l h THE HORimiG STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY. BY -batxb or suBacBimoa nr aDvurcn: year, (by mafl) portage paid,. 1 00 SSSaU:: "..::::::::: S Onemontn, v w i to City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the 1 Fifteen CenU per week. Our City Agent are ot authorized to collect for more than 3 months in advance. - " . "".(" OUTLI N ES. . ; j . juige C. P. Pershing nominated for governor in Pennsylvania. Tue Fo ley statue of Stonewall Jackson has arrived in Baltimore. Ohio Farmers.' Conven tion demands immediate repeal of specie resumption ack . Several prominent Alabamians arrested at Decatur for "coun terfeiting. - r- Committees' appointed j in the Constitutional Convention -yesterday and 125 amendments introduced. , Ex Gov. Graham was eulogized in the Conven tion Thursday. The strike among cotton mill operatives at Fall River con tinues; manufacturers refusing to yield to their; demands. American residents at Rome, Protestants and Catholics, have presented Cardinal McCloskey .'with an ad dress of good will and handsome gifts, f " CONSTITUTIONAL COPENTIOH. .FOCft&TH. Ol. Raleigh News, j; i r , Raleigh, Sept. 9. The Convention . met promptly at 10 o'clock. Mr.; Jarvis In the Chair, owing to sickness of the President. Mr. Manning from the Committee to prepare rules of order for the gov ernment of. the Convention submitted a voluminous report; action thereon postponed till It o'clock. J ' By Mr. Price, a resolution of in quiry of the Committee on Privileges and Elections, whether or not R.C. Badges the delegate from Wake,!1 T. J. Young, from Granville, Jno.Si Mannix and Lehman, i from Craven, and J. Q. A. . Bryant, of Wilkes are United States Officers, and if such be the case why should not their seats be declared vacant. , V . ; ' - By Mr. Young, a resolution of in qniry to the Committee of Elections, as to whether or not. Jas. Rumly, ; of Carteret is not Superior Court Clerk of said county. E. K Vaughany Sher iff bf Transylvania, Joseph Dobson, (Solicitor of the 5th Judicial District, and .Josiah. .Turner, State Printer, and if such, be the case why should' not their seats bet declared vacant.!; By Mr. Rnmly, a motion , that a Committee of five be appointed to wait on bis .Excellency, the Governor, and inform him, of the organization of this Convention and ready to receive any communication from him.. Mr. Turner opposed the motion, thought the Governor was thoroughly indiffer ent and did not care; .whether the Convention; was organized or not. His action in ordering the Orange county election, thirty days after he was notified instead of, ten days, showed that the Governor, or i his party, did not desire a Convention anli he was not willing to " notify him of this or any other action of the Con vention. ' ,lt-:'y- Mr. Reid coincided with Mr. Tur ner in his views of the action of, the Executive in regard to the Orange county vacancy, but he thought Jt eminently proper that this body, sit ting as representatives of - the sover eigns of North Carolina in the capi tal, that his Excellency, the Governor, should be informed of the organiza tion of this body, &c Mr. Reid was interrogated during bis remarks : by Messrs. Badger: and Todrgeej as to his opinion, whether or not the Gov ernor had the . power . to order ? the election in Orange in less .time than thirty days in Accordance with law. Mr. Reid said, he thought the Gov ernor's power was - ample-and .com plete, to orthr ,h .elejcjion earlier, and the fact that he was in favor of an immediate adjournment of the Convention, it was clear that he did not intend that Orange ounty should be represented in futl. After further discussion between Messrs.' Tonrgee and Turner ' the vote was taken on- tlie motion and alf the members with xlie exception of Mr. Turner, voted jin .1 ... A . i . "i f j Jh uHlrm Qltira . . -' . f-: J -ail.