Wednesday Morning, Aug. 25, '75. " ismsdJ b tf t,frtud f o aoitabi sit f aw t - ... J ,h.-j 'nit 'e.UH'fl a-V Wtitirjiidii'l ?!!' i sn sill iV';ir,-tftt''i tir I-,l t34 .l M 'Hit !mt b-wa tliii"" ai bistl hirJM!niip Arrest Vf ficaiMifiPriisi?! tbarse of Aunalt and Battery Ttfc I Father tfei"tlSainbee1i4 arrested for as sault and battery for ejecting -Vincent Ba eerman from the Catholic church, of -Which ciety called Jhe Kntg&ts or, at. ueprge nau a pkwikr- and 411ow'Man5inj. v Father Jeggel attempted ,tQ , prevent the dancing, - protesting jagMnstMA amnsement'as Irre ligious, v A; heated discussion arose pn the right of 'a priest to interfere, and the so ciety, by a Vote of 83: iaajority declared the body independent of the control of the priest Hagerman voted With the majority. Jeggel is held in 20Q dollars bail He will have a hearing this evening. j iiH?CliW -,-.- r'h''vl" il.'i,.. A A -i tKJImX FOBE1GH INTELLIGENCE. News from the KeaVof ar TlieyA sarsents to Attack tbe Cltr oft Tre blsne Tnrklsb Prisoners massacred miliary eeeoptUtB C Bervia ?Mt Improbable eatte of oniittod ore Goadenoagn, off the BrlUU Navy. ; ? i 5.r., rLivBPOO)A 4 The CJaicutta,' which' sailed' from 'Liver pool for New Orleans, has returned, having been damaged in a collision." J - "VnsxNA, Aug. 24. A dispatch to the ittw Three Press says the insurgents Jbeseiginsc Trebigne have been reinforced and have resolved to attack the cityto-dayA -y A. m LosDOJf,: August 24, . . A special to the Standard says the'IIerze govinian insurgents massacred ninety Turk ish prisoners they' captured at Marsie. Bands of insurgents are assembling in the mountains of Crete,;;- i.-! "ff-"" x The'Pcfrte'is concentrating a large: f oret? in iWe direction of Kissa in consequence "gt. the part taken by Servia in the insurrectioa in tierzegovjna ana ne military occupnuuu o f Servia is. regarded as no timprpbable. Commodord JoS. G.' Goodenoacb, com- mandlngthe British: squadron on the'Atra- tralianrwteisrdied oa-4he 42UijPias V-ue had beeitouUdliCioi80SedArrowijn an attack made on his flagship, the Corvette Pearl, by the natives'bf Carlisle Bay,' and -J although every escort was maae to counter act its effects, the poison proved fatal. One searaeiT'was kflkd and three others were woundebylhe savages. .; At Fortress Monroe a northeast storm is prevailing and Hampton,, Kxads are ull of Frost m?InTnoarand oWa Monday mora ine killed the small Vines and more or less injureapoiKoeawnfr I TQOiiU John T. Tavlor has "been arrested and is held far' $3,300 ba3 on'the charge of robhibx registered Jettere. - tx& . is tna granason oi ex-PresMentTaylp?,LMdJv Sherman's stafL Tairteeit t counties Jo -different 'parts ivt Wisconsin, report, froit Sunday morning. Corn suffered" great damage," and some ' points report three-fourths of it killed. The tobacco la totally aestroyea, The Kansas City .ffimes ii& information of the killing rif-CoUs Wheeler? la Wealthy ' cattle dealer, by thieves who ran ' off four , to five ' hundred' head of 'cattle from' his ranche in Texas : Wheeler, who started in pursuit of the thieves, was killed jn a fight that miie&r:Q&A scm-ju ?s'iSju ouu Niqiix.iiEi'oK'r- - " jx -li-.rsi. Beelslon of tbe Secretary ofV 'rreasnryon the Five-Twenty Bond -Tbe 5Uf& Case: lu WbltUAl peals'fiave Beea Taken to tne'su- preaie cpnilUi-o io JI atlt nitit I Washbsgtoh, August 24. The Secretary eif "the Treasury BaSr 'made a decision in reference to the hvertwenties ..f !'n. riW-TirS thatlherfi yenties of 1865,5 May: anff: November knowa as.the old 65's, were iae first of these two loans isslied the date 1 of , isebeiug October 21861016.; the consols of .1865, January and July,, knoWD. :is the new 65's, "although rllie bonds bear on their face the date of July 1st, 1865, were not issued until October ' Cth 18C0vi Tuerefore it follows that the fiye:twentie'a of 1865i.May and November, known as the old 65's, -belng the first issued under the law, must be first called. The date given oo tbe face of bonds Is not to be .taken as. tbe date of the issue but the. f act as estab' lisbed bythii ttftjrfltlULtte Dep&rimtnt in the aDDlication of the law. ; The ffi'JoWiBg-aieJ the! cottons cases m l bMtneourtefOlaimi h decided faA W lavor oflhe claimants, and injKbich-the UnitedStawsias apfjedJbJhjljStfpTjejne Court: K. G. Jobnsos, E. D. Ba chelder, J. J. ReeseCook.ThbmasKiddtJhsflotte JSpieriB. grpxtaja,, Jv CoeoE. Jt, McLean, J. W. Maybeau, Geo.' Hawkins, Isaac! Wadv Wnt'F. SmUh,i Bbbert 111 U:i( i'-'.