THE 1I0EHIIIG STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY s BATM Or BUBSCBXPTIOBI IX adtatci: 0n year, toy." postage paid, ......... $7 00 4 00 a S5 Three months( ' One month, (" 1 00 To City saDscnoers, aeuverea in any pi city, Fifteen Cents yt week. Our City A; To City Subscribers, delivered la any part of the City, rmcu vuiji wvcil. vuruiy Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 8 months in gents are OUTLINES. , Garnbaldi's wife is dead. Notices have beeq served in the Beecher trial and in suit against Brooklyn Jagle and Kinsel- la. - Among the New York men con- nected with the expansion movement are Mr. Ottendorfer andCol. P. A. Conkling. -JeffenoA Borden, crew committed for trial for mutiny. Convention latelv t,1.l in New Ynrb pnWiJH,.. T "" . 'w 4u.uo Societies throughout the country should be represented at the CentenniaL i- State of Panama . has declared gainst general government of Colombia. New York' markets: Cotton, 14$15. The Cen- tral Office of the Mississippi Valley Trading Co. will be established at Louisville. Eight negroes killed in a riot near Macon, Miss Albert Cohen & Co., London, suspended. Spirits Turpentine Millet is growu around Greens boro. : Rev. Mr. Gilmer at Alamance Court acquitted of immoralities. There will be a i meeting of the 'trustees or tne University in lialeigh on the 3 1st. Last Sunday a. negro named iioon robbed tne house of Mr. J. L. Horn. of Wilson county, of a small amount of money and clothes. : A man answering the descrip- tion ox ocoii i-artin, me vvase county wire murderer, was seen near Peach Tree.!Nash r O a. T"a i -ar 1 . - county, on last mesaay. - The Toisnot Traiiscript regrets to hear that Mr. W. R. Carter, of Nash county, was seriously hurt Thursday of last wees by being tnrown by a mule. A Gates county lad, Isaac Pow ell, was kicked in the stomach by a mule wnue marketing some slieep in Norfolk Tuesday morning. He is in a critical con dition. Warren Hare was bound oyer by the Mayor of Raleigh on Wednesday to answer lue ciiarge or poisoning with intent to kill Policeman Urosson. Wm. Hare and Hubert "i arborough were discharged. The Charlotte Observer men tions an explosion at the saw mill of Mr. Matthews, Matthews' Station, C. C. R- which did a good deal of damage to the mill, but hurt no persons, though there were several operators. : Greensboro Patriot . Hey. E. A. Wilson, formerly of the Kinston Gazette, arrived in our city Friday, to take up his permanent residence. In connection with Mr. Baker, of the Louisburg Courier, he will fcegia next month the publication of the Jftmonic Journal, which we are assured will be such a woik as our Masonic brethren may be proud of. i Charlotte Obsercer . Hedrick, who killed Jennings some weeks ago in Yadkin county, was before Judge Furches tt Statesville on Monday, on a writ of ha beas corpus. Col. J. M. McCorkle and Mr. Stul;z represented the prisoner, and J. A. Stephenson, Esq , prosecuted the case. After a patient bearing of the testimony, the court admitted the prisoner to bail in the Mini f $4,000. ; i J- A Tramp Killed by a jWomau-Tbe Morih ett Pistol In tbe Heuae. Milaxsport, Pa., Aug. 22 Mrs. Morgan Calvert, a young widow, who lives with her brother two miles from this place, was left alone in her isolated house for several days Jast week. On Thursday after noon a rough fellow called at the Jiouse, and after asking Mrs. Calvert nuany questions, begged for a supper; and a night's lodging. He wa9 re fused. Thereupon he went away, muttering to himself. A little later ..Mr- Calvert was obliged to go out, ;uid on her return she saw a man Touching behind the door between t!ie sittiiig-room and. her bed-ioom. ile did not seem to see 4her, and she saw him only through a narrow crack. There were ti rearms in thehonse, and Mrs. Calvert knew how to use them. I ithnnt an outcry, she went up stairs ami rot a revolver, ana niuing l under her apron, started boldly for the. -room, in which the tramp was luikiiiir. As Mrs. Calvert approached the door the man threw it open snd-, deuly, jumped out. and struck her in the face. .Recovering quickly from the blow, she drew .tier pistol; upon seeing which the tramp turned to flee. bhe tired once and wounded bim,andj then started to p arsue him. As he disaDueared around tbe?house she fired again at which he turned about aud cried, "Don't shoot again wo man: I am a dead man now. As he spoke he staggered against the fence J and then. fell. He begged for aid, I and Mrs Calvert arranged him in a comfortable position; after which she started for a physician. 