fjB EIOEHIHG STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY; BY . i .,7""" " " Tr"' ' im ' 1 1,1 .-I - - - i .i I., i .. - . $ .. .. -jz' s "- . . " . 1 ' L- " " ,'; , .vv ...?- . :" - . ' . "" . 1 T-".' ' ' v" The Mok weiiiMsiii: - - i , T . i. . . . i i i i i i i i i ... i i i I .1 i il i ii " l.i tft -lb- H'i i I ft 1 : V ; jUTM Of BCB8CMPTIOH ih adtajtcx: vear 0v naB) POstSe Pa,d ! sixinontM, . tl , ' . 00 CO " .; ... a 25 Three fflou""t, .. ......... 100 7h " ) " ...... One .A. wifteen Cents per ween- wurwi AScuiaic authorized to collect for more than S months in ..n-mce. L1I : II . OUTL.INKS. An oil tank at Oil City, Pa: , burned with heavy loss. New York, markets: ' (jold 1161U6f? cotton 1414; rosin i At Go$l 75; spirits turpentine 31J. ;-- propeller nquin&c suu& uuuc mituijau with captain, wife, grand-daughter. and 19 n A number of important amend ments .introduced in the Convention yes (erjay. Decrease of negroes in Dis trict of Columbia is so marked, prominent colored people have held meetings in re gard to the matter. -To-day is the first day of the Michael Angelo festival at Florence and Rome, - A thousand Turks recently encountered and tilled CO Uosuians. .'' Ames appears to have completely- broken down in his attempt to get np a sensation over Mississippi. Sena- jqC i trllSo icicgjajjuo m? vug mtu i ucjr General that the excitement over the Clinton affair has died out, and the Attorney General believes that there s no trouble in Mississippi. Ames ias stopped telegraphing. More new amendments were in troduced in the Constitutional Con- ntion yesterday.. Most . of the ' - " - - , - a , kmendments so far introduced will not do. The Convention should "go slow" :ind keep a "weather eye." CQSSTITUflQHAL CONVENTION. , FIFTH DAY. , .... -j-UaleighNews. Raleigh, Sept. 10. Mr. Stallinss explained that in the rnto nn the auestion whether the Governor should be officially inform al nf thfi orsranization of Convention V Q . he had voted with Mr. Turner in op position. - , -.. . . i : : . i APPOIXTMEXT OF STANDING X!OMMIT- TEES. - The President announced the fol lowing Standing Committees; Committee on Privileges and Elec tions. Messrs. Manning, of Chat ham, Avery, Withers, Chamberlain, Jordan, Robbins, Wilcox, Bowman and Bunn. , t Preamble and Bill of Rights. ilessrs. Turner, Siugletary, Bliven, Blocker, Nicholson, McCanless, Motz, Bean and Vaughan. Legislativelepartment, its Organi zation. Mess'rs. Clingman, Cunning ham, Barrow, Carter, 'French, Jus tice, King, of Lenoir, Allman and Vaughan. - - Oil the Executive Department. Aftir.i Rnil Iinhrts of Gates. Georgf, Alassey, Kerr, . Price,! Mun- . . . . - m m 1 - den, riassell ana layior. Ou the Judicial Department, Messrs. Bennett, Shepherd, Albert son, Coleman, Barriuger, Manning, of j Chatham; Lehman, Green and Faircloth. On Revenue, Taxation and the Public Debt. Messrs. Durham, Stal lings, Hoffman, Cowell, Dixon, Dob soii, Dula, Cooper and Page. Ori Suffrage and Eligibility to Office. Messrs. Shober, Jarvis, Bate man, Allison, Holton, Stroud, Wood fin, liobertsof Davidson, and Cary. jOn Municipal Corporations. Messrs. Shepherd. Hamilton, Hen derson, Hiniiant, McEachin, j Jones, of Yadkin, Farrior, Black and Mc Corkle. - ' ." !' - 1 On Coruorations other than Muni cipal MetsreV Dockeryr Jones, of Caldwell, Faisoa, Mabson, Durham, Mannix, Marshall, Bryan and Byrd. ! On Education Messrs. Morehead, Badger, Anderson, of Madison, Boxr ton, King, of Pitt,' Kumleyj, Boyd, Scott, of Onslow, and Wheeler, j Ou Punishments, Penal Institu lions an d Public Charities. Messrs. Coleman, Anderson, of Clay, Bell, iMi.clair. llorton, Spake, Grantham, il'i'ige and Bingham. ; : On Military. Messrs. Badger, Red wine, Neal, NowelK, Wilson, Bullock, Everett, Davis and Harrington.- , On Amendment. Messrs. Tourgee, Clingman, Wattn, Th"rne, Love, Lowe, Goodwin, Smyth and Manning, ot' New Hanover.., . . . Y it' I On Miscellaneous Provisions. Albert son, Crosby, - Young, Greeny Siuy letary, Scott, - of Jones, O'Hara, iSuininers and McDowell. " - ;.- On Revisions. Messrs. Reid, Cling- man, Maiming, of Chatham, Bennett, Turner, Moreliead, Shober, McCorkle, Dockery, Coleman, Barringer, :Tour-' tjiee and Albertson. INTRODUCTION OF AMKNDMK.XTS.