f t A'l ; . Of 4 1 V AvH 1191 1 ( . is One Square one day, ...-I-1 : "Mr three days.... S W; - -: .. " . .... 3 w f ...1 iu;:f J. , iTj THE "IIOEITIITQ STUE. PUBLISHED DAILY. BT j BATKS Or STJBSCBIPTIOH IX ASTAKCI: Oris Pfk P'd, $7 00 Six months, , " " ) - 4 00 Three months" " "- " S 83 One month, C T -, ' J 1 00 To City Subscriber, delivered la any put of the city. Fifteen Centff-per week. Oar City Agent are ot authorized to collect for rnore than S months in advance. . OUTLINES. Foreign powers unaoie to get Turkey to suspend hostilities pending mediation. - There is a raonej panic at Sin Francisco. Ahren & Co. failure Baltimore in volves two millions asti a; half. An otber bank closed in Ban Francisco yester day for lack of pccie.A'Detit)it dis patch gives an account of collision on Lake Superior and loss of,: tea .men.' 4-- The papers report material daniare to crops in various sections of' this State. -1 Great excitement in San Francisco. ' Exchanges all closed. - A Canadian Catholic priest refuses the sacrament to ladies wearing low neck and pio back dresseslTKewTork markets: Cotton. 14l15t. V '.. ... : COGNTEUFB1TING. Two Tonic Bea f Beipeeiable Families Arretted In Kintton for rminierreltlusr Tbev Confau tbe CrlMi The Modos Opernnai. Correspondence Raleigh News. J Kixston, N". C.,Ang. 2t5, 1875. .' The first counterfeHing probably ever koown in Eastern Carolina came to light here yesterday. .Two youtig men fronr Craven county, named re spectiv ely John J. Brock and John W. Uhen, were arrested by Deputy U. S. Marshall Hunter, charged with the high crime. . .. , t It appears that . they went to- the hio.re of a negro, by the name of Louia Fisher, in the suburbs. of the town, and purchased some tobacco, giving in payment therefor three 5c. nickel pieces. The suspicion of the negro was aroused by the ? peculiar . bright ness of. the pieces, which upon closer examination showed very- plain , and palpable defects iu moulding. He applied his knife and found that the beautiful bright nickel was 'only pewter. Fisher at once made the matter known to the authorities, and the arrest was determined 4 upon. The parties in the meantime left the town, but pursuit was made and ihey were soon overtakes i and brought back. Being closely ques tioned they confessed they had the moulds for the purpose and manufac tured the counterfeit. They ) also confessed having made the mould, by impressions, on wood from a genu ine piece. . Whether this is true re mains yet to be seen. It is possible sihat they aretr,oriy' the agents' of a much larger concern and there is no Helling what, araunt ' of the -larger coin there is Afloat in this section. Only fifteen pieces of the coin could be found on their persons, but ; they bad sufficient opportunity to hide what they had.' . J ' They were young raeu of tolerable good standing in tue community in wkich they lived, and it is to be re gretted ihat this niisfortuce should have occurred; - - j They will be taken to Newbern for a preliminary trial before the S. Commissioner at that; place. . ; Later. Tbe Newbern yJfct'Siell . i. .- i u a - u : says xne parties uavv uu a ,uciug before Commissioner Lehman, and llhem was released on a bond of $500 for bis appearance. at Superior Caurt, vwbile Brock was conveyed to jail. . Radical Trickery li UIk BleiJ;i A Washington special 1 to the Bal timore Aim tays: "1 he i statement re cently prepared and published by the Treasury Department, 'giving the re ceipts and expenditures of the gov ernment for the last fiscal year, does not show ou it face' the' actual con dition of the finances. This stale ment was prepared, it now seems,-"as a' campaign .document, and ; first placed in the; hands of ex:Speakef lilaine to be used in the canvass in Elaine. This statement claims that there was a surplus of' inBrjaa.se1 over expeditures for tnejaat fiscal ye&t of $ 1 1,376,658. But' it - does' notj state that if the expenditures v Author -ized by 'fogMs?54ibaa--J Been" anade the surplus woold I have been barely fl,000)OOV Bu snh Treasury Department for , the first ix months of the last fiscal year was so straightened in its resources that ahe Secretary had no -alternative ffbut Uo refuse to pay any but the abso lutely necessary " expenditures. rTn ahU way he staved off something over 1 1 ,000,000 which Congress had -- ap propriated. Even after all tbis had ii not been for the additional; taxe l. vied last winter instead of a surplus ihere would have been a deficit of at least $3,0(0,0JO. The statement, which Mr. Blaine has to " delude the voters of Maine, boasts of the ; great Mirplus, and