THE H0R1TDTG OTAB. PUBLISHED DAILY, BT ' ratss or BUBscBimoa ts adyascx: ... vear. (by mail) postage paid.......... t7 00 uiT monins, .. - - .i. ...,. oo Three montha("" ) ,:. ; ; ....... nne month, . ........ 9 S5 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the ritv Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agent are not authorized to collect for more than S months in advance. ,-- J-t -"' OUTLINES. Government sues the sureties of Merrick, prince & Co. for unpaid duties. A wealthy citizen of Arizona territory was in danger of beint? shot by the authorities in Souora, and saved his life only by the op portune arrival of a friend with a ransom. A Cincinnati infuriated father shot his own son, mistaking him for his daughter's seducer, who had threatened and was fol lowing him. The "inside boss" of tljg Lehigh colliery and several other persons killed by miners. 'Woman and daugh ter drowned at Rockaway. A young member of the Italian Minister's suite, while acting at a private dramatic entertainment in New York, shot himself deliberately With a pistol, dying soon after. , -New York markets: Cotton 1415, gold 114, spirits turpentine 31. rosin $1 65$1 70. Ar rangements are making to pay the Elgee cotton claim of $ 368,000, minus 1W,UUU.. : Wamsutta mills resume work Monday. . It was contemplated by the Haytien government to take forcibly certain refu gees from the American" consulate, whither they had fled from the vengeance of the State. NO JURISDICTION. Yesterday the case of the Robeson county contested election came np before Judge Settle, of ibe' Supreme Court, at Greensboro. The Judge decided in accordance with precedents and common sense that the Court had no jurisdiction, that the Convention was the sole judge of the qualification of its members. " Hurt " is not the word with which to describe the sen sation this decision will produce in Radical circles. The enemy are sore ly, desperately wounded in the house of their friends. They invoked the law to do an unheard of thing, and by the law they fall righteously. . MeeiliiST of llie Trustee. Raleigh News ef Wednesday . The meeting of the committee ap pointed to report on the policy of electing a President of the Univer sity at the present lime, was held yes terday. The fall number was . pres ent. The affairs of the institution were discussed freely and folly, and after consultation it was deemed best to defer the election of a Presidout until the next meeting of the com mittee in January. rne conierence or. me cuuuuinee developed a highly encouraging con dition of the prospects of the Univer sity, and the committee adjourned last evening with the most sanguine hopes that the efforts of the frjeuds of the University will be crowned with complete success. ' Two women have been travelling through Iowa selling corsets at un usually low prices. Indeed, their anxiety to give ladies a perfect fit, and the insignificant reward they asked for their services, excited sus picion. Now not a lady in Iowa will admit that she has bought corsets in six months, while the two peddlers' have resumed their male attire and occupy a dismal cell u jail. The man who spoke of the Indians as a dying race should emigrate. In 1864 they cost the country $2,629, 975 97; last year $8,032,73 93 was required to support them.: Either the funeral expenses are inconceivably high or the man erred. TV - ' ' Spirits Turpentine Leach is-eanvassiug Orange. Peach crop in Granville a com I l-te failure. v v . v Yesterday the " Weldon - Hotel passed into the hands of Cochran, Styll and Southall. ;,; V -V V Theodore Ramsay, of North Car olina, will syeak to-night in Richmond on temperance. TV" , According to the News, mem oes s of the Convention, were to commence arriving in Raleigh yesterday. . .'. ., The engine and fixtures of the Charlotte Ice Company were sold at action Uonday toR. L McDowell, Esq. The number of students at the opeoing of the University term, it is said, will be larger than was expected. . The citi2ens of Halitax have jieiiiioned for tbe re establishment of the telegraph office at Halifax depot. -TV A negro was accidentally killed at Crowell'a X Roads, Halifax county, last Sa uniay, saya ibe Weldon News. , C. H. Foster, Esq , of Murfrees Wi, a well known journalist, has opened a bureau of correspondence at Raleigh.". The First Presbytery of the As sociate Reformed Presbyterian Church will c mene on Monday next at Huutereville, Mecckaburg county. .... . A correspondent of the llills luro Recorder, quoting from a letter from IliP v.inn.r Lorulf (ipnita tllf? fctOrV SOUie tune since denied in these Columns, that Mi8 Jeannie Patterson hail gone or con templated going on the stage. .. . 