-v y$& EI0EITI1TG STAB. Cue Square wtie 8y. .,..,.: ..:::::ut.tt i PUBLISHED DAILY, BY 1 H t A r. two days,, a ..... i if - r. BATM OT BUBSCBimOM in asvaxoi: . , City Subscribers,' delivered in any part of the -.1 Fifteen Cents per wsekj Onr City Agents are not authorised to collect for more than 3 months in Russia lbrefttensh!okand:3;--i Turks ffiirsooo have 18,000 troops in Herzegovi na Thurlow Weed and family nar- r0Wly escaped death by accid ental ,'poisph- y Quarter , of million fire , at All bion Mills. Conshockon,- Pav . Caller ' & Bardsley, lea dealers or .liaitimore Lave defaulted and been arrested i'n Canada jl 'ew Tort markets: Rosin tl;. 65$l -70; Gold, $1 13ii lSl; Spirit 'rpentlnei oji33;lwton, .vih-,, j THE BOBESON CASH.' The proceedings at Greensboroare preliminary. If Judge Dick issues a mandamus commanding the Com missioners to return '- McNeill and Norment as elected, we presume an appeal to the full; Bench will be taken instantly , by the counsel ; of Sinclair and iMdeMnWagree with a writer in jthe; IJaleighi JVew tbat. a Judge of the Supreme;' Court has no authority ;ta ;issuera h?3nda- raiis. Was that ; not settled inv the case vt Brown Turner? The writer, alluded to asks: If a Radical "judge can r issue a mandamus com- ra an d i ng th e County Commissioners ' era of Robeson t grant Certificates to " Norment and McNeill, why may no " Democratic judges "issue a manda l; mus requiring the commissioners of ' Wake and other Radical" counties " to grant certificates to the defeated " Democratic candidates? ' . ; I This of course would produce confu sion worse confounded. Two sets of candidates would stand and clamor for admittance. The News' j correspond ent says: "To obviate such an absurd ity, lenislatiyo bodies always judge " of the election of their own members. ".Court have no control in such mat ters. There is neither precedent " nor law for it." ' ' j This correspondent then ; gives his inference from the scheme of the Radicals: " By law, the Convention "is to be organized by j a Justice of " the Supreme Courtr or if none at- tend, by the Secretary ; of Sta,e. u The Secretary of State, Mr. Hower "t9n, is understood to take this posl-wtiop,-and if we err we will cheer-, w fully make the correction." f " We understand "'-Mr. ,Howertons "position to be that if he has to swear "in the Convention, and the defeated "Radical candidates f roin ; Robeson "county present themselves with cef "tificates, no matter how or when 'bttfnedl'.AeZieULfo 'j&mnecPifhe "swears in the Conservative members "elect who hold the certificates regu "la'rly given at the proper time by the "proper officers." j Y.'; : This may be the bold and revolu tionary course which ; the Radicals wish to pursue, but we must say that we give them credit for just a . little too mueh sense to "tryit onw in the t coming month of September, in this fair year of our Lord, 1875.; ; . - i ANDREW JOHNSON'S SVCCE8SOB. The Hon. D. M. .Key. of .Chatta " nooga, who ha beeri appointed by Governor Porter,1 of Tennessee, o succeed ex-President 'Johnson in - the United States Senate is v atpresent one of the chancellors of the State, bus has not figured much in Tennes see politics. He Js ,f6rty-five1 years of age, of decideiatJent, difiidenl and retiring, very popular in his sec tion, but not 'generally known51 throughout the State, says the Balii more Sun.. The 'Appointment wll give general satisfaction in-East Ten nessee, which "'portion of the1 State; claimed the ppointmeniTof Mr.; n noil's successor. . The Legisla-' lure of Tennessee meets . only , every . second jear, and its .next session will egin Jauuary, 1877,7 .'Senator Key" ' wil 1 therefore occu py the seat by t h e Governor's appointment .; for two whole seons,Ki embracing .'; the, jong- session Jnexti winter and:- the iSPPrt session succeeding the presidential election The 5 next' Legitdatu re to he chosen iu ' the fair of 1876; , will elect a Senator" for the I remainder of Mr. Johnson's term, and will s also have to elect the sucoesftor of Seuator 'ooper, Jwhose term expires n 1877 I'OKVKNTION lITKMt ,'- ; llr. Furman, of theAbheville.' Citi zen, writes to the Raleigh Newr tbat he is surprised to . see J)rV!liVilcbx classed ty some -Democratic papers thaheJUacalsl ran as.an Jodependentbut jthati is iot unusnal in W ester n countichav; 'ng large Conservative majorities. He ' that the Citizen of this j week will contain a letter from Mr. Spake, of. Jackson, setting; that