THE HOBNETG STAE. A PUBLISHED DAILY. BY . aim or axnacsarton is Asvarcs: one yer.. (Ttiil) postage paid,.. f7 Sixmonite, f )! - - w 4 rhreenontiiBC ; One mourn, i-. . . Ja-s. j . i" . I 00 00 25 00 To City Subscribers, delivered la any part of the city. Fifteen Centrperweek not authorised to collect for not autnonsea to gouwi xur more wan s monina in advance. OUTLINES. Printers' strike-: at Padacah. Arl- ington Hotel, YV alKins Ulenn, burned by a gasoline lamp explosion. -p. Two chil- dren at Albany, JS. l.t killed by overturn iDgof fair building. Trouble between Tf Y. and N. J. It B. and Erie R. R. re- specting a ;deUt, of ; fSO.000.; Erie 'tore up lueoujern nacKensaCK June- tion. Yellow . fever enUrely disap- pearmva Greenlaw, President of th? Memphis & Little Rock Insurance Co., is deadi Shocking baby farming revelations at Rochester. Hon. Jefferson Davis !,., . r.wPiTcri invirniinns fmm vlioa Moinoo Trwo f Iharlpftton Til " rifl rvthar nl.nui r r. , .-"f"v i""""' lu deliver, agricultural addresses. - New York markets: Gold, ;fltSi$t:i3; Cot ton, 14f14f. . Tweed's six millions suit up before the Court yesterdayj ' Killing frost up in Minnesota, The insurrection plot in Georgia fully 'confirm el liineteen counties embraced in the plan of operations, .'which' .rare 1 briefly sketched in their diabolical outlines else-' where. '' - : r. t lAsbeville Citizen. i Tbe Delesate From Jatkton-Ills 'Po stiiou Defined. uS-v-7; .'-':-':, ; . AVebsteb, N. Aug. 12. 1875. Editor Citlzek. sDeae Sir: THe a " meet and arHnnm" mm had Unn I r J - w... " - --r"0;" "";;- 1 , ing been, myself elected from Jack- ti I o I Oil 1 Trk m lQlrsrkn iinnntir . . . Mam I on, l taKe tnis rnetliod or correctius: I that misstatement. I ami not in favor j f tho mi ar.A Ai- I "ineet and adjourn" poliey. and have never, at any time, given to any such sentiment. On the contrary, I havelsteadily ad vocated constitutional reform and am still for it. -. ; ' ; " ' Yours very truly, Spake". : had deniofl t.h r o.har o-b that v e aVir. b. had been elected in the inters i-st. of the Radical party, and intend ed so publising last week. Ve are jiiad to publish the above letter,: how ever. It settles that matter. The Rada may try all their schemes, but thev.i cannot Cdo anythiiiir with odf 1 western: connties. Ed. CitizeK. A 0a by Giant. The boy child of D. J.' Shea,'! born iast Thursday evening says the Springfield Republican, was weighed immediately after its birth by Dr. liice, ia.tbe presence, of a dozen wit messes, with balance scales, i and w eighed twenty pounds - and : two ounces. Tliis weight can be relied upon, as there was no spring to cause the scales to deceive; the figures were M-en by. several persons," and those jireseut guessed the weight of the iiild iclje eighteen pounds or more liefore it was placed in the balance. The weight ia also verified by meas nrcMnent of the child, taken sixty i;-ufs after its birth. Tfie horizontal cirj uiiiffience.ofts head, is sixteen ini-hfs; the perpendicular circumfer-t-itce sixteen and three-quarter inches; length of child' twenty-three; .and three-quarter inches; distance Ifrom shoulder to shoulder over the chest, twenty and one-half inches; m ' short, J use child is as large as . an ordinary 1 bahe a yeari old, and' is ilonrishinsr. , . , ' - ( W Oil Q n l I AVettern Frelsht Rate. The Chicago Tribune of the 19th has the fo!l-wing: r !: ' ' " The folly of exorbitant freight tariffs is shown in the - experience of the Haiti more, produce J dealers who attempted to dispose -"of ' their enor inous supply of peaches by shipments to Cincinnati and Chicago The rail way charges were at the rate of 36 cents per box, and as the shipments made proved to be unprotitable on . I . . i t 1 d - It 1 una account, ine aeaiers muvuany I aififcu.. to . gniD no iron wesiwaiw. i lie wucy oi. estorviou i auuutcu. u i tl, Aiir;l.h ..nt.nrPdthW trade altogether, though the ' Vest would Seraid of Saturday that tne Kev. vr. vyii gla take the surplus ' peaches at a son, of the. First Preshyterian - Church of price which would pa both shippers this city, is stopping in the metropolis at ana railroads, it the latters' terms were within reason. 