1 Observer ': The celebrated Gold Iliil mine in Kowau county was sold at Salisbury oty Saturday last, the 28th inst., under a second mortgage in favor of W. A. Clu Eeq; of firuukiyp. N,JT.. to L Lr & H J.Holmes, for $25,000. These geutle "" are laigely interested as first mort l;'gec8. . , - . - - -TT'V-, ; Wilmington Webod Dlalrlel." Appointments of Rev.' W. 8. Black, Pre siUui Eiders tor the third round of quar lerly meetings for the present Conference i eir of the Wilmington District : Magnolia, hi Harrell'a Store, August .29 and 30. ' ' - Wihnf n'gtuir, at Front Street Church, Sejv tcmler5 and 0 - Smiihville, at Smithville, September 12 and 14. - iBiift'iijjjSSii riTTT, .11 lnri VOL. XVI.-NO. 139; THBOITY.' Tbe mails. The mails will close at the Citv Post-Of- fice ubtiWieJtiice as follows: V Northerfltntght) ma for all points North, xjasi, huu west or vveiaon, daily at 5:45 P. M. , "i -through and way (day) - - : , . mails dallvlxcniKunrlAv fl-Rri A AT Southern maUs for all points . coutn, aaily. !. . . 5:15 P. M. Charleston, daily, at ... 5:30 A. H. rv esiern mails (.C. C. IV j) daily , (excerjt Sundavs t-?.nT "hi Charlotte mail closes at. ....... 2:30 P. M Smithville (via Easy Hill and , . lown weeK) i uesaays and Saturdays l fi fin A TIT Fayetteville, and offices on Cape J? ear ui ver, Mondays and - Fridavs ....... 1 -dCiV M Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily (excent SundavsV -.i - S-:-!0 A M Onslow C.'H. and intermediate offices every Friday ...... ,.6:00 A. M. The Smithville mails hv steam hnat rlnsA at 3 P. M., daily, except Sundays. Mails delivered from fi-sn A VI to 7 -Jin P. M.f and on Sunda3'8 from 850 to 9:30 A. Stamn OfflcA nmn from S A AT to'l2"M. and .from 2 to 6:00 P. M. Mouey order or Recister Denartment onen same as atamu othen. . Stamus for sale at crencral deliverv when stamp office is closed. , . Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night Mails collected from street boxes every day at 5 PM. ; rTM NEW ADVEUllSnENTS. Ser Singer MPg Co's ad. : GKa Chadbotjrn House for Rent;' Mozart Saloon St. Louis Beerl W. L. Jewett W. S. F, E. Co; No. 1. Shriek BRoa Clothing. Local Dots. Light rains predicted., The "thud" of the pile-driver is heard along the wharves. Watermelons continue to arrive in diminished numbers, but cool weather checks the demand. Messrs. D. A. Smith & Co. have been improving the walk in front tf their building on Front Street. - The New Hanover delegates to the Convention, Sheriff Mauning and John II. Smyth,. leave for Raleigh to-raorrow. The gardens and grounds of some summer sojourners at the Watering places seem to have suffered from letty depredations during their absence. There was a three cornered dog fight on Princess street last night, which afforded much gratification to those citizens there assembled who are admirers of "pluck." . - Sorne of the prisoners in the county jail are said to be very i.oisy and boisterous, using profane and obscene lan guage, &c, to the great annoyance of per sons residing in the neighborhood. The two sailors, Gnstave Tobi- asen and Andrew Fredereksen, alleged de serters from the Norwegian barque Folken, were released from the Guard House yes terday- at the instance of Vice ConsulHeide. A dog crawled under the cross walk at Second and Princess, Tuesday night, and successively en joj'ed the discomn ture of each passer-by when suddenly S;. luted by a burst of his sepulekrarhowls.' A great many people were re minded yesterday of the extent of their in debtedness at the various dry goods stores, groceries, &c " "Pay as you go" is a most excellent rule, but it cannot always be car ried out. From some VVilmingtonians stopping in the mountains round about A&heville we hear that the nights are get ting so cool that fire and double blankets are comfortable aj night. On Sunday last, fire was needed