,:, , 1 lit 'T T 1ff BDNSDAT MOB? 75v hnd still foftfistWMbim fiMMMdia- -7 U 1 UajM. doubt . that a great, i .nuog-i And an indiscmmnae i ' massacre had ieei resolved on' by "the0 negro plotiers.. It would appear that the . masses of the blacks were obi informed of the full design,, but a i "knowledge1 of jthe credulous characier. Tot. a Ahii o raoe, leaves! ao'cooiu! to lonbt what would. have beea'111'efearFuYconseqnBncea.if Judge Johnson's ieUertd'GovernorJ Smith shewS 'iTalwrVwaS-trSdoubt-edly a pjdtilroH JQdedTd rapine. ,,IIe ha0rdf rd., a,3sp,ecial ingtpn cpuatytOj be hel aJ,.San(dev-. vilie'on Mondays th.kb. tmirf jor the tria ofY?h peronvasMnay have been concerned in the plot. He suggesisTHojJth Governor thkt'"lhe AttorpeyjGjnbJ $&at- ttnrl trna onnrt nn1 -rmrlnrt. t.llPKfi trials upon the part of the'. Stalef This he doeatlatIfheI U&f$ may be which will show the lawless that the common wealth s peace cannot be dis- luiDea wun impunity. . , , . I The Augusta papers of Sunday say. mat quiet appears to do restores. jq Bnrke Cou r r wrote burn,," andi hoaqtedj as. :adj,atant: ito Morris, has given him'self 'trjr an claims I that,, ,isfft rgftUt of the charges aeainst him. He is said to be balyvWarddV ) v.'iaAW JUDGE S EXILE OX CONVENTION. As Judge0 'ettieY of'tlie Supreme Court, has been n given 'some hbtbriety 1. 1 liobesou county it . will, perhaps be i nieresting xo Know someining - con cernmg his viewa on the subject of the approaching 4Jooveatiort.f jIn conversation at Washington City last ' baturday1 "he talked pretty freely, if wq are, to beliy. the usual ly well-informed and careful - eorresr uondcntj.o a Baltimore contemppr- lion of control rests in the. hands of J Ur. liansom, tne lndependepvdylB-; irate elect from Thrrell. who hasben a liepublicaq. He ,saysT.lhat iisthe RepubKcans are-pledged-tO'ailjonrn the Convention sine die immediately on its assembling it power, the question as To people of North CarolihV"8liall have another ClmsithependaenlifIy. upon ! this qgI&H- ittse Settle thinks the personnel of the Conven-J Ho :f 'Ktii parties Ifv,ihe.vI)enaocraiS) ,,do sicej&iti efcUTnSg the majogrity and proeegdrta thenrok- pf.fprmiD a riwTstP states ihqir.ji:aiisjled. that theife will be:'notAinA.tmvted., jm&$ta& to th yfUeresU of.evplicans. With the parties bo evenly balanced -any inBtrunietvliirfy tnberameArOluflt to a great extent meet with the con- Thtf'dlssaf fafte'd DelmScrats arid h$ Kepu!teaOLioip-yiJnq .ATftin cuhating a ticket ilf b ppoitii that heade'd Try HWri'iTo'hfr ' fjzM roll. 1 This divi l -- . rnjM f,KIt vsion h .reg.'elckblf for the reason ibant mtsjria uyy I mately to the refaFn'Jtco!wlrp"oft lladic.party.iTM that State have; cause to remember the daymeffWttePfcanVrled them by disfranchisement and FdAl era! terrorisa,f"WI beienhVJ f ii - JVK 4 ,i U in 'Z t land Democrats shoujd to ill Jt tneir powr tondle4fel9disseDthl ' - i . . and he: iu p aV Lv 'I. X. ravages KjParrf iljyaakeeu ep "wvMk iiaQycft.fiaooOsl counte8.indlffejrent bifcts16fiWlsB6ni MIL .am iuiiim ill " I i recently -oy reasoa oi-ais connecuoa With thI5lkS3elSf4io4 SlU for t i -4 . ... Tr.!.' ' i tntf rtiteteb1ttte43een tdHllat, Irtii'Vj-vi-vr-'fi'7! a1"! ctnt, and he chanaed the child's name i-t .etR1 1 "Sal." and i . -- . In the course of an elaborate letter: pn North Carolina politics and publio men, written fromCliatlotie tA the "Louisville CourieAlm hal, JyAlL A." Doints out lol "WlorgeilJaVis, bf this city, as Cro4f GritSfii successor. He says that Graham "in hioral attitude ana Droaa culture was LhroanyQiii lie SCfllQHwJTin gwrth-Caioliua liming thu UnL qu M lis bf a century 