W Vyi-. . OUR LlTBBART.LBTTEUr.v a. Number of New Boolca. Editors MoRsnxa -RTAyetfe. prising young Pubp"lmJQpV) Co., of Boston, haveustf issued a, carrii i ag little volume callea $IAt e in EktlsT whlctt embraces a collection of familiar epistles upon Art, LiterjrtgrJa-fl35iiIeiiceJjjB. Arsene Houssaye. These letters the bril Hant French author addresses tb "the Athe nians and AtJbeniennesfthe and in thefi be rvii iaralotitwt Wri sibie picture of the Paris o no-day its social me, its uiaiuflciennoo1 aa lile rv celebrities, Tits fashions, asninairma and innumerkblehVsel 6?if4tllfecaJ,noT Not a dull line can be founcHn tfie3ftoo which sparkles with epigram, abounds with anecdote, and nearly dazzles one by its constant scintillations of wit, iU .'aeVe'r persiflage and acutely humorous portrayal of men and things. Affectation, and a certain conscious air of cleverness and authority, may be en countered here and there; but where is the French work of this precise kind that, pan ho pronounced altogether free 'of 'such f mils ? As a specimen of M, Houssaye's vtylo.we quote the following: .ni-iiui "Paris dances "It dresses,1 self handsofafj ujij;; Jt laughs, or L'riuiaces, according to the luck o ing, runoipi fsoji tf4 0TeStSj ClS bail, from the Faubourg St-. Germaioe.40 ihe Champs Elysecs caasiog gayfty VihtM it is out of breath." , . You are surepfJmeitfingHat the Elysee Palace the :firirprkvaa women beautifully CfAoiienineSsi; but so ciety is occupieorffftt&ng"anr seeking at oi ouruivai luiijr. jcuu oucque saia luai Fty was nal tue daily bread o Paris. Jiii bread was always black; almogtlalHtrje bread was black. hpodrad ycars agtc everybody's bread iswhie,Abut caety no longer tlie Sally a(ifPia.X v 19 1M TIiu Opera continues throngfi4.1'5Vime of5 every circle would like.1 would like have iwfasfe U i.nable salon; but tllecHiftHemVeintofi: iTiT: the foyer, which is the ouly room really habitable, "A Ysfe ay he she cess belonged to sik 3'oung Americans, who occupied -the, enire eolomn ppo&AQ the : imtoriiius iladamfl usrdr hp-self Cn American contellattor with tftamotfds. "1'iicre was-neyer seen in ?k box, such ft; DDuquei " aureu "blond ".villi those American eye, whSchloutvledi0 11 Hie most precious sttwea,? -jia tv bL " One would have, said, they , were- therfr: "to defy the women of France, and van- I (iuis!i tbem on ineir own cnesenr. nelu. . j- En passant M. Housstryemust?be e&her a'. "-ry independent, or, a very, boJdmnny.U venttue upon sbch' flatfery of .alien i beauiyj IflieAa a Parisian beOe..amie, and what French litterateur was ever without one. we faucy the fair ladyVieyeaiblazirig?with'. itnlignatiori at. Jhis impudent; and nvncon cenied admiration of We8terQl46velHieii.1 Alluding to a recent ppp'Qagriiyn wbTcih'.t iia.l liurned down the, jhatHlsome- raidenee t Mademoiselle Laaseny-ia the Place Veri i!iic, M. Houssaye sajSc that the insur .iiiee cihpaniea'were foud ip ejami." s in my actress' horrsei 'ha'd been destroyed ly (ire during thte last few Vears."'"Bat be; t" il. "fiir foe U,fromi,.Jhe''(o accuse these " n..i'r;i!ion in their own liomebl At bottom- " i bey areiiOC3SMZ if at Gonial. " women ! Aa foriMademoiselle Lassen v. "ha viu allowed her adored dogs to, "belt " burned in theconflagration, she has given ".the best pfoof there Vwaa'bo premejdllkj lion. , A If the fire had destroyed "flierefy Act forers, "iremigMbepermitt&toiXiTrBT." How essentially fencbibia last sentence so well turned so effectively, though quiet ly sarcastic aDiwijJao.raakbf heart ietsness in t, iigb foweQmtt charac- li-rislift . . ,. Her&oucsppQ c inunend inW sn :esire enwrt.dnment of the lightest, yetlhel i A.y - ' a a it.A I most genuine lescnpll,on. . t-i : We have lreM.lEWrM third ;t3 a noble .'(grlgiaay-OlScsnbly the lirM Lurid of kis sediun hut kf late he has tu and tftsttffrrl A'oi only iiasJaa-'etft teJctlJifffiBSc-a-Brae si ries witk rare soctiese,' bat nov.we find him undertaking the preparation of anotber s' mewiiat similar collection 01 worKs en titled "The Trea?ure;'yrfverieB,"the ini i t! volume of which has just appeared from f hi; nrewj of Wt-Gilt A?rf. n Thia cOn'siMs t 'ourlesque" sketches f rom the miscella- I mes of Dickens. HobdIiartbrs AfldTsottrT1 Irving, Thackeray. , Barbarau Mark Twain, . . . . a I Curtis and several others. As a pocket volume to carry upon journeys, or in strolls through the. woods and, (quiet . suburbs pa.l :ity, it is justthe book' one ' wouldcbbo'se. iiitoush wit and humor and bruzhLfiari observation are embracedHa i30, 10 Bee the dulleRt lilnod and awaken tne most lethargic bramt WifhMt,paTfcuIar'', izing the essays we can sav thatthey it&Q&i flood. Some, indeed, passed long ago into;. me region of the acknowledged JUngnan classics. The work is admirably printed nd neatly bound. To the same nublishera .we axe indebted for copies of Edmund 'Yates' tasr hoVfel," "The Silem Wftms8,W! ahd'Wiikfe Cbllihs 'Aihia Warlock n&B-.i:';' ftim. ,-.:( Fitr Mr. Yates tales we'ackriowledee that ir aclniirHmn iOr1erlSrbTSr He whs seduced textile iflimeryi paths of novel-writiug (according-to bis own ac 'int) i)y the .mereadentiand we ritiier tlunktlutithpaic Jwaaid have heen no worse off thaq.it w. f the. iid ' jiiere arcideut" had ne ver occurred. 