THE IIOEIIIITG STAB. : PUBLISHED DAILY. BY -'V RATH Of BUMCBOTIOB IS AOVAJTCa: one ye" nT mjU1' postage praM....; S"i w Six moot IB, I mhnMI II OnulBl 4 AA One mourn, v - - ........ ou mo City Subscribers, delivered la any part of the MtV Fifteen Cent per week. Ow City Agent are got authorized to collect for mora than S months in gdvance. ,-, ,. . , . " OUTLINES. . New York . Markets; Cotton, 14i14J cnts ; spirits , turpeatine .81i31 cents; rosin $1 65fl 70 for Strained; gold 113 v )- " ....i t 5 113i SL Pauliand Chicago ex- press trains went through a bridge near the latter place; and 'the conductor' en gineer and fireman killed. 1 - Barnes house, Rutland, VL, burned.- ' Green back Convention met at Detroit yesterday. LKT THBJIAU GO. Every Democratic ,: Conservative member of the Convention ought to be present in Raleigh on the 6th prox. to take part in the organization. There is not a vote to spare. , We may need one more man we snail I get. umiiung one seat irom urange county there are certainly 59 : Con- servatives, 58 Radicals and 2 . Inde- pendents elected.; SUASIONS NOT OBDEB. The RaleighJVctr says: ' " It does not appear that Judge Settle has issued auy order ia the Robeson county matter and we therefore cheerfully correct our statement recently made to that effect, which was, however, based on what we candidly believed sufficient and reliable evidence, it. having' Been made in a tele graphic dispatch; to the Wilmington Star from Robeson county, and information re ceived by us from Robeson apparently oon firmed the statement. , -. : ; - Well, it was a summons in a regu lar suit; that's the difference. It is presumed that he; cannot' grant the mandamus. " 'r' T-1 : """f5 i OFFICIAL ELECTION HBTPHNI. . . """" 4 For the Morning Star. J C f currttcck. m f;v ' Cowell, Conservative, 565; Baxter, Radi cal, 356. Coweirs majority 209. ! I No increase in Radical vote; heavy fall ing off in Conservative vote. V '."t.? VMtofihDead. : A few years ago a brief article went the round of the' newspapers, lnuinnr tha siarnifTnant titlL.Who Ate Roger Williams T It seems that m searching for the remains of one of j the fathers of religious ' liberty s in America almost nothing vas found. The pick and spade removed the hard earth till a dark line was reached having the shape of a coffin. J Beloi there were a few locks of silvery hair and some teeth, the things JByrou tells-1 us that decay soonest in life and :re- i . j-.v. - rt. An i snaiu luugtrsif kilc ucaiu. ... ucau. form had disappeared and a living form had taken its place. . The body of the old hero had become, not food for worms, but 6nslenance for an ap ple tree. - A root had forced its way i h rough the : hard earth till it reached' the iOoffitt, whose ltd i it lifted, and whose contents it le :otired. li had stretched itself tvt-r the skeleton and thrown but di vnsiuus over the extremities. These iu turn had divided andishowed ihe fo m and'position of the fingers. A living form showed where a uecaying I- J .4 An M V1 A ' T fl O fl h.4vimJnMi it hA nrndnnpd bros- I iiiu uv. i vui vv. aw f . sums iuc uuiiuicii ui iub giivigQ-. had nlneked. arid fruit that he him- elf had eaten. Mr. Rodney Welch, in the leachers Monthly, is our au- thoritv fvr the story, which he gives an delstir. Notalwavsbowever, does I a .decaying body, thus immediately I auunster to the wants ol Uie living mh y. A traveler in Central America U-Ii us that the prie8tsin Leon, Nica f;S-aguav lent out'burial lots for ten or Vwentv years, at the end of which time they. sell, the -bones and snr- rounlii: earth to the manufacturers of dli petre. This mode of disposing f the dead is quite as economical as was-the disposition, of the body of I lloger Williams. TK finanntii Current ttnb- liahes crop report from nearly :350 counties iu the West, showing a JftUL average acreage of wheat m ymo an.l Indiona. lartze lossesby ' rain and . .. - i. :i.;Tiiry; 1 the quality rvery inienqrj iu Aiiiuuio i the crou is below tne average, cuuw i tiou la reel v bad and quality inferior j in Iowa acreage aa osnal, -yield large, J quality inferior; Missouri, crop uu- iderablv short and materially uaut-. aged; Kentucky, yield .average but mxn ibadly damaged? jJichigan fair, ;nd h aV isconsin good. 1 " Oats largely ae OhlnTKn- luekV, Indiana and Illinois and parts of Mioari YTne corn crop promises to ne uuusuaiiy targe. , hoes are mmerallv in better conailion than iaKt y;ar, and in . many places are feeding ou the damaged grain. The court-room, at Cynthiaria, Ky?, wax tht iuui.fl : of the utmost excite- nwi.t mhun; thrt inrv in the case'ef' vnuhfr Ki1frlv. charcred i with i the; .murder of Dr.' C - Ia Donally, reu Mlered their verdict TThe - room was ' densely crowded, atid t!ieHlel per iiiere ja.aid titiiiave ; b eii the pri,oner.f VVhea the?f'rejan rose iimi answefed1 the 'preliminary ques aiop, every breath appeared soppress Then 1 uttered slowly and with Hni.