8ar$t&bge K Badger." aril "'. i -ni !iH !!f -.;TJ3HflO getting tip a-wYarty'tneHMWis pt areiorm anarccWPSbijaft toovementr -St r- The 4tla,nta, J&rpld, , h as fho wn commendable enterprise . by increas1 ing its capital stock, donning a beau tiful new dress of eight pages and hid, can afford this outlay. . . ' . The standard . of insurrection' Iras'H teeif 'raiseyi 'ih'"3ete, i too. -: -STAlt-fiUSTi- - --:The ipeppermtat ep'OfjVyu fcovmly, Nf afe4ai fVgl thlsyear. , 'J. h. I 1 WanieT; 1 of "ITSrfiShT- burg will soon ave;or a 'wotKo1 .i .'The total exports of wineMrom Spain in lw!yBjp72,0gail5 value, inn fS 0!ft'V fr.nra were, in jaaajnsjgio ..:w.i:Khr,o' -JAtfrnerican girlllw'Tj medal at the recent examinaict Ihe Uol hge of Bcazi Gf I?I3T AThorbas writterDi a.bofikri Thnzltaf froted a.a Dresentlo.tbe city of New.Ywk :JkW DWv?s' letter wflPeVtaibfy akehiia.no enemies in Winnebago county, ys the Chicago Tribune, a Kepublican i has a poem on " liainless August," wruien n July by a -man wlurdiscounted the prob abilities and eot badly left" to California, and sell them cheaper than - ihl0ttt&i4e tha i Sbaten datraUiiificJ that there is an aa valorem uuty oi per miss ousan Augnsia uemraore hooper, daughter of tJiftjiovelist, is at the lead of an orphanage on OtsegoLake, near ooperstown, , JSheevptes thcr hfe to the mpport and traVniogit)f the inrrfate. The Philadelphia .papers -take dfi'dito'tfieSuffkestion- that A'ntfrewSoTiW tern's tailor.shop. be exhibited at the If ationaU Centennial next year, with the origipaj .sign- J board banghig' bat, bearing tnisword" ArH Johnson-tsnior-.S thjjo . TtKTRala Saint. I !;iaa BaMmore Sun, 23. IHTA . ft . ..The legend . ot Su Swithin hao at iracted mtwKaWJrtiMHthMli'ear in consequence of theremarkablft rainy Weather sincheh nb ''ie common aiiitgcui trur liirances- feffect that as it rains or is fair on St till be a crontinuous traoieefl : juii'ii'. foils' i in hi t iSev ngiana s losses uy ureior jHiji f eot jto W te&9 Iry vtiHr-fos;ifc ?ftirtyldayi5u- NVHqhalb was.the.toat.of.thaTQOub nur. On to-morrwT.Jkib ii.st., the try for miles-tArouwdii&Hoaoitfas 'the orty day?, which Vhisyear began With deftf that sLUhqpmm weather has characterized the forty pays, now nearly at an encl. The re fcorrfiwJrt qaiBH3y p?eir3 tear.Hir-JtfiaUiy,MWjasjCT have followed a wet bt. lb within V St. bwitBi waft tbisaop 4on W in ch eernflfili about 862, oyj. enOUgU UJJUXitKy-lt!KllU4-J tMVllUlU jtvas born near Winchester, and was a bfttfMfJ tae'idld abtatJWihtlin er, ana inougn ne aiea a Disnop was Itrerefore what has noeien termed a directed that .when heshould die his body should be Duned" undera ctbe-it TOnlWJaiiV16 cnurcn, -m ! -a 1 -,. v a . . irnicn uncomtortabie state it reraam d for ngaj-nBJe6;a3hen he clergy in a Jbodv began the re moval amidst great pwlftPto the Ca- thedraK ofuVimierWhe.zTi)te-; inonybewjeyt! waAiterrnpted by a fieavyvonraff Of rain7; which-c.nntlnnff Tere iriuteneu uy hib ram, uesiftfu f d buj,f a ch- ' over tbe' remairH xn the spot where they lay huried. I pMfithWiniJtdf ntigUmm llf wnicn nas neiu a piaceinxne popmar mind along with other traditions and iluperstltiopj for sfmany centaneft. . J Te ln7"e. j.f dePf SW!? banks would indicate that the Indus- riessmTOlating,,n rftari drag r4'fie otrt of-lR; The statemenSOwe.Si York sav- i. 1 1 . 1 V . -r i Era??.fl hdPNoiofte,will oil rainy gregate assets mMpskf 5Sf 4n i vi. m aft aarataa"kA a- otn aa a I a m n a n I . , I I . . vnwvM a ma mn . 1. J Zm. ii ihe lamest since 1672. .IT niioT v i i'j.i h'bju Kin 1 1 f 1 1 Some months atro an Orardii : j vnir-,, -yj" - I went out atf mirfaflFVJ ,OLO TIIOEH IN KENTUCKY. 