THE HORNHIGr STAR. PUBLISHED DAILT, B? To City Subscribers, aenverea in any pars 01 ne ,itr Fifteen CNmtTDer week. Our City Assent, an oot authorised to collect for.mqrc than 8 month in m'" ' " ' " ".. V OUTLiNKS. , - - Commodore GoodfnoughMd partywere waylaid by treacheropa nativs .ott -Santa Cruz Island. Their ship-then burned the village. - : KegoUitipris pending foif sur render of pitadel :Jeo derjrl .b Ct ,j ta Atlantic: cotton aailV at 'Law rence, Mass., has resumed operations.: r Herzcgovinian insurgents massacred ninety Turkish prisoners.1 rrtT?, Destructive frosts io Wisconsin, r-i bipbop ifazry, of the British MethodisJ Chr nMa;deid. C. E. Courtney WpTjlnternational regatta scnll 'jriptf.c--ywdy ai Saratoga. r- Decision, just rendered by Secretary Bristbw: CQhcerningf tlw Jj&-20 bonds of 'Co. "t- New York markets: Cotton l4f ; ' spirits tujrpentine 3l433. strained rosin $1 05f 1 70;. gold 13 j, . ' ATiiriAiriEnicANs.t!i;',v:: A victorious race usually feels. a very slight interest' in the genealogy of iis victims, says the Chicago tZTri--liine. It is not proal'thatlSthe, Spartans investigated very ?loBely the ancestry, of the HelbtATtAThe defeat and destruction of the successive pop ulation of America has th us aided in the creation of ; the mystery that bangs over the primitive races. 1 It is known that civilization . retrograded here, step by step, until the European explorers found the) Estrange : .new world that yet , waCneyer young" in habited by mere barbarians. " One of the world a puzzles is the original set tlement of America. y; Voltaire's sug gestion for its solution was that when God was making flies-in S America He might as well have : made men too. The repetition of. this bit. of flippant wit daring the session of ,.the recent : "American -Congress1 at -Nancys in Lorraine, nearly icostTthat.bod the support of : the ; Catholic clergy of France. This Congress attracted far more attention abroad than it did here. Its debates and decision were of great valuetl" It1 destroyed . rather than constructed,, and left its hall lit tered with th&rremains -of rromances. The theory , of the Phoenician, dis covery of America1 was the1 first dis cussion. .The ."Dighton Iiock of Massachusetts ..which ' has been sup posed to bear a Phoemican inscription,1 was , dismissed with-J the !- statement, quoted from Franeis" Parman,4 that the characters grsven on the rock merely tell the" story," of a fight be tween two Indian tribes. Another c u r i o u si y-i n scribed 'stone,1 f oti rid a ea r St. Louis, has imprints, like those in the temples of -Karnak, in Egypt." This rock, however, wai but a feather-: weight in the minds of the scientists.' They registered - a -verdicir of fok proven" on the Phrenician claim,- and came near, ;sayingsornothirig' much more decided. , w hie story of "Fu-Saii, which Cbas. U. Inland has just elaborated with much care fared Sio better.1 Bud lhisiu" was "relieved from the charge dI having inspired the religion of ari cieiit Mexico. The zoology arid botany f the fabled land : of Fu-Sang were shown to be whbll v "different from these features of the Pacific coast, J and the fifth-Century : mission of the Buddhist monks of Samarcand to America was bowed away as a . mere romance. The Norse theory received more respect. The Icelanders really land t 'l on the (then) vine-clad . coast of New Erifrland. ' In the twelfth cen tury Bishop Eric preached in some American town in behalf of the cru sades. His colony "for worded, skins :is :i contribution to-partly defrayj lhe x enses of one - of the cxpeditions.i in 1107, Mr. and Mrs: Anor, Iceland-' vrs, were living somewhere in what in now Massachusetts f and jConnecti ent, and had a son born there. From this 9on the great sculptor Thorwald sen, was descended. ', !; Some queer scattering -..theories were broached. One Servant - bad a little man with a careful and of course perfectly accurate sketch of the'ten; just vnoes -across bi. America. A letter was jread frdra a Swede in Kansas, who wynLpeari converse with perfect ease ttfc . the Indians of that State, so jnmjhalike are his and their larigoige6;A;gtav professor 'stated that toe Esquimaux dances resembled .thoseof the Ma lays, so that the former must have come from Aissa. It only f remains now to find sonie Iribe "which flings hx legt about as David did when he danced on a certain solemn occasion, in order to prove the identity of the. lst llebaew tribes . and the Western cavalry. ' . -.r.:': ;A"ii-;t-'i The next