t 'A il 11 iff; i ill i He if i -1 V -43 f-6 I 5fr i COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON, N. C: - - T :l BY TELEG-RAIJH. noon iiKroprf$ g g 000. They will probably pay seventy-fiva j 13f cents for middling uplands and IS 8-16 vents od me aoiiar. ' - I Messm-fiirrlTrf5rr wilrpay in outatandiiig drafts of the BSnk I cember 12ai3 25-32 cents; January WHOLESALE fBICKS.. .I. . u ) : t 1 11 1 - oar quotations, it Should be understood, rep esent the ! wholesale prices generally. In making BP small orders higher prices Have to be charged. of California, on and after Saturday, tte 2d inst. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. 27-S212 cents; , February 13 l-$2 SflOP f 0 STAB(CFP51 3ct. lffi81S?,!if!!: I mTCTlTfiPJ-Becelpt! Islt Guard ' Negotiation Tor llio'PorcIiaso of (be Purchase ofilirBlaek Hills Eaor v mo as price, Karpettetf Action of V. s. Commluloneri-Ttae Protocol 1VasM.4TJ.AS3fttecttiit; ateaehed. Ked CiiQUP Agenct, Sept 29. : After tbe council yesterday,' when enor mous prices were put on the Black Hills by the Sioux, hejCommissioners becamfudesi Jods'iiotto'Sub'mhany'prbposiUoh for their purchase. But at to-day's council a proto col,' drawn uy Messrs. AsnDy ana Lawrence, THE INDIANS. 10 receiTenae reports oi iue ioreign un fair demand superfine western and I. UU15 pie oi psv uuis,ai f- oo'ior yir1 HfBpniiu oi Coasters, Sec. Const ANTiKorLK, Oct 1; Instruction! n . I iraana to receirrtne reports or tneioreign iin fair demand superfine Consuls, but not to negotiate with them. I fitt tx (Wh na Hnnthom flnnr vA, filegram the. MovrDr. of , iiosruU i Hoommott to fair extra- tt(bt5 ;87i lays matin consequence oi au vantages re- I tnchninndn. 7 an . Whnot t!h-Xr.ta cenuy gainea over ine , insurgents, teie-I better, with fair demand, at$l 20aSU 42 ft D50fr 15 for ufasound new do., til 25 IiOndon, Oct. 1. I (fi k ior souna ao., ft l 44 (for i souna new anpoia amber western, fi is 12 is 13 13-32ai3 15-S2 cents. V ; : Nbw Tojok. Oct. 1 Jfivenin Money very easy Ua2 cent I Son'merh fcais IsTExchansre steadv at 4 8a Gold 1161 . 1 Lhau ".r..:?. . .TT- 4 I . " . . . " T t-tviimi! minin unamrr l n rn iiniff Ma ioi or 1F7. uovernment securities dull Ojut Tj"'L ,:rrr fffiMwrv, 25d(selectedUt83 ctonlstoer eallon for BAOON-North Carolina, V . . 11 ' . t . .... i i ami sju tf Hide, ft S WM,era Smoked . . steady new 5s 118. State bonds nominal- j 600 '"W Attained at and lW;d,o No, vvvvuu .wnuHaics oi t oaies at KICKS. l!4 n n 14. i i 19 ! 45. UiEWATJilEAND-SMOKE.- 45 18 15 tesS-)! is wjim nrfjwuLHii lu uie aiutsia. wiiii:u Tiiitrji i.imap ww . ... . " Zl.T'l Z JZH. -jlZ. i A :vao,uw sterling ior ine jast urn year. :"rZrmh&aU MM Berlin spe j jbbla"at $1 C5.XMai ket Qrin. a !S i i 0 63Tfi5-Qteceii0453 1)80 Sileaof I 22Q hnloa . Mnrknt firm nrwl ili'munrl mtriil ti,. 37 t-:,!u t i i souna new anaoiuamoer western. si rata i -r-v-i . mandan tat Gibraltar f niakes i fsrmal coml I fHil white western, $1 62 fThef pIlolng are Xhfi offlciaUuulatibns plaint to his government of aggressions by l wiiofi uo ior lancyoiawuuo western. IQrIinalbfJari... & j . T-. -. . . J I Com lit?avv and lower, with mnHprntfi Hn. I tinA n..... .. juuiau guaru uuasiera m xtriusu waters. I j I !ao . . .r Revenue returns . show n inrn. of mand at 6768 cents for steam western er gin ah d Velio w blp and $l'85 'for ilird. Market 'steady.'. Mi,uuS u i Ua : -r.il- .tr-i i.'it.i TAB Receipts 203 bbls. Sales i t, i .f MJkV I of 203 Uams .. I 18 a SldeB, V ....UAi'ii.!iV.'.:-.'?i11 HK Bhoalders 11 & S-'i'Drj 'Waited-- -- I 81dtW tt ..........I ' 13X i . t g ttonldert . J 103i On the Hoof....r.-.r.... ...... 6 & BAKiotLo- apintt Torpentizie, Second Hand, each.......,., y New Now Ifork, each. .. ... new ty, eaca !l4 V. recitissr m desire for beace. offered t the right 10 the mines In the Black : Ilil for four million dollars per an nam, this right to terminate at any time on a year's notice by the United States. . 