiS JDraweri1:,f ;i '"'" Fine White shirts, only $1 95; Boy's White and ,X i Calico Shirita, lcoLZAnsyuFFs; fitXTXK ; Traveling Bags, Si.tehela, Ac. the bard limes. .... ... . '. ... ... j; ,j. All at prices to suit r aug 15-tf SHRIER BROTH ES. Bog Ordinance for 1875 Office Treasurer St Colleetor, Dlleetor, ) Lh. 1875. A ; , '. UITY OV W ILMXNGTON. . .:i i:.5I'Jupe.l2th THE DOG ORDINANCE FOR 1875' REQJJiRES that the same chould ge into effect June let. NOTICE W HEKKBY GIVEN, that all parlies owning or keeping any dogs, eiiher mule or female, are required to register the same at this office, and procure the required Badges; commencing ; Monday the'i4th Inst., a d for four, (4) days thereafter. The Ordinance la provides, that sach pek-sons who fall to comply with the above requirements, will be subject to a penalty of ton ($10) dollars. ' o , s T. C. 8ERVOSS, City Clerk and Treasurer. .' 'lone 3 f 4WIIOI.ESAX.B PlilCES. ' tJCT' iJut iiuotauons, n eaould be onderBtood, rep eaent, the wholesale prloea gtmer&lly. la making ap small orders higher prices have to be charged. . j of ' are paicas. BAGQINQ Qtumy Doable Anchor. 14X & - - Double Anchor M A' i . (, ft ortn C'aroiln&j , 17 11 14 a. & Shoalders lbM ,....... , Bides, y ...';.-...l.v:,.t.:.. . Tentern Smoked ' "v llamsii f. ....,. "' Sides, fJ B...i.i......i.... Shoolders,.... ' Dry Baited , . Bidfcs a . Bhonldera BKKK - , - - - On tho lloor.'..,.v..i.-.. isv... BAKHKLH Spirits Tittpenilne, " x' ' Second Hand, each., t..;. if.'. . . N w New Jfork, ach'. . . .i. . New City, each."..... ... .i . BSfiSW AX U i lb .. . ........ , 16. 11 & 6 & .; i S 25 ,4 b5 a b - 8 8 00 02 , 20 - 26 . 5 - 14 15 O2B0 & S 15 ma 80 10 00 14 00 BlilCKS .vyihatngicn, )M ... Northern.... "j.., BUrXJtCK Korth Uanuiaa. 5 to Northern, 3 io. . CANDLKS Sperm, Tallow,?! ............ Adamantine. t8 S J & & CHfijS a Northern Factory 9 Tt XJn-irj, creamy ,...,..... Vt ; it wi r aa dava, y io '--35 , , 20 !- 25 mo, ft id...... Laguayra. a S. CORN MEAL 9 bu8hel... COTTON TIES 18 lb....... 1 07V DOMESTICS Sheeting. 4-4, V yd i am, v ouncn.i.i.i. ........ FISll Mackerel, No. 1. V bbl.M No.l, Jtf bbL.. - Mackerel, No. tV bbl..... Nc2, t Jtfbbl., ...... Mackerel, No. a, 9 bbl 1 15 ta 10 00 8 50 13 00 T 60 11 00 6 00 20 00 ft 00 13 60 11 50 800 nuiiete.ODi. ....... N. O. Herrinu. bbl. e oo 850 500 6 00 T 00 800 0.00 t00 rw. i &i FLOUH Fine. bbl 4 60 Super. Northern, bbl....;. Extra do. bbl..... - FaioUv - " bbl CUy:Milii 8npr., V bbl.... - - Extra, W bbl.. i.. - ; V Family, bbl... Ex.FunUy, bbl .. FKKTIL1ZEK8 . . . , FernYian Uuano, V 800U ts -" Baagh'n Phosphate, " .. . " ; : Oarollna Fcrdllsser, " . i Ground Bone. " , : Bone MeaL : ' Flour, ;. ' li. Navasaa Onano, r .: ' " ; , Complete Manure, " " " ' . Wnann's Phoephata : -Wando Phosphate, ' Berger A Buta't Phosph.-' ' GLUE 9 lb GitAIN Cora, is atore, 9 6fi b. 500 6 25 7 25 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 e 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 50 00 65 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 so 00 13 .105 57 00 & 63 00 67 00 70 00 7000 00 00 ,,17 I10 Uorn, Cargo, w 8a nva.... Corn, Yel., S DuaheL.... Oats, W bushel. , Peas, Cow, S bushal .... BIDES Green, 9 S. ....... i Dry. S; i & & . 