THE H0BITI2TG STAB n a Tim ntt a nvKitTiiiHi;. One Bqunqne say,.... ................. .... u . v - : tVO OaTB... .. ..kt i c roars.. vv T tou&m; i " ivs cays BATM or STTB8CBIFTIO ADVASOS: -unT. (bB portage I-i.:TvlJ sixffliSks(" ) :,-- i xhreemonx( J , - ..i...... 1 00 00 as 00 dtr Subscriber, dell niril to any part of the elt7' ??Ki to collect for mora than 3 month are noiau"" .... -: E, OUTLINES. Anstrians get their frontier orts ready. Von. Mold dead., r Sixty indict- . f,,r violation of revenue laws id Chi nieuia ... cftir0 -A number of missionaries sailed . (i Afr5ivsterdavfTOinNeWjYork. It) ou"1" J " , National Gold Bank of San Francisco wind up. .New . xors. maraeis: Cotton,135-16l? 11-1 6c ; turpentine,41a ; rosin, $1 85$1 90; goldll5i1151. There was a big Radical jollification in Washington,, over the results of tbe elec tion and the President , made a speecn. - rnRprvative elected to Parliament England from Southwest Lancashire. - . "" 1 Tiie London limes is to De suea xor Jioei. 31. Marzac, French Monarchist depu. i v, is dead. "" , - . ' pints Turpentine A huge bear was killed the oth er day near Long's Mills, Caswell. Tim shoulder of Mr. John Earn heart, of Rowan, was dislocated a few days A movement is on foot to estab lish several tobacco warehouses in Salisbury, says the Watchman. , We learn from the Gazette that , laruft dwelling house four miles from Fay .tifville. known as tbe "Jno. A. Williams " add now the property of Mr.-Jas. M. Smith, Jr.," was burned down last Mon-J . A Jam rl"lA Vvn t irtrr too a surfcd for only $1,200 of its value. Three barns have recently been hunted in Rowan and Iredell counties. The of McNeelv's has been published in this paper. Mr. John Goodman, of Ire dell in removing his horses nearly lost bis ..wn life, and was seveieiy Durnea.. Mr. Drumwright, of Iredell, lost the contents of his tobacco barn oy: inattention; says ine American. Raleigh Sentinel: Samuel JV pal editor of the Spirit qftfo Age, of this city who has been appointed superintend ent of the United Order of True Reformers, for our State, instituted a Fountain of the order at Beaufort last Tuesday, with 80 members. This is a Southern order espe cially designed for the colored people, and is spreading rapidly in many of tbe States. The FayettviFle Gazette informs us that an enthusiastic meeting held at Newton Grove, Sampson county, on the 28lh ult., subscribed $2,000 dollars toward a survey of the Fayetteville & Goldsboro Rail road. A meeting held at Grant & .Harris' slur' Wayne county, on the 30th made a small subscription for the same purpose. It is the intention of the President to organ ize a corps for tbe survey, and have it in the field by the 22d of this month. Gov. Brogden has been address ed by the correspondence committee of tbe Palmetto Guard, who propose to celebrate the centennial of the battle of Fort Moultrie next year, desiring him to furnish the names of the officers and men of Col. Clark's eom mn.l venn were stationed at Haddrell'a Point, just in the rear of the fort. The ob ject is to give our State her just proportion of the glory attaching to this memorable event in our revolutionary struggle. A monument is to be erected on the spot. ' Raleigh Sentinel: A.Overbach, of-Uslar, in Hanover, Germany, writes Gov. Brogden, under dale of October 16, that his brother-in-law,, one Franz Remme, emi grated to America, about 80 years ago, from near the Hartz mountains, and settled some- wnere in wis state, wnere ire is auppuaeu u reside now, tbe owner of a plantation. In- 1 formation is wanted as to tbe exact where abouts of Remme,' in order that he may re ceive some property in Germany which has recently fallen to him. Asheviile Expositor . - Judge Dick, in speaking of the abuse of the offi cers of this court in the issuance of process, said he had heard of a case in Madison county where a party had been indicted for cutting loss for a man who was building a still-house. This man was indicted as an illicit disfller! Another case of a party selling a few hands of frosted tobacco to a neighbor. We are glad to witness the efforts of Judge Dick to. correct tbe many abuses in the management of commissioners and other officers of this court. - He announces a new set of rules with a view to correct these abuses. ": " ' ' XIEHIE CITY. NEW ADVEHTISE21EBITS. . See M. M. Katz's new advertisement on fourth