gentleman right on the Convention question. -H II -11. II 1 . - V ! I 11 - ' i 'i lll) ' IT f : ll-n:uln?l ' -r-V i li- V . . r". -' ... .. V . - - T . . . , . J. i . . . ,1 -UW. Ill, .l .li !tt. i , , , . , . . , . - i, . - ... , . , , .. VOL. XVI.N(X 130. The Chairnian of the State Execu- tive Committee! haa received positive assurance of the position of Mr. Spake and that he will act unreserv edly with the Democratic party. TheJ News quotes from a letter, received from Representative Wal ker of Tyr rell: DrJLlWaAm': ia:Vi:I' : . ov lauis uu. ueciares nimseii in favor o a Convention." ' XUB GEORGIA INSURRECTION, We have been, informed by tele- grapti oLan.insnrrection.by the blacks of Burke, Washington, Jefferson and Johnson counties; Georgia; which was happily discovered in time and nip- pea la me. uua 0y vne pronlpt, action of the Governor A considerable number of the plotters were arrested and confined in Sandersville jail." It is alleged tbat there was a diabolical plan to murder all the whiles on the 20th instr ;: ?:'-:;r"--. -i.'-:;s:f""7, . J EfrGovernor Herschel V. Johnson, who is Judge of the Middle Circuit, has ordered a special term of the Su perior Court t to convene . Monday week to try th,ofi lenders.-i h ; ' j" o 7 Our last night's advices assure us of perfect quiet and peace. " 1 - Wadesboro Herald: Fred Baily, a young white man about 20 years of age, was brought up before N. Knight, J. P., yes terday, charged with' committing a rape upon Mafy Novell, an inmate of the County Poor House. - She had been to preaching, and was on her "way home. 1 She cried out for help and he crammed her bonnet in ber mouth to 8tme her cries. . Miss JNoweli is about 45 years of Age and is an idiot. Dai ly was committed to jail to await his trial. 'JL JE3E JbLj 3l JL" "3?". : " NEW 'ADVKU'l lSEn KNT. ; Mtjnson & Co. Wamsutta Sbirta. Harrisoh & Axlex. Straw Hats. T A. Watson. Sampson Co., Beef. Wbioht & Stkdmajt. Real Estate Sale. ; Edwards & Haix. Tobtfcco. Williams & MuRcmsoN. Bacon, Pork. Kercbger& Caldeii Bros. Molasses. John Dawson Guns and Pistols. . Geo. Harriss. For Smilhville. ; ? "See Advertisement "Lost." :. Benj. Lehman. For Smithville. ; . Cronlt & Morris. For Rent. C. W. Yates. School Books. -Geo. Honnet. J ust Received. . " A. Davtd. -Still Greater Sacrifices. Phrier Bro& Read and Refleci.- J. I. Macks & Co. Strayed or Stolen. James L McRee. Attention. " ;. Brown & Roddick. 'Study Economy. Cheerful prospect of rain. Day's length 13 hs., 16 min. 4 - Seven interments in Pine Forest Cemetery 2 adults and o children. . A number of city officials have left town to attend Brunswick Court. ;; ; ." The Mayor and family are still out of town, but will return to-morrow. There was only one. interment in Oakdale Cemetery duriog the past week. The? Brig BlacfcllSxeann, ; ; from Fernandina, was reported in below yester day,; bound up. "'j rr ' """:":-.,; Zv - The wharf of Messrs.' W"anis & Murchisoo; in front of their store, is be- ing overhauled and repaired. ' Rev. Mr. Ambler has returned to the city, and will officiate in St. Paul's church to-day at the usual hours. : ; lTl- The Register of Deeds issued 7 marriage licenses duriog the past'week, of which 2 were for white :nd-5 for colored COUples ' ".;C; V,1 ;': a' i. We understand that a race is expected to take place between the yachts Carolina and Bipple qn, Tuesday, next, at Wrightsvflle Sounds -: . There is a strong smell of gas in the 'vestibule at the. Pqstofflce, and prob abjydefect ia a bnrrj or fixture ihight be' discovered on inspection-- 3 3-: Out of about tf,000 dogs, said to constitute the canine population of the city by the last census, .we learn at the City gierkys office that only 976 badges have been Sold. - ; - - ' trf. . :: - The scaffolding has been - re moved from the front of the Odd Fellows' building, and we judge that the work of stuccoing is.compIeted on that side. : The south side will next receive attention, i i We were informed by one of the Board, of County Commissioners, yes terday, that out of..tbe 30 prisoners lately sent here from jthe- State .Penitentiary lor confinement in; the County Work House, seventeen have since effected .their escape. H'6ur nignt reporter says he don t mind having one of bis items appropriated occasionally by any one,wbo appreciates its intrinsic, worth, but if a Journal has use lor mor4haii Bayonea' day,! it might be n have m. denartment beaded Fronl The Moknino. Star.', ,., ,. ; !;, One