-t :l An Attempted BsiMrfa ( tk Thieve atrjcjriDrj(dI t 4:- 'VNkViroBl: Three burgTaVi fttemrAed tcvTjrVak? mti the restdeace of:pc VVm.A Hsnamvnd, ai ' No. 43 West Fifty-Fourth street, at 1A M.v and set Off ani,eIectrtcttatarmiWuile'Mpfyin open a 1 windowj , Hammond, was aroused, and seizing a pistol tired four shots at; Ue burglaraeusioir oeBTh.liUerj' re turned one shot and fld. No arrests have yet been msxhi. . imei . &nrj-ut,i tyu-..j . In cooseauenee of ap errox in fl&e trkns5 year.; correction of the passage bas been received from the jDable Company to-daymaklTirrrj- read nejwJfeiafcftO&S i43biapari- 1 on witu tbose oi last year. lTJ r..TJ'Ifl ;f . ' . Madrid. Ausr. 25. t. Tlie gamsoo I .tba citadel f ep da U', gel baa hoistedaiag of mee aadostiUv ties 4rf ;ospenife.';Ge.nersl Ifiahm&t m-ooaKUoalica5(ieDsl;ajtiiMjQ- apoaojrejtjctgu, Megotiajuins jcanlinue, and: nirtn i cropreview .was made to say of wheat in England ffjTjbejheV Bauipfes foffijrefijv' compurifloa witi.UioruC.ial, year.,'n !A-' Particulars of tUe Attack ou-Comma- do re Goodeao u Ivod Party 7Pe r-l mjpjo apcuiuo uujuiiau in vera setslalre. .w-. .- "To1ttR3$r, Aug. 24. Ate ft&05rir,rt tails oi tne attacK on 1 Commodore Good- I enough rand A a rp urtion: g rtha ffprewr or C6mmod6re' dd feaAy UW A. bMb AUG pn ithe.. twelfth; -ipstajjtvlanded jns.t3ariiBleq nay to open intercourse witn the natives pi Banta Cruz Island, who 'atta6ked the Sand fly ia the same places Jast -year. After re- aainiog aoout an pour astjore ana juakipg bparently satisfactory' toroCTess in the ob- eot (of .their, mission theyjw ere preparing -to eturn to tne smprvwaen soduenly' the lafiyes, Who "were JMt' a few yards off. ihot at Commodore Geodenough a poisoned irrow, penetrating his left side. The boat then rrTnideetffitghiaf irftJWiCfievcn men were wounded, including Lieutenant Hawker. Twbrrhe durjaed klied ftoxA the effecjta.o ajspn,.. The .others are improving. As soon as the boat returned, the Pearl shletr 'tnd-tHlJffled thit Natives' jriUagqaqd Iheneumed.lq Teisp'sBay, ; A foot and mouth 'disease bas broken out in 'greatvirurence 1a Dorse tsbirejWhenJ twelve thousand families are down wiUVTE.3 Thedistemper is fipreadinjz .rapidly toother parts of Ed eland. ,j5jak.via a6a I For New England the, Middle and Soutl Atlantic States, ; higli but'alowl' UiDa: pressure, except on the South Atlantic coast slight risri in temperature," northeast to southeast windsibtoudy wealhef,""with rains, ncar.tue tv? k hvh .U ' BLECTB I if KPARK." 1 V At Newark," 'IT;' :'"J.;5 twelfe?hou$es th property of Thos. O'Leary, were burned by ES incendiary'? nib-tmt :: ' -' I Wimsary.BishVp of the BritishMeiiib dist Episcopal Church 1 in Canada;- died on Bundav lasf at Toronto. ' : ' 1 " . i At Lawrence. Mass.. the Atlantic cotton rnills,"sphic5 susrhded wotk!pnthe!,lptri or July last, wilt be resumed with luiltorce pn Monday nexL Thev give employment to 1,250 operatives: ,The; salits of stock do band have beeu large, and the prospect is regarded as encouraging for the fall busi ness. '" ! . i! it'iiMJiis emj ATi a l - i ;-kw YouK.'Aogust 24.Nooo. 4 Stpcjb dull "and lo4 steady. Money 1 cent,. . Gold opened at 1131 and closed at 11134-. Sterling ex change long f 4 871; short $4 .00.; . Govern- men i securities are aui ana, Bieaay.i.oiaifl hnnds dnll and nominal. - 31 si; WiB Haw cl 'jiJtof Jk a ominally vunchangedit Ciwnjsveryj Htmj Fort firm at f31 Lard -quieU-team 13 cents. Spirits turpentine dull at 814 83 vceala. lloeiaquiet ,atr It 65M2 for 'Strained; c Freights bemvjii' ifejr-" Cotton flrnxwith ales of lales at 144 for uplands and 1 for tOrlesns.I;?,JEu tures onened ouiet and easv. as folio ws: 8er temberlSSg-aSQlS -8183 'centsi "Oetobef 13 ,9-16ai3i centS4-! November .13, 17-32a 13 184 cts;lecemfaeriaa-1613 cents JftBUary' 18 28-8218 23 32 tctS; February 13 39-3213 15-16 cents; Marcn 14 3 33 14 3-lQ.CeBtStJ o,' rtiitii-KW Ww! V j " Financial. Moheyeasy at 12 -p.'cent-;Stertrae exchange aun at ?57. uoia ciosea at ii3i I13f. ' Government. ' "aeeiirjities a -"steady. wun juue aoing new o s no, state 1 Cotton firm and good grades v held higher wun saies or i',vuo oaies at -i4f cents. Soathern flour is vViUdut a decided chance. 