-U tieiiiblin, ;twe, J?r.vt nud lilemsowtfLmd before In conld1tfnisb,there arose such cheers thai iii !iiiiiiifMrt'-.ta.iied. The Court aiiiv? alftbe brBcraU t 6n ei iel. arid then nearly amothered the boy m .the eagerness of. their congrat- when Utdgely 5 nised up, the spectators went ior tue -jurprs a a like tnanner.- . V . ' n VOL. XVI. NO. 133. THBOITY. NEW ADTBRTISBnBNT. Kkrchneb& Calmer Bros. Flour. Harrison & Allen. Straw Hats. p H. -ChadbourC Co. For Rent. Giles & MtjrchisonI Grass Blades. bee Advertisement " Found." - Light coast rains to-day. A uumber of gentlemen went on a blackfish excursion :. yesterday on t the steamer Alpha. I There-was 'no -session of he Mayor's Court yesterday morning, the names' of no offenders appearing on the docket. O n r 1 ate confrere of th e Journal) Mr Jpsb.T. James. Ileft for Kew York Tuesday - evening on alshort busiues: trip. ln our notice of the call extend ed by the First Baptist! Church to Rev. J. B. Taylor, the word ''society" was used in tne place of "church." From what we learn at the office of the City Treasurer, we. fear that some names may appear in the newspapers, afttr September 1st as delinquents in the pay ment of their city taxes. Freik Water BathlMK. ' ; We are reminded, by an advertisement in the ifyf&teff that the Newberniaos are bet ter provided for t than we ia, the matter of bathing ' facilities. iFor fee of tea cents any person may take a pleasant trip -across the river and return and have admission to the bath-houses of the Neuse River Ferry Company on the further side. The bene fits of a little sail after a day of diligent ap plication to, business are appreciated by many weary heads in this city from daily experience, bat the Newbernians have put that pleasure "Within the reacn ot every body's purse and added the privi'ege of a glorious bath off with. The sani tary value of good facilities for bathing can scarcely be overstated, and it is undeniably a threat lack in ibis city. We hope that next season,' at ' least," some one will take up the matter, if only as an cl of good will toward our boys,- who have been driven from almost every available spotni and near the city, and see what can bo done toward giving . opportunity to en joy their favorite sport 4n some ppot which can be rendered safe and acreeued from pal- lic view. ! We judge that such a bathing place could be arranged almost any where on the west side of .the river, and at no veiy great "outlay for buildings. If a little extra out- i--Wr marta nnon the buildines. many -a,. , would he temDted over iu - the -' . ' summer evenings s and the ferry would doubtless become a paying institution. Who will be first to move in the matter? The best friends of the boys, we think. . TheDrewaeiinau-Farilier rarueu- Iar. -tX -i;sv; i' ;5t. . n iiii 3' The name of the unfortunate t olored man who was drowned off Mr. J.; II. Kefl- wharf Tuesday night was Albert Williams, aged about 24 years. It appears that his wife was off on a trip up the rtver and was expected back on the night in question in the steamer D. Mureliiton. This accounted for the presence of the man on the wharf. the boat. This much was ascertained by : ; r . , . r on - - o'clock, fouad deceased lying on ine-wua loz asleep and awoke fclftt -auoui an uuut after the officer Jeft him :be was heard to fai n0 the" river, and efforts were made to MTe him. but without effect. The body of the young man, who at the deatli was in the employment of Mr: j; tt HeyeTbad notTbeeaixecovercd late last evening. 1 A tV5 coincidence connected with the drowning, we would state mat u uuama was one of the inmates of the boat which was swamped, near the same point some months since, when the colored woman Mary McKenzie lost, her life, and her com paniOD8 so narruw ijr .coiou. The race which was to have taken place at Wrigbtsville Sound, Tuesday afternoon, bkween the-Omina and EtppU.ot the Car- olina.Xachtvmo. wa, pusipvucu uuw. reeular regatta of the Club in September. ' . ' - . i,a font itaf Tui8 postponement was uuo there was not a oream ot winu prcTauiU14 At , he time the race was. to commence: We hope for better things when the regular r&ce come8 0ft i , - - Th Attaletle Club store of Messrs. Giles de Murchison, yesterday, ; we noticed, a set of l boxine-Kloves, foils