1 It i IHE HOEimiG STAE. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY " .; wa week. 3 ... W W i . . . . . , .TV'.. :. batm or auMCBirnoa nr ADVAirca: v on. yef. :::::::S! 8ttJSaf " ' " ) " " .... ..... 95 Three montlifl( . J w 1 00 nne jnontn, i ... - ...... Lrity Subscribers, delivered any part of the iPvifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agents we jkathorUed to collect for more than 8 months in .ivance. OUTLINES. - i ' . .. . -;-' " l ' X " 'V dinator Alcorn and ex-Senator Pease, colored, say that FederaUnteference is not needed in Mississippi. The For eign Consuls ia Herzegovina, have gone to confer with the insurgents, aud will inform them there is no hope of foreign interven r.oa Difficulties reported in. Talla hatchie county, Miss. - Four persons killed by a boiler near Auburn, K. Y. negro claimant of civil rights under school statute in New York was . denied mandamus by Judge Gilbert. New York markets: Cotton, 14i14f ; turpen peutine, 3H33; rosin, $i 65$ 1 70. His Sovereign Highness, the President, will probably visit Washington in order to pay some attention to Mississippi matters. Great storms and loss of life at Mont ptlier, France. - . DEATH OP A YOUNG EDITOR. It is with deep sorrow that we re cord the death of James A. Williams, Junior Editor of the Wilson 4c? rance, which occurred last Saturday night a little past J0 o'clock, at the residence of " his father, Henry G. Williams, Esq., in Wilson. ' . For several months the health of Mr. Williams had been feeble. The fell destroyer " Consumption had seized him for a prey and the gentle, youthfnl victim silently awaited the summons to go. On. Saturday he was better and talked pleasantly with Iih friends until about 9 o'clock in the evening. A short while after be had retired to bis room for repose be was attacked by a severe hemorrhage of the lungs, and died in a lew mm- ul( s. ' '" .. ' . . I i James A. Williams was about twenty-three years of age and was jis kind, true amiable, faithful a .spirit as ever breathed. The writer of this knew ; him well in va rious relations. He loved him as a friend .and cherished him as a com panion, lie adds this leaf to the cy press wreath that loving hands make and consecrate with tears to place over the early tomb. , Blessed for ever he the memory of this true and -stainless young gentleman, and may the great Heart of mercy deal gently with those who have most cause to mourn his departure ! j ; wil . .11.1. 1 I y II 1 , il "1 ,V II iVI :.v-l ... Il -L,, l f 1 1 ! '..'J'i .:.-: AVv: ll,Al 1 T rCT-On 6nfi.; v?v. f J - v. .Two naat.j&iM. M u Thr mnntbl iT ..22 00 Three months. . Six tttanth One vear.- i f :t I Six sianth.i4iis...y. 22 0 One year.. .... ........... ....... ...M ' Htawtoly fcwatBi.a5 j iw; -tv.T-t? nt-f jve Squares esttraatea u b a.asner-cuiuniuw tea squares as ahalf-coliunnl. ' ' ' - ' m o rVa I. a. t . " i ' -a tu- uujcuii oi vne meeting io De to form some plan by which the wishes of ; this people shall be made known to the present Constitutional Convention through the medium of a convention of the counties in ' the Eastern sectiou "ijf the State, to as semble in Goldsboro inithe -near f Ui ture. . . Hon. C. C Clark concurred in the J no. S. Long? 'Esq?,""" Alex. Justice Esq.; Hon, C. C. Clark, M.-DeW. Stevenson. Esq.. W. H. Oliver. EsaJ also the chairman.' exDressed their views iu a conversational manner with great earnestness and harmony. Mr. Justice moved that a commit tee be appointed to correspond with the Eastern counties,- and requesting their.co-operotion in the matter and nrge' them ;to appoint delegates to meet in convention at Goldsboro at the earliest practicable day, and to be empowered to call a meeting "of the citizens of Craven county when they shall deem it necessary." "" m t - "' " -' " - t -- m Is. " v.. jqi. vxuiou appointea tne louow ing gentlemen: ':--r ""! :'::';"' Alex. Justice, C. C. Clark, Jno S. Lopg, Major John Hughes, Oliver S. Deweyl James E. Morris, Wm. Foy, Wm.!, H. Oliver, Wm. G. Brinson, Thos. ; Stanly, -Job n1 J.