'As . the ! case stands, there is a double; lossof the pleasure and health jofeatirifg peaches, ynd of the profit in carrying them. Besides the Hon. . Charles Francis Adams, Jr., who is to deliver Jthe an niial address, the managers of the Mxih Annual Northern 5 Wisconsin Fair expect to offer as attractions ex tiov. fcevmour and Gov. Taylor Matetunen appear to be in demand to I elucidate the subject of agriculture. The Detroit iW is alarmed at the r pori that, the Long' Branch Sartoris laly has very little bairjon its head. The Post says: : i ominous, liaiii-headed,- and not yet a month 11. Ca?sar was bald-headed.' The New York Mar is glad to hear that EdwinVBootb will? be l able; a play at Daly V in October, lie is to n c-ive Keveutly 'per cent, on gross re 5ipis.lThe house hold $2,000, which would give tbeg actor, f 1,400 4and the in an age r $d00 e v ery ii gh L... .J" v.: Tlie Atliieiille'Mepogitor t says: that (lie statement is incorrect .that -W. W. ltolhna, Qf. W. Roberts arid W. 8. Pearson, li.ive liten Appointed, by the Governor as 'niinissioiieraof the estern North Caro ..' t?tiJrd14" Mud ' that 4hef appointments live iii.t- been autBorilatively announced. O i tlte other band the (Aiizen speaks of i.icir apppigtmeut as a fixed act.'i .1 Vf At a meeting of the DirectdTS of the North Carolina Division of the Rich mond and Danville Kail rood in Greensboro Friday, N. f H. D. Wilson, Esq. , of that .place, was elected Trustee of the road, vice Hon. W. A. Graham, deceased VOL. XVI.-NO. J31. Spirits.TTiTOenxinq- A gosling with two alimentary canals and three lees is the latest Polktonn- I "osuy. a A depot has-been made mi th I iV &- Q- R one mile and a half south of J iliai,son trjrruug-raiiioneii s - heaitli was mn;a: ' : t0 t w qkLJ .f xr. Jerseyrriy "SocUn realized $125 from one stock of Italian bees I last season I -JTaci. condition of IIoru .B. vocwai ismuca jmpjov.ea I imi n ta tint XTdt oh a nltun1 tv hi. non I f...:. 1 r I f" Ttr J "V ' m . ' '..w ' "W I vye -join trie Keidsviiio yvews in the bone that its talented associate editor. Mr; Jasj W. Retd," who Jias been quite ill, win roonr De-restoreirto-iJis -wonted Health r Messrs., Maltbv and; Brown, bv whom the safe Of the Cumberland was re covered the other dav. savs.ths Norfolk r wgiman, nave succeeded in securing some anchors thirty-tw'o pounder; cannon i and other metal from the wreck of the French steamer which ran nshoro in 1862 near Ocrococke Inlet ? -1 ;t f axis, vatuai vit; A.iiiiuoi t n Iredell couutv, mother of Capt; Wi M. Alexander, of this county, is ninety cars oia, ana can now wait a mile as quick as most persons. . Never was known to go to bed and say that she was sick. Has had eleven children of her own. and has now 91,. grand Children -and Qfi great grand children.1 . 1 Un-J.OA ..;. embracing the Sunday schools of Henderf son, Franklinton, Wt Carmel, Antioch, Uniou Cuapel, Trinity, and 'Planters' ChapeJi visited Raleigh under charge of ev. j. n. uiiDreaui, oi uie aieinoaist jrrtHeeiani unurcu. .1 i ney were weicoineu at the Baptist Church by W. H. Pace, Esq. Other speeches were made, and the excur sion was exceedingly pleasunt,. we learn by iheAew, The JTetcs learns that everything about Chapel Hill wears a brighter aspect. The buildings are reDaired. both those peculiarly appropriated l college duties. and those assigned to the frofessors. iue campus again wears its old air of trim neat ness, -and the old oaks again invite the meditations of the contemplative' student. But above all, applications for admission aie coming in plentifully, not only from this but from distant States, and the pros- Pct are that the exercises of ihe Uni- versity will be opened at the time appointed with much larger attendance of students than the most sanguine anticipation allow ed. On the first day, of September, the opening day, there will jc . an intellectual re-union, a festival of mind to celebrate the triumph of education over the hostile masses of ignorance. On that day will be gather ed, not only those commissioned to uuide the machinery of the re-invigorated Uni versity, but those who in times past shared in its benefits, and since then have sympa thized in its humiliation. . NEW AUVIiKTlNKnKNT ' Chas. D, Uyers & Co. Purity Itself Bekford, Crow & Co. Cottou Ties. Cronly & Morris. Six Years Lease. j. E. Lippitt& Co. Ice, price fcluoed. Coca! oin. Two tribes of lted Men wt-re in wigwam last night. - ' ; J ' - Mayor Canaday haR returned from his Western trip. jK A large crowd accompanied the colored military on their excursion to Ab bottsburg yesterday. . . . . . . , - : m dm 1 ' been absent on a short trip Westward, hav" ing gone as far as Uncolnton. h - Bishop Atkinson is on a visit to tlie jjiouniains ior a lew unys, auu u ouu day next will preach at Hickory. - The shawl, advertised in Sunt day's Star as being IbsCmade its appear- Ance in our office yesterday morning bright and early. ', ,"v The Petersburg papers are now publishing descriptions of our, Charles wealev" on the streneth of the possible con tingency of his putting in an appearance in . ,. ..XXt t . :!..k xr . V l, : VV Be U?s .fcU? ' V- the Clarendon iiotei. ' ' its - A place in the marl pavement on Seventh, near the corner of Princess street, is in a bad condition. :i The curb has been broken by some means, fend the pave ment is caving in. -j ".O-ll i 1 We aimed to state in our last that Mr. E. E. Burruss bad been appointed Chief Marshal of our approaching Fair, and that Mr. W. II. Green had been placed on one of the committees, but the types had it otherwise. Jo a vacant lot on Chesnut, be- 1 : weenSixth and Seventh jst reets, J ames town weeds are growing luxuriantly, the tops making their r appearance above the fence. Cut them down and carry them off. If left where they are, they will do less harm standing. i '' ' '' ' " '" . CfHPF? 