1YMr. 1 ai tii ctMicept tiou The fitsttiiul can be-aaidiof Ida oerd . Ill1 111(1 ri...... I. .. it ! HA. I n nnt'iAat 1 "vct 11? turn 11 uu3 ib uut iu ntin.ir, nd chances to" be'anabfei id cotir nmd any other manUifWWrf Jhvy.aje 4 "tainly elever enough to wile away an ftltl hour or two, but beyand'lhia we- deny "The Silent.ivitne88M .we think the,raost, reatlable Je-4eHiasobirairwlrr'tb the 'Kle excepttottTtlfejackTSheep.,' "hich (in mrtSF,iiT5 mTdeal more 1'ianit8 author has yet performed,, or, ip't , 'i"uion,i8"ever JieTy iw perioiiu. ''Vertlwlaaa S : full .f Lnltafun1t.4 nf '"m ruction. tvle rhurftctenzation ana I r!Mie-rwrWjliB' &dtMitf melo dramatic- ls.m pervades tWelrtfre story; and froVfa bej Vim ing to end.wajrio meet williJifary ,,uu, with a solitary event, which In some '"uuir rary , -V?88'?? from. "TUi jUent WitneaaTf to Alicia Warlhrk arifl ilie various brief "twits which form a portion 01 tne same oi j'oung gii, so preiiy in ineir la of tweliyfelra. Tberpweo es, and 4mnfi, laughing and-seo es 18 the nnnM of r.nnvrfUitlonallStS ID I : lion. He displanelryrlrigfBahtoyT) 1 i snane baa nnt been Dresentea io.ua. conteraporary authors? -: f - ,,f.. 1 - - .ine special style of art exhibited here, fwe teat jtf oesf jasaiajst but in its way, it is perfect. ' bold enunciation of certain definite rule wpwogjoaj ttfacUo4,nrhich ever aince, ha practrcally arried-tut, aa everybody must conceed. with unflinching persever ance,5 nd brilliant ' abilityV- . tL as a mory leucr. par exeeueruse. he is with- Va&W&rSBSfiSRm of . present miscellaneous tales, we have our author at his bes :u ' N-5" J ! sra..i ... it. It beeins. fof crii' uiwagcu, iuai eveu meir more re volting elements have- been. .mad tr rnn- LQ7.DUe.t9 Ifie difSJMOttttbe narrative. and by the writer,sconsummate skill, ele- r- ( . met jcooeioding iceam k mwparticnlalyo CU.CUMTB. jinajOi viBe poor, persecuted, worn-plQtlfcroddaUillis full of a simnle Typographicaily, Gill & Co., issue their "BTart nrAl.) 1 A : a Paul 11. IIaynk. Pennsylvania Democracy. .foka !f t!he Pennsylvania Detttberacdin&into the field in catopaigu seetff'fery .rpinisiug. It looks as kl)(ri would be between Ex-Gov ernor Bieler and Judffe Upset ol,, tie Supreme 3ourt, both excellent -raeiKi pl iae i -yf fMuqe-j several years Bince witn Kfuiarily. Judge reaii-CTetni-ana at' lvoss is a man ml hue? ability and thorough cultredPMe of the most gifted p orators:- lio Jhn btate. Should he be tiOmlaatedlitreloquence and, force asir public speaker will areufnnexceptional character, which J. 1s cdslderBbljr more than can be said ot tiartranlt. and preaLlv inssuuerior in every other respect; fi b8 Jnnr Ilald-Headneaa. x ins item is vurrJA' A man ' v- " 10 ew remedy to go bare I 1UI UitlU IICOU9. Xb 19 headed. f He.baatried the remedy for iwoiyieajs, arKL w-uej-easneiwa oaia, n&L dmylsrtxm&leaihe gtowthuof hair, . bustrngtbeus the brain. He says tony ana ail who are troubled with a lrMiarpgBtaM.try it- it costs noihiug and saves the expense tJ-i. i'i, -- TUB COPI'TKKTIOM... -T have prepafed the 'folIoWiug list of members-elect UtXhe Constitutional Couven- tlOJDt $5ittUt s!tt i&tr 'I i.hi iiiu r.V i -.'.it'oa4a') f Alamance. J.; K.'lSoviK rad. ! -i "-' O Aitxalldej'. lUubenOvVaaat ufisi ailuJ2H .J Alleghany, i Vaughau, c. 'A.Boorrtt. 1 . Uenuett, c: ,!Ashe. J. O. Wilcox, iud. . " 'Beaufort inrTPftmlicb; J. E. Shepherd, c. 1 r feaep jucwouaiu, r. . T , v Bnlnswrcte, JS. W.J Taylor, r gain.'- w . v 1,Bobcibe:,'!Tli68?-irOliIigmaB, D, tyAv- inan. c. gain of 1. i : -.Vu'v-uY.j" Burke, AjC AveryfCiE t-i Cabarrus, R W. Allison, c. r; Caldwell, E. W. Jones, c. tamaen, J. J-. isuamocnaiQ, r. cum, rtiQufl) R Tl Withers rJartefe JamE Rumley.rn rf r r t i P H t?ardt McUorkW, y nSSSr and Graham. J. W. Coooer. c. rQbewan. J. R Page, J, -XJaiv H B- iWnde,rfqni c Cleaveland, Plato Durham, c. Columbus, Forney Georgeu,c. . Craven, B. P. -IieBman, J. M. Manix, - r. Cumberland BPBn3eb6o,J. C. Blocker, r. gain. ( i fV.Sw Currituck. WIIJCgwellrcT. Dare. G. B. BUvearfeaini4. Davidson, T. C. Bobbins, B. B. Roberts,c - i Edgeoocabe, . . m . - r I W. P. MaosoD, A. Mc- Cabe, r. toe, r. - r 1 t Forsytbe. Jilejr, I Gaston, JonaallefftoaffcgSiu. HavWoodiDn 1 sasssfiS&lBSaca j10, 1 I Hyde, nCWWKXf ., . ' : IredelL ..aT.A-.. rcnwwK-y.