1 A $AyviUvKmn the CiMberJafid fiver, wiero i a cavern wnicn can only onl v oe enterea Dy aiving into tne water. and which has no othr-4ighfc tbtm- tnat reiiectea from the bottonao river. u;wai acciaentaiJytfiBdofivtr by a youli TrfditftT "ShleT, whileone day 4mn&jui LLiauiii wliHilrnii Uuti IdroppedixcutxusaAmwtXtditlii river. IThe Indian yonthr-who discorvered it jf or a lorg1ft,tti'JBre1f to him self, and wouldjoftenareeort to it in ihis loaely haur&wheTe. hit. the aid of m flihtand'Kpfeoi wonld kindle a fl dl Itastln n looking at the magnificence of the lions of beams fronr the tnumerpns jstalagmites and stiiatiitit giganw size ana ianTstHj-iiormBiKT.iie,t ' U4 1 J fill ksame enamorSdrfth-iP .bian'tlfun (daughter of orp tflStbeiba.eiroa4mfcii I J.1 11.1 I A mi . I In those days ihrdAUghtbrtf of baokl wooasmen-con idrtBumni'i de, and han dle a gun Avith all the Aextrifcyaclr beared yateTT,and,i the; .inideni ijad&kLy iol trcnfWliispisonMuV be j thelcci iWbhaiWallaJmllaVJ ihbri stdie- ffP W.sooji aftef iifch4ri3 to the settlemenJaWtelJhftHa. TOtliid'l that the plaee-had-ocgn- attacked by the foe aiht-ilivsmbTirBfc to the Kr.p.njMJ4 ,,, ;im parents iOignearn 1 T1Y1 ai a I utouraeu uer as ueau, or iingeruig.iu,, a captivity to which death worilcr Te" jfar preferable. The young- ebfef -w4s jQUtdtfSt in.6is laarientaiDfagosover'"tbe lost eiril iand at the; tarc Hancri ht hifil tribal .svi'OTejjtlia;! dires oeiigfettrie ' against JaerjoaporsL.iA.ti:- theiimlb i)ortionri.-Of the SettieAifentr'toWetlltfr ' vwthltbie ifrSendiy wbioli-thfe DUBtgHchief UValIahallai iblbnged,(; started in pursuit of the foe to r6'sctid '; tne cirl. After a lone anrTtMroos Uatriheyiokmetiipon the fSertfWiylb J thea JieighboTfioodfof iwhereIf etr5pj us vjity, in., zujnDsxaaaK A'iurious attle:wafe) foazutL imhwsh i tife-at- ckiiagT. party, 1 1 feeadfed il by 'VoTink Ybafiddaltideathliarid'estrueJ ' ion: to their foe' tatil i therr' mnitrrii -J ' tion was exhausted. At this nioiilefyt ' tbftnebesrxy'IwaiC reiafob9d,3attdlthe aitao&ing:iaxt.9!ra4 oomjjelled. tV re'tire.anrbss'thdDMoJuI. T,HMld.noI I Ltbe lathee f Agnetr' Jobonl Sxr&i ilmost crazed with grief at the Ipss 6f ; lnlbMofediargiteKL Irf higredt igbny he published to the tttiOpd1- thfe1 :oAldWin2:ainbiiBoiientKl nikJ. Ic. ;he, xefeouKr -Qi uif dailghier f rdni 1 th iandattEejInw&s boinhand ib'ar riagej)fiathinasaria adrof laiid; pno punareu ueau oi catue ana-iTiorses, i i r j "r i i j . .r .. i y - bne hujadre'rSoiAd'sjfowdetS'a anv ,arii .The TOa rent) and Jifctrnstv . f rf- !ndsTithttaeictin?ttfo9e who: v,ere;td: gbi in pursoit f the' lowas' Tiii' leafch oi Agnes ItobertsoTfti teturnea ;o their settlement on Little Rive$' iar thBufiLCema-MT kfiWwii mrt KUrMv in Trigg county, Kyf toiib'ufldthfilf1 ItttsTfcBfdjthe Btefcfcade5Jrhich"th'e In- Separated himself frotef both1 1 parties;' 6jQ,a,(Py 9- ?irfitoua. rpaite;, winded his itarvirja-' FThe full moon shoJUe;foTth!inrdll its ! 1 J A 1 A a . J 1 fk.l ai spleadqr on the .night of the 2oth of jjuay asxney roseTo tne surface or the kvater and entered -tlWif canoe' to rfe- turn to h "iTnigfiJffyrlr 1100 barents. and to receive the rawMMlrfm Betffle1toentnifowtng occactotfol of 33tfrWe4efha reiyAeiiaMeHJWJjQisianai) worses. battle, 8kinsj5e tjCu aolaxgex jegttentd W$ worl.d uJssliidxcept-jlh: treat gift tafcer mraj) tiranti jjOf thff Waten men wharfMftttlri- h,rd tq ofir thejr secaeSj tJau rAniifeq Kobertson, pot one rtjrmd) tfii give in his expf rieno.fjgftpri rtfe'Jreneral imprjfsaipn existed a, v that, .timet bAt they were eithe,,e44oahwkd:;rr burnt at thes;ftfakeri5yallahAlla