8Ho,Q be taken , in. piling wood on the wharves to alio w room for pas8ing-oneitherside3 -The law iilso re quires that nxini. hall bef left on certain' wharves for the fire engines, when it is "ne cessary for them to get to the river. We heaVihesW rules are'hot to all cases strictly carried out;;,;.;': u ' . .; i: '" . . Oar night reporter acknowledges a call from Mr. R.fW. Andrews, reporter tbrfxeJourml, In reference to t wo original items which were published in' The Star oCibeiltbiUrd'lfctE foitaht, respectivelyr subsequently in the Journal of the 19th, and mentioned by us-in a dot" in Sunday's ISSUS: fflrAaiMe b-w -ooj -iua ,mo. tems were.takea from a Portsmouth paper f which doubtless had taken them from ours); ra25r5Tcase:we 3fcSH, just extend ou'r'je-' nflnder about copying without credit to that journal also. i " ' - h I V WILMINGTON, RIaslstrate Conn. ; i .;fp r JenettaHall, colored, was arraigned be fore Justice Gardner, yesterday, charged wUh misdemeanor, of which she was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $5 and costs. s,y i ''i.-' v si... The same, charged with using obscene language on the streets, was found guilty. and ordered to pay. a fine of $5 and costs. Pergonal. Mr. Wm. R French is fully authorized tojictias agent and correspondent of The Morning Star We commend him to our friends in his travels, assuring them that any Jklndnessea i sliownjiim will be gratefully re- membered by us. He begins a tour of the counties on the line of (he Carolina Central Railway to-day. ' j , ;orreetton. ' ; - ' ' ,v -We have a note from Isaac High field, stating that the complaint in the case men tioned in the report of Justice YanAm finge's Court, in our last issue, .was made, not by him, but by officer C. II. Strode, also that the person accused and discharged was A. T. narrison--notH. E. Harrison. We make the statement as requested. Chicken Stealing. ; " ! ' Some envious night prowler invaded the premises of Chas.' E. Cleapor, corner of Sixth and Chestnut, streets, Sunday, night, and stole froroJ hi coop five grown fowls and two pullets, all it contained, leaving ouly those of his stock which happened to be scatt ercd about the lot. That particular neighborhood seems to be specially selected by thieves as a fair field for their operations, as nearly all residing thereabouts have suf fered more or less from their depredations. Bad. Behavior at Funeral. i Our attention has been called to the fact ; of the unseemly behavior of the drivers of vehicles and others at funerals. The com plaint is that usually while services fare iu progress in a house where there is a funera the drivers and others in the street near by are in the habit of indulging in loud con versation, boisterous laughing, &c, very much to the annoyance not only of persons present, but to the minister, while of course it cannot be otherwise than unpleasant to the family. - - - Attempted Jail Delivery. , Henry Wallace alias Charles Gorman, a prisoner, trom fender county wu.o was odged in jail a few days since, in default of bail in the sum of $1,000, on the charge of larceny, attempted to effect his escape Sunday, which,' had ho been successful,' would probably have resulted in a general delivery of the prisoners now confined in our county jail. It seems that he wrenched from its fastenings a gas-pipe in the; room, which he broke into several small pieces, with, which he commenced digging through the soft brick wall and' had, nearly suc ceeded in effecting Ms purpose when the jailor, Daniel llo wui d, enxno in suddenly and detected him in the act. The prisoner was thereupon locked iu a cell where he will have no further opportunilyt until October Court, of indulging his appetite for the fresh air and green fields of Pender. First Baptist Chin ' '- ' i . At this church, on Sunday night, a large congregation assembled to listen to the last sermon by Re v.? E. Cy' Dargan . previous to his return to his studies at Greenville, 8. G. The sermon,' however, was less an 'appeal tn the .tenderer, sympathies oJL the. general congregation; such as are common on such