2d. TjOfpurcliasa the-fiiact gDls fr6m the Sioux nation and pay them for their inter ests there fhe sum , of '$(5,250,000 ; in fifteen equal annual instalments, said sums to be . annually appropriated for their subsistence and ciyitization, not less, than, $100,000 of V which shall be annually expended for , pur- ' poses of civilization. ' i 3d.That Ube' President bf the ' Upited States shalli mider proper1 restrictions and " regulations, designate three . routes ta the Black Hills country. - . (It was; next proposed to purchase the Big ; Horn country for $50,000, to bepaid for an nually in ten equal instalments, the money to be expended in food and stock. It was furthermore proposed ..that if the protocal be accepted fifty thousand dollars should be expended in presents. ,to be dis tributed among the bands. This protocol was left with the Indians that they might discuss it this'Winter. 4 : s Iione 'Horn. of ttie MinBecohionsl 5 dis- tnrbetl the council by riUg opsad' deliv ering from: his saddle a violent speech against the Ogallallas for trying; to sell his country, the Black Hills. Little Wound and Spotted,Tail also spoke, dwelling principally on their wants and the conduct of Indian agents, when the council "closed. The Indians felt insulted by Lone Horn's IiOW MMdHrnr 'j 13 fiitn tt j lor heated tdcj Oate v aotivtHBiKf ' fees , I Good Middling.:: 1'. I lSf 1 fl ? succiai sav i .. ... . . . t r i the Powers have agreed uoon the accent- generally wunoui cnango at ou cents ior ableness of the DroDosals made bv tha fieo I e?inlxea na n"e mixed - western, zegovinian insurgents as a basis of farther 1 !S57 centt ,lnrertr Vi B? negotiations. J 43i cents for white western. . Coffee Rio The Bishorxof Breakn.has notified th Liy-lang1- Sugar qdiet .Nu.uiui Nwr York . jftAVAt , tore Jllarkiet,' 'VBeCeipt8.iolayV.i,S2i liaiTels. 'roaia, 00 EcclesiasticaJ on the ground that the Court is not compe icufc iu try mm. . iireslau papers say that twenty-lkfeo. priests nave announced their submission ti ecclesiastical law. - i cta7 cents for old Louisiana, 7J7i cents do. for CjSonua, 7i8 cents for new Louisiana new or i mnorta n t features, tu , uotei IIol d-, . ers' ideas, us a rule,- were steady, the -off er- : j v-- l- -rt 'trx 1 - mm m t m -&u k nr& a nasi n aa i i r in ciitiun ifi dCaro na. Ta ovvfirmatlOSai(UeerllB. fiT" iTJ iirTrTrTfn f rSrWTf " f .w- WryC ;o;-o i ni "u:.-.: 7i. . triOTce-Dnsinessrretftt ranns rates age ue- piDUB-Fine. bbi Rosin easier at $1 70$1 75. IIHWA-JI. K.........,.,t. mtiilial-WUiiilBRum V U ;U. Northern uUrfK-Hona Carotin. V b. Northern, W 16 . CANILsMlpna,lj ?:.w.r.; thijow, v b... Adamantine, V lb.. CUWuB K-k-Northern factory V t Dairy, creamy S) COKKKH Java, B . '.Rlo,9 1." .. Lagnayra.S' CORN JtaiL 9 bushel. COTTON TIES ft lam, w Duncn ,p8a-Mackerel, No. 1. bbL. no. i,v ft oDL Mackerel, No.i, V bbl Nc. S. Stfbbl.. r :lacterel. Not a, V thl. . f N. C. Herrlne. s'bbl ury voa, w & 35 S z5 a 68 8 0U 80 Stt 95 14 17 ahi" ao so 85 a it 07 a m tit 30 & 10100 M 0ft ca i40'! 15 Spirits tiir- Pork firmer The PaU Mail Gazette contains oifal Penune easier S3sat cents. , UUHU J I : i i tin t 1 . 4 riots had occurred at Stockholm, belween ?" "10 S.en "u,8Key 'owenai mand would have been met-Ofv. spirits HnnarJ Tlnvthorn Si fcht I from Copenhagen stating that sanguinary .. .i i : -j' v -i j Kitnon. ai hhi - Arh -- T . . .- I LUI UCUL1UC Illc HHlflS WerK luflflRmf 'Rncl SVR I -t . .. . .. : ; new mesa r w. nara unner-prinie , TI thilfthvand police. The mUCutstMiiedi fffl fv tMpoiicetaiio wounding naoerM4""eL,fe PQlicemehf Same wpundedV3Ebe cause statedly. An f alttranco Commissioner anVl an grss ..c.i , i icuciuia .vim nuies. r-uvurcit ciuseu Kieuu V. I nf tho trrti!ilP i. rtt I wuuaies or zu.uw oaiesas ieaiows: 17c- l . -. of .the trouble is not i toie1313.!G cents. NoyUbfirS cents? lSfmf.r ! - f December 12 cents: Januarv Ll2ai2 fci.-f . -...i. .- -. . . . . r. t , kiwi nma Mr v -Ary ' - ? 1 33 nts; F ebruary 12 lavi613 Ula cents; f i ftnV n CONNECTICt7T". V fcI MrMi.1ftv Mfttt (WMtrf.rAnHI 1SaM- 0$5 0 rosina we could ; learn of n transactions worthy of record, and this left values iuj a measure nominay Tbebfiferings,hdw- e email aou uoiaers' ideas eteaxJv ' figures, iTar and pitch quiet at ' uflcnangea raesujuter 'Uliange . JL to -pale rosin were sold i at Id inraace Compn jKPresfitelit . at Kew GaVkNi OcL.1. V- insurance commissioner steadmaa ap peared at the office of the American' Life and Trust Company thisevening, and form ally demanded: possession . the effects of the company Benj? Koyes, ihd President, gave an answer in writing, stating that he had 5een advised bV. counsel that the Haw under which the c)irimissioner claimed to conduct, and after the council attempted to I act was nnconstitalioha! and void and kill him. ' lie IS hid in the fchshes along that the? Commissr6ner',lMnrf wa iUol While River. Tbe Commissioners, except Messrs. .Ash by, Lawrence ahd Swalm, leave on Thurs . , day for Port Laramie. , , , r. . . 