-i -gut si I i 11' A i i PilI All f :i 1 C ii I , 1 Jackson. G. W. SpaKHnd., gain. - 0 Jobjaston, B. It Uinnant, P. T. Wassie, rH0np3 IdW W'':VI "'ff ! a"t'0' Jones: J. Jr. ocott, xnsbii eid TLenoiL.R- WKingJ-. gain ' TV . II rfll Unnl J - Mecklenburg, uen. . uamnger, 11. . n.err, r. giu. . , a TV T Tj A nrfuaoit M ;Tr "TT TW rr--r I .tw - - j , -r'.ta""'-'-"l volume, we Teel like one who "has stepped i from the, StUdla Of n. cummnnnla anrl which, so deface the previous work by Mr. ! Granville, L JtYonng.,X 4 Bulhpkfc4'h4r OWiaOWWf"!1'. woms-r . . located tat m Hcaattfal .and tadt&'Mtghborhood. i Guilford, A:'W;-lMM-gee,-AS.,lion, r. f-TC.rjn.rcTr . I TwnendFoPWolPiiKe3ieaciiiet.JOov 8""" l,lS2o k-' I . llalifax, J. VarV-w . u oou w, u, r. ,4,, .:St, tM t1" rwT "CTb vMoatgomerj. A4iep .qr.yaa. t-'.'f'. tfrd Ji&3mttj ltSr evWySttopie, , MitchelU J. VY- Bowwap, r. gain. Hitoncal. VUii?y,nd,,fien!iflc, which -a . a 1 ii. n a n rr v nAr r W.J Kt.' JJiaCK. T.: earn. n - Jfew j'npverdjPeder, G, 4 ffeupb, Onslow, Jajnea G. 5ctU, . T . . Orange, Hona ' VVv A.1' Graham,' 3 . Tur- 'Person. Col. J. W. Cunningham, c. gam. ! Rtti- Hon.-Tii 4Tati;i Wittltior, Kin i JpuikNv BJiHaKipton -14 -Radolplif J.W. BeaBi .AiiLLawe r,i wrra na. oH. Doekery.-jrigaiu.. 4 Kobeaoi, , Dr 1 MfiWt A Mf?5. RockinghmJnJC) ld4 JOfl? ;Rowan, Hon.-F E. ehob J.-8. Henv. dersonj;ei-i,' Jfe Rnhcfnfd. J. M. Justice, r. s ; 1 ' . ' T"v .a. - Surrv, Joseph Dobaon, c 8wain. f0 lY&OTIOI'II Transylvania, G. W. Wilfon, c. , Di jj Davia, Warren-J, iWashlOiZtO 1 CTttf 4ri TukBihalllmaUr Yancey, C. R. Byrd, c - iTum.il T)r. E.i Ransom, ind.. gain. ' !wil6?Rf WWngeltary, c YadklnVB.'F.'Jones.r. MISCELLANEOUS. Focaetumad Tabl .Cattery rja.i ta,H;-w:!ir J'JSftU 13,-1 it ., . ;! .7?,f0 r-l! kUi.".ii i - , .;;irr; Avvi-J' . '7 I .4., - ,(f t ttyp!l:! iiutjM-v'-tt a i i 1 ' ' " ITW i II lb IIl-,t!jlit lo-Suit i!3!:t( Olif it Ji ,niHTJ. MAfKRlALS kt. trte'IWwt prices.-Order by- mtU-N til ITli7v n Hardware Bepot- n i t i m i A i ifo , uSTT XjTf?4 ftbnbut wol! Kidney Comptetoti IK;- Probably'ttirb : ieofrlkWC "tiwtliitlfcrf Yhe. tuman Vetem whtah i$ go ltnla Underrtoo, ,atJht J present mute; as soniti of ,thp varied forme of Rid- I J . ....... . . V. - v n . B . ... w.UkBnimtl r morv alarming la its reijntts rfian yi.a-'thr KldrT aeV fan t ecrt .'frotn the blood and tiriff aciiL J anaomer powonona enDBtances, uren" tne piooa. ccamaiateg m itt ctrctuation uutraeatne rytenr. ,. I tf from taj caoae the kiiineyalallto perform tta raoctiona devevki ap thiiiia.-th-cainnlatlona ire taken up by the abBorbenta'aria the whole sys tem thrown into a state of, diaease causing great aia ana tnirerinp.'ana very oriea iminett'ata aeatn lenee the $mprtanee- ot keentne the ktdneya and ilood m healthy conrlxtkin ibroh which U th, Hnnqes wthe Door mast paWr Y-A J : 'J-F. Y i i t; t, There is no-riemedr known ta .ncdical science 4 WcVhaapiod5tlf mort' vaabW,la aseSjjuM ivuiuey . uajpiaiui. man uig v hjitim kt icu airvcUf uaoQ.tbe ecr.tioas,'!cJeABae i atal . parifiaa. the blood, aiudestoie ih wboloajeMm l jaealthj. ... mm I ThBrroJlpwIa? ejtraordljiiry jpnze of. : great MilerJ ra, who hAve been given np-by tba beat pbysiclana win tpax tor. for. themaelTea. land boald challenge the moat profound attention of the m-Mllcal faenHy, aa welv aa ofHhoae who. are J Sledlciiie.' I Mb. RravaKs: t5eaSir 4 am eventyJOB tears I if aue; have atilered many years with Kidney W. 4 Slainu-weakai.la4ayb:k and 1 stomach7 fwaTl indoeed by f rienda to uao your Vxoktink, "Bd I n A . n n u , . vm. M Vv.wwwwl ' 'taut 1 think it thebeat niedlcloo for weaknes ot the Kid- J nevarl'aweriMME lave:tried aasnv-reiBedlw f 1 thfaeomp4aiaand nfcrter fwnnd-enmeh relief as rrom tne y xsxraxa . , u atrengtnenaana invigorate the whole system. -'Many of nty-acqnatntancea hare tuk-n it. and 1 befteVc it to be good for all the coui plaima for which it is recommended. Tears trnfy. JOSTAH H. SHERMAN. Proneunecd Incurable. i II. R. STKvai. Kao.i , Dear. Sir I . have .been V.dly afflicted wiih Kidney Complaint lot tea years, have suffered treat pain in my back, hips and. side, with grat difficulty in - pass ng nrine.7 which as often; and m vary small quantit iea, f reqnendy aocoaa. nanied with blood and excrntiatiag pain. -: .' i 1 hnynfaithfuJly Uied most of the p-ipulw reme d:.ee recotomendetl ; for m r complaint ; I have bees aiider the treatment of some f the mot sktlirat Bbvifctatis & Ifestuu. d.r,Jaaaa brouoaneed raf casoiacajiableJ. Tai wa' shy -coad it ian arhn I waA advired I by a rrlend to try tne vsoetim, and ' qonld aue.tM Mni effartairotav UWaratdoae Iteok,' and from that noineut I kept ua lotpravls arntU 1 wai eq'ire y i:uted,, Lakiug Jn all, T ahooid think, ahout fell botthse. -- 'A ' '; It is indeed, a va'uable medicine and if I ahonW, oe aniKei aacsui ni uiv sanro wvj. ' wu.m eiiqhi dol lax for a nose, ir I conia not get it wttnonu - " ' Kespectraiiy. jl.k, .f:o -iiiJ I; inut.1 a; ..-. -i. ; u yi .- II. K. LWvTlni: ibfek SInertaaliig my thanks rat for benedia dedved from ihe aseof 1. Vkomote. aui W beneat other I will state; ,T r. r j When eight or nine years, oia 4 M anucteq wjtn, Scrofula, which madd iu appearance in my eyea. face and head, and I was very neat blind for -two wars. - Ail itmos or operations ware nenormea on my eyea,andaUto nogood reilt, Kinally the dia- I ewe pnnctrarwefaveav ra nrimTumni jobs and at Umeii nagaadjwa) Hi-, i Last Bommer I was, from tome cause, weak in my spine and kldneyamitwaa atthneavrvrhard to retain tne urinal Seeingypu advertiselHent In the Commercial bonghfe a poUle; of Yboxtihb. and commenced nr lag according to directions. In two c three day e I obtained great relief. After using fonrorflve bottle I noticed it had a wonderful effect an tharoosk, scaly blotches-on myJtMy -aeTj Ires.