4 common to fair Textraf5i 80a$6.j85; iood to choice do. $0 908 75. WheaV is j3 pehts, betirand f airly ? Wtive ;Corfl. is a cent better ad in good demand at 802i 83 cents for steam western mixed, 8486- Cents .fur sail dq, .the JaicjchQice,8(80r cents forulieAted.,westecaTmixed v Cents for id western mixed ia store; Oats dalt inda tsent lowerat G264 eenrt fot.Jtnied: westtrn, 65T0 cents for white "western." CoffeeRro5nfifratfwith BarSfair-r demand!' or -jfair !4o good refining i 4f cents af or prime, 8J cents fop good to fair Muscovado; refined unchangedvxMiDlBWs "fecrtet and inchaied. fficefjairrand jn moa? tosUo.iAlkmnxmat.fcat.-PxMk: lower new, mess iob' lou fL 1021 40, the IatterfaYicXsrd'Ireatnsf'-cents for n"rime?.feam5wRosfiIt inirtfifiir pentintft(iyi.v)Vjywtey.:Xfl 1 lL Salea M lU.JMAJ.o&iea: aa foUunsii lAnust 1472H Jcetfts- 'Bebtember:l8 1M613 31 ents(OTbeTiSf($fy'' November 'u 13413 Iit3i.enbLl)ecembfl 13 cents; Jannary 19 25-32 centei February . 13" 15-1(J18 StfSalctsiarclt5 i4i14 5 82 cents; April jA.ik-a&aiAt&nw iiay 14 19-82i4f cenU; June 14j14 25-82 cents j t f iour uuii aoo. soeetuaa-iVDeat steauy wratef1!! 50vNOi 9do.' ft 874. Corn .to'tuV ceDts. Uats .dull. and Jower-trrNo. .894Q. Cents.! "Rve stead and nnchancd. ?iiPorki firtoerif 21 ar5f22,"theii!alter deHf eredi j5uiB,,.jaeai varetn Dominaiiy ..pnco&ngea-r-shoulders Bf eents dear riband dear, sides 12f ffifis; l$ra iptarfiihim'Y navva easiex-rfuioumers w cents; cjear rib a313i-cents, clear sides: 1818ictSi. Whiskey oomisal at 'I l2i.! Lire htigs are firix;and i strongsftippTfig;-7- 257,'85 " bacon $7 21.&hyJ5:T8Q&& Cattle; eiwMf rrades steady and Uncbanewrt.. com moh dull ' hbd, !ftwer good f to" chdice" ' native.' 45-$a ..medium U fvrM d J food 'Iff cKou Texas i 8 ?S(Zhi 1 fl.ijnr--falt:.8':.eo eQ.corrf" 0DW;-r i wiieat 4,UUU OBSliels, :ra S OOObosrietsf'rtfetti "4 000 hrtftliiiTnacftf barley, iJb.ushetf-; 4,00(1 bflshetj receipt of iboea,, 802 bead f of catilej iUD554 head"' 4 iajtitjaM ti . Flolif dul!!8dVnchBnged.'" WBe jt 50. t OWa stead f with) naaaefuik dura mand klt2(a73 enrsid Oats- da.' rotnf mr- anoaalaally; chagedlrtf Mlst sa.;t juara auut steam dt-cerU8.;;Eetua 14 :ent8.-i-Botkmettt8iuH-8tMUWeriffent; auraydj Cora and Oatdebanged.j RyexiDotainai Officeof Chief gnal Offlcer;i;l,t Washington, Aug. 246:85 P. if.3 J" Wheal ouieiaod uncliahiriI. 121 eenta ,BarnishuJder cerclearloTsirr n ran'i crfWia 194 t tlaa laiAaa. 1Qi -"AamSm I ham (suear-cured) I4r45ntsi tiaM 4 npnl f , tl-B ot 1 f lata Arm Knnthern TJVthTA font a. Alton I: meatsBUuaTdnaaxAeviiA ; t2i12i, ea?Boniaer,,eIi8 lOt centokAS-,rilij.a2181 centx: hams. 15.15J rcents.'-cLard ':;juiet :and'w8teady:4" Uortee dull but yerjrirropg. VilSkey dnll at ft 24,3, Sugar- quiet Vnud strong , itt 10J- CentS.' I rv V r'' " r"t '. Norfolk; -quiet at 139 receipts 14 bales: Galveston steady at . , 13f-rreceipts 421 es: AiemDhis. auiet at 14 receiDts 10 1 baW, Ira'delpalaf firatr i4fQ?eeeP24-4 paiesavugustaa quiet3 at' is receipts bales;-New OtkSn&demattd f Air at 14ii receipU-28:fbaJe;.MobUef Muietat 14Ji-re k 'oiliet a't'W lUjATi S VVllO A utu( ( ; i rieailro4hars 14Jj ni ,thieii bis iTh"atrert tftb nf "lafefftstS, "it; per centj ia$ per deWK'beldWTJHdk'." lvculcsi ooi- iol"jiwus i?4 to i U bum ,TfAi:4 -OGfttfinfirmHaaiddlue -'-idnlands .?4dt 4 fniddling Orleans T-'P-lCd. -' flaleS' 014,0001 j ialeaoX' shipments rf msw. icropr oo a basisa!o! 1tMdlBfigipiattda;othmg beldW tiireadstassidtuui iis o jkmj&i -ia jsejqmiiiq aril ea4v Riiiiun oiiJ ins .atiffiif The sales of cotton include 6.000 bales of Americanwv)? im ot ;?'?fj tftft on potlamT 33ales4 on ia. bssls cf midulmg uplands, hothing beldw '!ow1i)fddJh deliverable pctobe;5;!4 vMuS A jBrfisklt!ij LOS DON,, Aug. 5JJ. f3ugar-n-tbe stot.