ana masas, -.wiucu w were infoiwere By the way,.we.iearn,inav iuBruuUu. I recenuy uwuoicu v. , Cemeterv. have been nearly leveueu, bbu I tDai the work' of' buildtog a suitable fence around the same will be commenced next week-r r J " fm m m ""'"C )A j colored daipasfcls Wne4 1 Ie lines and jlarriet lien ry, claiming to be Hioes sisters, were aTresied yeaterday morning n the charge of fighting. It is said ot them, however, to their credit, that they, are not old offenders having heretofore kept their skirts clear of the Police Court. The case will probably come up beforerjhe Mayor thlciaorninr.T 'Vrft -fvv ' ' -.m i 7 t . Workrwa ommenced-yesterday morn- 7 ingonwthe exVnsion of the street nilrdad from Market street down Fourth. Ground L t...xWm .f iZa wtrnrraf Fourth and Orange, arid considerablej?-aaing aone WW . ioutfi. We hear a re port thai the road will be extended a block or twobeyond Castle street,. ' , , - ft WILMINGTON, Dlatreaalua: Il0mlcIde In Haywood County Two Young Wilmington ' liano a rroatod. v 1 1 : ' - Intelligence of the sad affair referred to m tue lollowing, wnicn appearea id iue Charlotte CKwrvtft ohe''84tb,Uodr the above head, ' was received In 4bi8r6y on, Monday afternoon, but the particulars were of such a meagre nature that we refrained from speakmg.of' thdmaUerrpur knowl edge of the-two young men alluded to now forces us tothe conclusion that the provo- caUoallhtch led to the shooting must have been of a much more serious character than would appear from the article in the Observer; which, had ot been fully inform ed of the particulars. We presume full and reliable details will be received here in a day or tweyaad we feel satisfied they will be much more favorable to our young friends than are the rumors now in circula tion; ; . . . "Passengers who arrived in the city yes terday afternoon on the Statesville train, tell us the story of a .distressing-homicide which was committed on Friday or Satur day last, in Haywood county. The homi cide was committed by Mr.' Strange, a son of CoH. Robert Strange, of Wilmington,- and the victim was a hack: driver. JlTews con cerning the affair is very meagre, but what we have learned is about as follows: A party who had gone from Wilmington to the mountains to spend a .portion of the summer, on the day in question engaged a hack or some other vehicle, for the purpose of going on -.a -fishing excursion, and the man who had promised to furnish it did not arrive with it at ttie , time agreed upon.- Wheu hedid finally arrive, a quarrel took. place between him and young Strange,, but the crowd got in and went ahead until at some point on the road one of the wheels broke down, when the difficulty, j was re newed, the hack Owner being the driver. Hoi words passed and these culminated In Ur. Bridgere'ja son of Hon. R. R. Bridgers, handing his pistol to Strange, who fired upon the driver, killing him instantly. J. "Both Strange and Bridgers were arrested and confined in jail at Waynesboro,: the county seat of Haywood. The former, we understand, had a telegram sent jto his father, and it reached him . here . yesterday afternoon, while ho was passing through from the West, on the Carolina Central train going the Wilmington. He stopped aad remained over last night, and leaves this morning via the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad, for Waynesboro. . - ; Both -f these young men are oi nne faaulies, aod evea if not for their ownselves, on account of their connections the upfor-. tunate occurrence is to be deeply deplored." J ttrtiuawlcic superior Con rt. - i The Fall term of the Superior Court for Brunswick County convened in Smith ville Monday, on whieln day, however only a few trifling cases were disposed of. Tues day the case of the State tw. James Heaton, charged with staying the election at the First Wai d polls in I his city on the 6th of August, 1874, was called, and occupied Ihe entire day,r the ' jury - retunng about o'clock. ' . When our informant leit Bmun- ville yesterday morning, the jury were still but, with no prospect of their agreeing. Solicitor Norment and-Junius Uavis, Esq.. abpeared.for the prosecution, and Ex- Judges Russell" and Cahtwell and Bv J. Devane,Esq., for the defenee. Another case, in which the same oeiena ant is changed . with meeting a riqtou the election day referred to, has been by agree ment, we. understand, continued juntil the next term of the f Court. :'ry -r r ";' ri.n bt.tohor pnM has also? we fear n. been .IK .U.u. y- "Later. WeFhavi idlicis from Smith.