tf T ! v j ; i 'If rrr 2- CTL 0rmnn Star. OUR LITE R A II Y LETTKR. ! ,no$a ,,oO & iia , Editors Morning Stab: Before record ing our ;pwtj opinio) of j$e mej$ts aTerjni son's drama, let us quote certain passages relating to it, from three private letters to us lately by as .many distinguished , littera teurs, all of them poets. The first of them, a lady of exquisite genius and scholarship, bpm we have ben J sometimes disposed to think of as the Amer ican Browning, thus alludes to " Queen Alary": ! Vpol fi0 pruQ el3hCragS3y, I acknowledge lo a feeling of decided disap pointment. - " It seemed so tame for Tennyson. " But a closer examinatioo i has revealed many beauties; and certainly, now and then, we encounter a scene of masterly dra matic ff ofj 1 V.,. . I actual, uui ui rcacrveu power, ana tuus rais ing oar expectations of what is to follow, to a high pitch. Such expectations one regrets to find (upon the whole) unfulfilled P What do I think of 'Queen Mary?' " -itea fseo ijcorrcsrmodif vigorous and original of our younger South- and if such a poet for liobert iimtuts as S . or . in this count try, had wrilfceot,.rlioiifd-haver said'thd work was Tulof promise; but as the last, elaborate 'production.; of i ;a Tennys)n, it is uuscak4Uy;.4IsapjoiEttu I had almost ad Jed, i-xasgenmng In Hie aScfendTiig scale bf condemnation, our UjpV Core4yTli&pytfuWl'u8 amf retliercM ofcnltcs, writes: ,lhaye Iefii reatly astonished .by ' Queen Mary!' Tlicri- svfins n dbcovetablei reason why i unysitm f-h.ulU have no compk'telji isiban- i iui UU ld, lUiiiiucr. Oi.e f ioti.ks va a f m. tracL'sfe of- I liosW exeut tti.-il sounded in LoekkliiJ lOSm Dream of Fair Voukii " he Kdylh' ,aud .itiier masterpieces: JiAVat;lsihe ne t such a writer giving the world "such "a" p k iu? j It is no ajiawer to ho sueejs of 1 hose who iiujustly deny his dramatic power, tor ilien; i not a character in' all this rather si upid and puwpous WorklgclpprQacheit In; has already drawn, in Elainej Go-, diva, the Princess, Dora, Vivien, -Enid.- . Cuiiiuvery,i'4 SJ othersVSvifii8tIreadi 'efaeeii Mary' the conviction ync us twice; Hashed across me that il wasorae -IHerary fraud (!), that Tennyson -the;-matchless' melodist of other days, never wrote it.- But of course this view is wholly hnprobableT? And now, let us attempt lo discover who among bur friendly jorrespou.d;Hbi ee?ma to have touched the key-note of; Uuihinlhia m itter: ' , xf-T t 1 (;.'-. A?: First,: as to Tentij sou's choice of a sup" ject: Although " ou'siJe the enchanted &iiaksp a ean circle," - lie rariedjrecord -of E.iglanu's history does present periods -and personages of more dramittic.iutcrcst 'tlian" the perioJ and personages 'associated' 'wifir "Queen Mary;" Devertbeles3,Y the ; time of reign is a singularly "Striking one.' A grand transitional epoch, with an hun dred lorces moral, religious .Intellectual, and political at work; presenting, number- less lieree contrasts in life and opiniou; of- ii rinioo, a series of wants compressed in-1 10 uie-suonest sjjace, auu BCYcrar ruajijr 1 'inaj'tf tic .scents ready, nwale tottbti framatn iai'a haiid-i-we.ermiiui scc wiry'ljac'u hs n nod, proM-riy Ireateu, slioulu noE7Bffe; formed the material for a Tragedy j eftCc, very highest order. Jn facj, ihjt; iprkjd itself was by no mearrs ill-cfiosen ; but it is iu the selection of his heroine, that Tenny son radically blundered. lie could have portrayed the unfortunate Queen, with suf ficient distinctness, and yet. have concen t rated his attention and that of his readers upon a character as ' much fairer tlian Mary's, as the person of the lady who was lovelier, ud;hr Mteiienpe -broadei' and wiet Wbom caif wcr 'mean" but the lady Jane Grey? Or, if determ iued to reject her as a heroine, why in the name of all the dignities and amenities of art, should he-Juvei thus excluded her from ' his drama altogglhjefiiiisl The tendefest and sweetest face, jthe most angelic sou! looking' down Ujpoh us through the mislaag!;4haraer'- ekfly his torical, yet.jurrojindedIi;Jlli romantic; athos, what fod she would .have made to the peevish, ugly, fanatical and disippoiut cti Mary 1 - Uut as the-1 dra ma now proceeds, the wretched individuality of the Queen is al-j most , uurelievedyiliow. isiit.pcfisible to4 sympathise with such a woman? even t teel any special interest 1n: lier? ' Lbving to absolute distractiQu.acold-blooded Tyrant, twelve years her junior, spending her time between lamentable winnings, orfieroe gusts of passion because of, Jus absences vfif5 1 a? ' Qdeeu Mary ?; ,Ji by. first, little or nothing! 