-I stiu sko. yMinn,' aoa ut uoawnHii sorea one after aaetbardisaapearad anUithey ward all gone, and I MtrltfB ah are at the twoidtaoaasa l It lam -w aCecM iwttawyfhiv; at 4he kind 4 wiiiiw in tin timit ni-iriTTf .ir-n t-j y n.ui agiai aliaJhjKaMBaiarrtoty--ruawei setti en thepart8pYTejK,eig My known.' ramedvin Lhe.whole world JorrcleansinKaadBnaKy-i ing jkeriiidt tftarenmng all the orsana of the oody. oms aeNwrawanwi July 80-PW lm. TVTHlfi ONLY rLLDSTBATKEt 3W EEjKifY IN I th Nnth, . Rirh t na?es. Fortv column. Con- tainine-more rekdugmatter than any weekly pnb TED AGE wiU be Issued on "-1 fl !J in.. s.Mrak IntimHa -mntimr it.an .uiattrataa 1 of cnrrentlnterettand give te'ronadflfetfame tfie8iatb 'SfertaJkno! ahn.Mt i mcni and LAtftiw nun wen con dncted editor departaiei. tawnjfjtuaj is fm sonaleraxy.sdilcPWm cemmorJatieJiiM'aW amoatit ofreaiamgaaer.UMniiwoytf make tUMW r r?V t'1 ionrnal ior, aWe, sewai-vcojtunna wd specially, devoted 10 all aobjeia, iBtam.n mestic and social life. i-bbt. iNn f.nlla .hailU hi KttMal tt. 1 I ! . . . . i- .1 J iu.. .nuiun . P.ktj O.V Habscr l'puon prtee'bniy- $s per - annum.-- itor. tune 10-tf Raleigh. N. i is ! y . Til A t-.Ti.( i t Mdit--!ft -!r v-.nK iffifViRff f rS TSir A TZH KA 'i b Oevbtad.to' beat orwmi ti i i O.k i rV IT 'P 7. ( af U. 1 LT V Oarqllnai to nw roess?i jnj vumwj i-m. i Aaivertlalnff Columns .fii MvrTinrJ wAwTYJlktAa T'Ailll.ia K ana xnn w e-auy s-eu- hStaiava Kates moderanai9 i smotibaau tiu to 9i DaRy -f-ana yea M w mcrtkj.tH;'-t?! JOHN ufsmrr VHtna w RSn TiVnVniJTE. Associata Editor., K. C. WOODSON, Local Editor. JnneiCtf pnntea on new type, ana nea t a m i itaf tvf iHrikitvihnfAra Will nf mnvur the best Wrfirtsbi yi.--.- . NtaeteeBtWnurt session begin flratofSteta.i per. or circular giving. rc.iuv aaa. expvaaea.aa dresa tM. IL KAWXjNM. AlIlWclpati I .ajinoiii'iJUJ'iu'i'i 'itfA BkttlQftt JlnstttEta fcrrlttSMfe, ! c Rew. S.'lTAyi.OR MAJtTWPritaar'tJif - owAwinrjCCr :, t The anaaal segslon, bcgiaaingOct. lai'addnaiBg Jajifc30th,i8 divided into two tenna..irnoot inter mediate vacation. Hand some huiidinm and fvoanda, and afh:iorj of experienced inatructdr ttoard, and tuition, la Knirli ah. 4100.. ter. term.- For other Information rend for clrcalar. 8. TAYLOft MAK TIM. Charlotte. N ic .. . . , ..v- iT: ' ' Five vacancies owing to enlatvetaentl ' AM)1t at once. llMdnatea rank high.' Beceives 'only first-' tlart ' boys. Four r coursef i - - Classical, Liberal.. pcieouncj comm w veBaitunp to Masters for fcennialtalognf. ,.'"r I 1 w B v 141 laJAt-a3-'aii' JPATBSX SRaVFBCtCIl.ATINO i KOTTO riPtoat-ot!k5elif.Ko..8,-Eiclunonft; VaA oM paatera.Vlrfnnlarand Xhe StattsftfojlbioCjtfolaia, ms ijBoatB uamiiaaanaueorgtB .i,u. This isibamost convenient. ooitAolaf .and tot adThrathee and Cleaner now.rmae.6iItXhgaabsi aptoiyianicieaaa tnore pa-fectljp than anyw her ateens 41 aa at oeu-jtffnjating- u;ast, twnicn aaeBHtnQ Diawing joyer oi.Tft acat an tmposeuniity. DeeoriDUipeuOataloensaMof lhisnmaeJdne.T'aad mlth'a Mouated Ya..iIorae POweru bromntly sent A' w n vii i in w ,irm.ii i. - LB AS ANT AND PKOFITABIjBtiilHFLOTi BtBSTi fxiBeaatital P Chasnntr,? r"i;Oh. owioveW-i! wvwhatare tberworttif l AoiitiBch re exdamatio hjt thfise wbowethB rirga elegant 'Chaoma tprodneed b the Bmweaa' and American Chrome Publishing Co. Thenar ail per fect Gems f ArfcO tJo one can resist tne temptation to buy-i whea l saelcsr 'the ChromoKU'CanvaMel's, igesua,-ai laaies ana genuemra out or employ lent; will find this the best opeaktg evaroffMd to n ka moasr.i Vtr full'paitlculara-, sefldatmnp for ronfldential cirenHu AddrearOLXA80N & CO., '38 Washiaetbtk St. I Boston. Maea. ....... a IherownGdftWGiSGo; 5$ .fi 'lM,J"'""'"Ji '- '4" A 1 !1 HOC it iHA. rino ,.4-, icbttL Bfl jr2SH, TffiaS rfciairtfei- a!! or t o w r i. ............... tra w on.Ki &ur Gins hay toaeJfcin'Tise.eWrtry-yaor andf kavaaa estaboafteci reputation ior ctmiuy, aac- i funatn; nbroAtOrjA and feviia3jrand yvmiittl r nut proau oea. or oaaaar is.asnyaitcaea .to ih Gia. and aarOy oaorated by any hand of ordinary intelligences aney ar. tne-avuMacaiana cnmiptsi r eeaer m the market and ieaa .with mars rwwtarwri than is Domible bv haudwincrwuiBO tA cutamina Ci vina- a 2saMft and &cUr amvU. At all Fairs where exhibited an4 -by PUnterahaviag them In nse-they i av been accorded- the, .higheat. wnconUnm.t 'Our I tirveaoti, ana no wnat lateqauan ox tnm rapuuy. andweU. JTodiifioia juirltqaijiedto4rlre the FeedorrCondienaer,andictoiIonMteeon plete withont theaM , We are prepared, to warranty' to any reasonable extent, jiertecs a&tiaf action, to every purchaser. Circulars, prices and fail in forma tion furnished: Address, aa . above, "or apply to it. P. Cvl0CI -WlTnalKto, N.C. ih":::;;mi Hii" ieeiiinye4ed itt 8t6k Pivlle i4' paid 000 swTKimOEIE WBi.