session r of. the. Congress maybe held at Philadelphia or Wash- mgton, hi the aummer or l7o. :.. a .i.i1 Kllver Ctttnacc. It heinff onoosed to wibstilute sil ver coin for our -fractional currency the government ' has been buying largely of si I vVr ; bars ; at $122. l25 per ounce. In 1 this'lconnectrott the ew York Journal of jCommerce "UvireQig ; that h vervtf convenient tarMland can be adopted',. if$u& he' half dollar at 180 grains other lenoiniiiatioiiB bring in the same pro portion. ..TbiH-wilVfffvV Mvefity-fiv'e 4,unces of tndar4iprilvet!6.eacftpfie "unurea dollars, arm toe . premtuui f'r gold miit run" above 120 before dwturbitii; s'Jves coinr pt 1 thattand ard. ' 'V- jv2 - - I)limn hai vrillin ,&n Amencan - , i j WW- MM W j f n vel, jn which a coon cbasesa couple f young United ' Slates lovers up a tree, and then '.tries to v get 'thent- by gnawing through the. trunk. Dumas ays the Virginia' (Wirisas laree as a yearling elf. . . -: f Ti n n (i VOL. XVI.NO. 132, I A Sematble Northern Comment. : lNew,YorkTribunk? . , ! It is not often HhaWchv scenes of popular excitement as were witnessed last weekin Eastern Georgia are al lowed to pass" away without the shed ding of blood: "Trhat the whites and blacks in the lately disturbed section are not mBrderinffeach other tp-dayjs owing 6ctbkLdioretion!-o LsGor-emora bmith and to a general respect for law and order, no less than to that kindly: feeling between?. the, abetter class of men in eUheirface which lias .been displayed by the people of Geor gia in many ways -during 3 the, past 4 lew yearsrartd "whicrr-bas-eained for their State a reputation for good order like that of Virginia and North Caro lina. Our special " from"" Au'srustaT ;which gives the onlyroonnected- and jiiteiiigitrm .mccounc-or me' recent scare vet rmblished. shows that the apprehension of ,thei whites were not groundless, but that the negroes who ?were at tne oottom ot the plot were probably actuated by desire for no toriety and power more than by any malicious ' 'motive," while' many who jwere-1 committed to ' the movement blindly - fallowing ; ' these-' sel f -consti tuted Jeaders i Tfc Race In Ceorgts. ' i In 1870 the population of Georgia consislea or oJ5,yzo wmtes ana o4o, J 42 blacks. ? The counties -of ; Jeffer-3 san Barker aud Washtngtbffir1 Hire Scene of the alleged insurrection, have eaeh a large majority of colored peo ple. Burke has 4,243 whites and 13, 436 blacks; Jefferson 4,247 whiles and "7,943 -blacks, and Washington has 7,530 whiter to 8,3 12 blacks. The borders of t- these-three- counties ' ad Join," and their relative strength 16,02Q "whites; j20,691 blacks. But these are the-figure's of the census of iBiu, ana mere is prooaoiuty ma jthe relative proportion 1a now changed, imore favorably for the whites. It is 'difficult tojbonjectu re any reason for an insurrection inf Georgia," aays the Baltimore iSti.. Tliere is no State in the South where the freed men have so HttleTcason to compiarn of illiberal or, .unfair, treatment by the""'hiie citi zens iThere ' is -no grievance to be adjusted principle to be con tended for. ".The courts ;pf Georgia have, promptly and impartially ad judicated the few cases that have arisen tinder, the civil rights bill, in terpreting the law as far as possible in favor of the colored people. ; ; Hit, Lincoln. - I jA i correspondent of -theChicajro 'Evening Post report that Mrs.; Lin cola is pronounced well enough to leave Bellvue IuKaiie Aaylum and visit her sister Mrs..V:Ed wards,' at Springfield, III. It is not likely that he wiH return to the asylum, an there is'sorne feeling evinced iri ' the tnatter of her incarceration by her friends, who refuse to believe her inkaw.. A leading lady lawyer of Chicago bas" been with her much of late, and with the .assistance of' her, husband will assist in Mrs. Lincoln's restoration' to the world.' She is decidedly better, Sleeps ;and eats Veil and : shows no tendency to mania, but whether the, cure is permanent or not the. test of active life arid tim'e 'will prove. . . . s ' .T f VrlTWk J 'O "T ; '"" I Tom Evans writes "to ? the 'Vicks- burg Herald from' this State: ' 1 i The Rada are alarmingly healthy; so far from dying or getting killed, one of; :-iheir- Convention men had a mule to tbrow":up"botn heels arid strike him in the forehead plumb. - It only broke both the. mule's legs, and the. same -man - was 'in Raleigh- tbe other day, on a blind drunk. The Women? 8 Journal claims that "women printer were known half a century, before thex Revolnlion. 