tar. A wiim Back Dlurnic Hunter, Takes Off uie Gun an 4 Firea It. 7b Ae Editors ol the Georgetown 1 -tines : .A&$m ye Jot i$he chase, next to that of women, is said to be the deepest implanted sentiment in the heart-of men. sivin? rise as it does to the most exciting employment or the human lacultiee, it naturally follows that whatever wonderful hap pens, not in keeping with the general order of things relative to it, is of in terest and worthy of note. In view . of this fact, the wiiter, with the hope of contributing to the pleasure of your readers, proposes giving through your pages aathentia account of a most renaarKaoJe occurrence which liappened to one of his young, friends while out hunting with his father a Jew days ago near South Island. Bright and early one calm, beauti ful morning, these two ardent lovers of the chase sallied out with gun and dogs in anticipation of M a, .finer day's Mport iV auoW baek knwnHd ' be living in a quiet corner near the road side. On. arriving- at this intended drive, there," as usual, was seen the Ireih track of the old buck just gone in. The old gentleman, tfter putting hid little isonXftt" a" 'atano:XolIowe3 i i close pursuit with his pack, whose rn hark(86a (adniouish ed there. x ! the FacNthatt j4he ofd buck was up mid 'IcuiVfiug I the wyj & little while at;t-r was heard the unmistakable' re paitJf ilafQ IfljPJl goniE who, seeing the noble animalco.injng.fpc him, reserved) lustire utitiU within ei.se range; then, with steady netves unerring aim, gave him the full contents iinhiti feide. This well-Ui-ivetel tire brongltti toehold buck to l lie ground, but no sooner down than ii l again. The pack, however, was not Mg itfibrlygifcfc tint ioiBiay; and men uine the lug of war. With on i iiihiL-d ciurage,tliis bra e Hti le hunt- 1 1 i allied in i lake hoW, in hope of en e iiiragii4 the-dosrWdo the' samerbut t.-i. riiis deaireU objec.was .accuui pl slwd,' found bmiseil kboeked dowii and the buck on topoThw" was cer tainly an awkward predicament to be in, though it oniy;ine more inspired i he little hero with greater courage, who, jumping up, caught hold of the huck by the tail, to which he held with ail the tenacity of. I be bull dog. i i was. hi tthi. critical .stage of the iiiii that-one of themost reuiarkabio events ever before known to occur in an encouutvjr with a deer, took place. During the scuffle that ensued,' the l.uek, through some uuknowii way, got his hoot fastened ' between, (he wither and guard of the gun, 'and. knocking off his assailants, away he went with the gnn attached to his leg, which, after being carried for some distance, went off, and came near shooting its : owner." The old lii-iitieinan, iu the meantime, hearitig Uu- noise, rode in, and seeing the deer making oil with his son's gun a ter rible state of affairs,', indeedgave ct)use on - horseback, . ran over and knocked him down; then, with dogs, mmi, chunks. and knife, Te.l upon the ,K r old buck arid finally ended his career., UitJ butchered and chunked liini to tlealhj as you see ! This, MrKditoi is an uuexuggei' aiei avcountrofthis llK'fct Wotiderlul uuut, related ioiply as toM to- me, and actutly3iit occur" In concluding, the writer would bog to say to say to the lovers of the criasj at jjJcDonaldville: Take" warn ing,, gentleman, from the above! Be careful . bow you approach- a u oiiuded Uuekjn future while at hay, e se youAMKtsOjiike manner, lind yonttaeUdisarined, your gun taken off, and fifed in,return, by that J destroy. Dkeb Stalkes. . . .. .. - m- m " The Carolina Central k be Extuae4. t sriBKnerT-1-42- . At this tTinrfTmpossible to tell irhm the Oaroliria" Centra! :'j ri Sail way I win nexieH4Mi lunner -est,-uu we can QidyrihwTzi'-as to its pro jie; but the: great -desideratum of the pfopieof the West as we4la4.he East, is tne exteusiou -the Compla tioH of this gre.a y thorough fare,from W ihrtingtorifr ftlivcoa8t-througii our beautiful, salubrious and fertile mountain' region 'to the Mississippi Valley, interfectiug