of the locations on Fourth street, just beyond the railroad, where mad and water has accumulated to sncta an ex-' tent referred loin out last, U in front of Mr.Tj?H7u4W residence instead of that of JW. Strauss, as we had it, It is said to be verypflensivj8jo the; neighbors. : I The case Toi Antonio SwainV charged with stealing a pocket-book con-talaing-i sCreetHCatickfitsJiiafllftriani of money, which was to have been, heard be fore JusiicV Gardner yesterday morning, was continued -until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock, on account of the absence of important witnesses. WILMINGTON ELECTION RETURNSOFFICIAL. j h f A I luriilshcd to tlievfl6rnlngr Star.J' J-f V-' ' : ' YANCEY. C. K. Byrd, Conservative, 629; William Moore, Radical, 384 ;"G Ray, Consctva-I tive, 45. ; , LKanae ofThermfmier,r : l ""The follotting wsllierangef the. tber momcter at the Signal Bureau, in this city; vesterdav : !&7 Al.Mal;alX, 87; 2 P. M , 87; 4:30 P. M., 83; a P. M.. 77. .H7 K" Harrisoff'was- arratgued before Justice Van Amringe, yesterday, charged with violating the general ordinance of the city by fighting, cursing, &c, on the com' plaintof Isaac Highfield. Defendant was found not guilty aud discharged. The Penitentiary "Birds." S. Ellison, colored, one of the Directors of the State Penitentiary, having come to Wilmington to ascertain the condition of the prisoners lately sent here from that in stitution, called upon Commissioner Morris, yesterday, for the information desired, who hired a carriage and took him out to the Work House so that be could ' see for him self. .The result has not transpired. Dratk f Mr Uuiherford. Mrs. Emma Rutherford; wife of General Allan Rutherford, "formerly .'of this ; city. died at Sing Sing, New York, Friday night, at the age of about 85 years. We "are in formed that the remains of Mrs. Ruther ford will , reach , this, place Monday night and tbat the notice, of the funeral will ap pear in Tuesday's papers. . " . i Suddeu XeatU. -A colored girl, liviDg on Walnut, near Fifth street, died very suddenly on Friday n?ght She bad been apparently well and hearty during the day, but between 9 and 10 o'clock the same evening she was taken with' severe - coughing accompanied by hemorrhage, and died within the space of five minutes. The deceased girl was be tween 12 and 14 years of age. Warren Again. w ' : The Lynchburg' News' understands that Rev. J. E. Copeland.aZwwLncianCopeland, aUaa C. W. Warren, arrived in that city by Tuesday night's train. Under which one of bis twenty-four aliases be will attempt to dupe the citizens is' unknown. It will be well for hotel-keepers to keep a sharp lockout for him. He is very smart, and has been very successful heretofore in escaping hotel-bills, and equally successful in ob taining money by nefarious practices. He plays equally well in the roles of preacher, temperance lecturer or; lawyer. "' ' . -' - . . Colored Kxcarilon to Abbettttbarc . The colored military excursion from this city to Abbpttsburg takes place to-morrow. The . iorJipank;3 to participate, as before stated, are Company A, Wilmington Rifle Guards, Company B," Wilmington Rifle Guards, the Sumner "Light Infantry, the Wilmington .Dragoons and the Brooklyn Zouaves, all under command of "Capt J. S. W. Eagles, of Company A, Brevet Ma jor commanding Battalion." . Gen. J. C. Abbott will deliver the welcome address, which will be responded, to by G. W. Price, Jr. "A large crowd is expected to go up on the occasion. , Oar CareB..Xo-0ydor ! , Second .Presbyterian Church, cornier of Fourth and Campbell streets. Services at 11 a.' m.'-Sunday School at 4 p. ni.T-BeaU Fifth Btreetethbaist'E' Church (SduthX situated on Fifth; between Nua and Church streets.' 'Services at 11 a. m. and 8 a tcu Sabbath. School at 9i a. m, , Prayer meet ing Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. TGibb&i pastor. : - .t I f There-will be joint services for the par ishes of. $U James' and St John's, 13th Sunday after Trinity, as follows: Morning Prayer at St. James' at 11 a.' m. Evening Prayer at St. John's at 6 p.. m. .; Sunday. School in each parish at the usual hour. ; Services at St. PauTs (Episcopal) church- corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol io wsSmices at 11 i and -p. kn-t Rev; T. M. Ambler, pastof. - Seats free ' . . Second Baptist church, corner tjixtn ana Church streets, 't Servjcej at 11 o'clock av m. and S-o'clock p - Prayer meeting TuesdaTtebtTat 8"cclocS Rev. JB. Barlow, pastor. j c if St' Paul's E vang. .. Lutheran Church : corner of 6th" and Market ' streels,Ttev. ' G-, D. Bernbehnpastor.'5 German service; at 11 a. ni. - English Service at 8 p.in Sunday school t 5 p. .m."' . ,4 t- j Front Street MK Church (South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets; liev. J.E. Mann, pastor, t. Services at, 11. a inland 8 p. m. ( . Sunday school at 5 p. : m.'