wat-i-ied a Qhangedhisname.toJBobert- feon. Many of bs..desfepda&tS7 Jiwed'i P;lie.a,& nH.r,n?v.9 .ftfrAVftW ;jnw known as . Crifjedep nop.ijpt7 v;aftdd T f K rtavana tottery, 1 " of. fo,ooo;4 ij..j:;M.o;eo J 10 " of 1,000 each u 'Im.oOO m " of eaca.......... Si. Ion 85 ol 800 uH..O.:-JT -1B6.000 Clrcnlan wllli full 1 n tnrniatkm sent Aw. . .ik:kta-i n?ay 7 &wly' VSSj. . f'lhteKl notsfiiifili! fdJ loiits NOW IS YOUR CHANCE flO.flUY WATCHBS Clock and SllvlwtertnW-redttcStaV Holid t'l'ver and plated edods, all of woictt Lbave a One Feluctlou. plain Mold Wedding RihtrtJrBBC'kna HetX Kings, and allklnda of. KOpde carried Jn ftrr bl- ,felfy''BfOTei,'r7otfefr'at emtliedttcfcd jiriceo to suit tbe timed. I rfve all work my personal; attenrion and gnarentee tatlgfaciion. Old Silver and uoia oougnt at ine nrntBrpricc nTgneBrpriccBT 1 uloq. aiBt"AUJKN,l-iP .intuit ii i - j. D ft . v ...a. inKFlfKTXM.INs I j 01 .tq-iif ... . VHVfW.Y .scon')! LO Fieiatrt artielea brthe-FiHST aasirtBfM pmr an w &nNia i iau.imDj aiaittn !"" Tunm; dff. mas about fifty f eef A3vde, and about pkjjl oi meir iatners ajaa ,xrotners. iArriyingthelaVldyer disan- bendthw4b l' dff ice1" rof 1 toe 1 hmongT tiremWadlatiaHaVao sfepd;' forward and tendered their seryiees'.' ' tChegirl hdreerf w C f oitWtt tqaify, way xo tne cavern. in,. searcn .oi: nig gloved Agii'es; Vhonilie found fn al most ae tttrviriB',fefetilittoWJ'Ji'' 1 oj JyUw.sJOOwOOO ' f Ol .... ... . .v: . . .' . i '. . RO a . a MKKtdAN a& av u.wui raweiBIIH'HIH1tICnMrMn MIWkMMI'4VarUlllliririMI1IIIII whlrh will K. .n..M.!.. k - miscellaneous: K - iLJ - KJXi II I . tK niATA ndilAil nnnthAi1 Klnnmnr tne nne, and ifii.!saticipni n Utl! ttie'ProiSbt AanT KegnJarSanibg oTthetel inava inn wifn TbiTiiTmffArlin ftfpjimai. thAiv Afl inn ran fnr Ha1v In nhlrkmAnta "nBlM;j)ff j4il ol Hk' iWtJiBJn9n3NJ6ii' H IVo book can be better iitted to.BroTide .aea-eeable . tunsitol sniertaniment mingled Vitb "lnBtractioh, jttiantbrf v? ilstuJ'J fid) So Ji'i'tuq "nil It .i 5;jsduSmsr Honarcn ! n 7 ": LniynJn-; it.iria iio(k-m JaifJ'-n U' shmim. ry 11. ic i'ALMSiu asBiea Dy. ij. u. iMebson It contains the binetcg ScnooL ojwse.-jmwl J, (ChuK h Music Books, with'aHdhdanf eirefsee, etc.. WnOla kd4itibaavfine coAevttaa of isheetlal vXsity biees foe practice, thus rendering it qnil e aa iuterenl. lofty? good eAy 3Qle BaOt ulToLiil.i ifsofcleleg?b!eV45ftaoyn ins' Anthem Book ($1 CO)', both una. collections for M fT I In f1 TC2 I- fThe Utp t eoiltiolon of Chnch JlaHc by tkesiidc 01 lo TJIQJ.&kliZlJu&J Notqnite as L.reenar as rxpepairo.MjfttAqrtrfe J cent CUarch Music Books it tt variety of Metrical Wttfett, afitfi (nil Cvintains a great I in ad- U'.tion to the Bsnal binijiiiK hchool ConrilU Ofi iibld by ati'misJc dealers. Sent, jwst-frea, for it ottDriee. j.jiUOflLiO nmi, i nui 'rONSITMKES Off PSXSXBTED MIUlKHOLXD alt crmjjmM piHainAir whilb-i-ji--(ii I Jii ji iu- yaJ I.J Lrji:iii-Ji oh jhuJ viii I. Inniformlr weijjha 1K flM',wfafillf to tbe can that bther Brands weigh scarcely ooncaa. n-d Tbe difference in weighfM Cflafl W 79 "5enf8 per-! AUG slcmm tol Irs i rtftfiiyw " , fTTAYrJia QUAIJFIED-tAS ADMJNISTEATOR LEI. of Ihe'estate of Emanuel Nntr'Uotice la hereby ainBladeredSatvUlealiibiitbaeame traaei,'J tin or heore the twenlT-firnt dar of Jalr. I87f. W sell one ot (t& boc tm4tteea irtaBda .in tb. JSortheru part or tcgcJ,Jl)iiajcQntain8 V rooms. Store 35 by 30. Any laTorm&tiOn triven hy r Coraer Ui.aliarnetL, C.iVI'il Sampson! ii.To (CITIZENS' MAKKT, NBAR.COIUfB, Becond and MArket streets,' will ic 0010! at prices to ii lo Jeoin adJ Liytai Ti aL-rwAT30Wi ,1.J . . .... .... U3 