page. " ; ; Muxsok & Co. Clothing. Habbisox & Allen. Hats, Caps, &c. S. G. Nokthrop. For Fair Week. N. Jaoobl Hardware, Iron and Steel. Williams & Mtjbchison. Sundries. R. E. Heine. Notice. Binkord, Cbow & Co! Flour, &c. John Dawson. Hardware. ; See insurance ad. of Gordon & Tckneh. Cronlt & Morbis Magic Lantern. See ad of St. George and St. A. Society. A iLUAMS & Mcrchisox. For N. Yojk. B. F. Mitchell & Son. Hay, Ac Bee ads. of Kerchner is Caldkh Bros. Worth & Worth. Land Plaster, Ac. R E Jokes & Co. Buggies, &c Ste ad. of C. F. A. Association." ' A. David Special Notice. VW. Yates. Victorian Poets. Edwards & Hall Butter, Cheese, Ac I1atdeit& Gkhardt Saddles, Ac. Heiksberoer Premiums Given Away. See nd. Wilminaton Light Infantry. : See a I. of Martin A Galley. Godkret Willis. C. F. 8. F. EiCo. . rSee ad. f Masquerade Ball. adiaaal Kpeclal FrtMliMt. The following additional 'premiums are offered to exhibitors st our approaching air: , ; : , i . Messrs. Grant A Hinton, grocer- and commission merchants, authorize us to say ftbat they will giye a barrel of their . "Elm Grove" family flour to anyooe who shall obtain a premium at the Fair this week for tread, rolls or biscuit made from said fiour. Those desiring to compete can, ob' (ain the flour at the store, South Water reet. . . : i. ' & J. Dingelhoef, watchmaker and jew eler. 85 Market street, a piece . of silver, valued at $15, for the best home-made quilt. Dr. J, E. WinaoU offers a "special pre mium of a pair of Brahma fowls for tb best specimen of wrwl nrnrb- imaiIa whh a nocket knife, by boy 18 years of age or nnder. YPJb; XVII.-NO. 39.Vr Local Data.' : . .".i- . Four vessels taking in cotton at the press. " - J !: - The Board of County . Commis sioners meet Tuesday evening. - The 'lamp corner Chesnut and Fifth streets is among those in need of re , Regular meeting of , St. George and St. Andrew's Society to-morrow even f--Th ladies find plenty of excite ment now between the Fair preparations and the millinery openings. : 1' t ' - w e nave seen some strange men about town making auspiciously friendly overtures to 'sailors. - . Only 3 interments in Oakdale Cemetery for the past week, of which 1 was an adult and 2 were children.,, Rev. VV. S. Black, Presiding Elder, will preach at Fifth Street M. E. Church thia morning and Rev. Mr. Gibbsat night. : - The Register of Deeds issued 5 marriage licenses during the past week, of which. 1 was for white and 4 were for col ored couples. The interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the past week numbered 8, of which 3 were adults and 6 were children. . The new pier at the W. fc W. K. R. depot gradually approaches comple tion. There is about 8 feet of wster at the end, and it is believed the current cna be made to wash out enough sand to give 13 feet The colored firemen, including Cape Fear Steam lire Engine Company and Brooklyn Fire Company No. 4, will cele brate the fourth anniversary of tbe former company to-morrow afternoon and evening by a parade and ball. ( We learn, that Messrs. R. E. Jones & Co., of Goldsboro, will have on ex hibition at our Fair a large number of open and top buggies, carriages and phaetons. These gentlemen have been regular exhibi tors at our Fairs, we believe. Maj. M. P. Taylor, the Chair man, requests tbe members of the com mittee to raise means to provide for the en tertainment of - Fort Fisher survivors to meet at the office of Messrs. Taylor A Giles, to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock, sharp. We are indebted to Col. Thomas B. Long, Special Agent of the Post Office Department, for a copy of the Untied States Official Postal Guide for October, containing an alphabetical list of postofSces in tbe United States and much other information useful in a newspaper office. : Six or eight . delayed freight trains, numbering 40 or 50 cars, reached the city Friday night and yesterday over the Columbia road. No freight had pievi ously arrived for four days, owing to ob struction or disarrangement of tbe track by a freight train running in the uitch near Pee Dee. L I DavU sua 4 CtellaM. The sermon at Greenville, S. C, oa Sun day last, referred to in yesterday's paper, was preached by Rev. J. C. Hideo, though tbe types didn't say"so. ' ,. A SoeliU. . The ladies of the First Presbyterian Church will hold a M sociable'' on Tuesday night, Nov. 9th, at Meginney Hall, corner Market