- ville up to 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, when the jury in the Heatoa case-were still out, no agreement having been reached. tV . j ' ' 'am' nw ' " 5 . Hop ax WrlgnteTlHe. , We understand that, notwithstanding the pbponement Of the aces, the bbp on the Banks came 'off on Tuesday'nlght, and was entirely successful both ast6 numbers present arid general enjoyment-. The music was from this city .and the fun was j kept up just howlato we cannot, tell. r) By "the" way, "why dont some of our young1 friends constitute themselves a com- Mtlee'tO see that we get as rougn running sketch of all these pleasant little affairs on 'thr 4balt thereby -we1 would s be saved the pofcsibilily of making mistakes or ohOs-. sions, and h0 help the panicipants to aeep alive many en joyable recollections, i.i " nr a) gfi Ten, i ,; i ' Old black Tena the " prophetess' of Bladen now teaches her flock that the best 'interests'" of the colored people will be served by "their acting politically with their white employers. Where sha got this " in spiratiou"; from she does, "not tell, but it sounds rather sensibly for all that. At one of her recent meetings be says she bad to I drive one of die colored - candidates at the recent electiodoff the grMttmdswith her, bplyt f9! t,ifled wit!1 political Views .Iqd1 freely aud Voisil y j Uh her ann pavlnr. r feli from tbe scaffold, .-corner Mafket and Tenth street, day before yesterday, was, we learn, not 1 so badly in jured ' as was at first supposed. His baifk was sprained and bis body bruised in. several places, -lie waaablel bweveiv walk about the house Yesterday: and?.bopes.jtQ be. at- .work in a weea or so. h'-.- r't-6'.tx Hint or - ar oc:. 4.neyuvv-.i-"-- j- I veaterdavt i ' ' 7 A.VM.; 70; lMtffm FM',78; 41 P. M., 75; 9 P. M., 69. n n JLVJLV NG N. C.v THURSDAY. Jamestown Weed, Ac, i ! Our .."night; 'reporter; has1 several;! times spoken , of a mattewhich;. he : thought of moment to ihe health of our city, and, be- ng now remmaea oi 11, ue laaea picasuic iu aan-calling attentio tothe; subject- matterj of ? a' paragraph vwritten and pub lished by him on the ISth insL, but which for the "present occasion he will extract from the Journal of Monday, as follows: "We see that Jamestown, weed has at tained a rank growth in 8ome"yards and vacant lots, and is in full bloom. Now is the time to destroy i. before the seeds ma ture. - And as for the Ailanthus shrubs, any time i? a good' thiie" j We desire to call the attentton or parents and lot-owners to the fact that every part of ' the : Jamesfbwn w eed (Datura Stroma nium) when taken internally acts as a nar-cotico-irritant poison.' and the odor will in fect the atmosphere where the weed grows profusely to; such an extent as to. have an appreciable effect upon the general Tiealth of the neighborhood. The same remark will appFy in a" lessened degree 3 to the Ail- anihus poison. We"are orjbe impression that there is a general city ordinance pro viding for their destruction, but lot-owners ought not to wait for its enforcement before clearing them out. ,- We particularly recol lect a lot on Red Cross near Front street as overgrown. - ' With these additional remarks we com mend our waif to the enterprise of the Portsmouth paper," and hope that ere it returns to us it will have done much good to the health of the cities . through which it may pass. :;'.;7.' - . 1 Io thisvCourjectioflL w,erjlght;als'of men tion our article on the inspection; or cellars, but c vwil just remind -.the i curious intlibonneclioUsuhfasa, iib idatara, or sub-cellar, as many 6eem most appropriate, that sometimes ; ....?. - ! ; . i- i 1 "There gleams- in the thyrsus that bac- or ciianaia.uear,.. ..... . Mid the blooms of a garland, the point ofaspear.;; . ' , S we forbear. - , :- j Tbe Cotton Prent. "1' "' .' Work on the cotton press - and sheds, is progressing' rapidly: The,, ceppartment walls are now well up and the contractor expects to have the masonry completed and ready for the iron roof in about a weekj.:It is thought that the sheds will be ready for the reception of cotton bytheiOth or 15th of September. The cylinder and; some of the gear of the press, with the massive framework, are now in position, work on the wharf is being' pushcnl rapidly, the great platform, 275 feet long, ad joining the Ware house, and along which the railroad sidings are to extend will soon belcommenced, and tbewhole work will benpshedrapidly to completion in time to be ready for the. open ing of the shipping season. The whole premises are one vast activity. A Runaway. -. v, j i o'clc f Yesterday afternoon: about 50 o'clock, a horse, with rockaway attached, the prop erty of Mr. fl. VonGlahn, became frightened by some means and dashed wildly uown Front street At the northeast corner oi Front and Princess streets the animal made a Eudden turn, when the vehicle came in contact with the lamp-post at that point and was seriously damaged. Fortunately, there was no one in the rockaway at the time. Tbe' Malta. m, The mails will close at the City Post-Of- Due QDUl iumier uuuva as juuuni. Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and West ot Vfetaon, i '-. daily at. . .5:45 ; P. 31. ' " through and way (day) VM i mails daily. except Sunday; .6:80 kJxSL Rnnthffrn -mails for all ooints t . . ,' f SouthUdaily, , f f ;. ftiAi 5:15 P.iM. VUBltbVU UO.BJ , ......... v ' Western mails ft). C. RvldailV;W A ; - texceDi Dunuavs.) Charlotte mail closes at. . 2:30 P. M Smithville (via Easy Hill and ! i Town Creek) Tuesdays and ' i Saturdays vs. 4., . .i. w 6.00 A.1L. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape' r Wphy' 'River.4 c MondavS and '. Fridavs .1 ... 1 iX) P : M. Fayetteville by.aCR'y; daily; n ! - Onslow C. H. and intermediate i I " office everr-Fridav-is .1 fta A. M; Tbe Smithville mails, by steamboat, close at 3 P. M.dalyexcebl' Sundays. Mailsdeliverpd from 60 A, M. to 7Q P. ML, and on Sundays from 8 SO tov:3UA. i .jStamp Office open from 8AMto 12 M., and from 2 to 6. -00 f. JO. . Money oraeror- ' Register Department Open' same as stamp " office. r-1 -1uh ' '-- I " Stamps for, sale at general delivery jwhep , Key Boxes accessible, at all hours; day and niebt. 1 ' "' . . Malls collected- from trcetf boxes every day at 5 P. M. . -s, . -X -., t - vrilnaingtbu'.aiethddl Jlatrtet v Appointment's of -Rev;-. Wi a Blacky Pre Elder, for the third round of quar- .terly. meetings for the ;. present .Conference' yearoi me niimiugiuutiauiu;'ui'! i -m-. aid 80. ' V;! . " '" ' "'V'" '' " - ; . f Wilmington, at Front Street Church, Sep fembe5 and ;t - O ' ' 1 I Smithville, at Smithville, Septemberi 12 and 14. tt Editors 'Star hoi Hob t a breach kof CHStoni, may I ask space fpf A fw words in reference to the statement of Mr. R'y-. Andrews inf this morning's Journal, Con-' iprriWjr'yofr :ilifh ffstMWM Tit I submit, then, that ideas are property,- recognized -byVcepy right .an&. other lawsj and that one -who t desires' to, incjasejrfs property of jhat ' description 4 cannot pead either bis poverty or "cu8tomM as an excuse -for not making due payment to those pep SOUS Or louroais wuuao iucm uo uura make his Own. Payment may bo made in a currency as che'ap as 'thaoka and I. cannot see that litentry ' piracies are, moW t,baa othervlo'be justified 'by te pjea that they are bf ancient origin." r ' ' . 7: ThftquestJoo.. "whicb: Jf'lproposedifor the consideration of the Journal, jreporter was purely one of journalistic morals proposed 'j-i'f-'k AUGUST 26, 1875., to him in his journalistic and not his peri sonal capacity, and I do not desire- to see that question covered. up by any wordy drivel of personalities. ' The . general pub lic has no interest in ' this ' matter,"and- as I cannot claim' tbebonor f of any extended acquaintance with Mr. Andrews personal ly, I do not particularly .care what may be uis personal opinions or-, eiresaiuua -yyu-cerning me. r. . .-. : X. . " ' ' j Tlifijn whn-lfnnw lnm hotter than I will be able to judge quite as well " as I how much weight his opinions and statements should carry. - t r , : v ; i Only one of the articles referred. to in my '.'dot'' was published as an .'incidental in the Journal the other tWas,. a regular "local" article. X ' - . ; . In conclusion, it Mr. Andrews recollects having used in- conversation with me any expression which might be considered denunciatory;- I am : sure his i recollection differs from mine and that of all 'the other gentlemen who were present His: lan guage , on that ; occasion was consiuerea mild and not particulaily terrioie ana ne certainly has had , no "private" interview with me; whatever. If. on consideration. he deems it the mark of a gentleman, when he has fallen into wrong andT Knows it, to make an honest confession and apology, I shall be pleased to think better, of the young man than I now can; otherwise be -must tata the consequences" me con demnation of his qwu conscience. ' . .. Very respectfully,' .. '-. ., . ; I Wm. H. Towsley. Blaliop. E.yman' Appointment Warm Springs.. .1 .Aug.'22 Burnsville Aug, '25 Bakersville v . . . . ; V, : . I 1 : , . : . . . . Aug. 27 Elk River Valleys .'.V.;...r.., Aug. 29 Beaver Dam, Buncombe Co. . . .