- Wolfenden, Nat. II. Street, Hardy B. Lane; who were requested to meet at the Court, Uouse Saturday morning at 11 o'clock! -; ' ' The OiaUt. The mails will close at the City Post-Of-fice until further notice as follows : Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and West of Weldon, f daily at....... .?:..V.... .. . 5:45 P. IL " through ana way laayj i mails daily. except Sunday, 6:30 A. M. Southern "mails for. all, points South- dailv... ........ i .".'. 5:15P. M. Charleston, daily, at.. I", ..... - 50 A. IL Western mans (V. v. tvy) aaiiy - - . (except Bunaaya,) .......... . . sr. jo. 6.-00 A.M. CONSTITUTIONAL- CQJTEM1M. SHumsrr of ProceodlBffo. SIXTII DAY. niiurlnitA mail ekiaes at. . . .. SmithTille (via Easy; Hill and Town Creek) Tuesdays and Saturdays ............ ; Fayetteville, and oflaceson Cape Fear Ittver, Jttonaays ana Fridays. '. ..... . . . . .- . . .. . . - Riftvi1lR hv f!. fJ. R'v ' dailv (except Sundays). ......... 5 :30 A. M- Oosloor C. H. and intermediate .' T.:"'- officea every Friday. . ... ... 6.-00 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboat, close at 8 P. M., daily, except Sundays. " Mails delivered from 6:30 A. M. to 7-30 P M., and on Sundays from850 to 9:30 A. ,:m. " t -a, - . ' Stamp Office open from 8A.AL to l-ajsa., and from 2 to 6. -00 P. M. Money order or Register Department open same as stamp office. .- Stamps for sale at general delivery when . r.ma ia -lrwcrl ' Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. - . Mails collected from street boxes every day at 5 P. M. - -: " Synopsis or tne Froeeedlns. - -The Board met yesterday in 1 ad journcd session ; present, the Chairman, Johci. Q. Waener. Esq.. and Commissioners A. tl. Morris, Stacy VanAmringe and Delaware Nixon. ' 2IL CI? J. 'JXJB. 'r'':::'-'i Application for red action of taxes on property of T; M. Smith; referred to Fi nance Committee., ; " f 1 I " Report of J. Gr Wagner, J. P., covering fines received by him, received and ordered lf n. file.: 5 rT"T"dia. , -,l V- "Application of Owen Burney for reduc tion of taxes, owing to a mistake in land listed, was granted. I j 1 Application of W. D. Wessell for reduc tion of taxes, was not granted. ' Application of Cronly & Morris, Agents, for reduction of taxes on Mr. Cohen's prop erty, was granted. . L- :, , Application of Lewis LeGrand for re mission of double poll-tax, was granted, y Statement of settlement of A. R. Black, Tax Collector, for 1874 and 1875, was re- ceived and ordered on file. . " . ; Application of Thomas Rivera for reduc tion of taxes", waTgranted.' , J. WJ Ilayden having applied for reduc tion of tax on Circus performances, it was ordered that the tax on Hayden's Circus be fifty dollars per day, less the 5 per cent heretofore required, v- Yki I? -:." i t i Application of R S. Radcliffe for re mission of taxes, was referred to the li nance Committee.-: fc: t-L- f-r.k'-) ?. Annlications of J. J. Burnett and ' S. A. Lane for remission of double tax, were re ferred to the Finance Committee. Application of A. A. Moseley for per mission to list his taxes, was granted. ; Application of J. R Davis for. position as Janitor of the Court House, was referred. Report of Elijah Hewlett, County Treas urer, received and ordered on file. . , .1 Application of W. E. Freeman for re mission of taxes, was referred to the Fi nance Committee. - k h r :'zz Application of J. D. Williams for per mission to remove his bar under the same license, was not granted.; , :j, ..... , Application 5 of N. Jones for reward for capturing an escaped prisoner was referred to the Auditing Committee. y 'y, 7;: y :- Application of Annie i Gutherie for re mission of doable tax, was referred to the Finance Committee. : . . . , ; 1 ADDlication of S. L. Fremont for correc tion in his tax list for the current year, was referred to tbe Finance Committee. Application of W. Turlington for reduc tion of taxes was referred. , i y j Application of John W. Moore, agent for the late . Daniel Haynes, for remission of ' " l Z . w " V ,T tim ihev mav merchant of Fayetteville.; died on; the fith i vr y - - Vv u jf o L X cXU S oXLu. -U C olg il ' c ike. to know about hatjttme they.n " V j fJ reasonablyinaulgAAope.Oijre??HnSav i miiuary hoaort.ri;,i;1;: ;yr: ; ;: ; I y- , . 