j' Orton"Plalitation,"'""! ttinK..f oiiiseraajrtaa ,on .otharwiita-.ireanaaatiiff n tne laaTs kftJVrt'aa tbelCtonanUadsLiii 'the rfnty.t Brtowtoo .344diiwriaibsua1aiKktsei 1 game ai ui.Beaeojuangaaniaepreaa uui iu miter muu munt imuuruiH reopecis. nave sndered it necessary la DQafcCfcetel iandw audi aWrJ Douce is now.PITen mat Uus kur will be nadir an. .nJiou Ja-jiJi EauVJ l7!iiI:tnoil 9iJijaiioTOi uilj La ,t$A iDJU'OTttDjTO Ji uJ l 3 yd Yoait3i feidl tiTiiiitoaiij ol sio&t buJ Fl-i'V7.ATrNATrjTiAl njSTOBY, .FISH JCTIL- -ui 3-miiiiw 3io)3 odt Jsila ol fgonlewd 1 kfteflftnrn'alfelniP tofe1! .. . . jsentt lor a Bfteclmen Copy . aaiotaWfVj(QtoaeiB;n HoiryWeekhr Hertt? ruismsuju) kvkki 'iguiiSUAY MORNINQ , ' 7u-3iWSI.pii-f U Jim e"r. Dno- rcttJrtB 1 w. n.-pernara w our aamorutea Agent in wu ;a4dl'ia4 ol : hLta j'ncJ? kK-a inn- ol ut7 fcjanairi'iau j PUBLlSrlfiD KyKR SATUKDAY M.OKNINQ, . v l-33ii8 dJiuu 2?jjl3 Jo'''-intiiKr5.- l4'S.:Gdaal'SfrCMcag'(V, j ill iiiBV 9l'JTJUO -.'r-U t .t)..-.i?jjil'l liiiiil Hi-juivjn yiirTa.nl eijuiuriiifij J;ijl h)Mf.!alf'yar?y?tiiS.0!Kio f)Ctanlftr8u1crtiohi ikost ire- Yearly 18a.(41altw . 9: Milliards, and General Sporting News, Music and the Drama. .owTti atdaWilliaiBdkrr.BOI.rjMmTniftnhMU' Hmif, tK.lta. iiamup anyming wnamg in any wise to demoralize Bteamers fronAire)fsyoda f.ad!wtfLH. .i.aiw tCompanT baa determined to adDDt retraJar aauinK sun wffh t ha aTTtt'ffnnin RTMnnop tliANi flfl hA I actn aatt aTtrUlhK, la qaillefe, ase, Ball Oriektavs rH!radajnloaitminntj ivo .tlioaa JrU ST OP EplM;c D I )JYV loifKtfuarracii y)n!otBitvy ?m( jtsj'! -Jul. till! ivliAJlS.WJ "1 TS!n..rra "7 " . "iin.Ti.ii Tl'iif 'Ilf! ir.t',!HU VTU.HfUtjj-i- ill! JlfX itjr L'liiiiTfr jdAscsTCrn'! -noAii "M-wm V1BJl0riK)SlfO 7, - . L . 2oJiiq-! ,e-aiinH'io- TM'uuts silt .10 Or'Hlte" Sill ln utfiltm- xiiiT.ftvis irftAi.wt hi- st .'.fi i. T l tihiii r'. r,iirvti!r V. :,. - ... . ; . ...r ,.. tl ; NMMaMaaaEte.aWaiaalaTaMaMaaajaaaajaBaaaapaaaaa " ! ; roi I - i aTHaHTTOggey THg lBQCJa ggSPEOTFULLY INVITED TO THE FACT THAt'THE t JL Carolina Central Railway bein coropteted and lna at WilminErtoii. bom VlaXnrect Bteamer Lines dfphia, p(orkBJKnfl4 lofeupej-unequaied i Eutlicrfrlton. Atilievillc. Kutlicrforto. Asliejlllc, iGreclilen i iftpa Haptiurgi 2 tjvtious o'n' the Atlautic.'Teun!'' Ohio, ApanUivr radni-AlUiTOrfhU3 nnd all !W . ASSXaJt. . 1 H. TOLUSM. 1ko3 ovok wja fji of fjjTin.tfnl vVjLi'j-j' Corner Front aaa WpcV: tn.lhiA I - V:, ,T . , : , .in aw rra brs 'Cbulitty mercliaSta1 'will So' well br -caii: BKANClIEp. camnron ns and examining our stock. ,gJi.)i.H;T;fiJ:PP.yt;tf p j Grain, Flour, HTj and alao Freb Moroond Qteal,eart JloBitny. r lm4WN.wfterWflm ftprtoty gJilwrahajBa P)pArinf:MDhi 7j UJf TT i't,7,-7i V is"iWvs:i " J T , n I ' U. 'it I -.,.tT rWftAJLi,SiAWM'-ri-.1 5,rii ... i ........ ........... J- . .... r . .. . f& -M-MalA-MW.fiw. V 41 tftdnieytIia,- lo 9!a dn'j)niTx-ni .d i-dm v m w f-u.-i 1nW7-DWtr yti jnifiwf rt i 1 1 s nohiv rry.yiBXTJB eK and in accordance wrra; the pro visions or a certain Deed of Mortgage, fcxscated byAlTtdhr Jf ttboiar lo Michael Cronlyv l)u BruU Cutlar and Kobert E. Calder, Trustees for The Wilmington Building AssociaUon." dated the S9thQr,Jttly, AD,J8ba.an4.braid ttTostees assigned to aid-' eorporatkm'inife' WDminglon Bolldinr AasciationVrby deed doted the 8th, day bf April, A. D187r, theiindersigned; as ittonieys' fotj& Mrttaoeey yrt il vn SaAnrdayx the 1 Ul day bf Sepumbe. A. D. 1875, at the Conrt House door for .cash dy Dablic auction the foUowine described lotor -paicA of land- BttBateteid Ctty if 'Winning ion; Airtaninir In Ihe norlherm lin of Church etreet.1 fcteSty-fWdfeet V roraibB liortliweatcrn 1nterBctiAi4 pijUorcn;ianaiwa BertwceruBwnaNwewrc nno oi tjnurcn street ... . - . . - Kith Fifth street sixty-six feet, thence eaauvardly vwMiwjJHUi imam otwnm.4ioftftt,vP !?a au?10-p3Qd . ... Attorneys. aL otr.itiMiQrKWi-Tffiiiirrr! Jvii itj'jl ifuiii ni ptiirii l7 i ' 1 1 1 U.u(u i'ii j i. yum fcrijfe JMli Lua fciiiisiioiii it;e ti )i.J ff WACCAA CAIfa.FJAJt .pH-BEATE? J djiJ ,'ni'il.fH I C IE j1 I'ai-timi t .o VI - i "(Dry SaTWfr anVsflRS&ed). 