asserts that the expenses last year, were lea than any previous year sii.ee 1861, but says nothing at ail of the manner in which this sur plus was obtained U Nor does it-il dude to the fact that the balance 4 iu ihe Treasury on the 30th of June, i tst, was 1 6,000,000 less tnan onnie -JOth of June, 1874. i , 1 . There is a girl living .at North' threVy ears" baa been' an" eventful one. Mie .was j-bom oh boanl J hip in the J 'uviiie ocean, -: Before she was three, -lays old her mother died. Before i.r ..1X1. r li. .A' it bViin wflfl reeked, ai4. nk. The , babe - was wrapped hi a blauket and kept warm, snid the sailors paiii every VattetiUotr to her, and Iceptfcer alive with biscuit oakei mi .water a.u4t were hardly less attenuve to the Iittle'one's wants than: ber father. Ten days after the wreck , ' 1 -j ) I'll X In -.'.,r,V jr-.ftTT"0 r'f f--i3 VOJj. XVI.-NO. 135; they were picked up by an English vessel and taken to Liverpool. Thence they came to this country, and the little one has been brought up at the hoose of her grandparents. Mlnery Xotci cminr. A single house of one room, on high land below Vincennes, Ind., during toJa5 rise furnished residence for yfnfefolamniesV 'whose dwellings had, been rendered" 1616" " f The Irlalin. The mails will close at the City Post-Office uotil farther notice as follows: C : ' ' Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and West of Weldon, daily at. . .. . . ; .. ..... '5:45 P. Jf. " throughandway (diy) '1 mails daily , except Sunday, 6UJ0A.M. Southern mails for all points 4 S6utEraanyrr;::..v..v; 5:i5Prjr. Charleston, daily, at. 50 A. II. sWestern mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sundays,) .......... 2 :30 P. M. Charlotte mail closes at. 2:30 P. M Smithville (via Easy Hill and Town Creek) Tuesdays and ? 1 Saturdays .......... (1.O0 A. M. Fayetterille, 'and orBces on Uaite : f T: .... j . ' . ;jcr xw.er, moouays anu Fridays....... .". ... 1 HX) P L Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, dailv : t n (except . Sundays). ... .". Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices everjrFridav . . . . . . . .- 6 :00 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboat, dose at 3 P. JI.; dally, except Sundavs. ! - Mails delivered from 6 :30 A.' M. to "7:30 P. AL, and on Sundays from 8:80 to 9:30 A. ;. " .. .. x . . . .-:. -v Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6. -00 P. M. Money order or Register Department oen same as stamp offlct. .. i . Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. , Key Boxes accessible ut all hours, day and night. : .Mails collected from street boxes every day at 5 P.M. nRW ADVBRT1SB3IBNT. Chas. D. Myers. No. 1 Mackerel. - BrsFORD, Crow & Co. 500 bushels Oats. - i- ' - ' .....! 1 . LoVni ttot. -j Mr. Probabilities on today: Coast rains, perhaps. ; They have a cave in the .pave on the cast side Nutt street near Walnut 1 ... - , r And now the " why" arises " Why didn't Mr. R stop his own horse f" t At 11:30 last night a pistol-shot and a yell broke the stillness in the neigh borhood of this office, but 1 we emild leain nothing of their import. j- Mr. Frank H. Darby, formerly connected with'lhis paper as temporary n -porterj leaves this "morning for New York. Wc wish him a pleasant trip and a safe re turn ' .:" , I- ' . . Capt. Hall, of the steamship Jamt A. Geary, formerly on the line le tween this port and Baltimore, we regret to learn, received seridus in jiiries a few daj-s ago, at Baltimore,' by a fall on the deck of his vessel, by which one of bis ribs' was broken.' . ' ." ' .. . Accident. . ..r.c;:s:--Efr.":- .-'--a ;:..,. . The forward truck of the locomotive at tached, to the eastward-bound passenger train oa the CL C. Railway ran off the track at Buffalo on Thursday evening; causing a delayof some hours, but doing no damage except- to strain the pipes connecting the locomotive with the tender a little. The accident was-caused ; by , approaching ' an open switch witu "a trifle "tob'much head4 way. Aiieri jacaiogiup. lucuujiiinr, iam were placed underpeatli. the track regained and tbe trip toward Wilmington resumed without any particular inconvenience save the loss of thnepf i1 Halter and Wilmington lelegrapb. jjroruGen. Myers Chief Signal Officer, we have a circular announcing that be wui receive at his office in the War Department at Washington, until the' 10th September, sealed proposals for the delivery and erec tion of the pole for th newJioe. The polesmust be of jumper or j'Cidaij 20 feet t long, 4 inches- diameter at top, peeled, set four feet in the gronud and-23 to- the' mile. The line is.to extena irom me siguai uuu at j Cape Hatteras; along ihe bar to Situ Point, and Ihence along the road from that poinHo tbe Signal Office in this city.s s r fy 'C The first bale of new cotton brought ftq this market, raised by Mr. , Ei J.'Mbodyof Marion, S. C, menUon of which was maae ia our last issue, wai sold by Messrs. Kerch ner & Calder Bros.; to whom It bad been consigned, yesterday,' for 17 scents per pound Messrs. Barry Bros!.: bein& tbe V' chasers. It Is a ffiue bale of cotton, is classed, as middling, and has been shipped to New Yorkby-tbe8tearnAipBe!W?r.