during the entire day. ; - We are requested to say that tbe first German picnic of the season will be given at the Wilmington Gardens to-da3V commencing at 4 P. M. The street cars will convey passengers to the Gardens at any hour of the day or night. All of our German citizens are respectfully invited. We have lately observed large flocks of swallows in some parts of tbe city flying about in the dusk Intent upon the capture of mosquitoes and night-flying bugs. The swallows perform for us a very useful office in this respect, and deserve protec tion. We wish we had a flock of them here now to take in the buzzing lepidoptersB. - - About this time expect to see small boys climbing your back fence to re lieve the plethora of your arbor, and poling or clubbing the overhanging branches of your cherished fig tree. Dn't get mad at Hie little rascals, but to isore yourself by mildly remonstrating against the wickedness of their course and remembering now in your own days of small-boy hood you dem onstrated the truth of the axiom that 'tolen fruitis always the; sweetest.'' e v We learn that 1 Depniy U. S. Marshal VanSoelen brought down the Wel don road vesterday Jno. D. Waters, charged with perjury and resisting arrest by the deputy first sent to effect bis capture. The nHnrv is charged in a case tried before the last U. S. District Court In Newbern, where the warrant is made returnable on the fourth Mondav of October. Wateis is said to be a desperate man and was captured in the woods about eight miles rrom juagnoiia. lie is now in jail. ...... : . gf Taernoneier. . i The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, VfcAtardav: ' ' 7 A. IL, 71; 12 M.", 80; 2 P. 81; 4:30 P. M., 80;9P. M., 75. rJ,,.,..Vli jrllMi ,..i.i m M WILMINGTON, N. BOLD ATTE.HP r AT ROBBEItlT. A Burglar Awleep Deaperate Ktrns V sle and Fluat Capture f tbe In vader. On last Friday morning a family residing in this city went -on a pleasure -excursion to one of the Sounds, leavings Ibe house in charge of the pater fumilias, who, after get ting through with his business for the day, returned home, procured his supper, locked up the house and wound his way to tbe Lodge,, leaving a light" burning in the back room . for. the convenience.:tf the family, who had not yet returned from their trip. On his return from the Lodge he entered his piazza (which by the i way is latticed Up very close, and is quite dark at night,) and proceeded to inseit his key in the lock for the purpose of. admitting himself iato the house. But just as he was applying the key he stepped on what appeared to be the body of a man lying asleep in front of tbe door. He made a desperate effort to get his key iuto the lock, but, whether from fright or excitement we know not, he was utterly unable to do so; and to add to tbe excitement, his dog in the back yard Tai baying with all his might, as if endeavoring t capture an accomplice. Fearing the robber would wake up, he immediately songht bis pistol, but - remembered that he did not have it with him.. He then made a lunge in his pocket for bisknife, but, alas! that also had been left at home that morn ing. After another desperate attempt to get the key into the lock, his hair in the meantime standing on end as if endeavoring to lift his hat off his head, (and, in fact.he says he had no idea he bad half as much hair, for his hat felt as if it was stuffed to its utmost capaeity.) he resolved to make a determined effort to capture the burglar by physical force. His foot was apparently resting on the hip of the robber, as he imagined he could feel his hip bone with bis foot, and could, as he supposed, calculate pretty cor rectly the position of his throat. Concen trating his every energy for the fearful Strug gle, he made a spring for the robber's throat, and, as luck would have it, succeeded in getting him by the neck, When the noise of the struggle woke up the family (who had previously returned and retired, unknown to him,) who rushed out to find the head of the Louse in a desperate and heroic struggle with a bag of wet .batlting clotte, left in the piazz i on their return from the Sound! it anted to Uo to Jail. A young colored man by the name of fleiuy Graham, who was discharged from the county jail on Tuesday, where he had been