- i Th President announced the fMi: 'Jowiug as said Committee: Mjessrs, Itumley, :Reid, 'BairingerVLehinr and Batemen. " ' - , 1 1 1: I On motion rof Mr. Durham, Peter, Hughes, of Alamance (the same who; was nominated by" Mr., Tourgee for Principal Doorkeeper on Wednesday), wan unaniiuouMly elected tb that pom tiill. '. ... :. ..." . r - I Oji motion of 'Mr. Tourgee, Mr. IVneh was grunted leave of absence till Monday iit-xu : v -- '?. ::? :? HONORS TO HRAHiSL ; Tl.e resolutions of respect to the memory of the Hon. YVm. A Graham l!e.i f, at 12 ..'clwk auU Vread lV lle Clerk. Enlogien were delivered by Mesar. . Dockery, ; Ciiugniaii, O'Hara, Sniyth; TourgetV ; Crosby, Chamberlain, '1 honie and Robbiiis, ai d will appear-in the New fiomdayj to day until all are published; ; :. The vote on the reHolutioiin; was taken Htauding and in ' silence, every, number voting in-5the' affirmative. fter which the - Convention . ad j'irned in reipecV to the tnetnory f ihe- lamented dedd' v y " :1 1 - On motion .of Mr". Barrow, the spe cial order' for 12 "o'clock being the v,,nsideratiofiJ of the report of the Coiunjijy on7 rules for the; Govero Ht of thief - Con vention -was Haken "P ad the report adopted. '11? The only change made in the report f the Committee was; changing the title of Principal Doorkeeper Hill to ergeant-at-Arms ; and ordering-, an lection for Assistant : Doorkeeper ta oorkeepef Norton. " " " ) " : NoTE.It would be proper to add," 1 VOL. XVI. NO. 147. that when the Graham . resolutions were called up, i the Keeper of , the Capitol at once displayed the Capitol flag at half-mast,-and it will so remain till the hour of meeting to-morrow. A SToitraop ICE. UUstoneCtUattertax a. ; Itallroad Tralu ud Woondloe the Passen sera. JFrom the Denver News. At. Potter station, on the Union Pacific Railroad, on Friday night, a traiii was just pulling but from the station when a storm' commended,' and in ten seconds there was such a fury of hail and wind that the engi neer deemed it best to stop the loco motive, i The hailstones were simply great chunks of ice, many of them three and four inches in diameter, and of all shapes squares, ' cones cubes, &o. The first stone that struck the train broke a window, and the flying glass severely injured, a lady on the face, making a deep cut. Five min utes . afterward there: were was not a whole light of glass on the south side of the tram the Whole length of -'it The windows of the Pullman cars were of French. plate three-eights of an inch thick and double. The hail broke both ' thicknesses,' and tore the curtains .into shreds.: . The Jwooden shutters, too, ' were smashed, and many of ; the mirrors were broken. The "decklights", on the top, of the cars were also demolished. The dome of the engine was dented as if it had been pounded with a hammer, and the wood work on the south side of the cars was ploughed as if some one had struck it all over with sliding blows from a hammer. During the continuance of this ternfio fusillade, which lasted fully twenty minutes, the excitement and fear among the pas sengers ran very high. Several ladies fainted, and one lady, Mrs. Earie, wife of the Superintendent of the Mountain division of the road, went into spasms, from which she did not recover for over an hour after the cessation of the storm. Several per sons sitting on the sou tb side of the cars were more or less injured about the head and face. As soon as the storm abated a lit tle, the matting in the cars was hung up in front of the windows, and the train moved ahead, the drifted hail stones proving an obstacle for some miles. At the next station, strips of tin were procured and fastened over the windows the entire length of the train. The cars have been run into the shop for repairs, and the damage will amount, it is estimated, to sev eral thousand dollars. Important la lk WMiemlt Trial. Philadelphia, Sept. 8. The following testimony produced a great sensation in the court room: Lucretia S. Peers affirmed I saw the prisoner on the 6th of July in Brooklyn; I took a horse-car to go to the upper part of Brooklyn; seated opposite me in the car was a man and child; I recognize the prisoner, Win. Westervelt, as the man; the child was very fair, with dark eyes, light, soft curly hair, ' about four years of age; the child had on a brown linen suit; the man spoke tb the child but once; the child cried, and he turned to it and said; ?Husb, 'hosh;M the child seemed frightened ; the man said, Go see mamma; go see mam ma;" when we came to North Fourth street he left the car, carrying the child on his arm. Photographs of Charlie Ross handed to witness.! iThese pictures bear strong .resem blance to. tne cnila. ,.T. , - .. .. Legal Advertising-. ..Raleigh News. The Leorislature turned a deaf and liostile fear to all suggestions in regard tO pUDHCliy lO-gIVCU; MUUUgu press to those matters of information that the peoolo can only get accurate ly; and. generally. ,in that way. The legislature went farther . than that it made it optional with Coun ty Com missioners and 'other, county officers to publish or to post their statenients. The county of Wake has chosen the latter mode, as we : suppose others have done. One of the Commission ers of this county informs us that the Treasurer's statement, covering forty pages of manuscript, copies of which must be posted up in many parts of the County, .will cost 5 1,500. TTiw iaeconoiuy with a vengeaue. ; lar bta AHtnnaual Vl.HaHou. Reidsvilte. .. .. . Oct. ; 7 Vveutworth. .. .r p Moiiuiain Obapel, Kk;Riu1iu co. V Leaksville, 20th Bun. Iiirrinity..;';,;- ! Greensboro. ...... Sitiem. : .;.,.....