'The council for the sale of the Black Hills hasthas ended land) nothing has jbeeof ac ComplishetL,; . . ; , ;. .-. u ;y- FOREIGN AFFAIRS. ' TnrHey, ScrVia and Montenesro A Collision Expected TbeuCnsaIs at Mostar arid 4lie" Porte tleported Oarllst Success. , v ., 1 v . , . .v v joispQjr Oct 1. 1 1 ThTs'c special dispaYc from1 ileVlia states that Turkey has informed the powers iliat the time may 4 come when the Turks will be obliged to repel Servian and Monte - tiegrian inroaila- The Rouminian reserves are being gradually called in. Affairs there and insufficient Tie added that he did not intend to resist few, .but ..would hold the assets subject to order of theourtJJiaTing jurisdiction of the legal questions involved. The Commissioner's cohnsel then informpd tMr. Noyes that lie should apply to the New London Superior Court to-morrowfor a writ of mandamus, and that he should hold una jiauiu unuer criminal law -Noycsremaios in possession. - 18 13 82 scents; MayVi3,-19-3213i cents;; oune is J 3-10 cents; Julyaa 31-iKd14 cents; " " " "JyoDisvrijLK, Oct l. "2. . 'our quiet and unchanged. Wheat qujet at $1 M9$l 25. Corn quiet . and firm at (J572 cents. Oats quiet and steady at 40 43 cents. Rye quiet and unchanged. Pro visions higher. Bulk, meats shoulders 9 cents;1 'clear rib sides 13 centsf clear sides 18 cts. Bacon shoulders 10 cents; clear rib sides 14 cents; "clear sides 14 cents. Hams-sugar cured 1415 cents. k Lard tierces 14 i cents. V Whiskey $i 13. Bag ging easier and in good demand at 13 Ji4 cents. r . Baltimore, Oct 1. i Oats firm, at .48(55 cents. Rye steady al 7583 cents. " Provisions, scarce arid strong. Mess Pork $23 00 $23 50. Bulk meats shoulders 952l91 cental - cSeat. rlh 13 cenia. Bacon shoulders 10i10f cents? clear rib 14 cents; hams 15i&16 centk Lard refined 14 i cents. Coffee dull and President j nominal;' job lots 1922i ;cntsjf:Vhiskey" I i uu at fiiioi i if.: sDugar steady,' Y MARINE. ABBIVEDt :? r WASHINGTON.,, i. , I ; Flour, wheat and corn quiet, and steady.. - f . - j Oats-- mixedsteady nd ia modirat de , ' . . ' . i mana. Rye a mt at 75(ti7S cehtsv - Pork' PaMIe'Dclsstatement-i-TreasnrrOifl- I m and in fair .demand at. $21 87. . Lard bnrsanients, JSce.'. - . I eaqy ana nrmteami5icenUjlceUlea3J Yfxmtx&rn-t- frZtr"- f ei"uiKTneais- siroirg huu uiguer-r- V AS11LNUTOX, UCt 1. nhnnlilAN ftA7,Q0. . 101 ' Pht slntpmonf chmro o A., I -1 i T.. ' . . SteamshioRaleighL Oliver. Baltimore. I A DCazaux.- . .z, , L,., ! Stmr 6?v "Worth, Worth, Payetteville,' Worth & Worth: .....,J . . , ; .'. Stmr Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville, Wii liams&Murchison. r .1 ' , ' . i ' rstmr?. Juniper,; .Skinner,' ..Fayettevilje, Tick j& Mebane. : . Steamer Caswell, Henry, Bannerman's Bridge, A n VanBokkelen. Stmr Northeast, Paddisou, Ppint Caswell, A II VanBokkelen. f , Stmr Dixie, Jacobs, , Smith villc, O G Parsley & Co. . SchrLucy Holmes, Teel, Ruatan, Hon duras, G G Barker & Co.,. . "": '- CLEARED. ' ' i Steamship W. P. - Clyde, - Doanc, New OXlf, ,A D.QjtzaUX. f . i t ...atw: j Stmr Gov Worth, WiiftiLFayetleville, Worth & Worth. , , . ' Stmr , Wave, , Robeson, Fayettcville, Williams & Murchison. Stmr ' Juniper, Skinner, Fayctteville, Vick & Mebane.. ..f,,: : , l Steamer Caswell, Henry, - Banaerman-s Bridgej. A H VanBokkelen . j ! Stmr Northeast, Paddisbn ' Point CasteeQ, AH. VanBokkelen: t - J'- r j Stmr Dixie, Jacobs, Smithville, O ' 0 Parsley & Co4.f?.,-.f 3.5 :- (ttV A "j? ! Brig Marth. Wilev. New York.. .Wonh & AVorlh. ;uo urreucj tp.yu.ao , Treasury dis-,1 , f COZTOi nAKKKTK. uursement3 10T montn: A-x-rrnciva nf ni. 1 i i. . . . are regarded as ver.ina Collision rf.ilv r ffi-niX. TS7i.T JrT' T r'T Auguwa; euiei anu in moaeraio aemand- A telegram from VienniTtmnounces teen anr 'th CS'"euk" "E "ll.lU.1212i-receipts 714 bales ;Phil- that the Consuls at , Mostar have been in-1 lion, cf bods J m "1 iZZ f'F'V,8'..0011 J?i?ir?ceipU 33 . & - - a w ww auvs. 11a u tcu ibh if-w w ia 1 1 m rrcx . ti bv ar a t ; 1 Mn,rjmt 1 vj structed cy tae powers to iend the forte a J called for. Interest ceases Januarv 1st 1S7B. rZ-Zl ZrL:' Zl?ir7 artry o I On October 30th. a lici.t iviii i .C rS,X; 'i :V.