-24sa24rtJdi afloat,- &mim iu mum ut. j or-lTCTrpp?Aug2aP.t:M;'f n mand imadvancewhicl, bnjrera rafjisei o J IV.iJ I Ai IN (iTON tv M A 1 1 KKTi 01 M 'Ti3 STAit blCE.'iugust 2:' SPIRITS TURPENTINE Recetpts 893 casks. ' Sales1' of 700 casks at 28J 'cerrts gallons for Southern '' packages. . Market Steady vL-iut .r,x,i.t--I..a-i.,tt'; I SKyPrlcsiplft 3,843 bahjs i.OOQ . bbls .vStritied, buyers. :IopUoa .for, August at $1 30 and. 850 bbls do., spot, ,st 125. ilarketdull j VjfiriijTTjRplarriN bbls. Baler" of 758 bbi ai $3 OO 'fbr Vir gin, 3 03 for Yellow Dip and $1 25 for Hard. . Market steady. '-. - bbls-, n prder, jg pUifOsq , 250, bbls.. n waterv atV$3 ,00;andvl00 do at $1 95. ilarkct tioslng dull. I lu-tu ijisisrnat StlV 18 VS. j lierc!;Was notliing done . iiv, rOsin,' quoiauoos remaiueu bieaujr, as cipuiiai ruanifestedoroMieDOsition to take bold. Spirits turpeutiriealso was very uiet.-Kd imporUat sales were euecleu, .out-hoiaers ere sieaayw-oittQfoac.-- lar auu-pucn ere quiet anu twcbangect.o i The following are tha telegraphic advices Liverpool-f-spirits turpentine 23sj Idmtnbn rosin steady at 5s Cd.'v Loudon' spirits turpentine steady at 22s 3d; common josm steady at 53 sos".' cep w aje8i .4JWton, rfduJl,, at .ire, fceipff 5Q5 'alesj;CharieSt6hr duli, at 134 , PreceiptS 13 Wei? BalUmOreVquiSt a'tvUr reported, but a line of strict middling en quired f orficrHratidosmlnaL .- kafcoifi rapiiA vP HttrttWiyrtb, Payetteville; Worth & Worth. '-- a " j Stmi .Juniper, " Skinner, tfayetteville, Yfk & MeMfie: -1 j Stmr Wave, lbo'nf ITiyettetille, AVil- Iiams to Murcliison. - i Stmr jNortbeast Paddisou. Point Caswell. f A 11 Yaniiofcteien. Stmr Dixie, Jacobs, Smilhvillc. O G J?rig Black owann, . Winslaue, Fernan- ina. Fla.. Northron fc Cummins. I Nor Bu FolkeBt-'Jfiflstensefl.'ii.n- don, Ii B lltnde. . I i nLTCAiiEn. f I Norwecian iMira-'StoVirntwefj?; I Alex. Sprunt & Son. Cargo: 1,770 Casks SplraB.TUrpenlroe.'O earootu ImuzoA TStmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth, j Stmr Wave, Robesop, Fa3retteville, StrSf :Juoiper. .'SklBBef, :Payer(evine3 j Stmr Northea8t,-Paddison7 Point Caswell, I Slmr Dixie, Jacobs, SmilLvilie, O O Parsley & Co. . , ) Spanr'BriTl6ra;jJarf L'uacesBafce 1 ma, Spam, Northrop & Cumming. EXPORTS foreign; rbin. I . e fMIS0BLANiEOtrs!mif,,,J i Molasses, Spt Cks; Nails, Guano. A A Bhds and Bbls Kew Crop Cabs. A Q'Setgna ITflod .LitCaAaI ITU TIA Q AA KagaXalls, T -il ilifw io-i jou to! saiSu mno. or salelbw'byw r-.b 'TvrwaTI -;- ansU WILLIAMS Jfc VUBCBISON. i-inr-. suit 91 tf KKRCHNBR& CALDKRBRO. iLatest.rfStvles TAVINO RKCKtVED BY. EXPRJKS8 BLOCK IX o the Litest styles efiiat.far Ladles and i bil dren, Mrs ygiaia iA Orr is prepeed to sites, press and blench. ijwork entnjstei , to ber. Old Boaaeta and ueouemeasanama uats mstlQto: ,h t,s :,(!,,, n For oartJ'kre'ian on or send to' kBf.' t)RR:' An Nnn. between Srd and 4th atneia aplS-tr,., -.y ,:. . pUBLISHEIl?VERr rEDKSDAT, aa Wades-' hasUA the (ai imily circle. It contaiba original anaelecr. iries, wit. hn-nor 'Acit eyerj. family to .the land pou)4 jnbscribe .for It Its low price (only ohi it. ifh jtacbed t to iu sUflL . There ia enoseh. hnmaronn readlnglntt to raalce one lanjjb. for a' weekrnooehtTl ite keep you jolly Uir the (me$."ioGbnart H ABa ) New.. We refer toihe cablifher 6f fhla narflr..1 r bBbscrtbe at ocaAdflfesscttSKAlkrw !MSrtaI Removal ri. ARTIShl of James Canw bJS Xffliwrtrft)AfnaT naterial e Cftirawrraai rwaosed tohBep form- etly oceni cnpled hy htm, in the basement of the JPnrcelLli where he-tnaUesJOs 14.fcleadasa4 the pnbT h House, lie T State employed, and 8havto(,airCptttaSL and, ampoetnr done at the bbrtet nofleei7 TrfTiim ' .cr a nrrv .a a n ?r x a I Bright. cbsarfU.psoenN8lTf always ap to,the,ad vancinK ihsaghw A? itfie nnieaf that iraaauk i takes rink with tbe leading Journals of tha day. It is on tWafrUf rK-furlaaltte ' TKrf n trails Sama WI1018AI.BavUlCI8- tS" Oar quoucaona, itsabold beunaerdtbod, rep esent the wholesale prices generally. In maklTig ip small orps frighjer prlfcSi ftsve tot'chated. . ,,J . BACON NortlKrolinai Bides,. 9 Jf'.jrij.ii4. Hams.. .. ,J..?.s&J:' tfA v tildes, fl ,ijHiititJiii, ai r Dry. 8lled-ii:iHs ftuwisan aoaiaers.4w..;u eyt J. . a on tne Hoof BARRKfiH. .Bplrits Tarpepaae.- i Second Hand, each. 4 INew.etty? eMatit.fiUll 5 H BKESWA BBICKS-tl w tft SA M 00 B "Vl tUVlU aUaaaa."- CANDLSa 8perm, Bli...':.. I NthAn( Bit 4tk 6i 10 si; j-, .