occasions, than a direct -and forcible pre sentation' of the truths of the Scriptures to the a'ttcnYionof the" young men men of the same age as the preacher. s At the conclu sion of tbe services many persons pressed forward to take the" hand of the young preacher and wish him good speed in the pursuit of his studies and in bis profession Mr. Dargan has filled the pulpit pf this church continuously ' during his summer .vacaiioo, and. we helievehas given! entire satisfaction., to the. great .majority of the congregation. a For an undergraduate, some of -his sermons here have been efforts of great merit We believe he is to spend a few days at his home before proceeding to the Seminary at Greenville, the f aU session, orwhich will commence on September fill -The following .cases weie disposed of hy this tribunal yesteMamcihingl H Henry Taylor, colored 4 of medium avoir dupois,' charged with appropriating - one '-water! million," the property of f Holly Grady was ordered ta give bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance at the nett term of the Superior Court , k. Mary Lively, charged with disorderly con duct, said conduct consisting in cursing and abusing a citizen, was ordered to pay a fine of $20 or work for thirty days on the at reets. Phulis Moore, charged' with quarrelling with and cursing Mary Lively, was found guilty" and ordered to pay a fine of $20 or work for thirty days on the streets: j '- Mary Lively was again culled and came up Uvelg to'the'stan i$ atiaWfr the jcharge ofjndulging in jpme.-motv of her cheerful diatribes at the expanse bf Phillis jkloore, v . Mary Lively, .-being of such a disposition generally, could not restraio her cheerful propensities even in the Court room, but indulged Jft em.toisuci an extent as to pripgherBelf under iheibanot being disor- derly, whereupon she was ordered W pay a finiof for work foVt the streets for. contempt of Courtj ner varVus? WehfencesaggTegatTtig oftmety davs oh the sweats: ..j ;;Vi Zl'V FV'T d Ssmuel.LarkJns, 'charged with! beinet dis orderly and quarreling with ' a citizen, was ordered to pay a fine of fl and costs. ' whom' she was accused or cursiug, abusing,., on , xioay tiightlast, was mentionea in etc! vAnoteilmVoflor thirty days on Sunday's Star, was to the effect that'she the streets was the resulr--'Jv.- ' came to her death from the 'bursting of a r TUESDAY: Hxeltlft Chant f atter ,PenItenllary t ........ i t JTromaha ataleighA'iiea of Sunday we learn the.mtrliculara.of .an eacaoebf neni- tentiary prisoners, whic occurred on Sat- uruay morning iasi.T A equaa oi nuy con yicts escorted by li guard of eight men,; had cone . to . the brick-var!. about one u., ikuu..; uuuuium.wu were proceeding .in "squads to their work, when suddenly 18 of the prisoners rushed past the detail of three sentinels on that partef yardandmad for ing wooded ravihex Immediately the three sentries , fired upon the ..fugitives,: kulinjr William Bently; the ringleader, and Wm. StAtcort wnnnilinn onnilioW t .TUa ; , " a - : - . s. three sentinels then gave chase, leaving the other five to guard the remaining prisoners. Jjoading as they ran, sentinels JLe j Wynne and Thomas 3rnneY: at 'i the second shot, brought down Simon Johnson, wounded in .. ; . j. c t 1 rt-fi Bmnj4Arl A(lA Ann w in(n mlvn ' 1 uuwerer we auie pe wuu iue re i tyuu souiiyueu iUe puwuiyiu u;u iie-waa auyrny a -dtftachment ot- mounted police f rom Ra leigh. When last heard from the chasers and chased were heading towards Golds- boro. i ' .t ..While the guard were firing, the thirty seven convicts left on the yard became ter ribly alarmed for fear of being Shot by the guard around them, and rushed upon the overseer, supplicating, his aid and prolec, tion. 4Sit down, eueryoneof you, and be quiet; behave yourselves and no one will hurt you." The convicts did as was or dered, ml not one of the number exhibited the slightest inclination to join the fugi isves. JIr." Moure then left the yard and brought ' in- the--wounded man, Johnson, who was shot down by 3ir. Lee Wynne at the distauce of 300 yards. TJie men killed were . both from New Hanover Wm. Bently was convicted of larceny in lS?5 anH Senteneed to ten years, and Wm. Stewart, for same offence in 1875, sentenced to five years. The dead men were hauled to the penitentiary, and the wounded man placed Id a shanty near , the brick-yard, where he is receiving surgical ild. The Eu.rd were armed with the com- moo muzzle loader, and considering the fact that only three were engaged in the firinjr. used their arms to verv cood ! effect. y Following is a list and description of the escaped prisoners. 