5 A WomahMirgar(B:Pr.r:B ton; conducted the first newspaper in America r The .original vDeolaration of Independence was printed by Mary Catherine Goddard.?' u c J Spirits iTurpentme t Ii. Jordan Holleman, Tof aged 93, Is dead. i The little Newbern Daily Ar- )Usakeeps spreading. - ;ii ! Still one hundred and fifty goestr at tne unlaw na w one. , .;. itTnless their' rlespiteus extend ed Vhe Weldon Bridge! murderere will be ! .wBrevitv" Bennett of the Rich moa& Ewuirer i back--Tb ba notbiog to dO WUU "PPUUS I f iujwuuiv y . - , The lieoister says that there - were six or eight hundred people at the i vi. ..t.nivt Rookv River Churcu.last U f ''! RiiedJsavs- the iRafeigh jfcu. that V tg8i theftsjdeDCyiot the It &G. idf It & Ai R. Rs.. on account, of ill Iiealtb. , , ;v 1 Jl;A GangpWniJ wil! bev held at Mt. Pleasant, Cabarrus county, on the first Saturday in September, , President Davis, ff tbe! Carolina XUtheranJ.College, will deliver an aadres8..t ;irft f i -The vlPee Dee Courier reret8;ex riedinglv to appear thi week with a blank See but EttaeWo wKJf .after lmestcteri. shall have to overlook the shortcoming. u " f V xhefeiitlemenilwDo are roected to be candidates, for the position of JAinit Clerk of the Convention are J. B. ex: Furches has exenangeu circuit r yi J. .in hrtld the Courts of Alexan der, Wilkes, Davie and Iredell, in which nusseynowenvupuBi ttM handle missing T From ibese, it enerieedittrfofHhe Btitrtvilfe lAnamarK, -pan oi h i4'iiL,'MAvlk IndX- RPWil-jagpeigh. j8 inferred th'ai ih?',wff bor of thfeTarboro SauOerner. . been: ft brtckmasorijo iplasteftThy . hStT v, WILMINGTON, Ni. Judpe Furches was attorney in a number of cases previously to gojngupon the Bench. The Circuit openedat tTaylprsville, this week. ; .. .. . -- ' The Statesville Landmark says that-publicr opinion i& North Carolina is, not jet pipe-, ror such anact or irie, unbanning of W. W. Holden, and" the Landmark is right The only misfortune is that his co-consnirators against the liber ties, of the people ifcave .uot sneered with - A citizens' sanitary meeting was held in Newbern Tuesday night. The Nve- yikhett says that owing, to the injunction re straining the City Fathers from enforcing, the sanitary ordinances, and depriving them of means for keeping the pumps in or e,Kthe8jritaryrcootlitionj ofbe city is now assuming an alarming state, ana me want of water isbeing seriously felt. O--2 Th; 'Richmond I in cra mentmg upon the Robeson county case and Judge Settle's mandamus says: Tb is action implies, oa the part of the Judge, the as sumption that he has the right to supervise the elections an assumption in the spirit of New Orleans Radicalism and not likely to be much respected in North" Carolina. Grant, however, may send Sheridan down to enforce tbe order of the Judge, and maae short work'with tbe " banditti." HRW AaVBRTISBRlBNTS Mas. O. P. McEwsar Private Boarding, . JohW RrCBRDiVPartrier. 'wanted.'!."' f ---Qkaht & Hnmi.Qrocer8Te8, &c. 0 Sons F. STOLtaa. -For rents ; f HMK8BEKGKR.-School Bpoks. r-? ? Loral not. " ' Coast rains to-day? 8 " : '; Cool, nights are now on tbe pro- gramme.,, , . t. k.. The Custom House has been im proved in k' Internal arrangements re cently. The Odd .Fellows' Hall; loots decidedly improved in its new brown coal With yellow trimmings.5 0" - - The mosquitoes become more persistent in the presentaliun of their bills! as the fall approaches. " - ; r' .1 The watermelon crop is" exhib iting signs of exhaustion and the Tate heaay rains have not improved thenu Many ; are : wishing - for - oid weather; but who" Would not ,. rather j "Oh! for a Lodge" than owe fork cord of, wood! We learnlhat a reWardof 20 was paid for the capture of Geo. Thomp son, the escaped convict from tbe Work House,- alluded to some days since. - ; The streetprisoners are doing a good workf under the Superintendence of John Fields, in cleaning out and opening to various drains leading to the river., v - - We are glad to see that the ugly hole in the pavement on PritiCess, near the corner of. Water streety referred to once ori twice in these columns, nasi been V doc-" tored." : . .5! "...!: .".! . .:. . 