confined for non-payment of fine and costs in a case of assault and battery, ap plied to Sheriff Manning and other county officials at the Court House, j-esterday, for an order to return to his old quarters. His excuse was that he could get something to eat there, but out of j iil it was a difficult matter for him to do so. He would not be convinced of the impropriety of being locked upas a felon .unless he had been convicted of some crime, and bothered the officials not a little with his persistent de mands. At last accounts ne was at me en trance to the" jail begging for admittance. Graham .is said to belong in Laurinburg, Richmond. county, but has been about here for some time and is considered somewhat deficient in the "upper story." We are told that during tbe day a pass. ing farmer heard of the boy's despair at the prospect of supporting himself in the great world, and in the kindness of his heart went to the youth and offered to give him a home and clothing, with plenty to eat, if he would go with him and work on his farm. But the demoralizing seductions of the life of luxury he had led in the Princess street castle from which he had of late been so rudely thrust out were to strong to be in a moment shaken off, and be announced; his determination to live in the hope of regaining bis former estate rather Jtbaa engage in the exhausting labors of - theworlaV "But,' remonstrated a citizen who stood hy "i should think working on a farm with plenty to eat and wear would be better than lying in jail." Emphatically then r replied the youth, in a tone that would: betjtQio. gain saying, , Well, I fon''V V:i. , Tbe Cotton QneMlon We see by the BdbesoniAn i that the first bale of new cotton raised in this part of the State was received at Fayetteville on Mon day last, having been raised by Mr. Wm. McMillan of .Robeson connty, and wea sold to Messrs.' J. D. Williams & Co. for 13 cents. The first new bale received at Lumberton came to hand Tuesday. This was also raised in Robeson, by Mr. Louis Pittman, and designed . for. shipment to Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, of this city. The first bale received at Lumberton was nine day s earlier ; than last y ear H erases to Work. T. . Richard Martin, one of the clored mem bers of the' chain-gang, haViWg absolntejy refused to do any work oo the RtreetW, hiB beeu locked Jn one, of ,Jhe' Guard; House cells, where he wllf b6 fed on bread" and water until lie evinces a dispt wit ion' hi er form the duties, required of, Wjnt The re fusal of the prisoner .to work, we under stand, is base3 on the factthat he failed 6 get a new pVir of shoes for Which ho niade application to the City Marshal.. TT V I Tbe First bjr tba Carolina Ceniral. The first bale of new cotton by the Caro lina Central Railway Shipped' by Messrs. Melke & Jones, of .Lumberton, N. C, to, Messrs. Alex Spruni & Son, was received here yesterday and sold by Col. Jmi L. Cant well,'. Cotton Broker, to V Lander Moore, Esq., at 14 cents per pound. This babgrades middling by the new standard. V jj v g; ' T;fj: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1875. Tbe. WlliuluKton Cottoni jllli.Tfi V .Toe cotton mill, one of , tle new'and im portant enterprises which has lately beea estabTished m our' mid&tis already, as we are glad to learn giving abundant evidence of its feasibility and of the foresight of those" of our citizens who were instrumental in pushina it' forward to completion: The mill is now in successful - operation and its works are considered among the est in the entire South. At present there are only 75 looms at work, ,but we are mfprmed. that the whole number (155) will be in operation in the course of a month. " The problem of utilizing native labor' has been thoroughly solved, as the boys and girls, of which about forty are employed at the looms alone, are reported to be learning?' the business very rapidly, and giving every evidence of soon being able to cope even .with the ex- perts who came hereto leach them.