6rr r.t 9:a d fdwjxioJH 9(fl ,pJt -j ''.Jeo i uacuo unt 9tt23D aiiJT la vaLnsJesv i WCTltJBtTIBJXfeCHlto-VCHBaba Lain ro evrfvl U "li'i .uiawLya cKti-j-n Nurrn i :aniitnA khi rotdHi weuiicaii nointa in (jtuitiiid aju. Aixinma f .. ,1 .,,'.( ,: tntlranVd f nim Eastern tltie truarahcpes aa low as a any otuer line; -no, termmar or transrer enarges, and Kalev alwayii mm low a the IW4l.l KJiiiv i-i: i- riltifL :?.Atl:i'l lf.. Kats to ail points furnished upon applicatlfih" to the nndersigneor OSce In Bank.of.NnHanojrer building. lUtfl. n I "o7l JLA84: GeAeral; Freight 'Agents AfLta ;3L OcC i I iiuiv I nn I A" .H i j lll.i , 1 r F(S t IM POJbSTEUi: J "'ABSIftlPrto unl oil ? u.iix b'ji - A Inn KiiSWerick, MjasdlOj jMjib'tffMM And Other. Brands, of JJlUiOJ U tiiiU lulliiS lVO! lJ9l 1!37!:!0- -H. BuEEHIHEEi' ii ill !i .ru.i.aTu.l'ii ' - - - j i. Si! t) l MH-j; .' -r.i.,iirf:ii i ViU i Iiif i i?it..i j - iu.080 uito 1 si exs ; "v-tt lND YBAMES . GAUZE . .AND , LACE. 'OUR Second Stock jttatecdlvd and; tolaale low -b1 !. .b juneS7-tf air -tt.i uVv artts i ITNATiaMlBiJfiSESSEMGbiA! gHAvU 1 11!'.-- nftTrPidlP rrloe- of.iiieBa.-S-. artists or my profession . . - . : : r. ' r ... . ... i ; Tim HillshMa RM..rf.. ' . r-- JJ?1181!6' Orange .and r J"'Puo pr x.SQipeuiB, lx Vila ft lo -loy J.j ri iMftlsfel W .Jniaio; udnit A fljfe Jon fci Jl r - li.m -iTnASir" ol3 It. ii n.tfj',M-( ! i SiJjiij :i'jl;t u ni fcj'jiiv . , J .1 t . ' l ..I I :ff-nf ifj'LUi iitTolntJui jon yii . LIU TjIQ . 1 f -r t irasi ! fT a . r ir. f -i 1 i I T I f If - - , . t. j ".U9; lo oSOfKj ydj yd f)OVflljsih fjostl IU ff-j Valil U ii-.Jivl -5 f H t , , ' y-N ..-r-s f f . i ... ..'.1 . ' "I' oiw.uf.jjBuao. twwwi nonnral PvAinht Hlnnpfmnt.. fully equipped for buuinu ufaga th its connect- ana via weidon AnO'ortmoiiu 4 IfelUiaare, Phila- lacuity tor nnnrtiint; snipments irom. j iGrectiTilIs.ii Snartanbartri 3o 'jib r0BTeliafasa 1 1'J J u-enerai bUTJ-tsaUHice I Jt;dj" 'i!fd:df'T:f tt vtorii bni: (UT? bt-1 iTTnn?rT r rr X T ir- r lol iior-il' v tr. ;?.rt v.i'.y) HC1 1!' "K A if! t . 111 . If il j j:d fi HHlcj'nl mIi y j'd7 dli'oe'. s iGhattsr df Scheduled -f 'ft nt ir't f .t .tififr: f.-ft S '.':tfTI? f irVW A3OT AFTER SUNDAY. JTJLY 4.T21. THE !LI rollokring 8hedafcJ'iU e ran a iU KoaAf i ' TRAIN CDally). ljs!.HJ'i. JLeare wamiaiiliiU..UVj;..UtLiU'iaS rv M. 1 lave Florence. 1 j. j- 12:20 A.; M T ..... T7IV ' .- a.'i J ArriVeat CblumbtaAV...:'...,.::;.. - Ja ' A M ... ' . . Arrive at iAdguetalu v. Ta.ua kntmata A.IK T U Lear ClumblB.'. . J i .'. . Vi . i . 15 y.! MJ .."fe-",. ....................... ....us. j.. itt.. Leave Florence..,..! h,,,. .lt:ia i 'Mi Arrive at Wllmtogton .... . . . ! . . I .IT. . 7:10 A' It Pasaeneera goiua w8st'Lf8tid -Columbia take tnis train, leaving . umwtl a ir. M. 1 -nl.l 3x:Swaiay)i Wl vhVv?J Iave .Wilmington Arrive ac Florence Leave Flotreooei rj ce, ,.112I;05 PM Arrives at Wiimineton..,, c. 62 PM i Connects at WorinceirtthN.E. trams for Charles' wj ju mi iieiui;i rait) rwiin, reaengr vvaq( attached for Columbia Mondays, Wednesdays acd, Iridaya.! tj; .isiwi V. yil ) iniu il in w.'jTi Tliro uJi Frelb ( Train Sal .1 eoep t Arrive at Florence-. ..jy.viiy.'LiiJ. A.'K.