-- Messrs! Kerchner MCalder Brd1., met we are in formed, received the first new cotton of the season for the past four years, j 1 r filokbea. ' ' ' ::: ' '- ; f Mr. Robert Noble lodged complaint with eCifyMarshyesrday morning to the j effect that Tie wa jvUbea 011 ueuay uijju of Vsum'of rnoiiey amounting to about $60.1 Suspicion Vests upon a colored ban by: the J nameofobn Morton, who nas oeen seen about town since the ; allefefcd robbery, but is now believedo have made his way to Newbern, as he had announced bis purpose of visiting that ancient burg. viWdr Heevered i The body ol Albert iWUliarn,r who was owBedr-JHNefrs wharf on Tuesday nfght List, rose yesterday morning just ten minutes before 10 o'clock.iu. the riv)r Pjn?wit Dock and PraDge streets. , .An inquest was. heidfover the bod by Coroner Hewlett, the jury returning a verdict that deceased came o bis 1 death by accidental drowning. .... : : 1 1 . . i i 1 1 . ii I. ii . 1 1 u i i .hi u 1 'i WILMINGTON, Tapping an Audience. . ' - The Rev. Thomas Hunt referred to in the following, which we clip from an exchange',: is well known here, among our oldest citi zens, he having been Pastor of tbe First Presbyterian church in 1833. He was the pioneer temperahce1ecturer in North Car-; olna and possibly in the South." Some two or three years ago the venerable gentleman was residing in .Wilkesbarre, Pa. , and for aught we know to the contrary is still liv ing and a citizen of that place. He was formerly the owner of the colored man Once, familiarly known as Jake Hunt, now called Jacob Wise, formerly a member of the Board of Aldermen, which position he resigned for themore lucrative one of Cap tain of the street carts. But to the extract: ' Some years ago an eccentric genius, the Rev.T. P.-J Hunt, used to give temperance leciures. Oue nigbl he announced that he would lecture In Easton. Now-, temper-' ance Was not in favor among the male por tion of the burg. The women, however were all in for the "pledge," and conse quently, on' Hunt's first night not a man showed himself In the ball. The benches were pretty well filled with Women, though, and Hunt commenced; but instead of temperance, he put them through on the vanities of dress, etc. They w re great stuffed feather sleeves then. They--thefileeves caught it, then their tight lacing, and so on through the whole catalogue of female "follies not a word about - temperance.' And ' (he ladies went home . hopping mad, ' told their husbands about it, and voted old Hunt down to the notch. - -:T - He had announced that he would lecture at tbe same place.,. the next night. Long before the time appointed they commenced to come; and when Hunt hobbled down the aisle tbe : building was comfortably well filled with men.:; Tbe old fellow looked about, cbuckled, and muttered, "Hogs, I've got you!" .The audience stared. "Aha, hogs, I've got you now!" Alter the crowd got quiet a little, the lec turer said! "Friends, you wanted to know what I meant by saying 'Hogs, I've got you now,' and I'll tell you. Out West the hogs run: wild, and when folks get out of meat, they catch a young pig, put a strap under his body, and hitch him to a young sapling that will just swing him from the ground nicely. Of course he squeals and raises a rumpus, when all the hogs gather round to see what's tbe matter, and they shoot tium at jthtir leisure. Last night I hung a pig up; 1 hurt it a little, and it squealed. The old hogs have turned out to-night to see the fun, and I'll roast you," and eo he did. pitching into their favorite vice with a relish and a gusto. . , .1 magistrate's Court. A colored man by the name of Calvin Goomer was arraigned. before Justice Van Amringe, yesterday, on a peace warrant sworn out by Jane Outlaw, colored. The defendant pled a former trial and the case was therefore dismissed at the cost of the prosecutor.' - .: - . ". . . The same, charged on the affidavit of Jaue Outlaw with a misdemeanor, was found not guilty, the prosecutor being or dered to pay the costs. j , ; Tbe prosecutor in these