-;ritUJ!,Al.H' How to DoIt,r a Book on W&U at, sent free -Hi) . . . .TUMBRIDOE 4 -CO., uu iBankera ABiokers Waa:St,Nv ILfi- tl TKi af ri" tThe choices i.lLO tors' jprice 4mertca atapM irtkvle pk The jcboiceat la - the-' world Impor- ljffgest 1 compariy m tease everrbodT--lTad Qontfsmally Incaeaaing-rgentaWaated -everywhere -i-btst Indncenaeniet-donlt . Waatotlsae aeud-ior drcolar to KOBKRT WnXLS, 4 VewY . &C1 ff: I r. v, sox ii. flbfrr A WEEK gnaianteod to Male and Female d9 4 Agents in4heirJoaUty, -.-Cot NOTHINQ L to try ltPincaJara Jrea-. JPV Q. ViCKZaY .,Angrtai Jlo. r4iu',.,7j"T j t ang i4-aw4WK. School. (On Va. and f emu JB. Miles West of Lynch burg y iJifiii3!ltdi Tne-tenm. Annnai Bwwom Degrna seyt. isth. FaUcarnahf inatractors. i3antifal and healttv. lcation. Pupil meabera af . the aaailr. For eata-4 l-aeontaininsi " ' wii.i.iam K. ABBOT PrincinaL Ballevne P. O. a.-. u. "f July a DAW 8w, S .J;:.ii'ft:L!f TfT- 1 1- iav: T ERQEN POESCrj 'ii.! J.iori Yoatfg Ladiea and Tobadtft-TiDiAiccM .I'M ill Mil if SO MTH r-r. r.vXDWaDg:tHALI- i o fir TVTn ro0NSsBrEs;riB "T ii 11 A IliO II ft . I.fff BYrES;riBATS, n-T b- itfd 8 IjJ g sain? -U!T ti 4 BOXES KdS 3 HAMS, lew to close ont by (tlOMI !wi ti ls I-..--.. .fii NT l 0 4 oa 0 jW) 0 3 Ol 0 j . ...t-.iio 4 Jua- It I J " - i - 00 0 U Jl rf j.tJC -W Jl? J8 0 i3 j. ln a ('';! r .a-..ij - iX K I " " A UtRGE A5BOKT?lENy Wf.T i o f hp.? yr nt 4 ( H M 0 i'Xi a ' 0 !..... ...sua auj?' i 1 . r: i 1 1 on 1. - r ' .. , 7 I flfl n E J-A' -j im u 1 .. i.iU. . . ! .. . .... ft i . . . .. a.- .. . 1 . 63 MartetfeWty'"' nnir .u ki.-r r. in 11 v. t;t . w Jersey, j,- POINTER- AND 8: OF JTHnT- . ? w-w iw t TT77 -STCI -TKFORrSSLEII ITT ' OT 833"'!' iJrfMv31ii.li TMJ'ji Hiiii 5 3liB " Dr brokentbJ0Ooghly ior $M COf ilTor fall par tdaddeJil-'1l('f-!'al'f, ' M M' si?"! . I -. ... . . m . i . i ... ... . a -- tu ll'J W.lT Vlt IU - aiar SA-DAWtf ; Ne' kltiona iaAii3inq a n .0.1 wad' ft i y rrail f 87311 to b0 of i Gma bv LartD faiSXaiMmemBiionKW Alarco sssorrrnmi n 1 "For saisby GREEN A FLANNER, angW-H , , t WSl""4B9RBnriiV ..... aSrm ?w-a . rrJij 1 ioj t?l. i. l i 1 1 1 1 mi i I ii, 1 . . 1 . . . .- . . . . -A rtia M TSnU!T;Ti A M ROTTS J. iU Marshal's Office, Ciftt tkhgMUB4 wlghj atfJttt Jar anesiblfc I bavejOWdefllJIe irln.fpOTi BTeaJtk JJfctrlqtts wfctoaealtiQftae fooo 4 ThrDutflct,lafchai pC Bro'vni.;eml)aces thu Mrtkm of tbe iCUy junn, ana mm M ua. street. i r !.-if.vli.itf J The ted District, in charge af Health Officer C. C Taylor, embrarwH bt P-rflnn At) thaCWyKorth of The 8rd District. In cbanew tf Hea&h OmcevAj Jr. Denton, embrace (hat portion of .the Ctty :a)otttb of U vbo -anJ "D-lsiw ntf B.-W awaa- ( The 4th District, in cbarge of Health Officer 8. P. Walcott, embrace that portion of the City bonth of Market, and West of 5th Btreet, Jwl x3 ,:ria I ThjWeaith Ontcert nmyneiaown by the Yellow RosettiB. and they are Inatrae inspect and r- iVl.bopedBhat :thefclflMns gehnflly'1 will W perataj with tmalta xkia lnmcrtailt wjk. jul Any person requiring the Serrtees ap'6enget',r av re Don we iacc to tne neaitn uiocer. or toe Uiviaion in wnicn the work u to oe aone, cr at my Office, and the matter shall have1 the promptest at- fJfAfBj OOfJ.O aLufjai aoii', lr&,Ui ddT, I Trusting no farther appeal to oar goocf!itIzeiii-' may do f eqmrea, aaa tnat par icitj-mui.De a moaei City Marshal Til Hi' 1 HH NJfH'tf ti; OFFICE OTREASITRER AND COLLECTOR, I AN OTICX IS HEHEBT iQIVEN; THAT TBTB bCM.lti iilJ i 1 W't Jfi. if. V of this city), cannot be promptly pail JiBrcpnietdeiiee of .certain cTiingeB4ne-'arecentfi decieipn cf the SnprsmeTJourt of ,thia State, as to ional Property in tbia ,ci; ( nd:,th9rebj ibef City I'ax. Beak's, not yet having been placed in possesaioh tf the undersigned, for collection; together yvith other comjrlicaQdns, ;ra- -regard- to onr Municipal af&tn, Ubw'i&c'oeifae:ilBnme' Cbartbf una varuuna, tne city oi w vmingtop mnjt necea- j irilx crave some indojgence Irom the Holders of Ov )11 J VJll- - ... r.ii i- X UUyn -J H. Coupons, pnder.existJng; elrcnntacejv. ; 50! C I S is (lid -irTk'.C8BRYP8! June 30-tf 1 i. City.Tn asurer. , ay j Your City5 Tttxer! PFCH TREASrriRER'ANDfeTXE i ft, yuiy arta-iarsi, HE,CJTY TAX BOOKS : JOBf J875 HAVINfJ been received at tbia oifice. the nnderetsfled ta icw prepared tor: -H)a oail 2ud ,toliof-.- on Real Estate aadPersonal-.prfiperty for 1875. J ALL PAKTIE3 are therefore notified, and re-que-ted to give thie- matter immediate ttenti6it ' and to call at ihl3 Ofiic ianti f jay.lip" without mhbr deuy. I efTY COUPONS i are also receivable.' fe ' pavment of Oty.Taae. fc; .-I'liaJrf ibiMiisptii- unoiiaiuD: jniy-tT-. -, .Treaanrer and collector. t it id; CTTT OP WIT.BfTNrTON, W I CJ. '!' I4. if i or iSUB "OWNEfiTbr-any Trnck7T5ry, Cart or JL Wagon, used fit tho'cifytwilfsend the same to the shop of Jo hnA -Parker ,-oBcod Street, and aav tneir iteguterea nnmner paintea tnereen ne- tore the first day of March jprox. when the Ordi- rox.4 wnen ti t be" enforced. Tince lmpoaing a Penalty Will be enforced. A list of the registered nnmber wjllbe furnished ce lmpoaing a Penafty On applicatien at this oillce. T. dERVOSsi'' . ' 'Tr-asnTr. '- feb tfthur -I. V .rNSUHANCEU wH-tmH ! PIEDHOHT & AjtmCxTON;1' life Insurance Company' j, , or , MmwAiu- 1 .