some of the East Teiiiiesj-ee roads', about Kuoxville thus opemnir from ocean to oceaoi tin-i.ugh the. most picturesque, arani . e X i L,iIlLwWa.nnrJeovidenceof (Sod, has cured me. luclive tsetsllMl of- tft-U rtlOft'Prhat he may bless the we of your medicine to H'hI pro t .e gteaM si line in - the JaauiIaiHi passing through the lest region ( for tiiaiiufuctunng facilities inthe, world, wouM he a tar greater blessing to 'ir people, the South and the coiiti i ' y at large than any other.. We w .uhl tltus be in direct eoimnniuca. ti' tlie yreat grain and stock-raising; Wis, which U noW, on account of , our iiiuiiu iu .U4?U rommunioatioo, unitg its ub'uiaul wealth into the I ... Y;.nkefd.ni, ';w blessed, UU. Uift. 'JJlTi iUlo: Ollf IOple, wi;i. hTI oi i fitt-e J1Hitable4 facilities. Is it i, io ,rpuVer, pow'rihttt our Ir liricrfi'skies'afe'lMYgirthing, to tliril a yreat j.rtiot il" this- wealth sooth ward, while w,e can givj them in ex t hanire the various products common e wmion t owr'soit We believe Urat this di sirableconsuirunatioQ can be rfache, if the proper, legislation -be h:ol au the rightTnen such as'Cols. Matthew;, Uoberts,' Grainger, Fre mont anil Johnson be put into harness and given , the requisite, power and. auiiiorityv" ' " ' - ; liut; to 1 utherfbd"atlo!, tier pros pects : .Tbe.people joI Raterfora . are v.ery mn.cbi earnest about complet i"g (hTfoaoTt6 Rutherfordton. Some o t f ier lnosiLihi1Uevanns4Ssio ami., iurtueifltet citizens Ifrof eetFiQ address1 Mie4 $opPatH$ v-ralfafies "tne county iiifiimtmw to set bV-fooi sotne8cbe:or plan Jy whicityyiportion, at casi, oi vneir siocKr9onari road. The Compariy JpiiW)iS p8e to baild the briagea. lurnisJvAod lav down the iroit,' ftt!jjt tyri hih the grading and furnish the j cross-ties. The orominent citweusof the county, above referred tosay thai " pwpie win accent me DroDOSUiou ratner tnan lose all they have expend eu on ine road. , We, as a native of Rutherford and aiover of her soil and people, would oe giad to see the iron horse prowl ing and neighing over her hills and plains. We are not , so picayunish and selfish as to want the road to go no further west though for a while it might be of leRs advantage to Shel by than if our depot should be the permanent terminus. Our cause is a common one let us work together io ttcuuuipiisn IT. : Aacoulshln- Expos nree In New York. v A New York letter says: "Very astonisning exposures are being made relative to the heavy expenditures of the public dock department and the utter worthlessness of the mass of work 'done under their auspices, Nearly five million dollars have been wasted. It is complained that Phila- ueijuia nuu oosion, wun inetr water fronts and harbor improvements and constantly increasing terminal facili ties are to Icing much trade from New York, which only great effort can r gam. The new line from Baltimore to? Chicago is doing much' also for mat city, wnicn is now last motiopo hzing the coffee trade When the Welland canal enlargement becomes completed, together with the harbor improvements in Montreal, vessels of 1,200 tons will inn , from Chicago to that city." - i ' S a "'Gives us the man that sings st work, says Carlyle. Certainly; take bin along, ana tne wtmiier also. MISCELLANEOUS. Gall and Examine r - - ? ; UDIT IVBLL-SBLBOTBO STOCK OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Pocket aad Table Cutlery. Powder, Shot aud Caps, Gobb, Pistols & Cartridges, Prices reduced at NATH'L JACOBI'S Hardware Depot GRASS BLADES AND HACKS, HAMES AND COLLARS, SEINE AND GILL TWINES, Prices reduced at NATH'L JACOBI'S Hardware Depot. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, RIMS, SPOKES and HUBS, BAB IBON AND STEEL, Prices ReJmeed at NATH'L JACOKl'S HARDWARE DEPOT. , Bept i8 r,r No. 9 market Street. Public Report OP A Policeman. I have Dot enjoyed good health for sereral rears past, yet bare uot allowed it to interfere with my labor. Every ene belonging; to the laboring class knows ths Inconvenience of being obliged to labor when the body, from debility, almost refuMW to per form Us daily task. I never was a believer in dosing with medicines; but, having beard the Yksktimx spoken of so highly, was determined to try it, and hall never regret that determination. As a tonic (which every one noeds at some time) It surpasses anything I ew heard ot -It Invigorates the whole system; it is a great cleanser and purifier of the blood. There are many of my acquaintances who have taken it, and all unite in praise of its satisfac tory eSect. - - . KsieriaUy among the aged class of people, it im- p rts to them the one thing most needful in old ae nlffhta of R&lm. sweet rtnoee. thereby strengthen' iog the mind as well as the body. One aged lady, who has been suffering through life from Scrofula, aud has become blind from hs effects, htviag tried many remedies witn no favorable lesult, was in duced by friends to try the YxaBnm. After taking a rew Dotuea. sne ootainea sacn great rcuiu mat she expressed a wish for her sight, that she might be able to look upon the . man c who had, sent her snch a' blessing. . Tours respectfully, I O. H. P. HOuGK, Police Officer, 8tation . i Boston, Mass., May 8, 1871. Heartfelt Prayer. St. Paul, Ang. I, 1861 H. B. SnvxHS, Etj. Dear Sir I should be wanting in gratitade if I failed te acknowledge what the vsemmhas done for me. 1 was attacked about eleven months since with Bronebitis. which settled into consumption. I had night sweats and. fever chills: was dlntressed for breath, and frequently spit blood; was all eebkciated, very weak, and se tow that my friends thooghl my cae hopeless. - , ' - s-i-was advised to make a trial of the VkobtIns, jabot ts a he bas to me, and that us oivuiegrsce my attend you., is ine neartieu prayer jui ui miring, humble eeryaut, i : , BENJAMIN PETTIN(iILL ' P. H. Jtlreisbntoneamoogtbemanycareijouir medicine has effected in th s plw e. B P. Make it Public. . : x 7 Booth BosTon", Jebar, 181 j HKwkm, . 'l t'-x t . Xtcf fcir Im beard from very many soeseee of the gre' sOvCf's of Vf OBTTMS in cast's of crofu 4 kbeama!jsin Kid. rLiuslaiLt'tiif JTh and olher disMSies of kit drd narnre. 1 mate no h?iuiioi) hrMyingtsrt kihwoTnre tobe The m re lUbereiMd ftrtaJarrh aud bksneft! lxbrli y My wifsiisbc iU.ib ed wUh-tata wb ftr many jears. ni a! time- vtrry iadly. bcb8 thori pghlv tried evenf supposed remedy that we ctml "tir of, and with U h Whe . b tej'eral jears fben gradaalW growihg worsw audi the - dfc-cbarge fmui fch pvasli thic i-.i w(mi ba ounnensd , t iae vwctuiku imimniMi Int on the setrpDd Ixnile ,, She cot-tinued taking bb Vserawa until she ha t used from twelve 4 fiSeti bottles. 1 am nw huppy inr tat-mlag yon -and thb public dl you ; ekoiMe to make tt pu4)ltOtbat eha fo eatUely coredf and YiraxttSB accomplished the cure after nothing e'se would .. Hence 1 fter mst -Aedin saying that Yxarriax is the moat reli bie remedy, and world advise all suffering humanity to try it, tor i eeiieveitte mi w honest, vegrtnbie medicine, and 1 shall not hesitate to recommt ud it lam, t.respectfnly, ciBDku ' VismM acta d seetly upotf the aaase of hese compiaints. It lnvigotates and strengthens tne whole ey stem, acts npon the socretrf aorgaM, alUyi inflammatien, cleaBses and cures ulceration, cures constipation, end regelates the bowels. . K & 1 j yiJri JciJ'Ai.' -'- asA-m-. , Hat Entirely Cire .Me,.., lit. 8tsvs . 1 "--..- -ii - ft 5 Dear sir My danghter, after having a severe ab ack of wbooping eoagh, was left in a feeble state er health, and after Baiag a few botUes wee folly re atored to health. - - Lhave been great sufferer from Bhenmstism.; I bave Uken several bottles of the VpsRum lor Uus complaint, and am happy '-to say it has entirely enrea me. - x we recoiaatenae us r mtwnm m . .w .others wita taeeacae good rssalta Jt s -jb. rea GieSOaWr UIU pulsus w WV aiswe4 ear; a; LU l is S M naaflaa aST ShA SvlAAe it M Ba I m Sael ai ST ' i, a t . it reoommeaa swe LuB&K.6t Athens etseet. i i and Dealers Everywhere. net t P4Wim