1 As sheapn proaehed tle house tbe tramp who had first called upon her rushed out and escaped, and under the great exj( cuemetil she fell fainting ; by the roadside. Two hours later she was was discovered by her friends, who listened to her story, and iwent to h d the man whom she bad wounded He was lying dead Kihhop Lfmtni Appointment. Ki k Hi ver Valley. ........ ... .... Aug. Beaver Dam, Buncombe Co. ... . ..Aug. Brevurd, Transylvania Co. ...... .Sept. St. Paul's, In the Valley, Trausyi- vnnia Co... Sept. Flat Rock Sept. Heudersonville .Sept. 29 31 2 3 5 7 lo Glencoe. . . i . . . . .'. Sept. t.nlvarv Chun h Henderson Co. ..Sept. 12. Litcester O . . . . . -. . I . . -. . .Sept. i 15 Wajoesvllie............ ....Sept. 17 AtibeviUe.v. . .'.V.".--. . SepL 1S The collections at each place will be ap propriated ta Diocesan Missions. - AVilinlnston Metbodlt Utatrlct. j Appointments of Rev. W. S. Black, Pre siding Elder, for the , third ; round of ,qur: -terly meetings for the present Conference year of the Wilmington District: ; . Magnolia,' at Harrell' Store, August -29 .and 30. v. ' . .. . ; r WilmingUm, at Front Street Chnrcht'Sep; 'tembcr 5 and tf -' - - Smithville, at gmilhville, September 12 andH. , . ; l ttA r .- .. ' I y jjm .X. VI """NO 134: V The ItlaUs. The mails will Mnsa at i r l.. r t fice nntil further rtntiM na frtllvtua. ""nnernijiignt) mails for all points North. ZVT Weldon, . . "J throueh and wavVdVv' ' I - ' malls daily, except Sunday; 60 A. M. ine.ra .aus IOT an points I t . . OllD r. M. 1. MJ-mt-W Hai'Im a. S-mmw- v;nar;eston, daily, at 5:30 A. H I Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily . - I except Sundays,) .......... 2MP. M JIh R M -Town Creek) Tuesdays and - I "Saturdays . :t 6:00 A.M. SSTffiJE IJTidays. nP M " r. . r ayeuevme by U. U. R'y, dailv (except Sundays).. 5:30 A. M OnslowJX H, and intermediate . offices everv Fridav . . fi-nn A TM The Smithville mails, bv KiPRinhnat -lns ok o . jwL, uauy, except Sundays. JUaiis delivered from 6:30 A. M. to 7:30 t. AL, and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M. and from 2 to 6 :00 P. M. Mon v nrHr nr. Kegister Department onen same as stamu oiuc. . .-i-. . . Stamps for sale at eeneral delivervwhen stamp office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, dav aou uignu Mails collected from street boxes everv aay at o rv M, . NEW AUVEUtTsBLUICNTv J. B. Hill Bankrupt Notice. Chas. M, Stedman For Kent Dr. Habkis Turnip Seed, &c. Ckoslt & Mobbis Auction Sales. L. Vollebs Dwelling for Rent. The "why "is "Why didn't Mr. H- stop Mr. E.' horse r " Hain areas near the coast is Old for to-day. Workmen are now engaged in- tiling thereof of the new Jewish synagogue. The new two-story house of Mr. George Doyle, on Fourth ttreet near Orange, is rapidly approaching completion. The Mayor's Court was adjourn ed yesterday until next Friday, so there will be no more items in that quarter for whole week. K colored ' disorderly" of the female persuasion was marched up to the Guard House, late last evening, between two policemen. -TheTownsbip School Committee visited the various public school houses in the city yesterday; which, we learn, are all to be repaired and put iu good order by the 1st of October. Where are the scupperuongs? They usually begin to get plentiful about this date, but now we see them hot. Has cruel Jack Frost thus bereaved u., and left us to mourn tneir absence until anotuer year? Poor little Puss! How foudly her mamma must have watched her youth ful gambols and her weak attempts at frisk- mess, now her matronly Heart must nave pictured the bright promise of that young life. She was zebra-striped and only three inches long. And now she was dead! We saw her cold corpus lying in the alley op posit e the hotels, and now, we doubt not, the awful hogs have got it, and the great world moves coldly on! Now tbe Tide Come In. We are glad to be able to note the com mencement of the return tide that is to bring back to us all the old familiar faces from the country, the sea-side, the springs and the mountains, where they have been whiling away the pleasant hours of summer while we unfortunates have had to remain ;n town to swelter and nrotest each dav how much hotter it was than the day before They are coming; slowly thus far, it is true, I but we begin to forget our trials and our loneliness as one by onethey come and look in upon ,us, and we ! almost think it was worth our while to stay at home,' if only for the pleasure of being here to welcome them back. . Happy radiant faces, every one health and good humor restored if ever lost, and now speaking in every lineament; earnest, honeat'fa,ces-j-ready to take hold with a