7 . rr ivsin-uA.m ; 20 per cent, dividend promised; ibenv we b;kiThe offiW of !the Mmffmc?rti PaTlOr; ' Gnatd obT ) 1 'DUUIlgi JtCOOIU W Unilture, rVarivBhiAfftorirritte in wishing to buy; should address AK ;Mar- u .11 uiuugwii f jr. 7-7.-- i v V v - Kllieu.a ICJIOW lauuxr ou x' joumiuiuu hand and willTay a "dividend when they Tuesday by tbeaccidehtal" discharge of a Wet t600'066. w'bleb,- U to said, wto'be'soW pistol in the liands of West. - . ORaleigh, N. C, Sepu 1 1. Mr. "Durham moved tJt'Capt.' J ar vis be made teraporaryTresident dor me the session, to act only in the ab- sence of the Fresident. J nuge A oar gee objected, . when" Capt. Durham withdrew the motion. : . " Among the large number of ordin ances introduced by Conservatives Air. Hassel, of Martin, introduced an ' ordinance providing for the abolition of the township system and a resto ration of tbe : Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sess:ons. ,Mr. Singletary, an ordinance providing for the appoint raent by the General c Assembly for each county an equal nnmberof Mag istrates as those elected and ibe Mag istrates to elect from their body three Connty Commissioners. Mr. Mar shall, a resolatiorr requiring the pre- payment of poll tax as a quanncauon for voting,- and -Mr Vanghan, an or dinance forever prohibiting intermar ;. :-riage with the racejy;f;L-V ''7;;'' The rdin ances introduced by the 'Republicans were two by Dr. Wheel er, of Forsyth, one providing, that a Convention should ' not be.' called without 8ubmitting the; qnestion to the p oplf, and one to. make . the homestead a fee simple. The calendar was reached and dis posed of by tbe reference , of two or three resolutions mjeierence w wm iwied -eatH to the Committee on I'riviletjeR and Elections, and the de feat of IkeTouug's itink dif .resoU lion. y...,:vy, . I -r-. ' O'i lara colored, of Halifax, (t be 5.ng hi tiirn) introduced anew die at! j'.iini rewolation, which lies r iiiiler tfii rules: and will come pip Monday the calendar. : ; ; By Mr. Buxton, a resolution of m m ruction to the Committee on-Priv-il.gf and Election, to report the resIutions in reference to the vRobe son connty . Contested election case as early as practicable i 1 - f Afr Turner amended the resolntion hv insrtino the case ot; Judge Bux ton, to be reported on at the ame ti me; accepted by Mr. Buxton and the resolution adopted under a suspension -of tne roles, v -s- , . . . - Col. Dockery discovered 3 a st be fore the hour if : adjournment that his uelf-respect wonld be compromised by niirmarf of a Committee A'trv ia arnnsed. His TetlUeSt was granted, and the Coloners self- resipect is maintainea.i, x - . mrJlT "nerorm. & .otinr nf' the citizens of Craven county, - held at the court -House in Wewbem on idmw' .r i a.w CnL . H. T. Gnion -was called to tbe chair and H.C Jrool srequested to act as Secretary. ?, r -Col, Guioa, ou taking the chair, ex- NEW. ADVEBTISBiailNn. - j. G. Weight Store for Rent F. M. Agosttjh Plantation for Sale. Cronly & MoKBisAuction Sales. . .... t 'L. rru trt AfflM " . ' James C. Stevkhson Hams, &c. , D. A. Smith & Co Furniture, &c toeail ' Dot.T '"::''V,''. "... ; Green acuppernong grapes are not conducive to tbe health of the community, yet a great many that are sold are - in this ecadtttoiurr;..-;'--..; 0.-r'v'4,:. ' '. V ; . Mr. E. G. I3arnitz has purchased the bar and fixtures of Mr. Charles Ganzer, No. 5 South Front street, and win refit and add new features to the esUblishment. -rere; ? onlf Hwo - trifling cases before the 'Mayor's Court J yesterday morning, one for drunkenness and the oth er for discharging fire arms within the city limit. ' . -. . . ' .A friend from Masonboro Sound informs us that a northeast gale prevaUed on the coast Sunday; and that at last ac counts beret were indications of a severe storm brewing. - - ' " 3 lWe learo thatthe crops in 'An heea verv seriously injured by viz:. ..t... ii(MincL rust."