TUP .iL'lEJCiII 2 it IJSSUUANCiL ; PHDMONT & AEUUGTON Life Insurance Company Of Richmond, Virginia. Over 22,300 Policies Issaeri v Annual Income Over $1,500,000 ProT8ssiTB. ! Ff osperom. ! SHALL KXPKN8KS. SMALL LOSSES. SBCUE INVESTMENTS, AMPLB KBSEHVS, AND OOOD SURPLUS Premiums Cash, lllcjes liberal. Annual Division of Sarplns. AETHTJR J. HILL. JrM Agent . Office for the present with Or. T. F. Wood. Medi cal Examiner, on Market street, two doors west of Green St Flanner's drug store. Wilmington, N. O. September -tf INSURANCE ROOMS ' ' . OF ' : Atkinson & Manning. , FIHK. Xn. o f Nor h America. . ...Philadelphia. Pitenlx Insr.raut-e CoiupuHy Sew York. OontiiMtiit-l lu-urancet o New York. .V Hritifii ,v Mercantile Ins. Co .London. Hartford Fire lus. Company.... ..Hartford. - Naiionn? ird Ins. Comiiany.. . Hartford. Sprintield If. Jt M. Ins. to ..... itlAKINK. .Massachusetts. MereantUe Mutual bis. . . Iua. Vu. of North America New Tork .Philadelphia. tIFK. Connniciit Mutual Llf I . Co.. .Hartford. larch tf KU'CKAUK !MME INSTITUTION Seonrity ftgaintt Pin. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME LtUUACE CON PAN V, RALHOII. N. C This Company continues to write Policies, at fair rates, en all rlsncina of inaarahle DronertT. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The HOME" is raDidlv growing in public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers or property tn aortn jarouna IV Agenu in all paits ef the State. eS & UT BATTLE, Jr., President C. B. ROOT, Vice President. 8KATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPEB, Supervisor. ATKXNSOU MAHNLNQ, Ann. aasl-tf Wllminstos, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. TO HOLDERS OF CODPOHS. OFFICE OF TREASURER AND COLLECTOR, I w liJUNSTon, r. v... June zutn, ltna. Notice is hereby given, that toe Jt'LV rOVPOS 1S75, (of Bonds of this city), cannot be promptly paid. in t onsequeuce of certain changes, under a recent decision f the Supreme Court of this State, as to the manner of assessments, of tbe.Realand Per sonal Propery in this city; snd thereby the City Tax R fe. not yet having been placed in possession of i he u iursi,'i ed, f r l ollection; together with o her cini licatit us, in n ganl to our Municipal affairs, now pending fief ore the Supreme Court ef North Carolina, the city of Wilmington must neces sarily crave some indulgence from the Holders of City Coupons, Bnder existing clrcnmtances. T, O. 8ERVOSS. City Tr asnrer. jua ao-tr The Bobesonian. PUBLISHED EVERT WEDNESDAY MORNING in Lumberton. N. C. by W. Wallace MeDlar- mid. has he largest circniaUon of any country piper in the State. It circulates extensively in the coun ties of Kobeson. Richmond. Uladen, Oolaatbua, Cumberland, Brunswick, and in the adjoining coun ties of- Marion. Marlboro' and Darlington, in South Carolina. As a L-al Newspaper it has no superior. It is one of the few country papt-rs whoso editor and Publisher gives his whole time anc aueniioB to its enlumoa. . - r i la Politics the ROBBfONIAN will strtve t pro mote the principles of the Democratie-"onsrvaUve party, and is uiieompromisingly in favor of Waits Supremacy. Its Local columns will always teem with the latest aud best news, written in a brief, iaV telligent and business-like manner, its editorials will be short and lucid snd uron subjects- which directly concern our peoples As aa advertism! medium it is Bitch toaght after and has a patronage second to no other country paper. : asuburned . is 1870. it has ever since lieen iucreasInK la , inlaeace and DODBlarits autil it has reached aad erceiiird Ihe very front rank of North Caroline journalism. J i K4TKH UASB - in ADTUOi-oss year, V mr. Six Months, $1 25; Three Months, 75 ceate. -Send a three-cent tamp for specimen copy. Advertising rates furnished on applicauon. Address taerei Usher. ' - i oct lS4f Dog Ordinance J'orlSTi Office Treasurer Collector, Cray ok WiLinNQTON, is. (J., June 12th. 1875 rpMB DOff ORDINANCE FOK 1875 KEtUlKES X that the same r bod Id go