vim of the business and all the varied activities of another year; faces, bless them! that we hope to see always looking just as they do to-day never less earnest and hope- ful, never sadder, never leas kindly-looking than now they look to; us. A Rilieh In Time." Alluding to the ugly hole in the pave ment on the north side ot Princess street, between Front and Water, which was re-, f erred to several times in this paper and which was properly repaired a day or two since, an old citizen informed us yesterday that there is a deep, well immediately be neath it, which was du 28 years ago and in which a pump was placed- This will give some idea ot the dauger which threatened pedestrians who tiaveled in' that direction "especially at nu? hi,1' while theholereinained exposed. . . .. ' Brontwick !oart, ' The jury iu the case! of the State vs. Jav Heaton, charged with slaying the election in Ihis city on the 6th of August, 1874, which was tried at Brunswick Court this week, were unable to agree upon a verdict and were discharged ,The case was there- upon continued until' the next term of the court. 7 ' .: ; - ": " . - ' "'' ' . , liaose'o'T'nernionieier. - r isSb. foUofiog was the grange of the ther mometer At the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterdays w. - t , A, M., 69; 12 M., 76; 2 P. M, 75; 4:30 P. M., 75; 9 P. M., 70. WILMINGTON, N. CRIDAY AtJaUST 27;!; 1875. -.:! From Old to New. The Spanish Barque Elina, which was detained at quarantine for some weeks last summer, was broken from her moorings and capsized in the great gale of September 28th, 1874, was, after some months of hard labor, raised and brought up to this poit, where she was subsequently sold under an order from the . U. S, Marshal and pur chased by Messrs. Peschau & Westermann, of this city, and was afterwards hauled upon the ways of Messrs. Cassidey & Ross, where she was thoroughly overhauled on Monday last, furnished with a full set of new canvass and will be ready for sea in some eight or ten daysT The 'name of the now handsome and staunch barque has been chunged to the Lydia PEScnAn; and we may add that she has been supplied with a full complement of new and handsome flags manufactured (together with the sails) by Mr. Thomas Parsons, who has lately ar rived here from New York and established this new branch of industry in our midst. TlayorU Coart. The following cases were disposed of by this tribunal yesterday morning Lizzie Hines, charged with disorderly conduct, was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of 5 and costs. ; Harriet Henry, charged with disorderly conduct, was found guilty and ordered to pay a uue of $5 and Costs. Susan Pierce, arraigned for the same of fense, was found not guilty and tbe case was dismissed. Amelia Bradley, one of the street prison ers, charged with fighting and abusing the overseer, John Fields, was ordered to pay a fine of $20 and the costs or work for thirty days on the streets. Phillis Moore, one of the street prisoners, also charged with righting and abasing the overseer, was ordered to pay a fine of $20 and costs or work for thirty days on the streets. . Another colored woman, charged -with disorderly conduct, was fined $5 and costs. -e--e-Get EdoukIi of It. f A caucus of "colored folks" at a depot in one of our Southern towns is thus "done up" by a Northern paper who had a re. porter on the spot: " There were three of them sitting lazily upon the platform, look ing like cast-iron tobacco signs. ' "Dere's goiu to be anoder 'Publik'n paper here purly soon, de fokes say," said one. . "An we all niggers got to subscribe, kase de 'lec tion is comtD nigh unto hand," said another. " 'Scribe nothin'! said the third one, as he loosened up his cotton . suspender; "I'm done wid dia 'Publik'a business, I is. Didn't I'uear de preacher re id in' de Bible 'bout de 'Publicans? Why, when de Lord bissclf was on de j earth, de used to set in de high places at de front gales oh de towns, an' take up taxes and 'sessments from de folkes. An' now, dese Publik'ns doin' de same t'ng. don't yer see ? Now, dey ton't git no more 'sessments outen dis nigger fur no 'lections, 'iciibius, und nothin' else !' ". Anotiier Carolina XHlHlater Called to . BaUXtnore. The Baltimore Sun of tbe 25th says that the frteriy conference of Bethany Inde pendent Motbodist church unanimously re commended, and at a called meeting held the 23d insL, the male members elected Rev. 1L S. Moran to be the permanent pastor of tbe church. Dr. Moran has been supplying the Bethany pulpit since May last. He has for several years been an in' fluential clergyman of North Carolina Con ference M. E. Church South, serving five years as Presiding Elder, six years as pastor of Front Street church, Wilmington, and was elected twice' to represent his Confer ence in the General Conference. Dr. Moran has accepted and installation will take place on : next Monday evening, at which Dr. Deems, of the Church of the Strangers, IT. Y., and other ministers will participate in the exercises. : Duplin Branch canal. , . 