-r?,,7Y.UW!."? w 3 V J . " , v tt v w ouv vt am i ; EtPOKTS from the new light house near tbe mouth i u'. COTTON .T1KNT. memorial embodying-the result of their in vestigatiofi, "with proposals for thorough re form in JJosqia and Hexzegovina e, ; of Mahon's River, Delaware Bav A Times: jfans dispatcn says special infor- I . luaiiuu reveivcu mere uuuurms me irapres- I COiflPlIS ATI VE ciuu iiiai. lucvuuuiw yuiucu a uunsiueraoie .s success near SaaisZebastianonr 1Tuesday. nUn&cen reports .one hundred Alfonsisls killed and one thousand wounded. ... . . A speeial telegram to the Morning Stand ard from Vienna says the1 band of five hun dred Sclavonians,-' who invaded Bosnia, have returned to their homes in Southern Hungary and dispersed, r They were deci mated by fighting and disease. ; f : The election for member of Parliament at Blackburn, to fill the vacancy caused by STATE ;New Youk, Oct. 1. The following is.ihe comparative cotton statement f orChe .week ending Oct. 1 : Net receipts, at aH United States ports during lhdweekH werc79;063 hales: against uj.uwm umes iutrtame weeK last j'carfolal to date 882.090 bales," against 154,333 bales wi we same uiiiu mst j ear. - ,? ? -5. x ue eipvris jor me weeK i were 12,3bo uaics,agfuoss io,vu.; oaies ior tbe same week. 12iai2i-recciirts3.1S2 bales: Boston. and nominal at 12 J13i13i receipts 651 bales: Memphis, active at 12 receinta 935 balesiMobUe, quiet at lli, 11, ll12i-r receipts i,ouo oaies; uaiveston, lit, 12j receipts 2,870 bales; Norfolk, quiet at 12i receipts 2,08&bales; Charleston, stead 12f , 12J, 12 11-1 612i receipts 3,218 bales. ' M ibMxNOct 1 Noon. ' v Erie railroad shares 14d. v I ' PAIUB, Oct. 1. Rentes C5f.; 25c. . v , "l.IavKKEOOL. Oct 1 Noon. Cotton stcadyjnlddling nplahds Cfdj JNEw York. Steamshin W P Clvdt 459 bales cuttuh. . ? Brig Martha-T-l.e? bbls rosin, r f MISCELLANEOUS. City.aaiue Snpr JH tobt. .. Bxtra, V bblv.:. FEKTIlilZEKS Peruvian Waspm 0U0 ts ' Bangh'u Pboephate, t barollna 'Pertlllwsr; k -; Ground Bone. " Meal. r 9 . Navassa (ioono. Complete Mamire, 1 . Wnann'B Phosphate - " WahdoP!i(nliatei ? Berger Butz'e rhosph. ' GLUlfr-.a.......i. .... GKAIN Corn, is store, ft 66 ta. Com, Cargo, W 66 lbs........ Corn,' Yei., 9 buanel.. ...... Oata, bobel Peas, Cow, J bushel...... . IIUDKS Green. 9 i.. ......... " Dry, 9 lb. .......... . ... HAY Eastern, 100 88....... Norta Ktver, 100 Bvn....... HOOP IRON ton ... LARD Northern, lb., North Carolina, V lb LIMB bW k LTJMBBB City StsajtSawss i Ship Stuff, resawed, M ft.. . Rough Edge Plank, tf M ft... ' , WestlndiaCares, according! : wnauiy, is.. ....... , . Droasea Flooring, seasoned. Bcantung and Boaras. com mon, M ft. -i. ....... MOLASSES Caba,hhaB,9 gal. . ; Cuba. bbls B gal. ...... i Sugar House, finds, gal. . . - ,: bblfl.U gal.,.. syrup, DDIS, gai.. NAILS Cnt, 4d to SOd, keg,. . OILS Kerosene, 9 gal.....i.... Lard, gal......; ......... Linseed, 9 gal..... Rosin. W gaL, PEANUTS ttoahel, .. , . ; : ; ;. POTATOES Sweet, baahel.. . Irish, Northern, ff bbi PORK Northern. City Mess.... . Tnin, 9 bbi I Prime, p bN............,.il tramp, w bbi............ RICK Caroltna, ......... fast India, 9 ........... - ;,Renghi fj bnr.h.......w.. liAG Country, VS. ...... City, 9 t. rope..:. SALT Alum, V bnshel. . . . . . " ljverpooj, V sack. American, 9 ack BUUAU UTlDa, .i Port Rico, A Coffee, ip B ...i..... , C . 9 St , Crashed, W lb SOAP Northern, W ft SHmaLSS-HDontract, 9 M...,. Common. 9 M.... k.......v r Cypres Saps s M, .V&Eree!,?eana M. . .... 1 18 IS it 1 S6 JSS S7 ) 6 ! 9 -i. Thwaite, both Conservatives. Thwaite was elected. ' , K1.ECTHIC SPA R H Jpumal Ior tte' Sportsiaeii of Wayi ,POBLISHED EVERY 8 ATURD AY MORNING, ! 14 S. Canal St. Gliicago. T. raffiERbippiae. M. . Mill Prime, M.i..i r...k... MJUPabrTvM V . , V - .............. ur9nr7. ... WliKX-Northeni, fjgal.... flunu vaiaiina, w gal........ WOOL Unwa&hed. V ft wrasnea, s 1 15 to 18 00 20 00 J 8 6C 9 00 13 00 13 60 7 60 t 1! 09 Q 11 B0 S00 81X1. 7 ,6 00 8 60 1 tX& i . 