51 "r.-". rf.-. rr tt n1 F . 4 5 - .aaaaaaa - - jisqLAi?j:oqs.f it - HELD AND -FIREIDE. 1 Concord Sun.,. , Last vear Mr. John -Brad font liv- jnr near Mill Grove, in this corinty, planted six acres in onions'. lie gath ered 100 bushel Urge oifibSs; n3' ooo bushels of setts; and besides, he threshed out 4 bushels of seeds. v As soon as he gathered his onion crop, be planted the arae-ground in millet. He has cut and threshed, the millet, and it gelded H?2 Jtmsbelsi. This crop will pay him as follows: 100 bu. onions, at $lTper bui,r $b6 ono " setts, " 4 v . 800: " 4 ; seeds, " 2. per fit, ;r. j;-240 'T32 " millet, " 3 50 39 bu., 462 Total.'. ...$1,602, Mr. Bradford says that ,ne was at no moreTexpense m cultivating these t o crops than in cultivating an ordi nary cotton crop.. '- " STAKDLST. A reversible bonnet will be among the new autumn styles. The people of Texas are - about to erect a monument to,, the niemory of Houston. ; ' : ; : v i ir.Jl V i; " '.-V . Ohio intends" to -ship a block of coal weighing five tons to the Centennial lirocKton, juass., lactones pro-j liuced over o,ww,ww sewiusj JuagmnB ueeilles last year. ' f - iv-'.i A certain English ale : manufac turer pays a single railwayearly a million dollar a year f or f reigbt, Hon. Jeffersodr 'Davis ha3 ac cepted an invitation to deliveran address at tie Kansas City Exposition. , - j, ' A son of General 'Kershaw, of" South Carolina, was recently ordained a 'deacon of the Episcopal Cbureh. y The discovery qfs&old at" South Elfitngliaui, Mass. is reported, Jand mining operatioas bave already Been begun. ,ry- A Su Louis physician hasMoffef-5; e i a rewaid of $1,000 an authenticated case ui death from eating ripewaternielon. ; Robert Dale Owen's speedy re covery of bis normal mental condition is watiuently predicted by'his physician. '. r ? M. de Lessens, of .Suez Canal laiiiej is greatly assisting the parian,.Istbv ami scheme by bis valuable suggestions. " , The public auctioneer at Barce lona having resigned more than five . iiun ilied candidates applied for the vacant posu 4 The daughter of Geu. Scbenck is said to be engaged to Mr. RodericlfDug-f gad, a rich Scotchman residing in Glasgow A woman named Lizzie George was killed by a Mrs. Sacksladter in Chicago ku Friday Dight. Mrs. Sackstadter says she iicicd in self-defecse; . i' '" ' -j Miss Cash, of ". Washington, : is said to be 'the 'best swimmer at Cape May. -What a duck of a girl but she might swim still better if well boyed. Richmond En ('tirer. ; ' ; , il A correspondent wants tQ know which melons are the most eaten,.--. water or r.iusk ? )'e are inclined to think the musk tavers are in the majorityjusi now!; y.' J Commercial 'Advertiser ? Savs the New York Star :- The i--ii;tr of the was robbed while asleep. Tim idea that any man could hope to. catch tiiai iudividual asleep is the most surpris nj.i, aud he deserves all he got. . ' Horace Vhite,c formerly r editor if ihe Chicago Tribune, sees uo perceptible ut-caj in ihe uld Briiisli Jmpire, and itoiaks-tiit- Euglish people are richer, stronger wiser and more progressive than they ever were before. i A PECi I LIST'S LOVB STOItY. 'Ihe Faxciuation of' ' Seleuce lud n uncle for Years. Dimiel o( Ten4r "l .1,-" ' ; -tNew yorkjSott.'J'XCiCC ' Misa 7 Louisa Harrison and Miss Flood of ILirlein yisited.lheJManhat- lan House kept bOweftiitjeQgbeganll at 1 o-i bowery on- J? rrdayrHight last. Ainoiijr the compa.iiy'.l.lier; jjwas.jthe 1 al wart prize hgh Vr,, Miwlia Jieary alias t!:e' " FiddTeH;.:3lfcafy fs well kuown in'p'oiriifigVixcsr by: .bis 1.01,1.. ...:.t. tj . rt L'il". test with Billy Edwards on the stageT. ad Tl "f the Bowery.'T.beatre3tast?rwinter. day .lasrt week hevmthstood the li iiuiiey brothers irt'a gHitWH6'uai ton street and the Bovrery.5' ' Orr Ffi-1 day he was reposing ln the" Manhattan House after the heat of battle, when Miss Harrison, who ia 18 years old", and pretty, entered the saloon;'' She' wcame enamored of Aeary. and Near v at. orwu fall n luk-al uuh -Kin-r. Miss Harrison saidy in ; a .voices that Xeary overheard, that j Bhett always, wished to marry a prize "fighter, be cause such a man could protect her that she would rather have such a husband than any other in the world. ;:iry's heart could-not v withstand tli, and he iuvited tbe iadie to take" a glass of beer. AfterT the glasses w're empty he said to Miss" Louisa tl'Ht he thfrtTghraTwdale: ag.,od wife aiiid heipvbiniit6'lead a letter H f e. ' He then pl um ply asked "'r to marry" hik Tbefferas && ''i'ted and a mefsenficer, was.-di-Vcljed fof'Mr.ToWi-.&lDawliag; a i'isiice of uhe;:pfac;Weti-&Ir "wlinor arrived newfound a sereCf luwtiee r. rtearir ni.aiiu.l ' Tiri.t.Irh'f ' witi'p' ' when that was exhausted two Kt-VH of liao n.n.o n.,r,ot "" TYt u. .T llt . ' Mrs. M.GaDtoHaH Recently dieted a toLwiAhpg'Ietegate"'"tolhe Mahaska county (lowa)AiijjobUcan!. ('n v en tion ,4 W-ba HlhiX5Cti vent.iii ' 'erred her case back1 a hontbh:'. l,on whieh'ftlyoteotft to7,fe Josed to allow, her a seat, it'beiog ui whether'the party 'woaia cnMJer itself bound by acts of dele gates who were non-voters. jVaiy and M"u8 arrionJ; clasped 1 ''amis and iliu inutW married therm I H -v wneoiea is 'wem,nMntJ, f"nl the-cb.WUtdS air tdug t("r to Harlem n ; Tmr--f ; i uJ . ' i'i n ' at Jome.'The Sennh wia f...;. H Pffrmf a that of any other 4h Europe anf fades morevslowlv.-i AUorty she glides into an, embonpoint with an un wrinkled face and a La Ufee age when the English . woman . hnmaa i necked and frowfy; arid the American . wrinkled. -The climate has it 5Ito3jur)ut doubti Iess-her noVnshing food, generous wmey and ut-of-cioor air much' mr.ei ller mode qf lylhf contTibuiesjtheei iPhtexercisedkdivHolent of each function in a more natural and G.Bnaiiwith us. There are asceWiaeasin "America which WXfi leiidencyiiitbllretara Hhe Pi developnjepj, sof a j wdmVni fsf American life are nnfavori .ab.,e,to:a wealthy growth, in its fast4 lressas; veil As iter asceticism, where1 the fleh ;if corruped by dissipation -or mortified bycertain religious teach ing. -Aside from these causes is a prevalent notion that it is hpnpath the dignity of man and woman toi occupy; themselves with what they5 shall eat and ..drink. Th AmprQ,. 