Into effect J une 1L . NoTtCKIS llEKKBY lilVKN, that all parties owning or keeping any dogs, either m le or. felnalei are reqnir d to reptsier the same at this o files, and procure tne reqairott uaae; comroenuuig j 9oiiday'tlie 14tli Inst., a dforf'-ir (4) rfa s tbareafer. The Ordinance aln ovid p that such uersonB who fail to comply with the ai ove reqair-uents, will be subject to a ouialty or t n (io. am. are. - TO SKRVO -,. une 13 tf ItClerk and Treawer. Pay Your City OFFICE OF TRKASURJEH AND X)LLECT0R, v UlTi' OP :iLMtN6TOti N. t. 3 3 uly 2Tib. 187 ri-MiK 1 1 rv TaX HOOK- FOK 1815 HA'VIN'i 1 Itei u received at thi-office, tne nnjerL nrd is iow prt-psrud.to . r . - ()LI.ECTTHE CITY TAXE8 an Ha. l i4at and Pers -nal property for 1873 ' -A(il TAK'tlW -are therefor notified, and rej qufted to give this ma'ter immediate .ttenlioul aud to ca'i at thi .office- and "pay tip" ailhimt farther deiay. . . . .v . - -4. C'l 1'Y COUPONS are also receivable, In psymenl oftltyraxea T. C, 8ERVO8S, July 88-tf Treasurer and CoIlenr. ,. 'I ouaorLal--JI f moval K ARTTS has rentoived to the Barber Shop fornix erly occaed by Uim, m theaasetaentof the Purcel House, wsere he invites bis old friends and tneuqhr a t. kn n feint fiMt-ftrarsmm 4n thi IV fcV IV-J n i x ,T. r.' . . ; suie nproyea, ana anYinK, cuur vaui BbampiMitnr ooee tne wmnwn nonee. For SmitliTme. dsh t. at I t Oct J8-f J a- Woody4 tfea Currxe; s tji fca iKt'i v'i r GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS.Cornef Pi liistise s1 .Nesitl-Wistsr- - streets,. Wilsaing toa. N. C. ' - . i 1 Mrs win Coadict om ftnsmM wita ne aetemKia tkm to estohnsh a arat dase itrictly Commlssioa Boase, aad to slve entire satisfaction to all who may favor aa with their patronage. oct B tf . ' 1H BEST tFAniL.1T , WtEOIClN KB, i i i i v Tested by popo'ar tt e for over . i Or. Strenj, CaMuesad Henevtlve PI He cure CODsiTpdrton. niouenees. Bowef Complaint.' Wsiarial Fevers HheBmatiu.; Erysipelas, nd all diseases of Liver. fetomnch, and Bowels. i- i j : Dr, iironzd Sectoral Stomach , PI.1! cure Conzhs. Colds. Cramn. DTStfeOaW: Sick tleart kehe, F mala ComplalaU,vHect- ViMeeei and all disorders of Chvst and Stomach. . , , ,. I ! . , . j ... i Iif fa i Send Postal Card for a Specimen 'THE aWASHING'fON WEEKLY Established 1853. Address, Tan, Kvwuse Prescribt ion Free for the speedy cure of special troubles . common to the youn? and middle aged. Nervous, mental and physical depression, loss of memory j and energy,' pains in the back, self distrust . dixzfcesa, dimness of sight, confusion of Ideas, and other disorders ef ' the nervous system eoneeqnent tin 'various' habits that lower the vitality of the systenu; Any drsggist has the ingredients. . .,( -: Address IJk. K H. Ill LTOJT. Cincinnaii, O.j t y-t IwnepAfftnts wanted. Outnt tfrn i(rew TKUBi XX). j, JLugutta, HOC iKftl D Cfi H V H! "11 I?iRSf dSiSp EtPOSt rMiil of the tradesmen 1 1 indil8marThsntnte. Pittsb1wgh,Pa..opVn8 rct 7 irfost a KoV. 6: Addri-s A J Nh.LL18. Prer. 'P t OtlV " vifnwn-eea nMttg- our. wen Aof VAV uuus . ha in. iitd jat g k(1 sgents. sf irvB.r. AKKer vo , it. uouia, .-( You -Cdn. Make ;:$50()0" In DO days In A t Slocks. My Sypfem is Safe, nonorable and S mplo ; fNttphlet Bent Free to Ail. W. II. WEEKS. Banker. 173 Broadway. New York. tttneks betunt and sold at the N. Y. Stock Kxchangei TKT A ATrnT Aeiita - fr the best seUlrsi -11.1 ii lJjlJ Ir us fackag Wth wortd IVt I rnutainc- -t, ets ia-er. 15 Knvelopen, tio.dee PeiJ Pe:i i:id' -n't t-aett -Yard Mea-nre, und ai pi. re of Jew l 11 "ini.le psckace, with eleai.t piie. , o-i-psto, ;j cents, circular tree. . 7u9 Broadway, New Toi k. cin nun ROYAL HAVANA LOri'SKY. Dis- WJ 1U VUUi tributed every fifteen days. 1 1 ire 100.000 l nHse....50.nnn s tiHxus. iUS.UOO eaoh. 60.000 8St prize, am-untng to 310,000 : ' ii.vuiHrevi uiiuroia'iun prizes trameo. , A.