4 50 5 00 6 00 6 00 6S5 7 00.;; 7 25 & 8 ixr ,0 00 &''0 00'li' 0 00 0 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 . so 00 00 00 00 00 60W ,i! 50 1)0 65 00 00 00 40 00 JO-OC 45 00 - fttfOO 57 SO 55 00 6500,. 00 00 67 00 1 00 00 70 00 00 00 0 70 00 -i 6000 0000 13 17 .. 105 110 -- - - 97 65 . 185 . . 6 . 1)4 10. 11 , 1 0 1 25 1 10 1 30 . 1 08 1 10 16 17X 00 00 1 60 S4 00 87 00 00 85 00 . . SO 00 S3 30 00 85 00 . 15 00i3 00 . 46 - i . - 2 . : S 27 - 30 40 - 80 4 CO 4 75 18 00 00 ii 1 10 145 . 1 00 HQ 80 , 40 : f 1 40 160 75 000 3 35 350 23 00. S3 60 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 Tt 00 00 00 ' 8 '").'!'- DO 10 isai 1 '. - 3 " I 3 6 33 75 ( .' 00 110 I 19 100 i t; 9 '; I joji : ; , w e : 7 ' lox- r 10 12Jrf 5 7f 40C 600 3 60 300 6 50 9 60 ; . , V S0 00 3500 00 00 00 00 18 00 0000 . 08 , 17 OOOOj m 13 MOO : 8 60 10 00 4 00 6 00 i 1 00 500 ' 176 SCO K . 80: 85 O . SO! A; TnrriQTiV TToreh A Ha Uaotam sl i large slnJ -Yaried f lot oneral Dry Goofis. :- . ir-:' I ALi?il vf .thfii v H: I : i ... : ., .. . . j; ,i;s. i..! 12 : Jiiijt -!.:! .'I. V-! y ;!Ki J -i i ff'.iltri-. B R O 17 PJ , ROD D I C K. i! .: I.J ' i;;ut-i!.)t!')l JJ '.iid foV , We iwofild also call th4tUjention of patrons to onr f s j r - .M :-.t'.'i. . i'- l '!:-'i -I .'.-!; '"i I ,i . . , . , t- , --,V, 1 . l: :! ;l!?i rx'M J-'T . l-.f . it it .i.u;; ,:,i f! i i ; ' bins (:- "f -1 ! -1. '. 9fxW::aaiWinteBx7 Goods, h vi. f -"i ' ' NOW" ON HAND AiDrDAILY, RECEiyiNa? -i: .u )?: : :,.il ....i;.:-v - r : i ,:r.::!j..Y -.: fc.i.w i- : . UU' J October 3-tf i iiiu i -i. ns'fVf.f r fsiatais.m crOiii its'j-jj' ij,; k C ly id es W e w Tor $ anCBoslon L ines. VIA, WILMINGTON, N. :C. ;u y ji'tVn ::!!'" Fist ?reightRoutet6aU Points Nortltor South NKW TJ!iMkl5Jll??' RI-WJEKKI.T.' SAILING FROM NK U.H, Wednesday and Saturday at 3 P., M. . ; , i; . ARID FKORI WILSIIKGTOIV, : ' - r--v,-.. ; V Wednesday ji the death of Henry M. Feilder, occurred I last years lotal to date 28.1D0 bales- acainst l aaiddling Orleans 7 8 led. ; Sales of IO.im O yesterday. The candidates iwenSWillian 31,059 balee Xor-.tne saine tnio'aitTeart i I sJes;:fof Speculation : and export S.000 tJodumgen, Mayor of Blackburn and M. G.? I The stock at aHltJnited mtateriiiorts is'l Ples? receipts 4,000 bales. v"V j -J, j IzSaarta, ,4 Qft' iiatfiyaar)yifA00.'Fdrelg and bales; same;; time iastT year-3073 "bales; inclndrag 22 American. Receipts G2, i The ' stock at Liverpool is 713.000 bales.! 1 000 balesincluding , 3,000 American. Ac4 v.Tf !f AS2Pte L1' Levle?L5' .th asainst 73L0G0 same tim UtWn. hl I tual tDOrt 14.000 halea.': A float 9iM nnd "J;"LI'1 1? J5J5LuoouW HATES OV FBEIGUT. 'J To Sitr Yobjc'- CrudeTnrpentine bbi Tar 9 hbf.-;.... Spts Terpentine $ bbi Formal notice' has' een given that -the' Bank of California will open On Saturday. A NeWi .York telegram says "suspicion is felt that Rev.' Dr. Porteus was foafty dealt with.' His 'watch' is ' gone' and there" are marks qbjow JUead.. The negro Thomas Oscar, who escaped from Middlesex county, while under sen-' tence of death for outraging a white wo man, has' been arrested id Maryland and is held for Hhe' requisition of ' the Virginia authorities. ! ? : . .. " ;' At Louisville, Ky.; ; it . has. been discov-: ered that Louis Rebm, who recently robbed t!ie Planters National Bank, is a defaulter ijr one nunqretl i4 JUveJuousand dollars. Asaericah cotton afloat for Great Britain 15,000 bales, against 10,000 same time last . U KiTUKK REPOI1T. . WAn,PEPABTMKNT,. umctoi uuiei signal officer, W Hshington, OcU 16& R. ProbaMbtef, ,,. 4KNT, V ,j i:. For the South Atlantic States, northwest to west winds,' cooler, cloudy' or partly uiuuuy weauxer ana possioiy ram near the coast KLECTlllCi tt!' iii., -i if;-:: ' -' ; - .akenrinth; past; vears. The ntJloTtlSS Ab explosion of alcohol vapors in the Dales, InClUdiDg 15,000 bales American. I KUliards, and General Sporting News, Music and tha naioa nn a imoTi nr miH.lln I Tl l t i unusa. i -Tf nWr n-A , ii i7( FS w.aaaai aport v huvi Avvttvci euiiuii'iuu I wm, uuuer nv ciixumBuiAOes. KIBUi to lti CV 1 a at . 1 I a.Wt a ai - . s ' oaies on a oasis qi miadling uplands, nothing helnnw? lnu' mir.r Hnr : lolitx(...ll.J December and November, 6d. Sales on a. basis of middling nDlanda.1 nothing below , low, piddling,, sbipped; Octobel1 tttrdTTovetober, 11-lbU j ,. Sales on a basis middling uplands, noth-l ing below low middling, shipped Novein-' ber and December, ;6Jd. k I Breadstuffs strong.