-; -,; r We point the reader to the summa ry given in our telegram from Ral ish printed yesterday; Tbe reports j iven in the Raleigh papers': are not intelligible to the general reader. . Mr. Shepherd's ordinance relating to civil rights aud social equality, is as follows: - . ' .' l- "i ' C Si-t ?ftnr -t "Ro 'it ordained by the people of, North Caxpiina, in .Convent lion assembled, and jtj.W; nereoy ur-l-4iriu k.. tkn'ni.tKiritir r f t lip same. that no law permitting mixed schools or requiring hotetsiestabllsbed for the entertainment of white persons, to entertain negroes or persons of mixed blood nnorht In ha rrnaapd. " " Sec. 2. Be it further ordained that io law forbidding railroad or : steam- hoat cm' kI!)(tp cnmnanies. or those having charge of places of; public VOL. XVI. NO. 148. ing separate and distinct accommoda tions for white and colored races ought to be passed. Messrs. Herron and Waddell, Dem ocrats, were elected Enrolling and Engrossing Clerks of the Convention. XHBGITYv The mails will close at the City Post-Of-fice until further notice as follows: , ' Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and West of Weldon, 1 daily at., 5;45 P.M. " through and way (day) ; v mails daily. except Sunday, 6:30 A.M. Southern mails for all points South, daily. 5:15 P.. M. Charleston, daily, "at . 5:30 A. H. Western mails (a CR'y) daily (except Sundays,) ..... .v 2:30 P. M. Charlotte mail closes at. ...... . 2:30 P. M Smithville (via Easy Hill and Town Creek) Tuesdays and Saturdays 60 A. M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Mondays and Fridays.. 1.-O0P M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, dailv (except' Sundays) .V 5:30 Al M Onslow G. H. and intermediate -. - offices every Friday , 6 .-00 A. M. Tbe Smithville mails, by steamboat, close at 3 P. M., daily, except Sundays. , Mails delivered from 6:30 A. M. to 7:30 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. . .; ' " ' - ' :. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12M.i and from 2 to 6. -00 P. M. Money order or Register Department open same as stamp office. ' " - Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 5 P. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENT'S. t Harrison & Axlen Removal. Munson & Co. Wamsutta Shirts. J. B. Worth Proposals. Woliams & MuRcmsON--Corn,Pork,&c. Gilks & Murchisox Ammunition. Eerchner & Calder Bros. Corn, &c. C. D. MtersStCo. Small Choice Hams. R M. McIkttre Carpets, Rugs, &c. H. SnALiiBOSES Notice of Meeting. O. Q. Parsley & Co. For Smithville. . R. von Pirch Lessons ia German. W. Q. Gordon Meeting of L'Arioso. John Dawson Hardware. v -See Adv't Sleeve Loop Lost. Heinsberger New Cook Book. C. W. Yates The Way We Live Now. James & Price New Daily Paper. ' J. F. Garrell Milk. A. DAVTD-rMerchaht "Tailoring. M. J. Dingelhoef Nurse Wanted. LoimI Dots. The steamer Dixie now leaves here at 4 instead of 3i o'clock, P. M., for Smithville. There were 8 interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the past week; all children. An adjourned meeting of the County Commissioners will be held tc-mor-row, commencing at 10 o'clock. Rev. B. F. Marable will pi each in the Second Presbyterian Church this (Sunday) morning at 11 o'clock. The Register of Deeds issued 5 marriage licenses during the past week, of which 2 were for white and 3 for colored couples. ;! ; ; "... -""" '. : . G. Z. French, Esq., delegate from Pender in the Constitutional Conven-. tion, has been at home on leave for several day9 past.- The City Treasurer is issuing the necessary papers to bring before the Mayor ( certain parties .delinquent. in the payment of their license taxes.! -; - Two New York steamers a week will be the programme commencing with this week. The Regulator, Benefactor and m. P. Clyde will compose the line for the present. . " ; ;, ,..-..';. y. : There were 3 interments in Oak- dale- Cemetery during the week closing yesterday, of which 1 was an adult and 2 children. The diseases were consumption and diphtheria."'' Those who are still behind with their city real and personal taxes are urged to come forward and settle the same at once, as the limit allowed them is fast ap : propelling its close. Th ralloa Comre 1 rim oi we Pres Yesterday. - The Cotton Press; which has been .erected; for the- Wilmington Compress and. Ware house Company, by the Delamatic Iron W6.ks.of Newjro.rk.was woiketL yester dav and the first bale of cwtWn ; submitted to its embrace. A 500 pound bale was com oressed to a density of 35 pounds to the cubic foot. This