'All are colored ; , , , 1. . John Wicks, Iredell county, 19 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high, weight 146 lbs., black hair and eyes. '' , , ' '": .2. Lewis Wallace, New Hanover,' 35 years old, 5 feet 5 inches high, weight 157 lbs., blackhair and eyes. . t ; 8. John Brady, Onslow county, 24 years old, 5 feet 7 inches high, weight 150 lbs., black bair and eyes: ; ' '. -: ',v': ' ; 4, Moses Clifton, Sampson county, 16 years old, 5 feet 6 inches high, weight 162 Ids., blacK hair and eyes. 5. Harvey Devane, Sampson county, 23 I years old, 5 feet 7 inches, weight 146 lbs., black hair and eyes. G. William J. James, Washington county, 30 years old, 5 feet 8 inches high, weight 140 lbs., black bair and eyes. . , 7. David Proctor. ; Craven county, 28 years old, 5 feet 9i inches high, weight 171 lbs., black hair and eyes. 1 8. Julius Ward, Pamlico county, 26 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high, weight 152 lbs., black hair and eyes.' v-m -j-.k ; 'A late report says that a gentleman from the country; reports haying seen on the Holleman road, about five- miles from Ral eigh, two of the 'convicts, bearing; in then arms a third. ,Tbe wounded man was ut terly helpless and it is supposed his wound is mortal. -. -v,-;r.r ; . . .. . er ; Closing IV e w I nJet -r,TI ( contract The contract for closing New Inlet Bar, below this city, has been awarded by the Governjnent to jUessrs. Bangs s Dolby, of Manlius, New Yor .at the , following, fig ures, as published by us at the time the bids were opened r For an apron, $20,000; for closing r New., Inlet to low water mark,: $188,000. "The object had in view, as pre-, yiouslj 'stated; iS that fti stopping ultimate ly the outflow to the ocean at the above point of the. water of . the rivei, and thus turnHhe entire volume out at the main bar or original mouth of the river, thus I assist logm usepeninglL k i VaS j , ? Itancs f .Tisrmmafer.,r,r;h.i-v ' : The' following was the range of -the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in lhiacity, yesterday: r-i 7 A. iLV 73r 12 M., 86; 2 P. M., 84;. 4:30 P. M., 76; 9 P. M., 74. 7J .; Grand Lodge,!, O. G. T, :'!; - , The Grand Lodge of the State is to meet in Fayetteville on Tuesday, 28th Septem ber, at 10 o'clock. The Fayetteville breth ren have already made preparations to en tertain 500 delegates, and jirrangements have been 'completed with all railroads' tor half-fare tickets, and with steamers for a charge of only one dollar from Wilmington to Fayfetteviile.J" All of which we learn fr0mthe '-Spirit oftiikAge. Iuqueat The-; vepdkt of the Coroner jury in the .case of th4 colored girl, Clara PearsaiT, whose sudden death at her house, near the corner of Fifth and Walnut,, streets ! I blood ressel, caused by excessi ve coughing. ITf-.-K -.A '-.-'Am V H A , . Adjaarned Over. ; . -. j . T.he jqase of Antonio Swain, charged witb; ; stealmga pocket-book containing a sum of tnbney aad .4' number of . street 'car. ticketay was commenced before Justice Gardnen yesterday :meroing. iM v ia consequence' of ihe .abseace,1 of. some Jh)piuV,;wnesse3i ' was adjourned over until this morning at 10 o'elock,' The defendant,' who la apparently only about' 12 or ,3jyeari;:)a,was'1fe mtnded to jail. :' ; ' ; - XT -x 1 Fin :. ,: .. .If - AUGUST 1875. I Resorted Illness ot General Colston. fium U newspaper parairrupu we retrev to see that Gen. R. E: Colston, formerly of I tUi L v.. n. Jc been. In .the;i some time since embarked on an important I exploring expedition up the Nile, of which! h . in onmmn3 wa t W (onnnt i lying Qanserousiv: uli ine parasjapn in J question, wis intended as a compiiment to J his alleged successor, and gives no partlcuVl 1 lars f urther than .the' mer6 fait of his ill- I tionbn5 the Sub1ect,d ; suchi intelligence; I having previously reached here,' we can only hope that there is some mistake about I iu. Urf ' i rii-.t a i Avww&bvsi. luuvug vwuvMa vuva that we shall hear that he is in' good health I antj prosecuting; the important researches f intrusted to him. -i I ' ' ' -' " .'. " ... or the Star. TIIIKTES AND DESPERADOES IN I from New Hanover would free us not alone ffom the invasIona of it8 Radicalism, but i a frnm :1hn, ,h 5vfsh irlpnrfirlatinna and . x aiIiot offlifttAna nf ilfi ootaruiil trmtrttra YxrTirk are now committing every Species of lar. ceny and crime upon, our citizens. Our swamps and hiding places adjacent to New Hanover are. literally alive with thieves,' robbers and desperadoes, who ,have ran away .from the jail and work house of New Hanover to prey upon the corn fields and stock of the farmers of the townships near est to the old parent county. It is as much as Fender can well do to attend to her own thieves and negro runaways. To be infest ed with those who have broke jail and the work house of