-: ..Aug, 31 Brevard, Transylvania Co. ... . . . ; .Sept. ;2 St. raul's, in the valley, Transyt- vania Co.. ...,;Sept. 3 Flat Rock.. . ... , . ..Sept 5 Henderson ville ... . . . ... . . ... .bept 7 Glencoe. .' . .Sept, 10 Calvary Church, Henderson Co..,SepU 12 Liecester ......... J . .......... . .SepU 15 Waynesvllle. ii.vSept; 17 Asheville. ......... i. . ; . . i . . . ....ISept 19 The collections at each place will be ? ap propriated to Diocesan Missions. ' : Spirits urpeatiiie Josie Mansfield passed through the State Monday from Florida. ! '" The Charlotto Democrat has been " presented with a fifty-five pound watermelon. " : ' ' ' : The last. Southern Illustrated Age contains an excellent portrait and sketch oi ex-jrov. v auto. : - i -: . A man in Asheyille had an'ppi- leplic fit for three hours, remaining uncon-; scious for that time. ; j :: i ... The r Asheville pkpers print in fnll Gen. Clingman's address beforer the University of the South. ; . j -:. Mn E. K. Ellis,' ed.tor of .the iToisnot Transcript, is candidate for Prtnci- pal JJoorKeeper oi tne. vonyenuon. j The Southern Home mentions tbe killing by lightning of seven sheepi out of fifty that were under a tree struck by lightning.'; - - j -. -:- On Tuesday of the next term of Oranee Court Jno. W. Norwood, Esq.,5 will address the Bar on the Life and Services of the late Gov. Graham, .h-juj- i j ; XLeader' says tobacco ' crop in Granville which promised to-bJ unOsnally valuable,1 has been most seriously injured. i - - Lumbertou Hobesoniati v jMr James P. Davis, residing about five or six miles from town, while adjusting a fopt-log a ffw dava aco. had his lefties broken lust below the knee by the log falling upon it j We learn by Dr. It JJV-Xiewis,- tne awena ing physician. ; ia i-j 1 ; -j .:-; :,; . . Maj. W N. Patterson has been nominated in Orange in place of f ex-Gov. Graham, deceased, for delegate to the Con vention. The Rads will rua a negro named Craig, who is stronger for civil rights than John Page.! The selection of Maj. Patter son is a good one.i i ; i j Charlotte Democrat: i If ' the Democrats have control of the ,! Conven tion we nresume ex-Governor David S. Reid, of Rockingham, will be the Presi dent; if the Republicans have control, uon.. Oliver H. Jipckery, or Kicnmona county, will be made President ' i! " ' J l Robesonian: Masters Willie Floyd and Redin Brewer, two boys,' killed eleven rattlesnakes last Saturday in a den omthe premises of Mrs, -S. J. Floyd", in this county.. The old (or . mother). snaKe had fourteen rattles and a button. ; The other ten; being this year's crop, - had sim plj .buttons:7, ; v "t uj ' : A premium list to be distributed. by the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Societv J of Weldon at its f auf whlch com mences on October tbe 20th; together! with a list of the officers of . the organization has been issued. .The premiums are liberal and the names or the officials, incmamg me, ijfon. i Ji JYeates' who ts President and; DriiiManniog. who iaSecretarVa jfeive: suffi cient assurance that the programme will bfc faithfully carried out. and that those who 'attend the exhibition will have ho' bccjision to be dmppoiatecr. ililotH iilii. iHXlK BlMDKBT. I'HS MOBMUIW STAB Do0 Bll4 ery doe all kUdi of tttaOW and Rallng. In a work, manlike Inanner,' aud at reasonable prtceW Iter, cnanta ancf other needing Receipt Booka, or other work, may rely da promptness In the execution of faeirceravl' nisil ;-!.itii...i--fii. - Th5Toixkt Gum. Copy of TMTiiioHiAL.rf Hrosbk' ;Citt; N.j X; Sept Wto.' 'te ittsaaBS. . J.s '& W1. "I oiiir- Maiden' Lane, Kew York: The lfcgnage Gun No. 3OT8 1 ordered from yoi gives ine entire i aatiaf aetion, it was very exacting wnen or- darine the Gaa,,lat mast say, that , you haT more ; L than,fttJnUed what Irequtod of ypo Xl, have shot umnii hmch.laiden hv flrgt-class makers,' and jour ana beats them alj for beaity and workmafl- sniD. As for aborting' qualities, your gun aboota stronger and 'more even than any gun t ever shot, J have abown it' to eeveralgood judgeaj Occluding nwt-clasa gtmmakerc) and aB agree that 'the . action is very strong and durable, and that the gun , is one ; tb beet piey wer saw, j have made aome very" l?ag sbotf with it, B"inE on1, ?Jwdra. powder ; ' which is all your gun requirea. i have . shot 'at si targat according to the rnleaof1 jiheTurr, "Field and Farnl trkii,' and the average "of AoM at 40 "yarda ia: iJ Left-pattern,' 169 ! penetratfoa, 88; right-pattern, 176; . penetration; 89; wring . X - drar - powden - Wow--X--a a gam, la aeldonvsietrwith and am very proud ta be- thfc'wneOf tt. at the rsaV test or your gun la tofteid-fHnere M e3?eella all others, killing cleaner and handsomer than