'iV Tlie Wilmiugwn Amateur Dra matlc Association1 Start; for FayslteyiUe on to-days kteamer, where they will give eoter tainments on Thursday and Friday even Jogs, Oar FvjeUeville frieiids will no doubt f give them a cordial reception, especiany. as the Orphan Asylum Is to eome in f or 8hare!of the benefita 'to !bV derived' from thefr, visIL,v.; .,, , ,, !:: -ni.sM ; - That pateritfcxnomic'al, : ever- J lasting, never-wear-out; - cuss-provokiBg sidewalk Of loose rocita, on oecona sireei near.lT8Jaut-tQ.whicJi .we.Ji&yBlbeioraal- luded, is still; .impassable; for people who nave the usual sense of feeling in their feet, and continues at once the cause of: divers wickednesses and a perpetual reminder of tbe durable- naturs or : tnepunisumeni io which sucfi thougntsand expressions may lead And there fs a 1 little patch, too, at the corner of Second and Mulberry, which a very little attention would greatly im prove. FlowcrTblCTMv ' . ' ' Some people aire strangely3 constituted uniting a love of :tfeJbeautifttl la riatufe! and externalobiecU with an apparent dis regard of all those internal oeauties of z the heart and JifwbJqbj so far texcd. Nature's best Witness, the story.which came to ns yesterday of tnedepredation' bf some thtefi the night before, Ipoit- e floral treasures which- adorned the ; porch of ; a-; Red : Crew gtrwHwelliag. 9 ."pfAH .beautifali thatwaile-your owa-taste U ayaiM metrically, extended both to, the, interna) and external graces, ybu set not too tstronj temptations in the way of those whose de-Velcroent-&ay.UlatialJ BJS i Drowsed J' i"'J ' A .' I Last night at 10J o'clock, as officer 8. A. Richardaoa wasjn the vicinMy of Water and Dock stree.Ut Jie was nolifted that a col ored nun who' had been sitting for, some time on a scantling under the slied on- the dock at that place had fallen Into he river. Proceeding to the wa ?e'D?a V11 a sailor and a colored mau : who ; had ieen the accidehir af 6hl6eumped;! into; a bt)at I and hune their feet over the side, in Tmpes tftal tne UgplJ!CiR, "VS.'i"'"" and brmi W bWJ be either under the influence of ltQUr of in- himself, "quickly tnj! Alpha- and disappeared.- At this wriUng the body, haa not een recovered. v, Ti. The ofkeer pickerTp jon Ihe-wljarf an old brown hat wiifiVroad&indaf crape about it, and some spots apparently ot lime or mortar, together, with a, faded umbrella, .n.l nmhrella have been Utt: at the .Map shal's office, where tney can oe seen anu identified. sensible front the tfff5 f fes eIved in h"s.falLUand' making" ur4 ffurt to save . i ! 7 '. ' i .' F. i. it'll : t 1 tsi.M aritled under the steam- fc.vtiii nalr white button nrn ft ana C, IDNJESDAY. ,momter,at .SigriaJvBpjaujiic P. M.V80,"9' fctfovonUl Si ; i ' . -r-r 11 1 ' " ' Uo mailable letter. - ; Tbe.fpllqwinft is.a Jist of, JhCi nninailable letters, remaining , in tie .city postoflice: ?Dr. John .Monk. C John EfPenliton, Wadesbororliblhtf i9o6kiii6tibm ; W. P. Stanback, LiltleMills;". A. Dick- ''helba 1ror50..Pi'ailVxaaaenr-"-4''"i ! At a meetlcg of the First Baptist Society held last evening,' , call to the pastorate of the cburc4if was:nharnus"y tenaedso jthe Rev; ayl,1otSalpSper county, jVa :I berec Ailed the pulpit of this church very accept ably, morning andvenjBg, onr abbath during the recent session of ihe Southern Baptist Convention in-Charleston; " ! ' jnacltrateat or,::f i (The case of Henry : Woodward,- colored, alluded to iriv SOndayTs rpaper !, as having been arrested on the charge of stealing ,a trunk from Nancy f Faisoo, - also colored came before W. it Moore, r J. P., yester day, who dismissed it at-lbe cost of the pros ecutor. laiiUUU lOl -i The same defendant; . arraigned on the complaint of Nancy Faison,' charged with' trespass, was ordered to pay a fine of 10 cents and costs. :; - - " .... i . Aeeldeat. ... j A yurig: colored mair byt ihe; name of 'CbarlsI iVfer," whb W .oeen: pafnft'pi Ihe new store of Jtf r. john'Oldenbuttle", corner of Tenth WtfV-. be acaHold (it being. Uisecnre): a "distance of tweut-tjve fee1yefteVycej(vinin ifui lufuries'in'tne bac4 beseSDelngbadly brtitsed about the head and ' other parti of ttie body. It is tnougut proDaDie, also, inai iiieman has Teiea fdtfroa? inurie.i 'Af physician was immediately alled'to tbe BuHerer. but had aot raade s -czanMaation at the time we learned of the accident. I At a meeting of Township Trustees;' held Monday evening, the bond of Sol. W. Nash, Township Constable, was presented and ap proved. The TownabinClerk asked for further time in whlcnlo prepare his bond and' It was granted,! !?"he bond of the Coii4 Btoble is for $800 and that of the Clerk for $i,600. As the i latter iaa the holding .'of none of the township"' funds he thinks his bond ought to be reduced, and it is with the view of consulting the; attorney for the County with reference to the matter that the. Clerk