- , i Lexington..;... 4 r ot. Auurews, Rowan co..i .... - ! Chriat Church, 21st & -tier Trinity 17 Saiiabury ............ -v - i - i at. Mary's, Orange to. . . .. Chape! Uill, sJSnd B. afur Tnoity. 24 Durham ; ; . . ... jT? J Gastou.i... :'t;" iX Kidgeway. ' ! 4 v Warrenton,....;,.....;....- Henderson, 5th B. af ter Trinity,.. H Sassafras Fork, Granville co 10 Goshen-......- - r ..:,.k.,. oath K nftr Trlnitv. . . 31 uuuiouuig, MWtintin -' - -' 1 . . . . . . . . -. s niimiiuuu ...... .... - ' "i nil 'Kiurells4 ? ;;. C- , Knt -in mobxiW BTAS Book Bind err doss B klada of Binding and Baling In a work ... a wumuhlt nrlcaa. ller BUIlie mnun . .tim nacaini? EecelDt Book, or other work. 'Mf ttr ; pwwPte"1 the ewen11"1 their otaan. H WILMINGTON, The nails. The mails will close at the City Post-Of- flce until further notice as follows: . Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and West of Weldon, ir daily at.... . 5:45 P. M. " through and way (day) . ' malls daily. except Sunday,' 6:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points ; South, daily. ...U.v 5:15R M. Charleston, daily, at 5:30 A. H. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sundays,) 2:80 P. M. Charlotte mail closes at. . . ..... 2:30 P. M Smithville (via Easy Hill and i -Town Creek) Tuesdays and I i Saturdays . . . 1.. . . .J. : . . 6:00 A.M. Fayette ville, and orBces on Cape Fear River, Mondays and I Fridays.V. .. ..... .... . . . ... 1:00 PM. FayettevillebyCC.R'y.dailv -(except Sundays)... 5:30 A. M- Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices every Fridav ........ 6 :00 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboatclose at 3 P. M., daily, except Sundays. , Mails delivered from 0:30 A. M. to 7:30 P. M, and on Sundays from 8 -SO to 9 -.30 A. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:00 P. M. Money order or Register Department open same as stamp officK. :;-- . Staram for sale at general delivery when stamp office Is closed. ' Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night . V. -:' r ". .. . ; Alans collected from street boxes every day at 5 P. M. J , ! NKW A UV BIC'1 18KIT1 KNT. IIeiksbkrgrk. New Books. - -BabbIss & Howkll. For Rent. L04-al Ddii. - Now for the sportsmen's club. For latest news from the Con vention, see telegraphic column on fourth page. We are informed that another German pic-nic will take place at the Wil mington Garden on .Wednesday evening next. . The contract for building the telegraph line from Wilmington to Smith ville has been awarded to a citizen of Nor folk, Va. As soon as the range is opened on the grounds of the St. . George and St. Andrew Athletic Club, rifle matches will open in earnest. - Two suspicious looking charac ters are reported to be lurking about the Sounds, supposed to be two of the prison ers who escaped from the county jail. They are strangers in the neighborhood. There are at present seventeen female, prisoners in the chain-gang, all of which are colored with one exception. An additional guard was placed over them yesterday, some of them being rather ob streperous. Mr. 11. . Heide is titling up his building on South Water street, between Market and Dock, and intends having one' of the handsomest offices in the city. He has also had an observatory erected" on the roof which overlooks the entire harbor as far as the "Dram Tree" and is very pleas antly arranged withal. - The block of buildings on the south side of Market street has many "ups and downs" to contend with, a fact which is easily observable by casting an upward glacce in that direction. What those who occupy them have to contend with in the shape of market carts, &c., &&, will form the theme of a future paragraph. mayor's Court.; t, xMk't ' 5 The following cases were disposed of ;by