THE UOItimiG STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY ; ' BET- B0BEEii5rlA!.X) RA.TJM OV 80B8CBiraOR IX ASVAXOS: ..: t ' wn yer, (by marl) postage paid,.....,;.. $7 00 s months, ,").... .... 4 00 ri,recmontW(" S 25 one month, C ) - v 5 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered In any put of the ,-it v Fifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agent ere advance. -. - ? . t- . OUTLINES. I Bandits attempted to assassinate Gov truor of Panama. Tweed's six mil lion suit been struck from calendar for this term. Brfi MgU Gazette says H will be necessary ultimately for England to occupy Egypt. New York Market: Gold, ll&i115ii cotton, 1314;V rosin and spirits turpentine, steady. Another London failure reported. - Apparently the Democrats have a small majority on their State ticket in New York, but this is not certain. Legislature lost, . Regis trar and J udge of 'Election in Hicfamond arrested on charges preferred by independ ent candidates. - . - Scon reed by Fire and. Fever. One of the distressing features of the Virginia Uny fare is the fact that the city has been scourged. by the ty phoid fever, and large numbers of persons were sick witn tne disease when the conflagration swept the place. The Virginia City Chronicle of last h nday gives- a - very gloomy picture of the sanitary condition, and states that the deaths averaged thir teen per week, the majority resulting from typhoid fever a very terrible mortality for a city of ten thousand inhabitants. Strange to say, Virginia City, located in a high, healthy and breezy region, is- one of the filthiest places in the ;West, the authorities having paid no attention whatever to draining. The streets are described iy the Chronicle as foul with the ef tluviuin from rotting garbage and shps. It is no wonder that. typhoid exists to uh an extent, for it flour ishes most where there is no drainage an J an abundance of decomposing matter and noxious gases." The fire w ill give the authorities of Virginia City a fair opportunity to make the desired sanitary improvements. Tbe Speakership. - Baltimore Sun Washiuj?ton Special. A letter received here to-day from one of the most prominent Demo cratic members of the House state that most of the New England Demo cratic members are for Mr. Kerr for Speaker. ; ' ; ' A gentleman who reached here to night gives the following as the re sult of a conversation between the Hon. S. S. Cox and himself on the sabject of the Speakership : Mr. Cox says the contest is between him and Mr. Kerr, with the' chanees in his favor. He expects to get Kew York and Ohio solid in the cancus and to divide Indiana and Missouri wjth Mr. Kerr, and' will have Illinois, Michi gan, Kentucky and the New England Democrats, tie says Randall will got Pennsylvania and some of the Southern States; that Kerr's strength lies in the. West only, and that he will divide with him. . This may .be Mr, CoxV opinion, but it most cer tainly is not, any one else's. small Economies. The things to save out of are shows,., false appearances and self-indulgences not necessaries. , For instance, where is the economy in working or reading by. a dim light to save candles or gas, and injuring the sight; in wearing boots that let In the water, bringing on colds and rhenm'atism, in living on poor food and' lowering the system ? Far better wear a shabby liat a week or two longer than usna!,or dispense alto-' gether with some contemplated piece of finery. The worst of it is though, that people are generally much more willing to dispeni?with' "necessaries that make no show than with useless extravagances that afford an opportu nity for a display which every -one sees through. A late writer on the above subject gives some words of -warning in reference to small ecbno mies, which are apt to degenerate in5- to meanness. He remarks 'that we continually read in the newspapers ol people who die in misery and povv erty; who have perhaps receivea help, from the parish, and after their death; money is found, which they have hid-: den in all sorts of, old nooks and cor-; ners s With tbes- onfortaoates sav ing had become a mania, and of all manias it is surely the most deplora ble, for after, all monev in itself is worth absolutely nothing: it is only valuable for what it can procure. j If it will onlv bring comfortH and neces farie for those we love whilst we are able to work, and insure independence for ourselves wheii we cannot