7 1S5 a -.wa 1 so 11 1S5 J 1 SO 110 i ooWK . : HAY Eastern, tt 100 fta.. ...... North Klver. ioo B..i.. .. I 10 1 08 16 HOOP IRON ton.. LARD Northern, 9 t. ........ ' nana c-arouna, LtMK bbl 00 1 50 LUMBER City StbaxSawks t Ship Stuff, resawed, tt M ft, Rourh Bdee Plank. SH ft. 14 00 S3 00 SO 00 SO 00 15 00 V ;-' is - 27 40' 4 00 18 1 10 I 00 ' 80 1 40 75 8 25 S3 00 ST 00 8500 S3 85 00 MOO 28 80 80 4 75 00 00 145 110 40 ltO 000 8 50 S3 50 West India Cargoes, according I to quality, v ja.it.......... Dressea Floorlne. seaaoned.. ScantUng and Boards, com- . MOLAHSfift-Cnba, hhdfl, 9 gal.. Cuca,bbi8 ft Sugar Hooao. Khda, V gal.. . '? TT bblB. Ml.... Syrup, bbls. Vral NAILS Cut. 4d to SOd. Ska?... OILS Kerosene, 9 gsl.... Linsee5,JBai. ...... ....... Bosin.fi eal.. ...... ......... PBANUT8 9 bushel POTATOES Sweet, buaheL. . Irish, Northern, $ bbl .,.. PORK Northern, City Mess.... , TUn, 9 DDI........ Prime, 9 bbl 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 Hump. DDI . 22 00 00 00 BICE Carolina, W B) . Kast India, V 00 1 so 2 v 6 ft 75 110 1 00 n 10 , 10 i iox 00 180 ;r s , S3 00 1 10 Loo Kouzn, 9 Dunn . ... KAGS-3jountry, 9 2........, City, 9 a ROPE- ...J ., SALT Alum, 9 bushel... Liverpool, 9 sacK..... American. 9 aaclc.... ... SUGAR Cuba, lb.. ronaraco, 9 n......-.4... A Coffee, O S b - $ . C- 91b Ex.O ' W t...i..... ' Crushed, '-. i t...;......j4 OAf Northern, 9 E SHINGLES Contract, 9 M 5 4 OC 5 50 6 50 9 50 SO 00 00 00 18 00 08 n 13 8 50 4 00 1 00 175 S5 6 00 8 00 uummon, jn . Cypress Saps -9 M,'. STAVa W. O. BbL. M... .. S5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 10 00 600 600 860 80 A 40 B, O Htd., a M.. Cyorcss. KM.. TALLOW tt ....:..': TIMBKR-Snlpplng, tt U .auirane.il m Mill Fair, M........ Inferior to Ordmanr. tt M . WHISKSY Northern, tt gal.... 4 North Carolina, tt gal........ WOOL Unwashed, tt ft........! WMIMMl, fW B ' RATES OW FREIGHT. Per 8aninf! . Voasel Per Steamer. To Naw Yore. t I. -.-", ; 0 00. 0 85 0 60 0 85 000 75 Crude Turpentine 9 bbl Tar bbl. Spts Turpentine 9 bbl Rosin t bbl..... ...... 0 45 O 0 80 0 86 85 e 00 40 0 00 0 00 85 0 00 1 S5 0 00 0 10 0 00 0 60 0 00 0 60 Cotton bale. W 0 00 Peanuts W buahel. 0 10 0 001 To rHn.aPW.PHiA. Crude Turoeatine U bbl 0 09 0 60 0 00 0 50 Tar W bbl... j SpU Turpentine 9 bbl U uo 1 00 0 00 0 60 0 00 S 00 0 00 0 75 0 Off 0 10 U 00 O 80 0 00 0 60 Kosin wddi Cotton 9 bale...... .. 00S0Q- Cotton Goods 9 balk. Peanuts W buahel.;. I.. Cumber 9 M..... , 0 00 O 75 w 3 tt 1U 7 00 8 00 . .- 4 P ou 1U QO TO BAXTIXOBX. Crude Turpentine 9 bbl. 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 BO; 0 00 0 45 0 00 fl 45 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 75 xar ddi...... Spts Turpentine 9 bbl Rosin 9 bbL.......... Cotton 9 bale...;..... Peanuts 9 bushel. 0 00 0 45 Q00SO0 0 00 0 00 6 50 . 00 U UU 3 Oil a 00 0 11 jLumDer w at... ....... 