any gun I ever aaw,',as jou asaafea theiyiBoto paper and metal ahellaiworinaabwvHdiy. qenthwavimi inave to oner von my very best thanks, and will recommend yow goal to all my friends. , "eFT v ' t YoaraBespeetfailrc -vi' ; . m j-t- WHOLE NO; 2,584; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. City Hat Store, v StYUSH STRAW HATS, TTSJt FELT 'AND Silk Bats, Canes, ITmbrellaB, &c " " r " ; HARRISON & ALLEN'?, r City Hatters. aagS6-tf For Kent. ONB HOUSE ON RED CEOsl. BE- Hill incvu ClUUt ivwmi. .rvv SSI 1 rri.i.j -1 ' lT.i..JT..l. wmmmmmmm uu 1 1UIU iwiwccu uviitsu ouu ibtid. Apply tO - ' - -!. aog ifctX JAS. H. CHADBOURN CO. Found. JACOB LOFTON, COLORED, HAS LEFT AT this office a . . ; i... .'. .'. " Safe or Padlock Key,' j ' marked No 3ft, which the owner ciahave i by pay ing for this advertisement. a ig 26-4t. G-reen & Flanner, V HOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS nV Drags, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Alcohol. Turnip Seed of every variety. ' . : . . For sale low by GREEN & FLANNER. aag26-tf ., . .-.... . v X Salt, Salt, Salt. 5000 scksSaltnow iu,dins t For sale by ang 2ft-tf KEKCHNER & CALDER BROS. XXBBSSinS and Ties. Bolls Baggliu:,- ! Tons Ties. - - For sale by .- , aog S6-tf : KERCHNEB A CALDER BROS. : Four, Flour, Flour. : . ' 500 ' . - - Bbl Bob White Flour. 200 blS FrilceM Boyal Flour- 1 - For sale by , aug SB it KERCHNBB & CALDER BROS. Uacoii and Molasses. rjt Boxes D. S. and Smoked Sides. . ixes D. a. and Emoked Shoniders,- ' 300 MolasEes. f , g Q Hhda Cuba Molasses, ... r I ? For sale by aug 26-tf ; KERCHNEB & CALDER BROS. Grass Blades, Grass Hooks. j Gri BASS BLADES AND GBASS HOOKS ln great variety of beit quality and at, lowest price?, at the NewrHardware Store of - - j t aog SS-tf - GILES & HUBCHISON. L B. GRAINGER, S. D. WALLACE, W Cashier, t '.. President. Bank of New Hanover. f Authorized Capital $1,000,000. CasU Capital paid in, $300,000 Surplus Fund $50,000 i DIRECTORS. if JOHN DAWSON , c. m. stkdhan l b. Grain qer jas. a. leak , ' B. F.'IJTTliB . . E.' B. BOBDKN M, WEDDELL. D. B. MURCHISON DONALD MeBAB H.!VOLLEBS i.i B. B. BRIDGERS J. W. ATKINSON , angSO-trnae MISCELLANEOUS. t 5 1 LOOK! 5 ' TMPORTED PICKLES AT 80 CENTS A JAB, We are forcing the prico ' down. Encouraga na by aentung yoaroraera. 'ios--:r T(la;i t - Imager Beer,? Imager Ueer, r ' r'! X J TO-PEB'dOZEN;'-'1! ! i The Best Goods at Low Prices wmiacrease Oar olreadv lane ales, and "our Brand la ahead of alL tisane . HAVE YOU TRIED , OUR( , j Process Fmpire : Flour, and 1 Best 'Butter' Iu the1 World.. (liil . t :t-: i i. ... ' i". 1 t ' I I J..' tk tlr til I. " ' . If not when yonr package is oot, send to, na and we will oeuver a sample iree io any pan vi B tfKr 5 ' Fresb ! Groceries every weWfeat 1 aue-8-tf - - v -tl 13 Siith Pront 8t.! .-n ' j Ti ' j t -..iff ft; i rioiJJTfy-t l.f7ir:l-tiT: ;:;t O1 - UB 'KRah ' KOA8TKlf;i jft fesHl fcfROU N D i.i-.' 5Me,tiguayra. Coffee, FreahFroui ' ihe' ItailMS ' HI Ills' t: Hl !ahk' rrcsh ground by.ui'ia wanted t -f "i ' J t't I I '! " I -lit. f -' !t I -.' i ? ; .t( n It FQ,R PRE COf JtB Bend to ns 4!t,rj- ,6 T Kortn Toni t . i CUAS. D. MYEHS A CO. TubsasketSf u vi ah a 'Clothes Liner, . BUckiTs; PAlLsC' Wi'sHBbAKD$;--;&c!,-'-d' - Ji- .ijHjt-' t? !..'. 1 1?1 t? it , i f... , CnAS. D. MYB- ACO.,1 anz S4 tf 87 North Front street. !A!t liimiNS:' MABKE "NBABRNEB Second: and Market ttreetsl will be sold at j rices U salt tbe limes.,, Call and see'for jourieif iXrt Jv i stUU I. t TA. WATSON. " ang2S-tf ' ' ".vU'KYtietM'A i Uolassesv Bpb CkK ZTails, Guana ' l-f AfV; Hads ana js ew vrop vnoa. - nn mwu now biiu vhh,- Si.C I - aa Tons Eureka . Guano, 150; Tons , Gaanape 1UU Guano. - -i . e"u,J --. r fj aogSS-tf mmt9 "t J WILLIAMS SON. TTTCDDXNQ CASDS AND YlSTXTNa CARDS' aagll ItlagaaAPabuBhJng.Bjjaaa,,, -Ali-iVka'41aI- One Square vue day, , two daw. r i. .. . 4 . .. . . fl Gt I fit . : f lour nays...;......,,; -:. on week. . . . ; ....... . s ......... s w Two weekf.. Three weeks 6 50 Two months ... 15 0C ThreeBionthj...,..............l 00 '. c Six aaoatlui.t....-....'... ...85 00 " One Tear , . 60 ( uonracr a a dvertisementa taken at propel tionater low rates. -FIyo Seoares estimated as a qnarter-coiuBtB, and ten squares aa a half -column. MISCELLANEOUS. yalaaWeEea Mate,' for Sal3.';- B y VIRTUE OF AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH the provisions of a certain Deed of Mortgage, executed by Thomas B. Carr and wife. Caroline Carr, to "The Bank of New Hanover," dated Ihe 15:h day of Ju'y A. D-.. 