&c. ' Some estimate the damage at one-third of the es timated crop a month ago. v s Fall weather has come upon us in earnest. TLook out now for ehilU. as well as other ills, which are likely to fpl lowin the wake of such weather as; we baVe bad for over three days, pastes 1 Ii Le v i Pope, one of the colored rtsijoers that escaped from the county jail between Wilpiibgtori and Rocky Point, by a person who knewlbim; and, in reply ty a Question a to how be got out of jail, , said thai bis son-in-law naa siouu n -j r double tax. was granted. Report of W. W. Humphrey, J. P., cov ering list of fines collected by him; was re ceived and ordered on hie. j i Applications of S. Wi Holden" and E. Green for remission of 'double tax were Granted. ' 1 ',rv? v. f r Application of i: L. Dry for reduction of 1 taxes was referred. . - ; . .1 , . Application of J. D. Woody for reduc tion of tax,' was referred to the Finance A nrvlitntlrtn f VC Tl fiovinfftOn for rfe-T -i - ' 1 I duction of taxes foil871 was not granted Board adjourned, subject to the call of the Chairman. ; ! 1 FURNITURE 1 j. f; I . . . . . - w ' -a-m t T V V k -3-id SC N I nil !KIC I 1 1 t ; H. S. I B eit-Jcnowu it - . .. .: : - "W-""-- . ' ' v--;-- -BaJrSltaEor" tod Straw MATTKKSSE8. FK A.THBR BEDS, FKAtHEa1 4riXOW J ANW BOISTERS, -u - T;3' ; where "about he, ChristmasJ holidays-a orr Hste Tsteide rtlPnf ttm. Vn iiiSva ft little "extra" Casn: uuV4f--iuu"-""""';"w " n acjmMdcx.mlne oat Btock before Darchastog. tivwvA .w - . . .. , 1 u.- j nnnriii nmo nnmdn nn u nnav nmrv. nv ttitc COMMISSIONERS OF Ti'ncTrnw x's 8 ' AND TBTJST Ca WASHraQTON. D. C Beptemoer 0, THE 1 Str.ro in th5a" nnntftv. Wa hurned on Fridav night last' .It is thought the house was robbed and: then et n tfire;:Mt. Brown lost his entire stock of goods,. ?V i i. - v. ' Deab Snt:; We jwJ ,7 Newbern7bwrnap Commerce: have f?5.S The; Inhabitants of KUs Swamp. arein represent w in i;J" rd SgJJ ecstacies over the capture ; and death of a dends, and that we prefet 8trnge mnima1 which 'for sometime' past depositors direct A0" l has been prowling about the neighborhood, self-constituted agents. -In fact, pro- s eardens. . ponltry. etc. pose;( to aispense.wungcu anffevin auemotine to carm off lUUe cbil- brancnes, ana 10 pay ujviucuuo v - ... - s office direct in the following manner viz. : ren. .- M v ntvn ;; When we shaU have got in, the Treasury Charlotte (?5en?erot Saturday: l TTiA1 fitotao thrt fllim rftfinired IOr A aa4 lA.Win nnn nrhila man orrirpflin i43Fronttreet.v B.-vUs-J-s. 3l-.-Y-y3-3:. j f' enioii sept H-D&WIhw. , r':erntf .-. : . i A GENTLEMAN WlSHnO TO CCH- i I taUhia expenses, offers for rent,, from October 1st, One-haJf of bis Store, elta- of the United States the sum required for looking young white man arrived in tton of the city.;. For, psrticujare, the-payment of twenty per cent., prorato lMa city la8t evening on the C. Ct & A. : ..r : ,."",.,;., .i.T-j say about sixr hundred.-thousand dollars train; ' under a guard IrOmWinnsboro, S. ... " . " ' ' ' . oKoii Hiriiro 'k-rtlviAei(r."and advise de- n nm in tiA--ifwb.Mr until' this j - - - 0 - a ' i we shall declare 'a dividetidr and advise de-1 0.4 and was put in tbe lock-up until this positors accordingly; tnrouga in puuuc rnorning, when he will be tafeeu to Monroe; press and by such other means as.may ug-. . wheje it is allegedhe, perpetrated a .theft eest themselves to 'us at the propepjoie. 'ofaome clothing a week or two. ago. ,; i When so declarea we soau pajr - rpi.;-, snalcv atorv from the to deposUors, Oer tr thosaat he Wash- .X ??S.'iS2 5 VfiSt ineton Drancn, oywr--. fiftW'. tranire adventure which yikwTCa'c- oredlady anntlean few xors. aravkn 10 w wuw . . 1 TOnRa f rom thia citv :i The parties were in Store for Bent. Tj-. jqiBKET STREET No. 16. AT PRESENT, OCCUPIED BT P; M. AgoetlaL- Apply to . , A il f- '-sept iitf ; ,: ?-' H'- ; ' J. Qi WKIGHTl ! Iia& of Hational Hotel Furniture; iatAtictibn ON WEDNESDAY, September 15tb, 1875, com mmclDgatlO o'clock A. M., upon the premises, we will clese at coblie sale tbe unexpired teem of tbe Natiooal Hotel Bu lding, and Store below, viz : 6 years upon Hotel occupancy and 4 years of Store ocenpied byt-wr-Moncii He the whole rub. ject loan anniul rental, of Twelve ljuuttrto Dollars. toM)wlnv " s. il1 " e- ' ! DinrNa boom;'', . (16 shito.i all in Black Walnut and Marble of per fect malce and finish. j .4 1 ' : ijvff' ini H' .i.j... - .... m --niii-J-- KITCHEN UTENSILS, GRATES, . - tin; ; v resoective V. V 1 0 eel, Wiwo vm;v uvp,0.