0 00 8 00 TO BOSTOV Crude Turpentine 9 bbl Tar Wbbf............. 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 000 000 A5 00 0 65 .0 00 0 00 0 65 0 70 S 60 0 00 0 IS 0 10 BpU Turpentine. 9 bbl xvosin 9 ooi.. Cotton 9 bale ...... . Peanuts 9 buaheL Lumber 9 M o oo a o oo 11 BO IS OOKBSOTXD BAILT BT TBra BAJTK OF IIV HAHOVXB, B GRAINGER, TBXSIDINTj j Gold . f u Silver. ' 10 ' no Exchange (sight) on New Totk, ........ . Jf disc'L Baltimore,.. X 1 Boston,.... ....H " Philadelphia, " f ,w esteru ciues, ....... x Bxcbancre 30 dara 8 H cent interest daed ttt innvn duu oi new aaaover block. First National Bank, Dawson Bank ; . . Wilmington Boil ding Stock,.. 95 103 10? 00 135 m.ec unuics . ... Navassa Guano Co. ... N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupcn . 13 IS 10 4 ,8 Do. New......... .. Do. Special Tax .., Do. to N. C. Railroad id ... . l.-il (Gold Inti.W da a Mr. 1 VI w. . w. h. K. Bonds 7 c Carolina central k. k. tKn 70 Wilmington City Bonds, Sc ..!!70 1 . "JJ. a4iy-U'! --. c. ...... . .5 j " M old 6 9c. .76 .L new 6 c. .. 6S(OoldInt) New Hanover County Bonds (10 years). . o wc (uu.a int.;.... .... ....o W. & W. Railroad Stock ......... .. 7) North Carolina R. R. " ....ts C C. Railroad ..01 Wil. & 8easide R. It " no ARB -ALWAYS II oun Iron Cotton Tics,, 0(1 T sold ?: . Salt, Cassias, Mr very low, .,, , f .Flour, Bungs,-. w W! t special in-; . . y Coffee, Glue, ducements are offered ' Sugar, NalEs, to cash buyers. ' Meats. &c. anglStf " " i BEOJ&ip -FLORIDA IT'SA Georgia or, Florida,-should subscribe for the Mobn Sr8 ,N,EW.8' Published atSavannahGa. DaUy, tlO: Weekly, $ per annum.- Advertisers- desiring cnI tomers iu these Htatea. ahnnia nu ira frfinmZm n itA6s4MnerMA7t4s.t4eeimen copies aug 5 tf J. II. E IV L, Savannah, Q u .: MISCELLANEOUS. Bacon, Pork, Hour, Bagging,-Tietci A itu j ABoxesD.,8. Sides ;.f- ; r M,,.; 50 15 Bbls Mess Pora.; n:,- u." l J. 3 US' f 18 li 15 100 p-c'd "c-'3 -; ; rtfi A SBarrels Refined Buaar, ; ; , ; '.-ih 14 MX -103tf - A A Bagr Prime Kd Coltee. QQ Bales N. R; andastern Hay y 3000 'B"el"riWt niCtsept I '1 ft ft Bbls da Nfiw Cuft ;Mplasses 1000 8 Lisbon Saltit K ; v;f J(l tfecoiid riand Spli It Casks, ; '.":'. .1; ' 600 Bdl8 Ho6p ?ro"' Bbls fliue , , - 30BaShoth 250 KB Nails''.f'. ; 40 42 15 . is i 18 i 86 1 23 J 112 6 - .I 100 1!0Xea DaW Boxes Candles, . . rjK Gross Matches, gQ Boxes Candy, v a 9 Boxes Soda,' 70 Boxes Soap, ) C. Coses Potash, , gQ Cases pystera, ' t ;Ui HMi' -I. f) A Ilalf Barrels Snuff. 100 Tons Eureka' Guano, L U SWO Tans Guanopo Guano. i "4" Forsallowby ' '' i " 1- 4,000 LIVERPOOL SALT and for Bale; augll-dAwtf BINFORD.CROW &CO; i Hardware. OR ALL ARTICLES IN THE HARDWARE GILES & MURCniSON. New BardwareStore. aus 14-tf rpTT-m lTTnTlTV NV.Y0.3 AP WILMINGTON STEMSIHP CO.. SEMI-WEEKLY", SAILING FROJI KKWVCUK A Journal for the Sportsmen of To - PDBLISiIBD EVEItY SATURDAY MORNING. 