1. - , i . . .. " w awku . 3 ,u,?.re intellect tnah her French sister,' he latter has softness ;Jsb)asJ)ertness. There ia 'wusAjxunaDUiiy ana cleverness in ohe mellowness aud equality of character in the other. The-forced. brilliant vitality of woman iu Ameria yii10.0 feactio foil m- tnfeihas Ats vfmitsV5 frr SW tienih 'Woman; tbet miud in-inore even and Jfleertal, atdanUhe fabsence of ex haustive and irregular demands made upon it the ubiforoiealtb is better. M-...i..i .... : The ChrtUlaa.s -tirrfarker. ; It appears W!fromsf late- cable dis- P-Wfe affairs -jn ah&rhris4air prbviDces -frnrkeyi havtr1 become more -serious. 'The revolution that begaairr Herxegovina has spread into Croatia wnr Bosnirt The territory of Turkey fs dividedinv the inimei diatadftiediatit rpoasidrTof the SaltanV-the f 6Ym e f b'eln 2' . under 'pasEasJ'or '-governors appointed di rectly, y, llie T nrKiKh government, and the-latter" acknowledging his paramount authority and paying tribute,, but T .govjefned by their own officers, whose selection, however, to be . valid rn ust rbe ' a pprov ed by the SultarJ. rHerzegoinaTs an almost in depe'nilen't province oT ile .Turkish mpirei iToiiiinally forming a pai t of the pashalic of, liom,. .Which com prises, -besides Uosniiir proper and Herzegovma?Tuikish Criatia. Tlie tribes-who inhabit the regions ,f the revolt are fierce and warlikt-, and the revolt seems Wte ho general ; that it may be dobbted whether it can be SuppreH8ed by " any . ordinary army.. Tu r key has a ba 1 ikrupt t reias u ry iiiid ail 'imperfec'tlv br&anized tniniarv''de- partnieutl She i likely to fUnd alone in' this contest, as, nussia has an interest in. it, "and '.would not take kindly.any foreign Vntervection in be half, of frurkey... O " 5 v.. r -All. t ' Xlte IQelbuorue Widower.' ' A Melbourne widower with s me- thing of a family and a goodly hank account advertised lor a wile over a fictitious signature. ' Several answers were rece i v ed , ; a nongw h ieh w e I cMrographySvas 'delicate 'andgrac? fuk-the labguage chaste, and the sig- natare, iiite nisown, uciitiuus. intri sl brief and rnutuallyr agreeable cor- respondence, a ume ana piace were agreed upon for meeting. At the ap- pointed hour tne gentleman was wan ing in a private parlor.; at . ascertain fashionable hotel, land shortly after ward a lady entered, -thickly veiled. She came intrembjingyjapd.id 19 venture io-look1 bp until We' voice 'of ahe gentleman, in respectful greeting, fell upon the ear,at.wnicl).8he startea convulsively, rai8ejdLiherr &j.?zbUi-lhe.i. tace ot ner swaiiantijjKrcjttiiereu u suppressed cry-a cryia.ha,:tiSex of 1 whichr strtick ppofti ftl.bgentkanV ear with a sound not unfamiliar He lifted th&yeil:2syid Hooked lupontlie scared face of his own daugnter, unrsninfr her studies at!a'-scbo6l tn a town smnialdisttisWaT befn installS'l'lfotteVeirltfj parental 'i-J' not likilv to advertise for a wife again HitttH-tbe-daughter w married. vm t,, guilieii ' '' ' ' 't " 1 1 T t,f.iiHl-iu Tlie Hamllcon-Bnrr Duel. - AVM bee'Alexander Hamil ton .,anV r Aaroq XMjrr ww -piouc.ua' of the 'Hudson river, immediately be- jheathltbe Palisades, at a spot some six or eieh,t hundred, feet north ot the northerly line of the ' Ueiaware ana H udspq L!aaakCompianf !a idck. The branch road of the Erie Kadway Com pany ha? .pbUlerated. all trace t hereof! Shortlv after ithe daeU the St. An- York erected ?a Krabbtirrient' 'X6 the memory of Alexander Hamilton; but the visitors to, tDe f pot-sooir aesn it in ihieafeeirnsH Yo obtain me' mfentoes. The- tablet; iwun jusenp lion, w as uunciri c,. - . jiossessioii :orilieiajilyJowning the. imperty i -on4 wli i oh. 0 e 1 1 Vg gf.ound was situated.- r"i'--Tb Neiro.'lioer lit Georgia. W-.' CocfiRAif Ga Awgiisirt;'; A sheriflTs 'poske of LawreiicectMin-f ty - was yesteriiay!'reeislel? by! a'sitiad of negroes, and' while', attempting, to, 'makealfi!:arre lagaiostlbe exploded Cwol cpB. tThirf - cost- the "negro his life, as well as one of his companions;' besidW another. : The' negroes "are' massed 1 01 the number of " one hundred to-day, ;and are making threals.f p ill Oil 7 :;;;Greeji:& planner,, :, frfHOLE ALB ANB-. RETAIL DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Alcohol., Turnip Seed of every variety. 1 " ' J For sale low by aug26-tf GREEN & FLANNER. hardware, - Jroniiajid : Steel, . .w t -V, "Pocket aidpTable Chitiery 1 si ... it- iof evert decerip(oii,k:' -"-;J tLl 1 1- & -&'-' ' SCYniKS; FIS1I! BOOKS AKD LINKS, All kinds of Toole. 4cJ Prices reduced at' ;; ' NATH'L JAOOBl'S, JNATU'Li .. 4.,. .r...... Hardware Depots K.; 3' il.ii f - axe; MirrHiA3l:aM;Spdke A well selected stock of . ,: , ;i t- 3CARR1AGS AND WAGON MATERIALS at the lawert Brice. Order hy mall promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. vv- -s- i i NATH'L JACOBl'S. ; Hardware Depot .Si:::' ' Sash1, Door and -Blinds. Mannfactarer agency orders filled at factory prices. , :' J . . . . f Vi . " .-:.-...'. Paints, Oils, Glass, Vami8lics;&c. .) At . . ATH'L ACOBl'S, ;. to. :i -HARDWARB DKPOT. v 2'i ang l5-tf 't " N o. 9 Mark et ; Street. Ipeeioiiits for Gonieriooai During the pact fire years the , VBOlf INS I bas beeaitteaidily working Itseli into publie favor, and those who were at firat most incredulous, ia regard 10 iu merit, ara now its; moet aideut friends-and supp ;?ters.;.,': j.