7Vri,&i d.ogjjA'Li not riftfttitutoof v.aaeri heietical subjects, (quit muclvit wotridAou 9fkl91d mc ""lklDS the? stem 10 vent ner persosarevu- iHHnore, va ,?io advance the true faith); a womaa without; d'uniiy. reticences, self-res)cct, or any of il.ic soaer instincts of mercy the effebtshW pjoduces upon our minds is disgust,; ver, so slightly tiualilied by half contemptuous nil v. -i ' '; s' ' ' " ' '' iny. Around this morbid, love-sick' creature, in ve most of the noted personages of her turn: and realm. There is tfrdiuer, per . haps in point of broad, vijrorousjcbarjicterr. iz.uion the most successfully drawn . of , all; ir:i-i. ti witu (his lough, sketvn ot tue onan e;:lu.r, wrliH vedctieai, vkqaisiffcly finished i'ortraiu (f Cardnml Pole, of Howard, and o: faci,., f , T r4 rr or . jfj-f rtc drttrrt wtifethtjrni fafrer specimen of tue grin n.l stj Uf, could be 1 -loiwl, il. nu the passages which lollow Ouroiiiij--iiiieI.K;of( HfitfaMtwMl l hi arud Cardinal Legale rcisoniug ou tlMi bide iLrfv'iiiVreV "W Kgiklf'ierh&, and joatifyii.g 4btf akhW Ui .?h) Uarttihf.oei irj;likte; the-j Wio.r4oi-Me W:is, for ' ;outiatios bu'ruiogs,' 1 jjuk-ial Miuideta, ..and the whotebeaUtifurpro grimine "of et-cffc8iastlciil'tyra'ntfvi '". Qutr&'&br&ei vthera , '.uiei that. dWe the stake and flrer i : ' And their strong torment bravely borne, . begets. . . , y H .i An admiration and an indignation, And hot dearM fonirtateiro tne plagDe Of schism spreads;. were,tber but three or four ,! :.; t tJ-'f ,v!-J'i ' 11 Of these taisteadters,1 yet I wouH 'not say Burn L and we Can hut burn whole iowas; they are .Hianyyii? ; tvl GardiiiefYiit -mV fini'd Cardinal "'Lain Pvie-rt amy6ur Legate; pieaseyottlet nSe" finish. . .. , --a- Methinksrthat pfder .quQuwpj-jegimen We mhelAi-i? BbftHe?aPMflfdrfmson rowel i And streaming lash, u When oHroIWHetr; 4i Began to batter at ycVEuptfCnuVciif This wastbe cause, and hence the ludg- pienf on lier V , t She seethed with 8uch'aailulleries, and the Of many among your churchmen- were -so ..'-" foul . . ; " : Ttat baayea wept .amli earth blusft'd. -1 would advise ; lhat we should-thoroughly cleanse the - . .... tepstatutes be requicken'd. 00 after that when she once more is seen White as the light, the spotless bride of . . , Christ, , , titopj j?hri$r, Kims$tfltt Tabor, possibly The Lutheran may he won to her agaiq;? ' Till when, my Lords, I counsel tolerance Qardiner What, if a mad dog bite, your; ".--. v 'haml;'BiyIiOTdtiV' ;!ftj-A j -j Would you not chop the bitten finger off, "... Lest your whole body should madden with the poison t ; 1 would not, were I Queen, tolerate the heretic, . I No, not an hour. The ruler of a land Is bounden bv his Dower and nlaee to i se rHia peo plebtnorftoiaeu'd.CToleratethem! TWhJT ado tliiy felirats y(.fe4 Nay, many 01 mem . :. Would burn have burnt each other; call they not , The one true faith, a loathsome idol wor- Siwsbip!,' , : Beware, Lord Legate, of a heavier crime Then heresy is itself ; beware, I say, ! Lest men accuse vou of indifference . ' ' jTfalfitii8, alTeiigtptt;jf0t you know; Ttnfhrwell that vou Vourself have been snn- posed Tainted with Lutheranism in Italy. ; ;,.i:. .-.: : Mary I come for counsel and ye give me feuds. Like dogs that set to w atch their master's Fall, when the thief is e'en within the walls. LTo worrying one another. My Lord Chan k I cellor. i You have an old trick of offendiasr us: ludjlhat.youara art-aad pari .with i us in puraing neiesy, wi n we miglit, tor una AroAtrrtolnce and .mueh 1 rougljneW to the I U is-gHXr,, 'oJt w 1 j lJaver shut yop uut from our councils, f J lUH&siq fofe, j . You are fresh from brighter lauds. Refiie witi m, S j His hitihnesa and iy self (so yu allow tis) Will let -you learn in ieace and privacy j What jRiwerihisieoolersnnof England hath Iu breedftig Godless vermin. And pray Heaven" " Thatjpu.-mayrseA acjiJrdURf l ue "aigbt. UiMf, cous?n.