do so, it is worth economies, forethought, hard work, energy, care- and self-de-i.jal. But even gold is boughti too dt?ar when the desire for it is allbwed to overpower every other feeling. American KeepeeMor Election. It is truly enough remarked byv.the Chicago Iribune that the American people are exceptional tin the matter of a universal acceptauce Jof i the re sults of an election, and in submis sion to the will of the majority as ex pressed at the ballot-box ; -JLu $ other lands and among otherpeoplev a election is often the-prelude to a re volt or a, revolution by those,, who, may be declared to be in the minor- !tv0 I;wujryfftltox is regarded as the court of nnal re: rt, by whose decision .all men must abide, 'and which decisionbeiugr that -f the inajoritv, is rt-cognized" as the inw Uif. - . ;'! r7-' On Saturday night 'last a diffi- olty occurred at Jamestown on tbf N. J. K B, between Mr. Walter Alrop, the eq-; Kioeer of train No. 1, which left Charlotte at 9:15 on the night named, add the pqmp-, man at Jamestown, a white 'mad uamea poon, in which the latter Was knocked senseless for 91 hours. JLL ULJLJIJJ :JLV JL JLii ESLJbVi- - . 1 m i ipSm i I i i i-'iin ii i n wi ii.iii.i in ii i ii . . in- If" I'ti I I ' m I n i ..j i. ilium i I ' Hi ')! ep iifiiijt I iii iliipi .11,1 u i . . A M i j 1.- VOL.iXyiI.r-NO, ;36.;,r WathioKion'a Chair. x LBiblical Recorder. L k ' " " m When vre lived, in lEdenton. N. a there was In i the, possession ibf,;thfc iuasonio lodge a splended chair, said to do tne one used b? Gen. Wash ington wlien Master of the Lodge :fh Alexandria, Wr The tradition that this chair was 6ent to Edenton, ri. j,t ior sate keeping, at the begin "luS wi iuB revoiuiion or 17U. It 18 known have been in the possession of me iuienton LKdge-ince 1778 and me loage ot Virginia has trice de manaea its restoration. The matter is now bejng investigated and should the tradition prove true this chair will become a valuable addition to centennial furniture. ; - A Warnlufc. Wives who complaiu'of marital re missness in posting letters will, pei haps, be interested in the fate of . a W ashmgton letter carrier., named Whiteside, who was recently heJd to bail on the charee of detaining letters. It is not believed tbVre waa any crimi- naiubciii, vu niiesiae ex plained that he had forgotten to mail the letters, having had them in the pockets of garments which he was not in the habit of wearing." The United States Commissioner said the penalty . for the offence was a lino of $50Q or one year . imprisonment, or ootu. We do not pretend to sav that this case is . precisely the same witb tuat ui me uomesuo grievances or the same nature unhappily too fre quent, but it will at least be noted by Batterers that the excuses of tins pub lic letter carrier are about the same as those commonly made by forgetf ul husbands. Perhaps some T" reform could be effected bv reminding the latter how seriously the government Tl.- t: a P 1UU&.3 uuuu iuis ouence wnen commit ted by one of its authorized agents. Recorder Hackett, of New York, is one of the finest pistol shots in the. country. One day a few years ago, as he was discussing with his father (the famous "Falstaff") and George Clarice, the actor, the merits of various noted shots, Clarke wagered that yonng Hackett could not hit a com mon playing card 300 feet distant. He accepted the challenge, and offer ed, farther, to knock a cigar from his father's mouth with a pistol ball at the same distance. Both feats were successfully accomplished. r Miss Clara Louisa Kellogg was in Hartford, Connecticut, on the 22d hit., and, desiring to visit friends in Providence, Rhode Island, she en gaged a special train, at a cost of one hundred and fifty dollars, to take her to that city, that being her only means of getting there and also meeting her engagements in Boston on the following Monday. Spirits Turpentihe ; Granville,: I county . Tfeow' has a Medical Society. , , r . Gen. Hill will deliver an address at the Hickory Fair. , , - A new Methodist Church edi fice at Ceol Springs, Wake county, is near ly completed. - - r , 'rr -Theii Yenerable Hillsboro lie- carder enters upon the fourth volume of its new series this week. SK-'J IU liev. Dr. . C. R. Vanghan Is' temporarily occupying the: pulpit of the Raligh Presbyterian Church. Lincoln county -has just sent her first contribution to the State penitentiary a colored Radical politician. Edwin Booth oWilIisit Char lotte