-ii'i-iit : i i t ,rv MM' I ' Vi Orer 2WP-Itiraed. I 5-:;T.I r'u;'. . .niHS'iVftuW;" Annual Income Ovw $1,500,000 ;t ,.;, 1 7 t M 7 -.i - ,ii;' ,nou 'i a lijf 1 .ilho'Tf :Ji ilm VU 'i'j :'' ,.ii-;.-xiil ,'jv.iY"- niiiti ProOTsiye ! Prosnerons) rj(Murini.' v RffrfiHSi - a iitmvi . v -s i u r it Vl i n i i fi SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL' LO8SE8, -MHtf, ..aim iJ 2 noiilJt ir'l ,( AND 000-4BTBLUS luiiHu'i .aJu ) itO wsX au IL Lua alilii .00 ABTHTO JTTTTJi, f Srj Agt;, cil3vxsreterr,;oaMafket,,ejwi, tdHorstsrart of , Green t, Planner's drag storey WilmlatoA, $ C. J ih.miniT Market . street. two-daorarat of. k septemoer -ti NSfTl'tih'hMS --of iv; AfVinenn fe TiTfl.TiTiTne'.f.i 0 aT0.0Oe.6Od Aet.KVreeKiiW. J-t )IH-iii!Ou.V -f MjlKllUiUil 1! IK Vii las. Co. of NatOi Aaiaiiia. .iPAiJadella. Piior.lv limnnum! Confoanv.. New York. .id iiuh(iAMautfloi&ikiCo L4jndoau 1 jartfoM Jtrn9Voarpaynvl..'Ha lItotibaairOiine.Xmpajryjji7Jiia ora."fio i, Springfield F. &tti:tas.-Odi. AWi MaaaacbnsettaU tu ercantlle Mutual Ins. Co... NewTork a5CoorU.AWrPbheJphl luy CfmnftrtlHlt Kit""' T tf In. fin, TTrtford. " ' M - n?M if r?'ff Miff IE I u it ! h . il- . 4i f nut -if. -f l.' rf-i-r 4 'f" iWMW4spWrowtagTin diio4 al aisjiiw i-i'iMa iif lo (nl ZSSLot l-tn nM .jtitti i ts 3;, ICW T ..... . 9B 'O raanw A ti ATJTJTTJO. Aaawra. iBTOffln-iyfT?1-- a Uivttaar d STTSA'aW may 18-lf -D. A SMTTH A CO. lHOBI)ra.TilJraASlJEXKT0 CX&ANSX TH .(.rf rv BaWPftUef-C North ni ronfi(tenceio mannoa oi urwv,vx , 5 H."BATT1JS. - is w rn W ALE fpnf.AfiKt'CO I ' -Ogl-tf an i j MISCELLANKOUb. ii ;ijriTi;. .i .t.-I a i - - ..ViT pAti STAB, baa Sear; poAtajj asibU..'t7:C0 - -i-fi - .teMoirnaKI ?wtAv tf- J?yUT buU&il tUi laO(.g'tJ.ti taEEXXY ' STAcV One, r postage pefd, 1 18 jaij.-n; .abi .ui ga:liLiJ'ja''T oji lait.wJrjo'ii vnilui ,L,uhinn:v .iv-'M t.iri ?aa HTAB is fcuyejapewsw t W 6 Otoetbf on? bestxcbaneiT0KMiK Vf Courier ' f On Of thabes dajly papers in tte 8taie. IWdon Ohe of tie. vrv best : of oil U (axobaasrea-1 South Carolinian. - ..a&isn4 lo tiit'l Ranks among the leadini'TDalliea of the State. Christian AdvocaM. L ' " 1 T'-Ji "Tit I : ft One of the best Daillea in . the Stte.-rft&ptiiV ie8:o--!2 .nt.tv.'autXieW : A valuable paper. We-cheerfully recommend it Fall of general news, andieedit to Wilmington i-EUzabiik City North Carolinian. . - One of the'beBtfdattV! aapalflilhsd In the southern btates. aarry One of onr best Southern jonrnala -.' As a newspa per not snras-ed by a&f .-'-friend of Teinperanee. j "10 uvutLv Ji.) , 1h:ki U .iwii r i'Jil One of the beet conducted In the otaret boldiindivi pendent and well Infqrrned. HUitboro Recorder, ,7 Ablv;edited.ndhaJ a: circnlanufa ! wMcb : speaks tolua.is of comment on, its. inflaenijBoswiia Monitor. .. . - -.- Onward and upward it cues until now it has the largest circulation of any Daily in:, the Sfate. PUd- The WDmimrtoa Stab, now verv much Improved. I kas thelarffeat circulation of anv -oaver in the State. 1 i 7 ii -'"J irUOU jii.i i.-ui.t -i-n-j iini itii mi infB!-.tnK The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papera In point or enterprise and literary merit. iifietier t v.) ueporwr. . i 00611061? ftebeir daW fonnial'm North Caroliaa, arid haa enperfcr to any other Southern f State. Atarlboro OS. CX TUnes, i I rlitti4o1 aKIUfv rMMiuMkl -atxrs .M-tniA4 wtarVjat i at vt fVUAvvuas, sj auuvi aaa nvno vwitMt mihivs reports and fine Uwrary Selectionr the Stab ' has no illOjaMWH "P. 1 VfiiU-. . i.i-Ui Vftilt-JM .'..-I' IB '?('! In1 I 3i la well conducted and has ae muck and great a va : tietr'of .reading matter as any Daily ut.ths .Innimnn linn lirth f .fio This Daner. thouch not manv vears old. Is one of the beat dailies in tho State,' and well merits the Cme-of thSbestiiallr ioamals on -onr 'tedUsaM.n BsLi fielonga to-no rrng lave thatwhick encjrcjea tfi J Tk Wnmiikim Momittio STAfi iS amentr e-besi i Bewspaper in tnetwntni ittieni rate, racyjuway j A staunctt land mdebendent advbeat fefl the oeo- j pie's right r Deeervedly ranks among the aret jonrn ; J aAis,pi.tn afaerpconn.-atm A five newspaper, and the best DaQv n the State: Th circulation .ia lajver;than that, of anv other Daily in the Utey which proves i J&J&tonJuvn- j Those of onr readers desiring to take a daQy :bi paper from North Carolina cannot do better tne 'Wilmington tab.-i neroto a. u.j ,'.i.5 C ! Stab Is one of our mostr hiehlv vaJaed ; eX- aad it asoras as pleasure to recommena it , as one or tne moat racy ana reiiaoie aames in . i!i!' .'