-1 &exfQueert afld Ptdc; ta -Gardiner Pole has the Plantagenet face, But uot the force made them our mightiest " kings. - i Pine eyes butj melancholy, irrestJuto ; A" tiuo beard, li nner, a very fuIK .fine r, M Jicard., . - . rf , , XTf But a Weak niou Av'aaifiu1eterininate--ha ! L 7 i piikci-r;, a weak mouth, pel chance. uarauier- adu not line tinue ; T gorge. hvrelicf bole, roasted or raw. Place by the "side of Cardiral Pole, the type of "the scholarly, foreigu-bred,. epicurean ecclesiastic" averse their temi er 1 ment to all cruel perseuUtions,' yet "hur ried into them by men of stronger will" the sturdy, relentless English Bishop bf Winchester at Due moment resisting Papal afcgre&ibtis, at "another cunningly compro mising with it, for purposes of his own ; how admirably are they ... contrasted ; ami -ltow the fastidious, delicate almost fiuicul r manners, aflcf r7tastes of the Italian bt tag? mi to stronger relief the burliness and bumptiousness (!) of bis British brother ! : , Lord Howard d; Lord . Paget, too, form admirable foils to one . another. Howard, subsequently commander of Qoeen.Eiizabeth's fleet against the "Invin cible Armada," is tolerant from the innate generosity and amiability of his nature. Paget," uif coniraire, is tolerant from mere scepticism! . .: Howard, (remarks an English critic clear ly), Would not burn poor Protestant boars, but bti is highly indignant that they should vepturei to express an ; indecent resentment at being burned, or to predict retributiyefy me xiowotaix 01 '"ine fwoap-," ana tuere is a true touch of humor is his Lordship's driv ing the "brace of cursed crones," Joan and Tib, out of St. Mairy'a Church for merely uttering sucu a preuicuon; ana mis oniy u few minutes after his having. commiserated " all heretics of the poorer.'sort' " -Yet, as he angrily remarks, ' j IfcwbuTd'reTerana" Prelate br'crowni a &6bljt6tifc hbursu'ch'lJruii malfgnlty ? tflrtvlait an acrid wine has .Luther brewed !" , Of the miner characters introduced and well painted in, a few masterly touches, are Sir Ralph Bagenball and the unfortunate WvatL The Princess Elizabeth, thouga apparent in ar few v short scenes only, den . 1 . ' - 1 . 1 2 niteiy appeals ,i mc Tmaninauou, auu ia made to " live tod acfln no misty or doubt ful fashion, .TZ " ! Cranmer's execution, and the scenes im mediately Drecedins it are.-as, might have Joans ana Tibs, and lower personages of the- tragedy, are presented with a quaint vraisemblanee and Jhomely power. Some of the ruraL scenes arecharming,, .-Fromr ond 111 lUCSti WCUirwtulB juwaiuaiusuvug 11 is periect, artts mnur- 7- Mdkmaid (singing without) 3 J t' 1 il anus Milking the cow? Daises grow again. Kingcups bloWagain, , f I AMy4&vmliaA -frteeStF' me mimirrg thej R6t1h came tehirid mc, 4 U t.-L JV1SS U me wjBil.J, run , Cuff him. could if Vith my hands Milking thecow I . Swallows fly again,. Cuckoos cry again '(DoItoi)in,!Il6biu; : , , Cjqme flod kiss me now; Help it can I? with my hands T L Milking the cow ? ...liingdoveseoa again, it-ii. i- -.; -Ail tuings woo again, - Come behiod aud- kiss tu milking the cowlj Sufth are n few of the' tttfquestionable merits , of ,MQa!eti Mry.'' SVliWtsafe itsj faults t onrauior what is the frwgfe1 fauM 'tiiib iiinnr fin i i rr"Tffl,WPiTil,TrTt tbe rankifv?nrat-el:T?gtfl' This seems to' us Us utter lack of- inat-Unagma-i live fusiyrjMbteiftraii M all j speaf Orantas natimnious entities, coin- piete, whores, ilika-, s.piaBy bfe-tlif&? woiidsX inaieluf t sene'Of upte- j tures and scenes each more or less sucerss-s ful by il8eifjtQellrtttf'6T a neres-! sary and absolute unity, that each srpne likVing" been ; perused,'- -one can' ' uitfc ctily put I be book asulerjbiwinirllijthatevt-r iuterehtlioori JoCteue4 Wjf enes is, comparatively, an independent interest. " It i proper fo , us, to. remark - alsuv that Tennyson's style is abominably -ovef- crwwtted." ,.......,". He bouTd And it in his heart to omit lady Jane Gray, hut a half dozen hoDies; mee aupi!nutoerari 1 are adtoiufed who jabber a few useless wprds and tbeu chrM" r ,to be nder,, tot spaoa. failsrUueen Mary??, as an artistic Historieal Tragedy, tried 'bnrnrg rldaYd; is a jaflrjf 'pf longing to lhaaame reiRa, ;a4teuronolo in'g aild instructive. x4 In one aspect, it Ta a phenomenon. It shows how, by the rigid exercise of will, a Poet of Teuoyson's acm ttrWibisat jaut indDeftAr, WeeliW,! Afldiep rTw attiattn habilamenta whicb no ; mor- A Michigan colony intends to set 31 f tit Shame upon, you, wom. ... Shaine cfpon yotT u'dwr , , "Xtes rhe Vould ybuT wftn'my tle in Florida in October. Call and ExamineS (Job well-selected IsWck! op ' ! KNGLI3H AND AMERICAN ; M - ji.i v s Pocket and Table Cutlery. Powder, Shotind Caps, Gdds, Plstola & Cartrilgeir. ' , Prices reduced at ; -i .; - ' . : -.