5 - From the Magnolia Record we .learn that a mass meeting of the citizens of Duplin and adjoining counties is to be-held at Kenansvilleon the 13th pjoximo, for the purpose of consulting and listening to an' explanation - of the plans of Maj. W. L. Young the projector of the above named enterprise. . Maj. Young is understood to claim that the canal can be constructed without county aid, and it is believed that s me decisive action looking in that direc tion will be bad at this meeting. Alleged Assault. A colored man by the name of William Newkirk had a warrant issued at the Mayor's office yesterday charging two white men with having made an assault upon him Saturday night, one hitting him with a weight and the other drawing' a hatchet upon him and threatening to strike him with it. This fracas is alleged to have bap. pened at a grocery store in the' neighbor hood of Second aud Market streets. Telegraphic Cominunleattuu wltb V;V KmltbVIIIe. :;f . T f s We learn that the telegraphic Hue from Smithville 'fVtbis pluce will probably be commenced next Week, and that it is ex pected the work -will- be completed by the ; last of September, v. This line of; communi cation with the seacoast will undoubtedly prove agreat benefit to the commercial in terests of the city, and the iusifless com munity particularly will be glad to learn that the work of constructing the line is so soon to be commenced, i -" ,7, j First Bale New Cotton. ' j. ..WeJearn that M'essrs. Kerchner & Catder BrosVintist WaccoVded?lhe trophies for the first bale of bevr cotton this year. It came to hand yesterdayi by express, from Mr. E, J. Moody, of Marion, S. C. It is the herald of busy times to come, , V J' - " The Haywood .Homicide. " A letter from Asheville,4 written by a young gentleman -'from ' this f city to his parents, gives some additional, particulars of the recent homicide in Hay wood county, and mentions one fact that will be especial )y gratifying to tbe many friends and rela tives of Tommie Strange. a After giving .-some details substantially the same as those already printed in the Stab, the writer of tbeletterwbo obtained his information from the Deputy Sheriff of Haywood county, refers to the accident to the hack and states that Tommie Strange waa trying to; reason;; with:'.lMurray,t tbe4 driver, and from this the altercation follow ed that culminated in the shooting of Mur ray.;,. No Qne, it t is said , by the Qeputy Sheriff, who was present' at the Coroner's inquest, witnessed the shooting; and Tom. mie" stated onthe '"examination before the Coroner, that he, shot ifufay in self-de fence. " ' " " "7 " We expressed the opinion yesterday that there must have been greater provocation given than mere words, hqwever' angry, and we are now convinced that such was the case. Those who know Tommie Strange will not hesitate to accept his state ment as true, especially when it is remem bered that there were no witnesses of the affair, and he was not compelled to make any statement at all unless he saw fit to do so. New BulldlnK. During tbe early part of the year Mr. W. L Gore, commenced a 2i story frame house on the lot adjoining his then rest dencoon Orange street, near Fourth. This building Was completed "and occupied by Mr. Gore in' J'me last, and i3 now one of the prettiest places in the whole neighbor hood. Having vacated histoid house, Mr. Gore has lately proceeded to tear it down and build a ; neat two-story dwelling in its itead. Work on this structure is being pusbed,kud.Vhen completed' it will be oc envied by Maj. J, H. Hill. Mr. Gore is en tilled to considerable credit for his enter prising efforts to improve and beautify, his surroundings. Coming Homo. We are sure that everybody will be glad t i learn as we do from a private letter that has been received in this city from Old Orchard Beach, Maine, dated the 23d in stantthat Miss Amy M. Bradley is com ing home the last of September, with health restored, and will be ready to open the Tilcston Normal School the 1st of October. CITY ITE3l!C Hook Bixdert. I hb MosjiiNti Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Her chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. - Th Toixkt Gun. Copt of Tkbtixonlaj. Hudson