New Hanover is an afflic tion we will not submit to. We appeal to the proper authorities of the bid county to come over and help us catch their thieves escaping so long- from ' her jail and work tinnaa : fanv r9 thorn B ro cnnnrlir in camps in the woods, and are subsisting np- XJU UU1 vutu uvmo tuiut wn. tu uiyu ut jc- sistance when sought for, Nor do our negro officers seem competent to arrest these negro depredators and desperadoes. - somehow these negro officers too . often - allow these thieves to escape either before or. .after ar rest , On Saturday night the negro - con- stable of Rocky Point, supported by five ""K 8Sg was in their bands. Tbe public are' indig- I nant at this and similar cases happening I to frequently where negro officers are in command. ' On the same night and in ; the same township, officers sent out to, arrest a thief by, Squire (Jamberg, were resisted with loaded gun in hand by the negro occupant of tbe house where the tniet was concealed. These negro officers were bullied and driven away under murderous threats by this negro occupant, and under this resist-1 ance to law the thief was allowed to evade arrest Thus is thieving going on in some parts of Pender, and thus do negro; con stables discharge their duty. 'Squire Gam- berg,' who is honestly determined to do his duty in punishing these offenders, sent to jail a day or two, since, one of these . despe- radbes from New Hanovertwho, in the shape of a negro with a white wife, was convicted of five different acts of larceny. One of them was for stealing a fine beef, and an other for stealing a Bible from . a church building and another for stealing aSabbath school box from another church. August 23, 1875. - Spring Garden. Tbe ItEalls. ' ;.. . The mails will close at the City Post-Of fice until further ndtice as follows : j Northern (night) mails for all points North, iast and West or VVeluon, . i ; .daily at. . . ........ ...... 5:45' P. M. "i through and way (day) . ! .' -malls daily: except Sunday, 6:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points - ' a: i South, daily. ... i;.1.. 5:15 P. M. Charleston, daily, at. 5 JS0 A. H. Western mails (C. C. Rry) daily v , ' " (except Sundays,) . . . . . 2:30P. M. Charlotte mail closes at. . . : . . . . 2: 30 P. M Smithville (via 1 Easy : Hill and y ; - TownaCreeki Tuesdays and - i . Saturdays ...v.. . 6K)0 A. M.'! Fayetteville, and offices on Cape, ( r ear xviver, juonuavs ana i Tridays. : . ...V.'.'.. . . .V liOO P M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily 1 i (except Sundays). .... : ... ;'5:30 A,' M. Onslow C H. and intermediate ' . offices every Friday . . , . . . w . 6 :0O A. IC . x ue ouuiui v mo uiaiia, ujr. eticauiuutu, uoae-1 m.. o :t 1 . 1 . at P. M., daily, except Sundays; f j Mails delivered from 6:30 A M' to 7S0 P. M.; and on Sundays from8:30 to 9:30 A'. M. .. . . - Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.,. and from to 6K)0 P. M; Money order or- Register Department open same as : stamp omce;,ji:i -f.n u-jny f-ti' .,- - , Stamps for sale . at general delivery when slams office is closed. . ' , . -. . 1 Sght Key Boxes accessible at all hours, .day f flails collected from street boxes every - -- . ' - t fliiiJ wilmlnKten inetuodist District. v Appointments of Rev. W. S, Black, Pre- I ' . Ci . ' ' . .' j .' ' ' ; ' i1 ' i I aid nc K der. for the third .round or ouar-I teriy meetings for . the present Conference I ' year 9; ... r it,, niof.;nt. i ! . . 1 Topsail, August 22 and 23. : ? Magnolia, at Harrell's Store. Ausust 29 j nr , . . " i T 1 unii j.i 1 . . . . ..... Wilmington, at Front Street Ch'itch.'Sep tember 5-aad 6 Sniithville,' at Smith ville, September 2 and ll.1 v t -if -njsiv-i 1 ir, ,: r Blsbop trmau! Appolatmeufi. i! nil warm opruiga.. ............ . ...aus. 1 Tthvnavlllo i . Aug. 25 I Bakersville. i .7 . . . . .;J. .iiv.Xi Aug Elk River YalleyJT, ..r. .i;.;..-i "Aug. 29 Beaver Dam, Bunjbombe Co,..:... Ang, .3t Brevard, Transylvania Co. ...V... Sept.-, 2 St Paul's: in the VaTley.'Trahsyl- I : ;u; 'V h;. vania-Co:'. .6-i;."i''i?.iir.V;f. .V, Sept.' 3 Flat Rock. ; .J .Sept,,j 5 Uendersonyilie . ........ k . ... . .Sept. 7 nianAn. - Rpnt" 1(1 Calvary ijbrchjHenderson Co. . . Sept.' 12 LiecterV.V..t ...... .... .Sept,Jl5: Wavuesvlll.rii;ii;,l t..i.i,. .Sept IT Asbeville U.-8ept.' 19. . The collections at each place wUl be, . ap propriated to Diocesan, Missions. ! , ' J4iMria ?iEirwdBnu-mviattabie to1, W toad oompanles Steamship eompanies, basics, mer chants, manufacturers 4nd Cers.-'",They are en dming siul'ehangBlesa, and, will copy Sharp and clear tor an ladefinlte period oT, time,, , Harhia; just veceiTed a fresh supply of these, inks, wears pre pared to execute orders promptly aad at moderate prices.