- As an indication of the prosperous con dition of the null this early in its career we would mention the fact that an order has just been received from Philadelphia for one hundred bales of manufactured cloth, at a cost to the "purchasers verging closely upon $10,000. No better evidence than this is needed to show that our cotton mill fs now, and will continue to be, a paying institution, while also proving an additional benefit to the community in affording em ployment to so many who would otherwise be without it.' V - j Warren Tarns Hp Again. x Since the exposure of Warren alia Cope land by the Lynchburg News, and his con sequent hasty'deparlure from that city a week or tv.o since, we had temporarilyjost sight of the inej ressible wanderer, but we now see by the Knoxville (.Tenn.) Press and Herald T of Saturday that he' is " now oper ating in" CharlottsviHe.VaTbari paper U -.a. V -V .ii ' . says: . s We learu from a perfectly reliable source thatou Weduesday last, the Rev. Cope land was sojourning in Charlottsville, Va. lie had been quietly eating bash at a Lyuchburg hotel, when the News, of that ciiy, casually mentioned that it was thought Copeland was in town and the boys were preparing to give him a dose of Knoxville medicine. Copeland, upon reading the item, stood not upon the order of his going, but went at once, and brought up at Char lottsville. We presume he is engaged in revising his Mdot dorg" lecture with the view of delivering it before the students of the University of Virginia, as soon as the session opens. In that event we shall be somewhat curious to know concerning the impression produced by the lecturer, and will look with no little interest to the col umns of the Charlottsville papers for a ref erence thereto. Perhaps Copeland has his auburn whiskers off, and may-be the au burn ringlets have been dyed, or even, per chance, be is registered as Rev. Epaphro dilus W. Simmons. Yet his true inward ness must shine undimmed and by it he will be at once recognized." Cane Found. ' L-tst June, while Gov. Vance was on his way from Raleigh to Charlotte, the hand some ebony cane with gold head, which was presented to him by the Jewish youths of, Wilmington, was stolen from the train at Greensboro. Every effort to recover it was fruitless, and nothing was heard of it until Sunday morning last, when, as we learn from the Charlotte Observer, Gov. Vance received a letter from the Superin tendent of Police of New York city, in forming him that the cane was in a pawn shop' of that city, and had been detected by the engraving on. the head. Gov. Vance immediately telegraphed for it, 4nd expects its arrival in a few days. He prizes the cane very highly, the Observer says, and is quite elated in the prospect of its early re covery. Ho I For Sbelbr. , The . Schr 1 W. S. ScuU, Capt , Barrett -with 360 tons of iron rails with which to complete the last link on the Carolina Cen tral Railway connecting this city with far off ShelDyr is now in port and ready to discharge. We are informed by CoL S. L. Fremont, General Superintendent, that the ironwill go forward tchday and that the track vjill be laid next week. Taxes In Fender. , . We are requested td urge upon the tax payers of Pender county the importance of coming forward, and i settling their State, county and personal taxes by or before the 15th of September. The tax collector has his duty to perform; in" the matter which will cVmpcl him1 to resort to the "extreme measures provided by law to enforce the COlieCllOU Oi lun nuug . tied by the time specified. To : avoid the additional costs which will thereby be necessarily entailed upon delinquents he requests us to call upon all interested to pay up at once. ' . Harbor Master's HepoTt. v .7 From Capt. B. G. Bates, harbor master, we have the following report of arrivals at this place for the month of August: Steam- ers, 13; barques, ; brigs, ; scnooners, o, total 80. The aggregate tonnage amounted to 10,447 tons; foreign tonnage, 2,552 tons. The report of soundings on bars and rips at low water, as furnished by the pilots, is as follows: V V', ,;.VU ";.!,' .-. -.C-' " Buld Head Channel. . . i. . . .10 feet 6 inches Webteru Bar-- J " tnlVi ..":-" J. : A . . . . 