- - - - - - "n i, I nt yfll'lilllull liaiili. UllUUiaUla UUllld I r. - - . GAS FIXTURES, ic , 1 oniy to gend ua their pass- a sman canoe; on -dbcuciuf wcb, guuiug -o ri 7 ... . :.- -i v s y fr . k m.i-l I "?r thronffh anv bank or silently and pleasantly oyer the smooth wa- ' fresh TEAS.; FULL ; ASSORTMENT 1 ; Can be examined at any time previous to tbe ssle docks ty man, ur s f -, ,r( . tera, and engaged in an agreeable, conver- Th Vptv "Rest Table Butter aidCSlieese. upon appacatioa at office of ifcteL- - - -' r; b,eceivinithebo f When slddenly large ugly looking .SSJSS thSSxxhSKSa and retufn them, with head was thrust Over the gunwaVof the .:,?nRS AppI. Clden ; V sept 10-ts !: , , . .Auctioneers. !Kr4nS canoe.TvIt took bat a moment to discover , At 9 JAmes aTEVKSSON'S, ' , , -V- ' f ',. ol KMVLlrS one- may direct the unwelcome visitor $0 beaii enormous 'septu-.f . : v J itiTTroca'h Ofl t TVTfl I T ' in such raMibtros e4ca -.one my "rcu. mflu,tn breed, and the - M-nTfi- v- ".' u reSli JXj JLVJ.ed.1 i Ii - a'.- gyST JySfc v J-SV. MJ -fc. W - - - - 7: I f A'MUMU M w V v. irresa itoastea every wbuk. These fPS cashed aTany Wade of thpaddle waslunied at that ugly u.:'SutS3wthnS headMnstanter TJDfortunately, however, u"nK " UnH theneces- the gentleman "missed the markaud the oiuer nu 8nake probably becoming enraged at tbe eary u.enUfication. . I hirr nf the naddla in so close oroximitT requirea we uo uu -- -r---. I gnakesbip had command (?) of the craft, f of I -on : fctieetey now FROM OCTOBER ' 1, 1875, TO OCTO- MA-taiwini on North xure Java ana Amguayra wusc between Water and v V . - . - ;V . sideof Prtocessf between, water i I TmDerjj Ex. Imxjerial. Oolonir. Ex. Oolontr. Enelish r occupied Dy'. Mri Jno.OW' " Breakfast ana Uncolpred Japan Teas, from .. ' " i-t-, I a Mnner-riirl hftlnmh in than did the ladT I AJa. ;-'m'-'' ' l--rin-fif f w W-' ' k ti -, ' j : Tf vriii wilt be at tne pains 10 cauiaiu't . r - - :, , T ., , .. - hvih,.... . '-, ;. ' ; uanjtuio uuwuuj. wbcuuvuwb. - iSSMSISS; ibi,;: Tise mem w wiu """.,, . . 1 BPHoii pfTnrtTie succeeded m dointrl On 1 . v. 1 - nn-irm'TliDa D 1 TinTWO t7"XTT TCJTT A VT"T A VPDT. dividend shall be ready, ana tnen i : Uu z ffietf'BoaVn' they found it " Twr rooms o inp. I can PICKLES, -WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE." them direct, or ;throughjomerebable bank 2flf2ci&ta&. ktaI-meT-.j , I - , '.w 'H ' - vou win nave aone iuew buvu ot.v , m. 1" : -; , i,Q i -:.:.4..,.w , a .... I UKBLcU. & ICLlCaL. .lUDUiaMUSUU UIUIIIV I TWO H ihl . oeaien a retreau iu ua . ooiu Th depositors who have not had their been of enormous size. .i a IK. anansnsinirt flf the I . . . : 0OOKS oaianceu oiuv-o Uv r . i.,-,1 eonA thorn to 119 to D6 Veri- i m un riplnvwhenadmdena UCU. IU Ul USI v..w shall bo ready. , uney win due course or man. t: p Respectfully yours, v v , , t . CITY ITE33. - Book Uik dkt . itt mobxixs Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling la a work manlike manner, and at reasonable ; prices. . Mer cbants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. c Of the Commissioners. sick an the Street. ! A nnlnreA hnv was taken suddenly ill on 1 ; irumm - PRnmxa-lNxs.- MacRae between Mulberry and Walnut road companies, steamship companies i Two roomroa first floor In West end of .building stmilar to those on first floor of East end.; : Basement and second and "third floors of East half of building. . :"r';;;J'''.;?:':1:;j'".i;:t: '- Basement and second and third floors of West half of building. .;y! : : i The rooms oil first floor are admirably located for inaiMBM a nsu. uflnmiuuHi aerciuuii. vi amw-i . .. " . V.r flr Ant wbII snlted for I t: M'SHii tiuitH. . OU Jif ; "- "-l'f Cooked Corne-L Beef, : ' Every Can MGuarante.',f v ; : ; Best Butter liv the World. ' 1 t - "NE W: PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR, ; ; J i: ' best In the world, only for sale by' hi; - -j . GEO. MTERS, ecpt5-tf 11 & 13 South Front St. iftlOtjCuT . 