this winter, having engaged the opera House some two months in advance. . The Sentinel savs it is ru mored that a couple of New York capitalists are going to put up a eottod iactery tia Raleigh. - OwfngtoxfeeWelicra!th Jno. W. Norwood, Esq., - has been compelled to abandon the preparation of a eulogy hpoa the late ex-Gov. Graham. : : i Col. S. D. Pool, of " Out Zhing and Cur Dead,' Raleigh, N. C, makes the following splendid oner: lo any one send ing $5 we will furnish the magazine com plete from January, 1875, to December, 1675, and the magazine for the year 1876, from January fo December--two ears with lour completed serials,, Tor $a.t Oxfords Torchlight: The Dia lectic Society of the North Carolina Uid TeTBhyatendeTeQr.-TrBriftflpslury the full use af Its valuable librmy, it hnviat; learned that be proposed writing a liitory ot North Carolina. Yfis are pleased to learn that twirl tWQiahatf is recciviug niaiiy words of encouragement from the press i ami outYof the 8tate,and fr m .Jial.inguith ed sou's i of North Carolina. :-'i 't-T,:. ', l: I, ' Charlue Observers, 'From a cU5zeh"bf this place who ha.v5iist turned from Salisbury, we learn that ftsbt iu. wlu n one boy was seriously, pcrbrtpadanget Wf'l v subbed,; occurred iji that city on Saturday last, between tnrre Droliwis, : Mg.a resec lively 5J 7 and- years. 11 A'difrkultt sprang up between the two youiig tfl brothers uu the one side, and the eldest on; theoiher, wtusii the two attacked the one. who drew AJtflil-uiui4--hie aged 7 years. The blatle, penetrateu o auU cut one of the lungs, aiid wheii our irifornmut SaSiMuryjit.was thought ye3profHble. 'that fhe wouudeU boy Would die. r TheiNeVVork H'oi is right inhie,:'ll6sef'TWi:?Jaage Settle, of North ,CarolM," whp went , .daring the re cent canvass iu Ohio to the Soldiers'. Home and fawdingly whmed tbat he was "a thor oughly whipped and , reconstructed rebel thai had come to Dayton to take off his bat to the brave IdefesAsra? f the .Union," ia nrobablv theame Judge Settle, of North ,CareUi4,?iiU,? after having UHmtb. wttu-J est of Tebels.naeveropecLintoniie ranaest or Radcl.b,IllM njOi and shoe polish hellcked from the boptsof the brave feadera"or tba tJat )ay not bve suf ficed to tum lilgnrous stomach, but his eioqueoce apparently defied theic digestion,., a for the firtt time in. U bwtoiy, ttibugb Havei was a soldier, the Home webt Dom: times as many as any Democrat',-ever got before." . WILMINGTON, THEOITY. v NEW AOVBUTISEnENTS. : J.F. Rr)ECKERT,-Chickering Pianos. Gko. A Peck. Seasonable Goods. A. DAVro. The King of Shirts. G. H. W. Rungb. Celery, Apples, &c. I twer5;Ca.-Jon,t Forget. TIabrison & AlIen. Silk Hats. W. L. Jewett. W. S. F. E. Co. No. 1 J., W. Thompson. -(-Railroad Meetings, Binfokd, Crow & ; Co. Flour, Cheese. D. B. Morrelu Contractor. Iiocal Dote. . Cloudy, or rainy to-day. Clinton Fair is in full blast. Saturday is the close. One schooner, two brigs and a barque are reported in below, bound up. In some of the dry goods stores we notice quite a rush of customers lately. jr W. II. Howe, a member of the police force, resigned his position yesterday. : ' The weather has been delight fully -mild and pleasant during the present week. v ; v. , i ', ! . ;" . Tht . hog cart perambulates at early dawn. 1 "Oh ! whose' shall the har vest be ?" . There was one case for trial be fore tbe City, Court yesterday, but it was continued over. ; ; Delegates to State Baptist Con vention at Shelby to be elected to-night at the First Church. i - S Special session of the Board ; of Aldermen last night. Only executive busi ness was transacted." Where are the Fair Managers Can't the fine painting just completed at the domicile of the Sisters of Mercy be se cured for exhibition?! i ti The Grand Jury of the TJ. S. District Court, now in session, have thus far returned ten true bills. Mr. R. M. Furman, of the Asbeville Citizen, was in tbe city yesterday, but left on the Western train. Under the soothing influence of the reminder of the Mayor and Marslial a good many gaping wounds in the sidewalk are healing. " " ' "'"f .r Steamboatmen. report the river very low at present. There was a slight rise on Monday, but it! was followed by a still further fall and 'boats are new com pelled to go down- with alight load-. There 'was a little skirmishing on Fronts between. Market and , Princess streets, yesterday afternoon,' but moderate counsels fortunately ; prevailed and tbe threatened collision did not take place. We are reminded of our early . -.