cases, not being able to "foot the bill." was sent to jail. " Kansas Dunson was arraigned on the charge of being" guilty of a 'misdemeanor. Case dismissed 00 the payment of costs. Alice Hall was arraigned charged on the oaiu of Francis Outlaw; with a misdemean oct Both parties were adjudged equally guilty,' and were each ordered to pay one half the costs, in default of - which they were'commilted to jauVU7 ',J j '', General CIstns HHieaa- Denied. V . We are glad ' to learn, as will be the com mqnity.ia general.' that tbe reported illness of Gen; R, R Colstonv as announced in the Railroad Gazette, 'ot New - York, an4 aTter wards referred ' to" by the papers prthis city, is a mistake A member of the fam ily, now at Beaufort, writes that (letters have" been received from Gea.' Colston since the . timeor Li8 reported tlliessi! as mentioned by the paper referred to, In which the serious illness of the second of ficer of the expedition is referred to which no doubt accounts for the mistake reported' in the Railroad GaseUe. , -. BrnaYvlelt Cr, ie. I"! Cut. iiOuf ad vMfr0ni Smithyille yesterday say that tbe Court bad. transacted a large amou nt of business op to tbe time of" Writingv and would undoubtedfy : adjourn " lairt evening. 'v The election case of Lewis A. Galloway wascoMiBUed.:irtxiiJ ianih f The case of -E. M. Rosafy, charged witii ,IFJ -sSL.Ji-i 0sjI .71 fV'-,' ( ..... v. uttering forged papers, was continued oy B?ksafyS eniering into bond in the pura of one thousand dollars. n u:n. i L . Messrs Puiler & Bjrns of the ICotinfy UOmmiBSlOOers, rCHIgoeu- jmmwj. Cowan, Esq , was elected tq fill tbe faeancy leTiReaiTiWnlttlfe.!,": , ' . ---- Before Justice H. E. Scott, yesterday Sam Lee, with &a alias, was arraigned! on the charge of stealing a lot of watei'meloBS? He'was ordered to give a justified bond in; .tbesuni f $100 for his appeal ance at the next term of the Superior Court, in default of.wbich he was committed to jil. : HiBKe orTncraioaitKr. ' j '' Tlie following was the range of the ther- motoeter at the Signal lsureau, hi uus cny, yesterday: - - -' - ' Struck by Llxhinlna; 2.Mr;hadrjtKiding at Western Prong, near thejCarolpa.Cetlttl jroad, in Columbus county, had bis housesiruck by lightning some day laat weeki"We are glad to learn, however, that, lhe,;damage was veryalighj.r I lit ,si Beeaptared iS-tha'uletrn'- ttai the ne- fcr eonvkt Moses LewiiKrscapea irom tbe guard at the Work House near this city, recently, waaarjested at Black Creeks on Monday last, and commixed to jail in Wil son on his own acknowledgment that be was an escaped convict. ' r . . . N. Z:, ' SATURDAY. ; The Blfle Itlateb. ' i' Our two Wilmington rifle teirtsnet yes terday on'lheir'.range indulge in .an'friendly CbntesVjfor a sjlyer, cup;, e'match spectatprs not Oirectlyrineresieif,; and re sulted, ina victory tofffiiim JStQJVbjr poly; . one point.. , ,This result,, however, must fbe -viewed ;ja connection jWith several facts which would have.had ;a modifying effect on both scores. In the, first place, it will.be noticed i that x No.:;J,j bad out only 8 pen against Na 2's 9t JLt Is fab? Jo suppose that tbi fact reduced the score of No. 1 by the. average' number of points made by each of the' 8f Who were engaged, that is to Bay,' the equalized score of No. 1 would ' stand . 'it 456J rx)intsWe ttbuld also state in cbn nection, with this team that Mr. Lily him self a very good shot waa not present, but his score was kept above, he average by t ie member who acted a his proxy. ; i:; While Team Nu 1 carried off the laurels, it will be seen that Messrs. ; J. -.D.; Woody and Junius Davis,: of Team No. 2, each made a score Of 63i points being the high est made by any member of either team; and the quality of this shooting will be appre elated when it is recollected that each shot in the bull's eye counts 6 points and that if any member had put all of his 15 shotf in the bull's-eye he could have scored but 90. We noticed, also," that' ol 2's 4arg'et was subject to. vibrations of considerable extent from the force of tberwind and the yielding nature of the ground. How far the same cause may have existed to affect-the ac curacy of No. 16 shooting we cannot say, as we did not . hive the same opportunity forclosr ihspeclionC1 The light during the evening w;.s not " very : good ' for shoot ing, owing to the .thick clouds . obscuring the. ekyjand.thimayT possibly have Operated more to the disadvantage of No. 2 j thau ff Noj .as the Jatler "continued shooting some time after the other team had . finished,, while the darkness was ipcieasing with the approach of night. -: :;: .r : The freshet in the river, acting with tbe moon, caused ; a ' Very- high i tide which covered some of the low ground in ; the vicinity of the . targets, . making ' matters rather unpleasant' than; otherwise " for the markers and suggesting- to them the fact that tbe riflemen ought to have a good plank walk over their range before long. ' We append the score: '.r. i TEA3C NO. 1. .; ' ' E. Lily, 581; W. R. Kenan, 50i; JcsJ Price, 551; DuB. Cutlar, 62; R M. Hous ton, 274; E. A. Maffitt, 53i; II. G. Small bones, 52; G. P. Cotchett, 46. Total 406. J. McR. Russell, scorer. team no. 2. J. D. Woody, 63 J; W. L. DeRosset, 38; Junius Davis, 63; N. B. Rankin, 47; W. F. Hargrave, 44; L. S. Belden, 56; J. T," Rankin, 5H; Walter Coney, 9; E. H. Eilers, 32J. Total 405. . ' . . . "M -) J. LT Holmes, 'JrM J. C James, Scorers. ' ' 1 mi a Another. Caseof Drownlas From Sergeant Kuhl, of the police force, we learn that at 10 :30 o'clock last night, an old colored man named Amos Walker, who had long been a faithful servant of Mr. A; B. Corbett, of Turkey Creek; stepped be tween a fiat and the steamer Caswell, at the wharf of Messrs. Kerchner & Calder Bros., between Princess and Chestnut streets. and was precipitated into the river. Mr Cor-, bett and an old colored man were near and saw hf'm fall' but cbul3 do-nothing tq save him, as the boats laylose together toward ihe stern of the steamer j-and he immediate ly driftedoufr-of sight --The body possibly lodged inv the 'Whelrlmd efforts will be made i to-day for its recovery. bi5i ''i'lH- a: BIsben Lynaaa'a Appointments.' Elk River Valley.. .. . . .. . . .. 7. . Aug. 29 Beaver Dam, Buncombe: Co ; . Aug. 31 Brevard, Traasylvania Coj. ...... Sept.. 2 St. Paul's, in the Valley,. Transyl- . 7 "; Tania Co.:. .:';..v.-.'.. .'. .'.', 1 ;..Sepf. 8 Flat Rockr..lU,-,'..-.i f ..i,'Sepi. 5 Hendersonville .Sept - 7 "Glencoe. t; . i . . .,f ; ..' Sept. 10 "Calvary ChurchHehderson Co. .tSept." 12 Liecester- .Sept.: 15 Wayoesvllle. i : v-i ,; i - . ..w.vSept.' 17 "Asbevllle;.! .'V.'fV'?. .Ci''.1'. ,Septil9 prfopnated to Diocesan Jssionav .1 rjjj- nrilmlnartAm JHethodJst ; Appointments of Rev. W. S. ,BiaCkV'Prel sidins Elder: tor the third fround.df muar- I terly meeting, for the, present ConfereBce eaVdf the Wflmington District : ! . . ; 1 ; . , v Magnolia at; HarreU'A.Store August 29 and 30. " . '; : . ' A- j- "" . ;, Wilmington,' at Frbattreet Ch'irch,ep tember 5 and 6. . '; ' j -i t: Bmithvllle, Tit Smithville, Septembfir ,12 and 14. .; .:, ; 2t 1 ' u Sjnri.ta. Tnrpentnie '' bunt, speaks of moving to Raleigh'. 1 i '"Mrs.'tey'Bayar Clarke w:fiifes the literary gossip in the State Agricultural Journal. , - i n ; ' Threeof the: refaently eseaped petiitenllary blackbirds, Lewis, De vane and Jones are in Wilkes jail: j li'm The Southerner says eighj, Kdge-crlnifte-jonrig ierATeniefa will leave! Hoc ;the University on the 3rd prox. ; . 3,.,; , .Two cnew 's.trehaygrecently, been built in Wilson ' and' several other buildingi are to be erected there soon. jt -r?lrv2Jash, soone' 40 .whites voted the Radical ticket Only sixteen whites in 4 Franknoand iu Warren only 0 wbUes.jj,- 1 .r- It is thought that Maj. Palter aori will b elected to theOransre rvacancv? in tbeConventioa Jjy an increased ; Conser-C vative majority. ! er 3 ru aX . xne iewsBY.vu11reviviu. rieei- :iag ag tl -Y.lLDc. iAi of Raleigh is strong. They have leased ha, elegant hall f in thrBrigS building; whictt will be dedi cated next Wednesday evening, xiev. a. yv. Mangum inking the dedi1 mddres&,r ft Wilson jdifoantez ;Tbe picnid under the auspices of Harmony Council P. of H. came off at Wiley, Lamm's last Fri day. During the day speeches were made AUGUST;. 28,' 1875. . .: 1 jbj G..W.31ount,H. Q. Mossi R. J.. Taylor ,.anu oames jsiunay, isqs. a. pleasant auatr, " 1 The Wilson "(foattcg says' that. the ; notorious. , Jimk BatUe,..aL penitentiary convict; who made this 'escape some, time ago,' and who it was thought was implicated in the robbery of Dr." Graves' ;house, "was 'captured;-; in Lenoir and : sen t i o - Kinst'on ;SouZiemer. Mr. Wra;A Bfbwpj .representing a. Philadelphia firmi has 'pur chased ;for:$25,Q00 the,iMann goldi mme; in .Nash: county, .: A quantity.ibfc.the! ma chinery baa already been received and oper ations will be commenced at an early day: This will be the third 'in operation in If asb, ;.j jWiis6n Advance : By the death of Thomas W. Dewey, Grand High Priest of, the Royal Arch Chapter of VNortb Caro Jina, that office bow devolves upon Colonel .Tho8. 