-. Red winter Wheat; 10s10s 3d.) f y . , ., ; , s8ale8 pn.ia.basi8j,pX jniddlinft Orleans,! noiuing Deiow low miadling. sbipped cola mas amrtalBg tending in aur wfsato dnnaniiM ordegradapnbllcseatunant . . t THS FIELD selns; the only tooning Jonraal published West of New York, and the recognized authority among tha sportsmen of tbe West and) oouin, among wnom u enjoys a large and increasinz ta?ik will gd into liquidation. 1 - ' TV t Vwi Racing anarotiinjf, Aduatlca,Uate Bart CrlcketJ Cotton Q bale. iwiuu y Kunur.i.... . TO PHIJLADKIJPHIA. CradeTnipenOnc 9 bbi TarW bbf. J Spts Turpentine . & bbi woana v not. ......... Cotton b&.....;.. Oottoa Goods bale.. Peanuts fj bnsnel..... Lniaber $ M To SlLTmaaa. Crada Turpentine fj bbi Tar y bbi I Spts Turpentine bbi AOIDl W DDI. .... Cotton f bale;......;. Peanuts bushel:.... Lumber M. ' -ToBosToir CradeTurpenttDe V bbi j-ar w ooi.. Spts Turpentine bbi RoalaT)bl....:;,.. Cotton bale; .1. . Peanuts biiahcT,i..M Per Steamer. United States, aprSS-tf ROD Cc Jiuri ill Oii.f iJ uc LATS f5 i, s;i n li .1.1 m jiriars ) at NSe.eS,0B I" THE- AMERICAN' SfORMM A H j4 1 nothing below low middling, deliverable! J -if vW' XrAlV 1 Novembend Dedembet fi led.-' I - ' " m . . ...... .',..11 i ' . ' ' jr " 11 DEDICATED To Louisville coffin works burned four persons, ivvu imai.y. . Js , Sales on a baaia of nldrllin nr.!. A Madrid telegram SAVft llf A.r (their C!n mnna notliinff below lnwrnlrlriKna- Bhinhnl nsr has left Barcelona to resume direction of sail) January and February, 6 13-16U Sllflnflllif ' NShlTHf 'i XfliTlMr rTMliH1 0 45 0 0 o so o S5J . 85 5 o eoj . U 0 00 too 0 00 0 10 0 00 I 0 09 0 60 U 00 O JO 0 00 I 00 0 00 0 60 0 80 3 00 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 101 0 00 0 45 0 OU 0 45 0 00 0 90 0 00 0 45 0 00 3 00 0 00 0 11 0 00 8 00 o oo a o oo 000 00f O 00 0 00 0 00 a 0 00 ooo oo 9 00 0 001 owaooo BOSTON AND ' PALL JUVElt. J ; ; ':'' ii- ' ' 1 ' " ' i :' ;.. ;.-,m t. in ., ( )..-...'. .1.1 . . - :i rJKW, YORK AND WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP COMPANY, CONNECT '.WITH Tfii. 0 L 1 ; C 0 LOU jY It AIL BO A : : ' AND STEAMERS-DAILY BETWEEN ; sI V ' , !! " . 1;. IJetweea New Yorittod Wilmlhgfon, Wednesday and turday,lromich port.. ayslalScntyCt ",. -::-'.?:v;::N:;D WeSgia WUnUnoh THROTGH BILLS OFLADING GIVEN TO( AND- PROJrf 'ALL POINTS fN NOKTh AND wn , CAROLINA GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. ::;Mn:V'i;.,,h;;ALso ::i;,J:;:;:' . K : . w ' 'IJrfOT,Proviaencfe RATES GUARANTEED AS LOW AS' BY ANY" OTHER . ROOTS AND- TIMt as oTrtr-v , , r -;vvj : ' ' OROVERCTHANOESROMPTLY PAID ; DlCK-, ,0 MARK ALL &OOIM? VIA CLYJDHPS ylVlLMINGTON 7 A General EaVtern Agent ' . : : , . :! WVfrtt;9tAefi?.- - Devonshire Btwet,'Botton:'-' '! .....?'i. ! H-'.'f'Btt2LJSk ' :- iir ''''''-o r: .'. V-: Baltimore and Nfew York Lilies, Baltiniore and Southern Steain Tfaiispbrtatior) Per Sailing! Vessel t 0 CO 0 3$ 0 50 & 0 3) 0 00 '75 0 00 5 71 SS 0 00 139 0 00 0 10 0 00 0 50 ft 00 0 59 0 00 0 80 0 00 0 50 003O0 0 ou Q 7S 0 00 0 10 r t4l;-i- :.-! til. rip. ti vf;'f r-'i;if vlMriln ist Freisrht K :d 1.) ;il a,, ji'j.-nijf it t j i-itS i . ;lii k lit h:ln;nj.iic !: , Hj-:- BALTIMXar;j . - ; outetoraU points North' Or South. "; Baltimore Wilnunffton- line' 3 .7,00 8 ft S A 0 00 0 0 00 0 43 000079 0 0Q 0 45 o w s pa o ooooa 6 SO , SO 0 00 0 65 00 0 65 0 00 ij0 0 65 0 70 60 a o do ' 0 IS 0 10 11 60 13 at 3 I. HI. Sailing from BALTIMORE Tuesday aai; Friday,' 'ANQ:(;tiriitjTN'r WEONESDAt .;4Na SirbBOAT. Ml .11 ,iO u Cituf V;;;: 't he New., Work. Ileealta A Kplrl(e4 ( unttai-LoM of a. Alan Overboard. .. Nitw Yokk, Oct. 1. Tin Yacht Clnb Regatta for cups pre stuttd iy Commodore Kane, was yester day p.irt'u-ijit-te in!by4Al,ideap, Stlie, Es telK, A rH'V (Vmet, Visioflf, "Atlanta, Peer h'H, Clio, Viiid'X, Acti,ve, Re8.()lnte,,S-tiJer, .Mohawk . ai'U .pauiwr. lie ."ciurse , was fr.