---- 1 ui'cl' so.! A There are three essential causes for tbosehavifltf etich a horror of putent medKine, hngin their opinion ana lending their influence lowara taeiaa vancemont of VKGETINfi. let. It is aa honestly prepared medicine from barks, roots ant)., herbs, ad. It honettly accomplishes all that is claimed for it, without leavifig any bad effects in the-system;! aa. . 11 presents Bone t voucners in testimonials from honest, well-known citizens, whose signatures: are sufficient guarantee of. their earnestness in .the matter. Takine into consideration the vast ansntiu I of medicine brought conspicuously before the public: per columns, with bo proof of merit or genuine Toacnere of what it has tione, we should be pardoned for manifesting a smsli di-gtee of pride in presenting tbe following testimonial irom Ker, J. 8 IlUK.Kh S0N, D. I).. the popular and ever genial .pastor of ihe South Fart st Church, Botton; , 1,; Tbe 'l Ired Bdy om tor Meep.' TT 1? Rtitk 1tov-S'--? . - ' Dear Sir It is as much from a sense of datv as of gratitude that I write to say that your VhOEXlN K even if it is a patent metllcine nas been of f reat help to me when nothing else seemed to avail -which I could safely use. Either excessive - mental work or aoueuai care brings opon me a nervous exhamr tloa that desperately needs s'eep, but as desperately denes it. . Night after- night the poor.- tired body t-ues for sleep until the day-dawn U welcomed back, an-l we begin oar work tked out -with an almost fruitless cnaee after rest, - Now 1 bare- round; that a liitle VtfUETINK Ubea just before I - retire Trirca me sweet and immediate sleep, and withoutauy of the eU effects of the Hsnat narcotics. I think two things would tend to- make - brain -workers - pleep. 1st. A little less work. ! Ski. A little .more VEUE, T1NK. This prescription has helped me.; ' l 1 , Now I have a particular horror of M patent medi cine, but I hare a greater horror of beinif afraid ta tell ihe straight-out truth. The VEUhTLNE has helped mc, aud I own it op. -- - ' ' '.' ; j.r Yours, Ac, j J. S. DICKERSON. . . ' Valuable Kvldeneo. -' :r.;- i The. following unsolidiled testimonial from Rer. O. T. WALKER. 1. li. formerly pastor of tbe Bowdoin quare Church, and at present settled iu riovidence, K, I , mu.t be esteemed as reliable evi dence. '-' : i ' '.i- No one should fail to observe that this testimonial is the ronH of two years' experience with the use of VEGETINlfi in the Rev. Mr. Walker's family,. ho now pronounces it in valuable: -: -.: ': " VKoviDBNCS.fK. l.t16 1 Transit street. II. R. STVBH8, EsJ : " ' ,r?: :V.T.;r,.!' . I feel bound to exuress 'with my signature the hig'i value I place upon your VjQKTliiS. ; Mf J family have u.-a it ror tne lat two years, jn ner vous debility it is inraluabie, and I recommend it to a 1 who may need an invigorating, rchovatins tonic. , '.. . .... . ; , . 1 . " O. T. WALKER. ... Formerly Pistor of Bowdoinq.. C'burch.i Boston.- ( '. Xlie.Bet JEvIdeuce.. Qiajyd iTOe following Icfter txn Bev B. S.' BEST. rs- tor Hi H: Church,;NtuJj, Jlasis, will be raa -with jqtcrjst by tuaay pnysicuns. . Also nose eeHcnii(f from the same dist ase as afflicted the son of he Rev. H. &E&i-iiu pre eaa-deaetHhis-tertinTDhy, and there is no doubt about the curative powers ot VnSKTlNE. '.'"T'lS.'i. . . Nine, Mass., Jan. 1. 1874. ;. Mr. IT. R. Strvass: : li ar Sir We have good reason for regarding your VKGifTlNE a medicine of the greatest value, v e feel assured that it has been the means of saving our son's life.1 He Is now seventeen years of age; for the last two years he has suffered from necrosis of bis leg, caused by scrofulous affection, and was so far reduced that nearly all who aw him thought his recovery impossible. A council of able physicians could give 11s but the faintest hope of his ever rally, in, two of he number declaring that he was be yond the reach of human remedies, that even ampu- taraon coma noi ssve nun, aa jib uauuu vigor enough to endure V e operation. Just then we com menced giving him VKGfiTlNK, and from that time to the present he has been continuously improvtng.v He has lately resumed hto studies, thrown away crutches and cane, and walks about cheerfully, aad etrony. -.. 1" ' ":' r. f ' :n Though there Is rtill4 some discharge sfrom the nnenin? where the limb' was lanced.- we have the "fullest confidence that id little time ho will be per- . fectly cured. . t : ---!. ' lie uuv laKcii auuiii iuicc u'i.u wi.vvc vif.uvu- TT K. bat atlv nses but little, as he' declares that J,he is too well to be taking medicine. Repectfnlly t .nr. TP a RKsT IR.'.L.'.. k, bKsT. . Keilable vlence. 118 Baltic street;'.Br'eoVn4' . T., Nov. 14,1874.1 II. R.'Stbvbns, Kbv. ...i. , -.w Dear Sii From personal benefit jtecetvea WM not- well an from neraonal. knowledge W those -"whose cures thereby, have.. seemed -lmoet mlracu-' loos, I can most, nesxtuy. ana sincerely ronawira the VEGETINBiejtlJieiComnlaiilts forwhichtia claimed to cure. .?,....'. JAMES T LTJDlW- Late Paktor Calvary Bap. Church; 'Sacramento; CM? ' VuLHlim ! Solilbr Ornriiiif "" - atig 30DAWAniSk3iaHl it s-f.ss - lEugnp Xr xHarris, -Artl8t-Iir,h Q r ay Q n;Port raits v tlBGS LEAVE rT6 CLL.TOUB ATTENTJOl? O to his- Portraits1 la rt'rayon. 1 Persons wUhing-. good picfures fit. themselves or deceased, friend' run have fhtm nicelv executed bv seiidinn him a t Tostas-i frame of walnut and gilt will be furnished t those, who desire It, at $1.50$2.tro. ... . 1?,.t ,A4 . s - iPKlCES: ;.,.:i.,..-.ti' Sbje1, 14 ft Inches,' i ; . -';; -' ' - .' -. -.i Life - 8i?e, flnst -JM T l-f'v "Mr. Harris posseses the rare girt 'or oeing awe to delin' atevaccufately, from a photograph vrt he . picture the exact likeness f anv one., .jo a guaran tee satisfaction." " lOxford der.J w f We tave seeniis work, "and ;.cnsidef ;tt jexcaU lent1 Try him " 'Central Pi otestant -, tr k.vaun fa ranitnl nnf rait tif f Oh' 'iAj W : Tenable, by Mf. fi. 4Hat.'K!tea",daL1 tional hwtre' tm1 M t genltu in . that department ,, Torch Lighta13 M : " - -- -mt 17-tf an .t i T, TTi - ii. s.t airfaaiaiJ8rK;JAu PRACTICAL NATDAHIfeTrR7i ;FWAil,tJ0,Ci.; tiJ ti,.i,iJimnitSi thti ' fSnnntTTV that .