-fi hi- t)ilvfij;.r(, ' ItilVl It is one of the most manly and vigorous Dawes among the thousands In the land. There is no dodging about this paper, hut It meets every issne fairly and squarely. It is always full of interesting Jiatter, and the wonder is bow. In thai short spac f twenty-foir hours, k cart eatner up ao much la- formatlonrand so varied. It has from the first bad . an bonorable carter, ana we -wish it many 'years of j The stab is .anaoBPteaiy an enterprising sneei, . leantif oily ' printed' and conducted with marked ability: Mr. Bernard -deserve great Credit for hie efom iB journalism. Maieigk SentfeLio t ; e j I No paper ever Started ili North Caxoima bis grown' so rapidly as has ta btabu - Taouga onry five yeara 010. u is now a nxea meutuuon, : enjoying an in&iK ence and a prosperity second to none in the State.; U,,t'j,t Vtl ('ii-i l.-aii!S-j Tbo Wilmington; Stab is In. thefrbnt'raak of bur soutnern oauies, weu eaitaa, rn. oi news ana seiec , seadine matter, teleerapliicreports. and in every res pect a first rate Journal. If wehad many suchpaper 1 otuf State wonldM the gain by itr-.6rw. Americail. Cyclopffidia. i Entirely jrvwrmen ny xneatneec wruers on every su jecu , rnn tea irum new .type, sua uiusursucu - With Bevecal tnbnsand EBgrayings and Maps. ' .! : 1 1 " i in in i; m i-j iu The wox edriginally published .ander the Utle of Taa Nnr A lea bio am CyclofmA was completed m .1B63, smc which time' the wid circulation winch it the mgnai dwelopment.whiob hay taken place v erv branch af science, literature, and art. cava in , djiceUth editors ahaTublnbers to submit to an ex act and tttoroagb reviaion aodto lssnoL a:new adi" tion entitled Tan Ajo&tcu CraemjaU,; W Whin the last ten, years tneprpgreasor tusceverr i etety departmeirt of knowledge, ljas SnaJe a itw" i wuwiuifl ihi im tbui uiEiinKHHW uuwrai'i : work wk of TcffeMli tnpenmr mtm. "M i' . il The movejtisnttaf poUticai laffairs has kfe; with the discoveries ol science, rana tfleir iratuui sn dUcation to the inddatrtalana-CBefer arte and tkr ith the discoveries bl science, rand their f mitf i ctm veaien cat and refiaemrmbOf social life. Great " ... . X . B, . ;JeiCr mD9 rciinwairuB - won iuo. vrreai and cbnseonent revolutions have occurred, top wars and cbnseonent revolutions have occurro imenw . tt!n( jTb bmrnetaOsa. Arnca. T, .,,.,,, ,'fj-J , .r.-..L.,?i I... . r t. .il .. . ' lULVts mniri ll nwil 11 I u iuwsj nynj-in wu ills r-i t mn,(; nose , irealii QBfc bfoiaiTanbiaarMits kain ,iained.lo Which tb defkiteaaspsMenftL rmanira4aatheasw-istanr.if iX ri"n prpscmg m . reeaifc eoimfor wa Pfasi faraUl dicOTri XB ci every ifrcsh prjdoa; in literatiwtt. ie practical HHnAlTaCril1: P tuWpJOgres of pitlitfcal 'erentsii1'!' uWattWuk itr lon.d narefaii! TtawrkhAWattMuB ftr long aad karejiili reliminsryUMoc, TOUitpemoamptreajCO, crfjae tt,un. to a succe'eafnl tennlnatiou. , iTiishnrtfteonymar atereoivptr Biarea na 'aeen nBadybiat evisrypag bjakAmiTpmat maewypeii forming va iact a new i-yci) ua, wimn and comtiasaa its PredooeSeOl greatef pecoilLny 1 eipendrlnre; sad d with anch lm- I a iatnpreit editftm fcav Ueea added at 1a$A a,aaa tnctocaat m bum uupn iiiuiiaaik embbpf ry, knd depiitih most famons-nd Mtnaikabie feaU tarec4ceBftarQhitecture, andrtaa red:asae . - At mar.hiuiiea mnd nunfaetnrera. SonTnitended for .Injunction rather thaiiembel', ikkm.Ktnn Kainl b bienrsnared to insure their A" arttotifc aWeaot!thj- ttn o their, lexecntipn-i i S tefeo o-a, aad,ttbeltoved(wffltad reception aa an aomiraoie retu-ur ut un kjuuji cuim, and watthy-of Ats Mrhohot. ' t This work is sold to Subscribers only, payable cn k.ii UaWvotetaA''atwni't complete, ta l. r Vf L . LA .w.l&.u. .-amI. .hM.MliMil.n si 1 1 iii iiia i a t uii-niMiiiwiniii -w-i - 1 1 800 -page, i nuiy.1 Auiwfw? wi r WH5?SL nravlHS.aaa wun numexoMcotoreutai- MfJldj&t psiB.3l.fciA'W.4J..f fcOtffl Lray ieatner,j.A-w-.K-jl!.(----!ri' s. Half TWsey Mororer toJ. VMt,n - m-iJ 2? ft feoaao!! (Ih Fall Bnssia, per vol.. IThreaTelumes -!Aiceedin, tu onTpletton will er Issued once ia moBtba. ofa-w POjl rn9rftio imfl '2h Fall Bnssia, per vol.. 10? icceeomg voiame twelve LTiAifWl flmrf tiwiJ tmifl t'i.(i e of th Abxricak CxcvoreptA. typermnstrauona.fa.wi4L oe a i nu- vpv1" 4 - .ti;y h ' ,wrini! J-'S4.W1 Broadway.'K 1 Jan9-tf iHtl f)0fl fl r..UJ3if lf.'ni:Tu.T - To i I TERMS Patjlbls, Sjmct Advamcb: , Ranks among, tne leading jonrnala of theSottth.- ForVmyoneTlevlew..J.Kf.i..i..-. 4 OOperauHircL' ITarim'W..&)Star,"""iy'1 j Forahy twRrwsIl.;jufcrJU. ftfQafttou .jaielJA bWixt OiiMio lijsoa pii..; Foi imy thiReviewaAM.1.1I00 ... OnerftKe-beatsffldTOeatdoBirableMr For sR fow Reviews:" VTl'lPod j aTOuna.-ery rtrt7tn4n. weekly uan out' Democrat. I The v hairDuT been i alndna-rial "sr - ' v VSl? TTJ17 theaulfebettvenXJhorcabtatUidii pf science m its relation to Theology, and the con stant publication of new works on these and km- ea topics, win give nsnsnaiantcreat to the leading -reign Reviews during 1873. Nowhere else can the . airing reader find in a-oondensed form the facts c.i t BASXXX 8TREET JSKW:X0RK.i Continne the reirmto: j li jiiiisj JTJ iuU3 SUOiLtn J vitTxriOU .X. if ili t -a. -'i;i .caa ,G!-jitajni ol i-iinj s i , i.i. S-iJ Jo Jt.-i- f .tot.:iu"o jjl lo igoL-ooqtf&cf-botJ 'i(-' i- .find fcpCc'$ ni hHt si h-'X' Blaclnrool's EMHiEii Maffaziiie Optmtlinr.