- 'Ydung Men's Society Tuesday riighf at 8 o'clock.4 Prayer meetipgv Wednesday" night at ; 8 o'clock. t St; Thomas' Catholic 'CudrcbDdck ;St between 2nd and 3rd Services M day as follows: Holy Mass at 7 a. m. and 10i a m. Vespers at 5 p. ra. Sunday school at 9 a. m. SuodayllJjtfb c4h5C cui,dreij i le basemen at 3 p. m,Re,ros8, i. nastor and Rev. Jas. B.- White assistant, -Seamen's. .Bethel : Services at Jt p.r m - Rev: JosTLTKeenrtliaplaln:! , . 'First Baptist Church, colored Fifth and Qampbell sirlets.pBeices as followsj Sunday Schoorat 9l!C fn.; preaching at Q a. m., 8 p. m. and7f p. m.; T ReVF. R. JJowell, Pastoi' ;v,-'J.,;. ,.1;T- ..V I Services at the FlrstColored Presbyterian hurcbVChesnuti between ' tseventn ana Eighth streets, ai ju a. iu. ujr. '.W:. Sanders, Pastor Sabbath School at 9 a. m.1 " First Presbyterian vnurcui wruej.uuu and .. Orange streets:; . Prayer ;.; meeting promptly at 10 a. m. , . . Ni :. a-h e Street Hail r oa d, ... - ; u r ; . : -5.SinC the lines of the Wifmington & Sea - side RaUro&d. ba,ve,come; jnto Ihe iia,ods of. Mr. T. , J.. Sputberland i asf;Jeey b? jbas taken into; consideration j the :f act that x;tbe rt)ute at - present followedAbyilbeHroad,, around the '-great square,'" 1soe offeriDg very unequal 11ffc11it1e9 fcrt;rt1zens living, re i u Til t i . . - i it .f h' , i ' n, f , c t-i : . w ? -. ' Te j? epectlvely. north ao& soulir of Market t This route is one, traversing only a Jirait ed section pf Jhe jCityj whether considered in Jt? extent frpmjnorth to sputji or'from east to west-74Bdeed,; f om.tbe 5mallfepcf ent oi nerruyrjr ia ,wnicn e uin aiue, m uuu t ained, the conceit ; baa sometimes; 9ated through f our bead that . the.; whole affair, might not inaptly be called a f "pocket railr road." And yet 'it is i not a, short railroad for a great deal M material was !nsedla its conarruction--OnTy1 too- much '-' bent upon itself to meet the public taaleJ - It is cpm- fortable enough ' rpid, ' too, smooth ' and well-stocked, and f recently, the rate' of fare has been fixel at a popular prteer-a matter of the first necessity inuie conduct of a successful street railroadL. But somehow it has long been felt by a majority of citizens- without their beine conscious of any par ticular reason for Ihe feeling, perhaps, that the etreet cars would answer verycwelLas a convenience for a very hot or rainy day, but at other times were no of espeqial service td any one not living directly on the iiae-j-rather to be , avoided, indeed and - in no sense to be regarded as a necessity in the daily life of the city. We think we can give a lucid expression to the reason lying back of this state of public freling by simply Tern arking, as Commodore Yiinderbilt;5 think, 'remark ed of some: wild-t road.a while agor" It cannot succeed because, it leads from., no whereto nowhere. . Business men do not use 0 iiecanse It will not carry them from the neigh boi hood of their place of business to others at a distance. Strangers do not u-e it'. because they learn ' that riding over it will not give them so fair a view of any part of the city .as can be had in afew short Wilks. People out .visiting seldom use it, because they can go from, place to place, often, by shorter routes and in less time than " around the block." Church-goers do not use it so much as they would if it was run with reference to the hours of service. Families do not use it for exercise or when it is not convenient to have a carriage, be cause it takes them only through a few familiar streets in the part of the city near their own houses so that they come back scarcely feeling they have been away. , ; Now, we believe that a straight road traversing the city from end to end or from side to side" would draw passengers of every class we have mentioned from-tho parallel and intersecting streets for a long distance. on each side of the road, and growjto be "a public necessity;' and we learn that it is something very like this which Mr. Souther rand and the new Company have now de termined to give us. It is intended, q