- f li- i . ....,. , . Hafdwars Dept GRASS BLADES AND HACKS, HAMES AND COLLA68-, SEINE AND GILL TWINES, Prices reduced at . : ; ; . 5 - NATH'L JACOBinj; ' - ' Hardware Depot SASIJ, DOORS AND BLINDS, . . :: I PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. . RIMS, SPOKES and HUB ' j . , BAR IKON AND STEEL, . Prices RcJnced at . . ; : , - ' NATD'L - JACOBl'S .i . IIAHDWAKB DEPOT , I 'ept S6 if . No. 9 Market Street'. Public Report Poiicfeman- I li.ivo 110' enj ycil ihhI health Uir iwvoril years l.j-iyet iiavji! mil Hil4wed it U 111 ertero-whh lay ).l r. t- v- ry Hue WUuisfin lt the lahorinjj -lni- kn iw Ih iimutvcnieaii of tMMj.robliKod t l.ibor vvl.en the IxNly, loli.ity. nUnont restates t per form itsi!i tank. 1- irvt?r t ax H tMriver hi ii8:n wi;h intMlicinec; l.ut, havmsf lumrd thu Vmrine HjMk 11 of ho hiirhly, wa drteroiiued to try it, m:tl chaJt nevct reaiei that lHeriniaatioti At a tonic (which evi-ry one utd at niiiin tiim K ira n)tliifitr I fvw hv-.urd of. It invii;iirat the whole wyj'f.-m; It i n jfrct cloMnsur mid iirifir ot the lil xMi Tn. re a e uiti.y of my m qii t ioc o- o have Inkeil it, uiiU nil uuile 111 jtruice .t iti batirfac ory vtf.-:t. . f '" - ' ' - K e ia U aiuousr the a -e 1 c an f )iO.ili:. it ira p n to tlu-ni iiu) one tiling mo&t, aerd ul in o tl a;e uij:h:8of cajBi, tweet r- ioie, therehy irtreiullien I ia tlu; miud .eU -as tlia ImhIc. One aged la jy, vrh fcaab tai Buffering th:AiH;h life from tcrouju. and has tiecome bUnU fiom Ita eSecta. ttavia!; tried many remedies wit-i uo lavorahle ieult. wa In duced hy friende to try the Veobtimb. After taking a lew bottles. Bbe obbdued Kuch Kreat relief that ehe expreaed a wish for bcr eivht, that ahe miht be able to look npoa the man who uaa sent her each a blessing Yoan respectfully, ; l II. P. HO (1K, fnic4 olllcer, station B. . ; I'ostoh, Mass., Hay U, 1371. ' : Heartfelt Prayer. ; ; St. Pact, Aug. tt, 1864. irK.hTETCS8.E--Q. ' Dear Sir I ahorild be vrantias ia gralitade if I failed to acknowledge what the Vjcoitinb has doae - for ae. 1 was attacked about eleven months jfeiee with Bronchitis, which fettled into consumption. I bad night sweats and fever chilis; was dUtrceeed for breath, and frequently spit blood; was all emaciated, very weak, and so low that iy friends thought my case hopeless.' : : - " 1 was advised to mate a trial of the ' YKUKTijJI, which, nnder the providence of Ood, has cored me. That he way bless the use of your medicine to ot hero, at he ha to roe. and that his divine crrtce any attend yon is the heartfelt prayer of your ad miring, humble s crvant, s- BEX j AM IN PETTINGILL P. 8. Miue is bntrme among the many cares your medicine has effected iu this place. '; li. k". Make it Public. South Boston, Feb. 9,1871. " U..K tkvs, Esq.; s ( j, j X '. ":"Va"'8 i iear Sir I hawe heard from very iBy'onrces of -the great snccws.of Vtotin in eases of Scroula, hheiuaaitem, Kiduey OnmpUint. Cat jrrti and ftther diseHfes of kindrvd nature. I bate rnv heaibttfon ia saying ttiat I know VxeKrara to be themttst re- liable. remedy foxX.'alarrh and General UebiKty. , ; lay, wife has been troob:ed with Catarrh for many jears. anil at time very badlyi'' Kbwbae thoroililj Uied every sopposcd remedy that wo bftalil hear of, and kUIi all Hiw he. has Jor- several - years -lecn gradually growfaig wors and Oj dimbarge front the head w tcoele andeiy ogeusive. i the waalB-tluscondliton when she commenced IM6 1 Wll Ifl ait VAUU ov iiw duv uupvi- injt on the second bottle. She continued taking Uaa I VxotTura nnttl she had used from twelve to fifteen bottles. I am new happy In informing yon and the public (it you choose to make it public)that she is entirely cured, and Veoktinx accomplished the core after nothing else would. .Hence I feel instl Hed in saying that VssnurK is the most reUtole remedy, and would advise all suffering humanity to try it, tor J believe it to be a cool, honest, vegetable medicine,' and I shall not hesitate to recommend itj I am, Ac. respectfully, '' .