7 r,' 9 Rip :..:r.l9 0 More About Goats.v VTV..T-1 .' : " . Mr. Richard Fitzgerald, corner of Eighth aud Chesnut streets,, has a goat which gives a half gallon of milk a day, She recently gave sbhth atone jtimelojilbree nannies, which are .all living and doing well ; The goat I alluded to "is.ot.thp breed well known in this city as the ;JDarby',( bred and con sidered on the score; of usef ulness she is ahead oi the .celebrated . Veqiiestrian goat' alluded to yesterday. .. . v ' ' V The colored people had a grand affair at the City Hall last night .', " ; meteorological. ': From Sergeant Robert ; Seybotb, Chief Signal Officer at this point; we learn the fol lowing, regarding the statement of the weather conditions for the month of August-: just closed : 'V . . Highest barometer,; 30.191 idegreesiilow est barometer, 29.860 degrees; highest tem perature 1 92.. degrees; lowest temperature, 65 degrees; monthly range of- temperature, 27 degrees; greatest daily range of tempera ture, 20 degrees; mean of maximum tem peratures, 844; mean . of minimum tem peratures, 70.9; mean daily rangejof tem peratures.13.5 ; total rainfall.7. 44 inches ; pre vailing wind, south-south west ; total number of miles travelled, 5,890; maximum veloci ty, 27 miles per hour;. number of cloudy days, other than those on which . rain fell, 7; number of days on which rain fell, 15. Almost a Fire. ' Yesterday afternoon, . about a quarter to 1 o'cloek, the roof of the kitchen of Mr. J. D. Woody, m Sixthbetween Princess and Chesnut streets, was discovered to - be on fire. . Fortunately the necessary assistance was at hand and by well directed efforts the flames were, subdued.' The fire is supposed to have been caused by some deficiency in the stove pipe. There was no general alarm and the damage was immaterial. Deserters. Carl Heinrich and Ad. Ferhmann, Who are alleged to have deserted from the Ger man brig Dr. Strousburg, were ordered to be arrested, yesterday, by the German Consul, Mr. E. Peschau, and confined in the county jail for safe keeping. Tbe order for their arrest was seut to the . office of the City Marshal Heavy Freight, - 3 , , We hear that the New York and Balti more steamers ; this week brought sixteen carloads of miscellaneous freight for the Carolina Central Railway. Messrs. Lem merman & Coney have been at work with their lighters night and day making the transfer from thetteamshipstotbe railroad. ClTYlTEins. V The Tollkt Gun. Coft or Txbtimonial. nuDSON Crrr, N. ., Sept 30th, 1874. Messes. J. & W. Tollit 29 Haiden Lane J New York: The 10 gusge Gun No. 8078 1 ordered from yon gives me satire satisfaction. I was Very exacting when or dering the Gun, hot mast say that yon have more than fulfilled what I required of ydo. I have ahct several breech-leaders by first-class makfers, and yoar gua beats them all for beauty and workman ship. As for shooting qualities, yoar guii shoots stronger and more even than any gun I ever shot I have shown It to several good judges (Ipcluding first-class gunmakers) and all agree that the action is very strong and durable, and that the gun is one of the best they ever saw. I have made some very long shots with it, using only 8X . drs. ef powder, which is all your gun requires. I have shot it at a targat according to the rules of the Turf, Field aod Farm trials, and the average, of S shots' at 40 yards is: Left-pattern, 169; penetration, 38: right-pattern, 175; penetration 39; using 3)4 drs. . powder. Now I am sure such a : gun is eeldom met with, and am very . proud to be the owner of it Bat the real teet of your gun is in the field there it excells all others, killing cleaner and handsomer than any gun ever saw, as you assured me they would. Both paper and metal shells work splendidly. Gentlemen, I have to offer you my very best thanks, and will recommend yotjr guns to all my friends. . .. : ' :: Yours Respectfully, ; j j , . HXNBT LOBIOT. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Office of tie Singer HainfactuTiiii Co.,y . WruaHSTOir, Sept let 1875. J Mr. G. Powell H01 Jiaving resigned the position of Manager of our office In this city to accept at once a more lucrative one In Washington, D. C. we take this opportunity to express our regret at the severance oJ our very pleasant business rela tions with Mr. Hill, and wish, with his many friends, that he may be as1 successful In the f uture as while In the employ of this' Company, and we respectfully ask of the public a continuance of the favors shown' Mr. HOT, for his successor, Mr. John L. Dudley. 