- ; CHILES E Norther Faeiery-tt Dairy, cream tt ft.. n a is yore jiit Java, ft B. . .. . CORN14KAL-H8 bosheli-,..! 1 pTa. 1 DOALE8TICS Sheet! ufri-i.V ydl 63& 9 MB8TIC8 SheetinK4-4rV ydl lis Fiau Mackerel, No. l,rD is ou so oo Macaerei. no. s. dm.... I 13 DO 13 60 Ncittu bbf. ia a. J w -i . 7 60 (ft IU4 oit eo . a-oo a 8oo 00 & 860 .iJf-; if 4 60 500 ' 6 00 : 8 00 U Jtaekarek No.a, a tibl.. . Mallets. ikbb;'u4w.tuw M. C. Herring, V bbl.- .. . Dry Cod. fc-Vji i-l rW)UBr--Flne. Lbhl.u i fiaper. Northern, 41 bbl..,. ii Extra da.H .i;-. . raxallT u:: ; , bbl..i ... i City MUlaeup, VbUj Jii:n .-;.- -Sxtra bW.i.. S0. C' too:" oooo &oooa 0000 40000 . ramuy, w ddi.. Bx.jfamMy, VW, FKKTlUZXK&rri.; ! 1'iOH'f - .ferurtaa (ioaaw, suwt Ss r u Bauga'a Phosphate, fli i.V r4rolinFerdliaer.r -.--u BO OS O 08 M il oooo a 00 00 iBoaeXal t r : 'tRtT.ttt 00 00 4S 00 u 0000AI80 fifrOft & 65 00 -00 00 ; .NaTSseatiaanov! -nf r mjT ijoraBlKn Mtnnm i . ,t.,-?i Wuaan's raoenaate 5 i SU OB iO 78 WJ i ! Wando Phosphate, ; u. 1 WOO ,7000 HAiwr m RntK'a.HaaanSL 6000 . ft 0900 r GtVRm lb .1-5 IS i 17 4 6BAXN Oom, In Btore, UtL 1W & 110 Coin Oats, ats, W boBhel.......i...... Peas, Cow, 9 baehel ..... ... HIDBS Green, V t ! Dry. , f l.' 1 iw- ; 1 xs North Klver, 100 as..w.. . :i io i sa HOOP IRON v ton......, ... tAKD Northern, . 4 vo K'iv -t ! North Carolina, LfsTR-n bbl ............. W O TO. 14r "f if 3Ueh Bd?e Plank. T U ft. Z3UU 1K300 iWest lnd a Cr-8,aordln v;'toqoaiiT ' 'I't- dDresnea I ioc ?. seasoned,. JO CO ;)rS i Xil Uil ; U 09 UU jBcaaUu i aoaras, com-i i i i a 15 09 ASS 08, u - . . . KOLABSi-S C"B CS, t ICS, V t,!.. ectiDa, cDis r i.. 43 a-agar House, .1 !?rl, - 23 ti- 28 40- 80 i 00 4 75 4d to LdV 9 aex.. OILS-KeK)eene MU-HWk ,08, 00 00 J Lard, fal;.V.f. .'.V.V.V.V t lUr 1 5 unseed, V rat UUMWU. KM...............I VV 110 KyTATQES Sweet. baaoaLi. . Irish. Horuusn,-p ftOLu4c v:a see iititr-j onnenu Wj atessM. S3 ao,v860. 00 OS 00 ollna. S ..rf. ..... i.Saatladia. IS ...u Jiu.l' vi W s n flor. t - City, V jjw1rt'.i.w..i ALT Aloaa, a? bwrsi..wj..;. si 101 1 JO - Anerieaii. V ssjc.i.w.i..-. . forta nioo, ft .... sA-4jonee; w a.i;u. uwit; f. 1 as s o 8HmGLEXmtract, fM..... 1 SSISiyiw-Mtv.a.M DC 8 DO "I I Croreas geaps M. . . STAvai' wTaBbt.ig m... 9 50 low ad ft 00 00 00 00 ldoo ; oooo 08 --iri oooo .14 & 14 00 j -auuttlme, WM..U. ....... 8 50 IttOOf 4 09 400l 1 00 aa -fiOO ! uienor to uitunaxy, y M.. WIIlSKBy Northern, sal.. I ..Noxtli CaiolloA. Si nil , v I WOOL UawaahedV .j..M. t washedV ..v.i;..;.u Wl lafflflNOTON - flIONEr SIABKEX cpaaCTTDattT rrtM aatata frtr ttiiotxa.'t 4 i wwai; vjij Ooldf rta. jlI an . . Mi rrtTO aianl- Mlter.Y.V;fH.V! ... .rr. H?.r....1Q6 Exchange Jjjg ftollw't; -..wiaft.w iBoateail...wiiT..'jr. 1 PhUadelphia, ; ...w i!i"r -v? .WrteraCiueArj'.7.'.1..i3.iT axcaange so oays a v cent merest aaasa M aoovs.' nanaot ew Maawresatocs;.ijt.svt i;g -los ' First National Bair,fit.wuwtUt-:tiia.,J'wtn Dawson Bank. . . .a .a -iiiiiyin1 't ' J00-. Wilmington BnHaing Stook. - Vf4 l lot a Mechanics -:--Tisr.-.;;.;.T-' m - S. CpndsidlbOTroc 'Do. Funding I860 Do... .'especial Tax. ,ja.JUwi- at bJt W. . W B.&BondY eQoMInt).V5 vmhV V Carolina Central ondav, Qx . i iuuou Ji3Ull (SO! .f .. - 'liiiaif viri-s ,!! J';'! w-sil M H xi ivsi aw a.i;.i(OolaIntT lB JUm sT V! ,w - - - ----- -a j r S A W. Aaiiroad Stook .70 r m Wu. Qss Light Cej-JICyji Wu. Seaside lirL-.:a RATBI OF FREIGHT. FerBteamor. Per 8ailine 1X3 I To Niw xoaa. Crude Turpentine bbl 00 0 89. Tar bbU 0 80 a 0 86 83 0 00 7. 40 0 00 1 00 0 00 o m oy Bpts Turpenape V obi 0 00 a 75 so oo za 0 00 1 S5 0 00 0 19 uotton v oaie Peanuts V bushel... o io o ooi ITo PH PBSUaDKLFHtal . LTuae i urpenuns m ddi i'Tt b 0 000 60: iar w ddi. . 0 00 0 so o oo i oo 0 00 0 00 0 50 Sptf Tnri Sptt Turpentine t bbl 0 80 tcosin v nDi4.ftT.,fi PUDvjD BOt ,0 00 0 50 Cbttoi. Good? 9 bale.. I 0 00 0 75l 0 00 0 75 00 Peanuts bushel.. 0 00 0 101 Lumber fJ M . . . f To BALTImOBB.' Chidn TurpentiBe V bbl 0 00 0 45 6 00 0 46 Tar v ooi L 0 00 fl 46. Bostn- Ootton bale... 0 00 1 00 o oo i oo 'o?:S 0 00 0 65 00 0 66 0 08 0 90 0 65 0 70 50 0 00 o is o ia Peanuts tt bushel.. I Ti.w.Kj.v ia-M 1 . T-hT III MWMW. ... ... V WO B W 0 00 0-00 Vrade Turpentine V bbl Tar sbbL-g. ,J A.00 DO 0O-00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 KOSIE y DDI.. Cotton Vbale,..,.... t PeanntB bndielLl , feLbmhor $0nY our rest, i mm n J; .a ia i m III I wi l!J..l!..,:.V .'