this tribunal yesterday morning: ; Mollie Dove, charged with keeping a house pf ill-fame Was found guilty and or dered, to pay, a fine of $50 ori work for thirty days on the streets. . ' S. Hill, charged witli'disorderly conduct, was ordered to pay a fine of $10 and. "costs. a J. Johnson, charedith obtoining goods under false pretenses, ojaagmeni suspena ed on payment of costs, on . application; of the prosecuting witness. --" v...i f' f li improTemcDii : The new nd imposlDgxhrick-lbuilding, witb-its handsomely ornamented front and beautiful cap and ball, .which takes the place of the store formerly occupied Mr. T. H. Smith, "is hearlyi completed, and! will prove an ornament to the block. : The en- the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Agency and is ti be handsomely furnished. The work was rxecuted by Mr."R. B. W M(lt fer. , '. --."k - . '-'-'-r-- rare for lUbtlierla." i-j ,4. The foliowiwB remedy, we are iuforraed, is p et i turt-. ire Utr the di pht heria : i Maae a iM)Uliit:e r arnc-green, u n can be had. is ihb bext and apply it to the liiroat. ... ..... .... , , i 'i .- In connectjurt with the above, lo be used as a gargle, make a strong tea of red oak bark and mix irtts ot turpentine. We have also heard a poultice of fresh beef," applied to the throat, suggested as a gcKMl remedy. . It is extensively used where the disease prevails at the north. Keiteleaa Notice.' j Tberewillbe service, both morning and evening, in MC Lebanon Chapel, at Wrightt y ille rSoqndton Shnday; nexttSepVj 12th. Inconsequence of "the absence of the Rector; the early celebration announced for St. Janves parish" on that! day, ' will be omiUed. iThe aervic al llj A. M., and 5 P. M. may be expected as usual. Range' of Tliarmomeier. . The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday: - ' 7 A. M., 74; 12 M., 01; 2 P, M i 89; :30 P.M., 84; 9 P. M.,77. J 1 The Tatat Baee. ZJZ ;j ...X ' The last yacht Trace of the reason under the auspices of Carolina Yacht Club, . took place at Wrightsville yesterday; ? The Wind was blowing almost a galeand while fhis gave speed to tbe yacbts.Cit prevented that large attendance on The Banks thatC other wise would have heightened the enjoyment of the occasion. The Sound was on a high old spree and It was not deemed prudent to attempt to cross it in ordinary boats. . y The following the time of starting:; ' ! Bessie Lee. .-'. . Horn ........... ;'.'...... 8.4i t 7.-t 8.45.50 Emvie & Marion. . . . jt 7 , 8.46.20 j. 47 7 -; varouna ifejjpfo... t. 3.47.23 The boats sped on in the order in which they started until then return to the Banks channel, when the JUppU passed the Carolinti on the first tack.' They passed the Inlet buoy in the following order: JSpfaVdrfc Una Bessie LeeJ Bosa Empire di Marion. On reaching the Banks house, on the firsi round, the Bessie Zee Was i found to be leak ing and .was run ashore. After an exami nation of her conditionshe re-tentered the race, but lost he r position b the J delay and feftw:in?''the--!rear.?;Tr. fhe climax of Bessie's b&d' lacK she -swamped on her return from the Inlet buoy. t. The positions s of ihe boats when they passed the Inlet buoy were maintained throughout the race, and the gallant little "things of life" came home as follows: Bipple.i. .- 5.19.6 Qirolina. 5.22.2 Empie & Marion. . . ...... . 5.29.30 ifasa......;..;. 5.23.6 . The following is the actual running time; Hippie , , lbr.," 21m. j SSsec. Carotin,, 1 " 24 ' 55 Kmfde it Muion. ..... . 1 " 1 43 80 " i liosh...: 1 " 4tf 10 Ih this race, We ft re Informed,' the iftp& made the best'time recorded' in the books of tile Carolina Yacht Club. . . ;5y ueiievedof Hla Waieli. A colored man by the name of John Tay lor, but belter known pnder'the "cognomen of John Bull, was arrested by officers B. T. Price and,- Jeffrey Wise, yesterday morn ing, on the charge of stealing a watch. Ransom Cobb, the inan who lost the watch, was at work Thursday under the shed i at , Mr. VanBokkelen's distillery, and says that when he came back from dinner he sus- j pended his coat, in one of the pockets of which he had ' previously deposited bis watch, by a nail driven into a post not far from where be was at work.. Ia the even ing when he took his coat down he found that the watch was missing, and upon , in quiry found that Taylor, who had been loafing round the shed during the day, had been seen lying down by the post upon which the coat ...was