-faTrv '' rapDllea the iraittaumAAieeW the neeessitiss of the: f .fhr Ultsconnt to Clubs.- i . - Bend " for a - Specimen Copy. t' Forest &i stream vInlllahlMS Co., : ' '.'". ' 17 Chatham Street,' (City Hall Square). I New York. Post Office Box XSi mar 28-tf. photograph to wora rrom. a guoa pnoiograpu is necessary to iasure at good likeness. Tbe.iiKCes. below iuclude postage by mall. . on roller. A; neat VATiON fiBs FORBHTSt - TACHT1NW,' . BO AT f INO lAND-A-LB rfJ . ? ft .WaiT-tveVt MWf J .L. . ...... i... .i, ....., r' Vi anirt:'.!!! I a.-M ..ejiuesanf emale-lDSttiite.R INfcsnthnnuar sessfon 'bglns first of eptenv .bcr. circular givwgKacdlty apd pei u Pri: vaehi5adr dresi H." RAWLlNGrt, M. A., rincipaX j WQU&IiislMsor:4oM;'LSuiesi ' rum larrr.' r:' t'. nT M 1 ' The annual session, ; begianingOct. IstTOdpnainl mediate-vacatica-r liaueeome bultdrngsabd iroundsj ana a ftrfl COi-p's of experienced instructors JiaaccU f BiidtoifionrjikEDielisho $100 ertermi; JFor btlef ....... u . . u . 1 .V. 'U V... TIN, Charlotte, TH-WM A The dniy - Polytechnic .Home SchoolJ St. CIement Hall,; EllIcet(jCliynl. 2-' Five vacancies owing to enlafpem'entl ' Apply at once. Graduates rank high... Receives; only nrst-j class boys, tour course-f Classical.' Liberal.) 2 ! f Sciennnc, Comnrtjsendstsmp' to Masters, fori uecenniat cataiogu.e. MnTHx - ; jo "i w'a: AVic ',.-'.?Sf.v.-9 Hij.-'UiV .iia'jl:5W t.lWl GrWn "Sepiajatprv ' f nr -eta n?n a Krrr -d a nrfTTy -M.y sir. mar. SMiw&tVo:;:. , ti Post-oiace Fo .No. 8j Bcbjuonrlv Va, ,i,bi Eastern. Yirinia and the Stsiea of North , Carolisa, ii ii f '-SpwJl Cwfiwi ajidGepiKia i i-ovai i J blvrt. i'j gf f ' - W ''if''' r- This is Wis most toriven'ent! pdr&ble' "and bst jnade Thresher and Clesntsr now In user ' It thn-shes raoidly aad cleans more perfectly, than any ether pattern. It has a "Self-Kegulaiing i Blast, which makes the blowing over of Wheat an Impossibility. Descriptive ,. Cataloornes of this machine, - and Smith's Mounted Va. Horse Power, .promptly aent to any address. . : . ' . , ; . '' ,'i 'iJ'V PLEA8ATtAND . PROFITABLK-lBMPLOYi M'EN'T "beautiful I"; f ;harmiBl",j1 '.'Obi ho lovely! What are they worth r , &c . ruch are exclamations by those who see the large elegant New Chromos produced by the Eorojje'an ' and Gems of Art, No.one.can resist the temptation to boy when seeing-tb& jCbromes. Canvafse, Agents, and ladies and gentlempn but of employ ment, .wiil find this the beet opening ever offered to mhkemonev. For full paiticularf", send stamp for confidential circular. Address F. GLKASON & tX)., 738, Washington SCj Beeton; Masa.i:jfi UvjmC-i. - The Brown Cotton Gin Op . .u.'.r MaiiUracturcrs of Cotton- Guts. (Mum ?.' Weederi. Condenser r and Cotton Gin Materials of every deseiip: i tton. our utns nave neenm-use uttney ye7T, ana have an established-cepntationfe-tmpAciy, light running, durability, and for quality. ' and Quantity of lint produced.- Our Feeder is easily attached to tbe (Jin, and easily operated by any hand of ordinary intelligence. They are t the HmpUU and cheapest Feeder in the market and feed with more regularity thaais possible by hand, liicreaxing the outturn and, eivinsr a cleaner and better eanwle. At alLTain where exhibited and by Planters Maying thera in use," tbey . nave oeen accoraea tne nieneai encomiums. . uvr- condenser are well-made, durable and eimple in con strvctioHi and do what is required of i them rapidly ana weiL .ivg Aaatiumai power is requirea arve the Feeder or Condenser, and no Gin House is com plete without them. We are prepared- to -warrant,' to any reasooaoie .extent,, perrect satis taction 10 every purchaser.;- Circulars, prices and full informa tion furnished. Address as above; or apply - to K. P. Covtnstou, Wllminelou, w; C to $1 0;000 ' f 1 c Privileges and paii PROFIT. Has been invested in Stock Privileges and paid ' t . V i nnA r PER tJUU CENT. f How to Do It," a Book on Wall St, sent Tree. : , . TUMBRIDGK & CO., iv; Banker Brokers Walt ftt? ff? Hr" rpT A Q I The choicest H nhe world Impor 'XijixOi ters -prices Largest t Company in America staple article pleoses evervbodv Trade coiciinially increasing A gents wanted everywhere btsfr inducements--dOn't" waste time send for circular to HUBERT WELLS, 43 Vesey St, N.V. P. lO. Box 1287. 1 Arr A WEEK guaranteed to Male and Female fP I I Agents, in their locality. Costs NOTHING to try it Particulars Free. O. jVICKERY SB CO., Angasta, Me. gng i4-daw4wga. Bellevue High School,! I Bedford Co. Virginia. ' (,) (On Va. andTenn. R. R., 16 Miles West of Lynch-i Tne tentn Annual session cegina sept. i5tn. - ; ; ; .Full coros of Instructors. Beautiful and healthy location. Pupil members of the familv. : For cata logae containing information, address WILLIAM .h. Rititui rTmcipavteiievue ir. .u. aiy ea.w aw. - Tyheham Institute,, T ERGEK POINT, N. J., for Young Ladies- and, X; Misses, will commence on September 15, 1875. Located in a beautiful and healthy neighborhood only eignt miles from New York, on the Central R. R Uf N ew J ersey. For circulars, apply to Mrs - W, Tovfnsend Ford, PnncipaL - References Revi GetX z,. oirayan SoldnrUahi yrandReVr H. ,W F. Jones, -Bergen Potat, Hamphrey a, tf 'B.D. Morgan & Co.; Samuel? t. rown Jttes t, JJowery savings -Ba Watner.'Irott Merchant, NewJE'orkXlty. Jttes t, uowery savings -Banit; A. -Jo. on Merchant jNew YorklClty. - tk ITnlirersliy" of Virginia., . 