- - 'T ; I. C. CAUDELL, Store 451 Bioad way. ( VxQi-nsE acts directly epon the cause of t&esej cdmplamts. 'It invigorates and streuiriaeaa , tha -whole system, acts upon the secretive organs, allays lnliammauon, cieaa ea aim cnrBB HicenHtwu smva conBupauon, ana reguuues ine oowuis. ..-.:c , w II a Eiiilrely Caredr nXo ?- (, r- 'i : & ! BosToir. October. 187ft! ' i lfr 8t4vi:ss;'- " ' '. . . ... Dear. Sht My daaphieii. I after Saving a severe at-j tactt of whooping cough, was leltTn a feebk stale on liealtb. and alter nmg aiew Domes was .fMiiyxp- tioreu iu uctutH - - i - , ... . I tmkie hi-en a eTcnt sufferer from Kheamatism httvatbH seveeal btAtles of the VBOKTiNKtor thUl complaint, and anx happy to say it ha entirie)yi Cured tue l, nave recoutiueuueu uu imwtu u; others with the same good results. It, is a- groat, Wnanr and Tinrifier of the blood: It is ' Bieasaut to take: aod I cau cheerfully recommend it. . . . r, ., lTTr-. JAMKSltyKSK;S6i AtbeBsareet,T Fold by ai urgguiiana weaicrs.&iery waen. t- l :m.ti'i r Tick ! Tick ! Tick ! ATOW IS YOUR CHANGE TO BUT WATCHES, i .docks and Silverware, wishing to reduce my j stock of fine uoia ana Baver .w awncs, ,4 V, ' Jewelry ''of;t'.LaiMt' Bt3rifc,"i,5i j SnTld Mlver and Dialed snodfti all of which I have a fine detection, plain worn vreaoing rtingn. r ancy ana Kcal Kings, and all khirin ofgoods class Jewelry' 8rore. 1 offer at jiau Miun, m. aaaj aau ods carried in a flrtt- r at arettly reduced: price.-. u suit the times. I give all work my personal j attention ami pnarentee satibfacfion. Old Silver and Inly 17tf - :. .s 1i r ;;'Agen Pay Tour City OFFICE OF TREASURER ANDfXHXECTOR, 1 CI A UJ! W1XJUJTJ, IH i- -. hi" j- i ( JUy : t7it,U875. t nnl I rptlK t-TW . TAX BOOHA3 FOK 1K5 HAVW been nrce.'vett at tWa- oOeey w unaerefasied la now prepitfeU. to ....- 5f v iiu:iarurB city taxes dlf4faT,'liBt' and" Ters nal property for.J875. i ALIi rAtt I Iti a -are wcraui liuw--.-- n one-ted to gfw -ttfia iftatter1 tmmedjaie . TtrtiPoK, 3 . . . , . . i. ; 4U.. ndb'ntllitlkjll i fauherdebry. - " .'" . -V, .'. - d i i'. cl I'Y COt-PON8 are also . reed vabfe la, pay ojent ot 1 y iMw ju'y 28-tf ' If' Treastrrcr and Colle 'tof. 1SJEW OOOOiiARISiJOINInTO.TO ASKIVf fll tl! S I 1 (id Sellifii; pt.&7 SO Tor 6, Catli sept 81rB liQ HgitiiitttyUTlthiers, rVriAMSR JHXIt) WILD Ulf "EQtrtABX jg!f j AXE. every day except Jta4aya k. brtif rj.s5 Leaving Wilmington 8 V P. M. Leaving 8midlr1ff.j.-i 3. y.JJ lia . . . 1 iA -M. Commutation tickets may bo purchased at our office. sept 19-tf O. G. PARSLEY ft CO. - MEDicnne kejtderkd itseless i axe indorsed hj the moatjBmeaty4iciMw-4a the world for the care of rhenmatism. xieoralglay lives ccplamt, dyspepsia, kidner disease: aches, pains. aervous dieord.em, fit4 femalecom)didots, nervous ana generar aeointy, ana otner chrome aipeasesxir . stomaci kldoeys and b Book with f ulparticulars ree by. VOLT A Bid.' i' " r 1 ' 'Hi ii IT ii I iti I TQ SASTPLE FREE ana big pay to male aadl WM .Tenntie werytrhecet.; ' .-...j .itiO t t ' Address TuS UNION PUR CO,, Newark, N. ST, day at home. Airnia wanted- ? Otitfit ana terms tree, tkuis & uu., Angatta, .Ktf ,tJt;J-I-- iU- . k $5U tO $IU. Has been Invested tn Stock Privileges and paid ;:9bo oHi profitJ ' f " How to Do It," a Book on WaSt, rent free r j - , TUMBBIDQB Ca a ' Bankers ft Brokers. 8 Walt Bt., N: T. cifl nnn royal Havana Lorriay. piB- ijOlU.UUU. tributod every fifteen days. iv. 1 prteerrTiOSOWf I priae..,. $60,000 Ji pdaeaj $i5.M -...60,000 ;' tmjBruses. asMaating sio.uuu t Whole tickets, $20- quart era, 5; twentieths, $L - Circulars of information free.' Prizes cashed. A. DONAU A CO., Bankers, : PoeUofflco Box 808ft. . 