rrr, N. J., SepL 30th. 1874. Messrs. J. fc W. Tcixkt 29 JIaiden Lane, New Tork: The 10-gaage Gun No. 3078 1 ordered from you gives me entire satisfaction. I was very exacting when or dering the Gob, bat mast say that yea have moro than fulfilled what I required of yon. I have shot several breech-leaders by first-class' makers, and yoar gam beats them all for beaaty and workman ship. As for shooting qualities, yonr gnp shoots stronger and more even than any gan I ever shot. I have shown It to several good judges (including first-class gnnmakere) and all agree that the action is very strong and durable, and that the gun is one of the best they ever saw. I have made some very long shot with it, using only drs. ef powder, which is all your gun requires. I have shot it at a targat according to the roles of the Turf, Field and Farm trials, and the average of 6 shots at 40 yards is: Left-pattern, ' 169; penetration, 88; right-pattern, 175; penetration 89; using SX drs. powder. Now I am sore such . a gun is seldom met with, and am very : proud to be the owner, of Jt Bat the real test of yoar gan is in the field there it excells all others, killing cleaner and handsomer than any gun I ever saw, as yon assured me they woold. Both paper and metal shells work splendidly. Gentlemen, I have to otter you my very best thanks, and will recommend your gujiB to all my friends. Yours Respectfully, ; Hie net Lobiot. DIED. P ADDISON At Lillintrton. Pender Co.. on Pat- nrday, the 81st Inst, of yellow jaon ice, Fred Wii- mot, tniamt eon or a. U- ana siancne raaaison; aged twenty-three months and three days. , N E WAD VERTISEMBNTS. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT ON THE 84tk day of August, 1875, a warrant of Bank aptcy was issued out of the District Court of tbe United States, fur the cape Fear District of North Caro lina, a ainst the estate of James M. Matthews. of Fye.tcv.Le. la the county of Cumberland, iu - said District, - who baa been adjudgtd - a Bankrupt on his own petition, that the pay ment of any debts and the delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for hU use, and the transfer of any property by h'm, are for bidden by law. And tnata meeting of the credi tors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the United Mat s court room in Fayetteville, N. C, be f..r WillUm A. Gnthrie. Eea Register in Bank ruptcy for said District, on the Slth day of Septem- berAD. 1873, alio o clock a. . , ; jj. uixjj, u. o. a.. ang 87-oaw8ny . For said District. - for Bent. rpTHE STORK ON - 1 SOUTH WATER STREET, NEXT South of H. B. Eilers; also, the two Stores on South Water street, occupied respectively by Root. Tait and V. J. if 11 Uiioert; aise, a smau aweuiug noase on 2nd sut-et. between Church and Castle. -Apply to aog7 lw nac tiMA. m. tun.uM.&.n FOE; KEUSrO?; "TV WELLING ON NORTHEAST XJ comer of Market and JUghth streets, containing 10 rooms, gas, c. Possession, October 1. : . j--. Apply to aug 'i-kf L. VOLLERS.. Tanxip ;Seed. LL VARIETIES IN QUARTEB-PQUNP J. packages, and in bulk. Y -Fresh supplies JobB receive. ; For sale afs4 angW-tt''PR. HARRIS8' DrugBtora c.rAt iuctioii This Dayv ni IxxdayAttg. 27th, at ID O'clock A: tf AT OURB A L B BROOM ' : t, '-V; CRONLY MORRIS, Auctioneers.' i angS7-lt. .1 J rt- "I'l 1 i 1 ' nil L !ilLj NEW , ADVERTISEMENTS. X B. GBAIN&EB, . ' President. 8. D. WALLACE, -CafihTer. Bank of New Hanover, Authorized. Capital ' $l,OOOtOOO. Casta Capital paid in $300,000 Surplus Fund . - 50,000 4 DIRECTORS. JOHN DAWSON D. R MUECHIS0X DONALD MTcRAE H. TOLLERS E. R. BRIDGER3 J. W. ATKDTS0N , aagSO-tfnac C. M. STEDMAN L B. GRAINGER JAS. A. LEAK B. F. LITTLE K. B. BORDEN M. WEDDELL. MISCELANEOUS. Sale of Valuable Keal Estate . M. CKOIVIiY, Anetloneer. : : By CR0NLY A MORRIS. . ; BY VIRTUE OP AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH the provisions of a certain indenture of mort gage, executed by Feist Mayer to "The Bank of New Hanover," bearing date the 7th day of March A. D. 1872, and registered in tbe records of New Hanover county, m dook ntfjf, at page 84 and following, the undt rsigned, as the attorney s of said mortgagee, will ON THURSDAY, THE 9th DAY of September next at 13 o'c'ock M., at the Court Houee door in the city .. . ttrsi . .. it.. -, i i . . ui TYiiiuuigiou. sen iorcaso, ny puouc auction, tne following described piece or parcel of land situated in said city, viz: Beginning at the corner of a lot now or recently owned ny A P. Repiton and wife, on the south side of Market street, and running thence southwardly along their line one hundred and thirty-two feet to Betteneourt's alley, thence along