1874, the nndertigacd.a' Attorneys for said mortgagee, will on, Wednesday the Said day of September, A. D. 1875, at the Coo rf House door in the city of Wilmington, at 'twelve o'clock M.. sell for caan. bv nubile auction, the two following described pit cee or parcels of land eitoate in said city of Wilmington, viz: The first piece be ginning at a point in tbe Southern-' line of Market street lai reetrrom tne soutneartern intersection or said Market and Front street running thence eas wardly with Market street twenty four leet and four inches to a lot formerly belonging ro Sarah Smi li, thence with the line of said lot, at right ancles with Market street, southwardly to an alley ranuingfrom r ront to second ftreet, tnence wun sam alley west wardly to a lot lately belonging to Mrs; A. Pfut Repiton. thence with the line of said lot northwardly to the first station. . Theother piece beginning at a . point on the Norta side of Market sixty-six (tb feet from the northwestern intersection ot "Varfcet end econd stnets, and running thencecastWHrdlt alons the said North side of Market street f rty -eight f tt to. re or les? to the line of a lot of land beloiu'i!! io the heirs of Thon?as t owan, deceased, thence north.. Wardly one hundred and tMrij--tv feet to tliu Southern line of Toomer's alley, thence westward ly along the said Southern line of Toomer's ality toi tv- eight feet mora or less, therce soathwartliy i na nunurea ai.a inirty-tvvo icet to tne oegu mns;. WRIGHT A STli.IM AN, . ; . . . Ajtorntys. ang 22 J)30d - Like fVild Fire ) 5 THE SPREAD OF THE NEWS." ' " ' Unprecedented Sale of " Wamsutta Shirts. - OVER NINETY DOZEN SOLD, 6 for $7 SO, Cash on Delivery. I WARRANTED BEST LINEN - THREE PLY , BOSOMS, AND WAMSUTTA COTTON, vj; , . ' ONLY. AGE NG F, , MUNSON CO.. City Clothiers. aug 22-tf . At Tates Book Store . I XT OU WILL FIND A FULL LINE OF, 8TA- It tioncry, ;. . .s ' Blank Books, : - SCHOOL i BOOKS, I Bibles, Prayer Books,- Albums '.and everj thing usually kept in a -it " .!t r.' '"5 1 i FIRST CLASS BOOK AND MUSIC, STORE,! at prices lower than ever before offered ia this cl y augSa-U , , . f Read 1 arid Eeflect ! i STILL GREATER REDUCTION IN PRICES. Our Spring Stock of ' ' ' . i; men's, Boys' and , ; CHILDREN'S CL O THING t - : r - - . .--' ; ? . 1 : - : ?. " i r . must be closed out ! - . GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Ac All at greatly reduced prices. ang 22-tf SHRIER BROTHERS. Cotton Ties . and Salt. 2,000 rp .ies, 4,000, Sacks-; Salt, For sale by aug Si-dAwtf BINFORD. CROW A CH . Spi!bbl Books. ; FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF, r . School; Books . . alwayaoband.i,a; y-4ai4 t I ParentsandLTeachers . j- .iu r i v tar in thooity and countrr are, reqneeted to send In their XX X " '. . ' HaUNSBEBGEB'S ; ! ' -"ijr' ..U'O.ii hi.. ... .;'..- 'i - aug Sft-tf . , .Live Book and Music Store. ? - - .--- - " 'For Eenti FOB ONE YEAR FROM OCTOBER 1 rt. W W Kit 1875, Store and'DweHibg on the North- side of Second, between Market andTrin cess'streeteVatpreseAt bccnpleffbr A-"l. WesfeL . aug 25-tf ', - - Apply to JOHN F. 8TOLTEB. A.' I. Wessell. B H. BBAJT. I- H. HTNTOX. GRANT oi.niXTON ? General Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, Fbli, Groceries, Provisionsj d, 4c.' ; Consienmenta and, orders solicited and prompt attention guaranteed, -t" - ' v, ug 85-d!fcw3t . C HT, CAPS, WADS,1 GAME, BAGS, POWDER O Flaks, Shot Belv, Pouche', Fine EftglhjhPow der, Ac. A large aasortment of .the. .above zood, tht Waived and for aale at 'the! west tah pr;c-s. ! ;BiCoa. Pork, Sugar and Ccfiee. t 5(veil,! mi x r-i' - g Bo mokeea ap'd .Wf ' Tf'BblaPorit. ",,5 -.r vVV . ; ;- 150 -fff f7r m -'I - ,;i , For sale low by : ''" . ang'ai-tf r ' WILUAMS MURCHiSON. Csrn, Flour, Hay and Salt. Bushels White- and Mixed. Com; r k BatM." BV d Katteta Hay, , Qirj Backa Lisbon Salt . ''" j ii rM Morealelowby l'""? j-' aa? SMf, . . : . , WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. , Y.irgUHa i;l:(Ii?titute, if Rxv R. II, PHILLIPS A. M.. PaiaciPAU Misa EFLOBaMCtf PmojJps, I . In charge of Tbe Slsc Annual session will commence Sept r TheftttclAatwIfrbe 'assisted by a foil corps of i Aimia S.-PAEBAK, , ),.- , meiamiiy. 1st, 1875. officers suitable for aBrst-ciass schooL rTf Terms reduced to Cash basis and very mod- rr For tSataloetle. address tbe PrindpaL : aug 19-DeodiwTn&WSt - ,-. .. EorMmyaio.' Steamer, dixje. will buh-begulably ttwtMrw An trrrtmt Snnnava. ' TaTiTic WilmlneMi. Leavinz Smithvtlle. T A. M. unungto.. t...,,....,..,,. u Commutation tickets mar be purchased at our office.' ' " ' J' - J -July lS-tt MX I-

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