. rt 1 The KfiTOhtftvdQrjaate "fkFPERS TP TR'iIECqANTS OP WTL W mineton and elsewbow, superior induopnieats mi wrQ wair susBiees aa fts eomranea-t a porgo ana one of the i 1BU ce(Midtsd.anaet. u aul-es im.m krin.Ki. m urf-. ssw I . . .. - . . . . . ... I Advertisers, who desire to rasgfc niirchAaera nhnnld aAvferCi hftM G"AZSTKSr jins'publishedinamaeiCTrarshaw Co., 8. C, at tie head of navigation a&&&tt$pa2$rer, at $S iKortermefadTertiaiatfJaidtKl nwmi - le jur'toriMwa estafu TSANStR B&AkSl EdfAPm'r. hot M.U I A r " tWdn. B. C. . -. ., . . - 1 it ?a - " a jisi)va iim -s- .js w Sale M Valuable ileal Estate. I xK& ostitis ttt'l t3Y YUmiBC jAKDN AOCOBDANCB WITH JJ the'brbvisionB of a certain lBdenture of mort-. gage, executed by Feist Mayer to. ''The Bank of New nsDOver; oeanng aaie me m uay oi marcu, a. i. 1872, and registered in tbe records of New Hanover county. In book BEST, at page 84 and following, the nndwsedj.asih attorney s of eaid mortgages, will PKTHUItSDAY, THEIthD'AY of September next kt H o'clock Mm atlhe ConrtHonse door In She city Of WilmingOivBeJl for caah, by public auction, the pwned by A Pr.Repiton and wife, on the eonth side of Market . street, and running thence southwardly along ineur line onffBarea. ana inirty-iwo reec io Bettenconrt's alley, thence along aaid alley east- wardly fifty-eight feet to another lot now or recently owned by Ac K Jrepiton and wlfe..ftience,wiai tHeir line Jtwamr'hUtOX f eesjS tbe lot olJ. Atli kerson, thence with the back line of Wilkereon's let westwardlrw,epty-f oorfeet to Wspdrner, thence with his other line tfoHhwardly' sixty-six feet to Market street, thence along Market "street westward ly tnirty-ionr reetto tne Deginnmg, ana oeing in block 15Z acc sccordinz to Turner's plan, of the city.of oa:-irm WMGIlt STEDM AN, vilmingtoa: ang7-dts ,. Attorneys. t , Euafrsirrls,"" i aniH in r p rayon Portraits. TliAVB!JTO 'cALli' Y6iDK ATTENTIONS 4J tot his Portraits inr Cjray on, Persons jwuhing good' plctures of themselves' or deceased friends can nave tnera nicely execuiea Dy seuaing mm a photograph to work from. A good photograph is 1 necessary to Insure . a good likenees. . The prices Deiow lnciuae postage by nau, on roller. A neat frame of walnut and gilt will beurnicbed to those who oesWfeW $l.&2.m"3l J . . J C?-"- -mW 4 ' j "Mr. ilarria pogseses the rare gift of being table to delineate, accurately, from a, pnotograph or btho ;) picture me f-xaci u&eneas er any pne, .we, guamo tee fttisfactlon.M f Oxford Leader.! . 'e : j V We have seen his work, and. eonsidcr Jt excet 1 't We hare seen a capital portrait of fibn. wenaoie, uj w. 1 X3arn;,,iuai jenecia aoor tional lustre on, us genius, in that department.". Tprcb-Llght.T,, roar 17-tf;, CarSoun?niSffiClri&So r ss required hj City Ti : Orduiance"J)a8sed May 9tbJ 1873, shaO. be subject to seizure b tne City- Marshal,' and the owner, thereof subject to a fine of J?rr Roi.Trh for each 'and verr rlarth anm. 1 nw4 faithis City wtt nout the prepayment of themcmthly ts,r without bating on tbe' Ti v. V'5 eor Number as the Ordinal of tafrCfty eta&es. Jft T i 1 Any Ordinance or parts thereof conflicting with the foregoing are hereby repealed.7 1 The above Ordinance pras passed by the Beard f AJdarmwattliaung lfebruary itfta, 1874; .-..: i KK ! jtMilKJH Pit. XMli 7 X.SJ. aJM&VUBS.Tii'lU j feb 18 tf , it V) j n- -T r!jnt efft Citv Clerk. 1 Anffnar luowma flesenpea piece or paxcei oi iana sicuaiea in said cityb;:! J . 1 1 -- ' . i Beginning at the corner; of a lot now or recently I jiJij-.ja...a ra w .ita.:s Shippers may reJwapcathwmptaa4KegularSaiiiag of tte J AMKfitTTED "0 NOTIFY ALL .PARTJES 1 9 nt the reauirementacf the city for funds are such tnai a srrict compiunce wun tne ordinances will be made, and such persons, who do 'not pay their City Taxe on er before tbe: '' f , ipBS OP, BEPTEMBEE'PEpXniOilJD ! (hen property will) be) advertised! -and sold as the law direct a ,uui soi mi b t" ul fu ti bi, 1-n-i j.