and Second streets. A cordial in vitation is extended. Supper will Le pro vided; also refreshments, such as ice cream, jellies, syllabub, cake, Ac. City Tax sale. The sale of all city property upon which taxes remain unpaid, we are told, will posi tively take place on Wednesday of this week, 10th inst. Only two days left to pay up and save.cpsts.r-;.. r , r. ; The Cattaa Faetary. .. We learn that the repairs upon the ma chinery at the Cotton Factory, to which an accident happened some weeks since, have now been completed and work will re-com mence on to-morrow morning. market fit port. The following is tue repon oi iuj viera. of the Market, for tbe week ending Nov. 6tb, 1875: J.1 'IkS I U '.-,V. ,, i.L - . No. of Carts in Market. ............ 95 84 26 2 82 3 - Beeves Slaughtered......... " Sheep "v . " Calves " His " Deer " ... .... Mayor Coart. The following cases were called and dis posed of yesterday morning : Jane Norment, chargel witn assaouing police officer McMillan. Case dismissed on tbe payment of costs. Robert Norment, charged witn quarrel ling and wanting to fight. Case dismissed on the payment of costs. , t . ,-. -William Sloaa, charged with carsHig sua awearine on the public stieets, was ordered to pay a flue of $20 or work for thirty days on the streets. . . ;. took Oat for 't baa. Weiearn from parties residing on the line of the Wilmington, and Weklon road that a great many tramps have been seen on the joad making their way in this direction within the past week 'Wwca4;'moat.of them", it has been remarked, are possessed of funds; which a Utile unusual with tramps generally- Somof ibose wbohave been here, finding themselves subjected to a doser. scrutiny, perhaps,tban was altogeth er wtoiesome, have been seen going in the opposite direction, but with the intent, no doubt, of returning in lime fof tbe Fair. Great vigilance must be exercised by visi tors and citizens, orjickpockeU and thieves will reap a rich harvest this' week. : j WILMINGTON, RobImk a money Drawtr. Lewis Green, a colored boy about 13 or 13 year8 of age,, was arrested yesterday af ternoon On the charge of receiving stolen money, knowing it to be such. It appears that Green and another boy went to the store of Messrs. Curtis A Boatwright, on Front i btreet, and, according to Green's statement, the other . boy. stole the money trom me drawer, seizing a favorable oppor tunity for the accomplishment of his pur pose, when he passed! it over , to Green The robbery was discovered, a policeman called and Lewis Green Was captured, but his companion, whose 'name we have not ascertained, succeeded in effecting his es cape. Green, for a boy of his age, has tbe honor of an extensive acquaintance in po lice circles. He was lodged in the Guard House to await a hearing before the Mayor to morrow morning. Body Recovered. The body of George Lewis, the colored drummer, who was drowned in the North east River, about 15 orj 16 miles above this city, on Friday, the 30th ult, by the swamp ing of a boat, an account of which appeared in the Star at the time, was recovered yes- terday, between: 1 and Davis, Matthew Ashe 2 o'clock, by John and Robert Boon, three colored men, who were in a boat searching for it. When found, the body of the uufortunate man was floating down tbe river with the tide,being about 5 miles below where the accident took place. It was land cd at a wharf near Messrs. Blossom A Evans distillery and the Coroner notified, who will probably hold an inquest over it this morn log. Tbe remains will be buried to-dny by the Rose Bud Band, of which deceased was a member. Oar To-Day. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets, Rev. James B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at 91 a. m. Ser vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7 p. m. Young men's prayer meeting Tuesday night at 7 p. m. The ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be observed m the morning, after ser mon. The ordinance of Baptism will be administered at night, before preaching. Front Street (M. E. Church South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets: Rev. J.E. Mann, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at ?i o'clock. Young Men's Society Tuesday night at 7 o'clock. Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South), Bituated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets. 8er vices at 11 a, m. and 7i p. m. Sabbath School at 9i a. m. Prayer meet ing Thursday night at 7J o'clock. Rev. J. T. Gibbs, pastor. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets: Rev. Jos. R. Wilson, D. D., Pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 8 p. m. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets, Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m., Sacra ment of the Lord's Supper. Sabbath School at 3. p. m., and preaching at 7T p. m. Prayer meeting every Friday night at 7i o'clock. - Seats free. St. Thomas' Catholic Church, Dock St. between 2nd and 3rd. : Services to-day as follows: Holy Mass at 7 a. m. and 10 a m. Vespers at 5 p. m. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Sunday school for the colored children in the basement at 3 p. m. Rev. M. S. Gross, pastor and Rev. Jaa. B. White assistant. Second Baptist church, on Sixth, between Church and Castle streets.. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7f o'clock p. m., by Rev. J. B. Barlow. Sunday School at 4 o'clock p. m. Prayer meeting Tuesday night at 7i o'clock, t St. Paul's Evang. L Lutheran Church: corner of 6th and . Market streets, Rev. G. D. Bernheim, pastor.:' English service at 11 a. m. German service at 71 p. nu. Sun day school at 3 p. m. Weekly lecture' on Wednesday at 7 p. m. Catechetical in struction on Friday at 81 p. m. Services at SL James' Church, corner Market and Third streets, to-day, 24th Sunday after Trinity, as follows: Morning Prayer and the Holy Communion at 11 o'clock. Su James' Mission Sunday School at & p. rn. : Parish Sunday School at 4 p. m. Evening Frayerat 5 o'clock. Tlie Bishop will officiate in the morning. 1 ' Services in St. John's Church to-day, 24th Sunday after Trinity, as follows: Morn: ing Prayer and Celebration of the Holy Euchaiiat aUl o'clock; Evening Prayer at 71 o'clock, t I' Services at St Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol- ows: Services at 11 a. m., and 7f p. m. Rev. T. M. Ambler, Uectoi. eats free. Seamen's Bethel: Services at 31 p. in Rev. Jos. L. Keen, Chaplain. ? Services at St. Mark's (colored) Episcopal Churcb: Moining Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer . at 8 o'clock. Services on 8aiLt daya at 91 al m. and 5 p. m. Sun day school at 8 p- m., at St. Barnabas' School house-. Seats free. First Baptist Church, colored, on Fifth and Campbell streets j" Services as follows: Sunday School at 91 a. m.; preaching at 101 a. m., 8 p. m. and 71 p. m. Rev. F. R. Howell; Paitoft .r. -mii -j ,. , . . i '""' WllmlMatoa .lKBt Infaatry. ImporUat meetings of tbe Wilmington Light Infantry will be held at the Armory xn ' Monday ; and Tuesday .nights, the. 8th and th inSChen every;)tnember, in fuir uniform, is most urgently; requested to be present. .irho8e fbo have not called for their accoutrements ate ordered by Captain Taylor to do so on Monday, as it is impor tant that he should know how many can be relied, on to participate in the parade at the Fair Ibis week."' : ; :- : mm i. N. C, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1875; Lively Time, la ike Pinb Ward. v- The good people residing in the Fifth Ward seem to be under the impression that his Satanic Majesty " broke loose" on Sat urday night and made directly for that usually quiet and orderly locality. There seems to baye been two different crowds or factions or clans " going for'Veach other, each, being determined to whip the other out. ' The battle-field ranged from Fourth and Church to Fifth and Castle, and from thence to Sixth and Castle streets, and at each of these points, where the battle raged most furiously, it is said (but we do not vouch for the truth of the statement) that eye-balls, hair, etc;,, could be . scooped up yesterday morning by the shovel fulL ; Be this as it may, there was a lively time in the " Bloody Fifth," if we give credence to half we hear. "A policeman on the sick list who resides in that part of the city was called uponv three separate times with an urgent appeal to rush to the rescue, but be was physically unable to accede to the requests. In accordance with bis ad vice, however, a messenger was dispatched down town for policemen to quell the dis turbance. The 6t ore of Mr. Bremer was visited, among the rest, and be and his wife had to close their doors against the en sanguined host, which thirsted, for their blood, or "another rfirink." The