is regarded by experts as P.xiraordinarv close pressing, ' especially with a new machine, ; The Company will be read v for business in about ten days? whea'tbeTbuilders of the' pwss promise to load more pounds of cotton into the same space of vessel than has ever, been accom- nlished in the United Stales. The press is supplied: with steam from two tubular boilers intended to work with tAn nnnndi to the' souare inch, which will give a pressure of 1,700 tons upon each bale, and o.,rfsl8t;this.f.iojM4,u. there is 100 tons of cast and wrought-iron. The facilities now afforded , by the Com press Company J for- handling our great staple cannot be excefled on the Atlantic 1 Cotton' will Be delivered by the Wilming- inn. Columbia and Augusta, Carolina cen trl and Weidon Roads at the warehouses of the' Company 'and from thence loaded for either foreign or coastwise ehipmenVat WILMINGTON, Call to Nor tta Carolina, i Under this head we find the following in the Culpcper (Va.) Observer and General Ad vermer We have rarely known so much sincere regret expressed, just as it was felt, by our community, as when it was made known that Rev. J. B. Taylor, of the Bap tist church, in this place, had accepted a call to the city of Wilmington, in the State of North Carolina. Tbis feeling is not con fined to the church of which Mr. Taylor had charge.- .It is participated in by our people generally. Mr. Taylor was a young man when he took charge of tbis church. t embraces a .majority of thermembers of all the churches here, and numbers among its members many of our most respected and influential citizens. For a young stranger to gain the respect of such a body required sterling qualities of bead and heart. Mr. Taylor had them. As a preacher of talents and professional accomplishment he is held in high esteem. But beyond this he has, by the single-hearted honesty and earn estness with which he devotes himself to his high calling, shown that he is not only a preacher of a high order, but a pastor who discharges duty and wins affection. . Wil mington will not know all that she has gain ed or that we have lost until Mr. Taylor has ben there as long as he has been here. " A committee, consisting of four of the eading members of the church, has been appointed to call another minister, but their action has not been publicly announced, consequently we are unable to say whom they will call." . ! Rlayor court.' - " ; !J f - :;' The following cases were disposed ot by this tribunal yesterday morpiug; . John Tayior, charged with stealing a watch from Ransom Cobbr was ordered to give bond in the sum of $200 for his ap pearance at the next term of tbe Superior Court. Carrie Walker, colored, charged with being drunk on the public streets, was found guilty aud ordered to pay a fine of $20 or work for thirty days on the streets. The same, charged with disorderly con duct on the streets, was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $50 and costs or work for thirty days on the streets. Annie Yancey, charged with fighting, was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $50 and costs. " " Another fine of $5 and costs was imposed on a parly for fighting; and a bond of $200 for appearance at Court was required of a party convicted of retailing liquor without a license, upon whom a fine of $50 had been imposed and an appeal craved. ' Loux-Llved Canary. j A family lesiding in this city had a ca nary biro wnicn was orougufc nure irom Nassau near the commencement'of the war, haying lately attained the age. qf 13 years. 'or- some lime he has been lingej- mg on uie verge oi uissoiuuou uuu the weight of years, often fainting away from" weakness, V but "again re-' viving and trying to assume a show of its alent vitality, until Friday night, when a designing pussy cat, with no veneration or respect for age, sex or previous (or present) condition of servitude, pounced upon the poor canary in its helpless state and in a moment the long life which had been spent in caterings to the pleasure and amusement of its kind owners and friends was brought to an ignominious close. - ? Tbe Weatuer. We learn from parties from Masonboro' that a heavy gale of wind cbmmenccd there at about 121 o'clock Friday night ' and last in" until 4 o'clock io -lbe morning. The wind was from tbe northeast and the charge in temperature "was "so rapid "and 'striking that quilts and