-' Leave-Colnmbla?. . T . . .... . .V. L "J.l.S t ' ? M. veatwiiminsrtoo.....,.. .3K P. M. ) Local Freight -Traina letfve Wllmbigttm Tuesday; Asttv?? WifwrSLWLW JTo". tUtl Plf Throneh'Sieei puano hnlya-tf 1 'Vr Wilminsf ton1: "W eldoa aaaawiM.tT XkgQi of .iSchediile. ON AND AFTamratid9TB(J'PAiSS3SNSEi! Trains on the Wilmington and Weldot Railroad rut run aa roiipws : i Jtill tin I fit ivuv-c'uA. v'lvtiwo If adT ijere union foay At , ri:w A, M. l3yfl,Weldundily Lsitl.tW...iiAk 10J5;AJ(Mi union OepoUUJii a j&ifJt; Union Depot daUy- . ....At 6 ?0 P. JJ. Weidon. live woiaon. am iv i na o i S3 arm rout te:' Pn K&ti&kW0 .slnil.- ioL! W tdl ITKlUUHT 1KA1 - ' vmV- V Jbsw WlHislswIj 7aAMBB4CtntiiNaulT JWUBgtdnVN;je.!' 'il ''Tarboro K, iri w :d otttueraiiiouse. j. .' - )TT6AvirrE Btete IN .PRefDtJCff GEN" I JKAl.,aY;nilijj ladelpMa. t iiJtka Tiit LoT.rifti iiamoe.i r.;.i ! VV "W.wnftaF, J0rwrfl,h innou-aoq adi -iolLif.ni:i d ci L-il:) ql;-, uiUU7? Sill ttt TW '1 tinif-.n '-; m ,!hbsil Lna sivijll ajili V trSi jjippaajg, eanesdays, and .Fridays at Pas8enger9'fbJChale8tonfcColmbia and Augusta? ana beyond" Bhould' take Wight ExpressTTainiwiil' rriiBlWrV 11 rvflriliV, iw wieekly at 5:00 A M.. and arrivbVt-iWrw . O Will ItHVH. A' k..i...r.. .i 1 Jj sr a MISgELLANEQVS.- American Taste! " ,AV!i K1 S" j IssnelVotfily?0 KA' 3Iagnifideiit-Cd"n'ceJti6W; Wonder "" u';fuiry-'carriea4t. : utr I I- it Mil t ' Tbe necessity of a popular mediun for the FaUarei whiclj tatowiaiy oBawWtelckwf,!, e In this country to establish an art journal din 1 . pv,: S,roTtrthe-iaweiita of-tlipepteof ia'mww?i ihe xlaraift of high art, 80, soon as a proDM 1 brSciatiolrof fteia'ndanablliVtenVeM S .JS" 1 Jl w its support, and tbereanlt was:a greaiafci i b h Aiirn. IT B A.1W n 1A atdltifii m nH .. ;hatctrlatic of ordia; ; of rdiaaryriodicala. , It i" ' wlectiion olWctaresthl ; r.rJt ... bantmlBcellafl tow tnens ftnong IHFvuuiUQarirnnt..:. btu.d.P7at,b)Crofliear.r.; V" jublicayons may claim superior cheapnehg ..;.,. I . .. a.a ...iinnu anH .Hmool ........ . : . " " I iTr. " ' .-"'JLt ail,- anaiproclielat)Boiate',y -Wlthont comtiwiti": i fcrice or chai'aetcf. Tbv ijuiiucssoi ni -vcomhitZ iron. Vfcliilftl'HR.A.l.THTJW iJ . 0i.i.. . flirt.n.r...i: institution; ft'dos not conilne itself ewirely u,l"' kiodiitoBdf atfait-1 ! mi-a! T" ' (Will -uuriuHuM wwyeagroaBG8. of intriii i. rnerit.. . Tims, while nlacine before ih. r........ . ..J ml e XT.TliVf R 'a a. TpjuMhv ihi.f.- ro-' 1 U UCL1UUB W. HlrVB WU JUnCU artist if Mil l. . : ; 1 1 .. 1 U. .1 1 a ha 4WAn ... . : . !ww I gwiBg eaoscnnewaii ine pa-ure .,l I 8ieibn o.ntaiMbl frohomeoiforitH iiginalTltniTliai atOlNHiia to Import u,i , to,!;, And,ita magnilicKnt ttlate are ti kiMt mm appropiiatd tor the satisfactory treatment c.f duUie than can be afforded by. any lulerior paj-e. i L ludicioos interspersion of landscaue.mar.ni. 6,.. n kad aninial subjects; aastain ail unabated m&mi uqpossitMe) wnerp,iie ;op or tne worn kunlii.u the artist too closely to a .single sivle of tubii-. t ' Thelitetartrlior TtUtALOlMJifeaUtTbtwitf p. fal acepmp aunaent,-yorthy .of .heartisUc fearur with'only bUCh lhnicaldlKquisitioiiBasdo i K j,, nfor vitb lba popmlw iuwiem f the work , ..ii jeEaJBMiBiaajJEQiSjisr. itctori ; f Willie elcome in every home, r Everybody lo BaChdoe. tod the 'Portrait Is executed mtM t8 . th0 Jif e t.S5 sees thft-Vritable presence ol the nlmallfselr. The Kev. T. De Witt TalmBce ti-lu ie to that bia ra iewfundland dog (the finest in Brook ljnj barka at it l( -Although; to naiaral, no m.t uu peea this premium