-'- ?or Blackwood and the4 SevinwK. 15 00 itnont charge to tne snnsccioawoniy on ine expr ess l charge to tbn snbBorlhnnonly on the Condition that snbscfipiions are pais untABii.T x aovAHCs at tue conuntaa.cement.oi jeacn year. It ''jA- A sWintr vwenWer ctTwill "be kHeweS'tii clnhs of fotu orxuoj persortB. -TThuB: feqrcopieji of i Blackwood or of one Review will be eent to one cd-. , press for tl2.80; four copies of the four Reviews knd ISJackwood for $4S, arid so on. t To clubs of ten or more, in addition to the above piacentit,' a copy gratis will be allowed to the getter np of the crub.iu i.i3s iv-nx Ui--v.r. m nt.t m v t. t.. .j.mi i yaw, ? t New sabseriberi fapplyla earM for the year 1JTJ5 i ; piay have, without charge, the last Volume for iK4 .: pf such periodicals as they may subscribe for. ; Or instead, new subscriber to any two, three, or four of tha above periodicals may have oaanf the H Fonr RevieWa'' for 1874r anhrtribera to all five ' ' haviwolfne F6ar Rev4est"6nd set f Bteckwood'a Magatttna for. MTfc vi osiliii jt. rr i ; t Neitk preminmstosnbaorfter nor .discount to u clnbs can be allowed. nnieas tno. money l iuas tne moHey is rcmiueu direct to tiwpnbiisnersNoKmiaBMin Circular witk further particulars may "be had on application. "r fbae-tf,, " . 1 U.m.. u. XI.. Viol it t l 1! o&l).'i n vd ,hi; I TStanonBry" si.um ' nsine,"." " !K .1.1 LOVLia fioeioq Olfl .fei.toii'j tJ, -! ;- lA 8ft korsajipcgreRi f OrtaAlfjyf?l e?l wfth . mokestack, pump, i&c.,'aR&7enettenorler AiVo" . ING STEAJLJSNGINE, suitable for ginning, and grist saBI. Willulq sold " low. ,. HART. BAILEY CO.,. , 14 " 7 tTSontb Front Mreet.' jKneiB-tf-'"' m i .... i . .ji. j . i Direct ImTKDrtatiotii I 1 UllK l.;imtB O9f0 f-fiffJOIVfVl .1 CfOl. kjbWAMfNGEfatttM 1 JLv and imported bya direol fcomi Bremerbofeiv 4 Germany; conaieting partly of ' , .jj)e a' ap.invidi '. I'BESTDISTJlUte'ClLUSmBARREr.SyiT , 8ELTER3WMtiBEVstt'''f: aotjenn-iiUii Pnii yli'J eiaut L.n i YiilicovCWeWJIUlCnkfiLIiJ jV. 3 . CrotkandEjutheBware aorte4package,; ( putch'Uiiseed C4I Jdt? -Paihtor's msevTh fiBarrclp , i ' Heyes Denujonns, Assorted iSjifis ; Second Hand Spirit" Barrels, We offer the above to the trade In lot to suit, at ; lowest figures. Orders by mall will receive prompt T attention. .; r E. PESCHAU & WESTERMANN. atfgl3-8w (l-IV1-! 0iJ 1 uuu. itt.j -i Mil ol u3i.fa.(T tt'i,U7i.'( From the 1st of October Next jafl the rooms Jn.t bnydg.kwwa.sa j- i The Seaman 6 Home; t.?-.Vi-'Vl Jt rl .irrlvi.P-n f.l finixl-lt 1 Also those In the Bethel, witli the excepuon of. toe first floor, with all the furniture belonging' thereto. , ; The Home has, large lfcAhr; wnicli f arnfebe tura-1 ' mesa water ior tne jqpcnen ana vatez uomBisj-xua a : WES y. wvopw iv ?--2 !. i. amply large to accommodate air Seamen that come tb una port. C'wl? . i-.j.; lii;-vJ. t-:iaii'J :j6f-lli .a'C'J 'wvn . Ky'i'.i! "in ,iJtfj -fii!? ;n.1 -t" i ' - . ' - - - - Tha, Large and CBmmodiCua Store.' on- the North- , east corner pruw Aiqme.,:; g-woUoVli i'M'- ; ... VIA4 l.''lf -j j-r W VV.VI AtSV Lf & v . asdtfiU ;k5 ,j 3oh Committee. i m ir i hi 1 -t '.fi.' ili.! sr.: mi) i-j ni) tii THE CELEDUA1ED J .w:l "innii noMWa f t v- rj.a -cim mi v s a run' va -it 1 1 . i i! liil- ni hnn Pin i niVt'i ...ll -t -j,.-,- .,' 9(ij rnj .U .tb! -hi-) ra xl j .pchihto . .? .A :lium rtTABLlSpJlBiMl., A, EES ittdiUTAJlIIirfi i PRIZES! JtECBIYED. 1 : They still maintain their great iopn1arry'1ia! tbr "' 1 Thb Lbai iho vakx ot-axxt OTHrBS BASE. L. M. OOTT8CHAEaAmelcfVreate8t bouth tkn Pianist exclusively nsed and performed upon tnem in 1.000 Jo&cert. Kmlbent Artiata, Amatrin s tki MBskaan ysanowios fmt fcuqaitiil. n P-t?antami vta'ktXto.'t4Kici asatbihta.) iear and material ased they cannot be excelled.; ( , They, remain Uf better tana than mod Piancs ! ' with th same I nkadel j" jj" n.!iiiijj p. mi 'r.bnt with HarTTTnef aM ttm'n irianos nwjs ,l'rJ ino-n-7fTi i T lie" -re iaVfeyf vepeef aperb'al ffoet Iu- etraialnto. !d-! niol Lmi) ialKi jsisis"' 1 iA 4VJiU 4?.TUS ,i"fl titia Jiti ?ui irui u Illustrated Catalogues furnished free of cuarga. dfcVsTRlN dCfNtf, 'f o? . -'f.'Ttl CKBUTl iUoetonjv am wuauagtoa.ijii. v. 'fftEwliert yoii yUInuaafreiih'snpplyor thvse ii ; jksriy celebrab Flands' ooMUfaUyloa nwad. n .i. l ansjatAMawsf-Kiti u uft;rt u i-ciM-ii ut. ,vi.,)i y 'i ii;j'.j uJt aii iii'.ni uentenniai i ; f Hewspaper of thftXlity of Charlotte, j , THE OIJXJEIJ, "KTOW OFFERS TO THE- MERCHANTS OF ', y Wilmintrtori the best medium to communicate with Merchant and dealers Ih Westenf North Caro- llina. .i.il muL .i-itt kV. ' . jty t L ug juviv Miau ucvivim yii yuiouuu li ia.v. M4r.t-.1 uUkaaMAM at wa b nonie. will B nrfnted: 1 mvme' 'advertiser smost I : f extraoidtearr opportaBkyto oonus icats with. the. . I Terms of snbwfeicttPii per aMnti , TaAi' of ' '.: vertiainxTery low. Address, 'IJrjl' !. .4 ? - OBSERVES. U amy 14-tf Charlotte, N.CCJ t I: A P5 i: t t I ii 1 V

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