hanging. Yesterday morning he searched for Taylor and asked him if he knew anything about the watch. He replied that he did not. The two po licemen referred to, who were standing not far off, were called ' by Cobb, and during the questioning and cross-questioning that ensued Taylor finally acknowledged ; that he did take the watch." "He was conveyed to the Guard House and locked up to await a hearing before the Mayor this morning. The Banuakeroni Badi. t After the usual amount of haranguing, the Republican . meeting, held at the City Hall last evening, passed resolutions re commending Jasper Bishop as its choice for County Commissioner in place of James Wilson, resigned. CoL Puncan Holmes seems to hav been "no whar'Mn this pre liminary race, and we hear the : Knjght j oi the Thundering' Lungs took one of his pe culiarly.. brilliaqt! oratorical flights, during which he inveighed against the. cruelvf afe that so remorselessly nipped his aspirations in . the bud -Moreover, he said he'd !be durned et hsMtaMitUf9 a put-up job see who was the heavy coon in Ihe Repub lican party.r cTT" A -TTO 1 ' '! Is it poss1bleJHharthe Xf nheT. XL. (Cannot get a fat fnce from the RiprdaHous Rantankerous Radical j Republican Ring tailed Rouserajjff jjiriof ' Papers Beeoraed.' ia. ; The followuagis astatement of the-papers recorueq Dyine negrsier or ueemiroi. ax(bw I Hanover county for the year ending Attg. . Warrantee' Deeds, 879; Mortgages, real estate - and chattel,' 241; Bills of Sale,! 4; Powers of Attorney, 7; Decrees of Su perior Court,12, Petitions ia Bankruptcy; 6; Free Traders,' 5; Plans of Incorpora tion 3; 'Bonds of County" Officials, 11 Homestead Exemptions, 1; Tax Receipts; 7l Deeds of Property sold by Sheriff, 129; t ' ' .' Cotton Coiapr. The. new Cotton Compr.ess.is now nearly ready for service aftd atrial of the ma. chinTer wiB iaka plaee shorllyll ijSteam was applie forthe first tbaThursdayand was repeated yesterday. A more-extended ac count of this new improvement will be un iii1iin tin trint tabpa ntafte. t",:, f ' - . Wllmlnaton JneiM.iav aiariva. r s Appointments of Rev. W. S, Black;; Pre siding Elder, for the third round of quar-7 terly meetings for the present Conference year of the Wilmington District t.- 'jl ;i: Smith vilfe,! at Smith villeV September ;12 and 14. ' " ' ' "f I : ' I.'.' f ' "1 Blihp Irman's AppPlBlmtnts. i n iQlencoeV... ................ ...;.Sept 10 Calvary Churph, Henderson Co. . .Sept 12 Liecester ........ .V.i,.Sept. ;15 Waynesvllle ...........Sept. ,17 Ashe ville. .A. . .,...;..,,... u The collections at each place will be ap propriated td Diocesan Missions. " ?V 'At the- Ransom 'i serenade; iti in. Raleigh the other night , the speeches were mild and conciliatory. Messrs. -Reid, Shober, Bennett,' Shepherd,1 Green, Rob;, bins, Cox and Kitchen spoke. Spirits, Turpentine We regret that puf young;! .con temporary Mr. James A. WiUiams, or tne Wilson. Advance, is detained from his' busi ness by illness. - ' s - . " --f 'The fall session of the . Wilson College opens the 4lh day ot Octoberl" iWe are glad to learn that the prospects are en couraging; ' ' ' - .' " .'I -r - , 1 Mrr Cyrus Timmons, of Char lotte, was' dongerously shot, at Lincolnton two or three days '. since : by John Getton, who had an old grudge against Timmons' brother." . ",f . J '"t'Sif The Tarboro SoiUherrier-learns that a little son of Mr. Jno: F, Ward, while wrestling with-..a son -of Mr. J.. W. Lips comb's on last Snnday evening,-was thrown and fell upon one of bis arms and. shattered U vejry badly.,; ,. a .... : iTheriJffl LBays:- Richard G. Sneed was chosen Sheriff .of Granville by the Board of Commissioners, on the 7th inst.; in 'place of James L Moore.. Mr. Sneed is member of the -N.-C 13enate: and will surrender bis Senatorial robes for the more lucrative office of Sheriff, i ', -,i ; ;-. ; r The Observer says that : while attempting to jump on the train as it mov ed from the, depot at Danville a few days &go', a negro fireman of a freight .train on the Piedmont' Afr Line Railroad, 'named Aaroft Morrison, fell between" the cars and was crushed in such a manner as to pro duce death in about half an hour.: , -. : - V. CITY ITE3BS, .'1 ' Transkb PBiNTina-lsKS. Invaluable to ' rail road companies; steamship companies, banksj 'tner r.hantji. maniifftr.tnrerB and others Thov are en. daring and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Baring- just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre. pared