chromo wid na.ye the biitlu-1; rear of being, binten., j.iii? 1;j .:. i t Besides tbe chromo, every adrance subaeriijer tu HB 'AlDlNE for -18? is constituted It TTK'lllliiT vTOHioipBg.aiiirifioN. TiefTnlcto'ewnafiie ortfein'alsof all THH A i.ni x v : I bUitaress Mshich, with other, painting and awwe T fngs,' are 6' be distribujed "among .the memucn.. tieqes, value at ven.A?i500 are diitributei a. poon'as the -Series Is fuH.' and.thS-BWTirds of each eeriesiasipJfWe lohopntelshed intheDext miv- feeeding issue of THE ALU1NE. .This fcalu.c m,Iv applies teberibereiwho pay for me year in ui tiancei Full particntar in circulur sent on applic.a tion enclosing' a stamp. " " SirB6CEPtlONi, , ZKTITLtHQ TO THE AI.DINK !OXa MAS, TBI CHBOKO AKO XKk AST UNION, jif.OQ pof annom, in adrauce, , (Naciiargefor postage.).' ; Spedinert CopteorTHjg ALDfflir, 50 Cti& THE ALDINK TClUL thereafter: be obtainable oniv )v sabBcriBtion. There will be no reduced or cluli tateS; cash! f er wibsCriplionB must be: Fent to the publishers direct, or-banded to. the local vaiivtu, IciUiotit responsibility to the pitUishers. except iu, .aiea where 'thevcertilicat ia given; bearing; . ilie facsimile atgnafore oaJtsstScroK, PreMdent j A-JQ A WA'SSERS WANTED. !. . ' -: I Any perscn-wishing to act permanently as a lix m anvastier will receive fall and prompt inforntatirn . if,ii';THftriflfiOiPriNv..i , : jan 15-f . 89 Maiden Lane, New York ! ' I t i ,' " n:i.i.l , : . ' Office of ,Clty ,lcfc an-dTreamirer, i city or wiutiSGTON, June 21, ib.5. 1 rJjrt. l.'iUi i . r.i An 'Ordinance JNRIlW'AOTirER CATTLK jlr.KG' ii1''JlinBnlBatLargeL,'S '; lllaur Okdainkd Bv the Board of Aldermen i,f the cify.df WllmlngtbB, Ni C.-as 'folldws: SsttnaoK L'jThat any COW or other f : ' ,r e,ATTLEi0B,ANf KIND -1 . i i 1 ! i JEUNNING- AT LAIIGE f" within tbiccorporafe 'Jlimlts'' of this city - shall le IALHUNDE9; b.the City Aln-shal, and Uie owucr required to pay a , . . , bef9re tbe stene shaU.be' released. . , j Sec. 3. Any prdinance-er parts thereof ounfliciing . nerewictt are nerepy repeal eu. TBS 1 BeotionanPrice I 'I'l? trr iiun'i ,f nil utt'.s iioh b tv. i ,! s ... 111 Iolia ft itjiw i;l.-:i ' - . JreecxLn Loading i.Gun', I Iahuiaclory, . Pioneer, U'or , . 'n"fKo ii (itslni) I' i ri ! ! '. ! ' weauoiikM'Sorlto iatrtHitu.-u the; (.heoeriviB! of guaranteed qualify and shooting poweivuvw rit tthc Lniced States. They are built defieauoed uamet- jMch:dnot V f Brand. , 1 ia inc Lnirea states. They are built witn wvry and re juudt- ii ; j denotekltsiiqul ljn one . PIONEKK 8 1 lo T Vs1.!.' to ' . TjOLLEY. . W . - STANDARD ... . 11. ATlONAu.;.::::?.r.?.l??:!.:!..:. ! . - Any ttfac tSTttt dbdv fc-anl may be feelwK! Wii li the greatest confidenae, as n Gnn, bears.our w... atatwe fib not thoroughly guarantee in even ' oneaU.1 ? iJ j fn-r i-.li' io He N. B. .Guns built to wrder. a alove pw.. speciartl'v8end for detailed nartidularS. Wirti :'-. .grated descViptiv04riceiaheta:an() ,teBtimouiai". , par Branch House., - , , :. , 4Sft'.aRfv,arai.TT. ! lit -I r , ' s I . J! .,E,y:.:G;bo3xicige, , jCfrartdb,1 "IVfiiahnni Co.'Tcrmonl. Fine-'Pishihg Eod , PSfWWj Wlrfitl3-it.o a.i!,ii1v i! 'snbVtnoflcy'ahW ai'UaVdnabUpric . . -.ii f on snort 1 rr.d for circular. j.iyS-r&V jwUectm of W(areswthe I xaragt..,? pf artistic BkiU, in . black, and white at ; a J&GUJcetxiiBrnTiui,oar-afftTrrla... leove vrdmane was aoeptea ay tne uoiru 01 Aldermen on the-24th day of June, 1875, and will 8 into sict,onnd after MONUAY, JUJSK s8, laotantt t 1 . 1 T..tt ftBRVOSS. ' - ... 25-l.f t 'Cltr Clerk and TreasY. 1 . Awnoirjn i A

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