appear ance of the police fioally put to rout tbe bottle-scarred veterans and quiet once more "reigned in Warsaw." Wilminaton Retail market. Tbo following prices ruled yesterday: Apples, v-:ri'll 121 cents per pound; dried peaches 25c t cr pound; walnuts, 25 cents per peck; pickles, 20 cents per dozen; lard, 18 cents per pound; butter, 4055 cents per pound; cheese, 25 cents per pound ; grown fowls 7580a pair; geese $1 50 per pair; beef 1016fc. per pound; beef, (cortv ed) 1315c. per pound; veal, 12116Jc. per jk) una; mutton, 12116 cts. per pound; ham, 1820 cts.' per pound; shoulders, 121 14 cents per pound; tripe, 20 cts. per bunch; clams, 25 cents a peck; open clams, 2025 cts a quart; soup bunch, 5 cents; eggs, 30 cents, a doz; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs); potatoes, new Irish, 40c "a peck; new sweet 20 cents a peck; fish trout 25c. per bunch; mullets 1025 cents per bunch; turnips, 10 cents a bunch; onions. 50 cents peck; cabbagea 1025 cents a head; bologna 20 cents a pound; wild ducks 5075 vents a pair; parsley, 5 cents' a bunch; onions, 50 centsa pecs.; car rots, 5 cents a pound; rice, 121 cents a quart; snap beans 20c a peck; tomatoes 10c quart; okra, 5c a doz.; crabs 15 cts dozen; butter beans 20c per quart; green field peas 10c per quart; apples 50 to 60c per peck; liver pudding, 20 cents lb; blood pud ding, 25 cents $ tb.; oysters (New River) $1 25 per gallon or $1 a bushel; do. Sound, 20 cents a quart. Tbe Confidence Casae. Familis, and especially lapies, who usu ally spend tbe most of their time at home, cannot I be too careful in guarding against imposition, as well as tbefLThere is no tell ing to what extent the "confidence game" has been played in this city, but that it is often resorted to as a means of "raising the wind" has been sufficiently demonstrated. An instance in point occurred a few days since, and we only give it here to show what means or manoeuvers are generally used by these scamps to obtain possession of articles they wish. A colored man called at the residence of a gentleman on Market street and stated to the lady of the house that her son, who waa pursuing his usual avocation at the place of business of his employers on the wharf, had sent him for a certain pair of pants, accurately describ ing them, (having nor doubt oftennoticed them on his person), saying that he wished to have them cleaned. Tbe lady, who bad no suspicion of any trick being intended, hurriedly passed up-stairs to tbe wardrobe of her son, secured the pants and delivered them to the man. During her absencef however, the fellow had rfleected a little, and the result appears ' to hare been the conclusion in his own depraved mind that if be could succeed so easily in getting a pair of pants he might add still further to his store and thus "provide himself against the cbiflr blasts of the coming winter .Therefore, when the lady returned (the quick eye of the confidence man jiav- ing in the meantime detected an over coat 1 lunging ob the - rack iu the passage I.her; informed br . that .ber son htd also.requetedtnat his overcoat be seat with tbv pants, as it likewise wanted cleaning. ' The "garment wa8 duly delivered and the '"confidence" man departed. In the eveniug, wbeu the sou returned home, his mother questioned him as to the gar ments referred toy when it -was found that he knew nothing at all about the matter, the: articles having fallen into the hands of a party to whose Identity the family have not the Slightest clue. ' . . : . r: :j Nb request of the kind above noticed should receive' the slightest attention unless the evidence is of the most positive charac ter that no fraud is intended iflrrialltir . leanty Hanover Peallen coavlcts Iu the tlary. As a matter of some interest we give the names of the parties jfrom this county who have died in the State Penitentiary1 during the past year, for which we are indebted to Sheriff .Manning.. They are as follows: Mack Mnn, Peter Baker, Wm. - Bentley, Wni '; Stewart,- Wm. Bowden, Nelson J Evans, J7ep., Smith, Julius Middleton, Ben Legrande 'David Jame8,"Wm.v Giles and Aaron Heath. Two ( of the above, all of whom are colored, were killed by the guard while attempting to escape. ' These were Wm.' Bentley and Wm. Stewart. aTalr News. - We have been asked several limes, during the past few days, where articles which city exhibitors may desire, to send