1.; mA,.in nA Uvdown chanta, manuf aet-iers ana oxners. -xdxsj are en- : . , ! . streets, yesterday morning, and lay down iopy sharp and L B. GRAINGER, ! ! a I. WALLACE, i , beside a tree, where he, remamedtintil MtAinaeaaUm'pM time. (Ha-iag just ' Prerfdcnt !? Cashier. ;i about 12 o'clock.'" He had r a basket of .j,. a fresh, supply of thso inks; weare pre- -trnli!i ( i i r f linfitf V f , grapes, upon- irmvu piuwauij w BAwwuiw,. w. i . w TT n ftTQi dulged bis appetite too freely, rA. numberf prices. ;. ' , V ' ! I .JBailK 01 liailU YCr, dulged his appetit? Joo freely, ft A numberf P-;, of sympathizing 'frtends'gathered- around 1 a Co?r OJ T-sttxoNiAu-BAirirraA-, MoL; May's)), ASSORTMENT" 0?- m , , H- . - - Mi f iVJ;i(i'J ' V.W Marine. !anl S r.W.aln.ut, Clocks, ,,1: : Also matcri-l for thci Trade at kw prices.' J " 'J M v .S GEOC HONNET, f ; ' sii'Market Street. ' ! i I j fit .;t : him lh nnalitv of 'his feraDes; and 1 1874-Mesr. J. W". ToDey.te Maiden Lae,llew bestowed a ' word, of. sympathy upon the Tork-Oant Th. 13 Goa which yoa baat fot e, rhorj2ed pltal $l,C,d0, poor leuow, wuu - u..j - - I y Gu for the fidelUy with which you carried put dray to his house somewhere in the nortU- my jnctjong. general outline, beauty of em part of the city. I .Tlle iWayrW ow a mnvni. it id a Na 80,8, naa arnvea saieiy to juumu iuw u .i j a-j. L-ja.-w. ...n- -. ; . OuiikyoafortheadelitTwhwaichyouean t ' ' aa'aAa1 TJ - ANTHONY TROLLOPS, AUTHOR OF h' my instructions The general outline, beauty of CasH Capital paid H $300,00. j f , ( -i'' proportion and excellent flnish, are. aUthatcouldbe y'J--- "1 "f JJ-tV, J. JLVJCVlN Hi j v deaired, and more t meets my ex! ' iBjGTO, am more than ever impressed with tte idea that It Is , , -y-i nvix; " - itu- '-iHni-,--- u, ep f8 as necessary for a man to have a guii built to ineas- :-;-;.!."-t;.'-,- " .V..-:."r.-,- ' if ;. "Wltll r Illustrations. , f, ; rbarsed with Larceut; - - - v' , I am more than ever impressed with the Idea that tt Is r..k! Vxrarfft-nrl .Tnitv F.pcrwin were I : ...Hnn fiw a. mun tft bava a srnis bnllt to meas- tfflWU JAj,niu w d I p ..wwww j D . - k about to be lodeed in jail ' yesterday, on a I arement as to have a boot so built to ensure a good f commitment from W . 'H. Moore,' J . on ."'ZIT the Betorn ofbe Kaebt Mary ,IHesianf - Tbe Trip to Beaafert Abandonest. '' The yacht Mary "Kenan, which left Ma sonboro for Beaufort by way of the Bdundf, n.Thurtdy'mprningla8t returned onHBat- urday.tneparty Having aDanaonea luewuu, of alteiipting;jhe iriprjsucrieed ed in reaching a' point about four miles f rom NewJ Kiyer,; a jdisUnc ofme forty-five miles from Masonboro,-when they lost the cUwnnel nd were,, enable flndjt.; At this time Jhe wind was blowing quite heavy, accompanied by, rain, .the boat sail ing undef a bare' jib, all of which, of course, had a discouraging effeti The ! P ' f turned, stopping 'ai Va't-poiat- about fifteen miles from New River, where they were in formed by a gentleman "named ; McMillan that there were i but two men who knew the exact location of the channel and they were not then in that section, . He said that the trip had been made from New River to his place, and on one occasion a boat with five hundred bushels of corn had made; it, but .n n,u. h,H rreiiilvattemDted the feat. ; 'Atl'noVo'readimrtfie iKmcm the waterairfBogae: Sound were in fdll view: bavin ir entered which therewouia haYi'lin" between riieiu A? VppaVentry impassable shoals, and the acme oL then- ambitious de- sites, which seemed so near and wasyet so fur. Lad to bSbann-sTiQless to say hoyvever, that the trip, was a, please ant one, taken ,attoih"ev war youg lrienda" enjoyed it livlgely. CJouriBotli parties are colored; Base Batlv Y . -i .kj.U'j On Sunday morning, .between. 10 and 11 o'clock, the quiet monotony Vwhicb Usually prevails on Front street, on the Sabbath whroken'bra'n exciting runaway. The team, which consisted of two norses ar tn W rkrriaee. in wbieh; latter twd eentlemen were seated, accompanied by a the vicinity of Princess stree dashed mad- w Acmn Wrftnt. llie anver mtu """"" sticking bravely t ws rema m- ing to check the beasts their wild career, while the occupants oi me caui, mentarily expecting a smash p. held ner w t, Wthe sides of 'the! vehicle," ntU sywj - ..