to execute orders jromptly and at moderate price 'V - 'iy; h Copt or TxstixomiauHahhibai Mo., Hay 80, MesBra. J. & W; Tolley, a9 Maiden Lane, New york Gent.: The ia Gnn which yoa built for me, No. 2093, has arrived" safely tp hand. ' Allow me to thank you for the fidelity with which you carried but my instructions. The general outline, -beauty of proportion and excellent finish; are all that could be desired, and more than meets my expectations, I am more than ever impressed wita thaldeathat it is as necessary for a man to have a gun built to meas urement as to have a boot so built to ensure a good fit. The pattern 175 and penetration 40 are very su perior. The pattern Is as close as I desire, and the penetration 1 think Is seldom attained, being far ahead t)f any public record which I have seeiu : i s i 1? Respectfully Yours,' ; f ' ; .,. .... . G- W, Dobxak. DIED. WILLIAMS. In this citr at S P. W.. on the 10th ingr., of consumption, Mrs. Ann Eliza, wife of Tbos. K. Williams, in; he 43rd year of her age. The funeral services will take place this evening at 4 o'clock, from the residence of Mr. E. Turling ton, on 6th, between Bed Cross and Walnut streets, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. ' The friends' and ac quaintances bf the family are invited to attend, s WnOOTXTJM. In this dtv. of Diohtheria. oh the morning the 8th, Salbe Keen, daughter of .James A and Joana McCollum, aged 2 years and 6 months. - rutaaatnisiitueianosaiane, ... And lay It on my breast. - .;..... Protection it shall have, from me, " ; v And be forever blest !;::' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, i ... Tlte Tliel stlc Conception of the , , ; , World. 1 AN ESSAY IN OPPOSITION TO CERTAIN tendencies of modern thought.. ., : 5 -. i BY B. F. COKKER. D. D., L. L. D., Author of Christianity and Greek Philoshphy. SCIENCE DISCLOSES THE METHOD OF THE world, but net its cause; Religion, its cause, but sot its method. ' . . ' : ' ' Forealeat . i- "" ' -; " : HEraSBERQES'S . i septll-tf - Live Book and Music Store. To Het; V, i W jWWTPW? -.11.) -.'-'fill : 1 Mi DWELLINd ON B0UTHWE8T". C0B5- No LDOl rseptll-StH ... n HAKRIS HOWELL. ; 'i S- s LONABLE HAIR DRE8SXNQ -8HAV- ine Saloon. 7 Soath Front 8t, Wflmini?ton, N. C. . JT. B Ihave secured the: services of thftjBBST t B. GRAINGER, S. D. WALLACE ! Bank of New Haiover. . . niu But m ' - i il AathprizedACapita $1,000,000-. fjasn fjapuai paia in - 4w,vw. Surplus Fund - X, . $50,0 ; : . , . - , -.- ; s - i;l'-';f JO IRE CT OB si, JOHN DAWSON - ; ' li; ' ; C. M. 8TEDMAN D. R. MURCIIISON ' ' , L B. GRAINGER .. - -- - i: -: f'fl' i " , , DONALD MoRAS . , . , JAS. A. LEAK -1 U VOLLERS -jii; : i a::' B. F. JJCTTLE K Ri BRIDGEKS ' E. B. BORDEN ' J. W. ATKINSON M. WEDDELL. , aug 80-tf aac . j, i FROM OCTOBER I, 1875, TO OCTO- gySj r her I; iStS, the brick building on North J aM nt PHnraiu! ' iMitween. Water, and Front .streets, now occupied by; j Mr. Jao. W Gordon and athera. l-rw5 ;' i filytlj . . .... i . . ' , ' ': ' ' '- rrh. knlMina r!t1 K ilivirti'd and' ranted as fol- Two rooms m-QntHoou- now occupied by Ms. GordoMlnataaoeAfac- tinnts ' n t ,4Two.'roM'Jtaftie lnlWeeodollUdiiiKi similar to thoy oa trst floorof East end, if c. ' Easement and second ancUhird floors of East half of building. , r ;, '' Basement and second and third floors or Wess half of building. V ' The rooms on first floor are admirably iocated for Inwrranoe Agents. Commission Merchants or Law yers; while the upper floor ire well suited for families.,. i vJ utwli: -.jK-ji-j lu . i -J t ' j r .,. Apply to,;; ... JjjQjjj.Y & MORRIS, . i augSl-tfnac Ob WM. H. BERNARD. ISSiSi i ner of Second and Dock streets, now . 6 South Front street Applyto 5 : li - . . r ' ' N E W: AD VERTISEMENTS. FOB BENT FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. - THE TJP- X stairs of 'Dr. Cntlar's residence on the !! I corner of fiennnil anil Walant stceeta. Will Iff! AT AO .. . v. The' Store' on Market Street now'oceu- pied .by Messra. Gilbert A Bawar as a Confection ery ana uaaery. Also the upstairs, or two stories, above said store, sow occupied by C- W. Yates as a Photograph Gallery.