blankets were brought into almost immediate reqaisition. j j - Jn this city auite-vivid lightning in, the north andiiortbeast as early- as 10 'or 41 o'clock presaged the approaching change, which, however, was not accompanied with hitrh vind. Yesterday the weather was decidedly COOl ana'tureaiemng, wim ucva sional light rains. .y f-.n-;lf.)V v.i",;- . . . . . . Locked. Up Thomas Gunaels, Colored, who had been recognized to appear befor Justice Moore's Couttv but failed to do so, remarking that he defied any one of them to take him there, was arrested by Officers Strode an Whitney yesterday, when he was required to give bond in- tbe sum of $50 for bis ap- pearauuc, iu n - mitted W jaU.- The charge against-him-'. is that of assaniu? GunneJ kjo M part says that he is employed oi) . UjSiAi nA monW rttoi: uftebd at the time, and that he maiB uo rua1rtfink as Uutt Attributed to him.' j ... ,,, ;.. .... ..; . Tbe Stolen Tlme-Pleeoi John Tayloa&M John BulJ. who was turned over tiilie'J&iiktt bifiiCity Court, failed to give bond and, ;M committed to jaiL We were shown the watcli yesteraay w. u,.njfl of "BtealintftoOS RSb- som.Cobb, and which is now in"The hands of Deputy Sheriff Morris; ihersealbf wbc has the name of the individual from whom it was stolen plainly: engraved -flpon it. This, it appears to us, will be abad show ing to John, Bultli'wahvingeen found in hii possessiciniJjri.wUlie remem bered that we gave an. account of this theft in our last issue. market Repori. 'a The follbiv'iBgla tlw report bl the Clerk of the Market for the 'week ending Sept. No. of CarWio Market Rum NiAnfrnrerea . '. i.a .ui . 24 ':' Calves 'i' it i 'r 'II ' Hogs .11 Peer 2 N:, C.;. ISTJNDAY.; SEPTEMBER 12.' 1875. Our Cliurcliei T o-ay a.,- . ! Services at S. James' Church to-day, Kkh Sunday after Trinity, as follows: Morn ing Prayer at :11 o'clock., i Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. Sunday school at 4 pi m. ; ;,: Services ' in St John's ' Church to-day, 16th Sunday after Trinity,' as follows: Morn- Prayer, Litany and Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 7J o'clock, m Morning Prayer, Litany and Ante-Communion at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock.-, 4- - Services at St ;Paul'sEpiscopal) church- corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol lows:; Services at i l a. . m..and!f8irp,in. Rev. T. M. Ambler, pastoii Seats free.' : St. Paul's Evang. Lutheran " Church : corner of Cth and Market ' Streets Rev. G: D, Bernheim'pasto. Germ ad service 'at 11 a. rn, ..Sunday school at ,5 p. mT ;ihere will be no English Iservice in the Lutheran ChurCh this moi-nihg, ; as. the; pastor is 0n gaged to preach' in the ""First . Presbyterian Church at8t R.M..r . . , Front Street M.. E. Church (South), ; cor ner of Frpn, and Walnut streets; Rev J.E. Mann, pastor.'- Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. ra.' i Sunday school at 5 P- "SRP Men's Society Tuesday : night at 8 o'clock; Prayer meeting Wednesday night at '8 Xl A tt- -" in .i ii 1 1 ii i i . i Fifth Slreet?Meth6dist KChurcii (South),' situated on Fifth, between,Nunfld.Church streets. Services aMt a?TiW,8"'pV mi Sabbath School at 9f m ?( Prayer meet ing Thursday night at 8 o'clock. i ReViJJ, T. Gibbs, pastor. i.-it&?; First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets: Rev. G.'D.Bernheim will pi PRC-h at 11 a. m and Rev. B. F. Marab.e a S p, m. ;Tbe Lutheran congre- ""-' ' ... .. ... . . gat k. n are bt- I ly invited to aiiena ine servict-s of tbe forenoon.' 5 ' Second , Presbyterian Church, corhejL'of Fourth and Campbell streets. Services at 11a. m. Sunday. School al 4 p. m. Seals free. ' St. Thomas' Catholic Church, Dock St. - .- . hot w een 2nd and 3rd. Services to-day faa follows: Holy Mass at 7 a. m. and 10J a-m.! Vespers at .5 p. m. Sunday school at ft a. mJ Sunday school for the colored children in the basement at 3 r m;f Rev. M. S. Gross, pastor and Rev. JasBv. White assistant. Seamen's Bethel: Services at 3y p. m . Rev; Jos. L. Keen, Chaplain. i Services at St. Mark's (colored) Episcopal Church: Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at Si o'clock. Sunday school at 4 p. m., at St.i Barnabas' School house. Seais free. ' - . : . Services at the First Colored Presbyterian Church, Chesnut between Seventh, and Eighth streets, at 11 a. m. by Rev. D.. J. Sanders, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. First