commence . work early this week in tearing up the track on Seventh street and upper part of Market, and to re lay, the ' same ; (probably., on Fourth street. thought that is not yet determined, from Market to Castle and up Castle to Seventh. Work is now progressing to fit therolling stock on that route for a straight rather lbaUa-ciKmlar,tracTJLizui. i,.'u" I Personally,' the' wnter'LhelieVes that the most profitable routes which could, be run in the city would be one extending along streets new'the waterfront from the Cot ton Press or Central Depot to the Cotton Mills,1 and another 'directly 1 out. Market street ; The building of thd former would be - attended with some difficulties at the crossing of the Weldon ; Railroad, bu t ?e think a trestle i and8 bridge would .pass it, 1 i '-: Kf?r-. - -. i a'iJl 3u?-rV4 ;-' ana we expect some aay io see- h uuut. When the road.is extended to .the sea-side doubtless the need of a central cross-town road will ihen be also 'supplied. Doubtless at.sbmk timet Msoa cbndik; parallel with fhefiyer,. wUl. jhavej to be ?Taid: pn Seventh or some adjacent street ; we thrpw out these 8uggestionii.pnlxaa,p9iiit-' hig;, the f titui.. and wish Jft tbeJ, tobe jsq ttaderstood. The mahagemeot of the, road, for arrivine a correct ludement Of the pres- entfeeeisftiefsrnd opportuutlles of the case, in" the light of faCta-as they extst. 1 Ularkt Report. The following is the report of the Clerk of the Market for the -week, ending. Augi 21, ' i87r 4 u xi : '1 lv' No.' of Carts in Market.1 f. .,,?..,Arr .S60 V, Beeves Slaughtered. .......... . j 40 4 n diJ,n' m . . ? f s 'T 1 tA Calves ' , ... HOffS'i,.' 1' Deer " ; ? itl ' We learn tbat the toast 'Turnpike Comi pany have finally setUedthe' matter of the building of their road, so that th? matter is nd(Tpnger ah open; question whether or no we are to have a first-class boulevard from itbis city jo the sea shore. The rOad is to be bqii It. now only remains to let the: tiontraets, We5 understand b ihat some action looking in that direction would have ijeeji had yesterday but for jth absence of Certain ;parie4 In interest frbtti the jcity.l We hope to be able to give some definite information in our next in eerenceuio th rpracticai, ?qin:njen V..-1 Brua?-?.rrr. r; I The Superior Court.for Brunswick coan-'f .-li: -iuii, Bronsitvlek Superior Conrt. :M -(O Hf ty- commences atj.SmithYille , to-mbjrrow; His ,Honor,' Judg A." A. McKpy, presiding. The first cases-'to be tried' we -, learn, i.are two important ones froni.thls clty,.. arid ' a large number of witnesses are to gd down j from this chy today'and Monday. ? H' : J Siealloea Trnnk ot Clothing'. &e..'.l -c.' He.ury Woodward; cploredwas arrested by Officer Strode, yesterday, charged, with; stealing a.trunk-,containing-clothing, &c.;' the property of Nancy Falson It appears -that Woodward entered die residence of the: .'woman, on Third,; between Campbell and' .Hanover .streets, ;Friday:inight.;wbile she and ber children were absent,- aBd carried: the trunk' off. V The" 'clothing.'; aaa-j other! 'articles 'in the trunifc ; are ;e'sffmated' id 'have' been worth from $25 to $30; Th waVrabtj forftbe arrest of Woodward was . issued by; Wii HoMoorej P.." before: whowx be wii: ?Tft hearinon Tuesdays,s oXT Coru't Charcoal, stirpbar,' NeabV Akv! tfif e)'rV.f nil -tit is i 1 ct'tii tur.i ,We examined yesterday two stalks pfj cyru wuiuu.nere giuwu iu oue iiu. uu iub Poplar' Spring Branch Plantation, owned by Nathan "Phails 6ur-.WrcoalrrieBd)f It weighs 20 pounds,' : measures eleven and twelve rfeet,Tespectlvely,": and evidently shows Nathan to be 'as good 'a farmer as he was a soldier in Captain Jack Hewlett's uni formed Sound company previous to the late unpleasantness. -Who can beat this pro duction, and where can a better growth be obtained qn soil of the same fertility? This same truck and charcoal farm contains a celebrated sulphur ' spring highly f recom mended by physicians, and is almost at our uwu uuunt, ueiug auoui, ionr in lies iromine city and in' view of the ocean. Besides this from deposits found in the soil, its owner is inclined to the opinion that it was at that point that Noah and. all , persons, ; beasts, fowls of the air and four-footed things land ed from the Ark after the flood. I Capt are of an Escaped Prisoner. 