- . they had. reached the cproer, oj f rvu Orange Btreeis, wneu vuo finally bronght to a halt. jjonunaie.jr body wm burt, tbe only damage being to the carriage,; the wneeis oi w mu r found to be considerably sprung. s There will be amatch game of base bail, aged four years aad six months. " . lHm iaiiiJ at the erounds corner of Sixth -and Orange t- 5 The fttaeral services wffl'taxe piace(to-day, r atreUisa 16 16"6 , . - j .- i r w sini ir ivi ''TTnamiffA-'inHiniriira:! ovkitvcu me pw".s"''yttw- " .-.l .awaan a4-IHln-'Meln aaft'aeqmua f fjti '. -. : I I t,aT.mertfnllT invited to Attend, i I u'j 1 it ? n Xiri-'hyi ''ii'Uiilzn the Star. . j . ,snffer litUe ehfldreni to eopae unto Me, f, jil.l i mciHARIAL HBETINO. r- ! . And forBW tnem nov . - . " M-, : r ITasnAf saMFt f hAi M. lBlnirBS lf nHHCU. i t f TAKE FLBASURE i IN' 'ANNOUNCING TO A. tne ruDiic mat my siocKOi - . . tr :Y-ur-'j;o-i?.aasa- . i . ,..;-r " v .ttmmm nmntrA K ' tWa fMnnMt Wrfi WiTl'tjaL&fi DlaCO tO-daV. T I -( wHmjj AliilfW tir i I. ' ? ill1)."-! : f to bow complete? comprising Vni i J j -n-ryrm -M ! 1 ENGLISH AND FRENCH WORSTEDS, DIAG- iltoi i Livi sXAZ-Or uJtV-VIAa J.a?flKi rr-UiTrrrna "I JI-4f FOR THE KNSUTNQ TEAR-J THELU? j 'J '-luw . laotaa and Meltona): ieiiP 1 fla aeeoidanee with,. Aipreyioilf fPal, a I .wiau ana-'warCoik aMmmniease eonyi ..mk.. f ha Mti7ona nf Ti..l. -f -'- . county met aV theCourt House in Kenans- KyJWS Miief4nr: tuTdayf thuink,;-for trie; Ju .: .uJj. J;; i. , purpose or the remains "their resting Sf II af nr. iCfntlar's residence, on the to mmLESS VARIETT FOR OVERCOATS corner of Secdnd and Wabiat Btreets. t i rorxseiik uDthe6oWsto i'U-ii-,; aifioiblaStaiatprktoin pled by Mea9ri GUbertBawar as a Ooafectfon- , , ArrExamkiationis-floiicited. 2?tt!pSira!-ii sserfmr? '"iu a it '. h ia pavid. bow occupied by a W.Yates as a Photograph Oal- --r.i-sit -iitl: - lery. n thA tvn moms uvct luiuiwiiub. . , AMER Dm Wni1 RUN REGULARLY ow rlaw a Mni ttannwa . 'm.ik fi.ti'i lh L1" ht rrW of Second 1 .Iriri.Wifmmgton:....,;:......... W P, M. - M I .TTT rO.j - rAIwre 0. ta toebuIli olntaa the OTRj above, the same la whicn my umce is. -SS3SSS2SB,l J 'j 1 1 . ii I ...,..... ..-I .... . VTtifi- ! ' . ' i I m -m . ' - T " ucii ivonue, j,. - . 0 , - i ' - j. mill i i STT I" i'.J iv-V-ii i ti... t j. j i uonunuuiuoa . uca;eiB may u yureu bocu - w themamopgbbfmndsandrela cotfnty which 'he "served with fidelity and be soidby us at Pabli Auction, u I ,,i i j , t ' ' -ji i 1 1 a distmctiotJ for many years. : ; TlxundArrteStafeK Jift'0 i'i?" in una followed bvJ, boih'gehi.lemeijsrakibg ami tapprup . w Bnfrrfl liitritnnred viding for the appointment of tw persons irouveaerr wwuwvsn . - lUiL UUI lUt. K""!-" - t,- . : .lutias-R. aisenip ponding thereaolp- a. z . Mni aa viiii-ii ii i niir:ci.iA. - HUU luauw w-w j ed -,1-,-,,h Mcineralslrsat Offlve. 1 ,).. frnm a AitrrAsnoodent At IiilesV ? v icoiu -rr-r-'ZTfr" i ville that Mr.-H. Earned Postinaster at that place, has received information that he wiU probably ose hM place.and be scceed edlnoiflce bygone udre 'Marshall; col ored, who Q dwcHbedas probably a little above the average jegro in: iBauguw. The ground alleged for tb "'probata change is that Mr. Barnes- and rotber DerjiocrAtio postmasters in that section ! 0k a very ac tive part against the Kepbiiana,at tb,e late electionforwhicb.act theremov., w, of them nas Deen utjruiiu5u i' tohechair, and John D. 8outherland and -$1 Brick BuildlnsS, Badli, iBaffgingrTieai Por..K WlSHESTQ GET A FEW SCHOLARS TO ; JN . retarieS. v 'V.1;- - o1,j ,J- alfSrfl with JJorth-Water street i -i 5U-.'v-vt--'.r'-tl -?' ti' S "1 abl.iRefaasby -etlwI6aitO'JEdwfcrd scbaa Wherenpon tire Chairman. called, "R0. t. tn,ir .;i VK &xe Smoked Sides and Shoulders,') 4 !T - r 1" sentW-lw Cot Wiii Xletf toliddress'tlie .efinr Viflrfe Proof Warchotiiea. a4x8, 5l);& m iT-ntuiyl rJ-: Uj p ..wlP1;" I-it..".! T1U c-ai- aod- Tj 1? .'.-' . " ' -K : -"- : , 0 rt y Rolls Bagging, ... j U.,,, , ... - --.v , a J . . : .-- v.. . -.1 -,., i. n of.Haai-'aHalooLi'.i l;rltlf ' -'." . -t il4tn!x.fii iSiil ai.