1 - s J- ! THB SINGER M1G COJ . sept s-it , ' :' C.'s. Battt, Gcn'l Agent. - .. The 1 Latest Agony ! ; "St. Louis lager Beer" 'J OSI . DIt AUGHT , . I A T THE MOZART SAL O ON. :,.eptft-lt ... : , . - ' ' FOB KENT. Onk DWELLING HOUSE, : COaNxa or 8econd asd Qbihsi : ' Streets. ' .:T';T!-'' - . Apply to. " sept S-tf , GEO. CHADBOUSN. W. SzzFt E. CO. 'V ;; no.4 1. ' ' R EG OLA R MEETING TO-NIGHT, AT 8 0: CLOCK. W. L. JEWETT, eeptSlt : "; - Kec btc'y. In a Few Days B SHALL COMMENCE BECKIVING OTJB, New Kali and Winter btock r of v . 1 Metf s,Toutlis' iw Children's CLOTHING;:,,;. which will comprise all of the Lastest 8tyles,and we guarantee U to be one ot the finest selections ever brought to this market- And we intend selling ; jPrice'&?uit tjw Time ; ' . And examination la solicited from everybody, j 4 - eept 1-tf ' SHRIEK BROTHERS. 1 ir',::;:i'orBeiitVv;:;.; ' TifcJrrJTHWATBR STREET, NEXT South ofiBB. Illerav abi the two f stores on South Water street, occupied !!!!! Vrespectively by'Robt Tait and D. J. , Gilbert; also, email dwelling house on Snd street, between Church and CmU& Apply to IF T tf L WHOLE NO. 2,590. N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR RENT. FROM OCTOBER 1, 1S75. TO OCTO- I I -hart 1D"(! ilia ViaV Ti11yHTiT nn "NTrVi side of Princess, between Water and Front; streets, now " occupied by Mr. Jno. W. Gordon and others The building will be divided and -rented as fol lows:' -V; . ; . . . . ; . . ' ' Two rooms on first floor, now occupied by Mr. Gordon as Insurance office. ' ' " ' ; '- - Two rooms on first floor in West end of building, similar to those on first floor of East end. . Bisement and second and third floors of East half of building. ' ', V T t - - BaEement and second and third floors of West' half of building. ;; s f ' -,, .; The rooms on first floor are admirably located for Insurance Agents, Commission Merchants or Law yers; while tho upper floors are well suited for families. ' Apply to . CRONLY & MORRIS. augSl-tfnac On WM. H. BERNARD J L B. GRAINGER, S. D. WALLACE, Cashier. President Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Cash Capital paid in $300,000 , Surplus Fund . ' $50,000. . ' -. I ' DIRECTORS. JOHN DAWSON D. R. MURCHISON DONALD McRAB H. VOLLERS R. R. BRIDGERS J. W, ATKINSON a M. STEDMAN L B. GRAINGER JAS. A. LEAK B. F. LITTLE E. B. BORDEN M. WEDDELL. ang SO-tf nac To Eent. DWELLING HOUSE ON WEST SIDE Fourth street between Red Cross and Walnut streets. Apply to ! 1111 ang 29-tf nac 8. D. WALLACE, Agent f For Rent. DWELLING ON SOUTH SIDE OF Market strett, between Seventh and Eiehth streets, now occupied by Mrs. Walker, i Apply to '.i-- augSl-lw nac . CHAS. M. HTKuaiJLH. . MISCELLANEOUS. ; Pianos and Organs TUNED AND REPAIRED . ; .: . : by. ; ..' 'T' J. F. Rueckert. UARANTEES PERFECT TUNING, "EQUAL," Tlnn mnarlnr tn tho heat anil tiw.f er&hle Tuners North. He has now been a permanent resident of Wilmington eince 1870, and has steadily increased in business as well as in reputation throughout North Carolina as the most reliable and experienced jnano uvnerana newer oj w u the State. His business experience is not that of a " go called Professed Tuner," but has inherited the Tnnlno Jfef. fmm i m rmrpTi t rplatives. who were of the oldest and first Piano Manufacturers of Baltimore City, tie not omy cnauenges as a .musi cian, but also as a Tuner, He fully warrants his work as represented. His charges are reasonable and not orbitant as those of a non-resident Tuner. He makes this branch of the business a specialty. Ee has now the largest ttactctf Pianos on hand in the tigr PURCHASE TOUR PIANOS AND LEAVE YOUR TUNING ORDERS AT YATES1 BOOK AND MUSIC bTORE. where you will also find on hand. - - THE CELEBRATED CHiCKERINC The Best and Host Beliable Pianos ! Illustrated Catalogues furnished free of charge. CmCKERING SONS, , I or J.F. RUECKERT, , iioston. is 1 septl-DAWtf Wilmington, N. C. : -None Elsewhere Half so Good and Cbeap. ONLY AGENCY IN THIS CITY FOR PARTLY made . -. -... .,. i , ....... Wamsutta Shirts. O for g7 50, Casli. - B 0 YS, WAMSUTTA SHIRTS, G for $6 OO. MUK8ON CO., gept 1-tf ' Clothiers. M U L LET S ! , FIE ST CATCH J U S T 1 IM . EDWAUDS & HALL. sept 1-tf ' ' ; Bacon, Pork, Sugar and Coffee. gQ Boxes D. 8. Sides fQ Boxes Smoked bides and Bboolder. rjf Bbla Pora. ' jqq Barrels Refined Sasar, 150 Bag Irime CoBtW5" . augW-tf"1 WOlilAMS ' MURCHISok Hew Flsnr from -Mew wneal, a . - - " Of BEST QUALITY, .. GUARANTEED. 