to the Fair can be left for transportation, j We are now able to say that a train will leave the Front street (upper) depot of the W. A W. R. R., with passenger car attached, to-morrow, for the purpose of conveying articles for ex hibition and exhibitors only to the Fair Grounds. - Articles to go should be sent to the depot by or before 13 o'clock, noon. Responsible agents win be in attendance to take articles in charge. Articles Will be re- ceived for competition up to Wednesday. : Tbe programme of races during the Fair has hot yet been entirely completed, but we are permitted to mention; the following as being thos far arranged for Tuesday. Running race, purse $60; half mile heats, best two in three. Wednesday. Trotting race, purse 60; mile heats, best two in three. Running race, purse $120; mile heats, best two in three. i : ; Thursday. Hurdle race; purse 175; one and a half miles, over twelve hurdles. Running race, purse $350; mile heats, best three in five. Some other race is also probable for this day. ' , ' . ; Friday. Running and trotting races for domestic horses. - It is believed that Thursday will be ob served as a bank holiday either complete or partial and tbe'Board of Managers of the Agricultural Association by resolution request tbe Board of Trade, the Produce Exchange and tbe merchants generally to close their places of business on that day, which will be tbe great day of the Fair. On Tuesday, the opening day, the pro cession will form on Princess street, right resting on Front, at 10 A. M., and take np the line of march down Front to Market, up Market to Fourth, up Fourth to the Fair Grounds to celebrate the opening exercises, in the following order: , PBOCESSION. Chief Marshal Wm.! H. Northrop. Assistant Marshals New Hanover W. R. French, J. L Me'tts, AJ Adrian, Walter Coney, B. : Gleaves,"O.I A. Wig gins, J. W. Lamb, Geo. Lei ber, Thos. H. Smith, S. L. Fremoqt, Jr., j W. A. Wright, Jr. i Bladen-J. Nutt, Jr., Mai. T. D. Love. Brunswick O. McR. Holmes. Columbus C. D. Baldwin. Richmond M. H. Russel. Anson L. Lj Polk. Union James F. Payne. , Cumberland J. C. Haigh. Edgecombe J. W. Cotten. Wake P. F: Pescud. Marion James Stackhouse. Mecklenburg W. II. H. Gregory. Pender R. P. ' Paddison. Band of Music. Invited Military Companies. , Carriages containing President, Orator and . , Chaplain. Officers of Association. - Citizens. The FreednsaaHi Bank. Tbe following letter was received by Mr. Silas N. Martin yesterday, . which he re quests us to publish for the information of depositors. All the books placed in bis hands have been received at Washington and will be returned, with the dividend, as soon as the work can be done, which, as there will be L orer 70,000 pass-books to examine, will re quire several weeks time. Learning that the city banks receive and forward the books for the collection, Mr. Martin has de clined to receive any more. The following is the letter referred to: ; " ' OmcE of the Commissioners 1 . OF THE FttEEDafAK'S SAYTNOS and Trust Company. ) Washimoton, D. C. Nov. 4, 1875 SHaKMarUn,Eq.,TViimingn, If. a Dear Sib: Yours of the 2d mst.. is at hand, so is also the package of pass-books zorwaraea by you. j. ' We will return them as soon as we can possibly get througb witn them, wnicn, however, may not oe sot several weeks. ' ; . Very respectfully, , ( ; B. H. T.;Lkopou, . Of the Committee. Clara Wlldnaao. , . This talented . comedienne, it. will be re membered, played at our Opera House nut year through Fair week, aii iTomtlie fact that she U now advertised to play again eve ry night this week we are ' led i conclude that her experience with WiimiOgtoa Fa audiences has led her ! to like : Ibem'." Be that as it may. our rt collections of 1 he last visit of herself and company' are pleasant ones and we doubt not most of those who have been their performances heretofore will feel inclined to embrace the present opportunity of doing so again. , , . , , . . f i t Al laiaae ao aaapev , gome Complaint having 'been made' at our Fostofflce because letter rates of "post age were charged oh sampleslieannl; a nium ber.J anil Mprici'eC' JS'onteitsO JRostmastei1 Brink communicate with th Postmaster General, who now; decides that , samples' may be marked with letters or figures ir tended loOdistihguiah them f onreference to a descriptive, letter mailed at letter, rates, but ihatrnr;rou;aM leets it to the