-.. - - x ' . j-. w , ..... - - f tr A I1"B ". 4- JU WHOLE NOJ 2582. i : CITY ITEMS. i i - . .r ( - i To SroBTsroxa. One of the neatest, handiest and mot naert mot naefal lmplemento, Jh the eon line, is the Extractor mannfactored by Halt & .,. Lancaeterv Pa., and for sale by ena dealers eenerany. at the m ice of$i 7i jit u.indoabtediy one -'of m0Bt eoiirpiete toatnunents ever Invented lor ,,inr I wada, fhas eaabling the sportsman to nse eventhe very amaileetcbaj; and salt does not break the b Bbcll bnt "P1 Preaaea a groove or crease in It, fhe seoiomv rttb nse'of ahena.v T&eCresser'i.miei:' J plated, and la ad small that it can be rarrfed in the J pocket. No sportsman who bis once .tried the 1 " Caimax" Creaaer wUl ever be wniinr to !dupense i as, j - f v f:-i. --it iv-'; 1 . with It'- r ; The funeral serricee ot the late Mrs. Gen. Alias. Rutherford Will take nlace at St John's Cbnreh,' Wednesday moraing; at 10K o'clock, ii i I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Purity. Itself!; o UR FRESH ROASTED, FRESH GROUND Pure Laguayra Coffee, Fresli From' the Roasting j Mills . v and fresh ground by US' aa wanted.' . FOR PURS COFFEE . ; - Send to us at 5 & 7 North Front St T CUAS. D. MYERS & CO. Tubs,, Baskets, j i ; sr i Clothes Lines, j BUCKETS, PAILS, WASHBOARDS, Ac, lt&c ! CHAS. IX M YBRS A CO., 5 & 7 North Front street. aug 24 t f r Cotton Ties, and Salt. I 2t000 BuildleS AlTOW TieS. 4,000 Sacks Salt: " For aale by ang 84-d Awtf - - BINFORD. CROW CO, Sis! Years' Lease : rY NATIONAL HOTEL OF THIS; CITT. V with all ot Us Furniture and fixtures, from Kitchen to Garret, will be sold at Auction,-on Wednesday, sentember istn. lsn. at ll o'clock A. M. Particulars in fntare advertisement.- -1 CRONLY & MORRIS, ang 84 If ' ' Auctioneers. --: , Ice.. Ice. ; i XT RICE REDUCED. From thte date we will re tail Ico at i cent per pound, at oof bouse bn Muter'a Alley.. ,. aug 4-at ' ' J. K. uppitt & CO. ' L B. GRAINGER, ' S. D. WALLACE, ' . - . i " ' - Cashier. ' ' Preeid'cnt Sank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Cash Capital paid in $300,009; Snrplas Faiid $50,000. -1 DIRECTORS. JOHN DAWSON D. E. MURCHISON. -, DONALD McRAE, C. ML STEDMAN L B. GRAINGEB JAS. A. LEAK v i s. f. LrrrLE ,; B. BOBDEN M. WED DELL. - i . - H.VOLLERS B, R. BRTDGERS ! j; w. ATiONsoisr ; angtO-tfnac ' ' MISCELLANEOUS. L O O tt iJ' .: i :H ti..lj vl .'lit ; IMPORTED PICKLES AT 30 CENTS A JAR,' - -'- .: - ; '. : 1 ';. r if .m We are forclne the price, down. , Encourage 4a by aending your orders. , ' ;" . j " -i .iVieir .JttceiT, leaser .iscscr,. . sho'fjf-s- tt'nTXBOozieN-.f ,Vr j ' ' The Best &bods. alt LoW 3?rices: , . , waltncreaae our olreadt large larie talesVand; Mour" ,11 J1M Oj -.1-. HAVE YOU TRIED? OUR m roccM re iiwur, hnd i in; the iWorid.: if not when jam package is on t.enStb uiand we . nlll d .11... . ...!. fMi. a ...n. ftftliaolhr -j r1.jl..,-wS,. t ciGvu uiwbuicB 6tw j wen, mm f V.A.K 0....., A aaW A. i KO. MYERS'. '? i f anz8-tff' tl A 13 Souvh Front Sfc ' 1 Bagging, Ties; 'Hoop -Iron,' Glue. Qflft Extra Heavy Bagging, 1a. "- 9MIJ - . .. ! ...I r 1 . . i (in - in. . O A Tone . Tli les, . 600 ron n- n K Ithli Clna , :t ....".... , .- (O . . . - '" - sn j .war sale low tnr .i '3in i! .... mnrr 90 , . Wl I.f.T .MS aVj MtmnflTSn'M ' - .TIioIasseS. Spt'CiCS.' NailS, QuRno. lllll . rt n secoaa'M'anl Sotrit CaskaV m '' f i -A-ii A 300 wSrW'-.-:;::.; -fii: v- 1 1 Ahtje'Eufeka ruaa6, 150 Tofti - Gnobapel ' , For sale low by " - amitS-tf . i i . WILAIAMS Jb MCROUISON, ' . - "A J, Sail, ali; Salt. ..; vang52-tf . . J KEhXHlNEK CALDER BIlOS, m :jBsxea IA. 8-Siysr:...f.bi8, .--1 OtBrotisfenokWie" biiti Uir J&tX ":- fn A.'r'-.vjn 'Vf !.-'.'tf- J l.ii Kfi Boxes Smoked and D. RV ShotUera. ilA " ,s, .(I !J.toT'X. -ww; , vif .. ; '''' auggatf KERCHNER A CALDER BRO; WBDDINO CARDS AND . Y1SITING CARDS pruted fh the aaoat elegaat style, at - i i! '-' s - 4 wK- H. BERNARD'S ' aagll Priating and Publishing Houe. aTeaay.....i... s ex froaweelCi.U..i....u 5 Two week 5 tt .if i 'i"' weeks.. ...... a M . . One month.. ,..,,..i..,.4...,. 8 00 "If Twoontia.. ......15 Of , Three arantas.... ,.s 00 1f ' usvaar.'.ji.y..;.4A. ' ra im RrCpctract A4rtiements ukes. at prcpoi tete..