-iii oll.jlie Club ilouxcs t; the Li a lit Ship ami n-turii,1 ri).ndiiig feiloy ; fioy 10 on ihe south West' spit. gung:;,and, retaining,, the yachts to keep to the southward of buoy No., Hi and .outside of buoy No., &r both ways. The yachts were divided into two clasaes for schooners and two for sloops. i ueie .wao a stiver cup ior eacn class, ana : .1 j:.: .1 .!,. i 1 . . , . operations iu Catalonia, At Boston the jury in the Jefferson Bor den mutiny case convicted Miller and Smith ol the murder, but acquitted Glew. , A Kingston, Ontario, dispatch says the schooner Peerless is reported ashore atNim Mile Point. ' All batthe mate were loak The long' strike of the mill ooeraliUMr at . ; Fall River, Alt4Skr 1 virtBally ended and me manufactories are again- almost in Tuj Liverpool. Oct 1 Evening. Tbe sales of cotton to day included 57,000 CCIENOE, AMUSEMENT, AD VENTURE) AND itaa ,f AmrSoAn . 1 1 kj Field Sport articles bv tbe Fibst Kcikntir'tx Jk . v. UUKIH.OJJ. ' II LI J . . , . . . . $i,(X 6 Months.- $4 Yearly ul r-a' Send stamp for specimen copy tu i .bales of American, ' '. I . LATER. Sales on a basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middliug, shipped De-! cember and January jer nail), L -. ' "sssMsaMaaMaMaisMraaaMSiwri i m ; MISCELLAiqcOUS. WIUDINOTON JSONBK i wusBTsnaABTr nm.un Uk v i''.- -ft, .JL. I. B. GRAINGER, PRESIDENT. :. s ti- -:h;.f-' - -'. . : BU I UTS. woia u..v.u...iw...Ul Mil..) to ; lis 8Uv. Jo 110 Exchange ftjgtyoo. New Yotk ...y. disc't " Baltimore,.... . " 3osion,....,.i,.i.....,i3 BOSTON ANDPROviDENCE,; i: 3aUunor. and Wilminetoa Line. Baltimore, Boston and Providence Line or Via. Canal Dally to Philadelphia, and , , CLYDE'S PHniADJPLlAND'ROyrlbENCE -.:.!:? im til; iffiffiiuu't uii Tfu') ; ,!-.K-.ul.; u-'AiUf- . Baltimore . andi. tVllsungton line ! V.'. .y;tw(MajiWorV.'n '.. . -Baltimore aid Pniiadelpnia! St Bt Co. Between 'Seltbaofe and Philadelphia. ' ;r -r WESTERN CITIES. i! " "i ' -j.'.'- H yHi;itliVibaa b-t-' " v-- 't- Baltimore and Wilmington Line, jsfi r l-:i.'dlnBaJlwaaV'nfc-'b' r 1 hikidelpluA . Shepard, Hail & Co., exirnsive lumbei ilealcra at Bobtoii, have falFid for S tuilliou and a half dollaraBoston banks bold near. ly one m il l ion awd Mon treal banks three - nunurea thousand of- their paper. . . K ; " At Halifax tbe first case nndpr thn nWor. law authorizing confinement for habitual U Bacon; Pork, Baggngi' Ties, &c. ?j0 "X" l. M, 8dea , , . :....- r H Uuxea Saioked bides and Sbonldera, "4 ;2? Bote Pom. ;v 2i( J Boris and Half Rolls Extra Heavy Bagging 1 Tons Ties, Bog- Ordinance for 1875 ' mu, P ,. .'". -- T 1 Bank of New Hiiiiover Buk-k.. . . 4IUcv I rciatir:r dt Collectur, I i OiTT, OS W UJtitNOTON, JJ; C., i ) ,! , June 12th,- 1875 - Til R DO ORDINANCE FOH 1875 KKQITlKBS : that the same thoald gt into effect June 1st; i . .1.4:.: .U... L t l . . . , 1L !.. IV.. Hrl .... . . ju nuuiiioti uie Mimaw iiw a siae contest J u,uu"lusi "u wujpiuiui ui menus, is pro- Jtii Bales N. R. and Eastern Hay giessiug. iue prosecutor is lue latuer-in 1 Jftj withaberYtsioit for the a diallenee cuo- for slops, wind light,' tide at ebb. As the Es-' telle ' crossed tiie 'line her ' fore" shrouds caught tha main . boom of tbe Dreadaaught, which was not in the race, and snapped it oil. Her own rigging waa little damaged, hot she controlled on.:".The sea'Qutdb the Hook was very.LjmogA.':, .JTh Estelle lt a man overboard, but he was recovered. A litlleaaloop, aeeompanyiBg- the yaeht, alsii lost a man overboard,, but efforts to save him were fruitless." "The1 Peerless 'look the lead into a heavy , sea and came out a .wrckv both. maBta and bowsprit -gone. The Madcap broke her" chain' at place three miles from the Light Ship. v" Several othert'yahls sustained httoaiSp3dJiool v four yachts were able to sail the entice,! law of the defendant, who ia a well-mrio I Bbls Gloe. lti,un : I IXfKf The Louisville Ccfurier JaurnaT- Nash- OUU-;- ville special says fifty policy holders of tbe 300 8plrit to recover back annual premiums amount- 1000 Bbl" F1-ar' u dM- ing to forty thousand , dollars, .on , the. 7 Bags Prime Rio Crtrer ,. ground that the Company has failed to comply with contracts. Twenty thousand 100 BarJ,B 1ed Sujiar. dollars in bonds hava tiW Af.u-'I:V? 