said alley east wardly fifty-eight feet to another lot now or recently owned by A. P. Repiton and wife, thence with then line northwardly sixty-six feet to the lot of J. Wil kerson, thence with the back line of Wilkerson's let westwardly twenty-four feet to his corner, thence with his other line northwardly sixty-six feet to Market street, thence along Market street westward ly thirty-four feet to the beginning, and being in block 153 according to Turner's plan of the city of Wilmington. WRIGHT & STEDMAN, aag7-dta . i Attorneys. YalnaWe Real Estate for Sale. By VIRTUE OF AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH the provisions of a certain Deed of Mortgage, executed by Thomas B. Carr and wife, Caroline Carr, to " The Bank of New Hanover," . dated the 15th iay of July A. D.. 1874, the undersigned, a? Attorneys for said mortgagee, will on, Wednesday the 22nd day of September, A. D., 1875, at the Conr House door in the city of Wilmington, at twelve o'clock M., sell for cash, by public auction, tbe two following described pieces or parcels of land situate in said city of Wilmington, viz : The first piece be ginning at a point in the Southern line of Market btreet 151 feet from the southeastern intersection of said Market and Front streets, running thence east wardly with Market street twenty-four reet and four inches to a lot formerly belonging to Sarah Smith, thence with the line of said lot, at right angles with Market street, southwardly to an alley running from Front to Second street, thence with said alley west wardly to a lot lately belonging to Mrs. A. Paul Repiton, thence with the line of said lot northwardly to tbe first station. The other piece beginning at a point on the Nortn side of Market sixty-six (66) feet from the northwestern intersection of Market and Second streets, and running thence eastwardly along the eaid North side of Market street forty-eight feet more or less to the line of a lot of land belonging to the heirs of Thomas Cowan, deceased, thence north wardly one hundred and thirty-two feet to the Southern line of Toomer's alley, 1 hence westwardly along the said Southern line of Toomer's alley forty eight feet more or less, thence southwardly one hundred and thirty-two feet to the beginning. WRIGHT & STiDM AN, aug S3 D30d - Attorneys. Eugene L. Harris, Artist In Crayon Portraits. SASSAFRAS FORK,m C.t BEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION to his Portraits in Crayon. . Persons: wishing good pictures of themselves or deceased friends can have them nicely executed by sending him a photograph to work from. A good photograph is necessary to insure a good likeness. The prices below include postage by mail, on roller. A neat frame of walnut and gilt will be f urnte tied , to those who desire it, at $1.50a$3.00. PRICES: Size, 14 x 17 inches, - - - - - - - $5.00 Life Size, (bust) - - J - - j - ' - $10.00 TESTIMONIALS ' Mr. Harris posseses the rare gift of being able to delineate, accurately, from a photograph or othe picture the exact likeness ef any one. We guar an tee satisfaction."- Oxford Leader. " We have seen his work, and consider it excel lent Try him.! Central Protestant ' w We have seen a capital portrait of Hon. A. W Venable, by Mr. R. L. Harris; that reflects addi tional lustre on his genius in that department" Torch-Lightj , t . mar 17-tf r Like Wild Fire ; JS THE SPREAD OF THE NEWS... ' ' . Unprecedented Sale of Wamsutta Sliirts. ; ; ;.' ' ' OVER 1 NINETY DOZEN ; SOLD, ' G for $7- SO. Casta on Delivery. - i . . WAUR VNTBIK BSS P 1INRN .THREE PLY LO .OM , A: WAM-sU'iTA COTTON.. , O NL Y A G EN G 3", MU? SON A CO.. City CWthiers augS3-tf At Yates' Book Store YOU WILL FIND A FULL LINE OF STA tiotiery, ' ; j.:ii-t : -.i ' Blank Udokii;- ! i - . . ' ;; ' Mi school books;:: Bibles, ' Prayer rooks, Albums and every thing usually kei-t iu a . ; -., , , ; .'. , i ' : ' I : FIRSi; CLASS .BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, at prices lower, than ever before offered in. this city 6ug23-tf.;, iTi:i;,; i;i,,:..:.:' Bead iand Beilect ! .1 :;"Es i ii' OTILL GREATER , REDUCTION IN fRICES, J O Oar Spring Stock of m .if iy at'. j n-: ?i Men's,' Boys' 'and , cmLDREWSlCLOTHWG- must be closed out f ; !.,, I " ) GENTS ' FURNISHING GOODS, &ci r- -1 . a rft i"s : 'hsrW- n. 99.. , . BHKUUf BHUT. 7rn - Tbhsorlaf--Benioval i.ii. Vjm ARTIS has purchased the stock and material of James Carraway and removed to the ehop form-' erly occupied by him, in thebasementot thePorcell juouse, waere ne invitea ma oia irienas ana me pa o lie generally to call os him. Beat workmen 1b the State employed, and Shaving, Hair