'Equltyi UuadJ Lav5ten Seesioabegjns Oct L. mfmthd Initractlcn By) ossMaedf IlhiArtrted By lt75i and conitTruear iln& r, textjbooks andJectans o: rtei MISCgfiLANEaUS. r . ..T ;BrqnzL,- s Locomotive, IVIatirxe, and' :! I --.. ? I ""' Also material for tne Trade at Jowtprioes. r v :-J: , .' .IK and29-tf 63 Market Street . 1- U1U1I1U1J JJtait illfeff JJT 7iE iris ...f ::' .1 , w.i.r:.li frizes amounting to ..v, i . y. . '. h $4 5 0.009 i T"-oi.v. r. . . loo.uuo 1 " - p$iii,Jh-Z-uVJi...:.X..- 'i - 50,00' 1 'V of ,..... ..............U?-i 25,000 1 !-of.;v.:r:r;vr.;..... .10,000 '$ ! of -5,000 eachn...;i1.If !lO,0O; J tO i" of,gleaciiU..WKi.i..lV,OO0' ' V I" of . .60 each. .....;,..( 44,500 1 p. I " of SCO eacb........... -.16,000 UWCUiara wllu lull UMoroiamm gent rrm. i u:iuug tor ale by le by - - f. u. UJiVLUN, irray 7-dwly 30 Liberty St., New ork,.- y lit 111 lAamolTAJSs, n . r-ina'Saleon. 7 South Front St, warnington, N. C.,- B i nave sevureu ue vorvteB ui tuo saoi artists of my professtoa --. r-.-r 7 The IIIHsboro, Kecorder, I THE OLDEST PAPER IN THIS ,STATii, CIR culatea extensively ia Orange and adjoin inn. counties. Subscription price $2 60 ' per annum. Published weekly. ; JOHN D.CAMERON, oct9-tf Editor and Proprietor. i- ..mSSSSaS'li-Vl' ,V5H't'tt j; J - Moot court exercises. Jf or catalogue, sppiy ir? v.. Uniteraity Of s t l,WtL ''WRTEKAKEB,' -ww d,rim. n- ' cvrfiaw ijr.ipnuu.iiu .'i I iuior-MciiiiijrMmi;;wt: LJL pRPTO LE4XTftjCiaAlJltTHI Cityorpegbjy:and "wUhLas IttHe del Ayas -possible; I jiave diridedjge,City mtofour Hletf thsDistritts ;w.ith HealthOffieer fcaBlgned todat tn-each. 'J TfigSafiiS charlloretMcex Brown, embraces that portion of the City North of Market, todEaef of 5th- street. The Srd Btstrict. !h Ehareef HeaBh ;OfBeer A. vr. -JLentoq. emoraces ma1 ponwn oi tne city coma oi. The 4th District, in Charge f Health Officer Sir. Walcott, embraces that portion of the City bouth of Market, and west of-frth street. The HealtriOfBcets m4y bVkfiolini iy the Yellow Rosette, and they .are instructed, to .inspect ana re port all nncleanliness to my offload o po tvj :-i IlU S It ih. hooedlthaf the"crtiiens irenetallr ' WD! cd .operaie , with, met in ; this important -work, and is Anv oereon reauirine the services off a' ScaVengef, aay report, the fact to the Health Officer of the invision m wnicn tne wora nrto do : oone, cr a my Office: and the matter shall have , the promptest at tention.' c.I'l.J--' - - ' .Trusting ne further appeal to our good citiisens may be required, and that our City . shall be a model In neatness during the coming summer f .. , 't , ui a-, ill am; yeryJUspectfully, !-- , : J..JttliOBINSON, I t April 15-tf I City Marshal. TO HOLDERS- OF fiOUPONS. ' .. OFFICB OF TREASURER AND COLLECTOR, 1 , Wilmington, 3 . ,C, June 9th, 1875. ? f ISTotice; is HEREBGrr,-Tii j ,;-f (of Bonds'of thfs cltyy, cannot ' be promptly paid. .'- -.i ,!.r'. .ii.'st - - i -In consequence of certain changes, under a recent decision of the Sopreme Court of , this State, as to the manner of .assessments, ...of the Realand, . Per- sonal Property In this city; and thereby the City. Tax Books, not yet haying been placed in possession of the undersigned, for collection ; together with. other complications, in- regard to our Municipal affairs, now pending before the'' Supreme Court of . i . i. . : : ' - ' North Carolina, the city of Wilmington must neceac sarily Crave some Indulgence ,'frorh the Bolders of City Coupons, uuder existing circumetancesu ; -;' . 4;uIaavLl .ii-:.': f?;-T'.rb. SERVOSS, june 30-tf ,, f . .. - rf . . r 3.tT Tf esnrer. " Pay , Your City OFFICE OF TREASURER AND COLLECTOR. : Tl - July 27th, 187S; THE CITY TAX BOOKS FOR 1875 HAYING been received at this office, the undersigned is now preparea to - -. . . A - . .t-h'.vi& m&Q j i ; i WICTTHE CrrXTAXEg-, I; j; piilieaf Estate and Personal property for 1875 i ALL PARTIES are therefore notified, and- re?, quested to give this matter' immediate attention.;' and to call at this office and " pay up" without farther delay. .. . - , CITY COUPONS are also receivable,-, ia- payment Of City Taxes.;;, . ft -. s.. ' -i- -j . . ; ; lt. u sa;K vwbsv I July 28-tf - Treasurer and Collector. t ilTnrj nt i 'JSU m ftmn I ?arUeewaaUng bf UlJUilUlU S liiUillUHiormauon , aoeut Georsria or l'lorida, shoald subscribe for the1 Morn ing News, published at Savannah. Ga. Daily, $10; neatly, $1 per annum.- Advertisers aesinng cus tomers in these States, should use its columns. Jl it the best paper in the Southeast. r Specimen copies sent on receipt oi oenta. AUUICB9 ang 5 tf J, H. E8TIfJ Savahnab, Qa.T i For SiiiithiTille. s TE AMEIt DIXIE. 'WlLlI: KUN; BEG every day except Sundays.;; :i;,:iSu: ' fe ILeavmg w umtngton r. bl. ; iLeaving Smitbville. .. i -7 A. M. ;- KJoinmutatfon' -tickets may be" purchased at our. office. . ..' , ...i . ;- ? j.; jjtriy 13tf - " ' O. t3. PARSLEY CU. ine Sampson Coiinty JBeef, JT CITIZENS MARKET,' NEAR CORNER $ec6hd and Market streets,' will be sold at prices to imlt tha times' Call and see for vonrself. '- ri!;f . in-- " T: A. WATSON. , . . ang22-tf ' '; ..; ! ' '..;-' ; ;V ... Proprietor. , INSURANCE. PIEDMONT & ABLUffGTOir . .'. ." ' ', " '' .'" '. fi'i'i'V' jjif e Insirj anOmny Af RlnlimAA1 t,VltHnla! liJtSJ I jf Over 22.300 Policies Issued. ill Tf'f, ' f t i f!'fi Annual Incqme Over $1,500,000 y u A'- iOTressiye!.r ! Prompt ! ".1 SMfU KXPENBE3jMJU44 LOSSES aCTOI; INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE, 4 M e J BSwtDsTBiia-xet oil PreitiHijbs ?ash; iHciestl5eraIr it w 'Ailnual DItlslou pf Surplus. ii .muii'n7" bin vSSliiJ :?i ''-i-J -.' . . ' ' '; akth u it J. iiiiiv jr.i -Agent. . . OffloaFier the present with Dr. T.'P.1 W6od;'Jf edl cal Examiner, on Marker Btreet- two doers'west of Green & Flaniier's drui stors. WuIngionl. C. September 2-tf - - " - ' ' INSURANCEnHOOMS AtMnsoSWM iiiimiig. $7O,OO0.OOd Asfieiliepre'e&ted. t ' -r . r (:!? ui vf f Tnt. Co. of North America Philadelhhia. Continent d Insurance CQ ... -NTjw Ynrb (rittstt'9 mercantile ins: Hartford Fire- Ins. Company'. -Hartford. m-vi -1 . Nations: Fire Ins. Company. I TlortfnrI- Sprineheld F. & M. Ia. Co. 1 V. i . .Massachnsetta, . Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co New York ns. i t:. tir Norm ATaenca .... r-aiiaaeiuaia. Connecticut Mutual life Ins. Co Hartford. Mafeh8-tf , . , .) A. J&XlFidiYc T? NCOJJRAGE jl'QiLE INSTITUTIONSlpijf i i laoiiw jjo, -v- . - - --r - TIIE NORTH :-A'. . -:i Oi U-vs Mtea, ion au classes oi insuxaDie propeay- 11 . All losses are promptly adjusted 'and- paid.XThe ifHOME" is rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property la iNtithiCarplina.a' i,it- ..j-if- j'-'- ts in all paita ef the State, B. H. BATTLE, Jr., . President. ' . , C.B. ROOT,Yioraldlt'S "' u ' BEATON GALES, Secretary. " PULASKI COWPEB, Supervisor. ATKINSON in MANNING, Aowrrs, ang 1-tf ; Wilmington, N. C. .;;KQlt:;JlE.JT,. ; .Prom.,li Ib of October. ext. , all the rooms in the building known as. t& : The Seaman's Home;; Also those In the Bethel, -with the exception of, the first floor; with all tbe furniture belonging , thereto; . The Home has a la ge-t ank-J whi h - f ornishea ipufli- leuE water for the tutcnen ana water closets wit pipes leaaing to each si oro. ; . -iK-.ti The buildina is now and - in eood condition, an amoly large to accommodate all Seamen that come '!r'flna:peffc.'!.:;-i ta Joaf.ni i.-jfp'.itiy---' Tbe Large and Commodious Stores , oa Ihe : North lm-fiarticnrarB anrflv to , i t , - . li..li.'WOKTa,.J'' v c ' ud 8 tf ' -"- ; ' ..v; --'----- ' Committee. 0 3! ,t SECOND HAND BOBSE POWER -(f . A. . , V'.-.v. ' . , Stationary and 80 thorse . power ' Portable ::Flae; Boiler,- with Smokestack, 'puinp, all in excellent order, . Also 1 SECOND HAND .12 HORSE POWKR OSCTLLAT V ' TNG STEAM ENGINE, '- .' V. ,? S, suitable for ginning and tist mill. Will be sold low. For information apply to ' . - . . .. Tt Him ' . TT ttV GU -irt-. " jane iStf 17 South Front street -ValaaWe Real Estate lor Sals.;: - BrVlRTUffpF' ANDiN ACCORDANCE : WITH the provisions' Of a certain- Deed , Of .Mortgage, executed by Thomas B Care and wife, Caroline N. Carr, lo t The Bank of v New Hanover.!' i dated: ;th4 15ib day Of Ju'y A. p., j87f the ,undertigned,a? Attorney s for said mortgagee, will Oh,Wednesdaj the 2ind day of September, LA; D.,1875, atJhe.Coo f House door in. thecitv of .W Umin? ton. at? twelve" -o'clock M., sell for cash, by publie auction, the two louowmg oenencea pi- pes or parcels ui iana tuiuuie in said bity.oC Wilmington, via? 1 he first piece be' ginning at a point in the : Southern line of Market street 151 feet from the southeastern intersection of said Market and Front streets', running thence east- ,wardly with Market street twenty four feet and four laches to a lot formerly oeienging to esaran smrn, thence with the line of said lot, at right angles with Market street, southwardly to an alley running bom Front to Second street,' thence -with said alley west wardly to a lot lately belonging to Mra A. Paul Repiton, thence with the line of said lot northwardly', tothe first station. The'other piece beginning at a, point on the Nortn side of Market sixty-atx (66) feet; from the northwestern intersection of M arket and Second streets, and running thence eastwardly along the said North side of Market street forty-eight feet more or less to the lino of a. tot .-of Jand belonging to the heirs of Thomas Cowan, deceased, thence north wardly one i hundred 4md thirty-two feet to the 'Southern line of Toomer'a alley, thence westwardly along tne said southern line or Toomers alley forty eight leet more or "lCfs,-thence southwardly one hundred aLd thirty-two feet to the beginning. vv mum atiwmAs,., aug22 D30d L Attorneys. A 1 i 1P P I X T O KynS Americaii CyclopaBdiaa j New ttTisedr Sditldti. Entirely rewritten by the a,tlest writers on every sub I iecu Printed from new type, and illustrated i; with Several thousand ifrjijravuigs and Maps-1 i The won rbrinaUv published aJder the title of' Ths Nrw Aaa&ioAH Cyclopedia m as completed in . 1863, since which time the -wide circUitiori which it has attained in all parte of the: United states, and the signal developments which have taken place k every branch of science, literature, and art, have la' duced the editors ana publishers to submit to aa ex- act and thorough revision, and te' issue a .new edi tion entitled Th Axsbican HrxnorjEDi. ' i Within the last tea years the progress of diacovert. i in every department of Bnowieage - nea maue a new work of reference an imperative want . ; i The movement of political affairs has kept pace plication to the industrial .and asef al art and the T convenience ana rataaucui ui buuw. j uc reni. ware and consequent revolutions have ioccurred; in velving national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war Of our own country, which was at itaieight when the last volume of the old work appeared, has happily been ended, and a new course of commercial . and industrial activity has been commenced. Large accessions to our geographical knowledge ' hkve been mule by the indefatigable explorers of Africa. -v.V... ' --. ;'.,.,:: i--.' . -! ; ; The erreat political revolutions or the last decade. with the natural result ef the lapse of time, have ; brou&ht into Dublic view a multitude of new men. ; whose names are in everyone's mouth, and of whose lives everv one is curious to know the particulars. Great battles have been fought and important sieges'; maintained, of wni.cn tne details are as yet preserved . oaly in the newspapers or in the transient publica tions of the day, but which oukht now to take their: permanent and authentic history. " , - in