4 At lowest figures, delivered In any part ef the city free of charge. ang 18-tf JAMES a STEVENSON. rpHE MOHiNTNG SOTi'Bobi'iilfNl" 1 KUm IS complete in iu ma um wiiwuiwh, and is in charge of one of the meet skillful workmen in the State. AU kinds of Binding executed neatly, cneapiy ana uinuuvuu. ' f J nit ! 1 0h6qiloneaajt,iM.. threefiVi. ? 0( " fitedsfs 4. 8 ' -t, ofiwik...v.,. .,v..... 8 W ThTeeweeksJ."J".lwIw"I".l" 6 50 One month. ... ....... .... .. . 8 0C Twomonths.J..; .15 Of Three months J.....M 00 t- Six months..........:.... 85 00 " Oneyear...... ..60 t . tdsr Contract Advertisements taken at prri'Pi ttonately low rates. . ' Five Squaree estimated as a quarter-column, and ten. squares as a half -column. ' T Houses for rent. FOR. J-RjURSTT. DWELLING ON NORTHEAST ' corner of Market and Efghth streets, containing 10 rooms, gas, Sc. Possession, October 1. . , Apply , to ' . . L. VOLLER3. ' 'ang27-if' FOR RENT. NE OR TWO STOBES, CORNER OF FRONT mJL and Mulberry streets. T I AUSU Villi linnlliit. a) onnt.intixr RRVirTC "t'i iRooma. -L T. ALDERMAN i seo l-2w For Eent. FOR ONE YEAR FROM OCTOBER let, 1875, Store and Dwelling on the North side of Second, between Harket and Prin cess slTeets, at present occupied by A. It. WesrelH-. , aug 25-tf Apply to JOUN F. STOL l'Kli. . ' For Eent. ONE HOUSE ON RED CROSS, BEt sliii i I tween Front and Second sueet, and two on Third between Harnett and Davis. ' Apply to . ang ifr-tf " JAS. H. CHADBOURN & CO. For Eent. FOR ONE OR MORE YEARS, FROM October 1st., 1875, tero In the best Issst Market and Deck street, occupied by T. Henderson. aug U-1W Apply lO JSu JLF. tt JiiOOjaiLsu i MISCELANEOUS. LOOK! JMPORTED PICKLES AT SO CENTS A JAR, " w arc. frirr.liitr the urice djwn. Encourags us by sending your orders. .;, Imager Beer, Lager Beer, $1 73 PER DOZEN. . The Best Goods at Low Prices ... : will increase our olready lare sales, and "our' Brand is ahead of all. i HAVE YOU TRIED OUR , j Process Empire Flour, niul . Best Butter In the World. . If not when your package is out, send to us and we will deliver a sample Tree to any part of the city. ; Fresh Groceries every week, at GEO. MYERS'. ang g-tf 11 & 13 South Front St. .. Our Box Box HALF-DIME G UARANTEED TO BE AS GOOD as your Cigar dealer Bells yen ' v For One Dime, ot no sale by - I D, PIG-OTT. an?15tf Just Eeceiyei liy Eijress'. IIO O SIER MOSAI O S , A NEW WORK By Maurice Thompson, ueaim XX fully Bound in Uotn. rnce 51 za. Pianos and . Organs, Chromos And. Litliograplis. . , For sale at ; HEINSBEBGER'S Live Book and Music Store. - aug 31-tf Removal. 'ALL AND SEE OUR LOW PRICES, AT OUR Ncwtand, No. 29 North Front Street VT-1 ; , HARRISON & ALLEN'S, ' aug 81-tf ' ' City Hatters. Mosqiiito Nets FRAMES. GAUZE- AND LACE. OUR Second Stock just received and for sale low by , jane 27-tf D. A. SMITH A CO. Grass BMes, Brass Boots. - ; BASS BLADES AND GRASS HOOKS In great variety of best quality and at lowest prices, at tbe New Hardware Store of . ., , aug26-tf GILES & MURCHISON. Coffee and Cheese. Roasted java and rio coffee, saiago 1 i and Eidam Cheese.-' ' For sale at G. U. W. EUN(3E, NoritteaHi cor. frtarkel ilSeeou4 jnne20-tf i1 Green & Flanner, ; Wholesale and retail dealers in Drags, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Alcohol. Turnip Seed of every variety. , ' ! - i ' For sale low by GREES A FLANNER. aog2C-tf ; : . Bagging, Ties, Hoop Iron, Glue. Rolls Extra Heavy Bagging, Tons Ties, gQQ Bdls Hoop Iron, .. ' ' yBblsGlne" " " V ' f. For sale low by Mg 89-tf WILLIAMS & MURCI1I30N. - Corn. Flour, Hay and Salt. " 5000 B"oeliw,l,te aB Mlxed C0-1 : 1000 BbU Fleu?' grde ; ': - . qq Bales N. R. and Eastern Hay, . gQQ Sacks Lisbon Salt, ,,,, , . For hale low by" u 1 ' ' ' ;, aa? 29-tf , - WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. ' Holawes, Spt- Cka. Hails, Guano. jQQ Bhds and Bbls New Crop Cuba, JQQ Second Hand Spirit Casks, . ' 300eg'a8' -' ' lAATonB EoKk Guano, 150 Tons' Guanape Unano. For sale low by ' auc 29-tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. TTTKDDING CARDS AND YlSITINa CAJOS y printed Jn the -BS&& augll Printing and Publishing Bouse. tsTFil f 111 "I1 1 S!!!& L "IM I liiiiLTI