-.:- u-1- , t? SSne M a haK-coJaSM.', o i. . " . XnSCELLAKEOXJS. - , I . iTaliiabe; Real Estate for Sale. t f Virtue opv and ih accordance with JJ ta J f C . yisihiaybf JaVA.'l.,'icth'iiaderi)nicd;af Attemey for aatd mortgageeV will on, Wednesday the S-2nd day' of September, A. 1875, at the Ctnr House door in the city of Wiltiinton, at twelve o'cIdcKM., aell for eaah.'by public auction, the two Touowmg deecriDea ptoees or parcel. or iana sircare In said citv of- Wllmlurton. viz: The first piece le- gianing at a point la tbe , Southern, line of HI arkct ttreci 1D1 icel irom ine souiueaciern mierseciion or aaid Market aad Front streets, running thence eaet sardlT with Market street twenty-four Teet and four inches to slot .totnerly belonging Jo Barah 8mi h, thence with' the Ime of said lot, at right angles tth Market Elreet, eouthwardlyto an alley running from Front co second street, tnence witn aam auey wei-t-w airily to a lot lately . belonging to Mr. A . Pt nl Repiton, thence with the line of said lot northwardly . to the first station.-. The other pieca beginning at a point on the Norta rido of Market eixty-aix (66) feet from the northwestern intersection of Market and Second streets; and running thence eattwurdly along the said North side of Market atreet forty-eight feet more or less to tne line of a lot of land belonging to the faeira ot Thomas Cowan, deceased, thence north wardly one hundred ' and thirty-two feet ' to the Southern line of Toomere alley, thence westward ly along the said Southern Bne of 'roomer's alley 1 ortjv eight feet more or less, thence southwardly tee hundred and thirty-two feet to the beginning. " fv , WRIGUT & BTE1MAN, i augS2 330d '' - -.'Attorneys. tike Wild; Fire Z IS THE SPREAD OF TUB NEWS. , I.. '..J, U ..Jit- . j . ; , . s., unprecedented Sale of Wamsutta; Shirts. '4 O VEB ' NINETY DOZEN SOLD, " J for $7 50, Cash ori Delivery. , WARRANTED BEST LINEN THREE PLY BOSOMS, AND WAMSUTTA COTTON; f ONLY AGENCY, i MUNSON & CO.. ! i City Clothiers. At Yates' Book Store ;; 7-OU Wlli FIND A FULL LINE OF STA i.JL tionery. k i-,, .,v .-- -.a - ' Blank Books, SCHOOL BOOKS, Bibles, Prayer Eocks, . Albums and evcrj thing usually kept in a , . " . I FIRST CLASS BOOK AND MUSIC STORE at prices lower than ever before off ered in thlscl y Bead andlEeflebt ! ; OTTLL GREATER BEDUCTTON IN PKICKS. 1 Oar Sprisg Stock of . ' Men's, Boygf and CHILDREN' 8 CLOTHING T'Jii' : ' ' most be closed bat' ei GENTS FURNlSHINO GOODS,' &c it, I' AH at greatly reduced prices. j!' aug 32-tf - " ' SHHrBR" BROTHERS. I'AaErerj Day; Expecting ; inn AN INVOICE OF- NEW, ,FALL GOODS. AND in order to make room for tbe fame, am in 1. tvt' rStiU Greater i -;-' .... . f - i' 'to diapoee of the bulaoce of my Saiiimer Stock; ,i j;1-; l:,Uu : ti-.i ft i JlJt.-.i c T, . . ALPACAS AND LINENS f J - -' v ,: ' . ' t ' - ' sold without reserve. jU j,?:. ,jriL i,;.-'S ang28-tf: 5 ' f ' . A. DAVID. A,A's Bagging and, Tics.; " 500 oU?.:rW , ..... . , 50 b8 i .." augSftf , KERCHNER Ss CAXJ3ER BEOS, -J v. I ; 1 Molasses; .Molasses, i QQ Bbla.S.lLlColasses.'i;::, viv-; . '5Q HlfdS CabalMasaea, J -u ti.'.i rprsaleby!: J J ' I- t.' ' i ang33-4f 'i4'KERCHNEB & CALDER BROS, 9E ONE .FROJf ppTppEBlST, 1875, IStore on the Nort side.of Market elreet, at presqnt occupied by C. W. Yates. Apply, to ! iiA i- .ra . CRONLY & MORRIS, i augSa-l; . -..,!. i., ? .w, .". Brokers. Styiisli Straw Hats. r m FiijETELT AND SILK HATS, LADIES' STRAW I Otli ...iirtj.-., -Mi ;-) and Chip Hats, at Very Low Prices, , ; ,s- i t8i:rith1. tr- iTARRiadN -a, allen's, 't' : angtfi!,;, ,;, . Clty Hat Store i. 5 Qiitls -and ' Pistols, SfeCASADS'.fiAMte BAtSf 'POWPER riasas; Shot Belw, Pouches, PlaetEnglish Pow der. Ac. ' A large asgortmetit Of the ' above goods jut t received and for .aale at .the loweat casa prices. at tne uia jsataDnenea a araware nouse or ,Hau;gS2' f !,T ..:! , sOUNi DAWSON, '' ' Noa. 19. SO and 31 Market i. Bacon, Pork, Sugar and Coffee. BbxesD.'S. Sides ' .' ''' 1 eJU. . ...1 J-.- .,, ,r i .) f?i Boxes Smoked Bldea and Shoulders, 17K BblsPors. , , . , t IU . .Hi:i:!l I'tf'-i t.'ll i'ruX i 10ft -n"d w I 150 pImeee-i -i For sale low bT v.. ; - 'aoga-tf' W&IaTAWS '3iURCHlsoN .ij ... J-s.-' : ! -!' '.'!:' jr: "; -" ; Crn, ITlonr, Hay and Salt, ft A A A Buflhela White and Mixed Corn. ,1 1000 ' grades. " " ! ' K A A Bales N. R. and Eastern Hay ' S . -i Qijn EaW'Lbbon SalL 1 ' lJ'-5 ' : For sale low by ii . jjaa-j SirT s.J j WIU-fi& MURCHlsoN. TAvmtm; VA. REV.Ht, IL PHILLIPS, jA.,M f .f- Prihcipal. Miss E. Florencs Phuxofs, 1 in charge of 14i AJWisfi. PBsai(7r. "f , .; ,., ihe family. The Slut Annual Session will commence fck-ptr The Principat wfll be assisted brVfuli -corps. : or officers suitable fo a trtt-clase school. , . ; t3T" Terms reduced to Cash basis ana Very mod erate. '- p-.,-, P r.-1 fi' - f-For Catalogue, address the Principal. . . j fngis-dgwyawat,,;,, vtt, , Tp a i&Eti Simtlivfflei ; Otamrb mk'wiLt RUN BEQULARLY qcr J uaj uoi Diuiuay . t , 1 Leavinc Wiimlngton .'.!.: Up. it -,laruigBmimville.. ...-... ? A. M. Commatatloa tickets may be purchased at our office. . , J . -., r v July 13-tf O. G. PARSLEY & CO.f . 1 1 F 'i it . V ' "'7 -f- . ;1 f'l 4