preparing the present edition for the press, it has accordingly been the aim of the editors to brine down the information to the latest possible dates. and, to lurnisn an accurate account ox tne moat re- cent discoveries in science, of every fresh pruduo' tion. In literature, and of the -newest inventions in tne practical arts, as wen aa to give a succinct ana original record of the progress of political events. ; progress or political events, begun after lone and carefi The wortcnas oeen oegun alter long ana carerta ireiindnarv labor, and with the most ample resources or carrvinar it on to a Buccessful termination. m -; ti None of the original stereotype plates have been used, but every page see oeen pnntea on new type, forming in fact a- new Cyclopedia, with the same nian and compass aa its predecessor, but with far greater pecuniary) ejuuicure aaa: witu suca lm-1 i Drevements in lis comsosinan as nave oeensnezest' ed by longer experience and enlarged knowledgev' . The lllnaUationB Which are introduced for the first time in the present edition have been .added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucid-f ity and force to the explanations in the text ' They embrace all branches of science and of natural histe ry,and depict the most famous and remarkable fea tnma of scenery, architecture, and art. as well aa .he processes of mechanics and manufacturers. Al- tnougn mtenaea lor uiBtrucuon rauier uum emoei llshment.no pains have been spared to insure their artistic excellence; the cost of .'their execution ia enormous, and It is believed they will find a weleome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopaedia, and worthy t iU high character. -, This work, is sold to Subscribers' only, payable cn delivery of each volume. It will be completed in -sixteen large octaw volumes, each containing about OVlMmia fnllv tllnHtTtWl with Mnrpnl thnn.anil Wi obd Engraylngs. ana with numerous colored .Ut&-Tapn-Mipsi- ';T Z.J"1 ';r.i " ' h. . . ' -, - si HJgra; j vi&ic&ka8Eif -Binding;' C:::? In extra CHJto, per'v..-i?.ii.j;-..,.J;. 5 no In LibraryMataer, ett:roLici . ..Uv..i. . . ft 00 Ik Half TnrkevMcecca. oervol2...T..i...i-., 7 00' Ta HMfRhseiaJexWiUi, pet yol. . t, 8. 00 la jfuiFAAreceo, autrquojgiiieoges.per vol... iu on XbSnlLAMMia, iHBioLwil.fcy.i...li.-..'.; 10 00 i Three voiunMssow-reaay. -! -Huccoedirig volumes unta ini61etion wiU "be issued nce :in Jwelre mpntnsv 1 ' , , i'u - t 5 pJSpeimenpagaoftkA3rkdaci6j)T en application. , .:r., i-n .m-t- w u: Ja ;:ilAi.fiii;s,';.i'i:,'; 5 e ii TYTHE N LY tITjLUSTHATE& ' WEEKLY y IN L the Sonthsi. EiehbDaseaj I t! ortt etiuitHn. Co' taining more reading matter .than ,44iy.wekly pub lishedlnfhehbutherTl State.' '-,,... ' , 1 he flrstnTrmnerof tneuu luisiia iuajstka TE1 AQE.wW beasuedien ii uj ioT il 'i i-' Saturday H6lU day Jfiue; 'ISTS.' The Publtehar intends) taakia it ah 'illaitriled record of the time. It f ill f Ueat iof --every- topie.i Pol acaL,H: Unl HimiI uiktnrinfl I .ttiv,n ,nii Kftonrmr, vhirll. is of curTrmtlatefefvancr gtveihebest' llluetrations that eaa be obtained wgWHror'fereighv -13 it Thfe SOUTHERN LLLTJSTBATfiaAGS will be- of ninvof.the saoit sto lea,, poema a Bei enseal naa) wen 'otnt' a toornal. fc' file rsWe:; severaf vb6idmnS wiU be jjpeeiallyi devoted to aU: Subjects- pertaining to du mestic and social file..). I'lai K in i-$?f . .No family should be without it i Subscription price only $i per ''' ;- annum:: Pott- go free. ftLg? HTJMKfii itor . JunelO-tf r,T,:' L? rIijRh. JJ; C.t :Jl.tiiitf';' ir- IAUM.-.1.U tne sale of uoxum. navai -stores, jreanuta and Country Produce generally alsa to-tho pur- cJxase' or -Aiercriaaaise. eiere DT permission to TCapt l. B. Grainger, Presd' .1 isanjfcJNew iianover.. Fresli ,Teas.j' : hl 1 HAVE JTJSTBECTErvTlb f. BYj ATLANTIC Coast Line, my fifth invoice r of Tea . from the United States Tea Co., consisting bf about - thirty different varieties, -put up in ban esome airtight can a' with screw covers, aad sold at the 'same prices as over the counters of the Company in New York dtr'At 8. G. NORTHEOFS ang 1-tf ' Fruit and Confectionery Store. F7lLtGIYlif PERSONAti '. ATTENtlOji . TQ BEITISEt.'PEBIOBIOAlS , - .. . : . - ThepoliUcalfermentamongtheFurtjpeannations, the strife betweeh Church ana btate.jhe discussion of science in its relation to Theology, and the con stant publication of .new works on these and kin--dfedtopics;-wrilgive unusutd interest to'the leading fosela Reviawa dnriBgJ8T5. Nowhere lse caa tbe inquiring reader find in a.condencd form the facts and arguments necessary to guide him te a correct conclusion. f t . THESSCOTT, PUB-' : KrtOffl Cit Uui Vt. Jl0;llSl ttf iTZ .7 .Ti.i. Ji 3 ,-. j : ji . i . : 41 . B ARCXA1 i8TREET, NEW YORK,- " . .'' 't TfiJ jiff R' $' "'.JY'Xci V'-'Y ' 1 ' ' c;ontpb.eTepjinJ, of the foutleading Reviews, va 1 ; J)0N. Q UARTSRLTuItBVlBWCoH- : . viEir; cd.j ' bmtisu ; , " V QUARTERLY REVIEW: ' -ijs. i. ; Evangelclil.f o-:'' wis AND 4-U : Blactwood's Euinlinrli..Haazine isii fan;; '' . 'T'ERMS PATAiiK.fcTicriT: m Asvasca: For any one Review. yir?. 4 00 per anunri Forany twoJievlewsv.i.iiv.l.vi TOO -Foiany three Reviews,. ii...ii... 18 00 ". For aUfoar Reviews.,., 18 00 r v For Blackwood's Magazine: ' 4 00rw " Frf Blackwood and 1 Review .7 09 ' " For Blackwood and 2 Reviews.. .' 10 00 " . , v For Blackwood and 8 Reviews. ... 