'VA) 250 course, tne uomet, a wanta. sraQnffi Sadie coming home in the ider named. The- rest were becalmed inshla the Hook. MfliiteoBtsidelt'blew " itorovTbe Ajhvfti tft; wonUelprtioXor; flfSVlass sfiOPqeBS, and the Comet for second-class schooners, and the Sadie for second-class sloops, none i tba first clans croinir over the nonraA. Madcao and the Vision ana remains unset- I B Nkwo Qvv i HaolM&J . , I S ....... . . &uh rwBon b wu 11 6J. Sterling exchange lontrfcl so. ain 1 "KifT1 Flour steadnaarmtLfrtA llO kwo PorJtflunftLtSl 871a22 2S. Lard firm 11 TriVV"" WATn n. , reaferunsltrneuhltSged at asTen "ffoiiH Amnchrnsn. dealers! building material, hajre failed. Low 79,. ' . Cotton dull, with tales yf 807 bales lut ,0tiR.5or'JelT.wU : 'f ! ,' 1 1,,!.0 iaoq 1 Nul'K K IS HEUfcBY GIVEN, that all nsnina ownin? or keepii.g any dogs, ebhe m le or f-male, ar- required tu register the same at this office, and yiuKuiv uie required XMUgttB, onmaieucing . . Atouday the 14th lust. a .d for fouri (4) days .thareafter. Tho Prdinaoce also provides, that aoctfpei-aons who Tall to comply ..Ilk . V. .. .. , 1 . ... 1 . . r J " muvwv raiuinnma, WUi.oe SUDjeCttOS penalty or ten (10) dollars. ffulP T. C. 8ERVOSS, " Inne 13 tf ; , City, Clerk and Treaiearer. The Piedmont JPress ' HICKOUY, N. C, IS THE ONLY PAPERVpUBUSHiSD IN A tawba county, and baa an extensive circulation smonu merchants, fanners, and ail classes uf bnf- , ness meu in tne State. The PRESS is a M j WAKE DKMOCRATW PAPER. , - and Is a desirable medium for adverting U VfSteta North Carolina ; Liueral terms allowed on yearly adverdrwneeta. Hi vty-. k,ju-u f SaaSkrtptJ. t l4ifice. Address' t -'-r- - -XUkUULk A TOM LIN8ON, fJ 'P 'I- Editors and Prbietors. in - - , a . a it asaltins, IM Dawson Bank..! ....... Wilmington Building Stoca,. .A. . ..... Mechanics' 6 Navasaa Guano Co. aoove. 108, 5 100 104 SO 135 THROUGH BILLS OF, LADUNGiyM, TO AlilJRbk AlWmTS5 W NOlrt-ll AND Otrr.i S: '.s.l-, fTT fnrter-inforjaatioa apply toejthi f lUe ah6Vtfdneu Afeeito if !the i.! l." H ,ff,m,mrV f WAil, IUteB.Baldniorfe'Lrn-A KfHi 'uWi.Ui l '' H i soar Ultf ! a. as. !OA2aiif.iill.cii.MJij..jjvi) -.f. .m. -i. :i : " uuic j uo. - Special Tax... tj.. x.. to a . v. Kali road 4 48 igtui, w. f ; . . ! l '- , ! 'J' ' " ' ' " null 1 irr i t- 1 W. A. W. R. R. Bonds 7 SefGolS Intt 5 Carolina; Central R R. Boads, We.. .70i 1 '-. !' " Wllaiiagton City Boadsy Sc...i,...7t ' 1 Tfe v-i--i ! NWrt!6uniy Tti !,..,( (I ft C C. -Railroad . " r- . 111 . t - WU. Gas Light Co. .......... 'ZVi x ' Wy,.ASeasR.B;t t,.. .... '.OQ, ,4 Y ; FIELD DOCS. BPaiEKesM' ftf tiLILSf aM,! Y I"' mar 86tr es and Twine. 50 Wwtrro,r enprTons?aecelTies. I . : For ula h i 3 U f II I ?-.;-' a. as reo ll.ltWHKK CAUBTR KrM h WsPfeCTrtf'ANNaTNCB ut6vm MY triads ndcu8t,,mers that ,. I have accepted an en gagement with Mr A. Oarid, from October 1st, inst iw iue RDenu patronage or the us at T hope to be favored wkkvin fiUor ball " trfve ,e sa sfy ever,s.ary ia politenWgood at andlaiest $Fr JnWurnld Icanr&rttaraSlor Kespectfuliy youra. ri;(iiwHered Sage M awava aW mi ,1 sy. , 11 1 1 - Xt nWtfWrW sYWrcaus aa ouix, a raplyB4ertSd 'tfB.rfarrt vcsiars aooreaaiiUMirf aiar.3flriA.vrtr V! 14 liiilii ul JTm-ji! n ii 'Hi a j.- ..in.vArllat Iri'- ;'- ' , . " "wlVeTO deaseaS cm -have theatewjiexecate by 'sending him a . rZT fito.5?BperiKood. liteueaa. . The A. C. WADDKLAl SSJS' A.aeat v i.ir ..i,iL" . ," r-r run- 111 3-i iparf " iHiaaucneerroi;'trieia r i""aifc Harria mwhA hi . : t . , -1 . - j . iue ou.- fe Uii HOiJi. Jijlil $10.00 riuBLrsifl I boru' N. BrtahLcb anclag ihu vanela;iBSabttirhe dwea, :th;Hsaaaji. takes 1lB4 iTtv." i rami! r cirri .'11 MnHiin J vw,4-i7-i L'r is aa Seed. f.r ..In s BpIKIT Si nrmim aim a-sarvra tiiaer naM.-mLa. i a. i . ..r eo. svsvjsa TimTCii Trmrt -wjj.HWvsf us innarT lusKSM-ri iiraiiTv ui imn Tnn m e-K a . '.-.. w l. S'0 3I ", . ! . I iT t iniuiutMiBitnroT-f"" i jtTirw .""Wln" Pn,Ber or this paper. is ,Ul W lo tfsiiiaz XtlTT ')itl yd- ,-i fcWOiU S"SSi "f,"6.1" weekeaonih lux this -TT!!r.r ,""n,',nnB pnotograpa.orotne -We have seen a eanit&l r,.ii.i '&.. id Ven',blT.,,r- ,Srrh5; Abat "reilecisniddl- uuw tuscre vir nil genius' In- xj 1 umuyii. :-j1 ;11 1J.'- Kls Kar 17-tf ..Hip; il t XaABC .lept J9-tf . . . GREEN A PLANNCir n Jywoi OEoiCHOICB! VCALtFORNIA!' PEAR-. Apple.OrCpcuia, &c,K ,".;.,. . '.V. ..... July J5tf '--f a yftinwr o r i..t iliti 7n,HO ;ir yjf 7. ; '"ft9? t- ,fi. more. , .r'y-oii.;i -J'JK i i-P!.) I t ! 1-. l it 1., i ivtrsi-rH ui t.i il l 1 at ut I - i

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