-" -.' " i Also the two: rooms over Taylor & Giles' Insur ance Rooms on Princea Street. - 1 ' Also sereral Officer ia the bufldiar adjoininz the above, the same in which my OflSce is. ' Also the residence on Southeast corner of Second and Mulberry streets, now occupied by Dr. H. G. Planner. S , sep 8-lwna , Apply to DoBRUTZ CCTLAR. ' MISCELANEOUS. , ; Cotttents of a Retail Grocery. " 1 , f r - C , ' j AT AUCTION. ; (j TN FRONT OF UR S A LES ROOMS, ON Saturday, September II, 1875, commencing at 10 o'clock A. sept9-ts . at. CKONLY & MORRIS. Auctioneers. Virgin ia ' Female Institute. T .' STAT7N10N, VA, . .,"-- Rar.! R - HJ PHILLIPS, A. M., - Pbincipai. Miss K. Fmrkncb Phillips, 1 in charge of Miss AnnibS Paeran, ' jv ihe family. The 81t Annual. Session will commence' bept r 1st. 1875. ' . . - The Principal will be assisted by a fulf. corps of officers suitable for aaret-ciass school, ri Terms reduced to Cash basis and very mod erate.! .h --i-ni-.fj!-j . For Catalogue, address the Principal. r aog 19-De-dwTh&W2t Que HnndreEl and Ten Dozen Sold. o RDRRS ARE STILL COMING IN FOR THE celebrated . . j Wamsutta Shirts, 6 for g7 50, Casta. . FINISHED , UP FOR $9 50. The Best Shirt for the Least Money ; , EVER SOLD. "' ' ': MUNS0N A CO.. ' septB-tf j;- s.i!!ci . Sole Agents. ; Fresh Oat Mal I FRESH LOT IN TINS JUST RECEIVED. "' Freeb Roasted every week, ';. , Fore Java and XaguayraV Coffee. ' t: Tea, Tea, -Tea," " f". Imperial, Ex. Imperial, Oolong, Fx. Oolong. English . . Breakfast and Uncolored Japan Teas, from ; . 50 cents to $1 75 per pound. , Edaa Pine-Apple and Ex Cream Cheese. Milk, Cream Crackers and all kinds fresh every week. BONELESS SARDINES, ENGLISH AND AUERI" CAN PICKLES, "WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE." Cooked Corned Beer, Every Can Guaranteed."' i; 1 Best Butter In the World. . NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR, : i . , beet in the world, only for sale by 1 ' . GEO. MYERS, - , . septfi-tf . . : 11 & 13 South Front St. ' Life in Paris ! LETTERS ON ART, LITERATURE AND Society, . : ''' ByAasssx Housjatb., - Testerflay, To-Day ani Forerer, A Poem-in 12 Books, By EDWARD HENRY , BECEERSTETH, M. A. All for sale by . ' C. W.YATES, ' . . Market Street. septS-tf ' Corn, Flour, Sugar and Coffee. 2000 Bnahels WMte Mjxed c9rn 800 ! Bblfl Flenr' grades' JQQ Barrels Refined Sugar, 1 1 A Sacks Prime mo coiiee. . 1UU !' 'it f. i ! : 11 : ' : ' ! 11 For Bale tow b !i sept5-tf. WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. ; Found. A. SMALL PARCEL OF MONEY ON NORTH Water street' which the owner can have by proving bis title theteto and paying for this advertisement. Apply at this offl& 1 1 w S sept ll-2t 1 , G.,n. !W:. RUNGE. , RED CABBAGE, f J 1 . - l ,,. RED BEETS, ... !T S3 N.- E..Coraer Market aad Second Streets. 'l: j-septltt J - - ' : - ' ' tf i Buy yonr Nails j ri Bailders' Hardware Froitt sept,5-tf , :i j .--- , GILES A' MURCHISON. Oysters, Peaches, Tomatoes and Pickles 2 Q Q Cases Oysters, 50 Cases Peaches, . t pQ Cases Tomatoes. 100 Cases Pickles. . - -. ! ! 'For sale by' v' !. f. sept 5-tf, ; KEUCHNER & CALDER BROS. , - ' Flour, Flour, Flour. qq Bbls Bob White Flour, " QQ Bbls Bell Mills Flosr,. yi. , OA ( Rbls Princess Royal Floor ! : iu ; r or salts y i' ' sept 5 tf : i .KEKCHNER A CALDER BROS. n T lEemoval. 1TY HAT fcTORE. YOU CAN FIND ALL THE LATEST STTLE S HATS AT OUR NEW STORE, No. 3S NORTH FRONT STREET. , ." : , septMf '-'r-'h n yi HARRISON. A ALLEN; " :r:';: liar;' Corn and Meal. Bales Prime Eastern Hay, ' ' , i 3500?" : ;-: JQQQ Bushela MeaLji,,! ',. ( , . . i-Ji-j. iFor'aalebyf rf .1. t' c . tj,,., .."f A sept 5 tf t KEKCHNER CALDER BROS. , J I Baslngf and -Tiea,' v 500 Rolls Bagg&g,' i. i 45 1 i A Tons New Arrow Ties, - . -r jU" t - i-t n . ,:'-? jtA u K A Tona Pieced Ties. . , ' For sale by-. . i eptS-tf KEUCHNER A CALDER BROS, i f. 11 r f'f-I! -f t .-it ,IXSD FRAMES, GAUZE . AND ; LACS. OUR Second Btojk1 Just received and for sale low by June S7-tf ' ' " D. Jl. SMITH CO. m mm m .. m k:. ; j i " it y H 't i-i ss . . vuc OIJKBTt: tun. BJ .i . . I at - " - four days... '. P i i Ave days,. 3 W wek....i...'. ....... a 6f Two w twkj ... S OP ' ... V , Thre weeks . , One month ..-... ...... 8 OP. M..4 Twfcmontiis.;i:V.............15 W " Three months..,,... ..M00 5 r six months .,,. V.v85 oo ... u , ' One year ...JM 0' Contract Advertisements taken at propoi tionately low rates. . v - - . . Five Squares estimated as a. quarter-cobamn, and tan squares as a half -column. V - MISCELLANEOUS. , , . - Lease of National Hotel .. WITH THE ... Furniture, at Auction. iON WEDNESDAY, September 75thi 1875, com mpneingat 10 o'clock A. M., upon the premises, we will clese at nubile sale the: unexpired term of the National Hotel Building., and Store below, viz : 6 years upon Hotel occupancy and years of Store occupied by Messrs. Munroa A Co., the whole sub ject .to an annual rental of Twelve Hundred Dollars. (1,20U) with ' PARLOR. DINING ROOM, ' U f: ii ; -BAR and CHAMBER, 06 suits.) all in Black Walnut and Marble of per fect make and finish ;: -;! :- ..r ? 