has been given more time. V fTtoe Hlver Crop, &e. Steamboatmen who, left; Fayetf eville on Monday morning, report the river as falling vary rapidly at that 1 poinfand' that the danger of any further jn jury to crops is now past. The corn on Vhe'JowerjJgrounds ' or inbre exposed iocatlona itas, as before stat ed, been materially injured the most of it probably ruined, but this consisted of auch a small proportion of jthe icropr along the jines o the riyef .aCiifter a careful esti riratel we think1 it can be safely stated that pot more than from ten to fifteen per ; cenlL , bf the expected yield has been lost by the, occurrence of the freshet, even if so much; ) -3-.W3-.. .1. i :.! Ili ! i EJSarth street is 'IbpafDialikv.TIi has long been a considerable tendency of trade concentrate , and increase along that thof-ouehf afe from Red Cross street "n'ort, mainly owing WthedikaDkfromthatparf' bf the city to the central market, and the residents of the neighborhood seem more and more to encourage this tendency by giving their patronage to the local .nie bhants.- Where there is a decided tendency jf business to a street the stores wfirst in crease, W:l6nMilC ji;thy ebet ter established and, more Ubexally patronized ihey will improve in appearance" and in the Quality aflartncrfoxlilwp As the possession pi ;opd. stores jiay neigh borhood is a great convenience to- the resi dents; property on 'street In the vicinity Will'terfJr ttf niBre'Valuable.d ireat extent, just In proportiori as the stores become tnore prosperous and aie able -to affwd reater aa4-reateracilkte1fa"J" dsf :a5 P. M. - j ;!;: - ednveniences to their patrons. , TWsiswelJ J tKK,in . a i . - -Shown inlhe case ot fourth street by the tPriltWatl!;- Wisrlet;'rtS r march of MriJproVemehC lnfthtii direction. a looking over the city sorae- dayi ago, yi bile preparing a'rece sfftde, P oar buirding interests, this' matter was brought forcibly to our noce, out we aia mm uien have time fo make any comment. VAhy one who, looks into he malter'will scarcely , fail to ' notice :the great number of . buildings B.ivB-rotn ? no oa IVurtbrand the -streets tin itt vTchiiry'AflOrthelh partof theltytl and to connect them im his mind with the conveniences due to the good stores and sidewalks of the neighborhood. Sneakina: of sidewaftts, Fourth street now rnknextro FrQitf andr M&rkeCasf a , h JC f ' if -j4 nn.menade. The new concrete walk Is almost continuous from the northern limit of 4Ue oily to. Market street, to bothXaldes, and numbera;U!fA 9bnrchrgoer8 .and others bein to desert their route-jold and well : worui arid; sadly in need; of .;repaus-Hirom the northern part of IliOity td Market via third streetntThe ''tMlfciK BhorUy will Wmach the most attractive of i .. " ( , uif. .naif. wwitsw one tli two. , fmf I j Ifrro tend: dowa rooaxnBwepv'TO'vaHiwy' .was ninieu iu uui ucus.w,iiuif' f y to Imprbvenntiiind longest and one of tne est- promenades in he'city, and tine of 'the pteatest.Vstreeta .for residence. ."Hj!l.5 ri'. H ontoA ax X itt-M ; fftl itm tii lb d Ivrivlm ocf iff ' j I fa 't ii II Ife25;-I875i. It hyivrtOOZih r r i vr j to cr j; c. hn t ? ti l JJ. m TobMr.'fl)enio j mil lo ooiiirilCHtaaistiit in vMool n fRadhbaDivldrBarrett,'24. Iv-isSApiM -.PbJ HeMU Vere1- notlUa.. S'iU'i till- iUI .riil.iU.ui - "4 candidates, and conseqqenUyyoted but ht- itlelovet half itbeit.strengtlf. v&i n l j -ujtUImji sa ""''ny-.'Ov. ifia fori 'tjitu Ai; tsl d f"!- - The' fblib'wini cases 'trei'e disposed W by IribunMyesterdayrmQrningjw imn - Richard Martini charged withj disorderly' ( conduct, 'was or dered'to pay i flhe; 'bf !, 120! or wort r pjrty days, on the streets; yi; The same, charged with insultinga police ofllcer while ih(tbe discharge of his! duty, ; was ojfder !io psy, , a fine, of f50 '015 ' wbrfc' Jfpr, jthlrty days ; on the; streets uh ft j-j'J s -Ut 01 I,l8T'OaVlvfeTBlgt" J. iRemaining'in 'thei Vcity jit-pnTce j24j, fi-.-; 's'fi.ij rf.-iVd-V;vtirfijJta 5; i Ar-Grace Austin -iil't .-;duyt-ft u u . j B N Bose, Francis Barry; John Berry,' iTane Bald wia,JRose Banks, KachadBowens, Richard M Brown,. Sarah Bass, ZiWtnBtrd; ; I C Daniel Caramel, : Eli Currie, Nancy Curry, Thomas A Class; Zilphla Cambell. -" D Miss C A Davis; Mrs A Davis Plex Davis,: Mabel Dunn. P ; J Dozier, Richard ; Doreey.-, ot ! h-J ; -E Joseph English. .'