8r Kenan of this place, D. Q. H. P. So we have at this time in Wilson th high"' est officers, both of the Grand Arch; Chapi ter and the Grand Lodge Geo. W. Blount. tEsq,,, being Grand Master of the Stae - sWtia6it:i Advance 'iH Acprres pondent at Nashville informs' us of" the death., of Jonathan Stone, -Esq;, who breathed his last on Sunday the. 15th: inst Mr. Stone was formeily known in Graayille and Nash as "Uncle Murray Stone.", He served the people of both counties in the Legislature, aha retained their confidence by his stribt adherence to principle and bis honest,' upright course to the day of -his death at a ripe old age. "Peace to his ashes. : About two weeks . ago, Miss Rhode Enniss, a young lady' of highly re spectable parentage, while walking along the public road in Johnston county near tbe Harnett countyvline was overtaken by a strong, staunch negro man by the name of Virgil Stuart . After tbe morning saluta tion, lie rushed upon her and after choking her senseless committed the miserable crime for which he will be most assuredly hanged, provided he does not escape from the John ston county jail, where he is now confined. 00 we ream trom tne itaieign JSewi. ; CITY ITEMS. JSnOK UlNDlBT. 11TS MOKHISS 8XAB BOOlt Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable pricey Her chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may relj on promptness In the eiecolion oX their orders' ' '"" j ''" : TaAjttriK . PBamxexfrK. lavaiuable to rail road companies, steamahip companies, "banks, mer chaats, manatactorers and others. : They are en during and changeless and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Haying Jost received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. . . ... .i"; .. ..-..j : . l " . :' 1 ' . Thb Toixkt Gus . Copt oi Tzstdioiau-j U.UDSOK City, N. J., Sept 80th, 1874. MXasBS. t. A Wj Toixax 29 Maiden Lane.JfJew .York: The 10-gaage Gnn No. 3078 1 ordered from yon gives me entire satisfaction, I was very enctlng when or dering the Gun, hat mast say that yon have more than fulfilled what I required of yonl. I have shot several breech-leaders by first-class makers, and yoar gam beats them all for beaity and workman ship. As for Bhoottng-qualities, yoar gun shoots stronger and more eves than any gnn X ever shot I have shown it to several good jadges (including nrstrclass ganmakers) and all agree that the action is very strong and durable, and that the gun; is one. of the best they ever saw. 1 have made some very long shots with It using only. Z( drsV of powder, which is all yoar gnn requires. I have ' shot It at a target according to the roles of the Turf, Fjeld and Farm trials, and the average of 8 shots at, 40 yard i: Left-pattern, 169; penetration,": 88: right-pattern. 15; penetratioa 39; nsiug Z drs. powder. ,Now I am sore sach la . gun is seldom met ; with, and am "very pronoj to be the owner of It Bat the real test of yjrar gnn is in the field there it ex cells all others killing cleaner and handsomer than any gun I ever .saw, as yon assured me they would. Both paper and metal shells work splendidly. Gentlemen, I have to offer you my very best thanks, and will recommend your goas to all my friends. ,. . , . . ' Yoars Bespectf allyi ' . .f. HSSBT LOBIOT, -' ITlAttBiBD. ' i h GKNAU3TKORBLANDEB Thursday Aagust, SCt It, by Kev. G. D Bernheim, Mr. Wm. Genaustl of Kf&nghun, Illinois, to Mrs; Mary Kordlander, of Wilmington, N. C. No cards. ' j -v JBIED. MOOBS. In Caswell Township, on Wednesday, the i5th Inst, Mrs, , Martha Moorek aged 79 years. 1 At last she rests 'boyobd this vale i ,. Of sorrows and of tears, , , ,. 1 ! f j For Jesas, with on f oiled ioveV 3 ' 1 J w Has-wiped away her tears..;: -.. , ' : No hatreds there, nor ehBlins gloomj Tie Paradise.' without a tomb J world of smmu and oazzuiig crowns. ' ; ' 1 ':. ,.;...... 1 ,1 Ohoice ILtarge erel. i : 5 f n o i I if n 3 fbff 1 Centa. : .-i iKify fi hs-rnA V !. 1 Kerthl'rpnt Sfc' " ' , Small faihUvTti- XTHJtS. D. M YBRS A CO., '. ,', ':i:::!" t .$ L nroovn Hhaooo Fresh Crackers, Creatney Butter. Jang 88 if.j t , ,.t hur 7j North Fronj street 1 t B. URilNQER; ' ! ' ; SI U .WXLIiACB, , . i-ii-.'l - J i ' . . I 'i -f i'.SrltiiUni I V;" -President ; '. ' ,A CaeVeW'-J: I ....... ..1. ..4, : ..... '..-ii. XSl'SMl. Bank of New Hanovet i 1 . t . .1. : . j .. ; . 1 .