Baptist Church,. colored, on Fifth and CampbellTBtreets. v Services as follows r Sunday School at 91 a. m. ; preaching at 101 a. ni.. 3 D. m. and7i p. m. Rev. F.R.. Howell; Pastor. Wilmington Retail WarHetr The following ' prices I ruled yesterday :i Apples, (dried) 2 cents per pound; dried peaches 25c per pound; Jwalnutstl25 cents per peck- pickles, 20 cents per dozen; lard, 18 cents perpound; butter, 3040 cents per pound; cheese, 25 cents per pound; grown fowls 7580 a pair; geese $1 50 per pair; beef 1016fc. per pound; beef, (corn ed) 12J15c. per pound; veal, 12i6c. per pound; mutton, 12i161 cts. per pound; ham, 1820 cts. per pound; shoulders, 14 cents per pound; tripe, 20 cts. per bunch; clams, 25 cents a. peck; open, clams, 2025 cts a quart; soup bunch, 5 cts. ; egg 2530 cents, adoz: sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs); poiaioes, new xriau, uu a jcv,, o"' 40 cents a peek; HBafrou 25Ci !perimch; mullets 1025 cents per bunch; turnips, 10 cents - a' bunch; onions, 50 cents a peck;' cabbages ; i025 cents a head; bologna- 20 cents a pound; wild ducka0 07ar ..cents ft? j?air;Udishes, pardey, 5 cents a bunch; onions, 50 cents a peca; .carrots,.'. 5 cents a pound j xice 12f Cts. a quarti snap beans 20c:a peck ; Bquaahes, 20 cents a doz;cucunbersl015 Cteadoz. ; green corn 30c a doz; tomatoes iuc a quar; okra,' 5 cents' a dozen cantaloupes,' 1015 cents; walermelbns,,1530- cents'; shrimps 20c a quart-, crbal5et.dozQBf grapes 30 40c per peck. .. . .,..,,!. .i, m : ' iav-o- ai i ' 1 - Probably Confirmed. '' The man v friends of Gen. R. E. Colston wilt regret to learn that Uie first report which appeared in this paper,' based on a para graph in the New York"2Jaxf Gazette, which report was 'afterwWrds cohtradicted at&B'jw&Mi of .a meraberlof (rteilamily for reasons which appeared to besalisf ac- tory. has now been , mosi pruuouijr wu firiiI'iappears that this Kenlleman wrote to the editr of flie GaeetU for the in formation 'ubon whici tae 'paragraph' allu ded to was gwiAidArCMvdvinre- turn A;copyQf TTvnt received at.tbeorace oi lue vazcue. " which stated bat;'n.TC Completely paralyzed and itf a dyragcim- dition, having. been i conveyed ror some ois:; taac Viiter; that death -would ! be aw: come relief to him. Ac." and that ibe expe dition was then iwaitingbamyal tffeMaj. Prout, who was to succeea mm iu v4-mandj.-;! .rvrsii v-' "--i f u We team that a cable telegram, request ing positive information on the subject; will be dispatched tt Egypt. :''-:- ' a a.. 4- 5 ' TWa)ivVefsr5r55f Airf IiOge)No. j 2, of the aDove orucr, rT l membeis, occurs on Wednesday, the lfilh tnstv sTbe'procession will be f ormed at 3 o'clock- and'TnarcbJ up Market street .to Fourth, and up-Fourth to Red Cross, up Red CrossileC ere there will be addresses delivered by differ ent officers. uThe Committee it.Arrange menU v are V, ; Walker,: chairman R. B. Jackson, R. Willie, E. Tucker, J. Taylor, D. Webster and K. Sneed. A New- Cltv J,PiciT!.-!ijiwili';c:..'-.:. ' Messrs. Josh T. James" - and Charles A. Price will commence the publication in this city on or about ; October 1 of an afternoon paper to be "styled the Evening" tietmo. ': If wHf be published every day except Sunday, general and local.' Mr. James, who has had , cop8iderable' experience as local re porter, will have charge of the City-depart ment: Mr. Price will be Business Manager.; These gentlemen have the capacity to make the. Evening Bedim a retouhieratiye and popular , enierprise, &nu aniaeic eoons should have the good wishes and active co operation, of the citizens of Wilmington. . x qx other particulars concerning tne new paper read the announcement of ' the ppb- lishers, in another column. l ' " An Orcbetra" for Wilmington. Our city wfll shortly have afine amateur orchestra, under the leadership of Prof. J. F Rueckert, i ta begin with. The f oltoW-f ing instruments -will constitute the string band: 1st violin, 2nd violin); violin.cello, contra rionetj'two trumpets.and trombone. ; Other orchestra! instruments: will he added as .this musical club advances. ..The members con stituting , tbis i orchestra are . of our best young men and a few of them are already advanced in music, i ' ' - ' v' ' :A first-class orchestra, ! as this1 wilj 'no ... i i 1- . . doubt soon become, Will add greatly to' Cur facilities for amusement and recreation and our citizens will doubtless hail its forma tion with much gratification. ' ' , , . : a-a.a i nance of Ttiermoineier" :!. 