- DONAH A CO., Bankers, Post office Bx S08a. 1 Park kow. New York. Koyal raxon.and Brunswick Go vernincnt Lotteries constantly on hand. ! Healtly, Pleasant filiate. : RICH LANDS ! Homes and Farms eheaper than any where and on easiest termt as to payments. For Circniar descriptive of Bou'h Eastern Ar kansas, address B. 4 MATfU EWS, Montioelio, Ark. i PER WEEK maranteed to Asrents, Male ftp f I and Female tn their own locality Tcima and OUTFIT FKKK. CO., Auguata, Me. Address P. O. VICKEKV A 5 TO Cion per day at home. ip'Uiree. SnsoNaCo. fc OoTCnOMANCT. OR SOUL I llow cither sex mar fascinate and eain the love and effect ions of any person they choof c, in stantly. This art all can poetess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, together with a marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Di earns, 11 lets to ladies, etc l.tmOjOOO sold. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM & CO.. Pub's, Philadelphia. ' oct 9-dw4wks. MISCELLANEOUS. SHARPS Metallic cartridge, military, hunt ing and " creed moor" rifles -excel all others in accu - racy, strength and SAFETY'. No Premature Discharge Ever Occurs Every Rifle- warranted a - good shooter. Calibre 40, 4e and 60-100 of .an inch, and of any desired length. Charge orpowder from 50 to 1C5 grains. Weight of bails Troca 338 to Me grains.' stock, plain; also Pistol grip and checked. Bights: plain; Globe and Peep Sights;. Vernier, with interchangeable front alghis . and, Wtud-auge.. Every variety of am munition for above guns, constantly .on hand. Price from 30 to $125. I SHARPs' rJFLE COMPANY, i ' septil-trAWtr' ' Hartford, Cpnu. I 1 ill-LTtiUJ. ..J lli.l t.l.r II. . in, Oriiiarj 782 Prizes X . JJL .... ...... ' '4C OI1A 1 - of.. MifwMf.,,., ... 1 a u,vvv " S . " of 9.000 each ;ioieow 10 " of 1.000 each. ........... GO V. . . Mtn Sank . , , ...- 44,500 636 of:. 00 each OlreuTajf With tnU ioiorniatloii ieai fr Tickets foraalehy J J" J : ' : ' C- DEVLTN, V ; -i Statfonsr aUd General Agent, ; SPECIAL NOTICE ,.aJ TO THE Ij A. I IE S :' .i t : - - - . I rs-' ; " -'! ' - - - " : ''" J H8 SAlE tl F MiT, Sf OCC ,0?, DRY GOODS wJilpiiieuce at fl 0,'clttckon 91 ON 0 t ' -ft O &n N G, JCTO If R 44 b " .The Ladies are invited to a; iend 'this Sa'e. ' verj VicVl iQdj oribaUil'AjjrIndit l may, and in qtuntltie tQ su't pareh,iseK. - p i i - ' .. nno-urRits .1 ; foetttr - 89 Market street. t ATiltlFTA G JJ AIZ Yl ! ! Fa3LaLd, 'WiiXtexv Goods, J DJ AIX THK PJEPaSTXBNTSt AT , ffJt W, iAMSpN8,"fe jiitltcreeti .1 jfYf HSCrta'thie searcrfy of jmoney jn.the' Essieni J mMi-ketd. onr resident partner tn"New Tork haS secured some ORBAT BAROAINS inDress Good. together with Kanlcets, Flannels and Shirting; Bleached and taMeachedj e. All of which are now ready TOrlnsfcetaRJiTaT mt old stand, Noi 43 Market street. : ,' . , f. , . ' I I I II i . K " . xfji'iiiinA septi6rtf ps 1fi Jr A It. SAM8QN-, ENBR4TOS FO Making Swda Waterrtun4 V3T tor JetiBttoJiii(td nX t3ejmani8ilveij. and places for six kinds of syrups; German Silver Cooler, and twe$eiatloffc Copper Reservoirs with Patent CI amp ' valVeS-aJl Ih perfect order. The whole valued at four hundred dollars, wltt . be sold feralf their Valnei . sAppiy omMnriir'' ' T "''; Pecond 8treet, between STarket and Dock, " . MKftHlw Wminton, Tij CC! MOT o:n l y C' - 1 f, '.I. i i? it fl in' :- :u '1 J U ' "!.-.i l,V'f' I ' 01 awmbh CJqk;l. i.y.lwTrfJ tt'i- -vzifi -uv i.i'. vf? '' Us-vp- $yau.iu i Sanger's English lilfenagerie of Trained Animals, ifioavoisiMAijf' mm: olAriAAA fill ATT fMnt1 I tiittuiswtheonlv kxhidition HiUU,UUU AJJLXXAJJLMJXV XAJ jOJ FIVE TRAINED Performing together in- the ring at the same time, lormea oy animus. a; ine worn 01 command iney . I fh mnalc waltst. linn tatt atann on thIr hoaria nnv mnairal inBtrnmpnta Btartla ih 'anKnra hv rtlotr I Samples worth 1 -"Arj,"i --- i:.rJ" tneenapeoi nana cnariots mat nas ever Deen ., f Ortlaad, Ale. I mtna h C,iattan hmm.mr Maiutrlo Knllaa anH ViotnrU . t , I ! . s , r- ' ' - "-V' - 1 ru'lr(AA,Uvi.hiiivAWwU:i CHARMING." I :.-.(... :,.:.