-.. a f-iiH --Ulf. -Ml Ail ''ty XI. JXiU 'AS im 1 . X 11 h: I ' 1 ! -iitlli ,t 'Ii ll -tn sr. i AyifhQ.rize . Capital . $L,fMiy,)00, Caab Capital paid in $300,000 Surplus Fund j it -5 .s:;rij'!n' l-ii -Ion Jilfnrf ! O. K. MUKCHISON '. SAS. AiLiSAS il i 4 t" fe. B.?BBIIGKEa Jtn'-il" K. B. BOBDEN . ;jf. "WV ATKtKSON sli ITWlCDDSix.' aug SO-tf nac r WHOLE; NO; ;'2;58G. NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS. ; 500 Bushels Oats, ' v OftAfi Bushels Corn; 500 Barrels Float all gradep, f A VA. Sacks liverpool Salt .: If . e'n'APackS Marshall Fine Salt 500 Bbls Mo- -jyij egsais, oujioxes urjFsait jaeats -: f if'-roes Snuff,"1 srro'wJSifT. , Backets, Soap, &e. . X" : s9w UJ . - J " :-t j ang fflSwtr .j;I4:f1BNlJOBD. CROW; CO., i. OS 0'lSt i-i 'Cat T?PTif f 'A ii'P- S-l ;-.v. . .... i HK STORE ON . .'V ; , : SOUTH WATER STREET, NEXT South of H. B' Eilers: also, the two in Stores on' South Water street, occupied- in respectively, ey ont.: xan. ant jj. .1; Gilbert: also, a small dwelling house on 2nd street between Church and Castle, - Apply to aug27-lwnac CHAS. M. STEDM. AN. . ' JIOUiSES FOR :ItET. Bent. -iu; FOR ONE YEAR FROM OCTOBER 1st . ,. ( 1875, Store and Dwellicg .on the North- in side of Second,' between Market and Priq cess streets, at present occupied by A. 1. Weesell. ang 25-tf ' Apply to ' JOHN F. STOL fER. -'; DWELLING ON NORTHEAST -corner - of Market " and Eighth streets, containing 10 rooms, gas, &c Possession, October l. -- : . a Apply to' . ' ' : I ang srt-tf - 1 ' I . ' L. VOLLERS. 4 For Bent. ; , ONE HOUSE ON RED . CROSS, BK tween Front and Second street and two on Third between Harnett and Davis. " Apply to aag s-tf - -.JAS.- H. -CHAD BOURN A CO. - MISCELLANEOUS. '':'-r: Li:0':;0:;l si::: JMPORTED PICKLES AT 30 CENTS A JAB, . , j ' . . : '-.,. ..... v . " , We are forcing the price down. Encourage us by sending yoar orders. , v , , , j j i ; . . . . Lager Beer, Xager.Beerj rj-; fl T2 PER DOZEN, '..: i . The Best Goods at Low Prices . ;- r ... -, -i -- Will increase enr Ireaay larje sales, and Vbar" ; , Brand is ahead of all. . - ( Y HAVE YOU TBIED 6UR i .. pIt Process Empire . Flour, and r . , Best Butter in the Worlct )) If not when yoar package is out send to as and we . will deliver a sample free to any part of the city.- , .1 1 Fresh Groceries evory week, tit I 1 GEO. MYERS'i ' ''aug8-tf A'J-iM: 11 ts 13 South Front St Our Dox Box r HALF-DIME GUARANTEED TO BE AS GOOD . as your Cigar dealer sous yen For One Dime, or n sal by D. PIGrOTT. auglS-tf- uAt Zate BookStomi YOU WILL -FIND 1 A FULL LINE 1 6t -STAr . Uonery, - . . ..'--. - -,.T ' Blank .Books, . -limn m; VAii'ni: ti j'n.i, t.-oi j jSGHOOL BOOKS, Bibles - Prayer Book Albums 1 and everything osuailJrkepVina ' .. tfyi0'jSwintiti j. him. i FIRST CLASS' BOOK 'AND MUSIC sidBB,!ti at prices lower than ever before offered la this city sogSS-tf xj-t J i Oi BEST GUARANTEED ,A.T lowest fleures. deli: L in any part of the city free of-chflrge,ij 'il-A MiTn .ii-xiiiiiilo 1 U.'-' eng i8-tf itAl Iff) JAMES C STEYEy SON. & 7! . 1 i -, rr nil pTYWSB; TRA-Wi BATS, TESB -,FELT AND Silk Hats, Canee, Umbrefiae, . tUf;: j j 1 4 tag !ijlfc'niiin io x;cttrHttera. 'ill OASD JAvl,A"Ki6 cbFFES LPSAdd ; : "W&iii w:kuNge, Nortneavet vr. Market, and Second .janeatMf, , ,;r:;, f-p-'V,-.,! t -r- ln- MbOBt Georgia or Floriaa, ohotald tabmsftoe fort tie Mo MOHN- ins Naws, p obliged afavaunah. sit jZ, $10; Wteldv.&iwsr anun'uu; Advertisers deciiiuK cu- V temers in theoe-ritatesJ should: nm its . columns. It u the btst paper in tie aoutfteaet.j .hpectmtfu copies sent on receipt of 5 cents. ' ' ' 4 iHAinvi . aag 5 tf - t ; J IT. ESTI.LL, f?avaunab tin ! ; iil f For SinithviUe CrTEAMEB DIXIE.. WU.L RUN .BSGULARLY evervdavexVfeBtBnndyvsr1 1 . ;t .Leaving. Smithville. j .'....1.,....-.. f A. M.s " ' (JommuMUon -iiCKCiB may nu yurcuwu v vur fflca,---V .-.x rtfill.:L-lii-- jr.:!iiJ inly JS-rT' 1 n. ppwriry 1 G-reen ? lanner , " ' ;4 ' ' T ! t" . HOLES ALE f ANPr RETAIL i DEALERS JN aug 26-tf .j-ivifoy c "A, 1 1 i iift.4 i . t..il . or Xlei is I -, ane 26-tf. kkkuumek s ualu BROS. . . i if 1 I ' I . ! I 11 . 1 - It TSBnOltiVlb STAIt BOOK BI1VI EBY is eorapiete in all all ita appointments, and is in charge of One of the meet skillful workmen In the State.. All kinds of Blading executed neatly, cheaply and expedltioasly. . f .. . ,i u,. tut I I- 1 si, till v nst I (TsffT fittii v PS? K - , Drags. Medicines, Tpilet Arikies, Alcoliel. Tarnip Seed of, ever variety, i . : f ; - 1 ;a;'v,voViaiettwoy; GBSENa'FiJiNSgEB SK ; Two weeks.. .V. V.jLi... 6 00 ijeim welwlcK)ti'.;.. tv.. ; One month.. ........ 8 Of .