-.-. .- ... connection with the history of railroads r while the railroad was yetonly an experi ment by notice of the 40th annual stock holders' meeting of tbe Wilmington & Wel- dou Railroad. The Apollo Brass Band of thjs city, intending to purchase new instru ments, have sold theirs to the Cape Fear 6. F. E. Company, from which a new col- o-ed band is to be formed. "Music hath charms," and the more music the better. In selecting your wall-paper avoid the bright greens. They are , almost always arsenic colors,! and, according to authority, give off poisonous exhalations under certain conditions of the weather. Young children are also liable to lick the pretty figures on the wall. The Evans 54-sbot . rifle to- be -t awarded as a prize in the grand rifle match at the Atbfetie Club Grounds on Thanks giving Day may be seen at the bardwaie store of Messrs.' Giles & Murchisohl It is stated to be an improvement oh everything heretofore hiade WcT fq tender its posses sor a perfect walking arsenal. That our public-spirited ladies are bus ily at work supplementing the labors of Sir, Lamb to make Flpral Hall in truth a bower of beauty.4 We have not seen it yet, but rest assured that the artistic taste of Wilmington's fair maids and matrons is not likely to fail them j in this emergency. Peace be to their councils and help to their hands., say, we, that,, they. may make their charge better worth. tha ever the coming far to see. Thntiiery ia rio4 wilf be here in much greater variety than heretofore, to add attraction to: the mechanical depart ment for those $1)0 like to see iuanimate matter fasiiioued hy ait into forms that maybe haruesed to powt-r and made to xeiuplify "the p(netry of motion." - - That the simpler! niecbaaUms and coa- trivuiices Ueuignea to iigmen or neiter me results achieved by tbe labors of the house hold will bhKe71tf great ariety and embrace many new inventions. ' t Thai, if the letter. received and'tlie en-1 tries, aire idy. made, are a safe indication. the exhibition, of improved, varieties; of stock and of farm products and natural cu-, riosities will be fully up to anything hereto- j fore seen here. , , J Tht! a Jrge iauiifbej of ifi4e bloded horses will be on band lo participate in the races tod ttTeaTurervf the occosiou will bea DVggace'fbraavc1tizens' purse. BlenmoudrCoarc. U.. . - ! TJdiIdl)HDai is nc&Cieon at Rock- tnirhnm A r-ornpttminrlRnt at that nlaca in- dayandiwas aot concluded at the hour of writing1.! Tliis is the only cae; of general Fred. Baily, charged with'jrape, whitph Was remoTed froaviAosoa to JUclmoadCourtj Judge Buxton is holding tbe present term. N.;C.y THURiSDAY. Art la r Wllmlnartoai Ar Blaarnlflcent falntnar. ' ' ' . - ." ' ' ' We had the pleasure last evening of see ine a magnificent 'oil painting: executed at the Academy of tbe Incarnation, in this city, by one of the members of the older of the Sisters of Mercy now connected with that institution." The painting, including the frame, measures 9 by feet 11 feet and is an al most life-size representation of tbe Cruci fixion bh Mount Calvary. . -The mangled re mains of the Savior are seen hanging upon tbe cross, while in the back ground of the picture may be discerned the walls and buildings of the city of Jerusalem. At the foot of the cross are represented sin, death and the. devil by the apple, the temptation ind the serpent. ; : The painting is ; pro nounced by critical observers to be a mag nificent achievement in art, and our city may .well : be:'proud of - ah ; institution" which boasts of such skill as to produce a painting like the one in question. The picture oc cupied isix weeks in its execution, and was painted,,, especially for the new Catholic Church lately erected at Newton Grove, in Sampson county, where it will be taken in a few days. V";.' '";' 7. S). Dietrlet Conrt. The following cases have. been disposed of by this tribunal since our last report: The case of D. G. McRae, assignee of G. A. A.