1 KITCHEN UTENSILS,.GRATES . 'i n h '"' .' ; GAS FIXTURES, Ac. Can be.examined at any time previous to the St.le upon application at office of HoteL v s ' ' ; CRONLY A MORRIS, septlO-ts ., . , . ; Auctioneers. Forest ' and Stream, A Weekly1 Journal of Sixteen Pages. . DEVOTED TO " , , FIELD SP 0RT8, PRACTICAL NATURAL HISTORY, FISH CUL'- , 1 UxvK, rWiatTlUM OIT UAMK, JfKKMSK- VATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING, BOAT ING'ANDALL - ; - - - Out-Door Recreation ant My. i -.'!! . . ; , - .-,.,:-)) .. -..i . -. It is the only Journal in this Country that fullv enpplitts the wants and meets the necessities of the Gentleman " Sportsman. TEi;MS $5 00 A YEAR. Liberal discount to Clubs. i i ;- . i Bend ; for a-'Specimen Cop Forest & Stream Pabllthlnx fo., ' ' ' "17 Chatham Street, (City Hall SquHre), . f . . , . New York. . Post Office Box iS38 v ' mar 88-'f. True as Truth Itself ! THAT OUR BRAND OF , . . . . . ' X ' FA VORITE FL O UR '11' . ;: -;;.' .';) ' is the best and most reliable to be had. - ' That Oar Table Batter . r . . - - " v.. IS THE VERY BEST IN AMERICA, That Our-Prices are Lower Than the s . t late advances in goods would indicate, We are selling goods at such low cash figures as 6oit the times. .-. . ,-. , ... . BRING YOUR MONEY AND TRY US. . . We will give you full values, at CHAS. D. MYERS A CO'S., S A 7 North Front street. sept 3-tf New Goods ! ,:New Goods ! ! " r ' New Fall Clotblngr. XAM DAILY RECEIVING NEW FALL GOODS per every Steamer, , . .. f , .-1 - -. Just received a handsome Jot of , ; SILK AND CAMBRIC UMBRELLAS, which I am offering at figures that insure a ready Bale CUve me a Call. sept 5-tf - A. DAVID. Notice. NOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT OP - bronze, Locomotive, Marine and . .Walnut .Clocks. Also material for the Trade at low prices. - GEO. HONNET, augS9-tf - ' 'u' "68 Market Street. Shirts! Shirts '.Shirts! T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE INVOICE AVE JU8TRECKT ready made Shirts, J,of i : Wamsutta, and am determined to sell at. prices that will induce customers to buy the garments ready made, ($1 60). Look ! '-rrrr ' My atocki of iready" sada Cvthingsvfll soon be ,. i completed : in all its branches. ,- l i t.iu.-:,-, ; , -..it.j X .j .-. j .. ..: 1 PIECE GOODS, OF EVERY KIND. AND STYLE ttiat could be wished for and made up to order in ' the latest New York' aad Parisian Styles : septS-tf; ; MXJLLBT S! if, 1 1 ' A U . jsur- f -"ill .'V.l FIE ST, CATCH j I l-i -1 rtHl.Ii Jt'l'i'fl t.tl'lttl JUST IW. ;EDWABDS &, HALL. sept 1-tf Bacon. Bagging, Ties,' Pork. Boxes D. 8. Sides ' . i' pQ Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders, i QQ Rolls' Bagging, '- rr?-'i--:3ij! Tons Ties, ' : : ' . , ' - BblsMessPorx.' - ' j - i i . : H: . For sale low by ' ' t ; ; sept 5-tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Nails, Shot, Hay and Guano. QQ Kegs Nails, ' ' " 2QQ Bags Shot, 400 Bales E. and N. H. Hay, 2QQ Tons Guanape Guano. . 5 - t For sale low "by ' 1 ' " ,;1 sept 5-tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Brown Cotton Gins; (The Best Made.) - ' alH.' BRISTLES, . GIN, . FILES. .' COTTON Scales, Gin Bands. Lace Leather Rivets. Ac. can be had at the lowest cash prices at the. old es tablished Hard ware House of . - " rr -JOHN DAWSON, sept 5-tf No. 19. SO and SI Market Kt. . itf .;l"l Tfri rr-r-i Tr. : , x J Fresh Candies. j JUST RECEIVED FROM MANUFACTURERS a choice assortment, and perfectly fresh. Fresb Flour otKew-Wb eat. t septlO-tf y y t JAMES, C., STEVENSON. 1 Tonsortal Eemoval : ; E ARTI8 has purchased the stock and material of James CaMaway and teiaoved to the shop form erly occupied by him, in the baaementof the Purcell Houaev where ha invites his old friends and the pub lic generally to call on him. Beat workmen in the State employed, and Shaving, Hair Catting; and Shampooing done at the shortest notice. - Try him. i i f t t " S !!! ft 7 1 W It li;- f T-l li 11: r 1 1 t: - ? ij .- i: ,t- i i' t II I', 3