-So'im id) 1 iOiu Jj'C j5ERVOBS, i aag'18-tf.' i :ia(it;mor vim i'; City Treawwer. - DpgfOrdinance for 1875 Li -; llt.iat i 1-41 f? ' ! ''1 Vii. jriw; OIIlco Treainrer & CelIectorf JL that the eamothouldge into effect JuneJpt- , iNOTtCajDS BEttEBYOIVENrthat ill parties owning or fceepitg sny dogs, either male or fttnale, are required to register the same at this office, and procure the rcqnirBadgeseorojnfycing 1 lflondavtfiA IJtti Inst ! !1 -i(HJ ViD nt 3e-9W . nis UOlt .tW i j : provides that sucV persons, who fafi to comply' taae'jf??.. Kjejty Clerk. and Treaeurr ;. bi.-a av,iryftlvi'iflmiriD'trtrii k4 Wuwl i WB: ,trEOM r,,THIa,DAT AUCTIONEERS: .ARB A1-prohibited Mllingborseaor stock -of any kind la front of the City Market.-1 Priacesa street, from tbeEaatern line si Fiona street to the Western.' line of Fourth street, or 8ecood and fbird.iatreets.ibe tweentlNorthernnnaof Marketandtbegeutierni rmeaf Casnm etreetNara designated far UUs toar - poeebserderoi ta Jtaya-i''' uu .fAAn: i ' " " 1 1 ' . tn'.i .i in, , ..I' 1HAVE RECEIVED BY -il ATLANTIC Coast Line, aar fifth- maiea fcf Tea'-from the. United; States Tea Ca; consisting- rjf aboat thirty different varieties, patup In teaadsom airtignt eana : with screw eereer. and sold at the aame! 'nilcea as I otertheeonntersof. theiCoaipaay' lni New York I At jatg T-tfw"1 vandConfeciaony-Sr- Roastb: . 2T A waf-t I A ff !iir .iitji.,.; .Tio',i .ti'tr'-'iW wTtiiirrs df , 1 ?K!iik I. ;-l-J'5 irijpw in' n nrxort&east ear.-jriJtrkt.,aod.aecAiid Mhil june90-tf oo iwiwi ad iiiw SrtA WiT!uU,wJ t hoalii. -sf.:' WT .uenerax, wmmissioni JaexAaBWWhT, - T r.WTHTTTr' " ; ,v Wr TheSIfon-.Vt aad Con chase cant. sang 89-U. HTitt f-:? ty avtit tin sfpinon, i r 1 sUUUiiuinri'j.iiutiilJa rormanoa i " ' - abotrf y Georgia of Florida, should stibecribetor. rbuM o 7 intry Produce feejietal.yT-siso. to tne ihrA J . . of , Mercharidioe. i Ref t rs . by permltl u 6 X I- B. Grainger. J'ref d't Bank. New Hanovut 1 iiiptX'p9eritk SAi''Specrmetf eopies4i A "Hi ' to w tl-l sent'tm' receipt of 8 centa-of oiu ,vf . 1 -X PPUQATTONS FORITITATJOHTS AS, Teach i OTS? A Ar trr 5 j !BU -Tt y.. iTHsKtSTA R f ' H op nr " SrCS $X a 1 Published . at Marlon eAt irr Advane$i C5 H rf dttmsvttisdb- f onowingMiharaP rr tniam scnoers: Uf.W t- r-..r T ia hahusomb -smKAOfG 19 tf-M in.) to IAN EXTHA COPY OF THENAR for m t. any one wno wju sena.a WLya.or rrrx u 10 wjU send.a Cxva.or Frrn sxibsqibers, !TatrJgo eacnmtmbr br-theChih? T MpROCCO 8ATCHELI' 03, 8ET OF 1 an Kngraving to eaci fiV ti for t J FIFTY DOLLARS. IN GOLD for ai,Clu1 iit Ohe Hundred. itUUIOLP J5tiill"i07v IAN ELEGANT FAMILYbEWTNG MACHINE, rfiniiraiw wiBafcaMwaUBftQriV I"I.IHWIIT nerrr fend estfsDrtee reme. ladn oe genttsmanm arerj Beighaorbood misbt gt.e order: or in registered letter at oerriekti e Aoareaa ail letter to-- . - -vr T'i w W U ;...K'T IMH-J!W I . litll? -S T U JD "3T -E mil bfdif(za Its 1- " "r ,u -u,i45; , MARKET STREET. '- ; : .:r-i. f!fcE&Mr6ui TfijfBiLXNCfE' 4 We are mttkine a roecial fffort-ia this ;deDrtment lo refimce the etock Metinn Iai...., . Ladies will find price? lower thaff ever. A" i 3i1?"ro-ttlrt8Tcocli act rllTifPfTitft' PQffivno''Wot"l-- 3 0O9 Ol bSMtaaTO"' 4tl 8ltlSia5i'- .yijTtiio laacnine -la .tfida sJefumuetioa e'ldJitw ill. fj iieecues navmgjust isKen an accoum oi our siock we nna severalsuiall Vari l olB whicltj we have deteffiiiried .toiiclosd out at a Price " '! slaaii io !nl etiBi" :r mow J.ilJiwstni;vJjj;-- .miiTiiqj tl-'v? ttoiif oosf..j.d! ci IUD ,Fb riatronage extendit; fi r v I JUiroaghout ..... .t'S"t.l,i', tB'" . . I In . o(uiK n..v'..A K teifrqutny Hk'i 113e'P?i!B fkK- ""-V V','; V'"'-'"' ' ' ;::. ,. 1.,, i - ;:Afpre we'rQtoom..,:!;- .w.i:.:-. . fch.-i.noJ.r) -sol iMte6.??. bargain. ; V '- -yoiH,wi. oj i i o BRiXWN & RODDICK 1 August 2Mfi '-'f- 'M' "' ; . 45. Market ai .. I , J 1 - ' I ,;' m$t Freight Sdate to Che fJWioE ANDWlLfilNttTO I i .ij vvji i?nj( f i ' L ii 1 1 i Htymffri .ili:J LfflKWrXV HJ!n law nttfr"r7rwafl -tiui;- . . U . a ' . . 