13 00 " , . . ; For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews. 15 00 "' " The postaob will be prepaid by the publishers without charge to tbe subscriber, only on the expiess condition that sub&criptious are paid invariably in advance at the commencement of each year. ( . ; ; , CLUBS: A discount of twenty per 'cent -wCi be allowed t clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies ! Blackwood or of one Review, will be sent to one ad dress for $12.80; four copies of the four ' Review and Blackwood for $48, ard so on. - i To clubs of ten or more, in addition to the above discount, a copy gratis will be allowed to the gctter up of the clab..' i . - - ' rii-ii, n - .New subscribers applying early) for the year ltr.5 may have, without charge; the lastvoluma for 1874 of such' periodicals as they may subscribe for. Or instead, new1 Subscribers to any two, three, ori four of the above periodicals may have one ef the "Four Reviews" ,for 1874; subscribeni to all live may have two Of the ''Four Reviews." or one set i f 31nck wood "s M agazin e f er 1814.- '. . . xeiuier premiums lO BUDscriners nor.' dieceurt m clubs can be allowed unless the monev : is remittee : direct to the pubUehers, No premlhms given to Club, i Circular with further particulars may be had oi. application. . .'. ..a-.u ,- TliJI LEO? AKD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO.. j .tebao-tf 41- Barciar st. New York 1 " . l! .z:L AM ORDINANCE, , Cflwiini Bwysaon;Etv npHB BOARD bF ALDERMEN OF TIIE CITY 1 X OF WILMINGTON, N. C. DO 'ORDAIN, That any .Dray.. -Truck Wagon, ot Cart found in use within Jhe City limits withoat the Badge or Kegistered Number ' as required by City Tax Ordinance passed May th,, . 1873, shall be subject to seizure by the City Marshal, .' and .the owner, thereof .subject to a fine of Fiv Dozxabs for each and every' day the same is used' ' in this City without the prepkyment'of thd monthly taXfcCg wjuipathaYinx oatbe 301 ia'sU i - ' Badge SilstefSlrumber - as the Ofdhanceof the"City requires. ' -'i - 1 1 1 Any Ordinance or partis thereof conflicting with . the foregoing are hereby repealed. ,- 'n -.,. j The above Ordinance was passed by tbe Board f -' Aldermen at their meeting February 16th,-1874. : ' J . : : ' - . T. C. SERVOSSi' ' 1 f 1 feblStf -. - ... t. . - -City Clerk. OFFICE OF TREASURER, AND COLLECTOR,' LECTOR,' 1 ton, N.: :., V ' 17, 1876.. 1 if i -- , - .: t-H-. city or-Wilmington 1 i : f;,i','- ,1. Ki .S.aoAUgas I AM DIRECTED TO NOTIFY ' Al.iL ' PARTIES j j J :0WING VliT TAXES,. - : ' that the requirements cf the city for funds are snrh .. that a strict compliance with the Ordinances w ill ' be made, and such persons, who do -not- pay their' City Taxes on or before the . p. I FIRST OF -SEPTEMBER PROXIMO; their property will be advertised and sold as the . - law directs..i - i- ; ' ;rr;. , ( t. c. servoss,. City Treasnrer. DogPrdinci&r 1875 Office Treasnrer &: Collector, 1 City of Wilmington, H.: C, o ... ;, .ijro June XWi,: 1875. 1 TlhHB DOG' ORDINANCE FOB 1875 REQUIRES -X that the same should go into effect June 1st ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all parties 'Owning or keeping any dogs, either male or female, . are required to register the same at-this ofnee, and -procure the required Badges; commencing . . - inoiidar tiie littL intii, " and for four . (4) days thereafter. The Ordinance -.' also provides, that uch persons who fail to comply with the above- requirements, will be subject to a . penalty of ten ($10) dollars.' ; ' ? A. i ' '. , -. i T.. C SERVOSS, : -M, '.ManflS-tf ': . ..- " . City Clerk. and Treasurer. F ROM - THIS, DATE AUCTlONEBRSi ARE prohibited selling horses or stoek of any kind in f the In front of the City Market . Princess street . front. iEastern line of Front street to the Western line DID of Fourth street or Second and Third streets, be- twetn the Northern line of Market and the Southera '1 HH3(of Chesnut streets, axe designated for thia pur-, . pose byorder of the -Mayor. - " 2' --ijU-Ji bswV iritf ROBINSON i! J,i Jiah24-tf City Marshal ' ':u f, vnao.n i;;t; villi:',,1 ?') v; s. JowHrpe 1 SrMei'or Way. Tj' JPCBLIStlED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING ' r :-!AT- i4 S Canal Slwliicao. ::- TARMS ' OP S UBSCRIPTIUX TAY ABLE IN ADVANCE.'' -Yearly, $4 00. HaltVyearly. 2j00. , .Foreign and .Canadian subscription, pOst free Yearly 18s.; Hai.- yeairy V8,-bingle copies j.10 cents;" -; " '' f jLkui ' ;iH--l--t' wti l -i.h1 t . TIIEFIElD IS a complete weekly review t of the : hfcher'bi-anches -a Srxtt--lShootinff. Fishiiiir." ".'. 8 1 -nsroaiQZEs: . MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) -! o :, v wt City ofi Wilmington, - V 'Raciag'aD4rotting,,Aquaic1Base-',BaH, Ciickei, ' tJirliarda, and General Spotting fsws,,aUisk: and ihe ; : .. iDrama. ' . , ...,. : , 1 .TILS FIELD w fll be found 1b keeping with the times, on all subjects pertaining to-honorable sport, -and will, under no circumstances, admit to itx columns anything tendingJn any wise to demoralize or riwrade onhlie sentiment.--1 : . '-!' ,THE FIELD being the only Sporting Journal ' published West of New lork, and the recognized . . aatboritnaniDaK the" spotmferr -oTAbe" Wesc and x 1 1 5 hoath, among wrprjpJBjoy.lrgeaai inereasme patronage, possesses superior advantage as an ad vertising mediimv wnxn '-win be sppreciateo ov -wiH be sppreciateo bv those desiring to make their.basiness known in the . own in tn aprS--tf rr. Tne Centennial ;-vt.T ..... -mnhM '( i utt- rtr 1 r TOW OFFERS TO' THE 'MERCHANTS OF ' ' il f Wilmingtou the best medium to communicate " -with Merchants and dealers In Western North Caro- - ( ' Una.' 1 -Mi ij .t.iv t -;- ...'. i . i--4.-..- o it has more thin trebled its circulation and :ias within the past -twelve months, and ie now one of . . the most attractive (beets in the State. ' '. ' .' . ' V . : : -During the Cominpt Ceatennlat eelebnrBob a very ' large edition containing full accounts of the cere-.-; a - monies, will oe printed, givtog advcitiaeraalnost ' - . extraordinary opportunity to communicate with, the public - Terms of subscription 8 per anum. Terms of ad vertising very low. Address, ; OBSERVER, i may 14-tf Charlotte, N.CCJ 5 Si Ml 3 ? i ' 1 V ii 1 t