14 S. Jtal Stf Chicago. TJiEMH OF, SUBSCRIPTION PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. - Yearlv. ilOO: Half-vcarlv' Z.00. -'Foreign Canadian subscription, post free Yearly 18s.; Half yearly 9a. Single copies, 10 cents. : I THE FIELD Is' a complete weeklj rcviel of the higher branches cf a sport Shooting. Fishing, Racing and Trotting, Aqnatics, Base BalLJCrlcket, Billiards, and General Sporting ft ewe. Music and the Drama. 8 THK FIELD will be found la keeping th the times, on all subjects pertaining to honorable sport, and will, under no circumstances, admit to' its columns anything tending in any wise to demoralize or de?radpublic sentiment. j THE FIELD being the only Fporttng Journal published West of New York, and the recognized Huthority among the sportsmen of the West and Sooth, among whom It enjoys a large and infcreasinii patronage, possesses superior advantage as an ad vertlaing medium, which will be appreciated by those desiring to make their business knon in th umuuouo ;.. j .- aprsci-tr Forest and. Stream, Weekly - JoBrnal of Sixteen Pages. . ' DEVOTED TO I' i - V: ' FIELD SP OUTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HISTORY, FISH CUL ; TURK, PHOTECTION OF GAME, PESER .VATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING,! BOAT-. 1NU AND ALL f , . i . : j , . . ! :. ; : Out-Door Recreation and Stnflfv. It Is the only Journal In this Country that fully uppucB uiv wuui auu meeia ue neceaaiues oi Gentlcmau Sportsman! TERMS 5 00 A YEAR.1 : : ! Liberal discount to Clubs. J I . '2 Hi - Send for a Specimen Copy; . Forest 4c Stream Pnbllabliis ho.. ; , j 17 Chatham Street, (City Hall Squire), j . - i .. New York. . Post Office Box 8839 . marS8-if. : run; s i ak, Published at Marion, S. C&$3 a , ..... ..... -Year in Advance, - ' : . Offers the scribers: following liberal "premiums jo sub- A HANDSOME ENGRAVING (19x14 -in.) to single snbtcribera. AN EXTKACOPY OF THE STAR for one year to an: am GOLD STUDS, each . valued at $7 SO, to aay one sending a Club of Fifteen. I v TKN DOLLARS IN GOLD for club of twenty' flve.- .t- - . ..I j. 1 TENTY-FIVK DOLLARS IN GREENBACKS for a Club of Fifty; -.: n-.., . , , FIFTY DOLLAKS IN GOLD for a Club of One Bundred.' . ;..-:.--.!. AN KLEGANT FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Wilcox A Gibbs, worth $30 for a Club of One Hun dred and Fifty. i ! With a little energy and enterprise, some kdy or gentleman in every neighborhood might get son or more of the handsome premiums vffered. V - Premiums promptly paid on receipt of names ac- wuifiiuni uy uio casil. " i ?" ' ' " - r-g i Mohit may be remitted by draft,' Posg Offlba order, or in registered letter at our risk. , Address all letters to ' I ' W. J: McKERAT.L, Editor. 'JJ. ' '. - Marion. S. C. I dec IStf ' 'The Monroe Enquirer; B O Y, L I N . & . W.. O ' T. tr v. , L E.dlor Proprietors. -. THE iNQUTRER Via T- PrBL'SHKD it ATlMONi J0 Unton "ronty j. C,i every Tnealayv a 00 a year. The Enqdtber circulates xteu8i vely throughout the counties of Anson, Union, CnestdC fleld and Lancaster, and reaches a very large nnm ber of intelligent teaders..?f Mir 1 The merchants of Wilniinetnn win iltif J i"l"ig mediums on th Carol : vj" T , r"" v goaraniee as Jarre a bona fide circulation as ut nanw hotn n5...r nd Wilmington with psbpatb one excepUwE i ' : Sept 8-tf )' t..