1 ; A colored man by the name of George Thompson, who escaped from the' County Work House two years ago, where he: was confined uder sentence for twelve months on the charge of larceny, was re-captured on Friday afternoon by Special Deputy CL IL Strode. ' It appears' that Officer Strode got a glimpse of the fellow the day before and gave chase to him, but failed to effect his capture. On Friday afternoon,- bow ever, be was more lucky, haying discovered Thompson in the woods, in company with two other colored men engaged in playing cards. Thompson ' again 1 attempted ; ! to escape by ; running, but was finally over hauled and captured at a point between Smith's Creek and Union Depot, Jwhep he was taken to jail and locked up until be could be transferred to his bid quarters. 4 Thompson says that his companions in card playing were, Penitentiary "birds and are probably pfjhe party that escaped from the Work House where they were held under contract at the time the prisoner Tom. Crawford was shot and killed bv the flrn A TVi anma xxrnoV a OTnra f ? I- j i ( The B Ivor. We learn by the steamer D.- MurcJtiaon, that the river had fallen 'about, five feet at FayettevilJe when the boat left tere Fri day morningand that there were nalndi- cations of a freshet from above. We regret to learn, however, from this statement, that the crops on the river have ' suffered more than has-been -supposedr He says that about one-half of the lowlands in f which corn was s planted i were covered 1 with water, which in most cases was. up to'ihe ears on the stalks. . Part of the corn so sub-. merged,' which was planted, late in the Rea son, he say3jri)lbe kinedentirely and the remainder badly, injured;, The long con- tinuance of the freshet, backed up as it was by the high water below, followed by the - hot sun, : must of course have been more or less disastrous in its results.- In this connection we would state that ou an average estimate the crop-in tiie immediate vicinity will be cut short ' about one-fourth to one-third the. usual yield, which will still1 eaye a, fair margin. lor. an average crop, taking into consideration the fact that there hasbeen more planted this year than usual. -"-" ', f t Cape FeaAarlealtaral Association The following is a.n extract from the proceedings of the 'Board' of3 Managers of the Cape Fear ' Agricultural Association' at their meetrng on the 21st Inst: ;' X- y The committee .were' instructed' to ' pre pare and hayeplimiihed' at; pnee the .Pre mlum LisVojf 'next Fain ; v.,v f I . The positions of Secretary and Treasurer were consolidated and. Mt- T. GJ DeRosSe) elected to the same, (tite . (tiw i f ii mer Secretary, Maj.: jrAL!:iiigt4liArd declined a re-election). t . ,eiti:y jhal of, tbeiPak o f's f vr Mr Jas.; A.f Willard was. re-elected Super-, In view of the expected' presence at the Fair' ' of "inev ,v'Fort . Fisher 1 Yeterahs,'! a W. Atkinson, Col Wm. iiLl DeRosset and Hon. A; M. ' Wtlddell were appointed to ex?, tend tbem a .hearty welcoine, .and also to invite the different military organizations of VirginiaTNbrl afioTSduth Carolina and Georgia to 6e preset In'd act as an escort' to said veteran corps., ; - '" Messrs. .F, W. Kerchner CI D. Myers 'ind Wm j; Oreen wer'aptnteci; a conv-i miltee to extend an invitation' to the sev7 eral military brass bands of this State1 to at tend and compete for ji prize to be awarded the best arid most' skilfurbto to be named hereafter. :v;i!;;j;':7 j y 1 ' '"it yasuasd' decided to' have a Military Tournameni kntl ; W ' awirdyto'tt bst Hrillfld knd best uniformed and disciblined IcomBany 'a prize,' t be" named hereafter'-'' i ne maner ox a recepuu auu, . uiitaiu- ot thaFort Fisher. Yeterans, on the Jh-" - .t - ,i,:ii-';i'iJ. part of our, citizens jcenerally, was discuss- ed, having in view the call of a meeting of the xitizens i to provide- for such purpose, but without' action the Board adjourned. a I ':- i,.nt 'j"?:r ir;n g. L,-FsaOIOtfTtt r?l. i TJC DfiiRoSBKT, j t 1 '- President; . K Secretary protein, - ' ;' i .- i ir.'j f 'ILHij. Lln7-J i v.. ' r ; WHOLE ! NO. Xm The.Approaehlne iPalri' r v i From present: indications .the approach jng Frof-.the.Cgpe I'earjAgricultnraljAs sociationj which will be held in this ci'ty'on the 9tl .lOtb; . arid 12th days' of Np Vetnber;;i875, Till faV surpass any evervbe- f pre' held here. The ihanagement.will cer tainly make every arrangement to this end, sOme id,ea:of, which.; can be formed by read ing an. extract frem the proceedings of the meeting which we publish elsewhere. It oaiy remains ior. pur isrmers, mecnanics, wuuaua auu hue muica iu gck 111 icuuiue&a article's' for exhibition," and everything else needful to the splendid, success of the sixth annual Fair off the Association, will be as-! -sured. We do not consider it premature thus early to urge upon our people to pre-i fttio lueoisoireB, no we cuasiaer lsimpor j taut that-they should do so, and :they can not too soon begin the good work.; i In this, connection we; would add that, it is .understood Ex-President Jefferson Davis will be in vited to attend the Fa'ir'and deliver iriddressy v' ui.