.lu'.' Jf-rAbram . Jf ultoa. : .Charlotte Farrena, Frank FJaming; Hiss Lbn Flanagan; .Louisa F-H Fraxier, Samuel Forcet . J; s -.v .? ; vii j'.G Nathaniel Grsy, Amanda Greenyl sh 1 U Annie Hill, Henry Hanson,; James T Herring, Annie E He wett, James. BerringV Robt Herrisson 2,' Robt Harriss, Capt Robt Henryoui -iil r 1. .ilHmiT- -: nA ! . J-rLon isanaa Joyaer Mrs . Palis Jones,' Annie E Johnson, Annie Jane JoneaV Emily Jones, Mrs N J J ones Henry - Jury, Joe Jewell, , Mrs r iPenny t JoriBsra; r Samnel Jenkins. 0d$ j.-i jiii-w Hsin-;.3fcoii. j ,LrrFrank Landa, Harriet Lee, J M Iilly; Joseph Lewis. tt f)yd-i:Ui..f t.nin M John Moton Annie McMillan,: H : A Martindale,-; James Murphy, Mary J Mc Donald,: Philip Martha,. Nancy'Merrick, S J Mitobell Samuel Merrick; 1 Sarah; A Munford, W Mathis, ;Wm .M Milliganr8, jSarahjMogan.; Mii3i;-s! i.' -k'A-liimUi sN-aiJJNettlA J Nichols; ;M vr ; P Anthony Pelden, ! Cealia Patrick, Ed ward. Pollock, Wtn P. Price i R rQabe Reeves, Isaac Rund, Julia Reed, Martha Bobbins, 8allie Robertson, Thomas iRobbina.,.' ;.,:.,:t f4:f lmi s vn :. S-Mrs Shaard, Ruthia Stubbs, Maggie: Silva, Adele Seymour, Cary Sanders, F N Shaw, Etta Smith, Henry Southerland; John Scarboro, j B Simmons, Laura : Stngletary, Louisa : Sinclair,' -Amealia Sweat, Sallie Spooner. '.!fU 'io tb ;tiii iHfli o ' T-Jaraes Tuley.l Maria vThorntd, iH Thomas; J T ThomasV? .riuf-rutrT -n W rAnnie Wiggins John Q West; Mary Wallace, Margaret Ward,- Owen; Waddeli,' ;Wm Wright 2,. Victor tWilsonJu t'fi?y Persons calling for letters' in : the above list will please say!" Wverfisel."?' f tf, jnpt called for within 3Q days they, will: be sent to the Dead.Letter Office, hooih lint ;i uT :-' Ed; It Barak, P. M.!; "Wilmington, "Aug, H 1875; Tbe ISalla. I The malls will close, at the QtyVPosU)f- fice until further, notice as follows: y. Northern (night) mails for all points North, j :East and West df Weldon, '; ; daily at.iJ.iv.w4.iJvJ.iij; 5?4"FP:;M; ' -.rt rtiuongb'andwaytaay)''1'1 :'' mails daihJexcept Sunday; 650" AjW Southern mails for all points . i South, daily. ;Vir.Vv.vii HJzKP. Charleston, dailyat. 'it i . i 5i80 A. H.' Western mails (U.C. R'yjdaily ' iV'' - i (except 8Bday,r.:.!.',.-i.1..r 2 :S0Pl M. Charlotte matt closes at. . i i. i v.' 2:80 P.' M SinithyfllefviaEasy Hill and-': ; j . Town . Creek) 'Tuesdaya'and1!''' -15 I atardaya'..I t'.!. J V. ,0'AIM.; Fayetteville, and offices on Cape , ' ' ' ? 1 i Fear j Riverv1 Mbndays and ,!r ? ! Fridays. : 3 I'ii'.VJJ. i ' 100 P M.: FayettevmebyC.C.By,;daiTy . 1 I (except Sundays), a. V: VV. . u Jr Ai M. Onslow CI H. and intermediate ' u ' I offices every Fridav ;... . 8KX) A. M.. ? The Smlthville mails, bf steamboat, close at 3 P. M. dailyexcerUujidciYa,' ' V :'i.ZV: Malls delivered from 6:30 A. M. to 7304 P Mf,-aaJ btrjdsys frff SfWfiM 4ft pi. i I Stamp Office open from-8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to SKWP M... Money order or RaterepajlmenAdpen same as stamp office. i ; Stamps i for sale at. general delivery when stamp, office is closed.. I- ' . andiifKhX. . VfdSlatn11ulal W4Mf wuvvtvu a VBB street ooztes every Appointments of Rev.. W. fl. Black,' Pre siding Elder1, for tne1 third ground I of Quar terly nleeggs'lor 'tljeplBen Qofifrnce year of the Wilmington District : Magnolia, at Harrell's Store; Angnst 29 and 80. 1)tP T temhera and 6 1 j. . L:-.v. .sviAbT-j ; I SniUhyi'l Smit and 14. ,;! ul ,ir" viJ J iaujrA ii!j..H' :-it. Blab op IVymaue Appointments. Warm Springs. . . . .' . . ............ Auj. 29 BurnsvilLe. - . . V r-Aug-. 25 Baker8Yi Elk River SJL-n-, y.;i.....U.l,Aug27 alley - Ang. 29 BeaVer Dam, Buncombe Co ... Ang. 31 Brevard,, Transylvania Co ., . Sep 2 mafcRJCkU i. . JuV 1 .'.V . - . . .SepL, 5 Hendersonville . . .Sept 7 Olencoe. ..Sept. 10 ti i The collections alach place, will oa ap propriated to Diocesan Missiona "n-; " ij ji ist''ai1a"'t'"' ' 1 j1? 1 TBHf ")W'JlWWl"', t Z. V....'.,.,. . ' t .1 , giants. ininucfas lindtoiSSfein- !darlng and changeless, and will copy sharp and cleaY for UefeSnrWrotf er;fime.'' ttavfng Just ieceiTed'. treti sappVtf these''.3iiks,' we axe are- pared to execute orders pcotorptly and at moderate prices. ; .y i-::x :f - !"-1'''' ;.y'y'lp- VT-ff ill A ir IT lK J iUfflll I ; J .1 . V I 1 i TV JlrmUAj U! . !-!! I .'Hit 'WayAesyllie.M , . .-....-r. .Sept,.,17 J AslieYlllalill'J..-? i ' U;i i,"""'' 5'''"' noil nolfit ,fi5ri u:;ijiiT .1? tf J fcvc. ri.'''- joyS'iis- ..WHOLE NO; 2,583. f -.y-f p f .;f ' 7 ?-. : ' . r-r ' 1 ORHKLL.-gftrttils cllj. on" Hie morning of the 14th in St., Bobert Cowan, bos Bobert G. and Yir g1btaP. 