1 : ..- The following w'as the range of the ther mometer at the- Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday: ! " "? 1 ''Z ! 7 A.' M.,' 65; 12 M.; 63; 2 P. M., 61; 4:30 P. M., 62; 9 P. M.63.. ; : ' . .' , Spirits IfWrpeiitiiie vi l . A Franklin county man- killed 302 rats..., . ,. il - Tho Davidson blackberry, trade, has been small this year. , ; : - Mr..Flynn Bradshaw, of Rowan county, died suddenly last Tuesday.- ; . - - Fridav week the dwelling house of Thos. Gilliam, in Windsor, waa burned.' Jumping from a buggy on the" 4th inst. Miss Pattie Davis, of Warren county, had her arm dislocated, i The Mail informs us 5 that a young man named Guthridge, while fishing near tulliardston, JN asn county, the otuer, day, was drowned in a small branch. He was subject to fits. ; 1 1 -; Barrier's Mill,1 Mt. ' Pleasant, Cabarrus county,' was burned last week. A large quantity of grain was destroyed. A negro Sandy Barrier, has been arrested,; says the Begisterr charged with the. crime,, j Windsor Times .'.Charles Bond, Uie colored man who was shot about ten days ago, died last Saturday evenings The. coroner held an inquest on Monday, and the jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased was murdered ' by Antony Small wood. i,y, - ' , Slatesville American . Friday, last, a little son of Mr. Milton G. Morrison, who resides near Bethany, who was riding behind his lalner, bad the mistortune to break one of : his arms. 1 ' Mr. M. ' had dis mounted from the horse to lower some bars, and the horse jerking . around suddenly, threw the little fellow to the ground. 7iJ.. CITY ITEMS. Late Pafess To Harris' News Depot. West- Aide Front Street, we are Indebted for copies of the JieWiTork ledger, i Chimneg Corwr tjAFrant: IsdW ShutntUd tfwpapet foe the correnf week. Thetand will remain open nntU 11, o'clock this mornhig.. ..TJ':Q.. ' raiLirsMk PBrimireIirra.lnvamaT)le'to : "rail- iroad companies, 'steataship companies,' banksni Cr etan ta, manulactftrtrs and dtheri. ' 'Tbey re-en-durine and chanseless, and swHl- eopr' sharp and clear for an indeflaltn period of -timei j 9av3g last . mIti . frPBh.mtralvof these inks, we are, pre pared to execute orders- promptlyand. at moderate prices. Kn: i i 4 Con o TKSTEMOint-rLunriaAi4 Mo.i Maj SO, 1874. Messrs. WTblleyv Maiden Lane, New JoxkrOwU jThe Qua which, ypif.buWj tor me, No. S093, has arrived safely to hand, t Aflow, me to thank you for the fidelity with which you carried wit my inBtructlons. ' ' The general outline, beauty of proportloa and excellent finish, are all that could te desired, iad tnbre' SiM meets my 'expectations' ll im more than ever Unpreeeed With the idea that It la aa accessary for a nun to have a gni bailt tof meas urement aa to have a bopt so built to ensure good fit The pattern 175 and penetration 40 are,yery; su- nfainr. The Dattern is as close as I deeire, .and the penetration 1 thtak is seldom atamed, being far anead "r any puduc reevra wuitu a uaw ku. j,.s;d .'iKespfectfulry tours; ''''M ' Un- 'A1AKR1ED, 1 if " CaRBBrT-rKINOAt. St. Thomas? Catholic Church, bt the Rev! J: B. White, on Mondar. 6th WJ8t.. Mr. Jame Corbett, fortnrly or MSBior in land, to Miss Katit daugnteror me law tax. , J. Ktiiff of this City.- No cards. -tU'?1' N EWi tAlEKTiyEMENTS, New Cook Book; l i- l iJ "PH & ; -T O UNO - UO U S K w ifTS iAAfux o a I and 'jrleat, contuuing auuoffiiajpxcr. . up pft.tmenl OT JlOUeeKtepulU, uiuuuu.g ( . . iiiii -Ji f'Tii.i" f ft , W 1J ullBS 01" W 4id dill 'BlttlUDl f ' " She looketh well to the ways of her ho2sebl and eateth nut'the bread' of Idlenee8.v-Pror. iXXU27. tH,i . r:Uh:ViAnfn f;-;it8K i.U j.. ) Fareal at f I'-'1 m'isii iAI 1 1 i aept ia-tf.ili. r- ) UTe.iBookand; Mmajg Store. Y 1 TAKE EAStFR1 IN! 'ANNOUNCING5 TO X the.PjiWie my, stojd. t,U iiirw . wrNTE k!;f iirbE!.GO oui s ENGLISH AND FRENCH WORSTEDS, 1)IAG- ; onaJs and Clofhy Imported majwww i ; . , . smtinga,! ChtnchinaA, BeaveJd- u4l i aodonjs and Meltons . a.' 1 tEI'VARIBTTOBCIRCpATS;'1 ' Tpropose to make ipjhe CittftirB lonibliStyleaiand at prices to inlt the tmea.U; v , An Examination w Solicited.. -s Ssepia-tr -! A.DAVID. WHOLE ;NO.' 2,599, carpets !