-li 'v';' P u i ,t i : t 1 . 1 CITY ITEMS. ' tJ f Latb HAFxas. To: Hanis Kews Depot; Wst side Fxont Street, we are indebted for copies of the New York Ledger, ''Chimney Corner and Frank Lesli's lawtraUA Newspaper for ihe enrrent weak. The Stand will remain, open until 11 o'clock this morning. - ' DIED.. EUTHKBFOED. At Sing Sing, New York, Fri cUynighx, Sflth lmt, Mrs. Emma Ratberf ord, wif e ofOen. Allan Rutherford, aged 35. The remains wDI bo brought- to this city for interment; Due notice will be given of time and place of funeral senricea. - -i- . .ui.ya NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. For Smithville. A HE STKAMSfi FIRB-FtY WILL LRAVB Parsley's Wharf Monday moralnz at 8:33 o'clock. for Smithyilie.' Parties wishing to attend Brim s-r ' ' ' " ' benj. lehman; " l .aqga.lt'. :;;o is-.h-H'-i-f- ivr-. t ..Captaiii " For Srnitliville. The steamkb alpha will leave hae- riss & Howell's wharf, for Smithyilie, Monday mornlaVat8 o'clock. ' ' ''' augM-lt .x-t.. VKfa fc; GEOuHARETSS. ; On BOARD THE RALEIGH 19TH IN3T.7 Heavy Merino Shawl with tied fringe. Any one wil receive a liberal reward by leaving it at the Stab Office. .:'" ' '' ' ' aug 22-tt For Rent. FoR ONE "YEAR-FROM OCTOBER 1st, 1875, Store oo the North side of Market street, at present occupied by C W., Yates. Apply to j . ;,J ! CRONLY & MORRIS, : augsa-at. nj : ; s . . , K, K Broken. i StylisH Straw Hats j Fine felt andsilk hats, ladies' straw and Chip Hats, at Very Low Prices, v J rf j. ; , . .i : y L ;BAREIS0N j& ALLEN'S, I -aug22-tf v ;;,; -.'; . City Hat jStore.- ( Fine Sampson County ' Beef); ' j ; :- -. - i ' : ; : At. CITIZENS'. MARKET, NEAR CORNER Second and'Market streets, will be sold at prices o' suit the times. ! Call and see for yourself. ; t ... T..A; WATSON, ! augS3-tf '' : : Proprietor.! Gains and Pistols i-; ) OHOT, CAPS, WADS. GAME BAGS, POWDER dar. Ac. A larsre assortment of the : above goods Just received and for sale at the lowest cask prices,' attheuia juuoiisneauarawareuouseoi ,.-r.j.. ' V JOHN UAWSUH,' aug82-tf r ; Nos. 19, 20 and 21 Market St I Bacbiv Forlc; Sugar and Coffee. : Boxes DVS.. Sides ;i .v.Hrv 1jVJ Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders, JQ 0 Barrels Refined Sugar, i!; , :yV. . For sale low by .. . . , . ' . : iiutf wmiAMS & MURCHisoirt Corn, Flour. Sty and Salt, ' I 5000 Bu8lel8 - ni Mixed Cont'"" 0()''01iI'-,, -V I 500 Bales N. K. and Eastern. Hay, j- t QAA SLisSalt?sy'I .,.iiin. ... - i -rot sale Tow y"4' v r aag 2J- r. j 0 WIliiiAMS & M 'Jiifta' ) Bagging, Ties, Hoop . Iron, ' Glue, ,00 ISHg,o YK-J, 80 -n" J5fw "'Wiiffi -i"(HKiti -1 a; TXWl tJr Hi;,! J.i.U-a'Juoi : jjtf rVlLLllMS afc MURCHlStiN. J ltfolassesL4 "Spt'."Cks."Naas;" Guano, - lOO B&dtmdiB U NwCroP'tB,,':i,"1! j : 2QQ 8ecoMl Hand Spi tit Casks, ' J Kegs Na!lB,-i; ;!? - tj;3v ; .i -f 1 AA:1 ;Earekft' G&anb, 150 Tons tMmape 1UU ttunno. ' . , ! v , , tsM oW ttv ' V' ' ' ' -" ;aug23 tr WILUAMS MURCHISON. J . .-. i. ) , i ill ni ft i ji r , ; i i 1 1 i !ij'it.--.?fM-..-fHa jOff' 1 -.iftl WW Mg -U KKKCHNER A-CALDER bROS Baggine and Tic. 'i ! J.U ;! h .'i '" KA A Bolls Bagging, ' t 50 Tons Tics. 51 f For sale by ,ang22r-tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Hlolasses, Molasses. ... 400 m,T?as& ;:; t on t 50HW,,-L ij'iViliJQti vd .jiroreaiepy.i dr.i -angaatf ... KESCHNER & CALDER BRO&l -RnAAn anil -Pnilr - Boxes D. S..SIFestl;,; ,J( n K Boxes smoked clues, 50 Boxes Smoked and D. S. Shoulders, i. .. ,i . jrorsiieDy A sug 93 tf KERCHNERA CALDER BROS. "jy tr days..V.V.V.V.V.rw"!!I;.l!v.S W Two weeksij.aiKiA.a.iS,S 00 .v:Thre wtB .. .. . .. . ft ftft , , . One months Si.st,.. &mx :z oo " " TwoBontli... ..15 W Temom..,. " ,....52 1 Oneye" ..w.60 ft . tTrCotttraet -AdY.rtiseiaenU taken 'at proppi tionately low rates. .. .. Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column: s'if'd ten squares ss a halt-coluinn. . k tiii'st a NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .., - ValnalilB Real- Estate for "Tyli VERTtJE'bF ANbACRbANCEWTTn JL theprovUiensof a certain Deed of Mortgage. Carr, to; 'rheBankof . New Hanover," dated the 15lh day Of Ju'y A IX. 1874." tha tinAen-itmeA a Attorneys lor said mortgagee, will n,. Wednesdav the 2 2nd day of SeDtember. A.1D 1R7S inh rvim't House door in the- efr y of Wilmin ton L . teive o'clock M., sell for cash, by public auction, the two following described -Di ces or n&rceU at UnA citnot 1n said city of 'Wilmington; vis: -I he first viece e- giuuuig a pout ui u oomaern. ime' or Market street 151 feet frdm The sohtheater& intersection or said Market and Front Btrect , running thence eas?- wardlv With Market street ttrentr fi ilir fpftf KTlA frtn inches to' a lot - formeriy belonging loarah ttmi li thence with the line of said lot, at right angles ita Mirket street, southwardly to an alley running from Front to Second street, thence with said alley wen wardly to a lot lately belonging to Mrs.. A; Peul Bepiton. thence with the line of said lot north ward) v to the first station.! The other piece beginning at a point on the North Side of Market sixty-six (66 ttet from the northwestern intersection or; Market and Second streets, and running theBceeastward); along the said North side of Market street fortv -eight feet mure-or less to the line of a lot of lunrt hinnHn. Ike heirs of Thomas Cowan, deceased, thence north- waroiy one - nunareaj ana- wirty-two - Teet to ihe Southern line bt Toomer's alley, t hence westwardly along the said Southern line of Toomer's alley forty- hundred aid thirtytwo feet to the beginning. ang23 P30 -r . ;:fi Attorney;' : "ri Like Wild ' Pire ; rS THE SPREAD OF THE NEWS ' ' - H'tf . . x.. Unprecedented Sale of '1 OVER NINETY' DOZEN ;; SOLD, ' ': 'M 6 for T SO; Cash on lclIve3r.', WARRANTED. BEST" LINEK THREE PLY f . . BOSOMS. AND WAMSTJTTA COTTON. V 1 munson asxmil f-, . ; , City Clothiers. ang33-tf Tobacco! Tobacco !! f ! : ;', ii os U6 : BoXES TOBACCO, "? All cuts ,'45 to CO tents per "'pound. ' For sale' by JWTTAAUO UU an Ijli, ' . . ?r ' m t ' 20 000 0L?n:,s,BlCLK MEAi-s, ; s , i BOZES No. S HAMS, low to close out by ' ' . ."! J- '-:';-r' EDWARDS & IIALX. ang9J.tf. i - -- -.--.. - '. -j. , : At TatejsVBook Store YOU WILL FIND . A7FULL XINB . OFSTA tiOEery, t '. .' ' . . r. : . .' . . i ,. Blank Books, SCHOOL BOOKS, r.Hj Bibles, Prayer Books, Albums, and. everything usually kept in a v v in i-- FIRST CLASS -BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, at prices lower than ever before offered in this ci y . Just Received, r.,, ' . A LARGE ASSORTMENT QF uiTand Collar Buttons. FINE GOLD WATCHES AT LOW PRICES." aug 12 tf 1 k it INVOICE OF OTfW FJtLt; CJOODS, AND J. in order to make loom, for .the tame. am. in duced to mate to Still Greater Sacrifices - '- T - . to dispose of the balance of my Bummer Stock. ru.fn-jJAlPAXJAS AOTllfflOKf fu5if .: soMWthoutksetrW nmi ty tosl-l - aig5 -tf.'gi! t .nzvj9illjmr. A!pAVip. Bead ;andtBeflMt i Still' greater 'reduction Df prices. Our Spring Stock of ,r-'-l AlAU Vf MMVJB MUM.. Jif : ') i 'jv.mini 'H-um-y 'imixft i. cniLDBEHlB GLOtfflNG mustiw'cioeed-eaU bt'.i:r arGENTSr FmmSHlNGVGOODS, Afe. icotu -wur. j.'ilO AUatpeatly.reduceprkjes .0i 9n ;aug 5,StiBIER. BROTHERS. : it t Strayed'oir: Stolen!; f :JARGB MZ.BBULLk PUP, '-COLOBi WHITE and Brown, short tsU, ear fot,at, .named, Dixie.; Hai on a leather collar and city tax badge, Nb. 43. A suitable reward wilibe paid to anypersoa return-. taghim at8iore.vn.' . r MACKCU. : , aocS-ilti( mht ?h fii.'itSSMaiketjSticet. j Attention!;' - WILMINGTON, LIGHi:; INFANTRY. . . YOU are bertby order I to attend the quarterly meeting ' your Company at your Armory tm Mou4 day evening the 23d inst.. at 8 o'clock.-' A fall t teudaneeiapsrticuarlr deired:iM-,j yut By erder of the Captain, , f ,! ang l-lt' JAMES T. McRSE, Orderly Serg t. LBGBAISfGER,!s -ny '8. D. WALLACE, V'-l! if-i? ivr ,!(! i .w .President.,, ...f 3li,,;i j;.,Cashien i. '?' ! Ij : ; n i.i: 'H-i SHa 1 . I' Bank of IteBajiQYeri Authorized Capital' ' $1,000,000. :;)' iir,,.m tn3i 5aatt3Jt4iijJ ,'ll , -f Casli Capital aid IhV H30pf,0O Sarplas Fand h- t x';tr.$50,Odf ;rt sal gahifcclst Ani -Hi iq ya -.: 1 JOHN DAWSON hue j .' J-'r! ?ti- ?; f C M. 8TEDMAN . D..R. MURCHISON DONALD McRAE'1' t-? : '.-.1 ' JL.yOLLKRSr.ta B. R. BRIDGERS J. WJ ATKINSON .'usfcUfnac ' ' r, te 4"4i iu JBy, GRAINGER iuiVAg. Al LEAK B. F. LITTLE E. B; BORDEN M.' W1CDDELL. -i v'Jl ; . 7-1 t.,ri rv. r - i r - t . 5. i ,r It