- . jj, I . J ; AV,.; ; jucaucji t (LATE CAROLINA HEltALJ) : j :;andyndepen4mtWeeklyi4 ;)cbhimri papcr ; Y . ;;;OXFORD,-:N;;C;li:V'r: ' Robert Blow?"' . ' v' l- JnW p kJ 7j Editors and Proprietors. ; , OPINIONS CfW TUIt luuidBomo and cleverlyj edited We acknowledge the receipt of the firet numberof tUs atly printed and weR ededV.Journal5. u,ujr jTujuju,. weu eaitea and desi handsome support from the good people ofiGran. ville counts..ffofeiffA ifcwa.. 77p ra es a fnov5l5-tf Latest Styles ft a H-YS?9, EECETVTED BY EXPRESS BLOCKS of the latest styles of Hatsor Ladies and i-hil-dren. Mrs. Virginia A - fin ia imnjj r and bleach . work entrusted to. hr, . ctA and faefttlemen'a Panama Hate made to ',),., j Look ns Well ttXcw,: . ; VenoroW?'ft,, Nlll). tfl v, Sr.l Mild 4,h Ml rwl n Hp 15 tr ' thermometer; 45 MARKET, STREET in ! . I;; a 107 i.j.!?-nt A RE BOTH WARM AN DT FULLY SATISFIED WIIH THK TRADE THBY HAVE DiWp D Xjl past season, but are. still desirous to close oat a few small lots preYious to taking FS Tno 'And have niarlced xheiq'at such diatesale. r7; V;;; ;T V.' i Ufif Gents Wnite iires Shirtsi FIT A full lino al was on iian dJ. -AGENTS FOR FRANK Machine liTeedles S cents each; UitJfyJ a ul TERMS, CASH ONLY! july 25-tf. i 'U --.U-!i .s'.-'f j:j ro .r e s lS e W Y 6 Fast Freight Route N E weanesaay and: day. f. ' ... . . . ' f f f AKD FROH WILMISGTON; vr'vfidnesdand Saturday. ;3"1 OSTON;;;iAlflX :FALLRlfER;; ;S. NEW. Y-OBK AND WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP COMPANY CONNECTING WITH THh 0 L D C 0 L 0 IT jT RAIL E 01 D . AND STEAMERS DAILY BETWEEN . : ' v Boston v and R!ew York. SEMI-WEEKLY .' and Between New York and Wilmington,' Wedacsday. and Saturday, from each port. Shippers mayrely upon the prompt and Regular; Sailing of these Steamers, and qaick disoa'ch . iv. , , 01 Shipments by this Route. . ' : i . ' .. ; . . . t ; . . . 1 "-,J " N O DjELAYS.1 Connecting at Wilmington with the Wilmington ! Columbia and Augusta Ranroad Wilmiiin. Weldon Railroad, the Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers. ' wlJinlBi!:")0 t! THROUGn BILLS OF LADING GIVEN, TO AND FROM ALL POINTS 'IN NORTH AND SOlTi. : ! ' CAROLINA GEORGIA AND ' ALABAMA. ' ' :'--;:v : .v-'i--: ALSO! TO ' . ! . r . ' New York, Boston, Providence, Pall River and other Eastern cities. RATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS BY ANY 0THER ; ROUTE AND TIME AS OTTTf'K MARK ALL G O OBS VIA r iinaer uuormauon appiy io D. D. C. MINK. - General Eastern Agent, 29 Devonshire Street, Boston. IIaech 18-tf Baltimore and Sonthern Steiain Transportation . Company. VIA.i WILMINGTON, N. C. tne n ; Fast Freight Eout e to ' BALTIMORE. . ; . Baltimore and Wilmington Line Semi-Weekly, . Sailing from BALTIMORE - V, r ifl 5 t ' . . it. I T Tuesday and Friday, at 3 r. M.'i AND FROM WILMINGTON i i WEDNESDAY AND SAT11UDAY. j BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE, V ; , ;! - t Baltimore and Wilmington line, i Baltimore. Boston and Providence Line or Vial ... Canal Daily to Philadelphia, and " CLYDE'S PHILADELPHIA AND PROVIDENCE LINE. 1 ' ' " , aifsSau'oyisXVtef prmptlm R THROUGH BILLS Off LADING GIVEN TO ' ' . CAROLINA; GEORGIA AND ALABAM A? Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, Providence and ,. mar 18 tf ( '.... t A , CJ lX, Ageo Look to Your Interest J we k is as Pfflallfi ittTestiaeM sd-jif The Kershaw Gazette OFFERS TO THE MERCHANTS' OF ' Will mington and eliuwhr nini injn i.n.tj to advertiaa their business in its columns. Having a Jm?!?1 Ip,1llr' incre8lB circulation throughout ,. M;uiirai secuens on tne wateree nrer: ltls consideied a most T. I u Valuable Advertisihs Blcdluin. 1 -MIfiiferlwhJ? etoreachirarcnaeU sbouli ; advertise in the GAZETTEif t ll.18 P?bliahed In Camden. Kershaw Cl ; a W ' S . a vewMl0B Waterea -river, at $s . Jf ? dvertiin, c;,' address ' 1 J m, 'm i nbvtf ;f i W'l&! jH". A3?D VISITING CAPDS 1 -'- ?i i l.if 5. !Sr r-tJl KI KAi ft ! 1 VI I OSin fthe ShadT .i . ,V .j 1 . li; ,7 prices as c . VVj. i-V - Ule,r ,'"" i GUARANTEED. - , Also Cuffs, Collars and Underwear. LESLIE'S CUT PAPER PATTERNS v ONE PRICE! BROWN & RODDICS4. r l an d B ostb h ines. nWILMlNGTON, N. C. tokll Points KoftH or South W Y O EI Satnrday ;at;3 P. M.. 1 r . . J.0s CL YDIPS W1LMING TO N JAM. timcr oi me unaersigned Agents of the Line M. Jf. OLYDK & C., General AeeotH. : ' : - 1 i New Yerk Line. 71 '-'Ti A 7 A t, V- wUnS Green. ew York. . D, CAZAljCy Agent ; Baltimore and New .York Lfnes, ; , . " ", Wilmington, N. b. all points North or South, i PHILADELPHIA. : ; Baltimore and ' Wilmington Line Semi-Weekly, ; ' Between Baltimore and Wilmington, Baltimore and Philadelphia St Bt Ca : ! Daily Via. Canal, - Between Baltimore and Philadelphia. : ' ( WESTERN CITIES. Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Northern Central Railroad- and the Baltimore u k 1 -v. ' - - v ,-. i--t . .lOblo Railroad. : j f these Steamers, aJd 4uick dispatch gtv AND FROM ALLTOINTS, IXi NORTH AND bOl r il 'other Eastern cities. : Rates Guarant-d a aw Jkltiniore and Ver York Lines. Wllmfr'on N. ' MlSCEJ,LiANEOU& ,TBE-.71NDICAT0B 1 f T i 7 i-r ANDuSOUTUEBN WATCIIMA, 1 J ifHl'tf Newton. . C. ' ... . . ! '.!.'. I 'li : - ' BUSEN ESS : MEN. OFi ; WILMINGTON WfO. j find it to.be to their interest . , . To A drer tlse ln the yiodl Wbieh hM a good circulation in Llncoav ,Cft" Gascon, Cleaveland, Rutherford, Polk, f ourae ana 4jaiawef i couuties, west, ana m Warten. Edieecombe. Nah.and Northamptoa, in w j iwibi, laoerai terms offered to yeariyauri"r l -V'l i ,! ,;!; H iiJ Zl. P. EBWIN. .janM-tr tI , , ; . , rum- ieambnl; Press, -f4 ill if MI ts) Tm imn !im: nrni.Kiiin) IX tawba county, and has aa extensive circuit'" among merchants, farmers, and all classes ol u" ness men in the Stat. The PRESS is a i i ? ."W IDE AWAKE DEMOCRATIC PAPKP. and is'a aeslraWoniedlam'for advertising in W1"'1,," North CaroUnawj.Liberalj terms allowed on jcr,T advertlsexkeate. , , Saoterlptiou 8 h advance.1 Addre- . v T - , . . MUliRILL & TuMLWbf Nj mat 2&-tf . " " V " Editors and Proprietor. ST i! !l 1 I I