'Orrell,ged lSmonttaandSdaya. - iFafythis. WedneedayjBMHrHnig at o'clqckv Irome residence of the Parents, on Fiftth between' anoterarid flBrowIck streets.' - mjui'rt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , ! - -ixrwv W cwVo J "nTn dit I School-Booksv alwave on hutd. Parents and Teachers hi thecit atd conntr j are requited to send In their '- .'.;,-); 4 ; IlElNSBXBGKa'8 ... sag 85-tf " ' Uve Boole and Mnsic Store. - l.i 1 - 1 "'l '.- ! For Rent. TOB.ONB TBUJtFBOJlOCTOBKH lrt. iinii l875,'.8tore and Bwelllrg on the Nbrth- 1 1 iitde of Second, between Market and Prin Streets, at nresent occupied by A. D. WeMelL ang 25-tf Apply to - J OHN P. STOLXKB. ,; I 1. cjkaivt & uiivTosr, ;,: ;- jGeneral Commission Mercliants, ) "A ND DEAlBBS IN GKA1N Of! ALL KDTDS, ii Fkh, Groceries, Proviaione, &c , 4c, j Consignments and.orders Bplicited and prompt attention jjoarantefd. i ; ; , aagSSrd&wSt Vanted- EIAHTNXB.WITH a FIEST-CLASS SAW HILL ,: .vertt la anuring Cypress, and Long; Pipe ; Lumber. , and. Cypreei.aad Juniper Shingles ;; or would give contract to- taw by Wthc?ianeC-V "!',; s ": Address V ( JOnMCTAEDS, Plymonth, IT. C, t B. GRAISGBR, 7 ., . j 8. XK .WAIXAiOK-. .via'fr President: V" ti i s4La-fi t'ncteWsrjft Bank of . New Hanovei; Aatborizcd , Capital Sl,O0O,0O0. Casta Capital paid in 300,000 Surplus Fund S50,OOO. i vi DIRECTORS. C, ! M., STKDM AN ; I B. ' GRAINQKR p. B. 1 MUBCaiSON ; .'i : TU-kW 1TA vrfa IV :JAS. H. VOLLEBS B. F.' UTTLB p. R. iniTOGEI-ppL B0BD1W k W. ATKINSON ! - : :!M. WKDDELL. ang 30-tf nae - " MISCELLANEOUS. LOO K 1 TMPORT1CD PICKLES AT 80 CENTS A JAB, ; We are forcing the price' downJ JEncbaraga us by ending your orters.;r;; ,,..ij..:J;,,,., .:(! leaser Beer, Xaer Beer, v ',--n f 1 Ti PIS DOZEN. ' ' i 1 Tne tt ' Oooda, at Low' Prices i 3 . . . -, i Will Increase our olready large Bales, and. "onr" i i - Brand ia ahead of aU, 'r 1 -I' -all Allium; h. ViiS'-'i V;(t;! - i Process 4Ba.pire JPlour, . and i Beit Butter In the World. If not when your package Is out, send to us and we ! wiu aenrer a sample iree io any part ox we cuy. tu it Freeh Qroceriea erery wsekyaik- aue'S-tf' --; 11 IS South Front St.' V .! ( DTJB FRBSH BOASTED, iPBESH OBOUNP . .:. .f : ;i 'i. .r .t. . I ' , ! Pure Lagniayra Coffee; I 'ii . .-".i Frcsta Front the Roasting Mills f r.r ... . L . V. 1 I "and ftwl" gromid by tasas wanted.'' Senitou atif'i i J-i'iii' v i.iJOMK X'"t in .dirtiiihl .a s ? xsjprtn KoBt, . ,i Ttibs Baskets BUCKETS, , PAILS.v.WASHBOAltDSv,. i ang 84 tf B ,7 North, Front Street. Cotton TieS and ,Sidt..T 2.00GtBundles i ArrowTies, t. j;S.iVhlk,fj;i.ii-fJ rullo tlu rioJ Ik;- ; j 4,000' fiaclrs' Salt. 1 " For Bale by , 1 aut ia hv . - - . . ' i ane i4a iewtf u mTvroruVCRow'' brX'ni TTT r .1 .-7 Ice, Ice. ' i . '1 pBIClt BftbrJcED-From'ihls 'datVwe Vtflrei tail Ice. at. X -ffntj pr pouni,a,t eur hppse xn IfafAlleK-.Ogj-Ovi- .-.l'J''.'-.C 5I:j3 ti iaagsist v HMiti;l. UFPrrrlAOOvii 3afifS3Ji&. lie, .Hoppi , Xtoil,. Qlue. r. aa DiTo vVfr tafmn Rftmrfhff.. - Tons Ties, j" 0yfUjj jnj' IQQMsHoopiroBT--1- r f Bbis Giuw. siOVfia ' o-j-s ft.finent 5fnoH i -i yc;UWl6wy !hci.'i.'I Iwtiu W?tf.j iittarju4tojllW salt, Salt,1 8alf. -'J- 5000 -;" i- For sale oy ' -1 : i S3-U t KKKCHNUlt CAt ang s: i 1 A W n vi ; BATlSS Of AlVXuta1KlIfc. , One Beam ayJ; - r : rt -r --w .: ; eeoaFS.. ...... .jrfcArf...... a i t xts cays.. ..... ... ................ a v i L " B WkA21X;i,k...V'S-6t f -1iYrMtweeks.... ........ ,,,...., B 00 L r TlireewesU,iAAJ..V.;j....8C - 2Biaonth...w............-S W ; r"ths...;iM....VA.15 00 i " Tarsesni.V..ri?.:v. ).;?.. 06 i "H,V Six amontha ... . a,-- .... - .S5 Ofl . -Contract -Advertisement taken : At propei HonatelTlowatea,-tr- ,, v.s ; FiTetkittam estimated as a quarter-colnmn. and tm squares as j hatf-wtamn.; . f y 'roi - ; MISCEIiLAiJEOUS, 1 ; .'' 4 ' ' r HalEalJl8 BeaF Estate fir Sale. -"f S'vTBTUKfF ANDNlACOOBDANCB WITI1 i ISih JijrM Wjr a. Iff.lWnheuuaeAljrBea;' Hanover.'1 House door in ie-city of . Witahnton, at twelve o'clocklfci sell forieaeh, ayMteauetkm the' two. 1 following described pieces. or parcels of land situate InaW city of -Wilmington,' via: ETbe first tlece.f e ginning at a point in the .Southern liae of Market ; street IM feet front the seuthesirtern Intersection of aaid Market and Front streets,, tunning thence east- : waruly wKh Market street twenty four reet and four ' 4 Inches to a lot formerly belonging to Fatah 8mi h, . thenceiwlth thJ line'f ald loc; et-right aBelesith ' Market slreet, southwardly to an alle- ruuiiing f rem Ktnt t Second treei thejtice wrfrh sad ailev weft- warclly to a lot lately belonpin io ,M. X, Pful i Repiftoo tbeufce with ttie line OffcuM lbttithwui tlly to the firct s'ation, The' ther i-if e b 'ti-rt!ir.''