81 Park Kow. New York. . Boyal Saxon and Brunswick Government Lotteries constantly on nana. - - . . yirow OpttoD Gin Co IVcw Iondon, Con il. - Maunfacturcrs of Cotton Gins, Cotton Gl Feeders. Condenser and Cotton Gin Material of every dencrijt tion. : Our Gins have been tn.nse thirty years, and have an established rcDiitation for timialicitu. lioht- running, durability, and for quality, and quantity ut inn. pruauceo. uur reeaer is easuy anacnea to the tlln, and easily orM-rated by anv hand of ordinary itiU-ltig""'e- '1 1 ey are the v ximpleU , aud cheapest Feeder in nia kt't and ferd with more regutarity' tha-i i i- -h h hat.rt. increasing the outturn and giving a cUttitrr xt'A better sample. At all Keir where exhib tt d ni;d i y : l iiitets aving'tht-m iu-use, they have i-e n accords l the i:iirhe-t eneomiunis. Our condenser -are well-made, durttblt a.i A ximjde ia-con-Ktructioti, and do whft is rt-qni e l i f them rapidly and wol; Aro Additional power is, required to drive the Fet-d r or Condenser, and no Gin House is com- piete wit hu t them. We are prepared to warrant; t' any e i-o table extent,! perfect satisfaction to rvt-ry pun h-i'r. Circular?, prices ana full iu forma tion uruirinsd. Address ' as - above, or apply to. 4 wvtiigtoii, KvereCt dc t'o Wllmlu&V - :n rm ,! ' ''' " !;'!, : i'P A Q The choicest in the forld Impor lllttOi ters' prices iar-t Company in America rtaule article lileai-: ivury body -Trade coiitibuUly increasing A geitta wanted everywhere best inmu-emcnts don't wapto time bend 'for circular to K BKB'f WKLLS, 43 Vesey tSU, N.' Y., f. KM. OX i -.:.-;-,' ! .:-' - Q A V7EEK guaranteed to Maid, and Female jp tt Agents, In their locality Costs NOTHING O. VICKSRY ft to try It. Particulars Free.! -P. CO., AngBsta, Me. dl C TO I1Q A per day at home. Samples worth fl iDU tpUfree. Stikson Co., Portland, Me. Beptll-daw4wks. MISCELLANEOUS. Havana Lottery. a amotunlag ta,.. CI :1L ou,irw 25,000 ,.4.JJ. i:.....:"1 lO.OOO of. - of- of-'-S.000ach. ' 1U.OO0 10 T of . U0Ooeach.. 10,000 , of - - S0 each .-. . .V. . . . . . 44,5 OO 635 ' ot 4) each 1V6.OO0 Circular with fullluformathih sent free. Tickets for sale by . . P. C. DKVLIN, t ; nityT-dwly-- SO liberty at," New Tork. BW'Godidridge, ; Graflon, Windham Co. Vermont. " MANOTACTUBKR OF" - I Fine Fishiiigr Eods Partienlar attention paid to max&S reds idkpteJ toSoothera trade. . ' L rlT '.Z. J; T." aj0t bij .- !!'. i on ahort notice and at reasonable prices;1 ; j (VAte or (,iate ijatjnier Spruut ft Hlagon. Bank Of New Hanover,) izmtt&& ami JMew Koutnern nouse.i FOR THE SALS OP COTTON. NAVAL STORES. RICE. LUMBER. ; TOBA.COpjAU 4TITJiBKN; PK01HJC UEN. ICS Chestnut St, Philadelphia. ! 3tSOKn8bl'. .1 rt.W.,4.. -it , ;JalytJ-3nv ! - i- - " Trull I ' 'ii' t X 'i - ' I ' ' : New Fall and Winter Goods, At ... -. ji t. ;. Street. .Tfc B. SAMSON'S, 43 Maikct the i t dWlNG to the scarcity of money in the East rn ; markeM ont resident Dartne irfNeW York has fecfarediome iHHtAV BAKUAINS in Dress Goods, j 4.tgiihriith -lilmket. Klairie and' ilrtlnk, bla-iid and ,UnWeached e.v Ac. - Alt of nwhfch j re ji !;rrtidyTt.cautpeiloDfconr oia siami, no. ; 4 Knrkot.l Qtt. .si -Id ' :, - , i-ji:lie-lctf0yv! ''-'Hi'i-'i.-' '' j septal tti !t I Jl H'.'RAiSON. I t fTTl bt Bi'll: Srup'or Blackstrap : ' f 50 Uiwa8alted,Mol.liti',u ei ' 1 - Demerara Cuba and New Orleans Molasses ,it Demerara sept 19-dftwtl A , BlNlWLIstUCJtOW 4H. 1 f I.? f jus f ;;;i:i:.;o; sept 1-tf THAT HE HAS MOVTXHIS pFPIi Princess street to his BeV-BUtter tf i mm eWorka, N. Front, sept Opposite D. A. Smith's Furniture Ptore . 8. 8. EVER1TT, O W U Y F. , Ut 'l i. r.iv1' L i' ir; , ;?t ! ' ,:'IKW,.. I I 'iJ ,2utut fat. - Nub aviJiitrw-J J,!-.'sij-?'vol moa feiss.d ajit; c '"sa- rgwtfiWiiUpon :rUirrfftiipppflrorae,i menagerie;- irous, inaran . UrsF as' niont I nnriAn nippiic 1 u if Grecian si.': Sanger's Ehglisiillii igerieiof Trailed Mim ' ii .1 i.'i ' : i . IROQUOIS INDIAN TE0UPE. .--r c:- ii a: Hindu's 102? kisi. $100,000 CHALLENGE ! TH FIVE TRAINED Performing together to the ring at the same limej er the music, walta. hop, taut, stand an their heads,' ptfay vwnuenui vaacny,, lonaing a xAriiiins -jaoieon oi Pictorials, by Chief tain, Emperor, MaJidrie, StUJ THE FIVE, EDUCATED ELEPHANTS. :;:t.:i . .. :' r i -At f- i ' ' r iWnatlon In' America.' Special Attract uuuimu or Tin utner company in ine WOEKU ... .. OUB-FEATURES.-- - . Coaceded by all to contain mora " aa4 the moat choice and rar eoHeeti6n" of Livins: n nu mi i iniua w any ttxniamon m tae W orta. - ' i The only Gfonpof)?! j'1" " ;1 ! , Frva WosDKBrdi PxavoiurtHd EiitPHAirs in the World. The oly Den of : - - u ; k?Ive Ferocloiia Koyal Bedeal Tiger. s : ' . ' And the only Den, of ;. ' . i . SIS GRAVE-ROBBINCli Yi$NAiJ;:;. j . 