-eRPETSijvCPEmi!i:::; TITST RECEIVED AND ,TO ARRIVE NEW AND BRUSSELS, INChRA3NSr .SUPER AISTD'MEDIUM. hil COTTOU ANB FLAX CAEPETIUGS, 3 xuitd ifoh iM; , . Thd handsomest stock ot Dress Goods offered m Wlhnhigtm siice the war. September42-lt,-.. , f ' 'a - .1 ;? r i f! I fiil'K. fffJIelNTIKKi" NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS; J A New Daily Paper IN WILMINGTON-' .j Prospectiis 1 brVtSe. :. Eyeniiig"; Eefi. Bicned will beeia the Dublic tion in the CUy of Wilmington, of the Evening Review. ' -r The evie0 will be published every evening, ex4 cept Sunday. "Its aim will be to furnish the latest; the best, And the most reliable news, in every mean ing or tne term t Mr. unanes A- rnce.awiH oi uue oi tun luuuucio of the Journal, and himself a eentleman of several years' experience In the business, will have charge Of tne DUBineas aeparunenu ol iub papier. : , - .; . Unusual attention will be given to its market re ports with the view of furnishtBff the full transac tions of the day to the close of mercantile hours. asd these reports wiu Be maae oy a careiui, mur oughly experienced reporter. S i; . On the whole, the paper wiH be newsy, cheap and reliable, and a special medium through, 'which the poor man and the laboring clasees may be beard. " Terms of subscription: $5 a year, 50 cents a month and 13 cents a week. . Advertising rates very low. - - Tn Ronnertioa with the news department we will o'stahliah the Review Book and Job Printing: Office. where competent and skillful operatives will he employed, and where it is needless to say, w wiU do oar level best to furnish oar iatrons with the best work for the lowest amount of money. JU3. T. dAMJSS, septlS tf f K - ;o; ' CHA.8. A PRICK. ! B EMAND FOR OUR PARTLY MADE ; , Wamsutta Shirts; OJVZT WAMSUTTA . BHIBT !, in the city for the money'.. MUNSON A CO.. . . Sole Agents.' eeptl34f. Proposals. The Wiliinflon ani Coast Twite Co.; PROPOSALS FOR IK XUE. Roadway with broken scone, or covering .the same with oyster shells, according to specifications prepared by the Engineer of the Company, will be received until October 1st, 1873. ; The- oropoted Turnpike win be IS feet wide, and the coveting will be from 6 to 10 Inches, according to the charac ter of the foil as the Engineer msy direct" ;J ' '' .:-- v1'' ;'. :;-;'v"5: J. B. WORTH, ecpt 13-U1 Oct 1st ' f :: ' Sec. andTreas." Corn, Rour, Sugar, and Coffee. : ; 2000 White ana juixea wra. : 800 grades. . :, jqq Barrels Refined sugar. jgQ Sacks Prune too conee. . yt , . . , . . t , For sale low Dy . septl2-tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. ;,Bacon. Bagging Tieiv Ptefc Boxes D. 8. ;w,..; , ; . ? . -Boxes, 8mpked .Sides andf Shonlders, , OA A Ttiyet&yfrt.. a r, i Ins -r.fn g Q Tons ; Wr, f y on-i'i ii;i t'x B'bla MeaaFprK.. , f. sept"H-tf " ' L Hails, ShotHa and: Guano. tt: "OA A'Bags Shot, 40a Bales K. ana a. ' uit OA A Tons Guanape uuano. TP aala lfl h septl2-tf.,N!P0 WftLIAMS,& MU.RCHISON. Molasses, 'Hoop Iron, St- Cki, Glue. fj Hhds and BblfN,ew Crop Cuba Molasses, gQQBdlaMoopfronfvf ( -..ijit !-...!!" i gQQ Becpna.aano,ppitu..,,ti n i fj K .jiDis mm.: i ;i iv i f i u n . irorBaieiowny, ?t Beptl2-tf WILIlAMSjii jlTOCHISONl i . Powders SLrot-arrd Caps. ; FOR SALE LOWw EITHER ..AT.,. J (i I r a scptlt-tf ".i--".n oiLaa 8mutusMBJv.i a i sll4?SlfftP Twine 350 Rolto Kar gln ; ! " ' -er jt Tons New Arrow Tle K i Tons tie ed Tiea. i t l .!! ; O A A A pa.ids Bagging T wine. V V V V . . ... 1 i: i--i- tept-t. , t . , KKCHNKR A CALDER BRQ3.? 1;) r,,iy J "ii-1! t' Vi'itf i(ij 2000 Stflfw t.iin6 ' . . . . .a u,i . . . ' .-, v J5aKuei8 ; water upmiuu aiw it j yj -t IV Tiell J-Vb r !-n viujN.t.(! iit i:,,. tttHU ept ltr M1 KBKCHNEB A CALDBR BROa.l 1 BplritUk,'filne, Bonitc. ti 300 pv 150 ume iv-..Ai albsy kiii-n1 iii Jilwx a . aept 1? tf , EKCHNEg . U-" -jt-i . sugar- Home 'MblaMCHi -lio I'i viiH HMSiajesi 150 Bolfl S. k!Montss : For sale by i . . , j j . Removal. -H:ifcj tcn i;fj M Amc..4WBHAX?SoyTO No.'sa NOJftmTBOOTSTItEETt yjn . 1 HARRISON" A ALLEN il eeptlS-tf City Hatters. Viplin ; vjola (tenOtl. , KditorUl Departmeiit will be tit able bands and hnsa flntp i pin. I the local reports wiu be lurnisbeu Dy Mr. James, .uas iUme .cia Teira nast the local editor of the DaUy " two diVs,..,.,..., ,.........,....: I W f ; . fVJf3. T" . SB w " foiiraiHUKrM.,.;s wTWii!-.veaiiya,, ...,...,... 3 : " " - Two eek.-...:............. . tr 00 " ." Tlwo8kv.'.-v..v.ti 6 W -ontirtTOih.;.....:....;..:.;:..... s op - , Twomonths.. ........ 