!B' : point ow th !Nrta'.(.lde tf urk-t!jtttei. H9'--Hfi Irom tn'nnrthn'ete-,n in.tcrat-ctKm m the "noi'th'eee-, ittcrst-ctKm o set " rd, . t ;d Hr"e';nfi'riini.'i'.. tnciiftsH !'' r('-'fT.t 1 EaidjNorh side ofarkel s-n et f rt Si efr the ai. reor fes- to the linef a Act of latkf belongius To 'I- we ueirw oi iuouiasi uwoi, aeceaea. ineuce norm-;v wardly one hundred'' rncHhu-ty-two- feet "to- the"' Southern line of lojmer's lley, ihence westwardly along the said Southern llceof ToOmer's alley forty- -eight feet mors or les, thence southwardly cne . hundred axd thiit-two feet to the hegiii nine. ' ' ' WK1UHT & STiLOMAN, V i ang 22 DSOd, .i.;..-i . Attorneys.." ' like Wild ' Eire IS THE SPREAD OF, THE NEWS.- i .; f. . i(fJnpreeedeiiteiiSle of. ;.,.;... ; Wamsutta' Shirts. ! 1 ' OVER NhTETY D02Ei!t SOLD, i!: d for 87 50, CiaSTi on "Delivery. WAEEASTEd ifiST i-ISTEIT HBEE PLT i i bosoms, anj wamsutta cotton: ; i--0Nis-YA aisNC ; ' j aug23-tf j ; .,,.tf, ; ,CUy Clothiers.. j JiiAt gates' ; Book Store ' ;5; ; 7f'6ii wtlL' FiND a! FTiii.1 Line '6f' sta- i iL.tipjiery, tu- io -fUV uiU ' r', tifl Bliuolt Boolfca I t ESGH00K"'B00KS Bibles, Prayer Eooka.i Albums and ever thing ( -ii-t. J i '''.!s,vt c ii.'n.v j u.!.-j . usually kept in a , , , 1 t ; h:::"t s ''i 'f ' ; : ! ' FIRST CLASS BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, 4 ' "."'- ' i ;; i ;;.!;:: .; il';-ri; ; . .j at prices lower than erer before offered in this cl-y i ' 3 Eead jand-, ! 4. 4 r C2 TILL' "GREATER REDTJCTl6 Hf rRICESi kJ Our Spring Stock of. Men's, Boys' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING v must be closed oat I .vM!T("iV'!!'! -v :-t.3" J !! 5ViJ5 1 GENTS' FURNISHING, GOODS, &c . . j':: . .'.si . rU-j')-. ..'l.-t- All at greatly reduced prices. ; :. i s-j. -.i .'.; -yi-.S '..;. f'fi f?-f'i f acg 2-tf , ; SHRIER BROTHERS. j r , i '"l.ii ill jii 1 1 1 i ' ii ii i ,. i ' ,' i j i 1 i if J -! i A N INVOICE OB1 NEW FAtt, "GOODS, AND in order to , mke room tat . the amejam i in duced to make I ii.i'yjttti- ..lie?- c-N'jif -f.ii.iii-i--- i Still Greater Sacrifices v ! to dispose of the balance of my Summer Qtock. ;. j 'lrri- AipACA' AND liNENS '' L. sold without reecrve. , - . i ; j augUr :- adavid; :!- 1 ; j Baling and!' OTtes. '"'. " ( KAARoHs Bagging, . , . j K rv Ton Ties. ".;"- OU ! ; ;t-tf Ji nifiT ruoj For sale by , ' ; .ii. l '' 'I ,1. hit!!- ' Jtlolasses, Molasses. 4 rv Bbla. S. H Mo Bbls. S. Ht Molasses. jt:iiijt"-: P A HMsCubaKolasses, I ----- For Bent. - .vi ' ) I', i) r.'iiii' I 'i' OR ONE YEAR FROM OCTOBER 1st, 1875, 8tdre On the North side Of Market street, at present j occapied by C. W. Tates. i Apply to t . , , CRONLy & MORRIS, -' ' ' ' ' . K. E. Brokers. ang22-3t;' StyUsh; Straws Hats. ; -.- - !" - r t FrNi IKE FEtT AND SILK HATS, LADIES STRAW 1 - v t .. . . ' ... Snd Chip Hatsi'at Very Low Prices. " '. " ' j i i ' . . ... A . . tin it HARBISON ALLEN'S, J v'.; 'City Hat Btore. angipi-tf. rrran niia rtriia rim Ding TVk VT 1? T i n FUska. 8hot Beto. FomeLS1neEaeii8hPaw . der, Ac. A large -assortment Of the above 'goods Just received wad fat sale at the ruwest tseh prices, j at the Old Established Hardware House of f an 33-tf .. ". . No, lft. to aadSl Marttei Mtr I' .r. r : -T T ?iJI"i: .1' - JL- . ... - ; ... -a Bacon, Pork Stiar tod-Coffee;:- i' fc; 3pxes 8moke4 Bides ata Shwldet sft ,? ( j , , -1 ; 75! "?orr,f teuHi !; ;i -i'i' ! 4!-f ...j,,,.-i;li "; , n.-i -J,... ' U.i; tMA Bushels White and Mixed Corn. - j OlMV 5 ;": tiMi;fufii-Mtaiiil' 11 AAA Bbls Flour, all grades. . lUMWiyiJ iMMii-i ' .fffiif.'H.!.w!--raa Bales N. R. and Eastern Hay,., . O VA Sacks Lisbon Salt. ' ' YBif I aagjBratj. WILLIAMS MtERCHSSON jror sale tow oy If tummn - t Amain , ,4 Vl, . I Mi , Rby- K -TB. PHILLIPS A. M.. , - PinSOTAL. -IMissTt Ftokttrcsy PAUxipSM tl In charge of- 1 JflseAKins S. Parrak. . ,( . ., f ,the family. Thelst Annual-ct4ioa wiiP commence Bept r 'iiiU'mKUM by af fall eoipa oi 'officers suitable-for a flrst-class school. . , f ererms reduced to-Cash basis and itrf moa- I-- For Smitliville. i 1 ! OtEAMES DIXDC, WILL "ECN. EEGUIiARLT ! -every dsy except Sundays r ..,.. . 1o '''VW " 4 Leaving WUmington I if ? Commutation tickets may be purchased at our t . ofllea. - - .-v.i.. '!' J-1 riuil; 1 ! L i" July 13-tf - O. a PABSXEY W. I' -. ! i . s . !;' I 1 : J tt': !:; ' lb ,i l;-t; ?! f it- t 11 i i I' i 1