- Poppe, bankrupt, vs. Wm. Hetten dorf and Chris. Hashagen, the considera tion of which was commenced Tuesday, was concluded yesterday at 12 o'clock, the jury returning a verdict for the plaintiff. The criminal docket was then proceeded with as loil w: United Stan a vs. Julia Smith and W. II Grintom, violating Revenue laws. Con tinued until next term. " United States vs. Thomas Webb, David English aud Robert Mills, ' violating Inter' nal Revenue laws. Continued Until next trra. Uu Ued States vs. W. H. Gerken, in four cases,' chanted with making false returns to the Government. Verdict, not guilty. United States vs. Francis Faulks, three cases for violation; of Internal Revenue laws.; Continued until next term. ' United States vs. Annie J. Speight. .De fendant called and failed, and judgment n& entered. . ; ' ' , United States vs. J. H. Herbert. Defend ant called and failed, and judgment nisi en tered. " ; ' ; : United States vs. Martha P. Kelley, Ed ward Joiner and Mary Price. Defendants called and failed, and judgment nisi enter ed in each case. United States vs. Richard Williams and Mary Williams, two cases. Defendants called and failed and judgment nisi entered. Revolution.' Whatever may be the state of tbe body politic elsewhere, there is evidently a rev olution going on here which bodes no good to the Republican party, or at least to the white leaders of ft, who are even now, as far as this State is concerned, turning their eyes upon the political horizon with fear and trembling for their future prospects. Heretofore in Tunning the Republican schedule they have had things pretty much their own way, which way has always led, either directly or indirectly, to their own political as well si pecuniary advancement, while a pat on the back, as a sign of recog nition of their invaluable services, has been enough to satisfy the bulk of the voters through whose instrumentality they suc ceeded to power. "To the voters belong the spoils," has" always been their motto, and in nearly every case of Republican success they (the white leaders of the party) have considered themselves as preeminently the " voters;" .while . their friends of the colored persuasion were" regarded as only the instruments for the accom plishment of their purposes. The leading colored people, whose eyes have been grad ually opening to the true state of affairs for some time past, ; have now become wide awake on the question. As anj evidence of this, it may be mentioned that- the col ored leaders in this city have already organ ized, havjog, a General CommiUee, together with sub-Committees in each Ward, the ob ject blngtp iema'!;lkiSiti an equal recognrtion and represehtatipn in the distribution of the spoils' with their white brethren of the party. They fay they, have not bVen treated right by 'tbVin: aod &t . a chabge of ; piigramn1e rhust; take place in this particular or) hey w iu cease to consider tht nuelves as mtuabers ' of the -.parly, but wil cl and vit iu the tulure us a piudeot. respect lor their own iuteiests may dictate. - A.'meeuig iif ati advisory CbSiracier will ake place 4o-day or lo-toorrow, aa we are informed," and nexi week, br the .jveek; af. fer.'it is bropvsed,;ty hohl a taass meeting at he .' t'url House of ' City Hall for the pur pose of a public discussion of the matter. 'OuV informant sWes 1ft at leading1 colored meu throughout the- State have been con- suited o the subject, and the - movement has aet with tlwir approval. I There is no doubt liaUhtj ,: new. departure will jbe cbme gtueiSl iu thts State- and; peihaps through the entire South, i . - - n anverlfc4 Kcpnbltean. -. ; Tbe v'uews ot the Reyubficau victories Nortb, wbicb -was read in tne morning papers", y esterUay, developed no more ea- .thusiastic and exuberant representatives rantnli6sl fejbicedat be event and '$1oriottj drunk over it In fact, the ' spiloVamored htmto such an'ez tent tt& toi&i Tat6fe toshoutithe, ,slae;and 0.)ff the roofs on, Market jBtreek wbew be Was , taken la ebarge by poHeeman . "Swwy!, ' over-pleased ompiy t$ ttie Cfir tousle from' 1?Mcjji, 5fry58 jraS .released as soop is he got' sober. NQvMgE'Wi'w I . Reminiscence Tne Great. Conflajera- k tloit In 1819. i . . . The Savannah ? Morning News is , repro ducing extracts from the minutes of the City Council of that place for over half a 1 ' i -m - J"ai . . .1.. 