payment of letter postage; 1 1 ul-.j Wfi- AaaalBtmeata by Blsisep Atklnsaa - far ale Aaiaaaaal Visitation. -nil- - . - . if Kldgewsy.Vr.Tr.v Warrenton.. " Henderson, 25th 8. after Trinity . .. " 12 14 15 16 1 18 19 WilnarnsboroM?.; ..:aVfi. 7 Bassafras FofIr;.Qnu.TUl9'eo. Goshen n i. v; . Oxford;;..u;.: " WHOLE NO. 2,67. CITY lXEin. A blessing to humanity la what Dr.Bn)l's tough Syrup can well be termed, for it has done more good already than any other medicine. Latx FAFias To Harris' News Depot. West side Front Street, we are indebted for copies of the New York Ledger, Chimney Comer : and JVaa Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper tor the current week. The Stand will remain open until II o'clock this morning . . . ' . . : v Wootzh's Express Ixfortaxt to Shippmm. Wooten's Express will receive aad deliver freight at j Hickory, Sewton, Catawba, StatesvUle, SaUabnry I aad all points . on the Carolina Ceatrat, Atlantic. Tennessee and Ohio and Western North Carolina BaOroads. Freight shipped to our care by steamer fromNew York, Baltimore and Philadelphia will be promptly forwarded. "P.M. WOpTEff, Prop'r. " C. SLOVK, Agent ' nov 4-lw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hardware, Iron , and Steel. GRICULTUKAL AND MECHANICAL TOOLS, ENGLISH AND AMEBIC AN Pocket and Tahle Cutlery. Gans, BIfles, Pistols Ac Powder, Shot and Caps. We Invite the attention of wholesale bu vers to our laree and well selected stock, and to the superior advantages that we can offer. Call and examine at NATH'L JACOBrS Hardware Depot Rims, Hnlis and Spotes, Sjrinis,. AXLEd, BOLTS, COACH TBJMMQ9GS, Ac. A fall assortment of Carriage and Wagon 'materials of every description. All orders promptly filled andi satisfaction guaranteed. NATH'L JACOBPS Hardware Depot SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, At factorv prices.. Odd sixes made to order. Orders filled for rails, newels, Ac PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, VARNIsHES, ' Ac ' ' Prices Rednced at ; 1 ;i NATH'L JACOBl'S HABDWABB. DEPOT. :: f No. Harket Street. nov 7-tf , SUNDRIES.; 6000 8Ck9 Am" cd Liverpool Salt :i 1000 BbleF,nr' gQQ Kegs Nails, ; 25Q Bag. Shot, 2QQ Barrels Siuzar, all grtdes, v 2QQ Bags Cottee, 100 Bozes D S and Smoked Bacon, jQQ Boxes Tobacco, 100 zes 'acorT an State Cheese, -QQ Boxes Potaeh, 100 30X68 Lye -QQ Boxes Candy, 0 BOXES HOSFORD'S BREAD PB1 TION. ? f; Boxes Soap, IJF Fkgs Snuff, Boxes and Half Barrels, jr Pkgs Crackers, Barrels and Boxes, 3Q Tabs Goshen Batter, Yarn, Sheeting, Paper, Pork, Backets, Matches, Axle Grease, Spirit Barrels, - Bangs, Cotton Ties, Baggiag, Hoop lion, Ac Above goods in Store and f or'sale by . -. :. nov 7-tT ' WILLIAMS & MURGHI80N. IKSVaE AT THE General agency of Gordon' & Turner, . REPBESSNTtNG . First- Class Some and Foreign Cos., FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE, With Assets Aggregating FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS I nov 7-tf Office 94 North Water Street : For Hew York. Regular Line. 'f -J-K "Uii.l. - J C. SCHR. WAVE rpflE FIRST-CLASS SCBS. WAVE CREST, Capti Qawley. will have quick dispatch as above. For freizbt toom'apviv'io ' " '. , GaSSIMBRR VUTT9 AT...': ! ' j 88 SO HANDSOMK HTJiTH AT, ,U .U... ; , s ?IS S OVERCOATS PKOM. $5IO 895 DO TALMAS FROM v.'.....i. .'.... Sa $18 OO Fine; Dress1 Stdts.1 . (Keep's Patent) iu Market. 6 far $1 0. . LARGE. STOCK, OF UNDERWEAR. , Bowir Ties. Haudkeicbiefi ,&c. .lojrs-tf.v-f-i'.nl; Mallei Cttr.CMKluera.-5 IT"-? OLD .' ESTABLISHED-' -HARD WAR MOUSE is tbe place to buy gorse Collars. Mule Collars Pad1 Hames. Plow1 lines, Baek'Bands, Iron-bound HMSM, ODnon Plowi Hamea, : Iron-bound Staee Hames, Trace Chains. Curry Combs, Shovels, rlpadt-s. Forks, Pea Bakes, GiUb Hoes,: &cat the .fewest possible O-asb. Prices. -,-),, ,uf , ,noV7-tf NM.l8,xossrntrKtsKi ii, ii iliiij , ,1 Mill )!! i-l't"! i 4 1 ; Hat Caps Stylish silk and felt hats si2k. and Seal-Skin Caps, Ladies Furs aad Felt Hats, , Mi i r, -.At , r. iLijtisxN a.allen ; novTtf - l! KftBa.8B(r, t9 Front St . " . ;-; 0 - . : : -. . . . - - 1 ' ,. " A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF CHOICE PINB Aapplea, yted and tYelkm-Bananaa, California Pears, Delaware, Malaga and Catawba Grapea, ; Sweet' Havana Oranges, Apples, Cape Cod Cran berries, Celery; and cro ,oaMUMred different varieties of Freeh Candies, -A :MIJLMmiJX-i-- .! -At - ' - 8. O. NOKTHROF'S t aor 7-tf , . , . . , Fruit aad CouectJoaery Store. . . THE XJr AXE. I " . Onsaonth.t.,?. 