- iTwimmthilL.Xl W...At Ofi Three months. . .. . it 00 - ,- - Oa year..... ...,. .50 CI t Contract Advertisements taken at propoit Oonately low rates. ?,v tf , -il ' ; I: ; Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column, and ten squares a half -column., .. MISCELLANEqUS. Sale of iYaluable;EealiEstate J .ri'i 8le CH03 lvYi'?Ant loaeer; n k I tO wOl'v'O'i s .:j 1 Y Y1STUB OF AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH KJLJ tneprovisions or s certain :isdeiitar bf mert-i Sage, executed by Feist Mayer to The Bank.of Newi laoover," bearing date the 7th. day-of -March A. D.f 1873. and registered in the records of New Uanover: coanty, U book SEE, at page 84 andlollowing, the. nndirsigned, as the attorneys of said mortgagee, will 5 :.a:;u. ..oiiiiUi'fvj . r.ji a.v ' .-n '. ON THURSDAY, THE 9th DAY of September next-. at 13 o'clock M., at the Court House door In the city ! of WilmlngUn. sell :foraab,: by public auction, tlie following described piece or parcel. of land situated : in Said city, la J UAJ J 5 yfiJiJj.j :iiii j , Becinning at the corner of a lot now or recently! owned -j y A P. Kepltoa and wife, on the win h sidei of Market street, and running thence south wardlyf. ' 31 owned by A. P. Ketiton and wife, tbenc.p wlih iheir line northwardly sixty-six feet to the lot of J vl-'v kerson, thence with the back line of "Wiikersoii'H let weetwardiy t enty-f out feet to hi con . er. t hencej . with his other line northwardly sixty-t-ix feet t -Market stree 4 thente alone; Maiket street westward-i ly thirty four feet to the bt ginning, snd being in' block 15J according to .Tttraer's plan cc "ihe ciiy of Wilmington., WRIGHT A SIEDMAN, ' s ang 7-te i -a r. ,1,-. -Attorneys - . School Bdoks.' ! 1i FULL JBTOMPLETE STOCET OF School r Bboks T S. always on hand. Parents rTeachers In thecity aid country are requested to'seqd in their '. . ; : ' : f'ti'-.n' j orders to ' : ' ' ? HEINSBEBGER'S ang Live Book and Masic Store! Bead and Beflect ! QTILL GREATER REDUCTION IN PRICE81 uur spnng Mtocjc or, . Jviq: j.. Men's, Boys and CHILDREN'S CLOTIIING " ' ' ' mast be' cloeed oat ' ' ' ; " GENTS' FURNKHUCG GOODS, AC. All at greatly redaced prices. 1 acg S2-tf I nr. ' SHRIEK TJROTnERSl. i r Like WUd Fire JS; THEPREAD O.THEWS, j r; i ? Unprecedented Sale f v Jaiutta1 Shifts. . OVER NINETY DOZEN SOLD. O for S7 50, Cash on Delivery WARRANTED BEST LINEN THREE PLY "BOSOMS; AND WAMSTJTTA COTTON. io..ilAJi: ..fJ .-iaxu.tl hvr, i.niiA . MUNSON ft CO, eag23-tf iiy TAtH City .Clothiers. ; ingf, 'Ties, "Hootj f Iron,1 Glue.. 3QQ Bolls ExtTA HeaTj Baggig,ji .. jj t Ton. .Ties, yhr ua tL ;4 v 75 Woe-t-toL'dhf-w.'u - For. sale low by 'angS2-tf. willIams a'sruRcmsoN. OHOT, CAPSi WADS, GAME. BAGS. POWDER der. fca . A large assortment of .the ' above- goods just received and for sale at the lowest cask prices, at the Old Established Hardware House of j . joiixf DAWsOH, : angtf w.iNoa,-l, SO and M Market at'. 'i fiaconi Pork, Sngsi and Coffee: t 5Q. ?!;P-.S. .Sides yi.i! . , j ;; , , : i- 75?" - c-U'Ji;. T.tr va'n.-j : ; 100 BmTI BaftBd Sagar, - : 1 Bagi FriiM BJo Coffeej o a i 5 aug 2i4f r ;wiLiiLrMS'URCniSONl on i Corn,; rioux, Hay and Salt, KAA A Bushels White and Mixed Corn. ltf.Ull -i.-; ji-.ei:: vt.nHtiiKitiiiViii '. tKl. 11... -ifl rrmAm r A A Bales N R. and Eastern Hay, QJUi.t--ti-l;iUiV.i:)0 i:rAH ii, Q A A Sacks Lisbon Salt For sale low dj ale low by - j a WILLIAMS b MUBCHf SON. sat 2-tf TfTAVl XX of the latest atvles of Hats for Ladles and Chil dren, Mrs. Virginia A. Orr is prepaeed to alter, press and bleach iwrk-ep trusted- te her. Old Bonnets and Gehtlemen's Panama Hats made to Look as. Well as TVew. FOT parucBjartcau. on or vena iu ju.xus. vivji, MalWhetweestSr andathfstreeta. ncj . ap 15-tr J . t - ' :. - ;.:. ;VV hil.'iilll'Q.) Mil itU iil lu-fyj ! , . a ,m. T,n ' fibl" Prfcf cm, HeyaJ Flour.. 1- J j. fi-i fr-ffer ealftPTit "i'u 3nlJ i S' ir ang 26 tf itERCHNER & CALDER BR J w a a .. . Mihfn ma am 7ft Boxes Bt.) 8 Antt Smoked EideiJ : Boxes'tt- S. anasmdkej Shoulde e; i ; HQfebtoiSialehisce& uiT if'XuhdeCobaMoJasseBii i.ll '!. 1 'rAni&tt. , 1 ERCHlVEBj &. CAi) ER BROS. Fine SampsbiiiiCdiiityi Beef, A'CITLt'ENS'f llAIJKST, 3 NEAR; CORNER Secondhand Market streets',' Will be sold at (rices t salt the times' till knS seVfoVyohrself! ang 2S-tf - - ; i: . -fw Proprietor. xioiasses. 1 'ept- vcs. ' a aiis, unana -J0Q7 Hhds aa4B?ls e.VPR'Cnp4 OAAJPsaJwJft h.u: llliif 9U r f - S- THAVE JUST JRECETVED ; . BY ATLANTIC ' JL Coast Line, tnt fifth invoice of Tea from the . United SUtes Tea Co., consisting of .aBOut thirty different varieties, put lip in handsome air tight cans with screw covers, and sold at the same prices as over the counters of the Company la New York Mt-r i ... At ti. G.' NORTHROP'S aogl-tf Tmlf anil r!nnftinnM- Rtiwo. ? aiung uicir jmeons nuBorea ana inirty-to ieet to Betienconrt's alley, thence aloig said alley ast-; wardly fifty-eight feet to au other lot nvw ar tecent yi 1 I f k : f, 1