-. ., 1 I h,n. Ph. ; 4o-i fU.i.rr J THE FIVE EDUCATED ELEPHANTS I 1 . i I I . ! ' ' ... ' : Xargest combiaatioa in America. Special Attrad- Ittons txhioited tiy no other company in the wotid. j OUR FEATURES. " - T Sanggr's EBlisli Menagene,- Conceded by all te emtaln more aruiuit ut tivutu, , j. j an the most choice and -rare toltcctlon of LMng Wild Animals t0 any KhmlUan in the World. T The only Group of ft !-. v ! Five WgrDBByraFBroEyrsEiJTOaBT in the World. -.The oly Den of five Feroctotie lToy-ai Beh'Kal Xleere ill a e oulJ "en 01 . And the only Den of. Arna An f awail wm 1 TtiA 1tv VTi vmuvu uj uisui, Jiuxmii -i.'.e Three Baby Royal Bengal rtjcri ever born while in capMvityv" Bdrh AprlJ. "Sflli s?3f Kv ry Ftatnre Adrtrtired, TrujyXhibitsd. Every Nati n if, filler EegrfSirutsLi Iba Wbo!6 I .-j - j litA.(A Ci World aCon'rtbn r. . r i ;) . rf i i 1 -t I ; i; ' .'11, :!..; More Performing Aniroals than aryl ..- I" . ': K : j SmwhltiM of our proat feature: Seven -Massive (!avaliMa Muvwtiiiir Urocian klenhamConrainir. Hurdle Racinsr. Indian MakeaPoot Our sv&u.uiiu v;n&liengev J!dc acrea-or auujtiiup 1 1 i i riA ,-llt- .noil ' ,! tillltq I This is the only Company w nniiH nr rnr h.-rliihitmn f -rrnrmflrt iHitlAr j' ' ' ' M 1 1 1 C (JjUl -tr-.r sjs-a . . yorpart! 9atFa, b i "GHwmt W.tU'niiWb'er!' .VIf.tUH!'i'-loJj,-M8-'l9-.5'iOtlt?lBt'U "in r-i-.ifiiil.-sii-i'l . ..! sin S" 1 lOliiiH til 3plEtf T .-SHs g , if ti- - .4 ' .-a r- E1III1I UAV1NG A, XHO(jtUtVF ELEPHANTS! 1J 1 the most Marvelous and Wonderful .Feats ever per- go tnrougn tne mazes or tne dance. Keep tyee witn it$S . 9 til ill (-iBltatl Howes'. Great London Gircug - j Largest kipa&j j' L , Every Performer a Stati ' Every Feafure intFt bass. ''.? Four Clowns in the Arena. . v,! i Grand nfppodroma'tic Spectaclcai s-it- f:cn.,e A Blaze of Gold and-Somished SteeL A Tribe Heaf irdqudfil 1 tndiiniVanlors, etc I . . . t r . , . . . .,' TheEntertahmehts bf The Great Tmrloii" ' iLu'erpermte rr . ..u.(1u..,.uuiJ tionsfo. ..- ' ... ...... -jt, H jsyery special Featare Advertised Truthfully Re-! ,v jwanvju; in -xruo 0111 jril". .1 u ivK.A'i Si ,-j--v " j ir --( t('f fiflK jftf I..Is.i hi x,"i WD;) ii"'"! other Ten ALenagerles in; ths F .iT !r' f Hf i !; -;U'Hj:jr- la sitt iiT .' .e-s If ;! ! Go d Chano's. S Rouian War Chariots. Roman Reanties. Elc?ant Cotnmes adori lnir al.anelv ladiesi - raeinff.aieU ' Weueoor-ow rs'ttJek' Read epp. j 'noi itwH-ma vvsutiisipouf u aia pnn anv treteruie w-halever . .......n.. n.xfin ,0.a 01 U SliSI 1'Hira'JvoK 1 . ,- - 1 ciHth'ad KMtei 'BeV$ToT3B for the brdlecfiorTof Hi patronsTrom im mm. Mm&mW of mPM&&rztnr(JnA no intoaieatinf? iinuota al- pfrT4i -Ein.Tii.iii J::11'L.rT7 ,! rrtTu-rrrr. r T f 1 lr T ''smmmm) -ft r 11 0 - sivDsr smsT'-ievm beheld 91tS . IKtilO4: at. lO-ii'Mj'Oi . ifcttj f Has No Equal in America. GaKATKSTS5SATK)N OF THB AGE 1 o r . jl t j selves then Judge I At 9 A. M. on. jeacb day of exhibition 'the Hippo dromatic GrandTrtomphal Street Pageant of Howe's Orst London CirSS. Grecian Ulppodromc, Hanger's Bnslib Menagerie, of Trained Animals and Iroquois Indian: Troupe, When Will be'seen the grandest dis- Pof.vDentspieDOX)reirs:wineaedi:aponi the g 1500,000 Expended In thcOhtflt l yt:)K' .Wl'l.ljrXk.mVi ...... fflbeWJtoknWvrldri Conttibtttors Mr. H. Barnum, havtig taS' yWara bf experience JT -w Lrv.v Hnr vv H I'I tUVIHVW catericgto tjje tastes of .the lovers of amusemt-nts ana 01 arnguc mecnaniEm, nas tor the vear Jtn5, at an enocnions oitiay Jn Chariots, Paraphernal , cof- luimk. Amwr. LS.uwiLa me hm iicw i nan v any and atf hereior.oiAUetnpUas to -Splendor, and KOeltT.Vi!l ; -(.'i'-i - Jj T. -.'i . r - V iralyJewanSBeantifiil Features ' ,,JAmeg whtch liittbe'eech :ft THB.SEVEN GtDBN'CHATtTOTS ! ! ' Qly ones ef '4be katd evecseen in .America. ... t -. . . i : ' Tbe PoudroiiM Uoldeii U'ar, :iarloi or inoia,4tr t ar. 01. jueseruaiii I Drawn by Five Elephants. Coloeval Mssiiificebt Hi d K cniy Afionned: lsthirty-ave fntin hmtb ani thirty feet in heleht enruionnted by a " -!..': liferiaed " GOLDEN ippi. ELEPIi ANT," urrcundei'bj Turksl Moors. Sultanas, ftc. in 1 