8 W 'as 08 .88 Oft " Six Sfltataa.;..: n .... . MM -Contract AdverttaemenU taken at propi aiyu i Krre ttquarea estimated as a qoarter-cohiBia, and Uasnaresssahau'-coliuaa. : jSf .? NE VV ? ADVERTISEMENTS. HayaConi, Etc. KjflA BALES.CHOICB EASTERN HAY; " Q QQ Baahels Selected Black and Mixed Seed 2(300 BUBbel rMm&, Wbtte Mixed Corn; J ; "Jilsw geed-Wb 1 PBESH GROUND FLOUR AND MEAL,' . Fresl MM Pearl aii Eitra Haminy. ' .For tale by r -: ' ' ' . B. F. MITCHELL nov 1 St ... . fc. " Apples, Vlaesar and Dutter. OR Barrels Apples, . : " ' : . ' r . ' JQ Barrels Oder Vinegar, t ; V i i ; 2Q TubsButter. . . . ; . For sale by t ft CALDEB BOS. Eaiiins, Cheese, Bice and Crackers. 5Q Boxes and Half-Bexes Baislas,; - i . 1 Kfi Bcxes Cream Cheese.' ' Tierces Bice, - rv-;-?; . ' ;.. : Ebls and Boxes Crackers. For sale by KBBCHNEB A CALDER BROS. Nolasses, Xlolassea, Hhds S. H. Molasses, i HiicaD&KoluseF ' 125 Bbl Molasses. . For sale by "f . . KERCHNEB CALDER BROS. Basgiua;, Ties and Twine. 500 Iula UDd HaU ?u B88ms't EA Toas New and Pieced-Ties, 400 Tens Baggbig Twine, novTt For sale b; CALDER BROS. O. F. A. Association. PRICES OF ADMISSION. HE FOLLOWING IS THE SCHEDULE OK Tickets of Admission to the Fair Grounds daring .Fair Week:.' -. ' . '...! .'. ..j. Single admission tickets........ ...... 60 half tickets .., . S5 Tickets good doriBg the Farr....J. ........ s cu Family tickets, with 5 coupons. .... GO ; 8 - 1 CO Grand Stand tickets (good for the day and sold ( .only on thetiround). ........... ......... &B Two horse vehicle, including driver.... SO One. f' ; " wtthoat . ...... .. 85 -'--' ' - a Tickets. win be for aaiednriacr Uu week. tfter Mondav morniser. at the. stores ef Meas-s. Green. A Flanaer, P. Heijuberger, Dr. W. W. Harriss and Ed. Mann, and on and after Tnendav at tae Pir Grounds. ...c ..- - T. C. DxROSSBT, nov7-St - if. . v . . bee ATreas. Special Notice. VtSITORS TO THE FAIR WILL FIND TUB largest celecUoa of CLOTHING aad Gent's Fur nishing Goods in tbe city at v I soil the King of Shirts made up complete at fT 50 Per Malf-Dozen, V Goaranteed equal to Keep's PARTLY-MADE Wam- saUa Shirts. ' novT-tf A. DAVID. Victorian' Poets, TY EDMUND CLARENCE STEADMAN. . . :'' ;b - . . : - : NURSERY NOONINGS, by Gail Hamilton, Au thor of Woman's Worth and Worthlessness. BEATRICE, by Julia Kavanaa, Author ol Adela, Queen Mab, Ac, Ac. three volumes in one All for Sale by C. W.YATES, nov 7-tf - -Bookstore. BuHies, Carilaies, Fiiaetons, &c. -VrZ WILL HAVE ON EXHIBITION AT THE Fair daring the present week, and will offer them for sale, a splendid lot of - - OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, ' CARRIAGES "AND P8AETONS. -Our vehicles are all made of the very best ma terial and the workmanship cannot be surpassed ia , Xeatness and Durability. Mr. Borden, ef oar firnv will be on tke Fair . . ' s ...;.. t: I r. : -.. r. .' r Grounds, and will be glad to see buyers. . B. B. JONES CO., wrtl-St i r w r , of OoltUbotOaN. 0. liiseMde Sail' ' At ' CITY' HALL, WEDNESDAY EVENING; ' November 10, 1875, complimentary to the Pythian Silver Cornet Band. Those who Sad it convenient are requested to eeme ia mask. Those lawaekwH! be requested to make themeelvea known kef ate en-, .teriog the Bali Room-. The Committee reserre the risht to exclude oblectionable characters. Doors1 open at 8 o'clock. Ball to commence at 9 oVock sharp. , -n- TickeU for sale at the Book Stores aad at Harris' News Ktand. - - For further" information si pry to tbe Committee. Ii W.UrAKHUW, .-',,- A.H. LESLIE. ?1 , V. D. MACUMEER. ' - Committee. 'hoi I tt Sllagic; XiiteiTtt, tTHFTY PICTURES, TICKETS AND CURTAIN. A complete ontftt . for an eshioitloa. For sale at auction Tuesday monimg , vi ' ' :! J' nov 7-lt CRONLY MORRIS. pHB REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE L SL George and 8t Andrew's Society will be Ad at the Ball over J a Mend's Drag, Store, Srd lock Monday night. , Business of im 11a SjlALLBONES, s'ecV. portance. , nov 7 It No ACCOUNT MADE BY ANY OF THE CREW rf the No. Barque FRANK wlUU paid by Master ox Consignee. ;r. 't-r,,i, B. B HSnE, Ag't. nov7-8t wws ; . Ax KCNDS-ASH, OAK, LIGHTWOOD, Ac. li yor salei. "i-',--1 " ' ; ; , '"-'".' c S. W15SCOTT. A pent. ll - At ie Walker Wharf, foot of Dock street. Sowstaac -.,. .- -