1' )- ever entered by man.) tyifrq&yzulAtiM Three. Bftbjr' Fftl, Bjefiexl 3llKr: ( cycr born while incaptlvity, i Bora April 21 1875.' X l Kv.rv Ft a'ure Adrcrtiscd, Traly. Fxhibib'd. Every NaU n ilf ihi J ' WotWajCon,ribni.r9.-,v,., .vt.;'Krt IUWM :,viti-l it . j More Performing Animals than ary -. - . Of. 11. Sftecialtiea of CharkMters. Fearless ElepbantConrsing: our $350,000 Challenge. Four acres oi vouch lor iu This is the onl rtnnifinna. NO( onr creat featnrtir Setil4yvft. Gold Chadot. iJBomao 'at jChariots, Cavaliers escorting urectanjiaanttes. ' meg an i voiumes aaorking snapety nKIUIC MUJlft) AUUftAU wwuht i u..htff .n." j a'nMKHr' im r. iw ru h Exhlbtolo iorori nn onr Exliihitioii AxrQandauer any pretence whatever. A TiT.TTsaTOHIT anal MarMMmirjf i -'-"-'7 m - v; .T;l v? pf t .a. Ul rfi m yo ml Ah MuU:.-.svti ' ? ""'i7i'il " 0;lffa JpVrt;calars see Picloriala, Programmes, and our Illustiated Pictorial, the Advance Agent October 2, 3, 9, 16, 19 - , - B I G S H O;-W;i . ? ).5.t J Tir H'I"li , t::iiirhi?.OjetaB&fi j jcO ',3.ji6j:it-satso'J! . Oil ' 'i It. i. t . ATTlHISISTHE &HIY GtTtBIflON ON EABXB Hi VIN6 A TBOOPE OF ELEPHANTS ! i; s- ,! the most Marvelous and Wonderfal Feats ever per- co ihrouel mtwlcal tnstrnments, startle the audience by their a riKAMiu uir i&ULriiAHTo, as represeatea on and Victoria, , s:-j .,.s ... r a t- ' Great London Circus Largest Equestrian Companj in America. - Every Performer a Star,!' I , Every Fealare Prodneed First Class. : Four Clowns in the- Arena. ' 1 u Grand' iftppodroniat'ic ' BpectaclML' , . ', ; . . (' a:'i 'i ) '--" ,: r' : . 1 -- ' -" ' , ABlaaeof Gold and Burnished Steel. : " .:!: A Tribe of Real Iroquois Indian;Warriors, etc The EntertaTirmeifM of TieOrekt London" are wholly exempt from The Inelegancies and Coarse ness too frequently permitted in minorexhibidens. and in this institution there ia nothing everpresented that a gentleman wonld hesitate to bring his family to witness, or, he most exacting can take except tiohs to. - . .. , , . ; Srcry SpCialFeatiiro AavertlsedT Tralbiully Be preeented. .,.... 1WSO0JXW. EXPENDED IN THE OUTFIT. '' i ! ! ii i nii i i. ,:!;! t'-. Sil:.t 'ii! i Ti : il. i tVt the Jiobe iccprestn:ea. 3 ne wnoie -,li i y ,iiu. lutlt j -).MJi.,f,j: iiiut(tiv-t iI-j-:..7-Vc,vi'-.i othvr Tell MeBagerfes' la' tno vTbrd I' " 1 ' ' - 1 ill hiii.l KSM t:ti- ' t. t I 'U' - ' . ::' Roman ladies. nTeota. Has no equtl no rival. The people and press 11 '-A Ttil TlCeSin i fniwH .mri i. J L-yaua kui. S OUTH! i j Cf 22hd; . , Grand Free Exhibition ! . GRANDEST SIGHT BVKR 'BEHELD ! HIIa No Equal In America. '; 1 , t ...:. ,.'- . . . a Q SKATES T SENSATION OF THE AGE I Sec for ToawcIve iben Judge ! At 9 A;: 1C onjeach day of exbibition tie Bippo dromaticOrand Triumphal 8treet Pageant Of Howe's tireat London Circus, Greciaa Bippodronv, Sanger's ! Kaslish Kenagetie of Trained Animals and Iroquois Indian Troupe, when will he seen the grandest dis play of Oriental splendor ever witnessed upon the American Continent. i . . . .. ; ; - j-... tV.-.i . v : ' i ' ' ' . 81,500,000 Expended In the Outfit The Whole World as Contributors Eterjf 2faU6n von fhd Earth presented ! Mr. H. Barnum, having nad years of experience In catering to the tastes of the lovers of amusements and of artistic mechanism, has for the year 1815, at an enormous outlay in Chariots, Psraphernaii. t oh tume. Armor, fcc, with the sole view of eclipsing any and all heretofore attempts as to Splendor and Novelty. ;- --, - - . - Entirely Hew anfi Beautiful " Features . . (t Among which will be seen ... ! . ; ; T ' Oniybrcs'cf the ldn.d ever seen in America. Tbs Peiidrroui Golden U'ar Itarlwi Of ljdlar 'ar of JNteeriiaui ! Drawn by Five Elephants, CokwsalMagnidccnt hiuI Itichlv Adorn-d; is thurty-ftve f t in length ami thirty feet in height, snrwouutt-d by a life slscd ' . "GOLDEN IDOL ELEPHANT," ' Fnrrcnnded h Turkf, Moors, Sultanas, Ac., iu their ' native dress, itepresenung incta.' -- SECOND. ntoiikler f: olden Clmrloi of Ooinnierri, Diawu by tr-n Beautiful Dapple (iray Hordes. This supeib exposition of ait is thirty five ft el iu length and twenty-five feet in height, made to rais or lower by machinery. The body is covered bv heavy carvings and richly gilded ornaments In the rear, cn pedestals, are caned ttatues illustrating . Britania and the Genius cf Colombia. Interspersed among Mercury, Ceres and other em blems of Peace and Commerce. From the center this Chariot rises up, to a towering height, an enor mous Globe, upon which is sealed a lady in lull steel armor, representing Britania with trident and British Shield, supported by emblematic representa tives .of. Am erica on each side of tbe carved statuary, representing' , . - '''lEnrone and America.' 