Cutting and Shampooing done at the shortest notice. Try him. Still WHOLE NOt 2,585. MISCELLANEOUS: v LOOK ! JMPORTKD PICKLES AT 30 CENT'S A JAR, ' We are forcing the prico down. Enconragua by Lager Beer, Lager Beer, . $1 73 PER DOZEN. : h The Best Goods at Low Prices will Increase our olready lare sales,: and " our" - xtrana is aneaa or am HAVE YOU TRIED OUR Process Empire Flour, and Best Butter In the World. If not when your package is out, send to us and we win deliver a sample tree to any part or the city. j - Fresh Groceries every week, at GEO. MYERS'. - ' aug 8-tf 11 & 13 South Front St. Purity Itself ! itUR FRESH ROASTED, FRESH GROUND v-r .. , . , .. Pure Laguayra Colfee, Fresh From the Roasting: Mills and fresh ground by us as wanted. FORPURE COFFEE Send to us at ' 5 & 7 North Front St.. CUAS. D. MYERS & CO. Tubs, Baskets, Clothes Lines. BUCKETS, PAILS, WASHBOARDS, &c., .&c, CHAS. T). MYERS CO., 5 & 7 North Front street aug 34-tf Our Dox Box HALF-DIME : QUARANTEED TO BE AS GOOD as your Cigar dealer sells yea . ; For -One Dime, .-...-,-. or no Bale by T' r D. PIGOTT. aogl5-tf Nev Flour From "New M, VF BEST QUALITY, GUARANTEED AT lowest figures, delivered in any part of the city free of charge. aug IS-tf JAMES C. STEVENSON: City Hat Store. )TYLISH STRAW HATS, FINE FELT AND Silk Hats, Canes, Umbrellas, &c HARRISON & ALLEN'S, City Hatters. aug 26-tf For Bent. ONE HOUSE ON RED CROSS, BE- ! Isssa tween Front and Second street, and two on Third between Harnett and Davis. Apply to ang sKS-tf JAS. H. CHADBOURN & CO. Green & Planner, We HOLES ALE AND 'RETAIL DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Alcohol. Turnip Seed of every variety. For sale low by GREEN St PLANNER, aug 26-tf , i . ... Salt, Salt, Salt. . 50 0 0 Ealt now 1&nains ftBd For sale by - aug 26-tf :: KERCHNER &CALDER BROS. Bagging and Ties; .. , ; Rolls Bagging, yj-. pQ Tons Ties. ' ' ; J; : - -.For sale by - . '. : i. : ang 26-tf . KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. 'yi Flour, Flour, Flour, ; : 500 Flour, s QQ Bbls Bob White Flour. : 2QQ Princess Royal Flour. ' ; , . For sale by ... ".: . : r ' . aug, 26 tf KERCHNER & CALDER BRO i. Bacon and Molasses. fy oxea if. o. uiu aiuu&cu ojuce. , T e ..J On.1..J CZ .1 gQ!Bpxes D. S. and Smoked Shoulders, Q Bbls. S. H. Molasres. - Hhds Cuba Molasses, . ( . ' ' ; : ... , I , Aug 26-tf For sale by ., KERCHNER & OALDKK BROS ; Grass B!f u8s, Grass a. -r OrASS BLA D Kii AN Vr'iill S-JlIiuKS ill great variety Of bet qua ity lowest prhes at tte New Hardware Store of j ;.,-. ; aug 26-tf, GILES & MURCHISON, Fine: Sampson County J3eef, 'jt CrTIZENS' MARK KT, ' NBA R CORN ER Second and'Martet streets, will be sold at ; rices to suit the times. ! Call arid see for yourself. -V' -vt M( s ,v.y. ;. . ..? ! W . T..A. WATSON. ,( aiigaf, t , ;t i:, j , Proi.rtetor: ' Holassei 'Spt.( Ck?l "Kails, Guano,- 'f Art Hhds and B Is New -Crop Chba.' r 1WU -i ii'f::r;i'-h'i'i-li iiiif 100 nana epuit yasKe, . :; inn Tons ' Eureka Gaanot.150: Tons Guanape 1UU Uumo. . .. ,,,, ; . . - Vnr Bale low hr ' r ' 1 ' - ! ' . sog22 tf H ?; -ijWtLLIAMS ft MURCHISON. MM XX. AA A. ' - n ' mrr a MM General Commission jffilerchants;' ' 1 ND DEALERS IN GRAIN -OF ALL KINDS,' J-- Fish, Groceries, Provisions, &., Ac. ' Consignments and orders solicited and prompt attention gnaraateeoV, 1 ij (si ang S5-dfew8t f ... , ; 1 ' I. .' f YIIAVB JUS 'fcECETvTO BY I ATLANTIC I rvtut r.iML.n fifth lnmim of ! Tm fmm the United SUtes Tea Co., consisting of about thirty- dinereat vaneae put up m aaaesome air tignt cans with screw covers, and sold at the same' prices as over the counters of the Company ' In . New York At - o. vr. nuamaur . aug 1-tf - Fruit and Coufectionery Store. : i mm- mi One Sonare dim an - ' ; 1 ' U i m' - " i I two daysi, ; i. ; taireedaylif.t.,"..: 4- " fourdaysi. .. 41 . twn )' - ? V, - -f . 1-F.P eedayi4X.t.,w..::T::., t W . . . , I . ? . m sr t . A 171 iTAAitt;.,. . . . - i DC . I " ; Two weeks.;. o ou i! 11 Onemonth,.......u........... 8 W " - " V Three moatlUAw.A. 3 00 ,," , Six months...... ...85 00 i - -Oneyeai.i., C taContract Advertisements taken at propei UOnately low rates.. . Five Squares-estimated as a quarter-column, arid ten squares .as a half-column. - ; t ' -: MISCELLANEOUS.! 7 - THIS: FIELD: J A JOHTIial M M 501116 Of TO-flay. , PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. ...... ... r, A . AT j 14 S. Canal StChicagO; c r TJbRMS OF S UBSC&IPTIOX r t , . .. . , : PAYABLE! IN' ADVANCE. Yearlv. S4.00:' -rHalf-veariv: f 2.fl0.r Fnreijm and Canadian subscriDtion. Dost free Yearlv 18s.: Hall- yearly 9s.