1. w euircsuay ana DaLuruayah 3 . lu.. .MtsbsiKsittUdfeMltiWAW irviatvvrAT-..r . u;tn . ''j!if 'i w m, Wednesday l1 I ' ' ! NEW1 : YOW AND 'WD U "-li;- -ifi?l..ii AND iTEAM'fiES TjAILY BETWEEN -1 il ' " ; n vu Boston and j Wewl York, ' .; ; SEMI WEEKLY 'Z ! ' ' 1 Between NerYorkaatrWilmington, f "P b7 f!8- T1''-p -i .i nrn i .vA TTT.1J ) Connecting at Wilmington with the Wilmington,' Columbia and Augusta Kallroad, Wilmington am Weldon Baiiroad, the Carolina Central Railway and Cape Fear River Steamers. THROUGH BILLS ' LLS DrLADINGi GIVEN TX. AND FBOM : ALL' POINTS 1NN0KTHAND SOL'Tll ,Oi iaiii;",JAEOIilNAi! GEOBGIA JAND f'AIJLBAMA.'' '; . " j ., ? T,..,.,, Xfew'TWQKlon "otif?e3,all Mrer and otaer Eastern atie.' ' A ; SATES GUARANTEED AS LOW1 AS. BY ANY OTHER ROUTE AND TIME AS QUICK LOs , , ' OR O VERCHANGBS PROMPTLY PAID, . Wark. aIsIj gqoZs tm! ot ydjfs Wilmington link , 'i i Fnriher informatioa apply to either of the naderslened Hwnfrftli.T.ino - - D. D. C. MINK, ' r -1' 'A .1 K ou-j General Eastern Agent, . "V" A 29 i!eTonshiroStrtet;o8ton. ! : .t ,auA!A .7 JI .'rir CZC'AgentA- 1 A:i1SiiWii'S;-- I lAcn.jgvji". a 'sV.'A !' ;rfT.Wft-'i.A xlVi'lnaingtor),, N. Baltimore and Southern Steam Transportation ') .V .USfidtH'i) hxtt; , VIS' WIlMisT6TON, Nr C: ' it. I .'A,s! 1 Jxt' )I .U.i.i ,f.Qlod'I i 9 i rT Fast Freiiht;Epute tqaU D6int8 North or South. f . t --.l'. a Aal i .7 - jj BALTIMORE. , . .1 Baltimore an'MlmlW fimiWfiekl.m,l .. ,. i J ' .-Cm.1(We8aUrKL ...o.. I Sailing from BALTIMOKB '-Mtf-.l .'i . .U:.- t' ! . htt nnii tittt uivnlivni , WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. BOSTON AND PROYlDElCEX5,w id I Baltimore aiidT7LmirLgtoa Line, j1 I'TJaltlmore. Boston and Evidence J2n4. 6t TI CLYDE'S PHILADELPHIA AND FBOVlDXCB..L , ..A ,JUAUgiU .A Jli - ,.jf g j Shippers may rely upon the prompt and Begufar I ap Shipments by this Koutei ,iv. ,t t, ,,rjucu 4 1 THROUGH BILLS OF . liADING GIVEN TO. Pi,ltl t - . i" i i fi;'.WvV nf-tr u.iff i :.ul .v.j'jnn.H .l ' xi'j'O Ji-imia-AA-yAL ..iruK "CJrS ' lsTJlrJ7.A"" ii,. For farther lnfoatiP toln4f t fAf ef the.W- :lfeW tifip? t'aatistfcti 'tDiAeeni BaUimoreiLine. 50 South St., Baltimora mar 18 tf .1 ,ui WH'WH 1 "ViTltt&ih 1 a - ' "'sicliers; inthefreepublmSchcnf KilmiiigtonlTHf stid win e receded IromtbU daie.lAa -appikwH fkins must state tbe grade of their eertificues givmii tl enVWithe 60 of Cbnhty -CXakiartti'b! 1 acHef wrll be employe without alcertifieatt? itn an applioaatajaust s:te the school in-which 'thr1' WUnto do empwyedi- (WhWe ar'cVhore'dit 1 ByioMer of School ffcrnmlsaoners of iliningtopf Township. AUG. H. MORRSiw augsv$t t MteflC,AW .(.".kaalnnnyli I f . fii m j i"Vy .mu-'Miii ; HICKQJiY. N. C .! ,.f)f .fiwws.'trH A -!J 'JjtTyT iEDjIN.CAi ong meecnants, farmers and an1 classes or onsl is men in the Stataf "haPRESiisia .i v e 1 .1" .'V .111 JI Ai .xinc C O OST O HVi i n.t . " . bv-fiswi ladies' inqebwear viz-"1 :! ' " ."r ': v-i . -'' ' wuo-tb, , ad iUUOV J.iKw-p(Vot 57 cents fif!''r'v' the year noo endit. . . 'J-rf i i: i "0'' b. seH Withine tnariri,' :r; ; ' i all Points : North or South A Y- j i . , . , i .iaa a,aviianii4BjiaaitiiavatiHi!I' .;... aiM Satittday. Wednesday and Saturday, frdm 'each port.. T' A 1 V' q''")-1 " . i V.1. vi . ' . ..... A A . ! WM.' Pt. CLSDE A C., General Aeonts. . - 'A J. -;; .: iilr t.. - - -New York Line. 6 Bowling Green, New Vera. FOiAXjr, ' b 1 ': ' :i 'i! ! - v PHILADELPHIA. 9 Baltimore; aa4 .Wilmington Line 1 oAj Wf-V'ISemieekly, : - j. Between Baltimore and Wilmington, Baltimore and Philadelphia St Bt. Co. ; i i Between Baltimore and Philadelphia. i 'A n WESTERN CITIES. 'Baltimore and Wilmington Line, lrikhern Ceatralj Baiifoadjand, the Battiiaore u4 ,fi;fi-T iktoRallroacLi '' Sailing bf tnesd Steamers,' 'and quick dispatch give veil to j u.- ' ' -,. AND FROM .ALL POINTS W NORTH AND - , i .. . , - ... . .. ... . tvi mitat .'i,.'" 5s. X,,' ra ,iJJt.ltii .'"IT ttS f ;t)l M.t -tfl 'ly i f&ltlwor aBd,New,XrkLiue8...yilmuMfw ; .rm llJi. -..'il rl r i ,.iti' -i- f-i ! i.s; . UARANTEEDTOBEASGOOD '- ... - . . . . it . ! 1 mmw,s aa vi ' vsaua v-a .punfl 7 ' n i utAl A 10 : 9TOiit -Ot iU Ji r" fJr'-s'r.XTKE-GOTO ' A . liuf aoii. L:: n i l -:lL'Ar,A.,' i ..iL ,,!,,! GliES MURCHISON. : ' L jj , . Nm Hardware Kior , .1 t. rci."0- . J ioweet figures, delivered' in any part of the city fie . 'i;tji. :) 1, nr-4l-Ki ii v-isX : J : US'- i: -t-1. A; A 1

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