1st 24 I -Jl ; t . century uacK, ior tne grauucsiion, parucu larly, of its. local readers, and among them we find the following,- or date December 13, 1819, and under the head of "Relief of .Wilmington, N. Cm" which will no doubt prove of interest , to - many readers of , the STAB:'" ' 4 w i On motion of Alderman Herbert, : ' Resolved, That the sum of one thousand dollars be' drawn from.' the City Treasury out of moneys not otherwise!appropriated, ioriureiieioi our uisiresseu leuow-ciuzeua of Wilmington, N. C, and this sum, in ad dition to other amounts collected, by sub-- scnptions in this city, be transmitted by tne Mayor to Hanson nelly, Jfisq., Magis trate pi Police, or Wilmington, JN. C. On motion of Alderman White, Resolved, That the letter received from the citizens of Wilmington be published, and that a Committee j of Council and of citizens be appointed for the purpose of ob taining subscriptions for: the relief of the sufferers. The following committees were appointed: y-t: li,y',;,.f.;-; Aldermen Henry Herbert. Bourkc, Morel and Morrison. Citizens John H. Ash, James S. Bullock, James Marshal, William T. Williams, John Hunter and William Taylor. Tbe cause which called for this act of generosity on the part ' of ' our bid-time friends of the city of Savannah, which is not stated- in the" above extracts, was, as will be remembered by some of our oldest citizens,, the great fire which broke put here in the early part of the month of December, 1SI9, arid which destroyed a large num1 ber of buildings, including " tbe ,old rresbyteriao Church, i which stood ; on Frnt, between Dock and Orange streets. ine area oi tbe conflagration em braced four entire squares, and, as well as can be remembered, a part of the fifth. The four squares alluded to comprised those within the boundary of Market street on the north, Orange street on the south, Sec- ond street on the east and Water street on the West. Among these were many of the best residences in the city, including those of the Bradleys, Harriss', Perrin's, &c. . No Fees a Cbe Falr ; j ; We fear' that it is not generally enough Understood that exhibitors at the Fair of the Cape Fear Agricultural Association commencing in this city on Tuesday of next week are not to be charged any fees whatever in connection therewith Arrangements have also been made by which articles and animals for exhibition will be carried to the Fair by tbe various railroad, steamship and steamboat com' panies centering here and returned to tbe owner after the Fair without any expense to him. ' "- : ; r:lx !' '' ; .; '. t t i - ; A Master of Forage will be on the grounds and furnish all live stock with comfortable stalls or pens, also grain, hay, etc., free of cost to the owner, and give personal at tention the prompt delivery of animals at the close of the Fair. ; . M , : . ! l.- ' ' Mr. T. C. DeRosset, the Secretary, is now at his office on the Fair Grounds daily, attending to the receipt and . arrangement of goods for exhibition j and to him all ar ticles and animals should be shipped. Exhibitors at a distance who may be un able to attend in person should ship their goods to Mr. Jas. A. Willard, Superintend ent, who will have them properly cared for, exhibited and returned as directed! n 1 f We have btenaware 6t some cause 'for complaint in regard to the delays attending the return of articles, ,or animals exhibited in former years, and consequent injuries re sulting thereto, but by the - appointment of the above special officers and making it their duty to attend personally to this mat ter we trust and believe that ' the Associa tion has made it entirely certain' that there shall be no such cause for complaint here after. We think exhibitors may now send forward . articles and . animals; .with , entire confidence of their return, in rood cqndi tion. ;.v r - ; . - ; " Ylolallnc Internal Bvane Laws, ' ; L. X Ashford, Harry McRae and Rob ert Ponglas, the three colored men from Robeson county, referred to in our last as having been put in jail in this city, are. to have )a preliminary hearing before If. S. Commissioner Casaidey,1 bnltmr charge of viblatibflr' the tntertial Revenue laws, is soonias!'the! rWceasary rtn'esseittcab bob talneo'fiomJiobeWcp ! - We learn that the mercfeSViii of KOCKingnam are aotng a treartnyvonime oi businessi for the season. , s ' Hi It nioflt be eood. for everybody recommends it. and l he dofflOTB oreftenhe it. weKiean rJuii'a . WooTsa's Exrassa Ihpoktaut to SHippi3( iVooteh s Express will receive and deliver freight a Asbeville.' Old Fort,' Mai ion, iorant6h," ' leard, Hickory, Newton, Catawba, Ktatesvllle, SaMsbury, aad all oot -eu-the. CaroUda CeatsaL vAtiaiitle, Tennessee aad Qho and i Westers (North frelnia Ratlroads. Freight shipped to oar care by Reamer from New York. Baltimore and 'PbiladelphU will be1 prom iptly forwarded. ' F.,M. W60TBN, 'prbpfr." C. 8.1 LdVK, Agtot. ioVillt -iu fn Uolabird's water-proof aad mi!dey-proof heot Ing and fishing