- Single copies, 10 cents. ' , v THE FIELD is a comnlete wee.tlv review of the higher branches of a sport Shooting. Fishing Racing aud Trotting, Aquatic Base Bell, Cricket, Billiards, and General Sporting News, Music and the Drama.-'- ; '-- i. . r ' THE FIELD will be found in keeninp with the times, on all subjects pertaining to honorable sport, and will, under no .cirenmetancts, admit to Its columns anything tending 4a any wise to demoralize" or degrade public sentiment. , i . . THE-FIELD, being the only fporting Journal published West of Jiew York, and tbe recognized authority among the sportsmen vt the ' West and South, among whom it enjoys a large and in ere asm z patronage, possesses superior advantage as an ad- -vertisins medium, which ' will be annreciateii hv those desiring to make their business known in the United States. - ' spr2i-tf ' Forest rahd, Stream, ; A Weekly Journal of Sixteen Pages i j- t DEVOTED TO -,..:t , ! FIELD .SPORTS, ) PRACTICAL NATURAL HISTORY, Fisn CUL- TURK., fKOTKUTiON OK GAME. Pi(USKK..- ' VATlON OK FORESTS, YACHTING, BOAT- XSiii AJNlf ALXj . Out-Door Becreatlon and Stndy. J It is the onlv Journal in this Ceuntrv that fullv supplies the wants nd meets the necessities of the . Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS 5 00 A YEAR. Liberal discount to Clubs. .' . - ' . Send for a Specimen Copy - Forest &. Stream Publishing Co., 17 Chatham Street, (City Hall Square), ' ' New York. Post Office Box 2833 ... - -r mar 28-if. Cotton Ties and Salt. 2,000 Bundles,, Arrow Ties; -4;000:Saeks Salt. I ''r.i a jr. 3 j i t -42. . ji f if ' - . For sale by. ang 14 d&wtf BINFORD. CROW 0 . School Books. ... ... i .- FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OK ( School ..Books , j ' ' . always on hand. , . Parents aiid Teachers in thecity atd country are requested to send in their -v. - orders to - - : ' J HEQfSBERGER'S ; t ang S5-tf ' Live Book and Musio Stuff. , CAUTION! ; . . . . . '."!.( CONSUMERS OF PRESERVED MILK SHOULD examine the . . -. k Weight of the Contents of the Can. THEY WILL FIND" THAT WHILE !i , B ORDERS EA GZE BRAND uniformly weighs 16 ounces of Milk to the can that other Brands weigh scarcely 15 ounces. The difference in weight is eqaal to 75 cents per ease in favor of BORDEN'S EAGLE BRAND. - N. Y, Condensed Milk Qo., " ' ' ' 'AUGli "KLEMM, ' ' july 28-eodlin We Fr Sq t ; Secretary, j : St. Louis Law; School. (Law Department of Washington University.) .' Thereenlaratmual term of this Law School wil open on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1875. Full course, two terms, six months each. Students admitted to tne senior mass, on examination, uy anDlication on or before October 12tb. Tuition. . 8t) first year," $60 second year, Including use or Library. '-!-'.r--.ewvt.w- . 41 ' Jf or particulars aaaress : s r ' G. M. STEWART, Dean or Law Faculty 803 N. Third St", St., Louis, Mo. july 31-eod8m 8a To Tr ' ; - ' . - Orton Plantation. ; NOTICE TO "TRESPASSERS. A' ' .y.if J '; i Uitf'-itvf- ' '' ' ' 1 - T.r. PArsnna are herebv warned acainst (hootlH!f. hunting, fishing, ranging or otherwiae trespass'ng on the lands known as the Orton Plantation, in the Coanty of Brunswick. The Indisenmiaate slaughter of game at all seasons and the incessant depreda tions in tother and mere important respects, havo rendered it necessary to Dost these lands: and fair notice is now given that the Jew will be rigidly en. rorced against au oneaaers. dec w-aw-u.M ., ' -'.. wtAiviiiri. Bagging;, Ties," Hoop Iron,' Glue. I jf QAft Kolls Extra Heavy Bagging, OUtfi ?-.',- u-,-;t 'nil' ' . 80 5 ToiiS Tifs. Bdld Hoop Iron, -i ..! if I-.'. tibia tjlue - lie low ny WILLIAMS MURCHISON. aug2trr For Eent;! FOR ONE YEAR FROM OCTOBER 1ft, 'jteC Store and Dwelling on the Kortb side of Second, between Market and Prin cess eirerjfs, at present occupied by A. V. WesFelL liUg25-tf 1 Apply tO X- JOHN IT. BlXlLiTJIK. i G-uns w4 Pistols. n . .m . n. nrina . wyj vino' nnxtTrwr ih.: ,1-. l!kf U.lli brinnh.i liln. Vi,nllli V.iu. 4er, &c - A large assortraeiit of the above goods juot received ana ror saie at toe lowest casa prices, at the uta jtstauiisnea iiaraware tiouse or . " JOHN DAWSON, . aug 22 tf y i; , -j j- ti , Ns. l.SO fAdSl Market bt. Bacon,-FotK,' Sugar and Coffee. TesTirTsrTStacsr' 0 Boxes Smoked j Sides and Shoulders, I WrtrWBaireU Refined ligdrj'j ; J Bags irtmeKio!Coitea.- For sale low bv Ui- aug 22-tf trnmi WILLXAMSif MURCHISON. i9iu, xiour, nay ana eaic, thnn 'Baahela WJiRe-aai! Mixed Corn. 10JQ0. Bbls Fleur, all grades.' J K(fi Bales N. B. and"Eastcrn Hay, Willi ?MLB AilOIAfll aTMlbe O.UUf 't t For sale low bv - aas22-tf WILLIAMS. &- MURCHISON.: fiiij Is: - if