15 0" ; s . '- 1 TirfeemoirtliB.r:F.V.V.'...J..'. .'.. 00 . " , . . Six months...........;.... .;,85-00 " Onyear.i?.jii. 60 M Contract Advertisements taken, at.prcpoi. ttonately lownteB.!tJt -ih v-nmu-ikii '. , . TTiTe Saaares estimated as a oaarter-colnm&. aiid ELEGANT DESIGNS TN - ' THREEPLYSi a MATS, EUGS, CRUMB CLOTHS, &c. m V NE y ADVERTISEMENTS. , , - St. George :i str'Anlrews. t ": s Regular' monthly meeting of the bt. George & St. Andrews Society, will be held at the HaU o ver the R. XL fridge,' Front street, at 8 P. M. Mondcy, ... . ,. :0- v ; ' -- ii ! . i i a V " : W 'MALLBOKESi ! i . sept 121t .:.T , , . btcretary. .. i i -L ' i i i j i ' j i i , .i i ; i .. ' j ". i i ; ; .'i . g a r For Smithvillei OTEAMER- DIXIE, WILL- RUN REGULARLY every day except Sundays. .- . leaving ; WUmington . . F.! M. . . .Leaving Smithville, -. :.. ........ 7 A M. -Commutation tickets may be purchased at our -sept 12-tf? .-iu O. G. PARSLEY a CO. i.-t Mr. HI von - Pirch1 ISHES TO GET A FEW SCHOLARS TO IN struct them ih the German language. Terms reason able. Refers by permission to Edward Peschau, Esq "-' septlS-iw' ilt'AriosOi THERE : WILL BB f A MEETING OF V THE . L'Arioso Pleasure Club, at the Hall of tbe Hook and Ladder. Co., on Monday evening,' 13th' inst, at 8 o'clock. - A fall attendance Is .desired,- in order : 1o elect officers, and perfect organization for the season of 1875-'7. . i. By order of the President, J -. :, sept 12-lt , W. J. GORDON, Bee. and Treas. . . Wanted, RELIABLE NURSE, FIRST CLASS. , Refer ences required. Applicants will call aV T TvrKTTHtT trrwrm a . : septl2-2t , ., 55 Market stree. A GOLD SLEEVE LOOP, MARKED T. F. W. H . : " i '-" i - - I ' I ' 'i'-i -.r . . iJ. ..'... J: A liberal reward will be paid for the same if left at t he Stab office s-. , i ;,,f' eept 13-2t 1 'Cbtilletthants, YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE very fine and large assortment of Hardware iu all its branches, and especially . to the very low prices. Only examine goeds and then compare prices and you will be convinced that the place to - ony your Hardware is at the Old Establised Hard ware House ox, , , JOHN DAWSON, Nos. 19, 20 and 21 Market sL eeptl2-tf Milk; Milk.; XIeE CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON ARE IN formed that I am prepared, to furnish - one ,hnndred gallons of Milk, in quantites to suit, twice a day, of a superior quality from the Eansaucii Dairy. " Persehs boying this mflk and failing to find it the bset offered ih this place,' will be furnished by me for thirty day s,lfree of charge; 'KM Bold at the low price of 40 cents per gallon, 10 cents per quart, or 5 cents per pint : i'i-'T nept 12-8t eod Stt We Th' J, F. Q A ttRELL Small Choice Haihs. OITY SUGAR CURED, CHOICE THIN BACON Stips.: .? !- UtKj-.:ii i! t'f : lyy. OTT A a T II V IJ- DO . tf : i -. j v . 8 7 Kerth Front St FNE OLD ENGLISH DAIRY CHKESB at reten. Choice Frosh Crisp Milk Biscuit at retail. ifVj. - .CHAS. Dv J1YJCKS & VtXV 5 A 7, North Front St Burnett's Concentrated i ?!? ITLAVORTNG EXTRACTS S if id'f trjr - - 3 hfisS fefracte arettflveVv ChftfeBst 1 Some ' ana. Fpieign Brands, and are sold only by ns at oar Store, : Ki vie-. , (;,ICHD(WBa A.CO.frf Frant Mer Lager- im'f ' IMPORTED. SOLD -ONLY BY j. ' ' : eeptlitf ti CHAS. D- MYBRS CO'S.J S A 7 North Front street The Way We live Now ! a..,;;- ,:,.,. --V-Ai HOTEl : U-t.'. J'ANTHONYTROIAUTHO ' sMALLBcrrjSBJiTt Arlington; 4e.v&c-,! v lyuii- Illntrations.. !. -.: riUi By Maurice Thompson, t-j j... . .. . ri -nr viMra . X". i-i:s . . , ; Book and i asie store , :- l'r'grainger. - .- : i '!. 8. D. WALLACE,, . Pre'staenTr Cashier. . i i" Bank cifiw fHanpyer t-i f.l .i--:4.j: t4 yr-ii-i 7 BifciSil .1V..' ., .! Jt U- t.-i ui tw: , -.. OH, Jl-'t AuthoHzed Capital ii $l,OO0,0OO. 9uh Capita; nId 300,006 u;.i . J, JOHN DAWGJi. MAN 4L B. H. YOLLESS r 5 1; y:l la ?! iitli J ' - (f R. R, BRIDGERS , , , E. B. BORDEN, . i"l (',.1 i'-U '.i-i-l J. ATKINSON U'fUB htttt .wfM I'.tHJX'' -,'.-U !.ly: .. i - f :v , - AU f I 4 t.; j . - r. THE MOKNINO 8TAB BOOK BIIfD ERY U eompleta In all all iU appointments, and ia in charge of one of the most skillful workmen in the State. All kinds of Binding executed neatly. cheaply and expeamonaiy. f is; -fe- it i; mil S 1 If ' 1: C 1 . . . l';- il- t'f h i'j r t 1 - . si h 3. 1 ! f tit- si ! I 1 I. their wharves. . viBinp ur aiuueeniciii, i urn ,. . ; h ".-