-lTl T.sri 5 ; X. otanrora,rq.,ihif5 -r, r-r--'. . t yr- -,r , . .., , .x-v. mm i.,,,.,,,;: .rt?t 7 - " 1 . ,. In' : eloquent, warml. warf 09 ifcet.rsiiedaHd!Offlec,i ft1l , 1 , ' 'i $i&nsi'i.UttMi-iWil vis. t?i Ar iKliant' 1 "rA W TS :. r, l&Y: Bin 11 is Port. .W mJ 1 7 A wRf.tam.-"-siB .TrrRSiT CLASS. Refer-. SSST on South Water, belwee. Matktet5afadBo3t Street. ,0Ui7 ifi - UW "T M luTJU-riVn:r;i vl ablution nrb- T e-sW-W -,,11 andorcyaSsiedPur . aeptttewAVs. ? i K -y Auctioaeers. ,1 vhO,' .,riot.fe1 i.i,l)?Hr .1 sept tt.:,; , Market sire. ,f ui, auction oaie mv" .rmiy : v r lREPiRif ORY? V1 ' MoVlSi ff" 4d! OUK OSfe . Sptl2-tr Jvi,WVi- . ,. , " : - " '" Ml jxt 1 KiwMai rotvanl will krtnaid fcr the Same; if UrtattheBVA'officeJ7-i 4i '4 sfcpUiSt Tbe,followipg .geutlemen -were, appoint I in-accordance with tite reaoluUou 1 i i7i i fTA tfiichin"'.W A j' 'Allen! and ' j: tl.! SCanf ord, f.-Lhiiestptie Creek.' S C! Johea and Rhaif ord "Lanier : t A V v ripn ir RiiMbB1 and John i, i . .Smiih'B Rranch Williams 1 aid Jacob Smith ; Albertson's, Joe Koraegay and JwWlMlaw I' yarsaw ."" and' 0 f Mofrlsey i FaisonV,"l)r. M Mooreind J, 'Hardy ; Rockfish, J. P. Faison and G. Ward ; MagnoUa D. Wells add in, j: w mcuee 'H,"? t fj.- Branca ana xvi. c luef v ;r .J . ti The meeting then adjourned to ,jneeOc tober:i8tt' ioTo.c VX: The following was, the range of the ther mptnr at the Sienai Bureau, in this city yesterdays '- -;:V "4 -.qo I J Vfpwnern citV case has been P. m;W;9P.M., 72. . 1 postponed until the 24th. nl.K.n I.m(la ADIntBaal MM mm mm w s - . - 1 ..-iv'iMiif-'.", -Sent." 10 Glencoe. . . ..... --i--ffB tfj calvary vuuiv. - v, ' 11 ayucDijAio. . . .. . . - - ------ Q 10 Asbeville. ... . w V i !I?flT-i-'The tdltection at eaclr place WUl be ap propriated to Diocesan missions. ; ; -a -:t mmm9mWmmWmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmm9MmmMmmmmT-. NeW Sale Eooms upon C 2?rot Street. wwcsetft'aaV1 Molassefci-Sop- Iron,. JpWCks.i Gluft. . J" T wsvaM-v.. - I .w ak nfi Ttru as fTm iJiiDA-ioiaiun:- r 7 r AAiAvua flwaub. a. a , 1 Hnn5filinA-f!iii--Kitfillfiri UlllUIVaHW . , , V .CHAMBER SETS, n StPipBOAKU. j( j ;f . f'EATHER BBJIj an H AJR JIATTRESS, Ac!.. i I'm '.ii 1 1 1 - tit '11 1 i ii 1' 1 n. ' " i'i ; taOTeb;:piatit6n'fer:,S!itol We offer f6e saiLb THi' AbbtR "a TATION, 8 miles ftom, the city, Jpoa Lfttle Bridge Road, beginnin&on the t .branch Cape Fear River, adjotoing the Kggfee Xands, on one ide, Har-JontaBOtbW.-rnnilag to WUmlflgtoa fc WeV MnoWdpriy,irulWcloedatAMflon,at ; Exchange Corner i;t Uy: -Jw V n J 1 1, fl ?rr- Thnrsdav. October 7v at 12 ZLb1 v sept !-4tl9&26Aoct7 . . : . ABdls'noopIron f'''7fI: . -w - Aarnnii Hand KDllit CSBRS. . i .. ! I -ar -r rUltl"?." ?,IVl.' i ' JiJ 'MM J ) V Tli.' mtl . avnahtf nawa7in . , ,l; I " 1 'I A KM HUB MHI .rwM . ' . mf Khl.JJ IIP. I .... 4 . ' ..!..'.. I . I I ... f. W . . .nil nnlnllil Tita MV I1IW JLM. . , . - .. , ?- i 1 1 -j 11 prices.' Only examine goads arid theri compare I 1 ' HaviW X70UR ATTENTION ISf CAIXEDu TP THE A" very fine and large assortment i TT . . J , . . j i-ii. Pfictsaad, you wiU be convinced rhat the places te buv vour Hardware u at taeuia j,suiousea uaxu- wareJUOBSfior tSeptlS-tf AR.7;inEABi CoESia Second aiid'Martet BtreeWrBf be sold at prices 'to. suit the-fimei afidabrMyonrse. ji ' . A : WITSfflJ. I " - si wAWimyii WinTtAAtt IITKIW X ERY is eompletoi in all all its appointments, ! ii.t .v, Ma.A'ainAaakfIlfntwnrlrcaeB lf ia 1U blUaVKV w w.. v. " - In the State. All kinds af Binding executed peatly, cheapiyaao expauuuj. . , II 1 . T m ' f : 1 ! u joair DAWSON, ' ' . , Woeijio. 80 and SI Market 8U Latest Btylc3. i c M H V . M. 'OK! ...jtlJ - : i TTAY JG RECEIVED BY EXPRESS BLOCKS ' M . .k. l.luf Rill T Jullpa ud Cnll- dren, Mrs. yirginia A. Orris prep-eed to alter, press j ii i ..I 7ai kav ' AU TbMBetl BU '.WW. Biawm- " andX3entlemn's Panama Hats made to iWoiti'Wea'a. KeW. : For partlcalars call on or' serld to MRS. ORR,' oa Nun,between8rdand 4th streeta. " p!5-tr ' - ( - li! hi ! l-Hi 4 i? ( i i- .Irs J' ll: V 1 1 i; At: fi 1 1 :: I 1 u I -1! 1:1 - i i . ... i .; - .- 1 Jt I 1! t I 1