agita are JDeat, durable and cheap. Sec advertisement,. . ; oct tr ' ExTAOKDlNART'Ui'rORTtJHirrTOK TAB RsLIET or tub AarrucTKO,T-Tbe snwioaa of hq National Surgical Institute, located at Indianapolis,. Indiana, have finally yielded to the many urgent; appeals to Tlt the boath,-'Three, or mora of the surgeons Will be' at the Pavilion Hotel, Charleston," C, Nosember.lrd. 4th, Wh aad-Sth, 187s: :Tay will have with them a great amount of surgical apparatus, appliances, : etc.,- aad competent 'aaaistant and may be required. They will come especially pre- ett to . iresx an. aargicai 1 cases: ; rmmysia au da of Deformities of ihe Face Spine, andLimbs. Diseased Joints, niseasea Jsyes, vaiarrn, xnvate Diseases, PUeeIietoavete. On account of; the great expense attending sock a trip, they . will not make aakherFaerefoTVaB -vrBowisto avail theauetvee oat the mi this time. us cases wui e DaaertaaeB wuaaota .fair hose of zetlpf. JU ia xfeedtesa to sajr that the bi "etlthttfets entirely reponiqle,'andthe largest'aad nuntpopnlariof tnakJnrttoiJtterhiai'Qin'thpgB aads annually. Remember, the time and place, and come early. f2T Send to the Inatitnte for circular. DoctSlS33S 80 81NovsS49 W Oct 1539. ! WH.OLE NO. 2,644; mun. EAGLES. In this city; ea" the Snd lnst, of broncMtia, Florence LUlaa, only 4asghter of John a. w. ana Maggie' a. nagies, agea z years, 11 woaiaa ana n aaya. I . ' Where'er he sees A emtio too bright ' bOr heart too pare fer taint and vice, e bears It to that world or light: ' TodweniaParadlae. . , . ... "The fnneral will take plaoe at' St Etephctt'a Cborcb thia af temoita x. 8 -o'ctoeki iriendg and acqnatntancea Invited to attend. , , , . -, , ; r ; NEWf ADVERTISEMENTS.! TT FIRST STEAMER. AN ASSORTED StJP- The Well known aad Chanaiifig' E st ey Organs, to be aeen (Lore's old stand ) ' - 27 NORTH FRONT STREET! t ... These are the only Organs possessing " The Per feet Vox Etumanl Stop," which so closely Imitates the Tremolo of a highly cultivated voice. CALL AND HEAR THEM! A SPLENDID NEW Chickering Piano For sale cheap, at less than 35 per cent. off, war ranted perfect la every respect Also a j l Zriabe Piano t 'r ; for sale, cheap, at about one-half of Manufacturer's i . . , ., y ; price. Apply to . , t'f j ; , , J, i R UMCKEW' ; 27 NORTH FRONT STREET, BOOK 8TRJw nov 4-ir Wonderful But True I gOMRTHINQ NEW. !' mim of Skirts !. Six Wamsatta Muslin Shirts -. with good StOO Irish Linen1 Bosoms, Six pill ercnt Styles hi each half -dozen. Every Shirt Guaranteed. . Retail : price, $1 SS each. ; These Shirts are ready for the Button Holes and Gus- eeta. Any lady can make the Button Holes and put in tbe Gussets,, and by so doinx can J save from il 00 to Zl SO on each Shirt. W invite Ladies especially to examine woioguuus. a. ujx v iu. nov4-u Secretary's Office i Wilmington. Coujxbi Au&trsTA R. B Co.; ? w nmingcon, jm. v., hoy. aa, 16 a. ij THE SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the Wilmfoston. Columbia & Augusta Railroad Company, will bo held at i the office of the Company ia Wilmington, ea Wednea- aay ine laa insi. ' J. W. THOMPSON j - Secretary. nov4-td Secretary's Office, : WlXJHHOTOK & WkLDON R. Rl Co ," !l i , Wilmington, N. Q , Nov, 3d. 1875. rpHB FOBTIBTH ANNUAL MBETINO OF THE JL Stockholder Railroad Compai Stockholders of the Wilmiaston 4 Weldon ny will be held at the office of the Company, in Wilmington, on Wednesday the 17th W. THOMPSON, Secretary. nov 4-td Don't Forget! -TC7B ARB SELLtNQ A FTNB SHIRT ALL COM- ti piete (except ifattooasies ana nattoas). fi '' AlO 'KEEP'S PATENT : -'"i WAMSVT2A SHIRTS j '' ' same price. DON'T FORGET!, 1 We have a beautiful fine of Cloths, Diagonals, Casal- meres aaa vesaags, to nuute to measure. 1 - IJylSP'PpRQET! Oar snperb stock of Beady-Made Clothing; nu..- ? ; t J MUNSON XX.i t sov4-tf . , , . , City Clothiers. We Offer at Lowest Market 100 0 Bfttt1 vloBr Inx ttem ail 6000 8aicka LiverpoGl Sait!, 10 0 0 tsfres Ko'Meefl m SyraPt Ui i . t ' - ." (i, , I i ', OA f Boxes Cheese. OW ti: Lt: u i u i I j; - i j C A Boxes Dry Salt-MVaJ.,:; fji v. . ..... . X 1 f . nov444wtf i . - ;, BmfQBJJwtJWW COv h All paper s bavins coatracta wth ns please eppy. D. B. Llorrell, .IJ.' ' A RCHlf ECT.'BtJlLDEH AND1 CONTRACTOR, 1 n. will eoatract for moue Buiiaues, vnurenea, Reaideaees. : etailroad i Waaeaoaseaj eatarr M .will contract -for Public Bailduic or out of this aiate. A 11 work done ia ataorooahlv workmanlike manner, fall and complete la every 'detait oateea atted ' ana rarttisned ;j vtsspt. vaow add reppair rork- done; Building repaifid, re mndelcd and enclosed. . All -work. . done well and prompt! r. It matters not how large or ratalE the ' order. Shops oa " Watt street near, the ' Wo -doit Depot sod across theatreet from Messrs. VICE JS MHUAJSH B. f r. .