1 the r native oieu. iieprcsenuug inula. wrVnseaufulDaBiJ GyAforres. This supeib fxpo8iUon;o art is tbiEty.five.feet in len Dgth ar.d twentv-five feet in; height, made to raine- or lower by machinery.' n he bod v is covered hv ings and richly gUded ornaments "In tne idestals, are caned ttatntsillnstrBtiig . rear, on Brttania anf the Genius 'tl Colnmhia. Interspersed among Mercury, Ceres and ether em blems of Peace and Continerce.' "From" the center this Chariot rjeesep, to si towering heigbt. m enor- moB uioesi upon wnicnr is eeatea a lady in- lull steel armor, representing Britania with trident snd British Shield. suDnorted bv emblematic renresenta- tives of A tn erica on each side ef the carved sratnai v. representiog ; vt:l iraMtm-r U . y.i tt? Europe btMl Amerlcn. V.n-jft THE ;6LDliJ( (11B OF EJUlKBPi:. Drawn by TEN FLEMISH fiOSfeES,' nnbn ; wbitb ',"1 J- ' '-TTtseeated ' " : -' - Zelm's Celebrated British' Brass Bant. The bofir of thia plerifltd vehicle Is elaborately ornamented: ihe panels, front, sides and rear are all richly carved and gilt French plate mirrore upon tb e sides in bas-relief. reDresentins: the Muses and other mythological subjects, the entire car being covered wiiu uarvru um fiutru utxuraiiuuB. lueHJIeBDU finish of this Euterpean Chariot excels anything in seen The Colossal Golden Chariot of the Min '' BHaWbT TWILVS ASHALVBtXV Hokses'. 1 "MaBsive fn'ftoportions,: ArtistTc frif Desiffn' Richly I trian Fijjurcs q Life Size ' W m Richly gilded, ifec eurmonnted by a' tnagniflcent ta: where thtfexhib tion takes 1 .lace. All trirl- ami tovs I betw een the agesof 6 and It years ars cordially 111 play, and are requested to congiegaie at the exhibi tion grounds at SJ A. IL . Reprcseutingr Amcrictt. ' 10 JTOEjQOLDEN iDRAGON CHARIOT,' titO sotii Drawn bv Twelve Jerusalem Donkevs. This wonderful piece of workmanship- ot artistic u y ;) ii ; - oeant7represenuag ;. ,.. , ; i , A FIERY DRAGON WITS, THREE- BEADS Js twenty feet In length and of flne proportion, richly carved in eflt. sdrmbunted by rcpreeentbtives bf thB ast-KlNOl, QDEKN8,'TAOK8,' Ac., &C , resplendent with oriental beauty, caparteeaed-tn richjiickJ-platsdmor; banners, flags, emblems. d ibi!UepieiaiitSr"'siraC !" fTiBCsiEswx cbciArof .drIwn Masnfficent aherichlv adorned witnrich-carvines of oriental design in gilt and scarlet, snrmountedby a canopy tne enure teagtn arapea witn red, white J 1.1 . M .1 J..U. j . J t.u 1 .. sua uiuc, irauiuura ut-jajrasjBuepcuueu wiiu cuius of blue and gold, the wndle'rorming -A"Kctiiref ktr&ficOrteitkl Splender. ner I ,,(,, 1 "feyttiVin y f -J1 . FAIRYCISPEBBLI.ACHABIOT, Of eiquisite workmanship and modal ; t1'" ' : . ..... -, : .:. . "DBAWN BV kl ONLY TXAX OF 2BBAfl .XVEB SEEK i :i if-aw gABaBS,.BayKtBHiitt-Atttf Al ' .Uuetnf tiajitiuii -.i:---'' The sitWdrf flsfife-V An entirely new ; and novel featnre In the annals of exhibit ions, nasi aeeitl gotte ntt an expense of $iu uuu Dy the proprietors or tne leviathan uonoji- dation. with a view to place before the public ft-a-tftmt that, ace- tplsnaia and. Aitf eraoSf somll. tte ordinary traveling ihititionn5 (f A lleffuitlF VuUHnkme of Church BeUx, Arranged upon a roleadid . .vehicle of nondert-nc ivt4!Fht, and chimed by mechanical invention all tt e IstebC ah-tl of the day; ahd wffl appear in -the- Wrand Pogcant.i aai ui lieu.i.i iit uij Repkesextixq thb" New - Tokk Tbihitt Chtjbch . (. : CmSEs. ' Io addition. tfcreabf);vaderfi work or art will appear daily in the public streets, fifty cages, dens and vans or WildBesvts. Roman War Chariots, UAHJetaaa witettte ea)kirc-Coabisataf; ' HojX9 BEAT,L0DCBCTJSHlPF0DBOlUt ASD ViirgANQia'sILisBvMMAeaitBoi'TTBiiiii Wti J -fit i - ! i!t J. Fbrmtii?'a1sccne''bf 'dflSEllnl irilenflot' ? bve two miles to length,' nev W tefore equalled in' the woria Wfeiaembei: n'mif,,l Liui J-i-i.t Ii .i 1 , -.MiitMfl- Ihe Qreat LoadonV Free Exbibitioa. rtvtt b trn w0tff a C. JWS,. 1wr - - -------- .ill 111 1 : : - -

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