9 tit -. u . t.cj .. 1 - -' THIRD. THE COLDGN CAB. OP EDTKBPK. " - " ' : i , , ' Drawn by TEN FLEMISH BOOTES, tipen which ji -,;; '...,?. is tested : Zelm Celebrated British Brass Band. : - The body of this plendid 'vehicle is elaborately erniiaented: the panels, front, sides and rear are all richly carved and gilt French plate mirrors upon the siaes in oas-reuer, representing we muses aim ouier mythological sobjects, the entire car- being covemi wtth Carried and golden decorations. ' The style and finish of this Eoteroean Chariot excels snvthimr in ' the shape of band chariots that has ever been seen in America,- . " ' , -.. ' ; Representing all Nations. V . , , , , FOURTJl.. a : The Colossal Golden Chariot of I he K n n ' DBAWK BT YWZLVX AHDitUSIAN HOBSES. Massive ia Proportions,' Artistic in Deeien, -Bit hly . iecorated with .Carved Zoolaical and Eqses Richly gilded. Ac., surmounted by a magnificent sure Turkish Canopy, will, appear in tbe brand Kqnes Hippo-Zoolo-Btrect Pageant each day, n-u-tafnmg KK) children resident- of the cities or tw i s where the exhibition takes place. All girl- aud b- ys between the ages of 6 and li years are cordially in vited to take the ride during, the trand street ri) 1lay, and are reqeested to eongiegate at the exhibi tion grounds at tt A M, in..: 'Representing America, ' hfth: THE GOLDEN DBAGON CHABIOT, Drawn by Twelve Jem sal em. Donkeys. This wonderfal piece of workmanship 01 artistic . beauty, representing A FpY. DRAGON WITH. THBEB. HEADS Is twenty feet in length aud i of too proportion, richly carved in gilt, surmounted by representatives of theEasf-KINGS, QUEENS, PAGES, Ac, Ac , resplendent with oriental beauty, caparisoned in rich nickle-plated armor, banners,, flags, emblems, &c. . - . ' :' .. ,, Representing EjBTPt. ". ' SIXTH. ; . THE CELESTJAL GOLDEN CHABIOT DRAWN ' BY M BEAUTIFUL SHETLAND PONIES. , Magnificent and richly adorned-with rich carvings of oriental deeign in gilt and scarlet, surmounted by canopyjtbe entire leagth craped with red, white and blue; festooned in folds suspended with coids of blue and gold, the whole forming , A Pictureof Artistib Oriental Splendor, '".; Dazzlfaig and. bewildering to behold, ii Representing China. :.-.fVii'S3EVEIITH. FAIRY CMDERELLACHABIOT, Of exquisite workmanship and model . ! ! . " ' ' ' " DSiWS BT. THE OBXT TXAX O ZXBBAS XVEB 6EIN " . W HARXISS, RlPBiSENTlNO ArUICA. eighth: Tno'JEtian Chimes, An "entirely new and hovel feature in the annald of exhibitions, has been gotten ap at au expense of $10,000 by the proprietors of tbe Leviatbau Consoli dation, with a view to alace before the public fea . tures 'that are' pleasing and different from all the ordinary-traveling exhibitions. ' nil ii. if.. i ji"" i i ! . - A Regiiktr'-FuM "CMme cf 4 Chnreh Bells nt v iiii n; ! cm i- ! Eight in1 Number, Vveir Combined WeigJtt It it ' i i'J it - f t V ' ft "!j.J V . .. . Arranged noon a splendid t vehicle, i of poadereus w4hl, and chimed by mechanical invention all the latest airs of the' day, and will appear In the tirand Pageaa'- I T"' -... . " - ' ' BxFxaKrzu0 tu. TSmw Yokk Tkdcitt Cnuacs -.i-'Hsfti lUut .tyfW-i ! J"i! . i In ai4ttiim to the above wonderfal works ; or. art wilt appear daily ia the public streets, fifty cages, d ns and vans of Wild Beasts, Boman war Chariot, A , together wi fc the entire Combination or A : : ' J 1 '..-it .'li-1 Howes' Gkba Lohdok Ciacus Bifposboiuc . akd 'Sanokb's Ekoush itvsA.azmM or Ttrined tl! t.AXtXAU.' ! i Porntinz a scene of i daezRag splendor over two mUes la length, never before equalled In ths world. BniemW ni,(y, t,f,,j , ,.. . - ' Vtl(hetLoadoixV Free Exhihition. i jiiuoji idl 1 f ;.. , ... ... ,,M.v? . - . .v . .... ....... ..... - eseryed Seats. 0 3 V.- lives

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