(!! l ! if pot n ; Hi , ' . . i : ' j,' .. , , n-L-'i VI- dZl-Li, TT-.A- i x asuiuiiciLue oiuk ants. ... :i iFUIt AtfJ) WOOL IATS, I l7t-li t ! 7 ' ! tfU It iglLK CAPS AND LADIES' PELT HATS,. ; : At ' ' I1AUSISON AlUtH S) . nov 4 tf City Hat Store, 29 Front St. 8. P. E. Co., 1Tb. 1. jRegi ULAR MEETING.. THIS, , j fTHpR? DAY) evening at 7 o'clock. "VT. . JEWJJTT, - aov4rJt. jiecoiding Secretary. Seasonable 1 Goods. Y V XATH ER STRIPS FOB D00B3 AND WIN.' dows - to seep out coia ana asst. spiral aaa stftoorr to keep,yoar,4opr ;i nov4-tr th Front Street. ink'Wi- nov4 tf G. H. W. RUNSE'S, ... r ,4,AXESKi4irKKTIlti. i fv ... IP two oays,....4.4 " three i day...... i at - - ;- four days. 4 U - - - S M S M OMiat.... M. Two week;.-...... ...a a w : Three weeks.. " . Oneaaoath.. .IM 4.- -.Hi -m MMMtOik' 1 T flM " Three Moataa. Blxmonaia...: - " - Oneyear............ EVTCoatract .Advortteamemt tmkan ...... CO t at prcpei ' Fire Squares estimated as qaarter-colaasn. and ton equates as a half -column. " new advertisements. 1 MIIiLrarERY. Xhk undkrsiqnkd wishes to inform the ladles that she has Just retoraed froM New Yor&Xher !he bee for seTsral weeks naklng herFaHparchases in i ' " . - Pine; French mrory, and win be prepared in a few d&vf to ahov her friendi and the public generally the latest styles ia FRTOCnATTbBOinbtTS' Attfir 'HATS, ? tad'eTcrythhigperuigto the'Wstoesa. I have alao a Terr fine selection of Finer floods, eoncltit. ingof ir ...t ..i . - Ladies, Corsets, Xloop kirt, ' POXFADOTJBS LACKS FEINaK8, BOTTOMS SUFPXB ?ATT&t$3; t0TT0S8x and Frames; Llhea Collars and Ctt&s,Bjiidkrchtera, Orders from the country solicited and attended to wnn prompmeaa ana care. - - i ..- t j i .Variety Store, 41 Market Street oct 3 nactf MBS. lm FLANAGAN. MISCELLANEOUS. Apples, Vinegar 1 and Cotter. Barrels Apples, -1 A Barrels Vinegar. !! .!i-.s.' 25TBbsB,itten TJasiglus;, Ties aiid fiopr. Rolls and Half Bolls Bagging, or Tons New Arrow Ties, V ' ' ' ' O Tons Pieced Ties, , ' - , it !.-.,(; Salt, llice and Cheese. RAA Seeks Salt, -i.wl h".-!,.;! 9JJ V. Tierces Sice, r- i 200 B6X" Cheese. SXolasses. Slelasses. rTHhdaCttbaMfolawef, -- a ' rrr Bhds S. H. Monwses, r. 2Q BMs 8. H. XolaaseS, oct ai-o : ajs EECHNEB C ALDER BROS. Sat, Bacon, Snsar, CoCfee, Ac 7000 8ackB Am anaLTe'Po1 . 2gQ Barrels 8uar, aH grades, . , 20Q Bajs Coffee,' ,; ' ' Ijg Boxes Bacon, , ' fj' Boxes Tobacco,' ' " 5 ' - POTASH, SODA, INK, STARCH, . LYE, CANDLES, SOAP,' j ' ' " " J. MATCHES, A For sale by i oct St-tf WILLIAMS MURCH1SON. Butter, Crackers, Cheese, &c. 2g PACKAGES CHOICS G. E. BUTTER, i BOXES FACTORY AND STATE CUBE'S O tr BOXES . HOSFOBD'S . BREAD FRBPARA ZO TION, , Ginger Snaps, Soda, Lemon, Sugar and Oyster - i.l'f! '-I Crackers In Barrels and Boxes. Above goods are fre8hand will be sold low by 1 '" . " oct Sl-tf WILLIAMS MURCHISON. Just Received! Newest Styles in Ladies' i ? Heavy Braver CfeMa ad - Clota SacQues. i 'jh . oct Sl-t J. &.H. BAMSOH'S, 43 Market street. , ocioA-prtAc cnniEa. Personal Eecollections or- IAUBt HAZUTf AiDBTBEES. "A Dleasanter volnate lhaa tatat has sot been oar fortune to happen upon fer a loag time. It is thnroegaly osagatfal iav style aad manner aa It la uniqae in method." Boston Journal. , i t: . ;-(TForaileat ft:if ,-.:'-) it fi i.. r.i'i EStSSSSSOJUfS. . novaf- , u live Book aa Maate Store. I :i My o Wife and ill, " Harry Henderson's History. I . . ns &auuua amva NEIGHBORS, OB The Secord of an TJntaihionabU Street. SEQUEL TO "MX WIFE AND I,"b H. Bj Stowe. For sale at v . . . . : octSt4f ' - i 1 TATES' Book Store. TOBACCOS, CIGARS - AND siIOKas,' articles r. ON THE iiM teit FOR CASH ON (DEUVGBT. ( BT d. piqott: ; ri, - .,! i-.ii-, nov S-tf P..H. HATDEN, BVH. GEE2LUEDT. t SADPLfcl xUEHESi ajidCOtXAIlS, ADS OB BEPATBXD JN TBS . .yXBY BEST ; tajumerJrd; betweea Prtaceas and Market Sta. .i1' Notice. 'ill ' i XlXL'PXBSONS HAViarO CLAIMS AGAINST thesstatf Dr: :Wv Aj Berry, deeeaaiSj sis hereby ;bov3U Attorsey. Neck Ties.ltochiBt' Helta, ftwitche, Braids, and the largest and cheapett stock of Zephyr Werttae aad Shetland Wool to be had thia aide af Baltbnork. li eL tffi'j-iw 06